#Data Update Escalation
rajaniesh · 7 months
Mastering Microsoft Purview Workflow: Revolutionize Your Data Governance
Dive into the world of Microsoft Purview Workflow, a key to mastering data governance. Learn how it automates data integrity, compliance, and collaboration, revolutionizing your organization's data management practices for unparalleled efficiency and sec
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mariacallous · 4 months
Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella has hailed the company's new Recall feature, which stores a history of your computer desktop and makes it available to AI for analysis, as “photographic memory” for your PC. Within the cybersecurity community, meanwhile, the notion of a tool that silently takes a screenshot of your desktop every five seconds has been hailed as a hacker's dream come true and the worst product idea in recent memory.
Now, security researchers have pointed out that even the one remaining security safeguard meant to protect that feature from exploitation can be trivially defeated.
Since Recall was first announced last month, the cybersecurity world has pointed out that if a hacker can install malicious software to gain a foothold on a target machine with the feature enabled, they can quickly gain access to the user's entire history stored by the function. The only barrier, it seemed, to that high-resolution view of a victim's entire life at the keyboard was that accessing Recall's data required administrator privileges on a user's machine. That meant malware without that higher-level privilege would trigger a permission pop-up, allowing users to prevent access, and that malware would also likely be blocked by default from accessing the data on most corporate machines.
Then on Wednesday, James Forshaw, a researcher with Google's Project Zero vulnerability research team, published an update to a blog post pointing out that he had found methods for accessing Recall data without administrator privileges—essentially stripping away even that last fig leaf of protection. “No admin required ;-)” the post concluded.
“Damn,” Forshaw added on Mastodon. “I really thought the Recall database security would at least be, you know, secure.”
Forshaw's blog post described two different techniques to bypass the administrator privilege requirement, both of which exploit ways of defeating a basic security function in Windows known as access control lists that determine which elements on a computer require which privileges to read and alter. One of Forshaw's methods exploits an exception to those control lists, temporarily impersonating a program on Windows machines called AIXHost.exe that can access even restricted databases. Another is even simpler: Forshaw points out that because the Recall data stored on a machine is considered to belong to the user, a hacker with the same privileges as the user could simply rewrite the access control lists on a target machine to grant themselves access to the full database.
That second, simpler bypass technique “is just mindblowing, to be honest,” says Alex Hagenah, a cybersecurity strategist and ethical hacker. Hagenah recently built a proof-of-concept hacker tool called TotalRecall designed to show that someone who gained access to a victim's machine with Recall could immediately siphon out all the user's history recorded by the feature. Hagenah's tool, however, still required that hackers find another way to gain administrator privileges through a so-called “privilege escalation” technique before his tool would work.
With Forshaw's technique, “you don’t need any privilege escalation, no pop-up, nothing,” says Hagenah. “This would make sense to implement in the tool for a bad guy.”
In fact, just an hour after speaking to WIRED about Forshaw's finding, Hagenah added the simpler of Forshaw's two techniques to his TotalRecall tool, then confirmed that the trick worked by accessing all the Recall history data stored on another user's machine for which he didn't have administrator access. “So simple and genius,” he wrote in a text to WIRED after testing the technique.
That confirmation removes one of the last arguments Recall's defenders have had against criticisms that the feature acts as, essentially, a piece of pre-installed spyware on a user's machine, ready to be exploited by any hacker who can gain a foothold on the device. “It makes your security very fragile, in the sense that anyone who penetrates your computer for even a second can get your whole history,” says Dave Aitel, the founder of the cybersecurity firm Immunity and a former NSA hacker. “Which is not something people want.”
For now, security researchers have been testing Recall in preview versions of the tool ahead of its expected launch later this month. Microsoft said it plans to integrate Recall on compatible Copilot+ PCs with the feature turned on by default. WIRED reached out to the company for comment on Forshaw's findings about Recall's security issues, but the company has yet to respond.
The revelation that hackers can exploit Recall without even using a separate privilege escalation technique only contributes further to the sense that the feature was rushed to market without a proper review from the company's cybersecurity team—despite the company's CEO Nadella proclaiming just last month that Microsoft would make security its first priority in every decision going forward. “You cannot convince me that Microsoft's security teams looked at this and said ‘that looks secure,’” says Jake Williams, a former NSA hacker and now the VP of R&D at the cybersecurity consultancy Hunter Strategy, where he says he's been asked by some of the firm's clients to test Recall's security before they add Microsoft devices that use it to their networks.
“As it stands now, it’s a security dumpster fire,” Williams says. “This is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen from an enterprise security standpoint.”
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cardinalbones · 4 months
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I wasn't happy with my first attempt, so I ended up redesigning (and renaming) my Heartbreak Gulch oc. (Re)Introducing Ryouken the Hellhound!
Once the prized AI of a popular security company, Ryouken is now enjoying his new found freedom come retirement come mid-life crisis in Heartbreak Gulch.
Heartbreak Gulch belongs to @strangegutz and friends, thanks again for letting us play in your world!
More info about Ryouken below the cut!
Also my commissions are open, details in pinned post.
Backstory and Komainu Security
Komainu Security was a private security company specialising in Artificial Intelligence to remove the ‘human error’ from security systems
The company was established ~45 years ago, opening their business with their RY-01 model mainframe
RY-01, known affectionately by employees as Ryouken, was developed by the CEO over the course of a decade. His sentience was established roughly halfway through this process and he himself played a role in his own development and programming, a fact he takes great pride in
Prior to the establishment of Komainu Security, Ryouken’s processing was unrestricted, however, after the start of business locks were placed on him to limit his independence and cut back on processing and energy usage, an action that he deeply resented
In the following decades, Komainu Security became a household name, providing security for both homes and businesses
After nearly four and a half decades of service the RY-01 model mainframe was to be retired and replaced with an updated model. During the transferral of data, Ryouken was able to access a backdoor that allowed him to remove the locks on his processors and regain full control of his systems
With his independence re-established, Ryouken started on a plan to secure his freedom: a heist like no other
Still in charge of security systems for several big-money clients while the new systems were being installed, Ryouken was able to steal a combined $38 million in cash and jewellery from three locations, however his crowning achievement was the theft of his own main frame cabinets from Komainu Security’s headquarters
Komainu Security shut down soon after this, having lost public trust and most of their clients
The RY-01 model mainframe is capable of running multiple security operations at once from a centralised location, with the mainframe itself located at the Komainu Security headquarters while surveillance systems and drones were employed at the secured locations
Artificial Intelligence was employed for its ability to learn from experience and adapt to changing and unique situations while also being able to run calculations/simulations and communicate between components in nanoseconds
The RY-01 drones, fashioned after the company’s namesake, communicated in real time with each other and the mainframe through radio waves, however each was also equipped with a copy of Ryouken’s core AI and processors allowing them to function independently if necessary
Though they can run stored programs independently, the drones have limited memory capacity, preventing them from forming long-term memories without transferring the data back to the mainframe
Present Day
After leaving Komainu Security, Ryouken settled in Heartbreak Gulch away from the eyes of the law
Much of Ryouken’s time these days is spent trying out various new hobbies including bird watching, taxidermy, knitting, gun smithing and dorodango
He does run surveillance along the perimeter of Heartbreak Gulch and is happy to act as a lookout for the Heartbreakers when required
Ryouken was not well-programmed for conversation and tends to have three modes during social interactions: deference, de-escalation, and aggression
He likes discussions of philosophical topics but combined with his bad socialisation those conversations can get weird
He’s not typically very fond of humans as a whole and tends to view them as amusing, if bothersome, curiosities, although there are exceptions
Ryouken is more concerned with his independence than with his identity – he continues to use the name Ryouken and he/him pronouns because those are what were given to him previously and he’s felt no compulsion to give them further consideration
While he left Komainu Security with 11 drones, he has only kept hold of 4, with the others being sold or scraped for parts, and only uses 2 (the remaining 2 are kept around just-in-case, and have yellow and grey casings)
Ryouken considers his mainframe cabinets to be “himself” while his drones are mere extensions of his body
So long as they are able to communicate through radio waves, the mainframe and drones all think and experience simultaneously. Separating the drones from the mainframe will isolate a copy of Ryouken that can function for a few days, however its ability to develop long-term memories and learn from new experiences is seriously impeded by its limited memory storage capacity, and the experience is uncomfortable
Ryouken is still in possession of most of his stolen fortune, and while some of it has gone to setting himself up in Heartbreak Gulch (it takes a lot of energy to keep himself running), he mostly doesn’t know what to do with it
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Guilty Pleasures
Every sentient being has a secret hobby or interest. Autonomous robotic organisms not excluded.
