#Debt Avoidance
willsandtrusts · 1 year
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Explore Wills and Trusts Wealth Management's expert guide to Avoiding Family Debt. Discover insights, strategies, and professional advice to maintain financial health, secure wealth, and ensure your loved ones are safeguarded from unnecessary financial burdens. Read the article to know more.
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halorvic · 1 year
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"Do not let anyone convince you that you need to get sick to be healthy."
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Hello. I am wondering why you start liking Takeomi. He is the most hated character by the fandom and your choice of wet soggy cat is very unique. I want to listen your ramblings.
Oh anon, if only I knew
I'll try to remember how it happened, that much I think I got it.
So, when I first got into TR, my mind mostly focused on Mitsuya and the Shiba (mostly Taiju), so much so that I ended up writing a lot more than I thought I ever will on Taiju and explaining where his behavior comes from
Because it seems like a lot of people missed some important information. And by doing that I was able to show them details they had missed (prove that I was right in previous posts where I didn't justified myself and basically got called a liar by someone in the notes which incredibly pissed me off-) and, although that doesn't excuse what Taiju did, it does explain it and makes him more.. real? Maybe not relatable, but his domestic abuse didn't pop up out of nowhere and a lot of people know what intergenerational trauma can do so while still hating Taiju they could understand him better.
Then, having finished my Taiju analysis which also opened my eyes since I found more than what I initially thought about; I myself was able to understand him better and so I thought-
Why not do that with every hated characters in the fandom?
I don't quite recall if my (at the time, very slight) interest in Takeomi happened a bit before or at that time, but the reason why I focused on him before the others (which, uh, aren't a lot anyway) was because I saw stuffs written about him which I didn't really agree with? Like, yeah, he was flawed and raised his siblings badly - especially when next to Shinichiro who was (at least depicted as)(and try to be) good at it - but they were kinda amplifying things
I know that a lot of people relate to Sanzu, or just, love him, and since they saw things I haven't seen, I told myself 'well, let's investigate, then' and then I wrote about 17k words on Takeomi's psychology.
I literally walked myself into the Takeomi rabbit-hole (what a FUCKING mistake /positive)
Takeomi did neglect his siblings, and passive-aggressively verbally, or even emotionally, abused Sanzu and for most of the fandom, is not attractive (and, let's not lie, beauty is a redeeming quality for a lot of characters regardless of fandom. How many characters, no matter their faults, get forgiven by fans just because they're hot, uh?). So he sucks, yeah
You know what he did do? acknowledged his mistakes, apologized for them and would have started his redemption arc if Wakui had had the time for that when warping up the story
He made mistakes, he's flawed, he's human, he wasn't even supposed to be here because he only entered the delinquent world to keep following Shinichiro, his ego which was back then very weak and non-existent got inflated for either survival or because he received so many compliments he didn't know what to do with it if not both because he was a k i d.
Most of the characters in TR are kids or young adults when they commit things they shouldn't have done. And yes, you can hold them accountable for it but they didn't know better - they didn't have the tools to
Now, why do I like Takeomi.
