bear-cubs-art-things · 11 months
yknow I think to avoid burnout and being overwhelmed with g&bau I think I'll ask two to three asks per day. Perhaps the same with art requests :)
Seems reasonable enough. Plus, I'll be able to ACTUALLY focus on schoolwork this year (it's only the first day but still).
Pacing yourself out. It's a wonderful thing :>
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noemilivv · 5 months
After Reading the Proposal and Wedding One shot I think it's called?
Can I please request the same characters(Adam, Lucifer and Vox) react to there kid having there Powers and how GN Reader and Them deal with it in an everyday bases
oh my god my brain has so many ideas i’m doing this right the freak now
also i’m so sorry this isn’t necessarily gn!reader becuz this does talk about pregnancy 😭
Warnings: AFAB!reader, pregnancy talk, ooc Adam?(?), swear words, potential S1 spoilers, Vox being a bit of a shitty dad
Adam, Lucifer, Vox w/ kids who have their powers (+ extra)
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You and Adam probably wait awhile after your wedding until having kids, he wants to have his party lifestyle a little longer, and cmon, who can blame him?
At first he isn’t so sure, I mean, a small ball of flesh that just cries wasn’t the most entertaining thing to him… But he’ll do it for you
But the moment you tell him your pregnant, something in him clicks.
He’s very invested in the kids before their even born, he’s reading all those cheesy and old baby books constantly, cause honestly, he’s not as prepared as he’d thought he’d be
Simply because I see Adam as both a boy dad and a girl dad let’s say you two have twins 😛
He’s a good dad not gonna lie, but let’s be real, he tried to make at least one of his kids say “feces” as their first word… yeah, you weren’t too happy. 😀
Growing up, he definitely spoiled his girl and roughhoused with his boy, maybe a bit too much…
He was definitely a baseball or softball dad
Considering Adam’s foul language, they definitely grew up at swearing at a young age, but it stayed in the house dw
As the kids grew into their early teens they discovered their shared their dads powers — and bitch was through the roof about it
Adam started training them on how to use their powers to their liking, but also taught them the safety of them. He was actually a pretty good teacher ngl.
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Obviously, from his past marriage with Lilith, he already had his first kid, so he was ready — he was just waiting for you to be as well
So when you were, he was stoked !
He was very aware and attentive during your pregnancy, trying to not make the same mistakes he did the first time around
He’s also very understanding about mood swings and he WILL go out in the middle of the night to get you cravings, he doesn’t have to, but he will
But when you both bring another daughter Morningstar into the world, Charlie is thrilled to have a younger sister!
She definitely babysits a lot, and the child definitely spends a lot of time in the hotel
Luci dedicates certain times of the day when he can not and will not have meetings or projects to be working on so he can dedicate time to both of his daughters.
He loves asking your daughter how her day was, and how schools going, but he also asks how her friends are to stress that grades aren’t the only thing that matter
As your daughter grows, she starts to develop Lucifer’s powers, only a small fraction — considering how powerful he is, but he’s stoked that not one, but now both of his daughters have his powers!
He’s been through training them before with Charlie, so he’s pretty skilled on how to do it now, but he tends to stress to your daughter the usage of the powers and the rights and wrongs are far more important than the strength you have
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Vox was in no rush to have kids due to the current workload for VoxTech, but if you wanted them, all you had to do was ask
Vox, like Adam, couldn’t really wrap his head (or screen ig??) around the concept of a child until they were in his arms.
Vox wasn’t really sure how to handle a newborn, older kids were different, but this..? Maybe this wasn’t right for him…
It broke his heart every time he heard his son sob as a new born, and to be honest, he wasn’t sure what to do.
It’d be late at night and Vox would get out of your shared bed to go make sure the baby would stop crying before you’d wake.
He’d try everything, singing, rocking, bottle, changing the diaper, toys, everything. And it wouldn’t stop.
It’s not until you stir in your sleep and hear everything, you go to your son’s crib and simply hold him and he stops crying immediately, you set your son down and go back to sleep. Vox is literally amazed.
As your son ages into the ages of 6 and up is when it starts to get easier for Vox, by the time Vox can even slightly have a conversation with the kid it gets easier, the communication is a lot more clear
He doesn’t have a lot of time to play with his son due to VoxTech, so usually Vox will keep his son in his lap as he works in his office, he’ll even ask his son business questions! Even when he only gets gibberish back, he’ll take it. Hey, don’t judge him, client feedback is important.
As his son ages into his teen years, Vox starts turning a bit strict, he needs his son to be the coolest fucking kid in school, so Velvette tailors him a shit ton of clothes and Vox makes sure his son always has the newest gadget. Vox also is strict about keeping grades up, he wouldn’t ever take anything away for a bad grade, but your son may get a bit of lecture..
All of this is building up to something though, Vox really wants your son to take over VoxTech in his adult years, so he wants to make sure his son is prepared and experienced in the new world he’d enter, if he doesn’t want, Vox gets it, he may be a bit pushy though, but Vox has been in that place so he won’t push too hard.
At around the age of 15, your son developed Vox’s hypnosis powers.
Vox teaches your son how to use this to his advantage, like for example, VoxTech, but he also stressed there’s a time and place, and to not use it on someone you truly care about. Strategy is everything.
Is Vox the perfect parent? No. But no one is. But he genuinely has so much love for his son, and tbh he wants more kids…
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miley1442111 · 22 days
Hi! I don’t know if you were already planning this but I was wondering if I could request a part 2 of your new fic ‘Regrets’? Maybe like a few years later they see each other again? You can decide if it’s a happy or sad ending, I love your work!
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regrets, part 2- s.reid
a/n: thank you so much for requesting, i think this is becomign a series !!! (aka it's got it's own google doc, yay!)
summary: 5 years after you and spencer call of the engagement, he's back in your life. For a case. obviously.
pairing: spencer reid x fem reader
warnings: fighting, brief spencer in prison mentions (nothing about the storyline though dw), set a few years after so ik he's 'no in the bau' but just go with it please.
You didn’t see him. For 5 long years in your new town of Colorado. You became a nanny for a wonderful family, you were paid well, and you were happy. That was until one fateful day. 
When Spencer Reid, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareou, David Rossi, Penelope Garcia, and Luke Alves, showed up at the doorstep of the O’Connor family mansion. 
Knock knock knock
“One second!” you shouted, juggling Annaleise, the youngest of the O’Connor children, in your arms as you tried to peel a banana for Xander’s, the second youngest, breakfast. “Xander, stop playing with your porridge, eat it!” You playfully scolded, resulting in a laughing fit from Xander, and the surrounding four children. 
Annaleise was 2, Xander was 3, Jamie was 6, Poppy was 9, Juliet was 14, and Megan was 16. All the kids adored you, you lived with them as their parents went on various business, and pleasure trips. They were typical rich parents who didn’t exactly care about their children, but you did. You cared about them alot and you’d grown to love taking care of them.
“Coming!” You shouted as you bounced Annaleise in your arms and rushed to the front door.
You wished you hadn’t opened it. Then, the world wouldn’t have stood still. Then, you wouldn’t have seen Spencer. You wouldn’t have seen the awful dark rings under his eyes, his sunken and pale skin, the shock in his eyes when you came to the door with a child. “Hello?” 
“Mrs. O’Connor-” David started. 
“I’m not Mrs. O’Connor. She’s on a business trip with Mr. O’Connor,” you explained quickly. Had you not been making eye-contact with David, you would’ve seen how Spencer’s entire body untensed. The small breath of air he didn’t realise he’d been holding left his mouth in a spluttering cough of sorts and Jj had to slap him on the back to stop him from choking on his own spit. 
“My apologies, Y/n how are you?” David had always been kind to you. 
“Fine, I’m good David. Thank you,” you smiled. “I’m the nanny.”
“Do you mind if we come in to ask you some questions?” he asked, flipping over his FBI badge. 
“I wouldn’t mind if you came in but everyone is getting ready for school and this isn’t really an ideal time. Would you like to come back later?” You asked and Emily nodded. 
“That’d be perfect,” she smiled. “It’s good to see you Y/n.”
“You too,” you smiled and went back inside, 5 sets of eyes on you. 
“Who was that?” Megan practically screamed. 
“Old friends,” you lied, rushing back to get everyone’s breakfast plates away, and Annaleise in his chair.
5 voices were speaking over each other, aided by Annaleise’s incoherent babbling and you genuinely had to shout over all of them. 
“Get in the car!” You shouted. “We’re going to be late!” You reminded them. Soon, everyone was springing into action, grabbing their bags and packed lunches, and piling into the car, Megan and Juliet getting into Megan’s car to drive to their high school. You dropped Xander to his Montessori first, then Jamie and Poppy to their grade school. 
All was calm in the car as Annaleise babbled to you from the backseat. 
“I can’t tell you anything,” you answered., “I signed an NDA.”
Luke’s eyes narrowed and he sighed. “This is a murder case Ms.-”
“And I will go to prison if I break my NDA. I'm sorry and I really wish I could help you, but I can’t.”
“Y/n, we can get a warrant,” Jj reminded you.
“Jj, I know that. I’d honestly prefer if you did,” you sighed. “What’s this about anyways?”
“Human trafficking,” David answered and you sighed. “When will Mr and Mrs. O'Connor be back from their trip?”
“3 weeks time,” you answered. 
There was a collective eye roll from the entire group. 
“Alright, Spencer stay here with Y/n while we get a warrant to search the house,” Emily ordered and both your faces fell. 
“Emily-” He tried but she gave him a look. One that made you feel that there was no room for arguing. 
“Right,” you stared at the ground, trying to find your footing in this new dynamic. “Hi Spencer.”
“Hi,” he squeaked out.
You sat in silence in the kitchen as Analeise slept in her bassinet in the next room. “Do you want a drink or anything?” You offered. 
“Just some water, please,” he smiled softly. You grabbed a cup out of the drawer and handed him a full glass of water. For the brief split-second where you two were touching, everything felt… different. “How are you?”
“I’m good, how are you?”
“I’m… I’m alright, yeah,” he clearly lied. 
“How’s your mom?” 
“She’s good,” he chuckled. “She misses you.”
You smiled. “Well, you can always tell her that I miss her too.”
Spencer chuckled sadly at your words and nodded. “I will.”
“I like your hair,” you smiled. “It suits you.” 
Spencer hadn't looked in a mirror in what… three weeks? He usually refused to. “Thank you,” he swallowed the lump in his throat. “Y-you look good too.”
“Thank you,” you nodded. 
“I should’ve never snapped at you like that,” he shook his head, trying to keep the multitude of emotions that were threatening to spill over at bay. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright. We’re both happy now,” you shrugged. "It was a long time ago-"
“I’m not,” he admitted. “Everyday, I spend my waking moments just thinking about you. Where you went, what you were doing, everything! Anything. And now you’re here in front of me. And I don't know what to do.”
“What do you mean Spencer?” you asked, suddenly the air was turning sour, just like your opinion of him. “You broke up with me.”
“And I wish I hadn’t-”
“But you did Spencer. You did. And I moved to another state to get away from it. And now you’re here, saying all this shit about ‘us’. As if there is an ‘us’ anymore,” you scoffed. “That’s a joke Spencer.”
He nodded, his eyes falling to stare at his dirty, broken converse. You’d gotten him a pair just like these. A red pair, to match the red scarf you’d made him. For his birthday, back when you were just the cool girl he had a huge crush on. Back before you were his. Back before he ruined it all. 
“Happy birthday Spencer,” you smiled from your spot on his living room couch. He had been shocked that you’d even shown up, let alone brought him a present for his 25th birthday. “Open it!”
He did. And what he would find inside was a hand-written note (one that he’d treasure forever, with the rest of the notes you’d give him while you were together), a pair of red converse in his size, and a crocheted, chunky scarf that looked warm and comfortable. 
“I know you usually match something in your outfit, so I thought this would be good,” you smiled. “But there’s a gift receipt for the shoes if you don’t like them. The scarf is for keeps though.”
Both of them were for keeps. You were for keeps. 
“If you’d just excuse me for a moment-” he started, trying to get up but you just pulled him into a hug.
“But I’d really like to be friends,” you whispered. “I miss all of you. But you most of all.” 
His hands felt into their rightful place, around your waist as you held him close. “I’d like that.”
“Me too.”
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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savage-rhi · 7 months
hi hope you’re well!! id like to request sharing a bed with ignis (or all ffxv boys! up to you!) for the first time please! like there’s only one bed or the booking at hotel went wrong ! it’s up to you! dw if you don’t want to do it :) love ur work!
