ssaraexposs · 5 months
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neversetyoufree · 3 months
Thoughts on domijeanne in the story / any theories?
I love DomiJeanne!! They're super cute and I'm absolutely a canon (or at least implied canon) queer truther for both of them
Not doing real meta tonight, but there's some real fascinating prince/princess/knight stuff going on with them. Dominique is both a prince and in need of rescue by a prince. Jeanne is an executioner/witch and also sleeping beauty and ALSO a knight in shining armor. The scene of Jeanne saving Domi when she falls is everything to me for this reason (also it slaps in general)
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auburnflight · 1 year
VnC 60: Jeanne, Agency and Heteronormativity
In this chapter, we had… uhh… some things thrown at us. And I’m not clear how we should be taking those things. Serious, goofy, the calm(?) before the storm? So I’m going to approach this post not from within the text, but with an idea in IRL society, which affects the text: heteronormativity. Specifically, compulsory heterosexuality: the idea that if you’re a woman, feeling anything toward a man, that has to be a crush. And anything you’re feeling toward a woman is never romantic. Right?
The societal scripts we’re raised with in a heteronormative society dictate how we interpret our own feelings and how we act upon them. What we do with our feelings is often premeditated, rather than genuine. For example, asexual people can often relate to the act of consciously picking people to have “crushes” on when they were growing up, forcing something just because they were taught they had to fit into that framework. In essence, we aren’t given a framework to have full agency over our emotions. (My previous post on Jeanne and the theme of agency in relationships is in the source link if y’all are interested).
This is why I love the freedom that’s at the essence of this moment:
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Here, given the opportunity, Jeanne is genuinely and spontaneously expressing her feelings. There was no reflection immediately prior on societal scripts about romance, as there was on her “date” with Vanitas, and as there are for many of us growing up queer in a heteronormative society. It’s plainly just what she’s feeling, and the clumsiness of the delivery only highlights the moment of freedom that she and Dominique are experiencing.
I’m not here to make a judgment on, between Vanitas and Dominique, which of her attractions (regardless of the type) are “true” or “false”. …Okay, maybe there is a bit of a Domijeanne agenda here. But the point I’m trying to make is, once again, we are seeing how Jeanne’s relationship with Vanitas takes away her agency, whereas her suddenly sweet and …canon??? relationship with Dominique gives her back that agency. Breaking out of those heteronormative scripts can be so freeing and thrilling, if a bit scary, and it can ultimately lend us more comfort and happiness with being our genuine selves than trying to force ourselves into heteronormative boxes ever could.
I saw a bit of my younger self finally discovering she was sapphic in Jeanne's little outburst here, and whether it's a genuine development in the story or it's supposed to be taken more humorously, it just made me really happy to see such a radiantly queer moment.
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kaoruko-han · 10 months
Me at the start of the year : *get my first Yuri otps that are focused on in Canon through kumirei, oscalie and domijeanne*
Me now : *absolutely want to read more Yuri and already work on one*
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torterrachampion · 2 years
19. For the writing asks!
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
This is such a hard question! I guess my hypothetical magnum opus fic would have to be a multi chapter one. I'm far more comfortable with oneshots but I really admire the dedication that goes into writing a long fic and it gives a lot of opportunities to actually dig into the characters. My longest fic to date is only a little over the 50k mark but for the ideal/fantasy I'm cooking up here I'd like to try for 100k+ words. And although I like AUs I'm far more partial to canon compliant or canon adjacent fics, because removing characters from their natural habitat can make it difficult for me to pin down how they've become the person that they are.
Because vnc brainrot has been going strong for many, many years at this point, as of now I'd want my ideal fic to be a vnc one. And with my penchant for domijeanne I'd also most likely want this fic to centre them. Though, in order to write a canon compliant multi chapter domijeanne fic, I think I'd need to wait until either vnc ends or one of their storylines is over (the most likely scenario being Jeanne's death). Tonally I'd want the fic to fit with the manga, with a careful balance between the more serious and goofier moments (if I could manage that). Otherwise I'd just like it to be an exercise in really dissecting Domi and Jeanne to an intense degree. I'd want it to give people the same kind of brainworms as a good meta post. And I'd put Chloé in it. Somewhere.
