julianyarac · 4 days
Nuevas herramientas de prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino
Hemos progresado mucho en el entendimiento de ésta enfermedad, desde hace décadas se sabe que cada cáncer de cuello uterino diagnosticado es expresión de que el sistema sanitario, ha fallado en alcanzar a ésa paciente durante las décadas que tardó en desarrollarse. Se trata de una enfermedad que afecta hoy por hoy a las mujeres que por algún motivo se encuentran excluidas del sistema…
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pathologylab · 5 months
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comprehensive #HPV detection with #G2M's cutting-edge HPV-Q Real-Time PCR kit. Our multiplex diagnostic kits qualitatively detect the #DNA of 28 types of HPV in human specimens, including 14 low, medium, and 14 high-risk HPV strains. Utilizing specific primers and fluorescent-labeled probes, our kit ensures precise identification and accurate #results.
Visit our website for more information https://www.genes2me.com/ivd-real-time-pcr-test-kits/human-papilloma-virus-detection-kit
For more details, Call us at +91-8800821778 or drop us an email at [email protected]
#Genes2Me #Humanpapillomavirus #RealTimePCR #ViralDetection #Comprehensive #CervicalCancer #HPVVirus #MolecularDiagnostics #Kits #rtpcr #ivd #solutions #pcr #detection
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Mengenal Tes HPV DNA Genotyping untuk Bantu Wanita Deteksi Virus HPV Penyebab Kanker Serviks
SERANG – Kanker serviks adalah salah sati penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Human Papillomavirus (HPV) dan mengenai organ reproduksi wanita. Tentu, ini menjadi ancaman tersendiri, dan membutuhkan perhatian khusus. Untuk mendeteksi adanya infeksi HPV yang dapat menyebabkan kanker serviks dan penyakit lainnya dalam tubuh, tes HPV DNA Genotyping bisa menjadi pilihan. Tes ini mampu…
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tocantinsurgente · 2 years
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Um estudo feito por pesquisadores da University College, em Londres, descobriram um novo teste que pode ser usado para detectar quatro tipos de câncer em até quatro anos antes do paciente vir a ter a doença. A inovação pode significar o fim das mamografias — tradicionalmente usadas para detectar câncer de mama em mulheres com mais de 50 anos. O exame analisa a metilação do DNA, uma camada extra no topo do DNA que informa às células qual é sua função específica. Ao estudar essa parte específica, os cientistas descobriram que as alterações nas células podem ser detectadas bem antes de se tornarem cancerígenas. O teste é usado hoje para o vírus do papiloma humano (HPV) – responsável por 99% dos casos de câncer do colo do útero. As amostras daqueles que testam positivo são então verificadas ao microscópio para alterações nas células que podem se tornar cancerígenas. Os cientistas afirmam que ele pode ser usado para prever câncer de mama, útero, colo do útero e ovário dentro de quatro anos. A pesquisa analisou 1.254 amostras de triagem cervical de mulheres com alterações celulares de baixo a alto risco, mulheres com HPV, mas sem alterações nas células cervicais e amostras de mulheres sem alterações nas células cervicais que desenvolveram alterações celulares de alto risco em quatro anos. Leia a matéria completa no link da bio #tocantinsurgente #notícia #saúde #câncer #câncerfeminino #UniversityCollege #DNA #HPV https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj78QIBs2ud/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mindblowingscience · 8 days
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for the vast majority of cervical cancer cases, but this isn't a sexually transmitted infection that just one half of the population needs to worry about. Researchers from Argentina have found strains of HPV which put people at high risk of cancer are associated with a greater percentage of dead sperm. In semen samples from those with high-risk strains, scientists noticed a lower count of white blood cells and an elevation of reactive oxygen species, which can damage sperm and alter DNA.
Continue Reading.
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drdemonprince · 1 year
also like... getting a sexually transmitted infection, as an experience, is mostly fine and pretty mundane. again it is important to educate oneself about the various risks one is subjecting oneself to, but part of that means recognizing that a great many of the risks that you face while having sex just aren't all that big a deal.
