#Dead Sea Spa Resort
jontycrane · 11 months
The Red Sea and the Dead Sea
Jordan’s two seas couldn’t be more different. One is full of life and ships with the country’s only port, the other is almost completely devoid of life and the only boats belong to the military. Also only one of them is actually a sea… Jordan’s gateway to the Red Sea is the town of Aqaba, a popular holiday spot for access to the sea, and it has a reputation as a buzzy place. I stopped there for…
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Cracking the Mid-Life Crisis (3960 words) by thesavagesabretooth Chapters: 1/1 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Found Family, Gecko Moria joins Cross Guild, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Humor, Angst and Humor, Humor, Father-Daughter Relationship, POV Perona
Summary: After Moria's punishing defeat by Luffy on Thriller Bark the warlord was discarded by the government and vanished from the world stage. When the warlord system is dissolved entirely, Perona goes on a mission to find her daddy and bring him back into the fold.
She finds him wasting away in margaritaville.
It had taken Perona quite some time after leaving Mihawk's castle to track down the man she was looking for, but now she had arrived at Yutsu Island, a resort island in the New World unaffiliated with the World Government and run as a tourist attraction for the elite and dangerous.
The World Government was cracking down all around them, Marine ships prowling the seas…affiliated islands setting traps in their ports as ‘bounty hunters’ and ‘traders’ pressed even deeper into waters the Government had no sway in.
Perona hated it. She hate, hate, hated having to skulk around after the dissolution of the Warlord system. After her own small ship was seized (she’d have to say sorry to Hawky later), she’d slipped away from the stupid marines to hitch ride after ride on friendly and unfriendly boats alike.
But she had to do it, she had to find her adoptive father to make sure he’d survived the beating the Marines had given him during that whole dumb war two years prior.
Her heeled boots clicked against the creaking wood of the dock as she stomped her way across with her parasol open to block out the hated sun. Lucky her, the roving ‘Gamble Pirates’ who’d taken her in for the trip weren’t the type to try to bully her into staying– she could save her energy for dragging her dad back from this overly bright and sunny place. 
The resort area glittered and gleamed just a stone's throw from the harbor– a mass of handsome buildings that glittered with colorful sea glass and some of the more modern architecture on the grand line. The place, she had heard, was run by a branch family of some deposed nobles from the North Blue– potentially related to the Vinsmokes. It was one of the many rumors she'd heard while gathering information about where Moria was.
And all the information she'd gathered said that he would be here; rumors and whispers that the former warlord was wasting away on cocktail island.
She puffed out her cheeks as she walked, her little ghosties leaking out from her parasol to surround her in swirling, lazy arcs that sent tourists stumbling away from their spectral giggling in fear of just what they might do.
It’d been two years…two years without a word while she thought he was dead. If it turned out he was getting DRUNK while Mihawk held his SUPER GOOD wine over her head for TWO WHOLE YEARS…
Well. She wasn’t actually going to complain about her time with the other warlord and Zoro…but STILL.
She was peeved about it enough for her horo horo ghostie friends to be manifesting in wiggly force. Not to mention this place really WAS too bright. “Wish I had sunglasses…” 
The light on the summer island was quite bright and warm, with hardly a cloud in the sky as she made her way through the crowds and toward the resort area. Stealthily she snuck through the lobby without a glance from security who were busy at the counter due to some woman who was yelling at the clerk there.
And once through the checkpoint she was able to access all the guest areas. The private beach. The restaurant. The casino. The spa. And who knew what else. It was a disgusting lap of luxury.
“And I didn’t even have a vampire maid or a handsome butler to make me bagel sandwiches an’ cocoa.” Perona pouted as she hugged Kumachi’s plush body to her side. Mihawk’s cooking was super good, of course, and Zoro would bring her things if she needled him enough and hung off his shoulders till he did it…but the principle of the thing was important! “This place looks…”
She stared down some well to do couple as they walked towards the beach with a sound dial blasting Uta’s latest single in hand.
“Pricey. And ostentatious. Dontcha think, Kumachi?”
Kumachi didn’t answer.
Perona followed the couple out onto the beach, which was a forest of brightly colored umbrellas and towels spread out over a blanket of glittering, beautiful white sand leading down to the bright blue ocean. People of all shapes and sizes wandered around in beach wear, holding colorful drinks being doled out by bartenders under thatched roof huts.
She sniffed disdainfully as she twisted her parasol over her head, taking to floating gently along instead of walking through the unsteady sand. 
“He couldn’t possibly be at the beach…”
“Horo horo” replied one of her ghosties, to which she giggled.
“I mean, obviously right? We didn’t even have a proper beach on Thriller Bark!” she waved her hand “he’s probably somewhere like the residential graveyard or something. Do resorts have graveyards?”
Perona practically tripped over him.
Moria was lying supine over an enormous beach lounge chair under an umbrella with a pair of opaque sunglasses covering most of his unmistakable face. He had a book across his chest, and a drink in the holder of his lounge. There was a sound dial sitting in the sand next to him and a wire trailed from it to one miniature speaker in his long pointed ear.
Tripping startled her once.
His loud snore startled her again.
“GAH!!!” Perona squeaked, stomping her foot on open air. “DADDY!! You IIIIIIIDIOT!”
She drew the attention of several beach-goers, but the moment she started hearing the whispering amongst them she sent her hollows to pass through them. Whispering turned to whines and whimpers of despair as she put her hands on her hips and looked down at the sleeping Moiria.
“....” She raised her leg and delivered a swift kick to his butt. “Wake up!!!” 
The kick didn't overbalance the lounge chair, but the startled jolt that rocked through Moria's body as he yelped in response and instinctively tried to roll away did. Former warlord, book, dial, all ended up sprawled in the sand, the drink splashing on top adding insult to injury.
“O-oops.” Perona looked from side to side. People were staring, but they were nobodies anyway. Nobody who mattered saw that.
She looked down at Kumachi with a sharp frown “Kumachi!! How could you do that? How could you kick dad like that??? When we get home you’re going in the iron maiden!”
Kumachi hung in silent understanding of just what he’d done and how he’d have to atone. 
Moria was already clambering up into a sitting position, wiping the drink off his face, and pushing the offending lounge chair away. He hissed and bared his fangs, looking around.
"Who dares to disturb the slumber of the mighty— Perona?? Whoah, what are you doing here?" His menacing snarl turned immediately into a cheerful grin that really emphasized how much sand and cocktail was still stuck to his face.
Perona clasped her hands together as if she didn’t just kick him into the sand like the Vinsmokes in the “Sora and the Sand-Castle of the Beach King” storyline from the papers.
“Daddyyy!! You’re alive! I’d heard you’d died ya know!” her hollows swarmed around her as she leaned down to offer him a hand up. “Gosh, you got a cocktail all over your face!” 
He took her hand with his large claw and grinned bashfully, trying to wipe off his face as he stood. "Yeah, whoops! Guess I got a little startled somehow."
Moria carefully stood up to his towering height, carefully ducking out from under the umbrella and Perona got a better look at him.
The lanky, long limbed pirate had certainly healed from the injuries she'd heard he'd received two years ago, and the light of the summer island seemed to have darkened the glimmering pale of his complexion just a little. The old stitch-mark scars down his face from where Kaidou had nearly cut him in half didn't show up quite as intensely any more. 
His red hair had grown out– possibly the entire two years– shaggy and loose around his horns, and he looked like he'd been taking care of himself, surprisingly. The muscles on his body were defined– save for the softness around his stomach that was clearly from an overabundance of cocktails.
All that was easy for Perona to take in– since he was only wearing a pair of beach shorts with a pattern of pumpkins on them, and a pair of sandals.
“....” She crossed her arms with Kumachi hanging from them, her lips petulantly pursed as she brushed her long, and now quite expertly curled even in the difficult situation she’d been traveling in, pink hair from her shoulders.
“I can see that! You look…” she trailed off for a moment. “comfortable? Looks like you’re healing up pretty good too! They said the marines blew you to pieces!” 
Moria rubbed the back of his neck and nodded rather limply. "They sure did. But hey! I'm back in one piece, huh? Cheated death again." He grinned but really, he just looked embarrassed about it. "It's great to see you, though! You look amazing! I heard rumors you were staying with Mihawk, was that true?"
“Uh huh. One of the World Government’s superweapons slapped me across the ocean and I crashed into his castle,” Perona put her hands on her hips. "He's been real nice to me, I even made a new close friend.” She emphasized it with a wicked little grin, “it was pretty nice, but ya know what woulda been better?” 
She pointed towards him. “Knowing my old man was still alive, dummy!!” the hollows around her tittered and laughed. 
"I wish I could have let you know, kiddo!" he said, holding up his hands with another fanged smile. "The government's after my ass though. If they find out where I am they might send a few fleets you know? and I was worried they'd try to use you as bait to get to me."
Perona pursed her lips, cheeks puffed out and her hands on her hips as she floated a little higher. 
“Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! What, ya think they’re gonna do that Buddy Call thing of theirs? Or kidnap me? They couldn’t, ya know! I’ve been training with Hawky and Zor—-”
She almost let her special friend slip…one of the straw hats who’d defeated her father and their pirate gang. He wasn’t ready to know.
“Y. Zory.” 
Moria blinked slowly at her with only dim comprehension. He put a hand on her shoulder.
"How about we head up to my room, get a couple of drinks, and you can tell your ol' dad all about it."
Perona glared dubiously at him for a long moment. The nobodies were beginning to talk again. She shut them up with another round of hollows to really ruin their vacations.
“Alright. But only if I get to have sangria! Hawky wouldn’t let me make any with his wine ‘cause he was making Zor…m. Zorm go sober while he trained!”
After a moment she paused and punched her fist “SHOOT! I was calling him Zory! Not Zorm!” 
Moria blinked again.
Fifteen minutes later and Perona had a legitimate guest badge for the hotel and was mixing sangria in Moria's private beach-front suite with a view of the ocean.
“Geeze, papa. You’ve got a real sweet deal here. What’d ya do? Steal the manager’s shadow?” she asked as she mixed the sangria and tested it for taste. 
"I wish!" he laughed, folding himself over the bar and watching her. "You'll be disappointed, but your old man's paying the same as anybody else."
She poured more red wine into the mixture as she looked over her shoulder “with all of our treasure?” 
"Not all of it, obviously!" he sputtered. "But some, of my treasure. Yes."
“Oh!” Perona grinned at him “I mean, it seems to be going a long way, papa!” 
She looked over her shoulder at the immobile Kumachi “hey, Kumachi. D’ya want some sangria?”
He did not want sangria. He was a lame teetotaler like that.
“I hope you saved a bit of it, papa. I think we’re gonna need it.” 
Moria scratched his head, pushing his lengthened red hair back behind his horns, and gave her a curious look.
"You think? I mean, it won't get that much more expensive just to have you stay too."
Perona poured herself a glass of Sangria and turned to lean on the bar as she took a sip “not for staying here, papa! To buy our way into Mr. Hawky’s big plan! Or…I mean, I guess it’s not his big plan. He said somethin’ about…hold on..”
She stomped over to Kumachi and unbuttoned the top of his head to root around in there for a moment.
When her hand came out she brandished a flashy poster at her father with a big, ear to ear grin and a haughty “Horohorohorohoro!!! LOOK!”
The poster, she knew well, was of the Cross Guild. Captain Buggy, the newest of the former warlords before their dissolution loomed his manic smile over crossed swords– Sir Crocodile sneered from the right, Mihawk glowered from the left. 
And in each corner, another of the powerful warlords loomed. Boa Hancock with her cold glare matching the hungry serpent that curled over her shoulders in the upper right by Buggy’s overly prominent face, flanked on the other side by Doflamingo’s manic grin and the trail of strings from his fingers.
“We’re gonna join Cross Guild!” 
Moria boggled at the poster. Then he leaned in and squinted at it. Then he pulled back and boggled at it some more.
"What are all the warlords doing on that poster?" Moria demanded. "Who's the kid with the nose?"
