#Dae Yeol
littlethingsrp · 6 days
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they really said we’re gonna give you the most soul crushing backstory and plot in history but then we’ll placate you by making you watch them have a water fight so full of joy it’s like they’re the only two people in the world and also give you casual soft brushes of intimacy so you’ll be fine
and it worked. I’m placated. I’m fine.
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littleprincehyun · 1 year
I’m so glad that EXO had a blast in Japan
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7698 · 1 year
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dilebe06 · 2 years
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My Top Male Characters 2022
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binging-asian-dramas · 11 months
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Jang Geum, Oh My Grandma / Dae Jang Geum Is Watching. 7
Story: 6-7
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10❤️
Comparable to: Let’s Eat (kdrama); Drinking Solo (kdrama)
What could’ve been a cute cheesy romcom became a hot mess romcom at the end. One word of advice, do not watch this drama before eating or if you’re trying to diet, cause oof this show makes you want to eat. The storyline at first is your typical cheese fest bordering on a toothache filled of cliches. It’s weirdly unique where they break out in songs sometimes, why? who knows but it’s funny. There’s multiple couples in this, main leads, then another couple which were pretty cute. When it comes to the mid to last way mark is where it all falls apart with the mains storyline. (Some mild spoilers) I guess the writers decided the wanted more angst and thought it would be fun to set the main female lead up in a fun love triangle with both brothers. It just gets weird, the writing felt off the way they wrote it, I don’t know, most of it i fast forward through then. It’s not he worst but wish it had a better last half since both main leads Shin Dong Wook and YuRi had excellent chemistry together. The other couple Lee Yeol Eum and Lee Min Hyuk were great together too.
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kdramaspace · 1 year
🔁 please consider reblogging to increase our sample size
as always, if you’d like to submit a potential POTW question, you may send in your submissions here.
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mybiasisexo · 10 months
Entangled - Part 9
Pairing: Chanyeol x f.Reader Chapter Warnings: Alcohol Consumption | Language take a shot whenever you see the f word smh Word Count: 8.3k Author Notes: So...Im sorry 😬? But aye, what's a story without a beach chapter, am I right?? I can't believe how close we are to the finish line. I think we have 3 chapters left ??? give or take. wooow will I actually finish a story for the first time in my life?? (like a real one not just a lil scenario haha). Sorry for the late update, I was gonna post on yeols bday but thought this wasnt a great present lmfaooo As always, dont be shy with letting me know your thoughts on the chapter, a def will need to know how you all feel at the end of this one 😮‍💨. Thank you to everybody still rocking with the story, it means sooo much to me 💕 and give our boy chanyeol some loooove MWAH!!!
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It doesn’t take Seulgi and you long to change and head down to the beach. Being able to see the guys from up in your room, you join them quickly.
They got their hands on a grill somehow, and you find Jongdae already cooking on it, beer in one hand.
“Already looking like a dad, Dae,” Seulgi announces in greeting, taking in his unbuttoned green Hawaiian shirt, oversized sunglasses, and fisherman’s hat. He grins brightly and rewards her with a fresh piece of juicy meat.   
Beside Jongdae and the grill sits a long table covered with food, drinks, and a bluetooth speaker currently playing chill R&B. A little further behind him is a blue canopy to block the blazing sun from your sensitive skin, chairs littered underneath it.
This area of the beach is privately owned, for hotel residents only. Despite how large the hotel is, only a few other families dot the shore, all far enough away that your little party is practically secluded.
You drop your bag onto a chair and dig into it, pulling out a bottle of sunscreen. You rub it into any skin of yours exposed before walking out of the canopy, holding it up for everyone to see. “Who needs some?”
Sehun and Jongin come running towards you, both only wearing swim trunks. You suck your teeth, their backs are probably already screaming at them.
Jongin gets to you first. You turn him around and begin to apply the protective lotion onto his back, where it will be hard for him to reach.
“We missed you last night,” he says.
“I know,” you reply. For some reason, your throat constricts, dragging your voice down to a deep mumble. “I’m sorry for leaving. I just….”
“I understand,” he says, patting one of your hands. Throwing his head back, he tosses you a sweet grin. You return his smile before handing him the bottle so that he can cover the rest of himself.
With Jongin preoccupied, Sehun makes his way over, already trying to get a read on you. He understands the language of your body enough to fill in blanks you don’t even know are empty.
“Good afternoon,” you greet, keeping your voice neutral. 
“He’s in the water,” is his reply.
“Who?” Damn this man. He’s good.
He scoffs. “Please, you’ve been scanning the area non stop since you’ve arrived. Baekhyun had to drag him out as soon as he got here. He was getting pretty worked up about something. I’m assuming it was the fact you weren’t here.”
“Weird,” is your convincing response. You push his arm, leading him to turn around so that you can attempt to save him from skin cancer.
“Weird, indeed.” Despite not being able to see you, his curious gaze can still be felt. “Makes me wonder what happened after you left the reception.”
“Not something I really want to talk about.” You wince, knowing you’ve slipped up and said too much. The simple sentence bares a lot to unpack, and Sehun loves other people’s dirty laundry.
But, in Sehun fashion, he doesn’t push. It’s one thing you love about him. Instead, he faces you and grabs the sunscreen, silently lotioning the rest of his body. When he’s done he reaches over to you, pulling at the black kimono you had meticulously put on over your swimsuit, to return the favor.
He yanks the thin fabric and it falls off your shoulders. You both freeze. He only lifts an eyebrow as his eyes rake down the expansion of your exposed skin littered in harsh dark bruises. His gaze lingers for an uncomfortably long time. You want to pull away, but find yourself paralyzed, a mouse caught in the stare of a hungry snake. 
“Stop staring.”
The voice is gruff. A wet hand pulls at your arm, ripping the kimono from Sehun’s frozen hand. You stumble backwards until you hit a chill wetness that makes you hiss as it soaks into your back. Sehun’s eyes are the only thing to move as they shift to the person protectively hovering behind you. His expression is cool, but you catch the way his eyes alight in amusement. Swallowing thickly, you work the courage to see who’s caught his attention….
Chanyeol stops glaring at Sehun long enough to spin you around so that you’re facing each other. With gentle fingers, he fixes your pullover, maneuvering it so that it’s covering your neck, hiding most of the damage. 
He clicks his tongue in dismay. “This won’t do.”
“I have a shirt,” you inform in a small voice. “It doesn’t have a collar though.”
“One second.” Chanyeol walks away, no longer blocking the radiant view of crashing teal waves, powdery sand, and miles of blue sky. White clouds speckle the troposphere, the negative image of your neck and chest. Off to your right, Sehun still stands, a glorious statue made of pale marble.
You can’t bring yourself to acknowledge his presence. 
Chanyeol returns. In his hands is the ugly Hawaiian shirt Jongdae was wearing.
You become aware of the rashguard covering his torso. The collar is high, covering the base of his neck where any hickeys can be hidden, although you can just barely see the start of one peeking out. You curse yourself for not thinking of buying one. 
“May I?” He gently asks. Is that not how he asked to strip you last night? The reminder takes your voice, as does the reserved look in his eyes. He’s testing the water, trying to see where you both stand at the moment. You nod, allowing him access to touch you, lost in his grim expression.
Gently, ever so gently, his fingers brush over your shoulders, sneaking under the thin garment. You battle a shiver as he lifts the back of his hands, knocking the fabric off with his knuckles. You roll back your shoulders, helping him make the cover cascade onto the sand below.
Chanyeol’s bright eyes wander over your flesh. He grunts in satisfaction at the sight of the marks he’s made, pride coloring his features. And you’re transfixed, gulping back saliva flooding your mouth like high tide. Your breathing grows erratic, fingers itching to touch him in return. Apparently that tension hasn’t fully gone away. Looks like you’ll be attracted to him for life.
You want to say something, want to voice an excuse to get your hands on him, but a sharp whistle cuts through the air before you can speak, breaking the spell Chanyeol has you falling under. You blink away your thirst, remembering where you are, of the audience you have.
“Looks like you got into some fun last night!” Jongdae, the culprit of the whistle, points out in a yell. 
You’re now hyper aware of all your friends. Baekhyun, who you’re just now noticing, sits in the shallow part of the water where the waves roughly push him, dressed identically to Chanyeol. He’s looking in your general direction, squinting against the sun to see what all the commotion is about. Seulgi stands beside Jongdae. She’s in the middle of applying sunscreen, one of her legs lifted like a flamingo. She doesn’t have to say anything for you to hear her ‘oh shit’, wobbling as she balances on that one leg. Sehun is still staring right next to you, but the whistle was able to jolt him back from stone. Then there is Jongin, who jogs back to where everyone is congregated to curiously see what is going on.
