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sgcruz21-blog · 1 year ago
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(via Television adaptation: 'One Day' by David Nicholls)
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reviewithowtoit · 6 months ago
You Are Here by David Nicholls Heartwarming Father-Daughter Journey Cont...
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pedriita · 10 months ago
📚 Livro: 𝗨𝗺 𝗱𝗶𝗮 - 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒔
Dexter Mayhew e Emma Morley se conheceram em 1988. Ambos sabem que no dia seguinte, após a formatura na universidade, deverão trilhar caminhos diferentes. Mas, depois de apenas um dia juntos, não conseguem parar de pensar um no outro.Os anos se passam e Dex e Em levam vidas isoladas - vidas muito diferentes daquelas que eles sonhavam ter. Porém, incapazes de esquecer o sentimento muito especial que os arrebatou naquela primeira noite, surge uma extraordinária relação entre os dois.Ao longo dos vinte anos seguintes, flashes do relacionamento deles são narrados, um por ano, todos no mesmo dia: 15 de julho. Dexter e Emma enfrentam disputas e brigas, esperanças e oportunidades perdidas, risos e lágrimas. E, conforme o verdadeiro significado desse dia crucial é desvendado, eles precisam acertar contas com a essência do amor e da própria vida.
#bookgram #bookgram #davidnicholls #igliterario #reels #livro
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pandabytes · 1 year ago
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Duik in een 20-jarig liefdesverhaal met 'One Day' op Netflix. Een meeslepende serie die harten zal raken. #OneDay #Netflix #Liefdesverhaal #DavidNicholls #Serie https://pandabytes.nl/one-day-netflix-onthult-trailer-van-beperkte-serie-over-een-20-jarige-liefdesverhaal/
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bibliobethblog · 2 years ago
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Hello everyone and happy #stacksaturday today I’m continuing the #authornamestack challenge which I was inspired to do by the gorgeous Kelly over at @smeets_x How many authors with Dave or David as their first name do you have on your shelves? At Night All Blood Is Black - David Diop The Guest House - David Mark Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris Sweet Sorrow - David Nicholls The Girl Who Takes An Eye For An Eye - David Lagercrantz The Trials Of Life - David Attenborough Birthright - David Hingley Utopia Avenue - David Mitchell All these are still on my TBR and I’m particularly excited about the Mitchell and the Attenborough 😍 Have a great weekend everyone! 🤗😘 #bookstagramuk #atnightallbloodisblack #daviddiop #theguesthouse #davidmark #metalkprettyoneday #davidsedaris #sweetsorrow #davidnicholls #thegirlwhotakesaneyeforaneye #davidlagercrantz #thetrialsoflife #davidattenborough #birthright #davidhingley #utopiaavenue #davidmitchell #booksimexcitedabout #booksonmytbrshelf https://www.instagram.com/p/CmR2mfxrAov/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hicarolinesouza · 3 years ago
Um dia, David Nicholls #resenha
15 de julho de 1988. Emma e Dexter passam uma noite juntos e daí em diante se constrói uma relação única. Todos pensam que seriam o casal perfeito, mas não é assim tão simples: Ao longo dos anos eles seguem caminhos opostos, vez ou outra com algumas discussões, mas sempre se apoiando. Entre viagens, sonhos, namoros fracassados, empregos com glamour ou sem nenhum futuro, os dois lutam para encontrar o próprio lugar no mundo, manter a complexa amizade e, ao mesmo tempo, afastar a sombra de romance que permeia essa relação, algo que se mostra tanto inevitável quanto impossível de finalmente se concretizar.
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Não existia outra maneira para David Nicholls contar uma história que se passa ao longo de quase 20 anos que não fosse pulando de ano em ano, caso contrário seria monótono. É um exercício mental tão comum, muitos de nós fazemos o tempo todo: olhar pra trás e pensar "nossa, estávamos assim há um ano, como foi que viemos parar aqui?" ou "daqui há um ano, o que será disso tudo que estamos vivendo?". Alguns detalhes passam, curiosidades sobram, mas o autor consegue que o essencial sempre esteja lá.
É claro que a construção da narrativa é uma sacada genial, mas não é só isso que faz a história brilhar. Emma e Dexter, acompanhados de outros personagens orbitando ao seu redor, são personagens tão complexos e nos deixam tão confusos e preocupados que no final a gente torce menos por cada um, individualmente, e mais para que os dois estejam juntos de alguma forma, e logo. Nenhum dos dois é perfeito (apesar d'ele ter bem mais defeitos), mas o pobre do leitor, quebrando a cabeça para pensar no que cada situação vai reverberar, só quer que eles fiquem bem.