“.....” Perona turned it around to look at it before she huffed. “who cares! I mean, if you wanna know it’s Buggy the Clown! He’s…I dunno , an old ex boyfriend of Mr. Crocodile and Mihawk’s or something. He grumbled about him once while he was drunk. They made him a warlord after you were gone, papa!”
"Aw man, maybe I should have been keeping up with the news after all," he grumbled, scratching his hair again. He gave the poster another dubious squint. "They made him a warlord? And now they've what, got some kind of extra club going?"
It was starting to sound as if somehow Moria still hadn't heard that the warlord system had been dissolved.
Perona sipped her sangria. She needed the strength. Oh, by all the powers of the dark lords and evil, did she need the strength.
After her sip she downed half the glass before dropping it on the bar and taking a deep breath….she floated up to grab him by the shoulders and practically shook him as she wailed.
Moria ducked under the strength of her shout, grimacing and pulling his face away. He held up his hands defensively.
"Whoah, whoah, whoah, kiddo! Simmer down! They dissolved what?"
“The whole frickin’ warlord system!!!” she chided “like, they turned on ‘em. A bunch of kings voted for it at their stupid king party and now they’re coming to kill everyone! There’s no more state-sanctioned pirates! Just pirates!” 
He stared at her. 
Suddenly, he was gripping her shoulders.
"They're doing WHAT?"
Half an hour later, they were several more pitchers of sangria in as Perona had brought her 'daddy' up to speed on current events.
“So yeah, we’re gonna need your treasure to buy into Cross Guild so I can join Hawky in this whole war against the World Government they got goin’ on!” she finished with a big smile.
He scratched his jaw thoughtfully and nodded. " You think they'd let me in? They had better let me in! I'd be pretty pissed off if they've started a former warlords club and they didn't want me in it. But…"
“I mean obviously they’ll let you in!” She huffed. “they probably want me there too! You were their buddy, right? I’m sure they’ll let you join up easy peasy!” 
"Maybe," he hemmed and hawed, and turned to lean his back on the bar, staring at his luxurious hotel suite. "But I don't know if I'm even ready to go back to being a pirate. I don't know if I'll ever be ready. I might just be retired."
“Noooo!” Perona stomped her foot. “Papa, that’s lame! Retirement’s lame! We didn’t even do our big plan at Thriller Bark! Luffy and Zor…..d…Zord and everyone else just beat us UP! We’re not done pirating at all!” 
".... wait isn't Zord that friend you were mentioning with Mihawk?" Moria blinked, having forgotten to protest the rest of it. "He was at Thriller Bark?"
“.............” Perona’s eyes widened as she looked at Kumachi for a save. Kumachi had nothing to say, being quite stuffed. “Maayyyyybe?” 
Moria grabbed the half empty pitcher of sangria and downed the rest of it in a long gulp.
Perona dropped her head into her hands. She knew…she knew this was going to turn into a big deal. She could only hope the booze would help rather than hinder her in her grand quest to explain to her father that the guy who cut his minions to ribbons was…like…
You know.
Kinda cool. 
They'd argued about it for hours. About Cross Guild. About the Straw Hats. About Moria feeling less capable now than he had ever felt before. First being destroyed by Kaidou, and then by Luffy– who was now Perona's friend by one remove.
Perona had argued with all her might, likely terrifying the neighbors in the other suites as she gesticulated wildly and sent her hollows flying here and there in her passionate pleas.
Who cared if the Straw Hats beat him up, from the news she’d heard they beat up like…everyone! And if they were friends now, through Zoro, then they’d be safe from Luffy’s violent frenzy.
Besides, it wasn’t as if they were going after the One Piece! She’d argued until she was blue in the face about it, as points flew between them.
At one point she’d accused him of holding onto a negative hollow while she was gone with how DOWN IN THE DUMPS he was about himself. 
"Perona," he said finally after a long silence between them. He rested his head on his arms, his gaze tilted toward her. "I think you're the only one who thinks I'm worth anything any more. Cross Guild would probably be happier if I just sent you back with what resources I've got left. You're young. You've got energy. you haven't been beaten by the world yet. What have I got?"
“Plenty!” Perona puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms. “You've always been my hero, you know! You’re the master of shadows! You’re super strong, who cares if you lost twice? I got beat too, and I’m not worthless!” 
"Of course you're not worthless but– I don't know. I just feel like I'm not good enough. Every time I think I'm getting somewhere, I get thrown back to the start!"
It was the same thing of course, that she'd heard had happened to Mihawk. And to Crocodile. And to who knew who else among the warlords. But that was the thing– that was when they were working alone.
“You and the rest of the old idiots of Cross Guild,” Perona crossed her arms. “but you were all going it alone, weren’t you? But Cross Guild’s a bunch of you! All together, working together for something that ain’t the stupid World Government. Maybe together you can fight your way forward and NOT get thrown back to the start, huh??” 
"That's–" he blinked and sat up a little. "That's a good point. If we were actually cooperating. The problem is you never know who's about to throw you in the sea for a little gain in their own status…"
“From what Hawky was saying the whole point of Cross Guild is NOT to do that. Like…it’s named that ‘cause everyone’s on an equal level even with crossed purposes or some pretentious crap like that.” 
Moria stroked his chin. "That sounds like Mihawk. I wonder if we could really do it. If we actually teamed up against the government, we might actually be able to do something…"
Finally thinking about something other than his own self pity.
Perona internally sighed with relief as she pressed her advantage “I know, right? And everyone’s pooling their resources to do some really neat stuff! Like taking bounties out on the Marines! Striking back with the power of the people!” 
"Taking bounties on marines?" He grinned now. "That would sure be a way to put random people in the action instead of always risking your own guys…"
“Exactly!!” Perona pointed at him “and the people are happy because it gives ‘em power! And we’re happy because it’s one less Navy Bastard to deal with! And little by little we weaken the World Government!” 
"Alright. Alright! Damn it!" He slapped his hand on the bar, shaking the several empty pitchers and wine bottles. "I'll at least go and talk to them. …You know where they are, right?"
“Oh yeah they’re uh…I think they’re still on Buggy’s big clown ship or something.” Perona put her finger to her lips. “Ah well, they can’t be that hard to find right?”
He scratched the back of his neck and shook his head. "Well. We'll make it work, whatever. Hey–" 
Moria reached out a hand toward her.
Perona grinned and leapt forward to squeeze his arm just over his hand. “Yeah?” she asked, hovering as she dangled from his arm. 
He smiled a fanged smile at her, soft, despite the bristle of pointy teeth. "Thanks for coming all the way out here to find me, kiddo. And for talking me up."
“Always, papa! Someone’s gotta be your hype man, and it wasn’t gonna be fucking Hogback!” She squeezed his arm tightly in a hug, her bright eyes and ear-to-ear smile turned his way. “I wanted to look for you for two years, I just thought you’d died– so I came right away to find ya as soon as I heard the whispers.”
Moria chuckled and pulled her into a proper hug. "Guess we've proven it takes more than that to kill me, huh? Alright. Let's take just a little more vacation. I'll show you around the place and when we sober up, then we'll make some plans on getting out of here."
Perona squeezed him tightly with a squee of joy. 
“Alright! Alright! A lil’ more vacation but I’m NOT getting any sun! The sun’ll melt me away!” She grinned widely as she bobbed her head “and then it’s CROSS GUILD HERE WE COME!”
Kumachi was excited. She could tell from the way he slowly flopped over and rolled onto the ground with the weight of his overstuffed head.
"Cross Guild here we come! Maybe third time's the charm with his whole pirate gig."
He put her on his shoulders, and out they went.
Hours of exploration of the resort followed as they let their heads clear save for dreams of the future. With satisfaction, Perona got to experience the absolute bliss of a spa, and of a meal not served on the table because Hogback’s poor assistant was traumatized by plates…and also by being a kidnapped spirit who hated him.
The beautiful resort island was a paradise– but it wasn’t half as perfect as the prospect of their future as part of the powerful Cross Guild. Compared to fighting side by side with Hawky and his friends and taking the fight to the world government…how could a vacation island even hope to stack up?
It was almost depressing against the glaring light of the future ahead. 
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worldofimpossible · 11 days
The Ultimate Guide to Visiting the Dead Sea
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The Ultimate Guide to Visiting the Dead Sea — Best Resorts, Travel Gear, and More
The Dead Sea is one of the world’s most unique and breathtaking travel destinations. Nestled between Jordan and Israel, this natural wonder is famous for its incredibly salty waters, mineral-rich mud, and therapeutic properties. Whether you’re planning a relaxing getaway or a day trip, this ultimate guide will help you make the most of your visit to the Dead Sea, from choosing the best resorts to packing the right travel gear. You can book here
Why Visit the Dead Sea?
Visiting the Dead Sea is an unforgettable experience, both for its extraordinary landscape and for its health benefits. The water is ten times saltier than regular seawater, making it impossible to sink, and the mud is known for its restorative properties. The region’s dry climate and low altitude also provide therapeutic relief for respiratory conditions, making it a wellness haven.
Quick Facts About the Dead Sea:
Location: The Dead Sea is at the lowest point on Earth, 1,410 feet below sea level.
Salinity: It’s one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world, with a salt concentration of around 34%.
Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit is during the spring (March to May) and fall (September to November) when the weather is pleasant.
Best Resorts at the Dead Sea
If you plan to stay for a few days, booking a resort by the Dead Sea offers a luxurious way to enjoy the area’s natural beauty and wellness benefits. Here are some of the top Dead Sea resorts to consider.
you can book here
1. Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea
This 5-star luxury resort offers panoramic views of the Dead Sea, spacious rooms, and a world-class spa. With its private beach, infinity pools, and Dead Sea mud treatments, it’s an ideal choice for relaxation and rejuvenation.
Key Features: Private Dead Sea access, luxury spa, infinity pools
Why Choose It: Offers luxurious amenities and wellness treatments in a serene environment.
You can book your stay at the Kempinski Hotel through Trip.com.
2. Mövenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea
Combining traditional Jordanian architecture with modern facilities, this resort offers excellent hospitality and an award-winning spa. Its secluded setting makes it perfect for a peaceful retreat.
Key Features: Award-winning spa, Dead Sea mud therapy, multiple dining options
Why Choose It: Ideal for travelers seeking a combination of luxury and cultural charm.
For exclusive offers, book the Mövenpick Resort through Trip.com
3. Crowne Plaza Jordan Dead Sea Resort & Spa
This family-friendly resort offers multiple swimming pools, a spa with Dead Sea treatments, and direct beach access. It’s perfect for families or couples looking for a mix of adventure and relaxation.
Key Features: Family-friendly, direct Dead Sea access, modern amenities
Why Choose It: Great for families and those looking for an active vacation with lots of amenities.
You can secure your stay at Crowne Plaza Dead Sea Resort through Trip.com.
Must-Have Travel Gear for the Dead Sea
Packing the right gear for your Dead Sea adventure is essential to make the most of your trip. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:
1. Sunscreen
The sun at the Dead Sea is strong, even though the lower altitude means slightly reduced UV radiation. Pack high-SPF sunscreen to protect your skin, especially if you’re planning to float for
long periods.
2. Water Shoes
The shores of the Dead Sea are lined with salt crystals that can be sharp underfoot. Water shoes will protect your feet and make wading in the water much more comfortable.
Recommended: Water Sports Shoes
3. Moisturizer
The Dead Sea’s salty water can leave your skin feeling dry after a swim. Be sure to pack a rich moisturizer to rehydrate your skin after floating.
Recommended: Moisturizing Cream
4. Quick-Dry Towel
A quick-dry towel is perfect for drying off after your time in the water without carrying too much weight around.
Recommended: Microfiber Towel
5. Waterproof Phone Case
Capture the magical moments while floating in the Dead Sea without risking damage to your phone. A waterproof phone case is a must-have for water photography.
Recommended: Waterproof Phone Case
Top Things to Do at the Dead Sea
Beyond relaxing in your resort and floating in the saltwater, there are plenty of activities to enhance your Dead Sea experience.
1. Float in the Saltwater
The main attraction is, of course, the unique experience of floating effortlessly in the Dead Sea. The high salinity makes the water incredibly buoyant, allowing you to float on the surface with ease.
