#Danish Salmon A/S
pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/08/04 Al día siguiente empezamos con un buen desayuno. Pedimos café. Yo pedí un croisant y mi amiguiguita un bocadillo de salmón.
The next day we started with a good breakfast. We order coffee. I ordered a croissant and my girlfriend had a salmon sandwich.
Google Translation into French: Le lendemain, nous avons commencé par un bon petit-déjeuner. Nous commandons du café. J'ai commandé un croissant et ma copine a pris un sandwich au saumon.
Google translation into Italian: Il giorno successivo abbiamo iniziato con una buona colazione. Ordiniamo il caffè. Ho ordinato un croissant e la mia ragazza ha preso un sandwich al salmone.
Google Translation into Portuguese: No dia seguinte começamos com um belo café da manhã. Pedimos café. Pedi um croissant e minha namorada comeu um sanduíche de salmão.
Google Translation into German: Den nächsten Tag starteten wir mit einem schönen Frühstück. Wir bestellen Kaffee. Ich bestellte ein Croissant und meine Freundin aß ein Lachssandwich.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Të nesërmen filluam me një mëngjes të mirë. Ne porosisim kafe. Unë porosita një briosh dhe e dashura ime kishte një sanduiç me salmon.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հաջորդ օրը սկսեցինք լավ նախաճաշով։ Մենք սուրճ ենք պատվիրում։ Ես կրուասան պատվիրեցի, իսկ ընկերուհիս սաղմոնով սենդվիչ խմեց:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Следващият ден започнахме с добра закуска. Поръчваме кафе. Поръчах кроасан, а приятелката ми хапна сандвич със сьомга.
Google Translation into Czech: Druhý den jsme začali dobrou snídaní. Objednáváme kávu. Objednal jsem si croissant a moje přítelkyně měla lososový sendvič.
Google Translation into Croatian: Sljedeći dan smo započeli dobrim doručkom. Naručujemo kavu. Naručio sam kroasan, a moja djevojka jela sendvič s lososom.
Google Translation into Danish Næste dag startede vi med en god morgenmad. Vi bestiller kaffe. Jeg bestilte en croissant, og min kæreste havde en laksesandwich.
Google Translation into Slovak: Ďalší deň sme začali dobrými raňajkami. Objednávame kávu. Objednal som si croissant a moja priateľka mala lososový sendvič.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Naslednji dan smo začeli z dobrim zajtrkom. Naročiva kavo. Naročil sem rogljiček, moja punca pa je imela sendvič z lososom.
Google Translation into Estonian: Järgmisel päeval alustasime hea hommikusöögiga. Tellime kohvi. Tellisin sarvesaia ja sõbranna sõi lõhevõileiba.
Google Translation into Suomi: Seuraava päivä aloitimme hyvällä aamiaisella. Tilaamme kahvia. Tilasin croissantin ja tyttöystävälläni oli lohivoileipä.
Google Translation into Georgian: მეორე დღე კარგი საუზმით დავიწყეთ. ყავას ვუკვეთავთ. კრუასანი შევუკვეთე და ჩემმა შეყვარებულმა ორაგულის სენდვიჩი მიირთვა.
Google Translation into Greek: Την επόμενη μέρα ξεκινήσαμε με ένα καλό πρωινό. Παραγγέλνουμε καφέ. Παρήγγειλα ένα κρουασάν και η κοπέλα μου είχε ένα σάντουιτς με σολομό.
Google Translation into Hungarian: A következő napot egy jó reggelivel kezdtük. Kávét rendelünk. Rendeltem egy croissant-t, a barátnőm pedig lazacos szendvicset.
Google Translation into Latvian: Nākamo dienu sākām ar kārtīgām brokastīm. Pasūtām kafiju. Pasūtīju kruasānu un draudzenei bija laša sviestmaize.
Google Translation into Dutch: De volgende dag zijn we begonnen met een goed ontbijt. Wij bestellen koffie. Ik bestelde een croissant en mijn vriendin had een broodje zalm.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Dagen etter startet vi med en god frokost. Vi bestiller kaffe. Jeg bestilte en croissant og kjæresten min hadde en laksesmørbrød.
Google Translation into Polish: Następny dzień rozpoczęliśmy od dobrego śniadania. Zamawiamy kawę. Zamówiłem rogalika, a moja dziewczyna miała kanapkę z łososiem.
Google Translation into Romanian: A doua zi am început cu un mic dejun bun. Comandam cafea. Am comandat un croissant și prietena mea a luat un sandviș cu somon.
Google Translation into Russian: Следующий день мы начали с хорошего завтрака. Заказываем кофе. Я заказал круассан, а у моей девушки был сэндвич с лососем.
Google Translation into Serbian: Следећег дана смо почели са добрим доручком. Наручујемо кафу. Наручио сам кроасан, а моја девојка је имала сендвич са лососом.
Google Translation into Swedish: Dagen efter började vi med en god frukost. Vi beställer kaffe. Jag beställde en croissant och min flickvän hade en laxsmörgås.
Google Translation into Turkish: Ertesi gün güzel bir kahvaltıyla başladık. Kahve sipariş ediyoruz. Bir kruvasan sipariş ettim ve kız arkadaşımın somonlu sandviçi vardı.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Наступний день ми почали з гарного сніданку. Замовляємо каву. Я замовив круасан, а моя дівчина з’їла бутерброд із лососем.
Google Translation into Arabic: في اليوم التالي بدأنا بوجبة إفطار جيدة. نحن نطلب القهوة. أمرت كرواسون وكان صديقتي ساندويتش سمك السلمون.
Google Translation into Bengali: পরের দিন আমরা ভালো নাস্তা দিয়ে শুরু করলাম। আমরা কফি অর্ডার করি। আমি একটি ক্রসেন্ট অর্ডার করেছি এবং আমার বান্ধবীর একটি স্যামন স্যান্ডউইচ ছিল।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 第二天我们从一顿丰盛的早餐开始。 我们点了咖啡。 我点了一个羊角面包,我女朋友点了一个三文鱼三明治。
Google Translation into Korean: 다음날 우리는 맛있는 아침 식사로 시작했습니다. 우리는 커피를 주문합니다. 나는 크루아상을 주문했고 여자친구는 연어 샌드위치를 먹었습니다.
Google Translation into Guarani: Ambue árape roñepyrũ peteĩ desayuno porã reheve. Roordena ka’a. Aordena peteĩ croissant ha che novia oreko peteĩ sandwich de salmón.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: I kekahi lā aʻe, hoʻomaka mākou me ka ʻaina kakahiaka maikaʻi. Kauoha mākou i ke kofe. Ua kauoha au i kahi croissant a ua loaʻa i kaʻu hoaaloha kahi sanwiti salmon.
Google Translation into Hebrew: למחרת התחלנו בארוחת בוקר טובה. אנחנו מזמינים קפה. הזמנתי קרואסון ולחברה שלי היה כריך סלמון.
