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Hello everyone and happy #stacksaturday to you all. Today is another instalment in my #authornamestack inspired by the lovely Kelly @smeets_x and it’s all the Fran/Frances/Frank (or similar names) on my shelves. The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka Rasputin - Frances Welch Born Of No Woman - Franck Bouysse The Smallest Man- Frances Quinn The Making Of A Marchioness - Frances Hodgson Burnett My Broken Vagina - Fran Bushe Dune - Frank Herbert I’ve read two of these books, the wonderful nonfiction My Broken Vagina and The Making Of A Marchioness which I read as a buddy read with the gorgeous Cath from @sandladysbooks Have you read any of these books? What did you think? Come chat to me in the comments and have a lovely weekend everyone! 🤗😘 #bookstagramuk #scottishbookstagrammer #booksfordayssss #franzkafkametamorphosis #rasputin #franceswelch #bornofnowoman #franckbouysse #thesmallestman #francesquinn #themakingofamarchioness #franceshodgsonburnett #mybrokenvagina #franbushe #dune #frankherbert https://www.instagram.com/p/CqODjBgo7MV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello everyone and happy #stacksaturday today I’m continuing the #authornamestack challenge which I was inspired to do by the gorgeous Kelly over at @smeets_x How many authors with Dave or David as their first name do you have on your shelves? At Night All Blood Is Black - David Diop The Guest House - David Mark Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris Sweet Sorrow - David Nicholls The Girl Who Takes An Eye For An Eye - David Lagercrantz The Trials Of Life - David Attenborough Birthright - David Hingley Utopia Avenue - David Mitchell All these are still on my TBR and I’m particularly excited about the Mitchell and the Attenborough 😍 Have a great weekend everyone! 🤗😘 #bookstagramuk #atnightallbloodisblack #daviddiop #theguesthouse #davidmark #metalkprettyoneday #davidsedaris #sweetsorrow #davidnicholls #thegirlwhotakesaneyeforaneye #davidlagercrantz #thetrialsoflife #davidattenborough #birthright #davidhingley #utopiaavenue #davidmitchell #booksimexcitedabout #booksonmytbrshelf https://www.instagram.com/p/CmR2mfxrAov/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello everyone and happy Saturday to you all! This #stacksaturday I’m sharing another #authornamestack inspired by lovely Kelly over at @smeets_x who posted about recurring author names on her shelves. This time it’s Jack/Jackie/Jacqueline/Jake which I don’t have too many of! All are still on my TBR 😂 Sentient - Jackie Higgins Brood - Jackie Polzin The Valley Of The Dolls - Jacqueline Susann The Fatal Tree - Jake Arnott Not pictured: Do No Harm by Jack Jordan which is on loan to my sister @chrissireads Have you read any of these authors or books? I’d love to know! Let’s have a chat in the comments and have a great weekend everyone! 🤗😘 #bookstagramuk #scottishbookstagrammer #recurringauthornames #sentient #jackiehigginsauthor #brood #jackiepolzin #thevalleyofthedolls #jacquelinesusannsvalleyofthedolls #thefataltree #jakearnott #lovingbookslovinglife #stillonthetbr #illreadtheseeventually https://www.instagram.com/p/CpGMmaCLvU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello everyone and hope you’re doing well. Today for #stacksaturday I’m continuing my series of most popular recurring names on my shelves, inspired by the lovely Kelly @smeets_x Today it’s the turn of Chris/Christine/Christina/Christy 😂 ALL the similar sounding names! Out of this towering stack I’ve read the Robbie Williams biography, Songbirds and Where Women Are Kings. All the rest are on my TBR although I’m hoping to read The Bastard Factory with @keeperofpages fairly soon. I’d love to know your thoughts on any of these books or authors. Let’s have a chat in the comments and have a lovely weekend everyone! 🤗😘 #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #bookstacksoninsta #authornamestack #thedefenceoftherealm #christopherandrew #thebastardfactory #chriskraus #feelrobbiewilliams #chrisheath #songbirds #christylefteri #theartofwaiting #christopherjory #thelifeofthemind #christinesmallwood #poemstofallinlovewith #chrisriddell #fingersinthesparklejar #chrispackham #wherewomenarekings #christiewatson #theexiles #christinabakerkline #lostboy #christinahenry https://www.instagram.com/p/CltseMcLznc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello all and happy #stacksaturday to you all! An early post for me today as this evening I’m off to see a Will Young gig. As inspired by the lovely Kelly @smeets_x I’m sharing some common names on my shelves. Today it’s Diana/Diane. Have you read any of these authors? I’ve just finished The New Wilderness and I’m slowly indulging myself in Voyager. Once Upon A River and Ordinary People are on my TBR. Have a great weekend everyone 🤗😘 #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #authornamestack #ordinarypeople #dianaevans #womensprizelonglist #onceuponariver #dianesetterfield #dianagabaldon #voyager #outlanderseries #dianecook #thenewwilderness #bookerprizelonglist #booksineedtoread https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckk7iB7rqNk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello everyone, hope you’ve had or are having a great Saturday. Today’s #stacksaturday sees me re-visit my shelves for an #authornamestack inspired by a post the lovely Kelly @smeets_x did on her page. Right now, I have five different Charlottes to share with you! Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (one of my favourite ever classics) Haunted Houses, Two Novels by Charlotte Riddell (TBR) Greek Myths, A New Retelling by Charlotte Higgins (TBR) The Weekend by Charlotte Wood (TBR) Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy (one of my favourite books) Have you read any of these? I’d love to know. Let’s have a chat in the comments and have a lovely weekend everyone! 🤗😘 #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #bookstack #janeeyre #charlottebrontë #brontefangirl #hauntedhouses #charlotteriddell #britishlibrarytalesoftheweird #greekmythsanewretelling #charlottehiggins #theweekend #charlottewood #oncetherewerewolves #charlottemcconaghy #booksfrommyshelves #somefavouritebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci5xvSnLHfO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello everyone and happy Saturday to you all! Today is another stop on my #authornamestack inspired by the lovely Kelly at @smeets_x who looked for recurring author names on her shelves. Today it’s Clare/Claire. Our Endless Numbered Days by Claire Fuller @writerclairefuller (one of my favourite books EVER) Small Pleasures - Clare Chambers (loved this when I read it fairly recently and already want to re-read it) When The Floods Came - Clare Morrall (TBR) The Night Rainbow - Claire King (TBR) Daughters Of Sparta - Claire Haywood (TBR) What recurring names are on your shelves? Have you read any of these? Let’s have a chat in the comments! Have a lovely weekend everyone 🤗😘 #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #favouritebooksever #ourendlessnumbereddays #clairefuller #smallpleasures #clarechambers #whenthefloodscame #claremorrall #thesuddenappearanceofhope #clairenorth #thenightrainbow #claireking #daughtersofsparta #claireheywood #booksimexcitedfor https://www.instagram.com/p/CiVhEf9rzw1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello everyone! This #stacksaturday I’m doing another #authornamestack post. This time it’s celebrating the name Charlie/Charles which I have five of on my shelves! 12 Birds To Save Your Life - Charlie Corbett (TBR) Tales Of Ordinary Madness - Charles Bukowski (TBR) All The Birds In The Sky - Charlie Jane Anders (TBR) Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens (read and loved) The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse - Charlie Mackesy (read and loved) I’d love to know your thoughts on any of these books or authors. Let’s have a chat in the comments and have a lovely weekend everyone! 🤗😘 #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #bookstack #booksandplants🌵📖 #12birdstosaveyourlife #charliecorbett #talesofordinarymadness #charlesbukowski #olivertwist #charlesdickens #allthebirdsinthesky #charliejaneanders #theboythemolethefoxandthehorse #charliemackesy #booksbooksandmorebooks📚 #bookobsessedgirl https://www.instagram.com/p/ChflEroryDv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello everyone and hope you’re all well. It’s Saturday and today my #stacksaturday celebrates another recurring name in my shelves, the #authornamestack first seen on the lovely @smeets_x page. Today I’ve got Catherine and some variations of Catherine like Cat and Cathy. Shamefully I’ve only read one of these books, Dear Reader which I highly recommend. I’d love to know if you’ve read or want to read any of these books though. Let’s have a chat in the comments and have a lovely weekend everyone 🤗😘 #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #bookstack #booksandsunshine☀️ #howtobreakupwithyourphone #catherineprice #theproofoflove #catherinehall #pew #catherinelacey #thelostandthefound #catclarke #thehouseattheedgeofnight #catherinebanner #dearreader #cathyrentzenbrink #remotesympathy #catherinechidgey #onmytbrfortoolong #booksineedtoread https://www.instagram.com/p/CgFcsvWLMue/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello everyone and happy Saturday! This day seems to have gone like the speed of light but I’m back with an #authornamestack which I was inspired to join in by seeing it on the lovely Kelly’s @smeets_x page. This time, it’s Carol/Carole/Caroline and completely by coincidence, they all seem to be lovely shades of blue!! 💙 Have I read any of them? Now there’s a question 🤨🧐 Umm, no. No I haven’t. 🤣 If you have though, let’s have a chat in the comments, I’d love to know your thoughts! Have a great weekend everyone 🤗😘 #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #bluebookstack #themetalheart #carolinelea #coldboyswood #thethreadsoftheheart #carolemartinez #carolbirch #faerytales #carolannduffy #bookstack #booksonmytbr #booksimexcitedabout https://www.instagram.com/p/CfPWTiurzYN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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