#Dave Hillyard
coweatman · 1 year
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Dave Hillyard.
Canon 80D.
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punkrockmixtapes · 2 years
David Hillyard And The Rocksteady Seven - Playtime
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louxosenjoyables · 5 months
Dig it.
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team-reasonable · 2 years
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So, anyway. I didn't technically close up shop here until June. I had already listened to so many records by then. It would be a shame not to drop (at least) one more year end list. The funny thing is that I have listened to more records this year than I have in recent years. All told, I ended up listening to around 125 new releases this year. I kept pretty detailed notes about most of them. I could have easily turned that into reviews or content. I would have stopped listening to new records had I done that though. Turning my enjoyment of music into a thing was a mistake. Anyway. Here is the list. It's 40 records. A good amount of these are jazz. Just be aware. If you're looking for dope punk rock records, this probably won't be the list for you.
In alphabetical(ish) order:
Alice Sandahl - "Bright & Blue"
Alison Shearer - "View From Above"
Alvvays - "Blue Rev"
Angel Olsen - "Big Time"
Anthony Coleman & Brian Chase - "Arcades"
Barrie - "Barbara"
The Beths - "Expert In A Dying Field"
The Bogie Band & Joe Russo - "The Prophets In The City"
Camilla George - "Ibio-Ibio"
Chicago Soul Jazz Collective - "On The Way To Be Free"
Dave Gisler Trio - "See You Out There"
David Hillyard & The Rocksteady 7 - "Plague Doctor"
Georgia Harmer - "Stay In Touch
High Alpine Hut Network - "727 / 16 EP"
Jeanines - "Don’t Wait For A Sign"
Jobber - "Hell In A Cell EP"
Julieta Eugenio - "Jump"
Kate Bollinger - "Look At It In The Light"
Kit Downes, Petter Eldh, James Maddren - "Vermillion"
Kristine Leschper - "The Opening, Or Closing Of A Door"
Lisa Ullén, Elsa Bergman, & Anna Lund - "Space"
Little Low - "Reasons To Grow"
Lupe Fiasco - "Drill Music In Zion"
Marta Sanchez - "SAAM (Spanish American Art Museum)"
Mary Halvorson - "Amaryllis" / "Belladonna"
Melissa Aldana - "12 Stars"
Nectar - "No Shadow"
The New York Second - "Music At Night"
ORD - "Hemligheter På Vägen"
Otoboke Beaver - "Super Champon"
Perennial - "In The Midnight Hours"
Potsa Lotsa XL & Youjin Sung - "Gaya"
Quelle Chris - "Deathfame"
R.A.P. Ferreira - "5 To The Eye With Stars"
Renata Zeiguer - "Picnic In The Dark"
Tender Slit - "Tender Slit"
Tomberlin - "I Don't Know Who Needs To Hear This..."
Walking Cliché Sextet - "Micro-Nap"
Westbound Train - "Dedication"
Widowspeak - "The Jacket"
I've included that Spotify playlist. It has stuff from most of these records, and some other stuff. Maybe I'll throw something up in 2023? Who knows. It's what it's
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lamilanomagazine · 5 months
Cuneo, la città si riunisce per la festa della Liberazione dal Nazifascismo: lo storico Claudio Vercelli terrà l'orazione ufficiale
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Cuneo, la città si riunisce per la festa della Liberazione dal Nazifascismo: lo storico Claudio Vercelli terrà l'orazione ufficiale.  A un anno di distanza dalla visita del presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, la Città di Cuneo si prepara a celebrare la festa della Liberazione dal nazifascismo. Nei giorni che precedono il 25 aprile - e il giorno stesso - sono in programma svariati eventi, tra incontri, spettacoli, concerti, gite e mostre, per ricordare e condividere i valori della Resistenza nei luoghi della città medaglia d'oro. Valori come democrazia, libertà e uguaglianza che, tra il 1943 e il 1945, hanno animato migliaia di donne e di uomini che si sono schierati al fianco degli Alleati, preparando il terreno per la nascita della Costituzione e della Repubblica. Mercoledì 24 aprile, in serata, si svolgerà la tradizionale Fiaccolata della Libertà, con ritrovo alle ore 20.30 presso il Monumento alla Resistenza, dove il giornalista e storico contemporaneista Claudio Vercelli terrà