Google Translation into Hindi: अगले दिन हमने अच्छे नाश्ते के साथ शुरुआत की। हम कॉफ़ी ऑर्डर करते हैं. मैंने एक क्रोइसैन ऑर्डर किया और मेरी प्रेमिका ने एक सैल्मन सैंडविच खाया।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Keesokan harinya kami mulai dengan sarapan yang enak. Kami memesan kopi. Saya memesan croissant dan pacar saya makan sandwich salmon.
Google Translation into Japanese: 翌日はおいしい朝食から始まりました。 私たちはコーヒーを注文します。 私はクロワッサンを注文し、ガールフレンドはサーモンサンドイッチを食べました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Эртеси жакшы эртең мененки тамак менен баштадык. Кофе заказ кылабыз. Мен круассанга буйрутма бердим, ал эми менин сүйлөшкөн кызым лосось сэндвичинен жасалган.
Google Translation into Malayalam: പിറ്റേന്ന് നല്ല പ്രാതൽ കഴിച്ചു തുടങ്ങി. ഞങ്ങൾ കോഫി ഓർഡർ ചെയ്യുന്നു. ഞാൻ ഒരു ക്രോസന്റ് ഓർഡർ ചെയ്തു, എന്റെ കാമുകിക്ക് ഒരു സാൽമൺ സാൻഡ്‌വിച്ച് ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു.
Google Translation into Malay: Keesokan harinya kami mulakan dengan sarapan pagi yang enak. Kami memesan kopi. Saya memesan croissant dan teman wanita saya mempunyai sandwic salmon.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Ny ampitso dia nanomboka tamin'ny sakafo maraina tsara izahay. Manafatra kafe izahay. Nanafatra croissant aho ary nanana sandwich salmon ny sipako.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Маргааш нь бид сайхан өглөөний цай ууж эхлэв. Бид кофе захиалж байна. Би croissant захиалсан бөгөөд найз охин маань хулд загастай сэндвичтэй байсан.
Google Translation into Nepali: भोलिपल्ट हामीले राम्रो ब्रेकफास्ट गरेर सुरु गर्यौं। हामी कफी अर्डर गर्छौं। मैले क्रोइसेन्ट अर्डर गरें र मेरी प्रेमिकासँग सामन स्यान्डविच थियो।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਗਲੇ ਦਿਨ ਅਸੀਂ ਚੰਗੇ ਨਾਸ਼ਤੇ ਨਾਲ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤ ਕੀਤੀ। ਅਸੀਂ ਕੌਫੀ ਆਰਡਰ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਾਂ। ਮੈਂ ਇੱਕ ਕ੍ਰੋਇਸੈਂਟ ਆਰਡਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਮੇਰੀ ਸਹੇਲੀ ਕੋਲ ਇੱਕ ਸਾਲਮਨ ਸੈਂਡਵਿਚ ਸੀ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: بله ورځ مو په ښه سهارنۍ سره پیل کړه. موږ د قهوه امر کوو. ما د کروسینټ امر وکړ او زما ملګرې د سالمون سینڈوچ درلود.
Google Translation into Persian: روز بعد با یک صبحانه خوب شروع کردیم. قهوه سفارش می دهیم. من یک کروسان سفارش دادم و دوست دخترم یک ساندویچ سالمون خورد.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Poé saterusna urang mimitian ku sarapan alus. Urang pesen kopi. Kuring maréntahkeun croissant jeung kabogoh kuring kungsi sandwich salmon.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Kinabukasan nagsimula kami sa masarap na almusal. Umorder kami ng kape. Umorder ako ng croissant at may salmon sandwich ang girlfriend ko.
Google Translation into Thai: วันรุ่งขึ้นเราเริ่มต้นด้วยอาหารเช้าดีๆ เราสั่งกาแฟ. ฉันสั่งครัวซองต์และแฟนของฉันก็ทานแซนวิชแซลมอน
Google Translation into Telugu: మరుసటి రోజు మేము మంచి అల్పాహారంతో ప్రారంభించాము. మేము కాఫీని ఆర్డర్ చేస్తాము. నేను క్రోసెంట్‌ని ఆర్డర్ చేసాను మరియు నా స్నేహితురాలు సాల్మన్ శాండ్‌విచ్‌ని కలిగి ఉంది.
Google Translation into Urdu: اگلے دن ہم نے اچھے ناشتے کے ساتھ آغاز کیا۔ ہم کافی کا آرڈر دیتے ہیں۔ میں نے کروسینٹ کا آرڈر دیا اور میری گرل فرینڈ کے پاس سالمن سینڈوچ تھا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Ertasi kuni biz yaxshi nonushta bilan boshladik. Biz qahva buyurtma qilamiz. Men kruvasanga buyurtma berdim va qiz do'stim qizil ikra sendvichiga ega edi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Ngày hôm sau chúng tôi bắt đầu với một bữa sáng ngon lành. Chúng tôi gọi cà phê. Tôi gọi món bánh sừng bò và bạn gái tôi có bánh sandwich cá hồi.
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zzoomacroom · 1 year
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better.
Thanks for tagging me @seiya-starsniper 💖💖
Relationship status: single and likely to remain that way if I continue being a weird shut-in
Favourite colour: Pink if I'm manic, purple if I'm depressed
Song stuck in my head: Here and Now by the Black Angels
Three favourite foods: Bagels with cream cheese+lox+cucumber+onion, salmon nigiri, blackberry Danish from los bagels in Arcata ca (I am secretly a grizzly bear)
Last song I listened to: fugue in d minor by egg
Dream trip: I've always thought Norway looked pretty dope. Would be cool to see fjords and the northern lights. Honestly though I'd love to go anywhere...I've barely been outside the US 😬
Last Thing(s) I googled: Annie Edson Taylor, because one of my students is writing a paper on her and needed some help with research
Tagging: some people who seem cool
(Yeah that's more than 10 people what are you gonna do about it)
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hannahmcgill · 2 years
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Gastronomy Chart A silly piece depicting my personal experiences with food linked to various constellations in the sky.
Image ID beneath Read More cut contains over 70 food puns in a list. This is a long list, and a lot of puns, so I'm not going to subject everyone to all that without their consent.
[img id] 1st image: Digital art depicting food-themed constellations. Blue constellations are on a flat black background. It is labeled 'Gastronomy' along the bottom.
