#Danny's core is space and balance
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emacrow · 1 year ago
Danny is klarion's parallel soulmate due to his chaotic energy like being so strong and perfect to his powerful ghost core went crazy and took over (and accidentally kidnapping him)
Clockwork didn't even tell danny anything beside a cryptic as fuck small message about a place called gotham, until one day visiting there, he just had a accidental encounter with a pointy hair boy and their orange cat walking passed him.. Only for danny to just instinctly follow him for 5 blocks through gotham with his core practically going mad that his eyes are glowing green with his main consciousness throw out the window.
Little backstory is that the light group are basically chaos beings waiting for their parallel balance beings to be born. Klarion just got lucky meeting his first and will gloat forever about his betrothed.
It like something clicked in Danny's core that this guy he just walk by is going to cause some type of chaos that make his body practically shivers all over in a weird yet very good way that He doesn't even noticed anything else until he got back to his haunt that he just carried klarion in a bridal style.
This never happen before, but it feel so good he doesn't know and he is Freaking out but doesn't want to let go of this guy to the point of koala bear style clinginess with a gripped that will put superman to shame that his core is just feeling so good and peaceful for once as if this person is what he been missing all of his entire life and he not letting go ever.
Meanwhile Klarion just have the most red face ever mustered on his face because he is obviously very virgin in the dating area(he secretly a closet romantic as heart though he locked it up real tight to be a cool villain but that right now is being unleash so quickly by Danny's presence being near him) and he just met his soulmate, and he is hot mess on the inside because on how strong his mate is and he is just a putty in his arms with the most blessed looking face ever.
Reference image down below
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Like klarion have heard of being of balance being the opposite of their chaotic soulmates but they're so very rare in the dimensions that they thought to be just fairy tale at this point, so the Chaotic beings tries anything to get out of their state of loneliness to have some fun.. but he wasn't expecting this to Happen to Him And HE FELT SO GOD DAMN BLESSED IN HIS INNER HEART RIGHT NOW.
Danny on the otherhand is freaking out internally cause he just realized he basically kidnapped someone and their orange cat and he doesn't know why it feels so comfortable to just hug them and smother them in affection and yet the feeling in his ghost core never felt so complete and he pretty sure his protection instinct is acting like a savage drooling feral gremlin that just tastes salvation. Is this what happiness taste like in his core? His whole body is vibrating so hard and his freckles are burning green with how red his face is.
Teekl is just having the smuggest face ever to see her dearly beloved companion finding a good mate and hopefully in the near future there will be kits of happiness born soon.~♡
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deadsetobsessions · 1 year ago
Ever since Danny Phantom became the Ghost King, he’s had to deal with an endless amount of crap. An eternity of it, actually, and it was constantly causing him unending amount of existential crises and stress.
First, there was the paperwork. Pariah Dark, the incompetent asshole, had left him decades worth of bureaucracy to painfully sift through. He ended up hiring some ghosts with paperwork obsessions to sort some of that out. Who knew ruling the infinite realms would require this much paperwork? He’s lucky each section of the underworld had their own systems to report to their own rulers who, in turn, report to him.
Secondly, there were the Observers. And other ghosts, like his own rogues, but they were the main issues. Eyeball menaces. They protested his appointment, something he actually agreed with. Putting a fifteen year old on the throne is rarely a smart decision. But the Infinite Realm values strength, the only type of currency that matters in the land of the gods and the dead. Danny? Phantom? He’s got strength in spades. With only a few months of being a ghost, Danny had managed to defeat Pariah Dark, who had cowered gods and struck fear into the hearts of ghost heroes.
But Danny hasn’t quite realized the significance of that yet, too focused on the realization that he was about to be in charge of the infinite realms. The Observants, since his reluctant and extremely limited coronation, has been up his ass about doing things the “proper way.”
Danny’s main problem lies with the ridiculous amount of paperwork though. It’s fine. Tedious. But fine.
But if he gets one more fifteen page essay style complaint form about some guy named Constantine, Danny might seriously reconsider donning Dan’s ruthlessness and offing the guy himself. Perhaps grab the man by his shoulders and shake him like a rag doll and ask who the fuck told him it was a good idea to sell his soul out like that? Danny eventually just sent out Skulker to hunt down the contracts and trade minor services for them. He owns most of the soul now, and perhaps he’ll hunt this guy down and force him to do paperwork.
Regardless, paperwork was just often tedious. He’s worked out a system for himself. The halfa, true to his teenage form, had better things to be doing. His homework, for one. Hanging out with his friends and logging in hours for Doomed 2 would be another. But no, he’s here, twirling a pen as he glared down at a stack of forms for a zone expansion. What the fuck does Zeus want to expand his zone for? The current share space of the sky domain is literally a perfect balance with respect towards the other gods. For the love of- Danny slams down a red ‘REJECTED’ stamp on top of the stack. His hair flickers wildly in annoyance, the iced over Crown floating above his head emitting concerning levels of frost. To anyone else but himself, of course.
He then feels a soft tug on his core.
Right. The third most annoying thing about becoming King: the fucking summoning. Danny taps his pen against his lips, clicking it against his fangs, as he considers the summoning circle that calls him. Huh. Desperation. Mildly bloody. Fear. Resignation- ah, fuck it, it’s not like he’s too enthusiastic about staying to do work with the Observers poking around. He takes the summoning, allowing his regalia to overtake his normal hazmat-clad form, and approves the summoning.
Oh hey, Danny thinks he recognizes that ugly ass trenchcoat.
John Constantine has had more than enough practice summoning things that would give people nightmares. But there are things he normally refuses to touch, refuses to even entertain the idea of trying. As usual, desperation made John its bitch and the Justice League’s battered and bruised faces tugged on his shriveled heart.
He’s going to summon something from the Infinite Realms. Oh, but he wasn’t just summoning any old ghost. No, he thought, I’m just going to summon the one being that’s guaranteed to be able to crush our universe without breaking a sweat. Bollocks.
“Is it ready?”
“Untwist your pants, spooky,” John snaps, wishing he had a crate of whiskey he could down. “We’re trying to summon the Ghost King, not your average demon.”
“What do we know about him?” Batman’s gravelly voice demanded.
“Powerful enough to take us all out without even breaking a sweat. Defeated the bloody tyrant who ruled over the Realms last I heard.”
“That’s it?”
“You could ask Deadman, but I heard he’s on the outs with the Infinite Realms on the fact that he’s made of pure magic, not ectoplasm.”
“There’s no guarantee the king will work with us.” Zatanna says, pressing her fingertips together tiredly. She had been at the forefront of the battle and had paid the price for it. “But he’s supposedly more benevolent than his predecessor… and we’re out of options.”
“Just make sure to shut up and let me do the talking.”
John rolls his eyes and takes a fortifying breath, something that does not go unnoticed by the League. They all tense up, preparing themselves for a battle. Another one, seeing as they all got their ass kicked by a ghost only ten hours ago. The League is spread thin, running interference to distract the ghost in question and evacuating civilians.
John Constantine started chanting, the glow of his magic lighting up the circle as he spills his blood into the circle.
He waits, heart in his throat, for the summoning to work.
“Is it supposed to take-” Red Robin asks, only to cut himself off as the circle flares once more. Power pulsates outwards from the circle. Frost crackles on the frost resistant floors, spreading outwards as a green portal rips open the fabric of time and space. Long, spindly imitations of a hand grabs the edges of space and pulls, heaving the rest of his celestial body out of the tear in reality. John does not look away. He can not look away, not from the eerie green pallor of the King, not from his torrential white wisps of hair, not from the black-hole like material of his outfit, not from the nebulas and beginnings and endings tailored onto the King’s cape. John could not look away from the ice crown that floated like a bastion of power above the king’s head.
His mouth is dry. What price will he have to pay to save the world? What price will this being demand of him, of the Justice League, to save the world?
John desperately needs that drink.
Oh! He’s in his home dimension! His core purrs at coming home, at the close proximity to his first haunt.
He was expecting cultists, or even the Winchesters again, but this is nice.
The Justice League- summoning him. Sam and Tucker are going to flip when they hear about this.
They’ve been staring at him in silence for a bit now. It was getting awkward.
“Why have you summoned me?” He asks, softening his tone. By their winces, he didn’t get it as well as he thought. Danny grimaces. At the first sign of discomfort though, the man in the trenchcoat- is that fucking Constantine?!- launches into a nerve filled tirade.
“Your, uh, Majesty.” He starts. “One of… One of your subjects is wreaking havoc on the world. We would be extremely grateful if… if you could reign him in?”
Danny’s face sours, only to quickly clear his expression as he realized how much even a small hint of displeasure causes the jumpiness in Constantine and the others.
“To do that, I will have to make a contract with you, seeing as you’ve summoned me.” Danny drawls, letting his overly long digits wave at the summoning circle in question. He could break it, of course, but Danny’s bored and trying to draw this out. He’s not saying he’d take a batch of cookies as payment but that’s exactly what he’s saying.
“The price… you could always have my soul?”
Danny pauses. “Your… soul?”
Oh, he did not say what he just said.
“Yes. My soul.”
Oh, he did.
Fuck it. Danny’s flashbacks of suffering through the reports pushes green into his irises and urgency to his action.
He breaks out of the circle, hands lunging and gripping Constantine’s jaw tightly. Danny ignores the shouts of alarm as he allows the thrown weapons to pass through him.
John Constantine is panicking now, struggling in the air as Danny lifts him an inch off the floor in agitation.
“Your soul, little wizard? The one you’ve split eight ways till the thirtieth of February? The one that caused,” he tightens his grip, no doubt bruising the man. “An insane amount of paperwork that I’ve had to suffer through. Your soul, John Constantine?”
Danny hisses his name. The man makes a warbling noise that Danny takes as acknowledgement. Danny bats away the weak spell Zatanna sends at him with a hand.
“You’ll find that I am in the possession of most of your soul contracts. To simply put,” he grins, teeth made of dying stars on display. “I own your soul. My soul, now.”
He drops the wizard who collapses onto his knees to stare up at him in horror, eyes flicking between the circle that was meant to contain him and Danny, who is very much not contained. He crouches down- something necessary but disjointed as he’s not used to this taller form- and speaks to Constantine in a slow, dead serious, drawl.
“If you ever sell your soul again, you and I are going to have issues. Is that clear, John Constantine?”
“Uh- yeah, yes, yes, your majesty.”
Patting his cheek condescendingly, Danny gets up and sighs, stress relieved. He’s starting to feel bad, though, so he allows his form to ripple back to his normal teenage Phantom self.
“Well, it’s not like anyone will buy it, since they know they’ll have to go against me.” He chirps, flipping 180 from his terror inducing eldritch voice. “So, what’ll you pay me to get rid of whatever ghost you’ve got?”
“…. Nothing?”
Red Robin holds out a bag, eyebags betraying his exhaustion. “I’ve got fifty dollars and a bag of cookies.”
Phantom beams at him. “Throw in a couple of autographs and you’ve got a deal.”
“That’s- yeah, okay.” Red Robin says, inching forward cautiously to hand him the bag.
“Great. I’ll be back for them later. You can call me Phantom. ‘Your Majesty’ gets annoying after a while.”
“Thank- thank you for your mercy, Your- Phantom.” Wonder Woman says.
“Sure. Make sure this idiot doesn’t make any more deals with demons while I’m out, yeah?”
With that, Danny Phantom grabs the bag of cookies and fifty dollars and flies through the wall to do his job.
John slams his head onto the space station floor.
Danny: lol I’ll do it for the shits and giggles
Constantine and the League: he’s terrifying, a bastion of pure power and authority
Red Robin, Young “we commit war crimes bc it gets shit done” Justice leader and fellow gremlin: he’d probably do it for cookies. I would.
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rottingghosty · 10 days ago
The Ghostling of Space | DC X DP
i’m working on the next part of the realms pr au trust me i am but i got this tiktok my fyp and suddenly i’m thinking of a NEW au for dc x dp. video is at the end i came up with this at 2am (like usual) so there will be errors
prompt: Danny’s the Ancient of Space, he spends most of his time floating around space because he’s on a vacation by his council to enjoy his life as a baby ghostling and a young prince since he’s still too young to rule so he has someone as a regent (not sure who yet). So he’s just going around, passing various planets and solar system. He’s essentially swimming around because he looks more like a mer than a human.
