#Deaf Missions: Jesus
faeriefully · 3 months
Saw the Deaf Missions - Jesus Film
I’m actually pretty impressed with how it was handled and the production. They didn’t hold back the historical accuracy and didn’t play emotional manipulation. I still have my same concerns as always with second commandment violations, but I won’t immediately condemn the film.
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skylarsblue · 2 years
✦Incorrect C.o.D Quotes, AGAIN AGAIN✦
Ghost: Release me, woman. Fem!Y/N: …. *hugs him tighter* :3 Ghost, scared of intimacy: UNHAND ME!- -- (Comedic Death Mention) Someone: I shot you six times hOW ARE YOU ALIVE?! Y/N: Fool! The only one that’s gonna knock me off is ME! Price: *PANICKING*
-- Gaz: What did you do? Soap: ….suckdickonaccident Gaz: What? Soap: Sucked dick on accident! Gaz: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SU-
-- Gaz: Here. We’ll put your phone on the aux- Y/N: NO DON’T- Speakers on full volume: FUCKFUCKFUCKMEUPANDCUTCUTCU- Price: JESUS BLOODY CHRIST *shuts off radio* Soap: *scratching the inside of his ear* Steamin’ Jesus- Y/N: I tried to warn you! Gaz: Who listens to Slipknot at 0900?! Ghost: *raises hand* Gaz: That’s- okay that’s fair. Soap: I’ve gone deaf. Y/N: You’re a bomb tech, it was gonna happen eventually. Soap: *middle finger* Price: *disappointed sigh* It’s too early for this-
-- (This one’s kinda sad but I couldn't stop thinkin' bout it-) Alejandro: You used to be nice…or did you never used to be? Valeria: … Alejandro: Oh god…maybe you never used to be…
-- Not a quote but if any of you have heard that audio that’s the names of the Princes of Hell overlayed on Funky Town, please imagine Soap & Y/N dancing to the Funky Town portion while Ghost sits there menacingly. Thank you.
-- (Depression joke) Y/N: Ahaaaa I’m soooo unwell. Price: Go to the psyche- Y/N: Ya know what it never was? That serious. It was never that serious- Price: Get your ass back here- Y/N: NEVER!-
-- König: I’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day, I’ll die. Horangi: No-
-- (Valeria has no color here, I ran out) Valeria: *eye roll* I am not trying to seduce you. Y/N, bi panicking: …. Valeria, but now smug: Would you like me to seduce you? Y/N: *strained wheeze & squeaky* Already achieved ma’am- Gaz: *listening to a mic implanted on Y/N* God damnit dON’T LET YOUR MOMMY ISSUES RUIN THIS MISSION!
-- (These next two have mental health jokes in’em) Y/N, hyper cleaning the base: AHAHA, yes! I’m finally feeling bett- ah, wait. I’m manic, and I’m hyper cleaning everything, ✨as a diversion✨. Price: P s y c h e . Y/N: Jokes on you, old man. I already have meds for this! …might need to up them though they feel like they’ve stopped working. Price: When did you start to feel they weren’t working? Y/N: Like three months ago. Price: PSYCHE Y/N: ASKING THEM QUESTIONS ABOUT MEDS ARE SCAAAARRYYY Price: YOU KILL MEN ALMOST EVERYDAY Y/N: Fair point. (Take ya meds)
-- Price: I don’t understand you- Y/N: Good! Means you’re probably mentally well. Price: I- Gaz: We really need to like- specify when you’re joking and when you’re serious, you’re gonna give him a heart attack.
-- Gaz: …Hm. Price: You’ve been staring at me for the past six minutes, what is it?Gaz: I think you have a grey hair. Price: Y/N, speeding in: WHICH IS TOTALLY FINE, IT’S BARELY EVEN THERE AND EVEN IF YOU WERE GOING GREY IT’D LOOK FANTASTIC ON YOU. Price: …would it? Y/N: Absolutely! …*thumps Gaz in the back of the head* Gaz: Ow-Uh yeah! Yeah! Actually I don’t even think it’s there, just the lighting. Price: Hm…alright. Y/N: Mhm! *death glare* Gaz: *mouthing* I’msosorry-
-- (Will someone please notice that I write Ghost as "Simon" when he's with Soap and they're being soft? It's intentional-) Soap: I’m not really sure what I’d do if I lost you… Simon: I know what I’d do. Soap: What? Simon: I’d find you.
-- Soap: I got my ankles microwaved. Ghost: X-rayed. Soap: They took my blood away for science! Ghost: Cholesterol tests. Soap: Si had his sinuses…removed? Ghost: Looked at. Soap: Some guy looked at my penis, touched it. That was weird. Ghost, cleaning blood off a knife: That guy wasn’t even a doctor.
-- Medic!Y/N: You think killing is hard? Try healing something. That is hard, that requires patience. Alejandro, watching them bandage his hand: Hm… Medic!Y/N: You can break something in two seconds. *vaguely motions to Ghost, then Price, then at a necklace Alejandro wears that came from Valeria* But it can take forever to fix it. Alejandro: …aye…well said.
-- Gaz: *being annoying and singing a song for the 10,000th time* Price: KYLE! Gaz: I’m watchin’ my tone, dunana. I ain’t talkin’ back, no, why? Cause I’ma get thrown, dunana-
-- Graves: You know, Ghost, real talk bro, you never say nothin’ when you’re around us. Why is that? Ghost: Cause I don’t fucking like you guys.
-- Enemy: I’m gonna send you to God. Y/N: God? I’m insulted you think I’d end up in Heaven. I work hard for my sins, thank you very much. Ghost: We are hostages right now, can you please not-
-- Valeria: And guess who gets to be my little helper.~ Y/N: It’s me, I’m the helper… Valeria: That’s right, you sure are.~ Alejandro: Alright that’s enough! Valeria: What? You don’t believe in positive affirmation?
-- Rudy: Me gustan los perros. Alejandro: Me gustas… Rudy: ….hm. Me gusta un hombre en el ejército. Alejandro: Aye? Rudy: Mhm. Alejandro: *chuckles* Me gusta mi mejor amigo. Rudy: Me gustas.
(This was poorly translated but listen, I tried for the gays)
-- Price: You actually were telling the truth. Valeria: I do that quite a lot, you people are always surprised.
-- Laswell: Don’t pull any of those stunts like you did last time. Fem!Y/N: I made an offering. Laswell: You dropped a dead mouse into that poor man’s lap. Fem!Y/N: Yes! Like a cat. Laswell: You are not a cat! Fem:Y/N: No…tragically, I am a woman.
-- Ghost: Some people are simply…better than others. Graves: You really think you’re that much better than me? Ghost: Oh I think we both know the answer to that.
(Needing to fake a date for a mission) Y/N, on the phone: Laswell, I don’t need help with dating. I’ve been on loads of dates! Y/N: *turns and whispers to Gaz* I’ve literally been on one.
