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incognitopolls · 6 months ago
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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fandomfairyuniverse · 28 days ago
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I’m walking into the ocean. And never coming back. Bye bye now
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superiorsturgeon · 3 days ago
Oh my fucking god, they’re trying to bring back D.A.R.E. except for furries.
What the fuck.
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First off, the fucking name of the act. Weirdos. Second, kids play pretend. That's what kids are supposed to do. Third, kid gets frustrated in school and knows he can't swear, so they just hiss like a frustrated cat? That needs to be a criminal offense? What the fuck?
This is the GOP manufacturing problems to keep people distracted from what's actually going on in the world.
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ilikeit-art · 11 months ago
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scogito · 5 days ago
Si sottovaluta il fatto che le persone possono dare soltanto ciò che sono, ma ancora peggio, si sottostima che la maggior parte delle volte danno quello che credono di essere.
Cioè l'illusione dell'ego.
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dailyadventureprompts · 2 months ago
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Deity: Boccob, the God of Magic for Magic's Sake
It is strange (especially for those who view their relationship with the gods as transactional) that one might offer up prayers to a figure known widely by the epithet " The Uncaring". Why perform oath and ritual for a being that will not intercede on your behalf? Or grant you good favour in exchange for your sacrifices? Those that study the words of Boccob understand they have no need to beg for miracles when they have magic at their command.
Known to commoners as a god of magic, foresight, and balance, Boccob is not so much a deity as he was a great teacher, a philosopher-sage who's now ancient treatise on magic and council on it's use are as much an object of faith for many as a more ordinary god's scripture. In instructing his students how to be wizards, Boccob taught his students how to be good wizards, and these lessons form the ironshod foundations of innumerable magical traditions practised to this day.
Central to Boccob's teachings was the idea that magic was a path that must be walked to gain greater understanding, and that an adherent of this path should study, experience, and witness as much of its wonders as possible in order to become better arcanists, leading to the adoption of the open and unjudging eye as his symbol. Boccob himself followed this path to the outer planes and beyond, never to be seen again, leading many to credit Boccob with being the first mortal to climb the fabled infinite staircase, or perhaps even its architect.
Adventure Hooks:
Millennia after his (literal or figurative) ascension, a scroll containing hitherto unseen passages of Boccob's writings have been discovered in a crumbling library, setting off a disastrous chain of events as jealous archmages scrabble for the text like seagulls after a frenchfry. Their clashes are frequent, leaving the surrounding area scattered with hastily summoned servitors and all manner of misfired magic. Perhaps if the party is quick and clever they could sneak in and take the text for themselves, learning its wisdom or using it as a bargaining chip with one of these powerful spellslingers.
If it’s one thing Boccob’s Acolytes like almost as much as uncovering the arcane secrets of the universe, it’s proving their intellectual superiority by hiding their findings behind inscrutable riddles and logic games, the way The Uncaring did for his first pupils. Ledoran’s Labynthical Libram is an infamous example of this practice, a spellbook containing all manner of useful rituals and genuinely brilliant insights hidden behind a gauntlet of ciphers, mazes, and "gotcha" enchantments. Any self styled master of the arcane is likely to have a copy on their shelves, meaning that' it's only a quick looting spree away from ending up in the party's possession.
If "a wizard did it" is the answer to the age old question of "how?", "because they were listening to Boccob?" is the answer to the inevitable follow up of "why". Arcane crossbreeds, inexplicable puzzle dungeons, magical items amounting to bad jokes with bodycounts, all of these are created by The Uncaring's followers as a means of testing and expanding their abilities.
More of my adventures involving Boccob and his followers can be found HERE
Lets get into some philosophy...
While Ioun promotes the study of arcana for the sake of furthering knowledge, Mystra maintains and obscures the secrets of the weave, and Corellon glories in the wonders spellcraft might create , Boccob focuses on the pursuit of magical ability as a means and end of its own.
To Boccob, " I want to learn magic so I can be great/help people/make life easier" is a false start, because it ties the acquisition and understanding of magic to an external metric, encouraging the practitioner to take shortcuts with the magic to achieve their worldly desires.
