withacapitalp · 2 years
Cocaine Bear AU
Part Two
“Steeeeeeeve, why are you forcing us to do this?” Dustin groaned, letting his head droop down against his chest as they continued to plod through the woods. 
“Because you guys can’t just sit in my living room every day playing Dragons and Danger with all the curtains drawn,” Steve replied cheerfully, not losing the spring in his step despite the fact that all seven of the kids following him were giving him the evil eye. 
“You know what it’s called. Besides, we don't sit in your living room every day,” Mike complained. 
“Yeah, sometimes we sit by the pool!” El tacked on, adjusting the straps of her bag as she spoke. 
Steve rolled his eyes, shaking his head with a far too fond smile. He turned so he was facing his charges, putting his hands on his hips as he raised a brow. 
“We agreed that you guys would spend one afternoon a week getting fresh air as long as I agreed to babysit you this summer,” He reminded them, quickly checking to make sure they were actually just bellyaching. They looked annoyed and sweaty, but none of them were breathing too hard, and their cheeks were flushed, not pale. 
No heat exhaustion, just lazy fourteen-fifteen year olds who wanted to hide in the house all day long. 
“We only agreed to that because we figured you would forget,” Max muttered, continuing to carefully pick her way over the rocks along the trail, “Or you would be too busy,”
“Since when am I ever too busy for my favorite brats?” Steve asked rhetorically, flipping Dustin’s cap off as the teen walked past him. Dustin growled at him and waved a hand somewhere in Steve’s direction. 
Truthfully, Steve had been too busy for them the past few months. Between starting his community college courses, keeping both of his part time jobs, and continuing his training as a paramedic, he had barely had time to sleep, much less entertain a bunch of high schoolers. 
But now that all of their classes were on break, it was the perfect time to catch up and show them that he meant to keep his promises to them. It was going to be a good summer. Starting with this hike. 
He had it all planned out. They would go up to the peak of blood mountain, eat some lunch, and he would take them for ice cream in town afterward as a reward for sticking it out. It wasn’t exactly a beginner’s trek, but the kids were tougher than they looked. They could handle it. 
“How about this- the first one to get over the crest of the next hill gets to take the beemer for a spin around the parking lot of the school tonight?” Steve offered. 
Instantly all of their previous annoyance vanished. Quick as a flash Erica kicked her brother’s shin, taking out her biggest competitor, and they all began to scramble away from Steve and towards the hill. Lucas hung back rubbing the spot on his leg that she had hit. 
“Son of a-”
“Unless you wanna put a dollar in the jar when we get back you’ll stop that sentence right where it is,” Steve said in a warning tone. Lucas pouted from where he was kneeling, screwing his face into a scowl. Steve contemplated for a second before offering up a hand and a compromise.
“I’ll let you practice tomorrow after basketball practice when it’s just us,” Steve said, breaking into a smile as Lucas grinned up at him and eagerly accepted Steve’s hand. They walked up the rest of the hill together, listening to the others screaming at each other from the other side. 
Steve opened his mouth to tell them to knock it off- he was going to give them each a little bit of driving time if they wanted it- but he was cut off when a body barreled into his stomach. Steve’s arms came up to wrap around the other person automatically, catching Will in a hug as he buried his face into Steve’s chest. 
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked, his heart hammering in his chest as Will didn’t answer, just continued to hang onto Steve in a death grip. 
“What happened?!” He asked the rest as they ran over, still screaming. It was hard enough for him to pick up sounds when it was just one of them, but when they all talked over each other, it was nearly impossible to pick up words inside the wall of sound. But what he did hear made his entire body break out in chills. 
Blood. Hanging. Body. 
“Max,” Steve barked, choosing the kid who was most likely to keep calm and still talk when under this much stress. She understood immediately and shouted to get the others quiet.
“There’s a body in a tree,” She said, looking painfully terrified, “He’s hanging from a bunch of wires? And it’s like, totally bloody.” 
“Mike, El, take Will,” Steve ordered, unlatching the boy from his middle and placing him in between his twin and his best friend. 
The three of them collapsed to the ground in a huddle, muffled sobs coming from the boy in the middle as the other two began to comfort him. Steve’s heart went out to Will, but as much as he wanted to stay right where he was and take care of Will, he knew someone else needed him more right now. 
“The rest of you stay right where you are,” He snapped, hurrying away as his mind slipped into EMT mode. If the person was still alive, they needed triage as soon as possible. 
If they weren’t alive…well he didn’t want his kids to have to see that again. 
“We can help,” Dustin started to say, but Steve cut that idea right off. 
“Stay here!” He yelled over his shoulder, knowing that he only had a few minutes before they inevitably ignored his orders and came over anyway. 
The sight on the other side of the hill was gruesome, to say the least. There was a pretty clearing at the bottom, soft tall grass dotted with wildflowers, but it was marred by splatters of dark red blood all over the place, and the body swaying in the wind. 
He was hanging by a…a parachute? 
Steve’s sneakers kicked up dust as he ran the rest of the way, shoving two fingers against the guy’s neck. A pulse. Thready, and too fast, but there. 
Steve let out an unconscious sigh, looking at the man’s face. His eyes were shut, and his skin was pale, but he was still breathing, and that was a good sign. There was a nasty cut along his arm, and his shirt was ripped in multiple places, but nothing appeared broken as far as Steve could see. There was no way to know about any potential internal damage, but Steve could figure that out after he got him out of the tree. 
And the guy was kind of cute. That wasn’t as important, but his brain filed that away anyway. 
“Is he dead?” A quiet voice came from behind him. 
Steve whirled around to see all of the kids staring at him with wide eyes. 
He had a couple of choices here. He could send them back the way they had come and ask them to flag someone down to call the police. He could take them back himself and leave the guy alone, hoping that nothing happened to him, or he could do the thing that made the most sense, even though it was the most daunting. 