-- Enemy: Think you can answer questions without the usual level of sarcasm? Y/N: If you can ask them without the usual level of stupid. Enemy: Where’s your captain and why hasn’t anyone been able to contact him? Y/N: I dunno, I’ve been here, haven’t seen him in days. Enemy: Is he drinking again? Y/N: What do you mean again? He never had to stop. Enemy: But he did have to slow down, is he drinking like he used to? Y/N: Alright, how bout this? Next time I see him, I’ll give’im the field sobriety test, okay? We’ll do the alphabet, start with F & end with U.
-- Graves: And that’s why I personally, don’t agree with your opinion. Soap: Okay, counter point- Graves: Valid argument? Soap: No. Pipebomb!
-- Gaz: Y/N: Gaz: Y/N: Y/N: I’ma instigate. Gaz, lightly pulling them back: nnnnoooooooooo-
-- Y/N: Eeraaawr >:3 Gaz: What sound is that? Y/N: A dyianosaur Gaz: A what? Y/N: Dianoswaur. Gaz: Make the sound again. Y/N: Uurraawer Gaz: Oh you talkin’ bout them things from ✨Jerressi PerAHck✨ Y/N: AHAH! Ghost: I’m gonna lose it. Soap: Hush yer mouth, it’s cute. Lighten up ya big log.
-- Ghost: I think I’ve finally had enough. Y/N, getting his antidepressants: I think you’re full of shit.
-- Medic!Y/N: C’mon, stick with me, Ghost. Ghost: Might be time to follow my call si-OH FUCKING HELL WHY Medic!Y/N: You listen here you Fuckin’ bastard, I’m gonna love the absolute shit out of you until you never make a joke like that again. And then, if you still do it, I’ll have the team smother, smother, you in affection. And if you STILL don’t get it, THEN I’m gonna whoop your ass. Shut your perfect fucking mouth, you got that, soldier?! Ghost: ….since when did you get scary? Medic!Y/N: Adrenalin keeps people alive and sometimes we run out of epipens, had to substitute somehow.
-- Price: Now, sergent, what would you rather be? A lion or a panda? Soap: Captain, I’m me. Why would I want to be anything else? Price: I’m not sure you realize how psychologically healthy that is.
-- Ghost, pissed off: Sometimes I can’t stand you. Y/N, while walking away: Then kneel! And while you’re down there, occupy your mouth, you’d do better down there, QUIET, anyway!! Ghost: I-…… Soap: Oooooo…. Gaz: I- I-…they have no fear. None. Absolutely no survival instinct, no self preservation. None!
-- (Younger Y/N as in like…mid-late twenties. Also, this one is long. I might honestly make a lil oneshot with this one and I welcome anyone else to do the same) Y/N: John… Price: I know, I know. You love me. You’ve said it a thousand times and it should just stick, I just…can’t help but think about how you’re so… Y/N: *snort* Out of your league? Price: To put it bluntly. Y/N: Well, regardless of where I rank? I still love you. I’m going to love you for a long time, you’re stuck with me, ya sweethearted bastard. Price, fondly: Ah Dear, whatever will I do. Y/N: Yeaaaah. Besides! Even if I wasn’t completely and utterly, disgustingly, in love with you? …you are way too good of a sugar daddy to ditch. Price: Hah! Oh really? Why’s that? Y/N: Are you kidding?! Paid off house, paid off car, successful military captain, great manners, great dick, extremely attractive, good with kids, good cook, sexy voice. I could go on for awhile. Price: Oh now you’re just feedin’ my ego. Y/N: Yes, yes I am. Price: I’ll get cocky. Y/N: You’re sexy when you’re arrogant too, that doesn’t deter me. Price: *sigh* Far out of my league. Y/N: You’re a rank climber, I think you’ll keep up.
-- (NSFW but it's in a ha-ha funny way, based on a conversation I've had. Kink mentions) Soap: Look, I just...I need advice on how to spice it up in the bedroom. Y/N: Do you know how little that narrows it down? Gaz: I feel there are few options. Y/N: No there are a lot of options, it depends on your level of spice. I dunno your boundaries wit'cha man! Soap: I just need something! Y/N: THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS! Get some handcuffs, grab a vibrator, TRY ANAL, I don't fucking know! Gaz: *chokes on drink* Soap: Okay, listen- Y/N: No, you listen. Rule of thumb with kinks? It's a mountain and there are three kinds of people on it. People who don't wanna climb, people who want to climb but choose not to, and people who stay climbing. You reach a level of kinkiness and you stay there. You can't go back down the mountain. Me, personally? I have chosen to stop climbing because I know I'll get worse. I'm choosing to stay on my part of the mountain. Where you wanna climb is up to you. Soap: Where do I climb then? Y/N: The beginner's trail is fuzzy handcuffs, orgasm control, and mirror sex. Soap: This is the weirdest advice I've ever gotten. Y/N: It's my specialty.
-- (Follow it up with an asexual joke) Graves: Are you fighting the urge to make out with me right now? Y/N: Not really, I'm really into this pizza though. Soap, in the back: Aw they burnt my fuckin' cookies! Assholes. Y/N: Karma. Soap: It is not my fault I ate the last slice of cake, I didn't know it was yours- Y/N: IT WAS LABELED! Soap: I DIDN'T SEE IT!! Graves: *slowly backs away*
-- Y/N, holding up a coffee pot: Anyone want more coffee? Price: No, we've all had ours. Y/N: *takes off the lid* Cool. Gaz: What are y-NO! Y/N: *chugging from the pot* Ghost: ...This is the peak of mental illness. Price: PUT THE DAMN POT DOWN! Soap: This is the scariest thing I've ever seen them do- Y/N: *fighting to finish the coffee as Price tries to get it away from them*
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auras-moonstone · 9 months
HEAR ME OUT! Tara and Y/n has been together ever since the massacre in Woodsboro but Tara (like that bitch she is) treats her like shit while drunk at a party, ending up in a breakup. Ethan steps in and takes her home and it ends up in Smut/fluff.
stars around my scars — ethan landry
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word count: 1,174
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: after witnessing the way tara mistreats y/n at the party, ethan takes her home to take care of her.
warnings: toxic relationship. fluff.
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Y/N ALWAYS HAD ALWAYS KNOWN TARA DIDN’T LIKE HER AS MUCH AS SHE DID. She had always known deep down that the petite girl had feelings for Amber, but she had been too scared of ruining their friendship so she settled for the second option—her. And call her masochist, but Y/N never cared as long as she could call Tara hers.
And then, there was Amber’s betrayal and death. It sent Tara down a rabbit hole. She had never been in love with Y/N, but at least she used to care about her. She was sweet and attentive despite her heart belonging to someone else. Now, Y/N was simply the person she kept at arm’s length as a distraction from pain. Parties and alcohol were also things that helped her with that.
The party the group was currently at landed on a very convenient day—it marked one year from the Woodsboro killings, and Tara made it her mission to get as intoxicated as possible, trying to get her mind off things.
“Tara, please stop. You’ve drunk way too much.” Y/N said to her girlfriend, who was frenetically searching for another bottle of vodka.
“Jesus, leave me alone, Y/N.” the girl rolled her eyes. “Don’t you have anything better to do than suffocating me with your clingyness?”
Y/N sighed. “I’m just taking care of you. You’re going to regret drinking so much in the morning.”
