#Danganronpa Despair Awaken
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danganronpabirthdays · 3 months ago
-December 15th-
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Happy Birthday to:
Jesse Miles (Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restarts)
Meneki Tesutā (Danganronpa Despair Revival)
Shikaru Tesuta (Danganronpa: Despair Awaken)
Miyako Sakaguchi (Danganronpa Bloodmoon)
Natsume Yotsumi (Naganaironpa 2)
Tomochi Kukurin (Danganronpa: Desperate Heart 2)
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pinkroses-draws · 2 months ago
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... something happened yesterday
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justsomedumbstuff · 4 months ago
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Second time redrawing this 🤭
Redraws and Speedpaint under the cut
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December 2023 April 2023
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song-writer-melo-wrath · 9 months ago
5 comfort characters
As always, @treshmind , thank you for the tag, it is a pleasure <3
I'm limiting myself to no OCs, and one character per series/origin/etc. In no particular order:
Meta Knight | Kirby
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I still someday want to make a long video going into the phoenix-like nature of his character arc, and how he shifts. He starts off with “I want to be the most powerful warrior, and everyone else should strive to meet the same standard”. Over time, he's transitioned to “I want to be stronger so that I can protect those that are not.” It's incredible.
Cream Unicorn Cookie | Cookie Run
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Sir that's my emotional support canonically non-binary character with a love for both pastels and the combination of pastels and dark colours. Who is pretty much the embodiment of nostalgia. Who has abandonment issues. … I'm sure the fact that I heavily relate to them says nothing about me.
Gundham Tanaka | Danganronpa
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Danganronpa really was the series of “Every Character Deserved Better… Writing-Wise.” Gundham Tanaka is one of the few exceptions. Oh, don't get me wrong, he's too great to be here, and I will always be wishing more time was spent on him, but DAMN. They may not have meant to make one of the most well-written autistic-coded bisexual characters of all time, but they sure did anyway.
Henry | Fire Emblem
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Crow man crow man crow man- I think I immediately grew attached to this guy from the moment he introduced himself. And then he's just…lovely. A character who smiles almost constantly, has a grim sense of humour, loves blood, loves crows, practices dark magic, would kill for his friends and loved ones, also very autistic-coded, quite literally raised by wolves, what's not to love?
Label/Labelle | Animal Crossing
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A really touching story. Here you have a character who struggled with family bonds, and desperately wanted to find herself, who eventually reunited with her family after gaining a better sense of identity. She's become warmer over time, and will grow progressively friendlier to the player character. Plus, who doesn't love a fashion-forward gal?
… The matching colour palettes, if you're wondering, were semi-intentional, but not entirely. I'm realizing I could do another 5 with another colour palette.
I've already done my tagging today, so if you see this and want to join, consider yourself an honorary tag <3
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asktriggerhappyhavoc · 1 year ago
junko, how's toko's gay awakening going?
Okay so…. It’s going……
It might be my imagination, but I’m pretty sure she’s stopped clinging to Togami altogether. It’s somehow even quieter than it was before. Maybe I was pushing too hard?? I’m worried now… - 💖
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sentient-rift · 9 months ago
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"What did the metal man mean by 'Infamously bad 06?'"
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"The less you know about that, the better, Trip."
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"Hey, hey! On the bright side, that game gave birth to the Project 06 fan game!"
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"True... But the original still put a stain on our reputation..."
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"And there goes the fourth wall again..."
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punk-pitcher · 2 years ago
Thinking about the trauma bond of the Danganronpa survivors and how they stick by each other no matter how clashing their personalities can be at times:
THH survivors clash the most but they can and will fight god to make their fellow survivors feel better. They have movie nights. They stay up all night together when someone has work to do just so they don’t have to be alone. They all have nicknames for each other and tease each other constantly. Hina and Hiro are always there to try to lift the mood, and they offer comfort so often that they forget that they need comfort too, but it’s okay because the others remind them in their own ways. They talk about their families and their lives before the despair. Even Byakuya and Kyoko have their occasional breakdowns when it all gets too much and no one judges them. Sure, they may get into spats and arguments but they care about one another.
