#Danny sexbang fanfiction
littlemousywitch · 1 year
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Bedtime stories with The Grumps. 
As well as singing, Dan has a lovely speaking voice too, I wonder if he’s ever considered recording an audiobook.
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egobanghaven · 8 months
Grumpy Introduction ✧˚ · .
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ hiyyaaa! with a new blog comes another introduction. i'll keep it simple so we don't get bored! i'm athena. i'm twenty and definitely not in college. i spend my time playing games, writing, making art, and just generally trying to survive each day. i have a main blog where i post and like just about everything but here, i'm focusing on my love for Game Grumps! here, you'll find... 𓆩♡𓆪 fanfiction, art, and plenty of reposts 𓆩♡𓆪 disclaimer! this is purely for entertainment. i don't write or make art to make anyone uncomfortable, im just neurodivergent and incredibly obsessed. my inbox is open, so feel free to suggest headcannons, oneshots, art/story ideas, art/story commissions, questions, etc!
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justwritingscibbles · 6 years
Lost and Squashed
I had a random flash of inspiration to write for Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian. But before you read it, I recommend watching/listening to this video since the inspiration was birthed from it.
Warnings: Blood, flirtatious stuff, weapons, a little gore
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5am.... why in the world was someone beating at your door at 5am? 
Why did you have near hundreds of messages and missed calls from Danny since 3am??? 
You groaned as the knocking turned to a real thumping. Your phone lighting up as an ID photo of Danny Sexbang, in a very erotic pose, thankfully in his spandex suit, filled the screen.  You didn’t bother answering the call. Instead dragged yourself out of the cozy blankets and towards the door.  Throwing it open and hissing viciously,
“It’s. 5. In. The. Morning!” 
Danny, not at all fazed by your anger, shoved his phone into his leather jacket and grabbed your shoulders. His eyes blown wide with near hysteria. 
“(Y/N)! You have to help me find Ninja Brian! It’s been two days and I haven’t seen him since the date and I think he could be in trouble or worse is actually falling for this chick and I don’t-” 
Danny was speaking far too fast for you to make any sense out of it. The vomit of words all coming out on one exhale of breath and you were sure he’d pass out if you didn’t cut in. “Whoa, whoa, rein in the horses for a second, Danny. What the fuck are you on about?” 
Danny took a deep breath and released your shoulders. Seeming to be a little calmer.  “Ninja Brian has gone missing. And I mean really missing. He hasn’t answered any of my snapchats or liked any of social website posts. He has just disappeared.” 
You raised an eyebrow and made a confused face. “He’s a ninja. That’s what he does.” 
“No! But this time, it’s different. I can just feel it. Look, I am begging you to come look for him with me. I’ll buy you breakfast! Have sex with you-” 
“No sex.” 
“Fine! I’ll shout breakfast and coffee. Just come on.” He grabbed your elbow and dragged you out of your apartment. Near running to the elevator and pressing the button multiple times in his attempt to make the machine go faster.  You pouted, covering yourself as best you could as Danny sprinted into the lobby and out of the apartment complex. 
“You couldn’t have let me get change?” You hissed as you hurried to keep up with him. 
“No time! Ninja Brian could be in danger!” Danny huffed. Opening the door to his... you guessed stolen car, since you remembered Danny didn’t have a license nor the money to own a car. 
“NB is not in danger. The man is danger! He’s basically all chaotic energy forced into a meat suit. No one would mess with him.” You slipped into the front seat and Danny clambered into the drivers seat. “You just want to see as much skin on me as possible!” 
Danny wasn’t quick enough to rein in his smirk. But he hid the smile behind a cough, which distantly sounded like, “Maybe”, as the vehicle shot into the air in a sheer vertical climb and soared over the city at frightening speed.  You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. Ignoring the side glances Danny was giving you as you gazed down at the city.  “Ok, so where are we going to start? Why do you think NB is in danger?” 
“The last girl I went on a date with was NUTS! And those two hit it off like fireworks near the end of the date.” Danny replied. Narrowly missing a skyscraper as he jerked the wheel to the left. “I am never trusting your dating advice again.” 
“W-What?! My dating advice? Who the hell did I tell you to go on a date with?” 
“Shannon from your work. I thought she was real cute! And she was nice and, admittedly a little shy, but damn, after that first murder she turned into a real pyscho-” 
“Murder?!” You screeched. 
“Yes, (y/n), murder. Don’t change the subject! This is your fault!” Danny pointed a finger at you. Angrily mumbling how you were a terrible wing-person and was going to refuse every attempt at date giving from now on.... unless they were blonde. 
“No. No! Shannon is nice! She has dated like... three guys in her life-time... and you murdered someone on your first date?! I told you to stay away from Shannon!” 
“Well fuck, (y/n)! You know I can’t say no to a red head. She was so cute!” Danny looked ridiculously sad and you threw up your hands in anger as he turned his puppy eyes to you. 
“I cannot believe you. So what? NB and Shannon hit it off? Like Shannon could do anything to NB.” 
“Look, I do not trust her. Not after the 180 degree asylum turn she did that night. I just want to make sure Ninja Brian is ok and that he hasn’t been drugged up and used on the black market.” Danny said. Glancing at you when you didn’t answer right away. Glaring when he noticed the knowing smile on your lips. 
“Your bro-mance is adorabl-” 
“Shut up!” 
Danny drove until you reached Shannon’s apartment.  Or at least that’s what Danny told you. You only knew Shannon professionally through work. You never actually were friends, per say, but you knew her enough to try and save her from Danny’s predatory advances. 
“Ok, so I dropped her off here and then she rejected my second date proposal-” 
“Shocking.” You cut in. 
“And then I saw Ninja Brian in her window! That was the last time I saw those two. I kinda guessed Ninja Brian would come home when he’s ready.” Danny looked at his phone. Worry creasing his forehead when he had no new messages. 
“NB isn’t a cat, Danny. He’s a grown, very violent, man. He probably saw something red and went on a murder spree.” 
Danny hummed in agreement, but still didn’t like the fact he had heard nothing from his friend in two days. And worse, Shannon had blocked him on all social media sites. Even changed her number!!  “Alright. Lets go up and knock on her door, maybe they’re-” 
“Having weird, ninja, psycho sex. No thanks. My eyes are still damaged from seeing you with that Mime. I’m gonna ask down the street. Maybe the locals have seen them.” You left before Danny tried to persuade you into accompanying.  You’ve played side-kick with him before, and though it is fun, you didn’t have the patience for him right now. This early in the morning. NB was a better player for that. And so early in the morning, you didn’t expect Ninja Brian to be in bed just yet. 