Being the only one moving, your head spins over to him, seeing how his mouth slacks and his eyes widen in shock.
“What happened?” He asks, concerned.
Embarrassed, you snatch the shirt out of Chanyeol’s grip, rushing to put it on so that everyone will stop staring at you like you just told them you murdered someone.
“Mind your business,” you snap. You regret it instantly when Jongin’s face falls like a kicked puppy. It can’t be helped, you have a tendency to lash out when embarrassed.
“Dae! The meat!””
Gratefully, a hard gust of wind blows in, lifting the aluminum foil with the cooking meat off the grill, falling onto the sand.
That distracts everyone from you. You thank a higher power.
Jongdae stares forlornly at the meat, watching sand coat it like seasoning. 
“What are you doing!” Baekhyun yelps, rushing to his feet. “Pick it up!”
That pulls Jongdae out of whatever trance he was in and he lurches forward, grabbing the hot foil and tossing it onto the end of the table. He hisses and shakes his hands, sticking a reddening thumb into his mouth.
Baekhyun rushes over to the table for quality control and his shoulders slump at the damage.
“This batch is no good.”
“Way to go, Jongdae,” Chanyeol chides. He then peeks over to you, surreptitiously checking your reaction.
“Shut it!” Jongdae snaps back.
Seeing a good opportunity to escape, you go to make your way over to Seulgi. Chanyeol is not having that, and you only get one step in before he’s snatching your wrist, holding you in place in front of him.
“Don’t go,” he begs under his breath.
You refuse to look up at him, knowing that whatever expression he currently wears will kill what little resolve you have. You know you need to discuss what happened the night before, and why he woke up alone this morning, but you hate confrontation and don't want to have this conversation right at this moment. To be honest, you just want to relax for a bit. Is that so wrong?
You remain silent, not really sure what to say to get him off your back for the time being.
“Just talk to me,” he urges. “You were gone when I woke up, and….”
He falls silent, and you can’t resist the temptation any longer. You break and lift your chin, sucking in a breath at what greets you. It’s that same tortured expression from yesterday. Nerves, apprehension, and defeat swim in his opaque orbs, purple his lips. And you know you can no longer prolong with conversation. He’s hurting. You’re hurting him, and it’s not fair to keep tormenting him like this.
“Did I do something wrong?” He asks dejectedly, intently searching you for the answer. 
You open your mouth to answer him. To tell him no, he did nothing wrong, but then Seulgi is calling your name and running up to you. She grabs the arm Chanyeol isn’t holding. “Let’s get in the water. It’s hot.”
She completely ignores Chanyeol as she heads for the shore, dragging you with her.
“I’m sorry,” is all you’re able to get out before you’re pulled completely from his gentle touch. He releases your wrist without a fight, letting you retreat glumly.
“I’m going to have to talk to him eventually,” you tell Seulgi, rolling your eyes. You hit the water and hiss from the shock of the freezing temperature.
“You two don’t get much talking done when you’re together,” she answers, breathless from the cold of the water.
Ignoring–and also maybe even embracing–the pain from the waves chilling your warm skin, you both run until you’re thigh deep and then dive right in, swimming deeper into the abyss. 
You float on your back and try to focus on the paradise you’re in, instead of the devastated look in Chanyeol’s eyes. To no avail.
There’s some crashing noises that pull you upright to see Baekhyun running in to join Seulgi and you.
When he’s close, he jumps onto Seulgi, pulling her under water. Not one to miss an opportunity, you hop onto his back. The three of you break the surface, sputtering for air.
You stay secured around Baekhyun as you all catch your breaths. 
“What the hell,” Seulgi coughs, splashing him in the face. He laughs, but chokes on the sea salt, and you squeal when you’re caught in her attack.
Letting go of Baekhyun, you swim back around so that Seulgi and you are turned towards the shore with him facing you both.
“Is he still sulking?” He asks.
You dare a glance over to where Chanyeol is, refusing to acknowledge how quickly you’re able to seek him out. He’s in the chair you had claimed, watching the water with a sullen pout as he rests his chin in his hand.
“Oh yeah,” Seulgi answers. “The clouds around him are turning gray, he’s in such a mood.”
“He wouldn’t be like that if you’d stop avoiding him, you know?”
“I’m not avoiding him,” you say. “We just spoke.”
Baekhyun snorts. “Yeah and I can tell you’re both on the same page. Nice talk.”
He throws you a sarcastic thumbs up, you stick your tongue out at him.
He grows solemn. “Please, say something to him. The poor man is beating himself up right now.”
You sink further into the water, dipping in until your mouth is submerged, and run a hand over the tiny waves bobbing you. 
Beside you, Seulgi sighs. “I may have ruined their talk.”
Baekhyun throws his head back and groans. “You’re killing me, Smalls.”
“How was I supposed to know?” She asks. “It looked like they were about to ditch us and fuck again. I’m just trying to help her not make another decision she’s going to instantly regret.”
“Whatever happens between them is their business, Seulgi,” Baekhyun says, sounding uncharacteristically reasonable. “You have to let them work through it their way.”
You wave your hand above your head like a needy sim. “I’m right here, you know?”
Seulgi pouts like a chastised child. “You’re right.”
Both Baekhyun and you spin your heads towards her in surprise.
“Did you just say I’m right?” Baekhyun asks. His shock quickly morphs into cockiness, if the grin splitting his face is any indicator.
She’s now the one to groan. “I will not be repeating myself.”
“I’ll cherish the moment for the rest of my life.” Baekhyun turns to you and his smile softens. “Talk to him soon. He’s getting annoying.”
“I will. I promise.” You assure. “Thank you, Hyunnie, for doing this. I know it isn’t easy for you either, being in the middle like this. I appreciate it.”
He shrugs. “You’re both my friends. I want to see you happy. I just hope you can work it out.”
Jongin and Jongdae come barrelling towards your group. As soon as you see your sweet friend, you can’t help but hold your arms out for him.
“Nini!” You cry. He laughs and falls into your embrace, tackling you back into the depths of the sea. When you both emerge, you apologize for yelling at him.
“You’re forgiven,” he says, never taking anything to heart. “But I was surprised. I didn’t expect to see all your bruises. It looks like you got beat up.”
You whine his name. “You’re making it worse.”
“Hey, they do say that weddings are the best place to pick up chicks,” Jongdae says. “Well, I guess dudes for you. Unless….”
He gives you a wicked smirk and you splash him.
“Anyway, good on you for getting some. You deserve it.”
“Thanks, Jongdae,” you say dryly, rolling your eyes. “Also, my bad on the shirt. I forgot I was wearing it before I got in here.”
He takes notice of his button down floating around you and gasps dramatically. “You better wash it before you give it back. It was expensive.”
You look at him skeptically. “This tourist shirt?”
“Do you really think it’s a good idea to have those two cook the meat?” Baekhyun asks, putting your incoming argument with Jongdae to a halt. All five of you turn to the last people still on dry land. The tall boys stand over the grill, Chanyeol with the tongs in his hand. His eyebrows are scrunched as he listens to Sehun adamantly speaking, nodding and answering occasionally. it’s a deep conversation you don’t want any part of.
Jongdae shrugs. “I need a break. It’s hot.”
You all play in the water for some time. Once hunger becomes too great to ignore, you swim back to the beach. Immediately, you crack open a cold beer, nearly moaning when it hits your belly. Now this is what you need. You’ve been sober far too long.
Jongdae wasn’t lying about the heat. Even under the canopy, you can’t escape the sun’s harsh rays. You succumb to the weather and peel off Jongdae’s now dry shirt, not caring anymore if the other’s see your marks, it’s already old news.
Slowly, you all make your way to the table. it’s out in the open and everyone is a bit hesitant to sit out there, but that’s where the food resides. Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol take off their shirts, overwhelmed by the temperature.
“Holy shit, Yeol,” you hear Jongdae say. “What happened to you?”
Everyone glances over to the tall man and your heart sinks at the sight of his exposed back. It’s hard to miss the rows of scratches you carved down his shoulder blades, red and angry.
At the mention of his name, Chanyeol turns around, revealing his neck, shoulders, and chest that look exactly like yours. Actually, his marks are deeper, darker. You were really letting him have it. In your defense, he did encourage you to do your worst, so it is hard for you to find any sympathy to send to the giant.
