jamta-love · 7 months
何度か書いてると思いますけど、ある目標の為に、トレーニングをしている。 時間が少ない中でもやはり目標があるとやれるもんですね。 その中で自分がおもしろいと思ったトレーニングは、、、車を持ち上げようとするトレーニングww これも何年かかるかわからないけど少しでも上げられたら達成感がヤバイなと感じまして。笑 全然ドラムには関係ないけどこれは続けていく、睡眠とか仕事上の体力はバケモンクラスだから、力もバケモンになったらおもしろいなという単純な話。 部屋を漁っていたらこれが出てきた。 バニラフレーバーのシャグ(手巻きたばこの葉) 最近はフレーバー系といえば紅茶かチョコレートばかり買っていたんだけど、だいぶ前に買ったバニラフレーバーが出てきて吸ってみたらめっちゃ美味かった♪ ついに明日、大好きなうづで愛するりんりんに久しぶりに会える、めっちゃ楽しみだけど妙な緊張感もある。笑 とり…
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imaginariumwanderer · 4 months
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That haunting chorus of violins that fill the dark, those words– Pure Vanilla looks back over the space and finds exactly what he'd feared. Expected. There they are, gliding across the void so, so terribly intertwined they almost appeared as one. In some ways, he supposed they were. Pure Vanilla watches himself be led in a dance so improper and aimless and… Had Shadow Milk's expression truly been so… adoring, that day?
Fanart and coincidental birthday gift for the talented off1cially_done who wrote this (the fanfic is pretty heavy, remember to look at the tags before reading!)
Shadowvanilla fanfics are so rare, I gotta show my appreciation for them when I can(!) There was plan to draw a different scene but this chapter was too good, came for the toxic stay for the Eternal Sugar. I refrains from drawing the unreleased beasts in fear of messing up their designs but her depiction in the story was amazing I just had to draw her! Like ughh, pretty pink angel pls be my winglady <333
Also, the dancing scene was my favorite scene in "the light continue". For it to come back and confirm to us that yes this was PV's first spark of love is so aaaa- Anyways, here's something extra!
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Newly-wed woes.
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elystelleven · 5 months
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(+ The original pic, for reference:)
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sixcupids · 2 months
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fullcravings · 5 months
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5-Minute Double Vanilla Buttercream
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fisheito · 7 months
i told myself that yakuei only had one position then i proved myself (sorta) wrong
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my fave face here:
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#technically... if they were boinking in outer space... a lot of these would be the same position#makes a rotate-y gesture with my fingers#what is yakumo's kabedon if not a vertical missionary#so i've half proven myself right AND wrong! i'm net neutral in outer space broskis!!!!!#zizz-asdf if ur reading these tags i'll have u know that u inspired me to Do the Research1#like. 5 garu riding eiden? no. it can't be. does yaku do one specific thing with eiden 5 times? *tries to write it down*#i can't quite... what's the word for that position...uhhhh#ah forget it i'll just draw it out#<- that was the process of creating this. collage? 😆#THE MATRIX OF YAKUEI BOINKINg POSITIONS (under construction)#when u about to be semi-normal and make a spreadsheet but ur sexcabulary is stunted so you resort to visuals instead#legit opening up every intimacy room and skipping thru sections to get as complete a picture as possible#wondering... where are yaku's feet planted in this one. (skips to 8minute mark)#ah! there they are. theyre not supporting his weight in this one *draws it*#while drawing crimson phantom room 2 my brow was furrowed and i was mentally narrating#[and this one i affectionately call.. rectal exam - professional misconduct Grounds for Termination)]#surprised they str8 up havent done classicdoggstyle yet. is it because he's a snake? garu should teach him#also surprised that there's been no Light SSR for yaku yet. come on!! Light mode on the double!#uhhh i think the only repeated positions were freestanding (choco liqueur r2 and dark nova r2)#and standing AGAINST! THE! WALL! (choco liqueur r5 {interior} and shadow lineage r5 {cave})#wait. *throws papers around* i swear they did missionary more than once. was it only ocean breeze???#i know with the intimacy rooms they gotta modify the positions into certain angles to make it...look...better#but seriously? only one missionary out of the lot of them? despite the aesthetic tweaks??? how can that ........#*tosses more papers around with increasing befuddlement* WHERE IS MY PURE 100% VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM#sighs as all the papers lie scattered on the ground#dude... i don't know anymore..... this is beyond my scope#now that i see how evenly spread out the positions are...#i BET the devs have SOME SORTA CHART tracking yaku's positions. now THAT'S a funky office corkboard!#yakuei#nu carnival eiden
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blackhakumen · 1 month
Mini Fanfic #1225: A Peachy Filled Date~ (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Sonic)
10:11 a.m. at Smash Manson: Mario and Peach's Bedroom........
