#Da Family Records
fancypantsrecords · 24 days
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Konami Kukeiha Club - Music From Konami Antiques ~Family Computer~ Vol. 12 | Universal Music Japan | 2024 | Black
Music from Parodius da!, Yume Penguin Monogatari, and Crisis Force
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fitzrove · 2 years
PLEASE tell me more about Death/La Mort in the Brussels production I'm begging you
Okay :D
This is going under a cut because it's going to be LONG. What the Festival Bruxellons did with La Mort is completely unique and special, and honestly, just thinking about the production makes me vibrate with joy. It's a bit ironic in this case, but the characterisation really breathed life into the show in a way that's never been seen before.
Forgive me if this is rambly or if I miss some details; I'll be happy to clarify if any questions (about specific songs, blocking choices) arise.
In general
Death, or La Mort, is a seductive figure. There's no doubt of that - when the first promo photos surfaced, a lot of people made jokes about the fact that he's literally wearing a mesh shirt and has his chest out for the entire show. However, it's a completely different kind of seduction from Tods like Máté or Mark. His vocals are silk-smooth; there's zero growling; and the choreography in numbers like WITW or Schatten doesn't have any of the rough bodily manipulation that we're accustomed to seeing.
But this is not a 1992 UweTod rehash (detached, inhuman) either! La Mort can experience deep emotion, and whenever he sings about how he feels, he's genuine. Of course, some of this comes down to song changes - you couldn't really do another 1992 UweTod and have Kein Kommen Ohne Gehen, which every production is probably obligated to have nowadays - but in my opinion, Brussels utilised the current song list well to tell a coherent, emotionally resonant story.
Generally, La Mort is like you would expect an eternal force to be; calm, confident, charismatic, smooth in the way he moves. He looks and feels like a prettier rockstar version of Heinrich Heine - a very magnetic presence on the stage. He has awesome makeup. In the prologue he sings "All meet their end in my arms, girls and boys" while lifting up two members of the ensemble (a woman and a man) by their arms. The smoothness kind of goes for almost all of the Deaths across different Elisabeth productions, but in the case of La Mort, there are also some key differences.
La Mort seems to be able to control people without touching them physically (he does a bit of this to Sisi during Letzte Tanz), but he doesn't use that power to hurt them - in this case, he mostly flings her around a bit. Notably, he uses his powers to "throw" Sisi BACK into FJ's arms at the end of the song. He doesn't touch her directly nearly as much as Tod does Elisabeth in the Vienna productions: to put it bluntly, zero groping or hip thrusting here, even though he grabs her hand. Sometimes he also delegates physical touch to his Anges de la Mort (in this prod, a group of four young dancers, who seem to act as kind of like his children or some "little cousins" he's taken along to work - in any case, family): notably, he directs them to touch Rudolf in Schatten (and Mayerling, but we'll talk about that later). He does also touch humans directly on occasion - after Bellaria, he kisses Sophie's hand before he and the angels lead her off the stage, and during WITW and Schatten he hugs Sisi and Rudolf from behind. But there's very little WITW airplane choreography, no Schatten puppet/doll choreography, and no Mayerling or DSF kiss. Again, I'll talk about this later.
He's also not above being bodily influenced by humans: during WITW, Sisi pushes him multiple times and he falls on his rear, kinda echoing what happens in Vienna Letzte Tanz to Sisi. (Also, to get up off the floor, he does a one arm side flip like it's no big deal.) He's also not above letting go of his effortless grace in moments where it's important: yet again, more on that later.
Emotionally: Elisabeth (1)
The most important thing about La Mort is that he doesn't care that he's getting rejected. Sure, he's invested enough to keep turning up to bother Elisabeth: but he knows he's going to win eventually. Their first meeting in KKOG has them both smile and seem to genuinely reach an understanding, acknowledging that Elisabeth still has a journey to go through before she can go with him. (Lyrics: "En attendant ce jour où tu posera ta main / J'ai un chemin que je veux suivre").
In Letzte Tanz, Elisabeth goes in for a kiss and La Mort evades it. He's trying to get her to come with him, sure, but there's no hurry, and he seems to think the moment isn't right yet. In Mach auf, he tempts her again, and then smiles for the entire time that Elisabeth is screaming at him to leave her alone - he doesn't mind. This also repeats after Maladie. In WITW, he tries to caress her face and she pridefully turns her head away - this seems to sting a bit, but he still doesn't try to coerce her violently.
Emotionally: Rudolf
For Mama wo bist du, Rudolf's bed is pushed onstage by the angels. Rudolf is tossing and turning, in the midst of a vivid nightmare, and gasps awake. During the first verse, La Mort hears him singing to himself about how there's nobody to comfort him and approaches, his eyebrows furrowed, frowning a little. He's quite gentle in telling Rudolf that it's useless to call for his mother, and after Rudolf begs him not to leave, he sits on his bed opposite him, leaning back against the frame, seemingly a bit perplexed by the child but also feeling pity for him. There's a cute bit when Rudolf says he can be strong and flexes his arm: the angels and La Mort mimic it. At the end of the song, La Mort makes a hand gesture to direct the angels to tuck Rudolf in, which they do.
When they meet again in Schatten, Rudolf is in sore need of reassurance, and La Mort sees this. They seem to have had an ongoing, long-lasting friendship (link: my lyrics meta about it). La Mort encourages his ambitions - he seems genuinely concerned about his despairing state and the state of the world, and there's no ">:DDD" (or anything resembling the expressions that MátéTod, for example, makes). He hugs Rudolf in reassurance for almost an entire verse (the 'nichts ist schlimmer' one); later, during the "what's holding you back" verse he directs the angels to surround him, and as he sings "Take the power!" he puts his hand on Rudolf's heart, almost as if he's "putting his power into him"? And at the end, he and the angels bow to Rudolf ("l'empereur Rodolphe"), and Rudolf seems to gain courage to act from this. When Rudolf sang "you are always there in my heart / my friend of terrible days / you alone reassure me when i'm afraid" and when La Mort sang "call for me, and i'm there", they meant it.
And then we get to the most interesting choice of them all.
Rudolf, standing on the center of the stage alone, having been denied any help by his mother. Enter MARY VETSERA from the back. She goes up to him, they talk, seem to reach a conclusion, and hug. Enter LA MORT and the ANGELS. La Mort stands to the side of the stage looking at the pair, perplexed, and the angels go up to them, trying to pull them apart and embrace them. Rudolf and Mary are angry at this and push/shrug them away. As Rudolf and Mary embrace each other again, La Mort steps forward and hugs himself, prompting the angels to try to pull Rudolf and Mary apart once more. They again shrug them off. The angels helplessly turn to look at La Mort; Rudolf and Mary kiss, and then, Rudolf pulls out a gun. Immediately, La Mort makes a quick, sweeping gesture; the angels rush in to take away the gun. They pass it to each other, drawn into a sort of dance with Rudolf chasing them; but eventually Mary, standing in the middle of it all, manages to catch the gun and passes it to Rudolf. She calmly turns to face the audience, and Rudolf shoots her in the head.
As Rudolf lifts the gun to his own temple, La Mort SPRINTS. He takes off running towards him in full speed, hair and coattails flapping, perhaps in a last-ditch effort to intervene; but he's too late, and can only catch Rudolf in his arms as he falls, dead. He hugs Rudolf tightly against his chest, looking at him in disbelief; as the angels move in to clothe Rudolf and Mary in the veils of the dead (seen in the prologue), La Mort reaches forward to caress Rudolf's face, but Rudolf turns away from him and walks offstage, followed by Mary. La Mort is left standing there, his hand still outstretched, before he slowly lowers it and follows them (and the angels follow him).
Motives & The Extent of La Mort's Powers?
It feels like La Mort doesn't control when a person dies. He can only take them when worldly circumstances cause their life to end, whether it be an act of violence or something like old age. He actively tries to stop Mayerling from taking place, but because Rudolf's desperation is so deep, he fails - and seems genuinely mournful about it. He tried to encourage Rudolf to take action and make the world a better place, for Rudolf's sake as well as the sake of others, and in the end, that encouragement unintentionally was what led to Rudolf's premature death.
Emotionally: Elisabeth (2)
In Totenklage, La Mort is quite cold and even angry with Elisabeth. Still no violence or aggression: he's just quite unsympathetic to her lamenting. With the choices made in this production, I would be drawn to interpret this as it being because of what happened to Rudolf, though I could be wrong.
After she's stabbed, there's no more ill will between them: like is his duty, La Mort comforts her as she dies, and at the end, she jumps up into his arms and he carries her off towards the back of the stage: then, as he turns and sort of presents her to the audience, she goes limp. This is an interesting contrast considering that Rudolf and Mary walked off the stage on their own feet, wearing the Veils of the Dead (visible in the prologue). Elisabeth gets no veil.
In Conclusion
also the director confirmed la mort is panromantic and asexual
also did you know the makeup artist in charge of la mort's makeup was LITERALLY THIS PRODUCTION'S LUCHENI and his eye makeup looks amazing i want to wear it every day
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photo & starring: Kaplyn (La Mort)
makeup: Antonio Macipe (Lucheni)
source: Kaplyn's Facebook
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yatiso · 2 years
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dumpin som selfies here from when i went out to the Club this weekend and then to som record stores w friends the next day (in the same everything)
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Big Blood — First Aid Kit (Ba Da Bing/Feeding Tube Records)
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First Aid Kit by Big Blood
Big Blood is a family band, born of necessity. Multi-instrumentalists Colleen Kinsella and Caleb Mulkerin started it in 2006 because they couldn’t keep up with the intensive writing-rehearsal schedule of their old band, Cerberus Shoal, as they prepared for the birth of their daughter Quinnisa, but they didn’t want to quit making original music. While they weren’t up for rehearsing and writing prog epics on Cerberus Shoal’s scale, their own pace turns out to have been plenty brisk. They’ve made 25 recordings on their own, not including collaborative ventures with Micah Blue Smaldone, Elliott Schwartz, and Swans. Many of them were self-released CD-Rs of rough-hewn, rustic psychedelia; in recent years, Feeding Tube Records has committed several titles from their back catalog to vinyl.
While Colleen originally handled most of the singing, Quinnisa started turning up on Big Blood’s recordings by the time she was four years old. On their latest album, First Aid Kit, which was recorded when she was 13, she splits the leads half and half with Colleen. Her presence is not a matter of either habit or nepotism, since even though mother and daughter have similar singing styles, each has unique and complementary strengths. If the song requires emotional vulnerability, then you want Colleen at the mic. But if it needs bluster, Quinnisa has the edge. It makes sense; when you need attitude, call a teenager. 
Either way, their voices have what it takes to cut through the music’s ambient haze and put the tunes across. This is a more rocking album than others in Big Blood’s discography, albeit in a home-made fashion that used to get called lo-fi in a time when that term was a consequence of the gear people had rather than the filtering choices they made while recording and mixing with a computer. Everyone in the house plays guitars and drums. Colleen also plays various keyboards, and Caleb adds electronics and tape loops, including traces of some songs’ earlier takes. Recording is done on an eight-track tape machine, which contributes to the music’s aforementioned haziness. Their production has a steam-pressed quality, as though the background instrumental sounds had all been ironed onto the tape. Voices and drums, however, jump out of the mix, which suits the songs’ sturdy hooks. 
The music is stylistically diverse. While the Quinnisa-sung opener, “In My Head,” has a stomping rockabilly feel, Colleen’s “Haunted” and Quinnisa’s “1,000 Times,” with their massed backing vocals and anthemic choruses, sound like 1980s power ballads heard through a wall. And on the closer, “Weird Road Pt. 1,” drifting synths and crooning voices sounds like something Kate Bush might have done if she hunkered down in a drafty cabin in Maine instead of a spendy mansion in England. The mixture of direct, catchy tunes and idiosyncratically filtered production makes First Aid Kit into an incurable case of the ear worms.
Bill Meyer
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jonbinary-archive · 2 years
i liiterally huavent been sick in 2+ years bc of masking/distancing but i think my luck has finally run out </3 is not covid ijust had a neg test but i feel soso bad....
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myvinylplaylist · 2 years
Bob Marley & The Wailers: Kaya (1978)
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Tuff Gong
Island Records
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edsonjnovaes · 4 months
Ao lado de uma equipe, o especialista em doenças infectocontagiosas House (Hugh Laurie) se destaca ao ser capaz de desvendar casos que parecem impossíveis de serem solucionados, com métodos nada convencionais. THIAGO LINCOLINS – Aventuras na História. 15 fev 2024 O QUE ACONTECEU HUGH LAURIE? O HOMEM POR TRÁS DE DR. HOUSE – Victor no YouTube. 2022 28 out Você provavelmente o conhece pela…
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nimue-hidden-lake · 11 months
Me looking at my writing list and debating what I will write on today:
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In before it's just another self indulgent oc/canon oneshot
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lilcaesar · 2 years
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zephyrchama · 9 months
Writing prompt: If MC had been a sheep since they came to the Devildom and then suddenly became human again, would the brothers recognize them? (Under the cut, all 7 brothers, SFW, written in second person.)
Others might have written about this before, it's a fun concept. In the beginning of the manga it's explained that MC appears to be a sheep for reasons. I like to think that they gradually change back and their sheep characteristics slowly become more human, while maintaining sheep-like qualities for a while, but it's more fun to write about if they just. suddenly. change back all at once, ta-da.