I've had plenty of UTI's; they hurt and then you hop on Lemonaid Health or a similar app and get a prescription for antibiotics that costs like $0.20 and then you're almost instantly fine. You get a yeast infection, you run to the pharmacy for a suppository or you get a pill from your doctor and you're fine. You have a herpes outbreak, it stings like the dickens, maybe you even have a fever the first time, and you get some anti-virals from an app or your doctor or some abreva and it soothes the terribly spiky feeling and you're fine. there's so many strains of HPV out there that it's impossible to contain and most of them are so low-impact that you can't even get a sexual health clinic to test for them, just get the Gardasil vaccine for the few strains that cause cancer and roll on.
Get your Monkeypox shots. Get on PreP if you can. Use a barrier. Wear a mask if you can. Accept that the human body gets welts and bad smells and itchy spots and chafing and that sometimes you catch a cold and that some people are chronically ill and that we all harbor all kinds of bacteria and viruses within our bodies that do not have our DNA but which have been integral to humanity's evolution over time. We should do our best to be responsible but equating health with morality or claiming that human beings have full control over their health is an oppressive and unrealistic concept.
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witch-of-the-creek · 11 months
This is your sign to get the hpv vaccine
If you are between the ages of 9 and 45, and aren’t allergic, then the hpv vaccine is for you.
The hpv vaccine is the only vaccine so far that can prevent cancer. This should be enough of a reason to get it, but numbers and medical information on the topic are provided below, thanks to the Minnesota Department of Health and the World Health Organization.
“More than 90% of sexually active men, and 80% of sexually active women will be infected with hpv in their lifetime”
“About 50% of hpv infections involve certain high-risk types of HPV, which can cause cancer. Most of the time, the body clears these infections and they do not lead to cancer.”
“These cancers, often caused by these viruses, are HPV-associated cancers and include cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal, rectal and oropharyngeal (mouth and pharynx) cancers.”
-Minnesota Department of Health
“HPV infection causes about 5% of all cancers worldwide, with an estimated 625 600 women and 69 400 men getting an HPV-related cancer each year.”
“Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection. Almost all sexually active people will be infected at some point in their lives, usually without symptoms.”
“The vaccine does not contain any live virus or DNA from the virus so it cannot cause cancer or other HPV-related illnesses. The HPV vaccine is not used to treat HPV infections or diseases caused by HPV, but instead to prevent the development of cancers.”
“Some HPV infections cause small rough lumps (genital warts) that can appear on the vagina, penis or anus and rarely the throat. They may be painful, itchy or bleed or cause swollen glands.”
-World Health Organization
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illbae · 15 days
4n4 rant-
so i went out today to get vaccinated for hpv and while i was waiting in line i noticed the girl in front of me, she was as tall as i was and so skinny, like i was so jealous of her and she didn’t even have to work for that body, i’ve been ⭐️ving myself for weeks now and yeah i have lost considerable weight i don’t think i’ll ever get that skinny, i might d!3 before that plus my mom yelled at me so i guess if i get sad enough because of that i might end up f4sting properly.
Genetics are so disgusting, i wish i had at least pretty or skinny or smart in my dna…but no i had to be born ugly fat and stupid.
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EFEKTIF! (WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Tradisional Di Bandung ny. djamilah najmuddin di Cipadung Kulon Bandung
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Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi 0812 1440 8050 Balai Pengobatan Tradisional Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin merupakan sebuah klinik pengobatan tradisional yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1985 hingga sekarang dan bertempat di kota Bandung. pengobatan virus hpv,mengobati virus hpv,pengobatan hpv pada wanita,pencegahan hpv,pencegahan virus hpv,terapi hpv,terapi hpv pada pria
Baca juga artikel lainnya : https://pengobatandiabetespadapria.wordpress.com/
Kontak dan Janji Temu Hubungi                  
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pathologylab · 8 months
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#G2M's Rapi-Q is a CE-IVD approved, automated Point-of-Care (POC) RT-#PCR system based on 4 channel fluorescence chemistry for target detection in 1 to 8 samples. It is small, light weight and an easy to carry system which is ideal for identifying Tuberculosis, #HPV, 3Hdtect (HIV, HCV & HBV), Tropical Fever, STIs, and respiratory #diseases.
