#Danganronpa: Fabricated Memories
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hey-heigo · 4 months ago
if byakuya transitioned before the killing game then junko would have had a way harder time making the killing game happen
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lilypadding · 1 year ago
👒 maraudersdenier Follow
sometimes to feel alive I rewatch danganronpa season 1 and 2
#idk it was peak series to me #they had the hope's peak arc going #season 3 was completely different
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🪴 soniasansflowers Follow
I can't believe the surviving casts of DR are just walking around now??? you survived a genuine killing game and now you're just waking up on tuesday and driving to starbucks to get a drink????? what???????? 
#danganronpa #scribby.txt
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🧚‍♀️ loserrrville Follow
sorry but I still think it's funny that dr2 was the only season where they revived the cast 💀
#and the only cast that deserved it was s15 but you guys aren't ready for that convo #sdr2 #dr15
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🧸 danganwrongpers Following
🎮 monokumasmilk Following
Do you guys ever think about how everyone in Danganronpa isn't even real...? We'll never know their actual backstory, especially not from their perspective. Their memories are always wiped and replaced with hijinks fabrications. And we've already talked about how everything is real to them because it's in their head, but it's not. Their memories are built on lies. nobody in this show is real. 
🧨 fdr38frontlines Follow
average danganronpa fan discovers acting
#the reblog is funny and everything but op is onto something #I've gotten so uncomfortable whenever I think about it for too long #yeah they're all consenting adults #and they signed up for it knowing what would happen #but...
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☁️ komaedasoup Following
remember when people got so weird about nagito and hajime hanging out (and being actual friends in interviews) that they stopped talking to each other just to avoid you freaks shipping them 😭
👤 despairinglyhopeful-deactivated
they probably stopped talking publicly not privately 👀
☁️ komaedasoup Following
#be NORMAL??!?!
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🍇 junkorenoshimer Follow
everyone's suddenly so obsessed with danganronpa not being "ethical" but how did you guys not realize this show is kinda fucked when that one interview with makoto came out and he literally says he got nightmares of the game and intense survivor's guilt. like the signs have always been there
🎮 monokumasmilk Following
Yet you never made a post about it until now did you?
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🔑 wannabekirigiri Following
#i am normal so normal so
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🎀 sdr2-supremacy Following
the things I would let hajime hinata do to me
🍡 hinatahajimeofficial Following
Okay let me run you over
🎀 sdr2-supremacy Following
#help I forgot he was real #DOES HE SCROLL THROUGH HIS OWN TAG??? 
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🔑 wannabekirigiri Following
all my mutuals will be very happy to know I GOT CAST FOR SEASON 53!!!!
#for legal reasons this is a joke haha 
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based entirely on @okthatsgreat 's original post
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anonzentimes · 3 months ago
In response to that anon; "Korekiyo's backstory is a fabricated memory" should NOT be used in his defense. Since we obviously should rank on how evil the CHARACTERS the V3 casts embodies and go by UTDP/DRS composite rule. Otherwise the entire real cast of V3 would be unrankable, as we do not know their real origins or past crimes to properly rank them fairly. "Korekiyo's crimes and kills are fictional" is a pointless arguement since EVERYONE and their crimes in Danganronpa 1-3 are all canonically fictional... Unlike V3's event.
In the most respectful way you can tell how that kind of flew over my head as I don’t care for Danganronpa v3 very much… I can appreciate what it’s trying to do but I never felt like it did it well and to me it always felt like it was good then got worse which will always feel worse to me than if the start is iffy and the end is good. I’ve always viewed Danganronpa v3 as a an alternative universe where the Danganronpa 1-3 stuff was fictional in that world but isn’t actually fictional if that makes sense??? Anyways enough about my hot takes!!!
It’s ridiculous to disregard it just off of “they’re fictional it’s not their true self,” like ??? I also feel like the despairs should be there separately so that can be clarified too because generally the tierlist stinks.
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themattress · 3 months ago
Re:Maki Roll
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So when it comes to Danganronpa V3's story, Maki is one of my least favorite characters. But I recently thought about it and I feel the need to offer something of a correction: I actually don't have that much of a problem with Maki herself. While I feel like making her the Ultimate Assassin was a mistake on Kodaka's part, her characterization is perfectly sensible for that talent and the upbringing that gave it to her. Looking at her in a bubble, she's fine. My actual problem is with the narrative framing of her and the other character's reactions to her.
Usually, Danganronpa is good at not trying to force a point of view down your throat so far as certain characters are concerned. It presents them in all their flaws and indefensible actions, and lets you form you own opinion. But with Maki, the narrative seems weirdly obsessed with making you like and sympathize with her, delving way more into her past and feelings than most other characters, and casting such a flattering light on her that it's easy to ignore the fact that as the Ultimate Assassin she is a mass murderer and displays little remorse for it.
This segues into how the other characters react to her and treat her. So Kokichi exposes that she's the Ultimate Assassin; in other words a professional killer trapped in a game where the objective is to kill people. And instead of being concerned about that...nobody cares. Well actually, that's not entirely true: they do care for a while, but then Kaito says "Leave it to me, she's not that bad and I'll prove it!" and then everyone just accepts this and the issue doesn't come up again. Maki doesn't suffer much ostracization all because Kaito decides for no solid reason that she has to be a good person, despite her attitude usually being not so good, which persists as she casually throws out her "Do you want to die?" catchphrase at others.
But of course, Chapter 5 is the real lowlight. Maki deliberately chooses to lie to her friends by promising not to go off on her own to kill Kokichi, steals poison from Shuichi's lab so that Kokichi can suffer as he dies, screws up and seemingly kills Kaito, and as a result tries to get her friends killed in the class trial so that (who she thinks is) Kokichi can be executed along with them. In short, she deceived people so that she could attempt lethal revenge, it backfired on her, and rather than learn anything responded by deceiving the same people so that she could attempt lethal revenge again, only this time she knew it would cost those people their lives. In Chapter 6, she again promises against lethal revenge and again goes back on it, with the only improvement made being that she's willing to sacrifice her own life for it instead of sacrificing others' lives. And I don't mind any of this! It makes Maki an interesting character.
What I mind is everyone else forgiving her and giving her a free pass for all of it. At no point does anyone else say "What the fuck, Maki!? That is messed up!" They forgive her for her multiple betrayals instantaneously, with Shuichi even later throwing a Kaito line at Maki that calls her "the hero", as if she's some kind of noble paragon. Whenever Maki's actions are brought up, it's in the context of claiming that the Mastermind "controlled her" to do it through fake memories of Kokichi being a Remnant of Despair, with nobody pointing out that everyone else got those same fake memories and nobody but Maki chose to act upon them the way she did; a way she explicitly promised them she would not. Maybe Kodaka thought he was doing the same thing he did with Hina in the original Danganropa, but those situations were completely different. Hina was a regular girl pushed to an emotional/mental breaking point by Sakura being physically assaulted and then killing herself plus a suicide note that Monokuma fabricated, and her actions very specifically included her own death along with everyone else's. Maki is a professional assassin who was cool-headed to the point where she's the one who pulled everyone else out of a depressive funk, Kaito was not dead until she seemingly killed him while trying to kill Kokichi, and she wanted to get everyone else but herself killed. Hina being instantly forgiven for what she did while having a total breakdown makes sense, Maki being instantly forgiven for conscious, cold-blooded betrayal does not.
I, however, will forgive Maki, and instead declare Kodaka guilty! It's punishment time!
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penguwastaken · 11 days ago
The Danganronpa V3 cast are not adults please stop being weird 💀
Danganronpa is a series that while I enjoy, isn't immune to criticism. One of the major and most valid criticisms levied against the series is its treatment and sexualizations of its cast of minors.
While you can maybe justify it in the first two games (though I wouldn't because they spend the entire game unaware of their missing memories, not to mention in DR2 their avatars are constructed from their appearance before entering Hope's Peak), one game you can't really do this for is V3 simply because V3 doesn't even attempt to try to make up some excuse for it.
And yet there is still a large group of people who insist that the cast of that game is comprised of adults anyway. This absolutely baffles me because the "evidence" is so shaky and flimsy that it rears its head into sketchy territory, so I kind of wanted to talk about it and explain why this isn't the case.
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The Arguments In Favor
Before we go into the evidence against this, let's start by looking at the common points made as evidence for it. All of these arguments I found from all over the internet, so I can assure you these are actual arguments people made. I obviously won't be sourcing them because many of them are laughably stupid and I don't want anyone being harassed, but you can easily find them.