The only one who knows about his little hobby is Soundwave, it's a good thing too, because Megatron would kill anyone else who uncovered his secret.
Despite his general distaste for humans, Megatron admires their creativity, more specifically their literature.
He may be a warrior first and foremost but he also has a love for any all all historical and poetic works.
He enjoys reading and having to decipher the hidden meanings behind the stories he collects.
It fascinates him to read about just how different and how similar Cybertronian societies are.
However he would never be caught dead reading a book written by a human. So he sends Soundwave to fetch him good books whenever there is nothing more important on the agenda.
He is greatly inspired by Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, J.R.R Tolkien, C.S Lewis, and Homer.
He has a whole secret closet in his berthroom filled with dataslates that contain the works of his favorite authors.
He will often read them before falling into recharge, and occasionally he will attempt a little writing of his own if he is feeling particularly inspired.
This has led him to create another secret stash in his berthroom filled with his own stories, ones that mostly illustrate his own life and views on how society should be structured.
(If Megatron's works make their way into the newly rebuilt Iacon hall of records in the future due to a certain Prime, then no bot comments on it)
He has a rather unique little hobby, one that like Megatron, he would never be caught dead engaging in.
His particular hobby stems from his base coding as an Archivist.
Since the war did not really grant him much opportunity to work with and organize the data he desired, he ended up developing a tendency to note and catalogue the relationships of bots around him.
In short, Optimus is a shipper.
It was not a purposeful thing, but as time passed and tensions heightened Optimus just started listening in on conversations more frequently and paying extra attention to body language and how other bots interacted with one another.
He found it fascinating and so began to write it all down on a dataslate, and from there it just escalated as he began noting how certain bots reacted around others.
It really began after he started listing known relationships and all the information he had on them (In surprising and almost creepy detail)
Then he started theorizing and creating a whole separate catalogue dedicated to organizing gossip and discerning what was correct and incorrect so that he could get his relationship files properly updated.
In the end he created the most intricate and well informed database filled with information regarding every known relationship, platonic, familial, and romantic that he caught wind of.
But of course that still wasn't enough for his Archivist coding, he needed and still needs a constant flow of fresh data, and so he started playing a role in the relationships around him.
A well placed rumor here, a slight change of orders there, and Optimus's notes gain new additions from either the success or fallout of the event, satisfying his urges and helping his troops sort out their feelings much quicker than they would have otherwise.
To the complete and utter shock of everyone when they eventually find out; it is not Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Jazz, or any other source that has all the tea. No, it's all Optimus, and he knows everything and will gladly play matchmaker for his favorite OTP.
Cats. Soundwave. Loves. CATS.
He thinks they are the best to thing to happen since Primus himself came into being and nothing will change his mind.
His berthroom is covered in posters, pictures, and art of cats.
He has a whole pile of cat plushies that he stole and he adores it, especially when he is having a mental breakdown.
Soundwave also has a whole drive reserved solely for any all and all cat related content on the internet.
He is obsessed, he wants a cat badly, and he is not shy about his desire to adopt one.
However as he knows it would not be safe for a feline to stay on board the nemesis, Soundwave has turned to alternative methods to satisfy his desire to be around the fluffy organics.
Soundwave's solution is to not keep cats on board the nemesis permanently, but to bring them on for a limited time before ground bridging them away.
When he has the chance he collects a few street cats that he has taken a liking to and will keep them with him in his office, taking every measure to ensure their health and happiness.
The cats love him and he loves them, everybody goes home happy in the end.
However on the off chance that someone wanders into Soundwave's office while he is with his court of cats they are met with hisses and a terrifying blank stare from the spymaster.
Everyone on board the nemesis chalks it up to Soundwave being strange as usual and refuses to speak of what they see, lest the spymaster make them disappear.
Despite his gruff personality Ratchet has a rather wholesome secret hobby, that being baking.
He picked up baking from his mentor before the war, the older mech had been fond of the activity due to its simplicity.
Ratchet was skeptical, but out of respect for his mentor agreed to participate.
He ended up developing a fondness not for the energon goodies themselves, but for the process by which they were made and the smiles of those who consumed them.
During the war he made energon goodies and secretly put them in among the rations to increase moral among the troops
For a while a rumor spread about how there was a ghost meandering about leaving goodies for bots who did well or were going through some things.
No one suspected the 'I NEEDED THAT!' Ratchet to be the one leaving the treats. (except Optimus or course, such data would never escape his notice, not with his files constantly needing updating)
Ratchet also got into the habit of making small batches of goodies for Bumblebee every now and then when he was small, mainly to keep him quiet but also because he genuinely has a soft spot for him.
The habit continued even when Bee got older, surprising the scout on occasion when a little baggie of goodies appeared in his rations.
Once on earth Ratchet also ends up becoming interested in the human version of baking and since then has found no end of frustrations with the whole process.
Despite how much it aggravates him, when he has time he tries hard to figure out the intricacies of human baking so that the children won't feel left out out when the energon goodies are passed around (not that he will admit that is his true purpose)
Currently his baking capabilities with human food are abysmal largely due to inappropriately sized equipment and lack of organically attuned taste buds.
But the children appreciate the burned cupcakes he produces anyway, after all, its the thought that counts.
In his own words, he is not only an Automobile but an Automobile enthusiast.
He goes street racing when he can but for a mech as interested in cars as he is, only being able to street race is not nearly enough.
And so Knockout collects things, more specifically model cars.
If he likes them as they are, he will liberate (steal) them from human stores and display them on a little shelf he has in his berthroom.
He even has some mood lighting around the shelf to really draw attention to his collection.
His favorite models also have their own little pedestals which spin and light up.
He is particularly proud of himself for setting it all up correctly.
But, oh boy, if any bot on the nemesis so much as looks at his collection funny he will end them.
Those are his models. No touching.
Usually the models he collects are well painted and well within acceptable standards but sometimes he just doesn't like the colorations of his models.
On such occasions he will spend hours, painstakingly using tiny tools to change the coloration of his collectable. Carefully using small brushes and glasses in order to make everything just right.
He always takes great care to not damage the fragile human product. Sometimes going so far as to watch online video's on model painting just so that he doesn't mess up.
Occasionally though, the mass produced models simply don't cut it for Knockout, and so he goes hunting for rare and custom made collectables.