Danny should’ve realized that someone was going to notice him at some point, he didn’t realize it’d be a few years after Clockwork had spat him out in this universe. He’d been enjoying his time witnessing the birth of stars, of nebulas being born and the death of a solar system. The universe he was in made his core thrum with life, he’s gotten to feed it heavily that it puts his main obsession on the back burner. He skims his finger tips through the stardust of a star that had been born, molding and shaping it until it joins its brethren to form a constellation for the planet he was curled around.
The planet had no life yet but he knew that would change one day, he could feel its core yawning and turning. It’d get its push once Life had the opportunity to focus on it and breathe into the core. He was balance, his essence seeping into the planet’s core as he does his part of aiding the formation of a baby solar system. His body twists as he swims languidly through the vaccum as he does flips and turns. Moving through space with his newly formed tail felt like he was in the ocean, the movement so naturally and freeing.
It’d been when he finally drifted away from it and towards the Earth that was so similar to his back in his own universe he could never return that someone picked up his presence.
It’d been when he finally shrunk from his rather large size to something relatively smaller as he curled around a moon near Uranus. Away from any prying eyes as he allows himself to drift off into sleep.
It’d take someone to had been looking at one of Uranus’ moons to realize that something was curled around one, something large and green.
Captain Marvel could only stare in awe at the figure that curled around one of the moon’s of Uranus. The figure was beautiful, pale green skin that seemed to glow before dimming and brightening again. They seemed eel like if the way they seemed to move their body to curl around the moon of Titania. Where legs would have started, instead goes into an void of darkness, with a green glow that was a sickeningly shade of bright green that dimmed and brightened.
It was beautiful as it was eerie. The glow seemed to start from the hips and continued down its sides and tail, the fins flaring every time the creature seemed to breathe. A fin from at the top of the spine and continued down the entire back until it reached a stop before the end of its tail.
Captain Marvel knew that the other members in the Justice League were in awe just as he is, something about this being screamed otherworldly. It screamed magic and it made him very being thrum with energy he’s never felt before. He wanted to say something, to speak about what would be the best course of action to take to see if this being was a friendly or a hostile. Before he could even say a word, Constantine released a curse.
“Why is there a bloody baby ghost of the Infinite Realms here?”
TLDR: danny is very much a baby ghost prince living his life watching everything in space and making new things. he’s basically the equivalent of a baby god playing toys (planets and solar systems) and has no idea that he’s giving the JL and JLD a heart attack because oh my god that’s a baby ghost. but also OH MY GOD THAT’S THE BABY GHOST OF THE HIGH KING. still unsure who takes on the role for danny, pandora? cw? frostbite? a random oc? i know people use jazz as a regent but shes like a teen and deserves to live her life without having to deal with ghostly duties.
now danny’s got these people wanting to care for him cause he’s just out in the open in space and they don’t want the high king to get upset if their son is hurt.
(clockwork finds it very funny because if anything, they have to worry about upsetting anyone who danny deems as his)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 11 months ago
Our second DCXDP au has Danny hiding in Gotham with the cores of Dani, Dan and two other clones who survived. They need DNA to be able to reform but it's in a ‘it doesn't have to be now’ kind of way. Not just Danny’s DNA but another to to balance out their genes.
They'll become babies and be raised up. Dani was melting but forced Danny to promise he wouldn't find someone right away he'd take his time to fall in love first. Dan did the same and the twin clones did to.
Danny decides it's a good idea but keeps the cores safe. He ran to Gotham in the DC universe because the GIW were to close to killing him. His parents, Jazz, Sam, Grandma Ida and the Foleys all followed. Grandma Ida is running some gang down in crime alley having a blast with Sam, constantly trying to hook Sam up with Jason who Ida is in a turf war with. Tucker is happily running a tech company that will soon outstrip it's competitors., his parents helping Jazz is terrifying in Arkham as she tears our corruption.
Maddie abd Jack found out about the Leauge of Assassins and went: study time. Danny, knowing its corrupted ecto and also not wanting to deal with assassins lets then have fun. So Ra’s is dealing with liminal mad scientists who keep stealing the Pits and also have uncovered two Damian clones they kidnapped. Their kids now.
But we’re focusing on Danny who is in college and living a peaceful life which is what he wants most of all. The cores of his kids are always on him just in case and he's casually dating. It's great. He can just be Danny the guy who is super into space and plans on being a mechanic for the watch tower.
Then one day Two-Face attacks the cafe he's at (because of a sale it was having where it was two for one on some sort of new treat). Danny has to run for his life. He gets hit and the bag he has the cores in is harmed. One falls out and he freaks, diving for it. He grabs it just as Black Bat swoops in to save him. She flies him up to a roof.
They land and then she moves to grab one of the cores that fell out. Danny gets antsy but it requires skin contact so it should be okay, she's wearing gloves after all. It'll be fine!
On her part, Cass is wondering why her hand feels tingly but there isn't anything malicious in the mans face so she thinks it might just be the orb she caught being weird. She swings off, noting that she has a hole in her glove.
Danny goes home and doesn't think about it until he realizes that the core the hero touched is growing. And it's getting sick without the touch of its other parent.
Cass on the other hand feels strange. Like she's pulled somewhere. She instantly thinks of the guy and alerts the others to him. They hunt him down to find him on a rooftop. He's surprised to see them, holding an Orb that’s glowing.
“I thought it would take longer…” the man says. He shakes his head. “Umm… rip the band-aids off- I'm nottotslly human.”
The Batfam kinda pauses cause he's giving this info up for free. Cass is eyeing him closely. It's just her, Batman and Robin in front of the man. Everyone else is listening in or in the shadows.
“I ran away from my home dimension cause they were hunting me down to kill me because they believed I was non-sentient. You know sad trench- I mean, John Constantine? I think he put in the word we’re friendly,” the man babbles. The orb shines. “Okay, okay. I need to… Black Bat did your glove have a hole in it when you touched this?”
Cass hums but nods. Barbara has Constantine on the line (and no one wants to know the blckmail she has to make him answer) and he's confirming it's a friendly.
“Okay, okay… this is a Core and it's the heart, soul, brain, everything of an ecto-entity like me. And it… it’s my child. But it needed a second set of DNA. It's fine dormant, it doesn't hurt the baby. But it…” the man swallows. “Skin touch.”
Cass knows in a second what he's leading up to. She touched the orb. It needed DNA.
That's her baby in his hands.
Que the chaos.
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evilminji · 1 year ago
I wonder if Care Taking Reflexes are effected by Core and Obsession.
Like? Obviously? Frostbite keeps HIS patients Warm and gives them medical aid. Because he a Doctor(obsession) and an Ice Core? And when you have an ice core, anyone you meet who need Help is either Like Me-> Freeze Um, or NOT Like Me-> Warm Um Up(because of the snow, Obviously. Why would there not be snow, here, in the Sahara desert? There is ALWAYS snow! WE ARE COLD SO THERE IS SNO-).
Like? Some people will shove you in a stack of books in a dark nook, others bundle you up and force feed you, some try to help you sweat the sickness away. You gotta be careful. Because the reflex is there.
It's probably why Ghost Doctors can absolutely BODY your average ghost. They have to keep prying patients out of their well meaning, but actively in the way, friends/family/neighbors etc.
You can't fight somebody who's SICK! Let them HELP you! THEN we can get back to good, wholesome, old fashioned, family friendly Violence. Like the Zone intended. Now, they got some leeches to balance your humors... *tackled by a yeti*
Why do I bring this up?
Bet Jason's REAL sick. >:Dc
Bet Danny is flying along. Checking his map. Lost AF over what appears to be God's personal punching ground. Trying to find a COMPLETELY different city, to visit Tucker, when? Is... is that a Sick Child(tm)?! Why is he ON THE ROOF!?
Danny just absolutely REINVENTS the term "Death From Above". Jason is impressed. Or, at least, he would be. If a floating twink half his size didn't then IMMEDIATELY proceed to do a brooding chicken impression at him.
Sorry, let him rephrase that for the Bat's at home. Not AT him. ON him. He has a floating twink straight jacket that doubles as a hat. He can't move his arms. Kid has super strength.
Help. Now. Or his vengeance will be both petty and terrible.
So begins the saga of Broody Danny and his quest to sit on the baby. Surround him by space stuff. Should he ACTUALLY be taking him to a doctor? Yes. But give Danny a break! He's basicly a Ghost 5 year old. He's terrible at resisting his impulses!
@hdgnj @hypewinter @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation
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melyndadwest-blog · 2 years ago
Guardian Deity Spirit Danny
"In the spiritual realm, there are specific steps a being can take to ascend to the status of a god, with certain restrictions defining what a god truly is. Typically, a deity emerges as a result of being worshipped by a group of people, their worship infusing them with divine energy and granting them godhood.
They can be born from an unconscious belief or concept, such as the worship of the moon or nature. Over time, this belief gains sentience and power through the devotion of their followers.
They possess spiritual powers and establish a cult, amassing considerable influence and strength.
They are born from another god.
They achieve godhood by defeating and absorbing the essence of a pre-existing god, embodying their concept.
This means that even if a being is incredibly powerful, like Clockwork, they must be worshipped by someone to attain godhood. So...
In the Infinite Realms, time operates differently than in the outside world. I believe that since the Realms exist beyond space and existence, serving as the cosmic glue holding the multiverse together, they remain separate from the flow of time.
So, my idea is this: Danny is already immensely powerful, as he embodies the balance between life and death. Because of his connection to Clockwork, this being occasionally sends him on time-traveling missions, perhaps for preparations related to kingship. As a result, he appears in various places throughout history, safeguarding people and cultures. Over the centuries and millennia, people begin to worship him, seeking blessings and offering sacrifices.
Usually, this would lead the Justice League to believe that he's simply a very old being. However, what if he truly is ancient?
As I mentioned earlier, a god's powers are derived from belief, and this belief gradually transforms the deity. Here's my take:
Batman might insist, "I know you're Danny Fenton," until a summons or a crisis causes Danny's godly side to surface. This aspect of him is truly ancient, as time doesn't flow conventionally in the Infinite Realms. Consequently, Danny could be three years old in terms of his death, yet also an ancient entity. Nonetheless, he remains physically too young to fully comprehend his true power and existence, resulting in considerable confusion.
Ultimately, there are two interpretations:
The Justice League ends up believing that Danny is either a) a vessel for a god, b) a sort of priest, or c) the physical incarnation of a bored god curious about experiencing humanity.
Ghosts do not treat him like a typical ghost child because, due to the nonlinear nature of time in the Zone, his core possesses the essence of an ancient being. The ghosts perceive him as the rebirth of balance, incarnated as a human to restore equilibrium.
Feel free to use this concept for any story or interpretation you find compelling."
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stealingyourbones · 7 months ago
(yourlocalcorviddad on a sideblog again)
It can be dcxdp, or just dp, or even dpx something else just.
"Ancients cannot be kings of the Realms. And should they become king before it is known or they become an ancient core, they must find a successor."
Danny was king, was for however long, but then gets told, and finds out himself, that he's the ancient of (insert thing here, space? Faith? Protection? Hope? Balance? Your pick) and can no longer stay king and now has to find a new one
Ooo interesting. It could be fun to mess with how the successor is picked. Is it ALSO trial by combat? Is it a ceremony? Can you just super easily relinquish kingly status to someone with proper vibes?
Messing around with ghost zone worldbuilding would be so fun with this :)
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 128
Everything was gone. But it had been gone for a long time. Cities crumbling to dust under the march of time and under the battering of the weakening sun. Everyone had long since passed into the realm of the dead, and he had long since retreated from the land of the living as he aged, growing larger amidst Time’s coils. 
He’d long since stopped being known as Danny to most, his true Name cradled in his core as it grew in power and importance with his own primordial ascendence. Others called him by just as many names as Clockwork, if not more as his planets grew life, his galaxies cultivating their own beings into existence. 
To some he was a creator, the bringer of life itself. To others he was destruction, the end of all. So many names, so many even coming close to his Name, each cradled gently by his core. 
He was Space, he was stardust, he was a blackhole, the far off galaxies, newborn stars forming in his hands and dying with a blink. Galaxies dancing in his hair, what was, what will be, splintering into planes amidst his strands of hair. 
He was Balance, chaos and order dancing together on a tightrope twisting through existence. He was Phantom, a name whispered amidst the Realms as a guardian, a protector, and yet a hunter, a destroyer at once. 