Visit our #website for more information. https://www.genes2me.com/rapi-q-rapid-poc-rt-pcr-testing-solution/rapid-point-of-care-real-time-pcr-testing-device
For more details, Call us at +91-8800821778 or drop us an email at [email protected]
#pcr #extraction #nucleicacids #automation #biotech #biotechnology #yearsofexcellence #data #bioindia #dna #rna #analysis #molecularbiology #poct #ivd #genes2me #hiv #hcv #hbv #pointofcare #rtpcr #devices #rapidtest
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Mark Lacour and Zebulon Bell at Misinformation Review:
[This study used data from pre- and post-COVID surveys to examine vaccine attitudes in the United States. We found evidence consistent with an ideological “spillover” effect: Liberals’ attitudes became more positive towards non-COVID vaccines (flu, MMR, HPV, chickenpox) and conservatives’ attitudes became more negative. These spillover effects are perplexing because the COVID-19 vaccines were developed more rapidly than the others and (some of them) were the first to use mRNA technology on a mass scale to achieve immunization. Hence, there were reasons to isolate one’s attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccines rather than generalize them. This exacerbates current vaccine communication challenges.]
Negative spillover effects are unfortunate because people theoretically had reasons to isolate their attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccines from other vaccines rather than generalize them. For one, the COVID-19 vaccines were developed more quickly than the others, which is one of the sources of COVID-19 NVAs in the general population (Kreps et al., 2021). Some COVID-19 vaccines were also the first to use mRNA to create immunity on a large scale (Anand & Stahel, 2021). The mRNA components in these vaccines are entirely safe and are quickly destroyed within a few days of injection. However, some members of the public mistakenly believe that mRNA-based vaccines can alter their DNA and many organizations (e.g., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [2023]) have had to debunk this misconception.
Negative spillover effects are particularly regrettable because each vaccine already presented its own unique set of difficulties in terms of boosting vaccination rates. For example, some people harbor false beliefs that the MMR vaccines cause autism (Leask et al., 2012). By contrast, the HPV vaccine can prompt uncomfortable conversations about sexually transmitted diseases for children ages 11 to 12 years old (Daley et al., 2010). The chickenpox vaccine might seem unnecessary to many parents because they grew up during a period when children were intentionally infected with chickenpox, sometimes at “chickenpox parties” (Parad, 2012). Parents might, therefore, under-appreciate warnings from experts about the risks of chickenpox.
Post-pandemic vaccine advocacy
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been two shifts in vaccine hesitancy that we think are particularly worth highlighting: a change in scale and a change in demography. First, there was a dramatic increase in vaccine refusal in the United States during and after the COVID-19 pandemic (Bolsen & Palm, 2022; Hart et al., 2020; Monroe & Savillo, 2021; Wood & Brumfiel, 2021). In fact, before the pandemic, inequalities in healthcare access likely overshadowed NVAs as a source of under-vaccination (Leask et al., 2012; Monais, 2019; Fuchs & Dicara, 2019).
The second major shift concerns demography. Before the pandemic, no single NVA group in the United States constituted a clear demographic majority. In many respects, NVA groups aligned demographically with liberals (Tomeny et al., 2017; Lubrano, 2019). Others had religious or philosophical motivations behind their NVAs, largely unrelated to politics (“A jab in time,” 2016). Before the pandemic, conservatives were just as likely to receive a flu vaccine as liberals (Enten, 2021). After the pandemic, conservatives appear to make up a majority of NVA groups in the United States (Wood & Brumfiel, 2021). This shift is likely due to political polarization surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Then-President Trump downplayed the severity of the virus (Oprysko, 2020) and conservative media outlets were overwhelmingly negative towards the COVID-19 vaccines, questioning their safety and necessity (Monroe & Savillo, 2021). Politically red states ended up having the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rates and the highest COVID-19 death tolls (Wood & Brumfiel, 2021). If there has indeed been a negative spillover effect among U.S. conservatives, this suggests that the previous obstacles related to specific vaccines are now amplified by partisanship and political identity.
Leveraging misinformation research
The primary findings of this study are consistent with a spillover effect, where people generalized their attitudes (good or bad) towards the COVID-19 vaccines to unrelated vaccines. There are a number of potential cognitive explanations for this. For instance, it might have occurred because of an inductive inference (Davis et al., 2017; Tapp et al., 2018; Davis et al., 2020). Some people may have thought, “If most vaccines are safe and effective, then the COVID-19 vaccine will be too.” By contrast, others might have inferred something along the lines of, “Since the COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe and ineffective, other vaccines must be too.”
