#David Garcia
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digital-roots · 2 days ago
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These 3 are soooo similar to each other they make me go crazy like the joker. No i will not explain more because im not coherent enough for all that
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coqueverette · 3 months ago
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travis would have made a beautiful full time doordash delivery boy slash soundcloud rapper if not for that white demon (mark)
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axllyaq · 9 months ago
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twdg shitpost made by me
(I can draw better drawings , I promise)
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glass5andwich · 3 months ago
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redid this again... + @hammerhead-art silly daughter gaby GABY THE GOAT!!!!
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whaleshake · 1 month ago
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More stupid fucking twdg memes/images I made
Starring my best friend group headcannon and lujavi I’m not stopping
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molotovgrifter · 5 months ago
"a new frontier is the worst season"
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adoredmarigold · 1 year ago
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one lies, one tells the truth, and one is just some guy
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twdgarcias · 8 months ago
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those big brown garcia eyes 🤎🧋
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garciafamlover500 · 28 days ago
Do I think David is a major asshole? Yes I do.
Do I also want to see fics and fanart of him being a real big brother to Javi and just see them actually get along? Yes I do.
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fox-from-fairytale · 1 year ago
Thanks to the Garcias, even in the apocalypse Clementine had the possibility to experience that awkward moment when you're at your friend house and his family starts arguing
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xelarale · 3 months ago
naked, high, thinking about this post.
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countesspetofi · 11 months ago
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Today in the Department of Before They Were Star Trek Stars, Leonard Nimoy guest stars in "The Tiburcio Mendez Story," episode 26 of the fourth season of Wagon Train (original air date March 22, 1961). If you're playing along at home, you probably remember that Gene Roddenberry originally pitched Star Trek to the studio as “Wagon Train to the stars.”
Nimoy plays Joachin Delgado, the protégé and future son-in-law of the titular character. Mendez is the leader of a ragtag group of Californios who were displaced fifteen years earlier when the United States annexed California at the end of the Mexican-American War, and the Gold Rush brought a wave of prospectors and settlers west into the new territory. They've been living rough in the hills at the edge of the desert and robbing the occasional wagon train, partly to survive and partly to try to stem the tide of Anglo settlers.
A magistrate traveling with the wagon train believes he can get the group's original land grants restored to them if the individual members who actively committed the robberies agree to turn themselves in and stand trial. Seeing how his people, especially the children born in exile, are suffering from the harsh life in hiding, Mendez agrees to the plan. But the younger men, led by the hot-headed Delgado, resolve to stay and keep fighting.
Armed conflict breaks out between the two sides, and Mendez is fatally wounded. In tears at the deathbed of his surrogate father, Delgado promises to take Mendez's place as leader of the reunited group and see them back to California to reclaim their land.
Other Trek Connections:
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This episode was written by Gene L. Coon, one of the Founding Fathers of Star Trek. He wrote or co-wrote 13 episodes of The Original Series and produced 33. Working closely with Roddenberry and Justman, he introduced such elements as as the Klingons, the United Federation of Planets, and the Prime Directive into the Trek lore.
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Tiburcio Mendez is played by Nehemiah Persoff, who also played the delightfully bitchy Palor Toff in the Next Generation episode “The Most Toys.”
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coqueverette · 22 days ago
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life hasnt been the same since i found out jon oaks canonically fucking DIED in the bone comics
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bourbonificould · 1 year ago
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If our favorite little guys and girls were on Twitter
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the-delta-42 · 8 months ago
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if the New Frontier stole from the Saviors?
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Settle the Score
What if the New Frontier stole from the Saviors? (TW: Violence and Negan)
Clementine swallowed, Javi was at the base of the gallows, while Tripp, Ava and David were being held hostage. She hadn’t been at her best, especially since she saw the Saviors mark on some of the supplies in the warehouse.
Then, without warning, a flare went up, cutting Joan off and making everyone go silent. Then she heard it. The whistle. That fucking whistle. As if everyone knew who it was, the crowd parted and he casually strolled up to the stage.
“Hello.” Drawled Negan, looking around the group, “Now, I usually wouldn’t just, invite myself in.”
More people started to appear, with Clementine freezing, recognising some of the faces.
“But,” Negan grinned up at Joan, “a little fruit told me that you,” he pointed Lucielle at Joan, “had your people stealing.”
Clementine looked down, ashamed of how fast she told Negan.
“Clementine,” Sighed Joan, before Negan cut her off.
“Oh no, she’s smart.” Negan looked around, “I mean, your surrounded by a bucha guys and you just happen to have stabbed their leader? Ooh, she was in a really bad position.”