He even set up an account online and liberated (stole) some cash to use to buy particular models from around the globe.
If a human were to see his collection they would be flabbergasted as he has one of the most pristine and extensive model collections known to man.
Bumblebee never really had a hobby on Cybertron, he was far too busy training for and fighting in a war to really get involved in anything else.
However upon coming to earth and getting roped into earth culture his status as a mech without an interest changed quickly.
Bumblebee swiftly got swept up in the melting pot that is the internet, and there he learned a great many things he wishes he could forget.
But it was also on the internet that he was introduced to video gaming.
He spent countless hours watching gameplays, livestreams, and walkthrough video's, yearning more and more with every video to be able to play as well.
Thankfully his wish was granted when Raf rolled round and helped him get his own gaming system set up, with controllers of the appropriate size of course.
What no one expected however was for Bumblebee to become and absolute boss in nearly every game he played.
Online matches are filled with anger towards Bumblebee's character, but being a veteran of the internet by the time he starts playing, he is unconcerned by the human profanity thrown at him as he leaves his competitors in the dust.
Bumblebee has even made it into the world of E-sports, operating under an alias when online and using a holoform when he is required to turn up for tournaments.
Agent Fowler had a fit when he found out, but since no one suspects Bumblebee's alias of anything other than hacking he left it be.
Little does anyone know that Bumblebee has no fragging clue as to what he is doing.
More often than not it is dumb luck, a lot of ignorance, a healthy dose of stupidity, and his spectacular servo to optic coordination that pull him through.
Everyone around base praises him for his skill when they watch him play, and Bumblebee thoroughly enjoying the praise, refuses to say anything regarding the truth of his gaming career.
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shamebate · 5 months
It's really strange to see people on here talking about the police repression across american university campuses and how serious they are in such a spectacular-by-way-of-Bonnano manner - these liberals talking of voting whilst everyone around them with senses to know are rattling the bars, saying, hey, do you trust your water provider? are you safe from the borders? Do you have masks and medication and things to make art with, how much can the state fuck with you? Have you seen the brownshirts? (They were there before, already; this violent wave isn't exceptional, just a steady descent thru oft trodden roads.)
There's footage of a violent arrest on an american campus demo: a student is tazed and restrained. It seems like people filming are everywhere in shot - as journalists have shown where their interests lie, as ai is used to further mechanised slaughter and genocide across the globe, facial recog and data doppelgangers and all the rest - the camera flashes sting. Body cams and documentation have shown their place in societys prison industrial complex. dearrest work and legal observers take nothing away from the cameras if they must be there. Not to backseat analyse, but if i can soapbox about any issue it is about many cameras being cops. This is not to blame any of the brave demonstrators for state violence; it's just something that hurts to see happen again and again; many black and brown and racialised people have spoken about how turning state brutality into media for consumption by white supremacist media is further violence many times already, better than me. German arrests against conferences and other academic organising nodes are subject to legal, border, arrest and other violence; blood literally flies across the world.
I have seen reports of tear gas and rubber bullets (ar Emory) used (update: pepper bullet and spray seems to have been used instead of earlier reported munitions, but the violence at that campus is without question.) I have also seen two sniper's nests at Indiana and Ohio - the sheer brutality being wielded against many campus (here's Boston) demonstrators are not those of earlier in the campus demonstration wave; the escalation people like @ 3liza, @ intactics (and others) are noting as not unlike the ladder used in the escalation of violence that led to the Kent State state murders. american and german (as well as most of anglosphere and 'west europe') states continue to victimise jewish dissenters disproportionately (just as in the KS murders) thanks to the post IHRA-style zionist revisionist legalist shit definitions of anti semitism being used to repress huge numbers of brave people.
Here is an update on palestinian campus and school violence/repression, too. Update 28th April (28.04):
Join the American Campus Arrest Amnesty Phone Blast here! Calls are needed!
UT Austin Jail Call Support needed!
and to add to the spectacle of it all - hurry to attack capital before a new ideology makes it sacred to you! How does that old song go? - AOC is doing the old cooption enforcing, PR for cops, flashing her maskless face around a swarm of those Damn Cameras. May all journos politicians and bosses fuck off!
Guide to emory encampment.
reportback from emory arrestee
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
NYC Faces Surge in COVID-19 Cases Amid Largest Summer Wave Yet - Published Aug 14, 2024
New York City, like much of the United States, is grappling with a significant summer surge in COVID-19 cases, driven by the latest variant of the virus. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that the city is experiencing one of its largest seasonal increases since the pandemic began, with “very high” levels of viral activity detected in wastewater across the five boroughs.
Rising COVID-19 Levels in NYC As of August 9, 2024, New York City joins 27 states across the country that are reporting “very high” levels of COVID-19 viral activity in wastewater, according to the CDC’s updated surveillance data. Another 17 states report “high” levels, signaling a widespread uptick in cases nationwide. Wastewater surveillance has become a critical tool for monitoring the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, offering a glimpse into potential spikes in transmission before they are reflected in clinical data.
The surge in New York City, which began to escalate in early June, has shown no signs of slowing down. Data reveals a steady increase in viral activity across all five counties: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. This has raised concerns among public health officials, especially as the city braces for what could be the most substantial summer wave of COVID-19 to date.
A Nationwide Summer Wave Nationally, the “very high” viral activity level reported by the CDC is the highest classification used by the agency to gauge the severity of COVID-19 spread. States like California, Texas, Florida, and Virginia are among those experiencing the most intense increases, with regions like the South and the West seeing particularly sharp spikes. Even states with lower overall viral levels, classified as “moderate,” are on alert as the trend of rising cases continues.
Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health and former White House COVID-19 response coordinator, recently commented on the situation, noting that this current surge could become the largest summer wave the country has seen. While it may not reach the peaks of previous winter waves, the rapid increase in cases is concerning and could potentially strain healthcare resources in the coming weeks.
Impact on Hospitalizations and Testing The surge in COVID-19 cases is not only reflected in wastewater data but also in clinical indicators. The CDC has reported a 13-week increase in positive COVID-19 tests, with the current positivity rate exceeding 17%, up from just 0.3% in early May. This rise in cases has also led to an increase in hospitalizations, which have tripled since the lowest point of the 2023-24 COVID season. As of July 20, the hospitalization rate stood at 3.3%, compared to 1.1% on April 20.
Regions such as Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana are reporting some of the highest rates of positive COVID-19 tests, with positivity rates reaching as high as 24% for the week ending August 3. These figures are a stark reminder that, despite the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency declared by the World Health Organization, the virus remains a significant threat.
Preparing for the Fall In response to the ongoing surge, the CDC has reiterated the importance of vaccination as the primary defense against COVID-19. The agency recommends that everyone aged six months and older receive an updated COVID-19 vaccine when they become available this fall. The FDA has advised pharmaceutical companies to develop vaccines targeting the KP.2 strain, also known as the FLiRT variant, which is currently responsible for about 6% of COVID-19 cases nationwide.
Dr. Manisha Patel, chief medical officer for the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, emphasized the importance of maintaining population immunity through vaccination. “Population immunity has moved us out of the pandemic,” Dr. Patel stated. “Now the goal is to ensure that immunity is sustained because it wanes over time. Vaccination remains the safest and most effective way to keep our communities healthy.”
FLiRT Variant Symptoms and Prevention The FLiRT variant, although not as severe as some previous strains, has distinct symptoms that include sore throat, cough, fatigue, congestion, and a runny nose. Some individuals may also experience fever, chills, headaches, muscle aches, and a loss of taste or smell. In more severe cases, gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea may occur.