He was a Brother, a Father, an Uncle, a Son. He was many things, and that was fine with him, but even if hypothetically he should be impartial, he would freely admit he had favorites. Danielle, his little Moon, his first Daughter and her children of Krypton. Dan, his raging Sun, his Son and his little Laughing Magicians. Clockwork, his Father of Time, and his Speedsters who raced through timelines like giggling toddlers, not really understanding but loved all the same. 
His dear Sister’s children, her Ma'aleca'andrans and Atlanteans she tenderly cradled and protected as long as she could before sleep overtook her. His dear Tucker’s Champions, the children of Magic lost and alone. His dear Sam’s children of Lazarus, dancing with blades and between life and death. 
Their dear children that came from all of their blood. The Lords of Chaos, of Order, entire Cities brought to life by their magic, entire planets whose heartbeats pulsed with their own. 
Everything of what they had once been was gone. And it had been gone for a long time. But they were all still here. For Death was just as much a beginning, as it was the end. 
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paybackraid · 4 months ago
Phantasma Gora
Summary: Phantasma was Jazz Fenton's ghostly alter ego. No one knew but her enemies, and maybe she wants that to change. So, who better to tell than her occasional ghost-fighting partner, Danny Phantom?
Rating: G
Words: 3,048
Warnings: None
Inspired by @fuckinart's art and @peachdoxie's post
Phantasma felt a zip through her core and lifted her head from where she sat in one of the many town parks. Her teeth chattered briefly—electrical—and she released the effects of gravity on her. 
She recognized a familiar green glow on the horizon, glowing against the night sky. She smiled. Phantom was nice company to have around. He was familiar in a way she couldn’t describe. At the least, it was nice to have a ghost around like her—a (relatively) nonaggressive one who was as happy to chat down an opponent as he was to beat it to a pulp. 
Phantom was in no rush to be anywhere. He must have been what her ghost sense detected. She wasn’t sure if the ghost boy would be alright with a ghost girl visitor but, well, Phantasma was feeling it.
Reaching up, Phantasma slipped her red headband off the top of her head and used it to tie her long, neon blue hair back. The ends of her hair flared outwards like it had a life of its own, but it made her fairly unrecognizable from her human half. She didn’t normally mind this late at night, and most ghosts already knew her identity, but Phantom didn’t, somehow. It would be nice to tell him—she had an odd feeling he would understand—on her own terms rather than let him find out on his own. 
Phantom was atop the radio tower, balancing on one of the poles on the head and watching the sky. Phantasma looked up herself. There were a few shooting stars out, she could see, and she smiled at the thought. Phantasma didn’t particularly care about the stars or space—it was cool to look at and relaxing on brain-melting days, but she wasn’t as driven by it as someone else she knew—but it was clear that Phantom was utterly enraptured.
Maybe, once Phantasma told her baby brother of her identity one day, she would take him up here herself. Danny was as in love with the stars as Phantom was, and Phantom was displaying that it was, obviously, the perfect stargazing spot. 
“Hey! Phantom!”
Phantom spun in place and lifted his hands, a green glow sprouting from each. Phantasma paused a safe distance away, appearing as nonthreatening as possible, before his advanced ghost sense picked up who she was and that her intentions were purely friendly.
“…Phantasma?” Phantom asked.
“Hi! How are you? It’s been a few days!” Phantasma drifted closer as Phantom’s hands powered down and dropped to his side. She circled him excitedly. Phantom was the closest thing to a friend that Phantasma had in either form. As a human, she was a little uppity and a little too adult for her classmates. As a ghost, aside from Phantom (and even their first few meetings had been… well, Phantasma was still figuring out her powers and the things her developing core did to her human brain, and Phantom had explained that he had, very recently, found out that ghosts fought as part of their culture—as a way to bond—and the tug on their cores made it practically a necessity), Phantasma fought the other ghosts to protect the people of Amity Park and, especially, her baby brother who somehow always got himself into trouble with ghosts despite being utterly terrified of them.
Phantasma assumed that it was tied to either her, or her parents. The ghosts wanted to put Danny in danger just to piss her off, or to take revenge against her ghost hunting parents. Which made the need for Phantasma to protect him and the town and stop any ghosts that came through the Fenton Portal all the more dire. 
In that way, she was pretty lucky she had a ghost hunting partner in Phantom. She wasn’t sure where and when he’d gotten a Fenton Thermos, but he’d in fact gotten two, and passed one to her when he realized she was on his side. She hadn’t even thought it would work until she’d seen Phantom embed his with his own spectral energy and yank in a ghost. 
Fighting with Phantom meant she had someone else to depend on, at least sometimes, when the ghosts got to be too much. Someone who understood that ghosts were people—ghost psychology and ghost envy were very real entities and phenomena—who could feel emotions and feel pain, so would put them away and then release the ghosts someplace safe, and not on a lab table to be destroyed or dissected. 
“Good!” Phantom chirped back. Once it was clear she was a friendly, his stance shifted—his broad shoulders dropped just slightly, he stood out of a fighting stance more fully. His eyes glittered—he really did have the most incredible luminous green eyes. Phantasma’s eyes were red—still expressive, but she got the impression that she looked slightly evil. Vlad Plasmius, after all, had red eyes, and there was almost no ghost as evil as Plasmius. 
It hurt, that he was the only other halfa she knew. 
“How are the ghosts?” Phantasma continued. 
“Fine. It’s silent. Saw the Box Ghost twice—the man is relentless—but other than that, no one.”
“Hmm,” Phantasma agreed, pleased. She floated over and sat on one of the other poles, leaning back to look at the sky. Another pair of shooting stars went by. “Is it a meteor shower night?”
“Yeah,” Phantom said with a happy lilt in his voice. Honestly, how her parents thought ghosts didn’t have emotions was beyond her. Phantasma got the same way in a library. “Isn’t it amazing?”
Phantasma looked back on him, her eyes crinkling with amusement. Phantom reminded her so much of Danny, sometimes. Their love of space was the same. Now that Phantasma thought of it, she could kind of remember Danny mentioning a meteor shower. She hoped he got out to see it. 
“Yeah,” she agreed, looking back up. “It is.” 
They watched a while longer, although Phantasma watched Phantom more than she did the sky. His face flickered with delight at each new meteor. He had far more control and confidence with his flight than Phantasma did, which was why she clung to solid objects when she wasn’t focusing on it. Phantom floated with his legs crossed, holding the point they met to him. 
It was fascinating, watching a full ghost wrapped fully in its obsession. Phantasma was only half ghost, so she figured her obsessions had a smaller effect on her core than full ghosts. Meaning, her experience with her own obsessions would never be as obvious on her as the ghost boy’s were on him. He glowed… well, technically he always glowed—all ghosts did, a strong aura meant a healthy ghost—but it was different when caught in the whims of his obsession. He wavered like the Northern Lights, lit up in rainbows, and his freckles lit up his cheeks like constellations, widening his big eyes even more. 
It was incredible. She never saw other ghosts as gripped by their obsessions as she saw Phantom, but Phantom’s space obsession was so much more peaceful than so many others’. Made it easier to observe.
The night drifted on lazily. Phantasma crossed one leg over the other and watched, listening for the sound of distress from below, ghostly or not. Even the city life was peaceful—maybe a grateful nod toward their ghostly protector. 
When Phantom seemed to have enough, and the night sky stopped glittering quite so majestically, he turned back to her. He wore a smile—alarmingly human, actually, but Phantasma didn’t know what to make with that. She supposed that he spent so much time in the human world that he picked up on human mannerisms. 
She wondered, distantly, where it was that he went when he wasn’t flying around. She didn’t see Phantom in her house to go through the portal that often. Was his lair somewhere in Amity Park, like hers? Maybe at the old observatory? 
“D’you wanna go for a fly?”
Phantasma’s heart thudded to life just briefly. In this form, it didn’t beat at all unless it was startled or excited, and Phantasma loved a good fly. The wind in her hair, the chill through her hazmat, the connection to her electrified core when a good cloud came through… there was almost no chance that she would deny a fly. 
Especially not an offer from Phantom. 
“Sure! Uh, where do you wanna go?” 
Phantom shrugged and unfolded himself, tipping backwards and eeking out a good stretch before rising beside her. He extended a hand toward her, and Phantasma rolled her eyes and knocked it away. She stretched the muscles of her back, slid off the pole, and bounced back into the air when her feet found purchase. 
“Lead the way.”
He did, taking off toward downtown. Phantasma followed and quickly caught up, circling him in lazy arcs. When he noticed what she was doing, Phantom rose above the rooftops again and gave her space, copying her. They circled one another two, three, four times before petering out. Phantasma flickered her eyes toward him, curious. She knew that he was fast, but she was an electric core. Would that have an effect on her own speed? Was she faster than the infamous Phantom? 
She aligned herself to him and got within ten feet of him. Her eyes glittered with sparks of electricity when she said “race you!” and took off like a shot. 
He squawked, a sound gone from her defunct eardrums too fast, and lanced forward. “Where?!” he demanded with a laugh, arching forward, nose to nose. 
“Figure it out!”
Phantom followed Phantasma close, turning in tight circles when she switched directions, picking up speed on straightaways when he thought he had time but responding with ease when he suddenly didn’t. He really was an experienced flyer, and only Phantasma’s knowledge of where she wanted to go—or at least when she wanted to turn to throw him off—kept her ahead of him. 
“Hey we’re, uh, gettin’ pretty close to FentonWorks,” Phantom suddenly warned behind her, as if Phantasma wouldn’t know exactly where FentonWorks was. It was her home, her lair. Of course, Phantom knew exactly where FentonWorks was for the Portal, and to avoid the ectoseeking weapons on top of the Ops Center, but it wasn’t as if she needed the warning. 
Still, it was good to have. A reminder that… well, home wasn’t safe. Not for Phantom obviously—full ghost and all that—but not for Phantasma either, half ghost as she was. 
“I see,” Phantasma called back, transforming her legs to a tail as she did a wide arc around the eyesore that was her home. 
“I mean I guess if you want to play Dodge Gun we can, but…” Phantom called forwards with a laugh, which just made Phantasma laugh in return. Honestly, Phantom had a horrible sense of humor. It reminded her of her brother. It reminded her of her dad. Still, the ghost boy followed her arc around FentonWorks and its neighborhood, bringing them toward Elmerton. Not a safe place for either of them, either, but arguably the Red Huntress’ patrol was over. Hopefully she was asleep. 
With the fun of the race kind of cut short by the reminder of their afterlives on the line simply for existing, Phantasma felt her energy wane. Phantom at first darted ahead—competitive boy he was—but when he noticed she wasn’t keeping up, he paused in midair and turned back around. 
“...Hey. You okay?”
“Getting tired,” Phantasma reported semi-honestly. It was an unusual thing for a ghost to say, but not impossible. Phantom clearly had the energy for probably seven more miles. “You win.”
“Ha! Oh. D’you, uh, need to rest? Catch your breath?”
Phantasma smiled sheepishly at him. “You can go on ahead if you want. I’ll be fine.”
“Do you… want me to go on ahead?”
Phantasma didn’t answer. She didn’t, really. She liked Phantom, she always had. Even back when she’d been fully human, she’d liked him. 
Smart, Phantom floated back over to her. “Why don’t we go sit over there,” he said, nodding at a collection of brick apartment buildings. Obscure, in case a ghost hunter or two did come out. Secluded. 
…Maybe. Maybe now was good. “Lead the way,” she said again, following his lead toward the roof. She settled to drop on the edge, her legs dangling off. This side of the city was a little noisier, and it didn’t help that they were closer to the streets here too, but that could be good. Listen in for trouble again. Phantom floated in front of her and crossed his legs, eyeing her cautiously. 
“Sorry,” Phantasma said with a laugh, leaning all the way back so her back rested on the roof. “That was a lot of energy to use at once. I’m an electric core; we go through our energy in big spurts, it’s not meant to last.”
“All good,” Phantom said. “You need ecto? I have chewables.”
Why would a full ghost carry ectoplasm chewables? Didn’t he feed off the ambient ectoplasm in the air? Phantasma did, for the most part, but she figured her half-and-half system was less efficient, so she drank ectoplasm. In a pinch she could take it straight from the portal, but most of the time her folks left enough of it lying around that she could snatch. Her dad always said it was the ghost boy, and Phantasma only felt a little guilty letting Phantom take the blame. He did sneak into their house to empty his Thermos, after all. 
