lirarey · 2 months
Past and future
"Luke? You're so quiet today."
Jessie had been babysitting the Ross family long enough to be able to tell when one of the kids was seriously upset about something. And the Luke she knew preferred to fool around, but not sit on the floor of his own room alone.
The boy winced at the sound of her voice and smiled. Luke had incredible artistry — which, however, was extremely useful for a future professional dancer — and he could easily seduce anyone with his big brown eyes and freckles, which made him look vaguely like a human incarnation of a Dalmatian. But he always smiled at her in a special way, without a hint of pretense. Zuri joked that she had brought her into the house, and thanks to Luke, the girl stayed on for a permanent position. It was no secret that, despite the great amorousness of the eldest of the sons, his heart was surprisingly given only to Jessie. But what to do with such a gift? She never considered herself too beautiful or capable of gathering crowds of admirers in principle. Perhaps this was explained by internal self-doubt.
"Do you remember the good old days when there was no one to raise you?" Jessie asked, noticing the photo album lying on his lap, and sat down next to him.
"Very funny, Jess," Luke responded discontentedly, as if by chance leaning his head closer to her shoulder. "Ask the younger ones that, and they will definitely decide that you are tired of us."
"Where would I go from you?" the girl grinned. "My conscience would torment me. Zuri won't let me go until she comes of age. I myself am interested to know what wonderful people you will grow up to be.
"You know, I don't want to grow up. You will leave, you will have your own life, in which there is no place for four teenagers..." he muttered, not looking at her.
"Luke..." Jessie said, confused, and pulled him into her arms.
Of course, she loved the entire Ross family. And it wasn't just the supposed opportunities to become an actress or earn some money. Despite the sometimes unbearable behavior of her charges, it was hard for her to imagine how life would have unfolded without the guys. Would she have been able to stay in this city at all? Would there have been a good reason? It seemed as if Luke had heard her thoughts.
"And I thought about what it would be like to live with... my blood mother. She... loved me. All parents love their children. But why did she leave me then? What if I wasn't good enough for her?" Luke looked up. There was no mischievous twinkle in his eyes: only a hidden sadness.
"I'm sure your mother had her own circumstances." Jessie smiled warmly, hoping to cheer him up. "Are you happy in this family?"
"Of course! I can't imagine a better family! I was lucky to be with loving parents," Luke replied with a bit of indignation. "Besides, if I had stayed in my blood family, I would be a completely different person. You and I would never have met..."
"I can't imagine how I would live," the girl said with exaggerated drama. "And how can anyone not love you? You're a wonderful child with many talents. A whole world of possibilities is open to you!"
"And among them, there is not a very specific one?.." He bowed his head with the most charming look he could muster.
"They say that love lasts three years. Then you will find out who is really close to you." The girl gently patted his head.
Jessie frankly didn't believe that these feelings would remain in him at least until adulthood. She remembered herself in those years: interests changed rapidly, not to mention sympathies. But that devotion of the boy, who watched her looking for a new relationship, was amazing. Sometimes it even seemed that his intentions were much more serious.
"I already know. I'm sure that nothing will change." And again that loving look, from which the soul became ashamed.
"What are you chatting about?" Zuri looked into the room with a suspiciously cunning expression on her face.
"I’m so lucky to have you all," Luke chuckled, winking at Jesse.
She won't tell about his little weakness. A real family isn't always the one that is blood relatives.
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battyhive · 1 year
Curtain Call AU STORY
Chapter 1: Prologue
“Great show tonight, guys!” Poppy cheered to her actors and actresses as they prepared to go home for the night. They had just completed the final showing of MidSummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare on the stage and packed, yet another, full house. She was so proud of them all. She had trained each of them since they were children.
 “Thanks, Poppy! We couldn’t have done it without Frank. The sets were beautiful! Not to mention the lighting highlighted all of our best features” Julie cheered. Frank was helping her get zipped up in her dress to go home in. He smiled when Julie acknowledged his hard work.
 “Just doing my job.” Frank dismissed the praise with a light blush on his cheeks.
 “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready for the next show already! Which one are we thinking of?” Wally asked, chipper and excited
“I haven’t even thought of that yet! You’ll be the first to know when I figure it out.” Poppy assured the smaller man with a chuckle.
 “I better be!” Wally teased, with a small chuckle.
 “Ready to head home? I can give you a ride.” Julie offered. Her and Wally were good friends since they started at this theater.
 “I’m all good, Miss Julie! I don’t live that far away.” Wally brushed off, politely as he made his way out the door. He preferred to walk from place to place.
 He went out the back door of the theater to avoid the crowds that gathered up front. He didn’t mind people for the most part but he got overwhelmed sometimes and need some space tonight.
  As he turned the corner, he bumped into a tall man with auburn hair, lots of freckles and green eyes that glowed like a cat’s. Wally assumed this was a trick from the street lights.
“Sorry, sir! I guess I wasn’t paying attention.” Wally apologized for bumping into him. The man chuckled.
 “Don’t worry about it. Say, you’re Wally Darling aren’t you?”
 “The one and only!” Wally cheered, flattered and excited to be recognized.
   “I thought so. I love the shows in this old theater and you just might be the best actor to grace the stage, if you don’t mind me saying.”
 “Oh! Well, my fellow actors and actresses are good too!” Wally says, feeling blush heat up his cheeks.
 “Maybe so, but you have a real gift. This may seem sudden but I am developing a kids show and I need some actors. I would be honored if you would come to auditions at the end of this week. Here’s my card, you’ll find the address there. Auditions will be done at the older studio at 3:00PM sharp Friday.” The man informed, placing a card in Wally’s hands. It was yellow with red print that read, Danny Holmes, an address to the studio, and a phone number.
 “Thank you sir!” Wally cheered
 “Of course. Talent should be recognized. Feel free to invite some of your friends. The more the merrier.” Danny said, turning to leave and walk past Wally.
 “Okay! Thanks again!” Wally called after him. When he turned, the man was already gone, possibly went down the alley.
 Wally hummed. That was weird but he brushed it off as him being tired from the performance and how late it was.
 He continued his walk back to his apartment. His head was swimming with ideas for his audition. He knew exactly which friends to ask. This was a dream come true! Something to get his name out there and he could share the opportunity with his friends!
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agentnorthdakota · 2 months
Cherry, freckles, poppy, buttery, cupcake, honey, mochi, nightlight, shampoo, aphrodite, plush? (Skip any if you don't want to!)
Thank you so much Spencer!! uwu ilu friendo~ <3
cherry - what is your sexuality?
That is a very good question lol. Demi? Pan? idk I’ve been going with one or both of those lately because they feel like the closest fit. But also sexuality is fluid and confusing :p
freckles - most-worn article of clothing?
My two Critical Role t-shirts, the Mollymauk one and the Don’t Forget to Love Each Other one because there are /so few/ things you can find that have the agender flag on them! They’re usually what I wear at home, which means I wear them a lot
poppy - favorite pastel color?
Mmm a nice seafoam green like #9CF3CE, seconded by a nice lavender
buttery - favorite snack?
Does bubble tea count? :p uhh I mean BBQ chips are good, and kettlecorn, and hard candy
cupcake - are you a good cook?
I am O.K. :p I’m good at cooking pasta and stir fry. If you give me a recipe I can probably follow it okay, unless it has meat because I struggle to cook meat correctly (unless it’s in the slowcooker)
honey - favorite term of endearment?
Favourite to use is darling, seconded by sweetheart~ I would call a ton of people esp. friends darling if I knew if they were cool with it. Oh and my dear
Favourite to be called is I guess the same? Also gorgeous, but that’s more of a compliment
mochi - favorite studio ghibli film?
Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke! They live rent free in my head forever uwu Seriously they’re amazing go watch them 
nightlight - do you read before bed?
I used to read fic before bed quite often! It’s been a long time since I read actual books before bed. Now I rarely even read fic though, I’ve developed a tendency to stay up watching stuff/drawing/playing games/etc until I’m nodding off and too exhausted to stay awake, and then I just go to bed. I do miss reading fic before bed tho tbh
shampoo - favorite scent?
If I put it in terms of candles I tend to love more fruity and floral scents! But not overpoweringly so
aphrodite - favorite actress/actor?
Uhhh hmm. I mean I guess I’d say Taliesin Jaffe and Matthew Mercer, because they’re both really important role models and inspirations to me, but that’s through Critical Role and not their more traditional (voice) acting work. David Tennant is also hecking fantastic and I love him (and many other actors from Doctor Who)
plush - how many stuffed animals do you still own?
More than I know to count lol, I also have a few bins of ‘em still. I usually have 2-3 in my bedroom (I have a Terriermon plushie who is perfect for hugging), and then 10-15 that I usually have out ‘on display’ including my three most important stuffed animals from when I was a kid uwu <3
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luvonmes-blog · 2 years
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in which she’s with him but she wants him.
this is a draft from years ago. probably gonna be posting drafts a lot cause i just recently lost someone and can’t really bring myself to write. it’s based off the song Pierre by Ryn Weaver.
You trailed your finger across your lover's chest as slowly as you could without waking him up. His chest rose and fell with his breaths as you traced the MMXII on his collarbone, his breathing stuttered as his eyes fluttered open. His eyes were still squinted when he turned to look at you.
“Hey, what are you doing up?” Calum usually always wakes up before you. He’d leave a sticky note to your headboard saying how much he loved you and a little smiley face but today was different. It was one of the rare days where you both had off - you weren’t shooting for your movie and he didn’t have to go into the studio with the boys.
“I thought because we had this day to ourselves we could spend it in.” A small smile lit up your face. You straddled his waist and settled on his thighs as your hands trailed down his chest. “I can make us breakfast.” Calum sighed out an ‘mhmm’ in agreement. “Then we can watch a movie.” A small nod this time. You leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Or we can start this day off right with some lazy morning sex?” You were quickly thrown onto your back as Calum trailed kisses down your neck, giggles and squeals leaving your mouth.
You shot awake from the familiar dream looking over to the other side of the bed where your boyfriend lay. His chocolate curls, pale skin, and pouty lips. You gave a quick kiss to the freckle next to his mouth and made your way to the bathroom, after wrapping the sheet around your naked body. You washed up quickly, hopping into the shower and applying light makeup. You left a sticky note on the headboard - just like he used to do... no. You shook your head as if to get the thought to go away. It’s been a year since you’ve broken up, you’re happy with the way it ended but you wish it hadn’t ended at all.
“Y/N it’s not working anymore.” Calum sighed.
“I know.” The tears were streaming down your face, you were trying not to break in front of him. You wanted to seem strong for him, afterall, he was being strong for you.
“We can’t give each other what we need.”
“I know.”
“We barely see each other. Y/N we need people who can give us emotional stability and we’re obviously not doing that for each other.”
“Don’t you think I know that Calum!” You raised your voice. “I know Calum, I know ok?”
“I love you.”
“I know.” A kiss to your forehead, timid footsteps and then the close of your door, only then did you break down. The tears came faster, the sobs drowned out the Los Angeles traffic. It hurt. You thought you had forever but maybe you were wrong. It was only supposed to be a fling, he knew you had someone waiting for you back home, he knew you were taking a break from the relationship and trying to find yourself. But you two fell hard. He was right, you two barely saw each other and when you did all you two did was have sex. The days you two went out you would be bombarded with paparazzi. It wasn't new but when you two got together it was like they multiplied in numbers. You were a new actress rising to fame and dating a very famous bassist.
When you walked onto set for the new movie you were shooting you ran into your manager. “Just the person I was looking for.” Joan said as she gently grabbed your arm. She was a woman in her mid 40’s who bragged about her children and grandchildren all day. While she could be annoying you loved her, she was the motherly figure you never had. “So there’s an event happening very soon and they have requested for you to be there.”
“They?” You questioned.
“The organizers. They want you to come take some pictures to boost it up. I think it’s a charity event but I can’t be too sure. Anyways, we’ve already called your designer and he’s on his way. He said he has some new dresses he wants you to try on but they do have to be fitted.” She pointed at you with the pen in her hands before checking something off her list. “Okay, that's it they want for the scene.” She speedily walked away before turning over her shoulder and yelling; “Bring Dylan!” You nodded at her with a thumbs up before making your way over to the director and asking what she wanted from you.
“We’re shooting the rain scene so I need you in hair in makeup.” You walked to the makeup artist and hairstylist as they sat you in the chair your mind trailed off.
Paris, he had taken you to Paris. It was a surprise, he just appeared at your house and told you to pack a bag and next thing you knew you were on a plane to Paris. The only downside; it was raining but somehow Calum still made it the time of your life. You were running in a field Calum not far behind you. When he caught up to you one arm slipped onto your lower back while the other slipped under your legs. He hoisted you up into the and you let out a scream of joy, your own arms wrapping around his neck. You threw your head back in laughter Calum leaving kisses on your chin.
“I love you.” It was muffled as he whispered it into your neck but you heard it and froze. The L word. Calum felt you go stiff and he looked into your eyes. He couldn’t decipher the emotions swimming through the Y/E/C orbs. He gently placed you back on your legs as you continued to stare at him. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, Calum knew you had trouble opening up, the lack of an emotional outlet as a child might have done that for you. “I- it just came out. I understand if you don’t feel the sa- '' Calum was cut short as your lips met with his, the rain dripping from his curls onto your face, your hair getting soaked onto your face. Your lips moved in perfect harmony against each other. Your finger trailed up his chest and threaded through his hair, his large hands splaying against your lower back and hip. Your lips broke apart with a soft ‘smack’ as you panted against each other's lips.
“I love you too.” The smile that broke across his face could brighten up the whole world. His lips met yours again and he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. That night when you got to the hotel room it wasn’t like your usual nights spent together. Instead of fierce lips and rushed hands trying to get each other naked it was soft lips and gentle hands. That night there was no sex only gentle kisses and cuddles as you fell asleep in eachother’s arms.
“All done.” Dan the stylist on set said after Rita the makeup artist finished touching up your makeup.
The day went on well, you’d gotten an extra scene done by the time you got home Dylan was sitting at the dining table scrolling through twitter. “Hey baby.” He said as you approached him and gave him a peck to his lips.
“Hey, how was your day?” You asked as you got a glass of fruit punch from the fridge.
“Good, got to spend some time with my mom and dad saw my sister.”
“That’s good. Joan told me earlier today that there’s this charity event she wants me to go to. She didn’t give me a date but with her scattered brain I wouldn’t blame her for forgetting in the moment. Anyway, I’m sure she’ll text me later but she did say she wanted me to bring you along with me. Just wanted to check and make sure it was good for you.” You brought the cup to your lips and took a sip of the red juice.
“Yeah just let me know I’m sure I can be there.” He gave a small smile before standing from the table and walking to you. “I have to go but I just wanted to see you when you got off, ran out on me this morning.” You rolled your eyes jokingly.
“I didn’t run out on you, I had to get to work.” You grabbed his collar and pulled his lips to yours, kissing him gently. “Now go home, you look exhausted.” He chuckled and kissed you again before heading out the door. You looked at the clock reading 10 p.m you decided it was a good enough time to go to sleep. Grabbing your phone from your bag you checked the notification realizing that Joan texted you.
Joan 9:42 p.m
Meet me at the fashion studio tomorrow at one. Gotta get fitted for the event ;)
You seriously regret telling her how to use emoticons. Getting undressed down to your underwear you pulled out a random shirt pulling over your head and walked to the bathroom ready to do your normal night routine before catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The shirt was his.
You walked out of your bedroom knuckling at your eyes and yawning only to stop at the smell of waffles and bacon. Turning to your kitchen you saw Calum standing over a pot with sizzling bacon in it next to him the waffle iron. “What are you doing here?” He turned around at the sound of your voice, taking in the sight of you.
“You gave me a key, remember?” Letting out a small ‘oh’ you walked over to him. “Is this my shirt?” He said pinching to baby blue fabric that stopped right below your hips.
“No. It’s mine.” You gave a cheeky smirk and kissed his cheek. “Food smells amazing, baby.”
“Go sit down.”
“Go sit down, I'll make your plate for you.”
“Ok.” You turned from him on your way to the dining table when you felt a little tap on your buttcheek. You let out a cackle at him and he wolf whistled.
You felt the tears on your lash line trying to fall over you quickly swept them away and sniffled before pulling out your cleanser. You laid in bed that night thinking of him the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Your last thought of him before you fell asleep was his back as he walked out your front door.
It was now 1:30 the next day and you sat and Chris tightened the slip dress around your waist. The lavender fabric was loose around your chest, got tighter on your mid section and flowed around your mid thighs, a small slit on the left side. Dylan would be wearing a black suit with a matching lavender tie. You didn’t know who would be at this event but you knew some big names were coming. “So they want you there by 5:00 p.m. It's going until midnight, which is enough time for you to get some good pictures of you chatting around with people.” Joan explained.
“Ok do I need to stay the entire night?” You asked.
“Well it’d be best if you did it’s a charity event, Y/N, you don’t want to look bad.”
“Ok, got it, stay all night.” Chris pinched you with the needle he was using to bring in the fabric by accident and you flinched. “Dude you keep doing that I’m going to pass out from blood loss.” You joked. Chris scoffed at you and kept on with his work. By the time the dress was done you felt like you couldn’t breathe. It was so tight but it brought out your figure. “So it’s this Thursday at five and I will stay all night. Anything else I need to know?”
“Nope.” Joan replied, popping the ‘p’.
4:30 and you were 15 minutes away from the building the charity event was taking place in. Dylan sat beside you, his hand on your thigh as you were looking out the window. The extravagant houses were more appealing than your apartment, even though you could afford them you’d rather live somewhere more homey. Pulling up outside paparazzi were already flashing pictures at everyone. Dylan gripped your hand comfortingly, leading you into the building.
“Dylan, Y/N how’s the relationship?” One paparazzo asked.
“Have things gotten better since the break?” Another questioned. Dylan continued to pull you into the opposite direction and that's when you saw him. He was standing between Ashton and Luke signing autographs and taking pictures. He smiled and waved to the camera as he walked in your direction. You kept calm but on the inside you were panicking. When your eyes locked you could see his eyes slightly widen, his eyes dropping down to your heel clad feet then slowly trailing back up to your face. You tried to pretend like nothing was happening for Dylan. Of course he knew about your fling with Calum, it was all over twitter he would have to live under a rock to not know.
But you didn’t want him to have to face the reality that you fell in love with another man. You loved Dylan you truly did but you’re not quite sure you were still in love with him. After you and Calum had broken it off you came back to Dylan, claiming you were finally ready to get back to where you were but maybe you just didn’t want to be alone. But he took you in with open arms and that night you stayed up catching up on things you missed out on in the 8 months you were apart. The group of tall aussies continued in your direction. When they approached you you could see they were trying to make it seem as normal as possible. All of them gave you a quick hug and shook Dylan's hand. Calum was the last to come up as he found a way to maneuver to the back of the line when they were on their way over.
“Uh- hi- hey.” He coughed out.
“Hey.” You gave a nervous chuckle. Gazing up at him you felt your eyes soften. His brown curls framing his face, his eyes held an emotion that you couldn’t quite read but he held your gaze. You two slowly leaned for a hug and it wasn’t as awkward as you thought it would be in fact you melted into his warm embrace. At some point you had to unwind your hands from his neck so it wouldn’t be awkward. You cleared your throat as you moved back to stand next to Dylan. Calum put his hand to shake your current lover's hand. It was one firm shake then they disconnected and Calum moved back to his group.