“Not yet,” Steve said, making a decision, “Dustin, give me your knife. Let’s get him down and back to my place.” 
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squigliez · 1 year
I'm like 3/4 through the homestuck made this world podcast and I'm so sad I won't get to listen to this wonderful nerds wax poetic about the Neverending story, gnosticism, surrealist comics, and deep analysis of overly complex meta media all while challenging Andrew hussie's *gestures broadly* inserted intermittently into the comic.
Michael and Cameron are a delight and I will miss this dynamic (but not too much cause those fuckers have a lotta podcasts)
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Was reading thru ur answered asks again (also hey lol i CAME BACK--) and like. Oh my god. It gave me The Most Idea.
So you get isekaied to Teyvat right? They hear your og language, they revere every single worf from your mouth, yadda yadda yadda. But like. How does SLANG AND THE OTHER ASPECTS OF UR OG LANGUAGE translate. I am having VERY heavy flashbacks to Pokemons "jelly filled donuts".
So like-- for example: (this is the first one that came to my head dont judge me i am tumblr trash) (lets also assume that traveler has perfect understanding of ur language and slang and all the nuances of it)
Lets say you and the traveler were hanging out with some of the Vision holders, and the traveler had some shenanigans and pranks or something planned. After they pull their shit, you say "i hate you so much (affectionate)". Which kind of throws the Vessels in for a loop because like-- their god literally just said they HATED someone. And hate is a PRETTY STRONG WORD. So they should DEFINITELY strike them down for catching their gods ire but-- AFFECTIONATE????? how does one hate someone affectionately???????? Does this mean their god hates the traveler but decided to recind their hate last second? Is it some form of Divine and Holy emotion that cannot be described by the mere words of their language????
Meanwhile youre just there vibin and having a blast with the traveler while you casually give them a philosophical crisis AHAHAHA
Another example is shortened words-- because i know teyvat doesnt have shit like "ily" or "omg" or "lmao" or "fyi" or "brb". Because honestly, without the cultural knowledge and background of the internet, these sets of letters are just fucking GIBBERISH.
And i know that like-- i know enough internet slang abbreviations that i can literally just talk in jumbles of letters, so how in the WORLD would the vessels interpret that? Because its very clear that their god is just using the letters of their language, HELL they might even use Teyvatian letters so what in the world are they saying????
So theyd just hear a convo between the traveler and reader thats like:
Reader: traveler, i gtg asap; tldr i forgot some stuff back in the cr brb
Traveler: wait fr?
Reader: yeah fr
Traveler: lol f
Reader: (sighs) ffs man-- anyways brb for real
Traveler: cya
And the vessels are just watching the exchange like "huh?? What????? What just happened here??????" And theyre just wondering if they used teyvatian to talk in the "divine language of the gods" but nah-- yall are just dickin around AHAHA
Hey, so it came to my attention some of this was AAVE, and while i am southern so things like "ya'll" got included w/o me thinking - thats not an excuse for me to use this as a white person.
so if you wouldnt mind letting me please know if i do this as we talk abt language more and more - i do not want to repeat shit like this again.
I'm genuinely sorry to any black readers out there.
I've personally seen and cringed with you when I see imagines/reader things that assume a white person as default,
All I can do in ur eyes is promise that I am actively putting a stop to my ignorance of things like AAVE, and ask for forgiveness (which you arent obligated to give, never feel that way).
So with that in mind, read the ask below with caution, although it has since been edited.
A treat for ur ask my liege 🤲🍪✨️
I think u were literally the first asker after my first SAGAU/Isekai language brainrot post!! Omg u came back with a banger LMAO
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What in the public menace is this...
(Gif is traveler and u pranking bitches)
Traveler knowing our world + language + SLANG?? INTERNET?? is SUCH A CONCEPT
So much room for inside jokes
I absolutely love the first one u said about phrases these days/gen z ig? slang
Its like so dramatic now that i think about it
Hate / love / dead / die / just straight up threats towards ur friends as affection or if theyre annoying u 😭
So many explicitives that make it hit harder too "go fucking die, my love <3"
^^^Or yeah like contradictions lol
I think it was @nexylaza (srry abt the tag!) who replied to one of my earlier asks about blunt language how that might sound like to Teyvatians like ur emotions sound more extreme than what u actually feeling (which makes sense ur literally using hate = mildly dislike LMAO)
Same situation here like what u said ^^^
(Ok i did lovely Aether awhile back so we'll go w/ Lumine this time! <3 u Aether!!)
*idk at an event/party for your arrival or something, and ya hungry fucks r hoarding the buffet table lol 🍻
You: "Shut the fuck up Lumine-"
Lumine: "Why r u pouring ur drink like ur in a earthquake lmao? Shaky hands lol"
*The immediate area of people around you go dead silent
*Lumine laughs
Lumine: "Your gonna miss our cups LMAO"
You: "Bitch!" (u grinnin too lol)
*the whole rooms now quiet 😭
Lumine: "Don't spill- 🤣"
You: "I fucking hate you u whore <3"
(And u give the most genuine like abt to laugh smile🥰 )
*...a confused and kinda scared tension fills the room lol
*So poor Noelle, is like, oh. my. god. Creator is that upset with Lumine?? I must try to see what happened, how I can help! I dont remember Lumine doing anything bad to them! Shes wonderful y u do this to her 🥲
Noelle: "Uh, um, e-excuse me? Is every-everything al-alright, Y-y-your Majesty?"
You: "Huh? Yeah why??"
Noelle: "...w-well..."
*The room is staring at Lumine, in a mix of like shock, fear, and a little admiration for taking ur hate?? mood swing??? so well,,
theyre just waiting on Noelle to get an answer from you as to why you hate someone u seemed to care so much about, esp since they were ur first vessel 💀
look what you did their poor hearts u gonna give them a heart attack soon
Noelle: "A-a-a-a-are y-y-you s-sure??"
You: "🤨🤨??"