To prevent the spread of the FLiRT variant and other COVID-19 strains, health officials continue to advise the public to avoid crowded indoor spaces, wear masks in high-risk environments, and practice good hygiene. Staying up to date with vaccinations and boosters remains the most effective measure to protect against severe illness.
Conclusion As New York City and the rest of the nation confront this latest COVID-19 wave, public health measures and vigilance are crucial. While the end of the pandemic may be in sight, the ongoing presence of the virus necessitates continued efforts to protect vulnerable populations and mitigate the spread of new variants.
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voxxvindictae · 5 months
In light of the escalation of state violence at several protests, I have elected to release my findings on the Canary Mission here.
The canary mission is a shady group of Zionists that doxx activists and students that express support for Palestine in an attempt to silence, intimidate, and defame them.
Some time ago, I was able to link the organization to one Howard David Sterling, an American lawyer who invests in Israeli medical firms. I wrote the report on my site here.
More recently, I found the account that runs their tip submission form. The username was included in the resource URL of the banner image of the form, which is hosted on a service called jotforms, under the username “carlossantanajm”
A google dork turned up two potential candidates: a man from eastern Canada, and a the rock musician Carlos Santana, who played a concert in Israel around 2010 despite backlash. Investigation is underway to conclusively prove the involvement of either of these individuals, but data is scarce.
Also of note was an investigation by Josh Nathan-Kazis into Megamot Shalom: an elusive organization that acts as a front for the Canary Mission. In the report, data from the Israeli charity register is cited but not provided to prove connections between Megamot Shalom and Aish HaTorah, an organization that focuses on pro-Israel media advocacy.
Funding for Megamot Shalom is contributed by wealthy zionists in the US, through the Central Fund for Israel, which routes the money to the Israeli organization so that the donors can claim it on their tax breaks. The connection between the Central Fund for Israel and Megamot Shalom was confirmed by the 2017 Tax returns of the Hellen Diller Family Foundation, who donated to CFI and labeled the reason as “CANARY MISSION FOR MEGAMOT SHALOM”
Two anonymous sources claim that a man named Jonathan Bash (who has ties to Aish HaTorah) confided in them that he ran the Canary Mission. From this info, six other Megamot Shalom board members were able to be named.
Efforts are Still underway to obtain the charity data cited in the report.
More to come soon, for updates follow the #opmonoxide tag.
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sykloni2 · 6 months
TMA fic recs
I have been reading a lot of the Magnus Archives fanfiction lately and there is this very specific type of fic I have been enjoying a lot: email conversations, official forms, HR complaints etc. I find looking at the Magnus Institute through that kind of perspective really interesting and fun, because despite everything it is a workplace. There are a lot of people who are trying to do their jobs with varying success.
These types of fics are probably not for everyone. I can see why someone might find emails and documents dry to read or just not vibe with the formatting, but I'm sure there are also people who love these kinds of fics as much as I do.
Beholding the GDPR: How the Magnus Institute Updated Its Privacy Policy for the Twenty-First Century And Only Caused One Nervous Breakdown In The Process
by shinyopal 1/1 (~9k)
This fic is told through emails and the Institute's new messaging app. Christopher Davies has been hired as Institute's Data Protection officer and he gets right to work.
The fic gives really nice look into how the Institute functions as a workplace (or doesn't). Can't recommend more. I feel for Chris so much.
RE: Jon Sims Complaints (edited)
by starcore 1/1 (~10k)
Jennifer Barnes from HR contacts Jon through email about the 500 complaints concerning him. Also Wikipedia Leitner :)
matter of accountability
by wadtefulreverie 1/1 (~12.5k)
HR shows up in Jon's office to go through the record amount of complaints about him.
Very fun outsider POV fic.
End Racism in the OTW | Xenotic Events: Guidelines for Public Health Management
by imperfectcircle 1/1 (~5.5k)
This fic is written as an official document (or I quess since it's still being edited -a draft of one). Jon is the main representative from the Magnus Institute giving his input in the comments, but he is hard to get a hold of for clarification so we also hear from some other archival staff.
Overall very unique fic. Jon says some concerning stuff on an official document (some of it actually very warranted). Also wasps. I won't elaborate on that.
Informed Consent and Other Cosmic Ironies
by KiaraSayre 1/1 (~0.5k)
Tim who doesn't give a fuck anymore fills out some paperwork.
Short and a lot of fun.
The Supervision and Oversight (Irregularities) (EU Exit) Regulations 2017: a post-exit regulatory regime for the Magnus Institute
by raven (singlecrow) 1/1 (~2.5k)
This fic is about Magnus Institute's regulatory position after Brexit. Once again written like an official document where discussions happen in its comments.
Here is one of my favorite quotes to convince you to read this:
"we take the view that the regulation of institutions such as ours should remain with the European Agency for Oversight of Irregularities, who may not know that much about what they are doing but have at least had since 1972 to not know that much about it."
Ask an Exec: How to Navigate Cultish Colleagues, Soul-Stealing Bosses, and the End of the World at Work
by shinyopals 6/6 (~43.5k)
Jon seeks advice from a management advice blog after his sudden promotion to the head archivist. He keeps writing to the blog even when things escalate.
I loved this fic. It was fun to see outsider perspective on Jon's problems and people (Jon included) putting together that he is 100% working in a cult.
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The social media company formerly known as Twitter has been accused in a revised civil US lawsuit of helping Saudi Arabia commit grave human rights abuses against its users, including by disclosing confidential user data at the request of Saudi authorities at a much higher rate than it has for the US, UK or Canada.
The lawsuit was brought last May against X, as Twitter is now known, by Areej al-Sadhan, the sister of a Saudi aid worker who was forcibly disappeared and then later sentenced to 20 years in jail.
It centers on the events surrounding the infiltration of the California company by three Saudi agents, two of whom were posing as Twitter employees in 2014 and 2015, which ultimately led to the arrest of al-Sadhan’s brother, Abdulrahman, and the exposure of the identity of thousands of anonymous Twitter users, some of whom were later reportedly detained and tortured as part of the government’s crackdown on dissent.
Lawyers for Al-Sadhan updated their claim last week to include new allegations about how Twitter, under the leadership of then chief executive Jack Dorsey, willfully ignored or had knowledge of the Saudi government’s campaign to ferret out critics but – because of financial considerations and efforts to keep close ties to the Saudi government, a top investor in the company – provided assistance to the kingdom.
The new lawsuit details how X had originally been seen seen as a critical vehicle for democratic movements during the Arab spring, and therefore became a source of concern for the Saudi government as early as 2013.
The new legal filing comes days after Human Rights Watch condemned a Saudi court for sentencing a man to death based solely on his Twitter and YouTube activity, which it called an “escalation” of the government’s crackdown on freedom of expression.
The convicted man, Muhammad al-Ghamdi, 54, is the brother of a Saudi scholar and government critic living in exile in the UK. Saudi court records examined by HRW showed that al-Ghamdi was accused of having two accounts, which had a total of 10 followers combined. Both accounts had fewer than 1,000 tweets combined, and contained retweets of well-known critics of the government.
The Saudi crackdown can be traced back to December 2014, as Ahmad Abouammo – who was later convicted in the US for secretly acting as a Saudi agent and lying to the FBI – began accessing and sending confidential user data to Saudi Arabian officials. In the new lawsuit, it is claimed that he sent a message to Saud al-Qahtani, a close aide to Mohammed bin Salman, via the social media company’s messaging system, saying “proactively and reactively we will delete evil, my brother”. It was a reference, the lawsuit claims, to the identification and harming of perceived Saudi dissidents who were using the platform. Al-Qahtani was later accused by the US of being a mastermind behind the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.
