#Dean parent
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angels-in-overcoats · 6 months ago
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prttyinpink7 · 5 months ago
Being his controversially young gf could fix me
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beebox-illustrations · 2 years ago
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Happy Mother’s Day! - or happy parental appreciation day 🌻💚
I know it’s not the same date all around the world but here we go :)
It’s as good as any day to give your loved ones a call ✨ have a fantastic Sunday 🐝
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virtu4l-di4ry · 11 months ago
from dean’s perspective “i need you’ is bigger than “i love you”. love is complicated but it’s direct, he could love someone without having them in his life. but need? dean “mr. dependent, guarded walls up so high, emotionally unavailable” winchester needing someone? thats huge. to need means to give them control. to need means i cant do this without you. love comes easy to dean but to genuinely need something and be selfish enough to ask for it? that goes against everything he’s been conditioned into believing.
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lovealwayssay · 10 months ago
I would pay an ungodly amount of money for a Supernatural finale where Dean rescues Cas from the Empty and tells him he loves him too, Eileen comes back to be with Sam, and Jack chooses to live with the four of them in the bunker as a happy family.
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disguting-girl-reads · 4 days ago
little tidbits from john winchester's official journal that I like
4 year old dean barely talking after Mary's death
4 year old dean crawling into sammy's crib to sleep with him ("Every morning when I wake up, Dean is inside the crib, arms wrapped around baby Sam.")
sam and dean sharing a bed as kids ("Sammy has finally started sleeping through the night, and now that Dean shares a bed with him, he's out like a light too.")
Sammy tooking his first steps towards dean ("Sam took his first steps yesterday. He walked toward Dean, then fell flat on his face and started crying.")
7 year old Dean making John promised he will take good care of Sammy while he's at school ("He makes me swear that I'll take good care of Sammy before he'll go to school)
2 year old Sammy asking John to help him make Dean a birthday card
Dean getting his own gun at his eleventh birthday
7 year old sam shooting and killing a deer bc he thought it would hurt dean ("The he tells me that he thought the deer had taken Dean's gun, and that Sammy had to protect him. [...] And now Sammy sees a deer and thinks it's trying to hurt his brother.")
Sam getting a .45 at 9 after saying he was scared of the thing in the closet... but he actually did stopped having nightmares while sleeping with the gun under his pillow
14 year old dean and 10 year old sam stealing a book to gift john ("Christmas in Joplin, Missouri. The boys got me a book that they must have stolen from a shop while I was rooting around in the esoteric shelves.")
Sam asking for a computer at his eleventh birthday (while Dean asked for a gun)
How Sam was already beefing with John at 12 lol ("Sammy is twelve years old today. He's a handful. Spends all of his time on the computer, unless he's arguing with me.")
John sending Dean on his first hunt alone at his seventeenth birthday but staying close by to make sure he can handle it
Also, Dean first sole hunt being a salt and burn of two lesbian nuns lol
John mentioning how 15 year old Sam and 19 year old Dean are not getting along as well as they used to (I have a weecest headcanon about that)
Sam getting his driver's license at 16 but already knowing how to drive since he was 9
Sam graduating at 19 and not going to the ceremony
Sam telling Dean and John he's going to Stanford 5 months before actually going (imagine the tension between them all during this period)
How Sam leaves for Stanford at the end of August, but Dean only mentions cutting off contact with him in November
John overhearing Dean talking about Sam on the phone (probably with Cassie Robinson)
How John would drive to Palo Alto to make sure Sam's alright (and he saw him with Jess)
John's last journal entry is 28th of October 2005. Dean goes after Sam in less than a week.
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always-been-youandme · 12 days ago
Shoutout to John Winchester for fucking up parenthood so bad that he caused the first case of littermate syndrome in humans.
