#Days of Feast stuff
angrybatgaming · 11 months
So, thanks to @syares , I got to see what last year's Days of Feast stuff looks like through spells...
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And I'm HYPED. Still waiting for the Withered Antlers, but these look SUPER NICE and I now kinda don't care if we don't get old Mischief stuff right away. I really love the hat, and I want the red scarf if Granny is offering it again this year!
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Three not-so tiny reindeer. The cape I was wearing in this pic actually kinda works with the antlers and maybe the hat.
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But this is probably going to be my Christmas Sky Kid outfit. Either the Journey cape or the red and white Christmas one. I'll have to wait to see what they bring back.
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Who needs a shiny red nose when you've got pretty glowing antlers? :3
Featuring @syares and a Sky friend who doesn't have a Tumblr blog that I know of. (If they do, I'll edit a tag in later.)
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
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their birthdays look different now, but it's not so bad
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fumifooms · 9 months
Marchil crumbs part 5
Part 1 - Part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 6 - part 7
The anime has come and since I have my shipping goggles on I am going to notice so much. This part will be less spoilery for anime onlys (tho if you want to see me talk about why I ship them and why they’re complementary this is not a good part to start with haha). Edit: After completing this part I can confirm it’s fully anime-onlys friendly and spoiler-free! For manga veterans though there are still some fun tidbits to be found, some recontextualisations and new extra content.
Holy shit guys they’re mirroring each other in the mural and reaching out to each other AND looking towards each other?!!!! Their pose is so striking and like perfectly align?! Which means it was so intentional and the staff wanted to highlight them (for an aesthetic and/or narrative purpose I’m sure but it happened)! I will never let this go we won so fucking hard let’s goooooo we are so back
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Character foils!! Dynamic duo!!
In the opening at 1:16 he looks at her to see if she’s really going to it as the most critical of monster food & muster up courage to dig into it himself lmao… "Marcille doesn’t look too grossed out, she’s picky so this food must be fine then" Aka treating her as a poison taster/good cuisine judge lmao
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Doodle from the animation director (source). I should translate it but I’m procrastinating on it so uh director’s brotp? Anyways they hanging out look at them :]
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Laios is thinking to himself there (he’s the one saying the subs), and in the meantime Marcille and Chilchuck talk, likely figuring out the money situation. Strategizing duo back at it again not wasting a second
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In the beginning of ep 1, when Marcille is rambling about where they could go to get food and what to grab, Chilchuck listens with a big smile & even closes his eyes as they walk. The implication is that he’s thinking about food, but man the scene hits different now that it’s voiced and I remember that indeed Chilchuck is closing his eyes to her voice and enjoying hearing her talk and ramble. I may be too far gone into the marchil pit
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I feel like already they’ve come far from when Chilchuck dreaded being alone with Shuro and Marcille, waiting for the Toudens and Namari to arrive.
Ok this might actually be smth I’m gonna complain about but I feel like blushes have been drawn too vividly so far. Why does Chilchuck look like he’s confessing when he tells her she’s not a burden and he didn’t mean to make her feel that way. It almost comes across as "Woah she cares what I think?" 💀 The banter ensuing is of course also great
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Ep 2 was an episode centered on them both that had the "Magic/Traps are my domain, don’t interfere!" parallel… And now with ep 3 we’re back to them being haters together. That’s her emotional support man
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In ep 4, it doesn’t show well with a screenshot but when Senshi talks about his unmanned vegetable stand with a treasure chest, while in the manga Marcille and Chilchuck both think the same thing, "That’s why that treasure chest akways had money in it…", but in the anime instead they literally finish each other’s thought. Talk about being on the same wavelength.
Ep 5 is a marchil goldmine actually, it showcases perfectly how much of a package deal they are lol. Always sticking close to each other. Glancing at each other during meals… They literally nod at each other before they try a bite to steel themselves. They exchange a serious thoughtful glance when Laios talks about Falin truly being gone atm. They argue a bit but they go right back to sitting right next to each other after the meal <3 My god I can’t deal with them they are so…… "Hate this bitch, not my friend" 3 secs later "Heyy bestie!!" Also he’s worried he brought her mood down after mentioning Falin. Made a post about ep 5 collecting even more screenshots.
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Episode 6 my hero my beloved… Again I made a post about the ep collecting all my screenshots here, and even a clip! But this IS the marchil crumbs masterpost thus I must collect the major ones here as well. First of all, fun staff drawings for the first screening!
