#Daily Atty
dailydemonspotlight · 1 month
Cybele - Day 89
Race: Lady
Arcana: Lovers
Alignment: Light-Chaos
August 8th, 2024
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One of the most fascinating things one can observe throughout mythology, if not history as a whole, is the way ideas are passed around as years go by. Several religious concepts that are well known from one area could actually have originated from somewhere completely different, or could have traveled to different further sources that continued to expand on that idea. This can be observed most obviously in the case of the ancient Romans basically abducting several Greek deities into their own pantheon, but the Greeks themselves were far from innocent as well. After all, they did the same with a goddess years prior, one who was originally from Anatolia- and this goddess, of course, was none other than today's Demon of the Day, Cybele. This phenomenon could actually also be observed with even more deities, including fucking Dionysus, but I'll leave that to his own spotlight. That twink will get his time sometime soon.
Generally, though it is possible to link earlier, people believe that Cybele originated in modern day Turkey, being a figure of worship and the primary goddess of Phrygia, if not the only goddess in their worship. This is mostly attested through ancient sculpture depictions found in Phrygian ruins, including the famous Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük, which is commonly believed to represent her, and shows her in a motherly role, something which, among other evidence, seems to point to her being an archetypical mother goddess much like Gaia. The cult that placed her as their only god was incredibly prevalent throughout Phrygia, at least when it comes to where artifacts can be found from my understanding. This led to some strangeness, however, when ancient Greek colonizers came to Asia Minor.
The cults worshipping Cybele were slowly adopted and subsumed into Greece, causing Cybele to become a new goddess in the Greek pantheon... albeit with some changes. After all, there already was a mother goddess in the form of Gaia and the Earth itself, and this led to inevitable conflict and controversy. Her interpretation changed from place to place, being most commonly depicted as a mystery goddess in connection to none other than our 'favorite' castrated god, Attis, appearing as his consort whom he cuts off his balls to. Greek mythology never changes. Curiously, her appearance was also somewhat similar to that of a fellow Greek god, Pan- she was frequently accompanied in her appearances by wine, frantic music, and ecstasy, much like Pan would bring panic by playing his music. She moved from a motherly role to a far more enigmatic one, though this was only the second part of this strange game of telephone.
As time went on and the Romans did their Romaning thing, one of the many gods they adopted from Greek mythology was, of course, Cybele, though now in yet another, even stranger form. Cybele had went from one of the oldest gods in the world, to the goddess of birth, to a goddess of nature, and now, in Rome, she had become, as described in her new epithet, "Mater Deum Magna Idaea," or 'Great Idaean Mother of the Gods.' This sudden evolution wasn't unwarranted, given her role as a goddess of birth and connections to motherhood, but it still felt a bit like a stretch, no? Regardless, even in her newly important form, she was still a rather enigmatic entity, though her role as birthing not just humanity but also the gods themselves was of great importance. The cult that worshipped her were well known for their fervent rituals, adding on to the odd connections between Cybele and Pan as well. Overall, though, one can easily say that she was, in general, a goddess of motherhood, birth, and nature.
Now, as for SMT, this is... not really depicted? I'm not sure what I expected, but a seductive blue lady with a rope surrounding her is an odd design for her, to say the least. It's not that I dislike it too much, in fact I'm rather fond of the nod to Attis with her dual daggers, but it still feels a bit odd in contrast with her generally motherly depictions. I guess her being tits out is meant to play into that with... well, you know, but still. I can't even find much reason for her looking like this, frankly, but whatever- I'm no art critic. I'd highly recommend you look into Cybele even more, as I only scratched the surface of this proverbial iceberg, but time is short and I'm on vacation, so I can't promise my work is gonna be the best it could be. Regardless, though, hope you enjoyed!
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atticollateral · 5 months
I love you isn't some kind of trophy you keep in a case and reserve to bring out for special occasions.
I love you isn't meant to be used sparingly, or only used at the "right" moment. You should say I love you whenever you can, to everyone that you care about. You never know when that I love you can be your last.
That being said; I love you. Yeah, you. 💕 :> get loved, little freaks in my phone. You deserve it.
