#Dafnee Keen
illyanarasputinfan · 1 month
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Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) Marvel Studios
X-23 and Wolverine reacting to Dogpool is adorable.
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cyramountain · 5 months
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Faceclaim dump:
Ellie Bamber ¦ Dafnee Keen ¦ Shay Mitchell ¦ Dove Cameron ¦ Kiara Glasco ¦ Janel Parrish ¦ Auli'i Cravalho ¦ Devery Jacobs ¦ Inbar Levi ¦ Laura Harrier
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queeneve84 · 4 years
Today on “actors who should play siblings in things”
Itty Bitty Edition
Dafnee Keen (Logan, His dark Materials)
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She’s older now, obviously
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And Winta McGrath (Raised by Wolves)
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BONUS POINTS if Lukas Haas plays their dad.
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heywassuphellno · 5 years
Me thinks the sequel to Logan should be titled Laura. Me also thinks Dafne Keen should return as Laura and maybe even throw Charles Melton in there as Daken. Idk just a thought.
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Look at the smol peeping Pantalaimon uwu
Also Bryan and sweetie LMM
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mimi1503 · 5 years
Lord Asriel goes North and leaves Lyra ~ His Dark Materials
James McAvoy is great! What a man...
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sprnklersplashes · 4 years
me watching the new hdm trailer: wow baby veronica sawyer looks great
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maxwellendowed · 6 years
Day 11: Favorite On-screen Duo
So I had a really hard time with this one and I'm not entirely sure why. I was asking my bf which I should choose and he automatically said the first option and then I gave him the second option and he gave up the first.
so first option:
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Second option:
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I'm really stuck between them, because even though I've watched more of Taron and Hugh things, Dafnee and Hugh are adorable too....
I think overthinking it too much and I'm gonna go with Taron.
Only because of this scene.
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Case in point :) My boooois!
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
Further fancasting for the reboot I’d make
In accordance with a previous post this is who else I’d like to see in the the ducktales esque Sabrina reboot i theorised about in said post
Anne Hathaway. Vesta Spellman
Lauren Graham. Dorma Spellman
Jane Fonda. Irma Spellman
Dan Stevens. Ted Spellman
Candice Bergen. Lydia Spellan
Andy Samberg. Roland the troll
Emily Vancamp. Diana Spellman
Bill Hader. Tim the witch smeller
Peyton Elizabeth Lee. Perry “Pi” McDonald
Landry Bender. Libby Chessler
Dafnee Keen. Cassandra
Will Arnett. Drell
No Maritza. And Libby would be Gem’s cousin here. Cassandra would still be Enchantra’s niece. Ted and Diana would be recurring characters. Roland would be Tim’s double agent. Tim would be the big bad. Dorma would still be a sheep. Though probably not as grumpy. Vesta would still be as vampy as she was in the sitcom but through a G rated lens. And Irma would definitely still be the feared matriarch of the family. But less of a human hater. More of a “will do whatever it takes to protect her own” type of matriarch. Not sure about Drell but he’d definitely be on the council still. He should definitely turn out to be an actual ally among the Roland double cross. And I’d love it if great grandma Lydia got a substantial role
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amateriter · 7 years
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Film  yang dimulai dari Logan yang berjuang buat ngidupin dirinya sendiri sama professor Charles Xavier dengan “ngUBERin” penumpang make limo ini, dibalut dengan adegan yang sadis dan ditutup dengan akhiran yang dramatis. Bisa dibilang film ini temanya hampir mirip sama filmnya Natalie Portman waktu masih bocah, Leon: The Professional.
 Sebelumnya dalam X-Men Apocalypse diceritakan kalo Transigen punya proyek dari perusahaan Essex untuk menghadirkan mutan baru sebagai senjata yang mematikan. Nah disini Laura Kinney (X23), merupakan salah satu dari objek mereka yang bisa dibilang gagal. Dan proyek yang gagal tersebut diminta untuk dibatalkan. Karna Laura sendiri memiliki gen yang sama dengan Logan, Gabriela yang berperan sebagai perawatnya Laura, akhirnya meminta tolong sama Logan untuk membawa Laura pergi ke tempat yang lebih aman, yaitu Eden.