Peach: ('GASPS') Oh my gosh and stars!~ (Happily Squeals and Mov9ng her Upper Body Up and Down on the Bed Her and Mario Are Laying on Together
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly at How Adorable his Princess is Acting Right Now) What got you in a jumpy mood, dear?~ Saw a new peach colored dress you would want to wear?
Peach: Happily Turns to her Teddy Bear of a Plumber) Even better that, look!~ (Shows Mario a Pink Colored Flyer on her Phone)
Mario: (Starts Reading the Words Written on Peach's Phone Out Loud) "Come, one and all, to a very special event that is making a return of a lifetime: The Peach Harvest Festival 🍑. Starts at 12p.m. sharp, located at the Local Smah Park." Hm. (Smiles Softly) Nice to see this town doing something special for Peach Month for once this year.
Peach: Right? And it's on a very lovely sunny day to boot. (Clasps her Hands Together as She Sighs Dreamingly at the Past She's Reminiscing) I will never forget the day Toadsworth took me to one growning up~ The attractions, the mini rides, the peachy atmosphere, the one of the kind souvenirs, snd the yummy, delectable peaches we get to pick out from the gardens- (Mmm MMM!~) They were so divine!~
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly) I bet. Sounds like a really fun time.
Peach: ('Sigh') The funnest time in the whole world~ It's been so long since I've attended another one of them- (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) It makes me wonder how much it has changed these days......
Mario: I'm sure it won't change a whole lot. (Casually Shrugs) But I guess the only way to find out is to go there ourselves for the day.
Peach: Yeah-Wait. (Eyes Starts to Widened Before Turning Back to Mario) You want to go to the festival today too? Truly?
Mario: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. You gave me a good enough reason to be intrigued. (Smirks a Bit) Plus, seeing you this happy all day would brighten my day up even more than it already has right now.
Peach: (Hearts Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Awwwwweee honey- Wait a second! (Starts Pouting at her Plumber) Mariooooooo..... Is this your way if saying I'm cuter than you?
Mario: (Slowly and Playfully Shrugs) Mayyyyybe- Yes.
Peach: (Makes Grumbling Noises) How many times do I have keep proving you otherwise, mister!?~
Mario: You can do it as many times you want. It's not gonna help you beat the cuteness allegations anytime soon.
Peach: And no one's gonna help you beat the huggable allegations either- COME HERE!~
Peach pulls Mario into a tight, loving hug before showering him with her kisses, causing him laugh ticklishly very easily.
Two Hours of Cuddle Shenanigans and Getting Dressed and Ready Later...........
Outside of the Peach Harvest Festival's Entrance
Peach: Thanks again for dropping us off here, Shadow. (Happily Hugs Shadow Right Next to Her) You were such a great flyer out there, I'm so proud!~
Shadow: (Starts Blushing a Little) It was nothing, mother. I only took a few of Rouge's lessons and advice by heart and execute them the best I can.
Peach: That's wonderful, dear~ (Forms a Bit of a Smug Looking Smirk on her Face) Told you she wouldn't be as bad of a teacher you think~
Shadow: ('Soghs in a Bit of Defeat') That you did. But I impore you and father not to give her too much credit. (Rolls his Eyes) She'll gloat about it to no end.