In a perfect world there would be no spelling or grammar mistakes. I would be blessed with zero typos as though it were professionally edited.
Other than that I recently reread Crimson Shell and have been tossing around the idea of writing a long fic that would be a sort of continuation to the manga. It would give me a lot of freedom to just do whatever the hell I want and I would like to give some love to Mochijun's oldest manga. Of course, I'd need to plan a lot to get that project moving. I'd have to have at least a few twists up my sleeve if I wanted to "finish" Mochijun's work for her. I'm absolutely not as good a storyteller as her so I wouldn't want to rashly try anything that would put me out of my depth. There's also the matter of Xeno and Claudia's relationship... I'd like to lean into and deconstruct it if I ever did manage to plot out a Crimson Shell fic... but Xeno would not come out of that looking good.
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nilesmoon · 3 years
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starlighwook · 2 years
possible vnc unpopular opinion
i hate that episode with vanitas having a crisis over being in love and jeanne being all 🥰🥰 when realizing she's in love. it made me almost drop the anime. that's just not the type of relationship i like to see
i like the more dramatic and metaphoric moments of realization like jeanne going "she's so beautiful" while looking starry-eyed at domi as she's being a total badass or vanitas looking up at noe like he's his sun, the light in his darkness, after just having shared something very private about his life with him
i don't care about what's canon and what's not. for me what vanoe and domijeanne have is way better than vanitas and jeanne. so in my eyes, the ending of the anime was highlighting these two relationships, especially vanoe. and no one can change my mind :D
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boxocats · 3 years
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say fuck, Amelia
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this is canon miss mochijun told me
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i think jeanne and noe should switch spots here but this is so good
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how cute, imagine Jeanne going “boo!!”
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lmao ok at least 5 people will get killed in this scenario
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5 more people killed, just like that
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(I swear the OTP for this was Domijeanne) ok that’s well and good but PLEASE KEEP DOMI AWAY FROM FERRIS WHEELS
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qu1nby · 3 years
Is it too much to ask for all of them with vnc? 🙏
Not at all! <33
1. which character do you relate to the most from your fandom?
Noé! I too am easily distracted
also I hc that he has trouble telling the difference between romantic and platonic affection and, like, same
2. which character do you look the most like?
Maria! I almost forgot about her but I remember thinking we looked really similar
3. what is your favorite ship?
Take a wild guess! actually, I don't have a favorite. I like Vanoé, Roland and Olivier, Roland and Noé and Vanitas, DomiJeanne, and, of course, the disaster quartet
the ship possibilities really are endless
4. what is your favorite CANON ship?
Jean-Jacques and Chloé (they are canon, right?)
5. who is your favorite character (and maybe why?)
aaaa don't make me choose! Out of the main four I think it's a die between Domi and Noé, but sometimes that Vanitas brainrot hits hard
6. when you first think of the fandom, what image comes to mind?
How pretty both the manga and anime are. I need to make a post sometime with all of my favorite scenes
7. when did you join the fandom?
When the anime first started airing
8. WHY did you join the fandom?
I saw screenshots from the first episode, watched it, then binge-read the manga
9. what is your favorite fanfic for the fandom?
I haven't had the time to read that many fics but I'm sure there are some great ones out there!
10. what song do you associate with a ship?
To Let A Good Thing Die by Bruno Major
I don't know, imagine an alternate ending where Vanitas doesn't die and Noé is watching him walk away at the end of their journey
11. what song do you associate with a character (or 2)?
Silly Girl by Chloe Moriondo for Domi. maybe in a modern au?
"And how could I ever think that it was meant to be? And how could I ever think that anything was made for me?"
12. favorite hc for a ship, character, etc.
Vanitas and Noé are both terrible at cooking, but Vanitas is too stubborn to learn. Amelia teaches Noé to cook in their free time
13. If you could be in the universe of the characters what would you do first?
Easy! In classic Noé fashion I would get lost wandering around all of the pretty places.
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
vnc for the ask game!!
