#Das Ring de Nibelungen
illustratus · 2 years
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Walhalla by Hermann Burghart
Design for the 1878 staging of "Das Rheingold" by Richard Wagner
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haljathefangirlcat · 1 year
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Fafnir, Hreitmars Sohn Ich fürchte nicht den Tod Und nicht dein Feuer Ich bin Siegfried Dragonslayer
SGFRD Dragonslayer — Feuerschwanz
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rwpohl · 5 months
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der zauberberg, hans w. geissendörfer 1982
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opera-ghosts · 5 months
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"Wallala! Lalaleia! Leialalei!" DAS RHEINGOLD - R. Wagner
Ernst Wachter as Fasolt, Marion Weed as Freia and Johannes Elmblad as Fafner; Bayreuth, 1897
Hans Breuer as Mime; Bayreuth, 1896-1914
Eric Colsaux as Froh; Brussels, ?
Desider Zádor as Alberich; Berlin, 1907
Walter Soomer as Wotan; Bayreuth, 1914
Agnes Hansson as Fricka; Bayreuth, 1914
Emilie Frick as Freia; Bayreuth, 1914
Eugen Guth as Fafner; Bayreuth, 1914
Walter Eckard as Fasolt; Bayreuth, 1914
Eugen Guth as Fafner, Emilie Frick as Freia and Walter Eckard as Fasolt; Bayreuth, 1914
Theodor Scheidl as Donner; Bayreuth, 1914
Willy Ulmer as Froh; Bayreuth, 1914
Gotthelf Pistor as Froh; Bayreuth, 1925
Lois Odo Böck as Donner; Bayreuth, 1928
Walter Eckard as Fafner; Bayreuth, 1928
Joachim Sattler as Froh; Bayreuth, 1930
Georg von Tschurtschenthaler as Donner; Bayreuth, 1931-1931
Luise Willer as Fricka; Munich, ?
Ria Focke as Erda; Bayreuth, 1939
Josef Herrmann as Wotan; ?, ?
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Der Ring des Nibelungen: Das Rheingold (Bayreuth, 1980): Reactions, Part II
let us continue!
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okay this set change is cool
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and the interlude is even cooler
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down the…fire escape? did they have those in 1876?
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that is not a helmet that is a chain mail veil
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…so it has a gold detector
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same power structure, just reversed
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oh it’s the panopticon
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annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd there it is
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this is the worst argument ever
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just gotta say that so far, everyone in this is a really committed actor, which is something i ALWAYS appreciate in a production
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i mean he IS pretty smart
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fair enough!
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okay that trick was actually REALLY cool
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just a little guy!
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GOT ‘IM!!!
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and now to reverse the process from the last interlude
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smart move, wotan
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okay but COULD you actually???
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first recorded instance of amazon same-day delivery
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i mean, technically you only said you wanted to keep the ring
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uh YEAH, because YOU were the one who took it??? we’re not talking about hypotheticals here
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in fairness, it’s not like wotan is actually planning to give the ring back to the rhinemaidens
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i rest my case
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i mean it was stolen from the RHINEMAIDENS, so it’s gotta go back to THEM really
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this is a lovely musical moment
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world’s highest-stakes game of jenga
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i love how they’re allowing them to keep the wrapping on the gold lol
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this guy is just trying his best and i respect that
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oh THAT is some bs
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uh oh
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ooh boy
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spooky times
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but how often do opera characters actually do that
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“fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine :/“
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okay then
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well that escalated quickly
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nice effects!!!
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he’s not impressed
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and in they start to go…
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…but the rhinemaidens are still upset…
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…but they still go in anyway!
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“this isn’t over yet, everyone”
and indeed it is not, but 1 part down, 3 to go, see y’all soon for my first-ever die walküre!!!
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issela-santina · 17 days
The Onion :
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“Crows evolve new blond look concluding 17-million-year goth phase,” a headline reads without any indication that it came from none other than The Onion. Below the headline is the publish date, 2 March 2022, and a picture of an unbelievably golden corvid. (Leucistic crows exist. They are paler.)
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An impulsively, badly done PicsArt edit of bass baritone Tomasz Konieczny as Wotan in Richard Wagner's Nibelungen cycle opener das Rheingold for Bayreuther Festspiele 2024, reimagined as a silver fox of a man in a golden suit with a scar around his right eye. He carries a translucent cube with a pyramid of white light inside.
For the edits done, Wotan's right eye is brushed over to look clouded, and the blond crow from the previous picture has its background removed and is pasted on Wotan's elbow: a regrettable position considering that the crow now covers up the fact that this specific Wotan wore a golden medallion bearing his sigil.
