#Dawnseeker Legacy
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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Lynn Delhar, mother of Jedi Knight Alessia Delhar and Bounty Hunter Nedalor Delhar. Estranged wife of Darth Dragos. 
Inventor and Arms Dealer, on the run from her ex-husband at the start of the smuggler storyline. She’s from an Imperial family on Dromund Kaas that manufactured weapons and armor for the Imperial military, up until she gave up her family secrets for asylum in Republic space for her and her two kids. But even Republic space isn’t as safe as she was led to believe....
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officialtoa · 5 years ago
Another year gone...
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What a week!  We hope you enjoyed yourself no matter the reason you came to enjoy another year at the Tournament of Ages and don’t worry - we wish it wasn’t over either. What an amazing turn out this year. Since year one, we’ve seen the number of you multiply and we can’t tell you how much this means. We love hearing about how excited you all are, how much the Tournament means to you IC and OOC. We’re right there with you.  And what a wonderful year this one was. We saw how wonderful our community could be, how selfless you all are. We raised over $10,000 to donate to Wildlife Warriors. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We can’t say it enough. The Tournament of Ages has always been a little more than just running a series of competitions in-game and you proved that ten times over this year. Thank you for keeping that kindness going.  And - Thank you to our Coordinator Maxen, who kept his promise and shaved his head for the koalas! ♥ On top of the fundraiser for Wildlife Warriors, we also released Tournament of Ages merchandise that you all seemed to want to scoop up like crazy! Proceeds from those purchases are going towards the ACLU in the hopes that we can help create change in our world. Because of that hope, we are keeping our merchandise available until the end of the year.
 Click here to get to our ToA Merchandise!
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    A word from the Tournament of Ages Coordinators With Tournament of Ages now over, we would like to take a moment to acknowledge all of the creativity, dedication, and hard work of our volunteers. Several months of preparation goes into this event every year, and without the selflessness of these individuals we would not have a tournament to look forward to every August. Please look over this list of names, and pass along a word of thanks if your paths ever cross. On behalf of the coordinators, thank you to everyone who invested your time and energy. You are the real heroes of ToA! STAFF • Alphariana - Pet Battle Referee • Beolrik - PVP Referee • Bird - Graphics, Merchandise, Sword Curator • Cetaceni - Sparring Referee • Dartan - Ceremony Director • Feliathe - Sparring Referee • Gallus - Sparring Referee • Gavin - PVP Referee, Shoutcaster • Giselle - Carpball Referee • Greaves - Booth Manager, Art Auctioneer • Ida Kolarn - Carpball Referee • Ilaian Thorne - Sparring Referee • Jo'tak - Sparring Referee, Sword Curator • Khudaal - Carpball Referee • Kimberly - Twitch Hostess • Nathul - Hearthstone Referee • Nick - PVP Referee • Odron - Carpball Referee • Oliviaxi - Hearthstone Referee • Reggad - PVP Referee • Riley - Photos, Badges, Sword Curator • Se'ly - Social Media Manager, Date Auctioneer, Ball Organizer • Shin - Security Supervisor • Skott - Racing Referee • Spicy - PVP Streamer • Syana - Carpball Referee • Taeana - Ceremonies Assistant • Thaddeus - Marmotball Referee • Thaugrim - Medical Supervisor • Tilliea - Twitch Hostess • Vince - Date Auctioneer • Vish - Carpball Referee • Vynix - Wonderlight DJ • Walerrek - Wonderlight Caterer • William Hawke - Sparring Referee • Wisp - Sparring Referee • Xelu Allbridge - Racing Referee • Yolira - Sparring Referee • Zaralle - Jousting Referee SECURITY • Arc'ulerith • Belianiu/Ezio • Bluie • Caroline Eastfield • Clover Bell • Daviel Lightblade • Jagarn • Jasper • Jonas • Karthys • Keirras Silenthope • Laeriah Newdawn • Lutaria • Melrani • Mandel • Max • Maz Daerune • Merable • Moonlee • Nakster Skullflayer • Nihil Winemaker • Norah • Paper Mida • Rakanjo • Romano Paleshield • Samuel Theiss • Sen • Björn • Shin • Temari Jensen • Thomhus McOwen • Travis • Vesper • Vitallion Stansfield • Volthar  • Zevorreva MEDICS • Abianca W. Foster • Ainsley Dawnspark • Anely Stormdottir • Arianiie • Aurora • Bird • Briar Wickham • Cora • Corinanis Lightsong • Corta • Ellinór • Elspeth • Eveneah • Fei Jiang • Feliathe • Giselle • Hynote Draconis • Jiro • Karoden • Kristiana • Lily • Lumi • Luminess Brightcoil • Mirri/Zubrette • Pelore • Qub • Rossy • Samantha Aimes • Sednara Dawnheart • Sen • Swyndol • Syeris • Tah'Koz • Thaugrim BOOTHS • Calriah - Booth 1 • <Stormwind City Watch> - Booth 2 • <Hollowlight Ventures> - Booth 3 • <The First Regiment> - Booth 4 • <Creatively Crescentlight> - Booth 5 • <Deepcore Industries> - Booth 6 • <The Citrine Eagle> & Riley Rimeshard - Booth 7 • <The Highguard> - Booth 8 • <Custodes Vitae> - Booth 9 • <Rose Garden Tavern> - Booth 10 • <The Dwarven Vanguard> - Booth 11 • <Keystone Expedition> - Booth 12 • <Stonewind Tribe> - Booth 13 • <Honor Amongst Wolves> - Booth 14 • <Briarstone Coalition> - Booth 15 • <Ashes of Alar> - Booth 16 • <Succulent Tart> - Booth 17 • <Gilnean Brigade> - Booth 18 • <Darkmoon's Finest> - Booth 19 • <Greyshields> - Booth 20 • <Om Nom Noodles> - Booth 21 • <Pride of Gnomeregan> - Booth 22 • <Sharkbait Shipping> - Booth 23 • <Aramore Enterprises> - Traveling Booth • <Azeroth Coalition> - Traveling Booth • <Azeroth Wildlife Society> - Traveling Booth • <Brightmoon Faire> - Traveling Booth • <Brotherhood of Valor> - Traveling Booth • <Crystal Cone> - Traveling Booth • <Dropwrench Imports> - Traveling Booth • <Evergold Sanctuary> - Traveling Booth • <Farbound Company> - Traveling Booth • Gyle - Traveling Booth • <House Straüs> - Traveling Booth • <Keystone Expedition> - Traveling Booth • Kieladar - Traveling Booth • <Legacy of the Aspects> - Traveling Booth • Lewin - Traveling Booth • <Lugdor's Wagon of Wonders> - Traveling Booth • Midini Flintzels - Traveling Booth • <Mok'ra Noodles> - Traveling Booth • Murloc - Traveling Booth • <Nethershard Pub and Bar> - Traveling Booth • Sebrak Blackwald - Traveling Booth • <Snak Yak> - Traveling Booth • Telrend - Traveling Booth • <The Good Apples> - Traveling Booth • <The Merry Mermaid> - Traveling Booth • <The Sanguine Grove> - Traveling Booth • <The Trash Pa'Troll> - Traveling Booth • <World's End Cabaret> - Traveling Booth SPECIAL THANKS • <Blackbird Brewery> - Open Bar • <Rose Garden Tavern> - Wonderlight Ball Catering • <Runaway Theatre Troupe> - Opening & Closing Ceremony • <Succulent Tart> - Performances SPONSORS • <Edict> • <The Argent Onslaught> • Aeriyth • Bird • Dabblepex • Drannon • Firion Bloodsworn • Frozenburn/Daniel Harrison • Harkre • Jiroki • Laeriah • Luneth Dawnseeker • Lupin Blackwood • Mirchea Kul'Therin-Soltair • Murloc • Odron Twinhammer • Pyreen Lightwhisper • Riley • Ryan Thaydor • Sypher Crescentlight-Cynclaire • Tagg/Quel'ris Silverlance • Thaugrìm/Thaugrim Anvilrage • Tialune • Tilliea Furlbrow • Tyrinade • Tyrvarryn • Utenka • Veikar/Velianaris Moonsong • Vishente Valtieri • Vorien Dawnstrider
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Finally, Thank you to every single one of our guests. We look forward to every year because every year we see growth. Thank you for coming every year, thank you for sharing your excitement with your friends, thank you for being you. This was a record breaking year. We look forward to seeing you all next year. Keep an eye out for the list of our champions this year so you can celebrate them! ♥
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the-house-of-the-nine · 6 years ago
Recap for the Mind
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I normally don’t have long breaks between current head cannons and stories that our group of writers is doing but because there has been such a substantial little break, allow me to recap what we are doing here for the sake of those avid readers.