l'orazione ufficiale. Sarà presente anche la sindaca di Cuneo, Patrizia Manassero, per il consueto saluto istituzionale. La conseguente fiaccolata sarà accompagnata dalla Banda Musicale "Duccio Galimberti" della Città di Cuneo. Il corteo, con partenza dalla "Montagnola" attraverserà corso Dante e corso Nizza, per giungere nella piazza intitolata a Galimberti, di fronte al balcone dal quale l'eroe nazionale della Resistenza tenne il celebre discorso il 26 luglio 1943 (al piano dei locali che oggi ospitano l'omonima Casa-Museo). Alle ore 21.30, in Piazza Virginio, dopo la lettura di testimonianze di Resistenza di ieri e di oggi, si svolgerà il concerto dei Mahout. La band, nata a Pinerolo, è composta da musicisti professionisti che militano o hanno militato in alcune delle formazioni più interessanti del panorama musicale italiano e internazionale (Africa Unite, Meg, Dave Hillyard and The Rocksteady7, Jr Thomas & The Volcanos, Niccolò Fabi, Architorti e Levante). Con loro sul palco ci sarà Bunna (al secolo Vitale Bonino), cantante e chitarrista, ma soprattutto fondatore – con Madaski (Francesco Maudullo) - dei mitici Africa Unite, la band che ha fatto la storia del reggae in Italia. Il giorno successivo, giovedì 25 aprile, a partire dalle ore 9.15 e per tutta la mattinata, si svolgeranno le cerimonie istituzionali di commemorazione dei caduti. Si inizierà dai Giardini Fresia con l'omaggio della Città di Cuneo al Monumento ai Caduti, per poi proseguire alle ore 9.30 con la deposizione corone al Monumento alla Resistenza alla presenza delle Autorità. In seguito, gli omaggi verranno effettuati presso la Caserma "Ignazio Vian" a S. Rocco Castagnaretta in prossimità del Cippo in memoria dello stesso Vian, alla tomba di Duccio Galimberti nel Santuario Madonna degli Angeli e al Cippo di Tetto Croce. Alle ore 10.30 la cerimonia proseguirà al Cimitero Urbano, dove presso il Mausoleo ai Partigiani avrà luogo una celebrazione religiosa, con omaggio e deposizione corone e lettura della poesia di Gino Giordanengo. Seguiranno omaggi e deposizione corone presso la tomba del sindaco Ettore Rosa, il Famedio e l'Ossario Militari Caduti. Si segnala che il giorno 25 sarà a disposizione una navetta gratuita per seguire la cerimonia istituzionale di commemorazione dei caduti. La giornata si chiuderà alle ore 21 al Teatro Toselli dove andrà in scena "Qualcuno troverà il mio nome - Narrazione sulla vita di Lidia Rolfi", spettacolo a cura della Compagnia "Duilio del Prete" con la collaborazione dell'Accademia Teatrale "G. Toselli". Il testo è liberamente rielaborato da Chiara Giordanengo. Regia di Luigi Cando, aiuto-regia Claudia Ferrari, musica e luci di Marco Verra.   MANIFESTAZIONI COLLATERALI:   20 aprile - BICICLETTATA RESISTENTE – 1^ edizione "Tour" in bici a Cuneo attraverso alcuni luoghi significativi della Resistenza, raccontati dal professor Gigi Garelli (direttore dell'Istituto Storico della Resistenza di Cuneo) in collaborazione con FIAB Cuneo Bicingiro. Il ritrovo è alle 14 in piazza Galimberti.   20 aprile - PERFORMANCE URBANA Ballo, rap e letture su Resistenze di ieri e di oggi, di qui e altrove. Ospiti: Warrior Posse x Cuneodancers, Pepenocciola, Afshin Khas, Ismael, Naiky e Westdome. In collaborazione con ARCI Cuneo-Asti. Alle 17 in via Silvio Pellico.   20 aprile - Presentazione del libro: LA RESISTENZA DEI GIOVANISSIMI Vicende, figure e destini fra Cuneese, Monregalese e Langa. A cura di Ernesto Billò. In collaborazione con Associazione Partigiana "Ignazio Vian" - Centro culturale don Aldo Benevelli. Alle 18 presso l'Istituto Storico della Resistenza e della Società Contemporanea.   24 aprile - Mostra: RICORDATI DI NON DIMENTICARE. Nuto Revelli, una vita per immagini Nuto Revelli torna nella sua scuola attraverso il percorso espositivo elaborato dagli studenti dell'Istituto Tecnico per Geometri Bianchi-Virginio. Visite guidate aperte a tutti a cura degli studenti dell'ITC Bonelli in collaborazione con Fondazione Nuto Revelli, Comune di Cuneo, Collegio dei Geometri di Cuneo e Istituto storico della Resistenza e della Società contemporanea in provincia di Cuneo "Dante Livio Bianco". Dalle 15 alle 17 presso l'ITC Bonelli, in viale degli Angeli, 12.   25 aprile - RESISTERE, PEDALARE, RESISTERE Gita in bici a Ceretto organizzata da FIAB Cuneo Bicingiro A Ceretto, frazione al confine tra i comuni di Costigliole Saluzzo e Busca, il 5 gennaio 1944 ci fu un rastrellamento per mano nazi-fascista che si concluse con la fucilazione di 27 civili e 27 abitazioni incendiate. Informazioni su www.bicingirocuneo.com. Ritrovo alle 9.30 presso il parco della Resistenza.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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capsandbottles97 · 2 years