Humans sometimes face adverse effects when traversing realms. The unnatural spatial movement has equally unnatural consequences for human bodies, which is why you found yourself in the body of a small pink sheep when meeting the brothers for the first time.
Solomon and Diavolo say it will wear off in time, as you adjust to the Devildom. Your body will return to normal eventually, but they don’t know exactly how long. Its been quite some time now and everyone just accepts that this is how things are. You are a small pink sheep, and you are family.
You expected a gradual transformation - to slowly regain human features over time as you got used to life in the Devildom. That didn’t happen. Day by day nothing changed, until the transformation happened all at once.
Lucifer had seen your photo on the exchange student paperwork months ago. A generic little square image stapled to the application, hardly better than a driver’s license photo. He might have taken your paperwork out of the student council room and put it in his private office desk for safekeeping, or to look from time to time to remind himself you really were human.
He was the first one you thought to tell. A big change like this was surely worth a visit to his room, even if he was busy. You knocked your usual knock. Now that you were human-sized, you could reach the middle of the door, but the lack of hooves meant your knock was quieter. There were several seconds of silence. Maybe he didn’t hear you. You went to knock again, but a familiar gruff voice called out “come in,” from the other side so you reached for the handle.
There were piles of record book and stacks of forms upon the desk, but the eldest brother was still visible from the doorway. As if sensing something was different, he paused mid-writing and looked up. Lucifer was taken aback for a moment but quickly regained his usual composed poker face. You tried to hide a smile. Seeing him surprised like that was a rare occasion.
“I see you’ve finally gotten used to it here. Congratulations.” Maybe it was the soft light inside the House of Lamentation, but Lucifer thought you looked far better in person than in that photo. He put down his pen and crossed his hands under his chin. It almost masked the way he leaned slightly forward to get a better look at you over the large desk. “Do you feel alright?”
You nodded, it was strange to adjust to your old height again but you were glad to be back in your body. “You’re sure you feel fine? Come here,” he commanded.
Sitting next to him as a sheep while he worked had become so natural, yet doing so now as a human made you feel so self conscious. Your eyes wandered around the room, avoiding his gaze until he grabbed your shoulder and said “look at me.”
To you, he was just being overprotective. A routine check up on the exchange student to make sure they’re healthy after a sudden transformation. Maybe being close enough to feel his breath each time he exhaled was also necessary. To Lucifer, it was the time he’d been waiting months for. To see your glossy hair, not just a ball of wool, and study the contours of your face. How smooth your cheeks were and the way you politely kept up an embarrassed smile. Yes, the real deal was much nicer than a photograph.
Mammon had no idea who you were, at first. You were sitting on the couch, wasting time while waiting for the next family meal. The front door slammed open loudly and closed with a bang. Mammon finally strolled into the living room after a long evening of make-up lessons at school.
“When’s dinner ready? I’m starvin’!” His boisterous voice made the house a little livelier. “And hey, where’s--”
He stammered when his eyes met yours and his voice faltered back down to a normal indoor volume. “Didn’ know we had someone vistin’. Hmph.”
Your jaw dropped. Was he really this dense? He couldn’t recognize you despite all the time you spend together? You turned around to watch over the back of the couch as Mammon walked to the dining room, then left to go down the hallway that led to your room. Several moments later he was in the kitchen. You could hear voices, but not what was said.
After some time he came meandering back to the living room. With one hand on his hip, he remained standing and leaned against the other couch. He was agitated and impatient, and with no one else around he turned to you.
It must have been five seconds, max, but it felt like you stared at each other for an hour. You pouted, glaring at the idiot who thought you seemed like an oddly familiar and comforting presence. “Who’re ya here to see? If it’s The Great Mammon, I’m a busy guy. I can’t just stand around. WIthout compensation, I’m leavin’.”
“Mammon,” you said. Just one word. You sounded hurt. It made his heart skip a beat, he’d recognize that voice anywhere.
“Huh? What’d you say?” He heard you loud and clear. He just wanted you to speak again, to hear your voice once more and confirm he wasn’t imagining things.
Of all the ways you imagined showing off your human body to him, this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Maybe you were wrong for expecting him to recognize you no matter what, but just like him you would never admit that.
“Oh my gosh, you’re a fool! Here’s your ‘compensation!’” Swiftly, you launched a decorative cushion square at his stomach. Your strike is nothing to him, but you landed an emotional blow when you went to storm off.
He grabbed your wrist before you got out of arm’s reach. Forcefully at first, but quickly realized he had to loosen up to avoid hurting you. “Wh- huh? Is that you? Why didn’t you say anything!? When did this happen?”
Walking away was futile as Mammon was rooted to the spot. “That’s really you, right? This ain’t a joke?”
He pulled you in towards him and spun you around to look at your face. You were mad and upset and relieved that he stopped you and embarrassed at having so many emotions at once. He finally knew, you're his human, alright.
It took a while for things to click for Leviathan.
He first saw you from afar on campus. He wanted to steer clear from you., like with every other student. Though he did do a double-take and stare.
He’d never seen you (well, proper human you) around before, and you looked just like the customizable characters you always created in his games. Same hair style, same eyes, same sense of style. His P2 was real. It was uncanny and he couldn’t wait to tell you all about seeing your player character wandering around campus.
That’s when he realized he hadn’t seen you all day. The sheep you. You were always easy to find due to being bogarted by his flashy brothers. You were one of the few to casually greet him every day as assurance he was welcome at RAD. You were human, and humans weren’t sheep. Didn’t Lucifer say something about that when you first arrived? Oh.
When Leviathan didn’t show up to classes after lunch you went looking for him. It was a tough quest. He wasn’t in any of the usual hiding places and wasn’t answering his DDD. He really didn’t want to see you. Or, well, he really did, but clearly wasn’t prepared to. You finally found him on a bench, shrouded by overgrown tree branches and isolated far on the outskirts of RAD’s campus.
Low muttering gave away his hiding space, unintelligible as he was biting down hard on his thumbnail while he raved. His hair was a tousled mess and from time to time he’d jump up to flail or shake his head.
You tried to greet him and got met with a glorious, high-pitched shriek. You pushed on anyway.
“Levi! I’ve been looking for you. Notice anything different today?”
“You! Y-y-y-youuu!!” He could not look you in the eye, or look at you at all, but your familiar voice made everything clear. It took some time for him to speak again.

”You sat in my bed! You sat in my lap!” He referenced all the times you’d stay up late gaming with him. He never objected to that before. “You! You did all that! How could you?”

”I… thought we were friends?”
”Well I didn’t know you looked like that!”
All the wholesome memories Levi had of you two bonding, demon and sheep, suddenly changed. No longer were you a cute fuzzball sitting on his legs or snug against him like a plush while he slept. You were a cute human, with human features, sitting between his legs and being held against him in bed. Overnight you went from essentially a security plush to a real person, and he was having trouble adjusting.
“You lied to me! Aagh!” He kicked his legs and pulled at his hair in anxious frustration, his thoughts branching in dozens of conflicting paths at once, so you did the only thing you knew to calm him. A big hug.
He froze right up. You stubbornly told him “I’m still me, you know.”
“But you look…” For the first time he tried looking right at you, but all you noticed was the intense blush across his face. It made you smile.
Great Detective Satan picked up on your change quickly. It wasn’t hard to deduce for anyone who paid close attention to mysteries, like he did.
You hadn’t asked for any help that morning reaching for things high up. You didn’t ask anyone to carry your heavy school books. Most obviously, you were sitting in the dining room enjoying a hearty piece of toast when he also sat down to eat breakfast. Even though he didn’t physically recognize you, who else would be fearlessly sitting at the House of Lamentation’s breakfast table and happily greeting the Avatar of Wrath?
Rather than the scrambled eggs, Satan was most interested in you. He didn’t hide the way he stared. “You look different.” Slowly, eyes never wavering, he took the chair beside you.

”Oh yeah! Check it out, I changed back!” You went to stand up and show off, but first needed to wipe the crumbs off your face. Too bad the napkin just slid off your lap and onto the floor. “Ah, hold on, I’ll show you in a sec. It’ll be worth it.” You didn’t want to look sloppy on your first day as a human again, and although hands were easier to eat with than hooves, you had prioritized munching on delicious breakfast food over eating cleanly. Without another clean napkin in arm’s reach, you went to pick up what had fallen.
“Allow me.” Napkin unfolded, Satan leaned in close. Before you could acknowledge his offer he had a hand wrapped around your chin. The heat of his fingers could be felt on your lips through the cloth. He spent an unnecessarily long time tracing the contours around your mouth. A cleaning this thorough would surely ward crumbs off your face for at least a week.
A full minute later, Satan was satisfied and leaned back in his own chair. He didn’t stop staring though. You gave a heartfelt, “thanks! Now let me show you,” and stood up to twirl.
Asmodeus recognized you right away. He was the only one not taken aback, and was thrilled to see you returned to full glory. “You look just like your socials!”
Not one to miss out on trends, Asmodeus had signed up for a few human realm social media sites. He considered it to be the cultural exchange aspect of your exchange program. On particularly slow evenings he’d even scroll through several years of your image posts and save the cutest ones. Asmodeus was very well acquainted with both your human and sheep looks.
“Do you have anything to wear other than your uniform? We really should trim your hair, too. That didn’t stop growing while you were a sheep, huh?” He was immediately all over you, twirling your hair in his long fingers while circling like a predator locked on to its prey.
“Oh really?” You hadn’t noticed your hair being overly long. You were just happy to be back to normal. “Yeah I’ve got plenty of clothes, but my hair? Are there, like, demon barbers around here? Can you help?”
“Leave it to me! And your nails!” His hand found yours and soon your fingers were entwined. He lifted them up, cheerily exclaiming “how about matching with me?” as he pulled you towards his room. It was hard to keep up with him, but at least you stood a chance now unlike before in that small body. He noticed, and with a cheeky grin turned to ask “you're not still having trouble? I’ll carry you, you know. And when you need another trim, you come to me first.”
Beelzebub lucked out. He came into the dining hall for the most important meal of the day, just in time to see you twirl for Satan, proclaiming “I’m back!”
Your voice was the same, and you smelled the same as ever. He let out an astonished “woah” while taking the seat across from you. This new form was much better than the sheep one. His fears of accidentally hurting you with too much strength somewhat abated. Though, in his eyes you were still tiny.
“Morning!” you greeted. “Notice anything new?”
”Boy, do I.” Through a mouthful of food, he asked “how did this happen?”

“Dunno, it must have happened overnight. I just woke up and bam.” You flashed a pair of finger guns at Beel and he laughed.
After breakfast, you two became alone in the dining room. You piled up the dirty dishes and Beelzebub carried them into the kitchen as you followed behind, saying “we better hurry, I didn’t realize it was this late already.”
“Yeah.” He placed everything in the sink, then turned to face you. He held out his arms. “Ready to go?”
Carrying you to school appears to have become a habit. Beel didn’t even hesitate to gently lift you up like you were weightless. It was an everyday occurrence when you were a sheep. But back in your old body with longer legs, having his arm wrap around your waist without a layer of thick wool to cushion you, things felt different. “Y’know, I might be able to walk to school today.”
“Hm?” Beelzebub took a moment to process this. Like he had completely forgotten you got your body back in that short span of time. “Oh! Sorry. Force of habit.” Almost dejectedly, he crouched to set you back on the ground. You reached around to grab his shoulders anyway.
“Well, I never said you had to let go.”
Belphegor thought he was still sleeping. Your human figure was a familiar sight he had seen multiple times. It was how you manifested in your dreams, after all. Sometimes when you napped together he would pick up glimpses of your dreams. On this day he had made it to RAD with time to spare and was dozing off in his seat when you arrived.
Unreservedly, he dragged himself several feet over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, head on your shoulder right next to your ear. “Hey.” This was a dream anyway, might as well enjoy it.
“Belphie, are you still asleep?” you asked. Physical contact wasn’t so bad, but it got embarrassing in public like this. With a futile shake you tried to rouse him. “Look! Did you notice? I’m not a sheep anymore!”
“Mm, yeah. You’re you.” Avoiding the lights, he buried his eyes in your neck, wishing it was a little darker. He liked you like this. But if this was a dream, why did the light bother him? Why was he still so tired? “Is it… Hm? What time is it?”
“Time for class to start soon. If you fall asleep again Lucifer is gonna kick your butt. Wake up.” You roughly ruffled his hair, causing him to groan and cling to your waist tighter. It did succeed in getting him to raise his head, at least.
After a sleepy pause, Belphegor seemed to grasp his surroundings. He squinted and leaned back, sizing you up. You couldn't tell if he was waking up or preparing to slouch down again until he spoke. “You really changed back? For real?”
“Heh, good for you.” He pat your sides and let go. It tickled a little. Now, while you were distracted, was his turn to ruffle your hair. Payback disguised as playful praise.
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felassan · 2 months
Compilation of snippets from the DA:TV acting talent panel at SDCC (Dragon Age: Meet the Heroic Companions of Thedas) today (July 26th). DA:TV spoilers under cut.
Huge props and tysm to the users who live-tweeted and clipped this panel, you are heroes 🙏💜!!
