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darkmovies · 1 year
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chaotictomtom · 4 months
putain mais arrêtez de spoil :( ouing
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Bande Annonce : Bad Boys - Ride or Die [2024] - Le Retour Explosif des Superflics de Miami Will Smith & Martin Lawrence
Après des années d’attente et de spéculations, les fans des Bad Boys peuvent enfin marquer leurs calendriers. Le quatrième volet tant attendu de la franchise, Bad Boys : Ride or Die, est sur le point d’exploser sur les écrans. Préparez-vous à embarquer pour une aventure palpitante aux côtés des légendaires Mike Lowrey et Marcus Burnett, incarnés par les inimitables Will Smith et Martin…
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direct-actu · 11 months
Culprits : Arnaque à l'anglaise débarque le 29 novembre sur Disney Plus
Disney a dévoilé de nouvelles images de la toute nouvelle série britannique intitulée Culprits, Arnaque à l’anglaise, qui sera disponible sur Disney+ dans le monde entier, y compris au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande, cet automne. La série sera également disponible sur Hulu aux États-Unis. Culprits : Arnaque à l’anglaise est une série criminelle palpitante et sombrement humoristique produite par le…
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levoleurdimages · 11 months
Culprits : Arnaque à l'anglaise débarque le 29 novembre sur Disney Plus
Disney a dévoilé de nouvelles images de la toute nouvelle série britannique intitulée Culprits, Arnaque à l’anglaise, qui sera disponible sur Disney+ dans le monde entier, y compris au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande, cet automne. La série sera également disponible sur Hulu aux États-Unis. Culprits : Arnaque à l’anglaise est une série criminelle palpitante et sombrement humoristique produite par le…
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infinity23tech · 1 year
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Ubisoft Forward a dévoilé en septembre 2022 Assassin's Creed Mirage en tant que 13e opus ajout à la franchise. Le jeu se déroule à Bagdad et présente Basim comme protagoniste. Bien qu'il y ait peu de détails concernant le jeu, il est dit qu'il sortira en 2023.
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Parfois j'ai peur de contredire le canon d'hero corp en faisant mon canon, puis je me rappelle que la première saison sort en 2008, impliquant que c'est 2008 durant la saison 1, et qu'à ce point là John dit que ça doit bien faire 15 ans qu'il a plus vu Mary. Puis plus tard les comics disent que John est né en 1985, et aurait donc 23 ans en 2008, ce qui veut dire qu'il aurait pris son indépendance à 8 ans, ce qui ne fait aucun sens
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starkidsupremacy · 6 months
Starkid and Puppets: A Legacy
Now if you're like me, you're probably obsessed with starkids penchant for puppetry
And in light of recent news...
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It's safe to say I've been screaming, crying, throwing up thinking about it alot
So lets take a journey through all their Puppets shall we!
We start where all good stories start AVPM. Who have the Dragon puppet
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Next, MAMD has no puppet's
And AVPS has sorty and scarfy! (<3)
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Now obviously... Starship, with an incredible amount of puppetry
Bug and buggette
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Roach and some other backround Puppets (including mosquito's)
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And (in my opinion) starkids most incredible puppet to date, Pincer!
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Holy Musical B@tman has none
AVPSY does have a puppet! They have the basilisk puppet (technically scarfy and sorty again)
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Twisted has two Puppets! The monkey
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And the parrot
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Neither Trail to Oregon or ANI have any Puppets unless you count Cornwallis
Firebringer has both trunkell
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And snarl (with a size to rival pincer)
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And you know what, let's count the duck
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Tgwdlm has none
Black friday doesn't technically have any but I'm still going to put a picture of wiggly here because I just think you should look at him <3
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And surprisingly, while nightmare time 1 has no puppets, nmt2 does!
The axe man
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And the stupidly impressive (and rival for my fav) Otho
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Lastly Nerdy Prudes Must Die, regrettably, has no puppets
That's a total of 20 different puppets (lmk if I miscounted starship). With an average of 1.3 puppets per musical/project!
Sorry this is so long lol
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
[BBC is UK State Media]
The BBC is the first British media to visit the USS Dwight D Eisenhower since it began this mission in November.
"This is deadly stuff," says Captain Dave Wroe, who commands the four US Navy destroyers which provide the extra protection for the carrier.
It arrived soon after Yemen's Houthi's began to target merchant vessels - they say in response to Israel's assault on Gaza.
Captain Wroe lists the threats they've been facing over the past four months: anti-ship ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned surface vessels, and now unmanned underwater vessels, or UUVs, all loaded with explosives.
UUVs are the latest threat. He says the F-18 jets on board the carrier have recently destroyed UUVs, before they could be launched.
Captain Wroe says the Houthis have posed the greatest challenge to the US Navy in recent history.