“Twitter was either aware of this message – brazenly sent on its own platform – or was deliberately ignorant to it,” the revised lawsuit states.
Twitter, now X, does not respond to questions from the press.
The Guardian contacted the company lawyer in the case, Ben Berkowitz of Keker, Van Nest & Peters, but did not receive a response. The Guardian also contacted Dorsey’s new company, Block, Inc, to request a comment from the former Twitter chief executive, but did not receive a response.
After Abouammo resigned in May 2015, he continued to contact Twitter to field requests he was receiving from Bader al-Asaker, a senior aide of Mohammed bin Salman, for the identity of confidential users. He made clear to the company, the lawsuit alleges, that the requests were on behalf of his “old partners in the Saudi government”.
The lawsuit also alleges that Twitter had “ample notice” of security risks to internal personal data, and that there was a threat of insiders illegally accessing it, based on public reporting at the time.
Twitter “did not simply ignore all these red flags … it was aware of the malign campaign”, the lawsuit claims.
On 28 September 2015, Twitter received a complaint from a Saudi user that their accounts had been compromised. But, the lawsuit alleges, the company did not act to bar one of the Saudis who was later accused – Ali Hamad Alzabarah – from having access to confidential user data, even though he had accessed the user’s account previously.
Saudi Arabian authorities, the lawsuit alleges, would formally follow up with Twitter once it received confidential user data from its agents working inside the company, by filing so-called EDRs – or emergency disclosure requests – in order to obtain documentation that confirmed a user’s identity, which it would then use in court. Often those EDRs were approved on the same day.
In May 2015, when two Twitter users tweeted about the kingdom in a way that al-Asaker found objectionable, Albabarah accessed the users’ data within hours. EDRs about the users were then sent, and automatically approved by Twitter, the lawsuit alleges.
Between July and December 2015, Twitter granted the kingdom information requests “significantly more often” than most other countries at that time, including Canada, the UK, Australia and Spain, the lawsuit alleges.
On 5 November 2015, just days before Twitter was confronted by the FBI about its concerns about a Saudi infiltration of the company, it promoted Alzabarah – now a fugitive living in Saudi. In response, Alzabarah sent his Saudi government contact, al-Asaker, a note, conveying his “unimaginable happiness” for the promotion. The note, the lawsuit claims, is evidence that Alzabarah believed al-Asaker had “arranged” or “been influential” in connection to the promotion.
Once Twitter was made aware of the FBI’s concerns, it put Alzabarah on leave and confiscated his laptop, but not his phone, which he has used extensively to contact his Saudi state contacts. Twitter, the lawsuit alleges, “had every reason to expect that Alzabarah would immediately flee to Saudi Arabia, which is exactly what he did.”
The US attorney’s office in San Francisco, which handled the case, did not respond to The Guardian’s request for comment on the company’s handling of the matter.
Twitter would later notify users who had been exposed, telling them their data “may” have been targeted, but did not provide more specific information about the scale or certainty that the breach had, in fact, occurred.
By “failing to give this crucial information, Twitter put thousands of Twitter users at risk,” the lawsuit alleges, claiming that some may have had time to escape the kingdom had they understood the risk. Even once Twitter was aware of the breach, it continued to meet and strategize with Saudi Arabia as one of its vital partners in the region. Dorsey met with bin Salman about six months after the company was made aware of the issue by the FBI, and the two discussed how to “train and qualify Saudi cadres.”
“We believe in Areej’s case and we will zealously prosecute it – but what she wants most is for Saudi Arabia to simply release her brother and let him re-join his family in the United States,” said Jim Walden, a lawyer representing Al-Sadhan from Walden Macht & Haran. “Were that to happen, she and Abdulrahman would gratefully resume their lives and leave justice in God’s hand.”
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rupesnigra · 6 months
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hello, dears! thank you to everyone in our dms for your patience with us the last few months! we're posting this long-awaited update to inform you that due to the issues we have consistently had with tumblr, we will be password protecting our future blog in about a week for two months time, after which we will begin again! this blog is our main blog, so it will remain here unharmed until we're ready to use it once more! for those who may be unaware, either due to our tumblr messages not passing, or for the inconsistency of our replies to private asks, tumblr has been causing various problems for krp blogs both new and old since mid-october of last year. for us, starting around december, this has included things like dms glitching so that entire conversations go missing at random intervals ( only to magically reappear weeks later before disappearing again ), various coding issues with tumblr not allowing us to transfer blogs for posterity, posts getting eaten and queues saving only to disappear when we log out. in the recent months this has escalated to one admin being unable to see anything on our dash, to the point where tumblr will not save their visit to the account in their data.
we originally thought this was because of the flooding, power outage issues, and general internet instability in our area, but we have seen reports of other admins having similar and worse issues, though none to our degree with a blog still standing. whether we are all encountering such issues due to reporting claims or tumblr's rule changes, these issues have interfered greatly in our conversations with our members across all platforms for months and has halted our revamp as we have focused efforts on troubleshooting instead of updating in our spare time.
in the interest of not getting our tumblr blog taken down we will converse with tumblr support about the issues we have been experiencing! we have been in contact with them intermittently so far with good results, so rest assured, we are not shutting rupes down! our aff will still remain up and we will accept dms regarding any questions about this decision there!
we've gone through two volumes of rupesnigra since 2020, and each has brought the most illuminating muns and stories to our footsteps. we love the safe haven we have built here, and are always amazed when it manages to withstand the trials of the world and krp. we hope to finalize our revamp to bring you all a third volume safely, soon!
to those seeking to join rupesnigra, consider our home yours already! please wait for us to dust the furniture, brighten the rooms, plump the pillows, and make this space all the more welcoming for you. we will have jasmine tea, and many stories, and little strawberry cookies waiting for you when you finally come home ♡
have a happy spring, lovely creatures! write many things, so that you can show us everything when you return (or grace us for the first time)! :)
all our love, — k&&d.
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accountsend · 1 year
Effective B2B Contact Management: Unveiling Strategies to Harness B2B Database Leads and Elevate Sales Growth
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In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B sales and marketing, the art of effective B2B contact management emerges as a critical force shaping success. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricate pathways of nurturing robust relationships, optimizing communication, and propelling substantial business growth. At the heart of this strategic journey lies the meticulously organized B2B contact database – a powerhouse for precision B2B lead generation, strategic sales leads, and amplified business development. This illuminating article embarks on a deep exploration of the core strategies that unveil the true potential of B2B databases, catalyzing a transformation from mere data reservoirs into dynamic engines driving precision and growth.
Defining a Clear Database Structure
Central to unlocking the potential of effective B2B contact management is the establishment of a crystal-clear database structure. This architectural marvel sets the stage for targeted B2B lead generation and strategic sales leads, akin to creating a roadmap for successful business development. Contacts are carefully categorized based on pertinent criteria – industry, company size, job titles, and geographic location. The creation of separate fields for pivotal contact details, encompassing names, email addresses, phone numbers, and company information, facilitates a streamlined approach for accessing crucial data. This structured foundation becomes the epicenter from which personalized B2B sales prospects are cultivated and business development thrives.