A loaded silence fills the area as he locks eyes with you. You sigh. That’s enough of an answer for everyone.
Giving up, you chug your beer empty as the extra heat of everyone’s attention bounces back and forth between you both, connecting the purple and blue dots.
“No way….” Jongin’s fingers trace the trail of his eyes. “Did you two…?”
You close your eyes in dismay. You’re going to hear it now.
“Wait a damn minute!” Jongdae’s loud ass voice echoes over the speaker. “You mean to tell me Chanyeol was the one who left those hickeys on you!?”
He gives you an impressed grin. “You naughty girl.”
You simply sink lower into your chair.
“Are you guys together now?” Jongin asks, bouncing on his toes in giddy excitement.
“I mean….” Chanyeol searches you out in hopes you’ll answer that question for him as well.
The attention has you awkwardly laughing, readjusting yourself so that you’re sitting properly again. 
“Please, you guys,” you say, laughter coating every consonant. “It’s nothing.”
Chanyeol’s head tilts at that, eyes fluttering in confusion. “What do you mean ‘nothing’?”
Your heart sinks as you realize you’ve made matters much worse. Chanyeol’s getting worked up now, and the last thing you want is to fight in front of everybody.
“I just mean it’s not a big deal.”
If your first sentence was you putting your foot in your mouth, this one is the whole damn leg.
“Not a big deal?” He repeats skeptically. He turns so that he’s properly looking at you, making sure he’s understanding correctly. “You think us having sex is ‘not a big deal’?”
“Okay,” Jongdae drawls. “Not together then.”
“That’s not what I meant,” you begin to explain, really wishing this conversation wasn’t happening like this. “It was a big deal to me, okay? But they shouldn’t expect more because of it.”
“Like us getting back together?” He continues to question in a monotonous tone. “You’re saying that they shouldn’t get their hopes up about us getting back together just because we had sex.”
“Exactly!” You clap, glad he understands.
“So that wasn’t us getting back together?”
His disappointment is hard to disguise, and it makes you feel bad. Again you’re reminded that if you’d just talked before this wouldn’t be happening. You sigh and prepare yourself to explain where you’re coming from.
“Meat’s getting cold,” Sehun interrupts, ending the real conversation before it can start. You’re grateful for it, still not mentally prepared to break Chanyeol’s heart any further, although it seems you may be past that point. Chanyeol’s jaw is tense, honestly everything about him is tense as he nods his head like he finally understands something before stomping over to the table, sitting at the end furthest from the canopy. He grabs a beer, cracking it open and guzzling it down rather aggressively. 
Everyone else reluctantly takes Chanyeol’s lead. When Baekhyun passes you, he grimaces, politely letting you know that you messed up. Sehun is the last to walk past. He stops and reaches a hand out for you to grab. You sigh before taking it, allowing him to pull you up.
“The last thing I want right now is a lecture,” you tell him.
“I’m just checking on you,” he assures. “You good?”
You stare at him. ‘Do I look like I’m good’ written all over your face and he grins, gaining the reaction he wanted. It’s gone as quick as it comes, an air of seriousness taking over.
“I thought we talked about this.” He starts. 
You point a finger at him. “Lecture.”
He purses his lips and lets his attention wander to the table. Everyone is trying their best to lighten the mood. You look also and are surprised to see Seulgi attempt to make small talk with Chanyeol, although he doesn’t appear that interested in the conversation.
“Okay, no lecture, but let me say one thing.” You groan. “Don’t leave this island with unfinished business. That’s only going to hurt you both more.”
You’re still taking in the table as he speaks, and Chanyeol must feel it because he’s looking back at you. He holds your stare for a few seconds, then catches himself and breaks the contact. It’s selfish, but you’re comforted by the familiar longing still lingering there.
You nod at Sehun’s words, turning back to him. “Yeah. Got it.”
He doesn’t believe you and his expression says as much.
“Hey! Hurry up and grab a plate!” Jongin orders you both. 
Sehun pats your arm and heads over to the table, you follow a few steps behind. The food is delicious and the alcohol starts flowing. Soon the sun starts its slow descent, and with full bellies, you all relax more. At this moment, you can’t help but to miss Junmyeon. He’s always the one taking pictures, annoying everyone by forcing you all to pose for what feels like hundreds of photos. Sehun, his successor, makes sure to take as many candids and selfies as he can. You find it easy to smile whenever the camera is focused on you, even when Chanyeol is also in the frame.
Speaking of Chanyeol, the beer, good food, and friendship seems to be working in lifting his spirits. His loud voice carries throughout the beach, and you catch his boisterous laugh from time to time. You’re relieved to know that you haven’t completely ruined this trip for him. 
By this point, the sky is a lovely pink and orange, and you’re a bit tipsy. You close your eyes and sway to the beat of whatever song is playing, snapping along. Someone holds your hand, causing your eyes to spring open to see Jongin gently urging you out of your seat. You allow him to drag you into a clear patch of sand near the waves. You start dancing with him, connected hands swinging between you both as you reluctantly laugh. Jongin is your designated dance partner. He’s one of the better dancers of your group, and you’re shy. He got into the habit of getting you out onto the dancefloor to loosen you up in college. Now is no different. You both roll your bodies and sway your hips to the beat, encouraging each other. The longer you dance, the closer you get, until your forehead rests on his collarbone, arms wrap around each other’s waists, and Jongin’s cheek presses atop your head.
“Are you okay?” He softly asks.
His question causes your vision to blur. You stare unseeingly into the now gray sea, waves crashing urgently and tighten your hold around his torso.
“I don’t think so,” you confess. 
“I don’t understand,” he says, sounding both confused and frustrated. “You both love each other, right? Why fight?”
“It’s not that simple, Nini. I wish it was, but….” You shake your head, not really knowing how to finish the sentence.
“Is it because of her?” He presses.
You close your eyes at the reminder of Yerim, another person your actions will hurt, and she’s yet to find out of your betrayal.
“Partially,” you admit.
Jongin rubs your back. “It'll work out. As long as you know what you want.”
You wipe your face and pull back to smile up at him, clipping his chin affectionately.
“Now that we’ve had that talk,” you say. “Let’s dance! We’re on vacation! I need to feel like it!”
He chuckles and spins you around so that your back is pressed against his torso.
“Turn the music up!” He orders. Whoever is in charge of the tunes obliges and you’re pleased when a song you can grind to comes on. You throw your arms up into the air and instantly lose yourself to the music, dancing back on Jongin who matches your moves easily.
Not really paying attention to your surroundings, you fail to notice someone joining your little party, but they make themselves known by gripping your arms, ripping you out of Jongin’s hold.
“What the–”
For the second time today, Chanyeol has pulled you away from someone. His hands are wrapped so tightly around your forearms, you wince from the pain. He doesn’t catch your discomfort, too busy giving Jongin the fiercest stare you’ve ever seen.
“Get the fuck off of her!” He snarls, dragging you even closer to him so that your face is pressed against his naked heaving chest.
You lean back and attempt to stare him down, but all you see is his sharp jaw.
“We’re just dancing,” you explain defensively.
That makes him look down at you, and you nearly gulp from the fury reflecting in his black orbs.
“That’s not how you ‘just dance’ with someone!”
That’s when you notice the way his words slightly blend together, notice how unsteady he is on his feet.
“You’re drunk,” you point out disappointedly. Remembering how good that did you both the last time he was under the influence.
He chuckles darkly at that. “So are you.”
Ugh, you aren’t anywhere near as faded as he currently is. You attempt to free yourself from him, but he’s holding onto you too tightly to break. There is no escape.
“Chanyeol, Bro, I swear that’s all we were doing,” Jongin calmly reassures.
“Don’t call me ‘bro’,” Chanyeol hisses. “You’ve always been like this, Jongin. You were always touching her! Don’t think I never noticed.”
“She’s my friend,” he says slowly, carefully, as if he’s speaking to a child.
“And she was my fiance!” Chanyeol all but roars. “But that never stopped you!”
You glance around. His outburst draws everyone’s attention and they watch the three of you curiously. Baekhyun and Sehun start to get up from their seats, probably intending to de-escalate the situation, but you don’t want to get anybody else involved. This is between Chanyeol and you. What is happening now is the consequence of you stalling the ‘what are we’ conversation you should’ve had the night before.
“Leave him alone, Yeol,” you mutter. “He’s not the one you’re mad at. It’s me.”