2. Apply Dead Sea Mud
Don’t miss the chance to slather yourself in the famous black Dead Sea mud. This mineral-rich mud is known for its therapeutic benefits, including improving skin elasticity, detoxifying pores, and soothing skin conditions.
3. Visit the Baptism Site of Jesus
A short drive from the Dead Sea lies the site where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a significant destination for Christian pilgrims and history enthusiasts alike.
4. Take a Day Trip to Mount Nebo
Combine your Dead Sea trip with a visit to Mount Nebo, a historic location offering breathtaking views over the Jordan Valley. It’s also believed to be the place where Moses viewed the Promised Land before his death.
5. Enjoy a Sunset at the Dead Sea
The sunsets over the Dead Sea are breathtaking. As the sun dips below the horizon, the sky is painted with vibrant hues of orange and pink, making it a perfect time for photography or peaceful reflection.
To explore these activities and plan excursions, check out Trip.com for the best deals.
Health Benefits of the Dead Sea
The Dead Sea is renowned for its therapeutic properties. Visitors flock here not only for relaxation but also to experience the numerous health benefits, which include:
Skin Health: The minerals in the Dead Sea’s water and mud, such as magnesium, sodium, and potassium, are excellent for treating skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.
Respiratory Benefits: The air around the Dead Sea is low in allergens and has higher levels of oxygen, which can benefit those with respiratory conditions like asthma.
Pain Relief: The buoyancy of the water, combined with the minerals, helps ease muscle
and joint pain, making it a favorite destination for those with arthritis.
For health retreats and spa packages, explore Trip.com to find the best deals.
Final Thoughts
Visiting the Dead Sea is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that combines natural beauty, health benefits, and luxury. Whether you’re planning a day trip or an extended stay, you’ll leave feeling rejuvenated and enriched by this incredible destination.
For those looking to enhance their visit, consider booking a stay at one of the luxury resorts and packing the essential travel gear mentioned above. Don’t forget to take in the stunning views and enjoy the healing powers of the Dead Sea mud and water.
Book Your Dead Sea Adventure Today!
Ready to experience the Dead Sea for yourself Trip.com to book your stay at one of the top resorts and enjoy exclusive deals on travel gear and guided tours.
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joeledsouza-12 · 14 days
5 Places to visit in Jordan for the first timers
Jordan is a captivating destination for first-time visitors, offering a blend of ancient history, natural beauty, and vibrant culture. From the iconic Petra, known as "Rose City," to the surreal desert landscapes of Wadi Rum, Jordan presents a wide variety of experiences. The Dead Sea, with its mineral-rich waters and spa resorts, provides relaxation and rejuvenation, while Amman, the capital, offers a lively mix of modernity and historical treasures. For history lovers, Jerash’s remarkably preserved Roman ruins are a must-see. Jordan's diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and welcoming hospitality make it an ideal destination for travelers seeking adventure, history, and relaxation all in one trip. It’s a land of wonders waiting to be explored. 
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Here are some places to visit in Jordan for first timers.
1. Petra: The Historic Rose City:
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The most famous site in Jordan is Petra, which is among the New Seven Wonders of the World and a must-see for travelers arriving for the first time. Petra, a large archaeological site that stretches back to the 4th century BC, is dubbed the "Rose City" due to its pink-hued rock formations. Soaring majestically out of the sandstone cliffs, the Treasury (Al-Khazneh) is the city's most well-known landmark. The Roman Theater, the Street of Facades, and the Monastery (Ad-Deir) are also open for exploration by guests. Exploring this ancient city is made even more magical by hiking through the Siq, a narrow gorge that leads to Petra.
2. Wadi Rum: The Scenery of the Martian Desert:
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Wadi Rum, sometimes referred to as the Valley of the Moon, is a breathtaking desert region that has enthralled both adventurers and filmmakers. Its soaring rock formations, starry night skies, and red sand dunes all combine to create an otherworldly, odd atmosphere. Experience the complete splendor of this UNESCO World Heritage site with hot air balloon rides, camel rides, or Jeep tours for first-time visitors. Wadi Rum also provides a special chance to stay in a Bedouin camp, where you can take advantage of traditional hospitality, eat real Jordanian food, and watch the stars in a peaceful desert setting.
3. The Natural Wonder of the Dead Sea:
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For visitors to Jordan for the first time, a must-see attraction is the Dead Sea, which is the lowest point on Earth. The Dead Sea is well-known for its extraordinarily salty waters, which make it easy to float, as well as its mineral-rich mud, which is thought to have healing qualities. Indulge in spa services or just unwind by floating in the tranquil waters. The resorts in the area provide opulent amenities like restaurants, spas, and swimming pools, making it the ideal place to unwind and revive. The distinct weather and breathtaking scenery of the Dead Sea offer a striking contrast to Jordan's other desert regions.
4. Amman: A Fusion of Modern and History:
Amman, the capital of Jordan, is a dynamic city that skillfully combines the past and present. There are plenty of attractions for first-time visitors, ranging from bustling markets and modern restaurants to ancient ruins. Situated atop one of Amman's seven hills, the Citadel provides an insight into the city's extensive past, featuring the Umayyad Palace and the Roman Temple of Hercules. The magnificence of the ancient city is on display at the Roman Theater, another well-known landmark. There are bustling souks (markets) in downtown Amman where you can purchase traditional Jordanian goods, handicrafts, and spices. The upscale Abdoun district offers chic eateries, shops, and cafes for a taste of modern Jordan.
5. Jerash: The Eastern Roman Ruins:
Known as the "Pompeii of the East," Jerash is among the best-preserved Roman cities found outside of Italy. History buffs should not miss this ancient city, which is only an hour's drive from Amman. The magnificent Hadrian's Arch, the Hippodrome, and the Temple of Artemis are just a few examples of the site's remarkable Roman architecture. As you stroll through Jerash's colonnaded streets, you can almost feel the ancient civilizations that once called this place home. Every summer, Jerash hosts the annual Festival of Culture and Arts, which offers a distinctive cultural experience by bringing the ruins to life with music, dance, and theatre performances.
Jordan offers a perfect mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences for first-time visitors. From the ancient city of Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to the otherworldly landscapes of Wadi Rum and the healing waters of the Dead Sea, Jordan has something for every traveler. Amman’s lively markets and Jerash’s Roman ruins add to the country's diverse attractions. Before planning your trip, ensure you have your Jordan visa, which is necessary for entry. Whether you're exploring ancient history or indulging in natural beauty, Jordan's warmth and hospitality will make your visit unforgettable. This stunning country is an ideal destination for those seeking adventure, history, and relaxation in one journey.
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global-visa · 2 months
Top 6 Best Places to Visit in Jordan with Family
Jordan is an interesting combination of beautiful scenery, friendly people, and old-world heritage, making it the perfect place for family holidays. With varied attractions and rich history of culture, Jordan has something to offer the whole family. The best places to visit in Jordan promise incredible adventures, to the beautiful desert scenery of Wadi Rum and the amazing ancient city of Petra. Find the top six locations that offer the ideal balance of relaxation, learning, and adventure, making Jordan an excellent option for an unforgettable family vacation.
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Jordan is a great choice for a family holiday because it is a country rich in culture, history, and beautiful scenery with plenty of family-friendly attractions. There is no shortage of attractions, places to visit in Jordan including the historic ruins of Petra, the beautiful desert vistas of Wadi Rum, the restorative waters of the Dead Sea, and the busy streets of Amman. Make sure you have all the travel paperwork you need before starting this expedition, including a Jordan visa, which is easily obtained online or, for many nations, upon arrival. This guarantees simple and joyful trip while you take in all of Jordan's interesting and varied sights.
Here are the top 6 best places to visit in Jordan with family:
1. Petra:
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Jordan's most famous monument is without a doubt Petra, sometimes known as the "Rose City" because of its beautiful pink sandstone cliffs. Petra is an essential must-visit for families. Situated away in mountainous setting, this ancient Nabatean city provides an original combination of adventure and history. The trip starts with a walk through the Siq, a small canyon surrounded by high cliffs that leads to the beautiful Al-Khazneh (The Treasury). Both kids and adults will find the complex designs and imposing architecture to be attractive.  
2. Wadi Rum:
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The expansive desert region of Wadi Rum, commonly referred to as the Valley of the Moon, offers a singular combination of adventure and natural beauty. This UNESCO World Heritage site is characterised by its huge areas of sandy beach, petroglyphs carved into the rocks, and towering sandstone and granite rock formations. Families can enjoy camel rides to experience the traditional Bedouin way of life, thrilling vehicle drives across the amazing environment, and rock climbing and sandboarding.  
3. Dead Sea:
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Family vacations to the Dead Sea, known for being the lowest point on Earth, are memorable and healing. Swimming is nearly difficult due to water's excessive salinity, yet floating on the surface is an exciting and fun experience for people of all ages. Numerous resorts provide spa treatments that integrate natural materials, and the mineral-rich mud of the Dead Sea is well-known for its therapeutic qualities. Families can explore neighbouring landmarks like the historic stronghold of Masada and the Mujib Biosphere Reserve, as well as relax on the beaches and take mud baths.  
4. Amman:
Jordan's lively capital city of Amman offers a variety of family-friendly attractions while skilfully fusing modern and ancient elements. Roman Theatre and the Amman Citadel, two of the city's historic attractions, offer amazing insights into the rich past of the area. Families can visit the lively souks, or markets, where a sensory feast of bright textiles and the scent of spices awaits them. For younger tourists, Children's Museum in Amman is an excellent place to go because it has interactive exhibits and educational events. In addition, there are many of green areas for outdoor activities and picnics in the city's parks, like King Abdu llah II Park and Al Hussein Public Parks. 
5. Aqaba:
The only seaside city in Jordan, Aqaba, is a sun, sea, and adventure lover's dream come true. Situated on the Red Sea coast, Aqaba is well-known for its bright coral reefs and pristine seas, making it an ideal spot for diving and snorkelling. Water sports for families include windsurfing, jet skiing, and glass-bottom boat cruises that let them see the undersea environment without getting wet. Aqaba is also home to lovely sandy beaches where families may relax and take in the sun while their kids play and construct sandcastles. Family-friendly amenities and activities are available at the city's several resorts and hotels, guaranteeing a relaxing and pleasurable visit. 
6. Jerash:
The remarkably well-preserved Roman remains of Jerash provide an interesting look into antiquity. The city, sometimes called the "Pompeii of the East," is home to imposing temples, huge colonnaded walkways, and a beautiful amphitheatre that is still used for concerts. Families can tour sites like the Cardo Maximus, the Oval Plaza, and the Temple of Artemis while walking through the historic streets and envisioning life in the Roman Empire. Jerash is an interesting and captivating travel destination for families since it combines historical exploration with live entertainment.
A family vacation top places to visit in Jordan finest attractions promises to be an amazing journey full of engaging and educational encounters. Every location, from historic wonders of Petra to peaceful Dead Sea coastline, presents different chances for fun and exploration. There is something for everyone, including the striking scenery of Wadi Rum, the interesting historical sites of Jerash, the beautiful beach town of Aqaba, and the energetic city life of Amman. Jordan is an ideal location to develop enduring family experiences and explore the delights of this amazing country together because of its unique combination of history, culture, and natural beauty.
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yafaiah-raaida-cham · 2 months
Top 6 Best Places to Visit in Jordan with Family
Jordan is an interesting combination of beautiful scenery, friendly people, and old-world heritage, making it the perfect place for family holidays. With varied attractions and rich history of culture, Jordan has something to offer the whole family. The best places to visit in Jordan promise incredible adventures, to the beautiful desert scenery of Wadi Rum and the amazing ancient city of Petra. Find the top six locations that offer the ideal balance of relaxation, learning, and adventure, making Jordan an excellent option for an unforgettable family vacation.