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"This is just peachy..." The sarcasm rolled off Gladio's tongue like molasses as he shot Ignis a glare. "You just had to let blondie down there take care of the booking."
Ignis sighed as he scrunched his legs up further into his chest, trying to give Gladio and their fifth guest more room at the front of the bed. He grunted before addressing the crude remark.
"Tending to Y/N at the time was more important than keeping an eye out on Prompto's sense of rationale."
"Hey!" Prompto exclaimed as he shot up from the foot of the bed. He shoved Gladio's left foot away, grimacing at the aroma that wafted from his calloused toes. "When the receptionist said they had a suite, I assume that means a big space. Where I'm from, a big space means more room which means having more than one bed!"
"There's a reason you didn't pass algebra." Noctis quipped. He earned a swift kick to his side from Prompto and nearly fell off the mattress while he yelped.
"You're one to talk Noct, you only passed the tenth grade cause you copied my material!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not--!"
"Guys, not for nothing, but I'd like to sleep." Y/N sighed.
"Y/N's right," Ignis muttered. "We have a big day ahead of us and it's already late. Let us try to make the best out of the situation."
"Fine, whatever." Noctis breathed. He adjusted his body, lying on his side and facing away from Ignis's legs. He thanked the gods for not being in Prompto's position when it came to catching a whiff of Gladio's feet. The swampy smell was still there from their time in Duscae, and Noctis let out a grunt when he felt nausea pool briefly in his chest.
"You okay down there, Noct?" Y/N asked.
"Yep!" Noctis sighed.
"Good," Y/N tried to keep their eyes upon the ceiling in a vain attempt to ignore the fact they were sandwiched in between both Ignis and Gladio. All the while, their feet were pressed upon Noctis and Prompto. Had they not felt self-conscious being amongst four guys in a single bed, Y/N would've seen the hilarity in all this. How the whole gang was basically crammed onto the mattress like a posse of clowns trapped inside a small vehicle.
"Uh," Y/N made a face as they snapped out of their thoughts. "Gladio, I think you're touching my butt."
"Sorry, my bad!"
"Y/N," Ignis turned his head, raising his voice ever so slight. "This may seem awkward, but we may be able to give Gladio and yourself more wiggle room if you bundle up to me."
"Smooth one, specs." Noctis teased. He let out a wince when Ignis not so subtly jabbed his face with his right foot. Prompto could be heard giggling into his palms at the incident.
Y/N growled a little in their throat. As much as they had grown to enjoy the antics of the boys, now was not the time. Nonetheless, they went through the motions. Their body curled up against Ignis until they were practically spooning the man from behind.
"Finally, I can stretch!" Gladio yawned. He gently reached over and nudged Y/N. "Thanks for taking one for the team."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Y/N muttered in reply. They felt Ignis reach for them, gently coaxing Y/N to put an arm around his waist.
"You sure this is alright?" Y/N tried to whisper against the back of Ignis's head.
"Positive," He replied. "Besides, this will lower the risk of having you wake in a compromising position with anybody."
Y/N quietly laughed at the remark. "Kinda late for that, but okay."
"He's a gentleman like that!" Prompto interjected. He let out an uncomfortable sigh as he moved around, causing the bed to creak. "Gladio, buddy, do you think you can move? You're taking up my side of the bed."
"Your side of the bed?!" Gladio exclaimed, feeling the last straw break the camels back. "This whole bed should've been my side of the bed but you screwed up!"
"And here I thought you liked slumber parties!" Prompto jabbed playfully.
"I outta--!"
"Hey!" Noctis rose up. "You two, shut the hell up and go to sleep! Enough of the cat fight!"
"How about you shut up for a change?" Gladio countered.
"Is that a challenge?"
"Guys, c'mon...I already gotta smell Gladio's fungus feet and I don't want the bed turning into a battle arena!"
"Fungus feet?!"
Y/N shook their head against Ignis, letting out a sigh of disbelief as the commotion between the three pressed on. The gentle squeeze Ignis offered had them slightly perk up.
"They're always like this," Ignis reassured. "And the feelings are mutual, by the way."
The tired reply Ignis gave had Y/N smile from ear to ear, and somehow they could feel themself drifting away among the bantering. Tomorrow would come soon.
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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albertdabuttler · 1 year
Zombie | K.H.
fandom: 80s
pairings: Kirk Hammett x F!Reader
WARNINGS: This story starts with a plot. Friends to lovers, LOOOTS of fluff, kissing, kind of having someone throw themself on the reader (???) more fluff, smut, fluffy smut, fingering, p in v, (safe sex dw 🤣) overstimulation, some form of comedy…
summary: An initially boring Halloween night takes an intriguing turn when a game of spin the bottle has you hoping your kissing skills are good enough for your best friend.
WC: 6.6k
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gif not mine!!
A/N: Hi losers, finally posted yayyyy! I wrote and posted this on wattpad and think you guys deserve to see it too! And guess what??? I have another story coming right after this 😍 Also I kinda add detail to what you wear like those corny wattpad writers… I’m sorry…but I swear its all inclusive!!
10:47PM, October 31st, 1979.
Here you sat on the kitchen counter of one of your classmates homes, loud booming music all around you, drunk teenagers making out with each other everywhere and some game going on in the living room.
You were dressed as a ghost, pale makeup across your face, black shadow around your eyes and white clothing, ripped and stained to make it look old.
"That guy over there's been looking at you all night," said Jocelyn, another one of your classmates and your best girlfriend since seventh grade. She was dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein.
"Don't look now, but he's totally checking you out!" She said, standing in front of you while trying to subtly look at the guy over your shoulder.
"What's he look like?" You questioned, hoping it was a certain long, wavy-haired brunet you had eyes for since second grade.
"Blond hair, brown eyes and he's jacked. He's dressed like a surfer." She smirked. Hearing her words, you whipped your head around to see the boy she described smile widely at you, sending a small wave your way. He was dressed like a stereotypical surfer, medium shaggy hair, sky blue swim trunks, a white muscle shirt and pink sunglasses.
You politely smiled, waved back and turned back around, "Not my type... You know I like brunets."
Jocelyn groaned in disappointment and annoyance, "Okay well the one you're thinking about doesn't look at you like most of the guys here."
"That's because most of the guys here can't keep it in their pants." You rolled your eyes, hopping off the counter and making your way to the living room. You spotted Tom dressed like a basketball player on the couch with his arm around a girl. She was dressed like a devil, laughing at the game they were playing. Sitting a couple feet away from him, you asked, "What game are we playing?"
"Spin the bottle," the boy replied, the alcohol making his words slur with a smile. You internally praised yourself for going to the bathroom when they were making all the girls play a drinking game.
"Hey!!" you heard someone call out for you, turning to the group whose eyes were all on you. Feeling an intense wave of embarrassment, you spotted the beer bottle on the coffee table turned towards you.
Looking up to see who spun it, you lowly groaned when it was the surfer boy. He was a pretty attractive guy, above average looking, nice bod, so things could be way worse. You really didn't want to kiss the guy. Your gut told you he was a creep. But of course you knew there was absolutely no way in hell you could get out of this without drinking, so you stood up, walking towards him with an awkward smile on your face.
Standing in front of him for a couple seconds, you leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, quickly turning around to sit again.
Everyone in the room booed at you before the tall blond grabbed your wrist and kissed you with a little too much tongue. You cringed and pulled back, but he didn't let go. He tried to kiss you again so you shoved his face away with excessive force.
The room was quiet. The upbeat music in the background making it that much more awkward.
"That was gross," you chuckled, scoffing and turning back to your seat.
"Don't eat the garlic bread before the game, guys." You said, earning a few laughs.
I mean, the guy was being far too desperate for a silly game of kissing random people. You had the right, especially if the kiss was bad.
It was when you sat down that you noticed him. He was dressed in a zombie outfit, makeup of fake scars on him. Finally you found him after almost the entire night of looking for him, or rather waiting for him to pass by near you, but it's the same difference.
Kirk stood by the doorway in the corner of the room, a smile with a look that mocked you.
You subtly stuck your tongue out at him, earning the finger in return.
It was Jocelyn's turn next, she kissed a random guy, and the turns kept going until it was your turn to spin.
You really, really hoped it landed on Kirk.
So you spun it hard and fast, the bottle sitting there spinning for longer than usual until it finally slowed down, landing on the other side of the room.
It was him. It landed on Kirk.
He stared at the bottle, scratching the back of his neck with a cringe on his face.
Now what? Surely you didn't think it through, how would you kiss him? Would it ruin your almost lifelong friendship? Would he see you differently and finally acknowledge his feelings for you? Or would he dislike it and judge you based off the way you kiss?
You didn't realize the moments that had passed until Kirk was standing right in front of you.
"We don't have to do this if you don't wanna." He whispered as he looked down at you, awkwardly pursing his lips.
"Nah, gotta play the game," You took his hands and almost jumped up with excitement despite your nerves.
Kirk cleared his throat, turning to the guy you kissed earlier and in a mocking tone, "Watch and learn, motherfucker." He said, giggling at the guy.
He turned his head back to you, trying to hold in a laugh. But he hesitated, finally realizing the spot he was in. A light pink dusted his cheeks. He ignored it and moved one of his hands to cup your cheek, the other to the back of your head.
The moment felt like it was going in slow motion as he leaned in, gazing into your eyes and then looking straight at your lips until his lightly pressed up against them.
Kirk was a great kisser. It made you wonder how much experience he had.
He was quite smooth with it, slowly moving his lips against yours. He pulled away for a short breath and your reaction, until he turned his head the other way, leaning back in to kiss you again at another angle. Just to see if it was any different. People began to cheer.
Moving your hands up around his neck, you surely didn't expect anything like this, if anything you expected a short, boring kiss.
Your heart was racing, you felt your face become hot as you nervously played with the hair on the nape of his neck. He pulled back, his eyes widening in horror.
He quickly let go of you and moved back to his place, leaving you standing there as the game continued on.
You looked at him confused. It was just a kiss right? Part of a game. You didn't have to act like it had to be special. But why'd he kiss you like that, then act like it was gross?
Standing up, you made your way to the kitchen, "I'm gonna get a drink." You stated in slight disappointment, swerving past Kirk and earning 'Oo's' from the crowd.
Now Kirk felt guilty for pulling away so fast.
Kirk always liked you. Just not in the way he thought he did. Yes, he'd occasionally feel the room get hot when you checked him out, thinking he wouldn't notice. Or get nervous when you looked too pretty... But that meant nothing. It would be the same if you were a stranger.
However, he really liked that kiss. The sweet taste of punch with a hint of alcohol. How soft your lips were. How your hands felt as they lightly tugged his hair. He wondered what other situations you'd pull his hair in... Maybe when he made love to you... Physically showing you, and verbally affirming how much he really did love you. How close your body was to his. That was the closest proximity you two had ever been in. He really enjoyed it.
Fuck, does that mean he likes you now?
He couldn't stop thinking about it. About how the kiss made him feel. About how you were literally perfect for him. You knew everything about him, and he knew everything about you. He loved everything about you, there wasn't a single thing he could think of that he didn't like about you. God it was all so cheesy and gross. How could he let himself think like he was in a high school Rom-Com movie.
All these thoughts overwhelmed him with excitement, making him smile widely and get up to look for you. Just then remembering you were probably upset or something by the way you left so abruptly.
You sat on the kitchen island counter again, facing away from the living room, watching as a few couples kissed and giggled around the room and you sighed in annoyance.
The familiar voice made you freeze. You knew he was standing behind you, waiting for you to acknowledge him but you pretended like you didn't hear him over the music.
Your eyes followed him as he passed in front of you, leaning on the counter across from the one you sat atop, crossing his arms.
He cleared his throat.
"Hi," you said with a plastic smile, your voice cracking.
He smiled back genuinely, "Sorry if that was... Weird. We had to, otherwise we'd have to drink."
"Yeah... It's fine. Just a kiss," you laughed awkwardly, staring at the boy in front of you, hoping that he might actually like you. Just because of the way he kissed you.
He looked great in his costume. Fake bite marks on his neck and arms, his hair was messy. He had a white tee with faux blood stains and rips in it, revealing some skin and the light definition of his muscles. Over that, he had a leather jacket, the sleeves rolled up, with black ripped jeans and a fob too.
"I thought you came for a drink," he said, grinning with his stupidly cute crooked teeth and that annoying little dimple, licking his dumb red and plump lips. "Right," you chuckled, hopping off at the same time he stepped forward, nearly bumping into him.
You wanted to be as far from him as possible.
"Hey," he called out your name.
"Yeah?" you replied, turning back around to look at him.