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I already posted a screenshot from the trailer of when Chil had his head on his knees sitting next to her, but after seeing episode 5 I think it’s a fun and interesting trend to notice that they sit next to each other way unnecessarily close wow. They continue to banter a ton, she continues to be very casual with touch, and they’re really cute! I love just how much Marcille blushed damn- It’s really cute too when you remember with the bicorn chapter that Chilchuck teases Marcille BECAUSE he enjoys getting a rise out of her, flustering her and seeing her reactions. I support the teasing -> laughing because her reaction is over the top all-Chilchuck economy. Also she apologizes for having let him go alone and be gone for so long by helping him with sewing his cowl… Cuties
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She looked so happy when he opened up about his age!… And then seemed… Disappointed? When he "truly was just a kid". "So you really are a kid! How boring…" This implies that her intent was to tease him for funsies… Ok lads we reached 30 pics see you next post, I’m gonna cover the "wake up clumsy head" manga-anime differences and we’re gonna go back to our usual spoilers yummy schedule.
Here’s Marcille cosplaying as a succubus in the newest Daydream Hour… She may not be a half-foot or have deep-set eyes but let’s be real I think he’d explode
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part 6 here!!
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asleepinawell · 8 months
some absolute mad lad: spent two years making a skeleton with 8 heads and 108 legs and got locked out of parts of the bone market for 15 actual years for being too awesome
me: made exactly one (1) skeleton, everyone told me it sucked, took my bones and went home and never came back :(
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mythos321 · 3 months
The Thrilling Confession
(finally made this Change of Heart, even if it’s 1-2 days late)
Scarlets hatching day was naturally boisterous and grand in its presentation, with long, LONG, songs dedicated in her honor, and large treasures and food all aplenty, all of this and more was found at her Celebration, and the only one who was missing was The Queen herself.
2 of the head guards went into Scarlets room to see what had happened, and looked across it and the Throne room to see shattered statues and torn apart paintings, with them appearing to have been done by Scarlets own hands as the they saw the Queen at the edge of her room, staring into her shattered mirror with torn apart jewelry scattered across.
“my…my queen, do you wish to appear for your celebration?” One of the guards weakly said, as the queen momentarily stiffened, as though broken from a trance, before weakly smiling as she put the mask which covered her scar back on.
“Yes…I shall put an end to this now.” Scarlet said, her eyes seeming to be slightly watery, as she walked out from her room and to her balcony as she prepared for The crowd to begin their focus upon her. Scarlet saw as the vast crowd was forced to cheer her name, and felt a feeling she had never felt before, and lifted her talons forth, and the crowd was brought to a silence.
“My beloved citizens…today you are all here in celebration of the birth of your Queen of many decades.” Scarlets voice boomed across the kingdom, as citizens cheered towards her. “It is only because of you all I have lasted so long, and have gone so far. The truth is, your aid truly warms my heart!” Scarlet stated, and some of them began to momentarily look confused, having never seen their queen be this benevolent before
“But that is why…that is why I cannot forgive myself…” Scarlet admitted, and her guards around her looked shocked as she said this, with Vermillion realizing what must have happened and looking intently from her side.
“The recent passing of the beloved Sea Kingdom Monarch Coral, was…because I orchestrated her death.” Much of the crowd gasped in shock, and Scarlets guards looked upon her with complete surprise. “I also manipulated information so that it would appear as though The Phantom Thieves were who killed not only her, but many other mental shutdown incidents over the past two years, in reality…The one who gave rise to the countless victims…is myself. All for my own desires, for my own entertainment, as though it was some sort of amusement park…” Scarlet then began to take off her mask, and revealed to her kingdom the horrific scar upon her face as many who were closer gasped and even screamed in shock at the site, “Look upon this face and see the true monster that had hidden itself behind these…useless and vain jewels, for now I am as hideous on the outside as I was within…I’ve killed hundreds, manipulated thousands, and hurt so many, I tore apart families, and I thought it “Thrilling”…No, I don’t deserve to use such a word.” The broken Queen then began to break down in tears, unable to hold back the unrelenting guilt she feels and hatred she now feels towards herself
“I am a true criminal- no, a monster, that could be tried for every crime, and give even her life, and it still could never be enough for what I have done! Everything, EVERYTHING, I CONFESS TO IT ALL, I AM A DESPICABLE, HORRIBLE, AND CRUEL PERSON WHO DOES NOT DESERVE TO LIVE FREELY, PLEASE….please, pass judgement upon me…I request only that I be judged immediately, and put away to where people may never be forced to see me again…please, please, please…” Scarlet continued like this for a few more minutes, before having herself put away in the dungeon until further notice…yet even so, the weight of her sins continued to descend upon her further and further, and all Scarlet craved now was her ultimate fate and judgement, for how could one live life knowing they do not deserve it.