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crackdkettle · 16 days ago
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The Parent Trap (1998) || Supernatural 15x09
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clairenatural · 1 year ago
okay but you see sam has ALSO fallen for dean's act. sam also believes dean to be the macho, daddy's soldier, beer boobs cars guy he presents himself as. this is why sam makes fun of dean whenever he even lightly steps out of that mold and thinks it's harmless banter instead of attacking an insecurity. it's why he laughs when john talks down to dean in the early seasons and it's why he seems surprised when dean is more comfortable with himself in the later seasons. it's why he just scoffs but doesn't push it when dean puts up a front and refuses to talk about his emotions and just accepts whatever excuse he makes at face value. it's why he offers dean a strip club to make him feel better when cas dies. and this isn't his fault!! dean has spent a very long time perfecting this image in front of everyone and ESPECIALLY to sam because along with it comes safety and security and stability and the only person. who has consistently been able to see through it. is castiel
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luxurystark-jackson · 11 days ago
you can tell when the writers liked the idea of destiel cause they started getting real fucking gay all of a sudden
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comradesummers · 6 months ago
The take that Maddie's childhood wasn't great but Buck had it so much worse is so infuriating. I know Buck is the fandom's favorite, but why are you straight up lying about Maddie to prove that Buck had it worse? Can't they both have had shitty childhoods? Because canonically, they sure as hell did.
To recap, Maddie watched her little brother slowly die and then her parents moved her away from any one who knew Daniel and forced her to never speak of him again. Like I cannot stress how fucked up this is. They completely isolated this traumatized child from any support system she may have had and literally forbade her from grieving. That's insane. And on top of that, they parentified her and made a nine year old the primary caretaker of a baby all while neglecting them both. Also Maddie talks about how her mom would tell her that she wanted to kill herself. You know like a normal thing to say to or in front of your young daughter. And that's just how they treated her when she was a kid. When she got with Doug (at only 19!) her parents basically disowned her, thus ensuring that she would not feel safe to come to them when the relationship became abusive, which is probably a big reason she stayed for so long. And people are always talking about how the Buckley parents never visit Buck when he's grievously injured in the hospital. They also don't visit Maddie in the hospital after her husband kidnapped her and nearly stabbed her to death, even though we know Buck called and told them about it.
Unlike some of the Buck girlies, I don't feel the need to compare. The Buckley parents were awful to both of their living children (and frankly to Daniel as well for erasing his memory like that). I just object to the idea that Maddie somehow had it better than Buck because it is so obviously not true. And I find it really interesting that when it comes to male characters like say, Dean Winchester, people will write endless meta about how parentification is abuse. But when a female character is parentified by her parents people think it's not that bad because it doesn't seem as unnatural for a girl to be forced into a caretaker role, even if she was literally nine years old.
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military-newsboys · 4 months ago
Dean, gazing lovingly at Cas: He could kill me and I'd thank him. Sam, who'd heard this for the millionth time: I'd thank him too
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winchester-co · 7 months ago
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I just know Sam was covered in scars from hunting when he got to Stanford. What did Jess think of it all, the swathes of marred skin? She knew he had a bad relationship with his Dad - she knew he had a brother he didn’t call. What good conclusion could she possibly come to, when he refuses to talk about his family?
No wonder she didn’t want Sam to go with Dean.
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soft-pine · 2 months ago
Timeline of Every Anecdote from Dean's Childhood in Supernatural (Full Canon Only)
My other timeline includes stuff from some of the pseudo canonical materials. This one includes only things that happen or are mentioned in the show itself.
winc*sties this is still not for you!