-The Alliance attack on Tirisfal had caused the entire Nine to move their base of operations back to Northrend.  The Bastille.  During the attack, The Kashebahl estate was burned to the ground and several dozen of their students and soldiers who had stayed behind to guard and keep things up were killed.
-The ongoing war effort had seen to the immediate halt of funding from powerful individuals.  Those with bank vaults in the major capitals had been asked to surrender what they could to help the Horde War Efforts.  In an effort to look the part, Lazarius and Siida-Ray both as heirs to the Kashebahl estate would volunteer their family fortunes to be used as the Horde needed. 
-Lazarius continued his work with Whistletorque and the Void Forge was working properly, they were storing massive amounts of siphoned pure Void energy in vessels provided by them through the Ethereal Black Market dealers.
-In Quel’thalas, the magistrate and courts had several high ranking officials on the payroll of The Kashebahl family.  They knew nothing of their dealings with the Nine, only that they paid them and bribed them to look the other way on shipping containers and border checks.
-A Magister known as Dawnseeker, devised a plan that if they were to extort Lazarius and his family for more now that his estate was lost, they could squeeze every dime from him, thus hopefully eliminating a powerful family from the heirarchy of elven nobility.
-Eleven Magisters joined his cause, and thus a plan was put into action.  With his assets seized by the government, Lazarius would be blackmailed into giving away land, titles and anything else that was irreplaceable in the future.
-Hoping to quell this before getting out of hand, Lazarius would reach toward certain contacts in the unknown and mysterious land of Undermine.  A hidden goblin vault city that was nowhere near touchable by human hands.  (A Warcraft Switz Bank Account of sorts.  My headcannon so please don't criticize.)  But due to the ever growing threats of the wars, the goblins there had opted to seize all funding.  They were not about to give either side an advantage, thus nearly 80 percent of the Kashebahl fortune was in purgatory due to this war.
- Lazarius was spending an evening with Zalra Azurestar in Kun-Lai Summit.  They’d been apart due to here undercover work in Stormwind.  During such time, a group of bounty hunters had come to call.  They ambushed the due, kidnapping Lazarius and thankfully the Inquisitor sent Zalra through a gateway to get help.
-It would be too late, Lazarius would be taken on an airship, and the  man known as Kaelesett remained.  The same man who raped, beat and nearly murdered a young Verzatea Duskflame.  The same man who murdered Raelyndia Duskhollow; Lazarius’ former Mistress and head of The Nine.  And the same man who destroyed the entire council decades ago. 
-In an epic battle, Kross delivered the killing blow to the Hound.  But Lazarius was still lost.  They had to devise a plan.  Luckily for them, Siida remembered Lazarius was keeping notes on who was planning to turn on them.  She found the records with the help of the lords hex-eyed serpent Rahjala, and the plan was put into action.
-A series of teams would take to finding and eliminating these magisters who sided with Dawnseeker. 
Pyravari went for one.
Verzatea went for one.
Siida and Zalra went for one.
Koltun went for one.
Brox and Whistletorque went for one.
Marseille had gone off on his own to eliminate them all.
And this is where we are currently in our story.  The entire thing is written out, just have to get it posted here.  Please enjoy and look forward to new stuff soon!