He doesn’t even spare you a glance, too focused on the man behind you. “Why won’t he answer me then? I’m right, aren’t I?”
“I promise I–”
Before Jongin can finish defending himself, you cut him off by putting your hands on Chanyeol’s chest, throwing your weight to shove him. In any other circumstance, he wouldn’t have budged, but his inebriation works in your favor, making him stumble a few steps. Unfortunately, he takes you with him, and you fall forward. He lets go of your arms to catch you by the waist, steadying you both.
“You okay?” He asks with worry.
“Yeah,” you huff. You pat his shoulder. “Why don’t we go for a walk?”
There’s a boardwalk a few meters away that looks deserted, that is probably the best place to have this discussion. Not waiting for an answer, you easily break his hold and start walking towards it. Chanyeol says something to Jongin you can’t catch over the sound of the sea, but it sounds smug enough that you sigh deeply in dismay. You’ll apologize to Jongin tomorrow, you promise to yourself.
When you pass the table, you lock eyes with both Baekhyun and Sehun.
“It’s okay,” you assure them, not even sure if you believe it. It’s enough for them, they stand down and nod, trusting you.
The journey is silent. The sun has disappeared completely by the time you’re on the worn wood, enveloping you in an almost foreboding darkness. The crashing of waves are intense beneath you, doing nothing to soothe your nerves. When you reach the end of the walk, you turn around to the man you know was following you the whole time.
He’s on you before you can even speak. His mouth moves roughly against yours, urgent and desperate. His frustration is felt, as is his still present affection. You fall easily into his kiss, giving into him as naturally as you always have. Your hands curl around his neck, pulling him closer. He cups your face, the palms of his hands squishing your cheeks, puckering your lips more for him to devour. He walks you backwards, until your bare back hits the splintered wood of the banister. it digs into your skin, making you whimper, but it’s not enough pain to distract you from the punishing pressure of Chanyeol’s lips.
The groan he lets out in response is tortured, long fingers desperately begin pulling at the band of your swimsuit bottoms, eager to feel all of you again. 
In sync, your mouths fall open, tongues colliding and lewdly twirling together. God. Fuck. You want him. You want him so bad it’s driving you crazy. You’re going to fuck him again. You’re going to fuck him right here on this damn boardwalk, space be damned–
But, that’s exactly the problem, isn’t it?
“Stop,” you gasp between kisses.
He hums before tilting his head to kiss you even deeper. Those wandering hands of his slide down to squeeze your ass. You shutter and press yourself more against him, slipping your arms fully around his neck to drag him lower so that he’s curved over you. A sheen of sweat the only thing between your boiling bodies.
Still, you can’t bring yourself to fall back completely into the make out session. Disappointment floods you. Seulgi is right, the two of you can’t be alone for even a second without falling into this toxic habit.
Now annoyed with how weak you are, you finally muster the strength to shove Chanyeol back, officially breaking the kiss.
With much needed space between you, you feel the fog of lust begin to clear and can think better. Chanyeol doesn’t say anything or make a move to resume what you interrupted. No. He just stands there, watching you with an expression you find hard to read as you both attempt to catch your heaving breaths. 
“What?” He finally asks, voice hoarse and deeper than hell. “You don’t want me anymore, Mel?”
There’s no sorrow, none of the longing or anger he’s shown throughout the day, which is surprising. It’s almost as if he knew this was how the night was going to go. Like he knew you were going to push him away.
“That….” You swallow thickly. “That’s not it.”
“Then what’s the problem?” He asks, taking a step towards you. You try to counter it, but that leads to more wood stabbing you. You’re sure some break the skin. He takes another step and now he’s directly in front of you, a mere breath away. He lowers his head to be more level with yours, giving you a close up view of his wound up fury.
“The problem,” you nearly stutter, overwhelmed by the hostility now coming off of him in waves. He’s never directed his anger towards you–the situation maybe, but never you–it’s intimidating and scary. You lick your dry lips, trying to find your voice, and he watches detachedly. “My problem is the opposite, Chanyeol. I still very much do.”
“That doesn’t seem like a problem to me.”
“Look at us!” You say. “We can’t be alone for five seconds without being all over each other! Last night was not supposed to happen the way it did! We weren’t supposed to sleep together!”
“But we did,” he snarls through clenched teeth. “And that means something, whether you want it to or not!”
“All that it means to me is we need space. This is too much for me, Yeol. We need time apart to figure out what the hell we actually want.”
“What is too much for you?” He asks, sounding exasperated. “The way I feel about you? The way you still feel about me? What is there to figure out? We still want each other, nothing else matters!”
“We still want each other physically!” You clarify. “I can agree with that, but the longer we’re together, the more I think that’s all we want!” 
“Of course not!” He finally yells. You flinch from the volume and that makes him catch himself. He huffs out a breath before repeating in a much gentler tone, “of course not.”  
He grabs one of your hands, thumb caressing your knuckles. “You are way more than that. You always have been. This is more than physical to me.”
Everything inside of you is screaming to believe him, and he himself is asking for that. For you to have faith in this, and to give it a chance. 
“Then why didn’t you say it back?” 
He doesn’t answer. Instead, he stares at the forming tears in your eyes and the slight wobble of your lips in confusion. He searches for the context to your question. It takes a minute, but then his eyes widen in realization and his mouth falls open, a slight ‘oh’ leaving before he’s snapping it back shut. The look he gives you after that is something akin to pity.
And there is your answer. You pull your hand out of his grasp, using it to wipe away the tears that slipped past your waterline. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter.”
He scrambles in alarm from your withdrawal. “Can you please stop saying shit like that?”
“Why?” You snap. Your irritation grows with every second he doesn’t give you the answer you desire. “It doesn’t. I didn’t mean it anyways. It just slipped out, so…yeah.”
You fidget nervously and try to make out the waves crashing against the wood underneath you. You’re so focused on that, you miss the way Chanyeol recoils in shock. You also miss the reigniting flames of his dimming anger.
“So when you told me you loved me, you didn’t mean it. Yet, you’re mad at me for not saying it?”
Him saying it out loud makes you cringe in embarrassment. As if he hasn’t done enough, you sense mockery in his tone. When you meet his eye again, the anger is still there, but it’s mostly frustration you notice.
“I’m not mad that you didn’t say it,” you deny.
“Yes you are!” He lets out a humorless laugh. Yeah, he’s definitely frustrated. “Is that what all this is about? Why you left this morning? Look, I’m sorry! It wasn’t because I didn’t feel the same, I was just…preoccupied.”
“Preoccupied with what?” You ask in disbelief.
He gives you a steady look, eyebrows raised in a way to say, ‘you know what’. It takes a minute for you to decipher what he’s alluding to, but then you remember what happened right after your little confession and groan his name, appalled.
“See?” He’s grinning like a madman now, pulling at your arms in an attempt to catch your attention. “That’s all I ever wanted to hear. And once I did, I couldn’t control myself anymore. You telling me you love me made me cum.”
“Be serious right now,” you say, frowning in disgust.
“Oh, I’m very serious right now,” he says, that gleefully large grin still on his face.
You throw him a skeptical look. “You’re smiling and talking about cum. You think this is a joke.”
That makes his smile slowly disappear. He says your name. “I don’t think this is funny. I’m telling you the truth. You want me to prove it to you? Hm? I’ll say it right now. I lo–”
“I don’t want to hear it now!” You interrupt in a shout. “If you had said it then, things might’ve been different, but you didn’t. I don’t care why you didn’t either. That was all the confirmation I needed. We have no idea what we want from this.”
“Here we go again,” he groans, walking a bit away from you.
You jut your jaw at that. “I’m going to repeat myself until you get it through that thick skull. Whatever happened, happened. It’s done. We’re done.”
Chanyeol’s frustration is back with a vengeance. His fingers run through his dark hair, yanking at the strands as he starts pacing in front of you. “How can you say that when you had your tongue down my throat minutes ago? You let me cum inside you! You told me you loved me! And that’s it? There’s mixed signals and then there’s whatever the fuck you’re doing right now.”
“There you go talking about cum again,” you mutter to yourself. Louder, “I’m being realistic! It’s only been three days. Three! And, what? We’re just supposed to pick up right where we left off? Act like the past few years never happened? That’s not how this works, and I doubt that’s healthy. We need more time.”