Throughout the entire night you could feel Calum's eyes on you. You weren’t sitting that far from each other, each time you would go to look at him his eyes would dart forward. The event went well, you met a few celebrities you idolised and they were all so sweet. As you and Dylan hopped back into your car you pulled out your phone and went straight to twitter. You wanted to see what people thought of tonight but when you opened the app the first thing you saw was not what you were expecting
1 image attached
Look at the way they look at eachother. She may be with Dylan but it’s Calum she belongs with. Calum was the love of her life, Dylan is the love for the rest of her life.
It was a picture of you and Calum. Your eyes locked on each other and you could see the emotion on both of your faces. You tried to turn away from Dylan so he wouldn’t see. You didn’t want to hurt him. But he could see the reflection off the glass of the window. It hurt but he knew he and Y/N weren’t working out anymore. He was being selfish by keeping you in the relationship so he knew what he had to do. He has to let you go. No matter how much it hurts him he knows he’s hurting you more by keeping you with him. He looked to you with a teary eyed gaze before turning back to the road.
When he walked you to the front door you walked in and immediately took off your shoes but Dylan stood in the door eyeing you. “You’re not gonna come in?” You asked after realizing he wasn’t standing with you.
“We need to talk.” He sighed.
“Oh. Ok..?” He continued to eye you from the door.
“It’s not working anymore.”
“Y/N it’s not working anymore.”
“What?” You were stunned, the word barely escaped your lips.
“You’re not happy.”
“Wh- what are you talking about Dylan of course I’m happy.” You didn’t know if you were trying to convince him or yourself.
“No you’re not and it’s ok.” He stepped forward. “I know what will make you happy and that's not me.”
“Dylan, stop it. Of course I’m happy. You make me happy so can we just go eat and go to sleep, please?” You were begging. You didn’t want to do this.
“You can’t keep lying to yourself, baby. We can’t keep doing this, we’re only hurting each other. I saw how you looked at him.”
“I saw it Y/N, it’s how you used to look at me and, God, do I wish I was him but I’m not. You know I’m not so I’m willing to put my own happiness on the line so you can have yours. Go to him, go live out that fairytale dream you used to tell me about when you couldn’t sleep at night. Go be happy.” Tears were trekking down both of your faces as Dylan brought his hands up to hold your face. He gently swept them away with his thumbs and leant forward to place a kiss on your forehead. He backed away slowly and then he was out of the door. Your eyes darted around your apartment and then you realized it; you were completely alone. You crumpled to a heap on the floor and let the sobs wrack your body, you muffled the loud cries you wanted to let out into your hand.
It felt like an eternity but in reality it was 15 minutes you sat crying and shaking on your floor. Your eyes looked around your apartment and you crawled your way over to the boots you kept by your door. You pulled them on and grabbed your keys off of the dish your niece made you that you kept on the small coffee table by the door. You ran to your car as it started pouring outside. Rain pelting your skin. You started the car and drove to the only place your body would let you go. It wasn’t a long drive, only 20 minutes. How you two never ran into each other was baffling. When you pulled up to the driveway the clock in your car read 1:22 a.m. Almost two in the morning and you were praying to any god that he was awake. That he would answer the door.
When you reached the door your dress was stuck to your body, your hair stuck up in all directions. Your fist hit the door repeatedly and you heard him shuffling and yelling out ‘I’m coming’ before he opened the door. He froze, he took in your appearance as you did his. He changed out of the outfit he was wearing earlier. Now clad in sweatpants and a t-shirt. “Hey what’s-”
“I love you.” You blurted out.
“Huh?” He was dumbfounded.
“I love you, it’s been you since the moment we met and it will always be you. You can tell me to go and I will but I had to tell you. I love you.” You stared at each other for a moment before you felt him envelope you in a hug. Your arms hastily wrapped around him before you melted against him.
“I love you too.” He pulled back to look at you. “I love you so much.” You don’t know who leaned in first - maybe it was you - but your lips met softly. He pulled you into his house and you spent the night under the covers with hushed whispers, sweet nothings and promises that poured from both of your mouths.
You would not want it to end any other way.
hoped you liked it ig.
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raeynbowboi · 3 years
Disenchantment and Fairytales
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By now, we’re well aware that Disenchantment is to the fantasy genre what Futurama is to the Sci-Fi genre. It’s made many references to Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, and of course, Disney. But a less glaringly obvious inclusion in the realm of Disenchantment is its use of fairytales, as they often exist only in sight gags or very minor elements. Take for instance the glass slippers Bean refuses to wear for her coronation in the finale for season 3, or Elfo’s Snow White style glass coffin actually being an aquarium. The only overt fairytale is Hansel and Gretel, which even then is given a very dark spin with the twins being cannibals who imprisoned the witch and used the gingerbread house to attract kids and other people to cannibalize. So, I wanted to examine the use of fairytales and how they might be used, played with, or subverted by Disenchantment.
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The Wicked Step-Mother
Most noteworthy in the fairytales like Snow White and also Hansel and Gretel, in the original versions of both stories, the wicked mother is actually the biological mother of the heroes. But in later renditions, it was altered to vilify step-mothers. Thanks largely to the Brothers Grimm popularizing these stories with evil step-mothers, they were driven to make these alterations due to their own perception of motherhood as pure and sacred, making the step-mother a wicked obstacle to the wholesome nature of the nuclear family. Disenchantment heavily leans on this trope, mostly with Dagmar resembling the wicked mother from Snow White. Like the Evil Queen from the fairytale, Dagmar is a smolderingly beautiful queen with a knack for witchcraft and sorcery. Oona meanwhile is the deconstruction of the Evil Stepmother trope, as Bean comes to recognize that she put her birth mother on an undeserving pedastal, and only comes to appreciate how cool Oona was too late, only seeing Oona as a true friend once she and Zog were divorced. 
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The Princess and The Knight
Lady Bowmore is the bee knight that Bean meets in Steamland, and she even calls herself Bean’s “Knight in Rusted Armor”. The only thing we really know about Lady Bowmore is that she drives a mechanical horse-car, is very helpful and flirtateous with Bean, and she wears a bee medallion. While this is a personal theory, I wonder if the bee blimp that Bean took back to Dreamland belonged to Lady Bowmore, which would mean that she’s connected to Gunderson Airships, and possibly in allegiance with Alvin Gundersen and the plot to kill Zog. Based on the story conventions and Disenchantment’s general tone, the fact that she calls herself Bean’s knight in rusted armor implies that while she’ll seem like a heroic helper at first, the apparent chivalry isn’t as clean and pretty as it seems, and she’ll turn against Bean somewhere down the line as a deconstruction of the gallant heroic knightly figure. However, I could be wrong and applying a cynical reading, when instead the trope will play rather straight, and Lady Bowmore will be the stock gallant knight who rescues, aids, and defends the fair princess, possibly even defecting from Steamland to serve Bean as the new Penderghast and captain of the royal guards.
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So far, Freckles has only been in three episodes. He showed up in a cameo in the pilot, and then appeared in earnest at the end of season 3. Freckles is clearly mischevious and very probably dangerous. For starters, the shop is literally selling haunted puppets, and the shop keeper (who is very likely Dagmar) says that she can’t part with Freckles because he’s a very naughty boy who is like a son to her, much like how Pinocchio is like a son to Geppetto. What’s more, in the book version of the fairytale, Pinocchio is a mischievous little brat whose actions get Geppetto arrested and kills his conscience. We also know that Dagmar told Zog to let her into his mind in exchange for being let out of the asylum, so this access to his headspace could have something to do with why he was drawn to Freckles specifically. There’s also a sign in the shop that reads “Replace your Child”, which Pinocchio was a substitution for Geppetto who had no biological children of his own and replaced that void in his life with a puppet he made. This stands to reason that Freckles is somehow going to threaten Bean’s place in Zog’s heart in one way or another. Another sign reads “Need a Friend? This Won’t Help” again alluding to how dangerous Freckles is going to be. When buying the puppet, Freckles says “Don’t you see? He talks through me. But it won’t be free.” Fairytales have a longstanding tradition of “paying for something in an unconventional way”.
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Beauty and the Beast
I’ll admit, when Merkimer first turned into a pig, I assumed he was downgraded to a running gag side character, but season 3′s episode Hey, Pig Spender shows us a miraculous bit of character growth for Merkimer. He gives up his chance to be human in order to save Bean, and in that moment, I realized he wasn’t just a man turned into a pig as a joke. Merkimer is the Beast. Like Merkimer, Beast is usually depicted as a cruel, selfish, or vain man, who is changed through magic into a hideous creature in order to learn a lesson. While the Disney version is more similar to a wolf, most of the older illustrated versions depict the beast as either having the head of a boar, or being otherwise pig-like. In fact, the fairytale even has a related fairytale called The Pig King, which likewise features a handsome prince turned into a pig and only becoming human again once he obtains the love of a woman. With only 3 seasons so far, it’s hard to say whether Bean will eventually come to love Merkimer as he keeps growing and changing or if he will slowly win the heart of another woman (or man), Merkimer’s character arc is clearly setting up that he’ll become human again when he’s completed his redemption arc and become a better person. In a sense, he’ll stop being a pig when he stops thinking and acting like a pig.
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The Little Mermaid
Like her fairytale counterpart, Mora gives up her home and family to pursue her passion, only to find it’s not what she expected it to be, and find herself regretting the choice she’s made to leave it all behind. The Little Mermaid wanted to see the land of the humans, and also longed for an immortal soul that she might live forever in Heaven. Mora meanwhile desired to be an actress, but due to her tail, wasn’t given a fair shake. This also mirrors the real life casting discrepancies of the early film era, when non-white actors had a hard time finding roles, and even the few actors of color who did manage to get roles were still largely disrespected by the industry at large. Due to the original tragic ending of the fairytale, I half suspect that Mora too will get an unhappy ending with Bean, likely due to how distant their kingdoms are, or how different their biology is. However, considering how much merfolk imagery appears in the Dreamland Castle, it is highly possible that Mora is Bean’s soul mate and ultimate love interest for the series. Mora’s song, though short, all but confirms that Mora is not gone from the story. When Bean finds herself caught in a war, Mora will appear and take Bean’s side, and fight beside her, likely as an archer like the mermaid in the constellation.
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching Hollywood Babylon
Welcome to “SamDean, the Scream Queen, and a Damn Good PA: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s2e18: Hollywood Babylon
 After The Trauma with Madison, Dean hauls Sam out to the west coast for some downtime, but Sam is twitchy and finds a case—on a horror movie set. People associated with the movie keep ending up dead, in grisly ways that mirror previous deaths that occurred on that movie stage. Dean pretends to be a PA (and is damn good at it), Sam gets super snarky, and the references and show meta comes so fast it’s sometimes hard to keep up amidst all the glee. Oh, and the boys solve the case—it was ghosts and a twerp. They’ll getcha every time.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 oh boy oh boy one of the first ones where they go all meta
 I love how perfectly we get duped into thinking it’s a regular cold open
and then the scream being so obviously awful
 omg don’t call her pumpkin
 I love the Snapple
(that’s Data, right?)
 wait, is it?
 hm, maybe not? it sure looks a lot like him
 it LOOKS like him?
 I haven’t had a snapple in FOREVER
 me either
I used to LIVE on the strawberry kiwi ones
 I could never be a scream queen because even my real screams are just pathetic little yips
 this actress reminds me very slightly of a woman I knew in college. theatre major. the "ha ha very funny" makes me think of her EVERY TIME
 omg Dean
 omg this kid with the ice cream
 he's having so much fun
 the Gilmore Girls ref YAAAAS
 I think you mean Dean’s face
Sam’s face
SamDean’s face
 mmmm Sam's red v-neck and his slightly pinked button-up
 "it's practically Canadian" snork
 omg cultural heritage
 "cultural heritage"
 Poltergeist is my OG horror movie I saw too young that scarred me forever
 oh wow yeah that one IS scary
 especially if you are seven
 omg yes that’s too young
 "more color" "who says horror has to be dark" omg
 that is... a blue shirt
 it’s not green?
 isn't it blue?
I am totally second guessing my eyes now
 church Latin pronunciation (and badly done at that) twitches
 pets you
it is indeed one of the modern dilemmas of our society today
 I want one of those sandwiches now
 mmm Dean's nose freckles
 I think Dean’s shirt is blue but so faded that it looks kinda green
 omg his nervous approach
 lol we'll go with that
I love that it's probably like 70/30 put on and real
(also YES to the freckles)
 yeah not
much less resemblance with his hair back
 Dean is having the time of his life
 he IS
 "new media" omg
 "isn't that kind of cruel" pets him
 "we're very glad you're alive" SAMMY
 "king of the cyclops peoples"
omg baby Dean
 HOW bad do I want to have movie night with Dean
 omg “if the ghosts are in hell how do they hear…”
 wait till the angels and no one knows what happens to their vessels when they go back to heaven
that they were making fun of themselves like this in season two
 I love how the dude busting through the roof is not in the script but feels like it very much could be but then also actually IS in the script...
 Dean’s reaction to the salt skepticism
 Dean's laugh at the salt comment
salt's not a condiment dude
 he gots the little belt
 he's made friends
 of course he has he’s ridiculously charming
and he knows all the scuttlebutt
 I love how he just fits himself in places
 but belongs nowhere
"I don't know who played the baby"
 I hope Jensen had as much doing this as it looks like he did
 "bite your tongue, heathen"
 "somebody could get hurt here" and then he turns around and his head is in half LOVE IT
 death by fan blade is just EW
 right? GROSS
 haaaahahahaha I forgot there was a trailer for the movie
 omg making fun of McG so hard I LOVE IT
 Dean's face and looking around
 "maybe the spirits are trying to shut down the movie because they think it sucks" SAMMY
already taking the producer's name off the door
 I love how done Sam is
it’s exhausting to lie about liking the movie
 haaaahahahaha YES
 how many closeup screams are there in this episode? it's great
 "it's not that we like him or anything it's just a matter of principle"
 he’s a damn good PA
 he IS
 oh dude, Walter. bad move
 lololol Sam
 oh god the look on his FACE
 awwww they had so much fun together
 walking off into the sunset
 and it's not real
 such a fun episode
 it so is
and i love that Dean’s kid-in-the-candy-store over sleeping with the scream queen but not in a “I banged that chick” way but in his own unique gleeful hedonistically joyful way
he had a lovely time and so did she. it wasn't a CONQUEST or something
i suspect she’s the one who did the propositioning, in fact
especially with her PA comment
he was fulfilling a request
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omgrachwrites · 3 years
His Eyes - Sirius Black
Pairing: Writer!Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: You’re a courtesan in Paris and you meet with a man who you think is a Duke (who is in fact a writer) for a private poetry reading. Moulin Rouge au.
Warnings: mentions of sex, fluff, drinking, 18+??
Words: 1572
Disclaimer: All main characters are 18+
Lyrics/Poetry: Your Song - Elton John
Poetry by Ben Maxfield
A/N: This is my Moulin Rouge au, that I might turn into a fic, how have I only just seen this film?! Pretty sure this au has been done before, I made Slughorn the owner of the Moulin Rogue bc its actually Jim Broadbent in the film so I thought it made sense, you don’t have to watch the movie to understand what’s going on! Hope you guys enjoy and please let me know what you think, I love you all! xxx
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Montmartre, Paris 1899
Even from the inside of the dressing room, you could hear the crowds raging in the stuffy smelly night club in Montmartre, Paris. Sighing at your reflection in the mirror, you forced out a smile as you painted your lips, you had to appear happy but it wasn’t working much. You rolled your eyes and took another sip of Absinthe, coughing and spluttering at the strong taste of the green liquid; you should have been used to it by now.
Lily, your fellow cabaret dancer and courtesan laughed as she ran a comb through her fiery red hair, “how are you feeling about tonight?” she asked as the nerves swarmed in your stomach.
Unfortunately, you were the most popular dancer at the Moulin Rouge so the dallying with important men always fell to you. A Duke –who you didn’t even know the name of, he was just The Duke – was going to be in attendance tonight. The plan was for you to bed him so he could invest in the Moulin Rouge and turn it into a proper theatre. You were nervous to have to bed a man that you’d never met before; you had no idea what he was like.
“Nervous,” you admitted with a laugh.
Lily nodded understandingly, “you’re the only one who can do this,” she offered you a small warm smile that did nothing to quell the nerves, “come on, I think your crowd awaits,” she laughed.
You sucked in a nervous breath as you stood up, downing the rest of the Absinthe as you stood up, adding the finishing touches to your makeup and ridiculously sheer costume. You descended from the ceiling on a trapeze, hardly hearing the whoops and cheers below as the spotlight followed you down.
You scanned the enormous room to try and guess who The Duke could be; your eyes lingered on a handsome dark haired young man who was sitting with Lupin and Potter who were trying to set up a show. As you reached the floor you plastered the smile on your face that made men fall in love with you. You danced with multiple partners, letting them touch you just enough to keep the money coming.
As your performance reached its climax you danced your way over to the Moulin Rouge owner, using the dance as a ruse to speak to him about The Duke. Horace Slughorn was more of a father figure to you than a boss, you’d be dead if it wasn’t for him, “Is the Duke here?” you hissed.
Slughorn looked over your shoulder, a smile spreading across his pudgy face as he saw the man with his long blonde hair. Unbeknownst to you, Lucius Malfoy was watching you dance with a hungry look in his cold eyes. The smile slipped from Slughorn’s face as he watched Pettigrew spill a glass of Absinthe all over Malfoy, staining his pristine white shirt green.
“He’s here.”
“Which one is he?” you asked as you swapped places with Slughorn, scanning the sea of people.
“The one Pettigrew just spilt a glass of Absinthe over.”
You squinted as you glanced over to where Pettigrew was sitting with his friends. Pettigrew picked up an empty glass and was speaking into the ear of the handsome dark haired man. You completely missed the annoyed looking man with a stained green shirt. You gasped as you felt blood rise to your cheeks, “that’s him?”
He was so handsome that this was going to be easy, you were going to be an actress one day, and it was easy to trick men into falling in love with you. Men believed what they wanted to; you would never fall in love that was for certain. After your performance you sauntered over to the man who you thought was The Duke, though unbeknownst to you, his name was Sirius.
Your hands were on your hips as you stood in front of him. Potter let out a long wolf whistle, making you glare at him before you reverted your attention back to The Duke. Sirius visibly gulped as he looked up at you and you noticed just how pretty his eyes were. The perfect stormy grey colour, framed by thick lashes.
A flush spread across his cheekbones as you placed two fingers beneath his chin, “I believe you’ve been expecting me?” you made your voice breathy as you pouted your lips and fluttered your eye lashes at him.
“Yes,” he muttered, making you grin as you took his hand, blowing a kiss to Potter, Lupin and Pettigrew as you pulled The Duke over to the dancefloor. The real Duke, Lucius Malfoy watched you with an incredulous look on his face.
As you danced with the gorgeous man he told you that James had arranged a secret ‘poetry reading,’ that was a euphemism if you ever heard one. You rolled your eyes, you were going to murder Potter, he’d been pestering you to take part in the show.
