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deliicacymercy · 2 years ago
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HUMANFORMER! Slashmark ✨  
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
Magneto voice claim options… Graham Mctavish, Paul Saint Peter, John Burgemer (Tien), Peter Cullen, Matt Mercer (for a younger Magneto), Keith David, and Jason Maranocha.
Charles Voice claim options… either David Kaye (who already voicdd him) , Y. Chang, or David Vincent.
Though i’d share this. Have a nice night
john burgemer for erik highkey a funny pick like everyone else (bar mercer ibut you did specify 'yong' so ill be Moderately forigivng) is an appropriate fit tbh but idk burgemer is just so strange if im lookin at tien as a reference point... w hat tien doin here. ...... everyone else tho i can see well to a degree
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transformers-spike · 3 days ago
i've been watching beast wars with my friends and it's kinda insane how hot david kaye's megatron voice is. like tfp is still my #1 but he was kinda in that recording booth like the rent was due and i'm a sucker for it. doesn't help i found some compilation of his megatron lines (mostly armada tho) and the top comment was this
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i feel insane imagining this. i also feel insane imagining this one:
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i think i am just not immune to the concept of megatron calling me good girl in general
This is one of my favorite asks ever purely because I am learning so much about people
Beast Wars Megatron will turn you into a robo-fucker AND scalie. I hope the voice actor finds my blog
(jk don't you dare send it to him i don't have nearly enough beast wars content to be if interest)
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that-glitter-chick · 10 months ago
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Sometimes, as an old fart Transformer fan, I remember that Strika had a different Conjunx Endura before Lugnut was invented. His name was Obsidian and he was dignified and brilliant.
Now don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Lugnut, he’s entertaining and his endless love, admiration and loyalty to his Wifey are all commendable qualities, but sometimes I miss and feel sorry for Obsidian being majority forgotten by the fandom.
He too was a great spouse for Strika, just as devoted and respectful towards her and her abilities. They were true equals as well as life-partners.
Personally, I think they’d make a fantastic thruple! The dynamic would be epic, all three of them a powerhouse on the battlefield and an inspiration to others as a family unit. They’re enemies trembling at the very thought of facing their teamwork, their compatriots sighing in envy of their relationship “I want that someday!”
And all three are devoted to Cybertron’s well-being and future. Obsidian even says in Beast Machines that his loyalty is to Cybertron and it’s citizens, whatever is best for the planet and it inhabitants is who he will follow, and he had come to the conclusion that that was Megatron (of that series). So in a way, he and Lugnut already have a lot in common but are different enough that they could work so well as both comrades and spouses.
In addition to this, David Kaye, is the voice actor for Beast Wars/Beast Machines Megatron, and he’s the actor for Transformers Animated Lugnut. I just find this a delightful Easter Egg for fans of both series since Obsidian found the first of these two characters a worthy leader.
Strika could have two hubbies! She should have two hubbies! Motion carried, head canon accepted, meeting adjured.
That was a productive meeting, good job everyone!👏
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prince-toffee · 11 months ago
So, I rewatched the trailer over and over again, I stepped back, organised my thoughts, and I think I get it.
So first the Bad, then the GOOD, because there's actually a lot to like here.
The Bad:
So, the trend of companies kicking actual voice actors onto the curb and replacing them with celebrities continues. I remember being really angry when they first announced the voice cast, and I still am. It's quite literally the most boring, generic casting possible. You can not get much more white bread, milk toast than a Chris and Scar - I want to play an Asian woman and trans man - jo. Also, why is Chris Hemsworth here? Do he really need the money? Did Thor 4 damage his pockets that bad? There are so many talented voice actors that could've been Orion, David Kaye is a prime example Animated Optimus and Beats Wars/Unicron Trilogy Megatron, beloved by fans, if he was announced people would've been over joyed. I love Brian Tyree Henry, and he actually has some experience with va work as he voiced Jeff Morales in Spider-Verse, my original criticism still stands.... And Kegan, oh Kegan, I love you so much, Key and Peele was my childhood, and the Toad performance was perfectly fine, endearing even. But as Bee? I'm sorry, but no, that's not BumbleBee that's just actor/comedian Kegan Michael Key, I can't hear anything else. And it doesn't help that he's handed the worst lines.