Greatness, beneficence, and ease of living are but some of the infinite virtues that follow from being a great mage. Indeed, a reoccuring theme in Boccobian writing (especially in the ensuing literature made by his followers) is the idea of the Panexplicatic endstate of magic, where the perfect mage (and the body of wisdom they represent) has an answer for all things, specifically a magical awnser.
While some followers have taken this to mean that a mage's pursuit should always be towards omnipotence (Vecna's grasping eye motif can be seen as a direct response to Boccob's unjudging one) the largely more accepted thought is that arcanists should specifically dream small, creating a self sufficient life for themselves withdrawn from the world while focusing on the inward path towards enlightenment. That's why you'll so often find wizards at the top of spires in remote areas, interacting only with their apprentices or whatever travellers have gone far afield to seek them out for magical guidance.
This leads into one of the main critiques of Boccobian thought, which is that it alienates the practitioner from the world at large, not only focusing on magic to the exclusion of all else but also contextualizing magic as something that exists only to help the practitioner along their individual path, other people and consequences be damned. A hedgemage living a simple life in the forest may seem like they're hurting no one when they create a tree that grows a full crop of apples every day so they don't need to worry about stocking their larder... but what happens to the local ecosystem when these everladen trees start cross pollinating with others, to say nothing of the drain/disruption to nearby laylines and how such magic might have downstream consequences. To take a completely different tack with the same problem, the poor in the village nearby might LOVE to have a bottomless supply of apples, but the Boccobian adherent would say that because they haven't devoted the years of study required to create the tree, they're not entitled to its fruits.
Titles: The Uncaring, the Master of all Magics, Archmage of the Infinite
Symbols: An eye in a pentagram, often crowned with a crescent arc.
Signs: Light through a cracked open door, stars that seem longer than they should be, the appearance of inexplicable magical text.
Worshippers: Sorcerers, wizards, and any with an access to magic innate or otherwise. Adherents usually worship in private practice but occasionally band together into temples or schools.
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dreambot · 5 months ago
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ragazzoarcano · 3 months ago
“Quando sai cosa hai passato non devi dare spiegazioni a nessuno.”
A. Filocomo
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gorillazforgotten · 3 months ago
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DARE animation art
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theconcealedweapon · 10 months ago
The purpose of DARE is not to teach information about drugs. The purpose is to convince non-users that they're superior so they’ll continue to support giving more power to the police.
Anyone who's honest about drug use would say that people use drugs because society is designed to be such hell that the only way to cope is to use drugs.
But if children were taught that, their natural response would be "then let's stop making society hell". The ruling class wouldn't like that.
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xandezsims · 5 months ago
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[SINblreen Showcase] Ensnared
Desire leads to obsession. Obsession leads to destruction.
Previous: Detached (Wrath) - Next: Mourning (Sloth)
Look, Ursula was based on a drag queen (and Dare demands glam at all times). That she deals in matters of the heart at a cost made her a natural choice for Lord Lust. Ended up a little anglerfish meets xenomorph, but that's not a dealbreaker, right?
I literally made that necklace for this.
Darin Harte, Lord Lust Corset and Gloves 🎃 @regina-raven Corruption @cursedbeasts-cc Tentacles @zaneida-and-sims4 Gradients @valhallansim (body) and kismet-sims
Other cc by @sewersims @kijiko-sims @tekri @pralinesims and us. Poses by @sciophobis
Process gif:
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magismagisque · 1 year ago
Non si può spiegare la delusione.
La delusione è qualcosa di profondo, qualcosa che non ti porta rabbia, né rancore, né altro tipo di sentimento.
Delusi lo si è quando si dà tanto, ma non viene capito, né apprezzato.
Allora decidi di deporre le armi, perché capisci che non hai più voglia di insistere o spiegare, perché tanto continuerebbero a non capirti.
Ti ritiri, si chiude il sipario, si spengono le luci, finisce lo spettacolo.
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ksjanes · 1 year ago
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All glory comes from daring to begin.