*Lumine finally notices why theyre all quiet and kinda concerned looking, bc u sure as hell wouldnt 😭 (i mean it is normal speech for u)
And Lumine's like: "No Noelle we're all good! It's just how Your Grace's home world, er, speaks for slang? Its overexagerated purposely dont worry love"
*Im sure they dont all believe her (or even you if u tell them 😭) and are just like,, REALLY NERVOUS CHUCKLING WHILE LIKE SWEATING-
And it takes a good like 10 minutes for the conversations to start getting back to their volume again, and they all still are looking over their shoulder checking on you guys 😰
(U did pour drinks w/o spillin tho🍻)
Ok, but u and Lumine would fucking write letters to people, and being the little shits pranksters u are,
(Bc u kno Teyvat dont got nothing else bc we're in the medival ages, besides having cameras- 🙄 )
And u guys r constantly-
"oh yes yes, that sounds all well and good Keqing, please inform the Qixing that I'll be there ASAP"
"oh haha, silly me, i forgot that only Lumine/you get that stuff, sorryyyy 😋!!!"
And it just spreads to ALLLL the official documents u write or literally any letters sent to anybody-
And everyone else is feeling like the friend that got sacrificed to walk in the grass instead of the sidewalk 💀💀
While also being like "??¿?¿??? 🥲🥲😀😀???"
Is this ancient code?? Why does Lumine get to know it??
Why dont the like??? really old deities understand it??!!
But then nerds like Tighnari, Albedo, Alhaitham, Zhongli, Sucrose, Ayaka, Kokomi, Xingqiu, Childe, Yanfei, Shenhe, Kazhua, Sara, Ayato, Heizou, Cyno, Kaeya
Try to "solve" the letters or slang, poor things and not a single one of them gets it (y did u do this to them lmao)
(God i finally looked at a character list so i wouldnt leave anyone out, but theres so many of these fucks by now help)
^^^But all these ppl try to solve it in different ways/for different reasons that im too lazy to type out individually, u can see it right??
Some see this as an ancient scholarly code thing, some of them think of it like a rlly hard puzzle, and some just rlly want to put the mental effort into knowing/not being left out 😭😭
And if anybody happens to see some letter exchanges w/ Lumine or like any written responses, you do not. stop. using. text slang. back to back.
(Like what u put in the ask💀)
And its so miserable for those characters mentioned especially, bc they look like scrambled letters 😭
Honestly them seeing u two talk to each other via letters just proves that the letters even mean anything at all to them, bc how did u understand each other, otherwise???!!
(No one would ever realize u guys were fucking around unless u told them 💀)
✨️Sorry✨️this✨️isnt✨️that✨️great✨️i✨️just✨️wanted✨️ to✨️ expand✨️ on✨️ what ✨️u ✨️already ✨️had ✨️nothing ✨️new✨️ 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️
I felt feral and out of it when i wrote this, i literally dont remember a single word i typed on that bullet list..
SO i still have asks/requests im gonna answer but i will be posting my follower event poll!! CLICK ME :) ♡
Yall get to choose what i write about for some posts :D
(You can be a new follower!)
I hope my shit writing was somewhat ok of a reply to read to pay u back for that great idea lol
♡the beloveds
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kamari3 · 2 months
Another Vent Post
(typed this on my phone)
I just saw someone else on twitter say what I wanted to say so I'm gonna say it too.
It really makes me uncomfortable when people say "i'm not proship but i'm not anti: i'm normal." Because what I internalize from that is that you aren't willing to stand in solidarity with me.
At best, it means you dont have the energy or time to engage in activism and you want to curate you experience to avoid as much drama/conflict as possibe. i get that. the way you said it made me feel unsafe, and if i were a little less wise i would immediately interpret the statement as you saying you also want to hurt me, but i get it.
you dont have to get into fights you dont want to. you have every right to curate your experience no matter what side of the issue you fall on, and i will support you doing so 100%. no exceptions. no matter how upset i get, this fact does not change.
But you saying that could also mean you do also want me dead and just dont have the time or energy to shoot me yourself.
Yes, I get that it's cringe to have convictions about internet things. but this isnt dying on a hill about how fuckable you think hatsune miku is. this is about whether or not you are willing to support your community.
and whether you like it or not, the internet is also a community you are taking part of. you are literally here.
Like. Bro.
What do you even mean by "i'm not proship or anti, the whole thing is stupid"?
Do you mean it's stupid to have an opinion about how you treat other people?
Do you mean it is stupid to have an opinion about freedom of speech and censorship?
Are you trying to make me ashamed for caring about a political issue just because it most prominently affects online communities, and the farther reaching implications and impacts on these stances aren't obvious and dont use the same jargon?
(surely you know that the proship/anti issue runs parallel to the democrat/republican issue, and the anti-authoritarian/authoritarian issue. surely you know it also runs parallel with the queer/bigotry issue, since it uses all the same arguments and rhetoric. and the sex-work/puritanical issue. and the trans/transphobia issue. surely you understand that just because these political stances have nuances, differences of purpose and circumstance and vocabulary, doesnt mean they arent interconnected. they all still have threads of commonality and logic that interconnect them in parody and parallel. surely you get that the underlying root problem is a difference of ethics thats permeates nearly every polar difference of opinion and that talking about one leads to talking about all of them. surely you understand that these are nearly the same words in different languages and cultures-)
Do you actually mean, "i also think all you nasty proshippers are morally bankrupt and i hope you all die, but i dont have the energy to be a political activist so i will just let the ones that do rip you apart while i watch?"