Favorite character: Noe Archiviste. He's my little meow meow, a blorbo to me. Least Favorite character: Moreau. Biting and maiming him 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): DomiJeanne. I think they should kiss please Ms Mochizuki. VaNoe but in the "They're both too dense to realize the other likes them and everyone else tells them to get a room and they're confused why they would say that when Noe is kabedoning Vanitas" way. Roland and Olivier somewhat though I think they might be funnier as just guys being dudes. That's only three but the cast isn't exactly big and I'm not known for shipping. Character I find most attractive: Noe Noe Noe Noe-- Character I would marry: See above. I'm so in love with him it makes me look stupid Character I would be best friends with: I think I could be friends with Dominique. She's cool and also all my best friends are lesbians so like. It tracks. a random thought: I have two. Aro VaNoe. Consider. Also that one tiktok i reblogged ages ago with someone judging different versions of Dominique from the Singing Nun (1966) based on how twerkable they are introduced me to that song and i cannot separate it from Dominique VNC and it haunts me. An unpopular opinion: This manga was never going to have a happy ending and the whole point is the journey to how we reach that tragedy that was introduced at the beginning. My Canon OTP: None </3 My Non-canon OTP: uh. I don't consider myself having an otp. DomiJeanne I guess. Most Badass Character: Jeanne the Hellfire Witch. She has such a badass name nobody else could take this spot obviously Most Epic Villain: Idk if she counts as a villain but Chloe d'Apchier Pairing I am not a fan of: Vanitas/Jeanne. Girl. You can do better. Vanitas can't but you can Jeanne I'm so sorry though I think Jeanne fantasizing about being his knight in shining armor and woobifying Vanitas is funny as hell. Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I feel like Dominique has some questionable characteristics that I would have changed. I love her don't get me wrong but I think she's a bit underdeveloped right now. Favourite Friendship: Noe and Dominique :3 Character I most identify with: Noe Character I wish I could be: Noe. I'm normal about him can you tell
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yioh · 3 years
nobody asked but my probably unpopular opinion of the day is domijeanne should have been canon and it makes me sick to the stomach that vanitas and jeanne are love interests 💀
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kokkuri3 · 5 years
if you havent gotten it yet then... vanitas no carte? -💤
Favorite character:
Noé actually which may be a little surprising w the knowledge that Lacie is my favorite PH character but utterly unsurprising w the knowledge that Gil is a close second I like how my taste in female characters and my taste in male characters are just the complete opposite of one another
Anyway yeah I love him he’s such a wonderful protagonist and Mochizuki does a really great job of giving him these... small endearing characterization things that when you pick up on em are really OH... I LOVE YOU DEARLY...
He’s also a really great break from PH’s formula of having every character just be varying shades of dark-ish gray since he’s pretty unambiguously morally white and a good example of how a protagonist can be morally white but still be very interesting and undergo regular moral conflict (VnC does a good job of representing how moral conflict isn’t just ‘’ghhh I wanna be good... but I also wanna do Bad Thing’’ and is also a matter of utilitarianism vs idealism, consequentialism vs deontology, etc.)
Least Favorite character:
* sits and thinks * Uh
I don’t think I’ll really be able to make a call until the series is further in its run I think hmm
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Vaninoé and Domijeanne rights
Noé/Jean Jacques is also good and underrated I think. Some people ship Noé/Roland which is fair but I’m a big fan of Roland and Olivier’s dynamic personally.
Character I find most attractive:
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
Noé............ I would be ok just giving that man gifts of whatever bullshit he doesn’t have to do anything in return. Just showing my appreciation sir
A random thought:
Honestly I think a lot of people who have read VnC should try to read PH if they haven’t already just bc of the insight it gives into how Mochizuki structures relationships and what kind of themes she includes in her writing.
An unpopular opinion:
It’s not a perfect series but Mochizuki’s made clear strides as a writer and a person since PH... I’m honestly really glad she decided to go in the direction she did with VnC and am really looking forward to how it progresses
My canon OTP:
Domijeanne counts I think
Non-canon OTP:
I have a disease that makes me care incredibly about Vaninoé
Most badass character:
Uwu. Uwuwuwuwuwu. Chloé fuck you that bitch nearly killed a God
Pairing I am not a fan of:
I don’t want to harp on vnjn anymore so time to say why do people ship Noé and Astolfo? It’s weird as fuck
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Will have to wait and see...