Negan looked around, “Alright, round ‘em up.”
Everyone in the square soon found themselves on their knees, with one Savior roughly shoving Kate down next to Javi.
“You okay?” Whispered Javi, getting a brief nod from Kate.
He pointed his bat at someone, “Eeny.” He pointed his bat as he counted them off at random, walking up and down the line up, leaving a word for each person, “Meeny. Miny. Mo. Catch. A tiger. By. His toe. If he hollers. Let him go. My Mother. Told me. To pick. The very. Best one. And. You. Are. It.”
Negan looked down at his victim, “If anybody moves, anybody starts something,” he pointed at Clementine, “cut her hand off and feed it to that prick next to her.” He looked back at his victim, “It’s okay, you can breathe, you can blink you can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doing that.”
Gabe sat in the church; Clementine had fallen into an uneasy sleep. He saw the council sitting towards the front. Clementine’s hand was in bandages, Lingard managed to sew up most of the damage, so with some hope, it would heal, even if it would take the better part of a year and it wouldn’t be as strong as it had been.
“Their definition of half isn’t half,” Said Eleanor, “it’s most of what we have.”
“David?” Lingard looked at Gabe’s father, “Anything to add?”
David didn’t respond, instead getting up and walking out of the building.
“Does he usually do that?” Asked Eleanor, getting a scoff from Clint.
“No, but Joan did get people killed.” Clint glared at her, “We should’ve listened to him.”
“I was going what I thought was best.” Sighed Joan, trying to ignore the blood on her clothes.
Clint glared at her, before leaving after David. Lingard sighed, “Clint has a point. Your…greater good got people killed, and, if what Clem told us is true, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill the rest of the community if we fought him.”
Joan sighed, before she looked over at Clementine, “Why did she tell them where to find us?”
“Who knows.” Eleanor glared at Clementine, getting a snort from a guy lounging in a pew at the back of the church.
“He probably already had this place cased out,” The man sat up, “he wouldn’t have a force this big if someone squealed to him. He was coming already, he just wanted to play mind games with someone who managed to get away from him.” The man glanced at Clementine, “She’s probably scared out of her mind, given she’s just a child.”
Tripp scowled, getting up and walking off as Eleanor approached him, while Gabe helped a limping Clementine to the truck.
“Dr. Lingard told us that AJ’s at a place called McCarroll Ranch.” Said Gabe, as Kate looked on from the truck, “He’s given us some supplies, but we’re going to need to scavenge for stuff.”
“You’re leaving?” Eleanor spoke up, walking up to them.
“Er…” Gabe looked around, “Yeah, I mean, look at this place, it’s not safe.”
“That’s because—” Conrad cut her off, “People got killed? Yeah, that’s why we’re going.”
“Javi got them killed.”
“And you sold us out.”
“Because the plan was going to get all of us killed,” Eleanor looked around them, “I was trying—”
“To save your own neck.” Kate snapped, glaring at Eleanor, “You might like living in a prison, but some of us prefer to live freely.”
“Richmond isn’t a prison.” Protested Eleanor, as the group joined Gabe and Clementine in the truck.
“Maybe,” Kate looked around, “but, from what we’ve been told about…them, it’ll soon be.”
Kate got back in the truck, before they drove off, leaving Eleanor staring after them.
Clementine winced as AJ tugged on her hand, collecting AJ had gone more or less smoothly, she supposed having David with them helped.
“Clem.” Babbled the toddler, prompting Clementine to readjust him.
“Hey goofball.” Clementine’s response got a giggle from AJ.
To the group, the change in Clementine’s demeanour was like whiplash, especially since they hadn’t actually heard her laugh before.
“So,” David looked back at them, “about…what happened back there…”
“At the ranch or Richmond?” Asked Tripp, returning David’s look.
“At… at Richmond.” Clarified David, “I…I know that I should’ve done more.”
“Negan’s a psychopath.” Said Clementine, “He’s the type of crazy that keeps everyone afraid.”
“He’s not gonna chase us, is he?” Asked Conrad, looking at Clementine.
“No.” Clementine shook her head, “He chases large groups, not small ones or individuals. I ran into him a couple of years ago, the woman I was with got hurt, so I took some of his group’s medical supplies. He caught me and, in a panic, I stabbed him. It was almost funny, he seemed more amused than angry and had me sit down and tell him what I was taking them for. It was like a teacher finding you taking crayons or something.”
STS *Three Years Later*
“So,” Clementine looked over at Kate, “about… Gabe.”