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By the by, make sure you're taken care of! Hydrate💧, Nourish🥪, Photosynthesize☀️, Medicate💊. You know the drill. 💕
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aberooski · 2 months
I started trying to redesign Chazz's Once Upon A Duelist outfit because recently I've started liking it a lot less and what I came up with came out pretty good actually and now it's gonna just be the OUAD 2 fit instead akskskksk
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he11fireclubtm · 2 months
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[[Ive noticed an influx of negativity lately and I want to counter that so I just wanna give some more love out :
@humanchewtoy - legit an amazing Stiles. Like for real. I love seeing all the amazing things that Lizard comes up with or seeing the shenanigans that stiles gets up to.
@filmdesque - NOAH~~ I love you, Jon, and Mike to bits and pieces. Our threads and your friendship means so so much to me. I’m so lucky to have you around.
@hellfireheroes - so many amazing muses here. So many wonderful ideas. And their Eddie? To fucking die for. Scribs is such a sweetheart
@bamsidsuperbitch - Top tier Sidney right here. And Splen is such a sweetie. The full package right here if you’re looking for great content.
@leadxxr - literally the embodiment of Dwight. I’m so amazed by their content and I would fight for them any day. I can’t get enough of Dwight or Max.
@breakcut - Atti is seriously amazing at every muse they attempt and I’m in love with their portrayal of Feng fr fr. Steve is smitten. I’m so thankful for them ❤️
@ferociium - WINTER~ love love love your ghostie even if I’m way too shy to approach a lot of the time. Loving all the ghostfield content and what you bring to the table
@dead-blondie - Tatum at her finest! Love all the shenanigans and fun ideas. Plus getting to talk to you about ST? So much fun!
@snnynatural - LUMI, you know I forever love Sonny in all fonts, seriously. You and Sonny are rays of sunshine that I adore
@greedaeye - CEEJAY, my child. Love you to the moon and back. And all of your bbys. You still wow me on a daily basis with all the lovely content you come up with
@malka-lisitsa - Queen Katherine herself. Literally Katherine Pierce and fierce leader of the digidestined. Thank you for always having my back and continuing to slay ~
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starmonsterrr · 8 months
[ * Introduction post i guess??? Erm... Anyway HELLO WORLD ]
[ * With a sudden influx of people following this blog and catching me by surprise, I figured out it would be a good idea to make an intro post about myself. Fun i guess? ]
[ * Anyways, please refer to me as Io or Aurum! Either way works! ]
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[ * Identity things? I guess? ]
[ * My pronouns are it/its and I identify as stargender! ]
[ * I am also non-human, though I recognize that (to my dismay) I have the body of one. (No shade to physical nonhumans of any type though!!! You creatures are awesome!!!!) ]
[ * Further elaborating, I'm otherkin (dragon), therian (silver fox), and fictionkin (well... OCkin. And it's Io! info post link here). ]
[ * I also happen to be the host of what very likely seems to be a system, though luckily for me a small one (as far as me and the one other known member, Atramentum, are aware). I seem to be always in near complete control apparently??? But Atty has gained more control unintentionally before. Not enough for either of us to call it fronting or co-fronting but. Control nonetheless over the meat machine?? Ehh, they're a guy that exists ]
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[ * Hobbies!!!!! ]
[ * The main thing you'll see is drawings. Many drawings. I enjoy drawing a lot! I have been drawing ever since I have memory. I also occasionally compose music and write, but I have yet to post any of that in this blog... ]
[ * And I also animate! Because of the effort it takes, it is quite rare to see me posting animations. But I still do it! I have a YouTube channel dedicated to it, in fact. You can find some of my animations there. ]
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[ * Fandoms!!!! ]
[ * My primary fandom is the UTMV and has been for three years as of 29/07/2024! As such this blog is near entirely centered on it. I may occasionally reblog stuff from other fandoms, though I don't see UTMV getting overthrown as my current main interest anytime soon. ]
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[ * Miscellaneous things? (Extra info, tags, links, cool looking badge thingies I find online) ]
[ * I'm Ink's wife and girlfriend (in a non-binary way if that makes any sense) for all eternity (/srs), and I post about that fairly often I think ]
[ * I also enjoy being an astronomical level of cringe... And I refuse to apologize for it. In fact if you dare insult me for it, or for anything really, I will channel the hatred into more cringepower. Cringe culture is dead and I am mauling its corpse :3 (That is an AMAZING quote. Might put it as a blog title eventually) ]
[ * Tags I use (recalling from memory... May miss a few.) ]
#corv reblogs
#corv friend interactions
#corv gets an ask
#corv draws • (usually full drawings)
#corv doodles • (low-quality drawings usually made for silly reasons)
#corv rambles about lore
#corv's io • (posts about Io)
#corv's aurum • (posts about Aurum)
#the starry night (selfship) • (Ink x Io)
#corv doodle request • (doodle requests I draw)
#corv doodle request status • (status updates for when I open and close doodle requests)
#corv & corvpany • (silly plurality stuff)
[ * Stuff I'm working on ]
OuterRenaissance (Undertale AU, Outertale variant) (has an official blog! @outerrenaissance though I gotta actually get started using it.)