“Meet me in the Elephant room, handsome,” you pressed a kiss to the column of his throat as you tugged at his hair, smirking when you heard a groan catch in the back of his throat, “I need to freshen up,” you shot him a coy glance over your shoulder as you retired to the dressing room.
You decided to unpin your hair so it fell naturally and you changed into a corset with stockings and you draped a thin covering of sheer silk on top. Now that you had met Sirius you weren’t nervous about what you had to do, he was just another client, albeit a devastatingly rich client. The Duke was standing at the window, looking at the city below, even from behind you could tell that he was tense. What did such an important man have to worry about?
As the door closed behind you, Sirius jumped and turned to face you. His grey eyes scanned your body, taking in every curve and dip with the ghost of a smirk on his face, contrasting with his nervous body language.
“Is this poetic enough for you?” you laughed with a wink as you sashayed your way across the room and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Y/N, what,” he began to ask as you pulled him into a fiery kiss, you wanted to get this over and done with. Sirius hesitantly kissed you back, wrapping his arms around you, bunching his hands in the thin silk.
When you pulled away, Sirius opened his mouth to say something but you stopped him by placing a finger over his plump lips, “no more talking,” you whispered, “let’s make love,” you pushed towards the bed, making him gasp in pleasure. With a smirk, you opened his shirt and straddled his waist.
“Y/N, wait,” he looked at you through lust filled eyes and he wrapped a gentle hand around your wrist to stop you from taking his pants off. You looked down at him with wide eyes, “I want to, God, I want to but I’m here for a poetry reading. I’m so interested in the show,” he moved out from beneath you and got off the bed.
You narrowed your eyes at him, The Duke was here to bed you, so what was he playing at? This whole poetry thing must have been a euphemism. You reclined back on the silk pillows and poured yourself a glass of champagne. You raised an eyebrow as you took a sip, the bubbles tickling your nose.
“Well please; go on with your poetry.”
 The Duke gave you an appreciative glance as he began pacing the length of the room, muttering to himself and you quickly realised that he really wanted to do a poetry reading, “it’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside…” he trailed off as you pulled a confused face and he sighed. You strangely found this whole situation endearing but this was a waste of your time.
“Your eyes are the sweetest that I’ve ever seen,” you scoffed and giggled at his words as he sat beside you on the bed, looking slightly more confident. His stormy grey eyes that should have looked cold were warm as he looked at you, “how rare it is to find someone whose eyes shine brighter than the stars,” he smiled and that was the moment that you were rendered speechless as he performed his poetry.
The beautiful words spilling from his lips caressed you like a kiss and you unashamedly gazed at his lips. It was hard to believe that he was performing poetry he had already written, and it wasn’t about you. Maybe this whole acting thing would be harder than you anticipated as you looked into his handsome face and counted the freckles sprinkled across his nose.
Sirius’ voice was as smooth as honey, “I hope you don’t mind, I hope you don’t mind, that I put down in words, how wonderful life is while you’re in the world,” he grinned as his thumb stroked against your jaw and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Oh,” you breathed, pulling out your acting skills as you wrapped your arms around his neck as he dipped you slightly on the bed, his lips an inch from yours, “I never thought that a Duke could have such a way with words.”
“A Duke?” he scoffed as he grinned down at you, “I’m not a Duke.”
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​ @fandomxreaders​
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mult1tude · 4 years
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story synopsis: adele belanger, an upcoming star begins to fall in love with a man named ethan nestor after doing a press junket to promote her upcoming series that’s going to push her fame further than she expected. will problems arise?
word count: 3k triggers: none
     adele belanger - the name spoke few and far on the dazzling and glamorous world of hollywood. celebrated for her roles in roles in indie films produced and created in canada, where she was born and raised, she is soon due a big break as she was in the process of getting ready for the rest of the world to know she was starring in netflix’s latest series.
saying the heat resonating from beneath her laptop was hot was an understatement, she didn’t dare to budge or move it in the slightest as she restlessly refreshed the youtube page waiting for the trailer to pop up, almost wearing out the button on her keyboard. the sable black strands at the nape of her neck that had evaded her grasp as she hurriedly tied a ponytail began to itch at her skin but she didn’t have time to fix it, not until the trailer was posted.
after what felt like a lifetime, her eyes were quick to notice a new thumbnail appear on the page and she reactively clicked it, pressing the mousepad button-down slightly too hard out of excitement. the entire video played, a beaming smile was plastered across her face, her dimples displayed prominently as she approached the end of the video. the young actress felt like a firework in a glass jar, so much excitement contained inside of her as she brushed the laptop from her lap, jolted from her rumpled bed and clenched her fists as she excitedly hopped around her tiny apartment and squealed. adele rushed to the dust speckled mirror that was hung near her front door that had a few dozen, in a hyperbolic sense, of her unused coats after moving from canada. she deeply exhaled as she examined her face, noticing her own excitement couldn’t even contain itself as a smile sidled upon her lips as she delicately let out a few words. “i’m going to be famous.”
her emotions shot off again like fireworks, her chest fluttering and her palms tingling and red from the nails she didn’t realise she had dug so deep into her own skin. but it didn’t matter, adele was finally making the biggest leap possible into her career - it was everything she ever wanted.
“ok, i need some water.” she softly spoke to herself, taking another deep breath as she headed towards her apartment’s small open-planned kitchen. her shaky hands picked up a bottle of water from the fridge; she vowed that she would never drink l.a’s tap water after hearing an endless conglomeration of negative things from acquaintances and friends after moving only 6 months ago.
swigging it back and almost completing most of the bottle, she slapped it onto the counter whilst letting out a satisfied gasp for air. a few drops making wet patches on her eggshell coloured sweatshirt that may or may not have a few foundation marks around the neckline. a sudden change of thought, she remembered she needed to send the link to all of her friends and family if they already hadn’t seen it. adele slid the phone from her sweatpants noticing she was already getting congratulatory messages from some of her friends and even people that she hadn’t spoken to in a while. moreso, a lot of the messages from her friends were them completely fangirling over the fact that she had in fact worked with henry cavill.
adele replied to and messaged everyone she needed to before opening twitter and the rest of her social media to find that they were starting to blow up, multiple people talking about how cool the show looked and how excited they were. a lot of them were generic but few mentioned how intricate and interesting adele’s sidekick companion character seemed which made her stomach twirl once more and she felt like she had her ego stroked enough it would last the rest of the week. she put aside her phone and began to practice her bedtime routine before throwing herself back onto her bed where she only was an hour ago. her head smacking her pillow must have activated a switch because adele immediately felt her eyes involuntarily shutter closed and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.
today was the first day of recording stuff for the press. needless to say, adele was super excited. from what the actress was able to gather from her manager jenna, since henry cavill was known to be such a huge gamer online, buzzfeed had organised the cast to play the game version of the new netflix series with a few special guests. it was undeniably going to be a great day and a great way to start the press junket as it progressively and eventually got more tiring and mind-numbing. plus, she had gamed a bit before so it would be funny if she were able to show up a few of her cast members, especially henry.
at 8am sharp, the assigned makeup and hairstylist, and wardrobe stylist arrived at her apartment. she was so giddy with excitement that she wanted to run around and shout and tell everyone but she had to sit silently for the meantime as the makeup artist worked on her face. edging elation bubbled through her every vein as they talked about varying outfits to wear, expensive designer brands she was allowed to borrow. she felt like a proper celebrity.
finally, the crew decided on a casual look for today. her slate black, silken hair was bundled in a half-up loose french plait whilst the rest of it waved down just below her shoulders, the front strands falling in front of her face. light and delicate makeup that made her eyes shine and sparkle like a glossy nephrite stone; the minimal makeup also allowed her ubiquitous, chocolate freckles to proudly be displayed on her face. polished, golden dangle geometric earrings to frame her heart-shaped face and overall elevate the look from simple to elegant. an ivory laced-back milkmaid top with puffed long sleeves, high-waisted, sun-bleached skinny jeans with a few sparse rips and shreds, tattered white thread entwined between the tears and loosely hanging like vines. to finish off the look was some pearly white stilettos and few rings as well as a similarly styled necklace to match the earrings.
“i feel, amazing.” adele faltered in disbelief as she longingly stared at herself in the mirror, turning to the crew exhibiting an approving smile. “thank you.” she softly spoke before squeaking with excitement as she danced on the spot causing her team to giggle in response. “time to get going!” she excitedly commanded herself as she made a poor attempt at trying to control her out of rhythm breathing. the exhilaration and eagerness began to convolute into a ball of anxiousness and fret. it was something new and different which was scary but she didn’t want it to hold her back. another deep breath and she made her way to the contemporary, modern lobby of her apartment block where she spotted the black suv through the towering glass front doors in which her chauffeur was waiting for her.
“per jenna’s request,” the chauffeur nodded towards the coffee in the cupholder. adele wrapped her hand around the starbucks cup — still hot. “vanilla oat milk latte?” she asked as she brought the almost searing coffee to her lips, the steam floating upwards and brushing past her skin. the chauffeur nodded as he put the vehicle into gear and started to head towards the destination. effortlessly, the sweet drink passed her lips as she took a few sips before she threw her head back in a satisfied manor. surely the coffee would help with the nerves and just overall elevate her mood. she scoured her social media for a short while, taking breaks to finish the rest of her drink before they arrived. it’s l.a, so it was always bound to take a while even if it just was a few blocks over.
discreetly, the car pulled into the back entrance where she was able to enter without getting noticed and was directed to a very bright and lively reception where the young actress signed in. her heels clicking against the laminated wooden flooring as she followed the operations manager who was indistinctively talking through the black earpiece attached to her ear and was clutching a clipboard to her stomach. a few corridors later they had arrived, the manager twisted the handle to the door and entered, allowing adele to trail behind her.
almost blinding, the room was filled with numerous studio lights. littering the floor almost completely, cables and all different sorts of leads and plugs lay disorganised on the floor. a huge monitor was placed in front of the white screen which was the focus of all the beaming lights. “hey adele!” vocalised the director as he approached her, also bearing a black earpiece. “so the premise of today’s shoot is quite simple. you’re going to be playing the game with our two guests over here,” he briefly motioned towards two gentlemen sat in the corner of the room chatting and chuckling between themselves clearly in a world of their own, “and we’ve paired you with henry because we only have two controllers and we want to get everyone to be involved so the others are being shot later. does that sound good?” he queried, concluded his speech.
“of course.” she eagerly spoke with a grin. “great,” the director spoke as he adjusted his wire-frame glasses, “let me introduce you to the guests. they’re going to be guiding you along with the game,” he spoke, leading adele over towards the boisterous men who were still conversing right up until adele and the director were stood only a few metres away.
“mark?” adele apprehensively suspected as she reached her hand out to his, inviting the suave gentleman to shake hands. “yes!” he answered in a shocked yet pleased tone as he stood to be polite and accepted the handshake with a beaming grin. “i think i watched a bit of your stuff a while back,” adele admitted before briefly catching eyes with the other guy who was staring up at her with gleaming eyes and a dopey yet adorable smile. “i’m honoured,” mark softly spoke before looking down at the other guy who was now standing to follow suit. “this is my friend ethan,” mark continued, placing a firm grip on his pal's shoulder.
“hi, nice to meet you.” ethan spoke in a much more gentle manner than mark did as he reached his hand out to replicate the greeting. “nice to meet you too,” she replied, reciprocating the greeting. “have you watched my stuff too?” ethan asked with a bashful smile as he ruffled his hair with his painted black fingernails. adele hesitantly shook her head not wanting to hurt his feelings, “no, but if it’s anything like mark’s stuff i’m certain it’s great.” she stated looking back at mark who had an affirming smirk on his face as he looked down at his younger friend who’s face had started to flush pink.
“henry is meant to be here right now, but he isn’t,” the director addressed somewhat annoyingly, “i’ll go and have a word to see where he is you can just stay here and talk to each other.” the director stated before hurriedly making his way to the door which adele entered through. she sat down in one of the spare seats that sat opposite the boys as they sat down once more.
“can i just say i watched the trailer this morning and i can’t wait to watch it.” he admitted as he began to pull at the strings of his coal-black hoodie. “thank you, it really means a lot,” adele’s cheeks blushed as she began to fiddle with the rings on her fingers yet still keeping her eyes on the boys. “seriously. we’re not just saying this it looks fantastic,” mark chirped in enthusiastically as he leaned forward in the seat, “i’m never usually this excited about a new series. so congrats!” he admitted with a deep chuckle, looking towards ethan who was nodding in agreement.
the conversation was silenced when a huge figure walked through the door followed by the director and operations manager. the director hastily wagged his fingers at adele and the boys who obediently made their way over. “adele!” henry happily bellowed in his charming english accent as he pulled her into a gentle hug, remembering he probably was over two times her size. “long time no see,” she affirmed as she hugged him back before breaking their embrace. her eyes involuntarily wandered over to ethan as the director began briefing henry. ethan quickly darted his eyes to the director as if he just hadn’t been gazing at her causing adele to grin to herself as she put her concentration back to the director.
“great, so follow me and i’ll seat you.” the director asserted as he walked towards the chairs in front of the white screen, two at the front and two at the back yet not parallel to each other. the front seats were more centred whilst the back two were offset so nobody would be getting in the way of each other when seated.
“adele if you sit in the front left seat, henry in the right.” he requested as he took a step behind the camera and watched the monitor to see if it was what he had envisioned. adele and henry sat which the director reacted with a thumbs up. “okay, ethan if you sit on the left and mark on the right please.” the director concluded as he continued to watch the monitor. the boys did as they were told before mark immediately remarked. “gosh it’s bright behind here,” he joked shielding his eyes as he laughed, eliciting a few giggles from everyone as the director adjusted some of the studio light placement with a few apprentices.
after everything was adjusted to the directors liking, they were ready to roll. the director placed his 3 fingers up as he counted down whilst mouthing the numbers. the thumb was up, which meant everyone introduced themselves and surprisingly it didn’t need multiple takes. “today, adele and i are going to be playing the symbols of shadows game which is very similar to the new series on netflix september 4th.” henry beamed, clutching the xbox controller in his hand as he looked over towards adele. “and i’m going to win. i’m going to beat henry.”
henry scoffed, dismissing adele’s statement as mark and ethan giggled behind them. “we’re also going to try to help, but it looks like they’re gaming experts,” mark spoke, wavering his tone with the last two words as he jokingly mocked adele and henry. “well, there’s only one way to find out.” ethan spoke energetically in a slightly goofier voice than what he was speaking in before. ethan looked at mark before they both turned towards the camera with a raised eyebrow. “okay great. we’ll cut there. let’s load the game up.” the director approved, leaning back in his chair, fixing his corduroy jacket as one of the apprentices loaded the game up and set up the first level. “we just want you to complete the first level so don’t try and rush.” the apprentice handed back the controller to adele as he quickly rushed out of view.
the camera began to roll again and the pair began to get a grasp of the controls and the setting of the game as they intentionally tried to set each other up in the game: pushing one another of the map, friendly fire, stealing points and collectables, and deliberately annoying each other which resulted in many laughs around the room. matter-of-factly, ethan and mark didn’t really do anything to help, however, they did make for a great commentary and supplied multiple belly-aching jokes.
the screen faded to black as they’d finished the first level; mark and ethan clapped and congratulated the pair in between giggles as adele and henry carried on the bit and refused to display any means of sportsmanship. “guys, i don’t know about you but i definitely won.” henry retaliated as adele shook her head and rolled her eyes. mark and ethan were laughing so hard it was almost silent. “this was a team game,” mark giggled as the pitch in his voice heightened. “let us know in the comments who you think won. because it was moi.” adele stated confidently, trying to hide the smile that wanted to appear on her lips so badly. the pair promoted their netflix series as they wrapped up filming. “okay, great. that’s everything. thanks, guys.” the director spoke as he picked up his macbook from the desk and began typing away. “if you just wait here until someone comes and collects you,” the director struggled to speak as he was too busy multitasking. he pressed the side of his earpiece and spoke to himself as he called for the cast to be escorted.
“you’re really good, i was impressed.” ethan spoke to adele softly, as everyone got out of their seats. “you really like to flatter me don’t you.” she joked which caused ethan to halter in his thoughts for a moment. “it’s not a bad thing,” she reassured him, “it’s really nice to hear. especially coming from you.” delicately spoke, eyes quickly moving over to see if anyone was listening but mark and henry were engulfed in their own conversation. ethan’s cheeks flushed pink again as he displayed a meek grin.
he was about to respond when the door re-opened and the manager stepped through, immediately grabbing everyone else’s attention. ethan bit at his lip as anguish washed over his face as he realised the conversation was over. adele was disinclined for a moment, lingering for a few more seconds as the butterflies in her stomach began to fade. “it was nice talking to you. talk soon?” she asked which brightened up ethan’s face as he nodded, “of course. see you soon.” he timorously spoke with a contemptuous smile as he waved goodbye, for now.
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lavenders-writing · 3 years
fine, you won't do all the soft asks? then do numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40
omg ghshgsfhgs alrighty
cherry - what is your sexuality? questioning acespec
lollipop - favorite makeup products? eyeliner is fun to do! i also like blush it's fun too
daydreams - if you could be anything or anyone, who would you be? honestly i'd probably choose to be the same person i am, minus the anxiety lmao. i kinda like where i am right now!
october - what month were you born in? coincidentally, october ahahha
caress - do you like to snuggle? FUCK YES
ivory - describe your pajamas? tank top and shorts or sweatpants
golden - favorite stationary product? hmmm i've never used stationary, actually!
freckles - most-worn article of clothing? my pjs lmao
twilight - best friend? hhfgfg don't make me choose i love all my friends very deeply <3
silk - do you like k-pop? aw hell yeah i do
poppy - favorite pastel color? pink and/or blue!!
dimples - most attractive features of a person’s face? i really like a person's eyes! they're all so different and prettyyyy
sunkissed - autumn or spring? autumn all the way, babyyyy
buttery - favorite snack? fuckin goldfish crackers hell yeahhh
whisper - how much sleep do you get? must i answer this question i feel like we all know,,, (6-7 on week days, 9-10 on weekends)
pencil - do you own a journal? i do! i use it to write stories and then i copy them over by hand onto my google docs lol
cupcake - are you a good cook? no <3
honey - favorite term of endearment? omg i have many: "my love"; "dear"; "my sweet"; "sweetie"; "dearly beloved"; "*thick russian accent* COMRADE"
clouds - describe one of your favorite dreams? one of my favorite dreams was when i dreamt about seeing some family in another state except everything was slightly off (one of my cousins and i were laughing at a statue of a penguin that looked like it was from Club Penguin)
velvet - who was your first crush? fictional or real? fictional: nico di angelo shfdhf. real: a guy in second grade :)
paper - favorite children’s book? honestly probably "let me count the ways i love you" (at least i think that's the name)
peaches - do you have a skincare routine? nope
mochi - favorite studio ghibli film? howl's moving castle!!!!
backyard - did you ever have an imaginary friend? no, but i had an imaginary cat lmao
strawberry - favorite fruit? raspberries or apples or peaches or blackberries or
kiss - have you ever kissed a friend? no, i am incredibly lonely romance-wise and actually had a dream a couple nights ago that i got kissed by some guy and i woke up craving getting kissed
nightlight - do you read before bed? i used to but now i find it hard to concentrate on the book, so i either read fic, write, or draw!
shampoo - favorite scent? lavender or mint!
skin - what distant relative are you closest to? a cousin on my dad's side (the one i laughed at the Club Penguin statue with)
aphrodite - favorite actress/actor? hmmm uhhh no idea actually
cuddles - do you have any pets? i have two cats who i love very dearly <3
lace - if you own any dresses, which is your favorite? oooo i got this cute blue dress recently that i really like but i also have a semi-sleeveless black one i love
sheets - sanrio or san-x characters? no idea!
cream - frozen yogurt flavor? ooo good question hmmmm idk
watermelon - do films ever make you cry? all the time. i watched the second bnha movie in theaters last year with @ljunderscore and sobbed
sapphos - favorite poet? no idea!
plush - how many stuffed animals do you still own? a fuck-ton
roses - what flower do you find most beautiful? i really like jasmine and lavender
sweetheart - favorite mug/cup? a mug i painted with my sister on her birthday!
sunset - what are your pronouns? she/her!