She was tempted, but wary. One of Phantasma’s cooler powers was absorption and deescalation. She absorbed ectoplasm quickly enough from other ghosts, and from ambient ectoplasm as well.
“No, thanks. I just need to rest.”
Phantom’s eyes glittered. He dug into a pocket anyway and pulled out a Ziploc bag of glowing green squares and tossed a few into his mouth. Huh. “Alright, if you insist.”
Phantasma closed her eyes and felt the air around her shift, a subtle nod to her core, the way Phantom always seemed a little happier on cold days. It settled her, eased her. 
Made the lingering conversation easier. 
“Hey, Phantom.”
“Hey, Phantasma.”
“Can I tell you something? Something I haven’t told anyone else. At least, not on purpose.” She lifted her head and looked at him. 
He drifted closer, legs still crossed. His mastery of air movements really was impressive. Phantasma couldn’t wait until she had that kind of control. A few years, she figured. Maybe a decade? She had no clue how old Phantom actually was—he’d died as a young teenager, but who knew how long ago that was. The eighties was Phantasma’s honest guess, based on his outfit, although he kept his syntax remarkably modern. 
“Sure,” Phantom said, resting his elbow in his knee. “I’m listening.”
“You need to promise to keep this secret. All the other ghosts have, but if this gets out to the humans, this could be dangerous for me. Swear?”
Phantom dragged his finger across his chest. “Cross my core,” he swore.
Phantasma sat up and buried her face in her hands. After a moment, Phantasma reached back and let loose her hair. It didn’t need to be pulled back all the way, luckily. Not if they weren’t really going anywhere. She tucked her headband back into place and looked at her battle partner, who watched her with blinking wide green eyes.
“Ha,” she said. “You may have heard other ghosts call me this. It’s kind of… it’s not a slur? But they’re never being kind when they say it. It’s specific to me… or, to my kind, anyway. There’s so few of us. I only know of one other ghost like me.” She didn’t look up at Phantom, but she would have seen some sort of dawning realization if she had. “I’m actually a halfa—half ghost. I have a human half, too.” She laughed. “I could never tell my family, though. My parents hunt ghosts, and my little brother is terrified of them.”
Phantasma lifted her head, but did not get a full look at Phantom’s face, too focused on her own feelings. Phantasma was always so in touch with her own feelings, even as a human. It continued to alarm her how her parents thought ghosts didn’t feel emotions when Phantasma felt her emotions so powerfully.
Deep inside her, Phantasma reached for that warmth that radiated next to her core. The warmth of life, of humanity. Her aura shimmered and condensed around her waist, and she breathed it around her. The transformation took her. Blue hair became ginger, red eyes became teal, tanned skin was lightened, her costume faded away into a familiar, comfortable sweater and jeans. 
Jazz Fenton tipped her head up to the sky briefly. “You know, it feels good to actually have someone I can talk to about this side of myself, ha! At least, someone who isn’t a total fruitloop.” She tipped her head back down and gave Phantom her best winning smile.
Much to her surprise, he was utterly flabbergasted. His eyes were massive, and his jaw was practically on the ground. He’d never seen her transformation, obviously. Maybe he’d never even heard of a halfa before. Her kind was a rare breed indeed. 
He was familiar with the Fentons, at least marginally. Certainly he knew her folks. Was that how he recognized her, even in human form? “Ha, yeah. That’s me! Daughter of ghost hunters, and here I am. Half-a-ghost. Crazy, isn’t it?”
Phantom shoved a hand deep into his hair. His legs fell, and he floated over to the building she sat on. He obeyed gravity, something he rarely did. He gnawed on a lower lip and, for some reason, wasn’t looking at her. 
His aura shimmered, and condensed around his waist. Jazz’s eyes went massive as the ring around his waist separated and changed him. His jumpsuit became a white t-shirt and jeans. Hips widened and shoulders narrowed. Green eyes became blue. White hair turned to black.
Suddenly, in Phantom’s place, Danny Fenton looked at her.
Jazz could only stare.
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dontfightmecauseillcry · 15 days ago
HP x DP- Lore and Story Ideas
sorry to @nightblackowlbat I kept on forgetting 😔
I wrote this 3 years ago
F^ck JKR btw
I support Trans rights and I would happily spit on her grave
Technical world building/lore HC:
Hogwarts ghosts are different from some Infinite Realms ghosts. Everything has a balance, because of their magic in life, magic users can only become shades/echos in death. 
They are much weaker and are permanently intangible and see through. They only have enough ecto to be seen and heard and even that will take a while after their death for them to be visible. So in other words, weaker than a blob ghost, which Danny didn’t think was possible, while being more intelligent. (Can Hogwarts ghost touch each other? If so they obviously can do that too)
*It is possible for a magic wealder to become an Ancient but it’s very rare. This leaves room for MOD Harry who is like Danny in the sense that he’s not quite alive but not quite dead, while Danny is both at the same time. They’re both in the middle in different ways.*
Peeve’s is a poltergeist and is above a blob ghost (even if he can’t touch something directly). He can affect the world around him through telekinesis and I think he can summon stuff. All poltergeists are neverborns, but not all neverborns are poltergeists. Neverborns are ecto-entities that are born in the Realms, they were never alive in the Overworld, like Boxed Lunch.
If Ecto is the energy of the dead then magic is the energy of the living. Ghosts do have Magic but it’s just a different brand and anyone who is dead or liminal can use it. It’s something anyone who relies on ectoplasm can learn, not just certain people like with living peoples magic.  
How does ectoplasm and magic react? It’s a negative reaction, it’s 2 opposite energies that don't want to clash. They cancel eachother out at most and make an explosion at worst. It’s not that they can’t be around eachother, in fact tech embedded with ecto works in magical spaces, but you wouldn’t be able to use magic on a ghost, they’re immune to most magic. Honestly magic users get the shorter end of the stick, but boo-woo causes the ghost is literally dead. Magic can affect a ghost but that falls on the necromancy side of magic and it’s a “dark magic”, magic won’t have a longer term effect on ghosts unless it goes for a ghost’s core. It takes powerful magic for that though and again, “dark” magic. But ghosts do have a harder time overshadowing magi’s and can’t do it at all to those who have mental shields.
This is of course a gray area with Halfas because they are in a gray area between life and death. Halfas can only use living magic in human form, but can use dead magic in either form, that is if they have living magic in the first place.
Story prompts:
Fair warning: I love Dani/Elle Phantom
Pre-Hogwarts ideas: 
Lily and James take extra precautions on their safety and enlist the help of a protector spirit, a.k.a., Danny. Young Adult Danny Fenton raises Harry<3 If you want traumatized Harry, the conditions of the protection is when Harry is in mortal danger (it didn’t trigger on Halloween because Lily had her own protection in place so Harry wasn’t in mortal peril that night *never too careful, constant vigilance*, where she gave her life) and Danny’s protection was triggered by a very bad beating from Vernon that probably led to an infection.
Dani finds Harry alone on a playground, Harry over shares, Dani scopes him up and his like, “your coming home with me” Harry joins her in her travels and enjoys himself. Danny is like, “Elle what the fuck” and starts sending extra money to support both of them and Harry’s more human needs. They do street magic to earn extra money, gets better once Harry finds out he can talk to snakes. The everlasting trio and Jazz really do try their best in giving them a good education with their travels but they only visit Amity for a week every 2 months. But Harry does enjoy reading and Dani thinks he’s crazy and prefers math. It all changes when Harry gets his Hogwarts letter. Danny decided to adopt them both (he’s turned 18 at this time, Dani ages slower (artificial halfa/clone/ghost thing) and is still physically 13-14 when she meets Harry at 9, so they’ve been together for 2 years.
Math:2=1 years for Elle| D=14 E=12, D=16 E=13 H=9, D=18 E=14 H=11) 
To make Harry going into Hogwarts easier, Dani haunts Harry at Hogwarts.
While traveling Elle finds baby Harry freezing to death on a doorstep. Petunia doesn’t want Harry and says Elle can have him if she’s so concerned about him. Elle is a young adult by this point.
Elle has the body of a 10 year old and stays that way until she’s completely stabilized. Vlad is smart but isn’t an expert in cloning and that’s why he messes up so much and why it takes Danny so long to stabilize her. It takes years but Danny figures it out when he’s 17 and has always seen Ellie as his daughter but has to wait to adopt her when he’s 18. Danny manages to adopt her a month before her 11th birthday when he turns 18, and everything is calm and happy until they’re disrupted by a knock on the door on Ellie’s 11th birthday (she was 10 for 4 years and she’s excited about finally getting physical and mentally older since she’s stable). It’s Professor Sprout here to tell her she’s a witch! Danny theorized that she might have survived for so long because her human half has magic. It’s just another way that differentiates them, she’s her own person and not a copy. They move to London to be closer to Hogwarts and Danny gets a job (Middle School Science teacher assistant, Mechanic, UK Space Agency engineer work study with a side of customer service job, etc.) Ellie starts her first year at Hogwarts.
1st year: 
Dumbles summons Danny to protect the stone. Classic summoning fic. Dumbles or one of the teachers summons a protector spirit. Dumbles tries to get Danny on his side and thinks he can manipulate a spirit through magic to do his bidding. “Yes it’s Dark magic Minerva, but it’s for the greater good.” This doesn’t work on Danny cause 1: Dumbles wasn’t specific enough in the summoning, and 2: the spell doesn’t completely work because Danny is only half ghost and after Freakshow can brush off “lesser” forms of mind control off. Danny’s pissed but decides to help out anyways because a school of children is genuinely in danger.
2nd year I have 2 ideas:
Lockhart found another one of those red ghost control stones and has Danny under his control and his friends aren’t there to snap him out of it. Since Lockheart has actual magic and isn’t completely reliant on the stone, the affects are stronger. All of his achievements his first few years were from other wizards and witches but after a close call of almost being exposed, he decided to do something safer then expect everyone to have weak minds. This leads to Danny. Unfortunately not even magic can make a ghost go against their obsession so after Danny defeats an enemy, Lockheart has to do the dirty work if it’s required. This means that Danny can’t kill the Snake in the chamber, Lockheart doesn’t want to face it even if it’s defeated cause he knows he’ll die if he even looks at it. So he still packs his things to leave, when Harry and Ron confront Lockheart, he goes on a monologue and orders Danny to attack them. Thing is, Danny’s been fighting for control since day one. He almost gave up until he realized if Lockheart made him go against his obsession, the control he had over him cracked when he didn’t move. Lockheart never had him attack children so far and it’s just what he needed to break out of the mind control. Things happen as usual and Danny decides to help Harry and Ron, things go like the books. That’s the main story, add friendship or Danny returning to Amity as you please. This could very well lead into a series.
McGonagle or one of the other teachers summons Danny to deal with the snake. Danny finds Harry and either get him to safety or helps him in the fight. 
3rd year, this year isn’t dangerous enough to require a summoning and again 2 ideas:
Danny runs into Remus while on the run from the GIW and Remus hides him in the wizarding world, the GIW or the Fentons don’t know about it [the Wizarding World].There’s getting to know and secrets being shared. He adopts Danny through blood adoption. Danny insists on having a job since he can keep one easier since he isn’t affected by the full moon. Remus only agrees to part time because he’s the adult gosh darn in. Remus takes Danny with him to Hogwarts, Danny knows about the Potters and he’s all wanting to know about his cousin Harry. Things proceed as usual but with Danny, usually he’s exploring Hogwarts and sitting in on a few classes but isn’t really in roled since he doesn’t have wizard magic. Looked it up, you can get your GCSEs(UK GED) in a year on average, Danny isn’t dumb, he when from a A to C student because of ghost hunting. Really the only reason he wasn’t flat out failing worse was because he’s smart. If he focuses himself, is in a safe environment, and gets enough sleep I think he could probably get his GCSEs online in the 12-18 months or less. This way he can get a better job and have a reason why he’s not going to school when at Hogwarts. Remus can use his taking care of Danny as proof of him being a responsible parent to try and take Harry away from the Dursley’s later on.
Danny runs into Sirius and is very concerned. After hearing about Harry, Danny either gets the urge to protect Sirius or Harry depending on how Sirius tells his story. With nothing else to do (his family and friends are dead and he took care of the GIW or he’s 18 and decided to take a break year and travel around the world like Dani) he decides to help out. He either decides to haunt Harry (he lets Harry know “Kid, your a trouble magnet just like I am and look how that turned out”) or help Sirius. Why did I differentiate? Idk. In the Harry route, either Dementors don’t affect him or they almost end him (I like the not affecting him, and the fandom hc in the dcxdp universe, fear is ghost weed*Red lanters*) Danny tells Harry that Sirius isn’t trying to kill him after he has enough proof and to keep quite to not lose Peter. In the Sirius route, Sirius is like, once I’m a free man Harry’s getting a cousin/brother. Also tries to get custody of Harry.