"The first two games had the cast be secretly adults so it makes sense for V3 to be like that as well."
This is a really stupid argument that I hear a lot. Yes, this is the case in the first two games because it is relevant in the first two games. It is a part of those games story and is therefore mentioned. It is not mentioned in V3 because it just isn't the case in that game, this is an assumption with no proof. This is simply just not a plot point that exists in V3.
"The characters' actors could be adults because it's a killing game and you'd have to be an adult to sign up."
Bold of you to assume that the company that kills people on live TV cares about the age of its guests. Anyways, this also falls apart when you consider that we see the actors and they are described as "normal high school students" and are shown wearing high school uniforms. This leads us to the next point people bring up. Even the artbook that goes over the pregame designs makes it abundantly clear they're high schoolers (more on that later).
"What if Tsumugi fabricated them being high schoolers?"
There's once again no proof for this, but even still, so what? The cast are all under the impression that they're high schoolers.
"High schoolers can be adults."
They can also not be. And in this case, there is no proof that they are. When you see a high schooler, do you justify sexualizing them because of the mere possibility of them being an adult? Of course not, because the odds are even higher that they aren't.
This isn't even mentioning how it's the start of a new school year for them, so the odds of everyone being an adult is next to impossible.
"The Ultimate Academy is a college, not a high school."
I think anyone with a working brain can tell you this is obviously not true but I've seen this brought up enough times where I need to mention it. No, it is not a college. It is, in fact, a high school and simply looking at the logo of the school itself says that. They're also all referred to as "Super High School Level" students.
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"The Ultimate Academy has a love hotel and a casino."
When has age stopped these writers from sexualizing the cast? Ultra Despair Girls is proof enough that the writers don't care. Also the point of the Gofer Project was that they'd be able to preserve the human race, that's probably why it's there.
Ignoring how operating casinos and gambling in general is illegal in Japan so they're breaking the law regardless, Hope's Peak has had an Ultimate Gambler so clearly they're not against minors gambling. And before you say that Hope's Peak and the Ultimate Academy are different schools, they operate the same and Tsumugi even retcons the cast to be Hope's Peak students half way through the in universe story.
"Kaito is smoking a pipe in his character art and you had to be 20 at the time of V3's release to do legally smoke in Japan."
This point is so funny to me because, while I'll go into it more, Kaito refers to himself as a teenager very early on in the game. This means that he was, in fact, not 20. (Kaito also illegally took the astronaut exam so I doubt he cares anyway.)
"Kirumi was the prime minister of Japan in order to be the prime minister have to be at least 25."
Sure, if Kirumi was actually the prime minister. She isn't though, she only did the work behind the scenes for the real prime minister, so I htink it's obvious that these terms don't apply to her because she was a made who worked in secret and not the actual prime minister.
"Ryoma was death row and in order to be in death row in Japan you have to be at least 18."
This is probably the best arguement here but it's still very flimsy for a few reasons. For starters, this is the same series where you can work alongside the police as a detective at 12 years old, so the legal system clearly isn't the same here. Furthuremore, the backstories of V3's casts are comically extreme, so Ryoma getting into death row before graduating high school isn't that out of the question. Also, the same character bio that says he's on death row also refers to him as a teenager.
But let's just say that isn't convincing enough for you. Alright, Ryoma specifically is an adult. Teenagers can be 18 and the legal system here being different is an assumption. So what? Does this suddenly mean everyone else is an adult too? Does Yasuhiro being 20 when he got into Hope's Peak mean the rest of his classmates were? At most this proves Ryoma specifically is an adult.
The Arguments Against
Now that we got a lot of the flimsy arguments out of the way, let's actually put this argument to rest.
The cast are unambiguously high schoolers/teenagers. The game, at multiple points, tells you that the cast consists of high school students. The actors are even mentioned to, in fact, be high school students.
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Almost everyone in the cast wears some variation of a school uniform, obviously modifed to match their own personalities similarly to the first game. Just like with other games as well, you can see the logos for their previous high schools on their uniforms, meaning they're coming from another high school year.
There is also Kaito, whose whole backstory is that he's too young to be an actual astronaut so he has to be a trainee. He even looks you in the eyes and tells you he is a teenager.
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When they are discussing what's in Maki's lab, the possibility of a baby being there is brought up. Tsumugi then says that Maki is in her first year of high school, so at the very least there is no way Maki is an adult.
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I already addressed the whole "teenagers/high schoolers can be adults thing before" so it doesn't really need repeating and same thing with Tsumugi potentially making up everything revolving around them being high schoolers.
There's also Kokichi and Himiko, who were both referred to internally as a shota and a loli. (Because of course the developers are weirdos, who would have guessed.)
"The keyword on his initial design was simply “shota”, so we made him look like a cute and personable boy." -Kodaka's comment on Kokichi in the artbook
"For example, in the case of Himiko Yumeno, I put together the character using only keywords that I thought were interesting, such as 'self-proclaimed magician' or 'loli girl.'" -Kodaka explaining the thought process behind creating characters
Speaking of Kokichi, in 2021 Kodaka did one of his yearly birthday celebration things for him and said he turned 20 that year. Since V3 came out in 2017, that would make him 16 in that game.
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The artbook in general, again, refers to a lot of the cast as high schoolers. Once again, it couldn't be any more unambiguous. I'd recommend reading it yourself, almost every character is referred to as a high schooler in someway and they even go in depth on some characters on how they were designed with being a high schooler in mind. They even talk about the pregame designs, and once again, emphasize how they were designed to be high schoolers.
They were also written with it in mind as well. When asked on Bluesky why he writes high schoolers, he responds saying that it's in between being a kid and an adult, meaning he writes them from the perspective of them not being adults.
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In fact, I'd argue that them being not adults is pretty important to the character writing overall. A huge theme of Danganronpa is the pressure put on young people in high school and having them decide what they're going to do in their life. The cast in general are written to be anime high schooler tropes.
In other words, they are unambiguously high schoolers.
What Now?
At BEST the age of the cast is vague. But as I said earlier, are you really okay with sexualizing someone on the mere possibility of them being an adult? Even when there's no proof of them being one and that's only a random baseless assumption you made to justify it? Personally, I think it's weird. And even then, this is ignoring how the entire cast is under the impression that they are just starting another year of high school. As dumb as it sounds, they are all mentally high schoolers.
And if you're one of those people who just don't care if they're adults or not, then I can't really do anything. You're a lost cause anyway lol
I've been wanting to talk about this for a while because it's something that really bugs me. And before you accuse me of just trying to start up age discourse or whatever, I think it's stupid. This discourse shouldn't exist because simply paying attention tells you everything you need to know. The discourse ultimately comes down to those who paid attention, those who didn't, and those who don't care. I don't care how controversial this stance may be, but I'll die on this hill lol.
In the end, I think this fandom has gotten a little too comfy with the stuff they say about the characters. Especially this cast in particular. I don't really care about headcanons that they're older because those are typically harmless, I just find the game and fandom's sexualization of these characters to be weird.
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mod-kyoko · 2 years ago
"Shatter Me" kirumi tojo angst fic
info: gn!reader, established relationship, tw: pstd, scars, mentions of execution, around 3,200 words
type: angst with hurt/comfort, oneshot, post-game AU
a/n: this is a completely indulgent kirumi angst I had cooking up, basically this is set after post-game where everything was a simulation and the damage done to the 'characters' is done to them irl title is a reference to this song which I personally think suits Kirumi well but who knows lmfao
it was all like a horrible nightmare, a nightmare you weren’t even sure you could ever wake from. all the death, the pain and the misery would never be something you could shake from. every single trial, each passing moment your life was on the line… yet each time someone dies, you just wished you took their place. you survived, at what cost? only to be told that your talent and memories were nothing more than a fabrication to appease an audience? you never really found out if those interview videos were real or not…  you saw yourself, clear as day; “if I were in Danganronpa…I would love to be an Ultimate !3$5&*+...I would kill in a way no one has ever seen!”
did you really say that? was that even you, looking up at the camera with wide, child-like eyes declaring you’d… kill? In some ways, you wished you were the first to go out… so you didn’t have to witness the death of your own lover.