Music Nerd Stuff
@punkrockmixtapes was bored at work, and looking for distraction, decided to talk about shows. And I ask you, what’s better than that? Here are my thoughts -
First Concert - I always remember it being The Beach Boys, in I think, 88.
Last Concert - Off top of my head, pretty sure it was Dave Hillyard & The Rocksteady 7
Most Surprising Band You’ve Seen - I wish I had a better way to jog my memory, about all the bands that I’ve seen, than ticket stubs. So just for arguments sake, to offer A name, I’m gonna say it was Radio 4. I saw them open for Ted Leo & The Pharmacists, and I don’t think I knew them beforehand. They were an awesome band. And from what I remember, they put on a really great show
Worst Show - hands down, Blues Traveler. I think it was on the tour for Four. Loved their first three albums, though I forget what I thought of Four(I wanna say I didn’t like it), but I’d never seen them before. I don’t know how I measure up to their typical fans, so that may have had something to do with it, but I was so bloody bored. I remember not staying for the whole set.
Loudest Show - I don’t remember. I know there’s been at least one, but who it was, is completely escaping me.
Band You’ve Seen The Most - either Rancid or The Slackers. It might be The Slackers
Best Show - Jimmy Cliff. It was soooooooooo fucking good.
Happiest To Have Seen - Samiam. They don’t come east too often, but I’ve been lucky enough to see them a handful of times.
Wish You Had Seen - Stone Temple Pilots. They were my big 90’s band, but I never saw them live.
Next Show - that’s a very good question. Bands I’d like to see that are coming through before the end of the year, The Delta Bombers, Jimmy Eat World, and Botch. To name but a few
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cinesludge · 4 years
Movie #53 of 2020: The Slackers A Documentary
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smashpages · 3 years
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Preview pages from Vinyl #1 by Doug Wagner, Daniel Hillyard and Dave Stewart 
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graphicpolicy · 3 years
12-Gauge Comics Expands its Serial Killer Universe with Plastic Hardcover and New Narco OGN from Doug Wagner and Daniel Hillyard
12-Gauge Comics Expands its Serial Killer Universe with Plastic Hardcover and New Narco OGN from Doug Wagner and Daniel Hillyard #Comics #ComicBooks #Kickstarter
Four years ago, writer Doug Wagner, artist Daniel Hillyard, colorist Laura Martin, and letterer Ed Dukeshire unleashed Edwyn, a retired serial killer with a…unique girlfriend, Virginia, who just so happens to be a blow-up doll. Published by Image Comics, Plastic charts Edwyn’s descent into madness as he embarks on a brutal, chaotic (and often hilarious) war on the unfortunate souls who kidnap his…
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thecomicon · 3 years
Mother Knows Best In 'Vinyl' #2 Preview
Mother Knows Best In ‘Vinyl’ #2 Preview
Written by Doug Wagner Art by Daniel Hillyard, Colours by Dave Stewart “Our serial killer Walter has sealed himself in an underground bunker with a sunflower death cult. Now he’s being hunted by an insane myriad of Husks, Sunflower Girls, and monsters. Everything the cult can send at him. Good thing Walter didn’t come alone. That’s right. Walter brought along some friends.” Vinyl #2 is out…
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brokenfrontier · 3 years
Vinyl #1 - The Premiere Issue of Wagner & Hillyard’s Series Ticks All the Boxes for a Promising Double-Platinum Hit from Image Comics.