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sturnsjtop · 10 months ago
stupid fucking dare
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you and matt are fwb and on a boring night you guys decide to go to the beach to relax but a stupid little thing you dared him to do was probably not a good idea.
Your thoughts
Third person pov
Friday, 10pm
Y/n pov
Me and Matt have been bored out of our minds for an hour now. Even tho we fucked 2 times today we weren’t really in the mood for a round 3.
I’m chilling on the couch next to him as an idea pops in my head.
“Wanna go to the beach? Just to chill or whatever”
He looks at me and nods “yeah I guess we could go”
Friday, 11pm
We’ve been playing a game “truth or dare” and he dared me to eat sand. What’s up with this kid?
“Come on your turn ask me” he says calming down from his laughter after seeing me choke and spit the sand out.
“truth or dare, bitch.”
“I ain’t a pussy, dare.” He says smirking at me
I laugh. “Oh you’re gonna get it.” I smirk and look around “I dare you to go over to that girl” I point to a random girl “and ask her to hook up but if she agrees just tell her it was a joke or something. I don’t wanna see you fuck other girls.” I say giggling.
Matt glances over to where I pointed and looks back at me smirking
“Whew a nice dare, huh? Alright then, wish me luck. I’ll make you proud.” He says as he stands up and smirks at me while walking up to the girl
She wasn’t far away so I could hear perfectly what they were saying
He stands in front of her taking in her appearance. She was really fucking gorgeous.
“Hey girl. You look mighty lonely down here. Mind if I join you?” He asks trying to keep his charm and ‘confidence’ and hoping to pull it off
The girl glances up at Matt, giving him a flirty smile as she takes in the sight of him. A slight look of appreciation in her eyes as she sizes him up. “Sure handsome, I don’t mind at all. What brings you here to me?”
Lord help me I’m cringing at the sight of this. Come on Matt do this quick and come back.
Matthew manages to maintain his composure, flashing a smile and sitting down beside her. “I just saw a gorgeous girl all alone and I just couldn’t resist coming over to keep you company. A girl like you deserves a man who’ll treat you properly, ya know?” He says taking her hand in his and gently kissing it.
Ew, what the fuck Matt? You don’t know where that hand has been. I look at them shocked as I’m waiting for him to up and end to this torture and do his fucking dare.
I mean the dare was not flirting with her, just asking to hook up. Maybe I’m jealous but what is he doing? He doesn’t even know her name.
Matt takes a moment to chat with the girl flirting back and forth feeling almost a rush as he takes her in, her beauty drawing him in. His breath growing slightly more shallow as he looks at her, feeling a sudden pang of warmth go through his chest. He can’t help the strange feeling for this random girl as his mind begins to wander but when he remembers the dare he snaps out of it. He shifts slightly and looks at her.
“So.. doll.. I’m in a bit of a predicament. What would you think about helping me out a bit?”
The girl looks at him, her eyes widening at the words. She purrs out a response “Sure thing handsome… what kind of help do you need?”
“Just a small favor..”
Matthew what the fuck are you doing? Ask her to hook up, tell her it was a joke and fucking leave.
“What do you say.. we go somewhere more private and… you know.. I’ll show something you wouldn’t wanna miss out on” he says in a seductive tone while putting his hand on her thigh waiting for a response.
She nods and they stand up, going somewhere that it’s not even private. I can’t with Matthew. Just get this over with. Like it’s already done Matt just say it was a joke and come back to me.
He turns to her, biting his lips and places his hands on her hips. His eyes dark with desire he pulls her in and kisses her. His hands going to her ass and he squeezes it. She moans and he slides his tongue in, making out like it’s the last day on earth.
I look at them shocked. This wasn’t part of the fucking dare, what the fuck is he doing? Literally 2 hours ago we were hooking up and now he’s tryna fuck this random whore he met not even 10 minutes ago? He doesn’t know her name. Does he even remember he came here with me? Is he fucking with me? I’m so fucking done with him. He can get his dick wet and make out with her while I just stand there and watch them do it? Fuck you Matthew. I so fucking hate you.