Some info on star-born monsters! I think.
[ * Links for things ]
[ * About Io (UTMV self-insert, sona number 1) ]
[ * About Aurum (UTMV meta ""self-insert""??? lives outside UTMV technically but still interacts with it, also sona number 2) (NEEDS MAJOR-ISH DESIGN UPDATE) ]
[ * About Therian!Ink ]
[ * My Youtube channel ]
[ * Cool looking badges/user boxes!!!!! ]
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[ * And lastly... ]
[ * Please, do NOT interact with me if you... ]
[ * originally this was a list but ehhhh ]
[ * just pls don't harass people... And don't drag me into any kind of discourse (Yup that includes shipcourse)...... Also don't be a bigot ]
[ * AI image generators can go to the ninth circle of hell though ]
[ * I'm too tired on a daily basis to go around checking everyone's DNIs so wahhhh ]
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[ * That's pretty much it! Have a nice day! ]
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red-panda-agere · 2 years
do have any headcanons for regressor ortega?
Sorry I fell off the face of the earth for a while...
Little Ortega
Age range is a little older than Gio, around 3-4
He likes acting like the older brother, helping Atticus take care of little Giacomo.
When he's not acting as a big brother though, he's a very clingy baby, demanding all of Atty's attention.
He's very shy about some of his interests when little, especially his Littlest Pet Shops and Calico Critters. He gets very nervous about his interests since he doesn't enjoy alot of things most boys do.
He loves dressing up his Calico Critters, Atticus sometimes making special outfits for them himself. Those are Ortie's favorite outfits for his toys.
He has SO MANY LPS play sets. He doesn't play with them a bunch necessarily, but he absolutely adores reorganizing the furniture and pretending he's specializing every house playset for every little pet.
Pastel colors. Loads.
His favorite pacifier is a pastel pink one with little star charms on it.
He's a very sensitive baby. He doesn't like being told no, but calms down relatively quickly when his Dada explains his decisions.
"I know little one, Dada knows. But we can't do that right now little prince. It's getting very late baby, we have to get you ready for bed soon, yeah?" Atticus cooed gently to the distressed boy. Ortega calmed a bit, understanding, but still upset. "O-Okay Dada..." he sniffled.
He loves being called 'little prince' and sometimes, on specific days, he loves being called 'princess'
Dress up! He loves wearing princess dresses and tiaras and even having his dada paint his nails. (He identifies as a boy, but he likes feeling like a princess)
Bedtime stories, cuddles, and at least 5 bedtime kisses, or he's not going to sleep
If things don't go exactly according to his mental schedule, or if he doesn't have a sense of consistency he gets very overwhelmed. His bedtime, morning, and overall daily routines are very important to him.
He has a pink baby blankie he drags everywhere
He prefers stuffed animals with a soft velvet-y texture, lime squishmallows.
Ortega helps his dada with making food, demanding to be apart of everything.
Meltdowns happen pretty consistently... but Atty understands and has grown accustomed to them, helping the baby boy calm down as best he can.
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secondgenerationnerd · 2 months
Omg Chris Kent is in your universe??? Can you talk about him?
Hell yeah! He’s the oldest of the Kent brothers (Kon is treated like a son by Clark and Lois, and he gives middle child energy)
Chris’s story is pretty much the same as it is in the comics, but there’s definitely more brotherly arguments 😂😂 they’re little shits to each other.
He ends up married to Thara, another kryptonian and the embodiment of one of their goddesses. I also think she’s a soldier? The Kent men have a fucking type considering they have a princess, a Demi goddess, a ceo, and a Lois Lane 😂
He and Thara have six kids—fours sons, one daughter, and a genderfluid kid. For their gender-fluid bby, they check for daily pronouns by asking “What’s the vibe” (stolen from @nerdymixedpan on TikTok)
They live super close to the Kent farm and Chris really takes to that work. Like more than he thought he would.