Para falar a verdade, não sou muito fã de romances, desde que eles transcendam. Por isso, em certos aspectos esse livro me lembra tanto outro favorito, A mulher do viajante no tempo (AQUI), provavelmente por acompanharmos em ambos o amadurecimento dos personagens ao longo não de alguns semestres de faculdade ou um verão qualquer, mas sim no decorrer de muitos anos, atravessando diversas fases da vida, diversos dramas comuns do cotidiano, das implicações da vida.
Não que eu condene nenhuma das seguintes coisas, pois uma comédia-romântica-clichê bem feita é sempre bem vinda, mas essas eu deixo mais para os filmes que para os livros. Nas minhas histórias de amor favoritas não existem vilões, disputas femininas/masculinas infantis, cenas desesperadas de corridas até o aeroporto, rodoviária ou coisa parecida. Os obstáculos são as próprias pessoas, com suas boas e más escolhas, as consequências disso, e aqueles infortúnios e dilemas aos quais ninguém está imune.
Além de tudo isso, é impossível não comparar também com o filme. Aliás, tenho a sensação de que o autor já escreveu pensando numa adaptação, inclusive se observamos como a estrutura do desfecho se manteve praticamente a mesma nos dois. E são poucas as vezes que levar um livro às telas resulta em algo positivo; entretanto, no papel de quem viu o filme primeiro e depois – e justamente por isso – leu, acredito que quase nada se perdeu. O próprio autor ter produzido o roteiro ajudou? Com toda certeza, mas mesmo assim... é normal exagerar numa coisa ou outra para gerar um clímax, porém não perder a essência dos personagens é algo divino!
Um dia é um daqueles livros que nos marcam para sempre, como uma épica história de amor deve ser. Sem dúvidas um dos maiores romances desse tempo. Talvez você não saia querendo um Dexter ou uma Emma na sua vida (no entanto, eu gostaria sim, um pouco, de SER ela), mas você imagina o quão mágico e maravilhoso seria se uma história como essa acontecesse na sua própria vida. Depois de ler, todo 15 de julho nunca mais será o mesmo.
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years ago
Far from the Madding Crowd (2015)
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If period piece romantic dramas are your thing, you will eat up Far from the Madding Crowd and be eager for more. It also has an audience beyond genre fans. You don't need to be familiar with the source material to enjoy the film - I'll attest to it.
In 1870s Victorian England, independent, beautiful Bathsheba Everdene (Carey Mulligan) inherits her uncle’s large farm. Now well-to-do and living a life of comfort, she finds herself pursued by three different suitors: Gabriel Oak (Matthias Schoenaerts), a farmer from her days as an ordinary girl; Frank Troy (Tom Sturridge) a fiery Sergeant; and William Boldwood (Michael Sheen), her mature and prosperous neighbor. As she deals with the difficulties and dangers of owning a farm in the 19th-Century, everyone wonders who she will finally choose.
Films set in this era often deal with fragility. The times were difficult and dangerous even if you lived comfortably. Insurance was non-existent. Communication over long distances was spotty. Men and women's roles in society differed greatly from today. People had different views and expectations of medicine, poverty, and life overall. Even with a strong woman at its center, the film always maintains a certain tension. One bad harvest and she could be homeless. One mistake with a man and she could be ostracized forever.
Amid these delicate times, emotional defences are being lowered. We're most vulnerable during that first stage of dating when you’ve been seeing that special someone for just long enough to get attached to them but not so long that where things will go is clearly defined. This movie is all about the risk of disaster: financial, societal, emotional.
Seeing ladies and gentlemen in the clothing of this period is always a treat. While we aren't dealing with huge, elaborate balls, the garments are nice to see precisely for that reason. It's a different view of what things were like back then - a way to time travel without leaving your chair. If costumes aren't your thing Far From the Maddening Crowd still has plenty to offer. Carey Mulligan in a meaty role for instance. All of the performers are given roles that allow them to show off a wide range of emotions, moments of strength, and vulnerability alike. Among the talented cast, she reigns supreme.
My issues with the movie come from the fact that the novel wouldn't have been one that I'd pick up for fun. The romance is enticing. The people involved in it too. It's an old-fashioned story which feels modern because of our heroine who has to prove herself in a world run by men. This aspect engaged me less than the other material at first but once it got going I wanted to see how it would play out. In fact, I wish we'd gotten more of Tom Sturridge, more of this story in general as the conclusion feels rushed. These are minor complaints. Fans of these types of films will absolutely love this adaptation of the 1874 novel. I just have a passing interest (if that) and found it a nice change of pace.