“Are you deaf or something? I said leave me the fuck alone. I just want to drink and forget about everything.”
“I know, T. But you’re very drunk, and you keep mixing drinks. It’s gonna land you in the hospital.” Y/N carefully grabbed her girlfriend’s hand, but the girl shoved it away as if the touch had burnt her.
“You’re not her, don’t you get it? You’ll never be her. I just wish you’d leave me the fuck alone. I don’t love you, stop trying to make me love you. It’s not going to happen. Ever.” Tara spat, voice loud enough to make people look.
Y/N stood still, not knowing what to say or do. Her brain couldn’t formulate any words, she just felt a gigantic knot on her throat and tears blurring her vision. The pity glances were overwhelming, and she wanted to get away from them so badly, but her feet wouldn’t cooperate.
Ethan, who had witnessed the harsh words from a few feet away, rushed towards them as soon as he noticed her friend’s frozen state. “You’re a fucking bitch.” he glared at Tara, and silently added ‘and you deserve everything that’s coming to you.’ “Let’s go, Y/N/N. I’m taking you home.”
Y/N followed the boy without a second guess. Ethan didn’t utter a single word on the way home, he just tucked her under his arm and affectionately rubbed her arm. And as always, his presence was comforting.
He was always there for her, lifting her spirits up and offering his ear whenever she needed someone to talk to. Even though Y/N could sense what his thoughts about her relationship with Tara were, Ethan had never judged her for her questionable and stupid choices.
Ethan had tried very hard not to spill every thought he had about it, because as much as she wanted to open Y/N’s eyes, he knew she hadn’t been ready for the truth. And deep down, Y/N sensed that. But that night, she felt it was time to hear his opinion.
“Thank you, Eth. For everything.” she finally said once they reached his apartment.
Ethan sat beside her on the couch with a glass of water in his hand. “Anytime.” he replied, giving her the glass. “Y/N…” he said after a few seconds of dead silence.
“I know, Eth. I’m the most idiotic person in the world.” her eyes were glued to the floor, completely embarrassed by the fact that Ethan had to witness the way Tara had talked to her.
“Don’t do that. Don’t put the blame on you.” he kneeled between her legs, forcing her to look at him. “You’re so amazing, and I’m sorry Tara didn’t see that. You deserve so much better, Y/N/N. You were such a great girlfriend to her, and she took you for granted.”
“I should’ve ended it so long ago… but I don’t know, we’ve been through so much and I was scared that if I broke up with her, the group would put distance between us. I don’t want to be alone.”
Ethan grabbed her by the cheeks and caressed her face softly. His touch was so relaxing that it made her close her eyes, and before she knew what was doing, she started pressing kisses on his palm and wrists.
The boy’s heart was beating so fast that it felt like it wanted to escape through his chest. “I’m never leaving you. You’ll never be alone. Keep me close and I promise I’ll take care of you and make you feel loved.”
Y/N opened her eyes at that statement. Surprised vulnerable eyes met his determined and loving ones, and for the second time that night, she was left speechless. In the best way, Ethan took away her ability to speak.
“Since the very first night, you have been living free rent in my mind. Realizing you were taken was like a punch to the guts, but learning that your heart belonged to someone who didn’t appreciate it? It pierced my heart. Maybe I should’ve said something sooner, maybe you needed someone to help you open your eyes.”
Y/N shook her head. “I don’t know if I would’ve taken your advice, to be honest. I was blind. But Ethan, you’ve taken care of me from the beginning. You would break your back to make me break a smile, Eth. I want nothing more than to try something with you but I just got out of a relationship, I don’t know if my mind is in the right space to start something new.”
“I’m not saying we should start a relationship right now. I can wait, and in the meanwhile I can make you feel good, be whatever you need.”
“That wouldn’t be fair to you, Eth. I can’t use you like that.”
“Y/N, I’m begging you to use me. Fuck, I sound like a attention starved puppy, but I want you—whatever way you want me, whenever you want me and as long as you want to.”
Y/N searched for any sign of hesitation or reluctance, but the boy was determined. He really wanted this, and to be honest, so did she. “Okay.”
Y/N nodded, the sides of her mouth lifting. “Right now, I need a kiss. You think you can give me that?”
Ethan grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her towards him, lips meeting aggressively. “Your lips taste so fucking good, baby. I think I’m already addicted.”
“Good, cause I think I’m addicted, too. I’ve never been kissed like this.” she said in between kisses.
“Then I guess we should never stop doing this.” he gripped her waist as he straddles her thighs.
Y/N’s hooded eyes connected with his and they both smiled. “Guess we shouldn’t.”
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dollwrites · 11 months
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!inspector!reader, age gap ( masaoka is in his 50s & reader is in her 20s ), oral sex ( r!receiving ), teasing, masaoka’s dirty mouth, metal hand hehe, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 ∣ day twenty-five [ tomomi masaoka + cunnilingus ]
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“Slow down, Masaoka.” your plea fell on deaf ears as his oral assault continued, devious mouth attached to your breast, pearly fangs grazing the sensitive bud. a bubble of pleasure in the form of a whimper passed your tiers as delicate digits found silky locks, and tangled themselves in the midst of his mane. he’d wasted no time in shoving your top up to your chin to expose your perky swells, vulnerable and his for the taking. “J-Jesus—“
“Slow down?” he repeated the notion in the form of a playful scoff, as if the suggestion itself were ridiculous. “Babydoll, I think it’s real cute that you assume I’ve got that much self control. You just look so damn delicious, and I’m so hungry.” you gripped the table tighter at his words, teeth clenching when cool, metal feelers forced their way into your panties under your skirt and cupped your already dripping heat. Masaoka was well aware of what he did to you, the effect he had on your body at this point, especially on a day like today, his first day back from a mission when you’d been stuck filing reports all day and all you wanted to do was push him into the nearest empty room and ride him until both of you were panting and sore, and then ride him some more. you couldn’t get enough of him, his love was a drug and you were hooked, you wouldn’t kick it even if he let you, which he didn’t seem too keen on doing.
“You’re insatiable,” you shot back in a breathless whisper, brows furrowing as you attempted to push him away. you didn’t want to, of course, you’d rather lean back against the cool wood and enjoy his torturous teething, his filthy mouth and wandering hands, but the setting was all wrong. any minute, someone could walk through the door, and you prayed it wouldn’t be Akane. or worse, Ginoza. there’s no way he’d let either of you forget that he witnessed one of your most intimate moments. moreso, he’d probably never let his father and his newest rookie inspector alone in a room again. “And injured, remember? You should sit back down so I can finish-” your words were cut off by the jolt of icy digits spreading your glistening folds as his metallic thumb speared your swelling, throbbing clit. you choked on them, tilting your head back.
“You’re the only thing I can’t get enough of, sweetness.” was his cheeky response, lidded gaze zeroed in on your features from his position at your breast. you shivered at the delicious sensation of his hum on your skin, sending tingles through seemingly every single nerve ending you had in your body as he teased your core with grueling slowness. “And by how you’re absolutely soaking right now, I’d say you want me just as bad. Am I wrong?” you wanted to tell him yes, that you just wanted to patch him up and that you two could have your own fun in private later, but your mouth betrayed your mind before you could.