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theimperialists · 6 years ago
Symphony of Silvermoon: The Imperialist Funerals
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[16:55:12] [RW] [110:Sanarissa]: The funeral pyre was constructed over the past few hours, and Eldin'arcus' body has already been laid onto it. They would not light the pyre until everyone had said their peace. Either in memory to the King, or to their fallen comrades.
[16:55:47] Alarthan Sunbreaker looked at Eldins body upon the Pyre, and slowly pulls out a medallion and old banner, dusty and ripped. If one looked, a sun crest was upon each, and he gently stepped forward, to place them both at the middle of the Pyre. He bowed his head,
[16:55:47] Alarthan Sunbreaker and spoke a few words in whispers
[16:57:54] [S] [110:Fangzi Silverpaw]: Come now. Are these not your allies?
[16:57:57] Alarthan Sunbreaker after speaking his peace, and a new look of determination he backs away, a few tears in his eyes.
[16:58:06] Ke'alda Sunfire frowns with disappointment at Fangzi
[16:59:02] Catriah Phoenixhearth frowns softly as she watched Sunbreaker put his house crest down onto the pyre. She did not feel honor to go up next for her late join to her allies.
[16:59:54] Ke'alda Sunfire frowns looking at the dress she was wearing, it was the one she wore when she had first fallen for him.
[16:59:58] Sanarissa Firewing lingered in front of the pyre, the hand not in a sling resting on the back of Merriena's head. She was quiet, odd for the Grand Magistrix, focused on watching the others move forward and speak.
[17:00:22] Ke'alda Sunfire looked to the others. "May I begin with a few words?"
[17:00:42] Fangzi Silverpaw pats Ke'alda on the back, doing his best to encourage her.
[17:00:50] Catriah Phoenixhearth gives a solemn nod to the woman in gold silks.
[17:01:01] Sanarissa Firewing looked to Ke'alda, giving her a quick nod
[17:01:11] Ke'alda Sunfire steps up closer to the others, trying to be in front of the group but not block the pyre.
[17:01:35] In quiet contemplation, Alorian mourns the loss of the dead.
[17:02:01] Sanarissa Firewing glanced back over her shoulder, looking to Instana for the first time and giving her a tired attempt at a smile, before turning her attention back to Ke'alda.
[17:02:06] Fangzi Silverpaw removes his hat and scarf, as a respect to the fallen.
[17:02:56] [S] [70:Ke'alda Sunfire]: Pain and loss, it does horrible things, pain, we all feelt it, but on this day we feel it not individually, but together, today we mourn the loss of many, some loved, other friends, today I mourn the love of my ife, the man who was to father our children  but as I mourn hik, I remember all of his achievements, I remember all he has done for our home and our people, for us, his family and friends, he was a hero, though even if he made mistakes a plenty, it was all in an attmpt to better the order, to bette  better us, he was a hero, not just to me, but to all of our people, he will forever be remembered by all of us, and his dreams will live on through me, I will try my best to furthur his legacy, but know, even if he does not have a statue erect, he will a  always be remembered by us! Blood for blood! *she nodded slowly moving away*
[17:06:08] Lüneth Dawnseeker watches the pyre with a heavy jaded heart. His eyes dry, pale, and mirroring the golden radiance before them in measured, resonating supplication. For all his praise and fealty, this moment his words fail him... He is at a loss, but his gaze still��  upturns to the shrine in  silence plea, begging for the wisdom that had always shewn itself when he hid beneath it's shepherding shadow. He prays in undertone for his voice to return to him, the voice that Dath'Remar blessed them all with, "Al'ar..   ungird this foolish, heartrent tongue of mine.
[17:06:51] [S] [110:Alarthan Sunbreaker]: Blood for Blood
[17:07:11] Catriah Phoenixhearth nods as she holds the broken shield tighter til her fingers were turning white.
[17:07:19] Firioniel Bloodsworn grimly moves forward, and kneels, before the Pyre.