Clementine noticed the others stiffen up, “I’m not going to break every time he’s brought up.”
“You get angry though.” Said AJ, getting a flat look from Clementine.
“Seriously, I’m fine.” Clementine stood up, before looking around, “Where’s David?”
“He’s watching Mari.” Answered Kate, “He’s… going through losing Gabe.”
“You don’t have to speak like I’m going to go crazy.” Said David, returning to the group, gently cradling the new born, “There’re signs for a school nearby, hopefully, we can have separate rooms to sleep in soon.”
“If it’s clear.” Said Clementine, giving him a look as she took the baby from him, “I don’t think Tripp want to deal with another Walker while he’s…”
“Taking a shit.” Finished AJ.
The group stared at the toddler, before Tripp sighed, “Why’re children like sponges?”
Clementine looked around the school grounds, they, somehow, managed to get the people to let them in. Apparently, they survived since the outbreak, with the help of the school Nurse, Clarissa Martin. Unsurprisingly, she and Conrad hit it off and the residents slowly came around to them, especially since they managed to drive off those raiders that’s started giving them grief.
“So,” Louis leaned against a wall next to her, as the group sat around a fire, “Do you want to talk about that day?”
“It’s pretty sickening.” Warned Clementine, “But, we might as well. You see, David and I we were part of this group, called the New Frontier. I was kicked out for taking some medicine for AJ and David found out that the New Frontier was raiding and stealing from other communities, one of which being the Saviors.”
Clementine swallowed, “They were led by this man, Negan. He followed the who ‘eye for an eye’ approach. So, when he found out that the New Frontier had stolen from him and killed some of his men, he decided to settle the score.”
STS *Flashback*
He raised his bat, as Clementine tried to move to stop him. As he brought his bat down on Ava’s head, Clementine was shoved to the ground and had her left hand struck by a Savior’s machete.
Negan continued to beat Ava over the head, until she collapsed forwards and Negan smashed her head into a bloody pulp of shattered bone, brains and teeth. Clementine grasped at her bloody wrist, with one of Negan’s followers making sure she watched the beating, tears running down her face.
“Whoo!” Yelled Negan, stepping away, “Now that—”
David rushed forwards and punched him, making Negan stumble back and laugh.
“Ooh,” Negan touched his face, “that was uncalled for.” Negan looked down, “Now, I’ve got to show you that there are consequences to your actions.”
Without any warning, Negan brought Lucielle down on Javi’s head. Kate let out a short scream, as Negan gave another blow, making one of Javi’s eyes pop out of its socket.
“Oh, god!” Negan laughed, “Look at this gross shit!”
Javi tried to speak, turning to Kate, getting a laugh from Negan, before he brought Lucielle down on Javi’s head again. Kate screamed and cried and pleaded, as Javi’s skull split open and Lucielle pulled his brain out, killing him.
Negan looked around, as Kate started screaming herself hoarse, “You know what, I don’t think that does it. Kill half of ‘em.”
Almost immediately, the Saviors gunned down half of the residents of Richmond, leaving the remaining line up member in steadily growing puddles of blood, with Kate trying to get Javi to speak to her, despite his head being destroyed.
“He didn’t kill any children,” Said Kate, “but, he made his mark.”
“We had a friend, Eleanor, she seemed to think that Richmond could be saved.” Tripp continued, “We left her behind and haven’t looked back since.”
“What about that Gabe guy AJ mentioned?” Asked Tenn, making Clementine look down.
“He was David’s son and…” Kate glanced at Clementine, “and Clementine’s boyfriend. He got bit on the back of the next while looking for supplies about three or four weeks ago and…had to be put down.”
“Whoa.” Muttered Louis, “So…It was a horrible few days for you?”
“That’s the understatement of the century.” Muttered Clementine, as Mari started fussing.
“Are you still thinking of moving on or…” Violet looked around, “because it’d be nice to have all of you around.”
Clementine and her group shared a look.
“Yeah,” David spoke, “We’ll stay.”
Next Story: What if the Bandits captured the Motel group? (TW: Rape/Non-Con, somewhat Graphic Violence and homophobic language)
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myastoners · 1 year ago
TWDG fans if you would like to request some writing from me i’d go nuts /pos
i’ll write ship but i also love gen fics, i’m personally into angst but if you want fluff then i’ll fluff it up lol. my faves are clem/lee/kenny/vi/aj/javi but i honestly enjoy every character in the games (to a certain extent lol) and would love to write abt any of them! my ao3 is connorswhisk if y’all wanna see my previous TWDG fics🙃
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