I’m not happy with his sims design yet, but I’ll show my current one, plus his family:
Christopher Kent
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His beautiful and scary wife, Thara.
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Their adopted half brainiac sons (with the disguises on), Sebastian (Baz) and Atticus (Atti)
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Their first biological son, Beau
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Their adopted child, River, a shape shifting gender-fluid meta human.
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Youngest son Everett
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And sweet surprise, bby girl Carter
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netherworldpost · 2 years
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I hired a business consultant with a report delivery of Friday end of day.
Because they are an Actual Professional it came on time and was very thorough and complete.
Because I am a Cartoon Professional I changed my email password immediately after signing the contract so I wouldn't obsess.
Then watched Scooby-Doo for several days, obsessing anyway, until I could no longer take not knowing the results (Sunday morning at 4:17AM)
This covers a 10 year period
RED = MYTHOLOGY (Evil Supply Co. public shop before closing + private practice for mythology clients, which did not close)
BLUE = OTHER STUFF with red removed so I can see what percentage of income is mythology vs. not.
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Got a bit of red on me.
In this chart you can see where I had my 2020 traffic accident and the subsequent rebuilding of my life and business practices.
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Now let's talk about why I'm making this post. You can tell where I added artwork to this "hide private information" chart because it's bright pink.
I feel like following me on social media is a combination of mythology and benefiting from my investments in business + therapy. Consider this part of the value proposition in following oh stones I can't with the business talk.
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atty (me, hi) = cartoon business person doing fun spooky things + occasional thing that is accidentally actually useful = public posting (desire for attention + lightly marketing)
Which is a quick commercial break for our sponsor (hi, it's me, I'm the sponsor on my own post)
netherworldpost.com has the mailing list when the public side of Netherworld Post opens later this year.
Greeting cards, postcards, stickers, zines, stories, rambles. All original art and writing about queer monsters, witches, ghosts, mermaids living in paradise.
Mental and physical therapy... are... continuing... and as they improve I can make stuff faster and get closer to launching
Thanks, back to rambling.
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One of the things that has sat heavily in my brain since said traffic accident is a variety of soul haunting "what if?"s
This chart is to showcase the utter irrelevance of this line of thinking -- you cannot change the past -- in hopes of helping me and subsequently you to move on.
One of the biggest things I am trying to unbuckle from my brain is this idea that life is a linear experience with a finite number of resources and opportunities.
My brain has been ground into the position of "I must constantly hustle because every opportunity not maximized is lost forever and is thus one more step closer to irreversible failure. Going slow or stopping to rest = bad."
This is a coldly logical statement that sounds great when you're being punitive to yourself for choices made by you or others.
There is some small truth to it (your daily existence is comprised of 24 hours) but the fundamental and utterly overwhelmingly larger truth underlying is life is not comprised of a straight forward math formula.
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Here is a zoom in + direct message summary
Bad thing happens.
Work harder for awhile.
Things resume on the previous path.
Worry over choosing the wrong path is extremely probably corrected over the long term.
Your "what if?" -- my "what if?" -- is irrelevant.
Not just because you cannot change the past. But because continued hard work averages out losses and "non-selected opportunities"
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(don't you love that? "non-selected opportunities". This is a new phrase to me. Such a nice way of passing up "I didn't take the objectively better path for reasons.")
I hope you find it helpful!
I hope you sign up on netherworldpost.com which has an auto-merging feature if you've already signed, meaning if you're unsure, sign up again, you won't get duplicate emails in a few months when we launch!
Thank you, it's time for coffee, I have spent 5+ hours reading this damn thing and making this post
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lunamagicablu · 6 months
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«Ho scoperto che sono le piccole cose, le azioni quotidiane della gente comune che tengono a bada l’oscurità. Semplici atti di gentilezza e amore.» (J. R. R. Tolkien) *************** «I have discovered that it is the little things, the daily actions of ordinary people that keep the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love." (J.R.R. Tolkien)
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attichaos · 1 year
My Social Media
(for more content)
Platforms: Threads, Tumblr, Instagram, Tiktok
I’ve been using threads most recently, check out my daily card pulls, recommendations, spells etc!