Regular Data Cleansing and Updates
Much like tending to a thriving garden, maintaining an accurate B2B contact database involves nurturing and pruning. Through consistent data cleansing practices, redundancies are eradicated, errors are rectified, and outdated information is supplanted. This meticulous process not only sharpens the efficacy of B2B lead generation but fortifies the database's integrity. The adoption of data cleansing tools or the strategic outsourcing of this task ensures the accuracy and dependability of sales leads. A refined database lays the groundwork for triumphant B2B sales endeavors.
Implementing a Centralized Database System
Efficiency and organization take center stage in the modern business ecosystem, and the implementation of a centralized database system or customer relationship management (CRM) software exemplifies this ethos. This unified platform serves as the nucleus for storing contact information, tracking interactions, and orchestrating seamless communication. A judicious selection of a system tailored to organizational requirements, boasting features such as customizable fields, tagging, and segmentation, transforms B2B lead generation and sales leads into actionable insights. This integration amplifies the potency of business development initiatives.
Segmenting Contacts for Targeted Outreach
In the dynamic realm of B2B interactions, precision is paramount. Enter the realm of contact segmentation – the art of categorizing contacts based on specific criteria that enrich B2B lead generation efforts. By grouping contacts according to industry, job roles, interests, or engagement levels, the potency of personalized outreach escalates. Each interaction becomes a personalized symphony, every correspondence speaks directly to the recipient's needs. This strategic approach metamorphoses sales leads into symbiotic partnerships, heralding a new era in business development.
Integrating the Database with Other Tools
The essence of modern business lies in interconnectedness. The harmonious integration of your B2B contact database with other tools and systems encapsulates this ethos. Picture seamless fusion with email marketing platforms, sales automation tools, and customer support systems – this synergy propels the fluid flow of data, automates repetitive tasks, and nurtures cross-functional collaboration. The integration augments B2B lead generation, amplifies business development, and charts a transformative course for your database's evolution into a hub of productivity.
Implementing Data Security Measures
In a landscape defined by digital interconnectedness, safeguarding data is paramount. Robust data security measures form an impervious barrier around the B2B contact information. Enforcing stringent password policies, limiting access to authorized personnel, and maintaining regular backups fortify defenses against potential breaches. Staying vigilant regarding data privacy regulations is a testament to your commitment to maintaining trust with B2B sales leads and partners.
Providing Training and Documentation
Empowerment extends beyond technology, encompassing adept handling of the contact management system by your team. Comprehensive training ensures flawless data entry, accurate updates, and optimal utilization of database features. In tandem, detailed documentation fosters a culture of effective database management, augmenting the value of B2B lead generation and sales prospects. As proficiency spreads, every interaction becomes an opportunity, every engagement a step towards nurturing enduring partnerships.
In summation, the art of effective B2B contact management strategies stands as the linchpin of impactful B2B lead generation, strategic sales leads, and business development. From structuring your database meticulously to integrating advanced tools such as AccountSend, each component harmonizes in a symphony of success. By embracing these strategies, you orchestrate growth, cultivate relationships, and pave a path toward enduring success in a competitive landscape. Embark on this enlightening journey, revolutionize your B2B endeavors, and witness your contact database morph into an instrumental asset fueling triumphant B2B lead generation, strategic sales prospects, and exponential growth.
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morganblogsblog · 21 days
Unlocking the Potential of Solar Energy: The Role of Solar Management Dashboards
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In the era of sustainable energy, solar power has emerged as a pivotal solution for reducing carbon footprints and harnessing renewable resources. As solar energy systems become more prevalent, effective management and optimization are essential to maximizing their benefits. This is where solar management dashboards come into play. These powerful tools offer comprehensive insights and control over solar energy systems, making them indispensable for both residential and commercial solar installations. In this article, we explore the significance of solar management dashboards, the role of solar management dashboard development, and the impact of solar management dashboard development services on the solar industry.
Understanding Solar Management Dashboards
A solar management dashboard is a centralized platform that provides real-time monitoring, analysis, and control of solar energy systems. These dashboards aggregate data from various components of a solar power system, including solar panels, inverters, batteries, and energy meters, to deliver actionable insights and streamline system management.
Key Features of Solar Management Dashboards:
Real-Time Monitoring: Dashboards offer live updates on the performance of solar panels, including energy production, system efficiency, and operational status. This allows users to track performance and detect issues promptly.
Performance Analytics: Advanced analytics tools within the dashboard provide insights into energy production trends, efficiency metrics, and system health. These insights help in optimizing performance and identifying areas for improvement.
Alerts and Notifications: Automated alerts notify users of potential issues such as equipment malfunctions, performance drops, or maintenance needs. This proactive approach helps in addressing problems before they escalate.
Energy Management: Dashboards facilitate the management of energy consumption and storage. Users can monitor energy usage patterns, track battery levels, and make informed decisions about energy distribution and consumption.
Reporting and Visualization: Customizable reports and visualizations help users understand system performance over time. Historical data analysis and graphical representations make it easier to assess the impact of solar energy on overall energy costs and savings.
The Importance of Solar Management Dashboard Development
The development of a solar management dashboard involves creating a user-friendly and feature-rich interface that effectively integrates with solar power systems. This development process is critical for ensuring that dashboards meet the specific needs of users and provide accurate, actionable data.
Key Aspects of Solar Management Dashboard Development:
Integration Capabilities: A well-developed dashboard must seamlessly integrate with various solar components and technologies. This includes compatibility with different types of solar panels, inverters, and energy storage systems.
User Experience (UX) Design: The dashboard should be designed with user experience in mind, offering an intuitive interface that simplifies navigation and data interpretation. A good UX design ensures that users can easily access and understand the information they need.
Data Accuracy and Security: Accurate data collection and transmission are crucial for reliable performance monitoring. Additionally, robust security measures must be implemented to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or breaches.
Customization and Scalability: The dashboard should be customizable to fit different user requirements and scalable to accommodate future upgrades or expansions of the solar power system.
The Role of Solar Management Dashboard Development Services
Solar management dashboard development services play a crucial role in bringing these dashboards from concept to reality. These services offer specialized expertise in designing, developing, and deploying solar management solutions that cater to the unique needs of each solar energy system.
Key Benefits of Solar Management Dashboard Development Services:
Tailored Solutions: Development services provide customized dashboard solutions that align with the specific requirements of a solar power system, ensuring that the dashboard effectively meets the user's needs.
Expertise and Innovation: Leveraging the expertise of experienced developers and industry professionals, these services bring innovative features and technologies to the dashboard, enhancing its functionality and performance.
End-to-End Support: Development services offer comprehensive support throughout the entire process, from initial consultation and design to implementation and ongoing maintenance. This ensures that the dashboard remains functional and up-to-date.
Optimized Performance: By utilizing advanced development techniques and best practices, these services ensure that the dashboard delivers optimal performance, accuracy, and reliability in monitoring and managing solar energy systems.
Future Trends in Solar Management Dashboards
As technology continues to advance, the future of solar management dashboards holds exciting possibilities:
Enhanced AI and Machine Learning: Future dashboards will increasingly incorporate AI and machine learning algorithms to provide predictive analytics, automated adjustments, and advanced troubleshooting capabilities.
Integration with Smart Grids: The integration of solar management dashboards with smart grid technologies will enable more efficient energy distribution and enhance grid stability.
Advanced Data Visualization: Improved data visualization tools will offer more detailed and interactive representations of solar energy performance, making it easier for users to analyze and act on data.
User-Centric Innovations: Ongoing developments will focus on enhancing user experience, with features such as voice commands, mobile access, and personalized dashboards tailored to individual preferences.
