#Debunking the Left
kusanagihaku · 1 day
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haku's thrift store lookbook .𖥔 ݁ ˖
inspired by @kaitofuji and @aayakashii's post here!
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ghoulspaw · 1 month
So grumpy so round so squishable 🐻‍❄️🫂
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danieyells · 2 months
So i've said before that Haku was probably the "dear friend" that left Jin's side. This is because Haku was our only known ex-Frostheimer at the time.
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However we know now that Yuri implicitly used to heavily associate with Frostheim and no longer wishes to have any kind of connection to them, even professional.
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I don't have a screenshot for this yet, but if you suggest Jin go to Mortkranken when he's sick in his Affinity 8 character story, he asks if you have a death wish, meaning he similarly doesn't want to associate with Mortkranken.
But why? Well, Jin suggests that somebody 'sold him out' at some point. Somebody told somebody about his stigma not working.
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The faculty know Jin and Yuri have beef. . .but Dante suggests they aren't supposed to talk about it. Perhaps Yuri told them that Jin's stigma doesn't work, and the faculty are keeping it quiet for Jin's sake.
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However the Frostheimers know Yuri disgraced himself somehow. Jin lashed out in an unusual way, and Tohma helped Yuri transfer to Mortkranken.
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Haku, a second year, wouldn't need help transferring, as you can change houses after you hit second year, but you're stuck in your assigned house as a first year. However Tohma, well trusted by Darkwick, could surely convince them to bend the rules a little for a first year--especially if said first year's wellbeing may be in danger. And if the Frostheimers feel he disgraced himself then if nothing else he's going to have a hard time if he had to stay, to say nothing of Jin possibly wanting to cut his head off. It's better if he change houses--but somebody has to be there for Jin. . .so Tohma took his place.
(Perhaps Tohma resents Haku for being right there already but not being there for Jin? And then he goes and makes himself cozy in another house. . . .)
Jin and Yuri being friends also makes sense. Same music tastes, same attitude of "you're not important enough to speak to me, lesser being", a mutual distaste for Darkwick and the Institute's staff, they both love their mothers--
It makes sense that he might tell his close friend who happens to be a doctor about his family medical history too, I would say.
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Jin knows Yuri likes a certain song and is a little irritated when you mention that he likes it.
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It just. . .it adds up. They have interests and tastes in common and similar attitudes, they both now want nothing to do with each other or the other's house, and the other Frostheim ghouls close to Jin know Yuri doesn't associate with Frostheim, and even Jiro knows Yuri doesn't associate with Frostheim.
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To the point that Yuri doesn't want Jiro going over there and is stressed out at the thought that he may have actually gone to Frostheim despite his orders and is openly relieved when you have proof that Jiro was actually somewhere else. And Tohma believed that Jiro had gone to Frostheim on Yuri's orders, perhaps because he already believed Yuri had told Yumiko about Jin's mother. However I don't believe Yuri would intentionally do something like that--he hates Jin but that doesn't mean he'd want to take part in a scheme to take him down, especially a scheme from a Frostheimer.
But! That does still leave an opening for Haku to have revealed the information. . .or Kaito, who can read lips and thus doesn't need to have heard an exchange to get the information from it, just seen it. Kaito is also a second year Frostheimer after all.
BUT. Until we know more this is all speculation. It's turning out like I was wrong about the previous observations after all. While these make more sense, I could still be totally off base and this could be totally unrelated beef. But it makes more sense than Haku to me. I'm glad we got such a good hint/reveal!
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yuri-is-online · 27 days
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We shall have an autumn wedding
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five-nights-at-artsys · 3 months
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[image id: a description for a book in scholastics shop, reading, "return to where it all began in this interactive prequel to the very first five nights at freddy's game. You, the reader, are security guard ralph — and you've got five nights (or is it six?) to survive freddy, chica, bonnie, and foxy as they try to wipe you out. with over 25 different possible endings and two difficulty settings, this one-of-a-kind, innovative novel is a uniquely entertaining experience for any freddy fan." end id.]
