#Days of Girlhood
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tumbler-polls · 1 year ago
Anon said: "Days of Girlhood" by Dylan Mulvaney is loved by some, while others are deeply offended by it. I wonder what Tumblr users think 🤔 The video: https://youtu.be/77rRP_Sk3JI?si=LIbPMWCSAHmH2xNt
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our-queer-experience · 1 year ago
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chainmail-butch · 1 year ago
I blocked over 700 r*dfem accounts this morning just by going through the Dylan Mulvaney tag. That should tell you what you need to know about all this mess.
Also I like the song and I think it's fun.
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kurtsascot · 1 year ago
dylan mulvaney and chris colfer full performance from dylan’s year 2 of girlhood celebration
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piperstrangeart · 1 year ago
In other fun news, a trans woman released a song about her experiences of joy as a woman and everyone is jumping down her throat because it's not a song about the tragic life of being a woman. Like I'm not a woman, but maybe people are allowed to find joy in their experiences of womanhood. Maybe women are allowed to express other emotions other than misery and suffering.
PS the fucking Barbie soundtrack, which was a self-described movie for all women had plenty of songs that had the exact same vibe, Dylan's song is legit just her experiences of trans girl joy.
The more cis people who get angry about it makes me enjoy it even more unironically tbh.
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lord-of-chaotic-evil · 1 year ago
fuck these tiktok terfs "days of girlhood" is a banger so eat shit
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angelstills · 9 months ago
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Days of Girlhood (2024)
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dylanmulvaney · 1 year ago
Days of Girlhood Out Now!
Directed by: Kajal
Here’s to 2 whole years of being a girl 💕💗🌸💄🎀👛🏳️‍⚧️
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welleducatedinfant · 1 year ago
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tinkeronii · 1 year ago
I’ve seen a lot of discourse about Dylan mulvaneys song, cis women mad cause it’s “offensive” but will blast California girls and Kesha’s old songs and they’ll defend them saying something like “those are about partying not girlhood” or shit like that.
I’ll admit when I first heard the song, I was a bit taken aback, I thought the same thing, ‘how dare she reduce girlhood/womanhood to taking pills and retail therapy’. And I was convinced that I had an issue with it because of the lyrics, but I thought about it more and I had problem with it because it was a transwoman.
I grew up in a pretty conservative household, I held the same beliefs as my homophobic family members and I was hateful. I’ve grown a lot over the years and discovered I hated those things because they were things about myself that I hated.
I’m bi and non-binary and tbh I still have issues with that, I still wish I was straight and ok with being afab, I wish I was “normal”. But I am.
I still have so much internalized misogyny and transphobia in me and I didn’t realize it till I heard Dylan’s song. If it was anyone else singing I, and others, would’ve ate it up.
The songs not an anthem for girls/women. It’s a song for Dylan and HER days of girlhood, not mine, not yours, hers and others like her.
There is always room for growth. Even if you’ve grown A LOT there is still room for more. It’s okay to admit that you may still have some hate in your heart, I do and I’m working on it. I love Dylan, the songs not my fav, but I fully support her and her journey. And I support anyone who is still trying to grow and unlearn all the dumb shit you may have grown up with to better yourself and love your fellow humans.
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sunnywalnut · 10 months ago
Just listened to Dylan Mulvaney's "Days Of Girlhood" in full and I'm just flabbergasted.
This is what people are mad about?
Is this what people are crying is "misogynistic" and "bad music"?
I couldn't stop dancing the entire time lmao. The beat is literally the funkiest tune and if you'd just LISTEN it's not misogynistic at all. It's her expressing gratitude to the women and girls that have supported her throughout her transition. It's about all the things she can embrace now that she's her true self. It's about being a party girl and gosh, isn't it awesome she can be a party girl now??
It's her being amazed at how WONDERFUL it is being a woman.
It's her acknowledging the stereotypes that are put on her and other women and saying you can't use these to hurt me anymore.
It's her saying yeah. I shop when I'm sad sometimes. So what? It makes me happy!