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly) We'll keep that in mind, son. You sure you don't want to go to the festival with us? The more is always the merrier
Shadow: (Simply Nodded) I'm positive. This is suppose to be your date today, I don't wanna get in the way of that. (Rolls his Eyes) Also, I promised Rouge I'd come back to her with a new fashion magazine and a bag of chips, two things she could easy get herself.....
Mario: (Smiles Sheepishly) I'm sure it's just her way of helping you hone your skills more often, you know?
Shadow: I doubt that. Nonetheless, hope you two have a good rest of the evening.
Mario: Thanks, son. (Hugs Shadow Along with Peach) You too.
Peach: And try being a little more patient with Rouge, okay? She cares about you just as much as we do. (Gives Shadow a Kiss on the Cheek)
Shadow: I know. And I'm forever grateful. Truly
Shadow gives both his parents a kiss on both their cheeks before using his newly found wings to fly off.
Mario: (Waves Goodbye to Shadow Long with Peach) Byeee, Shadow!
Peach: Be safe up there, sweetie!!~ ('Sigh') I miss him already......
Mario: Me too......(Turns to Peach With a Smile While Grabbing onto her Hand) Ready to get this festival date started?~
Peach: (Smiles Back at Mario While Holding onto his Hand) Let's!~
And so, plumber and princess duo embark on their journey the Peach Harvest Festival.
Peachy 🍑 Go Round Ride~
Peach: (Happily Riding on a Giant, Slowly Moving Peach) WEEEEEEEEEEE!~
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly While Sitting Roght Behind his Princess) Having fun over there, dear?~
Peach: The funnest in the world!~ (Giggles Softly) I feel like a little girl again, I love it!!~ Ooh! (Turns to Mario From Behind) Mario, you think you could hold onto me for a second? I wanna try something right quick.
Mario: (Starts Wrapping his Arms Around Peach's Stomach and Waist) Like this?
Peach: (Happily Gives Mario a Thumbs Up) Perfect, honey, thank you!~ (Sticks Both Her Arms Out From Side to Side Before Screaming Out.....) I'M THE QUEEN OF ALL PEACHES!~
Mario: (Starts Snickering at How Cute Peach is Acting) What wrong with being a princess?
Peach: Nothing. Just feeling promoting myself today~
Mario: (Playfully Rolls his Eyes) Uh-huh. Sure.
Peach Fashion Store
Peach: (Standing a Few Inches in Front of the Men's Fitting Room Door) You're doing okay in there, honey?
Mario: (Inside the Fitting Room) Yeah, I'm fine. Don't know how I feel about this get up you've gotten me though.......
Peach: Oh hush. You're always gonna to look great in my eyes, Mario, have more faith in your physique!
Mario: I have my faith in it. (Walks Out of the Fitting Room Wearing a Fancy, Peach Colored Suit and Top Hat) It's the color scheme of this attire I'm iffy on personally.
Peach: ('Gasps') Are you kidding? You look absolutely dashing in that suit!~ (Playfully Pulls on Mario's Cheek) You handsome little gentleman you~
Mario: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Peach's Antics) Easy on the pinching there, dear.... (Takes a Look at the Fancy, Peach Colored Dress Peach is Wearing) Ooh~ I really like how stunning you look in the dress.
Peach: (Confidently Strikes a Few Modeling Poses) Why, thank you!~ I've always wondered how I would look in a peach colored dress. I feel like a million bucks already!~ (Gives her Hips a Firm Smack, Causing it Wobble Around a Bit)
Mario: (Begins to Blush, Memorized by the Movements Peach's Hips are Making) MamaAh- (Quickly Shakes His Head as Tries to Come Back to Reality) S-So uh- ('Clears Throat') You think we should wear this for the rest of the festival?