Vinyl #1 – The Premiere Issue of Wagner & Hillyard’s Series Ticks All the Boxes for a Promising Double-Platinum Hit from Image Comics.
Vinyl #1 starts off with lots of blood and gore and ends with the promise of more to come in 12-Gauge Comics’ new original story about a serial killer with a penchant for physical media and the songs pressed upon them. The story opens up with a retired FBI agent named Dennis getting kidnapped by a cult of femme fatale flower children in front of Walter, whom Dennis is supposed to arrest.…
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andybandtheworld · 4 years
The latest vlog, literally uploaded today! Stoked with this new one - awesome friends old and new playing here, from my own bandmates in FDG, to friend's bands we used to play alongside, to new friends in two countries and Dave from The Slackers too. In that thumbnail, members of all those bands are on this collab, and I could have picked so many random CDs from the shelf behind me and still said the same thing - can't put into words the feels that very fact gives me! A lot of me has gone into this project, and at the same time I've seen SO much positivity amidst adversity from our global music scene, really just very proud to be one part of so much new music that has come out of 2020, so many new connections, new friendships, new groups, all of it! For those yet to embark on their collab path but that want to, there might be some useful advice in there (there might not!) but I'm stoked to look ahead to our next release and journey following the release of "The First One", our first collab album, and we'll be down there in the thick of it with you all when you do go for it Big up to everyone that's joined in, I can not WAIT for you all to hear it!
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years
Episode 305
Sep 2021 Solicits
Comic Reviews:
Wonder Woman: Black and Gold 1 by AJ Mendez, Ming Doyle, Nadia Shammas, Morgan Beem, John Arcudi, Ryan Sook, Amy Reeder, Becky Cloonan
Batman: Reptilian 1 by Garth Ennis, Liam Sharp
Checkmate 1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Dave Stewart
Infinite Frontier 1 by Joshua Williamson, Xermanico, Romulo Fajardo Jr
Gamma Flight 1 by Al Ewing, Crystal Frasier, Lan Medina, Antonio Fabela
Heroes Return 1 by Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matt Wilson
Marvel's Voices: Pride by Kieron Gillen, Allan Heinberg, Terry Blas, Steve Orlando, Tini Howard, Mariko Tamaki, Vita Ayala, Leah Williams, Lilah Sturges, Anthony Oliveira, Crystal Frasier, J.J. Kirby, Jan Bazaldua, Jim Cheung, Kris Anka, Olivier Coipel, Jethro Morales, Derek Charm, Joanna Estep, Javier Garron, Claudia Aguirre, Jen Hickman, Brittney Williams, Samantha Dodge, Luciano Vecchio, Marcelo Maiolo, David Curiel, Erick Arciniega, Tamra Bonvillain, Paulina Ganucheau, Brittany Peer, Kendall Goode
Vinyl 1 by Doug Wagner, Daniel Hillyard, Dave Stewart
Spawn's Universe 1 by Todd McFarlane, Stephen Segovia, Marcio Takara, Jim Cheung, Brett Booth, Adelso Corona, FCO Plascencia, Peter Steigerwald, Andrew Dalhouse
Black Hammer Reborn 1 by Jeff Lemire, Caitlin Yarsky, Dave Stewart
Imogen of the Wyrding Way by Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, Peter Bergting, Michelle Madsen
Good Luck 1 by Matthew Erman, Stefano Simeone
Snow Angels vol 2 1 by Jeff Lemire, Jock
Sonic 30th Anniversary Special
Carmen Sandiego: Need For Speed Caper
Aggretsuko: Little Rei of Sunshine by Brenda Hickey
Keeper of the Little Folks: Fairy Balm by Carbone, Veronique Barrau, Charline Forns
Claire and the Dragons 1 by Wander Antunes
ExtraOrdinary 1 by V.E. Schwab, Enid Balam, Ana Godis
99 Cent
Lounger 1 by Nick Mullins
Homerville 1 & 2 by Justin Young
Wandering Koala 1 by Jeff Thomason
After the Storm by Stefano Petris
Deadgods 1 by Juan Ramon Lapaix
Jupiter Invincible 1 by Yusef Komunyakaa, Ashley Woods
Loveland by Timothy Pitoniak
Tales From the Dispatch Vol 2 by Maxwell Bristol, Catherine Broxton, Shaun Evans, Edward Ficklin, Matthew Sotello, Eric Young