 Awalnya Logan menolak untuk membawa Laura pergi, tapi disini Prof. Xavier ngeyakinin Logan buat ngebawa Laura pergi. Karna Xavier sendiri sebelumnya ngeliat kalo diluar sana masih ada mutan-mutan yang masih muda yang tersisa. It’s like a hope for him, you know lah Xavier kan dulu memang punya sekolah khusus untuk para mutan.
 Di film superhero ini jauh banget bedanya sama film-film superhero ala marvel ataupun DC lainnya yang lebih mentingin kostum dan strategi buat menang saat ngelawan musuh. Tapi di film ini tuh kayak never ending battle yang dibalut dengan adegan aksi yang bener-bener beringas, seperti dimana saat cakar adamantiumnya Logan merobek-robek daging lawan-lawannya. Sadisnya film ini  mirip sama fim The Raid deh pokoknya. Parah. Apalagi si Laura (Dafnee Keen) yang terbilang masih bocah, dia harus bermain laga layaknya orang dewasa. And of course she nailed her role!
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 Film ini juga dibalut drama yang sedih banget. Dimana disaat professor Xavier yang udah renta harus mati ditangan X24 (kloningannya Logan). Padahal waktu itu dia baru ngerasain hidup seperti orang normal setelah bertahun-tahun lamanya ngumpet dipersembunyiannya sendiri yang kumuh :(.
 However, film ini ditutup dengan pertarungan terakhirnya Logan, dan tentunya duet sama si Laura, untuk membabi buta tim Transigen dan tentunya melawan X24. Yang bikin miris disini adalah ketika energinya Logan bener-bener layaknya orang yang udah tua, berantem sikit bengek, lari sikit bengek. Kasian deh pokoknya. Anyway, kalo diliat-liat mutan sama orang biasa sama aja ye kalo udah tua, ada aje penyakitnye.
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illyanarasputinfan · 2 months
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Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) Marvel Studios
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giotto-alesso · 8 years
Wolverine and His Demonic Stepdaughter. .. (clone... sorta) 
Again I have attempted to make another SpeedDrawing video. I hope you like it. And as always.. have a cool Sunday.
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jspmm-blog · 8 years
Avec un pitch prometteur (dans un futur proche, un Logan épuisé prend soin d’un Professeur X malade dans un recoin de la frontière mexicaine. Mais les tentatives de Logan de se cacher du monde et son héritage sont bouleversés lorsqu’une jeune mutante arrive, poursuivie par les forces du mal), LOGAN arrive le 01/03/2017 au cinéma.
On espère que cela ne sera pas trop violent/saignant pour Bastien…
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liondapearl · 5 years
Dafnee Keen has a connection to Guloninae animal subfamily  She has a part of the  Logan (film) as X-23 (Wolverine’s clone ) and she play the role of Lyra (Her deamon, Pantalaimon settled as a pine marten)
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briangroth27 · 8 years
5 Things I Wish We’d Gotten from Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine
Full Spoilers for the entire X-film franchise…
Hugh Jackman was always great as Wolverine (I don’t think anyone else will top his performance for me), but now that he’s retired with Logan, I can’t help but think there’s still fertile ground to cover. I think I’m satisfied with Patrick Stewart’s tenure as Xavier (it’s also possible McAvoy’s presence is allowing me to think anything I need from Xavier can come from him instead…though a Shi’ar space adventure with Stewart would’ve been a fun callback to his Star Trek days), but the movies left me wanting more from Jackman’s Logan.