Peach: Nah. It's far too hot to do that. Ooh!~ We could save them for Halloween this year!~ We'd be the most peachiest couple of the night.
Mario: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) We could do that.....(Forms a Cheeky Smile on his Face) Or~ We could have our small family dress in fancy, peach colored attires along with us.
Peach: ('Gasps') (Happily Claps her Hands to the Idea) We can be one happy peach family, I love it!!~
Mario: (Proudly Nodded) Mmhmm.
Grand Peach Harvest Field 🍑
Peach: (Holds a Ripe Looking Peach in her Hand for her and Mario to See Upfront) Here it is, Mario. The harvest's very own peach.
Mario: Wowie.....This looks bigger than any peach I've seen so far.....
Peach: The size is impressive to look at, I'll give that, but it's the taste of the fruit that ultimately matters.
Mario: (Snickers a Bit) Since when did ypu became a Peach connoisseur?
Peach: (Playfully Pouts at Mario) Since I was a little baby, no shush!~ (Turns Back to the Peach in Front of Her) The moment of truth have arrived!
Peach takes one bite of the peach and eats it, consuming every last bit of it's taste before swallowing it whole before leaving her surprised and speechless shortly after.
Mario: So..........What do you think?
Peach: Oh....my gosh.....(Puts on the Most Excited Smile She Could Muster as Her Eyes Begins to Sparkle Up) This taste even more yummier than it did all those years ago!!!~
Mario: Really?
Peach: (Turns Back to Mario) REALLY!!~ (Hands Mario the Peach) You have to taste this for yourself, dear. You just gotta!
Mario: Alright, alright, I'm gonna. (Takes a Bite of the Other Side of the Peach Before Widening his Eyes Up Shortly After) Mama Mia, this is the best peach I've ever tasted.
??????: Right?
The couple turns to see a familiar crocodile face eating a picked peach of his own.
??????: ('Mmm') They're so good. ('Crunch') Like, if I could, I would plant and grow myself a tree full of peaches that are half as tasty as this one right here. ('Mmm')
??????: (Walks Over to her Husband While Giving a Soft Motherly) Vector, don't talk with your mouth full.
Vector: (Eyes Widens as He Realizes What He Was Doing) Oh. (Swallows the Peach He Was Finish Eating with One Gulp Before Rubbing The Back of of his Head Back and Forth with a Sheepish Smile) S-Sorry about that.
Vanilla: (Happily Greets the Fellow Couple In Front of Her and Vector) Hello, your majesty, Mario.
Peach: (Smiles Brightly Along with Mario) Vector, Vanilla, hi!~ It's so great to see you both on this fine day.
Mario: How the marriage life is going along these days?
Vector: (Smiles Back at the Couple While Wrapping his Arm Around his Wife's Shoulders) Going as fantastic as ever! Our love for each other keeps getting stronger and stronger by the minute, even before we tied the knot.
Vanilla: (Happily Hugs her Husband) And we couldn't any more happier ti be where we now. Are two enjoying your time at the festival so far?
Mario: (Happily Nodded) Oh yeah, big time. (Points at Peach Beside Her) She been ecstatic about the whole thing since we found out about it this morning.
Peach: (Pumps her Fists Up in the Air in Rejoice) I'M RELIVING MY CHILDHOOD!!!~ (Suddenly Hears her Stomach Growling a Bit) While being hungry!
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) That's wonderful, dear!~ Vector-Kins and I were about to head to the café and eat. Would you like to join us?
Peach: You want us to hang out you two? ('Gasps') Like a double date!?~
Vector: (Casually Shrugs) Yeah, sure. The more, the merrier.
Peach: (Starts Jumping Up and Down, Happily Squealing) EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!~
Mario: She means yes. We'd love that.
Few Minutes Later ............