Which brings us to the comedy. First impressions are EVERYTHING. And if you fumble that that hurts your film, and the perception of your film. I think that's really the problem here, it's a bad trailer not necessarily bad content. Packing the trailer with jokes for the sake of jokes and having that samey Hollywood liscensed music cringey feel to it. Like the guitar riff that played when the 'This Fall' card came up just made me turn off the video immediately. That's why I recommend watching the trailer without sound. Bee's jokes don't really land for me, I'm sure kids with love it tho, and that's good. But I'm sure all the jokes won't be bad, the final door gag is actually really funny. So I think it was just a bad joke that soured out feel of the tone at the beginning, which is unfortunate because like I said first impressions are everything. Because this is Josh Cooly, of Up, Inside Out, Toy Story 4 fame, I'm sure the film will have an emotional core to it.
A minor thing I don't much care for is having Bee be in the same age range as Orion, in my mind he's always constructed during the war at like the half way mark or near the end, he's the little brother of the group, and now he's old enough to remember Op and Megs before the war. Also he sounds way too old.
Oh, also I don't like Orion's personality.
Now for the good; I think the animations style is gorgeous. Would have I liked something Spider-Verse/Mutant Mayhem-esk, of course, but what are you gonna do? The stand out here is the environments, a visual feast. This might already be my favourite Cybertron, it's so different yet reminisant of the Cybertron we know. The fact that the surface transformers and shifts and changes is genius, very IDW Phase 2 inspired. And the fact that Cybertron is a techno-organic hybrid world ala Beast Machines is crazy! I love that, and wildlife! I bet that's how we get the cassettes. The character models are great too, you can actually tell what emotion is happening on a person's face. Gone are the days of faces being made up of razor blades and mandibles BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT INSECTS FUCK YOU MICHAEL BAY. THEY'RE PEOPLE! There's the nose, the lips, the eyes, and I can tell where one begins and ends. The eyes are gorgeous and detailed, and the face surface detail has smuges, wear, specs of dirt, metallic texture. Like, you nailed it! It's a person but a robot, you got it!
We see what we assume are the 13 Primes, Alpha Trion being the only survivor, maybe they were killed by the Quintessons and they took over. D-16, a ref to IDW and his toys designation in the toy catalogue, he'll obviously name himself after Megatronus ala TF Prime. He seems to have the Decepticon insignia before meeting The Fallen so maybe Megatronus' face is some sort of religious iconography, the Primes are a religion on Cybertron after all. It's all so fascinating, I can't remember the last time I was so excited to learn more about a new TF continuity.
Orion and D-16 are both miners and or workers, that's a refreshing take, no coptimus here. They've suffered the same way together, I bet story will be about dealing with that pain, what justice means, how far one is willing to take it and where justice stops and injustice begins. I know people are mad that the origins are a little different, but I ask you, different from what? Which continuity are you talking about? TF has never had a consistent singular timeline, and that's what I love about this franchise! It builds on itself with each new continuity! Take a bit of the old, mix it with new ideas and create something fresh, then that old guard leaves and a new team takes over and does the same and the franchise continues to evolve or should I say transform. Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get, and new incarnations always give second chances to improve apon what came before. No Reboots, no risks means no Skybite, or Nemesis Prime, no Stasis Pods, Sparks, Protoforms, Energon ore, no Star Saber, Hot Shot, Knock Out, Airachnid, no All Spark, no Sari, no Bulkhead, no old grumpy Ratchet, none of that. Reboots are a part of this franchise's DNA. I sense the people that are complaining are the people who only value one continuity and discard all others.
It's really neat this universe's version of The Cast System is lower class worker protoforms being denied a Transformation Cog, it seems like it's reserved for the higher classes, the very thing that makes their species special and unique is denied to them. Also I didn't notice it the first time, but Alpha actually pulls the t-cogs out of the dead Primes which kind of signifies a passing of the guard, the old Primes failed, now it's your turn, and of course history repeats itself with the downfall of Megatron.
I like how Trion is covered and intertwined with moss and vines and has a beast mode, showcasing that he's of an older era now gone and forgotten.