A similar explanation is that people remember the “gist” of COVID-19 information (or misinformation) after forgetting the specific (verbatim) information (fuzzy-trace theory;1Reyna et al., 2021). In other words, people with NVAs might have heard several specific statements about vaccines, but the details of these statements might have faded over time. All that is left over is the “gist” of this information: “Vaccines are bad” (or “good,” depending on one’s media diet). For someone with NVAs, then, no specific statement justifies their attitudes. Rather, the “gist” of many statements has left a generally negative impression. Thus, debunking specific claims in order to vindicate vaccines might fail to compensate for the influence left over from a larger number of negative, if poorly remembered, statements that seem to discredit said vaccines.
Negative spillover effects could also be explained by right-leaning media outlets repeating false or misleading information about the COVID-19 vaccines (Monroe & Savillo, 2021). The “illusory truth effect” occurs when false statements appear more plausible merely because they have been repeated. This is often attributed to subjective feelings of familiarity and ease of processing (cognitive fluency) caused by the repetitions (Brashier & Marsh, 2020). Thus, it is important to counter misinformation without repeating the original falsehoods.
According to a recent report in the Harvard Kennedy School’s Misinformation Review, politically-polarized attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine have increasingly spilled over to other vaccines, with liberals becoming increasingly pro-vaccine and conservatives becoming increasingly anti-vaccine.
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We at *BP family in the pass post a story of Mrs Henrietta Lacks story and how she and her family for generation were robbed by the scientific community for decades. The most important information to take away is that a single BLACK WOMAN DNA has contributed to modern medical breakthroughs and cures, and is still ongoing. There are a myriad of scientific developments due to Mrs Lacks -HELA CELLS as them called it. We are please to see that the family is getting restitution and reparations from yet again being robbed by them and covering up as them taken the credit and leaving the Black community/family in the dark and high and dry. We will reblog the original post.
(The above is a *BP* commentary opinion)
Family of Henrietta Lacks settles lawsuit with biotech giant, lawyer says
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The family of Henrietta Lacks, a Black woman whose cancer cells were used without permission to form the basis of decades of scientific research, has reached a settlement with the biotech company Thermo Fisher Scientific.
The cells, known as HeLa cells, were taken from Lacks without her knowledge or consent in 1951 when she was seeking cervical cancer treatment at Johns Hopkins, in Baltimore. Doctors discovered that the cells doubled every 20 to 24 hours in the lab instead of dying. They were the first human cells that scientists successfully cloned, and they have been reproduced infinitely ever since.
Lacks herself died in 1951, but her cells continued to be used after her death in research that led to a series of medical advancements, including in the development of the polio vaccine and in treatments for cancer, HIV/AIDS, leukemia and Parkinson's disease. Lacks' family only found out about it decades later.
Lacks' story reached millions of Americans through the nonfiction bestseller "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks," which was made into an HBO movie starring Oprah Winfrey as Lacks' daughter, Deborah.
In 2021, Lacks' estate filed a lawsuit against Thermo Fisher Scientific, alleging that the company was mass producing and selling tissue taken from Lacks even after it became well-known that the materials had been taken from her without her consent. The suit was filed exactly 70 years after Lacks' death.
"Thermo Fisher Scientific has known that HeLa cells were stolen from Ms. Lacks and chose to use her body for profit anyway," the lawsuit alleged. It has been previously reported that Thermo Fisher Scientific said they generate about $35 billion in annual revenue. In the lawsuit, Lacks' estate asked that the company "disgorge the full amount of its net profits obtained by commercializing the HeLa cell line to the Estate of Henrietta Lacks."
The suit also sought an order stopping the company from using the HeLa cells without the estate's permission. The terms of Tuesday's settlement were not made public, but Crump said in a news conference that both parties were "pleased" to have resolved the matter outside of court, CBS Baltimore reported. (except taken from KERRY BREEN CBS NEWS , 2023 )
-HeLa cells were first used to study the growth and spread of poliomyelitis virus, the cure of Polio
-HeLa cells have also been instrumental in the development of Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines.