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Jordan is a great choice for a family holiday because it is a country rich in culture, history, and beautiful scenery with plenty of family-friendly attractions. There is no shortage of attractions, places to visit in Jordan including the historic ruins of Petra, the beautiful desert vistas of Wadi Rum, the restorative waters of the Dead Sea, and the busy streets of Amman. Make sure you have all the travel paperwork you need before starting this expedition, including a Jordan visa, which is easily obtained online or, for many nations, upon arrival. This guarantees simple and joyful trip while you take in all of Jordan's interesting and varied sights.
Here are the top 6 best places to visit in Jordan with family:
1. Petra:
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Jordan's most famous monument is without a doubt Petra, sometimes known as the "Rose City" because of its beautiful pink sandstone cliffs. Petra is an essential must-visit for families. Situated away in mountainous setting, this ancient Nabatean city provides an original combination of adventure and history. The trip starts with a walk through the Siq, a small canyon surrounded by high cliffs that leads to the beautiful Al-Khazneh (The Treasury). Both kids and adults will find the complex designs and imposing architecture to be attractive.  
2. Wadi Rum:
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The expansive desert region of Wadi Rum, commonly referred to as the Valley of the Moon, offers a singular combination of adventure and natural beauty. This UNESCO World Heritage site is characterised by its huge areas of sandy beach, petroglyphs carved into the rocks, and towering sandstone and granite rock formations. Families can enjoy camel rides to experience the traditional Bedouin way of life, thrilling vehicle drives across the amazing environment, and rock climbing and sandboarding.  
3. Dead Sea:
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Family vacations to the Dead Sea, known for being the lowest point on Earth, are memorable and healing. Swimming is nearly difficult due to water's excessive salinity, yet floating on the surface is an exciting and fun experience for people of all ages. Numerous resorts provide spa treatments that integrate natural materials, and the mineral-rich mud of the Dead Sea is well-known for its therapeutic qualities. Families can explore neighbouring landmarks like the historic stronghold of Masada and the Mujib Biosphere Reserve, as well as relax on the beaches and take mud baths.  
4. Amman:
Jordan's lively capital city of Amman offers a variety of family-friendly attractions while skilfully fusing modern and ancient elements. Roman Theatre and the Amman Citadel, two of the city's historic attractions, offer amazing insights into the rich past of the area. Families can visit the lively souks, or markets, where a sensory feast of bright textiles and the scent of spices awaits them. For younger tourists, Children's Museum in Amman is an excellent place to go because it has interactive exhibits and educational events. In addition, there are many of green areas for outdoor activities and picnics in the city's parks, like King Abdu llah II Park and Al Hussein Public Parks. 
5. Aqaba:
The only seaside city in Jordan, Aqaba, is a sun, sea, and adventure lover's dream come true. Situated on the Red Sea coast, Aqaba is well-known for its bright coral reefs and pristine seas, making it an ideal spot for diving and snorkelling. Water sports for families include windsurfing, jet skiing, and glass-bottom boat cruises that let them see the undersea environment without getting wet. Aqaba is also home to lovely sandy beaches where families may relax and take in the sun while their kids play and construct sandcastles. Family-friendly amenities and activities are available at the city's several resorts and hotels, guaranteeing a relaxing and pleasurable visit. 
6. Jerash:
The remarkably well-preserved Roman remains of Jerash provide an interesting look into antiquity. The city, sometimes called the "Pompeii of the East," is home to imposing temples, huge colonnaded walkways, and a beautiful amphitheatre that is still used for concerts. Families can tour sites like the Cardo Maximus, the Oval Plaza, and the Temple of Artemis while walking through the historic streets and envisioning life in the Roman Empire. Jerash is an interesting and captivating travel destination for families since it combines historical exploration with live entertainment.
A family vacation top places to visit in Jordan finest attractions promises to be an amazing journey full of engaging and educational encounters. Every location, from historic wonders of Petra to peaceful Dead Sea coastline, presents different chances for fun and exploration. There is something for everyone, including the striking scenery of Wadi Rum, the interesting historical sites of Jerash, the beautiful beach town of Aqaba, and the energetic city life of Amman. Jordan is an ideal location to develop enduring family experiences and explore the delights of this amazing country together because of its unique combination of history, culture, and natural beauty.
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malaysiatravelagency · 2 months
Discover Jordan: A Journey Through Ancient Wonders and Timeless Landscapes
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Discover Jordan: A Journey Through Ancient Wonders and Timeless Landscapes
Jordan, a land of timeless landscapes and ancient wonders, invites travelers to explore its rich history and natural beauty. From the iconic ruins of Petra to the vast deserts of Wadi Rum, Jordan offers a unique blend of cultural heritage and stunning scenery.
Petra: The Rose-Red City
No visit to Jordan is complete without exploring Petra, the ancient city carved into rose-red rock. Once a thriving Nabataean capital, Petra is now a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. The journey begins with a walk through the narrow Siq, a dramatic gorge that opens up to the breathtaking sight of Al-Khazneh (The Treasury). Beyond The Treasury, the city reveals numerous tombs, temples, and an impressive amphitheater. Exploring Petra by day and experiencing its magic by night, with the path lit by thousands of candles, is an unforgettable experience.
Wadi Rum: The Valley of the Moon
Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon, is a vast desert landscape that captivates with its otherworldly beauty. The dramatic red sandstone mountains, ancient rock carvings, and expansive sand dunes create a surreal and enchanting environment. Visitors can explore Wadi Rum on camelback, by jeep, or on foot, experiencing the serenity and grandeur of the desert. Spending a night in a Bedouin camp under the star-studded sky offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in traditional Bedouin culture and hospitality.
The Dead Sea: A Natural Wonder
The Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth, is a unique natural wonder. Its high salinity makes floating effortless, providing a relaxing and therapeutic experience. The mineral-rich mud and waters are known for their healing properties, attracting visitors seeking wellness and rejuvenation. The surrounding area offers luxury resorts and spas, where you can indulge in treatments and enjoy the stunning views of the serene, shimmering waters.
Jerash: A Roman Marvel
Jerash, one of the best-preserved Roman cities in the world, offers a fascinating glimpse into the ancient past. Walking through the city’s well-preserved ruins, visitors can marvel at the grandeur of the Roman Empire. The impressive Hadrian’s Arch, the expansive Oval Plaza, and the majestic temples of Zeus and Artemis are among the highlights. The city’s colonnaded streets, theaters, and public baths provide a vivid picture of life in ancient times.
Amman: The Modern and Ancient Capital
Amman, the capital of Jordan, is a vibrant city where modernity and history coexist. The ancient Citadel, located on one of the city’s hills, offers panoramic views and houses important archaeological sites, including the Temple of Hercules and the Umayyad Palace. The Roman Theater, located in downtown Amman, is another significant landmark. The city’s bustling markets, such as the Rainbow Street Souk and Al Balad, offer a taste of local life, with an array of shops, cafes, and restaurants serving delicious Jordanian cuisine.
Aqaba: The Red Sea Gem
Aqaba, Jordan’s only coastal city, is a haven for water sports enthusiasts and beach lovers. The clear, warm waters of the Red Sea are perfect for diving and snorkeling, with vibrant coral reefs and abundant marine life. The city’s luxury resorts and relaxed atmosphere make it an ideal destination for a seaside getaway.
Jordan is a land of ancient wonders and timeless landscapes that offers a rich and varied travel experience. From the awe-inspiring ruins of Petra to the majestic deserts of Wadi Rum, the therapeutic waters of the Dead Sea, and the vibrant capital of Amman, Jordan invites travelers to embark on a journey through its captivating history and natural beauty. Discover Jordan and uncover the magic of this extraordinary country.
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latribune · 5 months
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triptojordan · 7 months
Improve Your Travel Experience with Private Transfers in Jordan
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Planning a trip to Jordan? Say goodbye to the stress of navigating public transportation or haggling with taxi drivers – private transfer services by Wonders Travel and Tourism offer a seamless and luxurious way to explore this captivating destination.
Seamless Transfers, Unforgettable Journeys
Private transfers in Jordan through Wonders Travel and Tourism provides a range of benefits that enhance your travel experience:
Door-to-Door Service: Enjoy the convenience of being picked up and dropped off directly at your hotel or desired location.
Personalized Itineraries: Customize your journey to suit your schedule and preferences, whether you're exploring the ancient ruins of Petra or soaking up the sun at the Dead Sea.
Comfort and Luxury: Travel in style with modern vehicles equipped with amenities to ensure a comfortable ride, from spacious seating to air conditioning.
Expert Drivers: Relax knowing that experienced and professional drivers will navigate the roads safely, allowing you to sit back and enjoy the scenery.
Exploring Jordan in Style:
With private transfers, you can seamlessly explore Jordan's top attractions without the hassle of navigating unfamiliar roads or relying on public transportation. Here are some must-visit destinations:
Petra: Embark on a journey to the ancient city of Petra, marveling at its majestic rock-cut architecture and rich history. With a private transfer, you can arrive at this UNESCO World Heritage Site in comfort and style, ready to explore at your own pace.
Wadi Rum: Immerse yourself in the otherworldly landscapes of Wadi Rum, known for its towering sandstone mountains and vast desert vistas. A private transfer allows you to soak in the breathtaking scenery as you make your way to desert camps or embark on thrilling jeep safaris.
Dead Sea: Experience the therapeutic properties of the Dead Sea with a private transfer to one of its luxurious resorts. Float effortlessly in the buoyant waters and indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments, all without the hassle of coordinating transportation.
Don't let transportation logistics hinder your exploration of Jordan's wonders – opt for private transfers by Wonders Travel and Tourism and elevate your travel experience to new heights! So, sit back, relax, and let the adventure begin!
Source: https://jordan-travel.com/private-transfers-in-jordan/
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evapiipz · 7 months
a whale shark?
Since last year I've had this one dream. On repeat. I remember it too well. (I always forget my dreams, so it's weird.) I go to a spa like resort with my "parents". It's on a mountain hill, beside a sea. It also has animals. From weird porcupine like animals to polar bears. When you enter the hotel, you see two pairs of stairs. They led you underground, where you can see the animals swim in the water. On top is their enclosure and a place where you can watch them. Though, the only animal i remember vividly is a dark blue whale shark. It looked smaller than regular ones, so i guessed it was young. It was almost alone, in the dark. It didn't move much until I arrived. It swam to me. I could almost touch it through the glass. I felt a weird sensation.
The enclosure also had a dolphine? Or an orca, couldn't really place it. After that, I don't remember much. But I do remember watching my, my fucking whale shark, kill their enclosure mate. The water went dark red with blood. I couldn't see them anymore. It was like they killed their mate, then disappeared. I remember crying. Crying so loud i couldn't hear anything but that. I looked at the enclosure, they had sealed it off with dark curtains and yellow police tape (?). We weren't allowed there anymore. Though, I, the brave me, ran down the stairs.
I moved the curtains. I saw veterinarians holding the whale sharks body. My whale shark was covered in blood. They also had a fin missing, and many bite marks. They was dead. Then, I woke up. I don't know what to think of it. They're just sharks after all, I couldn't possibly have a connection with them.
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philiprajadurai-blog · 9 months
History of Spa Massage(Cindy's Spa)
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Hi Friends,
I am Philip and i would like to tell you the history and insights of Spa and Massage as a whole. Lets Go.
The history of spa massage dates back to ancient times. The Finnish saunas, thought to have originated around 7,000 B.C., are possibly the oldest example of spa treatments. Ancient Egyptians were the first to have practiced early forms of spa treatment. The Greeks and Romans spread the concept throughout their empires, establishing public baths in their colonies. The benefits of spas were also known to the Japanese, who established public bathhouses and saunas.
The word “Spa” comes from the Belgian town of Spa, where a health resort was established in the 14th century. By the 16th century, the spa’s popularity began to rise and after 200 years the medicinal uses of spring water were rediscovered.The 19th century saw spa routines include soaking in hot water, drinking the water, steaming in a vapor room, and relaxing in a cooling room etc. Massage was added to the mix, and it is from here that the modern treatments we know today were derived.
The Rise of Resort Spa
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The springs at the village of Spa would become popular in the 18th century. And this popularity correlates with the opening of innumerable other spas in the world.
As hot springs and mineral baths had already been popular in Europe for centuries, colonists arriving in North America quickly began seeking them out to use for medicinal and therapeutic use.