Tales of the Scarlet Order Vampires by David Lee Summers, Michael Ellis
The Black Car by Michael Kaz, Josh Maikis, Gregory Ramos
The Walk by Michael Moreci, Jesus Hervas
Additional Reviews: Shazam!, Loki ep3, Owl House 2.3
News: Batwoman stupidity, hope for Gwen Stacy, ScarJo returning to Disney for Tower of Terror, Spider-Man Beyond (from Saladin Ahmed, Cody Zigler, Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason, Kelly Thompson), Joker manga where he raises deaged Batman, return of Warren Ellis, Skybound YA graphic novel line, delays to Batman/Catwoman, Cates/Stegman series Vanish, Savage Land-based movie, Marvel NFTs, Avatar new live-action series makes all the old mistakes
Trailers: Jurassic World Dominion, Sexy Beasts, Karen, Shang-Chi
Am it Glenn?
Comics Countdown:
Ascender 16 by Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Stray Dogs 5 by Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner
Undiscovered Country 13 by Scott Snyder, Charles Soule, Leonardo Marcello Grassi, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Matt Wilson
Something is Killing the Children 17 by James Tynion IV, Wether Dell'Edera, Miquel Muerto
Black Hammer Reborn 1 by Jeff Lemire, Caitlin Yarsky, Dave Stewart
Snow Angels Season Two 1 by Jeff Lemire, Jock
Batman/Superman 19 by Gene Luen Yang, Emanuela Lupacchino, Darick Robertson, Kyle Hotz, Steve Lieber, Matt Santorelli, Sabine Rich
Robin 3 by Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov, Luis Guerrero
Shadecraft 4 by Joe Henderson, Lee Garbett, Antonio Fabela
Guardians of the Galaxy 15 and SWORD 6 by Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri, Guru eFX, Adelso Corona, David Curiel, Federico Blee, Valerio Schiti, Marte Gracia
Check out this episode!
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randomvarious · 4 years
New York City Jazz Playlist
A variety of styles from a variety of eras, but all fantastic jazz made by New Yorkers, either native or transplanted. Clocking in at under an hour, these ten tracks span the late 1930s to the late  1990s, mixing vocal tracks and instrumentals, live performances and studio tracks. There’s a bunch of legends like Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis, as well as a couple lesser-known artists like Dave Hillyard sprinkled in. The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, also finds herself on here, a couple years before she would launch into the stratosphere.
This playlist is ordered as chronologically as possible and links are provided below to songs that have been posted about previously in order to give them more context:
Glen Miller - “Glen Miller’s in the Mood” Louis Armstrong - “Mack the Knife” Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers - “Moanin’” Miles Davis - “So What” Tony Bennett - “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” Stan Getz - “The Gril From Ipanema” Aretha Franklin - “Love for Sale” Buddy Rich and His Orchestra feat. Dizzy Gillespie - “Two Bass Hit” Weather Report - “Birdland” The Dave Hillyard Rocksteady 7 - “Playtime”
Playlist is also on YouTube and YouTube Music, with three extra bonus tracks:
Billy Taylor - “I Wish I Knew” The Cannonball Adderley Quintet - “The Sticks” Cannonball Adderley - “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy”
More to come, eventually.
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thebowerypresents · 5 years
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The Slackers – Webster Hall – December 20, 2019
Local ska outfit the Slackers were back home for their annual NYC holiday party at rowdy Webster Hall on Friday night.
Photos courtesy of Sachyn Mital | www.sachynmital.com
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smashpages · 4 years
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A sunflower-farmer death cult and serial killers inhabit the world of ‘Vinyl’
The new Image Comics miniseries by Doug Wagner, Daniel Hillyard and Dave Stewart debuts in June.
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