You wandered towards a small bakery. A few streets over from the apartment complex. From the store owners you met along the way, you had a valid guess to where Ninja Brian might be. Or at least, where he had been.  The people had been terrified through the night. Telling you stories of blood-curdling screams. Explosions. And even the sirens of Police-Bots rushing towards a burning building. Only to end in more explosions. 
It definitely sounded like NB’s work. 
However, you stopped before you got too close. The windows were smashed and the brick walls looked scorched. The roof was caved in, still wet from the water you guessed a fire fighter used to put it out. Bits of metal were strewn around the place. A robot’s head lay cut in half on the bakery floor, it’s body falling from the rafters of the crumbling building. You gulped nervously. Not wanting to get closer, but the more you observed, the worse the picture.  Blood splatters, a severed hand on the tile floor, a few shuriken embedded into the wall.  You knew you were on the right track.  But before you could turn to go get Danny, a voice jerked your attention to the alley next to the bakery. The one you currently stood next too. 
“Hey! (Y/N)! Like my work? I tried to cook some bread but the ovens got too hot. Burnt the place down. Neat right!” 
“S-Shannon?” You asked. Your jaw dropping at the sight of the girl you knew, the same one that use to wear long skirts and sleeves. With minimum make-up and usually seen with a shy smile.  But now, she looked bad-ass. A collar rimmed her neck, the black leather jacket barely covering her very thin material shirt. Skin tight jeans and heeled boots, she was intimating before you noticed she carried a machete type blade. That just terrified. You scrambled for words, unable to believe this was your shy co-worker staring you down.  “D-Damn, girl. You look...different.” 
“Different? Different how?” The tone in her voice told you that their was no good answer here. And you raised your hands, in a type of surrender motion. 
“I didn’t mean it badly, Shannon. I swear. I’m just not use to you wearing... black.” 
Your face drained of blood when Shannon’s eyes creased in a cold glare. Her fingers tightening on the weapon’s handle as she raised it.  “You know what, (y/n), I was almost gonna spare you. But now you’re gonna be my last kill before breakfast.”  She rushed at you. The blade gleaming as she swung it down, aiming for your stomach.  But a cloud of smoke exploded between you, obscuring you from Shannon’s path. And you heard her grunt, and yell an upset shout. “Hey! Ninja Baby what are you doing? She’s mine.” 
You stepped back when the smoke cleared. Allowing you to see the very ninja you had been searching for standing in front of you. His hands had caught the machete between his palms, stopping it an inch in front of his chest.  His ever fury imbued gaze burning down on Shannon. But she didn’t even flinch at his gaze, she only frowned and lowered the weapon.  “Oh, you know her too?” Shannon said. Stepping back, to which Brian allowed the blade to drop from his hands. “Huh, sorry, (y/n), I got excited.” 
“Yeah.... no kidding.” You mumbled.  Brian turned to look at you. The fury still there, but a quizzical arch to his bushy eyebrows. His eyes going over your attire. “Danny basically beat down my door to drag me out to come look for you. He’s worried~” You added a teasing lint to your words.  Brian rolled his eyes and turned back to Shannon. Who had wandered off and was now beating a trash-can with a metal pipe she found. You continued to talk over the loud noise.  “Well, I’m not going to interrupt you two. So I’ll go tell Danny you’re ok, Brian. And hopefully get some sleep before work. See ya, Shannon! Uh... be safe.” 
Shannon smiled and waved goodbye. And you turned to leave, getting a few steps before Shannon called out.  “Hey! Baby, where are you going?” 
You looked back and found Brian had started to follow you. At Shannon’s call, he turned and pointed at you.  Confused, Shannon dropped the pipe and swaggered over. The machete being picked back up as she closed in.  “But... what about our ten murders before pancakes?” She asked.  Brain pointed to her, then to him and then made a slicing motion with his fists. Like he was breaking something.  Shannon gasped and eyes seemed to flood her eyes. Mascara running like streams down her cheeks. 
“W-Wait... you’re breaking up with me?” She asked, mid-sob. 
Brain nodded. And you were tempted to sprint for it. You did not want to be around a machete wielding woman after a break-up.  “Um... I’m gonna go...” 
“It’s your fault!” Shannon shrieked. You sighed and threw your hands up. 
“Why is everyone blaming me?!” You exclaimed. 
“Because if you didn’t tell Danny to ask me out I wouldn’t be in this situation!”
Shannon lunged forward and you narrowly escaped being stabbed by the massive blade. If not for Ninja Brian’s slap to Shannon’s wrist, that is. Causing her to drop the weapon. 
“I never told Danny to ask you out. I specifically told him to stay away from you!” You cried out as Shannon once again lunged at you. Her polished nails swiping at you viciously, and you made a run for the street. Wanting to escape the crazed woman as best you can.  Ninja Brian made an irritated expression with his eyebrows and hurried after the two of you. Getting to the where the alley opened up to the street before stopping, watching you bolt across the road, with Shannon hot on your heels. 
“I thought we were friends-” 
“Ninja Brian!” A loud sickening crunch cut off Shannon’s screams. An engine cut off as Danny leapt out of the parked vehicle and rushed to his friend. “Oh thank god! You’re alright. Dude! What the fuck? You didn’t like my tumblr post last night. I worked real hard on that, dude! Like two hours worth of jacking it-” 
“Oh my god! You killed her!” You screamed. Snapping both men to attention as you stared at the bloodied car.  Shannon’s arm was bent in all sorts of wrong ways. Red blood oozed out from under the car, chunky bits following the stream as it trickled towards the drain. 
“Oh... my bad.” Danny said. His mouth twisting in disgust. Ninja Brian stared down at the broken legs that were sticking out from under the metal object. Only to shrug and open out his hand, silently asking for the car keys. “Oh, hell no dude. Last time you drove, three skyscrapers and time square blew up. I am not making that mistake again.”
“G-Guys, can we please just acknowledge that you just killed Shannon!”
Danny frowned and shrugged. “I did. I said ‘my bad’. She was clingy. I mean, Ninja Brian was just saying how he has been trying to ditch her all night. Come on, (y/n), listen for once.” 
You stomped your foot in frustration and crossed your arms. Angrily refusing to get in the car with Danny and Brian. Even when Danny patted the seat next to him and cooed, like he was talking to a dog.  “Come on, (y/n). We’ll go get breakfast. Come on. Come on, gorgeous. You know you want breakfast.” 