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greekgrad07 · 4 years
Okay guys, I think it’s time...
So for years the Harry Potter fandom has been fancasting these four boys as the Marauders:
Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Potter
Ben Barnes as Sirius Black
Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin
Jamie Bell as Peter Pettigrew
Now there are some alternatives for these fancasts but the four above are the most popular and are the ones you will probably see most often. However, it was pointed out a while ago that these actors are literally old enough to now play the adult!Marauders. Our boys have officially grown up :,(
So... I decided, why not find some more age appropriate Marauders?
Obviously the four og’s will always be the go to, but I thought it would be fun to cast them with people who fit the age range. Now, this is all just my opinion so don’t take it too siriusly (lol get it? Like Siri-? Okay, moving on).
Starting off with the legend himself, we have Noah Schnapp as James Potter:
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When it comes to casting James I think it is very important to remember that Harry looks just like his father. Idk if you noticed but it’s mentioned once or twice in the books 🙃
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And I mean... look at this. You can’t look me in the eyes and tell me that they don’t look alike
(also s/o to @wallowskywalker for creating and posting the pic of Noah edited as Harry Potter! I edited the scar out of the first pic to give it more of a James vibe but guys the original edit is amazing and all credit goes to them :))
Next, we have Finn Wolfhard as Sirius Black:
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Yes, I know, this kid is everywhere, but look at the facts:
Finn is already often used as early year versions of Ben’s Sirius and/or Regulas, so he obviously has the Black family look.
If you really wanna see Finn as a Sirius-like character, watch The Goldfinch. His character Boris reminds me of Sirius so much and he even gives his friend in the movie, Theo, the nickname Potter because of his glasses.
Plus there is the added bonus that him and Noah are actual friends in real life and have filmed together so it wouldn’t be hard to edit them together.
Joshua Bassett as Remus Lupin:
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I know y’all love this recent white boy of the month so here’s why I think he would be a good Remus.
Honestly, I had trouble trying to decide who could do our precious werewolf justice. I eventually decided on Joshua because for some reason he gives off big ‘adorable and wholesome/responsible and studious’ vibes and that’s what our Remus is all about.
(Plus, imagine him and Finn as Wolfstar 👀)
Graham Verchere as Peter Pettigrew:
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When I saw this kid in Stargirl I instantly thought he gave off big Peter vibes. The energy I got from Graham’s character was very ‘I’m just happy to be here’ and I think that honestly sums up Peter. Early on in the movie there was a scene where a rat climbed onto Graham’s shoulder and that’s when I knew it was fate.
(He isn’t necessarily big like Peter was described in the book but neither is Jamie Bell so 🤷‍♀️)
Danielle Rose Russell as Lily Evans:
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Now I know some of y’all are gonna be mad and/or confused about this one.
Again, this is just my opinion!
It took me forever to find a Lily Evans that I liked. Now I know that there are about a hundred young ginger actresses and that half of them work with Finn Wolfhard, but they just don’t fit the image of how I see Lily Evans.
I’ve always had the headcanon that Lily’s hair was more auburn red or dark red rather than just ginger, and that she had little to no freckles. I mainly think this way because it differentiates Lily from Ginny.
I also know someone is going to bring up her eyes, but if we are casting off of movie!Harry (like casting Noah as James based off of his similarities to Daniel) than her eyes match Daniel’s blue ones perfectly. I mean, it’s better than Rowling saying, “The only really important thing is that his eyes look like his mother’s eyes. So if you’re casting Lily, there needs to be a resemblance, but they don’t absolutely have to be green” and then casting a girl with brown eyes to play Lily (no hate, just facts).
Plus, Danielle already plays a witch on Legacies so why not???
Final Points:
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(I’m not great at editing please don’t judge me)
(Also, all I did was photoshop the new faces onto an edit with the og fancast so s/o to whoever made the original :))
You can disagree with these, that’s totally fine. Obviously, I would never try to replace the original Marauders, they’re iconic. This was just something I thought of for fun :)
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Isabelle Huppert: The Most Dangerous Actress in European Cinema
Etre actrice, c’est avant tout faire l’apprentissage de sa liberté.
- Isabelle Huppert
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At 66 years old, Isabelle Huppert has had a long, celebrated career and is regarded in the highest echelon of French actors. Among actresses, Isabelle Huppert holds the record for César Award nominations (France’s Oscar award), with a whopping sixteen. She has also had twenty of her films in competition at Cannes, more than any other actress. And she is among just four actresses who have won the Best Actress prize at Cannes twice.
Not a bad track record.
Though she has appeared in a few American productions over the years, including “Heaven’s Gate” (1980), “The Bedroom Window” (1987) and “I Heart Huckabees” (2004), her best films have all been European.
Extraordinary women marked by tragedy and surrounded by mystery — these are Huppert's trademark cinematic roles. The films of Isabelle Huppert tend to be filled with sociopaths, self-mutilators, and murderers.
There was the jealous postmaster in “La Cérémonie,” the gun-toting young bride in “Coup de Torchon,” and the prostitute who poisons her family in “Violette Nozière. “The Piano Teacher,” “Elle” and “Greta” would make a crazy triple feature. Overall Isabelle Huppert, one of the iconic dames of French cinema, has garnered a reputation for being cold and steely. The French actress, now in her mid-60s, consistently chooses roles that are morally complex and sometimes hard to watch. And yet we can’t bring ourselves to look away.
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Susan Sontag, who once called Huppert “a total artist,” said she had never met “an actor more intelligent, or a person more intelligent among actors.”
Huppert has been called France’s Meryl Streep for her technical skill, but for all her shape-shifting, Streep’s strongest women have never gone so dark as the roles Huppert has played.
Huppert expresses the moods and mental state of her characters with precision and great sensitivity. Her seemingly expressionless face and sparing facial expressions have become something of a trademark.
Fiction has a tendency to inflate things, she said once in an interview with The Financial Times in July 2017. "But when I look at people on the street, I find that most of them are pretty empty in their eyes. I have to do even less." To observe, she has been taught, you have to take away, not add something.
Isabelle was the youngest of five children, born in Paris to an engineer father and a mother who taught English. Her mother is credited with spotting her talent early on, and encouraging her to develop it. She was already well on her way as a teenager, getting acting jobs while studying at the National Conservatory of Dramatic Art in Paris.
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Huppert’s résumé is remarkable over five decades: Just over 140 films since her debut in 1972, for many of cinema’s most audacious visionaries, including Claude Chabrol, Claire Denis, Curtis Hanson, Hal Hartley and François Ozon.
In “Things to Come,” a wistful, funny drama by the French director Mia Hansen-Love. She plays Nathalie, a Parisian philosophy teacher whose husband leaves her for a younger woman, whose mother dies, whose publisher won’t reissue her book — and yet, who finds unexpected freedom in all of these losses. Nathalie heads toward the light and Michèle toward the dark, but both roles showcase Huppert’s great ability to derive power from vulnerability.
What directors loved about Huppert — and she prides herself on being an auteur’s actor — was her ability to convey moral complexity in the most unique ways.
Working with such auteur directors, Huppert can inhabit extreme characters — "survivors who can be victims and rebels simultaneously," says the actress. "My films give these women a voice. Because even though they live on the edges of society, they are there: women who live brutal lives. It's a brutality that they themselves never sought out," Huppert told Zeit Magazine.
Paul Verhoeven who directed her in “Elle” described Huppert as a “pure Brechtian actor,” in that she puts distance between herself and the audience, without trying to seduce it or seek its sympathy. 
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The actress is notorious for her illegibility - her almost Bressonian lack of expression, and the profound unrest she’s able to convey from behind the stillness of her freckled resting face. Pauline Kael, the famous film critic, once complained that “when [Huppert] has an orgasm, it barely ruffles her blank surface.” If Kael had lived to see “Abuse of Weakness,” “Elle,” or “I Heart Huckabees,” perhaps she would have come to appreciate how the stillness of Huppert’s unbeatable poker face allows her to normalize even the strangest and most perverse of characters; to make it seem as though any of their behaviors, no matter how unusual or demented, are as natural to them as we are to ourselves.
It’s a quality that European directors and audiences have embraced, but which can seem more foreign to Americans. Huppert loves American cinema, but she also knows her sensibility is distinctly French.
Huppert is known for her privacy and reserve - she generally doesn’t talk to the press about anything other than her films - and if there’s a connection between her autobiography and the roles she chooses, that’s something that only she knows.
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Aware of her own enigmatic appeal, she has no qualms about exploiting it. She has even less desire to charm, although her formidable impassivity sometimes betrays a hint of vulnerability. Not that she will let the viewer get too close, however, as she is forever intent on remaining “more like a question mark than a statement”.
Isabelle Huppert is not just courageous when it comes to choosing film roles and artistic collaborators. She is fearless, and such is her integrity that we trust her instincts and follow wherever she leads. That’s what makes her the most dangerous actress of our time.
Below is a top ten list of Isabelle Huppert films. They are not in order nor are they her very best. There are simply too many films in her body of work that would deserve equal consideration. Instead the list is made up of films that given an introduction to her wide ranging talents.
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1. The Lace Maker 1977
Isabelle Huppert won the most promising newcomer award for her graceful, guileless performance as Pomme in Claude Goretta’s masterly adaptation of a Pascal Lainé novel, which took its title from a Vermeer painting. Whether doing her chores at a Parisian beauty salon, playing blindman’s buff on a Cabourg clifftop with dashing Sorbonne student Yves Beneyton, trying to eat an apple without disturbing his reading or choking over dinner with his snooty parents, Huppert is mesmerising.
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2. Violette Nozière 1978
The first of her seven collaborations with Claude Chabrol earned Huppert the best actress prize at Cannes. She was 25 when she played the demure schoolgirl who shocked 1930s Paris when details of her double life as a prostitute emerged following the poisoning of her father. Violette claimed he had abused her, but Chabrol thinks otherwise and exploits Huppert’s genius for switching between fragility and cruelty to counter the surrealist myth that the teenage parricide was an anti-bourgeois icon.
Huppert embodies this character that’s chiefly concerned with finding love. She walks the streets at night, characteristically promiscuous, but don’t call her a prostitute. She’d refute. Throughout the film, she gives more money to the men then vice versa. At night, when she leaves her quiet bourgeois home, and finds a man to accompany her, she looks unusually bothered. The film is sometimes maddeningly ambiguous but perhaps that’s the point - Chabrol and Huppert want us to feel mixed about her.
Violette is a woman with an air of mystery around her. She’s precocious but not as clever as she thinks. Huppert gazes and kisses her own mirror reflection. She writes fictional love letters to herself as well. Huppert quietly stresses the motivation behind the character: desperate to find someone to love, or else she’ll have to love herself. Except, she can’t even love herself because she feels stifled by her home life. And as ever with narcissism, there are dangerous consequences.
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3. La Cérémonie 1995
“Chabrol only ever cast me as fairly ordinary characters,” Huppert once revealed. “They just have rather particular destinies.” While she would go on to embody Chabrolian womanhood (“not victims, not fighters, somewhere in between”) in Rien ne va plus (1997), Merci pour le chocolat (2000) and Comedy of Power (2006), she gave her finest performance for him in this seething adaptation of Ruth Rendell’s A Judgement in Stone.
An upper-class family warns their meek maid (Sandrine Bonnaire) about the local mail lady, Jeanne (Isabelle Huppert). They become friends regardless. Huppert plays Jeanne as kooky, comic, and rebellious. We gradually find out more cryptic background on her character, which gives her spirited attitude a darker edge. She’s either heartbroken or heartless. Huppert portrays a character with so many contradictory traits without ever making it feel false.
Huppert performs the role cunningly. Jeanne is energised like a child, but she’s smart enough to know how to win over the maid. She’s a little silly - when she enters the family’s home while they’re away, she touches everything. Huppert balances all of this next to the near-mute Bonnaire, both slowly exacting their revenge against the upper class. Chabrol’s trademark: clash of the classes.
Huppert thoroughly deserved her first César.
In 2014, Huppert performed Jean Genet’s play The Maids with Cate Blanchett. The play was inspired, as was La Cérémonie, on the same true-story about the Papin sisters.
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4. The Piano Teacher 2001
The Piano Teacher is an elegantly made film about the deranged endeavors of love. Huppert plays a buttoned-up music instructor, Erika, who attracts the eyes of an unassuming man half her age. She still lives with her mother and there’s a danger that lurks behind her carefully placed gaze. She’s been sexually repressed for such a long time; her repression and self-hatred has slowly evolved into masochism. It drives her to haunt peep shows, spy on copulating couples and mutilate her own genitals. This disturbing film really made an impact world wide. 
Nobody said this film was an easy watch!
Haneke gives the spectator all the intricacies of the concept of perversion inserted in Huppert’s character of Erika, a successful piano teacher and an apparently impeccable social life. Well, that’s what Erika keeps on the surface.
Huppert declared the second of her four collaborations with Haneke to be the film she had long been searching for.
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5. 8 Women 2002
There’s no validity in the truism that Huppert doesn’t do comedy. In fact she proved she could both dance and sing (the plaintive ‘Message personnel’ is a career highlight) in François Ozon’s chic 1950s musical whodunit. Sporting a tight bun, a buttoned-up twin-set, pursed red lips and butterfly spectacles, Huppert invokes the spirit of legendary farceur Louis de Funès as Catherine Deneuve’s argumentative sister. She gives an indelible display of neurotic, spinsterly bitchiness that is simultaneously piteous and hilarious.
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6. Elle 2016
A successful woman enters a real ordeal after being raped by a stranger in her home. Powerful, ‘Elle’ unravels all the nuances of a character’s life inserted into a completely incongruous personal, social and psychological reality. Here, the character will demonstrate how her attitude towards the world follows a sociopathic pattern of acting, despising any form of emotional attachment and using other individuals solely to satisfy her most primitive instincts. The film earned her an Oscar nod for Best Actress, which was fabulous but also made me wonder what took so long. Certainly she’s turned out enough superb performances over her nearly five decade career to have earned this recognition sooner.
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7. Coup de Torchon 1981
Having survived a seven-month stint in Montana for Michael Cimino’s Heaven’s Gate(1980), Huppert ventured to Saint-Louis in Senegal for Bertrand Tavernier’s Oscar-nominated transposition of Jim Thompson’s pulp novel, Pop. 1280, from a small Texan town in the 1910s to west Africa on the eve of the Second World War. Although Pierre-William Glenn’s sun-scorched Steadicam imagery seems antithetical, this is a darkly droll noir that sees Huppert in an unusually skittish mood, as the abused colonial wife who forges an unlikely alliance with Philippe Noiret’s pathetic rogue police chief, who is humiliated by everyone around him, and suddenly wants a clean slate in life - but resorts to drastic means to do so.
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8. Merci pour le chocolat 2000
The film follows the nuances of a French upper class family, exploring the destructive ways in which each member acts on the world. Directed by Claude Chabrol, ‘Merci pour le Chocolat’ is an interesting film, bringing a more cadenced plot that values studying each meander of the behavior of its central characters.
The movie is set in Lausanne, and that Swiss location, having an ambient sense of buttoned-up severity and menace, is an appropriate setting with a Nabokovian mien for this horrid tale of sociopathy.
Huppert dominates the film with the slightly frigid poise of a great dancer who has retired to become an exacting teacher. She plays Mika, a woman who presides wearily and almost negligently over the prosperous chocolate business built up by her late father. But however disengaged she is in the boardroom, in the kitchen she loves chocolate with a passion - concocting various types of drinking chocolate, using subtly differing recipes, with fanatical and murderous care.
There is something fascinating about Huppert's face here. In repose, it has a kind of unsettling serenity, the serenity of a cunning and covert predator who has already decided on an unspeakable course of action.
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9. La Séparation 1994
Isabelle Huppert and Daniel Auteuil play a couple on the verge of a separation. The relationship’s mainstay is their child, one-year-old Loulou. Autueil gets most of the film’s focus, but he’s essentially a sitting duck, nervously shifting between passive-aggressive contempt and hopeful endearment, as he prepares for the outcome of his girlfriend’s infidelity. He says, “Never two without three.” This could be the quote-totem of the film.
The director smartly leaves the interloping lover out of the film (he’s never seen or even named). Instead, we study Auteuil’s growing impatience and Huppert’s pivotal decision. She adds a lot of depth to a character that could’ve just been the unsympathetic partner of the cuckold.
Huppert gives her character integrity and even though she’s ostensibly guilty, she never comes off as purely selfish. She’s troubled, as well, by their situation - we sense her detachment not due to ego but because she’s boggled in trying to assess the right mode of conduct. Huppert and Auteuil have great chemistry, changing gears effortlessly between vitriol and affection.
Huppert’s distinctive talent for suppressing suffering is readily evident in her slowly disintegrating relationship with Daniel Auteuil, as Huppert imparts chilling intimacy to a withdrawn hand, an unanswering gaze, a treacherous silence and a careless word in conveying the pain of falling out of love.
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10. Madame Bovary 1991
Not her greatest film but certainly one of the most accessible for anyone not familiar with the talents of Huppert. Based on Gustave Flaubert’s fabulous novel, the film brings the exacerbated trajectory of a young girl who has a highly romanticised view of the world and craves beauty, wealth, passion, as well as high society. It is the disparity between these romantic ideals and the realities of her country life that drive most of the novel, leading her into two affairs and to accrue an insurmountable amount of debt that eventually leads to her suicide.
This adaptation of ‘Madame Bovary’ is perhaps the best of any adaptation to date. Claude Chabrol manages to capture even the most emblematic nuances of Flaubert’s book, elevating a unique atmosphere for the unfolding of scenes. 
However, the main point of distinction between this work and the others is the presence of Isabelle Huppert as protagonist, delivering a powerful and visceral performance from the first to the last scene.
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luna-eclipse2000 · 3 years
Shingeki no Danganronpa
Chapter 1, part 1
So I started this story last year when the Danganronpa craze happened but I still wanna post it because I think it’s a pretty alright take on the game. I put a hashtag of the name of this series so the parts are easy to find. (ie. Shingeki no Danganronpa Chapter 1)
Hope’s Peak High. A school so large that it towers over all the other buildings in this bustling urban area. Some people say that the school is like it’s at the centre of the world, which I agree to. Except, it is at the centre of the entire world. Everyone knows about this school and how prestigious it is. Anybody who’s anybody dreams of getting that fateful acceptance letter from administration. They say that if you come here and manage to graduate, you’ll be set for life. I’m not the most interesting person in the world, so it was a complete shock when I got a letter saying that they want me to attend. The only award I’ve ever won was a runner’s up ribbon in a fishing tourney. My letter told me that I’m the ‘Ultimate Lucky Student’, which sounds like complete horse shit in my opinion.