First of all - the amount of flaws he has. Don't think I need to make the list, I think everyone's got it (although make sure to remember he's got an inferiority complex and it's most likely that he also has an imposter syndrome so he's just like me fr-). But even with that, he's never an antagonist. He does things wrong but he's on our side (he's just very deaf to anyone's opinion that doesn't fit his). He sucked at raising his siblings as a kid himself (before his superiority complex developed and during it too - albeit in different ways) but that's just.. realistic? Not that it takes away the seriousness of it and the consequences, but how else could it have been? The impact on Sanzu were disastrous (not that they were the only reason why Sanzu lost it), I understand that, I don't erase that nor deny it BUT THERE'S A REASON WHY TAKEOMI IS LIKE THIS, TOO. And if people blame Takeomi for his actions (which, again, fair.) then blame Sanzu for his!! he was willing to mass murder hundreds of people!!! including his sister!!! he killed a few people!! argh. But Sanzu got his tragic-backstory/childhood shown and has a design that appeals to most, so I guess it's harder to hold him accountable for the seriousness of his actions (I like Sanzu, don't get me wrong. But sometimes the hypocrisy of some fans makes me a tiny bit angry 🙃)
Anyway, reason 84123286 of why I need Takeomi's backstory. Bc, honestly, from what we know of him as a kid+his coping mechanisms as a teen/adult, it would make sense to me if one of the reason he was so hostile to Sanzu was because he saw himself in him and Didn't Like ItTM (for different reasons) (!!! Which would add nicely to Shinichiro seeing himself in Mikey!!! more sano-akashi parallels, lets goooooooo) Talking about the parallels between the two, the fact he's Shinichiro's narrative foil compels me lots. Takeomi is quite literally Shinichiro with a negative filter on. And how can he survived that? How can he cope with the fact that no matter how much he wants and tries to be Shinichiro he'd never succeed? He'd always be the pale copy, the wood statue covered with golden leaves that are peeling away with time next to the pure gold statue. The Teru Teru Bozu that fails to chase the rain away and is going to be decapitated for his ineptitude. He'd always be himself and that's what he hates the most. He'd always be compared to Shinichiro and there's nothing he can do about it. And he can't even be angry at Shinichiro. That's his best friend. He loves him. He has been the first to love him. He has been there before anyone else. He can't lose Shinichiro, Shinichiro gave him everything. Everything he cares about, he sees value of, at least. Immaculate.
I'll also die on the hill that he is competent. He himself has no idea on what but he is (he mixes everything. For him it'd go like this: he gets praised but he's done nothing, Shinichiro has done everything which means they praised him for what Shinichiro has done. Which means what Shinichiro do, he does too. Which means Shinichiro's achievements are his as well! right? He didn't do anything by himself, there's no need to praise him for something else.)(he's fully blind that strategically-speaking and in other brainy-brain domains he's competent af. Bc since it comes 'easily' to him - since he doesn't struggle much with it, or in contrary he struggles so much he cannot possibly be good at it, then there's nothing to praise. And like, for him what Shinichiro does deserve to be praised. What he himself does is just.. things he does so compliments feel shallow)(+Bonten strives as much as Bad Toman and Manila if not more, yet there's no Kisaki. Ofc there's still Koko so that helps, but Takeomi is new to the team and got recruited (at least that what Senju said) in Brahman for his ~wisdom~)
He's also the only character who was around before Shinichiro 1) became a big brother 2) became a delinquent and that has to mean something. They're the only ones left to remember how the other was before their life went to shit
In the final timeline, he looks so healthy. He made peace with himself, his relationship with his siblings is good, he made amends. He healed, they healed. His relationship with Shinichiro, Benkei and Wakasa is good too everything's great. He learnt to understand what he is competent in and focus on it; he's not Shinichiro, he'll never be and that's okay. He's him and what he is complete Shinichiro just as Shinichiro complete him – they take care of one another's flaws but can also know live independently from each other. Perhaps, perhaps Takeomi stopped being so dependent of him
Appearance-wise, I love dark hair+green eyes combo in general so it wasn't that hard (plus there are some godly fanarts out there)
And of course: despite his complexity, at the end of the day - he's really just a pathetic wet poor excuse of a man who can't do anything right and isn't that endearing
I'm slowly getting out of the denial-phase to enter my acceptance-phase when it comes to loving Takeomi. Liking things most people hate or are neutral about is smth I hate for Reasons but it also seems to always happen lolololol. Will try to talk more about Takeomi when it comes to my mind, in case ppl who also love him but don't want to make it known because of his bad reputation in the fandom saw my posts and feel a bit more okay and comfortable with loving him
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medicinemane · 2 months
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So... I hadn't checked for a while cause I knew the government was covering my $0 a month income ass with the SAVE program (which I've since learned republicans have been suing to put a stop to and federal judges have frozen which... thanks guys)
Anyway, before that happened they must have paid off my loans cause... I mean... I cut everything even remotely identifiable out there, but just look... paid in full, $0.00 balance!