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joaquimblog · 1 year
Pietari Inkinen Sense “la tortura” del visionament de la producció de Valentin Schwarz, amb la direcció musical de Pietari Inkinen, que l’estiu passat va haver de renunciar a l’estrena de la nova producció va haver de ser substituït a darrera hora per Cornelius Meister i amb alguns canvis significatius en rols fonamentals en cadascun dels quatre títols, he escoltat per ràdio aquesta tetralogia…
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spirit-of-art · 8 days
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Franz Stassen, Der Ring Des Nibelungen, Das Rheingold
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Theodorik, Tolkien, Volsüngs and Richard Wagner
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What do all of these have in common? Well… a couple of things.
Before there was Tolkien’s LOTR and before Richard Wagner wrote Der Ring des Nibelungen there was the Völsunga Saga (13th century), Das Nibelungenlied (13th century) and the Þiðrekssaga (13th century, after older poems).
These tales are part of what is called “Germanic Heroic Myth”. The hero of the story is a literal hero; strong, a good fighter, brave, a good horseman and so on.
Most tales like the ones mentioned above are based on the historical figure of Theodorik of Bern (454-526) an Ostrogoth nobleman and commander in the Eastern Roman army. His Nordic name is Þiðrek (Thidrek).
Tales were invented around his character with him being the literal hero and as inspiration for later heroic saga’s and poems.
Despite their differences, the Völsunga Saga and Das Nibelungenlied centre around the hero Siegfried/Sigurd who (amongst other things) fights Fafner, a dwarf turned into dragon after he gets ownership of a finger ring made from Rhine gold, hoarding a treasure. This ring was forged by the dwarf Andvari/Alberich and cursed by him after it was taken from him. (Starting to sound familiar?)
The tales in essence tell the story of the fall of the Burgundian dynasty told through a Theodorik like figure.
Wagner used many Germanic mythology motives, breaking with the use of classical/classicist tradition in opera. He fantasized further, inventing the Tarnhelm and prioritizing the persona of Wotan (who in my personal opinion is a very weak character in Wagner’s work). Using such Leitmotives throughout 16 hours of opera was unseen.
Tolkien further used these elements, but removes the “one hero element” of these myths. He simplifies the story to one cursed finger ring and a gold hoarding dragon. Tolkien gets rid of the Volsungs, but continues with the Nibelungen/Niflungr as mythical creatures living in the fog alongside humans.
Painting: Theodor Pixis, “Das Rheingold”, oil on canvas laid on masonite, 142x115 cm, private ownership, 1875.
The Rhine maidens lament the stolen gold which Alberich the dwarf holds triumphantly. The price paid for the treasure was to renounce all love. He forges a magical ring out of the gold which he curses after Wotan traps him.
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mermaidenmystic · 1 year
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inspired from Wagner's opera "Der Ring des Nibelungen" ~ Das Reingold by Paraguayan contemporary artist Samuel Araya
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haljathefangirlcat · 1 year
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how joy may at last end in sorrow Sigfrido (1958) by Giacomo Gentilomo
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nocnitsa · 2 years
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Franz Stassen (German, 1869–1949) Der Ring Des Nibelungen: Das Rheingold (Wagner’s Ring Cycle)
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arcimboldisworld · 3 months
Siegfried - Bühnen Bern 18.06.2024
Siegfried - Bühnen Bern 18.06.2024 #DerRingdesNibelungen #NicholasCarter #EwelinaMarciniak #RichardWagner #Bühnenbern #RichardWagner #operalover #music #review
Auch in Bern ist “Der Ring des Nibelungen” nun auf der Zielgeraden zur finalen “Götterdämmerung”, die in der kommenden Saison 2024/25 Premiere haben wird. Regisseurin EWELINE MARCINIAKs dritter Abend der Tetralogie ist alles andere als langweilig angelegt und doch hat man stellenweise das Gefühl, dass er kein Ende nimmt. Insgesamt jedoch ist dieser besetzungstechnisch sehr männerlastige Abend –…
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enibas22 · 2 years
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from presseportal.de - 24th November 2022
Bildrechte: MDRFotograf: MDR Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
„Die Abenteuer der kleinen Trompete“: MDR und Hollywood-Star Tom Wlaschiha legen Klassiker neu auf
Die klingende Instrumentenkunde „Die Abenteuer der kleinen Trompete“ von Hans Sandig ist ein Klassiker unter den Kinderschallplatten der DDR und zugleich eng mit der Geschichte der MDR-Klangkörper verbunden. Der Musiker Hans Sandig war Gründer und bis zu seinem Tod Leiter des Rundfunk-Kinderchors Leipzig (heute MDR-Kinderchor). MDR KLASSIK schickt jetzt in einem neuproduzierten Film den internationalen Schauspielstar Tom Wlaschiha mit der kleinen frechen Trompete wieder auf Reisen, um die Instrumente des MDR-Sinfonieorchesters spielerisch zu entdecken – zu sehen ab 25. November in der ARD Mediathek sowie am 24. Dezember, 7.00 Uhr, im MDR-Fernsehen.  