(source // first discovered by @/TailiaCProd on twitter!)
... so that's a bombshell and a half, we've got a name drop BEFORE the book even released. not the usual route taken with most choose-your-own-adventure books, to my knowledge, but sure, why not.
but also. if this book is about phone guy does that mean his name is ralph—?
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unopenablebox · 8 months
just discovered that all the wikipedia pages for the protein im studying absolutely suck ass. going on an editing crusade about it
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s4vageluvaff4ir · 1 month
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Welcome home.
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troythecatfish · 9 months
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moongothic · 8 months
There's like a part of me that realizes that I've written so much Crocodad Meta that at this point I should probably just compile and condence it all into like a giant Propaganda Post
'Cause like. Sure it's all still on my blog, but few people are going to go digging through all the crap I've posted in the past few months for all the Crocodad Evidence, so just showing it all into a single post would make for like. IDK something I could use to make a compelling argument for why Crocodad could be real
(Also it would be more like, Crocodad evidence you might find on a more meta/narrative level, like on-going themes and Oda's story telling tropes/habits etc. Other people have already made posts that breakdown and analyze Marineford and compile all the subtle details+easter eggs etc so I wouldn't even go into any of that. I mean SURE I could regurgitate all that info too but it'd be easier to just link to someone else's post instead and save myself some time lol)
But also.
Do I really want to spend an obscene amount of time making that post. Do I really want to do that.
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knxfesck · 5 months
As far as the gun thing goes many people are failing to realize that in interpersonal situations the main effect a gun has is its social weight (threat). If you own a gun to "defend" your suburban home it is essentially carrying the weight of convincing you you are safe, vs in a direct interaction with an agressor it is giving you the ability to assert dominance. The black panthers didn't scare police off by shooting shit, they just had to stand in a well organized group holding rifles. The hypothetical police officer you're standing off with will act based on the fact that they are now on equal standing with you, not because of your Magical Gun Priveleges.
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 4 months
A really odd trend in my delving into assorted polItical/philosophical/sociological video essays lately is how often a youtuber will be like. Okay. Listen. Bare with me here. I'm gonna talk about something that might sound really radical and crazy and false to you but just have a lil think about it okay :))) its ok if you disagree just consider it :)) and then proceeds to just say things I have with full confidence believed for as long as I can remember
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switchytransboy · 11 months
i have this sinking weird feeling that i may be losing a friend of mine over the Israel vs Palestine conflict.
as a white jew, i stand with the Palestinians and 110% see the truth. i am not blinded by my judaism or my privilege and i did the research i needed to do, i did the unlearning of everything i had been taught in Hebrew school growing up. i am entirely anti-zionist.
but my family is jewish, i have many jewish friends, and i am the only one out of them it seems so far that went and did this researching, learning, and unlearning to understand the truth and the evils that my people committed.
as a jew, so many people stop their thinking at “well the jews survived the holocaust so they deserve a land that is theirs” and that is why so many jews are zionists, blind to the fact that the way israeli’s went about taking the land was by means of genocide, torture, and wiping out an entire population of palestinians. these actions of the israeli people is what created hamas in the first place.
i may be losing a friend because so many jews in my life fail to think critically, to learn, unlearn, and understand a new pov. but i flushed out all my conservative friends in 2020, i’ll do it again now if i have to for this.
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danieyells · 3 months
After Hotaburi's chapter i was very curious about Zenji voicelines! Can i ask for them, please?
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@yuri-is-online YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT OVERWHELMING ME although I appreciate the concern!! If I get overwhelmed or need a break I just put it aside until I'm ready or have the time and energy and attention span or ideas if necessary haha so no need to worry there 'u' (Also. . .good luck with those fics lolol)
ZENJI IS OUR LAST BOI. Until we get Ed and Lyca anyway. Which will honestly probably be in like. A week or two. Possibly less. I had my suspicions when I first read his that he was a ghost lol knowing he is. . .it gives them a little different feeling I guess haha.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Why, hello there, my dear. Suppose we kick off another swanky day here?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Come now, read those messages out, won't you? They're fan letters for me, aren't they? ...They're not?"
