bisexualmoses · 1 year
So at work I have to go by my dead name right. Let’s just say it’s a name with similar religious connotations to something like Rachel or Jacob to give you a little context
Unpleasant coworker says to me: so [x], that’s a pretty Christian name right ?
Me: no, It’s biblical
Unpleasant Coworker: isn’t that the same thing ? Isn’t the Bible the Bible (this goes on for a bit , etc)
Me: no
Second coworker tries to defuse the situation: actually Judaism and Christianity are very different and they have different books and everything
Unpleasant coworker: so you’re saying you’re Jewish?
Me: i didn’t say anything except my name isn’t inherently Christian it’s literally a biblical name, which isn’t unique to Christianity or Judaism either in fact
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Going in for an open interview right now, and I'm so scared and nervous.... 😰😰😰
PLEASE send me good vibes and positive energy, pray to whatever god you believe in, cast some kind of good luck ritual or something, send kind and encouraging words via replies/asks/DMs, or whatever else! I don't mind what it is that you choose; just PLEASE send all that good energy and well wishing my way so I can get this job!!
TIA! I love you all. Hope you're all have a good day 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜
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0l0x · 2 years
So mom called me at 2am while I was dead-ass asleep. This isn’t unusual. I decide not to answer my phone because it’s always some dumb bullshit and I figure it can wait until morning. I’ve told her before not to call me after dark unless it’s an emergency, but she ignores me and always wakes me up to fix her computer or find her makeup bag or whatever, because her definition of “emergency” is jacked the fuck up. She leaves a voicemail saying there’s a racoon on her porch and apparently this is an “emergency”.
I sigh and call her back, just in case. She’s in full panic-mode, telling me to go out there and chase the racoon away because it’s going to “eat her fish” in the pond. I tell her it’s pitch-black outside, it’s 30 degrees, it’s 2am, I’m not awake, I’m in my pajamas, and I’m not going out there to antagonize a possibly diseased and aggressive animal.
I tell her no again, because that’s dangerous and completely pointless. We live in the country, there are animals here. Also the pond is frozen so it can’t eat the fish. I advise her to stop throwing huge fistfuls of bird seed all over the porch because this is what happens. I’ve told her that many times before and she always ignores me, continues to do it, then acts shocked when she gets rats and raccoons. She whines and pouts and tells me I’m being useless and mean to her. Whatever. Click.
Next morning. I spread cayenne pepper on her porch and bird feeders to repel the raccoon in case it comes back. The whole time she’s bitching at me because it’s “going to hurt the birds!” I try to explain to her that birds can’t taste hot things. She’s telling me she “doesn’t believe that” despite me showing her proof online, and continuing to bitch and moan. She’s chewing me out and trying to tell me it’d be gone for good if I just went out there and hit it with a rake. I didn’t even dignify that stupid shit with a response. I warn her not to let the dog out after dark in case the racoon comes back, which it definitely will until it gets a mouthful of cayenne.
Next day. She lets the dog out after dark just like I told her not to, despite seeing the fucking raccoon out there 5 minutes beforehand. She calls me and wakes me up around midnight. “THE DOG IS FIGHTING WITH THE RACCOON! GO SAVE THE DOG!”
I tell her no, I’m not getting in the middle of an animal fight, especially not in pitch-black darkness. She gets mad at me for this and tells me I’m "antagonizing her” and “being combative” and “not helping”. Eventually the raccoon gets away and the dog comes back with some scratches. I call up her tenant who lives in an RV in the back yard and ask him to go help tend the dog’s wounds because he’s up all night anyway and I just woke up from a dead-ass sleep.
The dog is totally fine, btw. But I’m a mean, useless, shitty daughter for not throwing myself between that dog and a wild raccoon while they were fighting in total darkness.
THIS is what I mean when I say my mom is an unreasonable idiot. It’s shit like this. Constantly. 24/7. It just doesn’t stop. This is what I deal with literally every fucking day. THIS is why I moved away when I was a teenager. This shit right here. She does the stupidest fucking things a human being can possibly do in every situation, chaos results, and then I have to mop up all the aftermath. The stress she causes me is unreal.
As soon as I moved back in with my mom, I feel like I stepped into some wack-ass clown world where everyone is insane, and it’s making me question my own sanity at times. Like...this isn’t normal, right? I’m not the one being unreasonable here, RIGHT?
