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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
2-7 Pro MCs start working as soon as they leave home from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
As stated before, your performance on-stage and throughout the event will be linked to how early you get to the venue; so give yourself plenty of time to drive there. Public transport is not an option. Rent a car if you have to.
Having a friend drive you is ok as long as they understand that you will be preparing while they do the steering. This means that you won’t be chatting but concentrating instead on your run sheet, your mindset and your physical state.
Solo or not, turn off the noisy radio and focus on the wedding reception you are about to lead. Eliminate any negative thoughts and replace them with the confidence and clarity of an expert Event Host.
Warm up your voice as you drive and then practice your introductions. This self-discipline is an important part of being a professional. Consequently, your performance on stage will match your preparation off-stage.
For vocal warm-ups, use the “5 EASY STEPS TO A FANTASTIC VOICE” method, which you can find at FantasticVoice.com
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
2-4 The rockstar MC is as well-dressed as the best-dressed people in the room from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
A MC career has one of the lowest start-up costs comparable to the extraordinary money you can earn. So don’t scrimp on your garment - as it’s absolutely critical to your success as an Event Host.
Invest in a high quality classic modern MC uniform - and wear it only at weddings. Your clothes should be the same quality as the bride or groom’s, without upstaging them. They should fit you perfectly and complement your colours, body shape and height.
Your MC garment is closely associated with your own personal individual brand; so these next comments are said in a general sense. Adapt them to suit (excuse the pun)
For the elegant male MC, a suitable outfit would be a Single breasted black dinner suit – not tails. An ironed, studded formal shirt with cufflinks. Dry cleaned trousers and jacket. A bow tie, or a black neck tie for daytime wedding receptions. Polished, black shoes.
You’ll see my own version of this and what I wear in Part 4 How To Perform
There have been many discussions about the value of using a blow-tie as the MC - as opposed to a normal everyday business tie that you’ll see amongst the guests.
Lets just say that as the Event Host, you don’t want to blend into the crowd, You want to be noticed, and being noticed because you look immaculate in a classic bow-tie is a good thing.
An example outfit for the elegant female MC might include A modern, wrinkle-free suit (jacket and pants) in a darkish colour; preferably black. No bare arms. Why? Well If you Can you imagine a man wearing a singlet as a wedding? then You can the idea. It feels to me way too casual - it might be OK for warm daytime outdoor event. In this way, a Jacket should be worn underneath the singlet if that is all thats available.
Even better for the ladies, is to select an elegant silk blouse in a single colour. Hair in a simple style and apply natural-looking makeup. With Minimal jewellery such as matching necklace and earrings. Keep it discreet and elegant. Pearls are perfect. On your feet are Polished, excellent quality shoes with a small heel. Avoid flats and high heels.
For both the male and female MCs, a good wrist watch is essential. Get a reliable, stylish one that complements your first-class outfit. The Apple Watch is a nice choice as you can see it in the dark.
A small bag or satchel is useful to carry your business cards, a needle and thread, clothes brush, toothbrush, breath mints and makeup for touch-ups and those all-important photos with the bride and groom.
Remember this is the entertainment business where competition is high and style is paramount; so always keep refining your personal branding and updating your wardrobe without giving yourself a complete make-over.
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
2-6 Organised MCs know where they’re going and are never, ever late from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
There are a few rudimentary MCs Rules like “don’t be boring” and “don’t get angry” but one I live by is “don’t be late”.
In fact, your Event host performance will be influenced by how early you arrive at the venue; so here’s a warning: build plenty of Bridge Time into your travel schedule. If not, travel can really bring you undone and wreck all the good work you did beforehand.
The worst possible start for you the Event Host is rushing and not having enough time to check the equipment and runsheet properly; it immediately labels you as amateur and puts you on the back foot. Its like playing “catch-up” football. You hardly ever win.
My mentor Ron Tacchi used to say “if you’re not early, then you’re late!
The pro Event Host MC always arrives at least 90 minutes to two hours before the scheduled start time. This is industry standard; and shows you’re serious about preparation, performance and giving your best. You’ll get more respect and better quality help from everyone.
The big red flag that will prevent you from getting to the venue on time is traffic; so triple-check where you’re going BEFORE you get in the car.
Save the location is in your GPS and work out approximately how long it should take you to drive there. Then add another 30 minutes. And take into account weird parking stations located a long way from the venue.
Living in a harbour city like Sydney, many weddings are held on boats; so this is a particular challenge as far as being on time. Like the plane flight, the boat will not wait for you.
Remember Get Ready First and you should be always good to go.
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
2-3 Pro MCs dress appropriately from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
Most couples want their wedding to be sophisticated and elegant – and that’s also what they want from their Event Host MC. It’s time to think about your personal brand - a vital piece in the MC success puzzle.
Your clients will expect you to show up looking similar and matching your promotional photographs, unless its been otherwise discussed. It’ll be an awkward conversation if you arrive with a beard when you were clean-shaven before, or in the case of a female MC, your profile shows a conservative dark pants suit and you show up wearing short bright red dress and high heels and a new haircut.