The panel was moderated. In attendance were John Epler, creative performance director Ashley Barlow, and the actors of Lucanis, Neve, Emmrich, and Harding - Zach Mendez, Jessica Clark, Nick Boraine, and Ali Hillis respectively.
The panel ended with a Q&A session.
(BioWare have stated that a recording of the panel will be made available at a later date.)
Edit/update: I've now been through this post and tidied it up :)
Here are some pictures from the panel [source]
Here are some more pictures from the panel [source]
In this Twitter thread there are also some video clips of parts of the panel [source]
BioWare tried to avoid spoilers in the panel [source]
Key points/summary of DA:TV: hunting Solas, found family companions, stop the elven gods [source]
When auditioning the companions, BW were specifically looking for character chemistry [source]
BW used motion capture for the game [source]. Mo-cap was mentioned a lot in the panel [source]
Lucanis sees assassination as a job. His mind is as dangerous as his knives and he is also "kinda hilarious" [source]
There was mention of other Crows [source]
Zach Mendez read Tevinter Nights like three times [source]
A clip of the actors doing mo-cap was shown [source]. Photos of Zach mo-capping for other characters was shown [source]
BioWare said that Zach brought a certain darkness to Lucanis [source]
Zach is excited for the romance and is looking forward to the stats [source]
Zach mentioned that he used his own relationship with his brother in his portrayal of Lucanis [source] (surely this means ILLARIO.. ?👀)
Zach played a lot of darkspawn originally while auditioning [source]
Ali Hillis really welcomed Zach into the DA family [source]
Neve is from Minrathous. She has fun banter and is a cynical detective with a heart of gold. They want to show a rebellious side of Tevinter [source]
Jessica Clark loves Neve's loyalty, dedication, and different vision of Tevinter
Neve is fighting for the people [source]. Jessica: "She is really really fighting for those people, and she loves those people. So, yes, she's cynical, and yes she's kind of tough and brusque and all these other things, but when they say there's a heart of gold, there really, like, to have that kind of a passion and dedicate your life to something like that, I think that's definitely my favorite part about her" [source]
Jessica loves how much Neve loves Docktown and its people [source]
Neve sees a different vision for Tevinter than what has previously been depicted in the series [source]
The actors were separate from one another while recording lines but still bonded really well and organically [source]
There are several Veilguard gc [source] (groupchats?)
Ali is an angel and very supportive of the new cast [source]
Emmrich is a "stone cold silver fox" (this is a quote from the panel moderator) [source]
BioWare knew the reaction they would get about Emmrich from the fandom [source]
Nick Boraine feels like he's been preparing for Emmrich all his life. He's obsessed with death (as a comfort and not scary) and enabling people to transition into death. He is attracted to this aspect of the character [source]
"You're gonna need a dictionary for Emmrich" for all the magic spells [source]
"Interesting how this character caught fire compared to the other sexy characters" [source] (I think this was said wrt Emmrich?)
BW had a great time recording with Nick, he is a very consistent actor [source]
Nick and Matt Mercer have never met [source]
Manfred plays off of Emmrich. "I set the tone" [source]
What has Harding been doing in-between DA:I and DA:TV? She's been working closely with Varric and the Inquisition remnants. She and Neve already met in the comics [source]
Ali vividly remembers the beginning of voicing Harding, she says it's brilliant writing. She really thought of Harding's personality and traits. She's so happy to be back [source]
wrt the Covid-19 pandemic and the year 2020, BW had to pivot with working remotely and were able to push through their projects. [source]
"[Harding] chasing Solas for a decade..." "that was a great relationship that [you] developed... and now I'll stop talking now". Ali was excited [source]
John Epler talked about how companions may but heads, and won't be predictable [source]
There are thousands and thousands of lines and so many characters to meet [source]
Zach "unfortunately has been around the DA Reddit before recording as Lucanis" [source]. He feels inspired by all the fans and cannot wait for us to play it [source]
[new textblock due to character limit!]
John Epler on Emmrich: "I mean honestly, I will say, like, we expected a great reaction to Emmrich. Went beyond what we expected for sure. But it’s been fascinating to see, because again, Emmrich is this character, he’s more of the professorial, more, he brings a wisdom and kind of a calmness to the group, so even when things are at their worst, there’s that one person in the group who is kinda like, ‘okay, y’know, we've got, let's figure it out, let’s take a deep breath’. And just his journey through his character arc, and his interactions with the others, it’s been fantastic to see. Even just finding opportunities for him to bounce off the other characters, you know, the way he talks to Bellara, the way he talks to Neve, it’s all so different, but it’s also just, again, based around this core of this warm, kind-hearted, professorial necromancer. Which, again, is not something you see a lot of in media. I mean, usually, necromancers are depicted in a very specific way. But it’s been, it's awesome to see how Emmrich has grown and just, really one of the most, one of my favorite experiences has been just working with Emmrich’s writer, working with Emmrich as a character." [source]
All the actors are excited about the dialogue and narrative, and for us to explore DA:TV [source]
Ali says that we will really find ourselves in this game [source]
During the recording process, the actors all hear the previous person's recording and react or respond to it [source]
Due to Covid-related lockdown, a lot of recording was done over Zoom, and the writers besides Ashley Barlow (creative performance director) would jump in on the call to talk about the previous person’s lines [source]
A question was asked about the background factions. "Characters not causes". [source]
You can work with the Grey Wardens in the game (for example) [source]
The actors all met this weekend. They are an "un-chosen" family [source]
Zach stood in for multiple characters for mo-cap, for example he was Assan [source]
Lucanis has a heart but is stubborn and stuck in his ways. Zach is excited for fans to help his character open up as the story progresses [source]
Jessica is incredibly honored to join the DA universe. She is new to voice acting for video games. “This is play pretend. Playing Neve allowed her to step into her power.” [source]
A question was asked on what their first exposure to fantasy was, and do they implement this into the acting? John talked about Lord of the Rings and how every media you experience will seep out into your work [source]
Ashley didn't want the dialogue to sound modern [source]
Zach loves Theseus and talked about the symbolism in DA [source]
Jessica loves Greek mythology and lore [source]
Nick talked about The Hobbit and how he would dress up in big boots and a cape when his mother would read to him [source]
Ali recently went to Greece and felt like she saw DA everywhere [source]
A question was asked - "From your companion's perspective, which previous companion would you romance?" Zach kind of has a thing for The Iron Bull, saying "oh that awakened something inside of me". He also likes Dorian. Jessica was too overwhelmed to answer. Nick was also overwhelmed by the question, but thinks Solas is sexy [source] [source]
Ali fangirled over Lucanis and Emmrich [source], prefers Emmrich [source]
A question was asked - "Is DA:TV and DA:I streamlined together?" [paraphrased]. Answer: DA games are not as streamlined as Mass Effect and act almost as standalones [source]
The cast were asked about which aspect of their character is their favorite. Ali loves the little quirks about Harding. "Lucanis is a good cook!?" ** Neve is very dry and pretty closed off about it. For Emmrich, it's the "exploration of the idea of death and necromancy" [source] (** FINALLY CITATION for this? :D)
A question was asked: "How do you decide to introduce the lore in each game?" BioWare answered that it depends as they build each game. They always know the base lore, and see opportunities through game mechanics and characters. They try not to infodump [source]
A question was asked: "Any favorite party banter?" Ashley Barlow said to listen for "hand to bone combat" [source]
The game takes place approximately 10 years after the end of DA:I. You start the game hunting for Solas. The game is built on some core principles: be who you want to be in a world worth saving and with characters that matter. The companions are always at the heart of DA and they are at the heart of this game too. [source]
The moderator asked John Epler about what is bringing this party of people ("this rogues' gallery") together. John: "I mean, it's the end of the world, and each character that you bring into your party understands that the world is ending, that they need to stop that, and you're really building, what I would say is, more of a found family. These are characters who may not start off liking each other, may not even start off liking you, but over time they grow to understand the importance of what they're doing and just, how critical it is to stop the elven gods" [source]
"He is kind and has some spectacular lines. He is a natural nerdy scientist. He loves learning." [source] (Emmrich? ^^)
Ali didn't realize that Harding was such a beloved character. She thanked fans for bringing this character back [source]
Ali is super excited that the game is releasing. She said that there has been an evolution to Harding's character and that she's been chasing Solas for like a decade at this point [source]
Jessica loves the writing in the game [source]
Nick loves its narrative [source]
Ali said that this game is going to take you into a world that will blow your minds [source]
On Manfred: Nick was asked what it was like having another character to bounce off of. He said "Oh man! I mean, that is such a hard question, because Matt and I have never met, and we worked completely separately, and, I, I mean I know that the rapport is really great, but it's in the ether, I mean it is just, the magic that these guys create, telling us how to respond, how to do that, but it's, I can't wait to meet Matt" [source]
BW still said that the game's release window is Fall 2024 [source]. Nothing more specific was given [source]
There are also more snippets here in this Tumblr post, go check it out!
[source, two]
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izurou · 2 years
“say ‘i’m the man!’”
eren’s voice carries down the hall, boisterous and loud as it easily reaches every corner of your small one bedroom apartment.
you furrow your brows and glance in the general direction of the sound, but decide to ignore it and continue on with breakfast—gathering a dollop of strawberry jam on your knife before spreading it onto a piece of toast.
you’d rather not know what the two of them are up to, eren and your two year old son that is. he’s supposed to be getting the kid ready for the day, but whether or not that’s actually happening is a different story.
“i’m da man!” his little voice repeats the sentence—not quite as powerful as his dad, but still loud enough to find your ears.
“louder!” eren shouts, and you immediately drop what you’re doing to head towards them.
your slippers scuff against the floor as you shuffle down the hall, following the source of sound until it leads you just outside the bathroom door. you nudge it with your foot, causing it to creep open and reveal the duo—your son, who’s standing on the counter, and eren, who—at the very least, is holding onto him.
“hi,” eren grins, prompting his mini me to do the same. you note the atrocious man bun, well, little man bun your son is sporting—hair haphazardly pulled together at the back of his head.
eren gestures to him, pride flooding his features as he mumbles, “he’s the man.”
“oh yeah?” a smile tugs at your own lips—every ounce of authority you waltzed over here with threatening to vanish into thin air as you look at your little family. nevertheless, someone has to enforce the rules around here. “well, tell the man that if he doesn’t keep it down, he’s not getting any chocolate milk with his breakfast.”
the two of them exchange a glance, an identical look of concern—real and genuine from your son, dramatic and over the top from your fiancé.
“should we go eat?” eren whispers to him, naively expecting him to follow in his footsteps again.
“yeah!” your son yells, excitement filling his eyes at the mention of his all time favourite beverage. he sets a new record every time he chugs a glass, and always gets a kick out of the little moustache he gets afterwards—loving that he looks like dad.
“buddy,” eren laughs as he lightly cups a hand over the toddler’s mouth. “shhh, quiet okay? you heard the boss, no chocolate milk if you yell.”
your son puts his hand over his own mouth and nods his head, prompting eren to lift him onto the floor and send him scurrying off into the kitchen—little feet padding against the hardwood.
“what the hell?” you say, keeping your voice low to ensure your baby doesn’t hear. “it’s 8 o’clock in the morning, why are you shouting?��
“hey, i’m instilling confidence in him,” he pouts, having heard you mention something along those lines once or twice—about how important it is for him to be proud of who he is.
“eren,” you sigh, because you know he means well—he wants nothing but the absolute best for your son too, which is why he more or less lets him do as he pleases.
he encourages him to jump around and dance to his favourite songs, and doesn’t care that he gets marker all over his face when he colours. he’ll give him bear paws before dinner, and hold his hand as the two of them run and giggle down the halls of your apartment building, because they’re just so happy to come home and see you after a trip to the grocery store.
eren lets your kid be a kid, and while that might put a scowl on the face of those around you, all that matters is that your son is always smiling.
“i know, just,” you pause, searching for the right words—the ones that won’t paint you as the bad cop you feel you’re being. though, you look into eren’s eyes, and see nothing but the purest love and adoration overflowing from his pupils, and you know—he thinks you’re doing perfect. “just, wait until after ten at least, okay? that old couple next door already has us on their shit list.”
“course, ‘m sorry baby,” he hums—cupping your cheek with a grin that’s a little too smug and out of place to be there right now. “but you know, you got us on that list, not him.”
“me?” you tilt your head, racking your brain for a time in which you might’ve pissed them off. did you forget to hold the door open? shit.
“mhmm,” he hums, moving his hand to the back of your head to hold you flush against him, and you look adorable—in the reflection of the mirror, with your little thinking face on and your cheek squished against him. he almost feels guilty.
“what did i—”
“nghhh eren, that feels soooo good,” he moans, quiet and sultry—changing the pitch of his voice slightly in an attempt to mimic your own.
“eren!” you gasp, planting your palms flat on his chest to push him away. “shut up, you’re the only reason i sound like that.”
“damn right,” he grins, pulling you right back in for a messy kiss—hands sneaking underneath your shirt and travelling up your—
“oh no,” you mumble, peeling yourself away from him once more. your son—who’s been alone and suspiciously quiet for the last five minutes, is now doing god knows what in the kitchen. “go check on your satan spawn, would you?”