“I already told you that I’ll always love you, and I meant that. I know you’re scared, Mel. Hell, I’m scared too. You’re right, things are moving fast, but that’s because we still care for each other. I know you still love me. You wouldn’t have said it if you didn’t. This wouldn’t be us pretending we never broke up. This can be us realizing that we’re better together. That we’re even stronger now that we’ve had time to figure out who we are apart. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“It was,” you’re quick to emphasize the past tense. “But I’ve changed a lot since the last time you saw me, Yeol, so stop acting like you know me.”
Something you say catches his attention, and he narrows his eyes suspiciously. “You haven’t changed much.” He says your name. “I still know you, probably better than anybody else here. Just like you still know me.” 
He’s stilled from pacing, and it’s a bit ominous after watching him frantically walk for the past couple minutes. He runs a hand over his face tiredly and lets out a heavy sigh. “So, that’s really what this is about.”
You raise an eyebrow questioningly and he laughs, shaking his head.
“I was hoping it wasn’t, but what you just said…. It all makes sense now.” He’s muttering under his breath, talking to himself.
“What are you going on about?” You ask.
“This morning, when I woke up and you weren’t there, I knew. I didn’t want to believe it, that you would do something like that, but I knew what happened the moment I realized you had left me.”
Your body begins to shake, and it isn’t from the cold. Foreboding chills your spine, causing goosebumps to rise, sharpening once he locks eyes with you, the accusations hard to miss.
“You still hate me.”
His hands curl into tight fists at his sides, trembling–as are his shoulders, his voice. He closes his eyes, taking deep calming breaths you doubt help him much. 
“And now you’re telling me you didn’t mean it when you said you loved me. That you changed since the ‘last time I saw you’. Was that your plan all along? To seduce me? Make me think you still gave a shit so that I’d let you fuck me and then leave? Was last night revenge sex?”
“No,” you gasp, genuinely shocked by his conclusion. “I already told you, it was a lapse of judgment–”
“I’m not playing this fucking game with you!” He shouts. His voice breaks, just like his heart currently does. “You don’t get to hurt me again. You can’t play with my feelings everytime I allow myself to be open with you. Maybe you’re right, Mel. Maybe I don’t know you anymore, because I never thought you could do something this fucking cruel.”
“Me? Cruel?” Your anger flares up. “What the fuck about you? You come here, bring some other girl you care nothing for, and then pretend like we never knew each other! Then proceeded to ignore her the whole time to flirt with me any chance you got!”
“We’re not talking about this trip!” Chanyeol dismisses. “I should have never brought her, I know that now, but that’s not what this is about. This is about the time before that, when you gave me back the engagement ring!”
Sehun mentioned the night before the wedding that you have a baseless grudge against Chanyeol, one that twisted the love you have for him, crossing that thin line over to hate. He was positive you made something up, a ‘lie’ he called it, to keep Chanyeol at arm’s length from your heart in order to protect it. The truth is that Sehun grew cocky. He believed so deeply that you couldn’t keep anything from him, that it was impossible to with the way he can so easily read you, that he never suspected when you did. It was only one thing. One thing you decided to keep to yourself, refusing to confide in even Sehun. The reason? To protect the man in front of you, the same way he protected you.
The last thing you want is to bring it up, but technically, Chanyeol is doing it first.
“Gave it back?” You’re in total disbelief. “You took it back the morning after you slept with me and then completely ghosted like I was some one night stand!”
“That’s what you wanted!” 
“When?” You ask, baffled. “When I invited you over? Or was it in the middle of us having sex?”
He runs a hand roughly through his hair. “Okay, but why did you invite me over?”
“Because I–”
He doesn’t let you finish, his own anger from that day getting the best of him. “Because you wanted to give me the ring back!”
His voice has risen, and it silences you completely. 
“Fuck!” He’s saying your name again, but there isn’t an ounce of affection. “You wanted to return the ring. It was the one thing–the only thing that gave me hope. I told you to keep it, because I knew as long as you still had it, there was still a future for us. But then you called me. It hadn’t even been a year since our separation–because that’s what we were, separated not broken up–and the first time I hear from you it’s to tell me you want to give me back your fucking ring!”
Your head is spinning, attempting to comprehend everything he just admitted, filling in blanks you have been trying to figure out for years now. You hate to admit it, but some things are starting to make sense. 
“So, which was it then?” You question rather calmly. “You were still hurt from when I broke things off, so when I reached out you saw your chance to return the favor? Or was it because you thought that’s why I asked you to come over, so you got upset, slept with me, and left as a big fuck you?”
“Neither,” he reveals, evident disgust from your thought process. “Sleeping with you that night just happened. I didn’t do it with the intention to hurt you.”
“Sounds familiar,” you point out. He pinches the bridge of his nose. It feels like you’re going nowhere. Like you’re speaking in circles. “But okay, fine, say I believe that you didn’t do it to hurt me. Why did you leave?”
“Because I didn’t want what happened that night to become our normal,” he admits. “You knew how I felt about you, and I didn’t want you to take advantage of that–of me. Come on, Mel, you’ve always known the power you have over me. If you had told me that night that all you wanted from me was sex, I’d given that to you. Hell, if you told me right now that’s all you want, I’d give it to you. I’d give you anything. You’re my Melody.” He takes a deep shaky breath. “But I knew that if I reduced myself to that just to keep you, it would destroy me. I didn’t want to lose myself like that. And I don’t ever want to hate you. That’s why I ultimately left. Took the ring–like you told me to–and ran before you could change my mind. That was me setting a boundary for myself. I had to let you go before I allowed you to use and break me.”
Your heart sinks at his explanation. “Do you really think I’d treat you like that?”
“Do you really think I’d make love to you and not mean it?” He counters.
Again, you’re back at square one. Blinking at one another, trying to figure out where you stand in each other’s hearts. With the newfound knowledge of Chanyeol’s thoughts on that infamous day, you look internally. To be honest, his words don’t sway you much. The hurt from that day is still painful. You vividly remember the way your heart shattered when he was nowhere to be found. To add salt to the wound, he had blocked you on everything, so that you had no way to contact him afterwards. Yes, you really did believe he was capable of doing that.
“No matter what your intention was that day,” you start. “The result is still the same.”
Once Chanyeol hears this, you watch him build up a wall, closing you off from him for the first time. Until right now, you believed he wasn’t capable of doing that to you. That it couldn’t be helped or that he felt comfortable enough to let his guard down in your presence. But watching all the vulnerability, all the honesty, all the affection he had for you vanish before your eyes, you realize you have been giving yourself too much credit.
“I guess that makes us even now, right?” He asks bitterly. 
You turn away, partially out of guilt, but also because you can’t stomach the haunted shadow dulling him. He’s right, in a sick way. You both ran away, hurting the other despite the reasoning behind it.
“So, that’s it then?” He asks when you fail to say anything.
“Chanyeol….” You turn back to him and instantly are bombarded with regret. You can so easily fix this. If you really want to, you can tell him that you forgive him for that night, that you truly never meant to hurt him and that the night before meant everything to you. You can walk off this boardwalk hand in hand, laughing with giddiness from falling back in love with your soulmate. Rejoining your friends who would be nothing but ecstatic and supportive of you working through your issues and returning to one another. You can do that. It will only take one simple sentence. 
But you don’t forgive him, and you haven’t really resolved anything. Your new relationship would be built on the foundation of ignorance, avoidance, and lust. You didn’t want that, not if it is the cost of having him back at this moment. You both have some healing to do before jumping into this again, and this conversation proved that. You aren’t ready.
“I–yeah. I think it would be for the best if we end things here.”
“Yeah,” he agrees in defeat. He sniffs and scratches the back of his head. “You’re probably right. There’s not much else I can say to make you stay.”
He takes you in one more time. In his reluctance, it’s as if he’s giving you a chance to change your answer, but you both know you won’t. Guess he does still know you well. He clears his throat and without saying goodbye, walks away. 
He’s about to clear the walk when you’re yelling at him to wait.
He does. He faces you and watches with wide eyes as you run hastily over to him. You stop at a safe distance, close enough to see him under the dim moonlight, but far enough away that you can’t feel the distracting heat of his body. 
He observes you warily, probably wondering how you’re going to break his heart this time. It’s that bit of doubt that made you run. There’s one last thing he needs to know, the one thing he needs to take away from this conversation, if nothing else.
“I don’t hate you.”
It’s the last thing he expected, and his reaction reflects that. His eyes grow glossy and he does his best to blink the unshed tears back, while also fighting the frown weighing the corners of his lips, causing them to tremble. Wordlessly, he reaches out to you, cupping the back of your head, and you let him. You allow him to touch you, to bring you close to him, relishing in his heat against the chilling bite of the ocean’s breeze. He pulls you in and presses a tender lingering kiss onto your forehead.