You struggled to keep the grin from your face. But you broke when Ninja Brian in the back, lifted a sign with the picture of a stack of pancakes on it. A smiley face painted on it.  You sighed and stomped over to the car, having to do the splits to avoid the puddle of Shannon on the passenger side. 
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unleashthemidnight · 7 years
SPN goes NSP: Guess Who’s Back (Just In Time For The Christmas)
Christmas Calendar: Masterlist SPN goes NSP: GWB part 1, part 2, part 3 Chapter name: Let's get this terrible party started Pairing + others: Reader x Gabriel, Winchesters, Danny Sexbang Synopsis: You were doing preparations for the Christmas celebration with Sam and Dean in the bunker when the party invitation threw you in the loop. Word count: 1500+ Warnings: Crack, sexual references, language, song lyrics usage, The Frying Pan™ Notes: This is part of the Christmas Calendar and will be updated towards the Christmas. NSP is amazing band called NinjaSexParty, whose songs, covers and music videos I have used. Songs are listed at the end. Whooo boy, this is something else that I would normally write *cough* Hope you all enjoy this ride we are starting! This is also the shit that no one asked for. Reblogs and comments are loved Do not repost
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The white lilies and the golden white light; something so beautiful yet so painful. The memories of the two of you and the painful end danced around each other in your head. You missed Gabriel. You missed his tricks and often stupid but brilliant ideas that made you laugh, as much as you sometimes hated to admit it. You just wished that he would be there with you. You would see again how his eyes would fill with childish joy when he was up to something. You wanted to see them full of hope when you ended up talking about things you wanted to do, when you talked about future, no matter how much it sometimes scared both of you. And oh, how those eyes would darken with lust when… Sigh. It had been long road to get this far from your deepest end but you had Winchesters, your brothers, helping you from the beginning. They had given you the time to grief and made sure that your basic needs were met when you didn't leave from your room until needed to. Little later they had kept you busy with hunts, research and other little tasks so you would think something else for a change. You needed to get moving even if you didn't move on.
”We're gonna need more coffee,” Dean's voice snapped you back to the reality. You were cooking breakfast and the boys were doing inventory as the preparations for the holidays. That meant that Sam was doing inventory while Dean sat at the table sipping his coffee. Sam went through the shelves throwing away all the stuff that should have been thrown away ages ago judging by the smell, and you all listed things that you still needed for the holidays. ”We would be at the store much quicker if you wouldn't just sit there and were actually helping me with this,” Sam complained. ”But I'm too hungry,” Dean mockingly whined back. The truth still was that he really was hungry, it had been awhile since you all had a proper meal. ”The food will be ready as soon as I can fry these eggs, just help Sam. For me? Then we can go to the store and we can pick up all the things we need and if you are on Santa's good list, I will get the ingredients for the pies,” you chimed in while picking up the frying pan. ”You used plural...” Dean pointed out the obvious, doubting your words. ”Yes.” You saw how quickly he moved around the counter to help his little brother. That was easy, you thought smile on your face. ”Hey guys, there's a letter in here…?” Sam picked an envelope from one of the old boxes of cereal. The envelope was decorated with various arts-and-crafts' gems and with fancy letters in the middle of it read ”You're Invited, Dickbags!” ”Let me see that.” Dean took the envelope, ripped it open and started reading it without caring how it ended up in the cereal box or from whom it could be. You had bad feeling about this. ”Oh shit! Congrats, your ass just got invited to the party of your life! Once every hundred thousand years the most epic party in this universe is hold as it was foretold in the scrolls. 'What scrolls?' I hear you asking. Who cares! It's NinjaSexParty -party so you know it's the shit. So take that pudding, pour it on your chest and let your pants hit the floor because your life was totally bullshit until right now. I hope you like fun 'cause we're having it! IT'S GO TIME!” As Dean read the end of the letter with no sender, the world shifted around you making the bunker and the letter disappear. Your head couldn't take the shifting, it made you nauseous. You found yourself lying on the cold floor with distant smell of the fumes and oil. This definitely wasn't the start of the party that one would be excepting after that kind of letter. What even is NinjaSexParty? You coughed and took couple of deep breaths. The hit on the floor was hard but nothing in your body was broken. As you rolled over so you could sit, you noticed your frying pan from the bunker close to you. Weird. ”Oh c'mon! What the hell...” you heard Dean's confusion with slight desperation on the side. ”You alright?” Sam asked as he helped you up. ”Yeah, little bit dizzy but nothing that I can't manage,” you answered and looked around bit more. You were in pale, almost empty two car garage. With you there was four people sitting around cheap knock-off table. The people were dressed up like your typical Hollywood style nerds that were too focused on the game to notice you. ”Um… Hey guys. You playing Dungeons and Dragons or…?” Dean asked from the group catiously, prepared for possible fight. You all needed to find out what happened and how to get back home, now. But before any of the guys could even answer to you, the door to the house flung open making three of you jump. ”ALL RIGHT! This party is off to a bit of a slow start but soon it's gonna melt your brain and fishslap your heart. Check out this leaf-collecting album or two that I made back in autumn,” a tall, slim man with darker curly hair in red silky robe announced and throwed 5 different albums of leafs at Sam, who couldn't hold them all. ”And don't get me started on the balloons! Want 'em? I got 'em!” The man pointed at two different sizes balloons hanging sadly on the wall. Next he slapped Dean on the shoulder. ”Just wait when the music starts to drop, the vibe's gonna change. We've got the country-themed metal garage band,” he continued while walking past of Dean in the middle of the room doing a little spin, ”oh, and the hot girls are showing up, I'm so sorry you had to wait but now they're finally inflated. This shit right here would make the hobbit say 'to the hell with the Shire'! SO GET THIS FREAKING PARTY STARTED!” As he ended his speech, the music started to play and more people walked through the door in different costumes that you could get from thrift store. There was '70s disco, brightly colored suits and velor jumpsuits. Leopard minks, moccasins, gold chains, the list went on. Someone was wearing your grandpa's clothes. You were stunned, not only about you ending up in someone's garage but you could recognize those curry and coffee stains on your grandpa's clothes anywhere. What the hell was going on? ”Did he just...” Dean looked at you and Sam and saw the same look on your faces as he had on his. ”The girls are inflated. As...” you pointed questioning even though you could actully see them as they were, standing in the corner. Just waiting there. Patiently. ”It seems so,” Sam answered. One of the other quests asked one of the dolls to dance with them. It seemed that they said yes and now they both were slow dancing across the floor and past you. ”Alright then… We have to do something about all this, soon,” Dean sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose. You all decided that everyone would talk to different groups of people and see what information you could get. You didn't know what to except when you started to mingle with other quests but this wasn't it. You met a guy who played football and told you that he once won the whole super bowl by himself. Weightlifter said that they could bench an entire continental shelf. One told you they were a scientist who cured all diseases last week. There were also the dragon slayer who found the Dragon's cave at ninety million hundred fifty thousand hundred feet in the air and fought his army of awesome karate bears. That one guy was naked for no reason at all. You also met Manticore who shouldn't even been in this party. You didn't want to ask. ”Why hello there beautiful,” the man from earlier, the one with the silky robe who seemed to be the host, slided next to you, ”I'm Danny Sexbang and I'd like to ask you out on the hottest of dates. Let's ditch these losers and go somewhere else more... appropiate?” he suggested and gave you a rose. Why didn't you pick up the frying pan when you had the chance? ”Hold one hot minute there Casanova,” Dean interrupted, ”Y/N here isn't going anywhere with you and we have couple questions that need answers right now.” ”What's wrong guys? I thought this would be your kind of party! I made this just for you. Not enough of girls?” Danny pretended to be schoked. ”Who the hell are you and why are we here?” Dean demanded to know as Sam found his way to you. ”Oooh, I'm Danny Sexbang, the toughest fucking ninja that you've ever seen but that's all in the past. Let's talk about that other thing some other time,” Danny answered with finger guns and took couple steps backwards from you as other quests slowly formed a ominous circle around you. All of this seemed like a bad dream. Yeah, you must be dreaming. You would probably wake up soon enough. ”Okay, so, this party sucks. Let's explode this building!” You heard Danny yelling. ”WAIT WHAT - -” The world around you shifted again.