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"You want to know the meaning of my words? I see— I'll have to give you a lecture on romanticism."
"What's this? Well, it's a biwa, of course. It's a biwa just as you are yourself."
what does that mean tho. . .i mean i get what it means but also it feels like it must mean something. . . .
"Girls, be ambitious... Dream big, my dear."
proud women enjoyer zenji kotodama
"A man who's everywhere but can be found nowhere... That's what it means to be an inspired man of the quill."
i think that's just what it means to be a ghost bby. . . . . . . . . . .
"Heh. There's no doubt about it. Zenji Kotodama is once again the most styling man on campus. These glad rags are the cat's pajamas."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Come now, let's depart in search of something sensational."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh, have you come to see me? This is troubling. I'm afraid I'm out of autographs."
where have you been distributing them. . .?
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What am I doing here? ...I'm people-watching."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ordinarily I ask for write-ins for my advice salon on the World Wide Web...but tonight, I'm taking it out into the field."
i wonder if he's waiting to encounter people who'll be able to see and hear him or if he's just like. . .genuinely ignoring/forgetting/disregarding that he isn't seen or heard. . .or maybe he was ignored a lot in his lifetime too so he doesn't question that people don't respond. . . .
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"The moon is beautiful... I always look forward to passing the hours in conversation with you and Towa on nights like these."
i thought you didn't hang around jabberwock after dark because the dark was dangerous tho. . .maybe if the moon is big and bright he doesn't mind because it's not as dark lolol
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My folktale videos? I filmed them at Haku's behest, but I can't imagine these old things will capture my fans' hearts..."
based on that the Urashima Taro video has his voice in it but his character story recording doesn't have him or his voice in it(and Haku deliberately tries to make the background interesting because he knows it'll only be the background and biwa sounds,) I think his voice can be recorded but if he's visibly in the recording it won't be captured? That or Haku has recording equipment that can capture ghost voices, but not images???
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"It truly is the age of YouTube. Can you fathom the romance of my artistry spreading to all four corners of the globe?"
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Every tool has its own knack you've got to acquire to use it properly. Behold— my mastery with a fishing pole!"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"This doll here is special. The moment I met him I felt a destiny such that I knew we couldn't be strangers."
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Oh, I didn't mean to give you a fright... I ought to have expected this. A sudden brush with an inspired man of the quill would take anyone's breath away."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Have you got any siblings, my dear? Why no, I don't mean anything by it. Just a little morning conversation."
i can imagine him looking fondly at his doll as he says he doesn't mean anything by it. His sibling isn't one of the most important things in the world to him or anything. He's just making conversation. btw in Japanese he says "morning talk" which sounds an awful lot like "pillow talk" to me and idk how many people would be comfortable discussing their siblings after the deed--
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Are you going to Mortkranken, my dear? ...I see. No, I don't mean anything by it. Are you hurt? I hope you'll take care."
so while it makes sense for Zenji to ask this as he is noted in his profile to be a worrywart, not to mention he died on campus, but also. . .y'know, his brother lives there.
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you. Apparently my footsteps give the general students the heebie-jeebies..."
In Japanese it does clarify that he moves without the sound of footsteps at all because the general students freak out hearing his footsteps since they can't see him
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"A swanky morning calls for a swanky breakfast, and some swanky radio calisthenics."
apparently radio calisthenics are still pretty popular in japan. in any case man are you sure you died like a year ago you sound so old
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Why, Subaru hasn't risen yet. Go ahead and wake him, won't you, my dear? I'll accompany your efforts from here with my biwa."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"A burst of inspiration has taken hold of me... No. The ghost of artistry has possessed my soul!"
okay well be careful with ghosts taking over your soul you don't have a ton left if you lose that--
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"To be a Darkwick student is to greet danger as an old friend... But I hope that Haku and Subaru have a long life ahead of them."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Zenji Kotodama is a wonderful name, don't you think? A sensational name befitting of my sensational sensibilities."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Trouble sleeping? Then I'll read you a story. How about Urashima Taro?"