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witchezburn111 · 3 months
🧊🫧✨Thin Inspo✨🫧🧊
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Here some thin inspo that I have on my Pinterest mood board!💘
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cruger2984 · 9 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS The Name Above All Names Feast Day: January 3
"Praised be Jesus Christ!" -Enchiridion Indulgentiarum
In connection with the circumcision and the naming of the Holy Child on the first of January, the Catholic faithful celebrate the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus.
Jesus is a Hebrew name which means, 'God Saves.'
In the Gospel of Luke, the archangel Gabriel revealed the holy name to Mary, when he announced: 'You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.'
In the Acts of the Apostles, in order to be saved, we must believe in the name of Jesus, as the apostle Peter said: 'There is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.'
For this reason, all liturgical prayers conclude with the words: 'Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.'
Perhaps the greatest promoter of the Holy Name of Jesus was St. Bernardine of Siena, who coined the Latin Christogram, 'IHS', which stands for Iesus Hominum Salvator, which means 'Jesus, savior of men.'
At the end of his sermons, he usually displayed the IHS on a tablet in gold letters, and would ask the faithful to kneel in adoration. The devotion to the Holy Name became so popular, that the IHS was inscribed in churches, sacred vestments, and on the Eucharistic bread.
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blujayonthewing · 5 months
thinkin about how if gnomes are partially insectivorous and also live underground in the woods then Cicada Emergence is 1000% a huge cultural event, probably with religious significance, and cicadas would hold tremendous cultural importance both literally and symbolically
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bee-snail · 8 months
How do you think Zhan Tiri spends Valentines Day/the Day of Hearts?
Suffering in the lost realm
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Just read "The Shrine of Emrys" again and uh. Bro. You know how there's different feast days for saints like St. Florian, St. Christopher, etc?
Do you think the Druids have an Emrys Day?
Maybe they celebrate it with flowers and a feast of Emrys's favourite offerings and children make butterflies from parchment/cloth/leaves/whatever and maybe they also burn Uther in effigy.
Arthur is deeply conflicted on that one because a part of him is like "Yeah that's fair" and another part is like "guys, that's my dad, c'mon". The knights get a kick out of it, tho. Some more than others *cough*Gwaine*cough*
Merlin is lying facedown in the dirt and screaming into a lump of moss.
you reread my fics 🥺
but yeah yes, i already headcanon that they celebrate Emrys's "birth" or at least when the magic community was notified that Emrys will be present in this generation. so yeah they go all out to celebrate.
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krist-420 · 1 year
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Happy Feast Day Everyone’s Guardian Angels October 2
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jazzzzzzhands · 1 year
I love how people are starting to recognize me as THE Wally Darling fan blog lmao.
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toadcircus · 2 years
thinking of wizards and knights and velvet and gilded gorgeous jewel tones... building my world around me and deciding to see beauty and joy and wonder !
There is a lot of weight in shifting your perceptions of the world and of yourself. The reason fantasy worlds feel so magical is because we choose to see the novelty and beauty within them. Bring the novelty into your life! Going to the shops to buy a comb? A quest ! Make a drink? a POTION ! 
everywhere there are puzzles to solve and things to overcome and learn from and it is all within the real world you just have to change how you think of these things.
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arg0t · 29 days
actually super strongly pro holiday and season, especially arbitrary ones. obvi corporatization "buy all this stuff" holidays are lame if all you do is buy all this stuff, but homemade valentine's day cards ? Fuckin great ! feast days in abstract? really really cool!
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thewirewitch · 5 months
The spiders are back.
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mayra-quijotescx · 5 months
stuff swaps give me an utterly dizzying hit of joie de vivre, like I'm still not fully back down from the clothes swap last week and now I'm back home from a craft swap today and only just put down the supplies I got there
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