Do you mean, "i also think that thought policing is wrong and that we shouldn't be judged for or treated badly for our fantasy/fiction indulgences, but i just dont think that it is worth getting into a fight over, and therefor i will not help you when other people harass and abuse you over fiction?"
i understand the idea of wanting to curate which labels you identify yourself with. you dont have to use the labels of proship or anti if those arent for you. but declaring the argument stupid or that anyone who has strong stances on it "needs to touch grass" only does harm. you arent making it clear whose side you are on. and while it sucks that there are sides to pick in the first place, that doesnt change that the sides are there and the fence is up.
and i'm not sorry to say that i trust someone who picks the side of the fence that wants to protect my person and my agency and my freedoms a lot more than someone who thinks me arguing my right to those is stupid.
idk maybe it IS terminally online to think controlling other people's fiction and personal life choices is bad. maybe it IS terminally online to say queers deserve to enjoy their media and representation too. maybe it IS terminally online to say "hey, maybe we shouldnt tell people their intrusive thoughts make them bad people". maybe it IS terminally online to say adults deserve the agency to be able to consent to whatever sex they want with other consenting adults, and that includes fictional sex acts they read, write, draw, and look at drawings of (wherein the artist consented to share the work, and the consumer has the agency to choose whether they view it or not, and change that at any time).
i dont think it is. but i'm just one person who has loud annoying opinions.
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Hello everypony!
My dear friend Pinkie suggested I make an online blog to help get me out of my comfort zone some more... So here I go! I'm not really sure how to do this, but I'll try my best (╥﹏╥)
I use She/Her pronouns and I'm really fond of my animal friends. I also like to sew and draw, but I don't do it very much, it's just a little hobby of mine (^▽^)
Feel free to ask me anything! I'll try respond the best I can :}
[Mod info below!]
hellooo ive realised i am capable of making a mlp ask blog bc cringe is dead
i use they/it pronouns and am AuDHD which might be apparant in the way i will write some characters as i project myself onto them heh
as for the blog itself i will probably start out in the early seasons as thats what im currently rewatching, and then slowly go from there
i dont plan to do any shipping bc i just. dont feel like it PFF. never been much of a shipper really
other characters will probably make appearances too!
i will probably also diverge from canon a lot if it suits whatever plot ive got going on
feel free to also ask me questions!! just specify in the ask that its for me by saying "for the mod" or something
id use my name but. as dead as cringe is and as much as i know my friends would not judge me (and would probably love to see this blog) i only have so much mental strength 😔
alright thats all i can think of! ill add more if i think of anything later and start posting stuff soon <3
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trackdntraild · 6 months
yo!! i'm kieran (im 20 wsg), im gay and cosmoveric boyflux (he/they/neos), see my pronouns page for my neopronouns list
cringe culture is dead, so i'm gonna be cringe on main!!!!! im a border collie therian and a furry, so im ultra levels of cringe aren't i, fight me
this post is way too FUCKING long so feel free to read this intro and leave it at that idrc i wrote this for me anyways (/hj)
yes i format my page like a 15 year old so what?? i never mentally recovered past middle school anyways
im medically diagnosed with major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, and bipolar 1 disorder........................... ya boi is fucked up god damn (im being medicated for my bipolar but we're workin on the rest trust me)
i post books under the pen name alvin viana !!
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by the way fuck the algorithm tumblr can suck my metaphorical dick
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if you want to you can send me asks about any of the fandoms im into or ships i like just be wary about sending spoiler content (like endings or other paths) unless i've explicitly posted about it before
i'm not gonna bother listing all my ships bc a lot of them are pretty obvious just bc of these post dividers (saiou is a comfort ship of mine, could you tell?) but feel free to send me other ships (i will judge you harshly for them /j)
so moving on, some of my fandoms include: sonic, danganronpa, stardew valley, cotl, fnaf, vocaloid/sekai, warrior cats, pokemon, anything from hyv (except tot), ninjago, cookie run, promare, my little pony, aphmau, yttd, undertale, space leaper, food fantasy, afterl!fe, mystic messenger, nimona, lackadaisy, murder drones, tadc,
anyways below the cut is some extra misc info you can look at if you want to, mostly just links and other random shit nobody gives a fuck abt (except for me bc im just like that)
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yes im a kinnie no i don't care about doubles no i won't tell you my full kin list i'll just randomly drop the fact i kin characters sometimes
if you want a few of the characters i personally idenify with the main ones are kieran from pokemon s/v and freminet from genshin impact (call me kiki and im stabbing you by the way /hj)
some of my other major kins include albedo, wanderer, herrscher of sentience, arlan, kagamine len, ivypool, starlight glimmer, kokichi ouma, surge the tenrec, and lio fotia
i kin more characters those are just the main ones, i'm the worst combination of all your least favourite character tropes!!!!