kirumi tojo… the “Ultimate Maid” or so they wanted them to all believe. you instantly connected with her; her calm, composed and almost motherly demeanour sucked you in like a moth to a flame. even from the beginning it seemed like she felt it too, she treated you differently than the others. she kept her ‘devoted’ maid self but she checked on you more often, she always asked if you needed anything unprompted, and poured you more tea when you were finished with a cup. you spent many moments alone with her, she enjoyed your company and laughed at your stupid jokes. the first time you kissed her; it was in the spur of the moment, you weren’t thinking. she was just so beautiful, up close to you and asking you in a soft whisper if you wanted sugar with your tea. yet when your lips connected to hers, she was shocked of course but she didn’t pull herself away from you.
what things you would do just to go back to those days, where the worries of murder and despair weren’t constantly plaguing your mind. nights upon nights you sat in your room, staring up at the ceiling asking yourself why kirumi went to the extremes that she did. It was sickeningly twisted what the motive that was created for her was, the prime minister of japan… it sounded silly now you thought of it outloud, if you knew about the truth behind it all you would definitely have thought that it was some poorly written story by a teenage girl. However, you couldn’t even fathom that thought as you were screaming and crying at kirumi that she was a traitor and betrayed your trust. you regretted those words deeply… as those were the last words you ever said to her before she was executed. you barely watched it and the little moments you did watch were enough to make you heave up. the last memory you thought of kirumi was her lifeless body on the floor, splattered and unrecognisable.
you looked up. your eyes just met with pure sterile white walls. after the events of the killing game, the simulation… waking up with wires around your body, you never loved the colour white so much. you were currently sat in the recovery centre, where the various victims and… culprits were recovering from their in-game injuries. it made your skin crawl to think that the simulated deaths acted as if they existed in real life too; it broke your heart to think how everyone else was handling it. However, your mind was entirely focused on one person and one person alone.
how long have you been standing here? staring at the door that led to kirumi’s recovery room? an hour? more than that? it’s not the idea that you didn’t want to see her, you were jumping off the walls in happiness to find out that your partner was alive but not unscathed. you were afraid - afraid of what was on the other side of that door, what condition kirumi would be in. would she be happy to see you?
you swallowed a thick lump in your throat, a shaky hand grasping the doorknob and you already felt the bead of sweat going down your forehead. you knew that you couldn’t just back away from this. bad outcome or not, you were going to see her, you just wanted to see her again.
with a gentle click the door opened and you peered in. there she was, dressed in a patient gown and sat in a wheelchair by the window, her eyes vacant yet staring at the courtyard of the facility. your heart skipped a beat as you held your breath, seeing her alive like this… you had to hold yourself to make sure that you weren’t dreaming and the nightmare would come back all over again.
“kirumi…” you called for her and your voice reverberated off the walls despite the fact you spoke in a whisper. her eyes widened, turning herself as fast as her condition would allow her to. you just wanted to run over to her, hug her tight and swing her around in utter joy. however, stepping closer you really started to see how serious her condition may be. minus the fact she was in a wheelchair it looked like her entire body was wrapped in bandages, at least, based on what you could see outside of the gown. her warm green eyes stared at you like if you were a ghost, hell… to her, you probably were as much as a ghost she is to you she didn’t say anything which worried you, you slowly sat down on a chair that was near the window as well. you looked out the window awkwardly, trying to think on what to even say. you looked back at her to find she was still looking at you.
“uhm… how are you feeling?” that was the only words you could even think of to say, there were a thousand questions running through your mind but you wouldn’t want to overwhelm her. she took a deep breath, it sounded uneven like if she had trouble getting air. finally, she spoke. “I feel pain all over. my head… it hurts.” hearing her voice was a relief even though it had a shake to it. “yeah… I can imagine it does hurt…” your mind flashes to her execution; from the small parts you saw through the cracks in your fingers, she fell head first. the thought made you cringed. “you… understand what’s going on, right?” you asked her. you were told that the others had been given information when they woke up… which was two days ago if you weren’t mistaken.
she gently nods her head in a twitchy sort of motion. come to think of it, her head seemed to wobble slightly even when sitting still. jesus. “all of… that… was fake? a simulation..? our… memories were toyed with…” you saw her bandage-wrapped hands clench which caused you to grit your teeth. you hated this so much.
“y…yeah… we were… fictional characters created for some.. dumb show or… whatever…” you didn’t tell her that there was the possibility that you all signed up for it. you weren’t sure what was true or not. “we are real now, of course… I’m… here.” you reached a hand to gently place it over hers, she flinched and you looked at her with apologetic eyes. “my purpose… was… just an illusion then…” she muttered with her brows wrinkling. “I… I thought I did what was right… for… my people. those people didn’t even exist…”
you grimaced. she meant her ‘fake’ past, right? the people of Japan was what made her murder another, her selfless devotion. “am I a monster?” those very words made your eyes widened and you shook your head vigorously. “no… no, of course not...  if I was in your shoes I would’ve done the same thing.” you said rather seriously and she looked at you, searching for a lie of some kind. she sighed softly. “you do not seem the type to do such a thing at all… you don’t have to try and make me feel better about myself. I see the person I am now.” “but you’re not a monster, kirumi… and I’m not just saying it to make you feel better. you’re not the only one to have motives to kill… the ones after were… much worse than yours…”
you saw the way her eyes darted around in shock, realising that the killings had continued after her death. she looked away and covered her mouth with her hand. she looked like she was going to be sick. “however, I had… betrayed you..”
hearing your own words echo from her lips made a deep guilt sink into your stomach. to think that was the last thing you ever said to her before she met her demise… because you were so damn angry, angry at her and… angry at yourself, angry at the sick twisted minds that constructed  the killing game. 
“I’m sorry.” was all you could say. kirumi looked at you completely shocked. why were you apologising…? she was the one that had killed, betrayed you and threw away everything you created together. despite her feelings, she relaxed into her wheelchair and breathed out, like if she had been holding her breath for some time. “I… I am sorry too…” 
god you wanted to cry right then and there as she said that. she was not innocent at all but something within you just wanted to hold her in your arms and never let go, you never want to lose her ever again. “are you… considering to go through the treatment…?” you asked, hoping to change the topic a bit even if it was still morbid. she nods her head gently. “yes… they said I should partake in small exercises like catching a ball… and… relearning how to walk.” 
you bit your bottom lip at that news. it could be much worse… at least it sounded like she had a chance to get a normal life at some point. “but… until then I will need assistance in basic needs…” she said with disappointment in her voice. it made you ache… simulation or not you know she feels useless right now. “I’ll be there to help you.” you were quite blunt in your words - but you meant it. you would be there for kirumi every step of the way, everything she needed you will provide. she looked at you shocked as she thought you hated her for the acts she did… she nods her head, however. “...thank you, dear.”
it had been a full month ever since you reunited with kirumi again, you supported her and helped her through the process of readjusting to this life, like you were. you were there for her exercises and treatment, watching her try to walk again was a heartbreaking but determination increasing experience. she wouldn’t be able to take full steps without assistance for awhile, however for right now she could at least stand from her chair and move to another quickly. it was only just at the start of this month that kirumi was out of the recovery centre and now sharing a ground-floor apartment with you. it certainly made things feel more ‘normal’ and no doubt a lot more comfortable for kirumi as she didn’t need to stare at blinding white walls anymore. you admittedly did everything for your girlfriend as it just became second nature to you at this point; you could see how desperately she wanted to clean or even wipe down a surface to feel like she was doing something. she knows that she was never supposed to be the ‘Ultimate Maid’ yet the yearning to do something, anything was still there. 
as for right now, you were cleaning the bathroom and kirumi sat at the dining table with a book. reading was now one of her popular pastimes, she greatly appreciated that you bought her so many books to read… books that she enjoyed quite a lot. hearing you scrub the tiles in the bathroom made for some interesting background noise, although she found your presence anywhere in the apartment to be relaxing. she would’ve indulged it some more if she didn’t just gain the most head-splitting headache possible that nearly made her drop her book as she gripped her head. no matter what, it didn’t seem like these headaches were ever going to go away. she sighed softly, putting her book on the table as she wheels over to the kitchen counter and opens the medicine cabinet which she could reach for obvious reasons. she grabbed her painkillers and quickly downed them with a swig of water. she closed the cabinet and was about to go back to her book until her eyes spied the set of kitchen knives.
her jaw clenched, looking down at the floor. she just wanted to be like… like herself again, like in the killing game. she was useful in it. everyone needed her, wanted her. she could service everyone and be the perfect girl she wanted to be. she leaned up slightly and grabbed the biggest kitchen knife, wheeling to the fridge and grabbing out a tomato. she just wanted to prove herself… that she could do something. she went back to the dining table, swallowing a lump in her throat as she stared at the red fruit, knife in hand as she positioned it just like how she remembers.