Some other smaller stuff:
The sun looks like a holographic simulation, which makes me wonder, Cybertron doesn't usually have a sun, but there's plant life now, so what's up?
The cave that the dead Primes and Trion are in kinda looks like a Dweller.
Megatron's black helmet is a ref to Marvel G1.
That spin kick where Elita twirls her entire waist around is sooo satisfying. I love it.
I think that's a good point to end on. So, yeah, v excited.
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justforbooks · 1 year ago
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In the childhood memories of more than one generation, Glynis Johns, who has died aged 100, will be best remembered as the Edwardian materfamilias of the hugely popular Walt Disney musical Mary Poppins (1964). Winifred Banks, married to David Tomlinson’s George W Banks, is the mother of Jane and Michael, the children in the care of the magical nanny played by Julie Andrews. A protester for the right to vote, Winifred delivers a spirited rendition of the song Sister Suffragette – “Our daughters’ daughters will adore us. And they’ll sing in grateful chorus: ‘Well done, Sister Suffragette!’” – as the children’s previous nanny tries to quit.
But the husky-voiced actor had other claims to fame from her more than 60 films and 30 stage productions. In 1973, Stephen Sondheim composed the song Send in the Clowns for Johns when she was cast in the leading role of the premiere production of his musical A Little Night Music, on Broadway. And she had won initial stardom in the British cinema as a mermaid.
In the title role of the film comedy Miranda (1948), she travels from Cornwall to London and causes romantic complications among the Chelsea set. Although the film’s whimsy may now seem strained, it was a great commercial success in its day, making Johns a top-liner in British movies. Miranda returned in a rather belated sequel, Mad About Men (1954).
By that time, Johns had moved almost completely from stage to films, where she was associated chiefly with lightweight roles, alternately fluffy and feisty. One of her most appealing opportunities came in the thriller State Secret (1950, released as The Great Manhunt in the US), playing a cabaret artiste in a fictitious Balkan country, and gamely singing Paper Doll in a wholly invented language.
It says something for her properties of youthfulness that at the age of 30 she could play a teenage schoolgirl in the melodrama Personal Affair (1953). The same year she played in two fanciful Walt Disney British productions, as Mary Tudor in The Sword and the Rose, and as the heroine wife of Rob Roy, and she went on to make her first Hollywood picture, the Danny Kaye comedy The Court Jester, in 1955. The following year she played a cameo role in the star-studded Around the World in 80 Days.
At the time Johns alternated between American and British films, generally in subordinate roles, but a rewarding one came in The Sundowners (1960), set in Australia, as a jolly barmaid who takes a shine to a visiting Englishman played by Peter Ustinov. It brought her an Oscar nomination as best supporting actress. Top billing came in a stylish horror movie, The Cabinet of Caligari (1962). She was well enough known to American audiences by this time to star in 1963 in Glynis, a TV sitcom series that ran for just one season.
In 1966 Johns returned to the London stage in The King’s Mare, as Anne of Cleves to Keith Michell’s Henry VIII. Her Welsh heritage came into play when she took the role of Myfanwy Price in a screen version of Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood (1971) starring Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor and Peter O’Toole, and two years later came her great Broadway success as Desiree Armfeldt in A Little Night Music, which brought her a Tony award.
Glynis came from a show business background: her mother, Alice Steele (nee Wareham), was a concert pianist who performed under the name Alys Steele-Payne, and her father was the prolific character actor Mervyn Johns. He was a stalwart in particular of Ealing Studios films: father and daughter appeared together in an Ealing drama, The Halfway House (1944).
Though her vocal intonations pointed to her Welshness, Glynis was born in Pretoria, South Africa, where her parents were on tour. She was reportedly carried on to the stage at the age of three weeks, and it was not too much longer before she was appearing there in a professional capacity, making her performing debut at the Garrick theatre, London, as a dancer in a revue called Buckie’s Bears (1935).
Educated at Clifton high school, Bristol, and South Hampstead high school and the Cone School of Dancing in London, she rapidly graduated to juvenile acting roles in both theatre and cinema. Her first screen appearance came at the age of 14, as politician Ralph Richardson’s troublesome daughter in South Riding (1938), and on stage she was the young sister, another Miranda, in Esther McCracken’s comedies Quiet Wedding (1938) and Quiet Weekend (1941).