[17:07:35] Firioniel Bloodsworn Firion approached the pyre at last, his head bowed, kneeling before it with Devastation in his grip. He places the axe before himself, and says, aloud, for all to hear: "We all had our own reasons for taking up this cause. Some sought glory, some   titles, or trinkets..But I...I wished nothing more than to bring you to the Throne, to see you rule over a unified Quel'thalas, for a better tomorrow. Were it that when you knighted me I could take it back, in exchange to see you rule, to see our   people happy and prosperous as they had been when King Anasterian yet still lived. I knew your wisdom, your devotion, and your willpower to see it through was true. I am only sorry I could not...be your right hand, that I could not wield   Devastation as your Champion well enough to...save you. But your sacrifice will never...be in vain...I'll remember....it...With every breath. With every...last fragment left in my heart and my body, and I know my friends who fell beside you  believed in our cause just as much of all of us did. Even though there were such terrible sacrifices and we lost so many we cared for...All Sin'dorei came together, in the end, which is what I know you would have wanted, my King...Please...be at   peace knowing your people mourn, and they will carry on, in your memory." He ends his speech on that note, and steps away, allowing anyone else to come forward.
[17:09:13] Catriah Phoenixhearth slowly walks to the pyre trying her best to keep her head held high.
[17:09:52] Solidorei Bloodsworn clasps Firion warmly on the shoulder, to bolster him, as he left the pyre
[17:10:10] As the Shieldmaiden kneeld, her broken shield glowed faintly. Her legs were lead...her mind barely there. But her heart was full of grief and guilt as she lays her Isle's flag down along with one half of the shield.   
[17:10:22] Ke'alda Sunfire wipes her face only able to hold her tears while she spoke.
[17:10:46] Fangzi Silverpaw offers his scarf to Ke'alda, so that she may dry her tears.
[17:11:08] [S] [102:Catriah Phoenixhearth]: [Thalassian] "I....*rubs her throat as she takes a deep breath* I have never been good with words...so I shall be brief. My family swore to protect the Sunstriders once...and we swore to never do it again. But today...I have no regrets for coming...my only regrets. ...is that I came far to late. *takes another deep breath* We live on with the fallen..and carry through legacy through words...and through our blood. Blood for Blood...May Light give our King Sunstrider peace as he so deserved."
[17:12:12] Solidorei Bloodsworn smooths a hand at Luneth's back, gently, and then looks on to listen to Catriah.
[17:12:28] Catriah Phoenixhearth slowly forces herself to walk away, carrying the other half of the shield as a grim reminder for her life to look upon.
[17:12:42] [S] [110:Alarthan Sunbreaker]: Blood for Blood
[17:14:02] Dalheim Windchaser nudges his weight off Giger and walks forward, his gait a little stiff. Unaccustomed to speeches, he keeps his eyes on the pyre rather than the crowd.
[17:14:29] [S] [110:Dalheim Windchaser]: I never thought that I would be unfortunate enough to witness the loss of three Sunstriders within my lifespan. It's tragic. Unthinkable... Eldin'Arcus Sunstrider's time with us was short but dedicated solely to his people. He came to the Sindorei during   a dark time and served immediately as our light. He saw our wounds, and without hestitation, he set on a path to mend them, to strengthen us, to unite our people. There is no greater cause than that you lead us in, and no greater sacrifice than that which you freely gave. Your legacy will be remembered. Anu belore dela'na.
[17:18:27] [S] [110:Fangzi Silverpaw]: If you would let me, I have a few words to say.
[17:18:37] Sanarissa Firewing nodded.
[17:18:53] Fangzi Silverpaw steps up towards the pyre, bowing in memory ofthe fallen King.
[17:18:59] Fangzi Silverpaw bows down graciously.
[17:19:49] [S] [110:Fangzi Silverpaw]: My friends, I must admit... I am a stranger to you all, and you are a stranger to me. But I have heard much of your King.  Long, long ago, in my home of Pandaria, we too had a king. And his name was Shaohao. He faced a difficult rule, and when he saw his Fate, he saw only destruction in his rule. Shaohao went through many trials and tribulations, proving himself to his   people. To show that he would be a great Emperor. And from what I have heard, your King has done the same. : In the end, the rule of Shaohao never came to pass. By the time he had finished his trials, destruction had already come. As such, in a final act of love for his people, he sacrificed himself to defend all of Pandaria! In the story of your King,   Eldin'arcus, I can see many mirrors. In Revoltus, he, too, gave his life. He gave his life out of the love for his people. He gave his life as an equal.