"The drinks are over here," he chuckled, pointing his thumb behind him where there were a couple of large coolers on the ground.
"Right," you mentally face palmed. He handed you a bottle of beer and you reached for the top to avoid coming in contact with his hand.
It still had the cap on but you couldn't take it off and chuckled in embarrassment. Why was it so awkward now?
"Here," he took the bottle from your hand and popped the cap off on the edge of the counter, handing it to you.
When you reached to grab it again, he pulled back.
You paused, moving to try and grab it again but he held it away from you.
"Yes?" He smiled cheekily.
"Give me my beer."
"Well it's not yours until you've taken a sip from it, am I right?"
You sighed, "Just give me the bottle, Kirk," going to reach for it again but he held it behind his back.
"Kirk!" You chuckled.
Now he reached his goal. Finally a smile.
Trying to attain for it for the third time, he moved it away once again, holding it above his head this time.
"Come on," he chuckled, "If you want it you just have to take it." He stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Gripping his shoulder, you got on your toes trying to reach for it. He watched your hand as it was a couple inches from the bottle, "Ugh, you almost have it!" He mocked, turning his head down to look at you.
Locking eyes with him for a second, his breath hitched as his eyes flickered to your lips once more. An intense wave of desire for another taste, he slowly leaned in.
You did notice this but decided to be oblivious and ignore it. Kirk was a ticklish guy, so you poked the side from which arm he was holding up, causing him to immediately flinch and bring his arm down. You quickly snatched the bottle from his hand, "HA! Loser."
"Hey, that's cheating!" He said, laughing nervously, hoping you didn't notice his attempt.
"Losers, weepers." You said, turning around to grab a piece of candy from a bowl.
Taking a long sip of your beer, Kirk spoke up before the silence became awkward.
"So about that guy you kissed earlier,"
You almost choked on your drink but kept it up to your lips to avoid having to say anything.
"Was my kiss better than his?" he raised his brow playfully.
This time you did choke, coughing for air as you set the bottle down. Kirk hurried to you and softly patted your back.
"You okay? Sorry..." What a stupid question, he thought.
Grabbing the bottle again, you took another sip to stop the itching in your throat.
"Are you good?" He cautiously let go as you cleared your throat.
"Uh-m yeah..." Speaking was uncomfortable, so you cleared your throat once again.
"Sorry. Uh, what were you saying?" You knew exactly what he was saying but hoped and hoped he forgot about it.
A sadistic smile grew on his face.
"My kiss was better than the other guy's, right?" He sat atop the counter.
You stared at him in disbelief.
"What do you think, Kirk?" You asked him genuinely.
He threw his hands up in defense, "Hey, you're my best friend so you've gotta be on my side."
You rolled your eyes, thanking the lord for his lighthearted personality.
"Yes. Your kiss was better. He used too much tongue." You cringed.
"Good..." He chuckled, clearing his throat. His palms were getting sweaty.
"...Did..." He hesitated.
"Did...you like it...?" He kept his gaze on you for any kind of response or reaction.
You tried to look away from him, but his eyes kept you in a trance.
"Uhm... Yeah. You're not a bad kisser, y'know." You smiled, playfully hitting his shoulder. An attempt to lighten the mood.
He smiled back. "Alright, good." He laughed lightly, "I know that if you liked it then it really was good."
"What makes you say that?" You questioned, a little confused.
"You're brutally honest with me."
You paused. Maybe you weren't as honest as you should be. You've been lying to him since the second grade. Or rather keeping something from him. Which is still dishonesty.
But you couldn't tell him now. I mean, you got over him a ton of times, so you could do it again. And you've liked other guys more than you liked him... But you still always had a little thing for him in the back of your mind when you had those other crushes, you hated how smitten you were.
"Yeah, I am aren't I?" You smirked. "That's why I'm better than all of your friends." You joked.
He only smiled at you.
"I love you."
You turned around just in case your blush was noticeable.
Turning back around, "I love you too," you lifted your bottle up to him, "but remember you're still a loser."
He playfully rolled his eyes, "Yeah whatever."
Walking towards the living room, it had seemed that the game was still going on.
"Wanna get outta here?" He asked, walking up next to you, motioning his head towards the general area in which the front door was located.
"Sure. It's kinda boring here anyways."
Kirk chuckled, looking at Tom and mouthing to him that he was gonna leave.
"I'll go warm up the car," he informed.
"Alright," you responded, walking up to Jocelyn to let her know you were leaving with Kirk, since she was your ride there.
“Let me know if he makes a move," she whispered, winking at you.
"Oh shut up," you scoffed.
"What? He looked real into it when it was your turn. One would think he was in love with you!"
"Stop it, Jocelyn!" You giggled, getting up to leave.
"Use protection!" She yelled rather loudly.
You gagged in response and turned around, lifting your hand next to your head and flipping her off.
The walk to the car was difficult. At first you had to swerve through a crowded foyer in order to leave the house, and the walk to the car was cold. It was windy, but thankfully Kirk had driven up to the front of the house from where he was parked. Which was kind of far.
As you reached for the handle, you heard a click and pulled, only to find it was locked.
You groaned loudly, "Kirk, it's cold as shit out here! Stop it with your stupid games."
He rolled down the window a crack, "Only if you say the magic word."
"No, the magic word." He smirked.
"God, you're such an asshole sometimes." You sighed.
He made a buzzer sound, "Wrong."
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you dragged your hand across your face, knowing he wouldn't budge until you played along. "Abracadabra."
The door clicked and you wasted no time in opening the door to sit down.
"Fuck you."
"Thanks." He said, shifting into gear and driving off.
"Wanna get ice cream?" He asked.
"Uh... Yeah but I'm pretty tired. Could you just drop me off at home?" You replied.
The ride home was a little quiet, so you decided to turn on the radio. Damage Case by Motörhead began playing at full volume, causing the both of you to jump as you quickly reached for the volume to lower it.
Turning the knob for a different radio station, you found one with a softer tone of music.
How Long by Ace was playing. The romantic vibrations it gave off caused you to quickly switch the radio station, but Kirk grabbed your hand.
"Go back, I like that song"
"You do?" You questioned, scoffing as if he was a weirdo for liking it, even if you did too.
"Yeah." He chuckled, his eyes still on the road.
So you went back, and the song played.
A short moment passed and Kirk spoke, "You know you're my best friend, right?" He said.
"Uhh, yeah...? Where's this coming from?"
There was a light ahead going from yellow to red.
As he came to a complete stop, he turned to you, "I know this is real corny, but I would do anything for you. Anything. Just say the word. Okay?"
"Okay...." You dragged out, letting out an awkward laugh. "Thanks Kirk."
"Anytime." He clicked his teeth and winked, pointing a finger gun your way.
The light turned green as you chuckled.
Finally you turned the familiar corner onto your block. It wasn't long until Kirk pulled over to the curb in front of your home, "Thanks Kirk, see ya," you said as you opened the door.
"Hey, wait," he called, "Could I maybe spend the night? My dad said it's best I don't go home tonight..." He pursed his lips.
"Oh yeah, sure. My parents aren't in town until Sunday, so... We can watch as many scary movies as we want without getting yelled at to go to sleep," you chuckled.
"Wicked," he pumped his fist, turning off the ignition and hopping out of the car.
"Whaddya wanna watch?" He asked as he followed you to the front door.
"You already know." You turned to him, smirking as you unlocked the door and walked inside.
"Right." He giggled, "Classic."
It wasn't long until the both of you were in your room, Kirk sitting on the bed while you put in the VHS for Creature from the Black Lagoon.
"I'm gonna go change real quick," said Kirk as he stood up, grabbing clothes he'd left there before and walking out your room towards the bathroom.
You also quickly got changed into sweats before he returned. Suddenly hearing your door open, you saw Kirk standing there shirtless, holding his shirt up in one hand.
"Have you been wearing this?" He asked, hiding a smile.
"...No." You replied, trying so hard to keep your eyes on his, but you couldn't help when they moved down to his bare torso. He had already taken off all his makeup
"Okay just making sure you're not the one who absolutely drenched this in vanilla perfume."
You cringed. "Sorry. I mean it's your fault for leaving it here." You held your hands up.
He scoffed and went back to finish changing.
He threw the clothes from his costume in one corner of your room, hopping back on the bed as you left for the bathroom too, to wash your makeup off and brush your teeth.
"Alright, you ready?" You questioned, shutting the door to your room and turning off the light, leaving a little lamp on your desk in the corner of your room.
You sat with your back on the headboard, Kirk laying down, his head in the pillows.
When it began playing, you felt Kirk lay his head in your lap and you instinctively began raking your fingers through his hair. He brought up one of his hands to rest on your shin. At this point, you couldn't help but just look at him, his side profile from above, how perfect he was. Like fuck. Why the fuck is he so perfect?
There wasn't a moment of the day in which you didn't think about him. It made you sad sometimes, that he never acknowledged or noticed it. But then again, you weren't really making it obvious either.
But what made all that disappointment go away was that kiss. You were so annoyed that you kept thinking about it.
You thought about what Jocelyn said. About how he looked "so into it" or whatever. It was hard to forget the feeling of his soft plush lips on yours. Goddamn. And the way he held your face, with such gentleness. How he went back in for another like the first one just wasn't enough.
Here you began thinking about kissing him again. Right here, right now. And if it would get intense, what it could lead to... How good he was in that department.
Trying to pay attention to the movie, you clenched your jaw hard, trying not to let yourself think about those things.
No, not with him right there. When he was gone yes, but not now.
Those thoughts didn't give up. The image of him on top of you just popped into your mind. It wasn't your fault. Your mind trailed off thinking about his hand on your leg, if he got up and moved it up to your thighs... How his calloused fingers would feel touching you in all the right places... It felt like only five minutes had passed but the movie was suddenly over.
"Did you enjoy the 87th time of watching that movie?" He asked out of the blue, lifting himself so that his face was at your level.
"Yes, I did." You replied after a moment.
He got off the bed and walked to the little shelf you had with all your VHS tapes. He bought one for you not too long ago, of a movie that had come out earlier this year called 'Alien.'
You had watched it with him in theaters a few months ago and immediately fell in love with it. That Ripley chick was such a badass.
He put that one on, the package still hadn't been opened so this would be your fourth time watching it. You already watched it three times at the movies.
It began playing and he walked back to sit on the bed again, only this time he sat against the headboard, to your left. Of course you had to lay your head on his shoulder otherwise it would feel weird.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, laying his chin on the top of your head, sighing in exhaustion.
Woah, your hair smelled really nice, he noticed.
Now it was Kirk's turn to think about you. That kiss. He had been thinking about it all night since it had happened. It pissed him off that he never thought of you that way and suddenly out of the blue its like all he wanted to do was you. And god, why did he have to go in for another? He thought maybe that gave it all away. Oh but the way you held his hair, god that felt so good. He wanted you to pull his hair and tell him how good he made you feel.
Well shit, Kirk might actually be in love with you too. Hell yeah he's loved you his whole life, but never like this. It's like that kiss opened his eyes or something.
He lifted his head to look at you, just to admire you. You felt this movement and looked back up at him.
Shit, should he say something?
"Is everything okay?" You asked.
He couldn't respond, he opened his mouth to reply but nothing came out. God that was embarrassing... All he thought about was kissing you again. He's never been so obsessed over something so little but here he was.
He wondered if you wanted to kiss him as badly as he wanted to kiss you right now.
"Kirk?" You pulled back a little, "Are you okay?" You asked with sincere concern.
"I wanna kiss you again right now." He didn't hesitate.
You just sat there flabbergasted.
Never in a million years would you have thought to hear those words from Kirk.
"...What?" You felt like you heard him wrong.
"Are you messing wi-"
That's when he cut you off and pressed his lips against yours again.
Pulling back, he watched for your reaction.
All you could do was stare between his eyes and lips.
"That was nice." You finally said.
He just smiled and went back in. This time he held the back of your head and pushed your face against his in order to kiss you harder, your hands lifting to rest on his chest. His head turned, syncing the movement of his lips with yours as his free hand slid down to your thigh, dragging it up and down. He slowly slipped his tongue past your lips, teasing yours as you pushed yours against his.
As your tongues danced, the hand on your thigh moved closer to your core, but it felt wrong to touch you before you said he could. So he moved it to your jaw.
The two of you were finally running out of breath so you finally pulled away.
Neither of you said anything, the only noises in the room were that of the movie and both your heavy breaths.
Kirk had finally caught his breath, "I like you. I like like you. And now I really wanna...Touch you..."
You smiled, "Took you about ten years."
"Ten years...?! What?" he looked at you surprised.