A new idea called Thlassotherapy arrived.The idea was that by bathing in the sea, trace amounts of sodium, calcium magnesium, iodide, and potassium are absorbed through the skin. Therapy could also include the use of seaweed, algae and these elements cleans your skin and body from dead cells and gives you a healthy body. Even the seaside climate itself was thought to promote health, beauty, and wellness.
Spa becomes Mainstream
The new seaside resorts were just a part of the growing spa industry. Meanwhile, in America, hot springs and mineral baths began to be seen as antiquated.Americans were moving to urban areas and they started to seek health and relaxation centers closer to where they lived and worked.
This is largely where the modern spa industry comes from.This not only made spas more convenient but accessible to more people. Hence the modern spa day.
Spas would also start offering broader ranges of services outside of their traditional roles. Many modern spas offer everything from traditional skin treatments to body sculpting.
What is Massage Theraphy
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Massage therapy is a form of treatment that involves the use of various techniques to manipulate the soft tissues of the body, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia.It is used to help manage health conditions, enhance wellness, and promote relaxation.
Different Massage Techniques
Swedish Massage: A gentle full-body massage that uses long strokes, kneading, and gliding with light to firm pressure to ensure total body relaxation.This is best for people who are new to massage.
Deep Tissue Massage: A step above a Swedish massage, it focuses on releasing tension in the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue.This is best suitable for people who have injuries,imbalance or muscle pain.
Sports Massage: This type of massage is designed to help athletes and sports enthusiasts improve their performance, reduce muscle soreness, and prevent injuries.This is best for atheletes who get injured often.
Trigger Point Massage: A technique that focuses on releasing muscle knots and tension in specific areas of the body.
Hot Stone Massage: A massage that uses heated stones to provide a relaxing and soothing experience, helping to release tension and promote relaxation.Its best suited for people who have muscle pain or simply who want to relax.
Aromatherapy Massage: A massage that incorporates essential oils and fragrances to promote relaxation and create a sensory experience.This is best for people who love scent and want a emotional massage experience.
Thai Massage: A unique massage that combines stretching, pressure, and acupressure techniques to promote relaxation and improve flexibility.
Choosing a Spa
Spa treatments are non-medical procedures given by licensed professionals. They are primarily aimed at improving your health, helping you relax, and addressing any physical discomfort.Spa treatments take place at spa resorts, day spas, destination spas, and beauty salons.
Spa treatments are non-medical procedures given by licensed professionals. They are primarily aimed at improving your health, helping you relax, and addressing any physical discomfort.
Spa treatments take place at spa resorts, day spas, destination spas, and beauty salons.The following factors help you to choose the right spa.
Check Spa’s Review: You can learn so much about a business by the reviews they do (or don’t) have.Check Google or other places for the Spa’s review so that you may know what other people have to say about the spa.
Check the Service options: There are many massage therapies available.Most spas will have an online menu of services offered and you can choose from among the many options available after calling them and deciding about the prices offered.
Therapist experience:Even though this is a very important factor you cant exactly find out the real experience of the therapist we can find out a little by looking the the spa’s website.
Spa Environment: The aesthetic of a spa can absolutely make or break your experience.Drop into a spa and have a look at their interiors before deciding to take the plunge.
Products used: Quality absolutely matters, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergic.In addition to pricing and service menus, have a look at the products a spa uses.Finding a place that uses vegan, organic, or cruelty-free products is definitely a good place to start
Hygiene:This is perhaps the most important thing to consider when choosing a spa. A clean environment is essential tohave a relaxing and satisfying experience.
Benefits of Massage
Massage offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Some of the key benefits include:
Reduced muscle tension: Massage helps to relax muscles and reduce tension, promoting overall relaxation and calm.
Improved Bloodcirculation: Massage increases blood flow, which can help lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health
Activation of the lymphatic system: Massage can stimulate the lymphatic system, which aids in the removal of toxins and waste products from the body
Reduces stress : Massage greatly reduces stress and can also reduce levels of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, cortisol, leading to a feeling of relaxation and improves mood overall.
Increases mobility and flexibility: Massage can help improve joint mobility and flexibility, reducing pain and stiffness.
Improved skin tone: Massage can improve skin tone and texture, promoting a healthier and more youthful appearance
Enhanced exercise performance: Massage can help enhance exercise performance by promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension
Pain relief: Massage can provide relief from various types of pain, including headaches, arthritis, and fibromyalgia
Conclusion:Massage therapy can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions and is often recommended as part of medicine treatments.
If you are looking for good professional massage center in Chennai ten visit Cindys Spa in Annanagar.
Kindly visit www.cindyspas.com  for further inquires.
Location: 2054/B,Rais Towers 3rd Floor,2nd Avenue,Annanagar,Chennai-40.
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kilannad · 10 months
As the Stars Burn On Chapter 36
Masterlist. Ao3.
The Secret Island
Lucy honestly expected the island to be right next to them; the fog was too thick for Merry to see very far. Instead, as the crew piled out of the galley, newest crewmate in tow, they saw something utterly impossible; the sun. Much like Enies Lobby, the sky above the island was lit with perfect, unending sunlight, made even more strange by the fact that the fog twisted and turned all around it, seemingly just barely kept at bay. A beacon in the dead sea, the island sat unmolested among the cursed air.
It made ice crawl down Lucy's spine.
"What's that?" Lily called, before taking off. He came back up lugging a barrel, the buoys attached brightly colored things at odds with the locale.
Smashing it open revealed a glass bottle with a letter inside, which Nami dutifully pulled out and read. "'If you're a pirate among pirates among pirates, welcome to Omatsuri Island! Our luxury spas are beat only by our fine cuisine and legendary entertainment. Come enjoy the finest vacation spot the Grandline boasts!'"
"It's a trap," most of the crew deadpanned.
"Yohoho! I had no idea there was another island in the Triangle."
"There shouldn't be," Lucy insisted. "This whole thing stinks."
"Nami," Luffy called. "Read that first part again."
"Eh? Uh, 'If you're a pirate among pirates among pirates-'"
"Yosh! I've decided. We're going."
"Dare I ask why, oh fearless leader?" Laxus said.
"Because we're pirates. Duh."
"That's an awful reason!"
Nami groaned, staring at her wrist. "It sucks but I think he wins this one."
"Don't say it," Lucy begged.
"That's where our log is pointing, so that's where we're going."
The island was a lush jungle; tangled greenery stretching from shore to the far reaching distance, a single mountain piercing the foliage to stretch straight into the clouds. From where they anchored, no one and nothing was immediately obvious.
"I don't like it," Gajeel announced. Laxus, similarly, held himself tense. "Something about this place smells wrong."
"The sound is off," Laxus agreed.
"I don't know. It just...is."
"That's comforting," Lucy muttered. She took a few steps forward, scanning the deep green and tangled brown of the flora. Reaching out, she ran her fingers through a few leaves. They were wet with condensation, soft with life. Something tugged at her, and she couldn't help but take a few steps forward.
"Bunny." Pausing, she turned to find Gajeel offering his hand, still standing on the sandy shore. "Don't go far from the group."
"Right. Sorry." Despite her intentions, she couldn't quite pull herself back out of the forest. She wanted-
"Yosh!" Luffy yelled, taking off through the trees, the rest of the crew left to scramble after him. Whatever thought she had vanished, replaced with exasperation. "Let's go explore."
"Yohoho! Our captain is quite the lively man, isn't he?"
"You have no idea."
With little other choice, the crew began the trek into the forest. The wind blew hot, getting tangled up in the shade until Lucy couldn't quite figure out what temperature she was meant to be feeling. Vines and roots grabbed at them, leaves and branches poking at her hair until she felt like she was a mess and desperately wanted a bath. At least there were no bugs biting at her.
"I thought this was meant to be a resort," Nami complained. She smacked a particularly clingy vine away. "I wanted a spa treatment."
"Stop whining," Zoro muttered.
"Watch how you talk to her," Sanji snapped.
"You want to go, dart-brow?!"
"Enough." Laxus snapped his teeth at them, lightning sparking across his shoulders. "Stop acting like children."
"Always so immature," Lucy breathed. Ahead, Luffy stumbled into a clearing and she struggled to catch up. Abruptly, the trees opened to another shoreline, the sandy beach dragging her in as she tried to stop, eyes wide. On their right, the ocean stretched out, bright and blue all the way until the visible edge where the Florian fog was held at bay; to their left, a castle towered over the island. Stone and marble were carved and built into a massive, three towered stronghold, with large, arching windows, many stained vivid colors. Even over the massive stone wall that kept its perimeter, Lucy could make out colorful houses and just the edges of twisting streets and alleys.
"So much for this island being empty," Robin noted.
Two wooden gates set in the front of the wall swung open, music suddenly blaring out from all directions. Usopp jumped, hiding behind Sanji only to get kicked back into the open. At the front of the procession, an elephant trudged out, decorated in jewels and bright fabrics, two figures standing on the palanquin attached to its back. One was a tall, older man, with dark hair and beard, with a brightly colored flower sitting on his shoulder, dancing along to the music. The other was smaller, a young boy with shaggy blonde hair falling around his face, brown eyes just peeking out as he stared at Lucy. She smiled and waved, trying to put him at ease; it couldn't be comforting, to have a bunch of strangers show up. Even if this was supposed to be a resort.
"Welcome pirates!" the tall man boomed. A crowd of people, most in their early twenties with a few notable exceptions, clattered out behind the elephant. "I am Baron Omatsuri and you've landed on my island."
"Is it true this is a resort?" Nami asked.
"With delicious cuisine?!" Chopper added.
"Oh yes," Omatsuri assured. "But before we can get to that, you must first do one thing to gain access." He waved to his right, where the little boy stood. "This is my son Shŭ. He'll be your judge." The baron smiled, tilting his head to the side. On his shoulder, the little yellow and pink flower chirped, 'judgment! judgment!'.
"What, like a competition?" Gajeel scoffed. "Bring it on."
"Ne, Flower Uncle, can we hurry? I'm hungry."
Omatsuri's jaw twitched, but Shŭ did a flip off the elephant, landing with a little dance. Lucy guessed he was about ten or maybe eleven. "Before you can access the island, you must first go through the Ordeal of Hell!"
"Of course it's a trap," the crew groaned.
"Shishishi, that's okay."
"Damnit Luffy," Nami lunged for his throat. "How do you always get us into these messes?!"
"What does it matter?" he gasped out. "I trust you all to win."
"Yohoho! Truly, a captain that knows how to sweet talk his crew."
"Pay attention!" Shŭ snapped, stomping his foot. With a groan and a shift, the ground beneath them moved. Sand fell away, a wooden platform rising up as the ocean rushed in. Lucy fell straight into Zoro, who barely kept to his feet. Trees and ground moved away, parts of the city falling apart to make room, until they were standing on a round wooden platform with a single, thin wooden walkway leading to the announcers room where Omatsuri and Shŭ were standing. The little boy grinned wide at all of them, a huge sign lifting up behind him seemingly from nowhere. "The first Ordeal is Goldfish Catching!"
"Goldfish catching?"
"Muchigoro!" Omatsuri called. "You will compete on my behalf."
"Gladly, Baron!"
A thick set, lengthy fellow with brown skin and thick lips came skittering down the walkway. From nowhere, a set of bleachers rose up, filled to the brim with various fans all screaming Muchigoro's name.
Gajeel glared up at them all, lips pursed. "Night Light, is there something off about them to you?"
"Yeah." Lightning sparked, his gold eyes narrowed. "Can't quite figure out what, though."
From the center of the platform, a small glass tub rose, filled with various brightly colored goldfish swimming in the clear water. On the edge, a paper scoop was settled.
"The rules are simply," Shŭ explained. "You have three minutes. The person to catch the biggest goldfish wins."
"I'd be careful," Omatsuri taunted. "These paper nets break easily in water."
"Don't worry," Usopp promised. "I'm a master Goldfish Catcher."
"Master?!" Muchigoro gasped.
"Master!" Chopper cheered.
"Yes, master," Usopp confirmed.
