doraemonmon · 1 year
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cbmchannel · 3 months
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DROPO, lilgiela33 - Deseja minha m*rte http://www.curteboamusica.info/2024/07/dropo-lilgiela33-deseja-minha-mrte.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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circuitmouse · 9 months
Alex Dropo
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mist-dancing · 11 months
Omg, I just read Tigerstar and Sasha for the first time, and i think my heart was ripped into tiny little peices, they had no right to make a book so sad.
I haven’t cried over a warrior cats book since Honeyfur died in Po3.
It was just… so sad! And Sasha was such a nice and loving mother, and she had a lovely life on a boat with the captain and Patch, but she have to give it up, and then she went to Riverclan.
The fucking “there goes the two halves of my heart” absolutely killed me. I’ll have to consider Sasha next time I do the wc favourite picker.
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oars · 10 months
i wish i could talk about appindex forever without the demons whispering cringe in my ear
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heatwa-ves · 1 year
hello tia. i have heard you might have been….. unproductive, recently. may i remind you that your schoolwork is waiting for you and, i might say, you are waiting for it. good luck. /lh lh lh
but I still have a week left before class starts again 🥺 maybe I can just. ignore it a bit longer 🥺
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cricketbones24 · 2 years
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get-more-bald · 2 years
I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself I'm saving myself. Just tonight. Ok??
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liichkiing · 1 year
Came back to my dorm after being home for the weekend and there were cops and an ambulance outside the building. And I was like well I should orobably ask if I'm allowed to go inside. But the problem. I just came from. Haunted tour rehearsal. So my face. Was covered in fake blood.
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sonnet-ten · 1 year
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cbmchannel · 3 months
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DROPO, Nick - Ciclo Fechado http://www.curteboamusica.info/2024/07/dropo-nick-ciclo-fechado.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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A bag of choice (tm)
Mal - she continuously causes Evie heart attacks by refusing to use any and all designer bags and even just the decent looking ones she gives her and using the same tattered old tote bag she found and improved when she was thirteen.
Evie - you know she has at least one from any occasion, and we love that for her.
Jay - pockets. Does he lose half the groceries he was supposed to buy? No, absolutely not, these items were never written down in the first place.
Carlos - I feel like his cousins suceeded in getting him reasonable bags. Criticism will NOT be accepted by any of the de Vils and also that thing somehow fits an entire toolbag.
Ben - ...auradon royal family merch :( he hates it :( (Mal quickly improved it for him. He loves that version to bits and his parents despise it just as much.)
Audrey - a small shiny clutch that fits barely a phone, a credit card, and lipgloss. Y'know, the essentials.
Chad - nope. No. He doesn't even bother to use his pockets, he loses his stuff all the time. Just. Puts it down and that's it.
Jane - very cute and very practical backpack with a little ribbon <3 and lot of cute added charms <3 we love our practical girlie <3
Lonnie - hmm. Probably a sports bag or backpack of choice. Secret compartments for reasons that are definitely NOT "war-induced generational paranoia".
Btw ALL VK bags have secret compartments, just so you know.
Uma - first of all, Uma rarely ever carries her own shit. Harry and Gil are being gentlemans and the rest of the crew is lowkey afraid for their own life if Harry saw that they let the Captain carry heavy things . Second of all, she got the crew tote bags with Lost Revenge logo.
Harry - ...yeah he forgets that bag all the time. That's fine tho, he has like not normal amount of pockets.
Gil - the crew logo bag but Claudine embroidered more decorations on it for him.
Claudine - she doesn't have vibes for a bag, okay? She can carry everything she needs without it. (...yeah, she doesn't carry ANY of the stuff most people do. Phone? Devil's machine. Keys? There's always people to let her in. Money? Ivy has those. Or Uma, or Harriet, or Gil. Someone will pay for her.)
Ivy - either a designer bag that SOMEHOW fits an entire bottle of whiskey, or she goes out without any means to carry anything, including pockets, cos designers hate women. She has cigarettes behind her ears, phone, money, and emotional support lipstick in her bra, keys strung on dress strap, and she keeps playing with the lighter. Flickering it on in a completely non-threatening way.