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"I was standing by your pillow last night? Horsefeathers, I'd never. I was there the night before last."
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Go ahead and eat. No, don't give me another thought—I'm on a diet, you see. Watching you is enough food for my soul."
you see why i suspected initially that he didn't know he was dead? can you eat at all buddy?? i don't think it's a diet if you've lost the ability to consume food. . . .
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Haku's busy today—film me in his stead, won't you?"
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I've got a little story about a hapless fool of a man... I'm sure it's hardly worth listening to. I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to share it with you?"
the true stories seem like the ones he wants to avoid. . .'a hapless fool of a man's story that isn't worth listening to but i'd still like to share' sounds an awful lot like it must be about him and his life. . . . In Japanese he says 「救いようのない、馬鹿な男の物語さ」 "it's the story of an irredeemable/hopeless, stupid man.". . .who did you hurt, Zenji?
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"To be able to look into your eyes and bid you good night... I'm the luckiest fella for miles around."
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Maybe we did meet too late. But it's all right. I promise I'll find you in the next life."
but. . .but we have this life. . .although this is one of the few acknowledgements he really gives of his own ghostly nature. He wants to be able to live with you. To be tangibly there for you, to touch you and support you, to be able to show you off to others. . .but he can't be recognized. He can't be seen or heard but by a select few, it's only thanks to Haku that he can be seen or heard by you. It's too late for something 'real' now. So he can plan for the future. For the next life. He'll find you when you're both alive and then you can do everything you'd want to do with a real physical boyfriend. He promises.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"In spring, the dawn... Red tinges the slowly paling mountain rim... Ah... These mountain fellas must've been goofy for some doll..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"There is hope buried under the cherry trees... It means that spring is the season of chance encounters."
isn't the like. rumor that cherry blossoms are pink because they dye their petals with the blood of corpses buried beneath them or something? i swear i read that somewhere. apparently it comes from a poem. is hope a body buried under a sakura tree. is that where they buried you, Zenji?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The cherry blossoms of Hotarubi are ephemeral—they bloom only to be quickly washed away by the rain. But I am rather fond of that way of life."
Zenji simultaneously lives in Acceptance and Denial stages of grief it seems lol
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The beauty of the cherry blossoms under the night sky inspired me to pick up my pen... Oh, it has gotten easier to lift."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Have you seen him!? Who? Why, my doll, of course! This is very troubling. I've got to find him before the boogeymen stir!"
. . .somehow this reminds me of the Jiro dialogue where he's like "if Yuri asks where I am, tell him i went to bed, i'm going out" lol if the doll reminds him of Jiro, it seems to make sense that now and then it wanders off on its own. I wonder where it's going though?
(between 11am and 4pm)
"My ideal summer vacation? I wish to lay down my burdens in the springs of Yugawara and pursue my wordsmithery in peace, as so many greats have done before me."
Yugawara is a hot spring town in Japan! Apparently since the Meiji era people would go there for inspiration and such thanks to the atmosphere
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"This master wordsmith studied by the light of fireflies... I see. Haku! Turn out the lights!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I heard a frightful rumor... Apparently the ghost of a dead student has been spotted around Hotarubi..."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Fall is the perfect season for a new book, and I have the perfect one for you... From inspired man of the quill Zenji Kotodama, the fruit of his sweat and blood... "Body.""
(between 11am and 4pm)
"A song for you in the season of the arts... From inspired lute priest Zenji Kotod— Wait, where are you going!?"
why is this the one time 'biwa' is translated to 'lute' lol. . .although 'lute priest' does sound way better than 'biwa priest'
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Gauging the literary significance of this video by something as insignificant as views... Horsefeathers, isn't it?"
yeah!!! don't judge your worth by views or follows, zenji!!!