Fun fact: People in the party were totally dancing the dances you can see in I just wanna dance -video and the Dragon dance in Dragon Slayer -video.
Christmas Calendar tag: @sumara62, @authoressskr, @serendiptious-esparza, @be-fantastic, @pizzamanteachings Gabriel tag: @nobodys-baby-now @dlb1999
Hit me with ask or message if you would like to join either one of these lists!
NinjaSexParty's songs used in this fic:
Let's get this terrible party started! x
I just wanna dance x
Dragon Slayer x
Ninja Brian was so Ninja that you couldn't see him under the table..
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the-plaid-mercenary · 5 years
I just finished a wip that I started in 2017! If you’re into egobang, then I’d love to know what people think.
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emerald-eyes-8917 · 5 years
A fluffy Ninja Sex Party for all your romance needs.
Imagine being in love with the master of lovemaking himself, Danny Sexbang and experiencing the silent murderous presence of Ninja Brian.
Will he get that famous ‘heart boner’ for the girl?
Could you imagine it?
Lots of romantic tropes, with a first date, first time, first a lot of things. :D
I wanted to post this before the NSP concert tonight in Dublin, Ireland, the first show of the international tour, just because this band means so much and has given me so much inspiration creatively and also being just amazing dudes.
Enjoy!  And to all the fans in Europe who have been waiting for far longer than I have for a live show, have an absolutely fantastic time.
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Game Grumps fans! Please read this! Sonic’s Harem by Lil Soniq is finally Complete!
March 18, Lil Soniq has posted the last chapter of Sonic’s Harem and said goodbye to all his fans. As his biggest supporters, I think the grumps should pay their respects by reading the last chapter or at least acknowledging his hard work! So we should @ them to let them know!
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drabbles-and-shit · 6 years
The Worst EgoBang Fic You’ve Ever Read
Once upon a time, not too long ago, there lived a funny man and a thin Jew with a fro...
“Aack! Dan!!” Arin threw his pillow across the floor in a fit of something akin to rage and romped his way over to his partner and friend, Daniel Avidan.
“What is it, Arin? Did you have a flashback Battle Kid? Or the Companion Spring? Or Sonic Boom? Or--”
“Nononononono,” Arin hastily interrupted. “I just realized that since Suzy is out of town doing something with her sister, I don’t have anyone to kiss when the ball drops tonight!”
Every year since he was born at age six, Arin had kissed someone as the new year turned, but this year it seemed he’d just be alone. He felt the tears rushing to his eyes, knowing full well that even Suzy could kiss her sister, but he had no one. Oh god, he was so alone!
“Hey big cat, it’s okay. We’ll figure something out!” Dan smiled warmly and put an arm around Arin’s shoulder’s. “Let’s find you someone to kiss!”
They searched all around for someone to kiss, but Arin’s mouth was gross and so were his lips
“I don’t know, Dan…” Arin looked very discouraged as they walked to Ross’ office.
“Don’t worry about it, bud!” Dan returned with a grin. “Ross is a good guy, even if he is an evil fucking sadist. C’mon!” He knocked on the door and waited for a second before walking in.
Ross was sitting at his desk, drawing or something. He looked up when they walked in, and Arin could see from where they stood that he had a milk mustache from probably about a week ago.
“Uhhhh, Danny,” Arin whispered. “Ross is nasty; I don’t want to kiss him.”
Dan just rolled his eyes and started to talk. He told Ross Arin’s predicament and waited as the Australian considered the proposal.
At last, Ross looked to Arin and said, “Look mate, I’m sorry, but I have to kiss Holly as the ball drops! And then we’re going to fry some shrimps on the barbee. You’re welcome to watch, but I don’t think she likes threeway kissing very much, so…”
Even though Arin didn’t want to kiss Ross’ gross face, he still felt dejected. If the most disgusting person at the office wouldn’t kiss him, then who would?
Around the office, the two boys did go. For someone to kiss, they searched high and low. Barry and Kevin and Jon were all gone, and Ninja Brian thought the whole thing was a yawn. They even asked Ryan and Matt, two college dropouts, but they just said, “We’re not gay,” and continued making out.
“Holy shit Dan,” Arin sobbed. “I’ve been married for years, but apparently I’ll never find love!!”
Daniel felt awful seeing his friend like this. He didn’t know what to do, what Arin would be okay with, what he might do if Dan suggested what had been in his heart from the very beginning. But he had to risk it. For Arin.
Just as it seemed his wish would never come true, and Arin was sulking in a pile of goo, Dan said, “Wait man, this can’t be the end. I’ll kiss your stupid face, because I’m your best friend.”
Arin’s head shot up at the words, and hope filled his once-dead eyes. “Y-you really me it?” his words warbled out, tears and snot everywhere.
Dan grinned, “Of course I do, silly. I’d do anything for you!”
Finally, Arin smiled too. He tentatively reached a hand out towards Dan’s, and Dan took it without hesitation, his ridiculously huge thumb rubbing circles in Arin’s palm.