“hey,” he frowns, swiftly backing out of the room and towards the noise, but not without putting on a quick smile to clarify, “our satan spawn.”
you roll your eyes, but still feel the corners of your lips tug upwards. eren is far from perfect, but he’s pretty good at keeping a smile on your face too.
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splatashahowlett · 2 months
missing piece
logan (james) howlett x reader
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the record player was playing One piece at a time, your favorite song, occasionally letting out a soft sound of scratching against the vinyl. the bar was crowded and everybody seemed to have a good time. the 70's may become your favorite decade. you've been alive for over a hundred years now but you liked everything about this era; the music, the clothes and the recklessness of it.
you were currently seated at the bar, drinking whatever the bartender had offered you. the guy had been hitting on you all evening, and you figured that free drinks couldn't hurt since your healing factor would keep you from getting drugged. you liked the attention anyway, your ex lover had disappeared on a random tuesday and never came back home. it had been four years since you had last seen him, you weren't mad at him anymore, but more at yourself for thinking a man could keep his promises. so some compliments were always welcomed.
you were watching people dance, the festive atmoshpere filling a void in your chest. whenever you felt alone you would go to a bar, or a pub just to feel something. in those places, time seemed to stop, you could be invisible. nobody cared about you or asked anything from you. sometimes you would dance with a random girl or guy and end up in their motel room just to sneak out the second they fell alseep. you were conscious that this lifestyle wasn't for everybody. in fact, you didn't enjoy it in the slightest. but you didn't have a choice. you didn't have any family anymore, and the only person that counted took off 4 years ago. you didn't work and your only hobby was drinking. you weren't living, but barely surviving. but with time you get used to it, right?
right as when you were about to get up to dance, someone sat next to you. too close for your liking. you turned your head and were met with a drunk looking guy, staring at you like you were some piece of meat. you gave him a look that meant "get the fuck out of here and leave me alone" but he didn't seem to want to comply.
"hello pretty girl, need some company?" he said, or at least that's what you understood. his breath hit your nose and you almost threw up; your heightened senses could really be a pain in the ass sometimes.
"go fuck yourself" you said, walking toward the back door. the guy following you.
"I think I'll need some help with that, my girl" he said, trying to catch up with you. you ignored him, or at least he thought so, and went through the back door, making sure he was still behind you. once you found yourself in a small alley, you grabbed him by the collar and pushed him brutally against the wall.
"I am not your girl" you threatened. the dickhead tried to answer but with your hands on his throat the task seemed more difficult than usual. you hated this petname, it reminded you of things you wanted to forget. you let go of him, letting him fall to the ground and kicked him in the stomach. that wasn't necessary but he deserved it.
you went back inside, planning on gathering your things and then finding a place to sleep. you folded your jacket on your arm and put your pack of cigarettes in your pocket. but as you turned toward the door, your heart stopped. a familiar face looking at you from the crowd. at first you thought you were hallucinating, the fucker was dead. you hoped he would be. it would hurt less. but when he started coming closer you scoffed.
you couldn't do it without a drink, so you sat back and asked for straight tequila. you missed this vanishing feeling the night procured you.
logan sat next to you and asked for a drink. you refused to look at him. you wanted to punch him in the face, alright maybe you were still a little mad at him. seeing him here, and so close to you made you mad. you wanted to kill and kiss him.
"I missed you" he said, looking afar. out of all the things he could have said you weren't expecting this. you scoffed and tightened your grip on your drink.
"shut your damn mouth" you gritted through your teeth, still holding onto your drink for dear life. you had imagined what it would be like to see him again and promised to yourself that you would tell him you moved on and leave him speechless. you never thought you still loved him so deeply. you hated how he made you feel, you hated feeling weak. but you loved everything else about him, and if feeling vulnerable was the price to pay to be with him then you wouldn't think twice about it.
"I didn't have a choice" he added, this made your blood boil. you knew he was telling the truth and you had already forgave him, you just needed to hear him say it. you didn't say anything, didn't ask about the reason of his departure. you kept your mouth shut, hoping he would take the hint and leave. no you didn't want him to leave, you wanted him to think that you wanted him to leave.
"I’m sorry” he muttered. this was your last straw, your glass broke between you fingers, shards of glass flying all over the counter and cutting into your hand. you jumped, startled at your own doing. logan reached for your hand immediately but you moved it away before he could even brush it.
"fuck you" was the last thing you said before running to the bathroom. your healing factor was already pushing the glass out of your flesh but it still hurt as hell.
“let me help you” you hadn’t even hear him coming in. you smiled, amused at the situation. you terribly wanted to give him your hand but your pride told you otherwise.
“why are you here?” you whispered, almost scared that if you spoke louder he would disappear.
“I told you, I miss you”.
“of course you do, that's why you came back so quickly” you said, washing the blood off your hand. “I just know you were bored to death without me" you joked, trying to ease the tension.
logan approached and slowly put his hands on your waist, your back facing him. he then delicately planted his chin on your shoulder. “I know you won’t believe me when I tell you I did this to protect you and that’s fair but I need you by my side, I need my girl” you swore you heard a sob in his voice. you looked up, staring at your reflection in the mirror, you could see logan’s head next to yours he was looking at you. this was the first time you’ve look into his eyes since he left. and they felt like home.
you turned around slowly, facing him. you hands claimed back their place on either side of his face. wiping his tears. seeing logan cry was rare, extremely rare. you felt your heart broke at the sight. he put his hands on yours and closed his eyes, enjoying how your touch felt like after so many years. nothing changed, not his love for you nor what he felt around you.
“let me take you home” he begged
“doesn’t matter, home is whenever I’m with you”
you knew that your james was telling the truth, and you knew that you still loved each other.
"I need time, james" you answered, even if your mind was already made you had some self respect. you were about to say something else but logan beat you to it:
“I love you” he breathed.
you kissed him passionately, making up for all the lost kisses.
"I love you most"
you were still upset about what he did, but at the end of the day, you knew he did it for a good reason and that it hurt him maybe even more than it did you, and you certainly couldn’t imagine life without him.
you both cried into the kiss, silently promising to always be on each other's side.
"come on, let's get out of here"
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greynatomy · 8 months
da da da n da da
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leah williamson x reader
what can she not do?
literally didn’t know what to title this
whenever i hear this song i think of the princess diaries
“Hey, babe!”
“Yeah?” You hear her call out.
“Can you come here for a bit?”
Leah comes into the room, sweat dripping down her face.
“Whats up?”
“I’ve got this song I just came across after how long and honestly I forgot about it.” You grab a guitar from the wall. “Would you like to hear it?”
The team was out and about the training center doing their own thing. Leah, not knowing what to do this on pastime, spotted Jen’s guitar at her cubbie. Carefully picking it up, she sits at a her spot, remembering what you taught her.
You and Leah were sat in your backyard seating, enjoying the fresh air.
“This one right here is a C chord.”
You each had a guitar, Leah asking you to teach her not long after you’d played the song for her for the first time.
“Like this?” She asks, eyes concentrated on her fingers.
“Move your middle finger down a string. There. Now strum one time for me.”
She strums, the sound was a bit choppy, but not bad for the first time.
“Hey! That’s wasn’t bad at all. You’ll be a two instrument playing girl in no time!”
A blush creeps up on her face, the compliment making her feel a bit giddy.
She starts strumming the guitar exactly like how you taught her, stumbling a couple of times.
Da da da n da da, Da da da n da da
Da da da n da da da
You were in your studio, finally recording the song that’s been in the archives for so long. Leah wanted to come along to see the process. Intrigued, Leah asked what it felt like to be in the booth.
“Why don’t you find out yourself?”
Leah comes into the booth with you, helping her put the headphones on and giving her forehead a kiss. Exiting the booth, you take a seat next to your producer.
“Try the intro for me, babe.” You press a button, talking to her through the headphones. Turning to your producer, you talk to him on mute to Leah. “Record this for me, yeah. Might come in handy.”
“Hey, what song is that?”
“Fuckin’ hell Jen! Scared the shit out of me.” Leah flinches, placing a hand on her chest.
“Sorry.” Jen winces. “But what song is that? Never heard of it before.”
“It’s just something the missus wrote.”
A few days later, the team was over at your’s and Leah’s house for a little listening party. You never liked to do the whole extravagant listening parties that most artists do and wanted to keep it intimate with your friends and family. Ever since you met Leah, the Arsenal team became your family too.
“Alright. So this song has been in the back burner for quite some time and recently rediscovered it. So without further ado.” You click play on your laptop.
You have your eyes on Leah the whole time. From the first note, there’s a recognition in her eyes, eyebrows furrowed trying to figure out what it is. She listens to the song intently, as do the others, mouthing the words.
As the song ends, everyone was saying their praises, cheering you on, but Leah, Leah had tears in her eyes.
“Was that- was that me? Did you put me in it?” She stutters, using the sleeve of her jumper to wipe her tears.
“Well, yeah. You’re my muse so why not add my muse to the song.” You shrug, heat creeping up your face.
She gets up from where she sat, grabbing your face to bring you into a kiss.
“Awww- Ow.”
“Kyra don’t ruin the moment.”
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maya1525 · 11 months
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Drunk Sex
18+ MDNI
Pairing✩࿐Fem!Reader X Yuji Itadori / Ryomen Sukuna & Totality
WARNINGS✩࿐Fem!Reader Receiving and giving oral, cream pie, blood, biting, monster/curse sex, alcohol use, drunk sex, rough sex, knotting. Fem!Reader gets fucked by a Shikigami if you’re not into monster stuff don’t read. I made an alternative part 3, without monster stuff if you’d rather read that one!
Word count✩࿐6.9K
BONUS✩࿐Sex in front of a mirror and some aftercare.
Summary✩࿐This is part 3 to my jjk series. Reading part 1 and part 2, isn’t necessary, but it is appreciate. Fem!Reader is at Yuji’s house party and Itadori can’t keep his feelings toward the reader bottled up any longer. Sukuna ends up taking over Yuji’s body part way through the ordeal and things get a little interesting; especially when Megumi’s Shikigami shows an interest towards the reader too.
A/N✩࿐Sorry for the long wait, I’ve been going through some pretty lame family problems. When Sukuna is speaking in Yuji’s head I highlighted his words in red and Yuji’s responses in pink. I hope you enjoy this fic. <3
Your head felt like it was spinning as you tried to focus your vision on the pong table right in front of you. You’ve lost count of how many drinks you’ve had and you’re certainly too gone to ask for another. The cups on the other side of the table looked as if they were shifting. You knew it was the liquor in your system that was responsible for your impaired vision. You tossed the small ping pong ball towards the end of the table and made the shot by sheer luck.
“Woah, nice job!” Yuji smiled up at you in a drunk haze. The both of you decided to go one on one in pong, while everyone else was preoccupied. It was still early in the night since Yuji’s house party started around six. Megumi was in a heated discussion with Kamo while Yuuta ended up passing out on the couch. Your poor sweet Yuuta was the biggest lightweight at the party. Toge sat next to his sleeping friend while Todo was showing off his taste in music on the TV. Maki and Nobara sat on the bar stools next to the island, gossiping heavily. You could sense their slightly envious stares occasionally. Whenever you found the courage to talk to them, they sounded condescending towards you. So you decided early on to straight up ignore them and just focus on having a good time.
“Ok just watch this awesome trick shot I can do!” Yuji said excitedly as he tossed the ball upward and then punched it toward the cups. You could sense cursed energy coming from his fist as he pummeled the ball. The white plastic ball rocketed toward the red solo cups at record speed, knocking two of them over in the process. Water sprayed all over the table and onto your cute outfit. Thankfully the loud music in the room didn’t alert anyone of what just happened. No one except Yuji noticed. “Oh shit! I’m so sorry Y/n!” He ran over and helped you pick the cups off the floor.
Your wet clothes didn’t bother you, it shocked you at first but because of our drunk stupor, you got used to it right away. “It’s ok, it’s just water.” You smiled up at him, but his concern was still prominent.
“Here, come with me. I’ll help you dry off.” He took your hand and guided you up the carpeted stairs. No one saw the both of you depart; the pong table sat in the corner of the living room at the base of the stairs. Upstairs were the guys' bedrooms, while downstairs they had a shared living room and kitchen. You had a similar setup for your apartment. Except your bedroom was the only one downstairs next to the kitchen.
You felt grateful that the girls didn’t notice your soaked outfit, that would’ve been tremendously embarrassing. The both of you clung to each other as you climbed the strenuous stairs. Yuji led you to his bedroom and then to his bathroom. The both of you hung onto each other’s hands tightly as you stumbled into his pitch-black bedroom. He flickered on his bathroom's light. “Here, use my towel. I’ll get you a dry change of clothes.” He handed you his dark blue towel and quickly turned the corner back to his room. He ran into the door frame in the process. “Shit, there’s a wall there.” He laughed, making you giggle.
You eyed yourself in his mirror, your cheeks were a little flushed from being drunk, but other than that you looked hot! Despite being wet with water. You struggled to pull your shirt over your head because (you were heavily intoxicated) and your shirt was a tight-fitting black crop top. You stumbled backward and bumped into the wall behind you, a struggling whimper escaped from your lips. You managed to get the fabric over your head but your left arm was a little stuck. You panicked and tried to pull your arm out roughly, but you heard your fabric make a few threatening sounds tearing so you paused, not wanting to rip your cute shirt.