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I've decided to make you the heroine of my next work... A beautiful princess who bites into a poisoned apple and falls into a deep slumber... and seven of you!"
a fascinating retelling of Snow White. . .Snow White And The Seven Snow Whites. . . .
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning, fellas! Time for my biwa recital to color the chill of this frigid sunrise! I call it "Six O'Clock in the Morning.""
(between 11am and 4pm)
"There's a rumor going around that you can hear a biwa playing in the music room when no one's there... I go all the time though, and I've never heard it..."
again. . .that's because it's you. . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The setting sun... The sky dyed purple... Your beautiful profile, obscured... (gasp) I've been struck by inspiration!! My dear, I have to leave you here!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Are you cold? Then let me warm you up... My dear, why are you scooting away? I'll only make you colder...?"
it really seems like he forgets he's a ghost pretty often lmao
His birthday: (June 19th)
"Is this...a birthday present...? (hic) (sob) I'm the luckiest fella around...!"
people don't give him gifts often huh. . .or he's just very emotional. both could be true.
Your birthday:
"I've planned the perfect day to celebrate the miracle of your birth... We'll start with an ode to you, accompanied by my biwa."
he planned you a whole outing or maybe a party! with all day musical accompaniment!! What a sweetheart!!
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year, my dear. I'll be making the first shrine visit with Haku—care to join us?"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"My dear...is this for me? (hic) (sob) I'll treasure it always...!"
well given he probably can't eat it. . .fair reaction
White Day: (March 13th)
"I'm sorry... I did try to explain that a biwa recital would make a better gift, but Haku insisted I present you with confections instead..."
thanks haku you a real one lmao although music wouldn't be bad just. . . .
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"No, I would never lie to you. An inspired man spins fiction with his quill, not his mouth, after all."
y'know, i love the honesty! you keep making stories and being open, zenji!
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Why, you gave me quite a fright in that getup! What a marvelously queer celebration this is! So this is the legacy of westernization..."
no the marvelously queer celebrations are in june. although halloween is also marvelously queer sometimes--
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas! I've completed a new fairy tale. May my wishes reach the hearts of children everywhere..."
not a gift for you, but for the children! can a ghoul ghost and a human have--
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...And they lived happily ever after. How did you like my new story? I'd love to hear your— What? You weren't listening!?"
(13 affinity and above)
"Can you see me? Phew... You've been so quiet, you had me worried, my dear."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Ah, I'm so relieved you're all right, my dear. I wondered if something had happened on a mission... I'm glad my fears had no teeth."
THAT'S ALL OF EM. He's really. . .he is himself the whole way through huh lol. At the same time when he does acknowledge his ghostliness(and oftentimes he does the exact opposite, simply lacking in self-awareness) he seems a little lonely and regretful. . .I wonder if he was always such a worrywart or if he started worrying more after he died, realizing first hand just how dangerous things could be. I'm surprised how few acknowledgements his doll gets, although I don't think he carries it on the home screen?
I wonder how different his personality was when he was alive. Probably not very different tbh.
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inke-ri · 10 months
I think my anxiety is worse off than usual. Its 1am and I've been ranting at my ceiling about frigging httyd 3 of all things - a movie that came out years ago and that I have been happily ignoring for ages after making my points when it was released.
idk. I think its the general "not feeling good" thing and lack of energy and motivation to do even stuff I like. meh. hopefully tomorrow will be better.
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rosemaze-reveries · 2 years
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“witch’s night” at belphegor museum...?
is it too copium to assume that’s the same museum rebecca is displayed in
🧐 something something crimebrands are manifestations of memories, and most of those paintings depict cbs in-game... this feels awfully similar to nacha’s dream exhibition: capturing something intangible (dreams, memories, happiness) to frame as a work of art?
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
squints oh. guilt complex next to saviour complex. i see jots down notes
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