“Thank you,” he whispers against your skin.
And then he’s gone, taking all the warmth with him.
And you watch, as his fire dims and he blends with the gray of your surroundings before disappearing out of sight.
You pray to god that’s not a metaphor.
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60 notes · View notes
kwonkioz · 5 months
. . . brave and nerd | jeon wonwoo x reader (jo shin-yeol) x kim mingyu
part one
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𐙚 I thanked my mom for putting the mixed toast in front of me, she smiled at me and then proceeded to put the dishes in the machine.
After taking a bite, I looked at her, "Mom, do you know anything about that Park twins' family?"
His brows furrowed, "I wouldn't say they're very nice people. I know their mother from the association, she is a woman with her nose in the air. Why did you ask?"
"The twins finished second and third. I found it strange when a friend of mine worked hard but came in fourth. It's not normal for them to get such high marks when even I was surprised that I got the first place."
"Mrs. Park must have paid a bribe, she doesn't want her children to be."
"Our school is not a place to accept bribes, Mom, that's why I couldn't be sure."
He turned to me, "Shin-yeol, there's nothing money can't buy. How do you think the twins ended up in your class?"
My eyebrows flew up in surprise, "Really?! O... I guessed it. People blame me, but almost everyone is torpedoed except us!"
"Is anyone still treating you the same?"
I shook my head, "They don't say it publicly anymore."
Except for one person...
He's doing it on purpose to break my heart.
After my toast was finished, I grabbed my bag and left the house. I arrived at the school in a short time by bicycle. Some people said I was a sucker for cycling to school even though we had a driver, and some of them would never shut up. But I was living my way. Yes, there are times when I use my mother's respect, but I do it without putting it in anyone's eye.
Here, everyone sees it as it suits them. I'm used to it.
After entering the classroom and taking my seat, I sighed deeply and watched the surroundings. Everyone had a group of friends or a friend. And the queue next to everyone else was full. The part of me was empty, funny...
A girl named Cho Miyeon used to sit next to me, but when she became close friends with another girl, she started to sit next to her, and this row was empty like this. Strangely enough, I didn't really have any friends. I don't have the number of anyone in this class in my phone book, except for Wonwoo. I had already bought it secretly.
Speaking of Wonwoo; He was back in the front row, quietly taking a test. It was the biggest void in my life. I don't know how my only goal was to win her love when she was so far away from me.
But every second I couldn't talk to him, something was building up inside me. If we get close one day, I want to chat for hours.
As the classroom slowly filled in, the twins arrived. I've looked at them with all my hatred, they're really annoying. They were among those who once treated me like a torpedo, and now they are doing the same thing themselves.
A little later, the teacher arrived and the lesson began. Mr. Kim had taken me to the blackboard to read aloud the quiz notes from a few days earlier. Since this quiz would only replace the oral grade, it would not be written on the list, the teacher would explain it himself or have one of the students read it.
I began to read the notes in order; "Kwon Soonyoung 90, Jeon Jungkook 95, Kim Namjoon 100, Hwang Ye-ji 70, Yoon Jeonghan 85, Xu Minghao 100, Jeon Wonwoo 100, Park Dae Gang 45, Park Dae Gun 50..."
Suddenly, the voice in the classroom went up. Some students began to react to the last two notes, and rightly so.
"How the hell do they come second or third in the exam and get so low in the quiz? It's all out there."
Dae Gun turned to the boy who said this and said, "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm saying you're torpedoed, brother, it's pretty obvious. How did you get from middle place to third place with zero effort? Are you a genius?"
"Look at me!" when he stood up, Dae Gang sat him down, "Let him go."
A girl in the back row said, "What's happening is happening to us because of people like you! You're a coward... Do it with your own success. You are incapable."
Dae Gang said, "Isn't it impotent to take your pain out on others because you don't get a high grade?"
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
"I'm saying you're torpedoed, brother, it's pretty obvious. How did you get from middle place to third place with zero effort? Are you a genius?"
"Look at me!" when he stood up, Dae Gang sat him down, "Let him go."
A girl in the back row said, "What's happening is happening to us because of people like you! You're a coward... Do it with your own success. You are incapable."
Dae Gang said, "Isn't it impotent to take your pain out on others because you don't get a high grade?"
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
"Never mind, Minnie, these things are unspeakable."
"Excuse me?"
As the argument spread throughout the class, the teacher yelled and silenced them. He told me to keep going.
"Park Jihyo 95, Wen Junhui 80, Roseanne Park 100, Jo Shin-yeol 100-"
"Like your first place, I hope this isn't a torpedo." I knew he was telling me when the fool interrupted me and looked at him angrily.
"No, it's my own success, as is my first place."
Some laughed, while others did not react. Another boy grinned nervously, "Sure! It's always been your own success."
Another girl asked, "You must have a connection with twins, not triplets?"
As half the class laughed, my body stiffened with nervousness, and I began to squeeze the paper between my hands. The teacher slammed his hand the table.
"Come to your senses! What kind of speech do you speak? There's no tampering with these notes, it's what you get. Know your words!"
"But sir, they're not just doing the same thing for this quiz, they're always doing the same thing."
"Yes, sir! Our families want us to get high grades, but we work and we get them, they are deserving."
I shouted angrily, "I didn't deserve it! Find another cover for your jealousy!"
One of them laughed, "What am I jealous of you? Your money?"
"Exactly, talk, talk, we're listening." after hearing another sarcastic sentence, I realized that I couldn't take it anymore.
"Off... You're really annoyed! It's so annoying, it's so repulsive!" I didn't care about the teacher who called out after me as I threw the paper on the floor and hurried out of the classroom. I barely threw myself into the fire escapes, waited until I got there, and as soon as I sat down on the step, I started crying.
Even if I cover my face with my hand so that I don't have a voice, I don't think it works. So much so that someone had already come to this sound.
"Well... Can I help?"
When I looked up, I saw a boy I didn't know. Who do I know in this school, though?
I quickly wiped away my tears as I don't like to cry in front of anyone as this boy with a cast on his hand looked at me anxiously.
"You can't be."
I thought he would leave, but he came and sat next to me. I looked at him in amazement, still worried and compassionate.
"I don't think I can turn around and leave after seeing you like this. Could you at least tell me what it is?"
My gaze went away. It hurt a lot.
"They say I'm torpedoed, so they think I'm first. They're all disgusting scum."
"Oh, you must be Jo Shin-yeol."
When he held out his hand, I turned to him, "I'm Kim Mingyu."
These were things so foreign to me that I couldn't even reach out and shake the child's hand. He had already withdrawn, "Well, you don't seem to like handshakes. I saw his name on the list, I know it from there. I finished fifth, but I'm laughing."
"Why? Is it so good to be fifth?"
"Are you a maniac, of course it's very good! Well, at least for me. You don't know how hard I tried to even get from ninth to fourth. It's against my constitution to work so hard."
I couldn't help but laugh and he laughed too. After wiping my moist cheeks, I corrected my posture.
"Thank you, I never thought I'd be able to laugh in this situation."
"You can laugh in any situation. Even rose; That's the best answer you can give them."
I sighed deeply. I don't want to be the interlocutor enough to respond to them, but they push the boundaries so much that I'm the one who ends up answering and coming out harmful.
I looked at my watch, and there were twenty minutes left in class. I stood up. I couldn't go to class now. I decided to go to the canteen to get a coffee and recuperate. When Mingyu stood up, I turned to him.
"Don't you have a lesson?"
"The class is the body, and I'm on leave," he said as he showed his plastered hand. I shook my head, "Get well soon."
"Thank you. Where do you plan to go?"
"Canteen. I'll go into the classroom for a second class, and it would be weird to go back now after I've left."
He laughed, "It is. Can I accompany you? My friends play football, I'm the only one left."
"It happens."
We had coffee together in the canteen and talked a little. I found out that he was in the 2/3 class. For now, he aimed to move to 2/2, he is normally a diligent student, but this year his grades dropped because the classes were a little empty. Now he was trying to regain his old order.
When the bell rang, we continued the conversation during the break and then said goodbye. I was back in class when he went out into the garden. I was doing my best to ignore them while the people in the class were looking at me in a type-by-type manner. Wonwoo didn't take his eyes off me until he got to my turn. When I sat down, he turned to me.
"Are you okay?"