Hopefully will be posting more on Instagram and Tumblr!
Look forward to chatting with you <3
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dailydemonspotlight · 3 months
Attis - Day 57
Race: Kishin
Arcana: Hanged Man
Alignment: Light-Neutral
June 18th, 2024
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It's odd that this is the first figure from Greek Mythology I'm covering, given how widespread it is throughout the series, honestly, but I'm not complaining. Something that I have to give SMT a lot of props for is how it goes into far more obscure things from mythology- sure, you've got your Thoth's, your Odin's, your Shiva's, and your Baphomets, but something this series does a lot that I adore is that it creates demons for some of the most obscure figures out there. Sure, it makes researching them difficult (a la Porewit) but the spotlights (heh) that this series shines on otherwise obscure figures is fantastic. Case in point, today's Demon of the Day, Attis.
While everyone knows the Greek pantheon, there are so many lesser gods in the sprawling labyrinth of Greek mythology, gods worshipped by obscure cults or left in the tradewinds of history. Attis, of course, was one of these gods, but he also had another reason- he was from a completely different mythological origin. In Phrygian myth, the archetypical 'Mother Nature' was a character named 'Cybele,' who has her own tonnes of myths to tell. However, when the Greeks began to subsume into the rest of the Phrygian people, she was met with a mixed response. Some took her to become a new form of Gaia, the Greek goddess of nature, while others took off and painted her as an exotic goddess whose meaning couldn't be known. Now, what does this have to do with Attis? He was her consort.
The tales surrounding Attis are, and I cannot stress this enough, insane. Everything happens in them from weird amounts of hatred towards an intersex prophetic child, to a cycle of life and rebirth, and I'm a bit scared of going into it, but... okay. Let's do this. Recanted in Catullus 63, the first recorded tale of Attis begins with, and I'm not kidding, him castrating himself. Right off the bat. Yup, this is one of those stories. And I quote,
Over the vast main borne by swift-sailing ship, Attis, as with hasty hurried foot he reached the Phrygian wood and gained the tree-girt gloomy sanctuary of the Goddess, there roused by rabid rage and mind astray, with sharp-edged flint downwards dashed his burden of virility. Then as he felt his limbs were left without their manhood, and the fresh-spilt blood staining the soil, [text]
We just got here! Okay, okay, I'll continue. The story goes on to describe the aftereffects, and the motivation for this sudden castration, that being a fanatical obsession with the nature goddess, Cybele. After he awakens in likely the world's first (and worst) hangover, he looks out and bemoans his fate, having been left behind by his companions who had already run to pursue the goddess. However, from what I can tell of this story, given the confusing wording, the goddess grants the man permission to drive one of her nuns to 'his allegiance.' I can assume this means someone in his home kingdom, but I'm not very sure? It might be referring to the goddess herself. My lack of knowledge in ye olden terms has made this a headache and a half. Later in the story, after his self-mutilation led to his death, he would later be revived by Cybele, becoming her consort.
A later addition expands on this, giving light to Attis' birth- in the story regarding it, it begins with, as always, Zeus being Zeus. In the tale, he fell in love with Cybele, who didn't return his advances, but... of course, with him being himself, he forced himself on her. Her child would later be reared, a deity called Agdistis who was notable for being a hermaphrodite, essentially 'male and female.' For whatever reason, the gods got terrified of how particularly powerful they were, and proceeded to... castrate Agdistis. What the fuck is with the castration?! Jesus Christ! From the blood left behind, an almond tree spurted forth, and a nearby woman named Nana would decide to take an almond and put it in her bosom. Okay. This led to her getting pregnant. Okay. Later on, she would give birth to the newborn Attis, before promptly throwing the kid out into the nature, to which he was soon raised by a goat. Oh kay.
A lot of stuff relating to Attis has been lost to time, especially given that he was only really worshipped in, you guessed it, cults. Originally, separated from the Greek mythology he would later be co-opted into, a cult formed surrounding him in 1250 BCE, in-and-around an area of modern-day Turkey called, and I kid you not, Dindymon. Originally worshipped as a semi-deity in the area, he would later become slowly integrated into Greek mythology as several Greek cults began to form surrounding Attis around the fourth century BCE. In Phrygian culture, later adapted into Greek, Attis was a deity who represented vegetation and the cycle of fruits- particularly, the castration story (yes, again) represented the idea of fruits dying in the winter then coming back in the spring; the date of Attis's revival, that being the spring equinox, is no coincidence. Frankly, though, as pretty as this concept is, the absurd amount of castration in his stories is just... Why? Why are you like this, Greek Mythology?