Still super open to feedback and suggestions if I missed something.
Content notes: death, child abuse, alcohol
Dean is 4
John & Mary used to call Dean their “little piglet” because he liked to eat so much. [13.21 (this is technically in a dream of Sam's)]
Mouse Trap is Dean's favorite game. [14.17]
Mary would feed Dean tomato-rice soup when he was sick. [5.13]
Mary would sing "Hey Jude" as a lullaby. [5.13]
Dean really likes Mary's meatloaf. He doesn't know she gets it from Piggly Wiggly. [12.02]
Between May and November John and Mary had a fight and John left home for a few days. [5.16]
November 2 - Mary Winchester dies, Sam is 6 months old. [1.01, 1.21]
Mary's uncle arranges a burial and headstone even though she doesn't have a body. [2.04]
Dean doesn't speak for a while after Mary dies. [1.03]
John Meets Missouri. [1.09]
John leaves a box of pictures in the basement of the house. [1.09]
Dean is 5
Dean is 6
John takes Dean out shooting for the first time, using bottles as target practice. According to Dean, he "bullseyed every one of them." Dean remembers this story as him being “6 or 7." Dean cites this story as one of the fonder memories of his father. [2.06 (date suggested by John's Journal)]
Rufus spent the whole year being nice. It was the worst year of his life. [7.10]
Dean is 7
Dean starts having a crush on Daisy Duke. [11.13]
Bill Harvelle dies. [2.06, 2.14 (year suggested by John's Journal)]
John began the masked vampire case - looking into killings and kidnappings along Route 77. [15.20]
Dean is 8
John takes Dean and Sam on a donkey ride at the Grand Canyon. Dean’s donkey farts a lot which Sam finds very funny. [8.21]
Dean has begun hunting. [11.08]
Dean is 9
John is hunting a Shtriga in Wisconsin when he leaves Sam and Dean alone in a hotel room. Dean gets bored and goes out and comes back to find the Shtriga attacking Sammy but can't steady himself in time to fire at it. John comes back but can only scare the Shtriga off. [1.18]
They know Pastor Jim by this point. [1.18]
Dean: "You couldn't been more than 5— you just started asking questions. How come we didn't have a mom? Why do we always have to move around? Where'd Dad go when he'd take off for days at a time? I remember I begged you, 'Quit asking, Sammy. Man, you don't want to know.... I just wanted you to be a kid... Just for a little while longer. I always tried to protect you... Keep you safe... Dad didn't even have to tell me. It was just always my responsibility, you know? It's like I had one job... I had one job...'" [2.22]
Dean and Sam (5) play dress up as Batman and Superman and jump of the roof of a shed. Sam breaks his arm and Dean takes him to the E.R. on the handlebars of his bike. [9.15 (mentioned again in 11.08)]
At some point before now Dean is given his first beer by Fred Jones in Salt Lake City. [8.08. He also apparently gives Sam his first beer too but it's unlikely it was this same time?]
Dean is 10
“When I was 10, I got my first B&E from borrowing some family's pay-per-view so I could watch the cage match between you and the Tower of Power.” [11.15]
Bobby takes Dean to play catch instead of “practice with the double-barrel” as John had instructed Dean. In the flash back Rufus guesses the year is around 1989. “No, we didn't shoot rifles, as a matter of fact. We threw a ball around. He's a kid, John. They both are. They're entitled.... Yeah, I know I ain't their dad.” Bobby hangs up and throws the phone down. [7.10]
1980s General
(i.e. there isn't a specific date mentioned for this but I'm guessing from context that it happened in this decade)
Sam sticks army men into Baby's ashtray. [5.22]
Dean sticks Legos into the vents. [5.22]
Dean eating all of Sam's Halloween candy sometime. [12.11 & 14.04]
John taking them to see World of Wrestling. Sometime before Dean is ten. Dean calls it “one of the nicest things” John ever did. Sam remembers John getting drunk. [11.15] ("The Hangman": "He was Dad's favorite. Anytime that noose would come out, Dad would be on his feet. It was one of the few times I ever saw him actually happy.")
John takes Dean fishing. When Dean tells Jack, Jack feels from his tone that it's his happiest memory of John. [5]
Dean telling Sam a stupid joke to distract him from ripping off bandaids when he was little. [15.01]
The first beer John shared with Dean tasted like "crap". [15.20]
Sam's memory of Thanksgivings: “We had a bucket of extra-crispy and Dad passed out on the couch. [5.16]
Dean: "I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up." [1.22]
Dean says he believed the TV ads about Sea Monkeys having families [5.06]
Dean mentions a babysitter, Mrs Chancy, who was obsessed with the TV show Dynasty [5.06], which ran until 1989 when Dean was ten. This could be a lie he's just telling a kid to get him to open up about his babysitter though.