So... thank Biden, thanks Harris... you actually did what you said you would
That's a huge weight off me. I mean, I was in forbearance (or whatever the one is where you tell the loan company you've got $0 in income) for a long time (which I learned probably had kind of screwed me over with the old rules) but... this way I don't have to worry that if I ever get on my feet I'll suddenly be slammed by student loans
This means I get to focus on making things better for myself by doing stuff to work on my house so it holds heat better and so my backdoor has a deck instead of a 5 foot dead drop into the basement stairwell
Really fucking wish these student loan repayments wouldn't keep getting blocked by judges, like sorry, now that mine's been paid off I still want the program even though I got mine... I want everyone else to get theirs too
Just... yeah... some good news, some real good news
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galaxyslime · 8 months
Wtf is in wellbutrin that makes everyone start stealing shit?? Everyone I've known who's taken it has developed pretty disastrous kleptomania, including my sister.
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new-kanon · 4 months
Hello! I am presently an unemployed queer person of Native & AAPI heritage. I had two unplanned ambulance trips to the emergency room & currently have no insurance. Please help in any way you can! Between a $4,654.40 & a $8,052.22 bill, I could use any and all financial assistance.
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feluka · 11 months
people who say "just focus on the targeted boycotts and not every single company" ARE correct and they SHOULD say it and i support the message
but i have to laugh when it comes to me personally because let me tell you i've been "boycotting" all those targeted companies for a loooong time because my country is going through one hell of an economic crisis and i can NOT afford starbucks or what have you to begin with. so you understand why i'm focusing on not buying "smaller" stuff like pepsi and lays and such.
(but yes people who under normal circumstances consume from the targeted companies should absolutely focus on that!!)
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passengerpigeons · 1 year
becoming largely chill about most things. but i give myself permission to be mad about car infrastructure, car dependence, and cars flagrantly ignoring pedestrian right-of-way and generally endangering beings of flesh. because this is one of the few truly moral axis of this world
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yoiku · 5 months
So I played through episode 12 yesterday and episode 13 today between my cleaning sprees and i only cried a little maybe dozen times through it all, so all I can say is that the main story continues to deliver. Wasn't very keen on the storytelling style of ep13 at first, but definitely warmed up to it along the way. Getting scenes from the wiewpoint and in the thoughts of so many characters in just one episode turned out to be pretty refreshing. I did feel a bit overwhelmed as well but i'll put that on me chewing through it all in one day. Sometimes I feel a bit worried that where is the main story going to go after a huge chunk of it comes to a conclusion, but at the same time... If the side stories have proved anything, its that there are so many things about the entire world and lore to explore. And I have to admit I'm still getting more curious about it all. if you told me 5 years ago that the story and universe in a gacha game(derogative) is going to be something i'm obsessing over, I would've been so pissed at you even suggesting that. Anyway, its a nice feeling to be so interested in something. I've lost interest in so many things and i feel like over the years its getting harder and harder for me to really get into something.
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coochiequeens · 8 months
Sounds like for all the lipservice the TQ+ give to being sensitive to those with mental health issues this guy didn't care about the impact of his actions on his roommate who was dealing with PTSD. When he was called out and warned that coming home late without a so much as a text first wasn't a good idea when your roommate is a gun owner he cried that he was being threatened.
By Anna Slatz February 3, 2024
A trans-identified male from Colorado is seeking asylum in Canada on the basis of his gender identity. Daria Bloodworth arrived in Canada in 2019 after claiming to have been the victim of “transphobic” crime in the United States.
Bloodworth applied for refugee status in Canada, seeking protection on the basis of transphobic persecution by Americans, American society generally, and specific individuals including a debt collector and a former roommate at Colorado State University.
In his asylum application, Bloodworth claimed that he was the victim of a transphobia-motivated crime in May of 2019 after his roommate brandished a gun at him while making transphobic statements. The asylum application states that Bloodworth feared for his life after a court refused to grant him a protective order following the incident.
“With no protection orders in place, Ms. Bloodworth states the roommate stalked her, including by standing outside her residence with a gun, and he pursued her despite changing residences twice.Ms. Bloodworth states she called the police or went to the police station to report events of stalking behaviour, but did not receive protection. She was told her former roommate had the right to open carry a firearm. Eventually, she stopped calling the police,” the Citizenship and Immigration case reads.
Reduxx has reviewed bodycam footage showing the Fort Collins Police Service responding to the purported transphobic incident in 2019.