Okay, now with all of that over with, how is he portrayed in the series? I honestly really like his design. The bandages and the blade make him look rather unique, and I really do enjoy just how bizarre he looks. Wait, but is the reason why his legs are separated from his body...
You have got to be fucking KIDDING ME.
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atticollateral · 5 months
my music taste is so unbelievably skewed that I put on Aurelio Voltaire, and then I got '70s music, '50s music, '80s music, '90s music and now I'm getting fucking Will Wood. where the fuck am I right now?!
The only thing that could make my morning any worse is fucking classical. or 20s music.
when I ask for a vibe I want to stay on that vibe I feel like I'm being thrown around.
it's not even all the same genre like I've gotten goth, punk rock, alt indie, alt folk rock, whatever the fuck ABBA is on cuz I got fucking ABBA, I got Queen... I got music I don't even know but I know it's old cuz it's music my parents sing and my parents are kind of old (60's/70's kids)
sigh. oh and don't forget the random musicals that come on! how could I forget that.
biggest sigh known to man... it's too early for this... but I have an appointment at 8-ish AM and need to leave around 6-6:30 AM...
And that's on ADHD
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folansstuff · 10 months
for illyatticus:
What’s their love languages?
Do they have any favorite activities to do together?
Who drives and who picks out the music?
What’s a song that describes their relationship? Or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
What does a date night out look like for them?
How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
What’s something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
What is something they can never agree on? How do they meet in the middle?
Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!
Thank you Sans for letting me ramble about the duo lmao
A long one, so read below
What’s their love languages?
Atticus is big on Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation. He cooks, he cleans, he makes sure that Illyana is treated for any wounds and emotional distress that she might've have dealt with while on a mission, and he's going to remind her that she's amazing and brilliant while doing so. Illyana loves Physical Touch. She'll lounge on Atticus, press quick kisses to his cheeks, rest her hand in his, anything to remind herself that she's here on Earth and is loved and cared for, and she knows that Atticus sometimes needs the same when his powers start to fuck with his head. (this poor girl spent years in hell without any positive touch, she deserves it lmao.)
Do they have any favorite activities to do together?
MOVIE NIGHT! MOVIE NIGHT! Cuddles on the couch and shitty B-Movies, prefect. Also, and this is purely self-indulgent, but Atticus was a child/teenager in the 80's/90's (assuming the sliding scale of comic book time) so he got really into Magic: The Gathering with Doug, and due to that (and it sharing her name), Illyana got into it as well. Atticus is pretty hardcore, even after not having played in 6 years (due to being dead and all) and Illyana thinks its cute.
Who drives and who picks out the music?
Illyana can drive, but she suffers from hardcore road rage (she once got herself and Roberto arrested for threatening another driver with 'decades of painful suffering from her most brutal underlings'), so Atti drives. They have a shared playlist, but Illyana is in full control the whole time.
What’s a song that describes their relationship? Or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
"I'll Melt With You" by Modern English is one of Illyana's favourite songs, and they've adopted it as 'their song' at parties and such. Illyana is all over New Wave/Post Punk music, tbh and Atticus just picked up on it (he's more the Wilco/Weird Australian band type).
More secretly, Atticus sung, and still sings, "Where Two Oceans Meet" by Josh Pyke to Illyana when she's suffering from nightmares. He did it once when they were teenagers, and now it's a particularly special song to them.
What does a date night out look like for them?
Beating up random goons and victory "celebrations". They kinda improvise it, they're both pretty busy, so it's usually dinner and a movie, or they go to the Green Lagoon and get wasted. It's a fun time.
How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
Atticus makes Illyana packed lunches with notes in them. She tells people it's corny, but she always eats them, and gets very upset when other people try to take it. He also will randomly hold her hand, or run his fingers along her back, something to remind her that he's there. Illyana is not as good at those small demonstrations, but she'll usually try and leave little notes. She'll also appear and wrap her arms around his waist when he's cooking or working, silently telling him she loves him.