“Masaoka, f-fuck, I need you.”
“That’s my good girl,” he was praising you, and in an instant, his metal hand abandoned your sex to wrap a tight grip around the delicate fabric of your drenched panties. one solid yank and they tore free from your frame. the cold air prickling your most sensitive dampness made you hiss.
“Here?” you tried to focus, to look around the room and make sure that you two were still alone, yet all you could see was Masaoka’s very intimidating stature directly before you. he’d always towered over you, and it made you feel two feet tall. sometimes you were embarrassed by it, but Masaoka always assured you that he loved how fun-sized you were. Makes it easier for me to toss ya around like a little ragdoll, he’d said once which had of course turned you into a warm-cheeked shy thing. everything that fell from his lips when it came to you was sinful, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Right here.” Masaoka didn’t wait for you to say more, and was already sliding both powerful hands up under your bottom, boosting you up off the ground. when your feet hovered, you initially expected him to settle your frame in a sitting position on the table like he’d done so many times before, but your eyes grew wide at the realization that you were being lifted higher than that. much higher. the older man raised you up above his head like you weighed absolutely zilch, and you couldn’t stop the squeak of surprise and fear from ripping through your throat as your thighs shook even as he settled them on either shoulder, his head all but disappearing under the fabric of your skirt. “I have you, baby girl. You’re not goin’ anywhere.” you knew he was right; the man could hold you in that position for hours, but you’d never been in such a compromising spot, seated on his shoulders, taller than you’d ever been before, his face nuzzled into your desire for him.
“What if someone comes in...?” you were surprised at the weakness in your own voice; it sounded as small and fragile as you felt in his arms in this moment.
a dark chuckle vibrated against your dripping core as the scrape of his sharp jaw against your velvety skin made you swoon, both of your hands finding his hair once again. “Then, someone is gonna get an eyeful of you riding my face, little missy. Almost as lucky as I am, so they better be grateful.” another shiver down your spine before you felt a very familiar slick muscle prodding your folds, his hands strong and vice-like on your thighs, keeping your body snuggled against his face. your soft whimpers filled the room as his tongue split your heat, licking a thick stripe up your wetness until his lips wrapped around your aching clit and teased by rolling it around between his teeth.
“T-Tomomi...!” yanking on his salt and pepper tendrils, your body rolled against his face as you instinctively directed his head deeper into your core. typically, he was the one in charge, the dominant one in the bedroom, but he’d given you this power of position over him, he’d willingly handed over the role of dominant so you could feel what it was like to be in charge. you had to admit, you didn’t hate it. a hum against your wetness was what you received as a response, either too busy with his face buried in your sex or a muffled response you couldn’t tell, nor did you care. when the dastardly tongue slipped into your waiting hole, you almost lost it. toes already curling at the sensation of it plunging into your depths, you held on to him for dear life as your weak gaze, slitted, watched the vulgar bob of his head as he dipped in and out of you, tongue scraping your walls each time. whenever he pumped deep, his nose bumped and bat your clit around and lips pressed flush against your skin which was only pushing you closer and closer to the edge of orgasm with every contact. you could already feel the heat gathering in your tightening lower abdomen, the muscles in your legs beginning to clench as he edged you closer and closer. the slurping and smacking of his mouth against your center was truly obscene, and paired with the shamelessly loud moans and curses flowing from your mouth with each thrust of the exploring muscle, created a sinful symphony of need.
“I could eat this sweet pussy all goddamn day,” your core quaked at the tone of his gruff voice as he took a quick pause to catch his breath, grinding his face into your folds and making you whine out for him, which only elicits a gleeful chuckle as the rough stubble grazes your skin. “Use your words, baby, do you want me to eat your little cunt for hours and hours? Make ya cum over and over until you’re red in the face and dizzy?”
you nodded, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. “Yes, fuck! Make me cum, mmm, your mouth feels so good!” another chuckle and he was back at it, tonguing you deep and ruthlessly abusing your desperate core as you felt the bubbling in your stomach come to a boiling point. “I-I’m cumming..” you warned, but you didn’t have to. one of the best things about Masaoka is that he could read your body better than you could, and he was already furiously switching gears, tongue drawing figure eights over your clit, nipping with teeth, and then pumping the muscle into your entrance. you were vaguely aware of the dull sound of mechanical whirring in your pre-orgasm state, vision hazy, but you knew that sound as soon as you heard it. the plates in his arm adjusting themselves. it sent shivers down your spine every time because you knew you’d feel it against your skin any moment. and you were so right, thankfully. a loud smack later, and your round cheek jiggled against the palm of the silver hand, coaxing a desperate shriek from your lips. the overwhelming sensations pushed you right over the edge as your thighs tightened around his head, your fragile fists jerked his head around, but he didn’t mind the abuse. you even got the feeling that he enjoyed it by how he growled into your wetness. pleasure exploded through your body, and Masaoka had no intention of stopping, guiding you through the climax to pull you out on the other side, both hands had found their way to your buttocks and groped mercilessly. you were sure you’d have marks tomorrow, but you couldn’t find it in your body to care at all. you cried his name over and over until it became a mantra, screamed at first but now muttered in a breathless, jumbled whisper as the orgasm took your mind from you.
tidal waves of aftershocks began to wash over you, loosening your muscles but causing them to quake from the potency of the climax. you were still spasming as Masaoka removed himself from under your skirt, carrying you in the same position over to the table with a simper on his lips, slick with your juices. you could see the sheen of your arousal all over his face, tracing the age-lines along his countenance— it reminded you of the large gap between you and him, and you felt yourself get wet all over again at the sight, letting out a soft whimper as he laid you on your back, running both hands over the back of your thighs as he pushed your legs towards your torso. “I love to watch you shake for me, sweetness. Never seen a prettier sight than when you’re needy for me.” hovering over you, he placed a butterfly kiss to the tip of your nose, causing you to blush deeper, before his attention turned to your quivering sex once again, oversensitive and still in recovery from cumming.
“Masaoka?” you questioned, your own hands wandering his still clothed torso. from this position, only your fingertips grazed him.
“What’s the matter, baby? I’m going back for more. Just lay back and relax and let me treat your perfect, little pussy. After all, you said it yourself, I’m insatiable.”
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qupritsuvwix · 3 months
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rosewaterandivy · 1 year
interlude - someone's gotta help me dig
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Summary: So 👀 if you've been reading The Kids Aren't Alright series, you may recall that Trouble lost her virginity to the one and only Eddie Munson, and they had an on-again/off-again friends-with-benefits situation from there throughout college. Here's a snippet of that FWB situation.
WC: 1.6K
Warnings: 18+ NSFW (minors DNI) smut, the usual brand of filth but ~eddie~ flavored, safe-word system (green for go!), ed's a lil' mean??? I guess? idk, you tell me! (this is my first time writing eddie, so idk man)
A/N: Steve & Trouble will be back with their bullshit next week, so, until then, enjoy the total chaos of Eddie and Trouble fuckin' and suckin'. This is a flashback to fill out Trouble's friendship with Eds and in no way affects her relationship with Steve in the TKAA universe. Reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated; reposting my work is not. Let me know what you thought & thanks for reading! 💜
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🎵🎵 Jesus Christ, girl what are people gonna think? 🎵🎵
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Then, May, 2014
It’s not often that you find yourself tangled in the sheets of his bed. But you’d turned in the last final of your undergrad career and had nothing else to do. Besides, his shift at the bar didn’t start until later tonight, anyway. And you had pent-up energy to burn off.