They stood like that for a second, staring deeply into each others’ eyes until the moment was broken by a stupid Australian voice yelling, “It’s time!! It’s almost midnight!”
Together, they rushed to the room where the TV was playing the Time’s Square footage, and with their hands still clasped, they awaited the fateful moment.
“Five, four,” everyone was shouting in unison, “three, two, one!!!”
Suddenly, the world went white for both Arin and Dan. To Arin, it was something completely new and unheard of. Certainly, he’d made his jokes about him and Dan, but it had never crossed his mind that something could ever actually happen between them. But to Dan, this was something he had been imagining since he first met Arin. Oh, how had imagined those soft, supple lips. This was it, the culmination of all his sexual hopes and dreams, and Danny knew that now, his life was complete. He didn’t need any more, but he couldn’t have lived with any less.
“Dan,” Arin whispered softly as they pulled away. “What...what does this mean?” He looked so anxious and so unsure, and Danny couldn’t help but pull him into his arms and hold him tight.
“It only means what you want it to mean, my love,” he replied.
Arin couldn’t move. He couldn’t think. What did he want? What truly? At last, he figured it out. He knew. “Dan, what I want…” he paused. After a moment of deep thought, he went on. “What I want… IS FOR EVERYONE TO BUY OUR NEW GAME GRUMPS T-SHIRT!!!”
And so, just like that, all the relationships could stay strong, and all the greater grew their loving bonds. Arin and Suzy lived happily ever more, and Dan probably fell in love with Manticore.
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nouveaulullaby · 6 years
Attention Game Grumps fans!
Hi! Hello! I’m trying to get back into writing and I think it’d be a lot of fun to practice with something centered around the Game Grumps. As lovelies, what are some of the things you enjoy reading about? (I am not good AT ALL with smut so please don’t say it lmao). Hit up my inbox or reblog here or whatever you want. Help me brainstorm please!
Also where do you read/li
Edit: I started it! It would really mean a lot to me if you check it out :)
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eversweet-imagines · 7 years
Literally haven't updated my master list in like a solid year so I figured I should just make a new one for y'all.
* = Smut
And The Winner Is…
Sending Out an SOS
Rough Day
* Control - Part one  Part two
Daydreamer - Part one  Part two
Knight in Shining Armor
Dream Girl
For the Love of Jif
Something Crazy - Part one
* Neighbors 
One Line Prompt #2
Game Grumps:
Dick Jokes of Love
Haunted Maze
Grump Play Date
Human - Part 2
One Line Prompt #1
Perfect For You
Fight The Urge
Spider-Man/ Tom Holland:
A Spider and a Spark - Part one  Part two  Part three  Part four  Part five
Saved Dance
Maze Runner:
Maze - Part one  Part two  Part three  Part four Part five  Part six  Part seven  Part eight  Part nine  Part ten
Bring It On Gally
Brotherly Love
Lost And Forgotten - Part one Part two Part three  Part four  Part five
Teen Wolf:
Fighting For Love - Part one  Part two
Danger is my Middle Name
Caspar Lee:  Its All About You
Joe Sugg: The Promise - Part one  Part two  Part three (final)
Dan Howell: Scared to Be Lonely
Peter Pan / Robbie Kay:
Jet Black Heart - Part one  Part two  Part three  Part four  Part five  Part Six  Part seven  Part eight  Part nine  Part ten
Head in the Clouds
My Person
I Am Damaged
Stage Left - Part one  Part two
The Accident
Musical Artists/ Random One Shots:
Shawn Mendes: My Person 
Lin Manuel-Miranda: Helpless
The Walking Dead: The Girl
Surprise Yourself
Paper Hearts
5 Seconds of Summer:
Ticklish (4/4)
Calum Hood:
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vala-tori · 7 years
in other news, i have posted a fanfiction on AO3 ^^’ i’m not sure how i feel about it being read but i guess if i’m brave enough to have people see my art then this shouldn’t be any different. it’s a Dan Avidan, game grumps fanfic.
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agentduckorico · 7 years
When nsp fics have a TWRP cameo: 👌👌👌
When that cameo basically amounts to "TWRP is there too" and doesn't even bother to like describe their individual actions or even name any of the boys: 👎👎👎
When that same fic has an egoraptor cameo and treats it much better: ❌❌❌
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I've noticed in geraskier fanfiction, Jaskier will sometimes start talking to Geralt like Danny Sexbang from Ninja Sex Party in Intro, the first song of Cool Patrol.
"...With all this stuff under our belt, it seems that we've really come far
Indeed, we've come farther and faster than anyone could've expected us to come
Shooting our luscious jams all over your body, year after year after year
And no matter how hard you try to wipe those last remaining notes off your perky... you know what?
I need to be alone for a minute"
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unleashthemidnight · 7 years
SPN goes NSP: Guess Who’s Back (Just In Time For The Christmas) pt 5
Christmas Calendar: Masterlist SPN goes NSP: GWB part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 Chapter name: Cookies! People: Reader (x Gabriel), Winchesters, Danny Sexbang Synopsis: You were doing preparations for the Christmas celebration with Sam and Dean in the bunker when the party invitation threw you in the loop. You are reunited with Winchesters once again and demons are roaming in the streets. Word count: 1710+ Warnings: Crack, language, song lyrics usage, demons Notes: This is part 5 of GWB and also part of the Christmas Calendar. NSP is amazing band called NinjaSexParty, whose songs, covers and music videos I have used. Songs are listed at the end of the fic. I… well… you know. Cookies. Hope you enjoy! Reblogs and comments are loved Do Not Reblog
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Your own house, two kids and a dog. Good relations with neighbours. Sunday churches. Baking cookies for the bakesales and knitting woolen socks for the Christmas to give as gifts. Those things were never your thing but you still understood the charm. You walked through idyllic neighborhood with beautiful houses and gorgeous gardens. There was water elements on some of the yards and others with iron decorations. All of the gardens and houses had their own personalities that probably mirrored their owners. Everything was so dreamy and idyllic. It felt somehow unrealistic. But what wasn’t felt unreal from the moment you opened the letter in your own world?