"Kirk," you laughed, "I've liked you this whole time, and you notice now?"
He stared at you in disbelief, his face slowly turning a shade of red.
Just the thought of you constantly having him on your mind turned him on. He looked at your lips again, "Sorry," he said before kissing you again. "My whole life has been a lie..." He joked, smiling, pushing his lips against yours once more, then moving to press kisses on your cheeks. He pecked a trail of small kisses all along your jawline, causing you to giggle, until he licked a stripe along your neck.
His hand moved from your face down to your torso, your heart skipping for a second as he began to kiss all over your neck, searching for that one spot until he reached one and you tensed up a little. That's where he decided to suck and bite at, leaving a quite obvious and visible bruise.
He subtly lifted the hem of your shirt, moving his hand under and finally coming in contact with your bare skin, continuing to peck at your neck.
His hand lightly squeezed your waist as he let out a heavy sigh, leaving lingering kisses on your jaw, moving back to kiss your lips once more.
"Can I?" He whispered, his fingers barely sliding under the waistband of your sweats.
"Yeah." You answered, watching his hand as it moved lower. It was then that you noticed a bulge in his pants, it made your face get hot but you didn't say anything about it.
He purposely made his movements slow, his fingers never quite giving you any relief. He liked to tease. But of course, like all horny teenage boys, he was beginning to get desperate. His fingers found your bundle of nerves and he began to rub small circles over the cloth of your panties.
You let out a heavy sigh, "Is that good enough?" He asked, moving his head up to look at you, making sure he was doing a good job.
"Yeah... Feels good, but... More please.." You breathed heavily in between words.
His hand moved up and his fingers reached under the band of your panties, two of his fingers slowly moving up and down your lips, "You're so wet..." He whispered in excitement, a small smile on his face as if he was surprised.
Finally he pushed his middle finger inside you, slowly pumping in and out until he added another. He began moving a bit faster, curling up into just the right spot, making you to let out a small groan.
"Oh, fuck." You said, your eyes shut in pleasure.
His palm began rubbing against your clit, making your legs slightly come together.
"Does that feel good?" He breathed, watching your face just to make sure once again.
"Yes, fuck yeah... Keep going," you moaned quietly.
The movements in his hand quickened, his eyes still on your face as it contorted into visible pleasure, causing him to softly smile to himself.
You leaned up to kiss him and he sighed into it, his fingers scissoring inside you as he kept pumping them in and out. He pulled away and looked down at his hand only to see it disappearing into your pants.
"I'm gonna stop for a bit, okay?" He said, slowly pulling his fingers out.
"What happened?" You asked nervously as you watched him move off the bed.
He began pulling his shirt over his head, and your legs instinctively parted, "What are you gonna do?" You questioned.
"Do you have condoms...?"
You blushed and quickly got up, "Let me go check," you said as you walked out the door, your knees already a little weak.
Kirk noticed this and laughed.
"Shut up," you said as you walked towards your parents room.
It was a little odd thinking that your parents might have this kind of thing and you would actually die if you found what you were looking for on a different occasion, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
You checked your dad's drawers and surprisingly found nothing, so you moved to your moms side and the first thing you saw was exactly what you needed. You grabbed one of the condoms and immediately ran back to your room, closing the door and locking it even if no one would come home.
When you turned around you were met with Kirk sitting on the edge of your bed, propped on his elbows with his head thrown back, waiting for you.
Now there was a very obvious tent in his pants.
"Does this work?" You sat behind him on the bed, holding up the condom as he turned to look at you.
"Yeah..." He leaned in to kiss you again, slowly pushing you to lay back. He lifted himself and helped you take your shirt off, leaving you in your bra and pants.
His pupils dilated, "You're so beautiful," he said as he looked down at your body, leaning up to kiss you for the umpteenth time.
He tugged at the waistband of your pants and pulled them down, you lifted your hips and he was able to pull them all the way off. He then got up and pulled his own off, along with his boxers.
Kirk had a big dick when he was hard. And it was slightly intimidating too.
He leaned back down, keeping one hand free and the other next to your head.
"Will this hurt?" You asked.
He looked at you confused,
"Are you a virgin?"
"No, your dick is just bigger than the others," you replied.
His face got beet red, "Shut the fuck up," he laughed, leaning closer to you and pulling your panties down, inserting his fingers into you once again, making you gasp.
He didn't keep them in for long before pulling them out and bringing his hand down, using your wetness to begin stroking himself. His eyes closed as he sighed.
He opened his eyes again, "Can you open the..." he huffed, "the condom," he asked, watching your hand as you grabbed the small package and ripped it open with your teeth.
"Can you help me put it on?" He looked at you helplessly. He was playing a game and he was good at it.
You moved your hand down and he let go of himself, grabbing onto your wrist as you rolled it on.
It's been so long since you wanted to do this, to have him in your grasp, so you spit on your hand and began slowly jerking him off. He let out a low groan before wrapping his hand around yours and squeezing a little tighter.
Looks like he likes it rough, you thought.
"Oh my fuck, " He whined, shutting his eyes tight and throwing his head back, then leaning down to bury his face into your neck.
Not long passed before he pulled your hand away and huffed, "You ready?" he asked, holding himself closer to you, "Yeah," you answered. Kirk brushed his tip against your entrance, sliding it up and down and smiling at your reactions. He then pushed himself in an inch at a time.
Your jaw fell open along with his, the two of you looking one another in the eyes, your eyes fluttering shut as his own rolled back.
Once he was all the way in, he stopped, moving down to press his lips onto yours.
"You feel so warm..." He breathed.
"Please," you whined, hoping he would understand it was for him to move.
Kirk slowly began pulling out before he pushed back in, slowly picking up his pace until he was thrusting steadily. He bit his lip, trying to suppress a groan you figured. One of his hands brushed down your side, stopping at your thigh to pull it around his waist and give himself more space.
His thrusts got harder before he hit your g-spot. Letting out a low moan, you moved your hands up Kirk's chest and around his shoulders to rest on the back of his neck.
"Kirk," you whimpered and he released a heavy breath as he began to repeatedly hit your sweet spot again.
"Right there," you whispered closing your eyes and grabbing a handful of his hair.
"You're so soft," he sighed. He was slipping in and out fairly easily.
You pulled his hair with one hand, digging your nails into his shoulder blade with the other, causing Kirk to stifle a moan.
Kirk tried going faster, harder, in order to give you the release you needed. He finally let out a high pitched whine, "Fuck," he said with a heavy breath, the sweat already starting to form on both your bodies, his hair sticking to his forehead.
"You—" you cut yourself off with a gasp, "you feel so good," you groaned, tugging harder on his hair.
"Yeah?" He whispered, his exact wish from earlier tonight was actually coming true.
Opening your eyes, you were met with his, gazing at you.
"Hi," you breathed, smiling softly at him.
Kirk slowed down, "Hey," he grinned, leaning down to kiss you once more, his movements coming to a halt.
His lips lingered on yours for a while before he finally pulled back again.
Moving his hand between your bodies, he began rubbing little circles on your clit again before resuming his thrusts. The feeling of his hand along with the movements in his hips caused you to clench around him, squeezing your thighs around his waist.
Kirk weakened at the feeling, his head dropping to your shoulder as his thrusts became sloppy.
"I'm getting close," he whispered next to your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
"Me too," you admitted, running your hands through his hair.
You could feel his burning hot, bare skin sliding against yours. Suddenly your breaths got quicker, your heart rate increased and the coil in your stomach tightened.
"Kirk—" you paused,
"I'm gonna cum," Kirk moaned before you could finish your sentence.
His hips stuttered and he tensed up, finally letting go and relaxing on top of you.
Your back arched as you felt him fill the condom in you, "Kirk please go just a little more," you begged.
He lifted his head to look at you with worry, like he felt he wouldn't be able to do much for you.
Yet he still tried to move, the sensitivity taking over all his senses making a moan escape his throat. His body was quivering along with his movements, "I'm almost there," you said before he released a sigh, continuing his movements. His hand grabbed one of yours, interlocking your fingers and holding it next to your head, squeezing tightly,
"Come on, baby," He groaned, closing his eyes like he was getting dizzy.
Finally you came, your back arching as you clenched around him once again.
Kirk slowed down and finally stopped, "Thank you..." you sighed softly. "Sorry if it was too much."
"That's okay," he smiled up at you, blowing a stray hair from his face, "I told you I'd do anything for you, just say the word. Remember?" he chuckled.
He pulled out slowly before taking off the condom and disposing of it.
Lying next to you, he put his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek, causing you to giggle.
"I love you." He lifted himself to look down at you.
"I love you too, Hammett." you smirked jokingly.
He laughed and plopped back down next to you.
"I can't believe we just had actual sex." He said while staring at the ceiling.
"It sounds odd when you say it like that..." you said as you turned to him, looking at his beautiful profile again.
"Like... I just put my penis inside of you—" You smacked his arm, cutting him off.
"Kirk! Shut up!" You laughed.
He turned to look at you, "I want to be your boyfriend."
You blushed, "...And I wanna be your girlfriend..."
He smiled, a light pink showing on his cheeks.
"But seriously, you tell me that now instead of before you," you held up quotation marks, "put your penis inside of me?"
Kirk let out a loud laugh, holding his hands over his face, "Shut the fuck up."
He sighed, "I love you. Again. Sorry, I don't know how many times I'm gonna say that," he chuckled, looking away a little embarrassed.
"Kirk," you grabbed his face and kissed him, "I love you. You're my best friend. I always have and I always will love you, okay?"
He looked at your lips, "Good," he joked, going back in to kiss you.
Suddenly you heard a scream, the both of you sat up, noticing the alien on the screen of your tv.
"I forgot that was on."
thank you for reading 😙😙
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str4wb3rr1e · 9 months
Laundry Mat
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tokio hotel x reader
the sound of the led lights buzzing over took the yellow lit room, the white walls that have faded into a dark grey color over time screaming for restoration, the white tiles on the ground having permanent shoe marks tattooed on them.
you sat there quietly, back leaned against the old washing machine, loudly tumbling your laundry.
your mascara was smudged, lipstick everywhere but your lips, eyeshadow staining your under eyes and was probably going to stay that way for at least a day.
the metal door creaked open, ‘who would do their laundry so late at night?’ you thought but yet, here you were, doing your laundry at the 24/7 open mat at 2 in the morning.
lucky for you it was your next door neighbor, at least he wasn’t a stranger. “hey…” he whispered, his voice echoed on the quiet room, “hey.” you whispered back with a soft smile.
you watched as he placed his laundry in an empty machine and threw some cents from his pockets before sliding down and sitting down in front of you.
“you alright?” he asked pulling out a cigarette from his pocket. “I don’t know… do I look alright?” you asked wiping some of the lipstick off your cheeks.
“don’t know,” he shrugged “I don’t know what ‘alright’ looks like”. he slid the cigarette pack on the floor tiles, the pack flying over towards you and hitting the bottom of your shoes. “I quit.” you mumbled sliding the pack back.
“good for you.” he chuckled trying to light his cigarette with a cheap lighter, “shoot, you have a lighter I can borrow?”.
you reached for your pocket and slid the lighter across the room, “thought you said you quit?” he smiled, “I did, yesterday.” you smiled.
“what’s up with you?” you asked as he slid the lighter back to you, “returned home late from tour.” he replied taking a long drag. you chuckled “oh yeah, forgot you’re famous.” with air quotes on ‘famous’.
“okay, just because your music taste sucks doesn’t mean we’re shit.” he chuckled throwing a lost sock towards you way, “ew!” you squealed as the sock hit the sleeve of your jacket.
you fixed your hair as your laughs faded into the room, “I’ve never heard your music anyway…” you teased, “oh yeah?” he pulled out an mp3 player from his pocket.
“you want to?” he asked plugging headphones in, “yeah, sure.” you nodded as he reached over to hand you the small device. you picked it up from his hand and put on the headphones in.
to be honest, they were good, really good. “mmm, not really my style.” you muttered, that was a lie and you knew damn well you would go home and blast the same music your called shit the whole night.
“well, everyones style is different.” he shrugged as you handed the mp3 player back. you felt bad about lying and decided to fix it by saying “but you are good, really good…”.
“yeah,” he snickered, “thanks.”
“no problem.” you chirped. the timer of the machine behind you went off, covering the entire room with a simple yet loud tune.
“my uh… my stuff is done.” you mumbled with a small smile as you stood up to gather your fresh laundry.
“hey uh,” he called behind you, “how about we go for coffee this weekend?”. you stuffed your laundry in your backpack and turned around to face him. “coffee?” you sneered, “I mean, it could be something else too, dinner maybe?” he added shoving his hands deep in his jeans front pockets.