The 2-hour long video starts by showing Bloodworth being interviewed by police at the station after coming to report the crime himself. In the interview, the three police officers appear visibly confused and express difficulty in understanding Bloodworth’s account of events after he claims his roommate had threatened him “with a gun.” His story appears to change somewhat every time an officer asks him to clarify details of his claims.
Following the initial interview with Bloodworth, police go to the residence to speak with the roommate, a young male who identifies himself as a military veteran. The man reveals that Bloodworth had been a problem roommate as he did not pay his bills, frequently stole from the other residents, and would often come home in the middle of the night without informing the others he would be out.
This had led to concerns about the roommate’s PTSD being triggered, as he would often be woken up at early hours to find the front door handle being jiggled and become anxious, unsure if the home was being broken into.
The roommate says that they had been struggling with Bloodworth’s behavior for months and actively attempting to evict him from the residence. He explains that an argument had finally broken out that day after his frustration reached a tipping point with respect to Bloodworth’s conduct. Specifically, Bloodworth’s lack of financial contribution to the household, and his tendency to come home during the night with no notice or consideration for his roommate’s anxiety.
“I said — there’s a gun in the basement, you could get shot not addressing coming home at 4 in the morning through the door I sleep 30 feet from. Could you at least give us a heads up [when you are coming home]? Can you not be weird and sneaky like this?” the roommate says to police, obviously exasperated.
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Bloodworth as seen in the body cam footage from May of 2019.
“So you were saying, ‘if I don’t know you’re coming home at 4 in the morning, you could end up getting shot?” police clarified.
“Yes! Because it’s kind of crazy,” the roommate insisted. “I just want a heads up.”
“So you don’t think you are getting burglarized, right?” the officer asks, to which the roommate says “yes.”
The roommate notes there was an old hunting rifle in the home’s basement, but said it was not loaded and there was no ammunition in the residence.
During the police interview, the roommate refers to Bloodworth by “she/her” pronouns and his preferred name. He also calls Bloodworth a “woman” at various points during the interview. This calls into question Bloodworth’s claims to both police and Canadian immigration officials that he had been subjected to a transphobia-motivated crime.
The roommate also states that Bloodworth had frequently become enraged at the other residents in the home when they requested he pay his portion of the bills, and suggests that Bloodworth threatened to sue them for “pain and suffering” when they changed the WiFi password.
The young man later concedes to having been wrong to refer to the gun in the basement during their argument, and calmly offers himself up to any charges. The case against him would be dismissed less than two months later.
Though Bloodworth told Canadian immigration officials that the roommate “open carried” a gun, the roommate told police he did not own one himself. Bloodworth also stated that the roommate later “stalked” him, but there is no substantiation to support that claim. However, following the “threats” incident, Bloodworth repeatedly posted the roommate’s full name to social media, along with videos showing his face.
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Bloodworth continued to live and work in Colorado until November of 2019, when he arrived in Canada and filed for refugee protection.
In October of 2022, the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) rejected Bloodworth’s claim for asylum, determining he had adequate rights and protection back in the United States. He then appealed the decision, and the Refugee Appeals Division (RAD) ruled in his favor.
RAD member Dilani Mohan concluded that “the RPD failed to consider how Colorado’s open carry gun laws combined with the general climate of anti-trans hatred growing in the US could make [her] perpetually vulnerable and at risk to her life.”
Mohan also noted high rates of “discrimination and violence” in Maine, New Jersey, Illinois and Nevada and said that while New York City might be an option, the move would force Bloodworth into poverty.
“The RPD failed to consider how Colorado’s open carry gun laws combined with the general climate of anti-trans hatred growing in the US could make [her] perpetually vulnerable and at risk to her life,” Mohan wrote.
But Bloodworth’s victory was short-lived, as this week, a Federal Court ruled that the RAD incorrectly claimed that Colorado authorities were incapable of protecting Bloodworth, or that he couldn’t safely reside elsewhere in the United States.
Bloodworth — who now lives in the Yukon Territory — says he plans to appeal the ruling to the Federal Court of Appeal in hopes of being formally granted refugee status.
Since arriving in Canada, Bloodworth has changed his legal name from Véronique Marie Bellamy in an apparent effort to obscure his identity in the event his immigration attempts did not go in his favor.