-Over the years, HeLa cells have been infected with various types of viruses including HIV, Zika, herpes, and mumps
-HeLa cells have been used in a number of cancer studies, including those involving sex steroid hormones such as estradiol, estrogen, and estrogen proliferation.
-Hela cells contribute to scientists Joe Hin Tjio and Albert Levan to develop better techniques for staining and counting chromosomes.This was important for the study of developmental disorders such as down syndrome that involved the number of chromosomes.
-HeLa cells were sent on the first satellite and human space missions to determine the long term effects of space travel on living cells and tissue.
-HeLa cell line was derived for use in cancer research. and human papillomavirus 18 (HPV18) to human cervical cells created the HeLa genome, which is different from Henrietta Lacks’ genome in various ways,
-The complete genome of the HeLa cells was sequenced and published on 11 March 2013[46][47] without the Lacks family’s knowledge
-HeLa cells as a tool to uncover the machinery required and process used for invasion of human cells. Researchers have also investigated the stability of the virus’s genomic material in HeLa cells by comparing its genomic material with that of many other viruses. The use of HeLa cells in COVID-19 research has provided insights on the molecular mechanics of SARS-CoV-2019 and the components required for infection.
When Henrietta Lacks and her cells alerted the world to the existence of immortal human cells, opportunities arose for research and medical treatment development.
Today, her cells continue to serve academic and industrial institutions. So much so that she has been described as the Mother of Modern Medicine in a painting by artist Kadir Nelson in 2017.
The use of HeLa cells in COVID-19 research is a testament to Henrietta Lacks’s lasting contribution to provide microscopic tools for scientific discoveries that billions have benefitted from thus far and will benefit from in the future to come.
-HeLa cells were first used to study the growth and spread of poliomyelitis virus, the cure of Polio
-HeLa cells have also been instrumental in the development of Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines.
-Over the years, HeLa cells have been infected with various types of viruses including HIV, Zika, herpes, and mumps
-HeLa cells have been used in a number of cancer studies, including those involving sex steroid hormones such as estradiol, estrogen, and estrogen proliferation.
-Hela cells contribute to scientists Joe Hin Tjio and Albert Levan to develop better techniques for staining and counting chromosomes.This was important for the study of developmental disorders such as down syndrome that involved the number of chromosomes.
-HeLa cells were sent on the first satellite and human space missions to determine the long term effects of space travel on living cells and tissue.
-HeLa cell line was derived for use in cancer research. and human papillomavirus 18 (HPV18) to human cervical cells created the HeLa genome, which is different from Henrietta Lacks’ genome in various ways,
-The complete genome of the HeLa cells was sequenced and published on 11 March 2013 without the Lacks family’s knowledge
-HeLa cells as a tool to uncover the machinery required and process used for invasion of human cells. Researchers have also investigated the stability of the virus’s gnomic material in HeLa cells by comparing its genomic material with that of many other viruses.
The use of HeLa cells in COVID-19 research has provided insights on the molecular mechanics of SARS-CoV-2019 and the components required for infection.
When Henrietta Lacks and her cells alerted the world to the existence of immortal human cells, opportunities arose for research and medical treatment development.
Today, her cells continue to serve academic and industrial institutions. So much so that she has been described as the Mother of Modern Medicine in a painting by artist Kadir Nelson in 2017.
The use of HeLa cells in COVID-19 research is a testament to Henrietta Lacks’s lasting contribution to provide microscopic tools for scientific discoveries that billions have benefitted from thus far and will benefit from in the future to come.