"I hope he's lying," Muchigoro muttered.
"Usopp would never lie," Chopper denied.
"I'm lying," Usopp confessed easily.
"In three!" Shŭ announced. "Two! One! Begin!" On a clock tower behind him, a timer began.
For a long, drawn out second, Usopp and Muchigoro glared each other down, Usopp smirking confidently all the while.
"Don't worry." Lucy jumped at the sudden noise, finding Shŭ standing at her side, hand gently looped around her knee. His fingers were strangely cool and she wondered if he had poor circulation. When he looked up at her, his eyes settled unerringly on her, so wide she could count the flecks of gold in the brown. "You won't get hurt."
"Why would I-?"
She didn't finish. Muchigoro grinned and with a roar of water, something huge jumped from the ocean. Lucy could do nothing but gape as the biggest fish she had ever seen flipped through the air; it was large enough to swallow Sunny whole in a single bite. It had to be a seaking of some kind, there was simply no other explanation. It had metal armor covering its back, huge, spiked teeth, and wide multi-colored eyes. When it landed, a tsunami worth of water washed over the platform, knocking most of them off their feet--Lucy, weirdly, stayed perfectly dry.
"What is that?!"
"That's Rosario," Muchigoro gloated. "My pet."
"How the hell do we catch that?" Nami demanded. Two huge buckets bobbed to the surface of the ocean, one yellow, the other pink.
"With this," Muchigoro grinned, pulling out a massive version of the paper net. He whistled, Rosario jumped up, huge body blocking out the sun as she came falling down.
"Oh, I see," Robin said. "There were never any rules to begin with. How quaint."
With an impossible heave, Muchigoro sent Rosario flying towards his bright pink bucket. In a flash of flower petals, hands spread from around the edges, linking up to form a giant net; Robin tossed Rosario back out and into the air before she could truly land.
"I got it!" Zoro drew Wado, steel flashing in the air. From nowhere, a gust of wind blew down sharply, sending him sprawling against the dock.
"No weapons!" Shŭ snapped, face twisting in anger. Lucy startled at the sudden vehemence. Franky, who'd been aiming his arm cannon, cursed at him thoroughly.
Sanji launched up, kicking Rosario into the air, lining her up perfectly. From the side, Pantherlily, carrying Gajeel, smashed right between the armor plates. She flopped, falling down into the bucket with another humongous splash of water.
The timer dinged.
On the Baron's shoulder, the flower bobbed up and down. "Game over, game over!"
Once more all smiles and sweet eyes, Shŭ clapped his hands. In the stands, the people cried out in despair. "Victory to the Straw Hats!"
"Yosh! I knew you guys could do it."
"Talk about a nutso island. Nami dear, did you see how I kicked that fish for you?!"
"You did good, Sanji."
"Enough!" They paused their celebration, eyes drawn to Baron Omatsuri. His face was twisted into a nasty snarl, eyes dark where he stared at all of them. Hopping up next to him, too quick for Lucy to see how he moved, Shŭ cleared his throat. Omatsuri settled, pasting a tight smile across his face. "You'll now complete the second Ordeal."
"Not a chance," Laxus declared.
"Don't be a sore loser," Usopp said. "We won, so let us stay at the resort."
"You'll do the next Ordeal!"
"What bullshit," Gajeel complained. "I say we get out of here."
"Shishishi it could be-"
"Absolutely not," Nami snapped, dragging Luffy by the ear. The crew started to head out, unmolested by Baron or his people as they returned to the forest. Lucy lingered, eyes catching on the little boy. He was already watching her, hair flopping into his eyes.
Laxus caught Lucy's wrist, tugging her along. "Don't get left behind, Blondie."
Irritation spiked, but she soothed it away with a deep breath. It'd been a while since Laxus had called her that, but she figured he was probably stressed. The island was weird. Something about it had her on edge; she couldn't imagine what it was doing to Laxus's heightened senses.
With Nami leading the way, she figured they had ten minutes before they were on Sunny and waiting for the log to reset. It'd probably ease everyone to be at home.
"This forest is SUPER weird," Franky muttered. He slapped away another branch, only for it to come snapping back into Brook's face.
"Hey! Watch it."
"Sorry, skeleton bro."
Lily twisted to the side, launching himself off Gajeel and into the trees. When Lucy followed, they all found a picnic blanket set up, with an empty basket of food.
"So there are other guests on the island," Laxus concluded. 
"That makes this a little less creepy," Lily figured.
"Yeah but...where are they?"
No one had an answer to that.
They went tumbling through the forest for another ten minutes. Fifteen. By the time they hit twenty, Nami was visibly furious, eyes twitching.
"I thought you were the navigator," Robin asked.
"Watch it," Nami snapped, scanning the map that had accompanied the letter. "I'll get us out, don't worry."
"Where even are we?" Usopp demanded.
"Nami," Luffy whined. "Let's go back."
"No!" She took another twist through the trees, muttering under her breath. "Have I ever gotten us lost?"
"Yeah," Zoro pointed out. "Today."
"Watch it, marimo."
"You want to go, perv?!"
"Nami," Luffy snapped.
"Shut up!"
"While I understand the stress," Lily soothed. "Let's all take a deep breath. Look, we're almost out."
Indeed, through the tangle of leaves, they could just make out pieces of red. They picked up speed, all eager to get away from this place. Pushing through, they all stumbled into a clearing. Instead of Sunny, or indeed any length of beach, they found a huge stage with a red curtain settled in the middle of the jungle. Baron Omatsuri flung his arms out in greeting, smiling wide.
"Welcome to the second Ordeal!"
"Absolutely not," Nami snapped. "We're leaving this island. You and your Ordeals can drown in a seaking."
"Really?" Shŭ asked. Lucy hadn't even seen him appear. "Then why haven't you gone back to the beach yet?"
"Listen you little brat-"
"I want to do the Ordeal!" Luffy cut in, bouncing forward. Nami slammed her hand out, punching him into the ground where his head got stuck. With a sigh, Lily followed the panicking Chopper over to help him out.
"I don't suppose you can tell us what the Ordeal is?" Brook asked politely.
"Brother, you are SUPER not matching the vibes."
Striking a pose, Omatsuri announced, "The second Ordeal of Hell is...Ring Toss!"
From behind him, the curtains opened, revealing glowing light spelling it out and four podiums on each of which was a gediatric looking three seconds away from keeling over.
"You're joking," Lucy complained.
"I like the lights," Franky murmured. "I wonder how they're doing it."
"Each group will have two teams on boats," Shŭ explained. "With two players on each boat. The first group to have ensnared the entirety of the other group in rings, wins! Now, for Baron Omatsuri's team; the four wise men!"
"They're just a bunch of old geezers," Nami pointed out, scoffing. "This isn't even a competition."
"Kerojii!" Omatsuri exclaimed. "The leader."
"From our point of view, you're a bunch of snotty kids."
"Snotty?! Watch what you say to me."
"Keroshot! The main striker."
"She's angry. The girl has a short temper and lacks maturity."
"Well pardon me for having a personality!"
"Kerodeek! The repairman."
"My, my, I'm quite tired. Can I go to sleep?"
"Don't go to sleep! You're the ones making us do this."
"Keroko! The youngest and only female."
"You're quite arrogant for only being a little younger than us."
"A little?! You mean a lot. I'm a lot younger than you."
"And now, for the Straw Hat's team!" Shŭ announced. The buried form of Luffy wiggled and called out, but it was already too late.
"I'm going to bury you in the Locker," Nami swore.
"If Nami dear is participating, then I'd love to~" Sanji cooed.
Zoro scoffed, earning an immediate glare. "If we want to win, we should put someone competent on the team."
"What's that supposed to mean, grassbrain?"
"You'd know what it means if you were any smarter."
"Guys," Usopp tried. "Can we calm down? What is up with you?"
"Shut it!"
"And we've lost them." Lucy buried her face in her hands, trying to think calming thoughts. They'd all been a little stressed from being in the Triangle for ages, no sun to mark the days, yet she hadn't expected them to dissolve so quickly into bickering children.
A hand grabbed her leg, tugging gently. She looked down to find Shŭ had once again attached himself to her side. "While your team is competing, the rest of you are welcome to relax at the spa."
"Oh. Thank you. That's very sweet."
She began gathering up the crew, pulling Gajeel away from where he was staring at the wisemen. Franky waved her off when she called for him.
"Nah, go on ahead. I want to take a look at this setup they have for the lights."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, don't worry about me, sister. I'll get one of the Baron's men to lead me to the spa when I'm done."
"Alright. Suit yourself."
The spa and the beating heart of the resort was the castle. Besides being where--she assumed--the Baron lived, it also had a lovely pool, plenty of spacious rooms, and a bar that they were given free reign over. When Zoro got out of the race, Lucy was sure he'd head there first; Brook went to beg some milk off them.
"I think 'm gonna take a nap," Gajeel decided. He tipped his head toward Lucy and Laxus, who were both taking in the wide, arching ceilings. "You two joining?"
While a nap--and the likely sex to follow--did sound nice, Lucy shook her head. There was still an itch under her skin, something she couldn't quite place calling to her. "I'm gonna explore for a little."
"Alright," Laxus agreed. He was frowning again, staring at where Omatsuri and his assistants (?) had disappeared after announcing dinner at seven. Shaking himself, he took a step back. "I think I'm going to go get Franky."
"He seemed excited to mess around," Gajeel pointed out.
"Yeah. But I got a bad feeling."
"Keep an eye out for Chopper and Lily, would you? They said they were going exploring."
With that settled, the crew split up.
Franky slid a crowbar under a plank of wood, jacking it open. With an excited rumble, he wedged himself into the back of the stage, finally getting a chance to see the setup.
All he found was a hollow crawlspace. There was absolutely nothing that indicated how the lights, or the moving stage, or anything else he'd seen on the island, could've been done.
Behind him, he caught the whisper of someone moving through the trees, and a whistle of air.
Robin hummed, eyeing the retreating form of Omatsuri. She'd been quietly taking stock of the island since they'd landed, unwilling to share her suspicions just yet. Something about it all made her uneasy, though she seemed to be the only one. Not surprising, considering the rather blessed upbringings of her crewmates; they had little idea how to live with paranoia as a partner.
Muchigoro waddled up to her, carrying a tray of drinks. She gladly accepted one, though ensured she didn't actually drink. She trusted nothing that came from this place.
"The laws of this island say I have to serve you now that I've lost," Muchigoro told her.
"Is that so? Well, then why don't you sit and have a drink with me?"
"Oh I couldn't-"
"I thought you had to serve me."
He grimaced, but obediently sat and took one of the drinks.
"Tell me, Muchigoro. Are there any flowers on this island?"
"Yes. While walking through the jungle, I realized there were none to be seen. But Baron has one on his shoulder. Where did he get it?"
Luffy turned around, eyes catching on all the vast architecture. It made him feel small, like he was back in Goa. Something tapped his head. If Sabo were here--he stopped the thought. Even all these years later, it still hurt to think of his lost brother. Ace had banned them from talking about him years ago, which made sense. It wouldn't help anyone to keep hurting themselves and Sabo would've hated to hear that they'd been in pain because of him.
Something hit his head. Luffy looked around, searching for the source. There wasn't anyone else present-
Something significantly bigger hit his head.
"Oi! Stop that." Narrowing his eyes, he spun around slowly. From behind him, he just barely made out the sound of someone breathing a little hard. Quick as a whip, he twisted, catching sight of a little old man holding a small boulder. Short, with a sand colored hat and a tiny mustache under his nose, the old man eeped, dropped the rock, and took off running.
Needless to say, Luffy followed.
Chasing him through the halls, up the stairs, around and around, Luffy cursed the man's spryness; it was worse than chasing old man Woop Slap. Luffy wasn't even planning to hurt him, he just wanted to know why he'd thrown rocks at him.
They ended up in a big open room with a shallow pool in the center, Mustache Pops on the opposite side from Luffy. For a little bit, mirroring each other inch by inch, it seemed they'd reached an impasse. Luffy had no idea how to grab him without it becoming another wild chase.