I stand up and go the other direction, leaving the beach as a tear goes down my face
Why the fuck am I even crying for? Maybe I liked him? Of course I fucking like him, I love him. But what he’s doing right now is so fucked up. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have dared him that. But no it’s not. It was just a dare. I made it clear after she agreed that he has to say he’s joking because I didn’t want to see him fuck other girls. But here we are.
Matt loses himself in the kiss, feeling a heavy rush of lust and excitement as their bodies are pressed against each other. It’s a rush he hasn’t belt in years, having a pretty woman pressed against him. It almost feels like a dream, a fantasy. After a while he pull away breathing heavily and coming back to his senses. He looks around to look for y/n but she wasn’t there. He starts to panic.
The random girl looks at him confused “what happened baby? Why’d you pull away?”
Y/n is sprinting to her best friends house, Sabrina while crying her eyes out.
Matts heart clenches in his chest, a pang of guilt running through him. He realised you were there watching all of this. His stomach drops as he realises what he’s done. He sighs “oh fuck”
The girl looks at him confused “huh?”
Matthew backs away from her and leaves her there, while he’s trying to call you and run after you but you weren’t in sight.
Saturday, 00:23am
“I never want to see him again. He can fuck other girls I don’t fucking care. He’s the one who will get STDS not me.I fucking hate him.” I say crying in my best friends bed cuddling her. She barely understands what I’m saying
“It’s okay y/n, he’s fucking stupid for putting you through that. You’ll find someone better.” Sabrina says as she runs her fingers through my hair.
Saturday, 2pm
Me and Sab went to sleep at 4am. All we did was talk about random stuff to get my head off Matthew. It kind of worked.
Now I’m heading back to my house feeling like shit and probably gonna stay in my bed all day watching random TV shows.
I get closer to my house and I see something there. Not something, more so someone.
In the same clothes as yesterday.
Did he stay in front of my house all night? What the fuck?
y’all don’t judge it’s my first time ever writing a fic and English is not my first language so excuse me😭😭😭
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dailyadventureprompts · 10 months ago
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Dungeon: Sulgien's Sulphurous Tomb
After the ancient titan of fire was snuffed out, her children and followers interred her body in a burial mound that rivaled small mountains for size. It is said the earth itself wept over this cairn, and it's tears were volcanic fire that has never since cooled.
Adventure Hooks:
Whether it be a demiplane or stretch of hostile wilderness (as your campaign might need) the charred wasteland surrounding Sulgien's tomb has come to be known as the Ashmourn. Home to pyroclastic storms and rogue elementals, to say nothing of the rivers of lava or cinderswamps, the Ashmorn is an area all but the bravest steer well clear of. This has made it the perfect home for a band of fire genasi nomads who survive by raiding other lands, then retreating where more flammable folk would never dare to follow. Their leader claims decent from Sulgien herself, and seeks a means to resurrect the mighty titan so that she may again hold dominion over all that burns.
Legends say the gods struck down Sulgien because her rampages threatened the very foundations of the world. The legends are almost right. While it's all to easy to imagine a fiery giant destroying everything in her path, Sulgien's threat lay not only in her strength and battle prowess, but also in her power as an oracle: With some effort the titan of fire could pronounce a destiny and sear it's shape upon the world, impossible to avert or contradict. It's also said that her prophecies were etched upon the inner walls of her tomb, knowledge that mystics of all kind would pay a party generously to obtain.
Stories speak of Sulgien's blade, the bane of gods and monsters alike, which struck apart foes with the violence of the rupturing earth. Someone, perhaps the party, or one of their foes, might be able to obtain a fraction of this power should they be able to reach the titan's burial chamber and touch their weapon to hers. This is easier said than done, not only would one need immunity to fire to even consider the task, it would also require swimming to the bottom of a magma flooded burial chamber as well as laying hands on a weapon that could survive the transfer of primal energy. Even adamantium melts under such pressure, but should someone manage the impossible they will be in possession of a weapon that can carve pantheons.
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