That year brought the opportunity to appear in the film 49th Parallel, starring Leslie Howard and Laurence Olivier in a spy thriller intended to bolster second world war support in the US. When the prospect of playing a mermaid came after the war, she was able to draw on her theatrical versatility: “I was quite an athlete, my muscles were strong from dancing, so the tail was just fine. I swam like a porpoise.”
Johns returned to the London stage in 1977, as Terence Rattigan’s choice to play the murderer Alma Rattenbury in his well-received dramatisation of the Rattenbury case, Cause Célèbre. Her acting appearances became sporadic, though in 1989 she starred with Rex Harrison and Stewart Granger on Broadway in Somerset Maugham’s The Circle.
She was occasionally a guest star in US television series such as Murder She Wrote and The Love Boat, and played Diane’s rich mother, Helen Chambers, in the first series of Cheers (1983) and Trudie Pepper in the sitcom Coming of Age (1988-89). By the time of her final films, While You Were Sleeping (1995) and Superstar (1999), she was a characterful grandmother.
Johns was married and divorced four times. Her first husband, from 1942 to 1948, was the actor Anthony Forwood. Their son, Gareth, also an actor, died in 2007. Marriages to two businessmen followed: David Foster, from 1952 to 1956, and Cecil Henderson, from 1960 to 1962. She was married to Elliott Arnold, a novelist, from 1964 to 1973, and is survived by a grandson and three great-grandchildren.
🔔 Glynis Margaret Payne Johns, actor, born 5 October 1923; died 4 January 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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voices-of-hope-county · 1 year ago
Are there, by chance, voice files of the female deputy actually speaking, or a name of the voice actor who recorded the sound effects?
The female Deputy never speaks, but it sounds to me like she has the same voice actor as one of the cultists. You can find a transcript of most of her lines in this document if you search for “CULT_FOLLOWER_FEMALE_05”. One of the Angels might be played by the same person too.
I know Randy Yuen did motion capture for the Deputy in general, and maybe the male Deputy has his voice, but there is no information about who played “CULT_FOLLOWER_FEMALE_05” and the female Deputy…
The actor’s name must be in the credits, however, so probably one of these people:
VOICE TALENT Doug Abrahams Marty Adams Claire Armstrong Ted Atherton Kailea Banka Carolina Bartczak Lawrence Bayne Bruce Blain Jesse Bond Sarah Booth Marc-André Boulanger Wyatt Bowen Paul Braunstein Kimberly D. Brooks Jason Bryden Nicki Burke Mark Camacho Braeden Clarke Lucinda Davis Stacey DePass Bruce Edwards Jake Epstein Jonathan Goad Amber Goldfarb Alain Goulem Rob Greenway Gavin Hammon Ian Hanlin Lauren Jackson Julianne Jain Mara Junot Helen King Jameson Kraemer Gabe Kunda Tristan D. Lalla Erica Lindbeck Erin Mathews James Mathis III Jon McLaren Scott McNeil Cynthia Kaye McWilliams Chimwemwe Miller Julie Nathanson Mayko Nguyen Peter Outerbridge Lindsay Owen-Pierre Giles Panton Christopher Parson Kristen Peace Murry Peeters Simon Lee Phillips Geoffrey Pounsett Claire Rankin David Richmond-Peck Cara Ricketts Kyle Rideout Charlotte Rogers Paula Shaw Jesse Sherman Ivan Sherry Howard Siegel Jonathan Silver Dylan Taylor Jeff Teravainen Brett Watson Jane Wheeler Dan White Scott Whyte Debra Wilson Kim Yarbrough Farid Yazdani
And there is a little more information about who played who on IMDb.
This is all I know for the moment... but I hope it helps :)
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littlemisstfc · 1 year ago
We All Owe Jake Foushee An Apology: Why I Don't Like VA Fanbases
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Hello, Hola, こんにちは。
Welcome back to this side of the Hundred Acre Woods and I wanna ruin lunch today. You can thank Harriyanna Hook for that last bit akskskskksks. 