2nd image: Labeled black-and-white diagram of first image so that everyone can appreciate the puns. The labels are as follows, in alphabetical order:
Andromeda - "Pan"-dromeda Antlia - "Anchovy"-a Apus - A-"Parsnip" Aquarius - Asparagus Aquila - Aq-"Waffles" Ara - A-"Radish" Aries - Berries (say this one aloud) Auriga - Auriga-no (say this one aloud, too) Boötes - "Beer"-tes Caelum - "Cake"-um Camelopardalis - "Caramel"-opardalis Cancer - Boiled Crab Canes Venatici - Canes "Penne"-tici Canis Major - "Soda Can"-is Major (so it's a big plastic bottle) Canis Minor - "Soda Can"-is Minor (just the cat) Capricornus - Capri-"Corn"-us Carina - "Calamari"-na Cassiopeia - "Spaghetti"-opeia Centaurus - "Gin"-taurus Cepheus - "Cereal"-phus Cetus - "Sushi"-tus Chamaeleon - Chamaele-"oolong" Circinus - "Citrus"-inus Columba - "Cola"-mba Coma Berenices - "Chicken Korma" Berenices Corvus - Cor-"Vanilla"-s Crater - Was already food-related, so no pun necessary. Crux - Slice of Cake Cygnus - Roast Swan Delphinus - Del-"Fondue" Dorado - "Doragon Fruit" Draco - "Drink"-o Equuleus - "Egg"-uuleus Eridanus - Eri-"Danishes" Fornax - For-"Nachos" Gemini - Ge-"Mint"-i Grus - "Au" Grus Hercules - "Burger"-cules Horologium - "Hors-d'œuvre"-logium Hydra - Hyd-"Ramen" Hydrus - Hy-"Drumstick" Indus - In-"Dessert" Lacerta - It's a gummy lizard! Leo - Le-"Orange" Leo Minor - Le-"Orange" Minor Lepus - "Leek"-us Libra - Li-"Bread" Lupus - Lu-"Pumpkin" Lynx - "Sausage" Lynx Mensa - Men-"Salmon" Microscopium - Monoceros - Mono-"Celery"-os Musca - "Mousse"-ca Norma - "Nori"-ma Octans - "Okra"-tans Ophiuchus - Ophiu-"Cous-cous" Orion - Ori-"Onion" Pegasus - "Egg"-asus Perseus - "Supper"-seus Phoenix - Phoen-"ice cream" Pictor - "Pickle"-tor Pisces - "Stargazy Pie"-sces Piscis Austrinus - Pisces Aus-"Tin"-Us Puppis - Pup-"Pizza" Pyxis - "Pizza" Reticulum - "Ratatouille"-um Sagittarius - Saggi-"Pear"-ius Scorpius - Roast Lobster Tail Sculptor - Sculp-"Tortilla" Scutum - Scu-"Toast" Taurus - A Steak Telescopium - "Tea"-loscopium Triangulum - Wedge of triangular cheese Triangulum Australe Tucana - "Tuna Can"-a Ursa Major - Ursa "Measure" Ursa Minor - Ur-"Salt" minor Vela - "Veal"-a Virgo - "Extra" Virgo "Olive Oil" Volans - Vo-"Lasagna" Vulpecula - "Full"-pecula
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muppeteyes1001 · 1 year
Food questions for the Muse(s) // 🍴 - Do you cook and/or bake often? (and/or) 🍳 - What does your breakfast look like?
🍴 - Do you cook and/or bake often?
"Oh, I sure do! .. I'll usually cook for myself, but I've also done that for others, as well ... Especially for those who I care for. Homecooked or baked items always make such lovely gifts for anyone who enjoys them"
🍳 - What does your breakfast look like?
"Depends on the day, really! ... If I'm in a rush, I'll simply just grab myself a croissant, danish pastry, or a jam on toast with a regular cream an' sugar coffee or an earl grey tea .... But .. if it's a lazy day, then I'll take my time an' make myself either somethin' sweet like homemade waffles or french toast with a drizzle of syrup, topped with some whipped cream an' strawberries or blueberries ... Or, maybe somethin' a bit savory like an omelette with eggs, cream cheese, chilli chives, an' some smoked salmon .... A good Birds Nest toast is also pretty nice"
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atsvensson · 3 years
Landbaserad laxodling i Hirtshals med svenska ägarintressen
Landbaserad laxodling i Hirtshals med svenska ägarintressen
Danish Salmon A/S i Hirtshals som odla lax i en landbaserad anläggning har framgångsrikt producerat lax i sin RAS-odlingsanläggning. Men produktionen är ännu för liten för att ge lönsamhet. Anläggningen behöver byggas ut för att kommersiellt gångbar odling ska vara möjlig. Ägare av Danish Salmon A/S är japanska Marubeni med 50%, likaledes japanska Nippon Suisan (Nissui) med 15% och Skagen Salmon…
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neonsentient · 4 years
My Antihero Academia
This is the “Elemental” Team. Instead of having them control an element I rather have them be able to navigate through all terrains (except for Charro, I really wanted a fire user). But the girls are fit for terrestrial, aerial and maritime combat.  
El Charro Negro: Loyal and carefree.
Quirk: Infierno
Likes: Horse riding and playing the guitar. 
Favorite Food/Drink: Cochinita pibil, tres leches cake, mezcal and Coca-Cola
Birthday: November 2 
Preferred Drug: Hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Weapon of Choice: Lasso, charisma, obsidian knife, spurs, rifle (Winchester lever-action repeating rifle)
Car: Ram 1500 Limited 4WD Crew Cab Tungsten (in coal black)
Quote: "Burning is not “my sort of" thing, its my thing y punto. If some pendejos were to steal your fire, believe me, I would burn everything in my way until their culos were nothing but ash.” 
Charros´s mother tongue is Spanish and he is fluent in English and Nahuatl. 
He is bisexual.
He once burned his town’s church because his cousin was molested by the local priest. His grandmother, a devout catholic, was mad at him for months. 
His horse’s name is Chamuco.
Gaia: Adventurous and romantic.
Quirk: Earthquake
Likes: The outdoors and mixing music. 
Favorite Food/Drink: Venison, tiramisu, tea and limoncello. 
Birthday: April 22
Preferred Drug: Propranolol
Weapon of Choice: Tomahawk, Beretta 92FS, misdirection. 
Car: Lamborghini Aventador (in forest green)
Quote: “Earth is strong, and I can make it tremble at will. What does that say about me?”
Gaia is partially deaf due to a progressive hearing disorder. She sports hearing aids because of that. 
Gaia’s native languages are English and Italian, and she is fluent in ASL, LIS, Inuit and Mohawk. 
She is heterosexual.
She often has a crush on a different boy each month or so.
Gaia likes to flaunt her body.
Fay: Swift and briskly. 
Quirk: Fairy Wings
Likes: Camping and taking strolls (flying of course)
Favorite Food/Drink: Oatcakes, camp, fruit juice and stout. 
Birthday: June 15/June 24
Preferred Drug: Ephedrine
Weapon of Choice: Nets, bolas, Luger 
Car: She’ll rather fly. But she does have a Suzuki Hayabusa (in orange). 
Quote: “You know us winged fellas, we cannot be kept in cages.” 
Fay’s first language is English, and is fluent in Irish.
Fay is heterosexual.
She’s been working since she was twelve. (Small jobs like dog walking and tutoring at first) 
Fay is a really fast flyer (as in head-to-head with Hawks)
She has Astraphobia. 
A hero once did something horrible to her when she was fourteen.....
Siren: Alluring and intuitive. 
Quirk: Mermaid
Likes: Singing and collecting seashells
Favorite Food/Drink: (Salmon) Smørrebrød , Karamelrand , mineral water and rum. 
Birthday: March 22
Preferred Drug: Benzodiazepine
Weapon of Choice: Trident, singing voice (allure), flintlock pistol. 