"Alright, here we go. John Winchester's famous cure-all kitchen sink stew. There you go. Enough cayenne pepper in there to burn your lips off, just like Dad used to make." [8.21]
"You used to read to me, um, when I was little, I— I mean, really little, from that— from that old, uh... Classics Illustrated comic book. You remember that? ... Knights of the Round Table. Had all of King Arthur's knights, and they were all on the quest for the Holy Grail. And I remember looking at this picture of Sir Galahad, and, and, and he was kneeling, and— and light streaming over his face..." [8.21]
“You used to take us hunting. Remember? Dad had a case, he'd just dump us on you. Shoot, you must have taught us most of the outdoor tracking we know.” Bobby: “Yeah, what I could get to stick. I never could get you little grubs to pull a trigger on a single deer.” Dean: “You’re talking about Bambi, man.” Bobby: “You don't shoot Bambi, jackass. You shoot Bambi's mother.” [7.09]
“Not young like I was when he actually taught me how to drive.” [15]
Dean says soft rock always put Sam to sleep. [7.16]
Dean talks about learning 101 different ways to make Mac 'n Cheese for Sam at a motel in Scranton while John was off hunting. "ketchup for spice, hmm? Uh, tuna, hot dogs, fluff marshmallow mix." [10.11]
Dean is 11
January - John is injured on a hunt in Windom, Minnesota, and goes to the hospital, where he meets Kate Milligan. [4.19]
September 29 - Adam Milligan is born. [4.19]
At some point Dean makes a sawed off. He's in sixth grade. [3.03]
Dean tries burgers from a seaside shack in Delaware that become his favorite. [4.22]
Dean is 12
December 25 - Sam and Dean are at a motel in Broken Bow, Nebraska while John hunts. Sam reads John's Journal and finds out that Mary's death was supernatural, monsters are real, and that John hunts them. He confronts Dean, who confirms it. Sam gives Dean an amulet. [3.08]
Dean is 13
John buys a Playboy featuring Anna-Nicole Smith, eventually both boys end up reading it. [7.22]
June - Sam tells John he is afraid of the monster in his closet and John gives him a .45. [1.01]
Sam wants to go hunting with Dean. Dean says John said no. John calls to ask Sam to come. [11.08]
Dean is 14
January – Motel Baba Yaga case. Dean says, “I was babysitting you when I was your age”. Sam says "I'm pretty sure that's illegal." Dean sees the nest, a pile of dead kids and has "nightmares about it for the longest time." [15.16]
Dean is 15
Summer - Sam and Dean spend part of the summer being looked after by Donna, a babysitter (and maid at the Mayflower) in Housatonic, Massachusetts, while John hunts. At one pointJohn is gone for two weeks. It is the summer before Sam enters 6th grade, and he assigns himself a summer reading list. Dean possibly has a crush on Donna. [5.12]
October - They are living In Bismark (North Dakota?). Sam has a crush on Andrea Howell & has a really bad experience at her Halloween party, throwing up. Sam hides in the woods until Dean comes and gets him. [14.04]
Sam still believes in the Easter Bunny until close to here. [10.12]
Dean is 16
Dean's first Werewolf. Sam doesn't go to the body burning. "So. I pick up this crossbow. And I hit that ugly sucker with a silver-tipped arrow right in his heart. Sammy's waiting in the car, and uh, me and my dad take the thing into the woods, burn it to a crisp. I'm sitting there and looking into the fire, and I'm thinking to myself, I'm sixteen years old. Most kids my age are worried about pimples, prom dates. I'm seeing things that they'll never even know. Never even dream of." [2.03]
Dean spends two months at Sonny's Home for Boys after being caught shoplifting. [9.07]
April 20 - Dean's award for New York Wrestling Champion. [9.07]
November 13 – Sam's soccer team won division championship. John keeps the trophy. [3.03]
Sam later talks about how John was upset with him for wanting to play soccer instead of learning bowhunting. [1.08]
November 24 - Sam has his first traditional Thanksgiving dinner at his crush Stephanie’s house. He has been attending a school called McKinley for two weeks. [5.16]
Dean is 17
July 4 - Dean and Sam set off fireworks in a field and almost burn it down. [5.16]
At some point when Sam was 13 he ran away for two weeks while under Dean's watch in Flagstaff, Arizona, living off pizza in a cabin and befriending a dog he called Bones. Dean scoured the whole town looking for him and worried he might have died, and John was furious when he found out. [5.16]
Dean is 18
When he's 13, Sam briefly wants to be a magician. [4.12]
Summer - The Winchesters hunt a werewolf. [4.13]
November - Sam and Dean attend Truman High in Fairfax, Indiana, for 3 or 4 weeks, while John is on a hunt that was originally supposed to be 2 weeks but ended up taking longer than expected. Dean is in 12th Grade. It is the third school they have attended since September. [4.13]
Dean is 19
Sam is a mathlete. [4.04]
Summer - While John and Dean are off hunting a Kitsune, Sam stays in Lincoln, Nebraska, and does research for them. While there, he meets a girl and has his first kiss - only to discover that John and Dean's hunt has circled back on him. [7.03]
July - Dean goes on a solo "five states in five days" road trip, but ends up spending most of it in Cicero, Indiana, with Lisa Braeden. In the meantime, John & Sam "tie up a hunt" in Orlando, Florida. [3.02]
Dean meets Rhonda Hurley, she makes him try on her pink, satin panties and he likes it. [5.04]
At some point they spend time with Travis, the hunter. [4.04]
Dean is 20
1990s General
Dean trying to cook Winchester Surprise on a hotplate with food (baloney and sliced cheese) that it seems Sam shoplifted in the rain. John gets home and throws it out. [14.11] In Lebanon John tells Sam he remembers this and apologizes to Sam for it. [14.13]
Sam and Dean visited the Cleveland Botanical Gardens on a field trip. [5.16]
Dean going to CBGB "way underage" and John coming to get him. [10.09]
Hunting the chupacabra in Mexico. Sam is an olderish teenager when he says this happened the year before. [11.10]
John making Dean be bait. [14.14 production draft. Corroborated by 1.20. Putting this in 1990s and not 1980s is very generous imo.]