4th year: 
If Danny gets involved in the tournament, Harry will probably get accused of cheating. He can get involved towards the end in the Graveyard scene since it is a grave yard and he is a ghost / he’s doing CW a favor. Either Voldy doesn’t get the chance to be resurrected, and Danny just sees them from the afar or Danny is too late for that part. Danny either saves Cedric in scenario one or Cedric becomes a shade and then a wizard ghost because of Danny taking him with him and speeding up the process. People believe Harry with Cedric there. Danny is tempted at getting popcorn to watch all this unfold. And either leaves it at that or is invested and continues to help.
5th year, I’ve got 2 ideas, not my best: 
Danny is on the run and hears about a safe place for ghost on earth and moves into Hogwarts. He witnessed everything and helps out DA
Danny is from a different earth and time is weird. He’s lived in the Infinite Realms for a while now (as king or other) and he’s bored. A Hogwarts ghost complains about Umbridge (directly to him or he overheard) and he’s curious about this magic school and checks it out. It’s much worse then he thought though. Why does this child have a soul fragment in his head?! (Since he’s much older here he can probably tell)
6th year: 
Pretty calm compared to the rest, the only thing I can thing of is Danny finding out about a cave with a bunch of zombies (inferis) and checks it out, he finds Harry and Dumbles and says, nah ah, and drinks the death water (equivalent to ghost whiskey) and gets them out of there. He returns to check up on them later only to find out Dumbles killed himself anyways and Harry has taken on a mission and Danny decides to help him out. If this is written a combo of the end of 6th and 7th year is probably needed to make it longer.
7th year, the golden trio is on the run. I’ve got 2 scenarios: 
The short ish one is Voldy summons the Ghost King to command him that he gives him immortality and to kill Harry Potter. His information is outdated and Danny shows up. Either Danny’s been King for a while now or he's just starting out. If he’s older, deals with Voldy quickly and gets rid of Harry’s Horcrux. Younger King Danny gets the fuck out of there cause he doesn’t know what the fuck is going on. Optional:*He takes Narcisa and Draco with him too cause Cisy sees an out with him.* He finds Harry, takes care of the rest of the horcruxes and gives Harry an opening to kill Voldy because the prophecy was already in motion and Harry is the only one who would/could kill him.
Harry’s on the run, Danny’s on the run and “wth is that a dragon?! Oh gosh people are falling from the dragon!!!” Danny can destroy the Horcrux but it makes him very weak so Danny joins the trio on their quest in human form for most of it which means there’s a pretty early ID reveal. And Danny actually knows how to camp. Since Danny helps out in the war, he’s safe in the Wizarding world and can hide out intill the Anti-Ecto Acts are repealed by Hermione and/or Team Phantom.
Post Hogwarts:
If we follow cannon timelines for both series, Harry is 24 when Danny dies. We can either do Auror Harry checking out Amity Park or MOD Harry checking out Amity. This can go several ways for both.
I don't got a lot of brain juice for post-Hogwarts. Can y'all tell I love the shit out of Dani?
Feel free to use any of this, plz tag me, I would love to see what ever others come up with. I might write some of this but I'm very busy.
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emacrow · 21 days ago
Dani wasn't the only clone that Danny saved.
There were 3 other clones that were prematurely made, kind of stabled, but didn't look how Vlad wanted and were going to be terminated, in which Dani was desperate in the first place.
Three clones varieties mixed between his dna and ectoplasm between ages of 1-5 The panic danny had felt holding toddler that look like him except for a star birthmark his cheek while looking at Sam and Tucker with big pleading puppy blue eyes along with Dani.
Thankfully, Sam had a backup backup bunker plan already refurbished and full of food using her three month allowance in case things went bad with his parents, along telling jazz because she will full murder him if he kept four little possibly now his children/cousins/clones? away from him.
The juggling and balancing between fighting ghosts, raising little kids, and school alongside the GIW, Beating Pariah King, his future self and revealing to the town that he was Phantom to save the world was brutal to him, Sam, Jazz and tucker.
Thankfully, his parents accepted him, but the paranoia scratched at his brain to hide about his clones/kids and overpowered him to not say anything about his kids to them yet.
Then came clockwork and his crytic words and Crown of Fire and ring of rage nonstop appearing floating rather innocently following him.
He has tried everything at this point, stuffing it in his locker, putting it in a fenton ghost proof chest and dumping it into the distant deep lake, freezing it which only made it a crown of ice that drips snowflakes and the ring of rage into a ring with a aurora instead of a skull.
It took him half a day to figure out he accidentally became King of the Ghost Zone, which is also known as the infinite realm of the dead due to conquest after he accidentally commanded Ghost writer to tell him why the crown of fire kept following him like paulina before she knew he was Phantom.
Apparently, since he was the last one to take the final blow on Pariah King using everything he got, the crown took a liking to his protection/space core and decided that he would be king whether he like it or not.
He was clearly king material after he balanced everything he went through alongside raising 3 baby ghostlings, which was rather proud achievement.
Leaving Danny in control of an infinite realm of the dead alongside a much more infinite amount of paperwork now streaming to him, half of them being complain about a guy name constantine with overdue summonings now set to him instead of Pariah King on paused time.
What's next? Is the Justice League actually real?
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iwillhissatyou · 2 months ago
Danuary Day 5
The day's prompt gave me a set of confusion so mind defaulted to poetic and dark. i give you angst sprinkled with fluff and metaphors that may actually be true. @crossoverdanuary will be cross-posted
Day 5- Fortune & Pokemon
It had been years since Danny had human connection. After all, the things he had known when human were long gone as his world had evolved. He had seen the slow death of all those around him, as he stood frozen in the narrowest space in the hourglass.  
His world was the origin, the development had begun to branch as soon as his time paused. He was king, Balance, Space, Son of Time, and the Deity of Fortune. His luck and core blessed those who held others dear, and cursed those with no love or reason in their hearts. Many good souls had come and gone, some thinking themselves cursed but were truly the most blessed. He had created afterlives for those who died heroes and those who died evil. He made the worlds in between, always the closest to his home. So that he may protect those closest to his kind. His daughter and son shone their ideas upon worlds letting their choices guide the universes, after all they were his.  
He was yet not full, his life was missing something, what; he did not know. He needed a friend. So what he created was creatures of his wildest dreams, fish that became dragons controling water, living ecosystems that developed sentience controling the plants they carried on their backs, blobs of goo that could morph and mimic, and shadow beasts that sough comfort in the energy they were made from. He created creature after creature, finding those in his memories and creating ones that may have brought them joy. He placed the creations on a world that he adored, a gift. Then he left a final being, powerful as he to look out for the little blessings of the world.  
High King Dannal felt a pull in his chest, a call for him. A soul was calling for him at a temple made by his gifts. Calling him Danny. It had been a long tome since the boy that never grew had heard that name.  
He followed. 
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kittilumpo · 11 months ago
based on @charlietheepicwriter7 's "twin au but also misunderstandings"
danny and damian are brothers, whether or not they are twins - check
danny left the league when they were extremely small - check
damian knows danny left - check
danny knows danny left - nah
danny has amnesia! most of the loa was told that danny died on his first outside-headquartes mission; in reality, danny took a few MAJOR hit to his head (the target expected an adult, sue him) and he was so covered in blood and beat to shit when he was rushed back to base that no one *expected* him to survive. talia convinces ra's to use the pit to stop danny from dying, but it isnt enough: after he wakes up nothing is fixed because danny is rapidly forgetting EVERYTHING. by the time he's in the care of a modern-medicine government hospital, danny barely remembers his own name. after a few days of gradual deterioration, to the point that ra's compares him to jason, danny falls into a coma. ra's makes the call: danny has to go. they smuggle him out of the country and into the usa, where he's placed in a private, expensive hospital - the same one where vlad succumbed to the ecto acne.
a few months into the come, brain-damaged-but-pit-exposed danny wakes up basically fine but with heinous scars (mostly hidden after his hair grows back) and zero (0) memories. he's taught english, told what the doctors were allowed to tell him about himself to try and stimulate his memories, but he never regains anything.
talia reluctantly agrees to let go, and ONLY because ra's convinces her its the best option for everyone. danny gets lucky and only has one foster home before the Fentons find and fall in love with him and claim him as their own. damian locks that information away where he'll never forget it and everyone moves on.
danny's ABILITY to retain memories is compromised for a long time, but his family is very patient and supportive and accidentally constantly exposing him to purified ectoplasm. by the time he's 14 his memory retention has stabilized to almost normal levels; he has a hard time with short-term memories, and if he isnt paying STRICT attention to something (like classwork) it can slip away without a trace, but until the portal accident he does Well Enough. after the portal accident his brain actually, FINALLY heals to 100% functioning (because now the organ itself turns into straight ectoplasm whenever danny transforms and danny's core steadily takes over Being Danny as his two halves balance out and when a core is damaged it just heals until the damage is gone) over the course of (cough the show cough) about two years. by high school graduation danny's grades are back up to b's and he even has a few low a's.
jazz is doing 4 years at University of Wisconson before she plans to transfer to Harvard, tucker got accepted to Minnesota Institute of Technology, and since danny's body can't pass the physical requirements for a career as an astronaut (and he can just fly into space on his own now) danny follows sam to Gotham to study engineering at Gotham U.
sam has no interest in college; she's going to gotham to meet pamela isley, and an argument with her parents about it escalated the plan to sam MOVING to gotham to "join" pamela isley. in reality sam has no intention of becoming a poison ivy goon, but she *does* want to upset her parents AND stay true to her own word, so she commits to the plan. danny tagging along is just so she has backup/emergency extraction during rogue attacks
its february in danny's first year at Gotham U when damian runs into him. damian is Fully PTSD Shell-Shocked and jon is confused and concerned. jon doesnt bring it up again but eventually duke and then tim find out about danny and THEY conclude that one of ra's old clone plans is finally coming to fruition. batman decides that danny going to Gotham U is supposed to be a method of creating a paper trail; insert himself into the town so that "when" he takes over damian's life, he can gasight everyone into thinking he's the "real" damian. (works best in older-brother!danny au's because "obviously the older one is the original", tho that only works on anyone who doesnt know about artificial aging)
thankfully damian is brought in before anyone actually DOES anything so that he can explain. bruce is now upset that talia made MORE THAN ONE bio-son, AND kept one a SECRET - and that DAMIAN never told him, either. damian justifies that "in every way that matters" danny is NOT bruce's son, (and knows well enough to interrupt bruce to stop THAT misunderstanding) and *continues* to explain danny's injuries and vegetative state. basically saying "by the end he wasn't even my brother anymore. he was a breathing corpse with my face."
damian wraps it all up by explaining that he knew danny had eventually woken up and been adopted because thats the last info they got when talia recalled the surveilance team. damian knew danny had been moved to illinois, but thinking about danny "back then" (lol) was more painful than damian used to be willing to admit - even to himself - so he never followed up further than that.
bruce is fucked up about it and hes in his fifties now; he's not doing well.
dick understands and respects damian's desire to leave danny alone, but is also kind of fucked up about it if for different reasons.
jason learns about all of this later and tangentially, and doesnt really give a shit passed "damn damian that sucks, i dont really remember him but this explains why i thought there had always been clones of you and was confused that you were surprised they existed" - the level of shits he gives lessens even further when he has to focus on "some wise-ass meta punk" bothering him while he's on patrol. ("i did NOT want my own personal fucking kite-man!")
aka danny as phantom has become one of red hood's least-serious but most-recurring rogues, all so that danny can try to sus out why jason ALMOST sets off his ghost sense and why, in ecto-saturated gotham, crime alley is almost completely devoid of it. turns out the two are related! jason's fucked up mutant core is sucking it up faster than gothamites produce it. this is also why jason feels "uncomfortably comfortable" in the bat cave and to a lesser extent anywhere in gotham thats NOT crime alley, even when he sincerely hates being there - those places still HAVE ECTO for his starving core to siphon. it happens to a lesser extent when he comes back to crime ally after doing away-missions with the outlaws, since the place has had SOME time to replenish its levels.