feel free to ask me about my kins if you want, or ask what kin shift im in idrc, i dont kin shift that much anymore but sometimes i do
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i do edits and moodboards sometimes??? i guess?? sometimes i'll make icons or whatever, sometimes i do fancy dividers, hell did you guys know im an artist i do that sometimes too, occasionally i do sprite edits if i feel like it but i'm not that good at replicating artstyles so shrugs, mainly just do ur classic 2018 tumblr edits here
so uh if you want some icons or whatever the fuck else i listed
✨ Feel Free To Send Requests ✨
i don't have much of a blacklist other than don't be weird about ships (so no pr*sh*p stuff) and don't ask for nsfw/gorey stuff
but i do edits pretty rarely so don't expect a lot from me lmaooo
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for some reason i also made tags for some of my bs ramblings so stuff usually tagged with .txt is miscellaneous bullshit i post (ocasionally some of my posts are funny, i think)
some, but not all of them, may include: legendary post archive.txt, the brainrot.txt, random.txt, art.txt, psa.txt, save.txt/saves.txt, asks.txt, fave.txt signal boost.txt, promo.txt, random.txt, textingronpa.txt, the journal.txt
most of my personal ramblings go under random.txt but occasionally i add other stuff, so if the tumblr search function allows you to peruse the tags go ahead idrc if you do
in particular my primary tag is 'the journal.txt', as this is where most of my rambling about my novel series go, i've been working on the series since 2015 so i don't like to shut the hell up about it lmfao
a lot of my posts are LONG POSTS, so if you don't wanna see long posts please blacklist the 'long post tw' tag bc that's what i normally tag them as!!! yes, i mean it, ill post them a lot
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hey i have a shit ton of ✨ social media ✨ and ✨ miscellaneous bullshit websites ✨ if you wanna check em out, idk why you'd wanna do that tho all my cringeposting is already here
i've got some accs i'm only leaving up to ward off impersonators so i'm not linking them here but if you want to know what they are idrc if you just ask me through the askbox or whatever
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trudemaethien · 10 months
8 TV shows to get to know me
i wasn’t going to do this but then i decided you know what there are some shows that helped define me and which i love and can quote so (in no particular order)
Star Trek: Voyager
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Merlin (BBC)
Cowboy Bebop
Inu Yasha
listen, cringe is dead ok. im killing it over and over again. dont judge me
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nerdygirlwithanxiety · 7 months
Anthony's character short 2- Monochrome Laughter and Spirits;
BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!! Anthony stretched and grunted "fuck me" he groan getting out of the bed putting on a black and red robe and some soft purple slippers stumbling toward the door. Once he open the door a happy female black and white clown appeared cheerfully " GOOD MORNING KIDDO!" She yelled "I made you coffee!" She cheer. The goth smiled "thanks Jill" he accepted the cup walking toward the living room couch and sat down sipping his coffee. Jill layed on the table legs kicking in the air "sooo..what's the plan today kiddo?" She asked excitedly. The male look at her rasing a brow "um...honestly not sure. I don't exactly have a planned" he admit, she hasp offended like " Anthony Thorns Kurosaki" Jill said offended like "I really hate it when you used my full name like that" he groan "How COULD you not have anything planned for your birthday?" She crossed her arms offended. Anthony shrug "guess older you get the more bor-" Jill cover his mouth "shhh..let's go to smiles pub" she said hugging him. The 5'3 male sigh and smile "yeah ok...guess we can celebrate me being 23 at a bar" he chuckle. Jill squeal excitedly "and maybe even get you a ✨️boyfriend✨️!!" She clap excitedly. Anthony cringed at that planned "please dont" he chuckle as the two walk out Jill cheered "oh cmon Tony there's gotta be someone out there for you! Afterall I'm not going to always protect you" Jill was right on that note. There was someone for him. Someone for HIM but..due to unfortunate circumstances that someone died. There's a chance in he's in heaven...or so Anthony thought. As they continue walking and talking and occasionally judge some people clothes and laughing at eachothers jokes, Anthony would suddenly feel someone was going through his pocket so instinctly he summon his scythe and pointed it...at a little girl?? "Huh?" Anthony put his scythe down hearing the small grunted "hey watch it you dick!" She whined getting up dusting herself off. Jill look back "Anthony? What is it?" The clown ask "it's a girl" he responded. The clown blink "what girl?" She said confused. Anthony look at Jill "the one infront of me" he pointer "I'm dead you idiot" the ghost girl protested Anthony jolted "oh...I'm sorry, are you ok?" He asked. The girl stomped offendedly and cross her arms "more or less. Hey how come can you see me?"... that question...that damned question. He chuckle "honestly...I don't know. I guess that's one of my seven wonders. How can I see ghost?" He ask in response. Jill frown sadly "oh no....'she sounded sad. A dead ghost girl. What's worse was the fact she looks ten. "How did she died?" Jill ask Amthony. It was silent for a second but he responded "she was murdered by a man with no face but wore a suit..." he responded "slender." They both said tensedly. This was the opportunity that Anthony needed "hey...you got up and close toward that asshat. Jill and I are planning a Rebellion against Slender and Zalgo to save humanity. How Bout you join us? In return let's say you get peace and be able to escape Purgatory. Or better yet a second chance of life. Your choice" he said as his right hand started to glow. The girl thought about it "I wanna find my friend frankie" she said. This stunned Anthony but made him chuckle "or that yeah..I can do that" he smile "that in that case. I'll do it. My names Amy" she smile shaking his right hand. He felt the power serged into him "Anthony. My names Anthony Kurosaki. " he responded in such a dark tone that was extremely anonymous like. After the deal was shut tight Jill clap excitedly "ok enough introductions let's party and celebrate some birthdays!" The clown said killing the mood. Anthony groaned "jiiill..." as the two bicker Amy giggle. Seems like the ghost girl found her newly found family as the three walked toward smiles pub.
But once arrive and sat down the three heard a voice "HEY EVERYBODY LETS PARTY!!" A voice yelled with everyone booing. Jill gasp excitedly "look Anthony there's jack and a cute blond boy that looks about your age" Anthony groan turning around he spat out some beer and hide under the table blushing "shitshitshit what is he doing here!?" He mumbled. Amy look confused "um-" "How is he alive!?" He mumbled watching the two sitting down ordering drinks "earth to Anthony is everything o-" before Jill finish her sentence Anthony cover Jill's mouth "SHHHH!!" He hushed her "hey don't you- hey hey where are you going!?" Jill motioned. Anthony spat into his hand fixed his hair putting on sunglasses and sat by the blond "one bud light please and one blue moon for blonde here" he pointed " WHAT HEY WHO- wait zeke? What the fuck are you doing here?" Anthony smirk hearing the voice. Guess his suspicion was right. He's not in heaven or hell. He's just as stuck in Purgatory as he is. "Well birdie if you must know..I'm out drinking with a few friends " he chimned
Jill groaned "and already he's acting cocky. Oh well at least he's socializing " she smiled proudly "wonder if he's a good match for him! Hehe " she's already shipping them "oh I should get him a present" she clap then realized "oh right Anthony didn't give me the spell to see or hear you yet. I can wait" she smiled watching the boys talking.
Want to know what happens next? Well toon in soon when I started posting chapter one of creeps remake! Dawm underworld arc!!
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baconcolacan · 1 year
KC interacting w/ everyone else gave me a stroke. Sorry for the swap asks, im just, im just too invested it'll be my demise. Anyways, ready?