SDR2 survivors are like a family. They never go without one another, and they have long talks about nothing just to try to get their minds off of the horrors going on outside. They work constantly to try to bring their dead friends back and to help the world recover from the despair that they helped caused. They feel guilty and self-hatred, but it’s okay because they aren’t alone. Akane and Sonia always find fun activities for them all to do, and sometimes they can forget all of that guilt if only for a moment because they feel like kids again. They all go on walks together to find things around the island. Kazuichi makes tributes to all of their fallen friends so they all can remember who they’re fighting for. Sometimes they can just be found all cuddled together because it makes them feel safe and loved.
V3 survivors offer a break from a world not meant for them. They all sleep in the same room and talk when they find it hard to sleep. Often times, one of them will awaken from a nightmare and the other two are quick to offer comfort. Whenever they go out, they are always found together because they can’t stand to be alone in a reality where everyone knows them. Maki is always first to put on a brave face, and she isn’t afraid to scare people away when it gets to be too much, but when the three are alone, she knows that she can let her feelings out. Anxiety attacks are common with all three of them, especially when they’re alone, but they know that they have each other through thick and thin. They know that they are real. Even when they don’t think that they belong in this world, they know that they belong with each other.
The common thing with them all is that it takes time to heal, and having a support system can be so important when dealing with trauma. Knowing you aren’t alone- that you matter to people- can be something special.
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hopeymchope · 5 months ago
Kodaka did an event promoting The Hundred Line -Last Defense Academy-.
In case you're new to the game and its concept, here's a quick summary from the article:
First revealed during a Nintendo Direct back in June, The Hundred Line -Last Defense Academy- is a tactical RPG with adventure game elements. Its story follows Takumi Sumino, a regular teenager who lives in a domed city known as the Tokyo Residential Complex. After monsters invade the city, a strange creature named SIREI appears and offers Takumi the strength needed to protect those he loves, but awakening this power causes him to lose consciousness. When he finally comes to, he finds himself in a mysterious school with 14 strangers, and together, this rag-tag bunch of teenagers must band together to fend off the Invaders and survive for the next 100 days.
So here's some stuff that was news to me from this article. (I'll add some of my own thoughts in parentheticals with italics just like this.)
The game starts with a 20-minute anime-style cut scene.
Each character has their own unique attacks and abilities inspired by their personalities and certain enemies are faster than others, so players will need to think carefully about how they spend their AP and the order in which they take down the invaders.
It's possible to carry unspent AP over into the next turn, so there may be situations where it's better to end a turn prematurely rather than fruitlessly fight on.
Takumi has the ability to rewind time. So as is the case with many modern strategy RPGs, you can undo a few steps if things go south.
As they perform more actions, players will build up a special gauge known as the "Voltage Meter," which, once full, will allow them to perform a devastating attack that ends their current turn.
Players will also be able to sacrifice characters who are low on health by using the “decisive death” mechanic, although as there’s no way to revive characters in battle, they’ll need to think carefully about how and when to use this.
Decisions made both in AND out of battle can result in permanent character deaths. (So are "decisive deaths" in battle actually permanent deaths or no?)
Kodaka claims that the title is “radically different” from other games with multiple endings, with 100 “extreme despair-filled endings” available in total. Players won’t need to see all of these to understand the story, but there’s plenty of extra lore there for those who want it. (There's literally no chance in hell that these will all be radically different. No game production has ever had the time and/or money to generate 100 full-fledged, completely distinct endings... and this game is being funded independently for god's sake! So PLEASE expect, right up front, that these "endings" will mostly be minor variations on a select few endings.)
The classmates include Darumi Amemiya, an emotionally unstable girl with “crazy eyes” and a love of death games; and Yakushiji Takemaru, an “old-fashioned yankee” who rides a motorcycle into battle. (Sounds like I'm going to adore Darumi... :P)
All of the game’s main characters are voiced in some capacity and will have numerous interactions available over the course of the 100 days, encouraging players to engage with them regularly between battles.