50/50 chance tim follows up on danny just so that he can share information about him to damian because tim thinks thats a resonable plan.
50/50 chance he tries to do this and the resulting plot is that several other batsibs thwart tim's attempts, compromising themselves several times and leading danny to think that ALL of them are stalking him. tucker thinks WE is scouting danny but he's literally still doing gen-eds and getting the same b-average-with-a-slowly-increasing-number-of-a's as always, so they dismiss that one pretty fast. sam writes it off as weird rich people shit, "trust me, im an expert," but jazz and valerie put forth the theory that they're keeping an eye on danny because the fentons are well-known mad scientists and danny WILLINGLY moved to gotham on purpose, and the waynes are known to be connected to batman.
its actually during his time running from various bats that danny flees into crime alley and finds out that his ghost sense reacts to red hood aka jason.
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crow-crystal · 16 days ago
Danny Phantom Prompt!
Danny is a hafla, and I've seen so many good fics about it being the reason he is amazing for a position of balance, king, and more.
However, think instead, mailman Danny.
He sends mail, letters, messages, and packages to anyone and everything. Beings of life and death itself, the horsemen, any supernatural.
After the portal was shut down in his town, the ghosts got sorted, and he finally got to "live" outside of being Phantom and a tired teen. Danny, he got to figure himself out. He could help, not with fighting, but in other ways.
This could fit into him having a space obsession (or core). After all, it'd be easy to send messages if you have control or affinity over space itself.
Besides, how can you shoot the messenger if he's already dead?
His clients love it
Death beings don't need to have someone sacrifice a life just for a single message.
Supernaturals don't need to worry about hiding or being judged.
And well..
Ancients help anyone who tries to shoot the messanger that's for sure.
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drinkmoarwater · 10 months ago
Dannymay Day 13: DND
I may have let my autism take the wheel and made a functional race and class based on Danny Phantom. Fair warning now, it's overpowered for regular dnd and has not been play tested (yet).
Race: Portal-Touched
Balanced Halfa
Unstable Halfa
Class: The Obsessed
Ice Core
Fire Core
Manufactured Core
This is a long post.
TLDR; I made a Constitution based half caster with subclasses themed to Danny, Vlad, and Danielle. I'll be uploading this to the DND wiki as homebrew at some point, but for now, here's the content. Obviously I don't own either Danny Phantom or DND.
Race: Portal-Touched
You were once human, until contact with a ghost portal changed you down to your core. You are now a unique cross between human and ghost, and able to switch between your human and ghost forms with a flash.
Subrace: Balanced Halfa
You had some self reflection and discovered your purpose, something that keeps you tethered to both the physical and infinite realms. 
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2 and your Constitution increases by 1.
Age. Halfas’ human forms age slowly, while their ghost form does not need to age at all. Most halfas have ghost forms that match the age they perceive themselves as. Halfas can live to be 200 years old, but reach maturity by age 20. 
Alignment. Balanced Halfas are good or neutral aligned. 
Size. Medium, though halfas can be compressed into any small space that could capture a ghost, such as a thermos or vacuum. 
Speed. 30 feet walking speed, 40 feet flying speed. 
Languages. Common and Ghostspeak. 
Rearranged Molecules. You are capable of transforming into both a human and a ghost, classifying you as both humanoid and undead. You can transform into your opposite form as a bonus action, or at will. When human, you have advantage on saving throws targeting undead, but can still be affected. You also can use your ghostly traits at half effectiveness (flying speed of 20 feet, half damage on attacks that use your ghost abilities, etc) not including invisibility and intangibility. When ghostly, you can be affected by anything that affects undead, but you have advantage on saving throws for Turn Undead.
Phantom Form. Your ghost form is natural to you, but requires focus. You do not require air while in ghost form. You are immune to disease, being paralyzed, and being petrified in ghost form, but resistant to each in human form. You can take the following actions: 
Flight: In your ghost form, you can fly at will with a flying speed of 40 feet. In human form, your flight speed is halved. 
Intangibility: You can walk through solid objects and creatures as if they were not there as a bonus action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. You can access this ability while in human or phantom form. 
Invisibility: You can cast Invisibility on yourself as an action without using a spell slot. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. You can access this ability while in human or phantom form. 
Ectoblast. You can shoot ectoplasm from your hands as an action, so long as you have one empty hand. Think of this as a cantrip with a range of 30 feet. Your ectoplasmic blast adds your proficiency bonus and your Dexterity modifier to hit, and 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier lightning, force, fire, or cold damage. Once you select a damage type for your ectoblast, you cannot change it. This damage increases to 2d8 at 6th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 16th level. Damage output is halved in human form. 
Blood Blossom Allergy. You, like any ghost, cannot be within 15 feet of a blood blossom or anything made with blood blossoms. If you are near it, you will take 1d4 poison damage at the start of every turn. If you touch a blood blossom, or anything made with one, you will take 1d12 poison damage at the start of every turn until you remove the item or flower. Damage taken from blood blossoms is critical in ghost form, meaning double the damage or roll two dice. 
Spiritual Purpose. Your obsession has developed into something new, you are a half-ghost with a purpose. Your purpose is what you have dedicated your existence to, a goal that extends beyond yourself, such as defending your family, finding lost knowledge, or allegiance to a leader or cause. You will do almost anything to accomplish this goal, even if it means sacrificing yourself. When fulfilling your purpose, you have advantage on related attack rolls and saving throws, though “related rolls” are at DM discretion. Without a purpose, or with a purpose that conflicts with your alignment, you become unstable and use the Unstable Halfa subclass unless you regain a purpose. 
Subrace: Unstable Halfa
The unease within yourself manifests outward in your body. That is, if you happen to have a body at the time. 
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2 and your Constitution increases by 1. 
Age. Halfas’ human forms age slowly, while their ghost form does not need to age at all. Most halfas have ghost forms that match the age they perceive themselves as. Halfas can live to be 200 years old, but reach maturity by age 20. 
Alignment. Any alignment, with a tendency toward lawfulness. 
Size. Medium, though halfas can be compressed into any small space that could capture a ghost, such as a thermos or vacuum. 
Speed. 30 feet walking speed, 40 feet flying speed.
Languages. Common, Ghostspeak, and any 1 language. 
Rearranged Molecules. You are capable of transforming into both a human and a ghost, classifying you as both humanoid and undead. You can transform into your opposite form as a bonus action. When human, you have advantage on saving throws targeting undead, but can still be affected. You also can use your ghostly traits at half effectiveness (flying speed of 20 feet, half damage on attacks that use your ghost abilities, etc) not including invisibility and intangibility. When ghostly, you can be affected by anything that affects undead, but you have advantage on saving throws for Turn Undead.
Phantom Form. Your ghost form is natural to you, but requires focus. You do not require air while in ghost form. You are immune to disease, being paralyzed, and being petrified in ghost form, but resistant to each in human form. You can take the following actions: 
Flight: In your ghost form, you can fly at will with a flying speed of 40 feet. In human form, your flight speed is halved. 
Intangibility: You can walk through solid objects and creatures as if they were not there as a bonus action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. You can access this ability while in human or phantom form. 
Invisibility: You can cast Invisibility on yourself as an action without using a spell slot. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. You can access this ability while in human or phantom form. 
Ectoblast. You can shoot ectoplasm from your hands as an action, so long as you have one empty hand. Think of this as a cantrip with a range of 30 feet. Your ectoplasmic blast adds your proficiency bonus and your Dexterity modifier to hit, and 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier lightning, force, fire, or cold damage. Once you select a damage type for your ectoblast, you cannot change it. This damage increases to 2d8 at 6th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 16th level. Damage output is halved in human form. 
Blood Blossom Allergy. You, like any ghost, cannot be within 15 feet of a blood blossom or anything made with blood blossoms. If you are near it, you will take 1d4 poison damage at the start of every turn. If you touch a blood blossom, or anything made with one, you will take 1d12 poison damage at the start of every turn until you remove the item or flower. Damage taken from blood blossoms is critical in ghost form, meaning double the damage or roll two dice. 
Unstable Form. The beginning of your life as a halfa, whether through a portal accident or cloning, is challenging on your body. You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws unless provided a ‘fix.’ This fix can be a cure, a familiar, or magical item to cancel out the disadvantage. If your fix is more than 30 feet from you, you will continue to have disadvantage until this is corrected. Optional: After casting a spell, make a DC10 Constitution saving throw. If you fail, you start to melt into ectoplasm. Your movement is reduced to zero and you must make another Constitution saving throw at the end of your next turn to solidify your body. While melting or melted, you are immune to being grappled and resistant to being restrained. Discovering Purpose. You can develop a Spiritual Purpose with your DM’s guidance. Your purpose must be tangentially related to your obsession, at minimum. Gaining a purpose does not remove your obsession, only calms it. If you have a purpose, you can gain advantage on either Wisdom (Insight) checks or Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
Class - The Obsessed
You must have the Halfa or Ghost Race and a Constitution of 13 required to multiclass in or out of this class. 
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[ID: A table listing the features, cantrips, and spells allowed for the fanmade Obsessed class. The cantrips and spells are the same for the Paladin class with one extra cantrip starting at 16th level, and the features are listed in text below.]
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per obsessed level Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per obsessed level after 1st
Armor: Light armor Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Athletics, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Sleight of Hand
Immunities: petrified, paralyzed, diseased
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
a simple weapon
any light armor
an explorer's pack
a ghost capture device, either (a) a thermos or (b) a vacuum
Ghostly Obsession
You have an obsession, like any ghost. Your obsession is your reason for existing–you will do just about anything to fulfill your obsession, be it violence, endurance, or self-sacrifice. An obsession can be anything, such as a person, a concept, or even a mundane object like boxes. Add your proficiency bonus to any Intelligence (History) and Intelligence (Arcana) checks related to your obsession. When fulfilling your obsession, you have advantage on related attack rolls and saving throws. If you do not have a clear obsession, you will wander or lash out at others until you find one. Without an obsession, you will have disadvantage on either Wisdom (Insight) checks or Charisma (Persuasion) checks. 
Core Type
At 1st level, select a core type. You can have an ice core, a fire core, or a manufactured core. 
You have an innate ability to cast spells, channeling magic through your ghost half. Most of your magic seems to extend from or be a part of your body. 
Cantrips (0-Level Spells)
At 2nd level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the obsessed spell list (to be determined). At higher levels, you learn additional obsessed cantrips of your choice, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the obsessed table.
When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the obsessed cantrips you know with another cantrip from the obsessed spell list.
Preparing and Casting Spells
The obsessed table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your obsessed spells. To cast one of your obsessed spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
You prepare the list of artificer spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the obsessed spell list. When you do so, choose a number of obsessed spells equal to your Constitution modifier + half your obsessed level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
For example, if you are a 5th-level obsessed, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an Constitution of 14, your list of prepared spells can include four spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell Magic Missile, you can cast it using a lst-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared spells.
You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of obsessed spells requires time spent practicing your abilities: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.
Spellcasting Ability
Constitution is your spellcasting ability for your obsessed spells; your unique physiology grants you the ability to manipulate your own ectoplasm into magic. You use your Constitution whenever an obsessed spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Constitution modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an obsessed spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
Ritual Casting
You can cast an obsessed spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.
Undead Endurance
At 2nd level, you have False Life always prepared, and it does not count toward your prepared spells. 
Fighting Style
Starting at 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
Intrinsic Warrior. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. They count as obsessed spells for you, and Constitution is your spellcasting ability for them. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of these cantrips with another cantrip from the sorcerer spell list. 
Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
Fighting Dirty. You’re scrappy and aren’t afraid to do whatever it takes. You can attack your opponents weak spots, such as strikes below the belt or to specific nerves, a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. When you use this ability, you add 1d8 of bludgeoning damage in addition to whatever damage you dealt, which is magical when in your ghost form. 
Frequent Flyer. You spend more time in the air than on the ground. When flying, attackers have disadvantageous on opportunity attacks against you when you move out of their melee range. When in human form, your flying speed is equal to your walking speed, instead of half of your flying speed. 
Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
Obsessive Protector. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. If you are holding a shield, or have casted the Shield spell, then you can reduce the damage dealt to the target by half or 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). 
Tunnel Fighter (UA). As a bonus action, you can enter a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in your defensive stance, you can make opportunity attacks without using your reaction, and you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while within your reach.