Diego - okay, all de Vil cousins deserve designer handbags. His prefered one is dark leather.
Anthony - he has a collection of bags he got as gifts. Dark leather one from Diego, crocheted one that Dulcia made when bedbound and refused to use, a bunch of bags decorated by his little cousins withvarious amount of sucess and glitter.
Dulcia - she also has a collection. Some designer ones that Audrey got bored of and passed to her through Anthony (displeased at having to play messenger), and lot of bags decorated by her little family members. Also a... Contraption gifted to her by the Hearts kids, she slightly afraid to touch it.
Dizzy - you know that thing is bedazzled enought to blind someone (affectionate)
Celia - you know, this little shadow witch manages without a bag just fine, it's like magic.
Freddie - not sure, either a cute hand-decorated tote, or whatever shiny thing CJ stole for her.
CJ - nope. She has slightly better record of losing shit than Chad, because she has shit ton of pockets in her coat, no reservations about sticking shit into her bra if she needs to, and slightly exasperated Freddie picking the stuff of value that she dropoed after her.
Harriet - it goes about like so: *already paying at the counter, realising she cannot carry all that shit with sheer power of will and hubris:* „...hey, Sam? Do you have a bag?“ (they always do)
Ginny - lol, a crocheted one from Dulcia that she complains about all the time but won't ditch. (She has sewed-on compartments for the actually important stuff on her clothes also)
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moroostar · 7 months
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–☆ fluff
–☆ including: Freminet
🗒: I love him <3 | mermaid male reader!
❕️: requests are open! (read rules before requesting <33)
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Freminet went on his usual drive to see if you would there in your spot to see him. When he saw you, his eyes lit up just the sight of you.
"Freminet! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages, I missed you!"
You held a wide smile on your face, while Fremient was slightly taken back by what you said.
"Miss me?.. We only saw each other 2 days ago."
His cheeks were pink as he wondered his eyes everywhere, he was glad you couldn't see his face when he wears his helmet.
You spun around him as you went rambled about different things about what happened to you in the 2 days of not seeing each other. Freminet attempted to you keep his eyes on you as you talked, but soon enough gave up.
"Sounds like you've had an interesting of 2 days."
You stopped going around when you landed in fronf of him and nodded.
"Mhm, now, how about you tell me your 2 day break from me, hm?"
'It was more like a 2 day of sadness because you weren't there..'
Freminet talked about his two dyas as you had an otter in your hands, petting it, he kept on frumbling over his words just from looking at you petting an otter. Poor Fremient had to keep pausing to calm down to not make it obvious he was flustered.
Having you stare at Freminet the way you are at that moment almost made Freminet pass out. The look of interest and admiration on your face was making him want to kiss you. He liked the fact you listened to him and seemed interested in about everything he says. He just likes you so much.
Finishing his small ramble about his two days, you let the otter go with a pat on its head then it swimming away.
You both talked for awhile longer before he had to go back up.
"In all honesty, you just about my favorite part of my day."
You blurted out to him as you floated in the water as Fremient was taking off his helmet. His cheeks grew pink as he almost dropoed his helmet.
"Really?.. Oh, well, your my favorite part of my day as well..."
He looked the opposite direction avioding eye contact with you. You sat up on a nearby rock with a smile on your face.
Grabbing his chin and kissing his cheek then pulling away and patting his head.
"I had fun today with you as usual."
You leaned closer to his ear
"You also have an adorable expression when you get flustered y'know"
Pulling away with a smile as Freminet stared at you wide eyes as he trying to process what's happening and his face being entirely pink.
You waved goodbye before going back in the water.
Freminet was now left there standing with the band of his hand covering his mouth smiling. He was very much more excited to see you the next day.
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bvssyprince · 7 days
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Alex Dropo by Paul Freeman @bvssyprince
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oscconfessions · 21 days
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misforgotten2 · 4 months
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"Jesus Dropo . . . just zip it up already, we got work to do."
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians - Dell Comics 12-725-603 - 1966
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