"Does he care too much? You don't think differently from them."
He turned in front of him without an answer. Sighing, I leaned back and crossed my arms.
The gaze on me ended when the teacher arrived. Luckily, Mr. Kim didn't say anything about me throwing the notepaper and leaving. Of course, what I did wasn't right, so he told me that I had to wait in class after class. Well, I'm not surprised.
Since our next class was chemistry, we had to go to the lab. When everyone left, I waited in line. Mr. Kim left his glasses on the table and approached and sat on Wonwoo's empty bench in front of me.
"I know your mother didn't ask the principal for any torpedoes about your grades. He makes those donations of his own free will."
Such was the teacher Kim Junmyeon; He wouldn't judge you, he would trust you and support you. But no one knew its value.
"Still, that stigma sticks on him. Do you know why?"
"They're jealous of my grades."
"No," he laughed and added, "I mean, not really. Shin-yeol, it's your behavior that's the problem."
"My behavior?"
"You may not be torpedoed, but that doesn't mean you don't use your mother's power. You can leave the classroom according to your mind, you don't go to classes if you don't want to, you don't pay attention to the tone of your voice when you speak, so you often get into arguments. Just when you're walking, you have the vibe of owning the school. Yes, your grades are so good thanks to your own achievement, your own intelligence. But your behavior... You've got to get yourself in order about it."
Mr. Kim always spoke to me honestly, but the first time he smacked me in the face, I didn't want to admit it. I shook my head.
"How can I act like a model student when they are insulting me? That's what I do."
"You can't just say that's the production and get away with it, Shin-yeol, it's true for everyone! Look, I know you're not a bad person, that's why I'm having this conversation with you. If your actions were as appropriate as your grades, no one would treat you as a torpedo."
I leaned back, exhaling a troubled exhale. A few weeks ago, I was reminded of a sentence that Wonwoo said; "You can be a smart girl, but it doesn't matter because of your ego. Your arrogance has blocked your way!"
Mr. Kim was speaking for my sake. But Wonwoo's was pure hate. My interest in him made me do such ridiculous things that instead of getting to know each other, we were drifting further and further away. Because he's kind of disgusted with me.
"You live this life like a princess; But remember, princesses happen in fairy tales. We are struggling for life in the most painful way in the middle of reality."
I frowned, "I wish you were a philosophy teacher."
He laughed, "But think about what I said. You can get out."
I got up from my bench and made my way to the door. When I left the classroom, I took my cardigan from the hanger and threw it over my shoulder. When I entered the lab, not all of the students were inside because the class bell had not yet rung. So I moved on to the first vacant place I found. And I certainly didn't know Wonwoo was sitting in front of me. Of course, he didn't think so, so as soon as he saw me in the classroom, he rolled his eyes and came and started packing his things.
I pressed my hand on the pen holder he was about to pick up, "You probably wouldn't die if you sat across from me, you're already in front of me in class."
He tugged at his pencil holder hard, "Couldn't you find another place in the big class?"
I defended myself by saying, "I sat in the first place, I didn't know you were here," but he never believed it. He rolled his eyes and sat down on the stool and stopped to pack his things, "I'm sure it is."
Jeon Wonwoo is the embodiment of the word stubbornness!
Before the teacher rang the bell, the class was slowly filling up. I could feel Wonwoo's gaze on me as I took out my chemistry notebook and placed it in front of me. Already soon he began to speak.
"What did Mr. Kim say?" he averted his eyes when I looked up at him, "So if it's not special..."
I smiled slightly at her sweet shyness, and said, "He said I should be careful with my behavior." His brows furrowed as his eyes found me again, "Your behavior?"
"Hm. That I live like a princess, but that's wrong."
He laughed sarcastically, "She's not a princess; child."
This time it was my turn to frown, "Boy?"
"You don't act like a princess, you act like a spoiled child. How are you different from the little children who cry when their candy is taken from them, and who break all hell when they don't get what they want?"
No, I wasn't offended, offended, or angry.
Because he said these things willingly, even to hurt me, and he tried to distance me from him in this way. He's got a plan, he's going after it, but I'm not going to come to his game.
"Do you know what's the difference?" he shook his head with a frustrated look;
"Once children experience things that hurt, they always run away from it. I couldn't leave you."
I saw him swallow. His jaw dropped, but he couldn't give an answer. While we were just staring at each other, we both turned in front of us when the teacher arrived. I've never had any luck since Wonwoo saw me as a kid and himself as candy.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
For two days, Wonwoo had continued to run away from me, and the more he did, the more I chased him. Some things never change.
There was a basketball game today, and Wonwoo looked so cute with a bandana on his head that I couldn't take my gaze off him. While the other girls were screaming Soonyoung, Mingyu, or Seungcheol's name, my only focus was on Wonwoo. I don't care about anyone else.
The gym was filled with enthusiastic cheering, and by the time the first half was over, it had become a little quieter. When I looked at Wonwoo sitting on one of the chairs at the side of the field, I noticed that he was out of breath, but there was no water there. I made my way to the unopened packages, tore the nylon, and grabbed two bottles and went over to him. I sat down and handed one to him and placed the other next to him. He was really tired, he put the water on his head.
"Basketball doesn't work for cows."
Even though he didn't like being called a nerd, he didn't bother about it and grumbled about the coach, "I told the coach not to add me to the team so I can't do it! Who's listening?"
"Why do you say that, you got the first number."
"It is, but I don't have time for that kind of thing. I have to study for the second exams."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "You're really a nerd." she stared at me, "You're the one who likes a nerd, but?"
I pressed my lips together and smiled, and leaned slightly over him with the support of my hand, "I see you're getting used to it?"
She blinked in panic, she was incredibly cute!
"What's the point? Or stay away! You're getting on my nerves."
I pulled back, chuckling and laughing. By the start of the second half, he had clenched his neck and ran towards the field. It didn't matter if they won or didn't win because it was a friendly match for the upper classes. They were just playing for fun. With the comfort of this, I only watched Wonwoo.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
The other team won the match, but as I said, it was a friendly match, winning was not anyone's priority. As I drove to the car alone after school, I caught up with Wonwoo, who was a few steps ahead of me.
"I can let go."
"I'm not crazy enough to get into the car of someone who doesn't have a license, so keep it."
"I drove the car for only one day, today the driver is taking it. And even though I don't have a driver's license, I drive it just fine."
He wasn't about to stop, and when I grabbed him by the shoulder and stopped him, he let out a weary breath.
"Rest in peace, Shin-yeol."
"You too."
"I'm already-" he knew what I meant and paused, and I laughed lightly. But he still looked bored, and my brows furrowed when he continued, "I don't have the peace you're looking for, get it."
"How do you know? You didn't even make an effort to get to know me. You always make firm decisions without trying."
"Because I don't have time for that! I'm the nerd who can't think of anything but my grades, and you'd better find yourself a bum like yourself."
A bum like yourself...
He had gone again. The sweet bickering between us was gradually turning into painful arguments.
When I got home, my mom came home early from work, so we went to the kitchen to have a snack together. Although everyone treated us as if we were incapable people, my mother was a decent woman who knew the law very well. My interest in Wonwoo manifested itself for the first time and made me too crazy to study thinking about him, and I dropped to fifth place in the class. But even then, my mother didn't raise her voice to me one bit, believing that I would be able to succeed in the next exam. He even consoled himself by saying that fifth place wasn't bad.
People talk about a woman like that, and that's what I'm most mad about. Then why is Jo Shin-yeol acting like a bum, and they infuriate you!
"How was school today?"
"It sucks," I said quickly. I wouldn't hide anything from him. Well, except for Wonwoo, but he could already guess it, "Being in the same class as the people who treated me like a torpedo again two days ago will continue to ruin my every day."
"Let them go, girl! They say that a person knows his own business. They use the power of money for small things, so they think you do too. You are building your own successful future. Don't even hear them talking."
I was stuck on one sentence.
"Do you know who uses torpedoes?"
"So... I've witnessed it a few times at a parents' meeting, but I don't have any clear information."
I put my hands on the table and came to the front, "Mom, please tell me! Who are they? Look, everyone blames me."
He sighed as he placed the plate full of biscuits in front of me, brought a cup of coffee each, and sat down on the chair across from me.
"Park Yul Yeon, the mother of twins, is a bit of a perfectionist. He's so used to having the best of everything that he can't stomach his kids getting low grades, and he's ashamed. So he may have had some conversations with your assistant manager."