slowly, she attempted to cut slices of tomato as if she was preparing a salad of some kind. the cuts were irregular in size and certainly not perfect at all. kirumi clenched her jaw, trying to focus harder, she had to.try harder. no matter how hard she gripped the knife her hand would shake, becoming increasingly the more frustrating that she couldn’t cut a fucking perfect slice-
she flinched as the knife’s blade grazed her finger, nicking it and making it bleed. she dropped the knife quickly, looking down at her finger as the blood oozed out. she sucked in a loud gasp which you heard clearly. “kirumi? you okay?-” you walked into the dining room and your jaw went slack. “kirumi!” you rushed to her side, looking down at the little injury on her hand then at face. she looked absolutely shellshocked. “what were you doing…?” you asked, eyes darting around at the scene. “I… I just wanted to… show I’m useful…” her voice was no more than a whisper as she brought her finger to her mouth to suck on the cut with her brows furrowed. you frowned, putting your hand on her back and rubbing it slowly. “you don’t have to prove anything, rumi… you’re still recovering and adjusting… please don’t force yourself to do things like this, it needs to be taken slowly…” you massaged the back of her neck with your thumb, feeling her relaxed in your touch she wobbled her head in a nod. It seems she understood you. you hated treating her like she was a vulnerable child… but at this stage that was what she was at the moment. 
“I’ve finished cleaning the bathroom… would you like a shower?” you gently asked her. she didn’t like taking showers or even baths, something about the water made her want to shake all over. she especially disliked getting water on her hands although she couldn’t really tell you why just yet.
she stiffens for a moment, thinking about it for far longer than she needed to. however, she nodded her head and moved herself into the bathroom as you watched with a worried face. you were seriously getting concerned for her… it was like every day was complete pain for her, although that wasn’t far from the truth at all… what you would do just to feel her pain instead.
following kirumi into the bathroom, you closed the door and flashed a friendly smile at your girlfriend. “arms up, please!” she lifted her arms at your request, they were twitching a little but it was fine. you carefully but briskly took off her top, following up with her skirt and then undergarments. “can you get into the seat yourself?” you asked her, gesturing to the little bench inside the shower. she pondered for a few moments but ultimately nodded her head and began to lift herself out of her chair. you looked at her in awe, seeing her gain her strength each day always warmed your heart. you clapped your hands and smiled. “amazing! you’re doing so well, dear... I think you’ll be able to take steps soon!” you giggled softly to keep the air light, rolling up your sleeves as you grab the showerhead and turning it on. “Hmm… you think so? thank you, dear…” kirumi smiled softly. even when she felt useless, or feeling low, you always knew how to make her feel supported. she promised to herself that she would be able to walk properly one day for you, so you could walk along the beach together or even be able to walk into your arms like you used to. you hummed gently as you brought the shower head directly over her, the warm water falling over her severely scarred body. her entire body flinched and she felt like she was getting attacked at the moment. when your fingers combed through her sandy-sage locks to run the water through properly she started to relax into your touch. she was so glad that you were here for her, that you were looking after her and giving everything she needed, even if it embarrassed her or made her feel… incomplete. despite everything she’s done, the pain and misery she felt in her heart knowing that what she worked for wasn’t real - she could forget all of that when you were here for her.
you put the shower to the side and squirted kirumi’s favourite shampoo onto your hands. it was lavender scented and it often helped her fall asleep with the smell of her own hair. you massaged it into her scalp and you could see the moment her entire body relaxed and that she was completely at your mercy. it made you smile so much to see her content and not worrying about everything… you pushed her bang out of the way of her eye and slicked her hair back. her eyes opened to look at yours and the slightest tint of red went over her face. you giggled softly at this, leaning down to press a soft kiss against her forehead. “beautiful…” you whispered to her which caused her to blush more. she? beautiful? how can you say that to her face, when you were right there being perfect? “I love you.” she said it so suddenly that it caught herself off guard however she didn’t back down and stared confidently at you. you smiled, heart melting at such a cute confession. tilting your head to the side, you uttered back. “I love you too…”
perhaps, things will be better.
-Mod Kirumi
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msith · 1 year ago
Kokichi Oma (王馬 小吉) is a student in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles and a participant of the Killing School Semester featured in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. His title is the Ultimate Supreme Leader (超高校級の「総統」 lit. Super High School Level Supreme Leader).
Before Joining Danganronpa
Kokichi Oma was a normal talentless high school boy who participated in the 53rd Season of Danganronpa, a famous worldwide reality show made by Team Danganronpa.
During his high school days, Kokichi attended Imperial Capital's Imperial High School (帝都大帝都高校). However, it is unclear if this memory of him was a part of the fabrication made by Team Danganronpa or if it was genuine.
Fabricated Past
After he successfully participated in the 53rd Killing Game, Kokichi's memories and past were fabricated by Team Danganronpa as follows:
Kokichi's past is very unclear due to his constant lying and the fact that he strictly refuses to reveal anything personal about himself. In fact, the only thing known about his life for sure is his love of video games and that he's been playing them his whole life. However, he has also claimed that nobody would care if he was gone, and it's been implied that he has no parents or family.
It's known that he is the leader of D.I.C.E., a small group of young pranksters, who are the most important people and like a family to him. They have traveled around the world and commit "laughable crimes" for fun, which could indicate that they could be a group of orphans with no families nor parents to hold them back. Kokichi is also good at stealing, which might be due to his past, and it has been pointed out that many of his skills have a resemblance to a petty thief. Furthermore, his organization could be a reference to the animated television series D.I.C.E. (DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises), which is about an organization run by children, specifically orphans.
During the killing game, Kokichi lies that he is the supreme leader of a large, evil secret society. Obviously, there is no evidence of it and the Ultimate Detective, Shuichi Saihara, does not know any organization matching with the one Kokichi mentioned.[4] During his Free Time Event with Shuichi, Kokichi claims he became the supreme leader by murdering his parents and usurping their role. He then claims he lied, and that the one he killed was his older brother. He claims he lied again and that the real reason is a secret. Considering his tendency to have some truth among his lies, this could imply something about his past.
There is a scene in the bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan which hints about his family situation, as Kokichi and Kaito won't go home for New Year's, Kaito due to his unconventional family situation of living with his grandparents. Kaito asks Kokichi why he isn't at home with his parents (and aren't his parents embarrassed of him being such a brat at his age). Kokichi only tells him that he shouldn't ask such personal questions when talking to the supreme leader.
However, it is unclear how much, if any of Kokichi's past before participating in the 53rd Killing Game was real, and which was fabricated by Team Danganronpa.
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dingdongrumba · 2 years ago
i cant speak for everyone, but as someone who considers hinata and kamukura to be one post canon i dont make any differentiation between the two. he's just the same person? i really dont understand other interpretations/where they come from. imo hinata goes through a really great character arc throughout danganronpa canon and it always hurts seeing people write off half his character
I guess it depends what you mean with "the same person"? Sometimes I ignore this if I have other purposes, but my personal headcanon is that yes, they're one person but it's mostly Hajime "fronting" so to speak. Some people have him switch personalities, or Izuru being literally like a voice in his head sometimes or things like that, while they're still the same person technically, but Kamukura is not the real personality of Hajime. I don't think that necessarily writes off his character.
Some people depict him with different colored eyes and the like. I think he cuts his hair after waking up from the program iirc, and is mostly shown to have Hajime's personality, since Izuru was kind of like a fabrication from despair/brainwashing/whatever.
Edit: actually, he does have different colored eyes in the anime, I think???? God I deleted most of that thing from my memory skfjsgdfr but yeah it implies Kamukura is still around but Hajime is the one that's mostly present, so to speak
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kristheartist · 4 years ago
Incorrect quotes from incorrect quotes generator
Fudo, setting down a card: Ace of spades
Takane, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Akari, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you!
Akio, trembling: What are we playing???
Azumi: When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'Haven’t decided yet' is typically a good response.
Yogi: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Hiro: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents
Yogi: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you
Hikaru: Actually I did the math, Hiro would have $225, not $0.15.
Hiro: Fam I’m right here....