When confronted with comparisons to Danganronpa (teenagers trapped in a school getting picked off, etc), Kodaka says that he prefers working with teenage protagonists, as they’re generally a lot more interesting than older characters and he finds it much easier to show them grow and mature as the story unfolds. (People should be constantly changing and maturing across all walks of life, imo, so this isn't the strongest answer to me. But OK.)
I'm sure plenty of these points are semi-ol dnews to people who've been following the game religiously, but my finger hasn't quite been on the pulse of its coverage the past month or two, so I may have missed some stuff.
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rosejigglypuff76 · 7 months ago
Mystic Flour Cookie: How...? Even after you've delve this deep into despair... 🕸️ Dark Cacao Cookie: No, that's wrong! Even though I've seen that much, I know I can turn despair into hope! ⚔️
Rewatching a few scenes of Beast-Yeast Episode 4, specifically the moment where Dark Cacao unlocks his Awakened Ancient Form! Using an OST from the Danganronpa Franchise, specifically one that's used in Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair.
Adding onto the fact that Dark Cacao Cookie has the same English VA as Nekomaru Nidai from Danganronpa 2 Alongside Mystic Flour Cookie having the same Japanese VA as Kirumi Tojo from Danganronpa V3
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drowsie341 · 1 year ago
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@gontagokuhara-week Day 7 - crossover / (fusion?) au / free day
I'm a Persona 5 fan, and I also love putting my favourite characters into other settings... especially if they're a bit less despair-inducing than Danganronpa lmao.
So, Gonta as a Phantom Thief (because why the hell not)!! I've had this in mind for a while, and it's definitely not a final design or anything, but I like how it's turning out so far.
Warning, lots of AU infodumping below the cut :')
His Phantom Thief codename is Beetle :)
I wanted him to look classy, but also a bit intimidating and warrior-like
As for why his Phantom Thief outfit has some intimidating vibes when Gonta hates looking scary... I think he would eventually realise (maybe through an awakening scene?) that he can still do good by using that "intimidating��� side of himself, and that he should embrace his whole self to help more and more people
Thinking about it, in a final design I want to make his undervest? Underjacket? thing more armoured, and give him more insect motifs and armour overall
Designing a Persona for him... that's gonna be a challenge if or when I get to it lol
Gonta’s very protection-oriented, not only with the armor on his outfit, but with his Persona abilities. Group defense buffs and group heal skills are a must for him. Is there a move in P5 where a character is 100% guaranteed to tank attacks aimed at others? If there is, he has that for sure. Also his element would be wind and his weakness would be fire
The shield-spear combo was inspired by this quote which pops into my head occasionally:
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The Phantom Thieves in P5 all have one gun and one weapon each, so an idea I had for Gonta was that his “shield” would actually be a large beetle-shaped armoured gun, that’s strapped onto his arm like a shield because using it as a gun feels dishonorable. ...But I completely forgot about that when drawing this orz I’ll get it right next time
I also have some ideas for a Kokichi P5 design... we going court jester with this one
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danganronpabirthdays · 3 months ago
hi! If its not too much trouble- are there any characters with birthdays on sep 28?
Yep! Here are some there are no canon characters but here are some characters from fangans!