I get good grades, sure, but nothing as skyrocketing as some of the people who get in for a purpose. I still accepted the opportunity because I’m not an idiot. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and there’s no way that I’ll give it up because I feel like I don’t belong there... which I definitely feel like. I would’ve just assumed that they got the wrong person but they don’t send acceptance letters to the wrong house, it hasn’t happened in the fifty years the school’s been running for, and I’m pretty sure that the name (f/n) (l/n) isn’t common in this area. So here I now stand, in front of the massive school. It’s even more impressive and intimidating in person. Before I arrived, I did a small Google search on who was going to be in my class and it ranges from more mundane things like the Ultimate Cleaner to the Ultimate Strategist. But, despite my uncertainty of my presence, I put on a brave face and walk through the entrance gates... only to start feeling dizzy and nauseous, like I’m in one of those crazy amusement park rides where you spin in a circle very quickly and the floor drops. No sooner do I start feeling this way, do I black out.
“The hell just happened?” I ask myself as I open my eyes and take a look at my surroundings. I seem to be in a classroom because of all the desks and the blackboard up front, but there’s no windows. Just big metal plates with even bigger bolts and screws holding them in place. “Huh. Weird. Maybe that just shows some new part of the school they’re building and they don’t want any one to see it until it’s finished?” I wonder as I stand up from the desk. I look around but don’t see any bags, even mine is gone. When I turned back to my desk, I notice a slightly folded piece of paper on it, so I pick it up out of curiosity.
Hey there, new kid! The next semester is about to start. Starting today, this school will be your entire world.
“Knew it was the centre of the world.” I think to myself and then place the card down. It didn’t look very professional as it was written in black and red pencil crayon, but it’s a high school so I doubt there are any kids. And if there were, I would have to report them to cops for child labour. I look up at the clock and see that’s it’s eight. “How long was I out for? An hour probably, maybe less. Wait, doesn’t this school start at eight? Where’s all the students? And the teachers? Maybe I read the time wrong on the letter.”
I then go out of the classroom and notice the weird magenta and purple look of the halls and cringe at the contrast. “Ok, what the hell is with this hallway? And, again, where are all the people? I know that eight am isn’t very early, at least not so early that it’s a ghost town. Oh, shit, maybe there’s an assembly!”
I begin to race down the hall and pass by a red door that feels too eerily out of place but I shake the feeling off and head towards the main hall. Once I arrive, I see that everyone else is already there. “Hey, look! Someone else is here!” Someone says. “So that makes fifteen of us.” Someone else points out. “So, you’re all new as well?” I ask them. “No, we’re here for shits and giggles.” A boy with black hair and sharp steel grey eyes rudely answers. I laugh awkwardly. “Who shoved a stick up your ass?”
He clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Anyways, I’m (f/n) (l/n).” I introduce myself. “Sorry I’m late. When I entered the school I just blacked out or some shit. It was really weird.”
“You too?” A short blonde girl asks. “That’s what happened to the rest of us! At first, I thought it was just nerves. But then everyone started to realize that we all blacked out.”
“Yes. This is rather a strange situation.” A boy with blond hair that’s tied back a bit and glasses says. “I’ve never heard of fifteen people blacking out at different times at the same place on the same day.”
“We were drugged!” Someone speaks up. Everyone goes quiet as we turn our attention to the person who spoke. She’s rather tall and has brown hair, and wears glasses. “Oh, come on! I was just joking to lighten the mood! And ease the tension that’s growing because it’s making me a biiiit uncomfortable.”
“So then how about we just introduce ourselves then?” A black haired boy with freckles suggests. “That way we can ease the tension without freaking everyone out.”
I immediately feel calmer after he speaks. He’s got some kind of... energy or something around him. The first person I go up to is the short blonde girl with blue eyes. “Oh, hello! I’m Krista Lenz.”
Krista Lenz. She’s the Ultimate Volunteer. She volunteers all of her free time to shelters, reading to kids, helping the city, going in to retirement/nursing homes, helping out in hospitals and keeping veterans company. She’s even gone abroad to help build homes. She’s known online as Angel, and I can totally see why. Not just because of her noble acts, but because she looks so pure and innocent. Like a little angel. “Well, it’s actually Historia Reiss but that’s hard for kids and seniors to pronounce and spell so I just came up with the fake name.” Krista explains. “No way, seriously?” I ask her. “Doesn’t it bother you that you’re popular with a name that isn’t technically yours?”
She giggles cutely. “Singers do it all the time, don’t they? Katy Perry’s last name is actually Hudson but she didn’t want to get confused for the actress, Kate Hudson.”
“Oh, right, yeah.” I say awkwardly and then move onto the next person.
I decide to go up to the the boy who suggested introductions. “Hi! I’m Marco Bodt. It’s nice to meet you!”
Ah, yes. Marco Bodt, the Ultimate Peacekeeper. He tries to help different countries bring peace to them so no more wars break out. He’s also proposed that they follow England in having a special force of officers who carry guns while the majority only carry nightsticks. He’s also won a Nobel peace prize. “So, what are you here for?” Marco asks me. “Oh, nothing special. I’m not that important.” I say. “Nonsense! You were accepted, right?” Marco says. “I got chosen by chance to be the lucky student.” I tell him. “See?” Marco says. “Out of everyone in the world that they put into chance, you got chosen! Not Diana across town. And the letter even said you were the Ultimate Lucky Student as a result, that accounts for something, right?”
I smile thankfully and go to say something else but hear shouting instead. “What the fuck did you call me, you suicidal bastard?!”
“I called you a horse face, horse face!” The other person responds just as angrily. “Oh, geez.” Marco says. “Sorry, I’m gonna go break them up so there isn’t a murder or anything.”
Marco then heads off to go calm the two boys down. I roll my eyes. “Teenage boys. Why are they like this?”
I head off to another boy, but he doesn’t have any hair. Or at least very little, short, stubby hairs. “Hi, I’m Connie Springer!”
Connie Springer is the Ultimate Prankster. He’s pulled pranks on a various number of people, none of which were very tame. He’s pranked politicians and celebrities. He’s helped talk show hosts prank their audiences and even pranked a military general. I honestly don’t know how he got away with his life for that one, especially since I heard how strict and unforgiving the general is. “It’s nice to meet you, Connie.” I say. “How’d you even escape General Shadis after putting Veet in his shampoo and then switching his toothpaste for actual sewerage?”
“Not easily, I’ll tell you that.” Connie responds with a laugh.
I then move onto the next person. A girl with black hair and grey eyes standing beside a boy with brown hair and beautiful turquoise eyes that I’m honestly jealous of. “Hi. I’m Eren Jaeger and this is Mikasa Ackerman.”
Eren Jaeger. The Ultimate Freedom Fighter. He leads various protests to allow people more rights and be more free, and he also runs different projects that aid in getting people free from their situation. Mikasa Ackerman is his adopted sister and is basically known as his knight in shining armour because of her saving Eren from all the aggressive people he’s encountered. She’s the Ultimate Protector. She protects students at school from bullies, and protects her brother, Eren, from everything. She’s been known to intimated police and SWAT teams, who are already trying to get her to join their force. Marco’s even been seen with them from time to time when he knows it could get very ugly. “What you’ve been doing is quite admirable, Eren.” I compliment him. “It’s great of you to stand up for complete strangers.”
He bashfully puts a hand on the back of his neck with a light blush and smile. “Thanks. Everyone deserves to have freedom so I just stand up for those who’s voices are drowned out by every day noise.”
I turn to Mikasa. “And you’re pretty brave to tell SWAT officers off.”
She just shrugs. “I don’t see it as brave.”
I nod and then go to the next person. Well, group. A tall boy with dark brown hair who seems to be sweating a lot, a blond boy who’s pretty buff, and a short blond girl who gives off as much warmth as an iceberg in a blizzard. “Hi. I’m (f/n) (l/n).” I introduce myself to them. They all look at me and I see the blond smirk. “Nah, cute is what you are.” He says to me. I can feel my cheeks start to burn at his pick-up line. “Oh, well, uh, thank you.”
“I’m Reiner Braun. This guy here’s Bertolt Hoover, and this is Annie Leonhart.”
Reiner Braun’s the Ultimate Blacksmith. He looks much more like a sports guy but when you see what he makes, you know that his talents lie with making armour and weapons. He makes them professionally for people who want a real replica of what medieval knights had, cosplayers, and medieval dinner shows. He’s won more than fifty competitions for blacksmithing. Bertolt Hoover is the Ultimate Deceit. He’s gotten away with a bunch of different crimes because of his shy and timid nature that makes him fade more into the background. Annie Leonhart is the Ultimate Fighter. Her father put her into boxing when she was a kid and beat the instructor on her first day so she started to train professionally. “So, what do you think about us being a thing when school really gets started, huh?” Reiner flirts. “Reiner, shut up.” Annie orders her friend. “Thanks for the offer.” I say. “It’s really tempting, but I have to decline.”
I quickly leave the trio to go introduce myself to a girl with auburn hair tied up into a ponytail. “Hi! I’m Sasha Braus!”
Sasha Braus runs a successful food critic website and tries food from all over the world including octopus, fried spiders and escamol. She’s friends with a bunch of different famous chefs like Gordon Ramsey and Rachel Ray. She’s also judged on a number of cooking shows and won every eating contest she’s competed in which is why she’s the Ultimate Foodie. “So, uh, when do you think we’ll get to eat?” Sasha asks me. I think for a second. “Not sure. We’ll probably have the orientation meeting and then be given a tour of the school, which will take a while, so probably not until at least eleven.”
She pouts. That’s when I notice a smell. “What the hell is that?”
“Oh, it’s a potato.” Sasha says and pulls out a whole baked potato from her jacket pocket. “Where the hell did you find a potato?!” I ask her. “Well when I woke up, I was really hungry. But my bag wasn’t with me that carried all my snacks. So before I came to the main hall, I decided to go find the dining hall. The potato was just kind of... there. Like it was waiting for me to eat it.” Sasha says and then breaks off a piece. “You want half?”
I look at the piece and see that it’s more like a quarter but I’m not hungry anyway so I politely decline. “More for me then!”
I laugh at her and then turn and see the black haired male with the stick up his ass. “Let’s get this over with.” I think to myself as I make my way over. “Hi.” I greet him. His cold eyes land on me and I instantly feel like I committed a felony or something. “Levi Ackerman.”
Levi Ackerman, distant cousin of Mikasa Ackerman, according to tabloids, who’s the Ultimate Cleaner. Apparently he grew up in the shittiest part of the city where the rats are almost the size of feet, which is where his obsession for cleanliness came from. He cleans up any vandalism from the streets and enforces no littering. He’s run mass city, beach and ocean clean ups. I decide that it’s best to leave him alone so I turn to the brown haired girl beside him who’s wearing glasses. “Hiii! I’m Hanji Zoë! The Ultimate Scientist! Also I’m non-binary, just so you know.”
Hanji Zoë definitely lives up to the title. They found a new element when they were ten and they had to do their science work from home so a university chemist and biologist could come tutor them. They even created a new cell that can protect the body from diseases like TB, certain cancers, and certain joint problems. She also won a Nobel prize. “It’s nice to meet you.” I say. “Great job on getting that Nobel prize for your cell creation!”
“Thank you, but it was nothing.” Hanji brushes my compliment off. “I don’t need an award to tell me that I helped millions of people for me to know it. Sorry, did that sound cocky?”
“No, no! It’s ok! I understand what you mean.” I tell them and then go off to the blond boy with glasses. “Hi. I’m Armin Arlert.”
Armin Arlert. The Ultimate Strategist who came up with his first strategy to get out of the orphanage he was placed in and go completely unnoticed when he was eight. After that, he started working with the military and with him on their side, there are much fewer casualties for them... but not for the other side. “So, your strategies are pretty damn good.” I say. “How on earth do you come up with them?”
“Oh, I don’t know. It just kind of happens.” Armin says awkwardly. “You get nervous about speaking about your brain, don’t you?” I ask him. He chuckles with a small blush. “Was I that obvious?”
“It’s ok. I get it. You help the military to make sure that they don’t lose as many soldiers as the other side.” I say. He nods shyly, so I move onto the next person. She has brown hair tied back into a flat ponytail. “Hi. I’m (f/n).” I introduce myself. “Ymir.” She introduces herself.
With the lack of a last name, and not hearing about her at all online, I just nod my head awkwardly and go introduce myself to the final person. He’s talking to Marco and has interesting hair. It’s ash blond with a brown undercut. “Hi, I’m (f/n) (l/n).” I introduce myself. The boy turns around and I get bit startled by his amber eyes. Eren has pretty eyes, but this guy is a full on pretty boy. He gives me a grin and I can tell he knows it, too. “Hey, Jean Kirschtein.”
Jean Kirschtein is the Ultimate Equestrian. He’s been riding horses ever since he could walk because he grew up on a farm. He entered his first equestrian competition when he was seven and has won first every year. He helps take care of horses from his own to others and even helps beginners with picking out which horse they should ride first. He even runs riding lessons at the farms for said beginners. “So, I heard that you’re the Ultimate Lucky Student, eh?” Jean asks. “Could I have some of that luck to take you horse riding?”
“Keep it PG at school, horse face!” We hear Eren mock. “I don’t have a horse face!” Jean shouts at him. “And I wasn’t implying anything!”
He’s obviously a bit embarrassed and flustered. “Alright, alright. Calm down. He’s just doing it to rile you up.” Marco says to Jean. “If it’s any consolation, I don’t think you look like a horse.” I tell him.
Just as I finish saying that, a bell goes off. “Ahem! Ahem! Testing, testing! Mic check, one, two! This is a test of the school’s broadcast system! Am I on? Can everyone hear me? Ok, well then...!” A voice speaks through the PA system. “Ahh, to all incoming students! I would like to begin the entrance ceremony at... right now! Please make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience... That’s all. I’ll be waiting!”
“Is that voice not sitting well with anyone else or is my stomach feeling squirmy because of the potato I stole?” Sasha asks us. “No. It definitely feels odd.” Marco agrees with her. “We don’t have time for this, brats. Let’s just get on with this so I can clean. This place is absolutely filthy.” Levi says monotonously with a hint of disgust as he walks away from the group and towards the gym. I look at Jean and Marco and the three of us follow him, followed by everyone else. We all make it to the gym in a few short minutes. I see Hanji go towards the trophy case and look straight at this gold and purple katana. “Oo, pretty!” They exclaim and then touch the handle but immediately retract their hand. “Damn, that thing is absolutely coated in gold dust! My hand looks like El Dorado!”
“Um... anyone else find it weird that the hall’s are completely empty?” Krista asks as we enter the gym itself. “I haven’t even heard any other classes going in the classrooms.”
“Yeah, man. I’m getting weirded out, now.” Connie agrees with her. “And did anyone else notice that there were machine guns in front of the entrance which looked like a vault door?” Eren asks. “It’s probably nothing, Eren.” Mikasa says. “Why would they have machine guns in a school?”
He nods but I see him shift uncomfortably. “Hey there, howdy, hello!” The voice from earlier greets. “Is everyone here? Good! Then let’s get things rolling!”
We all look towards the stage which has a podium in the centre and the school crest above it, which are two wings; one white and one blue. As we await our headmaster to walk on stage, a black and white teddy bear pops up and lands on the podium. I hear Connie snort back a laugh. “A teddy bear?” Krista asks in confusion. “I’m not a teddy bear!” The bear says lowly. “I... am... Monokuma! And I am this school’s headmaster!”
I try to wrap my head around what’s happening. A teddy bear- er, uh, Monokuma is our headmaster who’s mouth doesn’t even move when he’s talking. I look around at all my classmates, particularly Connie, to see if this is a joke of his, but everyone looks just as confused as I am. Except Annie but she’s devoid of all of emotion. Hell, even Levi has an eyebrow quirked at the oddness. “Nice to meet you all!”
“Ok, Connie.” Reiner says. “This was hilarious, best prank you’ve ever pulled! But can you turn off the teddy bear now?”
“I’m not doing this, I swear! You guys can search me for a remote or whatever.” Connie responds. “I don’t think he has the intelligence needed to build that. No offence, Connie.” Armin says. I see Connie look slightly offended at the words. “I told you already, I’m not a teddy bear... I’m Monokuma! And I’m your headmaster!” Monokuma shouts angrily as he moves his arms up to display further emotion. “AH! It moved!” Sasha screeches. “No shit, Sherlock.” Levi mumbles. “Oh, calm down, everyone! It’s obviously just a remote controlled toy!” Hanji says. “How dare you compare me to a child’s plaything!” Monokuma says. “You’ve cut me deep. Deeper than the Mariana Trench... My remote control system is so complex, even the folks in the Military Police can’t recreate or even comprehend it! Then again, that place is full of nitwits! Now then, moving on! We really must hurry and get started... Everyone, stand at attention and bow! And... good morning!”
Marco does as he’s told. “Good morning, sir!”
“Marco, stand up.” Jean whispers and pulls the boy up from his bow. “Don’t fall for this shit.”
“Now then, let us commence with a most noteworthy and memorable entrance ceremony!” Monokuma says. “First, let’s talk a bit about what your school life here will be like. Now, ah, make no mistake- you few students, so full of potential, represent the hope of the world. And to protect such splendid hope... you will all live a communal life together solely within the confines of this school. Everyone will live in harmony together, and adhere to the school’s rules and regulations. Ah, now then... regarding the end date of this communal life... there isn’t one! In other words, you’ll all be here until the day you die! Such is the school life you’ve been assigned.”
“Until we die? What kind of fucked up bullshit is this?” Levi asks. “Oh, but fear not!” Monokuma assures us. “We have quite an abundant budget, so you won’t lack for all the common conveniences.”
“That’s still not very comforting.” I tell him. “You gotta be screwing with us!” Connie says. “I am not screwing with you!” Monokuma shouts angrily. “I am no liar, of that you can be 100% sure. Ah, and just for your information... you’re completely cut off from the outside world. So you don’t have to worry about that dirty, dirty land beyond these walls ever again!”
I feel my pockets for my phone. “They took our phones!” I announce. Everyone then starts to check themselves for theirs, too. “So, then... all those metal plates all over the school... they’re there to keep us trapped in here?” Reiner asks him. “That’s exactly what they’re there for.” Monokuma confirms. “No matter how much you may yell and scream for help... help will not come. So with all that in mind, feel free to live out your life here with reckless abandon!”
“Come on, what the hell is this? It’s not funny!” Eren asks. “You all keep saying this is a lie, or a joke.” Monokuma says. “A bunch of skeptics, all of you. But I guess you can’t help it, huh? You all grew up in an age where you’re taught to doubt your neighbour... Well, you’ll have plenty of time to find out whether or not what I say is true. And when that time comes, you’ll see with your own eyes that I speak the undeniable truth.” Monokuma answers Eren.