Car: Zenvo ST1 (in navy blue)
Quote:  "I can be the angry wave, or the gentle rain. But always water." 
Siren’s first language is Danish and she is fluent in English, German and Faroese. 
She is bisexual.
Siren is adopted and does not know anything about her biological parents.
She moved away a lot as a child.
She is HIV positive and is suspected that she contracted it from her biological parents.
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pantalaiimon · 5 years
3, 6, 9 :)
Thank you, darling :)
3. An actor/actress you’ve seen in more than 8 movies? Name the movies.
Thanks for calling me out, Cora, you know perfectly well I do this compulsively xD
So, first, the actors whose filmography I purposefully went through (I’m not including any short films, series, or tv stuff) :
Alan Rickman: Die Hard, Quigley Down Under, Truly, Madly, Deeply, Closet Land, Robin Hood, Close My Eyes, Bob Roberts, Mesmer, An Awfully Big Adventure, Sense and Sensibility, Michael Collins, The Winter Guest, Judas Kiss, Dark Harbor, Dogma, Galaxy Quest, Blow Dry, The Search for John Gissing, all 8 Harry Potter movies, Love Actually, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Snow Cake, Perfume, Nobel Son, Sweeney Todd, Bottle Shock, Alice in Wonderland, The Wildest Dream, A Promise. (36)
Ben Whishaw: The Trench, My Brother Tom, Layer Cake, Perfume, I’m Not There, Brideshead Revisited, Bright Star, The Tempest, Skyfall, Cloud Atlas, Lilting, both Paddington movies, the Lobster, the Danish Girl, Spectre, In the Heart of the Sea, A Hologram for the King, Mary Poppins Returns. (19)
Hugo Weaving: Proof, The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert, True Love and Chaos, Bedrooms and Hallways, The Interview, Strange Planet, all 3 Matrix movies, all 3 LotR movies, Russian Doll, After the Deluge, Peaches, Little Fish, V for Vendetta, The Tender Hook, Last Ride, Oranges and Sunshine, Cloud Atlas, Mystery Road, The Turning, Healing, Strangerland, The Dressmaker, Hacksaw Ridge. (27)
Ralph Fiennes: A Dangerous Man: Lawrence after Arabia, Wuthering Heights, Schindler’s List, Quiz Show, Strange Days, The English Patient, Oscar and Lucinda, The Avengers, Sunshine, Onegin, The End of the Affair, Spider, Red Dragon, Maid in Manhattan, Chromohobia, The Constant Gardner, The White Countess, 5 Harry Potter movies, Land of the Blind, In Bruges, The Duchess, The Reader, Cemetery Junction, The Wildest Dream, Coriolanus, Skyfall, Great Expectations, The Invisible Woman, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Spectre, The White Crow. (35)
Mads Mikkelsen: After the Wedding, Prague, Casino Royale, Flame and Citron, Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky, Valhalla Rising, The Three Musketeers, A Royal Affair, The Hunt, Charlie Countryman, Michael Kohlhaas, The Salvation, Rogue One. (13)
Alexander Siddig:  A Dangerous Man: Lawrence after Arabia, Kingdom of Heaven, Syriana, The Nativity Story, A Lost Man, Espion(s), Cairo Time, Miral, Inescapable, The Fifth Estate, May in the Summer. (11)
Ewan McGregor: Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, The Pillow Book, Emma, Brassed Off, Nightwatch, The Serpent’s Kiss, A Life Less Ordinary, Velvet Goldmine, Little Voice, all 3 prequel Star Wars, Moulin Rouge, Black Hawk Down, Down With Love, Big Fish, The Island, Stay, Scenes of a Sexual Nature, Miss Potter, Cassandra’s Dream, Incendiary, Deception, Angels & Demons, I Love you Philip Morris, The Men who Stare at Goats, The Ghostwriter, Beginners, Perfect Sense, Haywire, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, The Impossible, Jack the Giant Slayer, August: Osage County, Son of a Gun, Last Days in the Desert, Jane Got a Gun, Our Kind of Traitor, American Pastoral, T2 Trainspotting. (41)
And now, actors I happen to have seen in more than 8 movies, and that I can think of right now:
Cate Blanchett: Oscar and Lucinda, both Elizabeth movies, An Ideal Husband, The Talented Mr. Ripley, all 3 LotR movies, Little Fish, Notes on a Scandal, I’m Not There, The Turning, Carol. (13)
Hugh Grant: The Remains of the Day, Four Wedding and a Funeral, Sense and Sensibility, The Englishman who went up a hill but came down a mountain, An Awfully Big Adventure, Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’s Diary, About a Boy, Love Actually, Cloud Atlas, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., Florence Foster Jenkins, Paddington 2. (13)
Emma Thompson: Howards End, Much Ado About Nothing, The Remains of the Day, Sense and Sensibility, The Winter Guest, Judas Kiss, Love Actually, 3 Harry Potter movies, Brideshead Revisited, Saving Mr. Banks. (12)
Colin Firth: The English Patient, Shakespeare in Love, Bridget Jones’s Diary, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Love Actually, The King’s Speech, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, 2 Kingsman movies, Mary Poppins Returns.  (10)
Liam Neeson: Excalibur, Schindler’s List, Nell, Michael Collins, The Phantom Menace, Love Actually, Kinsey, Kingdom of Heaven, Breakfast on Pluto, the first Narnia movie, Chloe, The Wildest Dream, The Grey, Non-stop, A Monster Calls, Silence. (16)
Judi Dench: A Room with a View, 8 James Bond movies, Hamlet, Shakespeare in Love, Chocolat, Pride and Prejudice, Notes on a Scandal, Tulip Fever, Murder on the Orient Express. (16)
Anyone like Bernard Lee or Desmond Llewelyn who’s done more than 8 James Bond films also qualifies I guess, as I’ve seen them all…
Let me stress that many movies up there are utter shite.
6. A film you wish you hadn’t watched?
A lot of the stupid crap up there. Otherwise, either Nymphomaniacs or Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom, but for different reasons actually. The first one is pretentious and disgusting and loathsome. The second one… I can squint and see some merits to it I guess? It’s just that I thought I was ready to see it when actually it really was too much, even for me. The scat scenes had me almost throwing up and the ending fucked me up real bad.
9. The most aesthetically pleasing movie you’ve ever watched?
I’m biased because it’s my favourite film, but… Gattaca. The aesthetics is just perfect and I find it very soothing.
Quite different, but I really love the aesthetics of Call Me By Your Name. I thought the film pretentious, its characters flat, and the emotions lacking, but I’m utterly enamored with the Lazy North Italian Summer Aesthetic it’s got going :D Fruit orchards, old grand house full of art and books, rivers and lakes, gorgeous scrumptious food, bike rides on country roads… I want to bask in it all…
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The Feast of the Seven Fishes-New MC Fanfic
This is just something I threw together for Christmas in my continuing effort to show how Sharon and Andy spent their first year of marriage together. I got the inspiration from Tony who talked about this Sicilian tradition in an interview and how he hoped to go back to his roots and host one in the future. Can totally see Andy embracing the whole family this way.