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Characters with Birthdays on Sep 29th:
Kaji Sakakida (Danganronpa: Negative Project)
Kako Kokureiin (Danganronpa: RE 3)
Kiroku Hitto (Danganronpa: Despair Awaken)
Meme Koaido (Danganronpa X2)
Rika Iwasaki (Danganronpa: Survivor's Guilt)
Seima Masai (If Story Danganronpa)
Shinsuke Andou (Danganronpa Re/Volution)
Taka Shiasa (Danganronpa ST)
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pinkiemeowstic89 · 2 months ago
Sakura (Alice) in Wonderland (1951) Cast
(Inspired by similar posts from @sundove88 and @thehyperrequiem )
Sakura (Fire Emblem Fates) as Alice
Hinoka (Fire Emblem Fates) as Alice's Sister
Skitty (Pokémon) as Dinah the Cat
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing) as the White Rabbit
Gundham Tanaka (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair) as the Doorknob
Mr Dome (Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures) as the Dodo
Rough and Tumble (Sonic the Hedgehog IDW Comics) as Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum
Bowser (Super Mario Bros) as the Walrus
Stanley the Bugman (Donkey Kong 3) as the Carpenter
Dr Screwball Jones (Wander over Yonder) as Bill the Lizard
Cordelia (Fire Emblem Awakening) as the Rose
Olivia (Fire Emblem Awakening) as the Violet
Sumia (Fire Emblem Awakening) as the Daisy
Dr Pullem (Dan Vs) as the Caterpillar
CatNap (Smiling Critters/Poppy Playtime) as the Cheshire Cat
Discord (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) as the Mad Hatter
Gremlin Gus (Epic Mickey/Disney Gremlins) as the March Hare
Wisp (Animal Crossing) as the Dormouse
Ms Endive (Chowder) as the Queen of Hearts
Taranza (Kirby Triple Deluxe) as the King of Hearts
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starlightshadowsworld · 1 year ago
Danganronpa 3: Despair episode 3
It hurts seeing Hajime so low.
You get so used to Hajime in the game who was definitely more upbeat.
Seeing him look down on himself is hard to watch.
Especially because we know where it goes.
Makes you wonder how many people with his mindset exist.
We saw a bit of that from Makoto but he always puts a positive spin on it.
Like my optimism is only thing I'm good at.
But Hajime was full of despair long before Hope's Peak found him.
And they zoomed to him like he were blood in the water.
God and the shot of him walking part the 77th class, the elites themselves as a nobody.
It's good, it hurts.
Well this girls blunt and rude.
Natsumi Kuzuryu.
That's Fuyuhiko's little sister?!
... Oh no...
Well she definitely has his personality.
Maybe it's a family thing?
So she has the whole thing of because my family, namely Fuyuhiko is talented she must be by association.
Gonna get a rude awakening.
Wonder who freckle faced bitch is?
And now this girl, Sato has beef with Natsumi. I feel so bad for Hajime he's just sitting there while they insult each other.
Hurt her?
Ohhh Mahiru.
No yeah Chisa did say she had a friend in the Reserve Course that she went to middle school with.
That must be Sato.
And Sato was in the photography club in her last school, which is Mahiru's talent.
Makes sense.
Man Natsumi is bad, but man she's good at causing chaos.
Junko should've recruited her, but given her arcade game... Guessing something happened.
I'm suprised Mahiru is scared of Natsumi, they must have had quite the history.
Again, poor Hajime just sat here as they argue at his desk.
Definitely been in that situation.
"My sisters been crazy since the day they bought her home."
Damn Fuyuhiko.
I mean, he's not wrong. She makes old Fuyuhiko look calm and civilised.
Annd Peko and Fuyuhiko are doing the pretend they don't know each other thing.
And him warning her not to do anything.
.... That warning unfortunately didn't translate into the game.
Gotta wonder how much was based on reality.
Annnd ibuki found them.
Hajime and Chiaki gaming together. I like their friendship, Hajime desperately needs a friend.
Him asking if she'd still like games if she sucked at them.
Her saying yes because she truly loves the games she plays.
Man... Talent really us everything to those that don't have it.
And it makes sense why, especially being cut off from the main school.
Her using Chisa's words, she really is the best teacher. And for a while that gets through to Hajime.
It won't last.
But it's nice to see him smile and game without a care in the world.
And than stopping Sato from slapping Natsumi.
Unfortunately as nice of a sentiment as the people you know doesn't make you special.
It might not make you talented, but it sure can open doors.
Especially if your the daughter of the head of the Yakuza.