If you have an interest in classic literature or costume dramas, or you like romance stories, it'll be worth your time to track down Far From the Madding Crowd. The ones I'll try to appeal to now are those who wouldn't typically check out something based on a novel by an author who's been dead for 200 years. If you have a girlfriend/significant other whom this might please it'd make for a great date night and you'll find things to like in it as well. Give it a shot. (Theatrical version on DVD, June 10, 2015)
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worldsbeyondpages · 4 years ago
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My To be Read pile!
Has anyone else read any of these books?
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hinaquotes · 4 years ago
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“This is where it all begins. Everything starts here, today. ” Follow @hina.things 1 #hinathings 2 #lovequotes 3 #lovequote 4 #quote 5 #quots 6 #dailyquotes 7 #quotesdaily 8 #quotesaboutlove 9 #quotesforlove 10 #inspiringquotesforlove 11 #inspiringquotesaboutlove 12 #inspiringquotesabout 13 #DavidNicholls 14 #DavidNichollsquotes 15 #DavidNichollsquote 16 #DavidNichollslovequote 17 #DavidNichollslovequotes (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGzp8zRoTxg/?igshid=4usebm7ueos
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themovementgeneration · 5 years ago
The Silver Lining
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No manner, in which I see things
If I see anything at all
Men & Women want the same thing,
And yet, the conditions of this
Vary along a spectrum that will forever
remain to be in question
A product of our Consequences,
The equivalent of our Perceptions,
& a reflection of the Impressions.
Time becomes irrelevant in terms of
Yet relevant in terms of
So ‘when’ the time comes... every
Image, Word, Act, & Emotion,
Expressed will show ‘how’
[One Day]
I’ll be able to see things:
I. How We are
II. How They are
III. How It could be
IV. How it Was
And during the hardest of times:
V. How “All That Is”, is not.
The Holistic approach:
A Concept.
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“State We In”- [Reason]
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Disgusting. Hermaphrodite still acting up, but this vr headset is i=fire
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panda1987n · 6 years ago
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The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.“ There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.“ You can live your whole life not realizing that what you’re looking for is right in front of you.“ David Nicholls #davidnicholls #alberteinstein #marktwain #purpose #miracles #thebloodofjesus #fitness #supernatural #life #happiness #healthyliving #dreams #chasinghighs #poetry #inspiring #acresofdiamonds https://www.instagram.com/p/BvSaSNbFPRS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oezjs4rpz74h
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clonazine · 2 years ago
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Me enteré que van a hacer una nueva adaptación de ONE DAY de #davidnicholls la que ya existe la protagoniza #annehathaway y aunque me parece un golpe bajo de la trama la última vez que la vi lloré como maricona de barrio. ••• #romancemovies #dramamovies #bookadaptations https://www.instagram.com/p/ClhRyCVrhMV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lovequotespost · 7 years ago
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#davidnicholls #lifequotes #sadquotes #sad
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pedriita · 10 months ago
📚 Livro: 𝗨𝗺 𝗱𝗶𝗮 - 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒔
#bookgram #bookgram #davidnicholls #igliterario #reels #livro
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aembre-blog · 7 years ago
The future rose up ahead of her, a succession of empty days, each more daunting and unknowable than the one before her. How would she ever fill them all? She began walking again, south towards The Mound. 'Live each day as if it's your last', that was the conventional advice, but really, who had the energy for that? What if it rained or you felt a bit glandy? It just wasn't practical. Better by far to simply try and be good and courageous and bold and to make a difference. Not change the world exactly, but the bit around you. Go out there with your passion and your electric typewriter and work hard at... something. Change lives through art maybe. Cherish your friends, stay true to your principles, live passionately and fully and well. Experience new things. Love and be loved, if you ever get the chance.
David Nicholls, One Day
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bibliobethblog · 4 years ago
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Hello everyone and hope your week has got off to a great start! Today I’m sharing a paperback haul of books I’ve recently bought and am very excited to read. The Shadow King and Love And Other Thought Experiments have been short-listed and long-listed respectively for the Man Booker Prize 2020 so I’m keen to read those. The Body was kindly gifted to me by best bookstagram bud @tarheelreader 😘😘😘 and I’m also planning to read Sweet Sorrow with her as one of our many listed buddy reads! 😅😂 Have you read or want to read any of the books in this little haul? Let me know in the comments below! #bookstagram #booklover #bookworm #bookhaul #paperbackbookhaul #tbrpile #bookstagrammer #sweetsorrow #davidnicholls #thebody #billbryson #theshadowking #maazamengiste #loveandotherthoughtexperiments #sophieward #manbooker2020 #manbookerlonglist2020 #manbookershortlist2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGAub6ugdHj/?igshid=cn94s5o4bc85
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