You can read here https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13157919/1/The-Feast-of-the-Seven-Fishes or here https://archiveofourown.org/works/17160020 or here:
Sharon gazed up at the 15 foot Douglas fir placed in the corner of their living room. It was so tall that her 6 foot 1-inch husband had struggled to get the angel straight, even on a ladder. It had been a long time since she’d had a live tree, let alone one this big. A high ceiling was one of the many attributes of their new home.  The tree was beautiful, filled with ornaments from their pasts and new ones they had purchased together—including the special stained glass shamrock ornament reading “Ireland 2018” that they had purchased on their honeymoon in Ireland.
Last year at this time, she was still recovering from the mild bout of cardiomyopathy that had thankfully turned out to be more of an annoyance than anything else. She’d had to take some time off to allow the virus to run its course and they’d decided to put off their search for a new home until she was feeling stronger. Now, they had this beautiful Spanish Revival, with its high exposed wood beam ceilings, wrought iron chandeliers and the extra spare rooms that would house some of the family members who would be descending on their home tonight. Boughs of holly were draped along the stone fireplace mantle where their stockings were lined up in a row. Live wreaths hung on the walls, filling the air with the scent of balsam pine. Gorgeous full poinsettias in red and white graced the coffee table, the end tables and the top of Sharon’s piano—her housewarming gift from Andy. A strategic sprig of mistletoe dangled in the archway leading from the hall into the living room, a spot where Andy caught her at every opportunity.
She could hear him now in the kitchen, just through another graceful archway off the living room. He was in his glory, preparing for the “Feast of the Seven Fishes” a seven-course traditional Sicilian Christmas Eve meal. It was something he remembered fondly from his childhood and for as long as she had known him; he had talked about wanting to do this for their family. However, until they bought this new larger home, it hadn’t been feasible. The condo wasn’t large enough for both their extended families. This house was.
She made her way into the kitchen, watching Andy slapping together crab and salmon cakes while humming along to “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” with Andy Williams. She ran her hand along his shoulders as she made her way to the stove, earning that pure Andy smile that always made her feel like she was the best thing in his world. She lifted the cover on the vat of bubbling New England clam chowder, stuck a spoon in, and took a taste. The chowder was her contribution, her grandmother’s recipe that always transported her back to summers on Nantucket.
Seven dishes was a lot of food so they were doing as much prep work as possible so all they would have to do tonight was heat everything up. They would start with bacon wrapped scallops along with traditional antipasto for hors-d'oeuvres, and then they would move into the meal. The chowder, followed by the crab and salmon cake appetizers, then a coconut shrimp salad with orange marmalade sauce, lobster rolls made with fresh Maine lobster purchased from ‘Cape Seafood and Provisions’ in West Hollywood, garlicky shrimp scampi, and baked flounder au gratin made with flounder  that Andy and Ricky caught on a fishing trip out to Catalina. Ricky and his girlfriend Tess had flown in a couple days ago and would be staying with them in one of the guest rooms. Emily was due to arrive any minute with her O’Dwyer grandparents, and Andy’s mother and his sisters Antonella, Maura, Peggy, and Gina, along with Peggy and Gina’s husbands and Gina’s daughter Sophia had settled in at a local B&B run by a friend of Sharon’s from her book club. Sharon’s sister Christine, her brother in law Ed and her nieces Jillian and Bridget were also staying at the B&B.
It was Christmas Eve, the food was prepared and Sharon’s sense of occasion had the house looking like something out of a magazine spread. A fire burned in the hearth, white lights twinkled on the large Christmas tree and ran along the built-in bookshelves that flanked the fireplace. Christmas music played softly on the Bose surround sound speakers that Ricky had helped them set up with they’d first moved in. The families mingled, some carrying wine glasses, others cut glass miniature mugs of eggnog doctored up with a little vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, and nutmeg. A bottle of spiced rum sat next to the punch bowl for those who wanted a little extra zip in their nog.
Andy stood leaning against the fireplace sipping his non-spiked eggnog, listening to Celine Dion sing about another year having gone by. He had been talking with Nicole and Dean but as they moved on to get some cheese and crackers for the boys he took a moment to survey the room with pleasure. All the O’Dwyers, Raydors, and Flynn’s were under one roof. His roof. Their roof. His eyes fell on Sharon across the room near the piano. She was in a conversation with her mother, his mother, and his sister Antonella. She had changed into a red cashmere sweater dress that gently skimmed over her curves along with knee-high black suede boots. Sexy and elegant. That was his wife. As if she felt his gaze on her, she turned and caught his eyes, flashing him a broad beaming smile that lit her whole face and made him feel like the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet. When Sharon smiled at him like that, he felt like he could walk on water.
Later that night when they returned from midnight mass at St. Joseph’s and she had changed into a long white silk nightgown, he into pajama bottoms and t-shirt, he slid his iPod into the dock and clicked on one of her favorites, Michael Buble.
“Dance with me,” he said, holding out a hand. She took it and stepped into his arms, resting her head on his broad chest, swaying gently to “I’ll be Home for Christmas” thinking that Buble could even make that holiday favorite sound sexy.
“We are home, aren’t we?” she said, nuzzling into his chest. God how she loved this house near the sea.
“We are,” he agreed, rubbing his cheek against her soft fragrant hair. “But it’s more than this house. It’s you, Sharon. You’re my home. You always have been.”
She pulled back, hearing the catch in his voice. When she saw the sheen of tears displayed in his dark eyes by the moonlight shining through the French doors, she cupped a hand over his cheek. She knew he was thinking about last year at this time. “And you’re my home. As long as we’re together nothing else matters.”
“No, it doesn’t. And as far as Christmas goes, I’ve already been given the best gift ever. I‘ll never have to ask for anything else.”
She cocked her head with curiosity. “What’s that?”
“You. Here with me, healthy and well. When you were sick last year, I made a few deals with God. One of those was that I’d never ask for anything else as long as he made you well again. He kept up His end of the bargain and there’s nothing else I want or need that can ever compare to having you by my side. Forever.
Sharon felt the tear slide down her cheek and then his thumb wiping it away. “How’d I ever get so lucky to have a man like you in my life?”
“Me? I dunno. Provenza said I was the booby prize.”
Sharon gave a surprised little snort laugh. No one could make her laugh through her tears like Andy. “You’re not the booby prize,” she said. “You’re the blue ribbon all the way.  
Christmas morning brought more good news for the family when Dean and Nicole showed up with Tyler and Scottie who were wearing reindeer t-shirts that read “Oh Deer, I’m going to be a big brother” and the announcement that she was due in June. The entire family erupted with excitement, but none more so than Andy and Sharon who were over the moon at the idea of another grandchild.