Dean used to live on “Nerve Damage” (“10 times the legal limit of caffeine”) as a kid. [13.08]
Escalating prank wars? [1.17] Sam mentions a time Dean put superglue in his toothpaste [15.06]
Could be 80s too: Dean: “Remember that wreath Dad brought home that one year?” Sam: “You mean the one he stole from, like, a liquor store?” Dean: “Yeah, it was a bunch of empty beer cans. That thing was great.” [3.08]
Sam performing in Our Town. [1.16]
Sam talks about having to make his own dinner as a kid. [5.06]
Dean is 21
Dean is 22
Sam smokes weed maybe. [11.19]
Pre-2002, 2000s General
Sam & Dean driving 1,000 miles for an Ozzy show. [5.22]
Driving two days for a Jayhawks game. [5.22]
John catches Lee and Dean 'wasted' on a hunt. [15.17]
John plays Dean and Lee “Good Ol Boys” before hunts. “Listen up boys this is real music. [15.17]
Sam used to try to get him & Dean to do 'honest work' rather than hustling pool. [5.22]
The Las Vegs annual trip. [7.08]
Sam ran tech for a production of Oklahoma. [10.05]
John gives Dean the Impala. [1.20] (John's Journal suggests this was on Dean's 18th birthday which would have been 1997.)
Dean is 23
John gives Sam the "hunting is life; you can't have connections" speech. [4.19]
Sam says he's leaving hunting to go to Stanford University. John says if he leaves to stay gone. [1.01, 1.20]
September - Adam Milligan meets John Winchester. [4.19] (This could be any time from now til 2003 but I think it would be now because John will want to feel he can replace Sam or do something right.)
Post-2002, 2000s General
Dean sleeps with Annie. [7.19]
Dean sees Lee while Sam's in college. [15.17] Possibly the 'cult thing in Arizona' 'what that thing did to that family, those kids.' Because Lee does one more job after that in Texas and retires.
At some point Dean hunts a Vetala and learns they usually hunt in pairs. [7.11]
At some point Dean hunts a succubus with Richie. [3.04]
Poltergeist case in Kittanning, PA. [1.04]
John teaches Adam to drive using the Impala (this is after John gave Dean the car for his 18th). He also teaches Adam poker and pool. [4.19]
John "used to swing by Stanford whenever he could. Keep an eye on [Sam]. Make sure [Sam was] safe." [1.08] because he was worried Sam was "alone, vulnerable'' [1.20] and "he was afraid of what could've happened to you if he wasn't around." [1.08]
Dean is 24
Dean dates Cassie Robinson. She breaks up with Dean after Dean tells her about hunting. [1.13] It lasts less than two months. [5.11]
June 21 - Dean is involved in a hunt for the father of Cole Trenton, in Nyack, NY. [10.02]
John gets taken from this year into the future in "Lebanon." He is sleeping in the Impala and Dean calls him and he tells him he'll be back soon. [14.13]
Dean is 25
September 29 - John takes Adam to a ballgame for his 14th birthday. [4.19]
Dean is 26, dude.
September 29 - John buys Adam a beer when he's 15. [4.19]
Roughly October 10 - John cuts off contact with Dean. [1.01]
October 31 – Dean comes to get Sam. [1.01]
Dean: "I must have stood outside your dorm for hours... because I didn't... I didn't know what... What you would say. I thought you'd tell me to... to get lost or get dead. And I don't know what I would've done... if I didn't have you. 'Cause I was so scared." [15.20]
General Comments
(i.e. just quotes and things that are too general to place at a specific time. i've sorted them roughly into themes but all of these themes are also present in incidents above.)