1 how would Red and Blue (KC) react to THEMSELVES from regimen?
2 i was curious, does A.K. know about what happened to Tords arm and Toms eyes? Does he know the story behind his parent's quite important injuries? But most importantly, who caused them and how
3 look, i know i know, and i apologize in advance but hear me out, im just, just feeding your imagination- your creativity, yeah! Its, its for your sake..
..so, what if Church's Grimm met Stay and Regimen- I KNOW CG might not even be finished and its the least of your priorities!- but its so different- i cant help but wonder how the others would react to a younger version of them, that isnt in war, ruling, in the military, but are..different in their own way. Also we dont know much about them- And in this one, Tom is quite literally *dead* so im quite curious of how they'd face his spirit, or ghost (who probably has a supernatural power that could be dangerous..or useful..)
I hope you're doing well and taking breaks, you can skip last ask if it spoils too much or for whatever reason! Please remember to appreciate yourself, also know that Castling was fire and insanely fun to read! leader x leader au *chefs kiss* could go on about it for hours, istg you're really out to get us with that talent of urs
If Red met R.L. I think he'd be very understanding of why he's like that. They virtually have the same goals, although Red isn't as power hungry, he knows that he's more than willing to mutilate the entire world for his own selfish goals, which both he and R.L. will happily admit to. He might be a bit uncomfortable with how off the rails R.L. is mentally, but it's not like he has any room to really judge, he's not as sane and sound as he likes to pretend to be anyway....
If Blue met Tom. Well first of all, Tom wouldn't react too well to the fact that Blue is essentially a mirror of his own Tord, they're both military leaders with a proclivity to violence, and Tom is still at the stage where he's trying to justify everything he's ever done. Blue on the other hand, will happily admit that he's doing what he's doing for his own sake, and since when have we ever cared about other people? They mean nothing to us, might as well have some fun.
Blue thinks this version of himself is pretty funny for being so uptight about his "morals". Then again...he might still have something to lose, so he supposes that's just natural.
2. All AK was ever told when he asked about his parents' injuries was that it was an accident, and that it happened when they were out in an active war theatre. Tord wanted to admit that it was his fault, but Tom stopped him because, to be frank, it wasn't really his fault, he started the war sure, but he wasn't the one that sent the bomb towards them.
3. HSASFJ OK I'll just give a general answer to this for all the aus cause I cant write them all one by one at the moment.
I think, on the side of the Tords, they'd all be surprised that a clearly younger version of themselves (CG Tord is in his early 20s) is such a wallflower, cringing away whenever there are eyes on him or hiding as much as he can in his hoodie. KC and Stay Tord would be pretty sympathetic, Regimen Tord would be appalled at how "weak" he presents himself.
CG Tord just hates looking at them, they're all marked by death, the veil is touching all of their souls, and they're damned. What does that say about his own fate?
The Toms on the other hand, I doubt they'll be able to see their CG version, so I'll just stick with their reaction to CG Tord. KC and Stay Tom will think CG Tord is absolutely precious, more so with Stay Tom because he reminds him of when his husband was a shy little nerd bird teenager, always refusing to go outside to hangout with them unless it involved something he really likes.
Regimen Tom thinks he's creepy, especially because CG Tord would stare at him a lot.
God, what the fuck, now there's a stereotypical creepy ghost-seeing version of Tord who seems to be interested in him?? Fucking kill him now.
HAHAHA AND TY FOR LIKING CASTLING! I'm actually surprised that there isn't a lot of Red x Blue fics out there?? Like damn, I love a dynamic where they're on equal ground, why isn't there a lot more fics like that?? HKDSJFHHG FINE I'LL DO IT MYSELF.
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Awkward. They'd be awkward about it.
Let's say, hypothetically, they both get spat out into the Stayverse. Freakouts and initial explanations aside, Tord and Tom take advantage of their temporary presence to leave their son with them while they do RA stuff (after they vet them ofc, they dont just trust their son with anyone, even if it's another version of themselves.)
Red and Blue aren't sure how to react around AK, seeing as he's their son in another life. Red would definitely be the one whispering shit to Blue like; "Does he want..a hug? Kids like hugs right?? How do I- do I just open my arms or...?"
"No you fu-"
"Don't swear in front of the child, Blue."
"Piss off!"
They stop being awkward eventually because AK will force them to watch cartoons and build legos with him.
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Regimen: :]
Stay: Well, of course they still have fights sometimes, and they're both bullheaded and too prideful to back down, but this time since they're older, they don't escalate their fights like they used to anymore, and would much rather prefer to separate and cool off.
Although, Tom has more of a penchant to hold on to his anger than Tord, who would often feel much better after letting out his frustrations in explosively violent ways. This would of course, lead to Tord wanting to talk but Tom is still seething, therefore would not want to talk to him yet.
His silent treatment often leads to Tord being a bit gloomy but definitely more snappy, which would lead to days in the RA where he would be a bit more unforgiving with his army and how they run their operations.
It'll be tense for a while, until Matt steps in to gently remind Tom that he needs to actually talk with his husband if he wants to sort things out.
I'm not sure if you wanna know what happens with KC Tord, as Blue's silence often means he's getting paraded around again like a showgirl, so he'd be more irritated and aggressive than usual, which would bring Blue back to the warfront.
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Stay: Tom would recognize immediately that Tyler is biologically his son (Due to his hellhound genetics lmao). He'd probably act a little bit stiff towards him, only because he's trying to be polite, as every bit of his instincts are on the fritz, telling him he has to protect his progeny.
Tord would probably clock in on his husband wanting to adopt the kid, and would come to the same conclusion that Tyler might be related to him in some way. I think he'd be more neutral but warm towards Ty, since he doesn't have a personal tie with him.