Once the gifts were unwrapped, the paper balled up in boxes to be sent to recycling, everyone moved into the dining room for a large brunch. Casseroles, ham and cheese, sausage and hash browns, and French toast. Quiche, both veggie and bacon and Gruyere, and a variety of Danish’s, cinnamon rolls, croissants, muffins, coffee cake, and bagels were spread out on the table. It was sunny and in the mid-’60s so Sharon left the French doors open to the patio. Some ate outside under the pergola on the large farmer’s table or perched on the comfortable chairs Andy had placed in a cozy circle around the outdoor Chiminea, while others ate inside in the dining room or on the island bar in the kitchen.  
While they ate Ricky and Tess announced that they were moving in together and would be looking for a condo in San Diego or its surroundings. Tess had been working on her Master's degree in Psychology with a focus on refugee mental health and human rights at Berkeley and had interned with different programs helping refugee children and their families in the Bay area. Now with her Master’s completed, she had been offered a job working with traumatized children experiencing posttraumatic stress having come from refugee situations, many who had been tortured, abused or traumatized by watching family members killed in front of them. She would be working with the children utilizing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques. It was an amazing opportunity and she had to take it, but it meant moving over 7 hours away from Ricky and that was something they both deemed unacceptable. This time it was Ricky who would make the sacrifice. He was lucky. With his computer savvy he could pretty much find a job anywhere in the world, and in many cases, name his price. So, moving had not been a difficult decision. In fact, he informed them that he already had a few interviews lined up in cybersecurity.
Sharon was thrilled that her son was in a serious relationship with a young woman she really liked and that Ricky had been willing to make sacrifices to make the relationship work. Even better, he was now going to be an easily drivable distance away. Less than two hours! He and Andy had already been talking about fishing trips and Dodger games.
A little later while everyone was relaxing inside and they were burning cardboard in the Chiminea, Andy slipped an arm around Sharon‘s waist. “Looks like 2019 is going to be another great year for us.”
“Yes, it does.” She rested her head on his shoulder with a contented sigh. “A new baby, Ricky getting serious with Tess and moving closer to home and our first full year in our new house.”
Andy looked inside through the French doors, his eyes falling on Emily who was laughing with his sister Gina. “Now if we can just get our girl closer to home, life would be perfect.”
Our girl. God how she loved him.
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alongingwithin · 5 years
What do you typically have for breakfast? Both mun and muse. ;)
@untamed-good-ole-boy || Get to know me uncomfortably well [ accepting ]
Liv: “Coffee, mostly. Two sugars, a bit of creamer. I´m not much of an eater in the mornings. If I´m hungry though, I´ll go for bacon and eggs, fruit juice and a danish after, maybe. Or pancakes? Don´t make me choose, damnit. Cold pizza makes for great breakfast food too though, by the way.”
Me: “Coffee with a lot of milk, that´s essential. Some yoghurt, a roll with butter and jam or some cheese? It really depends if I´m watching what I eat or not. I have phases in which I try eating super clean, that´s when I cut out most carbs, proceesed sugar and fat. Then I´ll go for eggs and vegetables, maybe salmon. But always coffee.”
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yosukehosoistudio · 3 years
Marubeni Group - Danish Salmon A/S Agency: Mobercial Co. Ltd. Director: Tomoya Nakamura @tomoyanakamura Executive Producer: Risa Nakajima Producer: Manabu Umeda Rep. Director: Yosuke Hosoi @yosukehosoi Director of Photography: Tetsuhiro Kato @tetsuhirokato Gimbal Operator: Hyun Oh Location Coordinator: Yoko Winther @yoko_sasaki_winther Prodution: Stammgestalter GmbH @stammgram Producution Coordinator: Yuichiro Tashiro @yuichirotashiro
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yosukehosoi · 3 years
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It was another fun shooting in Denmark 🇩🇰 It’s about land raised salmon 🐟 デンマークでの撮影楽しかったなー!日本とドイツとデンマークチームの共作。陸上で養殖するサーモンのお話です。 Marubeni Group - Danish Salmon A/S Agency: Mobercial Co. Ltd. Director: Tomoya Nakamura @tomoyanakamura Executive Producer: Risa Nakajima Producer: Manabu Umeda Rep. Director: Yosuke Hosoi @yosukehosoi Director of Photography: Tetsuhiro Kato @tetsuhirokato Gimbal Operator: Hyun Oh Location Coordinator: Yoko Winther @yoko_sasaki_winther Prodution: Stammgestalter GmbH @stammgram Producution Coordinator: Yuichiro Tashiro @yuichirotashiro ◆日本語字幕版 https://youtu.be/Pz6EgJIZrUQ ◆English https://youtu.be/fcV-xmW0nBw (at Danish Salmon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZvK82OD4qI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mauloveskpop · 6 years
Get To Know Me Tag!
rules: answer 30 things about yourself and then tag 20 lol no blogs you’d like to get to know better!
I was tagged by @allofmylovelove
I’ll be tagging: I don’t know I’m tired after work so no one
About Me
nickname: Mau
pronouns: She/her
zodiac: Capricorn
height: 5′8½/174cm
age: 24
time: 15.45
favourite artists:  
The Rose, KARD, VIXX, Holland, Sunmi, Loona, Brave Girls, Hyuna, Paramore, Panic! at the Disco, Danny Saucedo, Molly Sandén
song stuck in my head: Hyolyn - Bae
last movie i saw: in theaters, Infinity War for me too :P In general ???? Mr Bean’s Holiday?
last thing i googled: bang yongguk
other blogs: @amautifect (main),  @yoon-bora (girl group blog) @maublogskdramas @ultkpopnetwork @therose-net @vixx-network @saturday-net @kbands-net @fy-kyungil
do i get asks: not on this blog no, unless it’s a request. fy-kyungil is the only blog of mine that gets asks
why i chose my url: i think it’s pretty obvious
following: 2096
what am i wearing: a shirt and underwear, i’m not wearing pants at home no thanks
dream job: *shrugs*
dream trip: anywhere
favorite food: salmon with pasta
play any instruments: piano
favourite song: the hardest question in the universe. BAP - Wake Me Up, The Rose - Sorry, VIXX’s entire discography, Paramore - Hard Times
play(ed) any sports: lmao
hair colour: ?????
language/s you speak: Swedish, English and German-ish, also understand Danish and Norwegian pretty well, can’t speak them myself though.
random fact: i have a parrot
describe yourself with an aesthetic: i don’t know lol
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atsvensson · 4 years
Astrid Fiske bygger landbaserad laxodling i Skagen istället för i Smögen
Astrid Fiske bygger landbaserad laxodling i Skagen istället för i Smögen
Svenska myndigheter gav först en massa pengar till Smögenlax Aquaculture AB för att utveckla landbaserad odling av lax. Men när det var dags att gå över till att bygga en kommersiell anläggning så sa svenska myndigheter nej till det. ett ytterst märkligt agerande. En av de stora investerarna i Smögenlax Aquaculture AB är Astrid Fiske AB.