Akari: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Yogi: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Akari: Sorry I only have a dollar
Yogi: :(
Hikaru: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Hiro would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Akari: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice
Hikaru: You can buy anything you want with $22,500
Obelix: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice
Hikaru: Apply juice to what
Obelix: Directly to the forehead
Hiro: Great chat everyone
Obelix: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Ivan: You’re a hazard to society
Daiyu: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Akio: Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so...
Obelix: bitches b like “im baby” but have childhood trauma and neglect like wtf do u know about being baby u were forced to grow up from an early age anyways I’m bitches
Takane: *Stubs their toe* FUCK!
Akari: Mind your language!
Takane: What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”???
Takane: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
Eiko: You know how we roll.
Niko: And we're not talking about that time we fell into a pile of dung at the foot of a hill.
Kaori: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Henry: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Kaori: Yes!
Fudo: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you
Azumi: This is such a bad idea.
Ena: Then why are you coming along?
Azumi: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
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evercelle · 2 years ago
i’m a huge danganronpa fan so it’s been super fun to see you getting into v3!!! i’d love to hear what you thought of the last trial/the ending! it’s super divisive but i personally love it and think it’s really clever and creative.
ooooh yeah sure let's talk about v3!! happy sixth anniversary to the game that knocked me over and stole my attention span for the last couple months. i'm in the camp that loved the ending, and i'll cut the rest for spoilers:
i can definitely understand why the ending is divisive, but i thought the final trial and the meta-narrative of "danganronpa has always been fictional within its own canon" were cleverly executed and beautifully tied to the driving theme of the game itself. because v3's core mechanics revolve around truth and lies, the central thesis of the game (to me) is "perception affects reality." the big twist ending (and the reactionary emotions it causes for players) really highlights that theme.
when you think about the game, there were hints left and right that the killing game was a show from the very beginning (literally. from the title screen, which displays a disclaimer "characters depicted are fictional" a la tv shows), but because players (and especially long-time DR fans--as a send-off game in the franchise, it takes advantage of "standard DR tropes" to great effect) have certain expectations coming into the game as to what the story is or should be like, it's easy to overlook those clues...! because you have those preconceptions, the average player isn't looking for those clues, so when you finally get to the Big Twist you're totally staggered by that reveal, even though characters (amami, ouma, saihara) have explicitly told or speculated to the player throughout the game that things aren't what they seem.
saihara as the protag's early (and then ongoing) character arc deals with averting his eyes from the truth, because he's afraid of what must follow. it's a parallel for the player's experience in the final trial, which slowly leads you to the only possible conclusion (everything you know is a lie) and then links up to the secondary thesis of the game by setting up and then subverting standard DR/video game conventions (if we just believe in hope, we can get through this!! ...actually, that's wrong!): perception affects reality, and your own perception & agency shapes your world view. though shirogane tries to mindbreak saihara by showing the pre-game videos and asserting that everything about their present selves are all fabricated and therefore meaningless outside of the context they were created for, saihara concludes that ultimately, it doesn't matter--his experiences, his memories, his bonds, and his choices belong to him and shape his future. for the player, you get to make the same choice in interpreting the ending--whether you believe the ending is real (the classmates actually died) or fake (it was all a virtual simulation) is left up to you. your perception and your choice!!
overall, the driving theme that truth and lies are closely entangled was very well-executed, in my opinion! especially embodied in ouma as a whole and in trial 5, but that's a whole separate post lol... what you assumed was true wasn't, things that appeared to be lies perhaps weren't... infinite possibilities offered by a kind or useful lie, versus the narrow reality of a single harsh, objective truth; having the steel to pursue the truth to the very end; and finally, choosing to stand by your truth and forge onward, no matter what. that's what saihara's journey + the final trial is all about...!!
p.s. i enjoyed saihara as a character throughout the game but trial 6 made me just fall in love with him HAHA when he becomes intensehara is sooo choice. one of the reasons i love trial 6 is that it once again subverts itself in clever ways!
doing the standard video game-ish "we are in the pit of despair... wait, we just have to believe in each other and work together (game UI is literally lighting back up, coming back to life)" only to reverse into saihara realizing wait no. that's the trap!! fuck despair AND hope, actually!!! saihara rules
you get a parallel to chp 1 switching protags (akamatsu->saihara) with the switch from saihara->kiibo, but interestingly enough, you don't win against saihara. when you rebuttal showdown it's kiibo who is swayed
mechanically refusing to play the minigames in order to ruin the show was awesome and an excellent call back to ouma's FTE #5, when he implies that sometimes you win a game by simply not playing. (funny story about that actually - i DID attempt to play the nonstop debate you're supposed to not participate in during the last leg of trial 6 just because i wanted to see what would happen, and it auto game overs. LOL)
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years ago
if it isn't real, why does the sun still burn?
Chapter masterlist
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Komaeda Nagito x Talentless!Reader
Summary : Like most people visiting this tag. You have always dreamed of meeting Nagito Komaeda for real, what you would do, what you would say? Things don't go as planned.
AKA: Reader from our universe ends up in danganronpa and is just trying her best to keep everyone alive. and maybe to make komaeda kiss her.
Contains: she/her pronouns, panic attacks, too much self indulgence
read on AO3
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Hanamura’s cooking was enough to keep you going for the rest of the day. At his insistence you did also grab yourself a sandwich for lunch, though other than that you spent the rest of the day walking around the island by yourself. A trip to the central island quickly confirmed that there really was no way to get across to the bridge to the second island without being torn up by a monobeast. You figured that the power Monomi was using to destroy the beasts herself grows stronger with the collection of hope fragments, based on what Naegi said to you on the day you arrived here.
Luckily, most of class 77B seemed to be getting along decently well, but that still didn't guarantee it opening before the two week cutoff that Naegi set for you. So, you just needed to make sure no one died before then. Once the gate is open, you’ll just need to make a mad dash for the ruins and input the code.
After your investigation, you headed back to your cottage and collapsed onto the couch, already exhausted from a day of using way too much mental energy, plus the island is a lot bigger than it looks like it is in the game. It was a good few hours of walking, and your lazy legs really aren't built for that sort of exercise. The sun is just beginning to set outside of your window, and you decide that you can’t be bothered to go and get dinner, instead munching on a bag of chips that you got from the monomono machine on the beach.
You idlily wonder what Komaeda is up to, because there is little more that your useless brain can think about when left to its own devices. It’s almost 8:30pm. He’s probably just in his cottage if he isn't with Hinata anymore.
You can’t stop thinking about him.
For the first time in years you feel like a schoolgirl again, ironic, considering that you technically are a schoolgirl again. Your heart is doing a pathetic little flutter in your chest at the thought of him and you just want to rip it out. The cushions on the couch do little to muffle the scream you release into them, burying your face into the plush fabric and just letting out all of the stress you have been clinging to. Komaeda isn’t supposed to be real, any and all interest you have in him isn't supposed to matter , but here you are, trapped in a simulation with him and unable to keep your head straight whenever he speaks to you.
He must think you’re a fucking idiot. Along with being talentless.
You scream again. Tears wetting the couch cushions as you begin to sob. Aren’t situations like this supposed to be fun? That’s how they always are in fiction, you just get to play around with your favorite characters for a little bit before going home, this is nothing like that. Not only are you saddled with the responsibility of keeping everyone else alive, but also this stupid crush that isn’t likely to go away anytime soon.
It feels unfair when your moment of vulnerability is interrupted by Monokuma’s eargrating announcement. To be honest, you had almost forgotten that it would happen this soon. If tonight is Monokuma’s one man show, it means that tomorrow is...yeah…
The party.
Monokuma is going to reveal the truth of everyone’s lost memories, the existence of a traitor, and Komaeda is going to start scheming.
The reminder of that is painful. How quickly he must have started planning to send the letter the very next morning after Monokuma’s announcement. You find yourself frowning, it’s weird that you keep thinking about things in past tense when they haven't actually happened yet. Having memories of something that occurs in the future makes you feel almost woozy, it’s hard for you to stand yourself up from the couch, and even harder to walk to the door. You manage though, on shaky legs and with uneven breaths.
While the walk ends up being mostly solemn and introspective, you are quickly startled by a loud yell of your name, followed by the sound of feet hitting the gravel very fast. Before you even have time to turn around and figure out what the hell is happening, you are knocked to the ground with the force of another person colliding into you at top speed. The gravel scrapes your sunburn in a way that isn’t pleasant, and the wind is knocked right out of your chest.
“Surprise!” The person sitting on top of you suddenly exclaims, “It’s me! Ibuki!!!”