"Mom, don't talk about it! And what does it mean to be an assistant director? I think he met with the principal."
My mother shook her head, "Principal Rhee is a fair educator who does not accept bribes. He is a close friend of your grandfather, I know from there. But he's Vice Principal Woon, he's really to be feared."
"Well, he couldn't have done such a thing without Principal Rhee knowing. Besides, if you know that, why didn't you tell the principal at all?"
"I don't have any evidence. Not only me, but also many other parents are aware of the situation and they remain silent with the mindset that the mother will get bread for us."
I clenched my hands into fists in anger, "What happens happens to me happens as long as they stay silent. To this day, I have always received those grades on my own, but I am being treated like a torpedo because you donated to the school."
"It doesn't make any sense, what kind of mindset do your friends have? I donate not only to your school, but also to many other schools and institutions. It's a common thing for your father and me, but people are so used to thinking badly!"
"Their hearts are ugly, their way of thinking is ugly, their character is ugly... I don't know what to do anymore."
He smiled and took my hand.
"You have your family behind you, you don't have to be bullied by anyone. Don't worry, I'll figure it out."
"You leave it to me, come on, your coffee has gone cold."
I was trying to understand what was going through my mother's mind as I drank my warm coffee, but it was impossible. He thought so fast and made sound decisions that it was impossible to keep up with him. Still, I was sure that he would do something to get me out of this trouble. At least, I hope so.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
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hoshiyoshis · 29 days
[translated weverse post from TAG]
Dear. Goldness
Hello, I'm Young Taek of Goldenness.
7 years have already passed since I debuted on August 28, 2017, when I first said hello to you.
I remember how I was lacking and nervous on the first day I met you after debuting.
Since we are Goldenness and Golden Child, we had a dream-like time.
After a time that I thought would last forever, my contract with Woollim Entertainment ended on August 28, 2024.
Thank you to Woollim Entertainment for being my strong home for 10 years, CEO Lee Jung-yeop for recognizing my potential and allowing me to see the bigger world, Vice President Lee Ji-young, and all Woollim family members for always supporting and helping me.
Dae Yeol, Sung Yoon, Jang Jun, Seung Min, Jae Hyun, Ji Beom, Dong Hyun, Joo Chan, Bo Min, I'm just thankful and I love you forever ♥
Lastly, Goldenness... Thank you for filling my humble 20s with love and allowing me to shine. I will cherish it for the rest of my life and live it with gratitude.
It's been Youngtaek.
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Steel mill gases transformed into bioplastic
Plastic waste from food deliveries is rapidly polluting the environment. An alternative that has emerged is bioplastic, which is also called biodegradable plastic. Bioplastic that uses eco-friendly raw materials emits less pollutants during the production process and has natural decomposition properties. Recently, a Korea-Spain joint research team recreated bioplastic from waste byproducts from gas fermentation from steel mills.
Through joint research with Spain's Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), a research team led by Professor Gyoo Yeol Jung, Ph.D. candidates Dae-yeol Ye and Jo Hyun Moon, and Dr. Myung Hyun Noh in the Department of Chemical Engineering at POSTECH has developed a technology to generate artificial enzymes from E. coli. The joint research then succeeded in mass-producing itaconic acid, a source material for bioplastic, from acetic acid in E. coli. This study is published in Nature Communications.
Itaconic acid produced by fungi with membrane-enclosed organelles is used as a raw material for various plastics, as well as cosmetics and antibacterial agents. Although its global market value is estimated high at around 130 billion KRW (USD$91 million) this year, its production and utilization have been limited due to the complex production process and high cost of production.
Read more.
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littlethingsrp · 6 days
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wingsnwangs · 4 months
staff member's sexy time playlist songs idk i did this on my other blog and i have fun doing this so i'm just gonna jump right in - adding 1-2 songs ig. select muses because not all of them are developed enough / would have music playing. feel free to send individual asks for more insight or songs from the boys themselves!! they would love it!!
shikkie this man probably doesn't care too much about music during sex so I'm gonna chuck it out there and say something kinda generic along the lines of leave the door open by bruno mars, anderson .paak and silk sonic locked out of heaven by bruno mars
tae il another who wouldn't care too much, but would be really picky about it when it's discussed. feminine singers would be his main choice like two weeks by fka twigs moonlight by kali uchis
binnie oooo a tough boy to choose for. probably something loud-ish, to drown out the sounds when he's in his dorm room. would it be too clique to give this brash and abrupt boy rude boy by rihanna nails by call me karizma
hwa hwa is similar nam in the sense that the songs they dance to are definitely on their sexy times playlists. and he's such a coyote ugly 2000s pop girlie fanboy for sure, so can't fight the moonlight by leann rimes automatic by red velvet
noah FUCKBOY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER RIGHT HERE. you just know he's listening to some generic shit during sex, but also throws some women singers in there; yknow, to make the ladies feel like he's a feminist too pony by ginuwine 34+35 by ariana grande
yan an let's be real he doesn't have a playlist. it's just the sound of netflix or whatever show he put on to chill in the background. probably stole noah's playlist dangerous woman by ariana grande often by the weeknd
si woo si woo definitely operates on a vibe that's closer to rock than anything. pop music during sex just weirds him out. so that definitely includes the death of peace of mind by bad omens across the bed by volumes
dae sung manager hyung just doesn't do music, I'm sorry. he doesn't care for music during sex
yeol yeol??? music during sex???? it's just ambient noise. no care for it either. more likely to just chuck on the radio if they want noise. enjoy having sex to the 5pm news broadcast or whatever
mason fuckboy number 2. noah but with more curation, yknow? still a little generic with his choices though streets by doja cat water by tyla
nam nam fancies the 80s and 90s rock to dance to, and the same goes for his music choices for sex. not only is poison his favourite song to dance to, but his number one sex song pick too poison by alice cooper closer by nine inch nails
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loviewer91 · 2 months
♥️ Jae-Sung ♥️ Eli ♥️ Jong-Su ♥️
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🍒 Hyun 🍒 Leo 🍒 Seong-Ho 🍒
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🍁 Chan-yeol 🍁 Dante 🍁 Hak-Kun 🍁
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🏅 Jin 🏅 Kai 🏅 Seungyoon 🏅
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🍬 Dae-Joon 🍬 Jesse 🍬 Myung-Dae 🍬
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⭐ Min-Su ⭐ Mark ⭐ Il-Seong ⭐
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7698 · 1 year
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junkobato · 2 years
Upcoming Kdrama December 2022
1/12: Recipe for Farewell with Han Seok Kyu, Kim Seo Hyung. 12 episodes; life, food. Trailer
7/12: Connect with Jung Hae In, Go Kyung Pyo, Kim Hye Joon. 6 episodes; thriller, mystery. Trailer
7/12: Unlock the Boss with Chae Jung Yeop, Seo Eun Soo, Park Sung Woong. 12 episodes; mystery, comedy, sci-fi. Trailer
9/12: the Forbidden Marriage with Kim Young Dae, Park Ju Hyun, Kim Woo Seok. 12 episodes; historical, rom-com. Trailer
10/12: Alchemy of Souls 2 with Lee Jae Wook, Go Yoon Jung, Hwang Min Hyun, Shin Seung Ho. 10 episodes; historical, fantasy, romance. Trailer
17/12: Red Balloon with Seo Ji Hye, Lee Sang Woo, Hong Soo Hyun. 20 episodes; comedy, life. Trailer
19/12: Trolley with Kim Hyun Joo, Park Hee Soon, Kim Mu Yeol. 16 episodes; thriller, mystery, melodrama. Trailer
19/12: Missing: the other side 2 with Go Soo, Ahn So Hee, Ha Joon. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, supernatural. Trailer
21/12: Interests of Love with Yoo Yeon Seok, Moon Ga Young, Jung Ga Ram. 16 episodes; romance, melodrama. Trailer
21/12: Big Bet with Son Seok Ku, Lee Dong Hwi, Heo Sung Tae. 16 episodes; action, crime. Trailer
23/12: the Fabulous with Minho, Chae Soo Bin. 8 episodes; Rom-com, life. Trailer
30/12: Island with Kim Nam Gil, Cha Eun Woo, Sung Joon, Lee Da Hee. 12 episodes; thriller, horror, fantasy. Trailer
30/12: the Glory with Song Hye Kyo, Lee Do Hyun, Park Sung Hoon. 8 episodes; thriller, melodrama. Trailer
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Can time please slow down? I can't keep up with all the new shows!! 🤯
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