Dean says he's been wanting John and Mary back together since he was four. [14.13]
John's absence
Sam: "You remember the poltergeist in Amherst? Or the Devil's Gates in Clifton? He was missing then, too. He's always missing, and he's always fine." [1.01]
Dean mentions how John would dump him and Sam at Bobby's. [7.09]
Toni Bevell saying about John's drunken rages and weeks of abandonment. Also pointing out that Dean & Sam didn't tell Mary about it. [12.21]
Sam says John would be gone for weeks at a time and "he wasn't exactly a monk." [4.19]
Sam says John "was not around much." [11.05]
Sam talks about worrying when John & Dean would be out on a hunt and he wouldn't hear from them for days. He thought about what he would do. [11.18]
John's drinking
In the pilot Sam comments that John is likely missing because he's drinking. [1.01]
Sam comments that a dad bringing their kid to a wrestling match to distract them while he drinks seems familiar. [11.15]
See also the above [12.21]
Young Sam says John has a temper and you don't want to see him when he's drinking [7.03]
John's parental control
Sam talks about how John was angry with him for not wanting to learn to bowhunt or hustle pool and instead wanting to go to school and live his life. [1.08]
Dream!Dean: "You can still hear your Dad's voice in your head, can't you? Clear as a bell. I mean, think about it …all he ever did is train you, boss you around. But Sam …. Sam he doted on. Sam, he loved. Dad knew who you really were. A good soldier and nothing else. Daddy's blunt little instrument. Your own father didn't care whether you lived or died. Why should you?" [3.10]
Dean: "My father was an obsessed bastard! All that crap he dumped on me, about protecting Sam! That was his crap. He's the one who couldn't protect his family." [3.10]
Dean: “And I get what I've been doing lately, you know, what with the yelling and the acting like a prison guard. It's just, that's not me. You tell yourself you're not gonna be something, you know? But my dad was exactly like this. All the time. It's scaring the hell out of me.” [6.02]
Martin alludes to the fact that John would disapprove of Dean's connection to Benny and Sam's patience with it and "he'd have a mind to take you both out behind the woodshed and show you what's what." [8.09]
Tara also mentions that John would not approve of Dean working with Crowley [9.11]
Sam: “his drill sergeant thing worked with you but it didn't work with me.” [13.04]
“You know kids, no matter what they still want the old man's approval” about an abusive dad. Dean agrees to it. [13.02]
Dean: “I know things got dicey… you know, with dad… the way he was. And I just… I didn’t always look out for you the way that I should’ve. I mean, I had my own stuff, you know. In order to keep the peace, it probably looked like I took his side quite a bit. Sometimes when I was… when I was away, you know it wasn’t ‘cause I just ran out, right? Dad would… he would send me away when I really pissed him off. I think you knew that.” [14.12]
Difficult childhoods
Talking about Charlie as a teenager, Dean says, "Dude. If a shrink interviewed us at that age, you think the report would be all kittens and rainbows?" [10.11]
Cas says, "You were both troubled teens." [10.19]
Dean says he & Sam could have benefited from a mother's dating advice. [11.12]
Sam: "And when we were kids how many times did we tell dad we were fine just to make him happy?!" [14.16]
Dean drinks to “crappy childhoods”. [10.12]
Sam: "I had a kind of lonely childhood." [11.08]
Sam: "I had a messed up childhood." [14.04]
Dean's parentified role
Sam: “I wish I could have that kinda innocence.” Dean: “If it means anything, sometimes I wish you could too.” [1.18]
John: “You know, when you were a kid, I'd come home from a hunt, and after what I'd seen, I'd be, I'd be wrecked. And you, you'd come up to me and you, you'd put your hand on my shoulder and you'd look me in the eye and you'd... You'd say 'It's okay, Dad'... You shouldn't have had to say that to me, I should have been saying that to you. You know, I put, I put too much on your shoulders, I made you grow up too fast. You took care of Sammy, you took care of me. You did that, and you didn't complain, not once.” [2.01]
Dean: "And I… I had to be… more than just a brother. I had to be a father and I had to be a mother, to keep him safe. And that wasn't fair. And I couldn't do it." [12.21]
See also 1988 above [2.22]
Food scarcity
Sam says explicitly that they had to hustle pool to eat. [15.11] Additionally, Sam says John made them learn to hustle pool. [1.08]
Travis: "you ever been really hungry? I mean, haven't-eaten-in-days hungry?" Dean: a 'yeah' so emphatic his voice cracks. Sam: silence. [4.04]
The future