Regimen: I really don't think you want Tyler to be in this universe lmao. Both Tom and Tord would be pretty cold with him, especially Tord if he figures out Tyler is related to Tom. at worse he might even kill him. And like I said before, this Tom isn't good with kids, so he'd try his best to avoid Tyler at every chance he can get.
Sorry Ty :[
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nightfallsystem · 1 year
Go fucking hang yourself on a tree you son of a bitch. Your posts aren't even that funny or interesting. Plus, you're a fucking furry (🤮), a faker of mental illness, a weirdo who pretends they're an animal, a user of ridiculous pronouns, and a coiner of fake "genders", all at once. You also believe that cringe culture is dead, when it's still alive. Plus, you use those cringe emoticons. It's 2023, why are you still unable to become normal?
hmm, ill humor you. i think the suicide baiting is a bit over done now though buddy :/ like do better??? its just really overused and i think you should try better?
the anti furry part might be ok but it seems that youre just jealous i have a hobby and i just feel bad for you now. the faker of mental illness part doesnt even apply to me as ive never even claimed to have a mental illness? so minus points for that one. the whole "weirdo who pretends theyre an animal" thing also doesnt apply? you shouldve sent that while my otherkin alters were fronting, try better, minus points for that. i do like the "a user of ridiculous pronouns" though, cuz thats more of a compliment to me so thank you!!! ^_^ . idk how to feel about the "and a coiner of fake "genders"" because gender is a social construct and kind of stupid imo, like gender is indeed in your head, so your head can be like "yeah ur gender is [x]" and you cant do much about it, so again, minus points for that one.
the "You also believe that cringe culture is dead" thing is honestly just weird, it is dead buddy, WE'RE ON TUMBLR.COM, all of us are cringe but that makes us free. to be honest like everyone who participates in cringe culture is, like actually really sad :( i mean you spend all your time caring about harmless stuff that people do, instead of going outside, spending time with your friends and loved ones, etc. so honestly instead of making me feel insulted i just genuinely feel bad for you, so again, minus points for that one.
I do think the "plus, you still use those cringe emoticons" is kind of funny, because its just emoticons, and its better than using 🙂 because most emojis just dont get my point across yknow, im feeling ^_^ not 😊. Your last sentence, "It's 2023, why are you still unable to become normal" thing is like lowkey really funny to me, because, buddy... youre not normal. like, im sorry to break it to you but it really isnt normal to be this upset about people just being themselves on the internet tbh. and then to like act on it? and send a lame ask about it? thats really weird... i mean you seem to kind of like me to go through all the effort of writing this to send it to me... do you have a crushhhh????? o_O i wont judge
so to rate this out of 10, considering this more made me kinda shy but it did make me laugh, probably a 3.7/10. you should really try better tbh, come back with better content.
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jcfoxington · 1 year
for the character ask thingy :: i will literally never get tired of hearing you gush about Jasculs, pls give me the wholesome jackie content
send me a character and i'll answer these questions about them
favorite thing about them
his dedication to choosing to be and do better by his loved ones not in spite of but along with his trauma
least favorite thing about them
it isnt directly something about him, rather something that's the consequence of who he is, but: explaining to someone who doesnt know him what he is. cringe is dead and all that but "demon-possessed shapeshifting dragon who looks like just a really buff elf accidentally becomes dad" makes me feel like im gonna get judged for all my sins
favorite line
you say that like i can remember or find any of the dialogue ive written for him smh
nali and jackie 100%
im sorry you want me to pick between jasalore, khadckie and jassalarian (mackie???) ? i love all of them equally for different reason i cant pick a favorite and also it is illegal
jackie x a calm, trauma-free, happy life (kidding). i dont think ive actually ever encountered a notp for him? my best bet would be something like jackie x illidan or jackie x kayn sunfury
...do you think there's rumors running around within the illidari about why jackie left and changed his name and everything? like, with how closely he worked with kayn (righthand of the slayer) and orion (the slayer) and the fact he was always seen with them, do you think there's rumors about a lovers quarrel and jackie lost the illidari in the divorce?
random headcanon
he eats pumpkins and watermelons whole. with the crust and seeds and everything
unpopular opinion
he deserves more pain and to be broken :)
song i associate with them
oh so many. here's his playlist. check out the Perfect/Too Good At Goodbyes Mashup because im having feelings about that one right now - how, until kina, jackie's go-to coping mechanism was running away, and she's the reason he's trying to Not Do That
favorite picture of them
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this bitch! that i will apparently never be able to top! what the fuck!
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ketastore · 2 years
black hole falling in love with gn!reader
2nd pov, you and y/n used
headcanons + short story at the end ;D
- black hole isn't very... expressive, physically or vocally, so it's hard to read his emotions sometimes
- he doesn't consider himself to be an affectionate person, and he doesn't think much about romance either.. but there's something about you that just.. brought him to you. you are nice and fun to be with! and you are always so kind to him! how could he not like you?
- actually scratch that- he doesn't like you, he loves you! but like i said, it's hard to tell what he's feeling or thinking. black hole is convinced he loves you though, he never doubts or questions his feelings for you :)
- let me elaborate on that- he doesn't tell himself that these feelings he has for you are only platonic. he quickly comes to terms with the fact that he likes you! so, he doesn't waste time and immediately tries to charm you hehe
- needless to say, he's hopeless lol. he's too nervous to outright tell you that he loves you so instead he tries his version of... "flirting" (?)
- my man really thought telling you "hey i think you're cool :)" would be a good confession lmao. of course, his intentions totally flew over your head and you replied with just a "thank you! you too :D"
- ...okay maybe THAT didn't work.. but whatever, he isn't giving up that easily!! he has to show you he likes you!! so, he carefully thinks of the options he has..
- he can't express his affection for you by touch, flirting doesn't work, and it's not like he can send you a love letter either! so what should he do??
- well how about i tell you this dude makes POEMS. that's right!! black hole loves poetry!! making poems helps him express what he's feeling :) and so he decides to make you a poem so he can finally confess his love for you!