Favourite friendship:
Domi/Noé’s friendship is so fucking good and important and I’m so glad they have each other... They clearly love/trust each other a lot and esp considering how Noé doesn’t have a lot of friends I’m glad he has someone who understands at least some of his trauma
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lady-tortilla-chip · 2 years
Hiiiii you know I have to ask VNC for 001
Fair. I also asked you for all three so. 😂
Favorite character: Vanitas! He makes me think of Yato and I am forever entertained by his general attitude and the fact that he’s a closet sweetheart.
Least favorite character: hrm probably what’s his nuts. Uh. Fucking crap I cannot remember his name but the GUY who put that like blood pact on Noé to force him to do whatever he wants when he activates it. THAT guy.
5 favorite ships (canon or non canon): idek if I have five. Vanoé, Domijeanne, VaNoLand/Rovanoe, aaaand I guess Vanijeanne but I don’t seek out content for them so I don’t think they count.
Character I find most attractive: Vanitas (as hot as Domi and Jeanne are, Vani wins)
Character I would marry: Jeanne 💖
Character I would be best friends with: probs Vani or Domi cuz they are bitches. But I’d also love Roland because ya just KNOW he’s not someone who needs you to talk to him cuz he’ll gladly do all the talking.
A random thought: Domi is a lesbian and VaNoLand/Rovanoe is the most obvious ship y’all are just BLIND
An unpopular opinion: Vanijeanne is actually a really good ship within the story and I think it’s a really good contrast to Vanoé
My canon otp: I….don’t have one. I like Vanijeanne in the story but I don’t like it nearly enough to consider it an “otp”
My non-canon otp: VaNoLand/Rovanoe ! 😤
Most badass character: agh this is a mean question because all of them are badass to me. Jeanne tho
Most epic villain: hrm the teacher guy
Pairing I am not a fan of: Domi/Noé. They. They are gay.
Characters I feel the writers screwed up: nobody! (Yet >.>)
Favorite friendship: domijeanne or Dante and Vanitas (I know they aren’t like FRIENDS exactly but they know* each other and I think they matter to each other)
Character I most identify with: nobody!
Character I wish I could be: also nobody! These characters are fucked! 😂
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digital-dhampirs · 3 years
Feel free to choose just one! DomiJeanne, Noe x Jean Jacques, and/or Vanitas x Dante?
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cute cute adorable
Jeanne is shy on the outside and confident and headstrong on the inside. Domi is flirty and confident on the outside and insecure and depressed on the inside. I feel like their personalities align really well
Domi is canonically willing to face her father (whom we know she’s scared of) to protect Jeanne
Jeanne already has a friend crush with Dominique, we could take that up a level to crush crush
Dominique does have some underlying jealousy (maybe? probably jealousy) towards Jeanne, but I think that stems mainly from her (most likely correct) belief that Noé is infatuated with Jeanne, along with her self- hatred and feelings of inferiority to Jeanne. TLDR Dominique needs therapy before a romantic relationship
I’d die for them
Noé x Jean- Jacques
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I feel like I shipped Noé and JJ way more back during the Gévaudan arc
I could still 10/10 see Jean-Jacques having a crush on Noé, but post- full backstory reveal it feels like JJ’s just not used to other vampires (or other people in general).
Also,, after the end of the Gévaudan arc it kinda feels like Noé’s arc with Jean-Jacques is over. I could see JJ coming back as a recurring character down the road when he and Chloé get captured by the senate but as a reader it feels like the primary arc of their relationship has concluded
I do think they’d get along well though, especially since Noé was a major catalyst for JJ saving Chloé
I would die for both of them individually so naturally I would die for this ship
Vanitas x Dante
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I would not die for either of them, individually or as a ship
Vanitas and Dante... I like them but they have me conflicted
on the one hand, I could very much see Dante being a closet Vanitas simp. Dante is the resident Vanitas expert of VnC, Vanitas was the first non-dham to see Dante as equal to humans and vampires, Dante fights Vanitas 24/7 but would never abandon him......