Abruptly, Mustache Pops stood up, sticking his finger under his nose. "Heh. You're a pretty fast kid. What do you say to becoming my nakama?"
Luffy didn't bother to contain his opinion on that. He was the captain; he decided who his nakama was. On the bright side, his Devil Fruit meant he could make really funny faces when people said dumb things.
Oh, right. He was rubber.
Stretching his arm out, Luffy grabbed hold of the old man and dragged him through the water and up to him. Flailing, the old man struggled to get away, but he was really weak so it didn't mean much.
"Okay, okay! Hold on!"
"Why would I be your nakama? I'm going to be King of the Pirates!"
Startled, the man stared for a minute before rapidly shaking his head. "That's not important right now. Look, my name is Brief, Captain of the Toothbrush Mustache Pirates."
It was a dumb name, but Luffy could respect a captain, even if it was a weak one. He let Brief go.
"Thank you. Look, you need to be careful."
"Eh? Why?"
"Beware Baron Omatsuri and his son. They aren't what they seem."
Somewhere back the way he came, a bell rang for dinner. Luffy turned to track the sound; when he looked back to ask Brief a question, the old man was already gone.
Lucy heard the bell for dinner and realized the second ordeal must have finished by now. She had no doubt that her crew had won; after Enies, ring toss seemed like nothing. It did surprise her though; she could've sworn it'd been early afternoon just an hour ago, yet when she looked out the window, the sun had already set, tiki torches lighting up the plaza. She blamed her losing track of time on the castle.
It was fascinating, for more reasons than she could really articulate. On one hand, the building itself was beautiful, with detailed sunken reliefs, liberal use of pylons and hypostyle halls. It was very reminiscent of some of the ancient architecture she had studied back in Earthland. Honestly, she was constantly reminded of the parallels between Terra and Earthland and she didn't know what to do with it. Maybe she should talk with Robin about it.
Beside the simple things, she also couldn't help but be drawn in by how empty it all was. While there was no dust to indicate disuse, it had dozens and dozens of rooms that seemed empty. Bedrooms without any personal touches, dance halls that weren't set up for any parties, on and on the list went. Like it was all some big prop--just a very detailed one. The whole thing had an energy to it, something drawing her close that she couldn't pinpoint; or maybe she was still sensing the Florian Triangle. Either way, she didn't really want to stop exploring, but the crew would likely worry if she didn't rejoin them soon.
As Lucy started retracing her steps, she must have taken a wrong turn, ending in a corridor she hadn't seen yet. Two big doors had gallery etched into their faces, and her curiosity got the better of her. Gajeel or Laxus could track her down easily enough if they got worried.
The gallery was a huge, long cavern of a room with a post-and-lintel system stretching down its length, making it seem like she was walking down the ribcage of some great beast. The walls were a simple gray, the artwork standing on its own, each with lights above and below keeping them lit. Paintings and mosaics and charcoal sketches; more art than she had ever seen in one place, all breathtaking. Achingly, it reminded her of Earthland.
There, the twisting body of a dragon, pieces of colored glass giving the impression of movement as the light flickered along it.
Down the hall, a black and white constellation map of the stars.
A deep, horrifying painting of blacks and red depicting a demon towering over a burning town.
Down the hall she walked, each piece of art reminding her of home. For all that she loved the Straw Hats dearly and completely, she could not help but mourn her past. It'd been well over a year since she had come to Terra; were they still looking for her? Did they worry that she'd died on her mission? Tears pricked at her eyes, and she paused at the end of the hall, wiping them away. She had to get control of herself; they were doing everything they could to get home, and until she had gathered all the Stone Keys she would just have to keep moving forward.
Taking a deep breath, she looked up, ready to go hunt down her crew. Whatever had drawn her here didn't matter; they needed to check the logpose and head out as soon as they could.
She froze, staring at the final painting standing in pride of place, the only piece against the back wall. Later, she would realize it was the only one with a name.
A portrait of a face she'd never seen yet was so heart wrenchingly familiar. And below, a plaque declared the painting the Cassiopeia.
0 notes
Enter the world of the Ancient Egyptians and find out why their civilization was able to capture the imagination with amazing Holidays In Jordan, scout Jordan with its Historical sites, get amazing tours to visit all the famous archaeological sites with Best Honeymoon Places in Jordan, Explore Amman "Jordan", visit Umm Qais, Jerash, Ajloun, explore Mount Nebo, Madaba, Dead Sea, finally beguile your eyes at Petra with its amazing wonders.
Visit the most famous archaeological sites with Jordan Egypt Tour Package, Explore Petra city with our Best Honeymoon Places in Jordan, visit Jordan and Egypt, Explore Umm Qais, Jerash, Mount Nebo, Madaba, and Dead Sea to enjoy the largest natural spa in the world.
Experience a marvelous Jordan Petra Tour, Discover the main attractions with Amman to Petra Tour, explore stunning sites of Jordan from Amman to Petra, visit the Rose Red City of Petra, know the legends of Petra, jerash and Dead Sea with World Tour Advice
Best Honeymoon Places in Jordan, We offer you a honeymoon travel package to visit the best places in Jordan, 10 Days tours to discover Petra, Wadi Rum, the Hammamat, the Dead Sea and Amman in Jordan
Day 1 : Arrival Amman Welcome to Jordan, Our Tour Representative will meet you at Ammann airport, he will hold a sign in his hand with your names, then a direct transfer of half an hour to arrive to your hotel in Amman, check in, free time for leisure, Overnight in Amman
Day 2 : City Tour In Amman, Jerash, Hammamat Ma\'in Hotel (B) Enjoy your breakfast in your hotel in Amman,then meet your tour guide to start your honeymoon tours in Amman the capital of Jordan,you will go to visit the  remains of Roman, Islamic periods in Amman,you will see the city view from the citadel hill,you will visit the Archaeological museum, the Roman theatre,a walking tour in the  traditional markets, the Souq & Rainbow street, then drive to the north of Amman to visit other beautiful site in Jordan Jerash, which is the best example representing a Roman provincial city in all Middle East, during your tour in Jerash , you will visit Oval plaza, the colonnaded street, the Nymphaeum and Artemis temple, then you will drive to Hammamat Ma\'in 7 check in hotel Overnight in Hammamat Ma\'inJordan in Hammamat Ma\'in,it is located 264 meters under the sea level, it is a natural area surrounded by natural springs & waterfalls Overnight at the Hammamat hotel
Day 3 : Hammamat Ma'in free day for leisure in Hammamat Ma'in, Enjoy your free day in Hammamat Ma'in , it is called also Zarqa Ma'in,, it is a series of natural hotsprings and waterfalls with biblical connections, Hammamat Ma'in are located between Madaba and the Dead Sea in Jordan. the Hammamat springs still run hot till today, now there are modern spa resort in the area, there are many springs but the main waterfall is gushing over a cliff beneath the resort, and its water temperature ranges from 40 to 60 degrees, there you will find Jordanian families & tourists enjoying the Hammamat waters, most of the Jordanian or the Arab families are in fully _veiled robes and the European touriss are in their modern western swimsuits. During the time of king Herod, these springs were called as Baaras, Herod built a big house  there & according to the tradition, it was at that villa that Salome danced and John the Baptist was beheaded 
Day 4 : Hammamat Ma'in, Free day for leasurs Enjoy your day swimming and enjoying the splendid views of Hammamat Ma'in , it is a free day for leisure
Day 5 : Tours To Madaba, Mount Nbo, Dead Sea hotel Enjoy your breakfast then drive to visit the city of Madaba, it is well known for its mosaic art,Madaba is a home of one of the most famous mosaic in the world,it is the 6 th century mosaic map of Jerusalem and the Holy land,it was done by 2 millions pieces of vividly colored local stones, Madaba mosaic depicts hills & valleys, towns & villages in Palestine, and arrive to Egypt Nile Delta. The mosaic map of Madaba covers Saint George church floor which is a Greek orthodox church built in1896 AD, Saint George church was built on the ruins of other elder Byzantine church, The original mosaic map was 15.6x6m, only about quarter of it was preserved very well. You can see other masterpeices of Madaba mosaic in the Church of The Virgin,the Apostles & in the Archaeological museum depicting nature, daily life things &scenes from the mythology. Proceed your tour from Madaba to visit mount Nbo,it is the place where Moses had gazed at the  promised land, then drive to the Dead sea, go to your hotel , check in your Dead sea hotel. Overnight in Dead sea Day 6: Jordan Dead Sea at leisure Enjoy your breakfast in your hotel in Dead Sea, enjoy your free day as many other famous visitor from the ancient history, such asking Herod, or Queen Kleopatra, who were visiting the area, to enjoy its unique characters, the high temprature all the year,  the low humidity, Jordan Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth and its water contain the highest  content of minerals and salts in all our world Overnight Dead Sea Hotel
Day 7 Free Day for leisure in Dead Sea enjoy your second free day to enjoy the Dead sea
Day 8 Dead Sea Hotel, Dana Village, Wadi Rum, Petra Hotel Enjoy your breakfast in hotel, then drive to the Dana Biosphere Reserve, where you will enjoy the splendid different views in the largest nature reserve in Jordan,then driving towards the protected area ( Wadi Rum desert ), Wadi Rum is one of the most impressive desert landscapes in the world, start your safari tours by jeep 4x4, to explore the desert of Wadi Rum, discover the Nabatean Rock inscriptions, then driving about one hour and half to Petra, check in your hotel  in Petra.
Day 9 Petra Day Tour, Petra Hotel After enjoying your breakfast,start a very unique day tour to discover the most important attraction in Petra, which was established by the Nabatean Arab to be their capital,they are a nomadic Aarabic tribe which settled in the area and established   COMMERCIAL EMPIRE,You will strat the tour to Petra or walking or riding  a horse or a camel to cross the Siq or tha canyon leading you to the Treasury building, discover te red lost city of Petra where you will see the royal tombs, the pharaoh's castle, the street of facades, tombs, temples and ta theatre, back to your hotel in Petra Overnight in Petra
Day 10  From Petra to Amman airport Enjoy your breakfast, check out at 11:30 am or before as your departure time, if your departure time is late we can add a day use in Petra hotel or in Amman hotel as you want, It takes about two hours and half from Petra hotel to Amman airport, the transfer time will depend on your flight time
- Meet and greet service upon your arrival to Amman airport - All the travel package transfer by A/C modern vans,& English speaking ecoter - Accomodation in 5 stars hotels bed and breakfast   one night at Amman hotel, 3 nights at Hammamat, 3 nights at Dead Sea, 2 nights   at Petra hotel - English speaking Tour guide on spot in Petra 3 hours - English speaking Tour guide on spot in Jerash, one hour - 2 hours jeep safari in Wadi Rum desert
- International flights - Meals not mentioned - Tipping kitty - Personal expenses
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jordanmwblog · 1 year
Experience the Mystique of the Dead Sea on a Private Tour
The Dead Sea, a mesmerizing natural wonder nestled between Jordan and Israel, has long captivated the imagination of travelers worldwide. Renowned for its therapeutic properties and unique geographical features, this iconic body of water offers a truly extraordinary experience. While visiting the Dead Sea is an adventure in itself, embarking on a private tour takes this encounter to a whole new level. In this article, we will delve into the mystique of the Dead Sea and explore why a private tour is the ultimate way to immerse yourself in its magic.
The Wonders of the Dead Sea (Word Count: 400) The Dead Sea, also known as the Salt Sea, is an inland lake renowned for its hypersaline water and high mineral content. It holds the distinction of being the lowest point on Earth’s surface, reaching an elevation of approximately 1,410 feet below sea level. This unique combination of factors contributes to the remarkable properties of the Dead Sea.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the Dead Sea is its salinity, which is nearly ten times saltier than the ocean. This high concentration of salt allows bathers to effortlessly float on the water’s surface, creating a sensation of weightlessness and tranquility. The therapeutic benefits of the mineral-rich mud found on the shores of the Dead Sea have been cherished for centuries. Visitors often indulge in the mud’s healing properties, renowned for alleviating various skin ailments and providing rejuvenation.