You blink a couple of times, finally absorbing the fact that, yes, it is Mioda on top of you.
“Uh, hey there.” You wheeze, “nice to uh…see you?”
Mioda squeals, baring her sharp teeth in a wide smile, “Nope! It’s nice to see you ! You and Ibuki haven’t had much chance to talk yet!” She rifles through the pocket in her skirt and pulls out her handbook, shoving it in your face and tapping at the screen with a nail painted in chipping black polish, “See! We have none of the friendship thingos!”
“Oh, yeah. You’re right.” You wriggle a little bit under her weight, “I would love to get to know you more, but you’re kinda squashing me.”
Leaping to her feet, Mioda lets out a shriek, “AHHHHH! I can’t believe Ibuki made such a bad first impression! You aren't too squashed are you? Haven’t turned into a pancake?”
You let out a little breathless laugh and pull yourself up from the ground, “Not yet! I’ve still got all three dimensions, aha.”
“Hmmmmmm, I think that’s going to be my first question!” Mioda starts, looping her arm around yours and tugging you in the direction of Jabberwork Park, “What kinnnnnnd, of pancake are you? Ibuki would be…..hmmm” She taps a finger to her chin, “whipped cream with sprinkles and chocolate syrup- wait no! Strawberry! Or, both! Probably both!”
You blink, trying your best to keep up with Mioda’s rapid conversation, “Um, probably vanilla ice cream with strawberries and banana?”
“Ooh! Fruity! You have good taste!” She says, turning and giving you an overexaggerated wink, “Have you been enjoying your island vacay so far?? Ibuki has actually been having a pretty good time!” Her face turns serious, mouth turned down in a frown, “It would be more fun if we didn’t have to kill each other”
“Mioda-san.” You begin quite seriously, grabbing her hand to stop her from walking and looking her straight in the eye, “Nobody is going to kill anyone. We’re going to have lots of fun on this island together, okay?”
Mioda blinks at you for a moment, but then surges forward to wrap her arms around your shoulders. The hug is tight enough to be near suffocating, and you are suddenly absorbed into a cloud of what you think is bubblegum scented body spray. It’s a little overwhelming, but you find yourself sinking into her embrace, “You are such a nice person” Mioda says, words a little muffled by her face being crammed into your shoulder, “Ibuki is so glad to have met you.”
Generally, you have to force yourself to accept a compliment, your instincts being to push back against them and say something horrible about yourself in response. But Mioda’s sincerity makes it almost impossible to do anything but accept her words as completely genuine, and deserved .
It’s still a little bit awkward, and the words feel strange on your tongue, but you manage to say, “Thank you, Mioda-san. I’m glad to have met you too.”
The two of you continue holding each other, and from both your pockets, you hear your handbooks beep.
Mioda squeals and reaches into her pocket to show you her handbook where there is now one hope fragment listed under your name, “Ahhh! FRIENDS!!” She hugs you again, somehow even tighter.
You laugh as best you can with your lungs being crushed and say, “Officially friends!”
Mioda rocks the both of you from side to side a little, chanting ‘friends friends friends’ over and over. She’s cute. Her enthusiasm is a little tiring and you can feel yourself already getting exhausted just by being around her, but it’s hard not to love Mioda. Especially when she so vehemently loves you back.
“Ah. I was wondering what the commotion was about.” A voice says a little further down the path, Mioda is still holding you in a tight enough grip that you can’t turn around and look, but you have spent enough nights listening to his voice lines that you know Komaeda when you hear him.
Mioda must notice you stiffening in her arms, because she pulls back and gives you a concerned look, “What are you so worried about?” she says, shaking you back and forth a little, “It’s just Nagi-Wagi!”
Komaeda laughs airily, “Ah, a nickname from an ultimate, what an honour!” his eyes pinch in the corners when he smiles. You can tell he hates the nickname.
You swallow, “Are you on your way to the park too?”
“That much should be obvious.” Komaeda replies, his smile turning less friendly and more mocking when his eyes meet yours, “Did you get lost? Is Mioda-san helping you find your way?”
Mioda breaks into a boisterous laugh, feet wide and hands on her hips, “Nagi-Wagi’s got jokes! ” She laughs again, “She didn’t get lost, she’s just hanging out with her new friend Ibuki!”
Komaeda hums, “So, you’re making friends. Good for you.” he continues walking in the direction of the park, passing by both you and Mioda before shooting a glance at you over his shoulder, “Try not to be late.”
His hair looks very pretty in the sunset, you find yourself musing. Watching him slowly walk further down the path. The wind rustles around him, occasionally making his baggy shirt press flush against his form, revealing just how thin he is underneath it. The absence of his coat makes him appear smaller, fragile. Your heart is slowly working it’s way up the back of your throat.
“I left the coat in the dryer.” You whisper, still watching Komaeda’s slowly retreating form, “I should have given it back.”
Mioda gives you a look, “You gotta stop staring at him or we’re gonna be late!!”
“Huh?! What? I’m not- aha. I'm not staring- AHHH!”
Mioda is a lot stronger than she looks, hoisting you up onto her back where you cling for dear life, “What are you doing?! Put me down!!”
“All aboard the Ibuki Express!!!!!” She yells, tightly gripping your thighs and sprinting off down the path to Jabberwork Park, “Choo Choooooooooooo!”
For the most part, all you can do is grip her shoulders and just pray she doesn't drop you, but despite everything you find yourself smiling as Mioda laughs beneath you. Plus, the confused look Komaeda gives the two of you when you sprint past him makes all the fear worth it.
You find yourself not paying all that much attention during Monokuma’s little performance. Your heart goes out to Usami (now Monomi) as you watch Monokuma use her as little more than a puppet in his game. She's kind hearted, and clearly cares quite genuinely about all of the students on the island, including you.
The hush that falls over the class when Monokuma reveals the first motive sends a chill running down your spine. At least two years of their lives, gone. You know for a fact that it is closer to five, maybe even more. Despite how much you want to save everyone, knowing that after they escape the program they will still have to come to terms with being remnants of despair before all of this, it’s hard to even think about.
You will either just go back home, or stop existing. None of the horrors that happened during the despair era will have any affect on you.
It would be nice if you could stay back and look after them, comfort them. Komaeda especially is going to have a lot of trouble coming to terms with what happened to him during that period, and knowing that no matter how hard you try there is nothing you can do to help once he wakes up, it makes you sad.
Things change when Monokuma reaches the notion of a traitor hiding amongst the group, you had been so caught up in your own head that you didn't realise until it had already happened, that everyone’s eyes had now turned to you.
“Upupupupu~ Looks like we already have an early contender!” Monokuma explains, pointing at you with a stubby paw, “Better keep your door locked tonight, kiddo!”
Everyone quickly averts their eyes after Monokuma’s outburst, like they are ashamed to have blamed you so quickly. It makes sense that everyone would consider you a good candidate for traitor, given your talentless status, but something about it still hurts.
��Anyways! That’s it for our show!” The bear exclaims, taking a bow and yanking Monomi down with him. The poor rabbit quivering in his grasp.
There is eerie silence where Monokuma expects there to be applause, it only makes him burst into laughter.
“Aw! Lighten up, kids! We’ve got lots more fun ahead” He kicks Monomi to the ground and points out into the crowd, “Now get some sleep! You need a lot of rest at your age, my stupid sister and i are going to have a grown up chat, so scram .”
There is only more silence as the class exits the park. She’s trying hard to hide it, but you can hear Saionji sniffling and Hanamura just keeps muttering that none of this can be real. No one says a word as they decide to head back to their cabins. But you stand alone for a little bit, staring up at the sky.
You need some time to think. You had hoped that the time you had spent with your pseudo classmates would be enough to make them trust you at least a little bit. All you can do at this point is pray that you’ll still be able to stop the first murder, even with everyone walking on eggshells around you. Mioda didn’t seem too bothered by the news, it’s likely that it would take much more than a little rumour by Monokuma to waver her trust, but the same cannot be said for the likes of Togami and Hinata, as suspicious as the two often are. Togami will be a problem, hopefully he doesn't plan to keep too close an eye on you at the party.
Stopping Komaeda will be hard enough. Stopping him in a way that makes sure no one suspects him of attempting murder will be even harder.
There’s no way that you’ll be able to get to sleep, so you head back over to the first island and down to the beach. Maybe listening to the ocean for a little bit will help you to relax, it’ll also give you some time to untangle the mess of thoughts in your head.