If you know me by now, you know that I have the utmost respect for voice actors, especially those who embrace their roles in various Transformers media. They were the voices of our childhoods for a reason, and they deserve much better from the film and tv industry. I don’t have the generous feeling towards their hardcore stans. 
Unfortunately, like everyone who has achieved a level of fame and success, their fanbases has a mix of good, sane fans and fans that make Misery look like a Disney movie. For some reason, when it comes to voice actors and Transformers, a good chunk of the fanbase has an overzealous mentality of, “there could only be ONE voice actor for one character.” If you know where this is going, you are correct. I am calling out the Peter Cullen stans today. 
3, 2, 1, Pingu.
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Bad Voice Direction Was The Problem, Not The Voice Actor
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Before y’all ask, no, nothing happened to either Peter or the subject of today’s blog post today. This is just something I have been thinking about for a while now.
Do not get me wrong: Peter Cullen is a very kind and caring man who deserves all the accolades and praise for his work in Transformers for the past 39 years. Having met him in person earlier this year felt like meeting Santa Claus. He was genuinely that amazing. However…his fanbase is something else. The best comparison I could think of at the top of my head is the Beyhive, aka Beyonce’s fanbase. Like, at the same time, I’ve seen the best and very worst of this fanbase. The good is that I have made friends and acquaintances that share the same appreciation and adoration I have for PeePaw. The bad is that I have seen people who legitimately worship the ground this man stands on and will do anything to maintain him as the one and only Optimus Prime. Like, within a couple of new years, every time there’s a new Transformers show, take a good guess which part of the fandom shows up the most in the comments section, specifically when there’s an Optimus Prime.
“That’s not Peter Cullen, wtf.”
“I want Peter Cullen as this Optimus.”
“This new Optimus’ voice sucks, I want Peter Cullen back.”
These are the best summaries I can come up with when it comes to how y’all react whenever there is a new voice actor for Optimus Prime. Y’all did it with David Kaye when Animated came around, y’all did it with Alan Tudyk when Earthspark came around, but these pale in comparisons to truly the most crazy, awful moment when shit hits the fan: Jake Foushee, when Cybeverse and the WFC Trilogy came around.
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For those who do not know who Jake Foushee is, he was the voice actor of Optimus Prime in Transformers Cyberverse and the War for Cybertron Trilogy. Before he was casted, he gained a fanbase due to his Optimus Prime impression and work as a Vine creator. In fact, it was an interview on the Ellen show that got him casted as Prime in the first place. The only off thing about his casting is that John Hasbro didn’t want to hire union voice actors for these two Transformers shows. Like…they damn well have the money to pay their voice actors, that’s something I’ll still hold John Hasbro accountable for to this day. Anyways, back to the main topic. I remember back when Cyberverse and the WFC Trilogy were airing, I see a surprising amount of people who harbor extreme reactions towards Jake Tillman’s voice acting as Optimus in these shows. 
“The voice actor sucks as Optimus.”
“Ewww, wtf. This is just a bad impersonation.”
“Why won’t Hasbro bring back the REAL voice of Optimus Prime?”
Again, these are simply paraphrases of genuinely nasty ass comments about Jake that basically screams They Changed It, Now It Sucks. Notice that last paraphrase here. What does this remind you of? I’ll give you three seconds.
If you guess correctly, you are correct. A good chunk of the hate towards this voice actor is from the hardcore Peter Cullen purists, aka the #BringBackPeterCullen crowd. Like…did y’all forget the basic value of, “if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all”? It’s not that fucking hard to say gross shit like this, like you’d be surprised at how many people often forget that these voice actors are real people. They’re real people who will read your hate comments, who will be hurt by your hate comments, and who will be discouraged from doing what they love because of your hate comments. When it comes to moments like this, it seems like y’all forgot the elephant in the room: the voice direction and script.