Walking along the streets the only oddity you had seen was the road names; Innocent Road, Victim Avenue and 69th ring of Hell. There was also the stop -sign with word Never on it, and to you it looked like it was written with blood. One blue house had a white garage door that was decorated with the spraypainted words ”Manticore was here”. Well, things aren't always as they seem to be, you noted. ”Y/N?!” You heard Dean yelling from the yard of bright yellow house with red roof. Sam was with him, lockpicking the door and eventually succeeding. ”Dean! Sam!” you yelled and run to them. You were happy to see them again after separation and more than glad to see they weren’t injured, dead, or something even worse. ”We need to go quickly inside, no time to waste, you'll soon know why,” they pushed you inside the dreamhouse. Boys locked the door and all three of you started looking outside the window waiting for something to happen. ”I check the kitchen,” Sam said and patted your shoulder to get your attention, ”you, stay with Dean” he ordered and left. It seemed like the brothers knew what was going on in this world, maybe they had been here more time than you. Somewhere distant you could hear people yelling but you couldn't understand any of the words. They were still too far away and the only thing you could hear was Sam going through some cabinets. Until there was sound of plates and glasses dropping on the floor. ”SAM?” Dean yelled and was going to check the kitchen when Sam walked out, knife close to his throat held by a being with horns and ripped skin, blood dripping everywhere. Handful of more similar creatures followed them. They looked like your ordinary horror book demons but definetly not the ones you had used to. Dean's breaths were heavy. He was getting riled up and frustrated with the whole situation. ”What – Who are you?” you managed to ask. The yelling outside got louder and louder, you had to turn your head to the window to see outside. People were running past the house you were in and you saw the hostile beings smirking and enjoying the screams: ”OH GOD SAVE ME!” ”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!” ”I SEE DEMONS!!!!” ”I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!” The yelling and screams ended as rapitly as they had started. The beings with you laughed. “They call us demons,” you got your answer from the smallest one. ”We're the horsemen of the Rockpocalypse flying on the backs of flaming horses. We'll ride town to town and leave nothing but corpses. The streets will flow with the blood of our enemies,” other hissed with cocky attitude. ”We'll kill your family and scream obscenities,” another added and threw Dean on the wall with sinister laugh. You tried to help Dean but you were thrown to the other wall and pinned against it by one of the demons still without the victim. ”Death and destruction are all around! We're motherfuckin' evil and we'll never slow down!” You saw smallest demon celebrating and jumping up and down. He was having fun at your expense and discomfort. ”You really should be cursin’ when our name passes your sweet lips...” the demon that was pinning you againts the wall said and dragged his finger across your lips while biting his own smirking. ”Don't you dare to touch her,” Dean threatened and tried to free himself. ”Why are you doing this?” You felt need to cry when demon's hold got tighter. ”Because this is the realm of hate.” You felt his breathing on the crook of your neck. You wanted to pray for help. ”Chocolate chips for everyone!” the ever-so familiar voice from the kitchen door made all of you to turn your heads towards the sound. Saved by the bell. ”Did I interrupted something? Oh, I apogolize my bad manners, but demons look; I got cookies for you… C'mon and get it,” Danny, who was wearing his own demon inspired costume, apologized and lured the demons to the kitchen with the plate of cookies he was holding, and so freeing Sam and causing you and Dean to drop to the floor with loud thump. You all were physically alright, just little tense and sore. Your curiosity got best of you and your party of three peeked from the door into the kitchen. Danny and the demons were sitting over the kitchen table and on the table was plates full of chocolate chip cookies. They were also wearing party hats and all around them were balloons of different sorts and colors. The kitchen itself was... colorful - to say the least. Panels on the wall were representing the whole rainbow with atleast two different shades of each color. The cabinets were white with single colored panels on the doors. The sight was like a children’s birthday party ad, but children were replaced with demons. So it was basically the same. ”They are the taste of happy,” the littlest demon smiled bright while holding one cookie like it was his precious. The demons munched the cookies and tried to hide some of them under the hats to save them for later. ”Pass the milk please,” one demon asked politely. One rapid shout from outside got everyones attention: ”THE DEMONS ARE CONSUMING ME!” The demon that was pinning you earlier on the wall got serious and his look darkened as he started: ”We are the nightmares you should be afraid of but there's just one thing we love and that's - -” ”COOKIES! Yaaaaay! Hooray! More cookies!” demons shouted and frolicked as Danny filled the plates again to prevent the demons going insane, again. ”All your nighmares have come to life and the horror survives in the darkest of the night,” one of the demons hissed again, ”So take our final breath in our realm and wish for merciful death as we eat this plate of cookies!” the demon  ended his talking as Danny poured even more cookies on the table. There was so many empty cookie boxes around the kitchen and you weren’t sure anymore where Danny got all the cookies he was serving. ”I guess everybody loves cookies,” Danny looked at you half-smiling and shrugged his shoulders. ”I still prefer pie,” Dean muttered under his breath while walking into the kitchen to go through the cabinets like he was looking for hidden pie. ”Dean, seriously, are you looking for a pie?” Sam couldn't believe his brothers actions. ”I think I – WE deserve some pie after this. I'm too full of cookies after all these encounters with these cookie monsters,” Dean blurted out rummaging the goodies. Yes, this is perfect, Dean thought as he put something in his pocket when no one was looking. ”So you have been here long… And you have eaten cookies with the demons. That's why you went to kitchen, to look for the cookies,” you made conclusions and Sam nodded as confirming them. ”Excatly how long you have been here? Have you been here all the time because I was in whole different places...” you rambled with questions but stopped as soon as you saw Sam’s face. The way his lips tightened and he looked down and then at Dean who was still making a mess, told you everything you needed to know. “It wasn’t all bad, just... tiring,” Sam tried to reassure you. ”Oh,” small sound felt from your lips as you looked at your toes. You knew that there was a lot to talk about later, whenever you would get back home. The demons continued munching and cramming their faces with cookies and your party decided to leave the house. Danny had made sure that demons had enough of cookies to you to get far away from them. ”This was definetly not what I was excepting,” you said to Sam as you all walked on the pavement. ”Well, yeah… But now we need to find out why and how to get back home. And I take it you know that Danny has his fingers in this. Because I have a feeling that he might be -” Sam went almost full research/hunter mode but was interrupted with Danny's voice behind you. You both turned around in unison and looked at back at the door of the house you had just walked out. ”Uh, Dean. Dean, what are you doing? What is that? Is that a knife? Oh, it's a knife. I can tell by the way it's stabbing me. Okay, great. Good talk, buddy.” You watched as Dean tried his best to stap Danny with the knife he had took from the kitchen when you didn't pay attention. Too bad that the knife proved to be one of those theatre knives. You couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Danny was so calm while Dean's face went from frustration to surprise but it didn't stop him for trying and testing - both on Danny and on himself. ”Son of a bitch...” ”Rude. But probably fair after all this. Hey listen -” Danny put his hand on Dean's shoulder - ”if you can actually stick that in me, can I keep it or do you want it back?” Dean was frustrated but tried couple more times just to be sure and finally gave up. The hunter was so tired, and you kinda felt bad for laughing so much at his misery. You didn't have any idea how many Tuesdays they have had while you were having your own adventures. When you watched Dean walking towards you leaving laughing Danny behind, the world shifted.