[17:24:47] Firioniel Bloodsworn bows his head, solemnly, and then, almost as if stirred from a dream, inclined his head in acknowledgment towards Merilium. He swallowed, tears in his eyes, sorrow-stricken, but he was glad to see Meri here. He lowered his head respectfully at Fangzi.  He had great respect for Pandaren and to hear such tales did resonate with him.
[17:24:59] [S] [110:Fangzi Silverpaw]: Shaohao was known as the greatest Emperor, even if he never wore the crown or sat on the throne. And so, too, will Eldin'arcus be rememebred as one of the greatest of your Kings. Fangzi Silverpaw bows, leaving them with those words. He then takes his place among the crowd.
[17:25:27] Fangzi Silverpaw bows down graciously
[17:36:43] Sanarissa Firewing sighed lowly, moving closer to the pyre, removing her hand off of Merriena's head and moving closer. She hesitated for a moment, before removing the Crown of Anasterian from Eldin'arcus' brow. She turned it over in her hands for a moment before stepping
[17:36:43] Sanarissa Firewing back. Her eyes lingered on the face of the King, before looking towards her comrades. She would look to Luneth then, giving him a nod. It was time. She stepped aside to allow him his own speech and for him to light the pyre.
Luneth Dawnseeker approaches the pyre, and conjures from the bottom of his overwrought soul to take every last spark within himself.  A great pillar of fire rains down from the very heavens itself and lights the pyre ablaze in cleansing dancing, weaving, glowing cinders. Taking in its warmth and glory, gazing with solemn reverence to the body of their grand heir as he is consumed… How perfect he seems, even in death. That he might rise up in a blaze of phoenix flame before them at any moment. “My friends, my kin, Sin’dorei… This very shrine of whom we commemorate are why we are all here... The original dissenters. The Sunstriders. Those who taught us how to cry out with a voice of our own... Against any whom would threaten to take what belongs to us.” He clasps his hand behind his back, one palm over his wrist as the fires rage in incensing sorrow. “I pilgrimage here weekly.. For supplication, for reflection.. To remind myself that we are descended from a great and steadfast dissenter. Nearly seven thousand years ago, our Lord and Shepherd Dath'Remar first landed upon these shores because he refused to deny us our birthright.” His eyes do not tear from the flames as he speaks in florid, but steadfast tones, his voice resonating around them, “In those grim and tempestuous days my family Dawnstrider, swore an oath that it would defend the Sunstrider lineage until the end of days, till the end of our people as whole. Till the sun sets one last time. My existence, my life, since the first days of my birth, were consumed by the freeing flames of the Sunstriders.
My existence, my life, since the first days of my birth, were consumed by the freeing flames of the Sunstriders.  This shrine represents the very namesake of my bloodline, the little title we gave ourselves… Seekers of the Dawn, loyal subjects who will follow even the very pinpoint of light that peeks across the horizon.” Measured and patient, he had toiled all these years for them, searching for that light… it had come.. and now it was gone again, “We focus so much on the individual, we forget that they are in their own way simply passing illusion.  They are born, they grow, they learn, they die.  This is natural, but what is eternal - what is truly forever - is an ideal.  A way of life.  I have realized in my mere hundred and fifty years of life, that to focus on a single person or bloodline is to lose sight of what is truly important.
Dath'Remar's bloodline was great; indeed, it defined our homeland. Quel'Thalas itself is the proof of Dath'Remar's line.  The High King gave us his lineage, not in the blood of his sons, but in this Kingdom. My family understood that it was not to one elf, or even a line of elves, that we truly owed our allegiance - it was to the Legacy of the one that saved us all, to the one that stood and continues to stand above all others in all the annals of history.  Dath'Remar did not command us 'go forth, and serve my line'.  No, he commanded 'go forth, and make this dream a reality'.  Quel'Thalas is his legacy.
