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purr-in-ink · 2 years ago
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If you wish to buy me a coffee you can do it here: https://ko-fi.com/purrinink :)
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nobeerreviews · 10 months ago
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There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.
-- Bill Watterson
(Bregenz, Austria)
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loofandtimmy · 5 months ago
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tiffysdeath · 7 months ago
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karlkapri · 2 months ago
surprise dubas
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awkwardsapphic · 1 year ago
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pomskionline · 5 months ago
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this is literally me btw
🍧^.^: game: Mamegoma
how is your day going?
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shirozen · 7 months ago
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Doing nothing by force
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ksjanes · 2 years ago
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Flowing with seeing, sensing the experience. Is this doing nothing or just letting things be? It feels effortless and beyond the conceptual mind. Clarity arises from the conceptual mind resting and making space for this flow. Further seeing.
K.S. Janes
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rest-in-being · 4 months ago
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cultural-derealization · 6 months ago
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Goodbye my lover
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existennialmemes · 1 year ago
I'm not "doing nothing"
Do you have any idea how much work goes into
✨ Being Extant ✨
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bellysoupset · 7 months ago
i'm writing some lukebell to like pass the time while the ""plot"" is marinating in my head (don't ask, my process is weird) and I realized I literally cannot write anything but domestic bliss with these two lately. In their peaceful era. I had 3 whole fics where in my notes it's like "then they argue" and I swear, I never manage to get to the argument, they're fighting meee
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jukashi · 1 month ago
I think people don't appreciate how hard it can, when you're stressed, to do nothing.
It's doing stuff that's tough, isn't it? Activity, energy, effort, is tough. Making progress is tough. Doing nothing is easy by definition. Right?
Not when you have something you care about on the line. Not when you don't feel in control of your future. Not when you're under attack. Like, if you study historical battles, as one of the most direct examples - how much do you hear about tactics trying to attack an enemy and then retreat, hit and run, lure them out of position? How many battles lost because soldiers didn't hold, or won because they did? It seems so obvious, looking down from above. Just don't, dipshits, how hard is it to just stand there??
Think of superstition. Why waste time and effort to do things that have shown no effect on what you're worried about? Or past that, sacrifice. Why are you throwing perfectly good stuff away to the gods that you yourselves describe as fickle, guys?
Because it's hard, so hard, to face something fearful, or painful, or to feel like you have no say in your future, and do nothing. It feels better to act, even though all action comes with some cost. In fact, it feels even better the bigger the cost is. Making progress is tough. So if things feel tough, you must be making progress, right? Right?
How much does this apply to capitalism? Think of all the wealth set to drift on the tides of the market. Think of the all-important reputation, the image, the sense of self-worth, the Correct Performance of what you want to believe you are, tied to showing off your success. Think about businesses coming up to deadlines, to quarterly reports and shareholder meetings. Why, when there are so many studies into productivity that say workers make you more money if they're happier and healthier and rested, do these allegedly rational economic actors enforce mandates that sabotage what they say their goals are? Because it's not rational.
There are lots of factors, of course. Pride and greed and fear, more of the latter than the other two than they'd like. But one of them is that it's hard to stand stress without feeling like you could be doing more, that you should, must do more. It must be harder when you're not used to enduring a sense of powerlessness. Harder again when the entire culture built up around capitalism, of individual excellence, of the grind, declares that hard work is a virtue before it asks what it actually does.
Explication is not sympathy, to be clear. For one thing, aside the stupidity and the self-sabotage, the wealthy tend to make other people do more, pay more and sacrifice for their ends - ultimately all wealth can do is make your problems into other people's problems, so they're trained to it. Superstition is one thing - just feeling better can be worth a small price, and what's a small price is up to the one paying it - but bending other people's necks to the altar another.
But I think we could stand to be more conscious of it, and that more people could stand to watch themselves, sometimes, and think: Will what I want to do actually help anything? Will it just make me feel better? And is this worth just me feeling better?
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anzadosara · 1 year ago
Ado covered Usseewa when she was 18; now she's covering Spy x Family at 21
Mary Shelley ran away with her lover at 15, wrote Frankenstein at 19
Newton discovered the binomial theorem as a teenager just bcz he was bored
What the hell am I doing with my life
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