Understand that when you publish your profile photos and record your video showreel, the look represented in this media needs to remain like that for the foreseeable future. The MC Directory recommends to their Event Host MCs to update their look, about every 5 years. And if you’re thinking this is a hassle, then consider yourself lucky you don’t work for a TV station - as they demand no changes whatsoever and some television presenters find themselves stuck with the same look for more than 10 years; its written in their contract.
Your outfit should be appropriate to the theme of the wedding. For instance, the couple with a love of all things vintage for their roaring 20s themed wedding bonanza will be disappointed if the MC arrives in a modern sharp black suit with a thin tie. Discuss this attire requirements with the bride and groom and adjust accordingly without having to go out and buy a whole new outfit. It’s called being professional. Leave the creative stuff for the stage.
This is what it’s so important to go through all the questions Ive included on the Interview template.
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
2-2 The MC’s Morning Checklist starts the night before from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
I like to prepare the evening prior to the wedding (which is usually a Thursday or Friday night) by ironing my shirt, steam pressing my trousers and cleaning my shoes. I’ll switch the light off at around 10pm.
In the morning, all pro MCs use the same credo, which is GRF. This means Get. Ready. First. Do everything that you need to do for the reception BEFORE you do anything else. Don’t wait until the afternoon when you should be leaving.
Get. Ready. First. This gem was told to me by a time management expert Robyn Pearce. A dis the voice-over for her audio version of her book. And this has saved me big-time !
Ive included The MC’s Morning Checklist with the video notes. You can adapt it to suit your own morning rituals; but it goes something like this …
Wake up after an early night’s sleep on the morning of the event. And Smile. You’ve got a fabulous day ahead of you.
Enjoy a healthy, light breakfast. Don’t drink too much tea or coffee; small cups of warm water is best. Reduce talking as much as you can; particularly no long conversations on the phone, outdoors. XX Instead warm up your voice using the “5 Easy Steps To A Fantastic Voice”
At around about mid-morning, prepare everything you’ll need at the reception; if you haven’t already done most of it the night before. You’ll be finished before noon.
Lay out all the clothes that make up your MC outfit. Double check that everything is clean and in order.
Suit, dress or pants suit including jacket Formal shirt or blouse Accessories including bow-tie, watch, comb or hairbrush, jewellery and make-up. Lucky underwear !
 Check your audio equipment is in the boot of the car and working 100%. Your transmitter, receiver and speaker The All important Microphone Charge your microphone batteries or pack spare batteries.
Gather all the Cables that you may need. Charge your electronic devices. Phone Camera (if you don’t have a camera phone)* and Tablet. And check that your Run Sheets and scripts are saved to your device if you are not using a printed version.
And after you’ve ticked everything off your MC’s Morning Checklist, you can begin to check your Mindset and Physical state.
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
MC SECRETS Pete Miller Wedding Event Host Unplugged from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
find out what the most successful MCs do to make a crowd so wild every time. MC Event Host Pete Miller reveals his strategies for consistent success.
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
jerrysophia intro to speechesVIMEO from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
081213 gunners barracks jerry sophia SEGUE back announce groom Intro quizz from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
live-weddingmc-petemiller-no-titles from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
ehmc-workshop-japan-final1 from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
the first draft of our promo for the event host masterclass LIVE workshop in Tokyo on Sunday the 8th October 2017
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
ehmc-workshop-japan-final1 from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
the first draft of our promo for the event host masterclass LIVE workshop in Tokyo on Sunday the 8th October 2017
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
ehmc-workshop-japan-final1 from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
the first draft of our promo for the event host masterclass LIVE workshop in Tokyo on Sunday the 8th October 2017
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
ehmc-workshop-japan-final1 from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
the first draft of our promo for the event host masterclass LIVE workshop in Tokyo on Sunday the 8th October 2017
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
mcsecrets-PeteMiller-wedding-professionalism from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
Exciting EVENT HOST workshop in Tokyo Japan on Sunday 8th October 2017 from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
Hello Japan and this is Peter Miller from SpeakersCoach; & I’m searching for talented public speakers - both ladies and gentlemen - to work as a professional event hosts also known as a Master of ceremonies or MC.
I'll be in Tokyo on Sunday, 8th October to run a once-only live Event-Host workshop. This seminar could be the turning point in your on stage career; as I have trained thousands of public speakers just like you through my coaching and 2 best-selling books YOU CAN BE A WEDDING MC and UP FRONT IN CONTROL
I’ve been invited to Japan by one of your best ever presenters Miho Nigochi as she believes that Japan is ready for more professional event hosts; especially in the lead up to the 2020 Olympics.
In the time that we have together on Sunday, 8 October, I'll be covering in detail what is involved in a professional event host MC career.
You’ll learn how to market yourself as an entertaining and organised wedding reception Event Host MC and how to run the event so your clients will go WOW.
Sign up now to work as a professional event host MC on Sunday, 8 October in Tokyo. My name is Peter Miller from speakers coach & I'll see you on stage bye for now.
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speakerscoach · 7 years ago
5-2Games-final from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
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speakerscoach · 8 years ago
5-5Hero-final from speakerscoach on Vimeo.
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