“sure,” you replied, “dinner sounds nice.”
a/n: writing isn’t enough I need to make a short film 😭 this can be imagined as any one of the members 💜 💜
I forgot to mention that this isn’t from the winter series, that series is going to be longer and placed in high school (older grades tho dw)
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ennabear · 3 months
hii !! 🫶🏻 just discovered your account and i love it !! :) i was wondering if you could write some more headcannons about ellie? like, what job would she do? etc. i like to think that if she existed today, she'd probably be an illustrator for children's books !! that'd be so cool, tbh. i can see her making books about space or dinosaurs, and going to book fairs at schools to meet kiddos and talk to them about it. (crossover with professor!abby who used to teach little kids 🫶🏻🫶🏻) aah. sorry for rambling. but like, i just think ellie would have a blast if she existed today. like with all the museums ?? all the new ways to make art ?? but anyway !! what are *your* headcannons for modern ellie !! 🪐🫶🏻
modern!ellie’s job!! (hc) 🦕
thx for the request bae cause this made me smile so big. i have SO many hcs for modern ellie like i’ve been waiting for this moment!!!!! also dw about rambling i love to hear your thoughts 🤗
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ok for starters i think ellie would be a nerd in high school. i know that some people headcanon her as a jock or a stoner (and that ellie has a special place in my heart) but i definitely think she’d be the opposite tbh. i imagine her with only a few friends (dina, jesse, cat). and i also think she’d have insanely good grades because she’s just smart like that. and all of her teachers love her because even though she’s quiet, she’s really kind and creative.
also i think her family would be just her and joel and maybe a dog. like imagine her spending her weekends getting guitar lessons from joel and then taking her dog on a walk and documenting it in her journal. she would fr have such a blast!!!!
for college i definitely think she’d major in astronomy/astrophysics or maybe art history?? and in her last years of college, she’d get a job as a secretary for a science museum. honestly, she didn’t hate it, but she was super jealous of the tour guide because she got to take all of the cute little kids on a walk and talk about the fun stuff while ellie had to sit behind a desk all day. but after begging her supervisor enough, she’d get promoted to tour guide after the mean old lady who used to do it retired.
and guess what??? the kiddos loved her!!! she always made sure the kids were having a great time and she knew a lot about what she was talking about, whether it was dinosaurs or planets or volcanoes. and the joke book came everywhere with her!! absolutely nothing made her happier than hearing the little monsters giggling and squealing about a joke that wasn’t even that funny.
abby and ellie would become good friends because of the time abby took her class to the museum on a field trip. they ended up actually really liking each other, especially because they had so much in common. and sometimes after work they’d meet up at a bar and talk about life, it was nice for them to both have a new friend who was equally as nerdy.
ellie would be a tour guide for quite a few years while abby got her doctorate. a few years after abby became a professor, ellie tried out illustrating a childrens book for a local visitor at the museum who was really fond of ellie. it was nothing too big, but she was really proud of it.
after she finished the drawings for the book, she wanted to try writing one of her own. so she decided to write a textbook for kids about dinosaurs with her own illustrations and a joke on every page.
safe to say it was super successful!!! she ended up going to local elementary schools and educating the littles about the different types of dinosaurs and each era they lived in. and you better believe old man joel was so proud!!!! his little girl ellie that he used to take to dinosaur museums was now writing her own dinosaur books!!!
i think eventually she’d quit her job at the museum and focus on being a writer full time, along with keeping art as a hobby. and i can 100% see her getting married and adopting a kid just like joel adopted her, and she’d pass on all of her science knowledge to her mini self. also i think she’d mainly only write science textbooks for kids, but may end up publishing a sci-fi novel or two.
i think that’s all :3 thanks for the ask sweetie pie ilysm 🫶
daily click / israeli themes in tlou
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lavender--fairy · 1 year
heyy this is a success story , i gave this huge entrance exam for getting into a uni, and it went horrible (i didn't study AT ALL) and when i got back from the exam i was so scared that i was gonna fail and started to visualize me getting in and it felt so fake because i KNOW that the exam was so terrible that they'd give me 2 marks (that too out of pity) but this was my only hope, i kept trying to feel good but just couldn't and then i realized that it was because : 1. i was too attached to the 3d, 2. what happened in the past( exam didnt go well) 3. trying to figure out how, 4. imaging out of fear
so when i imagined i let the 3d go, i didn't care if the exam went horrible i can still feel that it went perfectly well (feeling of wish fulfilled in this case) i forgot about the how and i imagined because i knew that if i change the feeling everything will fall into place not because of some consequences, another mistake i did was that i kept reading loa material (grade success stories) out of fear, i wanted to something to give me hope but why live in hope when you can live fulfilled. So everytime i felt i fear i would sit down and meditate and after the meditation i felt bliss. And then when it was results day i checked my result andddd....I FAILED, yep thats right you probably were expecting for me to pass but guess what?? i failed, i started to panic and decided to revise in hurry before my parents find out, then my father came in and said "my boss is good friends with the head of the uni you applied and when i told him that my daughter wants to get in, he quickly called and got you in" i said "but dad it says failed here...?" he said "yeah the head said that the sheet says fail but dw you've passed" i was sooo happy and currently i am packing for the dorm.
"Imagination has ways and means you know not of" so dont worry, the secret is to imagine what you love and have faith.
heyy butterbean!!
"why live in hope when you can live fulfilled"
i love thisss,congratsss have funn babe!!
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shakirawastaken · 2 years
dsmp if... they were teachers!
they are all high school teachers 
dream: stats - gives his class random stats facts about each exam they take - “the median was 25.8% and the mean was 50% and the mode was 72% andt he t-test showed the results were statistically significant” - wears a green button up formal shirt . every day. with different shades of green  - tries to tame his hair every morning but we’ve all seen that shit. its a mess its so fluffy - you try to fix it in the morning but by the time he gets to school its fucked - “whats the probability mr wastaken’s hair is gonna be tamed today? i bet 5 dollars on 13.2%” “...i hear you guys you know” - is always 20 minutes early - never more than that tho - speedruns grading tests  - if a kid is slacking in class, he makes sure that reflects on his grade - he has this big project each year where he asks all the kids to make a project that relates stats to their real life - his favorite thing ever - he’ll come home and be like “dear, tubbo had this amazing idea, the kids are so innovative”  - tearing up cause his students - best friends with sapnap - u make him a lunch every day and he just trades it with sapnap - everyone thinks hes in an affair with george but he tells them everytime that he has a lovely s/o at home  - one of the teachers everyone has a crush on  - is always standing at his desk like in front of it and leaning back - does not use the whiteboard he just has slideshows  - the room is sparsely decorated - its mainly old projects that people did - has a wall with all the cards and stuff kids gave him, its behind his desk 
sapnap: pe/ basketball + football coach - bro - he’s the type of coach/teacher that when he has one of his atheletes in his class he’s RUTHLESS - “pick it up tommy!! is this how you’re gonna be in the game on friday!!! i hope not!!” - jokingly ofc - if ur not one of his athletes he’s nice dw  - still makes everyone call him coach tho - how on earth do u spell athletes i think that’s right - will let you sit out if he can tell ur hurting - knows when a kid is faking it - BUT if you use the “im on my period” trick he doesn’t even question it - “coach im on my period” “okay ur good sit out for today” - likes giving romance advice for some reason - “coach :((( jared blh blah [insert problem]” “omg okay here’s what u do” - pretends he’s in a relationship with karl (u know about it ofc) - so when u show up to one of his games and kiss him all the players are like - “YOURE NOT DATING MR JACOBS” and he just laughs and kisses you again - wears shorts or sweats with a tshirt no matter what - “im a pe teacher fuck professional”  - makes fun of dream for like no reason  - his favorite unit is the flag football unit and his least favorite is the line dance one - but uses it as an opportunity to play country music and visit his roots amen - just imagine sapnap teaching u line dancing HAAHAH okay im done here 
george: comp sci - doesnt give a shit about lesson planning - shows up, glances at the syllabus and just jumps into it - it ends up working in the end - believes in a work to learn method - he doesnt teach, he assigns projects and helps the kids out - so if the kid is like comp sci EXPERT they can just pop off and george doesnt have to worry - but if the kid struggles a bit heres there to help :] - the whole room is blue cause thats all he can see - he looks so uncomfortable when he wears like long sleeve button ups so you unbutton the first one every morning before he leaves  - refuses to wear casual clothing to school ever  - unless its pajama day ayeeee - once he was teaching the whole class how to download something or some shit and forgot to stop sharing his screen  - so he went to text you he was like “doing good love? see you later :]” - and everyone was like - “MR NOTFOUND??” and he was like “wot.” “YOURE NOT DATING MR WASTAKEN??” “no ofc not mr wastaken is ugly” - cue the sounds of breaking glass from mr wastaken’s room  - he has a tv on display outside his classroom where he showcases his student’s work - for his final he just gives them a theme and says “go off” - they could make a video, a game, a simulator - whatever they want - 1) its less work for george 2) its more entertaining - once made them all code valentine’s day gifts for you - you teared up ngl  - seems like he doesnt care but wants all his kids to succeed - is REALLY good at being patient and helping a kid out but loses all that patience when it comes to other teachers (sapnap, quackity)
karl: chem - absolutely loves the science goggles look. has them on his head always - also lab coats with sweater vest period ahh period uhh  - only doesnt give a second shit about any other science but chemistry - loves lab days like on GOD - the man lives for the one lab where u put sticks w diff elements in the fire and watch the fire change color - guys i swear im a stem major - sapnap comes to watch that lab everytime. every period. even if he has a class - knows sapnap pretends to date him and reciprocates it all through the year - but theres that one kid who remembers his “get to know me” slideshow at the beginning of the year where he had a picture of you two - “mr jacobs..i dont believe ur dating coach sapanp” “whaaaat, pshhh, u lying” - makes so many chemistry jokes with you - “hey baby i think we got chemistry” *giggles manically* “why did you say that” “its literally my job”  - cue a thumbs up from u and an eye roll from him - genuinely loves being a teacher tho - the interaction he gets with students >>>  - he loves the feeling when a student comes up to him after class or even after theyre finished with his classes and go “hey what you taught me really helped” - loves it when a student keeps in contact with him, making him tear up and shi
quackity: spanish - this one was quite..obvious - chaotic teaching style, it doesnt work for everyone - but ITS FUN - lives on teaching through games - kahoots, quiz, scavenger hunt, anything to get out of a slideshow he’ll do - and he figures it out - his quizzes and tests are generally harder than what the games cover but hes a fair grader like he gets that he made it harder - LMFAO HAS A UNIT WHERE HE TEACHES FLIRTS AND SHIT IN SPANISH - brings u in to teach - LMFAOOO “hola amor” “hi?” “what does that mean class” “hi love” “wtf” - laughs maniacally  - also this scenario - “hey mr q can i get extra credit for this” “for what” “ *student swears agressively in spanish*”  “....yeah ill give u some points dont tell principal phil” - jokingly pines over both coach sapnap and mr jacobs - “guys coach sapnap *heart eyes* and mr jacobs *heart eyes*” “please just teach us spanish” - but everyone knows its a joke and ur it for him - he LOVES the food unit - he borrows the kitchens from the home ec room to teach people how to make traditional spanish foods - but GODDAMN he cant cook  - so it ends badly - also he has a thing on his wall for the fifa world cup where its like an elimination thing - face painted his face the mexican flag when the game happened - was this close to cancelling class when mexico was out
wilbur: theater  - i wish he was MY theater teacher in high school - one of the only non-toxic teachers - wears a long ass coat i forgot the name - TRENCHCOAT. for dramatics. its giving severus snape  - always wants to put on musicals but phil said  “you can only do one musical per year” - does that tik tok trend where he has a wall of musicals and rips one off each day and the last one standing is the one they put on - tries so so so hard to get the rights to hamilton, doesnt obviously - so he does stuff like in the heights, dear evan hansen, etc - IF A KID WRITES A MUSICAL AND APPROACHES HIM YOU BEST KNOW HES ALREADY SAYING YES TO PUTTING IT ON WITHOUT A SECOND *THOUGHT* - he loves supporting his students in stuff theyre passionate about even if it isnt music/theater related - once went to the schools water polo game cause one his student mentioned offhandedly in class that they didnt have anyone coming - tommy is his teacher’s assistant person  - he runs the improv lessons while wil observes him teaching - “okay kids youre all aliens and ur abducting mr soot” “tommy..” - its so funny when theyre together  - rumor has it theyre brothers along with mr blade and phil is their dad - “class please, philza minecraft is not my father.” “okay son” “PHIL WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE” - brings u in one day with the excuse of teaching them how to be in love - in reality just has a whole class sing a long to disney love songs while u sit there like why am i here - you pressure him to put on shows YOU want to see - “wil put on high school musical” “nO! WHAT AM I in high school thats so basic” “yes. you are in high school. technically” - puts on high school musical - HES THE TEACHER WHO SHIPS KIDS TOGETHER in the form of making them play love interests  - its giving mrs darbus from high school musical - i was in high school musical i played sharpay 
lmk if u want to see more members as teachers!! :D and what else u want to see period sorry it was so long okay BYEEE
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shakertwelve · 1 month
new wave timeline talk
for @dw-flagler, responding to this post; under a cut for length
so, the worm wiki's reasoning on vicky and amy's ages (on the timeline page here) begins as follows:
Victoria, in 2011, is in her senior year of high school: she belongs to the age range of 17 to 18.[57] According to Victoria, she was seventeen when she arrived at the Asylum.[58] Victoria, in October 2015, notes the day after the Navigators Incident[59][60] that she is twenty-one.[61]
the problems start with that first line, the citation for which links to this spacebattles wog:
Her grades were good enough she could have skipped a grade, but she decided to stay in High School for mornings only, so she could remain in touch with friends and enjoy her senior year.
