#Daniel LaRusso/Terry Silver
msfbgraves · 2 years
The fourth D
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"Danny, love," Terry said, as he tightened the new gi around him, pitch black, like his own. "I'm going to teach you something important. And you're going to be a good boy about it."
He tilted Daniel's head up with a finger under his chin, but not before giving Daniel a generous look at his chest through his respectfully lowered eyes.
His lover was generous like that.
"Yes, Sir," he said, a slight hint of surprise in his voice. He always wanted to be good for Terry. He'd never felt as deeply relaxed as when he was being good for Terry.
"You're a love." He felt like a kitten being petted as Terry stroked his cheek with his finger.
"Before I say anything else, I want you as strong as you can get, understood?"
"Yes, Sir!" Had he faltered in his work? He had followed the schedule to the letter...
"Sh, sh, now, stay calm for me. You've done what I've asked of you. I'm satisfied with your progress."
"Thank you, Sir." The relief still flooded through him like a drug.
"You're lithe and nimble, Danny boy, and you need to use that in a fight. But there's a drawback to that."
He hung his head. "I know I am not -"
A hand on his shoulder. "Stop it." The tone was as sharp. "None of that, Daniel." He pulled him a little closer, curled a hand around his neck. "You're mine. Are you questioning my judgment? Because if you are, you can leave this dojo right now."
It was said with a smile, because they both knew that there was nowhere either of them would rather be. For all their differences, Terry loved as hard as he did. He nuzzled into the heat of the man. The soft "No, Sir," spoken like a caress.
"Better not."
A small stroke, then: "Stand up straight." Daniel followed him with his eyes, rapt, as Terry stepped further back. Taking his space.
"There's a certain strength you can never hope to attain, Danny boy, and people know it. You're not built for it, and that's why some of them..."
The words hung in the air for a moment too long; Terry was too quick and simply grabbed him, slung him over his shoulder -
...will do this."
Damn it. They'd been training to avoid that lunge, but he'd never said anything about the countermove, and it made Daniel feel helpless and brittle. "Stop it!" he said, memories of that mugging at the Halloween dance resurfacing and tightening his throat.
He was slammed down on a mat, panting as he looked up at his sensei, humiliated and weak.
"Was it for nothing, then?" He choked. "If they can pick me up and..."
"Sh. Sh. Danny, love." A kiss, unrelenting, as the older man held him still and safe. "Most people built like a tank are one trick ponies. We'll have to be smarter than that, huh?" he said, as Daniel still tasted the salt of a tear on his lips.
"I guess," he pouted. Terry pushed him down more forcefully. "That's not an answer."
Daniel swallowed. "You're right, Sir. What should I do?"
"Come with me." Terry pulled him up off the mat, one fluent movement.
He took him back into his office and to his desk, where Daniel saw a slim, shiny wooden chest, like he'd seen people use for silverware in the restaurant his Ma managed.
Terry stood still and turned to him. "You're Sicilian, aren't you?"
"On my Dad's side." There it was, ice in his chest. He really wanted nothing to do with it.
Terry grasped his wrist. "And what was the first thing you bought in Okinawa?"
He looked at him, jaw set. "A yanagi. So what?"
"A blade," Terry said. "Made exclusively for cutting through flesh." Terry cradled his face once more. "Your blood led you straight to your greatest strength."
He wasn't going to look at him. "I don't know anything about knives."
"But you love them."
He took a breath. Terry leant in. "You love knives like you love me, Danny boy," he whispered. "And you know why?"
He shook his head.
"Knives are your weapon," Terry said. "Lithe and swift. Innocuous." He turned Daniel's head toward the chest. "Deadly."
He looked at him, still uncomprehending.
"A nation of men, just like you," Terry purred. "Lithe. Swift. Merciless." He opened the chest. "The finest knife fighters in the world."
Daniel gasped.
"I've never..."
"You're a honeypot, sweetheart," he said. "Attraction is your strongest force. But with this", he took out a gleaming, balanced dagger, a snake circling the sheath, "cradling you is the last mistake some men will ever make."
Daniel took the sheath, pulled out the hilt.
The Red One.
They'd told him it was because of his ancestors' hair color.
He balanced the dagger in his palm, felt a sense of clarity and strength.
Terry stood behind him, a warm hand on his shoulder.
"You like that, Mr. LaRusso?"
Daniel moved it, so the blade reflected back the light.
Man can't see, he can't fight.
"Yeah," he said, pulling his shoulders back and smiling at his mentor.
"Yes, Sir. I like that."
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reddie-as-ill-ever-be · 2 months
I love that everyone in Cobra Kai is in a different genre.