Also... Sato you erm... Need to chill a little.
A lot.
You need to chill a lot.
The thing is, Hajime and Natsumi are the same.
They're both stuck in the Reserve Course and want nothing more that to join the main school.
They want a talent so bad they would do anything for it.
Natsumi tries to use the rays of her brothers talent to make herself shine.
Hajime agrees to something that will ultimately destroy him, just for a talent.
If anyone knows how Natsumi feels is Hajime.
And even than he's trying to use what Chiaki told him.
It's so sad how much not having a talent grips people, tears them apart.
Because she doesn't have one, she's afraid Fuyuhiko will leave in her the dust.
I doubt he would.
But if you're not useful, if you're not the best than do you even deserve to be in his life?
It's cut throat, it hurts.
And feeds into why someone would agree to participate in the Kamakura project at all.
And there's tape corning off the entrance.
"Some kid got murdered I think."
"Yeah a straight up homicide."
Thank you NPC's.
... And that's how Natsumi dies.
Fuyuhiko having to identify his sisters body... Peko being pissed feeling like she failed.
Sato... If it was truly you, you're fucked man.
And Hajime loses someone he was just starting to get to know.
... Okay Natsumi wasn't the nicest person but fucking hell she just died... Don't say that shit.
... Sato.. Has issues.
Idk if it was Sato because I can't see her lying to Mahiru but she's still sus.
But it if it wasn't Sato, who was it?
And Sato just vanished and was found dead.
... Fuck...
That man should not be anywhere near kids. And in a position of authority?
Fuck that.
Fucker, who just throws a kid on the ground.
Also I don't believe the story he's giving. I doubt he's telling the truth at all.
Also Hajime I get wanting to punch the shit out of Juzo.
But not the best idea to try to hit a staff member.
No matter how scummy they are.
Annnd especially when that guy is the ultimate boxer.
Man that's 2 protags this man has hit to the ground.
Someone hide the others.
...and he fucking spat on him?!
... Nevermind hit him again... With a truck.
I'm suprised Izuru allowed this guy to see daylight.
Juzo, you're nothing, so I dunno why you're on such a high horse.
You are a pathetic little bully and when you die I'm going to laugh.
Hell I'll cheer.
I don't think I've ever hated a character more than Juzo Sakakura.
Like Munakata I can get.
I can understand where he's coming from and why he has this mindset.
Granted I might have to get hit in the head first.
Several times.
But Juzo is literally just a bully, he's been a bully since day one. He's prejudiced, he thinks he's God's gift to the earth.
He abuses his position to beat a high schooler, fucking spat on him because he's not "an elite."
I have no idea how someone like Chisa befriended him.
And just, ugh. Fuck this guy.
The worst thing is, Hajime could've moved on. He could've accepted Chiaki's words.
Could have truly believed he didn't need a talent to mean something.
But it's asshole's like Juzo who literally beat it out of him.
That make him think he's nothing.
Hajime being picked wasn't an accident.
It was strategic.
Congratulations Juzo Sakakura you contributed to the creation of the man who's going to destroy us all.
Thank god Chisa stepped in.
Don't blame Hajime pushing away from her though, of course he can't trust them.
Her friend just beat him up.
Also "Dark side of Hope's Peak." Is people like you, you're literally contributing.
The project your investigating, you just gave them their test subject.
And he might not have even gone for it if it wasn't for asshole's like you.
You literally had to just not beat and berate a student, but that's to fucking hard for you.
Don't get me wrong I appreciate having a character like Juzo, I just hate him.
... No no you can argue with that logic.
I know it's dangerous for Hajime go be snooping about but that doesn't justify Juzo's actions at all.
You don't beat up students.
Asshole you don't know to be nice.
And the funny thing is by doing that you've just given him more reasons to go for the project.
And look how safe that was.
Wait are they arguing over Munakata?
... Really?...
Guys, raise your standards he looks like a wet mop.
Hajime saying he has somewhere to go and talking like Chiaki's never gonna see him again.