Sam: “Dad always said it was temporary, Dean. He said it for 22 years.” [6.02]
Dean's allusions to liking dancing/wanting to be a dancer. [7.16, 15.20]
Dean: “Jo, you've got options. No one in their right mind chooses this life. My dad started me in this when I was so young... I wish I could do something else... Jo, you've got a mother that worries about you. Who wants something more for you. Those are good things. You don't throw things like that away. Might be hard to find later.” [2.06]
Dean: "You know, ever since you were a kid, you wanted to live in a town like this. Lame, normal…" [15.04]
Dean gets his GED [5.01]
See also 1980's general [1.22]
John spends Dean and Sam's college funds on ammo [1.20]
John saying hunter gatherings were trouble and in general keeping Sam & Dean away from them. [2.03, 12.06]
Dean says he and John weren't using disguises for hunting. [1.09]
Sam saying it seemed to him Dean & John bonded over hunting. [12.20]
Dean learned to use CB radios to look for leads from truckers. John used them all the time. [13.11]
“I'm starting to get why parents lie to their kids. You want them to believe that the worst thing out there is mixing Pop Rocks and Coke—protect them from the real evil. You want them going to bed feeling safe. If that means lying to them, so be it. The more I think about it...the more I wish Dad had lied to us.” [5.06]
Gordon Walker meets John "Hell of a guy. Great hunter." [2.03]
John maintains connections with Caleb, Jefferson, and Pastor Jim. Caleb sometimes supplies him with munitions [1.11]
John hunts with and then has a falling out with Daniel Elkins [1.20]
John hunts with and hooks up with Tara but never calls her back. [9.11]
At some point, John and Bobby have a falling out and Bobby threatens to shoot John if he ever sees him again [1.21]
“Growing up on the road, no matter where Dad dragged us, no matter what we did, there was always a TV. And you know what was on that TV? Scooby and the gang.” [13.16]
Dean: “Ah well, growing up it was a… it was always nice to check out once in a while. I like to watch movies where I know the bad guy is going to lose.” [14.04]
The Hustler was John's favorite movie [15.11]
(for the record, I didn't sort and collate every comment about john or their childhoods here. i mostly tried to pick one which were a little bit more detailed rather than just general attitudes. but if you want to see all comments made about john throughout the show, click here)
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ellieslittleburrow · 8 months ago
Summary : John Winchester, your father, is protective of you
Warnings : swearing and cute John
A/N : should we write more John Winchester?
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John Winchester, a man of many flaws. Sammy can attest to that, he suffered the most from John's decisions. Dean would stand against that, he's been John's boy since the day he was born. Dad this, dad that; That doesn't mean it isn't complicated, though.
You on the other hand.....umm....not suuuure where you stand really, where do you stand?
Everything felt different for you with John. Everything. His love for you was established since the beginning. He got a spark in his eyes whenever you were around that neither of his two boys ever got the chance to see, even Dean.
You were his baby girl.
There were the times where he stood up for you. The bullies??? Never stood a chance. There was that one time in particular when you got h-
"Hey! What did i tell you about slamming doors?" A scolding growl sounded, one that would usually....send shivers down your spine. This time it left you unbothered, or maybe fueled your anger even more.
In an attempt to not cry in front of the Great Winchester, you hurried to the bed assigned to you and threw yourself into a sleeping position, your back facing him.
"HEY" his growl grew angrier and you just hugged yourself. You didn't need him exploding your eardrums on top of everything else that had happened that day. His steps closed in on you and soon enough, your waist was gently being pulled back- you were facing him.
As his eyes navigated around your face, his features simultaniously softened. The creases shaped by the frown on your eyebrows, the sucked in lower lip, the damp eyelashes, all signs of-
"You were crying?" A stupid question that John needed no answer to. He somehow knew why, too. But he asked anyway. "Was it the kids at school?"
With that-you force yourself back on your side. "I told you not to force me into a new school."
Your mumble is muffled but John already knew what you were going to say-you've had this conversation many a times before.
"Come on" Your father tapped your butt before heading towards the door. And your curiosity itched your brain and you turned around, sitting up.