Daniel and Johnny are in a homoerotic buddy-cop comedy, Tory is in a Saw trap, Miguel is in a coming-of-age movie, Kenny is in a coming-of-rage movie, Hawk and Demetri are in a BL sports anime, Sam is in a teen drama, Robby's in a reboot of a hit movie from the 80's, Chozen is literally just there, Kreese and Silver are in a psychosexual thriller, Amanda is in a sitcom, Kyler-
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soupforsoup · 5 months
You'd think cobra kai is about breaking the cycles of abuse and toxic hypermasculinity that have kept you in a spiral of shame your whole life, and how holding someone you love up on a pedestal and ignoring their mistakes only limits you from self-acceptance in your own human flaws, and it is that but mainly it's just about how much Gay on Gay violence four old men can commit on each other before they either fuck nasty or kill each other
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bluepallets · 4 months
Smut under the cut, no specific character, MxF reader, oral(F), fingering(F), slight overstimulation
Enjoy :)
His strong hands grip her plush hips, groaning into her heat as he dragged out her third orgasm that night. Tongue flicking against her sensitive clit. She pulls at his hair, trying to find purchase.
Gasps and whimpers coming from her mouth when he stuffs his ring finger into her, right down to the knuckle. Still, his eyes never leave hers.
Her eyes water and her legs shake. His free hand moves down to keep them spread apart. Another finger is added to her slick wet. He knows she’s close by the way she twitches, the way she pushes him deeper into her, her babbling on about how good he treats her.
When she cums around his fingers, and makes a mess of his face he laps it all up. She whines when his fingers are pulled out of her, licking them clean before placing a sweet kiss against her overstimulated cunt. His hands rub up against her thighs soothingly.
Moving up, he presses a small kiss to her cheek. Muttering to her about how good she did, how well she took him, how sweet and beautiful she was. Rambling about how cute she was when she got like this, all whiney and needy for him.
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rosie-tyler · 5 months
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Terry Silver + his reactions to people roasting him
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gaffney · 15 days
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THE KARATE KID (1984) / COBRA KAI (2018-2025)
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worldsaparted · 2 months
hi!! your writing is so so good i read all your fics ^_^ !! could you write something for maybe a jealous make out session with johnny lawrence omg 🙈🙈 like reader was just talking with daniel normally and johnny sees and gets all jealous and possessive AHHSJFJDJ im going crazy for this man
1. i love this request, and 2. thank u so much for ur support, i appreciate it :) <3
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Lab Partner - Johnny Lawrence
As Y/n walked out of the indoor hallways, she glanced to Daniel Larusso as he held the door open for her - shooting a friendly smile. “What do you say about tomorrow, study hall?” He asked, his voice soft - and a bit scratchy. He awaited an answer from the girl who walked beside him as they exited school.
“That sounds good.” She responded, nodding and sending a small wave to him as he handed her the paper work from today’s class.
“Bye, Y/n.” His voice was soft and she returned a small bye, under her breath before her view shifted from Daniel - to Johnny, a small glare across his face as he watched Daniel Larusso make his way off campus.
He was leaning against his own car, and seeing as it was extremely cold as Christmas neared, his car roof was on.
Johnny Lawrence kept his view on Daniel Larusso as his girlfriend walked over, making her way to him and his car.
She met him, her hand tapping his chest to gain his attention and he glanced down at her after she placed a casual kiss against his jawline as a way of greeting him. “Hey - ” He gestured to the tan boy. “What the hell was that?” He watched as Y/n sighed, getting into his car and he did the same now, his gaze set on her.
“What?” She asked, her voice soft as the many cars of students leaving the school passed by, slowly but surely emptying out the parking lot.
Getting into the car, Johnny Lawrence sighed as he started it up - watching his girlfriend set her backpack in the back as he began driving out as well. He was clearly annoyed, and she could tell - the way he drove, the way he didn’t shut up about the subject. “I told you, he’s my lab partner.” Y/n justified, watching Johnny scoff.
“I’ve got a lab partner too, you don’t see me talking to her like that.” He sassed, parking his car in front of the small diner he sometimes took her too after school that was just around the corner.
“Well, he’s a good lab partner, Johnny. Knows how to do a lot.” Of course she was playfully egging him on, but with his temper - Johnny rolled his eyes - turning the ignition of his car off, holding his keys in his hand as he glanced over to Y/n - a small smile across her face.
“You’ve got to be joking.” He spoke, his voice low and Y/n shrugged, watching as he squinted his eyes - “Y/n.” He started, “I’ll take you home right now.” He threatened, and he carefully watched her before her soft smile widened.
She attempted to place an innocent, gentle kiss upon his lips to assure him she was kidding, though at the feeling of her lips meeting his , Johnny immediately closed the space between them.
He undid her seatbelt for her, his lips against hers slowly turning the kiss from slow and careful to rough and needy kisses.
His right hand was gripping her neck, and his left on her cheek as he held her firmly, placing continuous kisses against her lips - clearly in need of this.
His kisses were usually passionate, but when they were this aggressive it told all. Johnny was angry, but at the same time - he loved reminding her.