God... My heart hurts.
"I'm empty. But you can take something empty and fill it."
Parallel to Makoto saying that words can be hollow but you can fill them.
... Oh Hajime... You are worth so much and I'm sorry the world won't let you believe it.
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tummy-troubles-tourney · 2 years ago
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The Round 1 Matchups are below the cut! The first half are scheduled to go live at 8:00 PM PST! Hold on to your barf bags and let's do this thing!
Mae Borowski  (Night in the Woods) vs Shin Tsukimi (Your Turn to Die)
Okuyasu Nijimura (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable) vs Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Lev Haiba (Haikyuu!!) vs Tadashi Yamaguchi (Haikyuu!!)
Tooru Oikawa (Haikyuu!!) vs Knov (Hunter x Hunter)
Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob SquarePants) vs Light Yagami (Death Note)
Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia) vs Petey Piranha (Super Mario Sunshine)
Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) vs Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House) vs Dr. Gregory House (House, M.D.)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) vs Michael Afton (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location)
Lord Jabu-Jabu (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) vs Raji Shenazard (Snow White with the Red Hair)
Guzma (Pokémon Sun/Moon) vs Aubrey Posen (Pitch Perfect)
Alciel (The Devil is a Part-Timer) vs Ebenezer Scrooge (A Christmas Carol)
SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants) vs L Lawliet (Death Note)
Jay Ferin (Just Roll With It) vs Ryouta Kawara (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Shaggy Rogers (Scooby-Doo) vs Doug Dorsey (The Cutting Edge)
Armitage Hux (Star Wars) vs Sunny (Omori)
Donatello Hamato (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs Philly the Kid (Cannon Busters)
Johnny Sasaki (Metal Gear) vs Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
The Mystery Flesh Pit (Trevor Roberts) vs Ritsu Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! On Ice) vs Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Miles Vorkosigan (The Vorkosigan Saga) vs Walter (Walter the Farting Dog)
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (My Hero Academia) vs Chest-burster Xenomorph(s) (Alien)
Roman Sanders (Sanders Sides) vs Asahi Azumane (Haikyuu!!)
Blue Zircon (Steven Universe) vs Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Crying Child (Five Nights at Freddy’s 4)
Louie (Pikmin) vs Harrier du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Isuzu “Rin” Sohma (Fruits Basket) vs Keith Kogane (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Kobeni Higashiyama (Chainsaw Man) vs Hitoka Yachi (Haikyuu!!)
Izumi Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Katsuya Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Chip (Just Roll With It) vs Stahl (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Virgil Sanders (Sanders Sides) vs Kiyoomi Sakusa (Haikyuu!!)
Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock) vs Arataka Reigen (Mob Psycho 100)
The following characters (listed in no particular order) are SEEDED and their first matchups will be determined by the results of ROUND 1:
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place)
Ochako Uraraka (My Hero Academia)
Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
Henry (Thomas the Tank Engine/Thomas and Friends/The Railway Series)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death)
Magellan (One Piece)
Yami Sukehiro (Black Clover)
Marta Cabrera (Knives Out)
Deandra (The Most Popular Girls in School)
Yuuga Aoyama (My Hero Academia)
Declan Lynch (The Raven Cycle/The Dreamer Trilogy)
Randy Jade (Dialtown)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
Nekomaru Nidai (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Shouyou Hinata (Haikyuu!!)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Dr. Heywood Floyd (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Scary Marlowe (Dungeons and Daddies)
Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
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mod-kyoko · 2 years ago
lgbtqia+ headcanons
fandom: danganronpa
a/n: a couple years ago i made a post which was a list of characters i hc to be queer and looking back at it made me cringe hard because i was such a baby gay so i'm updating that and telling yall my hcs again but in a more in-character way for them!