Peach Harvest Café 🍑 🍽
Mario: Awwwww~ (Looks at a Picture of Cream, Charmy, and Chese Wearing Mini Detective Outfits on Vector's Phone) Is that you're little detective team at home?~
Vector: (Smiles Brightly and Proudly) Damn right! Charmy's already been a junior trained detective beforehand, but now with Cream and Cheese around, these three have been trying to solve their own cases together these days. (Wipes a Single Tear From his Eyes) ('Sniff') Making their old man real proud right now, you know?
Mario: (Smiles Softly) I know the feeling. (Shows Vector a Picture of Hat Kid Wearing a Mini Detective Outfit of Her Ownnon his Phone) Our little girl here was able to solve an entire train mystery all by herself during one of her adventures in spaces.
Vector: (Eyes Begins to Widened Up in Genuine Surprise) Dude, seriously? That's incredible! What kind of mystery is it, if you don't mind me asking?
Mario: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Hmm....Can't say I completely remember what irlt was all about, I can assure you it wasn't murder related!....'Least I hope it wasn't.
Peach: (Watches and Gushes at the Two Boys Talking Among Themselves Along with Vanilla) Ohhh~ Look at our two handsome men over there~
Vanilla: ('Sighs Dreamingly') Such sweethearts indeed~ It's always warms my heart to know him and the boys have been a part of me and Cream's life for so long~ (Turns to Peach) How has your and Mario's family been back home, these days?
Peach: They're still as lively and rowdy as they've ever been. (Happily Clasps her Hands Together) But I still love them all the same~
Vanilla: Even Bowser?
Peach: (Rolls her Eyes While Sighing a Bit) Yes, him too to a lesser extent. Still a headache to deal with though.
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Stay strong now, your highness. I'm sure he'll take a hint sooner or later.
Peach: (Starts Looking Inside One of Her Stopping Bags) Honey, he's far too persistent and delusional to take any obvious hints I've given him. But no matter. I'm more than willing to give him a nice, harsh reality check every chance he gets. A-Ha!~ (Picks Up a Sealed Lipstick From the Shopping Bag) I found it.
Vanilla: You brought a nice lipstick there?
Peach: (Takes the Lid Off the Lipstick amd Wind it Up a Bit, Showing Off a More Peachy Like Color) A nice peach color lipstick~
Vanilla: (Intrigued by The Lipstick's Color) Oooh!~ Very lovely indeed~ (Smiles Sheepishly) Kinda me wish I didn't ignore a few of them sitting on shelves somewhere at the shop.
Peach: No worries. (Happily Presents Vanilla Another Brand New Lipstick) I have a spare for you to have if you like.
Vanilla: (Happily Bows to the Princess as She Receives the Spare Lipstick) Bless your heart, your highness, thank you.
Peach: (Smiles Sheepishly) Oh, dear, there's no needto keep being formal around me. Just call me Peach. We're friends now, aren't we?
Vanilla: (Stare at Peach For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back at Her) Yes, of course we are, Peach. Thank you. (Starts Examining the Lipstick in Question) I can't wait to put to use someday. I have no doubt I would look wonderful on the both of us.
Peach: (Starts Looking Back at the Boys Before Putting on a Bit of a Mischievous Smirk on her Face) Why wait when we could put them on for a little run test on two of our targets in front
Vanilla: Our targe- (Immediately Figures Out What Peach is Telling Her Before Putting on a Smirk of her Own) Ohhhh~ I see~
Mario and Vector continues to talk to one another before-
Peach/Vanilla: Ohhh Boyyyyyyys!~
Mario: (Turns his Attention to Peach) Hm- Whaaaa!?
Vector: (Turns his Attention to Vanilla) What's up-Whoa!
The two gentleman's eyes widened up as they see their respective love partners wearing peach colored make-up, staring, blinking, and waving hello at them in a sensual manner before blowing two kisses morphed into speeding love bullets, directly planted them on both their cheeks, leaving the duo wobbling, completely lovestruck.
Mario: W-Whoahohoho~......(Wobbly Turns to Vector) Did you something different about the ladies today, Vector?~
Vector: (Wobbly Turns to Mario) Y-Yeah~ Think they more prettier than usualllllllllll~
And just like that, both Mario and Vector faint and fell down on the ground right on cue.