When Itadori entered the bathroom he was greeted by the sight of your plump breasts wiggling around as you struggled to get your shirt off. Your face was covered so you didn’t know he stopped and stared briefly. “Here, let me help you.”
You heard Yuji from somewhere nearby, “Oh, thank you.” You muffled out, as you felt his hot hands on your back. Goosebumps immediately ran all over your body, from being cold and wet. He gingerly removed the article of stubborn clothing, tossing it to the floor. He was so close to you, he gulped nervously. You looked into his sweet brown eyes with a kind smile on your pretty face, “Thanks for that, I was s-struggling.” You slurred and shivered at the same time.
Yuji’s mind was racing. When he was sober, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. It drove him up a wall what a freak you secretly were. He couldn’t stop thinking about seeing your petite body getting railed by his friends on their couch. He felt so envious of his friends and Gojo; being fortunate enough to enjoy you inside and out. It wasn’t just your physical appearance that allured him, but your adorable and kind personality too. You acted like your sweet and innocent self whenever you were near him.
Itadori could tell how easy it was for his friends to fall for you and he too was slipping down that slope. It was difficult to ignore those feelings he had for you, especially when Sukuna craved you just as badly. Whenever you were near him, he’d hear Ryomen’s dark voice ring out in his head for Yuji to make a move or let him take over. Even during this moment, Yuji heard Sukuna pestering him.
Let me out! Are you going to make a move or what? Sukuna spat irritably. You’re such a coward.
Your jaw quivered from the cold, but because you weren’t sober you didn’t feel cold at all. It’s as if the outside of your body is on autopilot. You could sense the heavy sexual tension coming from your friend. Even though you acted like everything was normal; when you two were together, you’d notice a longing in his eyes whenever he looked at you. Or how his friendly touches became more intimate without meaning to be. The way his sweet eyes were staring at you now, you could tell he was burning up.
Without intending it, Yuji had you cornered against the wall while he was a few inches away from your half-naked body. “Y/n...” He trailed off as the liquor got the best of him. He pulled you into his chest without thinking. A surprised squeak left your mouth at your friend's bold action. He lowered his face so it was closer to yours, “Can I kiss you?” He blushed, while the look in his eyes was so needy and desperate.
Without answering or thinking, you tentatively brought your smooth lips to his to share your first kiss with Itadori. His grip on you tightened, and his lips moved against yours eagerly. Your head was spinning, and you couldn’t believe that this was happening. Lost in passion you tangled your fingers in Yuji’s pink locks, tugging gently - causing a gasp of excitement to come from his lips and into your mouth. You felt arousal overcome you like a massive tsunami wave, you wanted to know what sex would feel like with your friend. Or so-called friend.
Itadori felt ecstatic, it was finally happening! He felt a little ashamed that this was happening while you both were heavily intoxicated; would you kiss him if he was sober? The way you pulled his hair and kissed him back hungrily gave him hope that you would want to.
He lowered his hot mouth to your overly sensitive neck, as he pressed you against the bathroom door now. Shutting it in the process. He lightly teased his tongue down your neck, making you whine, “Itdadori…” his hot tongue caused a wave of intense shivers to wake on your skin. Your needy core clenched with desire. All while Yuji gently licked and kissed the crook of your neck, Sukuna was driving him crazy.
Let me out! I want to fuck her now!
Shut up dammit. Let me enjoy this.
He ghosted his fingers up your torso and to your breasts, delicately rubbing them. Earning a small gasp to come from you. He then sneakily stuck his hands underneath your bra to tease your nipple. Something hot and wet enveloped your breast completely. It felt like a mouth! This sensation both shocked and turned you on at the same time, you instinctively arched your back in pleasure “Yuji!” You gasped as you felt the mouth on his hand suck your nipple roughly.
The mouth gave you a small bite, “no sweetheart, it’s Sukuna.” Said a dark voice from under your bra. Yuji pulled his hand out to look at it with frustration, and you saw a mouth had visibly formed on his palm. The teeth that Sukuna had were fang-like. “Sorry about him.” Yuji sighed in a defeated tone.
“It’s ok.” You blushed, “I don’t mind him at all.”
“You hear that! She wants me, just let me have here already-“ Yuji slapped his normal hand over his palm with a pink tint of embarrassment on his cheeks. You leaned forward with a reassuring smile and pulled Itadori in for a passionate kiss. He gladly accepted and he darted his tongue into your hot mouth to explore it. As the both of you frenched feverishly, you cautiously grabbed Yuji’s wrist and guided his hand to your soaked skinny jeans. “Touch me.” You whispered against his lips.
Itadori felt like his heart was beating a hundred miles per minute, he craved you so badly. He wanted you to scream his name and become a wet little slut just for him. He hastily undid your jeans and pulled them down your smooth legs. You struggled to step out of your pants, you giggled as you clung to Yuji’s broad shoulders for balance. He smiled at you playfully and bent down to his knees to help you out. He couldn’t help but stop and stare at your sexy black lace underwear. Without thinking he removed that skimpy piece of fabric. He wondered if his friends also helped remove these panties from you. He felt proud to be a part of the club. Your pussy looked so appetizing to Itadori, he enthusiastically flung your thigh over his muscular shoulder and shoved his face to your core. His slick tongue swiped over your folds teasingly. “Mmh.” You whined desperately, thrusting your hips closer to his eager mouth. He latched down on your clit and sucked your sensitive bundle of nerves. You felt him bring two fingers to your wet entrance and slowly insert them. They immediately came in contact with your G-spot, making you cry out pleasurably.
Suddenly Itadori’s fingers transformed into something larger and bulbous, he pulled his face away from your leaking cunt with confusion and slowly pulled out his fingers. Only to realize his two digits had turned into a huge meaty dick with tattoos on it. You were astonished at how his body was able to transform into other body parts. “Sukuna...” He hissed under his breath.
You suddenly felt empty and horny to be filled up again. “Stick it back in.” You whimpered, looking into Yuji’s chocolate-colored eyes pleadingly. He couldn’t say no to you and plunged his parasite's dick back into you. He could feel your walls clench his thick rod tightly. Strangely enough, Yuji found it pleasurable, and his dick in his pants began to rise with excitement. As he pumped the lengthy appendage in and out of you, he brought his lips back to your clit to give it some love.
The feeling of having a dick pumped in and out of you while Yuji sucked your clit sent you over the edge. He rapidly pounded his handy cock into you, making you spread your thighs out wider for him. Everything about this situation was desirable to you. You threw your head back to rest against the door and stared up at the moving ceiling. You were far from sober, but one thing was certain, you knew that you liked what Itadori was doing to you. Without being aware of what your body was doing, you found yourself desperately trying to bounce up and down onto Itadori’s hand. Your body craved more and Itadori planned on giving it all to you.
He pulled the dick out of your needy little cunt and you saw that it was coated in your glistening juices. Yuji gave your stimulated clit a kiss goodbye and stood up to eye you hungrily. He brought the dick attached to his hand to your lips and you obediently opened up for him. His massive rod entered your hot cavern slowly, giving you time to briefly welcome him into your mouth. You sucked the hot tip of his dick first, tasting your arousal on him. Your tongue fluttered the around the head and then to the underside of his cock, guiding him further into you. Itadori could hear Ryomen hiss with pleasure in the back of his mind.
Yuji was more than turned on as he watched you make love to Sukuna’s manifested penis. His pleasure was linked to Ryomen’s in the most intriguing way. He was able to feel all the dirty things your tongue did to him. Sukuna managed to open his second pair of eyes below Yuji’s and form a mouth on Yuji’s upper cheek. “Good little slut, now take me down your throat.” He growled. His deep and sexy voice made you tremble with a sudden urge to please him and obey his every word.
You sucked his dick down your throat as far as you could let it, your vision began to blur with tears as you gagged on his thick rod. Through your watery vision, you happened to make eye contact with Sukuna’s fiery red gaze. His eyes glowed sadistically, causing you to whimper on his dick. The vibrations of your throat caused both Yuji and Ryomen to groan slightly with delight.
Itadori then turned you around and bent you over the sink roughly, while he kept Sukuna’s cock lodged down your throat. In this position you managed to make eye contact with yourself in the mirror, you then focused your attention behind you. You saw that Itadori lifted his olive green t-shirt to expose his muscly abs. He placed the bottom hem of his shirt in his mouth to keep it up and out of the way. You heard Yuji undo his jeans and saw him spit on his dick to lubricate himself. He pumped himself a couple of times before placing the head of his cock to your slick entrance. You were more than ready for him. If Yuji was sober he would’ve teased you a bit more, but he couldn’t wait to take you. He was too excited and too drunk.
He roughly forced his toned hips against your bubbly ass cheeks. A loud groan of pleasure left his lips as he felt your hot warmth envelope him completely.
“Ohh, Yuji!” You moaned out, enjoying the delicious feeling of him filling you. Your walls clenched him greedily and he loved that, he could cum right here and now. But he wanted to make this moment last as long as possible. He brought his left hand up to your breast, and as soon as he did Sukuna’s mouth moved to his palm and sucked your tit viciously.
“Ahh!” You whimpered. Sukuna saw in the mirror how your pretty doe eyes welled up with pain and pleasure and that turned him on even more.
Yuji brought his attention to his dick pumping in and out of you slowly. He was taking his sweet time plunging into you, relishing how wet and ready you are - all because of him. He’d pull almost all the way out so the tip was barely in you. Causing you to shove yourself back towards him, wanting to feel him back inside of you. Then he’d stuff himself back in roughly, enjoying how your gooey walls welcomed him each time. Itadori then began to move into you at a steady and fast pace, he clenched his teeth on his shirt as he eyed your sexy body taking him. His stamina and tempo never faltered as he claimed your pussy. Each time he thrust into you, the dick you were sucking would jolt inside of your throat roughly. Which would cause you to weakly cough and choke on Sukuna occasionally.
Sukuna’s sharp teeth grazed over your soft breast and broke your skin. You were too focused on the way Yuji pounded deep inside of you, to realize that Sukuna was licking up the small droplets of blood from your breast. Itadori was able to taste the copper flavor of your blood on his tongue, he was confused and turned on at its taste.
You knew it should feel wrong to be intimate with someone who you thought was for a friend, but it didn’t. You knew that the both of you would probably have a discussion about this situation sober. But at this moment, your hazy mind chose desire over rationality. To put it simply, not a single thing felt wrong in you and Itadori’s dazed and horny minds. The way your saturated pussy squeezed Yuji’s dick comfortably as he thrust into you, made you feel like your body was made for his. Everything felt heavenly to the both of you; something this pleasant shouldn’t be inappropriate. The white-hot pleasure Yuji made you feel between your legs, threw your irrational thoughts out of the window. His long dick sliding in and out of you became a bit more wild and erratic, you could sense he was getting closer to his release.
You looked up in the mirror toward Yuji, his handsome face was slightly shiny from sweat. The way he bit down on his shirt feverishly looked so attractive. He then angled his hips up into you so he came in contact with your sweet spot, causing a gurgled moan to form around Sukuna’s cock lodged in your throat. His hips slapped against your ass rather loudly, as he dicked you down desperately.
Suddenly the mouth on your tit turned to a hand, and the dick in your mouth turned to fingers. Itadori’s cock inside of you felt as if it increased in girth and depth. Stretching you out in a painful and pleasurable way. The head of his dick rubbed against your cervix, causing a surprised whimper to escape from your lips. You looked at Itadori confusedly, only to see that the man staring you down in the mirror wasn’t Yuji; but Sukuna. The mood in the bathroom changed drastically into heavy cursed energy. The menacing man behind you shook you to your core. Goosebumps from utter fear rose all over your back. His red eyes glowed with intimidation mixed with arousal as he stared you down with a devilish smile.
“I didn’t want that punk to spoil the fun. Now it’s my turn.” He growled from behind you, ripping Yuji’s shirt off his muscular body. You noticed the elaborate tattoos covered Ryomen’s skin. Making him seem even more attractive and scary at the same time.
Sukuna then pulled his massive penis out of you, only for him to ram it back in with tremendous force. He shoved your entire body against the sink painfully. The hard marble edge of the counter dug into your hips as he folded you. You weakly tried to hold your body away from the sink with your hands, but Ryomen grabbed both of your petite wrists and firmly pressed them against your lower back. Helplessness washed over you as this curse pounded into your small body ruthlessly. Sukuna pulled his fingers from your drooling mouth and gripped your hair. He yanked your head back harshly so you could make eye contact with him through the mirror. Everything about this man was dominating, and that made you feel fear and arousal.
Once your body began to get used to his lengthy penis, getting fucked by him became more pleasurable. Sukuna watched as your pain-filled eyes switched to desire. “You like it rough, huh?” He murmured as you felt his iron grip on your wrists tighten.
Yuuta woke with a jolt, he could sense a tremendous amount of evil energy nearby. He stumbled off the couch, and could still feel his head spinning from the alcohol he drank a few hours earlier. Everything in the room seemed to be moving. Yuuta noticed that mostly everyone was gone, except Megumi and Toge who stood at the island in the kitchen.
“Do you guys feel the cursed energy?! Where is everyone?” He croaked, his voice a little groggy from his nap.
Fushiguro and Inumaki eyed him through their drunk stupor. “You wanna shot?” His dark-haired friend asked, he didn’t hear what Yuuta just said.