- one day he asks to talk to you privately, so you both go to one of the hangout spots you and black hole often share when spending time together! he chooses to confess during the golden hour, when the air is still warm and everything around you two is quiet. black hole asks if he can tell you a big secret, you of course say yes
- and so black hole begins reciting the poem he composed just for you :) his voice is monotone but full of feeling, his verses rhyme nicely with a pleasant rhythm. he doesn't stutter or pause, but doesn't rush either. he truly does his best to recite perfectly to impress you
- though he might seem confident in his reciting, deep down he's nervously awaiting your reaction. what if you don't accept his feelings? what if you don't even understand that he's confessing to you? maybe the poem should have been more straightforward.. black hole is currently exposing his entire heart to you, he has never been this vulnerable to anybody, so what if he's just making a fool out of himself?!
- as he nears the end of his poem, black hole's voice starts to shake. his confidence is fading away and anxiety that he never felt before starts to build up. he doesn't want to look at you in fear of seeing your reaction. will you be confused, disappointed? mad? he doesn't want to know. because of this, he doesn't even get to finish his poem and instead awkwardly ends on the second to last verse. then he's silent.
- you and him are both are silent.
- oh, he messed up, didn't he?! but he was so sure it was going to work out! you probably think he's an idiot now! this is the worst day of black hole's life!
- you, however, smile at him.
"did you make that poem yourself?" you ask, keeping your voice quiet and gentle. you were very aware that he didn't finish the poem, but you weren't going to pressure black hole into continuing as you were already in awe from what you heard. your heart danced with delight from knowing that you were the first and most likely only listener of this beautiful piece of art. you knew that it wasn't just a poem, it was a poem made just for you. "i love it. i've never heard anything more beautiful."
black hole looked over at you as he heard you words. were you serious? did you actually like the poem? "really?" black hole asks nervously, his voice quiet, and you nod, still smiling up at him.
black hole felt his confidence return to him again, but he knew that just because you enjoyed the poem doesn't mean that you understood the meaning behind it. that's okay, though! he can just make another poem and make it more straightforward to make sure you understand next ti- "you know, you could have just said you like me! i feel a bit bad that you had to go through the trouble of composing a whole love poem just for me." you giggled playfully as the athmosphere brightened up with your joyful laughter. "i've liked you for a long time, black hole. i wanted to tell you, but looks like you beat me to it!" and you laughed again.
oh, how black hole loves your laughter. he knows that if he could, he would be smiiing with you right now. the warmth he felt from your happiness and your kind words made his mind feel fuzzy. but he loved the feeling. in fact, he loved it so much that for a second he childishly wished that he will never feel anything else ever again. "i was hoping that you like me back." he spoke, his usual monotone voice laced with joy that's unusual for him, but so typical for you. "you have no idea how happy i am right now."
he loves you. oh, how much he loves you!!
TREE: why does y/n call you babygirl
BLACK HOLE: how about we stop talking for a little while
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hystericalwisteria · 2 years
Cuphead headcanon where elder kettle is the cupbros grandfather and hes so easily charmed by chalice not bc shes just good at that, but bc she reminds him of his late daughter.
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anonymous-eggy · 3 years
I remember someone once talked about wanting to write tatw x cmim highschool au but i forgot who it is.. This is the worst feeling ever
(im assuming that tatw x cmim means miguel and nicky both exist in the same highschool and mc ends up having to choose between them. bonus points to that person if mc chooses both tho. if im understanding it wrong, please correct me)
listen- highschool aus got my depressed ass through that hell hole, I'll admit it. 💀 if a high schooler wants to write that, who am i to judge ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if they wanna be self indulgent, good for them.
my only request to that person: u should totally make it like a coming of age movie. gotta make is as stereotypical as possible. and make Floyd and Stella act like mean highschool girls (dont feel pressured though, whoever u are)
may not be my cup of tea anymore, but I'll read it and show support if they make the reader gender neutral and write the au well
let high schoolers be high schoolers, in my opinion
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alilaro · 4 years
ive been putting it off for years now but i think im finally gonna redraw my old pony art
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lazorsandparadox · 4 years
Writing Tom the Werewolf Lawyer is so fuckin weird because thats my dad. That character is based off the pictures i drew of my dad when i was a furry in 6th grade. And hes a lawyer like my dad. And hes built like my dad because the character design was originally my dad. And on one level i know that this is not my dad, this is a character i made up based off funny picture of my dad but is seperate from and no longer intended to be my dad, but on another its so fucking weird to draw my dad running around on all fours being a complete freak but thats not my dad, thats Tom the Werewolf Lawyer, who is separate from, but also technically, my dad.
No i will not get rid of or redesign Tom the Werewolf Lawyer.
#his human design doesnt actually look that much like my dad#because that would be weird#its more the knowledge that hes based off the fursona i made for my dad and still shares a bunch of traits with him#and also the fact that of my dad were still alive and he saw a tom the werewolf lawyer comic he would Know#that thats his government assigned fursona and by extension partially HIM#and he would think im fucking insane#because the funny thing about tom the werewolf lawyer isnt the fact that hes a werewolf lawyer#its the fact that hes a REVERSE werewolf lawyer#hes a civilized wolf by day and changes into a feral human every full moon#and does feral human things like scream and light things on fire and persistence hunt animals#and run on all fours#and the fact that my dad would know that you could technically interpret it as me drawing HIM doing all those things makes me fucking cringe#like those arent even excessively weird or creepy things to draw someone doing especially for a comedy bit#like i wouldnt feel weird or bad drawing myself or my brother running on all fours or howling at the moon#its purely the knowledge that my dead dad would judge me so hard if not for the fact that hes currently dead and incapable of judgement#still wouldnt wanna see p*rn of ttwl though because....thats my dad...#who isnt really my dad but i have complicated feeling about because hes technically based on my dad#also much more directly based on my now dead dog and i dont wanna see p*rn of him either
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