Cyberverse and the WFC Trilogy are a great way to show how much potential Jake Foushe has and how it will go wrong if it’s in the hands of a bad voice director and script. Cyberverse showed how utterly phenomenal Jake is as Optimus. In the first season, yeah, it was a bit rough around the edges. However, as the show goes on, he was given the direction to be himself rather than be a hardcore impression. His voice as Optimus has improved and it felt natural by the time we get to, “The Perfect Decepticon.” Compare his vocal performance in the third episode of Season One and the finale. It’s like day and night in the best ways.
However…then there’s the WFC Trilogy. For some reason, the voice direction and script set out to undermine Jake Foushee and the other voice actors of these shows as much as they can. As a result, it became the impression that y’all were quick to condemn Jake for. It felt like whoever was in charge of the voice acting for these three shows did not care about the implications of what they were doing with the voice direction. As a result, the nasty ass comments came and it eventually boiled to a point where after these shows ended, he doesn’t bring up his roles in them. I don’t blame him if it has something to do with the huge fan backlash to his casting as Optimus Prime.
Think Before You Speak: Fandom Brain Rot is A Curse
At this point, y’all just need to give up the whole #BringBackPeterCullen thing. It’s fine to feel upset over John Hasbro not giving him the respect he deserves around the hiring non union era. It’s fine to feel upset over John Hasbro not even bothering to ask him if he would like to come back as Optimus. However, it does not give you the excuse to be a shitty person towards whoever’s voicing Optimus in a new Transformers show. Sometimes, a new voice actor is necessary depending on the characterization and age a show is going with Optimus. Don’t worry about Peter. He still got the movies under his belt and there will be another show with him soon. I guarantee it. There’s no way that John Hasbro is gonna miss out on bringing him back.
In the meantime, we need to be better when it comes to whoever will be the next Optimus Prime. A part of the reason why I dreaded the announcement of the voice cast for Transformers: One is because of fans like these ones. Like, some of y'all forgot how to be decent human beings when your fav is not voiced by your fav voice actor. It has gotten to the point of being genuinely irritating. 
You may be asking what is the point of this entire blog post. The point is that time and time again, we have forgotten that voice actors are human beings too. This type of fan dumb needs to stop. Y’all did it before and y’all are doing it now with annoying shit like change.org petitions and angry fan letters. At this point, Imma about to say this:
We all owe Jake Foushee an apology big time.
Even if you don’t like his voice acting, you have to at least see something with the points I’ve made here. It will continue to rinse and repeat unless we put our feet down and stop it. We need to be more welcoming and encouraging to new talent who have big shoes to fill in. Having respect and adoration towards the veterans of Transformers while also respecting and being open to new talent who have the potential to co-exist. These are not two mutually exclusive things.
We all owe Jake Foushee an apology. 
Till All Are One: A Lesson To Be Learned
As Cyberverse Week is coming in a few days, I need to make my point very clear as one of the biggest Cyberverse fans out here. Sometimes, the new may be just as good as the old. I always have the hope of seeing Jake one day at a convention such as TFCon, especially since he voiced my second favorite Optimus ever. 
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I'm glad that more people are starting to realize that the backlash against whoever voices Optimus Prime in a new show is just plain dumb. Imagine my relief when I Tweeted a bit about this topic the other way on Twitter and saw a lot of people agreeing with how awful the backlash against Jake Foushee is.
We need to do better as a fandom. It starts with unpacking our biases and be open to change. Transformers is a franchise that revolves around robotical organisms that change, yet ironically the fandom doesn't like change.
Still, I won't let that affect my perception of voice actors in the franchise. I encourage you all to not send any hate messages to any voice actor and be open to change. I may not change everyone's minds, but I hope it gave you all something to think about.
Anyways, Pingu.
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ba-matorangirl · 3 months ago
At some point, this December I'd learned that Peter Cullen had canceled most, if not all of his appearances at future conventions because of something wrong with his health... And even Gary Chalk, the voice actor for Optimus in the anime, "Transformers Armada" has cancer. Treatable cancer, but still.
You know... I may not be a Transformers fan, but ever since seeing Transformers One and dipping into the fandom a bit... I've been thinking about Peter Cullen.
I've heard stories about when Optimus Prime died in the 1986 movie, how children were so distraught, going out of the theatre crying, hiding in their closets or under their beds, how Optimus eventually came back to life. About how in the shows and comics to come, he would repeatedly die, sometimes to return to life and sometimes not.