But on the other hand, I feel like Vanitas and Dante’s combined edginess and refusal to share their emotions with others is a recipe for disaster. They both tend to default to “aggressively push others away” when someone gets too close or when they want to keep up their unfeeling/ tough personas. This actually brings Vanitas and Dante closer in a way (@/ their constant insult fights) but feels like it could end up as miscommunication in a more serious/ romantic relationship.
But on the other other hand, I feel like Dante can call Vanitas on his bluffs really well (for example: Vanitas: *says the “we’re just working together because our interests happened to align” speech* Dante: sure thing pal i guess i’ll take this top secret intel to some other vampire doctor then) and snap Vanitas out of his depressive hazes. He’s proven he can defuse a situation well (Vanitas vs Johann) and is already used to dealing with a ball of repressed rage on the daily
tldr I’m conflicted
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qu1nby · 2 years
Vnc/Vanoé/Vanitas 👀
go big or go home, right? I’m about to go to sleep so I apologize if this makes absolutely no sense 🙏
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Nope, no way, I can't choose one.
Least Favorite character:
Easy, Ruthven. I don't trust him one bit
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
DomiJeanne, Vanoé, Chloé and Jean-Jacques, VaNoLand (your fault), Dante/Johann/Riche, and Roland/Olivier
thats six but shhh
Character I find most attractive:
You're asking me to choose? The most attractive in the main four is a tie between Domi and Jeanne (sorry Noé) but also... Loki...
Character I would marry:
anyone except Vanitas. I love him but I feel like we would hate each other
Character I would be best friends with:
Noé, I think. I would want to be friends with Domi and Jeanne but Domi is intimidating and Jeanne and I are both quiet (at least at first)
a random thought:
I love VNC but like... I have no idea what is going on sometimes. There are too many people behind the scenes. What is Ruthven planning? Who knows! I'm happy watching Noé and Vanitas dramatically fight in the rain
An unpopular opinion:
I agree with your unpopular opinion! Vanitas and Jeanne have an interesting relationship that is both messy and important to the story
My Canon OTP:
There aren't any confirmed relationships, are there? The closest would probably be Chloé and Jean-Jacques
My Non-canon OTP:
Most Badass Character:
That's hard! I want to say Noé but Jeanne automatically wins because of her cool gauntlet
Most Epic Villain:
Hmmm. Teacher, I guess! He is pretty interesting
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
No one so far!
Favorite Friendship:
Luca, Jeanne, and Domi. That one episode where they’re talking about love and poor Luca zones out is great
Character I most identify with:
Character I wish I could be:
Vanitas gives me gender envy ://
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them:
I saw gifs of the OP and went huh, now I have to watch it
My thoughts:
Vanoé is fun, plain and simple! They have the classic unlikely partnership and banter that turns into almost-friendship and a “I hate you but I would trust you with my life” vibe
What makes me happy about them:
There is something about characters that don’t like each other all that much to begin with slowly learning more about each other and becoming closer through shared experiences that is *chefs kiss*
also did I mention the fight in the rain? I’m a sucker
What makes me sad about them:
We know that Vanitas dies. Their relationship was doomed from the start
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
honestly not sure! I don’t have many fic pet peeves
Things I look for in fanfic:
I don’t know what it is about VNC but I want more vampire + human found family. Show me the Dhams spending time together. Show me Vanitas baking. I’m usually more of an angst fan but I’m craving domestic fluff
My wishlist:
For both of them have a happy ending, please and ty
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Vanitas with Jeanne is the most obvious choice. I can also see Noé with Roland, even if Vanitas isn’t in the picture
My happily ever after for them:
I can’t see them settling down anytime soon so I would keep things as they are, with Vanitas helping the vampires, but they hug and kiss and little
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character:
You know those posts that are like “I want to throw this man at the wall like a sticky hand”?