I’ll miss Jackman a lot—his Logan is an iconic part of my childhood—and here are five things I wish we’d seen over Hugh Jackman’s 17-year tenure in the X-men franchise:
5. James Howlett, Pre-Memory Loss Yes, we saw this extensively in X-men Origins, but, thanks to a limiting script, Logan seemed exactly the same before and after he lost his memory. Even during the mission in Africa, he’s clearly the least violent and most heroic member of Task Force X. Where was the “animal” that volunteered for Stryker? I think the idea that Logan would’ve hated who he was before the Adamantium procedure—that his memory loss made him a better person and that he’s atoning for things he doesn’t remember (and therefore, is he still guilty of them?)—is fascinating. It would’ve been great to see Jackman play that animal and the conflict that comes with knowing exactly who he was (after his memories resurfaced around The Wolverine). We’ve eliminated The Last Stand and seem to be getting a reboot of the Phoenix saga in X-men 7; Logan’s past is the other area of the franchise I’d want another go at. It would also be fun to see what Logan was up to when he wasn’t involved in a major war, as almost every one of his flashbacks has been. Be it espionage, Alpha Flight, or whatever else, I’d like to think Logan led a more interesting life pre-memory loss than what we saw.
4. Logan and Yukio: Professional Adventurers! Where did this dynamic duo go between The Wolverine and Days of Future Past (and did Logan wear his iconic brown and tan comic costume?!)? What evils did they face? Wendigo? Omega Red? The entire Madripoor crime empire? Logan and Yukio had a fun friendship brought to life with Jackman and Rila Fukushima’s amazing chemistry throughout The Wolverine and it’s a shame we won’t get to see more of their travels. The Wolverine left Logan in a place where he was starting to see the hope and good his nearly-eternal life could bring to the world rather than feeling sorry for himself about it. This is an entirely fresh take on immortality, so it’s a crime it wasn’t followed up on and explored further (DOFP did, at least, show him at peace). Additionally, I would’ve liked to see Logan and Mariko’s relationship develop over the course of these adventures. 
3. Logan/Laura Bonding Logan dealing with having a daughter was one of the best parts of Logan for me, even if I wanted more of it. There was enough to get me invested in their relationship, but I would’ve liked to see Logan helping Laura overcome the animal and anger inside her (beyond the funny “Not OK!” bit), just as he had done years earlier instead of pushing her away—or straight up ditching her—at almost every turn. They could’ve pulled from his entire history to help train and focus her as she healed from the trauma of what Rice did to her. Sequels as she got older and he fell more and more into dad tropes could’ve been really fun. Dafnee Keen and Hugh Jackman played off each other excellently and I’d love to have seen more.
2. Logan/Sabretooth Closure The best part of X-men Origins was Liev Schreiber’s Victor Creed and his relationship with Jackman’s Wolverine. I’ve always speculated that, at some point between Logan losing his memory and joining the X-men, Creed attacked and Logan lobotomized him with the iconic “claw to either side of his head, third into his skull” threat, making him heal into the more animalistic Tyler Mane version of X1. Clearly Mane’s Sabretooth is obsessed with Logan and his dog tags, and Logan recognizes him as a threat when he catches his scent (and laughs at the supervillain name Xavier gives him). I wish we could’ve seen the twisted relationship these two had over the years in the comics onscreen and, after Creed finally heals back into the Schreiber version, gotten a final battle or two out of them in Logan (or even reconciliation, given that movie’s family themes). Sabretooth is Logan’s biggest enemy and seeing them square off and resolve their differences for good would’ve been fantastic. Not getting that resolution feels like something’s missing from Logan’s journey. 
1. One More Original Cast X-Film Set in Days of Future Past’s happy ending future, it would’ve been awesome to see Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, James Marsden, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, Halle Berry, Alan Cumming, Kelsey Grammar, Ellen Page, and Shawn Ashmore reunite one last time. Ian McKellen and Rebecca Romijn could totally come along if they had roles for them too (Mystique’s an X-man and Magneto’s essentially forgiven at the end of Apocalypse anyway). I really wish we could’ve seen the entire team at their peak as superheroes again, with Logan finally settled and at peace in his life with the family he forged at the school. They could’ve paid off the Logan and Rogue brother/sister relationship from X 1-3 too: maybe she accidentally permanently absorbs the powers of an evil mutant with flight and super strength, and Logan is essential to helping her reclaim her identity (or at least picking up and moving forward as she’d then be). Logan and Scott are excellent foils for each other and it’s a shame we didn’t get to see that beyond their being rivals for Jean’s affection. We could also get into Logan’s iconic friendships with Nightcrawler and Storm. With Logan introducing the idea that the X-men could be famous, heroic inspirations of a comic book, it’d be cool to finally see the team outside of the mansion and in the world, confronted by this fame and, for the first time, loved by a significant portion of the population. 