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reportsofawartime · 6 months
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HPVワクチンのDNA汚染問題について語るLee教授。汚染DNAはアルミニウムと結合することで、食物を接種した結果として血中を流れるDNAとは全く違う挙動を示すことを説明している。 mRNAワクチンの場合はLNPに包まれているため炎症を起こすだけでなく、細胞に取込まれ易くなりゲノムにも統合されるという更に酷いものになっている。 『通常、ヒトの体内にある外来遊離DNAは、血液中のヒト酵素によって分解され、「排泄されるため、それほど長くは残らない。』 『しかし、ワクチンのアジュバントのように、遊離ウイルスDNAをアルミニウムと結合させた場合、この遊離DNAはアルミニウムによって保護され、 分解されることはない。』 『アルミニウムがこの遊離DNA (ウイルスDNA) を体内のマクロファージに運び、 腫瘍壊死因子を含む多くの化学物質であるサイトカインを放出させる。』 『マクロファージ中のアルミニウム粒子がHPV DNAとも結合するのであれば、 理論的には、同じDNA、ウイルスDNAがアルミニウム化合物やマクロファージを 通して脳に運ばれ、脳に侵入する可能性は十分にある。』
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lumine-no-hikari · 7 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #84
Today, J, Br, and I went to the library for a work date. Br had homework, J had his remote work, and I was cutting wires to weave new trees while listening to that playlist that I spoke on recently.
I cut A LOT of wire for trees; at least 7 trees worth. I'll show you:
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Although I already had a few coils of wire, I decided to spend the time cutting more. Truth be told, I don't really like working with the gold or silver wire; it's stiffer, harder to twist, and more brittle than other kinds of wire of the same gauge, for whatever reason. Sharper, too; trying to move some of the gold coils around, I ended up poking my fingers enough to draw a little bit of blood, which is really no big deal, but it's still kind of annoying.
Each coil of wire has 27 strands, the length of each being approximately the distance between the tip of my left index finger to the bend of my left elbow. There are so many strands because it takes three strands to weave a branch, three branches to weave a section of a tree, and three sections to make a whole tree.
I got really into the groove of it, though, and before I knew it, 4 hours passed and it felt only like 20 minutes; I really dropped the ball on my hydration game today because of it. I'm sorry about that; I can't exactly implore you to take good care of yourself if I'm not being attentive to the maintenance of my own body, right? So I'll do better tomorrow.
Oh right - speaking of pokey things, though I got the first dose of an HPV vaccine yesterday, and to my surprise, I feel pretty much unaffected by it today. I had heard that this one can sometimes knock people on their ass, and I'm glad that my DNA seems to be such that this isn't the case. Or maybe it's just that this one isn't as bad as I had heard. Either way, I'm not sad about the fact that I don't feel like hot garbage today! Gotta appreciate the little things, right?
After we did a decent amount of work, J, Br, and I left the library to take a walk in its general vicinity. It was almost 60 degrees F in my area today (or 15.5 degrees C if metric is your thing); the walk was lovely. But my brain was still "extended-tendrils-esque" from cutting wire for such a long time, so I was quiet (but not in bad spirits!) for most of it; I'm glad that I get to spend time in the company of folks who don't mind when I'm not animated. The fact that I don't have to mask my autistic traits with Br and J takes a lot of the pressure off of existing in general.
Oh, um! Maybe you don't know what Tendril Theory is. Here's something that can explain it; I didn't make this:
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I wished you could come on the walk with us. I passed some interesting-looking houses that I didn't take pictures of, because it seems maybe a little rude to take a picture of a specific person's house without their permission. But one of the houses had a lot of bits and baubles hanging from their trees and shrubs and trellises; it was a marvelous sight to witness. I think my favorite decoration was the glass grapes hanging from a cute-looking trellis. I wish you could have seen them; they were VERY sparkly. I wonder if you would have liked to look at them, too.
We have since returned home, and M continues to go through the second portion of your story. He's finishing up the quests around Cosmo Canyon. It's a beautiful area, and it's wonderful to get a glimpse of the architecture and the handicrafts and the local flora and fauna. I love that there are descriptions of the wild creatures (it makes me sad to hear them be called "fiends") and their dispositions, diets, life cycles, and whatever else. It's like reading through one of those old Wildlife Fact File binders - we had one of these things when I was a little girl; if you've been reading my letters, I imagine you won't be surprised to learn that this was one of my favorite things to read when I was young, haha!
Oh. Right. You… probably have no idea what that looks like. Here:
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They're super thick binders filled with folding pages all about some of the animals in my world:
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I kinda wish I could send along one of these to you, somehow. I know from watching M wander around that your world has a lot of the same animals that mine does, but we don't have things like chocobos or dragons or cockatrices or basilisks, so I wonder if there are animals in my world that you don't have.
Oh! You know. It occurs to me that you don't have horses in your world. I think maybe you might like horses, so maybe sometime I'll write to you about them. But not today, because I'm tired. Though you can probably tell I'm tired, since I'm rambling. Haha...