Later that Evening.......
Peachy Fireworks Show 🍑 🎇
Peach: (Already Memorized by the Fireworks Presented Thus Far, Most Noticeably the Peach Shaped Ones) Oooooooh......Peachy......
Mario: (Sitting on Peach's Lap) Enjoying the show so far, dear?
Peach: (Happily Hugs Mario) Indeed, I am!~ It's such nice way to close the event. (Looks Down at Mario with a Playful Smirk) Feeling comfy so far?~
Mario: ('Sigh') Yes. I am.....Very much so.
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly While Sitting Next to the Fellow Couple Next to Him and Vanilla, Who is Sitting on his Lap) Is that why you wanna sit on her lap? (Forms a Teasing Smirk of his Own) Just to feel comfy?~
Mario: (Glares at Vector) NO! (Quickly Turns his Head Away and Crossses his Arms Before Blushing a Bit) ........I also like to feel slightly taller for tonight.
Peach: He's so cute when he's shy about~ (Kisses Mario on the Head)
Mario: Peeeeeach!
Peach: (Giggles Softly)
Vanilla: (Gives Mario a Reassuring Smile) There's no need to be embarrassed, Mario. There's plenty of advantages to being slightly smaller than your significant other. For instance- (Happily Snuggles onto her Husband's Chest While Giggling and Blushing) This~
Peach: (Gently Surprised by What is Vanilla is Doing ) Oh my!~
Vector: (Playfully Rolls his Eyes) Don't mind her. She always do this whenever we're this close together, not that I mind (Chuckles Ticklishly While Hugging her Back) I love her wild, adventurous side~
Vanilla: (Looks Up at Vector With Genuine Love in her Eyes) And I love your sweet, tender side~ Just as much as I love you as a whole~
Vector: Ditto~
The two married couple locked into each other's eyes for a brief second before softly kissing one another on the lips.
Peach: (Watches the Married Duo Make Out with a Smile on her Face) Awwww~ I'm so happy those two are married now.
Mario: Yeah. (Suddenly Let's Out a Bit of a Loud Yawn) They're made for each other.
Peach: Uh-oh. (Looks Back Down at Mario) Getting sleepy on me, dear?
Mario: A little, but not by much. I can hold a little more longer. ('Yawn') Just for you.
Peach: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) You sweetheart~ You don't have to try and do that for my sake. We'll leave here soon enough. (Starts Yawning as Well) I'm starting to get a little drowsy myself.
Mario: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Roger that. (Smiles Softly) I hope you're having a good time at the festival so far.
Peach: I am. This is one of the best moments of my life that I will always cherish for the rest of my life. (Gently Cups Up Mario's Cheeks) And it's all thanks to you coming here and experience everything here with me.
Mario: Thank nothing of it. I always do what I can to make you happy and that won't stop anytime soon. If anything, I should be thanking you for bringing the festival up to my attention to begin with. I had a great time too.
Peach: I'm so glad. I love you so much, Mario~
Mario: I love you too, Peach. Always~
And so, the two couple finally shares a tender kiss on the lips as the fireworks continues to bright up the clear night skies with the imagery of peaches all around.
Happy Peach Month, Everybody!!
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friitz-bee · 4 months
Ahem . AHEMEMEHERM. So. I have. TWO RARE PAIRS,,, shadowlotus and longnilla (shadow milk x lotus dragon & pure vanilla x longan dragon) . NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING,,, "dayum this bitch insane !" BUT HEAR ME OUT FOR A QUICK SECOND.
both ships are yaouri. yuraoi even. Like. Aough??? How did they occur? good question. I just thought they were neat and so they consumed my braincells until funky gay fucks replaced the brain nessesities.
shadowlotus is enemies to lovers. Lotus couldn't STAND shadow milk's antics but he slowly found his tomfoolery tolerable,,, and then adorable,,, so on so forth. Definitely killed herself a few times over the thought of being in love,,, shamil on the other hand just ADORES pissing lotus off,, and when she found out lotus was romantically interested in him it progressively. got worse . Just a dragon and their fuckass jester I guess .