The air down by the beach is a little colder, the wind bites at the bare skin of your shoulders and the salty air stings your eyes. The ocean is familiar to you, comfortable, despite everything you feel yourself starting to calm down.
But your heart stops when you see him, sitting in the sand with the pale light of the moon catching in his hair. It doesn’t seem like he’s noticed you, if you really want to, you could just turn on your heel and head back to the hotel like you never even saw him. There’s a thundering in your chest, you can feel your hands growing shaky as your legs seem to disobey you and walk down onto the shore. You kick your shoes off, and dig your toes in the warm sand like you’re trying to ground yourself.
He must hear you stumbling through the sand, his head inclining slightly in your direction when you take another step forward. Komaeda makes no move to get up, still facing away from you and watching the ocean, even as you find yourself standing right next to him.
“Uh…hey…” You say.
Komaeda peers at you from the corner of his eye and replies, “Hello.”
“I just…uh…” You dig your fingernails into your palms, trying to keep your voice even, “I want to apologise for not giving your coat back. I washed it this morning, but I forgot to take it out of the dryer before I left. I can give it back tomorrow?”
Komaeda chuckles, “I have plenty in my wardrobe. No need to apologise.”
“Oh…but, you’re-” you gesture loosely in his direction and he turns his head to look at you properly, “-you’re not…uh, wearing it?”
“I don’t wear it everyday.”
Yes you do!! You scream internally, horrified at how easily he has managed to make you look like an idiot.
“But wouldn’t it be weird for me to keep it anyway?” you reply, “It’s probably best that I give it back.”
There’s a playful glint in Komaeda’s eye and he says, “I don’t think it would be weird. Unless you were planning to do something weird with it.” He smirks, “you weren’t, were you?”
Your face flushes, “I…no! Of course not! That’s…that is why I’m planning on returning it! I wouldn’t do anything weird!”
He laughs, “You’re very defensive, but don’t worry, I don’t really think you would do something like that.”
You aren't sure how to respond, you just dither awkwardly. Komaeda gives you a knowing look, and gestures to the sand beside him, “Sit, if you’d like. I’ll be here for a while longer.”
Your heart thumps, and even though you feel yourself shaking, you manage to sit down next to him.
How do you tell someone you’ve only known for a few days that you’ve been in love with them for years?
Komaeda looks beautiful in the moonlight, legs crossed and looking up at the sky. The warmth in your heart blooms all the way up to your cheeks, he is so close to you that you can hear him breathing, it would only take a little shuffle to the side for your legs to be touching.
You swallow and turn to face the ocean instead, trying your best not to make a fool of yourself again.
“So.” Komaeda says cheerfully, giving you a half smirk, “Are you the traitor?”
That sets your heart racing twice as fast, “Huh? What? No? Of course not!”
Komaeda giggles a little, resting his chin on his palm, “Oh, of course you wouldn't admit it, even if I was right. I just figured there would be no harm in asking.”
“Well, are you the traitor?”
“Nope,” Komaeda says, loudly popping the p. He’s grinning at you almost mischievously, you can tell that he is toying with you.
It’s kind of. Nice? To see him playing around, even if it is making things harder for you. Despite all its shortcomings, being talentless means (at the very least) that Komaeda is comfortable around you. Comfortable enough to tease you even, and that actually feels kind of good.
“What are you doing out here this late anyway?” You ask, wrapping your arms around your knees, “It’s probably not safe.”
Komaeda hums and doesn't turn to look at you, “Just thinking some things over.”
Just planning my own murder , you correct in your head, “Still, everyone is on edge, you should probably get back to your cottage soon.”
“It’s very kind of you to worry, but I'll be fine.”  you notice that he’s picking at his cuticles, “What are you doing out so late? Not concerned about your own safety?”
“Oh, uh…” you suck a break in through your nose, relishing in the ocean air, “No, not really. There are more important things to worry about right now.”
The two of you fall into silence. The only sound being the waves hitting the shore and the wind dancing through the palm trees. Your heart has finally calmed, beating slow and steady in your chest as you feel your breath slowly meet pace with Komaeda’s.
It isn’t an uncomfortable silence, but you quickly find yourself lost in your head once again, thinking about what will be set in motion come the morning. Komaeda is far too tenacious for a simple prodding from someone like you to stop the plan that he is currently cooking up in his mind.
He must be able to tell how hard you are thinking just by looking at you, because he rests a hand on your bare shoulder, quickly startling you back to reality. A bizarre reality where Nagito Komaeda is currently touching you.
“Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you” He pulls his hand away, “There’s really no need for you to concern yourself with our current situation.” He shoots you a wide smile that makes you feel weak in the knees, “I have faith that the ultimates will be able to overcome this despair, it’s the job of trash like us to help when they need us to.”
You shuffle a little closer to him, placing your hand on his knee in a way that you hope is comforting and not creepy, “You are worth something. You know that, right?”
Komaeda’s smile turns confused, “I- what?”
“I’m going back to my cottage for the night. Just- just be careful.” You stand from the ground, quickly dusting the sand from your dress, worried that you’ve well overstepped your bounds much too early. But hearing him call himself trash in person it just…it hurt . You couldn’t help it, you got too personal, you touched him, “Do you want me to return your jacket or not?”
He blinks up at you, the light of the stars caught in his eyes, “keep it.” he breathes, “you might need it again, skin cancer is no joke.”
“Yeah.” you reply, looking down at his bony arms and near translucent skin, “It isn’t”
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doritofalls · 3 years ago
drv3 spoilers SO, 
i don’t think the specifics are ever fully defined on how fake memories work in drv3 and i’m sure they could just as easily undo them as they implimented them, BUT i do like to think about a post-alternative reality sceneiro where there is no way for the participants of dr to regain their original memories after the killing game. it would give a feeling of sacrafice to actually partaking in danganronpa (with the alternate reality sceneiro making death quite the moot point) and would also ensure the kind of people it attracts (folks with nothing left to lose in their old lives). could be considered humane in a way, or at least justifiable. 
anyway i just think, if kiyo woke up in the real world post-killing game to the knoweledge that not only was his identity and past fabricated but so was his sister he would. have the hardest time of them all, no question about it. i had this concept of kiyo as a survivor of a previous season of dr making a return in v3 in hopes of returning to the fabricated reality in which his sister existed. can’t really think of a way to get old timers to do another season of the killing game but to make their reality so unbearable a lie of a clean slate would be worth considering. 
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shiroganes-closet · 3 years ago
Makoto Naegi was chilling somewhere, he had a day off from Future Foundation work.
Tsumugi happened to be in the area for 2 reasons. The first was to pick up some fabrics and foam for a new cosplay she was working on, a commissioned piece. The second was because she heard the Danganronpa office may have been in the area, and she kind of needed to check if she even was an employee like she remembered, or if that was fabricated like so many of her other memories.
Either way, ae was too absorbed in aer own thoughts to notice Makoto.
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julia-bunncat · 2 years ago
Amashinsai AU: What's about the Killing game?
Hi, random DRV3 fans!