Yuuta shook his head ‘No’, “Where did everyone go? Where’s Y/n?” He said as he approached the counter.
Megumi finished pouring two small shot glasses with some harsh-smelling whisky, “They went to go get food.” He said as he passed one of the glasses to Toge. Both swigged the harsh liquid down in unison, and a scowl formed on Megumi’s face shortly after drinking it. While Toge drank the liquor with no reaction at all, probably because he’s used to drinking cough medicine all the time.
“Do you guys feel the cursed energy nearby?” Yuuta asked desperately.
“There’s no way a curse could’ve gotten in past the barrier.” Megumi slurred in an overly confident manner. “Tell ‘em Inumaki!”
Toge made an ‘X’ with his arms “Okaka.”
“But just to calm your delusions, here-“ Megumi brought his hands up in a shaky manner to manifest one of his Shikigami’s. “Demon Dog: Totality!” His massive Shikigami appeared in the kitchen next to his master, “Scout the apartment and make sure there isn’t danger.” He ordered the creature. “Feel better?” Megumi rolled his eyes towards the other dark-haired man. The beast then began to sniff around the kitchen and living room curiously.
Yuuta realized his friends were too far gone to sense the possible danger nearby, but having Totality out made him feel a bit at ease. Then the thought of Yuuta simply imagining that there was a curse close by crossed his mind. Maybe he’s drunk and his mind is playing tricks on him. Yuuta isn’t much of a drinker so it could be the alcohol in him that’s disorienting his perspective. He got a glass of water and sat back down on the couch for a brief moment to calm his mind.
Sukuna brought his fang-like mouth to the crook of your neck to bite and suck roughly, leaving painful red bites and hickeys on your sensitive skin. He removed his aggressive grip from your hair and brought his fingers down to your clit. His long fingers slid over your sensitive bud harshly, making your breath hitch with excitement. “Mmh!” You moaned in response.
Sukuna was focused on making you cum before he did, he planned on fucking you through multiple orgasms. He craved to make you his wet little slut. Suddenly the door tried opening but hit his thigh weakly. He picked up your small body and turned you to face the door. “Open it.” His deep voice ordered in your ear.
As he continued to ram into you wildly, you brought your hand up shakily to the doorknob. Opening it slowly to reveal Megumi’s black and white Shikigami. Totality’s face grew into a snarl as he locked eyes with Sukuna’s blood-red gaze. “That’s Fushiguro’s cursed technique isn’t it?” Ryomen hissed under his breath.
The beast brought his head up as if he was about to howl to alert his master, “It’s okay…” You cooed, as you brought a hand up to pet his fluffy head in a comforting manner. The beast’s ears flickered with appreciation as you stroked him kindly. “H-he’s not hurting me. It’s okay- there, good boy.” You gasped out as Sukuna fucked you harshly. You brought your fingers to the back of his ear to scratch him sweetly. The intimidating creator melted into your hands and now was as docile as ever.
Sukuna watched in astonishment as you managed to calm the curse without a fuss as he pumped his lengthy dick up into you. He brought his fingers back to your clit, which grabbed Totality’s attention. The beast watched curiously as his fingers slid over your needy folds quickly. Instinctively the creature brought his face close to your wet crotch to smell what was going on. “No…” You whined as you tried to shut your legs, weakly trying to prevent Megumi’s Shikigami from getting close to your private area. Sukuna watched you struggle with delight and forced your legs to stay open. “Come on, let’s see what’ll happen.” He growled in your ear, as he beckoned the fluffy creature with his slick fingers. Sukuna’s thrusts slowed down a bit as he let the Shikigami smell his fingers, the beast then licked his digits clean. As you watched the creature lick your juices off Sukuna’s fingers, you couldn’t help but feel slightly turned on at the sight before you. The beast licked his digits quickly as if it were a delectable treat.
The King of Curses patted your pussy to get the Shikigami’s attention to your folds, the beast lowered his mouth to your swollen clit and raked his long flexible tongue up it. “Ahh…” You whined as riveting pleasure washed over you, this was terribly inappropriate and you felt like you shouldn’t be enjoying it. How intoxicated you felt and the way the black and white monster flicked his fast tongue over your sensitive nub made you forget about what was right and wrong. Sukuna began to pound into you at a steady and persistent pace, a small hiss of pleasure left his lips as he felt Totality’s tongue lap over his saturated and heavy balls.
This entire situation felt forbidden, getting railed by the King of Curses while a Shikigami licked your clit, caused you to feel even more turned on. Sukuna’s cock stretched you out in the most delectable way, he slid in and out of you effortlessly. His tempo was rough and wild, he couldn’t help but admire the way your pussy squeezed him so tightly with each thrust. He took both of your hands and pulled them behind your back possessively, he held them firmly with his left hand. While his right hand pinched and pulled your nipples painfully. You were at his complete mercy, this man could do anything to you and there was nothing you could do or say to oppose him. Ryomen truly is the most powerful curse you’ve ever come across. Being so close and intimate with such a powerful being made you feel almost sinful… You’ve been trained to exercise curses, not get fucked by them.
“You’re a soaking mess Y/n… such a pretty little slut for me,” Sukuna growled from behind you, his dark voice caused shivers to run down your spine. His voice alone is terrifying, your instincts tell you to run away from him, but that would be impossible. You’ve never felt so slutty before, the fact that you’re letting the King of Curses fuck you has permanently tainted you. There’s no going back now. “Make me- ahh” You whimpered out in pain as you felt Sukuna bite down onto your shoulder. “Hmm?” He hummed with dark amusement, “What do you want me to do?”
The combination of Sukuna’s persistent rod plunging into you and Shikigami’s sloppy tongue on your horny privates sent you over the edge. “Make me yours, cum in me.” You moaned out in delicious pleasure as your walls clamped down on Ryomen’s dick, drenching him with your release. The way your needy cunt squeezed his cock so scrumptiously sent him into a thrusting frenzy, he fucked you through your orgasm as he chased his own. You felt him sink his teeth into your supple flesh, “Fuck, you will be mine.” Sukuna murmured as he slapped his muscly hips against your juicy ass. You suddenly felt him pulsate profusely as he released his massive load of seed deep inside of you. A guttural groan left his lips as he bit down onto your shoulder possessively, you could feel hot sticky blood drip down your cleavage as your shoulder stung with pain.
He popped his dick out of your pussy, his rod glistened with the mixture of both of your cum. The Shikigami immediately began to lick his cum coated cock clean as if it was a delicious frosting. Sukuna let out a hiss of pleasure as the beast's tongue continuously slid over his slick meaty dick. His cock pulsated with delight at the sensation. The black and white creature's tongue didn’t miss a single spot as he lapped his large tongue across Ryomen’s shaft, and then to his balls. He was still hard as ever and his release began to gush out of your wet cunt. The Shikigami directed his attention to your sloppy hole and started to lap up the white liquid abundantly leaking out of you like a fountain. A slutty whine left your lips as you felt the beast's warm tongue eat you out. “Ahh, good boy.” You whined out as his wet nose brushed against your clit making you enjoy the sensation even more. You were able to feel his long flexible tongue scoop into you at such depth, causing you to instinctively gyrate your pussy against the beast's eager mouth.
Sukuna was turned on at the sight before him; the lewd whimpers that escaped your lips along with the slushy sound of the Shikigami making a mess out of you, inspired him to go for round two. With his dick still slippery he placed his tip at your puckered hole. He greedily shoved his massive cock inside of you, causing you to moan out in discomfort. He stretched you out incredibly, you weren’t prepared for him which didn’t help much either. Before Sukuna could thrust into you ruthlessly, he was suddenly suppressed by Itadori.
As Itadori came to his senses he felt an incredibly snug squeeze around his throbbing cock. He realized that Sukuna had taken control without warning and he had his dick shoved up your ass. It took him all of his willpower to not plow into you, but by the way, your nails dug into Yuji’s thighs painfully, he knew his rod may be the cause of your pain.
“Ah-are you ok?” He choked out in pleasure as he gently began to nibble your earlobe.
You turned your head to the man behind you, his voice was soft and his red eyes went back to a warm brown, “Yuji?”
He nodded affirmatively with a small smile, his hands holding your waist carefully. “Should I take it out? If it’s hurting you?” He asked with lust-filled eyes, he clearly didn’t want to remove himself from your warm and tight hole.
The feeling of his twitching dick lodged up your ass while Megumi’s Shikigami tongue scooped the remaining cum out of you; causing your mind to buzz with pleasure. “It’s ok, but can we take this to the bedroom? I’m tired of standing.”
Without another second delayed, Itadori gingerly removed his raging dick out of you and whisked you up into his arms. Totality’s sloppy hot tongue flicked over your clit one last and licked his tongue over his muzzle to get your remaining juice off his wet face. Yuji hoisted you away and carried you into his dark bedroom carefully. He set you down on the bed. You heard the black and white beast fallow behind you two anxiously. A small whine left the creature’s mouth protesting against Yuji’s actions as if he wanted to eat you some more. Itadori’s lips crashed onto yours in a needy manner, as he half laid on top of you. The bathroom light illuminated his handsome features perfectly, especially the charming smile he’d make when he’d pull away from his needy kisses to just stare and admire you. Yuji didn’t want to admit it while he was drunk but he always thought you were the most beautiful woman you’ve ever met.
As you looked up at Itadori you could still feel your head spinning from the alcohol. His hands slid all over your body, causing goosebumps to rise and making your nipples pebble. He suddenly flipped you over with such ease a surprised gasp escaped your lips. He had you on top of him while he was lying down. With barely any effort he hoisted you up his torso so your glistening cunt was now hovering over his face. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he eyed your pretty lips, his mouth watered instantly and forced your thighs down so you sat on his hot mouth. His tongue teased your clit as he slid it feverishly across your sensitive nub. “Oh-Itadori…” you moaned as pleasure raked up your spine. He popped his tongue inside of your wet cavern and swirled it around deep inside of you. Just then you felt the weight on the bed shift and a second larger and sloppier tongue licked over your tight asshole. You looked back to see that Megumi’s Shikigami was on the bed, partially standing over Yuji’s body. The black and white creature continuously licked your puckered hole, causing an interesting wave of pleasure to wash over you. He slid his long flexible tongue inside of your hot and tight hole making you whimper out deliciously. Itadori enjoyed your cute little moans and gasps of pleasure while he and Totality ate you. You tasted heavenly to him, he couldn’t think of anything better than having you on his face.
With the combination of both their wet wiggling tongues inside of your privates, you couldn’t stand it anymore and drenched Yuji’s face in your release. He eagerly drank your juices, while Totality burrowed his head underneath you to get a taste of your cum on Itadori’s chin.
As you came down from your orgasm, you decided to return the favor to Yuji. You kissed a trail of hickeys down his muscular torso, and soon you were greeted with the sight of his raging rod. Itadori’s lust-filled eyes raked over you as his breath began to pick up with excitement. You sweetly enveloped his sensitive tip with your hot pouty lips. His velvety skin felt so soft and smooth under your greedy tongue. You coaxed him further down your throat quickly, so his entire length was lodged down your throat. “Mmm... Y/n.” He hissed out with delight as he threw his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying every second of your sinful mouth working on him.
While you were preoccupied with Itadori’s large cock in your mouth, you didn’t realize how the Shikigami positioned himself behind you. The beast smelt your privates curiously, you felt his hot breath waft over your slippery cunt. The creature gave you few a brief licks and pulled away, beginning to pant rather quickly. You focused your attention on Itadori’s delicious dick in your mouth, enjoying it when he’d tug your hair gently. You eyed the pink-haired man as he looked down at you with a look of pure bliss on his handsome face. You knew for a fact that things would never be the same between you, and you felt excited about this new relationship.
Suddenly you felt soft fur tickle your back as the heavy weight of the Shikigami mounted you. You felt his large claws wrap around your slim waist. He humped his large hot dick up against your ass. The creature was much larger than you and the thought of his huge monstrous dick inside of you made you nervous. Yuji couldn’t help but watch curiously as Megumi’s monster was clearly trying to fuck you. You tried to get up and push the creature off of you but you were much too weak. Plus with how intoxicated you were, you were in no condition to fight. “Y-Yuji, get him off of me, I don’t want him to-ahh!” The beast's massive rod was now lodged up your pussy in the most pleasurable way. He was too big for you, his size reminded you of Gojo’s. Except the Shikigami’s dick had an interesting curve to it.
Itadori couldn’t help but get turned on at the sight in front of him. Even Megumi’s beast wanted to have a go at you. The creature pounded into you ruthlessly, his speed was too fast for you to comprehend. This was the fastest you’ve ever been fucked before. He rammed into you like an animal. You could feel Totality’s hot breath pant over you as he fucked your tight pussy. If someone were to walk in right now they would barely be able to see you, your petite body was lost underneath the massive creatures and fluffy fur. Yuji’s bed creaked loudly, as your moans and cries of pleasure increased. Itadori got up to his knees and shoved his dick in your whimpering mouth. You needily sucked him as your entire body jolted by the Shikigami’s rough fucking. Your mind felt as if it were going a million miles per minute, you felt Itadori’s hands grip your bobbing head firmly. Which turned you on even more, having his dick down your throat gave you something to focus on. Your hot slippery mouth felt heavenly to Yuji, along with your muted moans which caused sweet vibrations all over his shaft. You loved the small groans that escaped his lips as you made love to his dick.