A win-win really.
“Eddie,” you whisper, enthralled when he steps out from a quick shower. Some random afternoon, like any other day, and you’re overtaken with lust. Again.
He cautions the way you chew on your lip, eyes twinkling brightly because what else is new. You? Turned on?
“Sweetheart,” he begins warily, adjusting the towel on his hips—those beautiful, beautiful hips. “I can’t be swinging in late, they’re gonna stop givin’ me the good shifts.”
You nod along dumbly, deaf now and set on a singular mission. Crawling on your knees, you reach Eddie halfway as he tries to put an end to your pilgrimage. Tries because your palms are fast over the damp fabric, fingers threading through warm fibers before landing flat against his abs, feeling up to his chest, murmuring stupidly, always so shocked at his everything. You graze up his wrists, his forearms, making paths of lean muscle.
“How 'bout later?” His thumbs gently brush the swell of your breasts before he holds you back, straightening your spine when you arch into him. “Promise I’ll give it to you good tonight.”
“Give it to me now?”
He laughs. “You really gotta work on your negotiation skills…”
“Huh… Lemme try again: give it to me… right now?”
Eddie groans in equal measures of exasperation and exhilaration when you fall back on your knees. A few more half-hearted Trouble, quit it, ‘m serious, and then he gives up completely.
“Steve’s gonna get himself in a mood.”
“Steve’s always in a mood.”
Wilted protests quickly disappear into the hollow of your cheeks, licked away by your clever tongue. He grips the back of your neck firmly, tilting your head the way he likes best, eyes flicking down to meet yours before they close. He keeps you there a little longer, his toes curling into the carpet with each bob of your head.
“Yeah, you’re—always in a mood, too—uhhm—“
And you hum in agreeance, but the sound only vibrates into his skin, making him groan louder.
Eddie’s voice is slurred, as if half drunk. “Can’t hear— mm— you, sweetheart…”
So you make something up to give him what he wants, that buzzing of your throat on his cock, and his thighs tighten in response, the hand on the back of your neck reflexively scrabbling to your shoulder with a hard grip.
It’s a bit counterproductive of you to be so sloppy, considering that Eddie’s freshly showered and cleaned up— the scent of his brisk body wash strong and harsh in your nose— but fucking him like it’s your job allows some insight to what he likes, and it’s easily this:
Dirty, filthy, drooling wet blowjobs. The messier the better and the faster it gets him there. Your decorous right hand, but goddamn is he a little devil himself.
Eddie’s growling by the time he hauls you toward the bed, depositing your thrilled skin on the mattress firmly. Red lips meet yours with force, plush and full, nipping at the corners of your wet mouth like he’s kissing back every trace of him. He presses on across your jaw, up and down your neck. His voice is husky sweet and breathy in your ear.
“You bad, bad girl.” And you start curling yourself into him, nodding for more. One of his hands is working himself, the sound of your spit slippery in his fist. “You got me all messy again.”
Your skin feels blistering and freezing at the same time, chills racing to your fingertips tightly hooked around his biceps. The outfit you put on for a day of classes too heavy now, too constricting, but he doesn’t let you take it off.
“Every morning and night not enough dick for you, is it?” Eddie brushes your hands away, taking hold of your chin and peeling your head back until you’re looking at him. His pupils are blown wide, the only thing left of his irises are two thin rings of barely there umber as he scans your face. Your brain is short-circuiting, hanging onto every syllable, every purse of his cherry lips.
Gorgeous strong jaw, bristles along his chin and cheek scrubbing noisily against your lips as he kisses you. His mouth— open and wet, sloppy against yours— hardly landing right and you’re toeing delirium by the time his fingers slide up your shirt.
Eddie pushes you down into the sheets, rucking up your skirt until it bunches around your waist. “We’re in a rush, remember?” He tucks two fingers into the elastic of your panties and yanks them to one side. Just enough. In a rush. Your thighs meet with a determined shimmy of his hips— those incredible hips— and then you’re full, so full of him.
“You’re too tight,” he declares, breath in your ear making you tremble. “Gotta fix that.”
He licks his fingers, snakes then down your torso, between your legs, and smears a quick stripe over your clit. He starts to rub in circles, hard and fast, and presses his teeth to your shoulder.
Hips snap faster, and deeper, and your skull begins to knock against the headboard.
Eddie grabs the back of your neck. “C’mere,” and gives you precisely two seconds before he’s moving you anyway, dragging you down until you’re safely stowed against the pillows and when the hell did he get your ankles around his waist?
He’s fucking you again before you can say or do much of anything, only throwing your head back to gasp and moan because it hurts good, like the burn of whiskey. Makes your body electric and wild. He digs his fingers into your hips and waist, deep, satisfied groans falling out of him.
“You like it rough, don’t you, baby? You like it when I loosen you up with my cock, huh. Stretch you out?”
Your voice breaks as he pulls you as hard against him as he can and you can feel the tip of his head buried so goddamn deep inside your body it makes you scream a little. He only grinds more, rotates his hips in small circles to really make you feel it. And then he takes a hand, presses it down on your belly like he might touch himself beneath your skin.
He takes the back of your neck, squeezes until you let your head go slack. His lips hover over yours, hot air fanning out over your panting face. He licks into your mouth, lets his spit slide over your tongue and down your throat.
“Sweetheart,” he says, and your toes curl. “Doin’ so well.” He fucks his tongue inside, cuts off your words and breath and you feel entirely possessed by him—loved and used all at once.
He slaps your tits, bites at your neck and collar and leaves marks all down your chest. His cock is sloppy wet and bright, bright red, fat and thick and as he reaches closer to coming, it swells up inside of you even more.
“Fuck,” you whine. “Eddie, fuckfuckfuck.”
“Uh-huh,” he agrees, like your babbling is making any fucking sense, and smiles, eyes lighting up in approval at the way you twist in his hold, squirming and gasping. “Tell me what you’re gonna do, sweetheart. Tell me, baby. Be good and I’ll think about going easy on you after this.”
You clutch his shoulders, nails digging into his back. “I’m gonna take it, Eddie. I’ll take it, all of it. Promise. Promise I’ll be good.”
“Then don’t move. Stay right there and don’t fucking back away from me.”
You can hardly hear past the blood rushing up into your head and your own stifled cries, but you know how loud it gets when he fucks you like this. His thighs are slapping into yours—heavy and hard and when his fingers curl around your neck to keep you still and filling you up with his cum, you muffle a shout into the palm of your hand.
You’re dripping sweat, trembling and whimpering against him while he continues to roll his hips, making a mess on the sheets that’ll get on the both of you, but he doesn’t seem to care. He just pushes back in like he’s trying to plug you up—trying to make you keep it forever.