Longnilla however,,, uh. erm. one-sided at first. They met by chance. only kind of. (pssst. to be fair,,, I never really ah,,, concluded how they met teehee,,) longan slowly grew soft of PV as she was accidentally courting the dragon ! Like whoopsy daisy ! Whenever nilla got the chance he would talk to loni, give it gifts, compliment him,,, etc, etc,,, Longan too probably killed themself several times over the thought of being attracted to a COOKIE. A COOKIE ! great heavens . gays know no limits I guess .
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massiveladycat · 2 months
live footage of me when i read the 'meeting nick davis' scene
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kiellessa · 2 years
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Another double storied shop, this time a lighting shop on the bottom (not very decorated this time around) and an upstairs potions shop on the Reloaded SMP S4 server. The top is supposed to vaguely look like the potions shop tower exploded as well as advertise the lighting portion.
The area around my shop is rather flat as we buy lots and there wasn't much allowance to landscape due to the rules this time around.
Shaders: Complimentary
VanillaTweaks leave & ashless campfires; Winthor Medieval stained glass
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gem-bakes · 5 months
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Please excuse the poor quality I barely remembered to take a picture as my brother was cutting into this.
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elystelleven · 11 months
Honeysuckle Cookie my beloved <3
Th rendering for her gacha sprite only took me like, 2 or 3 hours? Which is a surprise 'cause I did it in school as well!
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Game Description
Amidst fields of green and villages of pure tranquility, a little girl roams the streets with a tambourine in hand, happily humming a tune of her own as she dances along to the butterflies and critters. Denizens gather around to watch this adorable sight, and while this may seem like no big deal at first, you may be surprised that this apparently “ordinary” girl is the Vanilla Kingdom’s beloved young heiress, Honeysuckle Cookie! Born in the walls of the castle and raised down-to-earth among the nation’s people, Honeysuckle desires nothing more but to live beyond the lavishes of royalty, and set out on an adventure as great as the picture books. In the tap of her tambourine, the little cookie’s true potential unleashes as her imagination is brought to life and the world around is engrossed in a mesmerizing spectacle of flora and fauna. While it becomes clearer by each day that her capabilities as a wielder of magic are ones far beyond her control, curious young Honeysuckle would do what it takes to become as great as a sage as her mother or the elders in the kingdom, even if it means risking a thirty-minute timeout or two, yikes!
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- Honeysuckle was born on a spring equinox, in the 21st of March. A special festival is also held around this time, so a part of it is celebrated in honor of her!
- Honeysuckle likes to address herself in third person, especially when she's in a good mood.
- She's adventurous and curious in nature, and is greatly interested in picture books.
- Her tambourine was a birthday gift from her mother, given to her as a means of channeling her magic similar to her parents' staffs.
- Honeysuckle dreams of becoming a magic scholar (high sage) like her mother and helping cookies everywhere like her father!
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solkorolevastan · 1 year
If it’s one thing Winter and Jacin would be after the war or in like any AU is just INSUFFERABLY SWEET WITH COMPLIMENTING EACH OTHER IN PUBLIC.
Like you’re just walking past this random couple and you hear “Jacin, you are the completion of my soul the very substance that makes up my spirit and blood that keeps me alive.” And then “Winter, you are the very apex of perfection in every way shape and form and you are my entire reason for being and without you I’d be like a tether drifting into the void.” Then they just walk into Costco yk
Like they’d be horrible to be around especially as like someone who is single and that’s why I love them like they’re concocting epic poetry on the daily cuz that’s how they feel about each other while you cry into an empty ice cream pan-
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Ultimate Layered Cookie Cake
393 notes · View notes
poetessgio · 5 months
send me afogattos
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olivesjaw · 7 months
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13 notes · View notes