trigger happy havoc
sakura ogami
she labels herself as queer because she doesn't have a desire to give herself a specific identity, it's not something she thinks about, she's just attracted to whoever she is attracted to
sakura ship i like: sakuraoi
makoto naegi
chin-deep in the closet, so he never labeled himself, though he is attracted to men and women
some makoto ships i like: komaegi (nagito x makoto), naegami, naegamigiri, naegiri
kiyotaka ishimaru
so gay. so so gay. bats not a single lash at women.
mondo was his gay awakening. though he kept it to himself for a very long time due to his family being not so supportive
taka ship i like: ishimondo!!!!
mondo owada
taka and mondo were each other's gay awakenings
though mondo is bisexual, w/ a preference for women
mondo ships i like: ishimondo, ikuwada (mondo x mukuro), owamiki (mondo x mikan)
aoi asahina
does not label her sexuality, though she is attracted to men and women. preference for women!!
hina ship i like: sakuraoi
toko fukawa
no labels, and she is attracted to men but i thoroughly believe her "crush" on togami was actually just an unhealthy hyperfixation and/or obsession
komaru was the first person that toko felt true feelings for
toko ship i like: tokomaru!!!
goodbye despair
hajime hinata
he is so bisexual it hurts
it took him a while to come to terms with it but i like to imagine nagito was his first bi awakening
some hajime ships i like: komahina, hinamiki, hinanami
peko pekoyama
peko is nonbinary and uses she/they pronouns, and her sexuality isn't labeled
was often called a tomboy growing up, and prefers a more androgynous style, but sometimes gets in touch with her girly side
peko ship i like: kuzupeko
fuyuhiko kuzuryu
doesn't put a label on his sexuality because he is so damn far in the closet, he doesn't even know he's in it
he is attracted to men and women though
some fuyuhiko ships i like: kuzupeko, kuzusoda
mahiru koizumi
she is omnisexual! attracted to all genders but with a preference for men
some mahiru ships i like: koizuryu, hiyoizumi
gundham tanaka
soooo asexual, he just doesn't get the appeal
attracted to women
100% unlabeled gender, it's a social construct anyway, he/it all the way
only gundham ship i like: sondam
hiyoko saionji
do i need to say it? lesbian
that's it
she keeps it to herself, due to internalized homophobia, but mahiru was definitely her lesbian awakening
only hiyoko ship i like: hiyoizumi
mikan tsumiki
biromantic w a pref for men
asexual due to her trauma, she has no interest in sexual relationships
mikan ships i like: hinamiki, miomiki, owamiki (mondo x mikan)
kazuichi soda
also sort of in the closet, attracted to men and women but definitely prefers women
hajime was his sexual awakening lmfao
kaz ship i like: kuzusoda
ibuki mioda
pansexual! she doesn't see gender
uses she/they/it and is neurodivergent, so she feels like her gender is very connected to music
ibuki ship i like: miomiki
killing harmony
shuichi saihara
okay so shuichi is attracted to all genders, but doesn't label himself because thinking about labels panics him (this is me projecting)
i live for trans shuichi actually
shu ship i like: saiouma
kokichi oma
bro is unlabeled and i feel like he likes to lie to people about his sexuality and then contradict himself to make them think they are going insane
oma ships i like: saiouma, oumeno
himiko yumeno
transfem (she/her)
is not out of the closet to anyone
himiko ship i like: oumeno, tenmiko...? (not sure if i like this one or not rlly)
very much struggles with the concept of gender identity, he wants to fit in by having a label, but doesn't know what he feels he is. whatever other people perceive him as, he decides he is
aroace (despite my personal hc that he is aroace i do enjoy the keebo x miu ship)
miu iruma
poor girl is painfully attracted to women and doesn't even know it
she knows she is attracted to men, but it will take her a while to realize her feelings for other girls
miu ship i like: keebo x miu
rantaro amami
bisexual af. preference for women
is currently questioning his gender
rantaro ship i like: akamami
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mewmewchann · 8 months ago
For Old Time's Sake
A rude awakening leads to one last investigation.
HI SORRY THIS IS SO LATE AUGH My other works took priority over this but it's finally here!! I hope you guys enjoy!!
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