Unlikely Hero. You learned how to fight as you were fighting someone. You have proficiency in improvised weapons and your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. When in ghost form, your unarmed strikes deal magical bludgeoning damage. 
Ghost Sense
At 3rd level, you can sense other undead within a sixty feet radius of you without using a spell slot. This feature is triggered automatically. In other words, your DM must inform you if there are other undead within sixty feet of you without you prompting them to do so. If you choose, you can expand the range of this feature to a 120 feet radius a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. 
Martial Versatility (Optional)
Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace a fighting style you know with another fighting style available to the obsessed. This replacement represents a shift of focus in your martial practice.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Fast Flyer
Your flying speed increases to 50 feet at 6th level and 60 feet at 11th level. 
At 7th level, you can overshadow, or possess, living creatures. You can use your action to touch a living creature and use your intangibility to take over their body and pilot it as your own. You cannot overshadow other undead or a corpse. If you overshadow a willing creature, then you can overshadow them as long as they are willing. 
If you overshadow an unwilling creature, the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw to resist being overshadowed using your spell save DC. The creature can reroll this Wisdom saving throw dependent on your level. At 7th level, they can reroll every round, every two rounds at 10th level, every minute at 13th level, every hour at 16th, and every dawn at 19th. The creature can also reroll the Wisdom saving throw if you are attempting to cause the creature to harm itself. If the creature passes the Wisdom saving throw, then you are thrown out of their body and are knocked prone. The same happens if the creature you are overshadowing is reduced to zero hit points, if two ghosts try to overshadow one creature, or if you try to overshadow a corpse or undead. 
While overshadowing a creature, you use the creature’s ability scores. You cannot cast spells, but can use ghostly abilities, such as flight, invisibility, and intangibility. If you are attacked by non magical damage, the creature’s hit points are reduced, but not your own. If you are attacked with magical damage or if an attacker hits you with something that targets undead while you are overshadowing, you are affected by the attack and take the same amount of damage as the creature you are overshadowing. 
After releasing a creature from overshadowing, the creature has foggy memories or has completely forgotten what happened. You will take a point of exhaustion for every day you continue to overshadow the creature. The creature will also take a point of exhaustion for every day you do not allow them to sleep or trance, if that is something they require. 
You can split yourself into multiple duplicates of yourself. You can make one duplicate at 9th level, 2 duplicates at 12th level, 3 duplicates at 15th level, and 4 duplicates at 18th level. Hit points and hit point maximums are halved, divided by three, or quartered for yourself and your duplicate(s), depending on how many you make. Subtract 1 from every ability score for yourself and your duplicate for every duplicate you make. For example, if you create three duplicates, all of your and your duplicates’ ability scores would decrease by three, bringing your Constitution down from 18 to 15 and your Intelligence down from 10 to 7, and so on. This would apply to all skill checks, spell saves, spell attack modifiers, attack rolls, tool use, etc. Otherwise, you can choose to use your unaltered character sheet, but subtract from every roll dependent on or affected by ability scores equal to the number of duplicates made. 
You and your duplicates each have an action, bonus action, reaction, and movement. You can act together, but are not required to. Your spell slots are split amongst all duplicates, including ghostly abilities. You must roll for each duplicate separately. Any equipment or physical objects you have stay with the original and you cannot duplicate anything except for yourself. 
When a duplicate has 0 hit points, it disappears and you absorb its ectoplasm, bringing the original’s abilities up by 1 each or reducing the number you subtract from the original’s rolls by 1. The remaining duplicates would remain unaffected. When you absorb a fallen duplicate, you absorb their hit point maximum and you regain hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. For example, if you made four duplicates and one had 0 hit points, the hit point maximum of the original would increase by the hit point maximum of the fallen duplicate (say 50 hit points, bringing the original up to a hit point maximum of 100) and the original would increase their current hit points by your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier (6 + Constitution). 
The Restful Dead
When healing during a short or long rest, you can add twice your Constitution modifier to your hit point dice at 10th level. 
At 14th level, when you cast Shield, you can either extend your shield to cover you and another creature within 5 feet of you, or increase your AC by 7 instead of 5. You can use this ability any time you cast Shield, but only once per long rest.
Ghostly Wail
At 18th level, you unlock a terrifying power. Once per long rest, you can scream with untold strength. You automatically deal critical damage to structures and objects. Your wail is a 120 feet cone of 12d12 thunder damage and costs an action. Any creatures within this cone are deafened and must make a Constitution saving throw to take half damage. Afterward, you revert to human form (if applicable), you are knocked prone until your next turn, suffer 2 points of exhaustion, and cannot take reactions until after your next turn. At 20th level, you suffer 1 point of exhaustion but nothing else. 
Phantasmal Touch
At level 20, you find a way to share your ghostly abilities onto other living creatures safely. You are able to extend your ghost abilities of intangibility and invisibility onto one other creature Large or smaller via touch. This ability can be used as often as you use your intangibility and invisibility, totalling up to twice your proficiency bonus per long rest. 
You can use this ability on the same action or bonus action you spend to use a ghostly ability. To affect two creatures at once, you can use a second action for invisibility, or a separate action for intangibility. To affect a creature that is Huge, make a spell attack DC15. For a Gargantuan creature, make a spell attack DC18. Note that all creatures you affect with this ability now are considered both undead and humanoid (or whatever creature they may be). 
Core Types (subclasses)
Ice Core
Chilly Exterior
Starting at 1st level, your core takes on a natural ability to manipulate and endure extremely low temperatures. You are resistant to cold damage and can manipulate ice in the following ways:
Minor ice sculpting. You can create small ice sculptures or objects at will, no longer than two feet and no heavier than 40 pounds. 
Temperature control. You can manipulate the temperature around you, but only to make it colder. You can make up to 10 feet around you cold enough to freeze water, or 30 feet around you cold enough to keep food from spoiling. 
Ice maker. When you touch water, you can instantly freeze it, up to 10 gallons per second. 
Bitter cold. You can make a creature cold enough to have frostbite up to 20 feet away as an action. You deal 1d6 + 4 cold damage. 
Frozen Knowledge
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared. Each spell corresponds to your obsessed level in the table below. 
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[ID: A table showing the spells in the Frozen Knowledge feature, which include Frost Fingers at 3rd level, Rime's Binding Ice at 5th level, Sleet Storm at 9th level, Fire Shield at 13th level, and Cone of Cold at 17th level.]
Cold-Hearted Catcher
Starting at 6th level, you are proficient in using FentonWorks Thermoses, meaning you can add your proficiency bonus to tool use skill checks. 
Ectoplasmic Pulse (Ice)
At 11th level, you can use your action to send out a pulse of ecto-energy. Every creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or be restrained by magical ice. On a failed save, they take 2d10 ice damage or half damage on a successful save. You can use this feature once per short rest. 
Cold Snap
At 15th level, you can use your reaction to create an ice structure to help an ally. If an ally is within 15 feet from you and you can see them, you can impose disadvantage on attack rolls made against one ally until the start of your next turn. You can use this feature once per short rest. 
Shattered Hail
At 19th level, your duplicates can use your Ectoplasmic Pulse, once per duplicate, once per short rest. You must roll separately for each duplicate.
Fire Core
At first level, your core develops the natural ability to manipulate and endure high temperatures. You are resistant to fire damage and can manipulate fire in the following ways: 
Fire starter: You produce small fires from your hands that can be used to light candles, spark bonfires, or controlled brush fires. Your fire can be no larger than your hand.
Turn up the heat. You can manipulate the temperature around you, but only to make it hotter. You can make the air or objects around you hot enough to boil water up to 10 feet, or hot enough to cook meat up to 30 feet away. 
Tea maker. You can instantly boil water you come into contact with up to 10 gallons per second. 
Tiny forge. You can heat metal to the point of being pliable enough to shape into something else. This requires you touch the metal for a full minute and the area you affect is only as big as your hands. 
Intuitive Inferno
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared. Each spell corresponds to your obsessed level in the table below. 
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[ID: A table showing the spells in the Intuitive Inferno feature, which includes Burning Hands at 3rd level, Heat Metal at 5th level, Fireball at 9th level, Fire Shield at 13th level, and Flame Strike at 17th level.]
Hot-Shot Trapper
Starting at 6th level, you have advantage on Intelligence skill checks to capture ghosts using Dalv Co. technology. 
Ectoplasmic Pulse (Fire)
At 11th level, you can use your action to send out a pulse of ecto-energy. Every creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or become blinded. On a failed save, they take 2d10 fire damage or half damage on a successful save. You can use this feature once per short rest. 
Hot Flash
At 15th level, you can warm up your allies within 30 feet of you. If you see your allies taking cold damage, you can use your reaction to create enough heat to reduce the cold damage by half. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn. You can use this feature once per short rest. 
Heat Wave
At 19th level, your duplicates can use your Hot Flash ability once per duplicate, once per short rest.
Manufactured Core
A New Unlife
At 1st level, your core only just developed into something real and unliving. You entered this world as someone else’s creation and you’re going to make it everyone else’s problem. You are resistant to force damage and can manipulate your core to do the following: 
Test tube baby. You can manipulate your body into the consistency of ectoplasm, a thick slime like substance. You can fit into any container with at least 4 gallons capacity. 
States of Matter. Solidity is a suggestion to you, something you wear when convenient. You can squeeze through any space larger than straw so long as you can get to the other side. You can use this feature as an action and a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier per long rest. 
Standardized Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared. Each spell corresponds to your obsessed level in the table below. 
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[ID: A table showing the spells in the Standardized Magic Feature, which includes Zephyr Strike at 3rd level, Gentle Repose at 5th level, Pulse Wave at 9th level, Gravity Sinkhole at 13th level, and Steel Wind Strike at 17th level.]
Synthetic Snare
At 6th level, you are proficient in creating traps to capture ghosts. Add your proficiency bonus to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Charisma (Deception) checks related to trapping ghosts. 
Ectoplasmic Pulse (Force)
At 11th level, you can use your action to send out a pulse of ecto-energy. Every creature within 10 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or be knocked prone, and 5 feet away from you if they are size Large or smaller. On a failed save, they take 2d10 force damage or half damage on a successful save. If they fail and are pushed out of your melee range, you may use your reaction to take an opportunity attack against one opponent. You can use this feature once per short rest. 
Undead Tracker
Starting at 15th level, your Ghost Sense extends to a 120 feet radius centered on you. You can expend this range to a 300 feet radius a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
Copy and Paste
At 19th level, you can mimic one ability from the Fire or Ice Core types of your choosing, with the exception of their always prepared spells (Frozen Knowledge and Intuitive Inferno). 
The Obsessed spell list will be on its way when I have time and hopefully one day I will have enough motivation to make builds for the ghosts and for Sam and Tucker. Someone please roll a luck check for me.
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tanglepelt · 2 years ago
The acts Unmasked
AO3 prev Master next
Danny panics in the alley.
Danny was just lost. Just waiting for some ball to drop.
Why would they help?
The girl, the black bat, gave him chalk and they didn’t bat an eye at frostbite. They just didn’t make sense. No one had ever listened before. He had fully expected them to go back to doing whatever sketchy stuff they were up to on that rooftop. He hoped.
He had also hoped his parents wouldn’t touch Ellie.
That didn’t pan out.
Yet this group actually did.
It was obvious these three were in some type of group. Working together with no need of talking. Non-verbal responses, and nodding of heads are obviously trained. Nodding to one another. It would be three against one. Well, one and dead body weight. Who knew when Ellie would wake up?
The alley had to be beyond cold. Even he could feel it now. His core was free for most to feel. Ellie needed more ectoplasm frostbite and said she just needed to rest and balance out. He couldn’t stand the waiting.
It wasn’t safe. It was always a matter of time until someone found and attacked them. His ectoplasm was already leaking into the air. Mixing with the dead vibe of Gotham. 
Batman was slow to approach them. Cautious likely. Danny did go making a few big threats here and there. You know.
Suggesting the end of the world and all.
Danny didn’t really want to hear the man out he just wanted his sisters. Both of them, Ellie was still asleep, and who knows how long it will be and Jazz was off somewhere in Gotham. No matter how much he pushed his ectoplasm into her it felt like nothing was happening. It just wasn’t replenishing as quickly as it had been taken.
Blood blossoms are deadly to ghosts. It makes sense it would take a while to recover.
When the man finally made it in front of him, he discussed moving out of the alley. Getting somewhere safer.