The Sunstrider legacy.  He is in the stones, in the grass, in the trees - the very air… Eldin’arcus’s blood is with us within our very veins as we speak, lifting us up on the phoenix wings his legacy blessed us with.” Luneth finally turns to his comrades and opens his arms, tears peeling down his sullen and somber vision, “Not all tears are evil, my dear friends, but do not mourn a single elf - rejoice, instead, in the existence of the truest remnant of a Dynasty that has never truly failed us.  Revel in the eternal life of Dath'Remar, that we see all around us every day of our blessed lives, and know that our greatest leader - our savior! - succeeded.  He defied fate, and he /won/.  Our very lives are proof.  Quel'thalas lives, the Blood Elves live.  For Dath'Remar. For Eldin’arcus. Blood for Blood."
[17:38:00] Merilium Sundance touches Firion's arm with his free hand and gives it a squeeze.
[17:38:57] Firioniel Bloodsworn swallowed, and steeled himself, as he was touched, and just moved to squeeze Meri's hand, in solidarity. For comfort. And for strength.
[17:39:01] Sanarissa Firewing cleared her throat, trying to raise her voice loud enough to be heard. Her voice was hard and rasping, dipping out in the middle of words. "Morz..anmius. Vyn...tael. Celthris. Jeiut. And Eldin'arcus." She paused then, clearing her throat again and trying
[17:39:01] Sanarissa Firewing to make it easier to speak. It wasn't. She could not use the words that she wanted to, and that clearly bothered her. But she continued. "The King - had a son. Told me before...before he passed. It is not...in vain. Their death." She stepped away from the
[17:39:01] Sanarissa Firewing pyre, not giving it another look. "Remember them."
[17:41:03] Dalheim Windchaser grips his fist a bit more tightly at the mention of a son. There was still more to be done.
[17:41:48] Instana Netherwatch waited until they finished, then stepped forward to look into the pyre.  
[17:42:23] [S] [110:Instana Netherwatch]: "We are born, we live, and we die. Most believe that to be the end of our stories, that death is the closing of a book on a life well-lived. However, my family believed that the phoenix was sacred, that it's cycles of birth, life, death, and rebirth were  symbolic of the cycles we go through ourselves. That death is not the true ending for us, and we are reborn anew in the fires of creation Celthris, I didn't know you well, but know that I deeply respected you.  Wherever you are within the Nether, I hope you find some measure of peace. For you, my King; I spoke ill of you often, remaining critical of your ideas for our people even to now. I don't think I will ever completely agree with your vision for our future. What I do know, what everyone now knows, is that you cared for your  people. More so than anyone ever gave you credit for. Your sacrifice is an inspiration and a reminder to all of us to be more than we think we can be, to be nobler and brighter than our former selves."
 "Vyntael. You stupid, arrogant, naive, inspirational fool. I," her voice broke, and she paused a moment to keep the tears at bay, "I needled you endlessly, belittling you for your faults. My last words to you were a jest at your expense, a means to bully you into not throwing your life away for something like this."
[17:44:36] Ke'alda Sunfire cries.
[17:45:09] Ke'alda Sunfire whisperes to herself through tears. "He deserved better..."
[17:46:06] [S] [110:Instana Netherwatch]: "I was wrong to do so, to tear at you like that. Especially now, when you have taught me something. Despite what anyone ever said to you, despite what abuse you suffered, you held true to your belief that one day, we would rise again beneath a new dawn. Like the King you so loved, you are an example for us to follow for the future."
[17:46:35] Dorlazuria Sunsun gives a compassionate back pat to Luneth.
[17:46:59] [S] [110:Instana Netherwatch]: "Wherever you all are, I hope you walk well beneath the Sun, and may you all, someday, rise again."
[17:47:23] Instana Netherwatch quietly ducked back into place, her head held low.
[17:49:18] [RW] [110:Sanarissa]: The pyre burned, engulfing the King. But there was more to be done. This was no end for the Imperialists. Only the beginning.