The Shikigami’s monstrous cock filled you up in the most inappropriate way; the way his slick penis greedily penetrated you at such speed made your voice get stuck in your throat. You felt your cunt squeeze the creature's dick deliciously as you felt your release begin to build up. The room was filled with the sound of your lewd muffled moans as you gurgled on Itadori’s dick.
Yuji’s warm brown eyes looked down at you with approval as you deep-throated him. He loved the way your pretty orbs welled up with tears as he fucked your mouth relentlessly. He emptied his load of seed deep down your throat aggressively, his hands still tangled in your hair. You drank him up enthusiastically as you couldn’t hold back your orgasm any longer. Ecstasy washed over you as you creamed all of the beast's bright red rod. You felt your pussy clench his large pounding dick deep inside of you. Suddenly you felt a massive amount cum shoot up inside of you as you felt a painful stretch in your wet hole. Totality managed to knot up inside of you. His large dick formed a pulsating bulb that made it impossible for you to pull out. You looked down at your lower stomach with panic to see a noticeable bulge inside of you. Totality’s mountainous cock caused an agonizing discomfort to your vaginal canal. You couldn’t hold back a pitiful wail, “Yuji!” You gurgled out desperately as you pulled your face away from his twitching dick, his cum dripping down your chin. “Get him out! It hurts!”
Yuji’s lust-filled eyes switched into concern as he came down from his pleasure-filled high, “Shit, it’s ok! I’ll ask Megumi to release his technique, okay?” He slurred as he hopped off the bed, scrambling to the bathroom to find his pants.
“There’s no need.” Said an all too familiar voice in Itadori’s doorway, Megumi walked in from the dark with a hungry look in his eyes. He reached out and patted his Shikigami’s fluffy head with approval, “Good job Totality.” He praised with a smug look, “release.” And like smoke the beast that was on top of you disappeared instantly. The excruciating feeling of the monster's bulbous knot inside of you had vanished, causing a sigh of relief to escape from you.
“How long were you standing there?” Asked Yuji breathlessly as he pulled up his boxers while entering the bedroom, practically glowing with pride. Oh how the tables have turned, Sukuna thought humorously.
“Long enough to know that I’d want to fuck her with you sometime.” Fushiguro held his gaze on your naked and used body; noticing the bloody bite marks on your shoulder. Then he directed his attention to his friend. Yuji came up to you with a towel and helped clean the cum, sweat, and blood off you. He was extremely gentle and cautious when he handled you. Making Megumi approve of his friend's treatment of you even more. If Itadori wanted to be one of your boyfriends, Fushiguro would have his vote.
“She seems like a good bit of fun.” Said another voice emerging from the inky black hallway. Causing Fushiguro and Itadori’s attention to shift toward the doorway. There stood Kamo Noritoshi, as he eyed you suggestively. Kamo approached you with such dominance, he reminded you of a more intense version of Megumi. He brought his hand up to your chin so you were now looking up at him. He noted how fucked out you were, along with the hazy look in your sultry eyes. “Damn she’s a little vixen” Noritoshi sighed, pulling away. He smirked down at you, his dark eyes gleaming with excitement, “With your permission, Fushiguro I’d like to join you and Itadori.”
“And don’t forget about me.” Snarled Sukuna.
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girlleon · 3 months
leon kennedy x fem attorney reader
warnings: unwanted advances, car crash, ummm he breaks into your house… slight misogyny in his internal monologue? ooc leon too. Obsessive behavior if you squint. copious amounts of pet names because he’s on some shit. more unreliable narration. title taken from kill v maim by grimes
an: this was inspired by the courtroom scene in the dark knight sorry hope you enjoy :)
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Leon Kennedy looked like he was having the time of his life as he was yanked out of the prison’s bus, smiling smugly as he was led along to the courthouse. Some cops had to push the press out of the way as they tried to shout questions at him, shouting at the press to get back and clear the way. You wouldn’t think a criminal trial would get such a big production, and yet. The head of the Salazar crime family gets caught on RICO charges and the press goes insane.
He doesn’t get a glance at you as he’s ushered in for the first day of cross-examinations, chains around his wrists and ankles jangling.
The presiding judge arrives and all stand before sitting. The charges are read—hundreds of counts of extortion, racketeering, witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, et cetera. Then, he’s brought up to the witness stand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God, yadda, yadda. “I do.” He wears that smug smile like the Armani suit he chose today, sitting with a bang of the gavel.
And aren’t you just so cute, in your little skirt suit and button-up shirt. A cutie like you shouldn’t be in a courtroom, you should be in his bed. What a cute little Assistant District Attorney, he should’ve looked you up when he had the time, he didn’t know the DA’s office hired such adorable looking little things.
You look visibly uncertain when you catch him eyeing you up and down, looking back at the big bad DA—Redfield or something—who sits at the table looking extremely unamused. “Please state your full name for the record.” You tell him, thumbing through the little manila folder you’ve got in your hands, heels clicking on the floor.
He leans forward into the microphone with a small smirk. “Leon Scott Kennedy.” He’s not listening to a word you’re saying as you pace in front of him, only clueing in when you look at him expectantly, eyes bright behind your glasses. “Can you repeat the question?”
You look so cute when you frown in irritation, he might just eat you up. “I asked if you can explain the thousand percent exponential increase in your earnings in just one month.” You fiddle with the papers, eyes flicking off to the side. “Exhibit ‘C’ in front of you.”
“Ah.” He looks down and spots the cute little graph, wondering if you made it. “My investments turned out swimmingly.”
“Your investments.” You repeat flatly. Cute little habit you have of parroting him. “Who did you invest with?”
“Oh,” He waves a hand blithely, “a new company, you wouldn’t know them and don’t need to worry your pretty head about it.”
You freeze, not sure what to do as he flirts with you so openly.
The judge gives him an irritated look and says, “I’ll remind the defendant to remain civil.”
Leon shrugs it off, he’s made of iron, he can handle this little bit of pressure, it’s good for him anyway. And he loves a challenge.
You clear your throat a little nervously, leafing through the notes you have. Aw, your little hands are shaking minutely, he bets if he held them, they’d shake more. “This company has no record of existing before those investments.”
Leon blinks. See? The pressure’s good for him. He gives you a slight smile as he recalibrates, linking his hands together in his lap. “Is that so? Then where would it come from?”
“Why don’t you tell the court?” Comes out a little short and his lawyers object on the grounds of it being combative. He watches you count to ten before you calm down enough to nod to the judge when he tells you to tread carefully. “I’ll rephrase: I’m hoping you can tell us.”
Leon leans so close to the microphone that his lips nearly touch it. “I think you mean, you’re hoping I can tell you.”
Your jaw tenses, and that can’t be good for your teeth, a pretty thing like you shouldn’t be so stressed. Unexpectedly, you go with it, shrugging blithely before you say, “Sure.” Your move, is what you really mean.
He grins widely, amused and delighted all at once. “I had my friends do a little digging for me to find a suitable investor for our… money.”
“Uh-huh.” You shift a little, your confidence coming back. “What made you trust this investor?”
He comes to a pause—he hadn’t been expecting that. “What do you mean, counselor?”
You grin just this side of smugly at getting him slightly off kilter. “This investor has no prior portfolio of successes or failures. How could you trust them if you have no background?”
Leon’s chains jingle as he spreads his palms with a shrug. “Investing is risky. And everyone has to start from somewhere, Tesla wasn’t built in a day.”
The jury and gallery murmur before the judge bangs his gavel for silence.
He watches your face harden in annoyance. “A bit of an unnecessary risk, no?”
“Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” He throws out to see you confused, your head cocking at him as your brows furrow. You stare at him for a good few minutes and he can’t resist leaning in with a slight smirk and asking, “Cat got your tongue?”
The judge reminds him again to behave, if he does that again, he’ll be taken to jail in contempt of court. Oh, but that would be fun, wouldn’t it? It’d be an inconvenience for him, but to see the little look on your face as he’s walked away… he’ll keep that in mind.
You clear your throat and he watches you swallow, throat bobbing. “What made you choose to throw your lot in with a company that didn’t exist before the very month before your earnings increased?” He can practically see you telling him to dig a hole, any hole.
Leon shrugs. “Gut feeling. And my friends had given me good things from them.”
“How come their investments never showed up in their portfolio?” He watches you try to contain your glee. You’re too cute when you’re trying not to look too happy and remain professional, he bets if you won—which you won’t, he’s made sure of that—you’d be skipping down the courthouse steps.
Leon pauses for a long while, eyeing you as he considers all the possible answers—I never asked, why don’t you ask them, it was under the table—before he settles on, “My mistake, counselor, I’ll clarify: I’d meant that my friends had heard good things about them through the grapevine.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” You say, eyes narrowing slightly. “I’ll repeat myself: that company—CAPCOM Industries—doesn’t have a prior portfolio of investments, good or bad. How could they have heard good things if there’s no previous work, if they don’t even exist before the month when your earnings went up?”
The defense objects on the basis of badgering, which the judge overrules.
Damn, you’re good, and foxy in all the ways that can be meant. Which leaves him with one option. He smirks and leans into the microphone, maintaining eye contact for a stilted amount of time. Eventually, he says, “I plead the fifth.”
Oh, beautiful. You couldn’t have given him a better reaction. Your jaw drops open and you stare at him for a long while as he sits back against the witness chair.
He’s cross-examined for a few hours before you’re all adjourned for a two hour long recess.
Cross examinations go on for five more days before closing statements come, this trial having gone on for a month at this time.
Defense goes first, blathering mindlessly about how Leon has a right to spend and earn his money how he chooses, on and on. He tunes it out, more interested in watching you pull your silly looking peacoat off and hang it over the back of the chair, dressed in a cute little button up and slacks set, your hair gathered at the back of your head. How cute, he bets they’d look cuter on his floor. Corny, but he had to use it.
Oh, the DA’s making you give the closing statement. That’s just cruel, you’re just a little creature and should be protected. To him, it just looks like a little girl trying to walk in daddy’s shoes.
You get up and shift around the edge of the prosecution’s table, your notes in hand. Wow, you really fill out those black slacks so well, he’ll have to thank whatever God is out there for building you like that.
He tunes in when you say: “You all have had the chance to hear many things over these past few weeks.” Your hands shake slightly, cue cards creasing at the corners. “That Leon Kennedy is being wrongfully prosecuted, that we have no right to poke into a man’s business and how he makes his money.”
He watches you pace in front of the jury, loafers whispering on the floor. That’s a shame, he likes you in heels, really makes your legs look long.
“You also have heard testimonies about how police have been hindered from doing their very jobs for fear of one bogeyman. You’ve heard testimonies of people he’s sold drugs to in front of NA meetings. On and on.” He watches you turn around and meet his eyes, tongue darting over your lower lip. He swallows when he sees that, stomach flipping. That’s embarrassing, he’s a grown man, he doesn’t get butterflies.
“When you take all that away though, all that remains is one man, this man.” You turn back around and point at him behind you. “No man is above the law, especially not one who terrorizes our city. We must take it back from him. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, for your time.”
The judge waves a hand and the bailiff takes Leon out of the courtroom to wait out the verdict in his jail cell. He maintains eye contact with you the entire time he’s dragged out of the courtroom, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.
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The next day, all parties are brought to court to hear that the jury is deliberating. The next day, the same. The day after that and the day after that are the same. The entire next week, the jury is still sequestered and deliberating.
Until you wake up one day, a pit in your stomach as you dress for court and wade through the paparazzi and news outlets on your way into the courthouse.
All rise as the judge presiding enters, all remaining standing when the jury spokesperson finally answers the judge. “We’re deadlocked, your honor.” She says solemnly, “We’ve been deadlocked for weeks, nobody will budge.”
Your stomach drops all the way down to mingle with your intestines, your knuckles blanching at your side.
The judge sighs and looks down. “Then I’ve no choice but to declare the state of New York versus Leon S. Kennedy a mistrial. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, for your time. Case dismissed.” He bangs the gavel with a sense of finality.
Poor baby, you look a little like you have to sit down when you hear that. Leon shakes the hands of his lawyers, smiling like the cat that got the canary before he looks over at you.
Even worse, you can’t retry him with these charges because it’d qualify as double jeopardy. The bailiff contemptuously uncuffs him and he rubs his wrists, watching you stand there with your mouth agape, looking positively destroyed at not being able to put him behind bars. He bets you look just a little like that after being fucked silly.
Jeez, little thing, you don’t need to look so damn sad about it, he’s sure he’ll slip up at some point and you can have your fun with trying to prosecute him and igniting your little cat-and-mouse-game.
He makes a point of waggling his fingers at you as he walks by. “Don’t be so sad, cupcake.” Leon says blithely, sauntering out of the courtroom like he owns the damn place. “Better luck next time.” He calls out, a smug laugh echoing off the marble as he walks away, the doors shutting behind him firmly.
You’re at the DA’s office for the rest of the day, trying to get the files in order for the archives because a lawyer’s office is a little like a church—you never get rid of anything that may be important, no matter how old it may be.