What did you want to see?
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trainsinanime · 8 years
Logan - more notes
Just watched it again, this time in the original version (because that's the first and only time it came here; when I first went they only had the German dub). By the way, the statute of limitations on spoilers has passed for this, right? - Still a really great movie. Go watch it if you haven't yet. - In many movies, the English version is much better than the German; there's just much more nuance with the original delivery. Here, the difference is rather small, simply because there isn't all that much dialogue. It's not quite as extreme as Mad Max Fury Road, but still: If you can only see it in German, you're not missing that much. - I got asked here who I thought the voice on the radio was. I had actually completely forgotten about that. In the English version, I wouldn't rule out that the voice was meant to be computer generated, so all options are open. - I think we can all agree that Johnny Cash was great, especially during his American Recording years, and that many songs on those albums fit this movie perfectly. It's also clear that "The Man Comes Around" is one of the best songs from these great albums. But overall… I don't actually think it fits that well as the closing titles song for this movie. It has this strange almost upbeat vibe to it and feels thoroughly apocalyptic (because it is). With that, it's deliberately impersonal. "Hurt" fits much better, but of course they used that for the trailer already. It still works simply because the song is so great and iconic, but something like "Streets of Laredo" might have been a more suitable choice. - Before she starts talking, Laura is sometimes seen screaming, and if you pay close attention, you'll see that she chooses very carefully when to do that. It seems random, but she's using it primarily to warn others of immediate danger, or get folks to pay immediate attention and so on. Once she starts speaking, she stops with the screaming almost altogether (except during active combat). I love this attention to detail: Laura is much smarter than she lets on, and she's very careful about who she lets in on that. - I read a post saying how cool it would have been if one of the other kids had been Julian Keller. As someone who is not a New X-Men fan, I have a lot of very strong opinions on this that would greatly upset New X-Men fans if I wrote them down, and I'm not getting paid for that. So I'll just say that the movie didn't need him and was in fact much stronger because it kept the other kids generic and to the background. It's a highly personal story for Logan, Charles and Laura. Adding new important characters in the third act would only undercut that. - Still not sold on the villains. For all it does new and differently, the movie "suffers" from a lot of the classic Marvel movie issues: Weak generic villains and a third act that is mostly just an action scene. I don't think it's an actual problem; any second they spent on just having Laura or Logan look at the landscape instead of establishing the villains is a second well spent. - On a symbolic level, I love how the villains are never after the adults. It underlines the point that they're not just old and weak, but most importantly, irrelevant. - It's fascinating to see how the movie shoots Laura and how that enhances Dafnee Keen's great performance. There are certainly shots where she's allowed to be a kid and small, but there are also plenty of moments where she would have been shot exactly the same if she had been an adult, just with the camera maybe half a meter higher up. It's very notable during her improvised eulogy, where she's first shot dramatically and slightly from below, which looks great until you start thinking about how the camera operator had to be crawling on the ground on the shot. Then in the wider shots in the scenes, it becomes clear how tiny and lost she and all her friends are. I'm not smart enough to really say anything about that, but I hope one of the people who are makes a post or YouTube video about this. - It's easy to see this movie as dark and gritty and all about disappointment and it certainly is - but not only that. I cannot stress enough how important it is that the main character who survives is the most idealistic and innocent one. That may come with a big asterisk here given Laura's body count, but it's still true. The silly comics that Logan dismisses turn out to be right - not because life is that way by default, but because people got together to make it like that and build the Eden that the comics promised. Yes, it is a movie about endings, disappointment and sadness; after all, it's called "Logan", not "Laura". But reducing it to just that means fundamentally misunderstanding it.
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