What’s something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
Atticus has a picture of Illyana grinning at a party as his phone background, and wears a small Soulsword necklace at pretty much all times. Illyana doesn't wear anything (she doesn't want to risk breaking something), but she does keep a picture of Atticus, shirtless and asleep, as a phone background, though she'll never show anyone. They also have small magic bracelets that let the other person know if their in danger, courtesy of Doctor Strange. They also have Kitty's tattoo on their body, Illyana's in on her chest, and Atticus' is on his shoulders. They were drunk, Kitty dared them, they don't talk about it.
What is something they can never agree on? How do they meet in the middle?
Oh so many. Atticus only drinks flat whites, Illyana drinks black. Illyana wants to burn her tongue with spicy food, Atticus likes mild flavours. Atticus hates Scott, and still mistrusts him and Xavier, Illyana loves Scott and trusts him with her life. They're adults, so they usually find a way to compromise, and they've been together too long to let something silly ruin that.
Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!
Atticus doesn't know it, but when he came back to life, Illyana basically covered him in protection wards. She isn't too versed in them, so they're imperfect, but they still keep him safe from most magical harm. She doesn't want to lose him again.
Atticus, Doug and Sam have a "Husbands/BF's of Scary Women" group chat, where they share stories and goof around. It helps them keep in touch.
In the alt universe where Yana becomes Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, she and Atti meet when he visits Strange about his first visit to The Garden. After a few years he ends up as the morality-flipped equivalent of Clea and Wong fused together.
Atticus has never met Illyana's parents, but since Piotr is Piotr, he's basically already done the whole 'do not hurt my sister, punk' thing. Illyana has met Atticus' mother once before she died, and she didn't think too highly of her. She's bummed that she never met his father.
There's so much more, and I'm sure once I've posted this I'll think of more.
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june-julie · 1 year
hey do you have a dream role for atticus that you wish he gotten to play?
Oh my god I think about this daily but DEFINITELY teen wolf. Dylan did great but I feel like atticus could’ve portrayed it better OR (and this is a weird one) THE MOVIE FLIPPED
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I feel like he could’ve been Gabe in L&K. griffin gluck ily but he was not at all good at playing villains the whole vibe gave off fuckboy and all I could see in his place was atticus mitchell, he has that more venom when he plays his bad characters and HIMBO VILLIAN HIM WOULD SERVE. Like can you imagine him playing a badass demon shapeshifter gaining someone’s trust like the heartthrob he is and then later revealed to the unstoppable villian?! AND HE ASKS THE GIRL HE FOOLED TO JOIN HIM BEING A HOT VILLIANS BAE yes. Just yes.
I have a few more but these are my mains ‼️also if I had a nickel for everytime atty played a zombie I’d have 2 nickels which is not a lot but it’s weird it happened twice right? He would definitely slay in a apocalypse movie
*cough* and I will visualise for you guys by writing it if you’d want to read that kinda stuff *cough*
Also side note; with atticus in his thirty flirty and thriving era😜 I hope he does the annual dilf action movies YOU KNOW THE ONES IM TALKING ABOUT🗿
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attywrgt · 2 years
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ATTICUS WRIGHT  ( HE/HIM ) is a CIS MALE, THIRTY year old BARISTA AT DELIA’S CAFE who has been living in Moorbrooke for TWO YEARS. They were born on JANUARY 1ST and right now, they are currently residing in OAKLEY COURT It has been said that they look suspiciously like ROME FLYNN and if they had to choose a song to describe themselves, they would choose POPPIN’ CHAMPAGNE by ALL TIME LOW. 
tw: death mention, drugs mention
Due to some complications during giving birth, Atticus never got to meet his mom. He knows she was a wonderful person with a big heart because his father always told him stories of her, even making sure to name him what his mom wanted to name him, and he never did remarry after her passing.
He grew up around his moms side of the family just as much as his dads, as he made sure to involve them in much of Atticus’ life as possible. not to mention,  much of his mother’s free spirit coursed through young Atty.
 Growing up alongside his punk rock loving father, who took him to loads of concerts further nourished the free spirit within him. It was during these shows that he discovered he had a real interest in learning how to play the drums, most of his favorite people from each group also happened to be drummers. his father did not hesitate to get him a drum set and teach him some stuff he knew.