Yeah. He can be such a little shit sometimes, I love him
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
Noé and Roland (your fault!)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
yes I know Domi doesn’t like Vanitas but I think they could be such good bitchy best friends. You know the friends that gossip together all the time and then talk about how much they hate each other when they’re apart? It’s them
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don’t think I have one…?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Someone please give this poor, touch-starved man a real hug and tell him he is doing a good job
Favorite friendship for this character:
My crossover ship:
I’m still not sure if this question means crossover with another fandom or not, so we’re skipping it!
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torterrachampion · 3 years
vnc or pandora hearts? :D
I'm going to do both but I'll put it under the cut
The first character I first fell in love with: Vanitas. Took an immediate liking to him. He's definitely my type of character and I could tell right away I'd enjoy him immensely.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Chloé. I thought she looked cool from the start but I wasn't expecting Vanitas to ever get dethroned. She did only jump to top 1 in chapter 41 so it was pretty late in her arc that she became the dearest vnc character to me.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don't think there is a character like that. I'm pretty into most characters for one reason or another.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Gano. He looks like an absolute freak and something about his character design gives me brain worms. We don't know anything about him I just find his evil face appealing. I can't explain why this type of ugly appeals to me but Moreau and Yura don't, that's just how it is. I took one look at him and knew I'd probably enjoy him. It's yet to he seen if that'll be true when he plays a bigger role.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I don't think there are any? I don't recall any character disappointing me.
The character I would totally smooch: Chloé my beloved 💙 Other than that maybe Dante. He's the most dateable vnc character.
The character I’d want to be like: Mira. I want to be an unkempt gremlin woman lurking in a library. Goals.
The character I’d slap: Teacher. It'd be so satisfying. As long as he's not allowed to retaliate that is. Otherwise I think I'd be dead. So Moreau may be a safer target because I could definitely destroy him in a fight.
A pairing that I love: My pinned is domijeanne fanart so I think that's a pretty big clue. wlw ships tend to appeal quite highly to me in general and Dominique and Jeanne are good for each other and enjoy each other's company so I really like them together. Plus the jealousy Domi feels towards Jeanne introduces a little spice to the ship and is a very relatable wlw experience. I also don't talk about it much but Chloé and Jean-Jacques! They're both insane and codependent and I enjoy that. And they are genuinely very sweet, their moments at the end of the Gévaudan arc hit so hard, man. I do like JJChloé in a queerplatonic way as well though.
A pairing that I despise: I'm actually down with most vnc pairings I've seen. I don't think I dislike any of the popular ones. I guess I don't like Noé x Jeanne very much? At least in the sense that if canonically something happened between them I'd be very thrown off. Though their personalities could mesh well 🤔
Pandora Hearts
The first character I first fell in love with: I think Gil made an impression on me the quickest if I recall correctly but the main trio were all likeable to me from very early on.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Reim Lunettes. He's just a dude when you first meet him but then he's actually so cool??? The way he's a very strong character despite his lack of combat ability because he's smart and kind but also has the potential to be ruthless when he has to. Man came out of left field being one of the most fun side characters in ph.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Cheshire. Peak cat boy design don't get me wrong but as a character he offers nothing for me to get super attached to. Still like him but not as much as I've seen other people.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Can't think of any. I know a fair few people dislike Alice but I don't think my deep love of her is unpopular.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Jack. In the narrative sense he became far more interesting once he was revealed to be a villain. From an emotional perspective he can choke and die <3
The character I would totally smooch: Reim Lunettes, the perfect man
The character I’d want to be like: Jury, omnipotence seems interesting. More seriously, I think Elliot has some of the most admirable traits that I'd like to emulate and I do think his character made me a better person.
The character I’d slap: Jack <3 and Levi because he started everything by grooming Lacie so he deserves nothing but the worst
A pairing that I love: (platonically) Oz, Alice, Gil found family makes me so feral. They are such a good trio and the final chapter of ph absolutely destroys my heart every time. "Welcome home!" Shut up, Gilbert, I'm crying.
A pairing that I despise: Sheryl and Rufus! They work best as unrequited and I'm firm on this! I'd never want to see Sheryl return his feelings. Sometimes unrequited is better and more interesting to me.
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