"This is the most since World War Two," he says [sic]. That was the last time the US operated in an area where they could be fired upon every day.
The tempo of operations on the aircraft carrier itself has also been unrelenting - with dozens of sorties being flown round the clock.[...]
Up in the carrier's flight control tower, Commander George Zintac, known as the Air Boss, is having to choreograph their movements - with a jet either launching or landing in just over a minute.
He's been in the US Navy for more than 30 years, but says "this is probably the most flying I've done on a deployment - everyday we're flying a tonne".[...]
Unlike the Houthis, they're away from home with few creature comforts. Every meal on board is literally feeding the five thousand. The food bill on the carrier alone is $2m (£1.6m) a month.
Captain Chris Hill, the commanding officer of Ike, says "people need breaks, they need to go home".
But he says they don't yet have dates for when that'll happen. So one of his tasks is to maintain the crews morale and resilience.[...]
Captain Hill says: "It's difficult to define winning and losing in this kind of conflict."
18 Mar 24
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surshica · 2 years
: CL16
genre: stupid fluff, social media (smau)
warnings: translated french
A/N: let’s ignore everything that happened in this gp! this is my first EVER f1 fic so ernmmm bare with me! i’ve had this like whole thing in my head for a while but i was just too lazy LMAO ANYWAYS i’m also deprived of some fics..ENJOY ?!!
synopsis: soft launching a relationship with charles — charles leclerc x streamer fem!reader (fc: tina kitten)
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, georgerussell63, charles_leclerc and 793,610 others
yourusername when he gets the princess treatment instead of me..
user1 my streamer is in a relationship..🫠
user2 this means we can’t be parasocial no more…I HOPE THIS “MAN” CAN FIGHT.
alex_albon okay tell him to stop being clingy so you can play goat simulator with us
yourusername he said, “they suck at the game so they can wait, i like the princess treatment” soo…
user4 as much as i want to theorize and say it’s an F1 driver it’s unlikely…she’s just a twitch streamer.
user8 “just a twitch streamer” my ass..as if she isn’t the biggest streamer and influencer
user4 i mean itd be a downgrade for a professional to date a non professional athlete or like model or idol🤷‍♀️
charles_leclerc okay little buddy it’s past your bedtime
landonorris okay buddy..don’t make me use THE blackmail.
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, tomholland and 2,072,473 others
charles_leclerc my jpg era? nahh
user3 okay so are we going to talk about who took these photos cause i know damn well you didn’t take them..
yourusername whoever styled you should get a raise
charles_leclerc i’ll tell her that, it’ll inflate her ego some more
yourusername she doesn’t deserve you 😐
user6 this is kinda suspicious..what if.
user2 WHAT IF????
user6 what if yn and charles are 🤞
carlossainz55 charlie finally got a sense of style !!
pierregasly groundbreaking ‼️
user9 okay but why does he actually look good in this outfit..
user10 f1 twt going crazy over this fit
liked by yourusername
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, georgerussell63 and 628,927 others
yourusername stream today!! we’ll be playing among us vr with *drumroll* landonorris and georgerussell63, be sure to tune into it today
user1 WITH THOSE TWO??? it sounds chaotic..
user10 HMMM….
charles_leclerc where is my invite ☹️
yourusername you said no because chat would laugh at you..
charles_leclerc this makes it seem like those two are your favorites…
yourusername they are.
charles_leclerc hand back the paddock passes<3
liked by charles_leclerc
user5 bye they’re literally flirting.
liked by charles_leclerc and yourusername
user6 THE HEART AFTER PADDOCK..am i seeing this correctly
user2 what if you actually predicted it…
alex_albon i can already hear lando screaming..
landonorris slanderous.
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly, landonorris, lewishamiliton, alex_albon and 1,729,168 others
charles_leclerc désolé mon amour le secret est sorti..😅❤️
user6 YEAH I KNEW IT. everyone who made bets pay up! i do apple pay venmo zelle paypal
user1 bye you’re so unserious 😭
user3 aye they tryna make bank i don’t blame them
user2 it’s like they’re a mastermind..IS CHARLES GOING TO WIN THE NEXT GP?!?
user6 yes. he is going to podium and be at least 2 or 3
yourusername you couldn’t wait just a little longer..not till your next gp? ;;
charles_leclerc my fingers slipped!!
yourusername fat fingers!
charles_leclerc that’s not very nice chéri:(
yourusername yeah no more princess treatment for you.
charles_leclerc HEY NOW…THATS NOT FUNNY.
landonorris are mom and dad fighting..☹️
charles_leclerc i hope you never get imposter when you play amongus again
landonorris HEY MAN TOO FAR.
user10 the pictures..THE PICTURES. sleeping on a highway tonight 🤞
user4 interesting choice in a s/o…
yourbestie that person would be me 😍
yourbestie took y’all forever, im surpised charlie brown over here didn’t spill the beans earlier
charles_leclerc who are you calling charlie brown? 😒
yourbestie you.