It's her saying yes! I still have to go to the pharmacy like any other person, and I shouldn't be ashamed of it! It's normal! Don't gawk at me!
It's her saying yes! I had a one night stand and it was awkward, but that's just life, right?
It's her saying I'm having fun, fuckers!
It's her acknowledging that yeah, things aren't always fine and dandy, and that's why I got my GIRLS.
But y'all don't see that.
Y'all see a trans woman who's happy and you hate it.
You see a trans woman who's embracing a traditionally masculine spelling of her name and you despise it.
You see a trans woman sharing each step of the process and you're mad because you want to keep silencing us.
You see a trans woman who likes men and you get ANGRY because how DARE she have all these party girl experiences when she's trans. Because of course, ALL trans people have to be depressed all the time.
You see a trans woman who's an influencer and enjoys items. She enjoys buying things, and modeling, and makeup, and shoes, and pretty outfits and crazy eyeliner and spreading positivity and you're MAD because we're supposed to suffer.
Trans people are supposed to suffer.
That's what defines us to you.
And that's what you want to define Dylan.
And guess what?
You disgust me.
And all the people who are claiming that her song is "bad" "but it's not a crime" are JUST as bad as those who are claiming it's misogynistic. Her song isn't bad. It's just not your taste. Wash your mouth out with soap and deal with it but get her name OUT OF IT.
You can hate party songs. You can hate Poppy hit songs that people are supposed to dance to. You can hate the classics like Brittney Spears and Demi Lovato and Shakira and you can totally hate just the genre in general.
But what you CAN'T do is look all these people in the face who are being AWFUL to her and say "yeah I agree with you but for DIFFERENT REASONS"
Because all you're ever putting out there is the vibe that women aren't allowed to have fun, and trans women especially.
You can totally say it's not your taste! You can totally say that you don't like pop songs! That's FINE. Just don't fucking put down women in the process. Don't claim something is "bad" just because YOU don't like it.
Dylan has dealt with ENOUGH shit in the past few years.
And I can't fucking BELIEVE that people are STILL shitting on her just for existing.
Just once.
Listen to the lyrics.
Listen all the way through.
And SUPPORT people. Even if their style is not your personal taste.
Because it's REALLY not that hard to be a nice person.
And it's even LESS hard to see all the needless hate that somebody else is already getting and decide not to jump on the bandwagon.
Do better.
Support trans artists.
And don't be a douchebag.
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castielsnutrag · 13 days ago
rageposting because my mom is a cunt and she's very ignorant
I showed her a video of this thing for NY fashion week which was absolute fire (Tanner Fletcher's collection) and Dylan Mulvaney was in it and she was like 'i don't like Dylan Mulvaney because he mocks women' and a) no SHE doesn't and b) you're mocking women by not using her preferred pronouns and disrespecting her. She (my mom) then brought up Dylan's days of girlhood series (which albeit had some unreasonable things in it but it was completely harmless and just a girl having fun and experiencing girl things) and said that she was disrespecting the entire female population and no trans woman would actively seek out using a tampon.
I really dislike my mom can you tell
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piperstrangeart · 1 year ago
The other thing that gets me about Dylan Mulvaneys song is that if you listen to the lyrics of the ENTIRE song (not just that bit that went viral) it's very clearly a song about women supporting women and thanking the women who helped her during transition, and it's really fucking sad that the response from most cis women I've seen has been to *retract any support they gave her*.
She says at the beginning of the song "calling all women, girls like me gotta learn the basics", she's saying "hey this is what I wanna look and be like, can I get help from my fellow girls" and apparently that's the worst most evil thing anyone has ever done.
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figuring-it-all-out · 11 months ago
Dylan Mulvaney: (sings about things that give her gender euphoria) Transphobes:
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imsparky2002 · 1 year ago
I dislike "Days of Girlhood" by Dylan Mulvaney because of bad autotune, a lifeless chorus and the fact that it doesn't play into her strengths as a Broadway singer. TERFs and/or Republicans dislike the song because of their transphobia. We are not the same.
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angelstills · 9 months ago
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Days of Girlhood (2024)
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