“I don’t want to live here forever! This is bullshit!” Jean shouts nervously. No one else looks pleased with the news. “Come, now. What’s the matter with all of you? You decided of your own free will to attend Hope’s Peak Academy, didn’t you? And now, before the entrance ceremony is even finished, you’ve already decided that you want to leave? Oh, but you know... I guess I did forget to mention one thing. There is one way for you to leave the school...” Monokuma leaves us in hopeful suspense.
“Spit it out, already.” Annie orders. “Ok, ok! Calm down!” Monokuma says. “As headmaster, I’ve crafted a special clause for those of you who would like to leave! I call it... the Graduation Clause! Now, let me tell you about this fun little rule. As I mentioned, in order to maintain an environment of harmony here, we rely on a communal lifestyle. And if someone were to disrupt that harmony, they, and they alone, would be allowed to leave the school. That, my students, is the Graduation Clause!”
“So by disrupting the peace, all we need to do is fling shit, literally, at people and we can just... go?” Levi asks with a hint of skepticism in his voice. Monokuma laughs. “No. Not exactly. But... if someone were murder another. (“Murder?!” We all repeat in shock) Stabbing, strangling, bludgeoning, crushing, hacking, drowning, igniting, how you do it doesn’t matter. You must kill someone if you want to leave. It’s as simple as that. The rest is up to you. Give it your all to achieve the best outcome in the worst way possible!”
The air goes suffocatingly thick as we all process the situation at hand. We’re trapped in here for life unless we commit murder. There’s no way to contact the outside world, all the windows are boarded up with giant plates of metal, and our headmaster is a complete psycho. No one wants to believe this. It’s something straight out of a horror movie or a TV show created by someone seriously fucked up. Monokuma’s laugh brings us all out of our stupor. “I bet that got your brain juices flowing! Beats the heck out of a human catching a salmon, huh? Like I said before, you guys are the hope of the world. But you know... taking that hope and seeing it get murdered creates a darkened shadow of despair. And I just find that so. Darn. Exciting!”
“You’re insane!” Krista exclaims as she starts to cry a bit. “You guys just don’t get it, do you?” Monokuma asks. “‘Let us go, let us go!’ You keep on saying the same thing over and over and over and over...! Listen. From this moment on, this school is your home, your life, your world. Got it? And you can kill as much as you wanna kill! So go ahead! Go on a kill-kill-killing spree!”
No one makes a move, or a sound, for a good few seconds until Mikasa walks up to the podium. She just stands there. “Eh? Well what do you want?” Monokuma asks her. When he finishes speaking, she grabs him by his little bear neck and lifts him off the ground. Monokuma waves his arms up and down. “I don’t know if you’re a toy, and, frankly, I don’t care, but you just threatened myself, Eren and everyone else here with murder. If it’s murder you want, it’s murder you’ll get.” Mikasa says and pulls out a pocketknife from her pants pocket. “Waah! Violence against the headmaster is in violation of school regulations!” Monokuma shouts. “You never said that before.” Mikasa says stoically. “And all we need to do is disturb the peace to leave, right? So all I need to do is pull out your stuffing and I’ll get to leave. And since you won’t be around, I’ll take everyone here with me.”
He doesn’t respond except for some kind of beeping. “Is he shutting down?” I question. The beeping then gets louder and more frequent. I then hear a gasp come from behind me. “Throw it!” Hanji instructs. “What?” Mikasa responds. “Throw the damn bear! He’s gonna explode!” Hanji explains. Mikasa immediately throws the bear away and then throws herself onto Eren so he doesn’t get hurt as Monokuma explodes.
I jump from the sudden sound and hear Krista squeak in surprise. “Well, shit. That really throws the reality of this situation in our faces.” Levi says with his usual emotionless voice, but there’s a hint of nervousness behind it. “Wait, guys, Mikasa still killed it!” I point out. “Yeah! The bastard bear’s destroyed!” Eren cheers. “Uh... I-I wouldn’t be so sure...” Armin speaks up as Monokuma reappears on the podium. “Nice try! But it’ll take a lot more than a silly explosion to kill me!”
“Oh, come on! What the hell is this?!” Reiner shouts. “So I was almost killed for nothing?” Mikasa asks. “Of course! You violated one of the school regulations, after all. I’ll let you off with a warning this time, but you’d better be careful from now on. Any naughty boy or girl who violates my rules won’t get off with just a little swat on the butt.” Monokuma threatens. I swear I see a vein on his forehead pop out from the anger. “Wait... if you exploded... and you’re back... does that mean that there are more of you?” Hanji asks him. “Mhm! Yup! There’s also surveillance cameras installed everywhere so I’ll be able to see if you break the rules. Then it’s bye-bye birdie! Now that that’s out of the way, to commemorate your joyous entry into our school, I have a little something for you...” Monokuma says and then flat tablets appear before each of us from the ground. “This is your official student handbook! Pretty cool, huh? As you can see, it’s fully digital. So naturally, we called it... the E-Handbook!”
“Wow... I wonder how many brain cells it took to come up with that?” Hanji says sarcastically. “Ignoring that rude comment, this handbook is absolutely vital to a healthy school life, so don’t lose it! When you start it up, it will display your name. Always make sure you have the right one! Now, this is not your everyday notebook. It has so many more uses than that! Also, it’s completely waterproof. Splash it, wash it, drown it, it’ll keep ticking! And thanks to its space-age design, it can withstand an impact force of up to ten tons. It’s very resistant! It contains all of our school regulations, so make sure you review them thoroughly! You’ll hear me say this a lot, but any violation of school regulations will not be tolerated.”
“This is gonna get pretty fucking annoying.” Ymir groans. “Well, then, don’t violate the rules and you won’t hear it often, sweets. (“Sweets?! Why you-!” Ymir growls but refuses to move so nothing else happens.) Rules restrict, yes, but they also protect. Society, for example, would be utter chaos without laws. (“It’s got a point...” Annie agrees with Monokuma). The same thing applies here! Which is why it’s crucial that we have strict punishments in place for violators. Ok, well... that brings our entrance ceremony to a close! Please enjoy your abundantly dreary school life! See ya!” Monokuma says before disappearing.
With him now gone, we all have time to properly process what we were all just told. I can feel the fear lingering in the air. This school is wrongfully named after Hope. Like he said, the opposite of hope is despair... which is the state that all of us are currently in.
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sillyrabbit81 · 4 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 2.3k
Warnings: swearing
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 15 Part 17
Part 16
Liam cooked us a chicken stir-fry with Asian vegetables for dinner. I was mildly surprised that he was such a good cook and told him so. He said he had to learn pretty quickly in the early days of his career when he would go months without a paying job.
"I was lucky. My parents were supportive, so I knew I wouldn't starve, and they would give me money if I asked. I didn't want to, though. I felt like if I had to ask for money, then I was a failure. It motivated me to go to more auditions, prepare better, take some classes to get more skills, perfect my accents."
I admired him for that. From what I knew about his family, they seemed to be wealthy. It would have been easy for him to rely on them while trying to make it.
Liam had told me a lot about his family. He was very close to his two brothers. It seemed like he was a bit of a mummies boy, and I supposed that comes from being the youngest. He seemed to credit his Dad for his love of stories and his desire to act.
"Have you told them about me? Your family, I mean." I asked a bit hesitantly, unsure how I'd feel if he said no.
I shouldn't have worried though, his huge smile said it all. "I told Mum about you over a month ago."
"We hadn't even met yet."
"I know," Liam sounded a bit bashful as he continued. "My Mum kept saying how happy I sounded. I kept dropping hints that she thought I was seeing someone. She's very good at reading me. She hounded me until I told her."
"What did she say?"
"She was surprised we hadn't met. I spoke to her during the week a few times and told her we'd met, and it went well, and we'd seen each other the whole weekend. It was a bit awkward like I said. She knows me too well. She said, 'You mean you spent the weekend shagging.'"
"Oh, my God!" I was so embarrassed. "What did you say? She's going to think I'm the town bike."
"She wasn't judging, by the way. She was worried about how you would react to me. She was happy because she felt like I shouldn't have used Simons photos."
"She's not wrong," I said.
"I know, I know. Do I have to apologise again?"
"No, just don't do it again."
He briefly grinned but then looked at me, his face and tone serious. "Hopefully, I'll never have to."
I didn't know how to respond to that. What did he even mean by that? I didn't ask. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. I cleared my throat. "Is that all she said?" I asked, instead.
Liam opened his mouth and was about to say something before closing his mouth and trying again. "Well, then she saw the photos and stories about us. I tell her not to read that stuff because most of it is rubbish. But she does. Anyway, she said we looked lovely together and..." he paused before continuing. "And she can't wait to meet you in a few months. She's coming for a visit in late June early July for my two-week hiatus."
I almost asked what he was going to say, but I changed my mind. "What about your brothers? Your Dad?"
"Well, my Dad isn't much of a talker when it comes to relationships. But he did say Mum had shown him your picture and that you seemed like a nice girl. Other than that, he didn't comment. He rarely does unless he thinks someone isn't good for me."
"Is he coming with your mum?"
"Only for one week. My mum will stay for nearly three. My brothers well..." he grinned. "You know what brothers are like. We are rarely serious together. Also, we rarely call each other. We mostly keep in contact through group chats." His lip twitched as he said, 'there were a lot of ginger jokes this week."
I could only imagine what those chat logs contain. I rolled my eyes at the thought. "The bastards," I said.
Liam laughed then asked, "what about your family?"
"I haven't told them much. Dave knows a bit. I haven't told Mum anything." I shifted in my seat. "Dave knew I was seeing someone after I asked him to watch Perrin. But he didn't ask questions. Then on Friday, he found out it was you. He seemed ok with it." I brightened and said, "they will know all about you next week anyway."
Liam returned my smile.
After dinner, we went to bed. We both read for a while. Liam sat up with his back against the headboard while I laid on my back, using his chest as a pillow. I read until I fell asleep.
I grew to hate Sundays.
Sunday's meant my time with Liam was coming to a close. This Sunday had a silver lining because I would only have to wait until Thursday to see him again. This only partially comforted me because it was also the premiere. As the time drew closer, I knew I'd regret saying yes.
I sat with my head in my hands in the store's dressing room. Just picking which dresses to try on had been an ordeal. I had done a quick google search that morning to see what kind of dresses people wore to premieres, and it was almost no help. The range was too extensive. It seemed nearly anything was acceptable, from cocktail dresses to full-on evening wear.
Some articles made me feel sick, especially the articles about the actresses. So many articles talked about how many women found it hard to find dresses in their size because they were size 6 and too big to fit into most designers dresses. I checked out a size conversion chart and found that size 6 was a size 10 here. I was usually a size 10, but sometimes my arse needs a size 12.
I started thinking I was too fat. I kept thinking about my huge arse and thighs, which got me spiralling into thinking my breasts were too small, my hair was too frizzy, I had too many freckles, and I was too pale. The list of my faults just grew in my head until I was sure I'd end up at the premiere looking like a bush pig in a dress.
I started to breathe deeply, in through my nose, hold it, out through my mouth. After several breaths, I opened my eyes. I could do this. I picked up the first dress the assistant had helped me pick. She knew it wasn't going to wor. It was a loose short black lace dress with puffy sleeves that would make me look like the only shape I had was round. The other picks she made were dresses that looked like they were for the bride's grandmother. She also looked at Liam too many times for my liking. She was very helpful if you call taking us to dresses sold out in my size useful. Or if directing all her questions at Liam was helpful. I'll bet she's out there right now being helpful...
Fuck me dead! I think I'm jealous.
That was an emotion I hadn't felt in a while, and I didn't like it. Fuck that. I don't need to be jealous. I picked through the dresses until I found the one I already knew would be the winner.
It was from Australian designer Maticevski. The gown was black with a high neckline, and the beautiful fabric gathered on the left shoulder. The dress was pulled from the hips and cinched in the waist. It had a thigh-high split, revealing just enough skin to be sexy and a small but elegant train. I loved it the moment I saw it and knew I wanted it. But it was $2,500. I loved it so much I almost didn't care. I mean, I knew I wasn't the one people cared about. They wanted to see Liam. This time was different because it would be our first official event together, and the story right now was who was he dating. This time I would get attention. But I still thought it was too much money. I had almost put it back, but the assistant smirked. Liam, bless him, took it out of my hands and said he would love to see it on me.
I wriggled my way into the dress and looked into the mirror. It was the winner for sure. I had brought my heels from Friday night to try the dress on with, and though they weren't quite right for the dress, they gave a good idea of what I would look like. It was slightly too tight around the hips and too a little big on the top. I could get it altered, though. It wouldn't take much. Maybe even a bra with a bit of padding would fix it. I flipped my hair to give it some bounce and a sexy 'just been fucked' look and stepped out.
I was right. She was hitting on Liam hard. I wanted to punch her in the face. But then Liam saw me, and the way he looked at me made me forgot about her. I took a few steps over to him and posed in an over the top way.
"What do you think?" I asked Liam.
He didn't say anything, but his eyes did. He had the same look when he approached me on Friday night. This is definitely the dress.
"It's not too dressed up? I could try something else if you think it's too much." I said to Liam.
"It doesn't quite fit. Perhaps the..." the assistant didn't get time to finish before Liam spoke.
"No." He said firmly, cutting her off. He cleared his throat and approached me. "It's absolutely perfect." He kissed me, and his lips were so soft. He ran his hands over my waist and stood back, looking me up and down. "Perfect. We will take it."
"You don't want to try..." the assistant tried again.
Liam didn't even look at her. "I said we would take it. The other dresses can go back. Thank you for your help." I loved it when he spoke in that authoritative tone, which made me weak.
She went into the dressing room and took away the ten other dresses I was going to try. I wasn't sad to see them go, none of them would be as good as this, but I still wasn't sure.
"I can try another dress. I mean, this one is stupid expensive."
"I don't care if it was a hundred thousand dollars, you look amazing, and you like it, so you will have it."
"I just don't know if I can afford to spend money like this for one night."
"I invited you. I'm paying."
"Fuck. I should have said I need matching earrings." I joked.
"Do you?" He asked, sincere.
"No, don't be silly. Shoes and a handbag will do. I'll buy the shoes you buy the bag. Deal?"
"Nope." He was shaking his head, "I want to get everything for you. Think of it as an Easter present."
"I can afford to buy things for myself, you know. I make pretty good money considering I own my house, and I only have to take care of myself and Perrin."
"I know." Liam ran his fingers through his hair. "Call me a misogynist if you want, but I want to buy you things, pretty things, things you'd never buy yourself. I want to take care of you."
I decided to let it go. I didn't think it's misogynistic to want to buy your girlfriend a present. It's misogynistic if you think you own her because you chose to buy her things. And it did feel nice to have him want to buy me pretty things.
"Ok, Liam," I said.
His smile came back. "Good. Get changed, and let's buy you some shoes." His lip twitched. "Do you need help taking it off?"
"Get out of it." I laughed and got changed.
When I had come out, he wasn't waiting for me. I looked around and couldn't find him in the shoes or the bags. A thought came to me. I hated that I thought it, but I wondered if the shop assistants come on had worked. I didn't believe it, not really, but once the thought was there, it wouldn't leave.
I didn't want to, but I looked for the shop assistant. As I looked, I felt sick from fear and disgust with myself. I found her putting away the dresses from the dressing room, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I hated myself. I wasn't usually like this. It wasn't fair on Liam either. He had given me no reason to suspect him at all.
Then I started to panic. My breath came out shallow and rapid. I felt smothered. There were no windows, and I needed to get out. There were too many people.
I felt warm hands slide under my t-shirt and rest on my belly.
I jumped and spun around. It was Liam. "Ready for shoes, Sweetheart?" He asked.
"Where were you? I looked everywhere."
"I went down to menswear real quick," Liam said. "Now that I know what you're going to wear, I know what I'm going to wear, and I needed a new shirt. It took longer than I thought."
"No worries. I just, I didn't know, it's ok."
"You ok?"
I nodded. "Let's go."
Part 17
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
So anyway, Mein Herz Brennt Making of liveblog, one of my favourites
First of all, I do take any use of piano MHB as a slight towards my tiny hands. -1 point
I really would love to visit this place, it's beautiful
I love that Oli introduces it and then Till is straight in there talking about murder and stabbings. Trust that to be what intrigues him. I feel like 'smells like murder' isn't a direct translation but that's purely because I spent like ten minutes trying to work out what words he says. It rhymes, which is suspicious.
Oh this was before he let his chest piercing reject all the way out in the grossest way
When schneider says Krankenhaus it sounds very Geordie and I'm convinced that kind of thing is why Auf Wiedersehen, Pet was created
Richards eyes light up when he's talking about the room he's in and it's one of those looks where it's just. I would love to listen to anything anyone has to say when their eyes have that sparkle.
"the scavengers had already been here" cue Paul talking about his criminal past thieving from there. See, another example everyone forgets of him being the biggest bastard of them all. The smile is a front.
One of my favourite ever Rammstein things is the combined joy and mockery from Paul when Richard is revealed to be wearing the bird mask and it wiggles as he nods. He looks like a little black cockatoo. Richard looks embarrassed to be wearing it but Paul is having the time of his LIFE.
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The way is echoes in his mask makes him sound like he's clucking
Flakes glasses perching in his cone make him look like that sesame Street doctor or scientist
They all suit this make up so much and I wish they'd consider it as a stage look
Peck. Not intimidated.
Considering the nightmares Till has/had, ouch
Richard looks so much like a little vampire prince but like, a character from what we do in the shadows. He makes his own smokescreen entry/exist and everything.
Richard has many tendons in his neck huh.
The sounddd. I used to always be curious as to whether or not people in music videos were making the sounds it looks like they're making and now I know and I'm uncomfortable. This and also later when till does the heart
His laugh is never what I expect it to be
That uh. That doesn't look like he's in pain the way the injection sounds implied. At all. Not that I'm complaining but it gives mixed messages.
I'm so sure Richard is the only one I've ever heard use the word quasi. It makes sense for him if true but maybe I only notice because of the tone he uses? His is quite a punchy nasal tone it might just be more noticeable.
Till with kids is always the most adorable wonderful thing. He's really helping to keep them relaxed despite the creepiness of the stuff they're shooting.
"if you look at the cover then you'll recognise a morbidity to the whole thing" till, my darling, do you think people don't already ~see the morbidity~?
I googled and the lady doesn't pronounce renaissance with a g like Till does and that interests me. In fairness I have to assume it's like in Norwegian how words like restaurant are pronounced with a g sound because it's closer to the French sounds? It's not like we in English donut the French way either but the Google translate lady does. This is why I always suspect that when I'm learning a language I'm learning the language wrong and at some point I'll find out there's a Real, For Adults version if the language that's totally different. This is irrelevant. Accents are fun and I like being able to notice them.
It feels so strange seeing this knowing what Eugenio did
Paul taking pictures because he knows better than them
Something about a child saying "ah yes, I know Till and Flake very well" is hysterical.
You can feel the dismay and disapproval radiating off till as he tries to be diplomatic about the Spanish understanding of linear time. He struggles to find a positive and only comes up with the fire walls. "It should have gone out before we filmed anything because they were fucking around with the playback so long but it didn't" is his only compliment.
The German word for French is wild.
Do they know they could have hired an interpreter? Interpreters existed in 2012 I know this
This whole thing with Melanie is beautiful you can't deny that the arm Eugenio made with then was lovely.