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i'm just remembering the time i went on the pattern app and tested the compatibility of me and random celebs one day when i was bored and most were decent, meh, or bad except for me and henry cavill who is apparently my soulmate
so you know astrology is real ok thanks
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zoetekohana · 2 years
Getting your heart broken by someone you know you shouldn’t like is the worst.
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deedala · 21 days
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mariegolddoesthings · 7 months
Hey. Hey you.
I know it's hard to speak up about Palestine.
You may be scared, afraid to get backlash.
You may be a minor and have parents that are overprotective of you or worse, are neutral about the whole thing or is supportive of one side.
But you don't need to speak up about Palestine on your own post. You can always reblog a post with the click of a button. Reblog posts just like this one.
I know it's hard to do much and I know you're sometimes feeling like you aren't doing enough. But you can take it with little steps at a time.
Don't stop talking about Palestine. Your voices need to be heard.
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crafting-mojo · 7 months
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The Factory!
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bloobearr · 5 months
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do not touch her babies
more active on: @bloobwr (twt) & @klariloo (insta)
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zephyrchama · 5 months
I wonder if humans and demons in Obey Me! might have different taste receptors and experience taste slightly differently. Not for all things, but for really random stuff, like how some people irl enjoy cilantro and others think it tastes like soap.
Lucifer trying to pridefully power through the dinner MC made for him and failing because he's already gone through five drinks trying to mask its taste, and MC is getting suspicious.
"What is this incredibly sour vegetable? I've never tasted anything so... acrid."
"You mean the sweet potato? Are you saying this sweet potato is what's making your lips pucker?"
"There's absolutely nothing sweet about this potato."
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cozylittleartblog · 3 days
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@mxmade-up exactly thank you
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I know that the TDOV post I personally wrote today is kinda long, but I would so very much appreciate it if y'all took the time to read it. I really try my hardest to put my heart into my original posts because I genuinely want to make people feel loved and supported and seen. And this post was no different. So please, take the time to read it, like it, and PLEASE reblog it if you have the spoons to do so. And an extra please to those of y'all who are cisgender!! Please show us you support us, too!
Thank you so much in advance. I love you all so, so, sooooo much. A very happy TDOV to my trans/nonbinary siblings!!
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0l0x · 2 years
My mom seems to think anything short of kissing her ass and agreeing with every stupid thing she says is “being mean” to her. I’m going to lose my mind, I’m so frustrated. I love her so much but real talk, she’s a fucking imbecile. She’s just downright unintelligent and unreasonable. She’ll accuse you of being rude because of shit she made up in her head, start arguments with you for no reason, say things that are factually incorrect and then throw a big fit and act like you’re “attacking her” when she’s corrected. She is an obnoxious, tiresome person to be around. I’m the only one who can put up with her, everyone else who has tried to live with her has moved out because she drove them away with this crap behavior. No one else will take care of her because of this. It’s up to me and only me now.
And I’m barely hanging in there, let me tell you. She doesn’t want to have human connections with people, she wants to be surrounded by perfectly obedient yes-men who just do every stupid thing she tells them to, no matter how pointless or harmful it is, and agrees with everything she says, no matter how wrong it is. Ugh.
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toastray · 1 month
🗂️ ᪤  VINTAGE PNGs  !  # 8 🏷️ ᯤ : 
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© 𝘁𝗼𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘆 :: all PNGs were sorted and cleaned by me, they can only be used under rightful credits given to owner. for both light and dark mode use. they can used in anything as long as it’s on tumblr
P.S. that was a dangerously quick like @merry-andrews
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absurdlogic · 4 months
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Hey everyone I'm looking for commissions! I currently have 10 slots available.
I have 2 styles available: a detailed commission (see images 1 & 3 above) ranging from $80 - $120 USD and a simple illustration commission (images 2 & 4 above) ranging from $25 - $35 USD. There is a faux riso option that you can add on for $5 - $15 (images 1 & 2 above).
While I mostly do pet portraits, I'm also open to human portraits. Prices will vary for those.
DM me or email me at [email protected]
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noenoaholi · 7 months
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SURPRISE!! Have some new dennor art in the year 2024
well... i felt so emotional while drawing this because dennor were the first ship i drew on my very first tablet 9 years ago
i enjoyed the process and i also realized i have missed mathias and lukas a lot ❤️
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