I've been thinking about how he's been getting old, and, well... I'm worried. Because... someday... he, Optimus will die... and they won't come back this time. I don't know if this is selfish of me to want, but I really, really, really hope that when it happens... if there's an afterlife... that he won't forget about his fans, his loved ones, that he'll remember them, and watch over them, because he means so much to you guys, and you'll miss him so much too.
I'm afraid... no, terrified, of what's to come.
Addendum: Frank Welker, too... and Gary Chalk, and David Kaye... and Chris Hemsworth, and Brian Tyree Henry... Evan Michael Lee... everyone who's ever voiced Optimus Prime or Megatron... they all mean something to someone, and it'll be so hard for us without them around.
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singeratlarge · 2 months ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Tom Bailey (Thompson Twins), Keisha Lance Bottoms, Christian Burns (BB Mak), Johnny Costa (Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood), Kevin Costner, composer César A Cui, Elijah Cummings, conductor Janos Ferencsik, Bobby Goldsboro, Cary Grant, Bo Gritz, Danny Kaye, jazz tuba player/bassist "Min" Leibrook, Jesse L. Martin, Crispian Mills (Kula Shakur), A.A. Milne, Constance Moore, Samantha Mumba, "Yannis" Papaioannou, pedal steel guitar legend Al Perkins, David Ruffin, Shostakovich’s 1930 satirical opera THE NOSE, Larry “Legs” Smith, Daniel Webster, Daniel Hale Williams, and actor-singer Oliver Hardy of the iconic comedy team Laurel & Hardy. In his well-documented life, he appeared in at least 107 films. His first “real job” was managing a movie theatre (including janitor and projectionist) in his hometown of Midgeville, Georgia. His talents were obvious, and friends urged him to go to Jacksonville FL where there was a small film industry. That led to Hollywood, where he started working in bigger roles as “Babe” Hardy—alternately known for his vibrant singing voice. In 1927 he teamed up with Stan Laurel, and the rest is history. Laurel & Hardy became successful icons recognized around the world—oft-imitated, oft-quoted, and still drawing audiences today. Even their catchphrases are imbedded in our culture. Here’s a song I wrote based on the L&H bromide, “Well here’s another fine mess you’ve gottten me into…” HB Oliver and thank you for the countless hours of joy you’ve given to the world. 
#LaurelandHardy #OliverHardy #classiccomedy #slapstick #musicalcomedy #silentfilms #comedyteam #birthday #unresolved #anotherfinemess #johnnyjblair #singeratlarge #singersongwriter
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zzthekaiju · 1 year ago
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And here's the bio for our main villain of the Godzilla: Monster Watch AU!
King Ghidorah: An unfathomably evil and tyrannical alien dragon with scales like gold and three heads capable of unleashing all manner of storms and hurricanes. King Ghidorah is the God that Organization X’s top brass worships, the source of Godzila’s childhood trauma, a surprisingly intelligent and talkative beast, and the greatest threat of the series. Organization X is convinced that one day, he will return to cleanse the world of its imperfections, and let them rule alongside him. Of course, he has no intention of keeping his end of the deal. He gets his power by feeding off of the collective despair of any planet’s inhabitants. And there’s more than plenty of that to go around on Earth. So, you’d better hope that both mankind and the Kaiju are ready when he inevitably shows up. Also, I will accept no other voice actor for him that isn't David Kaye.
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random-movie-ideas · 2 months ago
DC Legends: Imperiex
Imperiex first appeared in 2000 as the embodiment of entropy come to devour Earth as a keystone planet in the universe, so as to bring about the complete end of the universe and start a new one. Basically, he's DC's Galactus, just more tied to cosmic entropy.
As the embodiment of entropy, he wields the power of the big bang and can create black holes at will. He can also create smaller drones of himself to do his bidding. How did the Justice League ever defeat this guy? Because the writers said they did.
An adaptation of the character would have to be a big final ending movie, where all the heroes and villains come together to preserve their world against him. You can't get much bigger than him.