@ surshica | rb & follow.
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dollish-shard · 1 year
A pilot, a handler, and a technician in a polycule. The handler and technician are dating, and the pilot is more akin to their shared pet or toy. The handler treats her precious weapon so tenderly, while the technician reminds the component of its place.
Every sortie, the pilot straps into its body, ready to be wielded, and feels safe, knowing that its handler will always be there to guide it, and its technician will always be there to fix it. And afterwards, when it is yanked from its true form and crippled into the weak flesh the person it once was viewed as their self, it knows that it will be cared for, until the time it is needed once more.
But until then, it is still a tool. And even with its frail vessel, it knows nothing but the joy of following orders. And what joy it brings in return, to the partners that own it.
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darkmovies · 10 months
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lonestarflight · 1 year
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"Alan Shepard's 105th Sortie with F4U-4 on USS FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT (CVB-42)."
Date: October 1948
Naval History and Heritage Command: link
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luc-element-art · 3 months
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[FR] Joyeux Mois des Fiertés ! (Faites comme si je n'étais pas en retard d'un journée !) Cela fait longtemps que je n'avais pas dessiné mon ship préféré : Chasistair (Chase Redford et Alistair Wonderland de Ever After High). Les vêtements sont inspirés de 2 fashion packs Ken sortis l'année dernière par Mattel. Quand j'ai vu ces fashion packs, je me suis dit : "Ouais, c'est ce que Chase et Alistair porteraient pour un premier rendez-vous !" Les chaussettes que porte Alistair sont aussi une référence à mon dernier fanart du personnage !
[EN] Happy Pride Month! (Let's just pretend I'm not one day late!) It's been a long time since I've drawn my favorite ship : Chasistair (Chase Redford & Alistair Wonderland from Ever After High). The clothes are inspired by 2 Ken fashion packs released last year by Mattel. When I saw these fashion packs I was like : "Yeah, that's what Chase and Alistair would wear on a first date!" The socks that Alistair is wearing are also a reference to my last fanart of the character!
PS : The background is not mine, I was just too lazy to draw one.
>>> Follow me on Instagram <<<
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swallowtailed · 3 months
palisade 55 / finalisade pt. 10
this is so fucking funny
incredible. they've done it. double feature finale. i don't even want to try and guess how many episodes are left. sometime around 44 or 45 i said they should do thirty more AS A JOKE
i'm not sure i agree that motion is the loose end that needs tying up with an armor astir sortie, but i still think it'll be fun and i'm really excited to get perennial onscreen. hoping both cori and elle can make it >:)
more to the point i gotta say questlandia did not hit as a finale for me, which i think was largely due to the changes in the pc cast and the lack of rp. it felt like the conclusion to a different season. (wrt all the delegate plotlines in particular.) i'm not entirely sure that this next sortie will resolve that for me, but knowing fatt it might well.
because i'm always curious about stuff like this, i am really wondering when they decided to do another armor astir sortie
okay let's talk epilogues a bit though. with the understanding that any/all of these may cease to be endings per se. brnine:
brnine ends up fulfilling the future they envisioned for themself at the beginning of questlandia--continuing the fight outside the mirage. a millennium break admiral, leading the revolution... it really does change lives huh
character of All Time, btw. not entirely sure if this is their ending as a pc but still. All Fucking Time
sorry to hear they broke up with both jesset and gucci. dating sim fail ending. married to the job [ghost of valence]
delicious however that brnine's kingdom-level "unfortunately" ending is a rise in cults of personality and popular hero-worship. that does feel like an accurate downside outcome of a revolution story focused on a crew of heroes where the broader cause keeps getting beat down and the main character crew keeps winning. (that's one detail that really delivered on palisade, imo.)
august and levi:
i liked the twilight mirage's role in these epilogues because it was so uneven. we have the mirage getting twisted around trying to figure out whether august's justice was done well because they didn't directly experience the invasion, while also starting to join the fight in the broader galaxy per levi's epilogue. the high-minded naivety forced into practice is really compelling to me. (cf volition's conversation with thisbe.) not that we haven't seen idealists before in the divine cycle, but i'm eager to see what an attitude of radical forgiveness looks like outside the mirage.
similarly i found levi's localized approach disconnected from the goals of mbreak/other pcs in a way that is... realistic to the character, but might just get overwritten in the next in-universe push toward connection and coalition building, because i don't really see fatt moving away from that framework. (it's not a bad one necessarily, i just don't think they're leaving it.)
anyway. august. man. deciding to join wakeful and then getting stranded for a week that turns into a year, and never quite getting up to it again... brutal. (also completes a very well structured arc.) there are a lot of voids left by unfulfilled desires in these epilogues.