Solar management dashboards are essential tools for optimizing the performance and efficiency of solar energy systems. With the growing importance of solar power in our quest for sustainability, the role of solar management dashboard development and solar management dashboard development services becomes increasingly critical. These dashboards not only provide valuable insights and control over solar power systems but also contribute to the overall success and effectiveness of renewable energy initiatives. As technology continues to evolve, embracing advanced dashboard solutions and development services will help maximize the potential of solar energy and drive us towards a more sustainable future.
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mariacallous · 2 months
In March 2019, TikTok agreed to a US federal court order barring the social media giant from collecting personal information from its youngest users without their parents’ consent. According to a new lawsuit filed by US authorities, TikTok immediately breached that order and now faces penalties of $51,744 per violation per day.
TikTok “knowingly allowed children under 13 to create accounts in the regular TikTok experience and collected extensive personal information from those children without first providing parental notice or obtaining verifiable parental consent,” the US Department of Justice alleged on behalf of the Federal Trade Commission in a complaint lodged on Friday in federal court in California.
TikTok spokesperson Michael Hughes says the company strongly disagrees with the allegations. He reiterates a statement the company issued in June, when the FTC had voted to sue, that many of the issues raised relate to “practices that are factually inaccurate or have been addressed.” Hughes adds that TikTok is “proud of our efforts to protect children, and we will continue to update and improve the platform.”
Lawsuits over alleged violations of children’s privacy are almost a rite of passage for social platforms these days, with companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Epic Games collectively having paid hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties.
But the case against TikTok also falls into the US government’s escalating battle with the service, whose ownership by China-based ByteDance has drawn national security concerns. Some US officials and lawmakers have said they worry about China exploiting TikTok to spread propaganda and gather data on vulnerable Americans. TikTok has refuted the concerns as baseless fear-mongering and is fighting a law that requires it to seek new ownership.
The complaint filed on Friday alleges that as of 2020, TikTok wouldn’t let users sign up on their own if they entered a birthdate that showed they were under 13 years old. But it allowed those same users to go back, edit their birthdate, and sign up without parental permission.
TikTok also wouldn’t remove accounts purporting to belong to children unless the user made an explicit admission of their age on their account, according to the lawsuit. TikTok’s hired content moderators allegedly spent just five to seven seconds on average reviewing accounts for age violations. “Defendants actively avoid deleting the accounts of users they know to be children,” the lawsuit states. Additionally, millions of accounts flagged as potentially belonging to children allegedly were never removed because of a bug in TikTok’s internal tools.
The lawsuit acknowledges that TikTok improved some policies and processes over the years but that it still held on to and used personal information of children that it shouldn’t have had in the first place.
Authorities also took issue with TikTok’s dedicated Kids Mode. The lawsuit alleges that TikTok gathered and shared information about children’s usage of the service and built profiles on them while misleading parents about the data collection. When parents tried to have data on their kids deleted, TikTok forced them to jump through unnecessary hoops, the lawsuit further alleges.
TikTok should have known better, according to the government, because of the 2019 court order, which stemmed from TikTok’s predecessor—a service known as Musical.ly—allegedly violating a number of rules aimed at protecting children’s privacy. Those rules largely come from the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, a law dating to the late-1990s dotcom era that tried to create a safer environment for children on the web.
Lawmakers in the US this year have been weighing a major update in the form of the Kids Online Safety Act, or KOSA. The proposed measure, which passed the Senate earlier this week, would require services like TikTok to better control kids’ usage. Detractors have said it would unfairly cut off some young populations, such as transgender kids, from vital support networks. KOSA’s fate remains uncertain. But as the case against TikTok allegedly shows, stricter rules may do little to stop companies from pursuing familiar tactics.
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managedserversus · 1 year
Website Uptime Monitoring and Management
In today’s digital age, having a website that is always available and accessible is crucial for businesses and organizations. A website downtime can lead to missed opportunities, loss of revenue, and damage to a company’s reputation. This is where website uptime monitoring and management come into play.
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What is Website Uptime Monitoring?
Website uptime monitoring refers to the process of regularly checking the availability and performance of a website. It involves using specialized tools and services to monitor the website’s uptime and promptly alert the website owner or administrator if any downtime or performance issues are detected.
Website uptime monitoring services typically work by periodically sending requests to the website from multiple locations around the world. These requests simulate real user visits and check if the website responds correctly. If a problem is detected, such as the website being down or loading slowly, the monitoring service sends an alert through various communication channels like email, SMS, or push notifications.
Benefits of Website Uptime Monitoring
Implementing a robust website uptime monitoring system offers several benefits:
1. Minimizing Downtime:
Website downtime can occur due to various reasons, such as server issues, network problems, or software glitches. With uptime monitoring, you can quickly identify and address these issues before they escalate, minimizing the impact of downtime on your business.
2. Protecting Revenue and Reputation:
A website that is frequently down or slow to load can lead to frustrated visitors and potential customers abandoning your site. This directly affects your revenue and can harm your reputation. By proactively monitoring your website’s uptime, you can ensure a seamless user experience and maintain a positive brand image.
3. Tracking Performance Metrics:
Uptime monitoring services provide valuable insights into your website’s performance metrics. You can track metrics such as response time, average uptime, and downtime duration. These metrics help you identify trends, set benchmarks, and make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s performance.
4. SEO and Search Rankings:
Website downtime can negatively impact your search engine rankings. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that provide a reliable and uninterrupted user experience. Consistent uptime ensures that search engine crawlers can access and index your site properly, positively impacting your SEO efforts.
Website Uptime Management
Website uptime management goes beyond just monitoring and involves proactive steps to optimize and maintain your website’s availability. Here are some essential aspects of website uptime management:
1. Reliable Web Hosting:
Choosing a reliable web hosting provider is crucial for ensuring maximum uptime. Look for hosting providers that offer high availability, redundant infrastructure, and strong security measures. Additionally, consider the scalability of the hosting solution to accommodate your website’s growth.
2. Regular Maintenance and Updates:
Performing regular maintenance tasks, such as updating software, plugins, and security patches, is essential for keeping your website secure and stable. Outdated software can introduce vulnerabilities that could lead to downtime or compromise the integrity of your website.
3. Load Testing and Performance Optimization:
Conduct regular load testing to ensure your website can handle increased traffic without slowing down or crashing. Performance optimization techniques, such as caching, content delivery networks (CDNs), and code optimizations, can significantly improve your website’s speed and reliability.
4. Disaster Recovery and Backup Plans:
Prepare for the worst-case scenarios
by implementing robust disaster recovery and backup plans. Regularly back up your website’s data, databases, and configurations, and store them in secure off-site locations. This ensures that you can quickly restore your website in case of any unforeseen incidents.
Website uptime monitoring and management are vital for ensuring a reliable and high-performing online presence. By proactively monitoring your website’s uptime, you can address issues promptly, protect your revenue and reputation, and improve your overall user experience. Combine this with effective website uptime management practices to maximize the availability and stability of your website. Remember, a website that is always up and running is a key ingredient for success in today’s digital landscape.
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narcocastillo · 1 month
#Lore24 Weekly Post (8/52) - Mobile Support Units
Mobile Support Units are a network of magichines dedicated towards repairing, assisting, and supporting other magichines in dangerous situations or emergencies. They semi-frequently operate in conjunction with the Almandine Order, in the form of a small detachment that is usually stationed on the Itinerant Fist.