high school seniors are 17-18 in the sense that they turn 18 over the course of senior year; the cut-off is usually in september, such that anyone who's 17 by september is going into senior year. pre-timeskip worm takes place in spring of 2011, at the end of the 2010-2011 school year, so everyone but the youngest high school seniors [who have not skipped any grades] has already turned 18. the only way for victoria to still be 17 in the spring of her senior year, without skipping grades, would be for her to have a summer birthday (and it would have to be even later in the summer than when she entered the asylum). the above quote also confirms that she chose not to skip any years of school, even though her grades were good enough that she could've, so there's no way for her to be 17 years old and a graduating senior at the same time.
the other data points cited in that paragraph (victoria was 17 in june of 2011 when she entered the asylum, and she's 21 in october of 2015 during ward) cohere with each other and with other mentions of victoria's age in worm and worm wog, where she's consistently described as 17 pre-timeskip. knowing that she hasn't had her 22nd birthday yet in october of 2015 places the lower bound on her birthday in late october 1993, with the latest she could've been born, based purely on this information, being may of 1994.
given all that, what makes the most sense to me is to assume that victoria being a senior is a mistake; she's 17 years old and should be wrapping up her junior year in high school during pre-timeskip worm.
the next paragraph is about amy's age, and reads as follows:
According to Marquis, Amy was six before his incarceration in February 2000.[62][63] On June 4, 2011,[64] Marquis states that Amy is currently seventeen:[65] this is correct if she is six in February 2000 as Amy would be born before March 1994. Both Carol Dallon and Sarah Pelham believed Amy was Victoria's age (6) before Amy's adoption.[63][66] According to Amy, she was six when she was adopted and seventeen before she left Carol and Mark Dallon and went to the Birdcage.[67]
i consider marquis the most reliable source we have on amy's age, since he was in direct contact with amy's mother, who would definitely know, and the information he gives consistently places amy's birthday in the winter of 1993-1994. i've seen some people theorize that amy could be up to a year or two younger than vicky and the dallons just put them in the same school year out of convenience, but the only evidence for this is that carol and sarah guessed that amy was probably a bit younger than vicky just from looking at her, which doesn't mean much when you take into account that kids grow at different rates, amy is known to be smaller than vicky as an adult as well, and carol's description of young amy in her interlude isn't entirely objective in other ways, either. i've also seen the theory that amy is older than vicky and just doesn't know it, but i don't think that's too likely given this exchange from interlude 10.5:
Marquis frowned. “My daughter, she would be… what year is it? 2010?” “2011,” Lung replied. “She would be seventeen.”
if amy's birthday were in october or earlier, it would've made more sense for him to ask for the month as well; stating amy's age with confidence based purely on the year only works if she's born very close to the change of the year, and so is the same age for roughly all of the calendar year. so, my favored interpretation is that amy is younger than vicky, but not by very much.
the wiki continues:
In June 2011, Amy claims to Taylor that she is sixteen now; however, she presumably brings it up in the context of getting a non-government job and avoiding rules and regulations that apply to exploiting minors with powers.[68] Eric Pelham in 2011 is fifteen before his death:[48] Amy cannot have turned sixteen in 2011 as Eric is three years younger than Amy.[69]
as noted, this doesn't line up with anything else and is either amy lying or wildbow making a math error. eric being 15 and three years younger than the 17 year old dallons looks initially like a contradiction, but can be chalked up to him having just had his birthday and being between 2.5 and 3 years younger than them, such that he's 3 years younger for most of the year.
after this there's another section about school, in which i've highlighted the part i take issue with:
A short time after Crystal Pelham's trigger event, Victoria had to pick a class in the arts (i.e., art, music, or drama) for her next high school semester,[72] along with a specialized science class (i.e., chemistry, biology, or physics) for the first time.[73] Victoria is a freshman and not a sophomore because she would otherwise take a specialized science class in the fall.[74] As Amy also got these instructions and might be in the same art class as Victoria next semester, Amy must be in the same school and birth year as Victoria.[73][72] On the same day, Victoria also notes that Amy and herself are three years older than Eric Pelham.[69]
that citation links to this quote, from worm 5.4:
In biology, Madison used every excuse she could to use the pencil sharpener or talk to the teacher, and each time she passed my desk, she pushed everything I had on my desk to the floor. [...] “That’s September eighth,” I pointed out, “My first day back at school, last semester. September ninth-” “Excuse me, sorry. How many entries do you have?” “One for pretty much every school day starting last semester. Sorry, I only decided to keep track last summer.
the problem with this, of course, is that taylor goes to winslow high, while the dallons are at arcadia, so there's no reason to assume their school curricula work the same way; public schools are required to follow the same general educational guidelines, but i don't think you can use what year winslow students start taking biology to prove that arcadia students also take biology the same year. without accepting this premise, the entire paragraph of reasoning above doesn't matter except for the part about vicky and amy being three years older than eric, which we already knew.
circling back around to the subject of fleur, the wiki says:
According to Amy, Victoria and herself are not in middle school after Fleur died.[70] Her death happened in the latter half of 2007.[*] Victoria, in 2007, is not in elementary school as she graduated from middle school in June 2007.[57] Thus, Amy must have graduated middle school on or before June 2007, as she would otherwise be drastically younger than Victoria to not be in middle school.[70][63] Indeed, Victoria believes she and Amy got to high school at the same time.[71]
if we accept that fleur's death was in late 2007, the claim that amy and vicky weren't even in middle school yet when it happened doesn't make sense, since they would've been eight graders at the time. so our two options are that fleur died earlier than 2007, or it should say that they weren't in high school yet, not middle school.
my first reaction was to take the mention of the year more seriously than the mention of the grade, since, at this point, i have very little faith in the dallon kids' grade levels meaning anything. but as you noted in your post:
there's only one thing placing the boston games, and fleur's subsequent death, in 2007, which is ashley's narration in Eclipse X.8. But everything else points to it being 2 years earlier, in 2005. Actually, I'd say it would be even earlier, maybe 2003, 2002, because we know that new wave was struggling for "most of [Victoria's] childhood," and they were only struggling after Fleur's death.
even if amy (wildbow) misspoke and said middle school instead of high school, this still leaves a problem, because it occupies a lesser portion of Victoria and Amy's childhoods. I mean, if it is 2007, then that means Fleur died only a year before Victoria's trigger event, which seems crazy late to me.
and yeah, that actually does track better with the overall impression we're given of new wave's trajectory during vicky's childhood. if we assume this happened in 2005 rather than 2007, then it does bear out that amy and vicky "weren't even in middle school yet", if you assume that their school district only counted 7th and 8th grade as middle school (some schools include 6th grade as well, or even 5th and 6th grade, but a two-year middle school is totally normal).
this leaves the issue that ashley states she's 16 during the boston games, so we'd be making her two years older overall, meaning she'd be 26 in ward rather than 24, which seems a little out of keeping with breakthrough's overall teen-through-early-20s age group and with the dynamic she has with victoria, which feels like they're supposed to be pretty close to the same age. the other option is to keep ashley's birthday in 1991 and assume she just thinks she's 16 when she's actually 14 during the boston games, which shifts her character in a different way, playing up her tendency to exaggerate her own maturity in her own mind.
or we could say that the cape ashley fought was an unrelated heroine who just happened to also be using a fleur-de-lis symbol. or, like, a stranger-trump imitating fleur, or something. a wizard did it.
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catiuskaa · 4 months
new task: valentine’s day (ACTS)
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A/N: reposting by acts! [see full version here]. wanted to see if this format works better (and yes i will squeeze everything in this one right here cause its amazing and i 100% worked my ass off on it)
PAIRING! seungmin x reader ; enemies/rivals2lovers!
SUMMARY: boring classes, boring classmates, boring assignments…to seungmin, everyone is boring even if he’s used to pretend otherwise, but you seem to get on his nerves. you, your stupid poem, and his stupid letter.
WC: 3.150k
CW: fluffy comfort, use of spanglish (not relevant to the plot, dw), use of text format, the reader is stupidly short (which i know all about), academic rivals, bad student reader x good student seungmin, mentions of the unability to deal with complicated feelings, mentions of masking feelings, slight hint of bullying, mentions of being followed, (pet)names: little one, shortie, shortcake, smallable, pretty, hyunjin as a walking therapist, and the ending is kind of a reference to a show i'm obsessed with (not gonna say it so i don't spoil it for you guys hehehe)
|PROLOGUE| |ACT 1| |ACT 2| |ACT 3|
To be in the same class group than him was slightly tolerable.
Is what you’d like to say if you were in a good mood. But it wasn’t the case.
You were mad. As fuck.
“I just need you to give it a chance,” Miss Fernández stated once more, and you had to hold back to not roll your eyes at her.
“But Miss. I know that this subject is difficult and that he could, uh, help me out with the project,” you muttered reluctantly, because on normal circumstances, you wouldn’t go as far as to let Kim Seungmin help you with chemistry. Not ever.
You weren’t in need of help that desperatly.
And that was a fact, not a matter of ifs, buts, or maybes. That was an absolute. Something that lovely-yet-not-so-much teacher Lucía Fernández, spanish accent and all, was not getting.
“Listen. We both know that your grade is the best I can offer considering your behaviour in my class, despite of your average knowledge of the subject. And in this case, I am offering to set that aside if you work on these following assignments with your classmate Seungmin.”
Her harsh tone was also an absolute, and that made you clench your jaw. You blamed Lucas for her attitude towards you —after all, that one accident with a Bunsen Burner had been mostly his fault—, but you breathed in, trying to offer your most pity-inducing grin.
Judging by her glare, it wasn’t working.
“Miss, I—”
“I’m sorry.” She didn’t look like she was. “It’s my last word. And I think that after coming three days to my office on each of your free periods, this is getting a bit tiring.” She sighed, adjusting her glasses by a soft push of her finger.
Nope. She definetely wasn’t sorry.
Witholding a groan you left her office, and huffed as the door closed behind you, swiftly heading to meet your group of friends when they got out of their Biology lesson in other building within the school grounds.
It was a chilly evening, maybe not too much from what one could expect for the first week of February, still one that made you hide your face in your scarf and you hands in your jacket pockets.
You settled your headphones where they belonged, humming to the music to hold back the need to rant and rave against your chemistry teacher, when your phone dinged.
< henry li🫧: everything ok? saw you in lucifer’s office rn
< henry li🫧: did you do smth again? you cheekyyy 🙊
You gingerly laughed, and started typing out your answer, when, out of nowhere, you bumped against someone, making all of the books that they were carrying fall down of their grasp.
You pursed your lips, then pressed them in a thin line. Staring at their— his back, you saw that his backpack was almost empty. Why the fuck would he carry all of his books on his hands then?
The guy had quickly bent down to get his books back, and you followed too, taking your headphones off and quickly trying to prevent the papers from getting wet because of the floor, that was damp from the rain before, when your hands softly brushed against each other, still, you forced yourself to ignore it.
“I’m so…” the word dissapeared in your mouth.
“It’s ok, don’t… oh.” He blinked, his face showing nothing. For fuck’s sake.
Why did it always have to be him?
He swiftly took all of the things from you, as if your touch could be worse than the wet floor. You frowned, feeling a cold shiver trail up your spine, and you crossed your arms in front of you, struggling to seek some warmth.