Nach fast 60 Jahren hat der MDR die kleine Trompete und ihre Geschichte in einer audiovisuellen Produktion mit animierten grafischen Elementen zu neuem Leben erweckt. Die nicht mehr vollständig erhaltene Originalpartitur wurde dafür aufwändig rekonstruiert und behutsam an heutige Bedürfnisse angepasst. Als Sprecher konnte MDR KLASSIK mit dem international renommierten Schauspieler Tom Wlaschiha (geb. in Dohna bei Dresden) eine prominente Persönlichkeit aus Sachsen gewinnen.
Hans Sandigs „Die Abenteuer der kleinen Trompete“ galt als das DDR-Pendant zu Benjamin Brittens „A Young Person´s Guide to the Orchestra“ aus dem Jahr 1946. Sandigs Neuschöpfung lädt auf spielerische Weise in die Welt des Orchesters ein. Die Geschichte folgt den Spuren der frechen kleinen Trompete, die eines Morgens aus der engen Turmstube ausbricht, und auf ihrem Weg in die Stadt zahlreiche Instrumente kennenlernt. Bevor am Ende alle gemeinsam ein großes Konzert geben, gilt es einige Herausforderungen zu meistern. Die erste Einspielung des Werks mit dem damaligen Leipziger Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester und dem populären Schauspieler Rolf Ludwig als Sprecher erschien 1964 als Schallplatte. Die klingende Instrumentenkunde wurde schnell ein Klassiker in ostdeutschen Kinderzimmern: Die gelungene Kombination von didaktischer Wirkung und Beliebtheit war so erfolgreich, dass es bis in die frühen 1980er Jahre mehrere Nachauflagen gab.
Hintergrund zur Zusammenarbeit mit Tom Wlaschiha
Bereits in den 1990er Jahren gab es eine Zusammenarbeit des jungen Schauspielstudenten Tom Wlaschiha mit den Klangkörpern des MDR. Tom Wlaschiha stammt aus einer musikalischen Familie: Sein Onkel Ekkehard war ein bekannter Bariton und Wagner-Interpret, der vor allem in seiner Paraderolle als Alberich im „Ring der Nibelungen“ international glänzte. Durch ihn erhielt Wlaschiha früh einen Zugang zur klassischen Musik und eine starke Affinität zur Bühne.
Hinweis an die Journalistinnen und Journalisten:
Ein aktuelles Interview mit Tom Wlaschiha kann unter mdr-klassik.de abgerufen werden.
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Der Ring des Nibelungen: Das Rheingold (Bayreuth, 1980): Reactions, Part I
well shit, y’all, i guess i’m finally actually doing it
obviously not going to get the whole cycle in one day or even four (i work the next four days and then on thursday night i’m gonna go see the barbie movie and then honestly i still may get called in for friday but anyway), but goddammit i WILL finally watch the full ring!
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okay but this prelude lowkey slaps
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and so it begins…
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smartass response haha
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here comes trouble
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men watching women a little too closely at the gym, circa 1876, colorized
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just having a little fun!
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alberich the og incel???
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maybe he actually has a chance?
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…or not
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wow way to throw your sister under the bus
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is that perhaps where the rheingold is???
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this is really beautiful
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wagnerites when others hear about the ring cycle for the first time (I’M KIDDING)
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this one got all the brain cells
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debatable but okay
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but you don’t know that for sure. you don’t know whether or not he’d be after power bc he hasn’t MENTIONED it
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okay but now i’m remembering isn’t he supposed to be an antisemitic caricature???
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is this the valhalla theme or something??? (i watched this once like 3 years ago idk)
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i want that outfit
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she does have a point
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nah man i think that’s just you not keeping to yourself
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then why’d you put that in the contract, dumbass
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freia deserves better
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okay y’all ARE tall
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divine bureaucracy
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playing the LONG game
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she looks so smol
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including this very very stupid one you made
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loge is not having it lol
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that’s how it works most of the time tbh
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this is a lovely phrase
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“yeah no i’m gonna use that gold for MY OWN PROBLEMS, thank you”
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do NOT fucking THINK about it
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who said anything about gems
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okay then why did no one tell alberich that
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fair enough, i guess
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i mean…then you wouldn’t have to take freia! (you shouldn’t take her anyway but that’s beside the point)
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you’re not helping
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dysfunctional family time
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and down he goes!!!
second half will come…sometime later today
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valkxrie · 2 years
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Franz Stassen (1869-1949), Illustration for ‘Der Ring Des Nibelungen: Das Rheingold’ by Richard Wagner
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