On his tenth birthday  Atticus  was gifted two things, from two different people, that would spark an interest he would carry on until this very day.  The first gift he received was a daily journal & the second gift was a “true cases: true crime for kids” book. It did not take long for Atticus to discover the possibilities he could create with his imagination and some writing utensils. the guy was hooked on creating short stories, writing fan fiction, and jotting down as many dreams as he could remember. He also began to dive into more true crime cases as he grew up, and even began to dream of a day he could be a private investigator.
He was going to school for criminal justice but after his second year he had to drop out of college due to his father needing more at home care. He was twenty-five when his father passed, and after that, he chose to quickly leave town once the services were over. The passing of his father did hit him pretty hard. he began to dive into hard drugs, the party scene more,  momentarily losing himself, but he eventually found the strength to pull himself from that dark hole. Now a days if he smokes, does shrooms, or if he experiments with anything a little harder it’s only to have a good time and not depend on it to make him numb again. He HAS laid back on a lot of drugs, although  he does occasionally like to trip balls with his roommate (wc to be added)  in the comfort of the apartment they share.
He has been living in Moorbrooke, Maine  for two years now and plans to keep living here for another couple more. He works as a barista for Delia’s Cafe and is fluent in both English and Spanish as well. He is also frequently uploading true crime videos to his TIkTok account (135.8K followers. nothing crazy), and still enjoys dabbling in the drums here and there. 
Figuring it out. 
He would give you his shirt right off his back, even in the dead of winter. He just swears a shit ton...(like his mun)
UNEXPECTED SIBLINGS: Our muses are actually related but didn’t know until recently! Could be cousins or something crazy like their father/mother had a child before them and never said anything to them!
CRUSH: The feelings don’t have to be returned, but just someone Atticus can have a little crush on. Maybe a co-worker or a customer who frequents Delia! A college friend who just got reunited too could also work!
A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIEND: A friend who occasionally gets high with  Atticus! They don’t have to go hard, but maybe they just enjoy tripping balls or something together. Could also sub the drug part for a drinking buddy!
THE EX: The infamous ex plot! We can plot something out about this. It can or doesn’t have to be angsty!
THE ROOOMATE: I have like a FRIENDS and NEW GIRL vibe for this connection in mind. They have a swear jar and all that because chances are that Atticus probably swears too much outside of work.
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antinous-posts · 2 years
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#OTD 130AD, Hadrian’s favourite, Antinous, his Bithynian eromenos, drowned in the Nile at Hermopolis, city of Thoth (ḫmnw), psychopomp messenger god (Hermes). Egyptians believed that the drowned became gods with Osiris, chthonic god of fertility & rebirth. Antinous was with Hadrian, part of the Imperial party of some 5,000 touring the East, including Augusta Sabina. It was the 3-day Khoiak festival of Osiris, dying & rising with the Nile on the 3rd day, #OTD. Embarked on the Nile when low was an inauspicious time for Hadrian, Pharoah, son of the living Horus, the son of Osiris. Much hung on him that Osiris & life-giving waters rose to fertilise the fields, essential for a successful harvest to feed Egyptians & secure Rome’s grain supply.
Polymath, Hadrian studied cults, including Egypt’s gods & mysterious rituals for fertility, birth & rebirth. Philhellene, he sponsored Antinous’ initiation into similar mysteries at Eleusis. Hadrian, an erastes training his eromenos (paideia), also shown hunting on the Arch of Constantine, was largely unremarkable between Roman & non-Roman citizens, although Hadrian’s immense grief at Antinous’ death was remarked on.
As mummification rites began for the new god, Osirantinous, Hadrian planned Antinoupolis, as cult city on the Nile’s East bank, where daily the sun is reborn. The cult spread rapidly, particularly in Greek East. Imperial workshops produced an outpouring of high-quality sculpture, not only ‘Egyptian’ style, but Antinous syncretised with gods like Dionysus & Hermes. Cult images of Antinous as a hero or god spread in forms familiar to local communities. Hadrian sought to unify his multicultural empire in public & private devotion, e.g., Apollo in Delphi, Asclepius in Eleusis, Silvanus in Lanuvium, priest of Attis in Ostia & the Imperial cult in Cyrenaica.
The church’s ‘moral’ excoriation of Antinous betrayed fear of the young god’s popularity & one who had self-sacrificed to add his unspent years to those of Hadrian. In obscure hieroglyphs on his Pincio obelisk, Hadrian records the gods welcoming the reborn Osirantinous & praising him for his youth & beauty, refreshing them & bringing new life.
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