Christmas Calendar tag: @sumara62, @authoressskr, @serendiptious-esparza, @be-fantastic, @pizzamanteachings Gabe tag: @nobodys-baby-now, @dlb1999 Hit me with ask or message if you would like to join! NinjaSexParty's songs used in this fic, not in order
Best Friends Forever x
Cookies! x
Ninja Brian was so Ninja that you didn't see him having a bakesale in the yard.
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bearholdncat · 7 years
SteamRolled - A Rubberbang Fanfiction
Written by @mechaross and @egoraptor-sexbang.
Hey guys! My friend Clare and I were talking recently and felt like writing a fanfiction, because nostalgia. Anyway it’s a Rubberbang fanfiction and you can read it here:
On Quotev
On Wattpad
Anyway the story is about a love triangle between Arin, Dan, and Ross. We’d appreciate it a lot if you would check it out and tell us what you think so far!!
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sadwizardjessi · 8 years
Space Grumps inspired fic
Yeah. I’m trash. And I’m obsessed with @dannyaviclan damn Space Grumps au right now. Seriously man, you all should go read it!! It’s stupid good :D SO anyhow, here’s a fic I wrote from it. Sorry if anything is odd or not right with the au. I tried to keep it all in line, but of course we all have different views on ideas so. Here’s mine :)
So without further adieu, here we go! Yeh.
Brian had really fucked him over this time.
Dan used a hand to shield against one of the blinding suns of this planet, squinting to battle the other. From what he could make out, desert went on for miles, stretching as far as the eye can see. Dan kicked at the red dust below his feet, not at all satisfied as it spun up into the air, lazily drifting back down into the dry soil.
To be perfectly honest, Dan wasn’t even sure what had happened.
One moment he and Brian were laughing at something fucking stupid, couldn’t even recall what it was at this point, the next Brian was silent, pulling out a red gem and shoving it into Dan’s hands, a wild look in his eyes. Through their telepathic link he had said, “Don’t let anyone catch you with this. I’ll be back soon.” Before forcefully shoving Dan into the transporter.
Said transporter wasn’t really meant for transporting live organisms any greater size than a goat…. Though Dan supposed, there probably weren’t goats in the future. At least not the ones he was used to seeing.
So after e had rematerialised on the odd planet's surface, jewel in hand, Dan had spent the next hour shouting at the sky for Brian to come back. After receiving no answer, Dan put away the gem in one of his many pockets and decided to walk. Eventually he’ll find civilization, right? Brian wouldn’t just abandon him for no reason, and on a deserted planet no less. He knew that because of Dan’s situation, he’d be the last person you’d want to leave alone on an alien planet and no way of contacting the one person he’d trusted since coming to the future.
There was no telling really with how long he walked. It could’ve been hours, it could’ve been days, he had no idea how the time cycle worked here after all. But what he did know was his throat burned from lack of supplement and his stomach growled in anger. Also Dan hadn’t managed to see one single being, human or otherwise, since he’d arrived here. He was pretty sure he was going to die.
At least that was until Dan saw a large and intimidating ship fly overhead, before touching the planet's surface not a few yards away, the force from the jet engines nearly knocking Dan over as the wind kicked up sand in his hair and eyes. Dan had to look away just so he could not breath the stuff in.
From what he could see, three men came off the ship, discussing something intensely before looking in Dan’s direction. Brian’s words of caution rang in his mind.
“Don’t let anyone catch you with this.”
So Dan ran. And he was pretty sure the creatures ran too upon noticing Dan’s hasty escape.
Already out of breath, Dan tried to formulate a plan. On one hand he could just toss the damn jewel at them. They had to be after that, right? Or maybe they just happened to see this random fucking person wandering an empty planet and thought ‘hey let’s scare the shit out of him’. Then Dan up and runs, making them suspicious.
He shook his head. No. Something in his gut told him this had to do with the jewel that was put into his possession.
ANd that’s when he saw it. A town. A real fucking town. Unless of course his mind was playing tricks, but Dan really hoped not, for he could hear the cascade of boots drawing closer. If he was slowing down or they were speeding up, he did not know.
And finally, just as a skyline of buildings were being materialised in a much more reachable distance. Dan could just make out a- hover bike?- As something caught on Dan’s foot, making him fall to the ground harshly, red sand going up his orifices and causing Dan to freeze up with a violent cough, giving his pursuers the time they needed to catch up to him.
Glancing down at what he had hit, Dan gasped at what looked like a… wooden post? One that had obviously been cut down though. He didn’t have time to ponder the odd placement of it though as he was being kicked over to lay on his back, three disgusting beings hovering over him, greed and hunger in their beady eyes.
Dan had to fight the urge to gag at the disgusting smell the men were radiating. ‘Where they even men, though?’ Dan thought to himself. They could just as easily be women, what with the black/grey wrinkled skin, and hunched over backs, and three arms, all wielding claws and what Dan could only assume to be a gun. More than anything, Dan wished Brian was here. If not to save him, to at least identify what kind of beasts these were so Dan would at least have something to go on.
They all clacked in unison, pincers hidden by black lips, clicking and hissing into what Dan could only assume to be words. He looked confused between the three, trying to convey his issue with their language without coming across as rude.
Then one pressed what appeared to be a pen against his neck, Dan flinching from it but as a grotesque hand held him against it, there wasn’t much Dan could do.
A sharp pain shot into his neck up to his head, but he wasn’t focused on that. His attention was solely on the fact that suddenly, he could understand them. It wasn’t a very comforting conversation though.
“-kill him already! We know he has the gem!”
“Oh shut up already, I shot the injection, he can hear you now!”
One of them did what Dan thought to be a scowl, glaring down at the human laying before them. “Uhh… yeah. Hello. What exactly did you do to me?” Dan asked, uneasily, waving a hand but instantly dropping it at the death glare he received.
One spit on Dan’s leg, where it sizzled slightly, not exactly burning, but not very pleasant either.
“Shut up, human, we know you have it!”
Feigning ignorance, Dan was suddenly sure the jewel was what they were after. “What!?” He exclaimed, trying to subtly crawl backwards, but they saw right through him and immediately shot at the ground behind him, causing Dan to freeze in place.