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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FINALLY, Armon’s estranged wife that ran away with a republic agent (oh and took the kids), has a character sheet: Lynn Delhar!
She’s an inventor and arms dealer. She’s wanted in several star systems for doing crimes™   
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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A space bard and his service animal monkey-lizard
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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Chugging along with these character sheets! This time of my bounty hunter, Nedalor Delhar, Alessia’s younger brother and Armon’s son. 
Next up: Mama Delhar
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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Yet another character sheet - this time of my space bard smuggler, Ozkar Stakett and his little friend, Pyro. Had a lot of fun figuring out what a xantha is and designing one that’d fit Ozkar lol
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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Every Star Wars story has a trio...
Starring siblings Alessia and Nedalor Delhar, and a stinky homeless space bard, Ozkar Stakett
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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Nedalor Delhar, bounty hunter for hire, son of Lord Armon Delhar and younger brother of Jedi Knight Alessia Delhar. 
He’s a total momma’s boy and I still need to draw Mama Delhara and definitely looks more like his mom than his dad
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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Character sheet #3! Meet Alessia Delhar, daughter of Darth Drago/Lord Armon Delhar. 
Next up: Nedalor Delhar or Lynn Delhar... haven’t decided yet
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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Darth Dragos, otherwise known as Lord Armon Delhar
My very roman-inspired Sith lord with a mean streak
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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Lord Armon Delhar, through the years
I guess this is a SWTOR blog now
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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Alessia Delhar, Jedi Knight of the Republic
... I injured my drawing arm from working out and it has been really painful to draw lately.. so sorry for the radio silence. I have so many things I want to draw, especially since I’m in a total Star Wars kick but even using this arm to drive is painful yay
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
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Sith dad, Jedi daughter, a classic tale
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shungieshrieks · 2 years ago
So since I'm in a SWTOR swing, I'll post a few things about my SWTOR OCs!
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So, I'm in the middle of drawing out all of my SWTOR characters with their respective character sheets and decided to do a height chart along the way. From left to right: Lynn Delhar ("Mama Delhar" - Smuggler), Darth Dragos/Lord Armon Delhar (Sith Warrior), Alessia Delhar (Jedi Knight), Nedalor Delhar (Bounty Hunter), and Ozkar Stakett (Smuggler)
Nedalor is Lynn and Armon's youngest son. Alessia is two years older than him, but clearly he ate some space wheatys before becoming a big time hunter.
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Darth Dragos/Lord Armon Delhar Headcanons
Mixed heritage; mother was the daughter of an Imperial noble and father was an alien (I keep bouncing between twi'lek or mirialan, but I can't decide lol) servant of the family. When his mother was pregnant, his father jump ship to another planet to avoid persecution. After giving birth to Armon, his mother gave him up to a another family. He does not know who his birth parents are, nor does he care. He is blissfully unaware of his alien heritage.
A vicious fighter, but does carry some honor in combat. Out of combat, however, he can be extremely manipulative.
Despite his hatred for the Republic, there are some Jedi he respect.
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Alessia Delhar Headcanons
Armon and Lynn's only daughter; she is a lot like her father than she realizes (she has his temper)
Trained under Armon until she was 5; Lynn would eventually run away from Dromund Kaas with a young Alessia and Nedalor in tow.
Skilled combatant, and knows it
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Nedalor Delhar Headcanons
Armon and Lynn's only son; looks like his mother
Partially raised by Braden when he was ~12-14 years old; After Lynn escaped Dromund Kaas with the kids, Armon sent bounty hunters and assassins to kill his estranged wife and retrieve his children. Lynn evaded capture but with too many close calls, so she called in on an old friend to protect Nedalor for her as she went into hiding.
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Ozkar Stakett Headcanons
Former Republic soldier, before getting medically discharged
His grandfather is Sergeant Ben "Benny" Dryll, a combat medic for Havoc Squad.
Ozkar was born with his mother's maiden name because she passed while giving birth to him -- Ben wanted to keep her name alive in Ozkar.
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