“Was I good?” You ask when you catch your breath again.
“I think you can do better.” He kisses your swollen lips, his own puffed up and devilish with the rest of the night’s plans. Eddie traces the sweat trickling down your chin with his tongue, takes a second to study your face, as if he could find you out.
“Two things, and a caveat,” he says, eyes trained on you. “D’ya wanna tell me what that was really about? Or, are we ignoring whatever it is you're not tellin' me and going again?”
Your hand reaches up and presses against his stubble, scratching your palm.
His eyes search yours intently, a little confused, a little concerned. 
An unspoken response lies between you; the answer to his question which both of you know you can’t give. 
“Color?” He finally asks with a sigh, cutting through the silence with his breath.
You contemplate. Your legs haven’t stopped shaking. Your thighs are sticky with semen and sweat. Your heart feels like it’s going to beat immediately out of your chest and into your mouth.
You smile. You kiss him. You say, “Green.”
And will the green flecks found in someone else’s eyes from your mind.
So it goes.
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saras-devotionals · 7 months
Quiet Time 2/20
What am I feeling today?
Honestly I had expected to be tired because of how early it is but I prayed before bed that God would allow me to feel well rested today and He has which is such a blessing! However I feel some guilt, I had a certain dream and it made me very uncomfortable and I don’t know if it was a subconscious thing, why do we dream what we do? is there any reason or purpose behind it? am i accountable for what happens even when I have no control over it? Anyways, I’m just a bit shaken by it.
Sermon Notes: “The Lord Reveals Himself To Man!” (Part 2/2)
2) God Reveals His Purpose: To Rescue Others From Suffering!
Exodus 3: 7-10 NIV
“The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.””
God hears us. He is not deaf to our struggles and suffering. He does not turn a blind eye to it. However, it’s not something that He can personally intervene in. God couldn’t just free the Israelites Himself, He needed to work through Moses. I think we can apply the same in our life, that God uses His people to help us in our suffering and uses us to help those around because God cares for all people.
Matthew 9:35-38 NIV
“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.””
Around this time, our pastor mentioned reviving ourselves. That every day he needs to make the effort to revive his love and spirit, that every day it’s a battle to deny himself. This struck me. I thought I was the only struggling. I looked at all those around me and thought they can do it all so easily and here I am feeling like I need to fight every day. So it was encouraging to know that even our church leader expressed the same battle.
Also, I like here that it says Jesus had compassion on them, instead of for them. I don’t really know how or why it makes a difference but it does to me at least. Either way, we need to mimic Jesus and have compassion - concern for the suffering of others.
Last, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are free. The calling is to save the world, that’s what Jesus said in the great commission (which is defiantly a large harvest, but there are so few disciples and even then how many of them are workers? people that can go out on missions, people that can lead, people that can teach?)
Luke 19: 10 NIV
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.””
"seek" and save the lost - are we truly seeking and fishing for people? Me personally, I need to get better about sharing and reaching out to people. With being around people, let them see you’re a disciple, let them feel the weight of who you are and let them deal with it.
3) God Reveals His Plan By Calling Us To Leadership!
Exodus 3: 10-12 NIV
“So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.””
Starting here and when you look a little further in this chapter and the next, Moses didn’t want to go. He came up with excuses, saying who am I that I should go (he was the prince of Egypt before)? Asking later what should he say? Asking what if they don’t believe him? Saying he’s not a good or eloquent speaker, and finally in 4:13: “But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.””
I feel that we can be like this sometimes, I know I can. I think I know very little, that I’m not worthy of leading, that when needs arise I think it’s best for someone else to handle (send someone else!). Although, I know I need to keep growing and maturing and one day God may call me to something which I can’t turn down and make excuses, I’ll have to go.
Isaiah 43:8-10 NIV
“Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf. All the nations gather together and the peoples assemble. Which of their gods foretold this and proclaimed to us the former things? Let them bring in their witnesses to prove they were right, so that others may hear and say, “It is true.” “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.”
are we His witnesses? Are we leading? We need to be all three, a bringer, a converter, and a nurturer. We need to seek people out and bring them to church. We need to be able to study the Bible with them and know how to lead those studies. To see it through until we can baptize them. And then we also need to be nurturing. We can’t just abandon them, we need to help them to continue to grow in their walk with God. It’s a lot of work! But we need to make sure our agenda lines up with God’s agenda.
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When God gives you a big vision, His provision will match the vision. And on June 20, we saw proof!
With dialogue and action completely in American Sign Language, JESUS: a Deaf Missions film provides unprecedented access to the story of Jesus for Deaf people, who can fully immerse themselves in the story. While hearing family and friends will also enjoy the movie, this film is for Deaf by Deaf.
On two dates, June 20 and 23, JESUS: a Deaf Missions film premiered in hundreds of theaters. Audiences showed up to the movie, and now its run time has extended to additional dates and theaters. Needless to say, we are…
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sisididis · 5 months
Just watched Jujutsu Kaisen 0 and here are some impressions! Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers so read at your own risk! 
Yuta is such a lovable kid! I loved everything about his backstory and character development. I can’t wait to see more of him in the next season. 
Suguru meeting Yuta for the first time and asking him “Have you ever questioned the current state of the world?” after giving him the spiel about “I believe great power ought to be used toward great ends” is giving 'Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord Jesus Christ?' but in Jujutsu Kaisen terminology. 
Did Suguru purposefully change that cursed woman’s family name (‘Saitou’ to ‘Satou’) because her name reminded him of Satoru? (‘Saikō’ = ‘the best’)
Watching what Suguru has become after the 10 year time-skip drop-kicked me into all five stages of grief. I refuse to believe that the kindest, gentlest and most inoffensive of them all, the proponent of “the survival of the weakest — that’s the proper form society should take” and “sorcerers exist to protect non-sorcerers” turned around and did a 180. That is NOT my boy! I do not recognize him!
And how did Satoru also known as Mr. ‘I-hate-righteousness-and-moral-arguments' become what Suguru had fought so hard to be in the first place? What is this cruel irony?
The transition from the bleak memory of Satoru preparing to “kill” Suguru in Shinjuku to the setting sun as seen from the high school’s upper levels is a multilayered visual masterpiece. It’s the sun that set on Satoru and Suguru’s friendship.
Also, I can’t believe that I did not make the connection between the two young girls from Suguru’s memories and the two girls who fought for him in Tokyo sooner! Those were the village scapegoats that he had saved from their death all those years ago! Wow! Talk about undying loyalty!
When Maki, Inumaki and Panda rushed to Yuta’s aid, Suguru’s reaction (“I am incredibly touched right now. Jujutsu sorcerers are sacrificing themselves for a fellow sorcerer! The world I long for is here before my eyes”) is very telling of the predicament he was in before his banishment. For someone like him — who did more self-sacrificing than have others sacrifice themselves for him — the foursome’s friendship must have reawakened some old resentments and memories of loneliness.
"He [Satoru] handled all of his missions, and Shoko was never sent out on dangerous missions in the first place. which naturally meant that I was sent on missions alone more often, too." - Suguru in 'Premature Death'
Geto explaining to Yuta how to imbue a curse without breaking the vessel mid-battle just shows that all he needed was a conversation partner I’m being delusional.