but not in levi's! very hopeful final beat there. both for the character and for the revolution. partizan ended with mbreak reviled as terrorists, now palisade ends (uh. "ends") with a new movement and new hope known throughout the galaxy.
ctc+eggs breakfast is so accurate
thisbe and cori:
thisbe and cori started out with a mirrored pair of goals and now they have a (differently) mirrored pair of epilogues. seizing your freedom and launching off into the galaxy and then realizing that means you're stuck wandering alone. (which does hit a little close to home. lmao.)
very reminiscent of the sangfielle epilogues, by the way, but doesn't work as well after a full season of crew bonding imo
thisbe being able to know and acknowledge and grasp her own freedom, being able to follow her own curiosity, is such a huge win for her. she's come so far.
tbh i'm disappointed that the scattered shards of divinity goal didn't come to pass, because thisbe did get some wins there! two wins and a... something! so that didn't really feel fair. but the chimeric cadent and the afflictions being out in the galaxy does actually feel kind of hopeful to me.
(man, i really wish we'd gotten more about partial palisade and the planet of palisade.)
i have to say, i really liked how cori's epilogue went despite the massive wave of misfortune. the shift into wandering felt more fitting for cori, since she's had a whole arc about losing her place with the devotees. assuming she's coming back in p3, an arc about finding/rebuilding community would be lovely.
also elle getting yanked back by arbitrage was of course inevitable and thus delicious. i'm considering fic ideas. watch this space.
clem's fortunately/unfortunately was so funny. vindictive. austin being like "there's no one around to tell clem she's done a good job" followed by jack going "and gucci doesn't even like her". and then the only future she can see is one in which she's still powerless and not ruling anything because not even being an oracle can help clementine kesh. satisfying.
so anyway
it was nice to see eclectic again. pleased he didn't fully vanish from the narrative (a ghost!), and the new look is slick. i'm curious whether he's gonna try to mount an escape while separated from wakeful. maybe that's not even an option anymore, though.
who do we think is gonna be on the next sortie? levi for sure, and eclectic (unless leap), and like, it's gotta be cori. are brnine and thisbe coming back? are jack and art playing???
sort of a philosophical question here but is questlandia arguably the holiday special
god it's so funny that they've done this. when i first heard this was happening, i was initially like, this is kind of a failure case of fatt's black box pacing for the week to week perspective. but it is also extremely funny. friends at the table.
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nanshe-of-nina · 2 months
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Women’s History Meme || Virtually Unknown Women (9/10) ↬ Söyembikä of Kazan (1516 – after 1554)
What is certain about Kazan’s fall is the following: On August 13, 1552, not long before his twenty-second birthday, Tsar Ivan IV reached the newly built Muscovite fortress of Sviiazhsk, 30 kilometers to Kazan’s west on the Volga, at the head of a military host that joined an army already stationed there. This army reached Kazan’s environs by 20 August. Through Khan Yadegar Mokhammad’s rival Shakh Ali (Shahgali), who had switched to the Muscovite side, the tsar and his deputy commanders were well informed about the defense set up by Kazan’s khan and his supporters. In addition, Shakh Ali had been given command over a significant part of the Muscovite forces. In the first few days after investing Kazan, Ivan IV received further detailed information about the city’s defensive alignment from Tatars who had absconded from Kazan. It was Shakh Ali’s troops who first engaged in battles against azanite sorties and who sustained (mainly arrow and bullet) fire from the city walls. Those walls were primarily constructed out of robust oakwood, which was breachable to the Russian cannons. Bad weather (thunderstorms) constrained the Russian forces for a while, which Platon—who does not seem to indicate that this may have been a rather dubious suggestion made by his sources—suggests was the work of the sorceress Siuiumbike (Söyembikä) and sundry Tatar magicians. … Several scholars suggest that the tower dates from the first half of the sixteenth century, when it was incorporated into the khan’s palace (which underwent significant renovation at that time). This khan was in all likelihood Safagaray (Safa Giray), who ruled Kazan in three stints (1524–1531, 1535–1546, and 1546–1549). We saw how he died as khan, not yet forty years old, in 1549. He married the Nogai princess Siuiumbike (Soyembika, c.1516–f. 1550s), the widow of his rival Changali (Jan Ali, 1516–1535) in 1535 or 1536, which may explain the association of her name with the tower (or with the palace complex of which it was once part). Safagaray and Siuiumbike were the last rulers of Kazan who firmly resisted the Muscovite attempts at making Kazan a Russian protectorate; regardless of the moment of the tower’s building, it is no surprise that she became the symbol of Tatar defiance. — A History of Tatarstan: The Russian Yoke and the Vanishing Tatars by Kees Boterbloem
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