När nu svenska myndigheter gjort det svårt eller nästan…
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honey-yoongles · 6 years
Get to know me tag
Tagged by @jin-bari, thank you for tagging me! I’ve done this kind of tag a few times now, but this had some interesting questions I haven’t answered before! ^_^
Rules: answer 30 questions and then tag blogs you’d like to know better (why is there only 29 questions though, my OCD is triggered)
Nickname: uhh help Gender: Female Zodiac: Virgo Height: 1,75m (5′8 I think?) Age: 21 Time: 11:15 pm Favorite bands/solo artists: Ohhh boy here we go, my music taste is weird plEASE dont judge, i’ll try to mention as many as possible BTS, Fall Out Boy, Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At the Disco, Troye Sivan, Shawn Mendes, Khalid, Years & Years, Lana Del Rey, James Arthur, John Legend, The 1975, Hozier, James Bay, The Neighbourhood, Post Malone, Scarlet Pleasure, Daft Punk Song stuck in my head: I'M A NEW GENERATION, ANPANMAN, I'M A NEW SUPERHERO, ANPANMAN Last movie I saw: uhHH I rarely watch movies, and my memory is REALLY bad. I only really watch movies when @btsismy6thkink takes me to the cinema and if i’m being honest I don’t remember what the last movie we saw was :> Last think I googled: "The Three Circles of English by Braj Kachru” (for my english exam paper that I should be doing instead of answering this tag) Other blogs: I have one other blog, mainly for my (warcraft) inspired art and video game stuff. I don’t use it as much these days, seeing as I enjoy this blog a lot more. Do I get asks: I’ve gotten a few cute messages and chain messages in the past month - thank you! My ask box is currently filled with ship and aesthetic requests that are all months old, but i’ll get to them once exams are over, I promise! Why I chose my username: I adore a sweet boy who comes the latest and leaves the earliest. A honey boy. (Lowkey want to change my username though, I’d prefer a shorter name but they’re hard to think off :<<) Following: 82 Average amount of sleep: 5-7 hours on week days, up to 10+ hours on weekends. Lucky number: Uh, not really a thing I’ve thought of before. What I am wearing: Black skinny jeans, plain gray and black baseball shirt (black sleeves) Dream job: I’m not sure what I want to do just yet. Something related to communication. I’d like to do something that has to do with advertising, something with art, photography, video or photo editing. Dream trip: South Korea, Rome (already been there, but I want to go again), Greece, Turkey. Favorite food: I’m not very picky! The only thing I really can point out that I dislike is bell pepper. I’m also not very fond of shrimps in big amounts. I like spicy food -to some extend.- If you’d really like to woo me though food, salmon is probably the way to go. Or any dish that includes pasta! Play any instruments: .. No, I’m sadly unskilled when it comes to instruments. I played the flute for a little while when i was 13, but never took it any further. I’ve always liked the piano and the violin, so if I ever learn how to read nodes, I’d probably pick one of those instruments up! Favorite song: Don’t do this to me, but currently? Airplane pt. 2 or Anpanman or 134340 or Paradise or Outro: Tear. Play(ed) any sports: I used to play handball and do gymnastics when I was younger. I quit gymnastics when I moved school for the first time, and quit handball when I had to change club (I was too old to continue, and the new club i joined was a girls only team, and frankly they weren’t that nice to me.) Hair color: Dark brown. Eye color: Very dark brown. Most iconic song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, or Can’t help falling in love by Elvis Presley. Languages you speak/are learning: I speak Danish and English fluently, German to some extend (6+ years of education, only really get the basics), I’ve tried learning Chinese but never got that far. After this exam period, I plan on learning a bit of Korean. Random fact(s): I play -a lot- of video games, I like to draw (and do it occasionally.) Describe yourself as aesthetics/things: Coffee, (The smell or taste of) peach, comfortable sweaters and hoodies, soft fabric, cloudy mornings, art museums and paintings, roman or greek architecture, breakfast in bed, antique shops, flower petals.
I tag: @btsismy6thkink (you had it coming tbh, but at this point you should be used to it, hehe) @daegu-flowjob @pansexual---trash @hopeworld13
feel free to ignore this, and tell me if you don’t want to be tagged in the future
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Task 001 - Learn About the Muse
Full Name: Sean Patrick Mosier Pronunciation: sh-AW-n PA-tric MOH-see-ER Meaning: N/A Reasoning: His parents just really liked the name. Nickname(s): Seany Preferred Name(s): Seany Birth Date: April 6th Age: 47 Zodiac: Aries Gender: Cis Male Pronouns: He/Him Romantic Orientation: Biromantic Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Nationality: Danish Ethnicity: Danish Current Location: The Island Living Conditions: Good (Staying at Attis’ Villa) Title(s): Crowned Prince
Birth Place: Copenhagen, Denmark Hometown: Copenhagen, Denmark Social Class:  High class Education Level: Mastery Deploma Father:  Andrew Mosier Mother: Rose Mosier Adopted?: No Sibling(s): N/A Birth Order: N/A Children: N/A Pet(s): A dog named Lucille Other Important Relatives: His mother’s line was all royal. Previous Relationships: N/A
Physical Strength: Can lift up to 100 pounds Teamwork: Depending on who he’s working with, he’s either very strong in this department or very weak. Talents: Dancing, singing. Shortcomings: Doesn’t accept his failures Language(s) Spoken: Danish, German, French, etc. Drive?: Yes Ride a Bicycle?: Yes (also know how to drive a motorcycle) Swim?: Yes (but has fear of large bodies of water) Play an Instrument?: Yes, violin Play Chess?: No Pick a Lock?: No
Face Claim: Norman Reedus Eye Color: Light blue Hair Color: Brown Hair Type/Style: Greasy looking (Even after a shower), Long. Reference Dominant Hand: Right Height: 6′2 Weight: 180 lb Exercise Habits: Works out three times a week (cardio, boxing, etc.) Skin Tone: Caucasian Tattoos: N/A Piercings: N/A Marks/Scars: Multiple on his back from fights. Notable Features: His little mole near the right side of his face, his squinty eyes. Usual Expression: Reference Clothing Style: Reference Jewelry: N/A Allergies: Pollen Body Temperature: Normal (97.5) Diet: Good habits (usually eats lean meats and such) Physical Ailments: N/A
MBTI Type: ISFJ Enneagram Type: 6: The Loyalist Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good Temperament: Sanguine Element: Earth Primary Intelligence Type: Visual-spatial Approximate IQ: 120 Mental Conditions/Disorders: Anxiety, depression Sociability: High Emotional Stability: Middle range Obsession(s): N/A Compulsion(s): N/A Phobia(s): Water, snakes, Being alone, large dogs. Addiction(s): N/A Prone to Violence?: Somewhat.
Speech Style: Sometimes slow, sometimes quick and excitable, depending on who he’s with. Accent: Danish Quirks: Snorts sometimes when laughing, fidgets when nervous, Terrible liar. Hobbies: Drawing, cooking, making collars and such. Habits: Biting nails, tapping foot. Nervous Tics: (read habits) Drives/Motivations: N/A Fears: Snakes, large bodies of water, snakes, larger dogs. Positive Traits: Loyal, kind, loving Negative Traits: Anxious, jealous, obsessive Sense of Humor: Dark Do They Curse Often?: Every sentence he speaks ends in a swear.