I will never not find it strange how quickly Shoko got over Geto’s betrayal. Even in the movie, her reaction to seeing countless sorcerers wounded because of Geto’s friends is: “You really forced a heap of trouble on us, Geto.” And even in ‘Premature Death’, when she bumps into Geto in Shinjuku and Gojo asks her to hold Geto up until he arrives, all she says is “No way! I don’t want to die.” That was YOUR classmate and friend! Geto was right in saying “I’m not holding out hope that everyone will understand.” They didn’t even try to understand him!
Holy crap! Geto swallowed 4461 curses in his 27 years of life? No wonder that poor guy turned evil.
Could Yuta and Geto’s lines before the final showdown (“It’s pure love.” ; “Then I fight for justice.”) have a deeper meaning? Is this Gege’s way of telling us that if Geto had chosen Gojo love, he would have still been alive? 
Geto’s last words.
“No matter what anyone says, I hate those monkeys. But I never held any hatred for those in Jujutsu High. I just couldn’t wear a heartfelt smile in this world.”
His mission to kill all non-sorcerers was nothing but a call for help that fell on deaf ears a suicide mission from start to finish. No matter how many non-sorcerers he would have killed, he would have never been happy or at peace.
“My best friend. The only one I had.” 
*pulling my hair*
Ugh, what an ending! 
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faeriefully · 2 months
Tag 9 people game (whoops @novelmonger tagged me almost exactly a year ago)
Last song: "Overcome” by Nothing But Thieves
Last movie: … uh… um… La La Land? I think? Idk it’s been a while. Wait no, it was the Deaf Missions: Jesus movie
Currently watching: … Critical Role: C2 Mighty Nein… Frieren (but in Spanish this time)
Currently reading: Show Me Your Glory by S. Lawson, The Woman I Kept To Myself by Julia Alvarez, Powerless by Lauren Roberts
Last thing researched for writing purposes: Euphemisms for Death in Spanish
Tagging: @thisbibliomaniac @msburgundy @snowsalive @she-is-amused @parlaypeach @thejonderettegirl @knowledgetosorrow @eddis-not-eeddis @rin-fate @turretty
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toonlegion · 8 months
REVIEW: Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League
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"Repost from a comment I made on a video"
Meh, that the long and short of it for me. It's a decent enough shooter, fun transversal and the bosses are decent (though the Batman one could've been better, I heard Twitter gushing about the role reversal of being hunted by him, but it's just an interactive cutscene near the start of the game. The proper showdown isn't as inventive, if anything I'm annoyed they had to ruin the mystique of Knight's ending). But the story I honestly could care less about.
Suicide Squad has just been a "whatever" bunch to me across all media I've seen them in and it's usually always the same plot: forced into service, a lot of bickering while doing a mission, think they see a way out of Waller's grasp, it goes fubar, complete mission, right back where they started. It doesn't help I don't like Amanda at all, she was at least decent in the JL toon, but each appearance since then has slowly turned up her bitchiness and this game REALLY extenuated that to the point I was groaning anytime she comes back into play. No offense to Deborah Wilson, loved her since the MadTV days and normally enjoy seeing her digital self in stuff like the new Call of Duty and the Jedi souls-like games. But the writing here makes me want to tear my ears out every time she's ranting and raving, even when the squad is doing their jobs as ordered. Jesus, even Nick Fury on his bad days wasn't this bad. Beyond that, I was just shrugging, some bits did make me chuckle and most had me groaning at how try-hard to be edgy or comedic, felt like a New 52 version of this setting with the tone-deafness.
They don't really do anything with the Justice League other then being mustache twirling villains via the mind control, save Diana and even she hardly does much with her scant appearances because the plot can't work if she manages to save the day. Especially wasn't fond how some of the JL get send off, yeah Batman's death felt disingenuous and I really feel sorry for Arkham-verse fans that they now have to be reminded of this game down the line when they replay those games. But at the least his had gravatas to it (and I'm not heartless, I did like the little tribute they gave to Kevin at the end). Flash? Gets peed on after he's defeated. Lantern, decent but ruined by Deadshot's one liner, and Superman, oh that ONE pissed me off because they don't even bat an eye at him before the game moves on with he plot. Superman, man of steel, one of the most popular heroes, is just a damn footnote in this game. Are you kidding me?!
After that, I honestly didn't care anymore, about Brainiac, about the multi-verses and the Brainiacs that control them essentially pulling a Kang the Conqueror situation (and no I don't care about spoilers, this game doesn't care about the fans why should I?). By the end, it essentially ends on "Hey congrats you beat it but this is just part 1 of the story, more to come. Pay us money in the live service to see the rest of it in the season passes."
Speaking of, why did they have to make this an online only game on launch? Crashed a few times setting you back a ways, glitches that turned the enemies into statues, and several soft-locks. Ugh, there's a reason off-line modes are a thing from the start. Say what you will about Resident Evil 6, I know how many fans loathe that game, but Capcom at the least had the sense to include that mode on launch. So how is it Rocksteady didn't have that same thought process? Really only good thing I can say is it does look fun with friends from most videos I've seen and I guess that's what they're aiming for to keep it afloat. I've seen some people on Twitter liking it but let's see if those same masses will stay loyal for the long haul.
Again it's decent, the game's world is huge I will give it that, but doesn't give you much to do outside same missions of break shield, defend car, destroy cannon, take out horde, defend this routines. Nor does Metropolis feel as characterized as Arkham City and Gotham in "Knight". With those, I wanted to explore and see the nooks and crannies of it. Here, it feels cluttered and a lot of buildings look the same, very little stands out to me. Maybe because the game doesn't really let you breathe with the constant alien attacks to do so. Oh but the Riddler challenges are back.... Why? "Knight" burned me out on these, so I did not care when he returned and was wondering why he was even here in the first place. They couldn't pick anyone else for this? And level up is just, eh. You grind, you get better guns and costumes, ho hum. At the least it's faster then Gotham Knights.
Overall this is just average, a step up in presentation but really lacking that quality of the previous Arkham games. You'll either dig it or your won't, it's already divisive on social media as is. So all I can say, play it yourself if your curious and make your own judgement. At the least, it's not a must-buy, if you wanna wait, be my guest, you won't be missing anything if you do and you have plenty of other games to keep you busy in the meantime (Tekken 8, Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth, and the upcoming Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth at the time of this writing).
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chiidori-i · 1 year
Stellaron Hunters! NSFW Headcanons
These are some raunchy headcanons for the stellaron hunters! Pairings: kafka X gn! reader, blade x gn reader!