Time ago I posted some "My ship opinion" stuff in which I talked about the possibilities of developing pairings, such as Shinsai, Amaguji and Amasai; came to certain conclusions... And promised to supplement the info about such a clause of "Ship Template" as «Who confessed first»! This... is gonna be a very detailed "supplement" 😅 It's possible that I will split it into several different parts, which, in time, will also be detailed… But I came here so people could love Amashinsai as sincerely as I do! 💖 I need to be more than serious for such a purpose ☝
I will begin by saying that in the canon (for all the reasons we know) Amashinsai is not possible. So it has to be either AU Development Plan / DRS [simple way]… Or reworked canon version [the hard one]. Can you guess which way I chose? :>
The correct answer is a "new" or, if you like, my own version of canon. Its plot, chronological, logical and stylistic component is still being supplemented, as the complete census of the game – is not for the faint-hearted... But luckily, in this post I didn't plan to reveal ALL the specifics! (fanfics are more suitable for this format) Let’s just talk about the ones that matter in the context of Amashinsai:
* In the first chapter, Rantaro justifies his title of Ultimate Survivor. In many ways, Tsumugi’s plan to get rid of him fails thanks to Korekiyo (inspired by his suspicions in the first chapter), who manages to befriend Rantaro and "become interested" in his secretive behavior. Shinguji’s indifference essentially saves Amami’s life. ✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
* Naturally, if Rantaro survives, Kaede will also not be punished as his "murderer". However, the trial will not be overturned, which means the details of the shot put ball plan and her distrust will be exposed. Upon completion of the trial suspicious views will be directed both to her and to Tsumugi... ✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
* If something went "off plan" from the beginning, the whole further course of events will be changed. Since Kaede lost favour with almost all members of the caste – she can't be the main character in this crazy story. If in the first chapter the victim and the murderer didn't match – in the following chapters (with one small exception, I think), their number and content will be different too. At this point, the list of undeniable survivors includes: Shuichi, Kaede, Rantaro, Korekiyo, Kaito, Gonta, Kokichi. The rest are either in question, or definitely will not leave this killing game – I see no point in clarifying it by now. ✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
* From the above paragraph it may seem that in this case the game will be "boring". Moreover, it's clearly shorter than all previous parts of Danganronpa – no more than three chapters with the murderer/victim (the only nuance: the period of "rest" between the murders will be significantly extended: the motives will not encourage immediately)... But that was actually my idea. The last game should be as destructive as possible for Mastermind. ✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
* The main plot-twist, which I used to call «Your whole personality is a fake / fantasy of one 18~ y.o. girl» – also goes into the furnace... But not completely burnt! I say NO pregames and total fabrication! I say: «You have forced false memories», because DRV3 plays well with the concept of lies and truth – it's a feature I wouldn’t want to erase. For example, Korekiyo Shinguji remains an Ultimate Anthropologist. He "retains" (for the time being) an unhealthy dependence on his sister due to abuse... But he DIDN'T KILL almost 100 girls for her. He didn’t, but he remembers every murder embedded in his head – and has to live with it until he’s sure it’s imposed. In the case of Rantaro Amami, the lie hides in the main purpose of his life – to find the twelve missing sisters... Although he lost only one ;) It would be a relief mixed with the bitter realization that he still doesn’t know where she is, especially given the fact that there's a ruins outside. Some students (such as Kaito, Kokichi, Himiko...) will receive a portion of the lie directly related to their Ultimate talent. Somewhere it was switched, somewhere student’s merits exaggerated so that he is confident in the truth of his talent... But there are those to whom Tsumugi has prepared a special gift: «You’re so boring that it’s pointless to change anything in your life». With despair, Tsumugi will try to shine in such a way that she doesn't conform anyone’s expectations. After her words, everyone will be forced to delve into themselves for a long time. ✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
* Above I mentioned "ruins outside", but I hasten to note that, according to my approximate chronology, by the time of the DRV3's game, the Future Foundation will have already had time to almost completely suppress the consequences of Junko's apocalypse. This was clearly alluded to in the "Ultra Despair Girls", so I'm inclined to believe strongly in the possibility of such a development. Despair had managed to "knock from the coffin", but it crumbled into dust because of this motion, not causing as much damage as it could. ✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
* Oh, and, well, the abbreviation "DRV3" in my AU has completely lost its meaning. «Killing Harmony» is not 53'rd Killing Game but the fourth (and it’s not even being broadcast, because it makes the chance of being caught by the Future Foundation higher – K1B0 simply records it to put it online at the end). The cruelest is still the one in which Rantaro was the main character and where Tsumugi was able to have fun in the best traditions of Junko.
Somehow so ~ I'm aware of the risk that already these explanations may cause a ton of questions and may even seem to someone useless... But these concepts have been with me for a long time to tear it out of my heart like that. Amashinsai AU is already some kind of my own "baby" 😂
So let’s move from background events to the real ones.
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Who and to whom confessed first in my OT3 ??
Short answer: Korekiyo to Rantaro, and —> Shuichi to Korekiyo and Rantaro.
Yeah, full Amashinsai is formed only in the post-game. And during the Killing Game... only Amaguji manage to start dating :'D
Many things led them to this:
the fact that Rantaro is the first person to understand Kiyo and begin to be friends with him;
the reciprocal gesture of Korekiyo, who saved Rantaro’s life;
*rereading ship opinion post* yes, I really think that Rantaro would be determined to "get into" Shinguji’s mind and convince him of the wrongness of their relationship with sister. To open anthropologist’s eyes to the trauma he suffered.
Although, of course, the third item to implement WILL NOT BE as easy as I described. For Amaguji it's turn into a real battle, full of Amami's "audacity" and Shinguji's repeated breakdowns + resistance. After all, you will agree that the only way to suppress Kiyo’s dependence is to completely destroy his worldview, and even his personality (I mean, it's like a bringing to the original settings). The only thing that will deter an anthropologist from hating is that Rantaro has been emphatetic and caring to him before. He has been and continues...
As for Rantaro: he won’t lose his patience thanks to Shuichi Saihara. They’ll struggle with deciphering his video-message, with mystery of Mastermind... And, in general, do you remember the thesis: «Shuichi – balance for Amaguji»? In the beginnings of their polyamorous relationship it will work always. Shuichi will take an interest in both of them (canonical FTEs), will listen / worry about them during the conflict and will get the support he needs to accept his own detective skills.
In the end, Korekiyo will come to his falling in love, which will be mutual despite all the background. Rantaro will be the one who advise him to cut a lock of hair every time he feels sister’s "manifestation". Rantaro will be the first before whom Kiyo starts to remove his mask (the next one is Shuichi, the last spurt is to show up in front of all classmates). Rantaro will supplement the aspects of Kiyo's personality not imposed by sister by involving him in any activities with others (here Shuichi say hi again 👋) to find out what Shinguji really likes + give him the freedom to deal with feelings alone.
But this is only the FIRST stage, where even the smallest events seemed to have special significance (please keep this in mind). Where all this leads – is the theme for the next part, which I plan to do in the form of "question-answer" and with a more thoughtful timeline.
You too can "participate" in the process of writing, if you'll ask questions about anything that you have not understood from this post..~ But remember, I’m concentrating on Amashinsai right now. Amaguji’s relationship or course of the Killing Game – is a separate conversation ❣
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penguwastaken · 7 months ago
Exactly. And the fan translating it seemed to personally interpret it as a "none of it ever happened/matters" ending, so we got a pretty skewed perspective there.
But as noted with the ‘Danganronpa 3’ reference, I don’t agree. The way i see it, absolutely everything still happened, and all Borges changed was the identities of certain players, anyone who’d contradict the false narrative of who Blue Ink was meant to be. Therefore anything the system couldn’t know about to contradict would have definitely happened — which included the presence of Ultimate Despair, Genocide Jill, Mukuro, and so on — since the system didn’t have enough context, there was nothing about them worth contradicting.
The novel makes it very clear that almost everything was warped in some way, the entirety of the Togami tragedy was a fabricated memory, the Kudan and many of the characters were ripped from Kagami Family Saga (a novel series that was presumably dumped into the K2K system), and multiple identities like Kazuya and Suzuhiko may have not even existed. It's even implied that Byakuya himself was warped by the K2K system to reflect the more perfect Byakuya that Blue Ink envisions him to be.
It's difficult to say what happened besides the basic premise but that's the point. "The story is a simple one. A young man went on a mission to dominate the world. After a series of extraordinary adventures and great risks, the young man gets what he wants and returns home safe and sound. The real question is what led him there."
Anything that could even possibly alter her perception of anything was changed, the novel makes it clear that we're not supposed to know how much was real and how much was fabricated. While you can definitely assume most of it wasn't fabricated, that isn't concrete and there's no way of knowing.
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vespertin-y · 2 years ago
This is just a silly theory but its possible that in v3 even the characters' "pregame" selves are a fabrication. The "team danganronpa" intro only has irl dr content, Tsumugi never cosplays from the supposed other seasons, and initially in the prologue Kaede wakes up with "no knowledge of who she is" and has similar symptoms (headache etc.) post talent flashback light. Also the kubs act like theyre the amnesiac students from the ult hunt storyline. However, they still recognise monokuma branding
definitely possible, anon!! v3's prologue and epilogue are deliberately very vague so players can interpret them however they like (a writing choice i've never been that fond of, but it did prepare me for fnaf lore...) if the audition tapes are real, then the characters have *definitely* had their memories edited before the prologue, since they remember being kidnapped, not signing up.
*i've* always chosen to interpret kaede's no sound, no voice, no light, no form, no knowledge of who i am speech as the moment before the vr simulation loaded in, for example! there's so many options. although i wouldn't use tsumugi only cosplaying previously-seen dr characters as evidence - kodaka says in the artbook he wanted her to do more, but he was constrained by budget hpasjdhg.
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