“Watch it, little one.” He mocked with a light smirk. “I might accidentally step on you one day.”
You looked at him through your eyelashes. What. An. Idiot. You passed a hand through your hair, chuckling dryly.
“I-,” you sighed, shaking your head sideways. “Nah, you know what? I don’t have time for this crap.” You smiled at him widely, full of sarcasm.
But just when you were about to leave, you felt a tug at your sleeve, the fabric of your shirt not thick enough to hide the warmth of Seungmin’s grasp on your forearm. You frowned, confused at the lack of any uncomfortable feelings because of it. There was none, but rather a need to cover yourself with it and wear it like a jacket.
“Did you fix it?”
You blinked, trying to get your brain to focus on his words.
He rolled his eyes, but his hand didn’t move an inch. “You said you were going to talk to Miss Fernández so we wouldn’t be partners, which is, well, so mature, congratulations,” he tsked, but then continued. “But did it work?”
You licked your lips and swallowed, your throat feeling dry. What was going on? You needed to focus.
In a harsh motion, you moved your arm away from his grasp. You forced yourself to ignore how your skin missed it.
“I… no. She settled. You- I mean… we…” the word felt awkward when it rolled off your tongue.
We? There was no such thing in between Seungmin and you. No we, no us, no nothing. And it was like that for a reason. One that you had almost forgotten with how softly his slender and warm hand had been holding your forearm. Ugh.
As you struggled to say those infamous words, your phone dinged again, and you mumbled a short “oh, wait,” and unlocked it.
< henry li🫧: leaving me on read, shortcake?
Seungmin stared at your phone, shoving his hands on his pockets when he saw you smile at the bright screen. He bit his lower lip. He hadn't taken all of his stuff out of his backpack just for this.
“So,” he licked his lips, and it almost shocked you the sudden roughness on his tone and demeanour. “Chemistry is easy. We can meet up on Friday in the public library. An hour or two should be enough, even for someone with a fun-sized brain like yours.” He chuckled meanly, the motherfucker.
Ever since that stupid text from him, you had made it your mission to surpass him, or at least reach his level, and to be honest, you were even succeding in some cases, like philosophy, art history, spanish, technical drawing and business studies. But Chemistry?
Chemistry would always kick you in the ass.
Before you were able to come up with a comeback for his stupid snicker, the bell rang, and you felt an arm laying its weight on your shoulders.
“Smallable!” Lucas laughed, then realized that you were talking to a certain someone and ful Ty ly gasped. “Oh my god. Are you two finally dating and I interrupted— AH!” He was interrupted by your elbow hitting his side. Noa and Atenea chuckled behind him.
“No. Seungmin was just leaving.” You huffed with a frown, but then you smiled, almost excessively, like a small maniac. “Right?”
But before he was able to reply or mock you, Atenea spoke, ruining your chances of kicking him away.
“But we all have English now,” she said, and if it had been someone else, like Lucas, you would’ve stepped on his shoe or something. “We’re going to the same place, we can go together.”
Seungmin felt you stare intensively at him. He smiled at Atenea, finding that he enjoyed having you look at him, reason why he loved annoying the shit out of you.
“Sure!” He smiled politely, almost sheepishly, and you bit your lip to hold back the need to scoff at his 'obviously fake' kindness.
Because except for you, the rest of your class —heck, probably the rest of the school— were smitten with Kim Seungmin.
Top of the class, funny, kind, and cutely introverted Kim Seungmin was just a dorky student who tried to get along with everyone.
But that was wrong. And you may not have any proof aside from his mean attitude towards you and only you, but you knew it.
Seungmin had to be more than just a pretty boy with high grades, and it was only with you that he proved you right.
You stayed next to Lucas, hoping that Seungmin would at least stay with your friends and ignore you.
But to your horror, he smiled at you, a pink dust on his cheeks. “If you don’t mind?”
Oh, son of a bitch.
“No… it’s whatever.” You huffed.
Because against his dorky self, to the rest of your class —heck, to the rest of the school— you were the quote on quote “bad student.”
Troublesome, mean, class clown? Check. You laughed at teachers in class with Lucas far more than what could be ignored, the dresscode had always been more of a guide in what to wear, unlike what most students usually followed, and you may have been expelled a bunch of times.
Even if you were somewhat kind to the people in school, and even if they all knew your rivalry with Seungmin, God forbid you were mean to him.
You wouldn’t see the end of it.
And he knew it.
So there you were, walking to English class with your friends plus innocent Seungmin —who no one had called, not even the ghostbusters—, who was snickering and giggling with Atenea about who-gives-a-shit. Something class-related. You couldn’t be bothered to listen.
Lucas chuckled next to you.
“Careful, Spongebob.” He laughed. “Some could say you seem jealous.”
“Of… of Kim Seungmin?” You snorted. “Are you on drugs?”
He ruffled your hair. “Sure, sure, keep lying to yourself, shortie.”
Finally, you arrived to class, but before you stepped inside, Seungmin stopped you, whispering in your ear.
“Yeah, shortie.” He teased, his lips almost grazing the shell of your ear. “Don’t be too jealous. We wouldn’t want everyone to know you love me.”
His whisper would’ve been almost enticing if it weren’t for the fact that it was Kim Seungmin the man in question, and he snickered, pushing his glasses back.
But then someone cleared his throat behind you two.
“Care to sit down? I don’t have all day.” Mister Holmes grunted, carrying a monster drink and a coffe at the same time.
That mas was slightly terryifing.
You squinted at Seungmin and then walked to your place at the back of the class, hoping that your cheeks felt warm because of how the teacher had startled you and definetely not your classmate’s honey-like voice.
“Pssst. Heeey,” Noa smiled teasingly, whispering with a smirk. “Pssst. You’re blushing…!”
“Shut up!” You frowned at her, but you were unable to hold back a smile. But it was because of your friend Noa. Not Kim Seungmin.
Mr Holmes cleared his throat, and finished off his monster, throwing it to the bin.
“So. I’ve been hearing from some students in the hallways that you’re all excited for saint valentines’ day.” He stated in a strong voice, one that filled the class with little to no effort. “And sadly so, I was thinking of putting an exam that Wednesday…” he faked a sigh, and you had to hold back a laugh, contrary to the frowns and groans that appeared in your classmates faces. Pfft, what a character. “Unless… you guys want to do something in true valentines fashion.”
Mr Holmes crossed his arms, laying back on his chair, his stare cold and face lacking any kind of emotions.
“Say… any ideas, Mr… Kim?”
Seungmin sat up straight at his name being mentioned, and you rolled your eyes, holding back a mocking smirk.
“I ugh… I wouldn’t want to bother my classmates with a lot of work, sir… but maybe… maybe a writing assingment related to the topic would be… enough?” Seungmin stated, his tone soft and shy, and there was even a blush that trailed up from his neck, but he stayed staight and firm as he spoke.
“A valentine-themed task.” Mr Holmes enunciated as he pondered. “It’s a… decent idea. Any complaints?”
You felt some of your classmates’ eyes on you, and you sighed, crossing your arms in front of you, remaining silent. As long as it wasn’t an exam, you’d accept whatever.
“With that settled, I’ll upload the task online this afternoon, but it’ll have to be written by hand. Be sure to hand in a picture of your assignment on time, or your final grade will be affected.” The teacher turned on his laptop, and started taking assistance.
Time had passed dreadfully slowly, until the bell rang and Mr Holmes dissmissed all of you so everyone could leave for the day.
“A valentine-themed task.” You huffed in annoyance as you stuffed your locker with books you weren’t going to take home.
“I thought it was original.” A voice snickered lowly behind you, and you slapped your locker close, smiling at him.
“Well, Henry. It’s no surprise your taste sucks.”
You chuckled when he rolled his eyes.
“I was waiting for your reply,” he mentioned with a soft tone.
You closed your locker, and you two started walking together. “Oh, sorry, I totally forgot,” you apologized with a smile, but he brushed it off. “Yeah, I was with Lucifer earlier. She’s making me work with Seungmin for this term’s assignments.”
Henry frowned. “And we hate that guy… right…” you chuckled.
“Exactly. We don’t like him.”
“So then, don’t do it. You were going to meet him to study, right?” You nodded, smirking slightly at him.
“We agreeded to meet on Friday to start, in the library.” You added, watching his smirk widen. “What are you thinking?”
He stopped walking, smiling at you. “There’s this club that opened recently. Been wanting to go have a look. Apparently, it’s like exclusive and shit. And it’s Friday.” His light-coloured eyes shined as he looked at you. “Meet me there?”
You grinned cheekily.
“Sure. Can’t wait.”
You hadn’t noticed Seungmin on the school bus until this year.
Because he had made himself noticeable, sitting at the back of the bus, a couple seats away from you, but oh, dorky Seungmin was always friend of everyone, sheepishly starting conversation with any kinds of people in the bus, no matter the year they were in.
Before his text, you had even thought he was cute as he gingerly chatted with a group of kids who were probably starting high school.
“Is it too difficult?” A little girl asked.
And it surprised you how he turned to her and smiled, almost tugging at your heart strings, eyes like crescent moons.
“It’s only difficult if you stop trying. And we don’t give up, right?” He stated cheerfuly, and all the kids shined at his sheepish and bashful brightness, high-fiving the girl that talked to him.
You forced yourself to shove those memories to the back of your mind. That Seungmin wasn’t real. And you didn’t like him. The real him. Right?
“Oi, Kim Seungmin.” You called, as it was only you two left on the bus.
He was surprised at your call, but only side-eyed at you, lazily raising his brows, signalling that he was listening. You frowned.
See? You thought to yourself. He’s mean. He isn’t sweet, nor cute. Focus.
“What kind of lame ass idea was that?” You huffed with a mean smile. “A valentine-themed assignment.” You snorted.
His bus stop was close, so he ignored you as he picked up his coat and backpack, but you kept on talking. “You know? Hallmark office called, they want their boring clichés back,” you mocked, laughing.
Backpack on and coat hanging on his arm, he stared at you, and waited for a red light to walk to your seat.
He settled next to you, still staring at you as you chimed mean remarks about his originality and such and such.
“Anything else to mumble? I couldn’t hear you from down there.” He snorted meanly, and you were too focused on annoying him that you didn’t notice his stare at your lips as he licked his own.
You rolled your eyes. “You’re such a lame guy. He gave you the chance to choose, and you chose that piece of—?!”
His lips tasted as sweet as his voice that day with those little kids.
You felt his hand slowly creep up and cradle your face, his eyes closed as he kissed you, and slowly, your eyes closed too.
It was sweet. So sweet. But what was it? It was a flavour that you knew. Its sweetness was so familiar, but you couldn’t seem to figure out what was it.
You kissed him back, and he let out a surprised whine as you sighed, your hands, which had been frozen on his shoulders, waiting for your order to push him away, slowly followed up and remained on his face, your thumbs almost stroking his cheeks.
You wanted needed to know what he tasted like.
But it was when your hands went into his hair that he sighed too, melting under your touch, that your brain clicked.
what were you doing?
You pushed him away, and your breath hitched.
He didn’t look like fake Seungmin.
In front of you was not the innocent boy who had straight A’s and was shy enough to not be able to say no to a lot of things, who sheepishly spoke up in class, or who treated everyone with a bashful kindness that was so endearing.
This Seungmin was different. His glasses had a bit of a fog in them, his hair was all messed up, and his lips were plush, pink from your tinted gloss and slightly swollen from your kiss.
This Seungmin was a wreck, all flustered and kissable, and he looked like a mess.
But it felt real.
And for a second, you wanted to kiss him again, yearning to figure what that kiss tasted like, the word for it almost in the tip of your tongue.
He panted, struggling to catch his breath.
“Finally,” he huffed with a smile, but his dark eyes didn’t match the mocking in his tone. A small part of your mind thought that they looked prettier than any light eyes you had ever seen. “So you were able to shut up, after all.” He gulped, still panting.
He moved away from you slowly, as you remained there, frozen, like a piece of art in front of him, cheeks blushed, lips flushed and parted as your eyes stared at him, an emotion much different from this evening.
He found himself enjoying this one even more.
“Eh… T-this is my bus stop.” He muttered when the bus stopped. Maybe it wasn’t, but he didn’t care. He felt like he would have the energy to run home if needed. “I-I’ll… see you tomorrow.”
You blinked as he stood up and walked away.
What had just happened?