Beyond its captivating geological features, the Dead Sea is enveloped in a rich historical and cultural tapestry. It has been an important site since ancient times, referenced in biblical texts and known for its association with King David and Herod the Great. Today, the region boasts an array of luxury resorts, spa facilities, and wellness centers that cater to visitors seeking relaxation and revitalization.
Benefits of a Private Tour
Tailored Experience: A private tour allows you to customize your itinerary according to your preferences and interests. Whether you wish to spend a leisurely day at the beach, explore historical sites, or engage in adventurous activities, a private tour can be tailored to your desires. Your knowledgeable guide can provide insights and recommendations while ensuring that the tour aligns with your expectations.
Flexibility and Comfort: Private tours offer flexibility in terms of timing and pace. You have the freedom to set the schedule, allowing for a more relaxed and immersive experience. Moreover, private tours often include comfortable transportation, ensuring convenience and minimizing logistical concerns. With a private tour, you can enjoy the journey and the destination in comfort and style.
Exclusive Access: By opting for a private tour, you gain access to exclusive areas and hidden gems that are not typically accessible to larger tour groups. Your guide can take you to lesser-known viewpoints, secluded beaches, and private facilities, allowing for a more intimate encounter with the Dead Sea’s splendor. This exclusivity adds an element of enchantment to your experience, providing unforgettable memories.
Personalized Guidance: Private tours offer the advantage of personalized attention and guidance from a knowledgeable local guide. Your guide can share in-depth knowledge about the history, geology, and cultural significance of the Dead Sea, enriching your understanding and appreciation of this remarkable destination. They can also cater to your specific interests, ensuring that you gain a deeper insight into the region’s mystique.
Conclusion: Experiencing the mystique of the Dead Sea on a private tour is a truly captivating journey. The combination of its extraordinary natural features, historical significance, and therapeutic qualities creates an experience unlike any other. A private tour allows you to unlock the secrets of this enchanting destination while providing the flexibility, comfort, and exclusivity that enhance your journey. Whether you seek relaxation, adventure, or cultural immersion, a private tour ensures that your encounter with the Dead Sea is personalized and unforgettable. So, embark on this extraordinary adventure and let the magic of the Dead Sea captivate your senses. visit us
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The Best Places to Visit in Jordan: A Journey of Timeless Beauty
Jordan, a captivating country in the heart of the Middle East, is a treasure trove of historical sites, natural wonders, and warm hospitality. Steeped in rich culture and boasting breathtaking landscapes, Jordan is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an extraordinary experience. In this blog post, we will explore the best places to visit in Jordan , from the iconic ancient city of Petra to the stunning desert landscapes of Wadi Rum. Get ready to embark on a journey of timeless beauty!
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Petra: The Rose City:
No visit to Jordan is complete without exploring the mesmerizing city of Petra. Carved into the rose-colored sandstone cliffs, this UNESCO World Heritage site is an architectural masterpiece and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Begin your adventure by walking through the narrow Siq, a dramatic canyon that leads to the Treasury, Petra's most famous monument. As you wander through this ancient city, discover intricately carved tombs, temples, and a Roman theater, all testaments to the once-flourishing Nabatean civilization.
Wadi Rum: The Martian Landscape:
Prepare to be transported to another world as you venture into the otherworldly landscapes of Wadi Rum. This vast desert, with its towering sandstone mountains and rust-colored dunes, has served as a backdrop for numerous movies. Explore the rugged terrain on a thrilling 4x4 tour or embark on a camel trek to witness the magical sunset over the horizon. For an unforgettable experience, spend a night under the starry desert sky at a Bedouin camp and immerse yourself in the traditional Bedouin culture.
Dead Sea: The Lowest Point on Earth:
A visit to the Dead Sea is a unique and rejuvenating experience. Known for its high salt content, this remarkable body of water allows you to effortlessly float on its surface, providing a therapeutic and relaxing sensation. Smother yourself in the mineral-rich mud found along the shores, renowned for its healing properties. Besides indulging in the sea's extraordinary benefits, the surrounding area offers luxury resorts, spa facilities, and panoramic views of the beautiful Jordanian landscape.
Amman: The Vibrant Capital:
Amman, the capital city of Jordan, seamlessly blends ancient traditions with modern flair. Explore the bustling downtown area, where you can wander through traditional markets, known as souks, and savor delicious local cuisine. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the Roman Theater, a remarkably preserved amphitheater that dates back to the 2nd century. For a panoramic view of the city, head to the Citadel, home to ancient ruins, including the Temple of Hercules.
Jerash: The Pompeii of the East:
Step back in time and discover the ancient Roman city of Jerash, often referred to as the Pompeii of the East. Wander through its well-preserved ruins, which include an oval-shaped forum, grand temples, and an impressive amphitheater. Jerash's colonnaded streets and ancient arches provide a fascinating insight into the region's Roman past. To enhance your experience, plan your visit during the annual Jerash Festival, where you can witness lively performances of traditional music, dance, and theater.
Jordan's remarkable beauty and rich history make it a truly unforgettable destination. From the awe-inspiring rock-cut architecture of Petra to the dramatic desert landscapes of Wadi Rum, Jordan offers a diverse range of experiences for every traveler. Immerse yourself in the country's captivating culture, explore ancient ruins, float in the buoyant waters of the Dead Sea, and indulge in delicious cuisine. A journey through Jordan is an adventure that will leave you with memories to treasure for a lifetime.
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caranelguild · 1 year
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The Celer Gontalus safely ensconced at a mid-city harbour tower by noon, our adventurers head to the nearest public house to gather some information. Krieg learns that foreign nobles have, within the last twenty or thirty odd years, been establishing themselves and seeking to exert influence on the direction of the city. The others learn, among other inconsequential things, that there is a street performer in the famous tiered garden district of the city who uses weasels in his act, and this takes precedence over anything else.
Krieg and Vola pay well over standard to hire rickshaw drivers willing to race them to the gardens and the others follow more sedately for pennies. The tiered gardens of Kaigan Katai stretch for thousands of acres down a slope that in ancient history was under the sea; Krieg (whose rickshaw driver won the race) and Vola are well ahead of their companions to the incredible vista at the top of the gardens, and they don’t waste time in observation but head down a wide, lengthy stair to a central plaza in the middle of the gardens where Vola learns to her disappointment that the weasel performer only comes out in the morning.
But there are plenty of other buskers, bards, and performers to occupy the gang’s interest. By the time Damaia and Quagoon arrive, Krieg has already been listening to stories for some time, hoping to pick up anything related to the marsh-god’s sense-poem, and Vola is in conversation with an old gnome and her ancient, balding parrot.
The goliath is hard-pressed to hold back from funding a weekend getaway to a resort spa for the centenarian bird, but does donate enough cash for him and his owner to happily provide some information about the “new nobles” taking over the city. Vola learns that they are appropriating local culture to win their way into power, and of the traditions they are misusing one of the most heinous has been that of an ancient, discarded practice involving the summoning of demons called Tengu and various blood rituals.
On his rotation through the plaza’s storytellers, Krieg hears tales of these beings as well.
Meanwhile Damaia brings the strange ring she found in the Tulean buttes to a mage advertising readings, identifications, and sundries. This local performer, a crow aarakocra, puts on a show of prestidigitation over the ring before seeming to genuinely access a sort of poetic identification of the item, reciting in broken common a short verse suggesting the ring was used for healing of some sort.
The weasels being a dead end and other information providing much to think on, our adventurers look at the enormous staircase which they must now ascend and consider finding a place to store their bags and have a think.
Quagoon and Krieg lead the way through the city nearer to the noble quarter, where they identify a bathhouse inn. They are given a tour of the establishment and splurge on the full package, including a large shared room, two days of dinner service, and a tea ceremony and entertainment as well as access to the baths and the specialists there.
The rest of the afternoon is spent in luxurious relaxation as our adventurers immerse themselves in the hot mineral pools, are given massages, and soak in mud baths. After the tea service, they nap until dinner.
After dinner, feeling much revived, they are heading off to further investigate their leads when the concierge notifies them that they have received three letters.
The first of the letters is in an envelope of pearlescent paper fragranced with perfume. It is from a “Lady Kobayashi”, who offers to delight them as long as they are guests in the city.
The second is on fine, creamy paper with a perfectly stamped seal, and is from Lady Shinozaki, who suggests they may be able to be of benefit to each other.
The third is on thick cardstock with a grey seal, from Lord Honga. He warns them of traps and offers his assistance, should they require it.
Our adventurers ask the concierge about these, and of the three nobles the aarakockran employee has only heard of Lady Kobayashi by reputation: she lives in the largest palace in the city and throws lavish parties.
Lord Honga is first on the group’s list to visit, thinking it best to hear of these apparent traps before they fall into one. On their way into the noble quarter, they also keep an eye out for these Tengu - red-faced (or -masked) harpy-like beings allegedly employed by the new nobility.
They are directed to Honga Palace by a knife-sharpener, who also points out the roof of Kobayashi palace, visible above the tops of the nearest mansions. Lord Honga, they are told, lives in the Twelve Lakes district.
On the way there, a noble’s procession passes them by and our adventurers get their first look at these Tengu. The stoic looking individuals, with swords at their belts, walking before and behind the noble’s palanquin, are identified as wearing masks - just-visible straps holding the grimacing red visages upon the bodyguard’s heads, but the capering Tengu at the head of the procession, rattling a feathered instrument and leaping from side to side, does not give our adventurers a chance to identify its nature as person or demon. Either the mask is of better fit and quality, or its grotesque expression is the genuine grin of a summoned demon.
The procession passes, and soon the party arrives in the Twelve Lakes district, where canals and bodies of water sit within manicured embankments and retaining walls. The lakes themselves feature manors and palaces built upon the water itself, cobblestone foundations lapped by clear water now coloured by a sunset.
Honga Palace is pointed out to our crew and they head to its courtyard gate. After tugging the bellpull, they are greeted by a tall heron-aarakocra draped in a greyblue robe. They are invited in and placed in a comfortable waiting chamber while they are assured by the valet, who introduces himself as Tenten, that the lord will greet them personally within the hour.
As the time passes, our adventurers begin to wonder if they should be insulted, but when Lord Honga arrives - a stern looking elf with a manicured beard that suggests some non-elf blood - he smooths over their rough edges with a full apology and the explanation of pressing business.
Lord Honga is an amicable host, and answers all of our adventurers’ questions. They ask about the other nobles who sent them letters -
Lady Kobayashi, they learn, is unlikely to be involved in anything truly untoward. She has great influence in the city, but more or less what you see is what you get: she is a socialite to the point of excess. While she employs a few “Tengu” (Lord Honga strongly doubts there being any real demons in the city, though certainly some nobles are conducting very real blood ceremonies), it is simply for the image: if others are doing it, Lady Kobayashi will do it, too, and even more elaborately. Lord Honga does not suspect her of being one of the nobles to truly conduct bloody rituals for power.
Lady Shinozaki is a newer of the new nobles: she is living in the palace of a noble who left for less rife politics a decade or so ago. She is a bit of an enigma, but she has supported Lord Honga’s efforts to ban the Tengu revival and its bastardized ceremonies from the city. She has not, to Honga’s disappointment, accepted his invitation to tea and conversation. While she does not employ Tengu or engage in blood ritual, Lord Honga feels he must point out that she is a tielfing and is consequently impossible not to associate at least at some level with demonkind. Honga mentions that her palace is in the same district.
The party also asks after the noble whose procession they observed, and learns that Lord Shiraishi is a petty noble, a follower. For a time, he had been under Lord Honga’s tutelage, until he refused to reject the Tengu trend, at which point Lord Honga rejected his protege’s company.
- and Lord Honga is also asked about who might be the noble most likely to employ real Tengu and engage in elicit rituals. He tells them about Lord Shinonome, a noble who has in recent years gained an exorbitant amount of power and influence despite being neither as showy as Lady Kobayashi nor as outspoken in council as Lord Honga himself. Lord Honga warns our adventurers away from looking into this suspicious noble.
Our motley crew thanks Lord Honga for his advice and information and head back to their inn for the night.
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