“What’d I tell you about Larusso?” He spoke against her lips, and as she attempted to pull away and respond, Johnny shook his head. “Shut up.” He mumbled, immediately placing his lips against hers again. This time, their parted lips met in a desperate, sloppy manner. Johnny gave himself an entrance to her mouth as he slipped his tongue in, perfectly exploring his girlfriend’s mouth.
Slowly, his hand reached into the inside of Y/n’a shirt, caressing her back and earning soft sighs in content as she nodded into the kiss. Now, Johnny was feeling a lot better. He smiled into the kiss, his eyes fluttering open as he spoke up, pulling away just an inch, leaning over her now. “Does he know how to do that?” He asked, his tone confident and almost playful - but Y/n knew he meant that question with everything in him.
This time, he waited for an answer, his eyebrow quirking a bit as he panted a little, hovering her. “Huh?” He searched her eyes, and Y/n’s lips curved into a small smile.
She took her hand to run it through his blonde, soft hair, and without any words - she answered by shaking her head. At this, Johnny Lawrence bit his lip, nodding and quickly removing his Cobra Jacket, throwing it to the back seat. He quickly leaned in once again, now moving forward and leaning her seat back to gain more comfort. His lips clashed against hers as if he was hungry, and he bit her bottom lip in the midst of their kiss, groaning a little in pleasure at the feeling of her hands roaming his chest, and ending up around his neck.
“I’ll do all your lab work.” He murmured against her lips again, his hands traveling up to her cup her face. He grabbed her, and held her in place as he continued to kiss her roughly, earning smiles against the kiss from Y/n. “You’ll never have to talk to him again, I promise you.” Those were the last words before Johnny continued to focus on kissing her, his thumbs rubbing against her jawline.
The sloppy kisses continued, Y/n allowed herself to pull him closer by wrapping her arms around his neck and she nodded against the kiss, her top lip in between both of his as he lightly sucked on it. His lips slowly left her swollen ones to run against her jawline, and his hands moved to rest inside her shirt, around her waist.
He lightly sucked at her skin as he moved down to her neck, and then to her chest. He earned small murmurs of pleasure from Y/n, and at that - he was completely fine. Could Daniel Larusso make her feel like this? Johnny Lawrence bit his lip before he took one hand out of her shirt, nodding and running it through her hair. “Yeah, that’s it.” He whispered, his lips against her ear before he placed soft, wet kisses against it, traveling down and back to her neck, then her lips.
Johnny Lawrence was in his own seventh heaven. Growing more and more pleased with each kiss. Thankfully, these windows were tinted. He took it to himself to remove Y/n’s jacket and he let out a low groan at the feeling of Y/n biting his lip, slowly tugging on it before pulling away and allowing him to remove her long sleeve as well. Johnny’s kisses were now on the skin above her bra - he knew she was allowing him to get this far in public because he had recently tinted his car windows and because of their circumstances today.
To make him feel better, to let him know that she truly was only his.
So of course, at the sight of her like this - he melted. Not just because she was beautiful but because he loved the ways she assured him that she was his. She took his chin, pulling him up to kiss his lips once again.
Johnny wasn’t sure he ever wanted to leave this car, his pants grew tighter and he found himself fiddling with her bra - which was sadly where she stopped him. He leaned up, his hand rubbing her thigh as his eyes searched hers and she softly kissed him once more, her hands in his hair that had grown from combed to messy, and disheveled. “Let’s go home.” She spoke, and immediately Johnny nodded, placing a few more hunger induced kisses against her lips before sitting back in his seat, watching her throw her shirt back on.
If only he was her lab partner.
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deviousdevilx · 2 months
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out of context, this just looks like two gay daddies supporting their daughter lol
and the haters (and jealous on the other side; Robby is more confused, Terry is SO JEALOUS, and Kreese is like wtf with a dash of homophobia)
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crimmson-sight · 2 months
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Cobra Kai season 5 bloopers But it's just my babygirls being silly
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Daniel or bust! He would never ghost or hang up on him either!
This guy?
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gjdraws · 1 year
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found a new brush, saw some tkk3 gifs fell down a hole you know the drill
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blusandbirds · 19 days
cobra(t) kai
i guess the apple don't fall far from the tree / 'cause i've been looking at you so long, now i only see me
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gay-caveman · 1 year
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rosie-tyler · 2 months
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sowizardmentality · 2 months
If you take one more step, Mr. Lawrence, Danny boy will follow his sensei!..
Alternate ending for season 5.
Silver (already a little crazy, bloody, with a katana) defeated Chozen and is now ready to go even further
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abracazabka · 1 year
“average person has 3 karate rivals” factoid actually just statistical error. average person has 0 karate rivals. Daniel LaRusso, who is Just A Little (Punchable) Guy & adopts homoerotic karate rivals on the daily, is an outlier and should not have been counted
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