"Where are you going?" You asked and he glanced at you over his own shoulder, a mischivious smile embellishing his face.
"Just get your ass up."
Over in the car, John turned to you. "Do you know where this kid lives?"
You took your damn time to respond, both of you will get into trouble buuuuuuut.... A smirk ghosted your lips. "Yeaaaah?"
"Good, that saves us a lot of time."
You nervously chuckled. "A lot of time for what, dad?" The Impala roared as silence followed your question. You sort of understood. And as you directed him towards the bully's house, your stomach tightened in a mixture of excitement and anxiety.
"Right there, the Cayenne, his father's." You pointed at the car and your dad shamelessly parked his own only a few couples of meters away.
Another nervous chuckle left your lips as your head popped forward. Your eyes followed your dad as he jumped out of the car and headed for the trunk. The hood popped up for a minute and then your dad reappeared with what seemed to be a....BAT?
You jumped out of the car and distress shot through your veins. "Dad" You called for him but he'd already made up his mind and as you stressfullly walked behind him, he casually headed for the car, the bat vibrating in his hands. "Dad, you're gonna get us into trouble." You whispered as if whispering would make the crime your father is about to commit any less obvious.
But John totally ignored you and he swung the bat before sending it into the Cayenne's back window-the glass instantly chattered. You flinched and before you were even able to process the first hit, a second one echoed through the quiet neighborhood.
You flinched again. "Dad, st-"
"I'm only doing this for you, honey." John rounded the car and stopped at the front of the car. "If it were up to me, i'd slice the boy AND his father." The third swing hit harder, more violent. And the alarm continues blaring. "All he had to do was teach his son some manners. But since he can't do that, i'll teach 'em both a good lesson."
There's that story, and there's another one. Where you're being you, and for you, emotions have a like, a giant gravitational pull on your life-just like this time.
You and dad have been on the road for almost two days-stupid shapeshifters and it's that week of the month that's the most chaoti-- and this stupid fucking booth is weird and squishy and-
Your cheeks grew hot and wetness suddenly streamed down your face. When John noticed, he blew out a long sigh. He shut his eyes slowly, bringing his index and thumb to the opposite sides of his face, rubbing roughly.
Not fucking cool, dad. This shit's tiring enough. 'You know what-" You stop midsentence, rushing off to the bathroom but a sudden strain pulled you back.
"No-no, i'm sorry, honey, i'm sor-"
"I'm already tired enough." Your voice came out full and rough, heavy with the build up of saliva in your throat. "don't need you making fun of m-" You were about to yank your wrist away when he held it tighter.
"Come on that's not what's happening here." John swiftly got up and faced you. "I just-i'm tired too, kid. I-" He sighed again, and you wiped away your tears.
"Coooome here." Too slow but too sweet-and not a question either, your dad reached for the back of your head and brought it to his chest. He planted a kiss over your hair and gently swayed both of your bodies left and right. "Dad's here." His tone might've been gentle, but it still bore a hint of annoyance.
He doesn't mean-he "You don't mean that-you're just saying it because i'm-"
"Noo i do mean it, baby, i do-" he sighed once more. "I'm just tired. That's why i sound like this." He planted a second kiss on your forehead before boaring into your eyes. You dropped your gaze down in the process, too-
"I'm sorry." His thick eyebrows softened back to their normal position. And his bunny teeth appeared. Amused, he hesitated to speak for a few seconds. "You know you're too old for this right?"
You pinched his waist, causing him to jerk back, choking on a chuckle.
You sniffed, throwing embarassed glances his way. "Shut up."
"I'm sorry, honey."
What the hell is wrong with me? Is the first thought that comes to mind. There sure are many more stories to tell about the great John Winchester. But to sum it all up, you are indeed on his fucking side.
WOO WOO, i hope yall made it to the end. See ya next time 🖤🖤🖤🥀🥀🥀
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transthatmasc · 1 year ago
There is not a SINGLE thing I love more than Cas offering threatening to kill John Winchester. Cas would smite anything that tried to hurt Dean and he would be BEYOND pissed that someone Dean trusts as much as his father treats him like that. It is my favorite fucking thing. I implore people to make up stupid reasons in your fic for John Winchester and Castiel to be in the same room to make sure that Cas gets to fucking deck him.
The SPN writers were cowards when they made it so that John and Cas weren’t in the same room together during Lebanon because you better fucking believe that would have been the end for John in all timelines.
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