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On his My Little Pony-themed social media feed, Bloodworth advertises himself as an “exile from America” and an “author of queer fiction.” He states he is “trying to pursue a quick bachelor’s degree to be able to get into medical school,” and is also investing in cryptocurrency in an effort to make enough money to fund his gender transition.
Bloodworth claims to have been fired by TD Canada Trust bank in 2023 for being a “whistleblower” but it is unclear what he blew the whistle on. His LinkedIn shows he worked at the company for approximately 1 year as a Lead Customer Experience Associate.
His social media feed includes snipes at Harry Potter author JK Rowling and those who participated in last year’s march against gender ideology.
In July of 2023, Bloodworth credited seeing the Barbie and Oppenheimer movies with providing him motivation to continue fighting for refugee status in Canada.
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steviescrystals · 5 months
i seriously need to get a new job and start making money again asap bc i cannot keep living at home much longer it’s driving me insane
(wrote an entire essay in the tags without meaning to oops)
#i feel so isolated from everything bc i’m not in school rn but all my friends are and 90% of the ones who are in state go to the same school#so they’re all in the same town and here i am 45 minutes away#i never get invited to anything bc 1) my friends all tend to make plans really last minute#and 2) if we want to go out and drink - which we usually do bc that’s the stage of life we’re in rn - i’d have to stay the night with#someone bc i absolutely cannot afford a 45 minute uber home and most of my friends don’t like staying over / having people stay over#so i have basically no social life and it’s only gotten worse in the past couple months since i got laid off from my main job#not only did i love that job but i loved my coworkers and work was pretty much the only time i left the house and interacted with people#and without that job i can’t even do the little solo things i used to do to cheer myself up like go see a movie#or even just go for a long drive bc i’m broke (as in i have $17 in cash to my name and am like $1000 in debt rn)#so all i do is rot in bed all day and apply for jobs that i’m overqualified for yet still don’t get hired#i barely even leave my room bc i avoid my family which just makes me feel guilty bc i love my family#but they get on my nerves so easily and most of the conversations i have with my mom end in her lecturing me about something and me crying#and on top of everything it’s just straight up embarrassing to be unemployed and completely directionless about college and living at home#logically i know i’m still very young and it’s common to live at home when you’re 20 but literally none of my friends do#i had a couple friends who lived at home for the first 2 years after high school and went to community college but by now they’ve moved out#and they’re all at universities and either graduating this year or next year meanwhile the earliest i could possibly graduate is in 2 years#i should be finishing my junior year rn but i’ve only completed my freshman year#i hated the school i was at and planned on transferring sophomore year but long story short that didn’t work out#even longer story short i ended up doing a semester each at 2 different community colleges and failed all my classes both times#and took 2 semesters off so now i’m a full 2 years behind and even though my freshman year was miserable#i’m starting to wish i stayed at that school anyway bc at least i would be at a university and accomplishing something#plus theres a huge difference between staying at home for a couple years after high school then moving out later#vs living on your own right away then having to move back home after you’ve already experienced having your own space#and on top of everything i have an older sister who’s a literal genius and graduated last year#and a younger sister who just finished her freshman year at the school i hated but she loves it and got perfect grades and made friends#so they’re both thriving and here i am living with my mom and my 13 year old brother and just completely failing at everything#i’m just so miserable and obviously moving out again and going back to school wouldn’t magically fix everything#but at least i would feel like my life was going somewhere and i wasn’t getting left behind by everyone i know#i just have no idea how to move forward and i feel like ever since high school not a single thing has gone the way i wanted it to#vent
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kakashihasibs · 9 days
I can't sleep x_x
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bitual · 11 months
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hey guys just graduated
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darabeatha · 3 months
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/ Sometimes when you give Oberon responsibilities or things to do, he'll turn into his fairy form and say that he needs sleep time to think properly, so he will help you after he wakes up (this is a lie!! he is procrastinating his responsibilities!)
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batwynn · 11 months
Well. We got the 200lb thing into the house and up the stairs all on our own. RIP my entire body and already chronic pain ass joints/bones. RIP to my mother’s spinal arthritis ass spine.
This is fine png.
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shadow0-1 · 2 years
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"I don't have to worry about you, do I?"
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