Till in the dress with Melanie in his lap. I don't off the top of my head remember seeing it in either video so I simply must assume that it was just what he was wearing that day when he showed up. She's so tiny on his knee I'm glad they're still friends.
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"you're left in a state of trauma when everyone stares at you all the time" did this need to get so heavy? It's interesting that he focused more on her voice than her appearance there, though in fairness it's pretty high
They all love her so much and it's totally understandable.
Mit rock n roll und cola trinken
I have to skip the screaming the secondhand embarrassment is too much.
Part 2
Again, this liveblog is so long
Sometimes Oli speaks like his body isn't used to talking.
I want, so badly, to know if Richard was having memories of his dreadlocked youth The tiny cup in his elegant hand is so pleading and then you look left and. It sure is something.
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Are they freckles or acne scars across Tills shoulders?...cute. The first set of arm/chest wounds, not so much. I do spy his lil tummy scar
Richard does look like he almost swooped in for a kiss and then changed his mind because of the camera. Paul turns his head that way and then Richard tries to save with a step back and face rub (his own). Just saying.
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The fact that a few of them have taken pictures on their personal phones warms my soul it's such a nice reminder that they're good friends outside of work and My Heart
Schneider and Paul ready at a moment's notice to be Dumbasses. J'adore.
What if Zoran was more of a background character tho actually
God, schneider is beautiful. An ethereal, pure beauty that exists no matter how he's being styled.
See okay how is flake almost taller than Oli right now he's not even doing his standard open legs and swan spine thing
It must be so hard to find Oli sized clothes. Flake is also tall and slim but he's a lot more leg, whereas Olis height seems largely to be torso. I have to assume a lot of his stuff is tailored or custom made now.
I always forget about the marks on tills back when he's in the nightmare dress
The child staring with great confusion at a bright red flake reading. I would love to know what his favourite books are.
The childs plural poking and prodding at a very patient Oli, who gracefully bends his spine in ways I've never seen a human do before. I wonder if he's ever dressed up as Lurch from the Addams family.
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The actress playing the woman in this half is so beautiful and has a power her younger counterpart lacked when she was threatening him with her weapon.
I am a dummy and was like weird why is Paul speaking Norwegian. I know full well he wasn't saying unnskyld because I've heard Germans say their equivalent before and I assume Entschuldigen either sounds like that fast or shortens so what the fuck, rhi
Till guiding people through him murdering them is truly one of life's greatest pleasures. They trust him so completely. I would like to watch them dance the elegance would be astounding.
Paul lurking watching with what I choose to see as pride as till slaughters an old woman.
Paul being critical (again, as always, rightly so) of the hallway mouthing the lyrics decision.
"for this in prepared to make compromises" he says, hating every bitter word of it
I would like to know what he wanted to say about till and then see him get into trouble over it.
I would like to see till in a bouncy castle. He's adorable jumping into the comfy pit I want to see him in a bouncy castle. Child, utter child.
Paul takes every opportunity to say how hot he thinks they all are and I love that about him. Sometimes your friends are all hot and everybody needs to understand that fact.
Their approaches to pretending to play cello are all so uniquely them. Flake and Richard are taking the time to try and understand what they're being told, whereas Paul just fucking. Lays into it, attracting the weirdest looks from Oli. Richard looks beautiful with that cello and I think he should learn to play. For fun not for work. It's not just that he looks so handsome, but I think that's the easiest way to convince him. I think he'd be good at it, and not being the lead at something might be good for him.
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I appreciate that Oli is skeptical because yeah they do all look like they've never held a cello before.
They do, however, all look lovely in their dresses. I'm trying but actually I can't not say that Schneiders little sternum dip makes it seem like he has breasts in that dress and it's a good look for him.
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Till singing it in such a high voice, more like his speaking voice, is both interesting and lovely. Oli is trying... So little compared to the others. Laughably incorrect
Why yes, I am laughing at the sheer length of the spikes. They're just... They're so fucking long. So long.
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Paul is actually probably the best one there, ironically. They're all comically out of time. They're professional musicians. I know they aren't used to bowed instruments I do understand and I don't want to be uncharitable but also they are struggling. I want to see cellists react to this.
Pretty dresses! And the nightmare but with the most awful and worst fingers! Like the Grinch but goth.
Both Schneider and Richard had the same neverending shoot idea and I am Intrigued.
Till waiting for Schneider with the umbrella :)
Wir brennen! Paul is always so happy to play with fire.
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Somebody To You: 1
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A/N: It’s finally here! The first chapter of my second Harry Styles fic! We’re starting off with a LOOOONG, heavy one. I want to thank you all for patiently waiting. Most of the characters in this story is based off of some of YOU! Zoey, Nancy, Aurora, Andy, and Katie - Thanks for reading and being apart of this story. I’m sorry if I didn’t get your personalities right, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. I’ll be posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! Enjoy. 
<3 Shannon
To Read My Previous Story, Click Here
Never in a million years did Zoey think she’d move across the country on her own. But here she was, driving down the interstate in her dingy 2010 Toyota Camry, car filled to the brim with her belongings. LA had always been a far fetched idea. Actually, if we were being honest, it was never her idea to begin with. It was Jessica’s. Moving to LA alone was never a part of the plan. Jess should have been here. They should have been blasting music through the stereo, complaining about the shitty A/C in the car, road raging together, and dreaming about all of the things they would do when they arrived.
Instead, Zoey drove in silence, briefly passing through all of the tourist spots and monuments they had always talked about visiting along the way, pulling into walmart parking lots for bathroom breaks or cat naps, alone. The only noise disrupting the silence was the hum of the engine and the occasional whisper under her breath as she spoke, in vain, to her best friend.
Jess was a force. Anyone who had the pleasure of knowing her would say the same thing. She lit up a room. She was the outgoing one. She’d talk to anyone and everyone that passed her, striking up random conversations that only she could come up with. And her laugh was infectious. Zoey always made Jess laugh and it got them in a lot of trouble over the course of their fifteen year friendship. 
Jess always had her platinum blonde hair straight, never putting it up - something Zoey always did out of habit, rarely letting her hair down because she didn’t like how it looked. Jess always had a knack for the dramatics, which is why she wanted to move to LA since she was little. She had dreamed of becoming an actress. Zoey saw her in every high school and college play. And she was good. Really good. Honestly, she had potential to make it. But, to Zoey, all of the long talks of moving to LA was just that: talk. She could never let go of the comfort of being close to family in her small, Pennsylvania town with her best friend and boyfriend. Besides, how could they even afford it?
But all of that changed on June 9th of last year. It was Jess’ 26th birthday and the two girls went out to celebrate with a few friends at the bar they worked at together. Zoey and Jess were the last to leave and had drunk a little more than they intended, so they had Zoey’s boyfriend, Michael, pick them up. Not even 3 minutes into the car journey it happened. A drunk driver ran a red light and had rammed into the rear passenger side door at 50 mph. The car flipped and Zoey hit her head against the window, sending her unconscious. 
She woke up in the hospital the next afternoon with a broken wrist, a few fractured ribs, and a concussion, surrounded by her parents who were crying, her little sister, Katie, who sat timidly in the corner of the room, and Michael who only had a few scrapes and cuts, but was ultimately fine, squeezing her leg that was tucked under the heavy white blanket. When her eyes fluttered open, her mom gasped and both of her parents hovered over her, her dad stroking her cheek. The first thing Zoey managed to croak out was, ‘Where’s Jess?’. Her mom lost it, uncontrollably sobbing. It was her dad that had to break the news to her. Jess didn’t make it.
It’s weird. You’d think hearing the news of your best friend’s death would send you into a fit of rage or hysterics, but that didn’t happen for Zoey. She felt numb. It could have been the shock, but it didn’t feel real. Jess couldn’t have been gone. She was here only hours ago, laughing her infections laugh and smiling her gorgeous smile. And even so, when Jess’ parents came to visit her at the hospital to discuss the funeral, it still hadn’t set in. She wanted to laugh at them to stop being so dramatic. That everything was fine. That Jess was still here, she was just sleeping. She couldn’t just be gone. Not Jess. She was too full of life to just be gone. But the bags under their eyes told a different story. They had lost their only child. How do you recover from that?
Zoey was stuck in the hospital for a little over a week, causing her to miss her best friend's funeral, which didn’t help in her denial. The day she was released, her boyfriend picked her up from the hospital and drove her to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis’ house. The walk up to the front door felt different. Over the past fifteen years, Zoey never knocked on the front food or rang the doorbell, she just walked in. She wasn’t sure if that would be appropriate now. Unsure, she knocked, hesitated, and cracked the door open where she was met by the exhausted couple who gave her a warm hug and led the two towards the back, past the pool where she had so many fond memories of laughter with Jess, the glistening water seeming so inviting on this warm afternoon, towards the pool house where Jess stayed.
Some had questioned why Jess still lived with her parents if she was 25 and worked a well paying job. But, to put it lightly, Jess’ family was very well-off. Her dad had built and owned a business from the ground up and it became a major success practically overnight. She had her own space, rent free. Besides, the pool house was big enough to fit three of Zoey and Michael’s apartment into it. Why would she not stay there?
But when they walked in, it hit her. Everything was exactly as they had left it, nothing had been moved. Except this time, the room did not feel full of life like it always had. It felt cold and empty. And Zoey broke down.
She felt stupid for crying in front of Jess’ parents. How could her pain feel compared to theirs? But they didn’t judge. Instead, they held her in an understanding and loving embrace. After all, Zoey had been a part of their family for fifteen years. With every sob, the pain from her still-healing ribs hurt more and more. Michael stood off to the side and let the three have their moment, and when the tears settled, they began going through some of Jess’ things, letting Zoey take whatever she wanted, which included a hoodie, a dress, a pair of converse shoes, the other half of their friendship bracelet that they had made in 10th grade, and finally a note that she had written in middle school to Zoey, stuffed with the hundreds of other notes in a shoebox under her bed.
The year that followed was tough. Zoey found herself lost for a while. She quit her job at the bar her and Jess used to work at, because working without Jess was too much for her to handle. She didn’t go out anymore, and hardly talked to anyone except for her younger sister, Katie. Growing up she didn’t really get along with Katie. It’s not like she didn’t like her, but Katie was eight years younger than her, plus Zoey was so focused on friends and boys that she didn’t make any time or effort for her younger sister. But after Jess died, Zoey got to know her sister a lot better. She learned that Katie, aside from appearance, was almost exactly like herself. Katie took after their Irish dad in the way of looks with long, dark brown hair and adorable freckles, compared to Zoey’s pale skin and dirty blonde hair. You wouldn’t think they were related by looking at them. But, in personality, they were almost identical. Both were afraid to take risks, shy at first keeping a very small group of friends, but very caring. The complete opposite of Jess who was care-free and miss positivity. Katie was essential in her grieving process.
Anytime someone brought Jess up in conversation, they always skirted around certain topics or words. They always used her name in past tense or said things like, ‘no longer with us’ or ‘passed away’. It was infuriating. One night, Zoey’s parents had invited her, Michael, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis over for dinner nearly three months in. Her mom had brought Jess up for the fourth time in two hours and said something along the lines of ‘I’m still finding it hard to process Jess not being here anymore.’ And Zoey lost it.
“She’s dead, mom! She died! Okay?” Zoey shouted, pushing away from the table, causing her glass of wine to spill, and darting up the steps to Katie’s room that they used to share when Zoey lived there.
She collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily with tears streaming down her face, angry, when there was a faint knock on the door. Her fists clenched in annoyance, half expecting it to be her boyfriend as Michael had been extra clingy since Jess died, almost as if he was scared of what Zoey would do if she was left alone. Which was stupid. What good would it do anyone if she wasn’t here either? But to her shock and horror, it was Jess’ mom who walked into the room. 
Zoey shot up straight and wiped the tears from her face, instantly regretting the outburst she just had. “Mrs. Lewis, I’m so sorry, I-”
“Don’t,” Jess’ mom cut her off, motioning for her to sit down beside her at the edge of the bed. Her expression was warm and not at all angry, “I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of times I wanted to say that over the past three months to anyone who mentions her. I know it’s hard, and I understand.”
Zoey nodded, twisting Jess’ bracelet that was now tightly wrapped around her wrist, a strand of her dirty blonde hair had fallen out of her hair tie and she pushed it behind her ear as Jess’ mom continued, “I only came up here because I thought it’s be a good opportunity to talk to you in private before we go.”
“What about?”
“Well, Mr. Lewis and I were going through some more of Jess’ things last week and we came across a bunch of old ‘Dream Journals’ the two of you wrote in over the years.”
Zoey felt the heat of embarrassment rise to her cheeks, remembering some of the things they wrote in there. The ‘Dream Journals’ were more of a fantasy bucket list than anything, but there were definitely a few inappropriate things involving Jared Padalecki and Jeremy Sumpter in there that she wasn’t too keen on the idea of Jess’ parents reading.
She continued, “Mr. Lewis and I noticed nearly every page was filled with things you two wanted to do in LA.”
It sounded more like a question than a statement. Zoey cleared her throat, “Yeah. We always talked about moving there one day.”
Mrs. Lewis nodded, “I know how much she wanted to go. And I know it probably always seemed out of reach. But, Zoey, I don’t want this to stop you from going. Jess worked hard to save up so you both could go. And I don’t want that to be for nothing. Mr. Lewis and I talked about it and we decided. Jess had managed to save up $18,000, and we wanted you to have it. And we know how expensive LA can be, so we wanted to add an extra $7,000 on top of it. Hopefully that’ll be enough for rent for at least a year.”
Zoey’s mouth fell open, trying to process everything Mrs. Lewis just said. So many questions ran through her mind. How did she manage to save so much on the same salary that she had? Stupid question, she had no bills. She twisted a little too hard on the bracelet, causing it to pinch her wrist and snap her back to reality, “$25,000? To move to LA?”
“It was her dream and she never got to fulfill it. We want you to live your life and hopefully bring a little bit of our baby girl to LA with you in spirit. All that we ask in return is that you try to find peace out there.”
That was the moment of revelation for Zoey. The turning point. The moment that made her get off her ass and stop the pity party. She didn’t want to take Mr. and Mrs. Lewis’ gift for granted. So, Zoey worked her ass off. She got three jobs as a warehouse worker, waitress, and got her old bartending job back to save up even more money. She had eventually even found a room that two girls were renting out in a beautiful skyrise condo on the nicer end of LA, and had got a bartending job lined up and waiting for her when she moved. Zoey vowed to herself to start adapting some of Jess’ personality into her own. She wanted to be more outgoing and try to say ‘yes’ more often, to learn to let her hair down (figuratively speaking), and she wanted to try and be more adventurous. It wouldn’t be an overnight success, but she would try. Baby steps. 
Finally, almost a year later, it was time to move. Zoey had finished saying goodbye to her and Jess’ parents. Even Michael had come to see her off. The two of them had broken off their nearly four year relationship a couple months ago, but still remained close. Zoey could tell that he was heart broken, and so was she, but she also knew that things had changed between them after Jess died. They weren’t the same people anymore and it seemed like they were holding on to each other to force the fraction of normalcy they had left. They didn’t deserve that. They deserved to be happy, not just content, but genuinely happy. 
They gave each other a tight hug and Michael sweetly kissed her cheek, whispering her a farewell. Saying goodbye to him stung a bit more than she had anticipated. Not because of some kind of lost love, but because he was the only other person in her life who she could talk to about Jess and who would actually understand. He knew Jess in almost the same sort of capacity that Zoey knew her. Poor Michael was forced to be the third wheel so often that he saw sides of her and Jess that no one else could possibly know about. And that sense of understanding comforted her. Now that she was letting that go, it was a little harder for her to leave.
Katie stood off to the side, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, twiddling her fingers together and avoiding her older sister’s gaze. The freckle faced teenager bit the inside of her cheeks, trying to focus on anything other than Zoey leaving. As horrible as this past year has been, she knew that the bond they built would not have happened otherwise. Katie had become just as reliant on Zoey as Zoey had been on her, and for her sister to be leaving was heartbreaking. She held back her emotions, but all Katie wanted to do was cry.
A frown formed on Zoey’s face. Her sister looked like a shelter puppy who’s owner had given up on them and knots formed in her stomach. Should Zoey really be leaving now, just as things started to come together for her? But as Katie’s demeanor cracked and she embraced her sister with a loving and understanding hug, she knew that this was the right move. Zoey still had some healing to do and Katie would always be there. Jess would have wanted this for her. 
The silent journey to LA was full of self reflection and internal pep talks. Not only did Zoey want to adapt a little bit of Jess’ personality, but she knew that this move gave her the opportunity to start over and live the life she always wanted. But what was that exactly?
As she neared her destination her heart began thumping faster, nervous for this new chapter. She looked at her surroundings of the bustling city, gorgeous people on every block, recognizing some buildings from her sleuthing around Street View on Google Maps after speaking with Nancy about moving in.
She’s been talking to Nancy via text and facetime over the course of a month since they met online and made plans for her to move in. Nancy seemed like one of the coolest people she had ever talked to. Tan, with the curliest, raven toned hair, she had nine ear piercings and the most interesting eyes-one brown and the other a deep green. She styled herself more on the rocker chic side, but somehow made it look so feminine and fitting. She could be a bit intense at times, but somehow made you feel comfortable and constantly laughing. 
Zoey didn’t know much about her other roommate, Aurora, or Rory, as most people called her. She only knew that Nancy had met Rory when she first moved to LA when they were 18 and they were best friends. The two of them just recently moved to their new condo and since Rory was gone most of the week for work and they had a spare bedroom, Nancy felt more comfortable and safe if there were another roommate there so she didn’t have to live on her own.
Nancy and Aurora had an interesting dynamic because they were practically polar opposites. Rory was born and raised in both Paris and a small town in England. She was new on the modeling scene but apparently making her way up the ladder rather quickly. And from the pictures that Nancy showed her, it was no wonder why. She was beautiful, with long brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and the sweetest, freckled baby face that reminded her of her little sister.
The GPS announced that she had reached her destination as she pulled up to the parking garage of the skyrise condominium. Zoey plugged the code that Nancy had given her into the keypad to enter the parking structure and drove in, finding a spot two rows in. She took her phone off of the car charger and checked the time. 3:14 PM, Thursday, April 23rd. It took her almost 4 full days to get here and it almost felt surreal that she had finally arrived. She stepped out of the car, legs buckling a bit from being sat in one position for so long, before stretching and calling Nancy’s phone.
“Are you fuckin’ here?” Nancy’s loud voice boomed excitedly.
Zoey laughed, stifling a yawn, “Yeah. In the parking garage.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you down in the lobby. Same code as the parking structure to get in.”
The call ended and Zoey felt her nerves settling as she glanced down at her wrist adorning Jess’ friendship bracelet. Everything will be fine. She grabbed as many things as she could manage to hold, realizing she’d have to take several trips to completely unload her car, before bounding towards the door. In order to put the code in she had to set some of her bags down, and as soon as it was unlocked, she yanked the door open, scooped up the bags, and headed down a hallway towards the huge, modern lobby. The walls were light gray with twelve foot ceilings lined with abstract black and white artwork and industrial light fixtures, a huge water feature right in the center. It seemed so extravagant that she almost felt silly for wearing the same gray sweatpants, matching small t-shirt layered with a long, white cardigan and white flip flops that she had worn since she left Pennsylvania, her hair now in an insanely messy bun, and not in a cute way, desperate for a shower. She could hear her flip flops echoing throughout the room along with the chime of the elevator door reaching her level. 