“Don’t play coy, boy. Just hand over the jewel, and we won’t hurt you.”
Dan remained silent, eyes frantically looking for an escape. He thought he’d seen some dust swirl oddly, as if around a human form, but he didn’t think too much on it as suddenly a gun was being pointed between his eyes, a sickening grin behind it on the wielder.
“Hmph, very well. We’ll just have to pry it from your cold, dead hands!”
Though the line was an obvious cliche, Dan felt true fear spike through his chest, his eyes squeezing shut tightly, body tense and trembling. WHy the fuck did Brian give him this stupid thing? Why did he just drop him off on some unknown planet, no help, no life, just danger and soon death. Were these people chasing Brian? Was Dan some form of distraction? Was that all he was to Brian? Dan didn’t want to make assumptions on his best friend, but what else could he gather from this? Sure he could just hand over the gem and run, but Dan was almost certain they’d shoot him regardless, no point in dying a coward. Dan cringed at himself as tears arose. But who could blame him, wanting to cry in his final moments.
Suddenly three shots rang out in the dry, empty desert, making Dan jump and whimper at the loud noise.
But no pain came. Only the sound of bodies dropping, something wet dashing his cheek, as a shadow passed over his closed eyelids. With great hesitance, Dan slowly opened one eye, afraid to see what else was about to befall him, but instead of the three disgusting aliens, he was met with a cocky grin full of sharp teeth, and a dull pink uniform, dotted slightly with blood.
The man put a hand on his hip, gun in the air, smoke still rising from the warm barrel. “What’s a human like yourself doing in a place like this, hm?”
Dan gasped at the tail that swished back and forth behind the man, glancing up nervously at those sharpened teeth and reptilian like pupils,but… this guy did technically, just save Dan. And for that he was grateful, if not confused. He looked back at the bodies, stomach seizing slightly. Blood and death tended to make him queasy. “Are you going to try and kill me too?” Dan asked dully. Brian had left him here to die after all.
The creature’s eyes widened slightly, gun hand falling as he shifted his stance, from cocky to surprised and then finally guilt. “Wha- no! I just- ugh sorry. I was trying to look cool.”
A gloved hand was extended in Dan’s direction, that ferocious smile turning somewhat more friendlier and closed lipped. “I’m Captain Arin Hanson. I pilot the star craft, Starbomb. But you can just call me Arin, okay? And you are?”
Dan eyed the suspiciously sharp looking glove, but… this was the future. And space. Maybe it was normal to have sharp teeth and a tail on some planets?
Reluctantly, Dan took the hand, gasping slightly when he was easily pulled up. “I uh. Hi. I’m Dan. Avidan. People usually call me Danny. I uh I don’t pilot anything,” he said with a slight chuckle, feeling the gem’s weight lessen slightly as he felt he was no longer being hunted for it. A smirk appeared on his lips though and suddenly he couldn’t help himself. “I help navigate on the Starship Enterprise.”
Arin’s grin twisted up into a grin of amusement, arms crossing after replacing his weapon. “I watch star trek, man. Try again.”
“They have Star Trek in the future!?” Dan exclaimed without thinking. Then followed by a wince. He cleared his throat, trying to cover up what he had unknowingly revealed. “Uhh. Sorry. My uhh, my ship flew off. Without me,” Dan said nervously, kicking at the dust and looking away. He wasn’t sure what to reveal and what not to reveal. It didn’t seem like this guy was after the gem, but Brian had said- You know what. No! Fuck Brian! Dan crossed his arms in a huff, suddenly not really caring what Brian had warned him. He’d left him on a new planet, knowing that Dan didn’t know jack shit about space other than the few things he’d bothered to explain to him since bringing him here. “My prick of a best friend handed me some stupid fucking gem and left me here, saying he’d ‘be back soon’. Whatever the fuck that could mean.”
A laugh truly like no other, Arin clapped Dan on the shoulder, making the thinner man jump slightly. “Damn, that sucks hella balls. Mind if I see that gem for a second though?” Dan eyed the- Dinosaur! That’s it. He looks like a Dinosaur/human/Lizard thing- warily, not sure if he should.
“Dude, come on, look. I’ll even let you hold my gun, okay?”
At the offer, Dan agreed, though only pulling out the gem after he held possession of the gun. Little did he know, Arin could easily take him down before Dan even raised his arm to aim.
Tossing the gem over in gloved hands, Arin looked at Dan in confusion. “Uhh, Dan? You know this jewel is fake, right?”
“What!?” Dan put the gun back in Arin’s holster, the sudden contact making Arin jump slightly, giving Dan the chance to snatch the gem back, examining it in the light. “How can you tell!”
With a pointed finger, Arin pointed to a scratch on the side, a wry grin in place. “See that right there? A real gem wouldn’t scratch like that. That and… well I can smell the chemicals that went into faking it.”
“Sonofabitch!” Dan threw the thing on the ground in a rare spark of anger, stress and fear and betrayal coursing through him. Arin placed a hand on Dan’s shoulders, seeing the human deflate suddenly, never one to really hold onto anger for very long. “Now what am I gonna do…?” Dan asked sadly. He surely couldn’t just wait here until Brian returns. Who knew when that would be. And besides, he didn’t have any money. Already his throat and stomach were assaulting him from all directions, begging for nourishment.
As if on cue, Dan’s stomach gave a loud noise, Dan groaning and covering it in shame.
Biting his lip, as if in thought, Arin opened his mouth, only to be interrupted by a blue beeping on a device that greatly resembled an old flip phone in Dan’s opinion. With an irritated sigh, Arin pulled up the device, flipping it open, wondering in quiet amusement, just what was so shocking about the blue hologram of his ship’s AI that caused the man to gasp and stare disbelievingly.
“Captain,” the hologram said, a smile in place. “All supplements have been procured on The Starbomb. All crew members have returned without fail. We await your arrival to take off.”
Glancing between the AI and the human before him, eyes still widened comically in wonder, hands held over a hungry belly.
“Hey Dan?”
Dan looked up at his savior in confusion, one scarred eyebrow raised. “Yeah, Arin?”
“How would you feel about joining my crew while in search of your friend? We’ll provide you with free food and shelter so long as you’re with us.”
Dan’s face went through an array of emotions, until settling on gratitude, a smile widening on his face. “You had me at free food, honestly.”
Arin laughed, clasping Dan’s hand and nodding down at Barry once more. “Barry! You heard the man, make preparations for one more Bomber to join our recruits! And Dan, I must say. Welcome aboard the Starbomb. Glad to have you on hand.”
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