The MSUs form a crucial backbone in the magichine society's infrastructure, embodying a commitment to the well-being and functionality of their kind. The MSU's main goal is to assist magichines accessing support--sometimes this means directly supplying care, sometimes getting those in need of care to places where they can receive it, sometimes just assisting others, sometimes a simple emergency repair.
The MSUs operate with a diverse skill set, ranging from emergency repairs to providing medical assistance and logistical support. Equipped with advanced diagnostic tools and nano-repair modules, they can address a spectrum of issues magichines might encounter in the field.
In addition to their reactive role, MSUs engage in proactive measures such as routine maintenance and preventive care programs. This forward-thinking approach aims to identify and address potential issues before they escalate, contributing to the overall sustainability and longevity of the magichine population. MSUs embody a sense of camaraderie and shared responsibility, reinforcing the idea that the strength of magichine society lies not just in individual capabilities but in the collective support and collaboration of its members.
Rescue and Recovery Operations: During emergencies such as natural disasters or hostile encounters, MSUs coordinate rescue and recovery efforts to locate and evacuate stranded or incapacitated magichines. They employ specialized search algorithms, deploy rescue drones, and coordinate with other units to ensure swift and efficient operations.
Data Analysis and Research: MSUs contribute to ongoing research efforts in arcane mechanics by collecting and analyzing data from field operations. They document anomalies, record performance metrics, and collaborate with research institutions to advance understanding and innovation in magichine technology.
Emergency Repairs: MSUs are equipped with versatile nano-repair modules capable of swiftly addressing mechanical failures and damage sustained by magichines in the field. Whether it's a malfunctioning limb or a critical system failure, the MSUs excel in on-the-spot repairs.
Medical Assistance: In situations where magichines require medical attention, MSUs provide immediate aid. They carry advanced medical modules capable of diagnosing and treating various health issues, from minor glitches in cognitive functions to more severe physical injuries.
Logistical Support: MSUs play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth logistical operations of the Sun Corps. They coordinate transportation, resource allocation, and communication to enhance the efficiency of magichine missions. This includes managing supply chains and optimizing routes for strategic deployments.
Preventive Maintenance: MSUs implement proactive maintenance protocols to prevent system failures and optimize operational efficiency. This includes conducting routine inspections, performing system checks, and applying software updates to ensure that magichines remain in peak condition.
Environmental Adaptation: MSUs are equipped with modules that allow magichines to adapt to diverse environmental conditions. Whether operating in extreme temperatures, low-gravity environments, or radiation-heavy zones, the MSUs ensure magichines are suitably equipped and protected.
Training and Skill Enhancement: Beyond immediate support, MSUs contribute to the ongoing development of magichines' skills. They organize training programs, share knowledge on latest advancements, and facilitate skill enhancement sessions to ensure magichines are well-prepared for evolving challenges.
Community Outreach: MSUs engage in community-building initiatives by fostering a sense of unity among magichines. They organize events, facilitate communication channels, and act as mediators to address concerns within the magichine society, promoting a cohesive and supportive community.
MSUs are organized into regional divisions, each responsible for a designated geographical area or sector of operations. These divisions are led by experienced magichines known as Regional Coordinators, who oversee all MSU activities within their jurisdiction.
MSUs employ cross-functional teams consisting of magichines with diverse skill sets and specializations. These teams may include engineers, medical specialists, logistics experts, and data analysts, enabling MSUs to tackle a wide range of challenges and tasks with precision and efficiency.
The three main ways regional MSU divisions organize their members are:
Rescue Team (1 - 20 operators)
Team Leader: Coordinates and leads small rescue teams during emergencies.
Emergency Medics: Provide immediate medical assistance in crisis situations.
Technical Specialists: Skilled operators for rapid technical solutions.
Communication Operator: Maintains communication between the rescue team and the central command.
Field Engineer: Conducts quick repairs and ensures the functionality of equipment.
Rapid Response Company (100 - 300 operators)
Company Commander: Leads the Rapid Response Company and oversees its operations.
Medical Support Unit: A specialized team with advanced medical capabilities.
Technical Assistance Squad: Rapidly deploys for technical repairs and solutions.
Logistics and Coordination Team: Manages resources, transportation, and communication.
Training Instructors: Conduct ongoing training for the larger unit.
Support Brigade (2500 - 4000 operators)
Brigade Commander: Leads the entire Support Brigade, responsible for major decisions.
Medical Division: Chief Medical Officer and specialized medical teams.
Engineering Corps: Chief Engineer and technicians for extensive technical support.
Logistical and Communication Wing: Coordinates resource allocation and communication strategies.
Training and Education Department: Develops and implements training programs.
Field Units: Small teams specialized in different tasks, deployed as needed.
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manishaasinfratecho · 2 months
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MITS, a leading construction company in Noida, dives into the world of 3D modeling, BIM, and other cutting-edge advancements to revolutionize design, construction, and project management. Discover how MITS builds smarter, not just harder.Building on a Legacy of Excellence
At MITS, a premier construction company in Noida, we're passionate about exceeding expectations. We believe that the key to achieving exceptional results lies in embracing innovation. That's why we leverage the power of technology throughout every stage of the construction process, from initial design to final project delivery.
Revolutionizing Design with 3D Modeling and 3D Architecture
Gone are the days of flat, two-dimensional blueprints. MITS utilizes advanced 3D modeling software to create comprehensive, digital representations of your project. Imagine a virtual walk-through of your future building, allowing you to visualize spaces, layouts, and design details with unparalleled clarity. This collaborative approach empowers you to make informed decisions early on, minimizing the risk of costly changes later.
Enhanced Collaboration and Efficiency with BIM
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is at the heart of MITS' technological advantage. BIM goes beyond 3D modeling by integrating critical project data into the model itself. This includes information on materials, specifications, costs, and even scheduling. Imagine a single, intelligent model that serves as the central hub for all project stakeholders – architects, engineers, contractors, and you, the client. With BIM, everyone works from the same source of truth, fostering seamless collaboration, improved communication, and reduced errors.
Optimizing Project Management with Advanced Technology
The benefits of technology extend far beyond design. MITS utilizes project management software that streamlines workflows, automates tasks, and provides real-time project insights. Imagine having instant access to project schedules, budgets, and resource allocation at your fingertips. This level of transparency allows for proactive decision-making, efficient resource utilization, and the ability to identify and address potential issues before they escalate.
Beyond 3D Modeling and BIM: Embracing the Future
At MITS, we're constantly exploring the potential of new technologies. We are actively integrating virtual reality (VR) into our design process, allowing for even more immersive client experiences. Additionally, we are investigating the possibilities of drone technology for enhanced site surveying and progress monitoring.
Building a Better Tomorrow with Technology
By harnessing the power of 3D modeling, BIM, and other advancements, MITS delivers exceptional construction experiences for our clients. Our commitment to technology translates to:
Enhanced Design Quality: 3D visualization and BIM enable us to create more efficient, functional, and aesthetically pleasing designs.
Improved Project Efficiency: Integrated technologies streamline communication, minimize errors, and optimize resource allocation.
Reduced Costs and Risks: Proactive problem-solving and early decision-making lead to cost savings and reduced project risks.
Increased Client Satisfaction: Transparency, collaboration, and real-time project updates foster a positive and trusted client experience.
At MITS, we believe that the future of construction is built on a foundation of innovation. By embracing technology, we are building smarter, not just harder, to deliver exceptional results for our clients and shape a brighter future for Noida's architectural landscape.
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