Nancy stepped out, curly hair framing her face, barely any makeup on but maybe some mascara, and so naturally pretty. She wore an oversized aerosmith shirt that had been splattered in bleach and barely covered her black shorts. Nancy’s eyes widened at the sight of Zoey and she ran over, smiling.
“Hey!” Zoey giggled, hiking up a bag that was slipping down her shoulder.
Nancy gave her a careful one-armed hug so as not to knock down the tower of belongings in Zoey’s arm before grabbing two bags to lighten the load a bit as she was led towards the elevator. Nancy talked her ear off about her day so far and what she had planned for dinner tonight when they reached the twenty second floor and got out. There was a small lounge area in the center of a large landing with a single door on the other three walls, each leading to three separate units. Nancy led her to the unit on the far left - 2201. 
“Okay, so the code is pretty easy. It’s all four corners of the keypad. So 1,3,7, and 9,” Nancy punched in. A green light appeared and Nancy pushed the door open, stepping inside. “Zoey’s here!” she called out as Zoey readjusted the bag that was slipping down her shoulder again. 
She looked around as she made her way past a small bathroom and suppressed a gasp when she reached the beautiful, modern kitchen that opened up into the living room, the wall lined with floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the city. Seeing the apartment in person was a completely different experience than virtually. The pictures didn’t do it justice. How could she afford to stay here? Jess would have lost her mind if she saw this. Zoey was so distracted by the view that she almost didn’t notice the two figures on the couch until they both stood up and started making their way over.
“Zoey! It’s so nice to meet you,” a sweet voice called. Aurora’s accent was an odd mix of French and British, only adding to her appeal.
“Hello!” A soft, deep voice greeted her.
Zoey smiled kindly, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of beauty in the two. Like the apartment, Rory’s pictures did not do her justice. She was more beautiful in person, almost making her feel inferior. And as for the guy beside her, he was scruffy with tousled brown hair and dark green eyes. His perfect white teeth could be seen through his smile and his dimpled cheeks made him even more discernible. 
“I’m Harry,” he spoke.
Zoey blinked, so exhausted from the long car journey that she was unable to decide what emotion to feel and unsure of how to respond. Her arms trembled from the weight of her luggage. The trembling caused a shoe to fall out of one of the bags, making a thump on the floor. Harry let out a startled gasp and quickly bent down to grab it, “Here, let me help,” he offered, grabbing the stack of bags out of Zoey’s hand, leaving her with just two on her shoulders. “Where would you like these?”
Before she could answer, Nancy spoke up, “Her room. Come on,” and led the way down another hall, Harry en suite.
Aurora smiled brightly at Zoey, “You must be exhausted,” she said, motioning for Zoey to follow the other two, “I hope the ride in was okay.”
Zoey tightened her bun and wiped beads of sweat from her forehead, glad that Aurora was being nice to her. “Yeah, lots of traffic as soon as I hit the city, though.”
Aurora laughed as they reached the doorframe, “You’ll get used to it.”
As the bedroom came into view Zoey saw Harry gently placing her things at the foot of the full sized bed. Thankfully the room was already furnished with the larger items. He huffed as he stood back up, dusting his hands together before pushing back the strand of hair that had fallen in front of his face. It was only a split second of realization. What the hell was happening? Was this just another dream? How could she be in LA, in a beautiful skyrise condo, with a gorgeous model and the coolest girl she had ever met as roommates, and Harry-fucking-Styles was standing in her bedroom? Surely she was still in her small one bedroom apartment back in Pennsylvania.
“Is this all you brought?” Harry asked, his accent snapping her back to present. 
“Oh, uh, no. I have more in my car.”
“Let me help bring your things up,” his eyebrows raised as if he was waiting for an answer, but his tone was more insistent.
Zoey hesitated, still in shock from the whole situation. Thankfully Nancy spoke up again before the silence got awkward, “Yeah, let’s go.”
She led the way out of the room followed closely by Harry who smiled nicely at her before his glance shot to Aurora. Zoey was sure he had meant to be more discreet, but she could have sworn he had winked at Rory. And the coy smile on her face seemed to confirm the hunch. Zoey kicked herself for being so awkward, mentally reminding herself to channel Jess’ sociability.
The four of them made conversation while they took a few more trips from the car to the apartment until all of her luggage riddled her room and her arms felt like jello. They all sat lined up on the large, pewter sectional with Zoey on an end cushion, Nancy sat cross-legged in the corner, and Aurora and Harry on the other side, close but with safe distance between them. She found out that Harry was in the middle of a U.S. tour and had a few days break, so he flew here to hang out and would be leaving again first thing in the morning. She also found it interesting to learn how they met each other a few months ago at a charity dinner event that Aurora had attended with Nancy as he plus one. They had all been sitting at the same table together and this was only their third time seeing him in person due to his tour.
“And now I have another friend,” Harry grinned, motioning towards Zoey.
“Yeah, until you scare her away with your horrible dad jokes and eating habits,” Nancy snorted.
Everyone laughed as Harry lightly nudged Nancy’s leg with his foot, “Just because you can’t beat the master at jokes doesn’t mean they’re horrible,” he shook his head in mock disappointment before turning his attention back to her, “So what made you move out here, Zoey? Work?”
Zoey gulped, not wanting to bring up Jess. She knew if she had, she would break down and cry and they didn’t know anything about Jess yet. I mean, how would everyone feel if she blurted out, ‘my dead best friend’s parents insisted I make their daughter’s dream come true and paid for me to move here’? 
She quickly composed herself, “Change of scenery. Thought I’d try out a new time zone,” she joked, causing them to chuckle. “I’m trying to be a bit more independent and adventurous,” she admitted.
Harry noticed her hesitation and looked at Rory and Nancy to see if they noticed it, too, but they seemed to be oblivious to it. He shrugged it off. He respected her desire to be more independent; something he understood all too well. The singer listened,  impressed as she revealed how many jobs she had been working in order to save just to come here and how proud she was of herself for taking the leap and coming here. Zoey didn’t seem braggy about it, in fact she seemed humbled, crediting her family and even her ex-boyfriend for the support. It wasn’t often you met someone down to earth in LA. It could be because she was so new to it. But Harry thought she would make a great fit with Aurora and Nancy. They had been here for seven years and the Hollywood Bug hasn’t bit them yet. He had his fair share of friends on the west coast, but it was nice to be close with ones who made him feel more grounded like these two.
The four ordered postmates and continued talking and laughing over Nancy’s stories as the sun began to set, casting a beautiful orange and pink hue over the city. As soon as she was done with her chinese food Zoey quickly excused herself to call her family. Once out of sight the three friends turned to each other.
“I like her,” Aurora decided.
Nancy kicked her feet up on the couch where Zoey had been sitting, “Yeah, thank god she’s not like any of the other crazies that messaged us to live here.”
Harry smiled, looking over at Aurora who laughed and he felt a little flutter in his stomach. She was obviously beautiful and fit every characteristic of his type. He could relate to her from living in a small English town but also found her intriguing that she had also been raised in Paris and spoke fluent French - a language he was always attracted by. Aurora and Harry were clearly attracted to each other, but the timing wasn’t exactly right. They met right as Aurora’s modeling career started to take off and just before Harry left for tour. They hadn’t even been on a first date yet, or even kissed for that matter. Just shameless flirting via text. 
In an effort to make an excuse to come back again, Harry spoke up, “Well, next weekend I have off. I don’t know what Zoey’s new work schedule will be, but if she’s up for it, how about we take her to Secrets as a little welcoming party? My treat.”
Secrets was a popular bar in the area that had private rooms you could rent for karaoke. Most of the club-goers were known to be gay, though a lot of straight people went with friends if they wanted a fun clubbing experience without any unwanted nuisances. It was always a good time whenever they went.
“That’d be lovely,” Aurora grinned.
“Yeah, sounds fun! I’ll talk to her about it and find out her work schedule,” Nancy agreed.
Harry nodded, excited about another opportunity to hang out with Rory. And honestly, he was excited to get to know Zoey, too. She seemed easy to talk to. And his instincts in people were pretty good.
What do you think?! Let me know
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
I think all the Newsie's AU's could be really entertaining but I would most like to know about the Leverage one and the Lilo & Stitch one.
Okay, so I had two people in a row ask for Lilo and Stitch while also requesting another outline, so I’ll be doing Lilo and Stitch very soon.
But… I LOVE this one.
So, for those of you who haven’t seen Leverage, you can watch it on Amazon Prime Video. It’s amazing and I adore it. My favorite character is Hardison. He’s everything. Nothing he says ever gets old. Hardison and Parker are literally so freaking cute that I just can’t. And I think I’ve already talked about how Spot Conlon is very similar to Eliot Spencer, at least the way I write him. So this’ll be fun.
So anyways…
Leverage AU
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Jack Kelly — Nate Ford
Katherine Plumber — Sophie Devereau
Spot Conlon — Eliot Spencer
Racetrack Higgins — Parker
Albert DaSilva — Alec Hardison
Jack Kelly: The Mastermind
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Jack is an alcoholic
He’s only twenty five when this story starts.
He used to work for an insurance company but after that same company let his baby brother die, refusing to pay for his treatment, Jack quit and has been a “functioning alcoholic” ever since.
Jack has anger issues that he refuses to acknowledge
Jack used to pride himself on being emotionally broken, but still never crossing over to the “dark side” of the law.
He’s the son of a numbers runner who was emotionally abusive
Was originally trying to become a catholic priest as he was strong in his faith but has since strayed a bit after losing Charlie, the only person in the world he truly loved
After meeting his team, Jack grows very protective of them, viewing them as a sort of family that he’d never really had, all except for Charlie.
Jack first meets the team when a man comes to him, begging him to keep an eye on a group of thieves as they execute a job he’s hired them for. After they are all double crossed by this man, narrowly escaping death, they come together to set things right and the team begs Jack to continue leading them as Jack shows them how good it feels to do the right thing, even if the right thing requires bending or breaking the rules.
Jack grew up extremely poor but is an excellent artist and chess player.
Jack likes to cook.
Jack loves to learn new things when he can’t drink to continue distracting himself.
Jack is the one to typically choose the clients his new team takes on.
Jack took Charlie in the second he turned eighteen, unable to trust his father who was a no good drunk.
Jack hates that he’s becoming just like his dad but refuses to stop.
Jack is more protective of Race than anyone else, as Race’s optimism and energy remind him of Charlie.
Jack serves as a mentor of sorts to Albert.
He is kept in check by Spot.
Jack is very quick witted, moving from one plan to the next as things change.
Jack gets his own father killed after a mission gone wrong.
Jack gets arrested protecting his team who he knows will go away for much longer than him for all the crimes they’ve committed.
Jack is the one who introduces the group to Katherine, the best grifter he’s ever seen, with whom he ends up falling for.
Katherine Plumber: The Grifter
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Katherine is a struggling actress who can’t perform to save her life, though is the best grifter in the business.
Katherine is very careful of her identity, meaning that absolutely no one knows her real name.
Katherine speaks nearly eleven languages.
Katherine has difficulty maintaining real relationships as it’s hard to decipher her acts from reality.
Before becoming a member of Leverage she focuses heavily on art theft
After meeting the team, she bonds with Race over art
Katherine manages to fake her death twice in two years and attend her own funeral at both
As Katherine is the only woman on the team, she often feels as though she doesn’t belong, but all of her boys adore her and protect her at all costs.
Katherine has an abundance of connections around the world, though none of them know her true identity.
Prides herself on long cons that she’d pulled in the past all by herself.
Katherine never reveals how she grew up to her friend as she is very good at letting things go and never getting attached but all of that changes when Jack reaches out to her.
Katherine is wanted in five countries.
Successfully stole the Stanley Cup and replaced it with a replica, though she does not care for Hockey and did all of it out of spite because someone told her she couldn’t.
Katherine makes a game of keeping her real name from Jack as she insists he has to earn the right to know it.
Katherine falls for Jack nearly as fast as he falls for her.
Though Jack and Katherine do sleep together a few times, they agree to keep it a secret for the good of the team.
Though Katherine and Jack aren’t much older than the rest of the team, they take on a sort of parental role for Race and Albert who both grew up orphans
Katherine eventually opens up her own acting company where she finds she is an excellent coach, though she was never a performer herself because she lacked a certain truth element when she would try to perform on stage or on screen.
Katherine is very close with the whole team, but is able to relax while around Spot, as he’s more an equal to her than Race and Albert, and Jack and her have a lot of tension sometimes.
She shares the most with Spot on accident as Spot is easy to talk to.
Runs away at some point to “find herself” after an old team of hers tries to kill her and the rest of her current team and comes back just in time for Jack to be arrested, saving all of them.
Spot Conlon: The Hitter
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Spot Conlon was in and out of the mob all growing up. (Eliot was black ops, but I want Spot to be younger, this is different).
He began training when he was very young and is a very skilled “retrieval specialist”
Spot has had to kill before and is ashamed of his past. When asked about it, he calmly asks his team not to get curious because he would tell them what he did 
Though the whole team consists of criminals, Spot believes them, especially Race and Albert, to be innocent and naive and he constantly looks out for them as best he can, acting as a sort of big brother for them until he catches feelings for Race (yeah sorry guys that’s gonna be different too)
Spot is very calm and never shows any kind of panic.
Spot is a trained chef
He grows up only fighting, learning to not get attached
The leverage team is his gateway to figuring out that he is capable of love
His role on the team is protection. He is always around to keep his team out of trouble when something goes wrong or even when things go right and he has to disarm people on purpose.
Spot is wicked smart and is able to discern things from noises, smells, walking patterns etc. always stating “It’s a very distinctive __”
Knows various types of martial arts and uses them regularly
Though not technically a grifter, Spot has an easy time playing different roles and can blend in easily with a crowd.
Hostage negotiator
He’s extremely protective of his team and is willing to go great lengths to make sure they’re safe and secure
Has a budding relationship with Albert who constantly gets himself into trouble that Spot has to get him out of.  
Was known as Sean before Race showed up and gave him a non threatening nickname based on his freckles
Can play the guitar
Manages to get shot at constantly, taking a few bullets but refusing to walk with crutches.
He loves teaching Katherine how to defend herself
Loves teaching Race knew things as well
Speaks six languages
Spot is not familiar with a lot of technology, causing him to often need Albert’s help with that kind of thing
Has rescued Race and Albert from being kidnapped or hurt the most
As times goes on, finds himself more and more in love with his team and really does love to protect them
Sees Albert as a little brother, even if he won’t admit it.
Racetrack Higgins: The Thief
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Has been a thief since he was very young, maybe seven, but only gives his team made up stories about how it all started
Has a hard time coping with grief or pain, which is why he likes to make up stories about his past.
Abusive father killed Race’s mother when he was very young
Race grew up in foster care until he ran away at twelve, eventually getting raised on the street by an elite thief who spotted his talents and offered to train him, making him the best thief in the world
Is socially awkward on account of being a loner for most of his life and rarely ever opens up about his childhood
Despite this, Race is very loud and curious, almost childlike with his team, thus why Katherine and Jack become sort of parental figures toward him.
Race did have an older brother who got hit by a car when he was very young, after going out to get food for him. Race blames himself to this day.
Desperate for some kind of real family, besides the thief who trained him, Race meets an older foster brother who teaches him how to boost cars, along with “teaching him other things”. Though his is abused physically and sexually by this boy, Race doesn’t know any better and hangs on his every word, believing that the older boy wanted to help him.
Race is arrested when he’s fourteen, taking the fall for the boy who taught him how to boost cars
Race was a getaway driver at thirteen, and a good one at that.
He is constantly reminded of how he’s not normal, taking a toll on his mental stability as he’s often referred to as insane or inhuman
Race is fairly naive, but does live up to his title as the best thief in the world
Enjoys stealing diamonds more than anything else.
Quickly becomes best friends with Albert and is curious on how to get Spot to open up.
Never went to high school but is still amazingly smart as it takes a lot of math and science and so forth to be a thief.
Enjoys using tasers as a weapon of choice.
Has a bit of a sadistic mind as he enjoys watching Spot beat up on some of their enemies, especially the ones who’d tried to come at him, sometimes even visualizing that they’re the boy who left him behind after using him constantly all those years ago
Eventually does have to confront Drake again, but has his whole team to protect him.
Really loves cash
Is shocked the first time Spot kisses him because, he has been abused before, but kisses Spot again, telling him how different it feels
That’s the first time Race truly opens up about his past and Spot figures out that someone had used him
Has a fear of horses
Is not anywhere near afraid of heights
Has trust issues (obviously) despite the insistence that Albert and Spot (and of course Jack and Katherine but most Al and Spot) would never let anything happen to him
Actually trusts Jack the most as he came from the good side of the law
Does not like psychics
Katherine coaches Race in his social skills, helping him embrace his sexuality and slightly rely on those around him for connection and comfort
Race’s real name is Antonio Higgins, but he’s known across the world as only ‘Racer’
Albert DaSilva: The Hacker
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Much like Race, Albert grew up in foster care, though through most of his childhood, he lived with a woman he refers to as “Nana”. Not his actual grandmother, but a foster mother who he adored and actually took care of him.
Often refers to himself as a geek and prides himself in being one as it is the “age of the geek, baby”
Is relied on heavily by the team as he makes a lot of their equipment (eg: coms, modified cell phones, button cams)
Provides CIA level aliases for his team.
Owns the teams vehicle, “Lucille” and is pissed when they manage to destroy not one model, but two
Has an unhealthy obsession with orange soda
Is physically very fit, but is not good in combat situations
Being an introvert for most of his life, Albert took to technology and learned just about everything one can about them
Albert is straight in this one (sorry for my Ralbert fans) but, as Race’s best friend, is constantly trying to subtly get Race to admit he has feelings for Spot
Though he and Spot didn’t get along too well at first, they eventually see themselves as brothers and look out for each other
Gets buried alive during a job gone wrong and is showed just how much he’s loved when his team manages to rescue him, believing him to be dead at first
Manages to keep the team very well paid and secured so the government can’t find them
Hacked into the pentagon when he was only twelve
When he was younger, his nana forced him off the computer for one hour out of every day to “give his eyes a rest from the screen” and Albert learns how to play the violin
Mostly used his skills for fun when he was younger, just wanting to prove he could do something
Skipped his senior prom to hack into medical records and get his nana on a high priority list
Has always looked out for the people he cared about
The only one Albert didn’t trust was Spot, as Spot intimidates him until Spot started showing interest in what he did, never commenting on it, but always looking very impressed
Oversells himself while grifting and often relies on Katherine to help guide him
Cares about humanity and the big picture, much like Jack. This is where their bond comes from as Katherine, Race and Spot have spent most of their lives looking out for themselves
Has a soft spot for little kids
Enjoys messing with Spot and making bets with him, even sparking in them having their own handshake which consists of them subtly high diving twice at waist level and then fist bumping. It’s often how they seal a bet or agree on a plan
What do you guys think? Any scenes you wanna see? Any other characters you wanna hear about? Let me know!
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