Activity: Pole dancing, dancing in general, cooking Animal: Red panda Beverage: Alcoholic: Vodka, wine. Normal: Cola Book: N/A Color: Black Food: Smoked salmon Flower: Rose Gem: N/A Holiday: Halloween Mode of Transportation: Airplane Movie: Anything involving serial killers Musical Artist: Emigrate, Rammstein Quote/Saying: Aller guten Dinge sind drei (All good things come in threes) Scenery: Sunset Scent: The smell outside just after it rains Sport: N/A Television Show: N/A Weather: Rainy or snow
Greatest Dream: Finding his soulmate Greatest Fear: His soulmate dying before he meets them Most at Ease When: sleeping or cuddling someone Least at Ease When: war is happening Worst Possible Thing That Could Happen: Dying a slow painful death after being tortured for a month Biggest Achievement: Won an award for pole dancing Biggest Regret: Living up to his parents expectations Most Embarrassing Moment: Getting caught dancing around in his underwear Biggest Secret: He really wants to get married to Attis but knows he can’t Top Priorities: Make sure Attis is okay before himself.
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shohanurrahmanx · 4 years
Food Culture in Scandinavia
By Jeffrey Whalen Yorktown
A very interesting people the Scandinavians are, the culture captures a very rich and proud history to prosperous and beautiful lands scattered around great Seas and Oceans. Scandinavians take great pride in a culture which is only matched by their glorious history and Viking ancestors.
Either it is as a result of an old or symbolic relationship they share with the sea, or because of their sometimes larger-than-life beliefs, the Scandinavian people has always had a peculiar food cultures and culinary styles.
Wonderful Scandinavian cuisines you should try
An important aspect of Scandinavian dishes is that they are very simple meals. Lovers of Scandinavian Cuisines like Jeffery Whalen from Yorktown reckon that unlike their European neighbors, Seafood is very prominent in their dishes and cuisines, and this is a primary reason why Scandinavian foods are not overcooked.
·         Surstromming
Like most Scandinavian dishes, seafood is at the center of this dish, it literally means Picked herring. Boiled potatoes, chives and lots of cream go with the herring to bring forth a delicious dish. The best part is that there are lots of flavors it can come in, and this is one special treat for you.
·         Pulsa
This literally translates to Scandia hotdogs, and just like the hotdogs we know, they are extremely yummy especially when in sandwiches. You should not miss out on these if you are in proximity of a Scandinavian restaurant.
·         Gravlax
Fish, fish, and more fish, whoever says these people are tired of fish. This is another delicious meal, which comprises of salmons that are sliced thinly. A few sprinkled salt and sugar later; you will be munching on a tasty meal. Besides, rye bread and potatoes are good options to go with this meal.
·         Smorrebrod  
One of the most delightful (yeah, permit me) of all Scandinavian foods, this food is a combination of fresh fish, meats, spreads and salads. Most times, cheese and pate is added to the combo. It is a version of bare sandwich. This dish will leave you amazed at what Scandinavians can achieve with seafood and meat.
  ·         Pea Soup
Pea soup will leave you savoring the aftertaste of the meal. Apart from the fact that it is made from fruit soup, it is also one of the most popular soup found in Sweden, and it is made from peas and bacon.
·         Smoked Salmon
With a region that has lots of sea boundaries, you cannot fault this people with fish. This delicacy is mostly served with scrambled eggs or made into sandwiches. Whichever way, this is one of the biggest export foods of the region.
·         Kottbullar
You will never know how delicious meatballs taste until they are mixed in creamy sauce and eaten with boiled potatoes. This special meal is very delicious and a good staple amongst the Scandinavians.
·         Glogg
This is a popular punch in Scandinavia; it is made with other strong drinks like wine/brandy, then sherry, almonds and raisins. The drink is brewed for merrier times like Christmas and after dinner festivities in Scandinavia, and need I not say, a very strong drink.
Jeff Whalen encourages you to visit his favorite Scandinavian cooking shows here.
The Beauty in Scandinavian foods
It is a fact that a large constituent of Scandinavian foods are natural food elements like Seafood, meats, potatoes and spices. Scandinavian households have gardens for most of the herbs and spices they use in their foods and processed foods make for little appearance on their menu. This is a big reason why Scandinavian delicacies were favorites for Jefferey Whalen all the way in Yorktown.
Apart from these listed above; here are other things you will enjoy about the Scandinavian food culture
ü  The meals are simple are symbolic
Scandinavians (usually refer themselves as Vikings) favor simple meals which make the body lighter and merrier. With a good percentage of their meals coming from seafood, and primary vegetables, these meals are also easily digestible.
ü  They have one of the healthiest diets in the world
Scandinavians do not necessarily overcook their foods; in fact, some of their foods are eaten almost raw. Overcooking meals ruins the nutrients and taste of foods, and most often such foods are bad for the health. Foods that appear in Scandinavian menus are mostly low in fatty compounds, and provide good supplements to the body.
  ü  Wide choice of cuisines available
Food choice is one thing Jeffery Whalen never had to worry about; you can never be short of choices with Scandinavian cuisines. Scandinavians are very passionate about their food culture, and have improved on these over the years with continuous inventions on mouth-watering cuisines. There are hundreds of different cuisines, from simple soups to banquets consisting of seafood and meat available
Food Culture in Scandinavia by countries
A lot of beautiful lands make up the Scandinavian region; the mainland of Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and in a wider extent; Finland, Iceland and Greenland. Although they have a shared and intertwined history, there are slight cultural differences in their culinary preferences. This change is mostly subtle and will only be noticeable to one who is highly knowledgeable about the Scandinavian cuisines.
This is the home of fish meals, and other seafood. Fish is the chief constituent of Danish cuisines, and it is generally served with potatoes, sandwich and eggs. The marzipan and smorrebrod are typical cuisines of the Danish people.
Primarily similar to their neighbors, fish is a major constituent of their diet also; from the Lutefisk, to the Smoked salmons, and on the list goes. The Norwegian herring, clipfish, stockfish are the commonest fish you will find in this region.
Here we find a bit more of red-meat eating Scandinavians compared to other countries; deers, Elks, and Antelopes are the primary source of meat. Kottbullar, Minced Pork and other red-meat dishes are the popular cuisines in this country together with other cuisines made of fish.
Finnish cuisines are primarily based on red-meat also; Pierogis, Cloudberry sauce are some of the popular cuisines in this region. Nevertheless, other foods like Fish, potatoes and vegetables are still very prominent in their meals.
No matter your reservation on the Scandinavian cultures, their foods will amaze you. No matter where you find yourself, you should always visit Scandinavian restaurants and try the cuisines on their menu!
Jeffrey Whalen from Yorktown Heights, NY with his wife and two sons.  He grew up in Katonah, NY. Jeffrey Whalen graduated from John Jay High School in Cross River, NY.  He went on to Boston, MA to receive dual undergraduate degrees in performance and music education from Berklee College of Music. Friends in high school and college affectionately called him “Al”. Jeff Whalen also earned a master’s degree in performance with a concentration in jazz at SUNY Purchase College in Purchase, NY.
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