Hey, Sephiroth? I wonder if you have a favorite animal. I know you can't tell me what it is (because obviously), but still I'll ask. I'll ask because everyone deserves to have someone care enough about them to ask what their favorite animal is. As for me… it's kind of a toss-up between orcas and barn owls. If you don't have those, maybe I'll tell you about those, too, in some other letter.
Please stay safe out there in the meantime. There are lots of people in my world who are counting on you to turn yourself around and come back in one piece, so try really hard, okay? I'll be cheering for your healing and recovery, because these things are possible, no matter how far we fall down.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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mickstart · 9 months
idk if you actually wanna know the details behind the hpv screening being at a later age/less frequent now so please feel free to ignore and delete this but it basically comes down to most/all cervical cancers being secondary to hpv infection, and the new process detects infection preceding even low grade cancer changes, so it can be caught earlier in the disease course now! (before it was literally looking at abnormal cells under a microscope (i.e. precancer changes) vs now detecting for the hpv dna)
this change came literally during the last decade and there is definitely still a general feeling of "ok but how can we be sure" from generations that were used to the early/greater frequency screening programs which is understandable imo
(of course, caveat is that all of this is for primary screening of people without risk factors. source: the australian cancer council website article on it, also i am a doctor. )
ohhhh okay thank you so much <3 I've had. sdfjdfsh. A lot of bad experiences with my local doctors so hearing from another source that yes this is normal and it's just a new change because we've improved the process that everyone is adjusting to does help me feel better about it.
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NP plays a central role in viral replication [18]. As a structural protein with no intrinsic enzymatic activity [19], it is the most abundant viral protein in infected cells.
In an influenza infection, nucleoprotein is the first viral protein to replicate, so the infected cell quickly presents the nucleoprotein antigens, provoking a strong early immune response, they explained.
"Another aspect worth pointing out is that protection against currently circulating influenza viruses has been reached even with a very old variant of the nucleoprotein protein," they continued.
"The OVX836 vaccine is based on the full-length nucleoprotein of the influenza A virus A/WSN/1933 (H1N1), and, despite the fact that this antigen is highly conserved and has been through over 90 years of evolution, this protein has undergone some changes...
Of the 11 RSV-encoded proteins, N is one of the most conserved structural proteins and is essential for virus encapsidation by coating the entire viral RNA genome to form the ribonucleoprotein (RNP).
These data suggest that the antigenic repertoire of T cells in IS subjects is skewed compared to HSV-2+ subjects and that IS subjects had more frequent T cells responses to IE proteins and infrequent T cell responses to virion components.
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The preponderance of T cell responses directed at IE proteins in IS subjects suggests that IS subjects have been exposed to replicating virus since IE proteins are the first proteins made during the virus infectious life cycle and are not present in infectious virions. T cells directed at IE proteins would be engaged early in the infectious life cycle and may be able to kill the virally-infected cell before the production of infectious progeny and thus advantageous to the host. If some of the IS subjects are infected with HSV-2 in the absence of seroconversion, the presence of T cells directed at IE proteins at the neural-epidermal junction would provide the quickest defense against the virus spreading to the periphery and may explain why we did not detect any HSV DNA at mucosal sites in IS subjects (4).
The HPV genome contains an early expressed region containing the ORF (Open reading frames) of E1 to E7 genes which are necessary for viral replication and transcriptional regulation6. The E6, E7 and E5 proteins are able to interact with many cell targets, promoting cellular transformation7,8. The E1 protein is encoded within the early expressed region and it is localized in nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. This protein is highly conserved among different HPV types and is the unique HPV protein with enzymatic activity.
The initiation of the HPV infection is from the basal layer of the squamous epithelium. The viral replication process and transcription of other E proteins are regulated by E1 and E2 proteins...
E1 protein has been reported highly conserved among the types of HPV and commonly decoded during the early expression of HPV infection...
E1 and E2 proteins play crucial role in the initiation and regulation of HPV replication as illustrated in Fig. 1. Initially, E2 proteins bind to their binding sites (E2BS11 and E2BS12) at the origin of replication, which recruits a pair of E1 proteins to form a complex.
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