#Day: 😀
dreammetheworld-x · 1 year
Prodigy au where Metias and Thomas survive and join the patriots and June is the only one who doesn’t realize they’re dating
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numbuh424 · 2 months
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@nearsbday : DAY 2 - "MEMORY"
Near through the years 🧩
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turnaboutdick · 4 months
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kepler, jacobi and maxwell better known as nightmare trio
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limethechef · 4 days
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Quit my job of 20 years because this company is offering so much more! I even get a free pistol as a start-up bonus!! It’s in a dangerous part of town so that’s such a relief knowing I’ll be able to protect my three kids, but with the benefits and payment for just janitorial business, $82.65 an HOUR!?! STARTING WAGE AND PAID LUNCH!!? That’s $222,163 a YEAR! How can they afford to pay me, let alone the lab techs here???? I think I’ve found the best way to an easier life for my children later on, some rich people DO care about us! I couldn’t be happier!! I’ll finally be able to afford my sons top surgery and my daughters leukaemia! I plan on staying here till the day I die!
Speaking of, the only odd usual benefit was no death/dismemberment payout, but who needs those anyways??? I’ll be living a long and happy life in 20 more years…
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nateezfics · 2 months
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au where hongjoong and wooyoung are fashion majors at an elite university who live off their wealthy parents’ money. they’re absolutely wild and squander away their hefty allowances on parties and a crazy lifestyle. they’re two of the most popular guys at uni, having created a reputation amongst the campus and even beyond. they’re talented with promising futures in the fashion world, but they have a lot of growing up to do. here enters you, the newbie in the fashion program and the last person anyone expected to get accepted into this prestigious university. you’re not from a wealthy family, and you’re currently the brokest you’ve ever been. all you have is a dream and mere determination. nothing can get in your way…. well expect for two rowdy and snooty rich boys who love nothing more than making your life a living hell.
coming soon one day in the future when i can actually put my brain cells together to write this 🥴
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kermitbread · 4 months
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haha what
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ohno-wallace · 2 years
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Oh they think they’re so slick, sneaking around the palace walls like that.
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wejustvibing · 1 month
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I’ve known for ages (about Kimi), so… I knew it would be announced this morning. I definitely woke up and it was very, very, very surreal to just have, at least officially confirmed, my seat is going that I held onto for so long. So it was quite emotional this morning, but I’m really, really happy for Kimi and for this team – I know Kimi is gonna do a great job.
It’s been there all year (emotions). Every single race you turn up, I love my team so much. We have been through a hell of a lot together so it will be emotional every single race. Because every race we do is the last time at that particular place. Every race we get closer and closer to the last time I’ll be in that Mercedes. It’s going to be tough, but my focus is just to do my best job for the team and to finish on a high. - Lewis Hamilton
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dabislittlemouse · 9 days
Touya still had so much to argue about and so much to say!! :((((
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merry-kuroo · 15 days
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Mr. “I Could Not Prevent It” could have, in fact, prevented the implosion of his 77 year situationship in that dining room, he just CHOSE not to.
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chirpsythismorning · 9 months
The curtain
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haha-u-sme11 · 8 months
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Happy Valentines Day 💘
(I’ll try to post more later 😉)
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Here’s the full image 😍
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goliig68 · 9 months
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skrrtscree · 8 months
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I didn't have time to draw anything proper for valentines day so get shitposted 😔😔
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Day 16
As the human and I did not share any duties during this particular cycle, I decided now might be a fitting time to inform the Vitrichl about the aforementioned book, which could possibly grant a further insight into Terrans.
Despite the quite serious circumstances we are currently in, I was able to secure a time frame to initiate a conversation regarding this topic.
I repeated the information V-7 had been able to conjure on this as well as other stories and reports on humans.
"There seems to be one…obstacle, though: The book‘s last documented location is in system Skė-51-33, which does not seem to be even remotely near our current route.", I eludicated.
The Vitrichl seemed to consider the information given, keeping in mind the reason the SIIR Noxos usually avoids this particular system: its unfriendly and occasionally aggressive nature.
Concluding, I was able to convince the Vitrichl through the benefits this book could provide in the task of studying humans, causing the Vitrichl to eludicate that changing the route was currently not possible, but as soon as the chance was offered to us, we would make a short detour through this system to retrieve said book, given that the book was still located there.
In the meantime, I was tasked with retrieving as much possible information on this particular and other sources about humans.
Our arrival on Fendaar is imminent, as we are nearing the planet‘s atmosphere. Further reports will follow.
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