You’re in there for a long while before you go out to the parking garage around two thirty in the afternoon, your car flanked with paps. It takes a while until they let you go, having to lay on the horn until they scramble out of the way and you’re free to go. You’re most of the way home when you notice a black SUV following you. Your hands flex on the wheel as you speed up just a little, taking a right turn to test your suspicions.
They follow.
Could be just a fluke. You take another right turn.
They follow again.
Could be another fluke and really awkward, anybody ever tell you that you’re paranoid? You take a third, then fourth right turn, the SUV following you the entire time.
Okay, so you’re not paranoid, and you’re being followed. You take every almost legal action you can, too caught up in the SUV behind you to note the SUV aiming right for you on your left.
The cars collide and your air bags go off, knocking you unconscious and giving you a bloody nose. Thank God you’re not awake, otherwise, you’d notice that the driver gets out of the car to see how you’re faring before speeding off.
You come to when the paramedics are there and trying to stabilize you, your neck in that stupid looking brace as they ask you questions you already know the answer to, hauling your sorry ass into the ambulance after gathering your bag and hightailing it to the nearest hospital.
You’re given two of morphine as you’re kept alive long enough for them to cart you to the hospital. You’re in and out of it as the EMTs give the hospital the details of you being t-boned, loss of consciousness at the scene, pupils equal and active, and so on and so forth. The doctor asks for your name and you give it a little sluggishly, but correctly. They work on you in a trauma room, x-raying and suturing up the cuts on your face, feeling for any fractures on your nose and eyes and any abdominal discomfort.
When they deem you lucky you weren’t hurt further, you ask if they can take off that ridiculous neck brace—you’ve gotta fight them for it, but they acquiesce because you’re so good at arguing your case. When you’re taken to a hospital room to wait for the cops, you call your secretary and update her on the situation.
Are you okay? No. You rather liked that stupid car.
No, like, physically. Yeah, you somehow only got away with a couple cuts, bruises, a mild concussion, et cetera.
Are you safe? Probably.
Do you need anything? A change of clothes and something greasy in the morning, they want to keep you overnight for monitoring.
I’ll get some flowers for you! And a card! No thanks, that’s not necessary, the pollen makes your ears itch.
The police eventually make their way up and you give your statement, more and more irritated when they see it fit to try and interrogate you when you’re not under arrest, but that’s cops for you.
You have a fitful sleep because those lights are always on and your bedroom is usually kept dark, you like honoring your circadian rhythm. Which is why you’re awake at seven when you receive a call from an unknown number.
“This is the assistant district attorney speaking.” Your voice is a little scratchy from lack of water, you have to turn and clear your throat.
He chuckles on the other end of the line, the sound making you freeze. “Did I interrupt your beauty sleep, counselor?”
You straighten up. “How did you get this number?”
“I have my ways.” Leon replies casually, “How are you feeling?”
“Shitty.” Mild concussion, one major cut and two minor cuts on your face, a minorly broken nose and bruised ribs and sternum, but you’re fine.
He laughs on the other end of the line, warm and… affectionate? “Such language so early in the morning.” He tuts, his sheets rustling as he shifts.
You grind your teeth and count to five before you respond, holding your phone so tight you think you hear the case creak. “You hit me with a car.”
He scoffs, shifting his grip on his phone. “I certainly did not.”
“Then you had your underlings do it.”
He laughs again and you almost want to throw your phone. “You’re sharp.” Indirect confirmation, this entire conversation is inadmissible in court. Motherfucker. “I like you, you know.”
You pause, anger momentarily dissipating. “What?”
“I like you.” You can damn near hear his smile.
You pause for long enough that he wonders if the line went dead. When he checks, his phone still has that timer counting how long you two have been on the phone: edging onto five minutes. He waits for a little longer, eventually starting to feel uncertain when you repeat, “You like me.”
He laughs, just slightly tinged with relief. “Yeah. So? Is that so hard to believe?”
Coming from the man who arranged for you to be in a car accident? Yes, absolutely. “Yes.” You say shortly, eyes wandering around your hospital room. “Absolutely.”
He tuts on the other end of the line, more rustling coming through as he shifts and gets out of bed. You never would’ve taken him for an early riser, you thought he was the sort of guy to laze around until the last possible moment—but then again, you’ve known a lot of drug dealers in your time and not all of them were lazy. Dealing drugs, apparently, requires a lot of hard work, regardless of whether it’s street operations or organized crime like Leon fucking Kennedy makes most of his money. “That’s a shame, I was hoping I could take you out.”
And apparently, he has a fondness for double entendres, you just know he’s holding back a cackle. But even onions have layers.
“Not happening.” You feel immensely satisfied when he pauses this time, holding back a smirk of your own.
“May I ask why not?” He asks eventually, voice carefully level. You get the feeling that he’s never been rejected before.
You pause in turn this time, befuddled as to why he’s even asking why not. There’s many things: he’s evil, you’re on opposite sides of the law, you don’t even like him one bit, it’s a conflict of interest—“You know why.”
“No,” He says firmly, surprising you. Okay, maybe you can see why he became the Don. “I want to hear it in your own words. Why not?”
It’s your turn to pause, staring at your phone as the seconds tick by. “You’re a mob boss. Why would I want to go out with you?”
“Why don’t you?” He presses, voice hardening before he reminds himself that he catches more honeys with fly, rather than vinegar, or whatever the stupid saying is.
You hang up on him and put your phone on do not disturb when he calls you back. You’ve got a caffeine headache and a concussion headache and it’s too fucking early to deal with this bullshit. Your secretary finally gets over here around eight thirty with a change of clothes hanging from her arm and a bag of appropriately greasy food and a coffee for you. She pauses in the doorway when she sees you, brows furrowing in concern. “Jesus. You look like you got hit by a car.”
You frown at her, setting the clothes at your feet when she comes closer, passing you everything you asked for. Food gets eaten and burnt coffee gets drank first, grimacing with every sip. You can’t change yet, still hooked up to all these monitors. A doctor comes in at nine-oh-five sharp, flipping through your chart before he asks the perfunctory questions and declares you safe to go home—gotta love the American medical system. A nurse unhooks you from the monitors and gently drags the IV needle out of your vein, giving you privacy to change.
You’re summarily sent home with a concussion care sheet and strict orders not to return to work for two weeks. You’ll stay home for a week at absolute maximum, but it’s the thought that counts. You and your secretary take her car to your apartment because yours is totaled and you argue with your insurance most of the way there. When you get out, she stops you with a gentle grab of your wrist. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come up with you?” She asks, teeth digging into her lower lip.
“I’m a big girl.” You snort, gently removing your wrist from her hold. “You left the key in the right place, right?”
“Yeah…” She says reluctantly, left leg bouncing.
“Okay, then. See you in a week.” You get out of the car the rest of the way and she calls back, “Two weeks!” Before speeding off. You make your way to the apartment building—one of the most secure in the city—and buzz yourself in, walking through the lobby and garnering a few stares as you walk over to the elevator and press the button for your floor. You lean against the wall for support, pressing a hand to your aching head.
You sigh once you’re inside your penthouse, toeing off your shoes and hanging your bag on a hook by the door, trudging to your room and collapsing on your bed. It takes you three days of medical leave for you to become officially restless, you hold out for the next four days before you come in on Monday to your desk covered in Get well soon! Bouquets. You pause and stare at it, then note a giant teddy bear holding a heart that reads: You’re bear-y cute!
No note for the flowers or teddy bear, but you know who they came from.
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You have a normal month of work, discarding the bouquets Leon sends every damn day. Just how much money is he throwing away trying to woo you? Eh, just a penny in the bucket; when you were gathering evidence for that RICO case against him, you saw how much he made in a month, easily your yearly salary.
You come home from a long day—your office is litigating another for a miscarriage of justice, you haven’t come home in days—sighing as you hang your coat and bag up, freezing when you hear a gun clicking. “A little cliche, isn’t it?” You move a little slower as you toe off your shoes, kicking them over by the shoe rack. “The click of a gun as a greeting, I mean.”
Leon laughs, then puts the safety back on the gun, setting it on your coffee table. “Why not have a little theatre in your life?” He eyes you as you turn on the lights, revealing you, consummate professional in your adorable looking slacks and button-up shirt. “Anybody ever tell you that you fill those out really nicely?” He says, eyes on your thighs and ass as you walk over to the kitchen.
You grunt in disgust, pulling your hair down from where it was gathered at the top of your head. “How did you get in?” You ask as you fill up a glass with tap water. Really, you’d rather go for a mixed drink or some wine, but you don’t trust him enough to drink in front of him. This is really just the horseshit icing on the bullshit cake, to be honest.
“Pfft.” Leon waves a hand. “Key on top of the door. You should’ve moved it after your assistant came and got you clothes the day you got out of the hospital.” He shifts, long legs crossing. “How are you feeling, by the way?”
“Better.” You say shortly, keeping space and the counter between you two. “It’s amazing that I wasn’t more hurt.” You walked around with a butterfly bruise across your nose for a while and the DA had to keep you out of court until it cleared up, but you’re fine.
He smirks, pink mouth pulling up and to the side. “Yes, quite a miraculous thing.” He sighs and gets up, buttoning his suit. Is that what he thinks real people dress like? Jesus.
“I find that I rather like you alive, not dead.” He says conversationally, looking over at you and really taking the chance to drink you in, brows twitching together when he sees how tired you look.
That’s not how you’re supposed to look, you’re supposed to look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and all excited. “You look tired, bunny.” He tells you, leaning against the table.
You stare at him for a while, head cocked to the side. “Work.”
“Ah.” He kisses his teeth, eyeing you up and down shamelessly. “There are easier ways to make money, sweetheart.”
“I love my job.”
He laughs, soft and deep. You shift a little from foot to foot, nails tapping against the counter.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, babydoll.” He waves a hand and watches you bristle, shoulders stiffening and drawing up. “You can’t offer a guest a drink? I’m parched.”
You frown at him. “Guests are invited in. You broke in.”
He leans over and swipes the half full cup from you and turns it so his mouth can touch the imprint of lipstick you left behind. “No sign of forced entry.”
You’re a little too shocked to say or do anything. “Because you used the key.” You watch his throat bob with a swallow.
“Tomato, tomato.” He sets the cup down and gives you a debonair smile. “Anyway, counselor, I thought it’d been a while since we talked.”
You stare at him for a while. “And you can’t get yourself arrested instead?”
He laughs a little louder and your hands fist on the countertop. He strolls to your door and opens it up. “Where’s the fun in that? Get some sleep, counselor.” He calls out, door shutting behind him and rattling the pictures on the walls.
You wouldn’t think it after seeing him on the witness stand, but he’s got a dramatic streak the size of you.
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Leon smirks when he sees you walk over to the holding cells, an unexpectedly stern look on your face. “We’ve got to stop meeting like this, cutie.” He drawls, head cocking as he looks you up and down, eyebrows raising.
“So you took my advice about getting yourself arrested.” You fold your arms and lean against the wall.
He gives a dashing—and a little smug—smile, eyes flicking up from where they ogle your chest. “And you can prosecute me again, I love watching you work.” He stands up from the bench, wandering over to the bars. He leans forward, hands wrapping around two as his head cocks, still grinning like a fat cat who got the canary.
You don’t move from where you’re leaned against the wall. “You’d be wasting the court’s time over a speeding ticket. The DA doesn’t take those cases.”
“Ah, not a speeding ticket, beautiful.” He uses pet names so easily. He leans in as if to tell a secret—you lean in too, straightening up slightly. “What if I’d said I turned myself in?”
Your stomach drops. “I’d say that you’re a liar.”
“Ouch, counselor.” His smirk remains on his face. “I’m many things, including a bogeyman, but I don’t lie.”
Your face warms. He really remembers your closing statement? You’ve had two cases every month since then. “Legally, financial fraud counts as lying. False advertisement, for another.”
He scoffs, blue eyes rolling before he shakes his head at you. “Where’s your sense of fun?”
You were just joking, but telling him that takes all the fun out of it. “Why turn yourself in?”
“Easy, counselor.” His—clean, warm, smooth—hands flex around the bars. “I’m not on the stand yet.”
“I’m not examining you.”
His dimples show, eyebrows jumping up as he stares at you like you put the stars in the sky. “Touché.”
You can’t prosecute him anyway because of a legal hiccup; somehow, you think he meant for that to happen, to walk into the police station, knowingly not be read his rights and to confess anyway, thus violating his third or fourth amendment, that parts not your deal, it’s the stupid cowboy cop’s fault.
You’re there, trying to do a good impression of disappointment as the judge informs everyone that the case is dropped, yet again putting these charges—and all he admitted to—inadmissible under, yet again, double jeopardy.
Leon, for his part, looks pleasantly surprised, then a little quizzical as his cuffs are unlocked and he’s set free. He catches you by the arm after lurking by the door for you to come out, dragging you to an alcove. “I was read my rights.” He tells you, blond brows furrowed as he boxes you in.
“Were you?” You ask innocently, head cocking like a confused puppy—Leon almost wants to kiss you for it. “It wasn’t on the recording of the procedures.”
He stares at you; you watch him with interest as the cogs turn behind his eyes. Understanding clicks in place and you pat his chest twice.
“I’ll see you next time, cupcake.” You tell him, close to skipping away, you’re so giddy. He watches your hips sway as you walk away, lower lip between his teeth before a smirk crawls across his face. He walks away whistling, scuffing his dress shoes on the floor.
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