Batman offered two options.
When a spaceship thing in space was mentioned, man Danny really tried not to be in awe. No matter how cool that was, he thinks an ambassador wouldn’t get starry eyes over something like that. Out of everything he went with, why an ambassador?
What did they even do?
Batman did make plenty of points on why staying on Earth could be bad. With the passing of the acts, the United States wasn’t safe. No duh, they literally bought his little sister. Plus, there was the whole extraction thing Jazz had mentioned at one point. Ellie was probably... maybe… at least equivalent to a fugitive.
Total not his little obsession with space acting. It's not his fault ghost cores required them, once he fully recovered from the operation he’d have more control. It’s just like how little kids have issues regulating their emotions. His love of space just happened to be his problem. Danny wasn’t a kid he just really had to focus on not being distracted by it. He was a master at focusing.
So, it was just the logical decision to agree to go to space.
They just needed to find Jazz for him first. She was no doubt worried, and she’d help keep Ellie safe while recuperating.
And…. Well... hopefully Jazz could help him tell Ellie what was going on.
How does one say oh… yea… by the way you’re a princess. The core transplant kind of made you a member of the royal family. We just didn’t bother to tell you that part.  And you may have been outed just a tad bit even before you were aware. Oh… and by the way. Don’t out me as royalty as I did to you. That just wasn’t going to go well.
Jazz had warned him to let her know. Not to just spring it on her as the council did to him. She at least wouldn’t have Fright Knight showing up in the middle of movie night announcing himself as bodyguard to the king.
The trio had thought Pariah was back and coming to take them on. 
It was such a great way for the council to inform him of his position. 0 out of 10 would not recommend it.
Fright Knight just kept following him around. If he was human frighty, was invisible and hovering. The dude did not appreciate Dash at all. Frighty wanted to send him off to his nightmares. Proclaiming how he was bound to serve and protect the royal family. Which he didn’t get the whole bound to the royal family nonsense. The man just had no chill in his humble opinion. Danny just wanted peace and quiet, not the fright knight announcing him to all his rouges.
The faces he got were almost worth the annoyance. The look on the box ghosts face had been his favorite. 
Frighty had stayed way too long.
It took weeks to convince him he was fine.
Only for Vlad to ruin his peace after Ellie first came into existence. Fright Knight had made a second appearance after finding out he had been cloned.
Danny blamed all of it on the fruitloop for destabilizing the king's core and forcing Danny into this position. The old king never would of been freed, and Danny never would have absorbed Pariahs core. He could in fact wait to be king. Vlad just had to try to gain power from the ring and crown.
The Fright knight had been ready to throw hands at the fruit loop. At first, following the madman around after the events of Pariah's core fizzling out. Returning to announce himself as Dannys supposed body guard crown and ring in hand. Only to then offer Danny the chance of disposing of him, after the reveal of the whole bodyguard thing. At first, he was very confused by the question.
Like why had frighty offered?
Danny had no intentions of sending Vlad to the nightmare realm for all eternity.
The fruit loop just needed to calm down.
Just like Danny needed to calm down.
How long does it take to find a person? Why haven’t they brought Jazz to him yet? He gave them her university and the location of the apartment, what more could they possibly need?
He just had to be patient. Once she got here, they’d all ditch this death-filled town. Not just out of the country. No someplace off the earth.
It was totally the safer option. Yea… jazz, she would definitely agree. mentioned extradition in previous contingency plans. So, like. Other countries are not that safe. They needed to be prepared for anything.
Honestly, there had been no good ideas.
But SPACE. That’s a new one. That’s an unknown. Never before had they considered that option. In theory, he didn’t need to breathe when ghost. At least he is assuming. They tested it underwater once. No issues there. The cold of space wouldn’t even bother him. His cores base was ice after all. The cold only bugs him when he bottled up his powers.
He should test his theory and just fly to space. Wait no. There was that spaceship thing.
This was apparently on a thing called the watch tower. But they couldn’t leave the alley with the agents yet. He had no guarantee that Jazz would be with them if not.
Ellie needed to wake up. Jazz needed to show up. He was getting antsy.
The agents still remained. Restrained as they were.
Batman claimed people were coming to collect them. To at the minimum move them. Jack and Maddie were already taken away. A person who had hardly given a second look at him and Ellie. They deserved the Harsh treatment the man in red gave them.
Words were spoken between the two. But man, he didn’t care what they had to say.
Batman had just grunted at him. Like he didn’t approve or something.
He didn’t even feel bad that whatever was coming for them would be far worse than the prison. Walker may be obsessed with his made-up rules but overall, the prison wasn’t that bad. Jailbreaks were easy enough from there.
Now Fright Knight on the other hand has an entire nightmare realm who knew what else they had in the realm? It would be handled by someone else. Frostbite had always assured him that they would get what was coming for them. Honestly looking back that was more said to himself than to Danny. Frostbite had been waiting for this moment.
The dungeon at Fenton Works had nothing on the one in the king's keep. That’s an entire area he avoided when there. Gave off tyrant vibes. Slowly it was morphing into his personal preferences, meaning fewer torture devices. Hopefully, that lower level entirely disappeared.
He did not need to think about the keeps torture chamber. Nope. He needed to focus on the alley. Where even less agents remained. He needed to focus.
There was no one else to rely on.
It was just him to protect Ellie. Can he actually trust this guy? The dud has kept away from him, which was nice. But adults don’t care. When Spectra gave the school the ghost flu, the adults just accepted the answer with no care. Jack and Maddie caused property damage left and right with no citations. The GIW just come into town, and they all just accepted it. The acts hadn’t passed but no one batted an eye.
Why was he just going along with this?
He needed to leave.
No, he needed to-to… Needed to breathe. He needed to stay calm. Ellie would wake up. Jazz would show up. It all would be fine.
Where were they?
Honestly. What was taking this long? He wanted Jazz.
Not to be in some alley with a man who wanted to be a bat.
Did one of the agents twitch? Yeah... definitely.
He wouldn’t let them get her again. Never to one of their labs. He has stopped them before. The ghost hadn’t even know what happened. That exams table was never used.
Three months of attempts at capturing another speciemen.
Three months of stopping them.
If they ever got one, they were free within an hour.
It had been so easy when it was just his donors. HE never thought the first four months would have been so nice. Only dealing with the ghosts and blundering oafs of his parents.
Nocturne had been such a snooze.
Undergrowth only needed to chill out.
He had even kept Vortex from leaving Amity.
He’d rather take on the three ancients than see one of those rooms again. The GIW twisted it all. Weapons designed to sting and hurt. To linger and fester.  The pure white of the room.
Barely avoided that disaster.
How many times had this universe just had to make a name for itself? Why study ghost here? WHy force a hole through reality? just why get noticed by the realm?
Why couldn’t he just focus on what was happening in the alley?
Danny still hasn’t told the council about the missile. How could he? It would have destroyed the realm and every other dimension. It would have ended everything in just a blink of an eye.
Wouldn’t that make this place an even bigger threat? Would the stopping of the GIW even save the planet? Would this even work? Where was jazz? They were twitching. He couldn’t help but despite how close she already was but pull her in closer. The air dropping in temperature even more. She needed to wake up. Why did his donors have to be like this? If they had listened even once. This wouldn’t have happened. Jazz and he went off on them over and over. But of course, no they didn’t listen. Facts vs science, with the “science” oh so falsified and based on personal beliefs, and don’t get him started on The GIW just shoot first and wouldn’t listen, shot after shot. No one ever helped no one ever liste-
He’s human right now, that’s right. The air was important for his human half.
Did Batman just have to remind him to breathe? The dude really just reminded him of a vital bodily necessity and then backed off. Which he means. Well, it’s actually nice. Not to be hovered over.
Did someone just groan?
Ellie, she just groaned.
She was still half asleep, but awake. He couldn’t stay in the alley. It had been too long. Too much time had passed, and his ecto signature ran rampant in the town. Just because the agents o and k’s groups were down. They had plenty of others. It would only be a matter of time until they were found out again. The air was thick with his own ectoplasm the GIW had multiple ways of tracking it. Amity just had too much residual to get anywhere specific unless you used the boo-meranang. That was a direct tracking device.
That device at the least had been in the lab. It should have gone out with a bang.
Who knows what else his parents had sold to the government? Anyone willing to sell a child of any dimension had no morals.
Danny managed to ask the bat about Jazz. According to the bat, Jazz wasn’t in her dorm or the apartment.
She was probably out looking for him. She’ll summon frostbite eventually, At the 24-hour mark, as per the agreement with the realm. A whole shebang he argued against for hours which he lost. The realm insisted on knowing where he was and how he was. They needed check-ins, updates, and everything under the sun. 
Which come on. If the realm can force a crown on him, he should be allowed to do as he pleases. He can't be that bad.
So, what if he did the same with Ellie? She is only 12 and has a non-existing and unstable core.  He didn’t care that Jazz agreed with the council Danny was nearly 16 it was not necessary. This wasn’t about him tho.
He just had to focus on Ellie.
Get away from the alley.
Get away from amity.
Get as far away from his donors as far as possible.
Dragging a half-asleep sister into space was the best solution. The bonus of space. No risk of extraction as there was in a separate country.
Seeing as there were no more blood blossoms, no chains, and not even any attempts to secure him and Ellie. If this was a trick….. well it would be a good one. He was still confused about who exactly the league was, only having one group's perspective was not ideal.
He blames Jack and Maddie. The two didn’t believe the news, it was all fake. No newspapers, nothing. If only Sam or Tucker was here maybe, maybe they would know who they were. The Batman was just watching him, waiting for him to give his okay. It was just odd. No, forcing him the guy wasn’t even forcibly starting a conversation. Just the one time when he was panicky and even then, it was just one word and then answered his question about Jazz. Just patiently watching.
It was now or never. Danny, holding the bulk of Ellie’s weight as she moved had at least nodded in response to leaving the alleyway.
Out of all the ways they could end up in space, he wasn’t expecting some form of teleportation. That was the one skill he had yet to see in the realm. The question he’s sure Tucker would be asking is if it’s science or magic. He really needed to get ahold of Sam and Tucker.
More things just kept popping up.
But He could see the stars.
So much better in space than any observatory he had been to. Amity didn’t have the best one around. All the lights from the lab, the constant green glow from the town border. He swears sometimes he can even see a dim green glow in the sky. The green light pollution really lost sight of the stars.
How could anyone focus with a view like this?
It was so amazing. So vast. Stars aplenty.
“Danny focus” Did Ellie really have to smack him on the back of the head? “You can fangirl over space later.”
He wasn’t that bad… it was just space. The stars were just so bright. His donors took away the possibility of becoming an astronaut. He could always fly up, but that wasn’t the same. Right focus.
Rapid blinking and shaking of his head… right. Not going to look at the windows or everything around them. Definitely not going to look twice at what appeared to be an obvious alien. No ecto signature so he couldn’t blame the green skin on that. Didn’t feel human either. They were in space. Anything was possible.
Shoot... yea focus.
Oh man, he really most overused his powers. His head was absolutely pounding.
No, not focusing on the random headache. Focus on Ellie and the weird ship in space. They were in an unknown situation. Ellie still wouldn’t be able to transform, so the air was a must. No noping off into space for them.
His momentary lapse of focus had unfortunately definitely been noticed. He was definitely selling his position of power. Well, the observants called him unfocused and immature, so yea this track.
Batman and the green man were looking at him. Ellie was just giving him her version of Jazz's disappointed look. It was adorable. He couldn’t help but notice the man in a trench coat, who felt all sorts of messed up. Human but something more was up, he felt split up? Yea, split up that felt right.
That man was just staring Ellie down. His face went from confused to a very concerned one. That look when you know you messed up. Could he tell she wasn’t fully human?
No… man why can’t he focus.
Right, Batman had a room for him and his sisters to wait?? Rest... honestly not too sure. He didn’t really ask too many questions, just knew that Ellie needed to get off earth not in the realm and they promised to bring Jazz.
Concerns for a future date. Preferably when he could freak out with Jazz and after the whole princess reveal.
He just had to follow them. Ellie was more aware at least. Her sass was back so that was good. He just needed to follow them. Not look at the stars in the windows. Why were there so many windows in space?
Now Ellie was elbowing him. He lost focus yet again. Why did she elbow him? Oh…. they were at a door. 
@serasvictoria02 @ivymala07 @perfectwastelandcreation @imgonnaeatthatglitter
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