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luvistqrzzz · 11 months
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 super shy — 008 — shut up simp ( ignore timestamps !! ) wc: 0.2k
'y/n psst!' his voice came again. you looked up from the textbook you were studying while riki was supposed to be doing sums. 'riki... please for once study', you replied in a slightly stern voice. riki was a good student, he just needed to concentrate a bit more which he was well, not very successful in.
'c'mon we study everyday! i can't wrap my head around these proving a circle questions', he whined. 'do you want me to explain to you again?'
'no but you could ditch this study session with me.' you stopped, looking at him, his face having a slight mischievous smile. you sighed, it's not like you wanted to continue teaching him. you could do with a break... right?
plus, it was with riki so maybe... it won't be a bad idea. 'please please please', he begged, giving you fake puppy eyes.
'why with me though? you can go alone or something', you asked, closing your textbook. 'hey i'm not that cruel to ditch you plus i'd like to spend more time with you that doesn't involve sitting in a library with stale coffee.'
you were a bit taken aback and couldn't help the blush rising in your cheeks, 'oh. well then, i guess i'm in.' a bright smile spread accross riki's face. 'just.for.today', you added threatingly.
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summary- as if bribing people with pringles to vote for him as class prez wasn't enough, riki had to get respectable amount of grades to really contest in it. so, what happens when a hopeless riki approaches you, his quiet shy classmate whose painfully crushing on him, to tutor him? will you take his offer to finally shoot your shot?
genre- smau with written parts, classmates to lovers, crush!niki, fluff, pinch of angst maybe, high school!au, shy girl x popular boy kinda, tutor!reader (cliche ikkk)
taglist- open - send an ask or comment to be added (bold=cannot tag)
@heesluvrgirl @yenqa @latriii @gyulune @flwrshee @imhuh @str0l0gy @rshmra @kjrcrz @gyuszie @hysgf @dneltrise @aernx @yunicide @beomgyusonlywife @i-izumii @cha0thicpisces @misokei @sunoosluvr @txtmetonight @captivq @neighborhae @girlindiesel @pinkbarbi3dolly @rikislady @heetoldme @j1nniee @k1ttylvr @whoschr @staryyeon @soomelon @thea-herondale @enhaz1 @smollquokka @svn-lvn @chaerybae @en-dream @gothvkth @spilled-coffee-cup @ashy1um @jayujus @yumilovesloona @teddywonss @darlingalieee @haechansbbg @chaechae-23 @angrybananapolice @jwonsite @mrowwww @elysianeclipxe @07myonlylove @str4wb3rizz
an- uhm hiii i bet yall forgot this existed cuz i sure did (dw i hate myself for this too 😞),,, but on the other hand lets the ignore the fact that twitter is now called by the name of X or wtf is up with the new name huh ?! i made this chapter half asleep pls lmk any errors </3 gn guys
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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This is just my own version of an ask @gaybitchfx got that was so phenomenal and just I loved it and I got permission to do this dw also please check our their blog they are so talented and amazing.
Mikey never admitted it but he actually quite enjoyed going with (name) to the store, the Omega was always so fucused as he looked at deals despite the Kanto leader having more than enough money to get it full priced but (name) insisted they get the deals so he didn't argue.
"'jiro... Could you get some four large carrots and chicken bouillon cubes?" (Name) asked the blond alpha who kissed his temple before walking off to retrieve the items and leaving (name) who checked his phone to see what else they needed before realizing one of the items are in fact in the Ilse and walked to grab it though it was just out of reach.
"Damn it...." (Name) grumbled as he struggled to grab the item only for a hand to grab it "here ya go" the stranger said, obviously an alpha who smiled down at him "oh thank you!" (Name) said sweetly and bowed slightly to the man who just chuckled "no worries, not everyday one gets to help a pretty Omega like you"
The alpha then glanced around to realize he was with no one or so he thought "can I take you out sometime?"
"I-Im sorry but---" "he's currently mated" Mikey's voice cut through like a knife as the Alpha looked behind (name) to see Mikey staring coldly and looked at the Alpha as if he were dirt beneath his feet.
It would take a complete idiot not to regonize the Alpha that was Mikey Sano and this man seemed to be a grade A idiot as he sized Mikey up and assumed that because he was only 5'3" that he could easily be taken down but oh boy was he wrong.
It took two seconds.
Mikey didn't even kick him.
He just punched him in the throat before leading (name) back to the cart with his hand around his waist "you good baby?"
"Yeah... I hate how they just think because I'm an Omega that I'm just fair game..."
"I know baby, the boullion cubes were on sale" Mikey said to cheer (name) up a bit as they finished up their shopping before heading out and talking about a show they were watching.
"HEY!" a voice shouted behind them and there was the Alpha from before looking visibly enraged "give me a proper fight asshole!"
"Oh god...." (Name) mumbled but didn't bother stepping in, knowing it would be finished in a second as he began loading the SUV Mikey got for (name) as he learned quickly that you can't put groceries on a motorcycle easily and he refused to get those side cars.
"You think your tough---ACK" Mikey wasted zero time high kicking the others arm when he went to strike him, a sickening crunch could be heard as his arm went into a direction it shouldn't have, the other dropping to the ground as Mikey beat his ass, thankfully this parking lot had no cameras and it was a slow Sunday.
When Mikey finished he walked back to (name) like it was nothing as the two got into the car, Mikey putting his hand on (name)s thigh as he drove off.
"Not gonna lie, that was hot"
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lino-jagiyaa · 1 year
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Skater boi - Bang Chan
Pairing: childhood best friend!bangchan x female reader
Genre: Best friend to lovers trope, mutual pining, non idol au
Warnings: swearing, mentions of smoking (weed), (Mostly fluff + angst so dw)
Word count: 270
Synopsis: you never thought you would catch a crush on your best friend but times have changed. you both are all grown up and everything is different now
Notes: characters are aged down a bit in this (about 5 years lol - chan is 20/reader is the same) so hopefully this isn’t too confusing
extra note: and yes i know, i’m starting so many writings and haven’t finished a bunch but i needed something to post lol and this has been in my drafts since september 🤦🏽‍♀️
song rec - serendipity by bts
send an ask to be tagged in the full fic! | this is just a preview/prologue
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when the weather starts to cool and the sky starts to gray, your favorite thing to do is go skating with your best friend chris. skating through the park, along the train station, and the occasional smoke sesh when you both need a little break from everything and everyone. except each other of course.
as the years went by and you both began to grow into the young adults you are today, you started to see a different side of him.
maybe a better one than before.
the two of you have been best friends since you were little. neighbors since you can remember. you can’t even think of a time where the two of you weren’t together. through the good times and the bad.
he was always there. always by your side.
by the time you both had reached high school, around grade 10. you started catching feelings for him. you had a crush on him for the longest time. this aching feeling for him but you could never convince yourself it was the right thing to do. nor found the right time to confess.
you couldn’t tell him either. you felt as though it would ruin your life long friendship and that was the last thing you wanted.
he was the only friend that really stuck. chris was always so kind, so caring. watching over you and always making sure you were okay and accounted for.
always knowing how to cheer you up. always finding the right words. he healed you in a way. a feeling indescribable with words.
he felt like home. he was your home.
taglist: @dadonbabysworld @lynanist
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ruthlesslistener · 8 months
Hello! I'm not sure what proper etiquette is here so I hope I'm not overstepping, pls feel free to ignore if I am. You mentioned in a tag and/or post about having estrogen allergy? My wife is dealing with that, and it's... so difficult, most doctors don't know what it is and we thought we had a short term solution so she could finally get some sleep (she hardly sleeps at all anymore because of nightly itching). It's so hard to find ANY information on it and we're not sure how to proceed anymore. Just...wondering if you have any information at all? I'm sorry if this sounds desperate, it's because...it is lol.
Thanks kindly, from, your friendly neighborhood very worried lesbian wife.
Dw anon, you're not overstepping!! I've been in hormone hell since I was 13 so I know how much of a relief it is to find someone who understands for once. I don't believe that me or my mom (who's also affected) have the same allergic reactions that your wife is experiencing, but I'm hoping that I can help anyways.
Okay so first off, the doctors not knowing about estrogen allergies is bullshit. They may not be super common, but they've also been documented since at LEAST 1921. Just a cursory google search has yielded two scientific articles about it (that looked legit when I scanned through them before going to lecture, where I'm typing this rn), which I'll put right here:
I'd suggest trying to read through medical journal articles on it because despite the density of the information and the difficulty of the language, medical articles tend to be more comprehensive about the symptoms and causes than ones written for the general public. They also mean that you have the language to confront doctors about it if you wish- which you'll have to do, because if she's experiencing an allergic reaction like itchieness, then I'd also be concerned about potential anaphalaxis if her reactions get more severe. The intolerance that me and my mother had manifested in different ways (migraines, muscle weakness, disorintation, being hypersensitive to food/unable to keep food down, extreme drowsieness leading to being bed-bound), but those weren't quite on the level of being so itchy that you can't sleep. A more typical allergic reaction is something to be concerned about and I highly suggest not only stressing this to your doctor, but also getting confrontational about it and meeting multiple different doctors if needed before you get care. Force them to run tests, force them to listen to you. That's my biggest regret when it comes to my hormone issues, because they just got progressively worse and worse until I had to go to the ER for it. Turns out that I was not only estrogen intolerant, I also had hypothyroidism! And nobody in 10 years of appointments thought to check for that!!
As for what helps me and my mom, I found that progesterone hormone treatment was effective for us both (until it stopped working for me, but I still don't know why that is. It works for my mother). You might want to be cautious about trying this because in the articles I read, some people were just as sensitive to progesterone, but it's worth a shot. I used to get the DEPO-provera (or however its spelled) shot to offset the issues caused by estrogen, which is an injection once every few months. I also found that once I went on testosterone that a good chunk of my hormonal health issues straight-up vanished, but obviously that's not exactly the best option for everyone. I'm on a masculinizing dose so maybe you can do a really super low-grade dose, but I'm telling you about it mostly just to get the point across that HRT works. It's not just for trans people- cis people get hormone fuckery and need hormone therapy as well.
But there's also proposed solutions in the articles I linked, so I hope those are helpful or give you an idea of treatment options. Best of luck!
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headcanonsandmore · 3 months
I meant to send this earlier and then forgot because I’m useless 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 1, 10, 14 and 15 for Benton please (because I know how much you love him!) 😊
No worries, mate; I know being sick can knock it out of you. :) I do love Benton, it has to be said XD
1. how long have i known about them
I'd heard vaguelly about him on DW retrospectives but then I watched season 7 and thought 'he seems nice'. With each subsequent season, I adored him even more. Apparently I wasn't the only one; several hundred women in a factory up north wrote into the BBC demanding Benton be in more stories XD
10. my favorite moment with them in canon
It's a toss-up between Benton managing to stop Yates during the latter's brief indoctrination-into-eco-fascism, and Three telling Benton he makes one of the best coffees in the universe (I'm a sucker for the other characters being sweet to Benton, which is also why I love when Jo Grant refers to him as 'the lovely Sergeant Benton' in a letter she sends to UNIT after she leaves). But basically any moment where Benton is on-screen is my favourite moment. He's such a sweet bean.
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them
I love how it was originally a bit-part but the cast and crew liked John Levene so much he got to do more and more over time. I especially like how he goes from getting the short straw from Yates constantly (never quite forgave Yates for stealing Benton's sandwiches that time by pulling rank) to getting the last laugh. Not to mention how it's a canon fact that basically everyone likes him and knows him to be a fundamentally good person; the Doctor is suspicious of everyone during that dinosaur serial except Benton, because they knew Benton would never betray them. Even the Master respects how earnest and resourceful Benton is.
Also, love the little insights into his personal life, like how he takes his little sister to ballroom dancing lessons. If we're talking the novels, he also seems immune (like Dan Lewis) to attempts at mind control; the himbo power is strong in Benton!
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them
I don't like how he ends his last appearance unconscious on the floor and the Fourth Doctor doesn't even bother to make sure he's okay. Bit of an unfair ending, in my opinion (one of the early reasons I had for not liking Four as much as I like Three and Five).
Also, don't like how the Brigadier clearly doesn't pay Benton enough; he has to deal with a lot of nonsense that is clearly well above his pay grade (not to mention the Brigadier being a jerk to him on several occasions).
Personally, I like the idea of Benton being involved in 'Mawdryn Undead'. Mainly because it would be nice for him to get a proper send-off, but also because (as neither of them were in the army anymore) he would have been able to tell the Brigadier to stop being a jerk. Bonus points if he also defends Tegan and Nyssa when the Brigadier was being a chauvinist to them (I know Tegan and Nyssa would have gotten along well with Benton, because that man CHUGS the respect women juice).
Thanks for the asks, mate!
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