CW! Mentions of blood and knives, degrading (heavy in blades part) Author's note: THIS IS UNHOLYYYYYYYYYYY-V !Kafka! - lord jesus you better pray for your insides - a hard top for sure (dommy mommy meow) - will use her domination skill on you (of you're okay with that consent is key) -whispers the foulest things in your ear while she's fucking you -call her mommy its game over, you're gonna experience heaven - has long ass fingers and WHOSE COMPLAINING? - big into knife play and will ask you about it - honestly prefers to use her fingers over her strap, she said something about "feeling you around her" -LIVES for fucking you right after a mission, so much adrenaline so little time - if she chooses to use her strap rest in peace your guts cause they're about to get rearranged -she fucks HARD and will not go any slower, doesn't matter how much you beg
-after care queen, will cuddle you for as long as you want, you want snacks? water? a bath? easy! she'll get it for you anything for her cutie! will 100% take a bath with you and clean you up perfectly, she loves you soooooo much and wants to make sure you're content
"k-kafka!" youre pleading with her to slow down even a little bit but your pleas fall on deaf ears "awh something wrong pretty? i thought you loved it when i fuck you like this" with that kafka just keeps going harder. "pl-ease i- cant! too much" kafka leans over you, grabs your chin and makes you look her in the eyes "you know how to ask for what you want now ask me correctly this time cutie." she purrs "please mommy! make me cum please! ill be good i-i swear!" you look at her pleadingly with teary eyes "what good manners you have baby, just relax while mommy makes you cum"
!Blade! - i have one word and that word is RUN - lemme jus say this man will hunt you like prey and when he catches you don't think for a second you'll be walking for at least a day - HEAVY into blood kinks and knifeplay -you know that song by nine inch nails well uh blade makes that song a reality -incredibly hard top refuses to bottom AT ALL (he has issues okay) - loves loves LOVES marking you up! bites, scratches, cuts, bruises on your hips or neck from how tight he was gripping your skin, man lives for ALL of it and will totally laugh whenever you try to cover any of them up -will say the most obscene things while fucking you does not care whatsoever he has zero shame (god bless) -will lose his mind if you ask him to tie you up, you mention it at any point and he's ready to go - will degrade you and is MEAN about it like i said he has zero shame so expect to be called a slut, whore, bitch, cocksleeve, ya know all that jazz ;) -if you ride him just know because he's underneath you doesn't mean SHIT he will bounce you on his dick like a ragdoll, you're his toy after all! -doesn't tolerate brats at all, you will get back handed if you disobey him and he will NOT let you cum for at least a few hours you can cry, beg, plead, hell even scream and you'll get nowhere you'll take what he gives you and he better not hear one complaint. - surprisingly good at aftercare, sure he might be a bit cold but he loves you you're his angel he would do anything for you, you want cuddles? he'll provide (he may act like he hates it but who is he fooling really?). will play with your hair and give you all the kisses you need while cleaning you up <3 (FUCK I LOVE THIS MANNN) "awh does my little whore wanna cum?" he purrs looking down at you, your legs are currently on his shoulders and the pace he's fucking you at is almost inhuman. "bla-de!" is really all you can manage to breathe out your mind is completely hazed by pure lust. "Awh don't tell me i've fucked you dumb already sweetheart? I'm just getting started" his hands grip your thighs even harder so hard you know they'll bruise (that's his main goal :>) "if you wanna cum you better start begging, now c'mon scream for me"
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cking398 · 3 days
(cont....) Chapter 6: Revelation
Imagine growing up in a loving household with two parents who indoctrinated you with atheistic beliefs only to realize as an adult that you were meant to awaken people to God. A human with a brain somewhat larger than average but very much a human-sized brain. How could it cope with this realization? Well, quite simply it couldn’t. Instead of sitting underneath a tree for five years like Buddha or running from the Atlantic to the Pacific over and over again like Forrest Gump, I did what I had always done. I turned to family and friends for help. Stupid, stupid, stupid. How exactly were they supposed to react? It's not as if there were other messengers of God strolling the planet. How could they help me? How for that matter could anyone? There has not been a messenger of God alive since Mohamed. Weren’t messengers of God meant to receive messages and then pass them along? I had no yardstick to go by. Just men’s stories in books written long ago, polluted for political purposes, corrupted for reasons that are obscured by time. None of the last messengers had actually written or supervised the writing of their books. The world, at the time, seemed divided into two; representing the last two messengers' work. Mohammed and Jesus. Anyway, it's all hearsay, and knowing how stories seem to be embellished, expanded, and ultimately corrupted I was uncomfortable going down this road of inquiry after my mind settled.
I asked the young french man, Charles, to type my name into the google search engine. I couldn’t, my hands were shaking too much. I thought there would be help. Someone would know shit. Nothing. But when I say nothing I mean fucking Nothing. 
I thought the mission was urgent so I tried to motivate the people that surrounded me to do something. Contact people, tell people I am here. It fell on deaf ears. They just thought I was mental. I did not know how to handle it. How do you possibly handle that? I did not cope well. It’s basically taken me 21 years to calm down from that split second of realization. What happened in that split second to make me believe? Well, the book the Secret Book of Birthdays, The war in Iraq, The Bush fire 911, my birthday, my name, my family, my place of birth but mainly my very being and how I process information.
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By 21:00 hours I was a bit drunk. My mind had been vacillating between excitement and terror for the best part of two hours. I can only imagine the effect this had on Charles. I haven’t spoken to him about it since. We took a taxi from my apartment to Wan Chai and were now in a bar, The White Stag. I had arranged to meet Karim there, I don’t know why I chose that bar. I did not know it that well and had never met the regulars. I was making loads of cash by this time so I walked up to the bar, gave them my credit card and said drinks for everyone. Keep them coming. The bar was half full. Pretty soon I was approached by some petty cockney criminals. They were trying to see if I was an easy mark. Someone to take advantage of. They kept telling these awful jokes and silly stories. I lied. I told them I worked in tourism and had just sold part of my business. I let them continue their banter then I took one aside. The obvious leader and I told him I worked for KGI (which was true, but it is a legitimate Taiwanese bank) and that I was the go-between the Taiwanese triads and the Italian Mafia (total rubbish). The guy was in his fifties and he went as white as a sheet. The next thing I know the bar manager is refusing my cash to pay for previous rounds and I am getting presented to the biggest triad in Wan Chai. Karim arrived around 10:30 pm and we decamped to another bar in Wan Chai. Needless to say, Karim did not accept my offer of a job and I took two months off work to deal with the issues that my revelation uncovered. This would take 21 years to resolve. Fast forward to 27th July 2024, finally, the proof I needed that makes me UNDENIABLE, but there were a lot of proofs inbetween and I would need these to make my case also. The three Kings who first spotted this truth and became my verified followers on X FIRST are:
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Recently (14/09/2024) I have been suspended from this account with 30 verified followers and am using another account on X : cking398398. I fear Free Speech is dead already making my task that much harder.
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christianityculture · 3 months
Jesus: A Deaf Missions Film’ to Make History this Summer
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joyfulkidpirate · 3 months
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happytobdee · 3 months
Refreshing Review: "JESUS: A Deaf Missions Film" & a Giveaway!
The long-awaited, first feature film about Jesus in American Sign Language is finally here! The best part of it all is that it’s a Deaf led production and cast. #JESUSaDeafMissionsFilmMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork
Many thanks to Deaf Missions for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own. Synopsis: God’s story is unstoppable when it is in the heart language of a people group. For the first time in history, a Deaf audience will have the unique opportunity to experience the story of Jesus presented as a feature film entirely in American Sign Language. JESUS: a Deaf…
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