For casting, he's definitely going to be a big bad CGI monolith with mostly a voice actor portraying him. Characters who have played similar voices include Ralph Ineson, Keith David, or David Kaye. If he ends up not having as much a voice as big cosmic rumblings, I could see Frank Welker playing him.
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elfdragon12 · 11 months ago
Do you have any "voice actors" headcanons on your characters? I'm curious what they sound like.
I'll do some of the key characters rather than the whole cast as I mentioned before I don't typically, but it's a good little exercise. Now, for Tracks and Raoul, I do normally "hear" their lines in their G1 voices, but I'll pick some more current or appropriate VAs/actors.
Fort Max: Colin Farrell (He can pull the look too when his hair is on the longer side, honestly.)
Brawn: Danny Trejo
Warpath: Viktoria Miroshnichenko (here's a video)
Tracks: J Michael Tatum (going with his voice for Kyouya from Ouran High School Host Club)
Cerebros: Ioanna Tiantafyllidou (here's a video)
Cosmos: Miriam Stein (video)
Hoist: Colin Firth
Powerglide: Fawad Khan (video)
Raoul: Anthony Ramos (Basically Raoul already.)
Astoria Carlton-Ritz: Nasim Pedrad (voicing Master Zia)
Thunder Clash: Vikram Chatterjee (link to a trailer for Pariah where's he's the lead actor. Caution: this movie is about the mistreatment of stray animals and trafficking, dogs in particular. There are dead dogs.)
Road Rage: Colleen Clinkenbeard (as Riz Hawkeye)
Overlord: David Kaye (BW Megatron voice)
Onslaught: Laurence Fishburne
Blast-Off: Cauã Reymond (link to an interview)
Swindle: Ryotaro Okiayu (his Kaku voice, his salesman voice has more of the Kizaru cadence but sped up a bit [he picked Kizaru up after the original VA passed])
Vortex: Kitty Chicha (clip)
Brawl: Dmitry Chepovetsky (clip)
Hardtop: Romi Park (her Temari voice from Naruto)
Needlenose: Austin Tindle (as the voice of Knives from Trigun Stampede)
Horri-Bull: Robby Benson (as the voice of Beast of Beauty and the Beast)
Megaempress: Lena Heady
I did have fun doing this! Some came very quickly.
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dxrknessembr8ced · 1 year ago
Imagine Pyron going “Pyron TERRORIZE!”, which is funny because his English va from the Night Warriors ova is David Kaye
That is fucking funny and also awesome that pyron's voice actor is also the voice actor for megatron now I won't ever stop thinking if Pyron talking with Megatron voice going " yeeessss..~ " man I should've made a transformers AU of darkstalkers but I'm happy with what I have written so far so yeah.
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ADBK: Giant Rex
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Epithet: The Guardian of the Krakatoa Volcano
Voice Actor: David Kaye
Tribe: The Deep Valley of the Lost World
Biography: Standing about as tall as Black Tyranno himself, Giant Rex is the guardian of Krakatoa Canyon, an area not far from Deep Valley and home to the similarly named volcano that houses Black Skull Dragon and Meteor Black Dragon.
Giant Rex himself is the half-brother of Black Tyranno, and was nicknamed Crassus for his amazingly good economic savviness thanks to holding a major supply of volcanic gemstones that are used by many Tribes in the Duelscape.
He's also a charming individual, being able to impress humanoid monsters with his high intelligence and strategic mind. Being a member of the Ancient Clan, Giant Rex has also called upon the help of the Kindred on occasion, and has been pen pals with fellow ancient fighter Stern Mystic since Big Shield Gardna became an Arcane Knight.
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karlyanalora · 2 years ago
For the TF fan Q&A
Unpopular Opinion: What is one thing about the franchise or fanbase that you like the least?
Transform and Roll Out!: If you could transform into anything, what would it be?
Freaky Friday: If you could switch bodies with any Transformers character for one day, which would you choose and why?
Meet & Greet: If you could meet only one Transformers voice actor, which would you want to meet?
Transform and Roll Out!: I would want to turn into a cat like Ravage!
Freaky Friday: Ravage. Always wanted to be a cat. Would love to hang with the Decepticons, especially Soundwave.
Meet & Greet: David Kaye. I am a sucker for TFA Optimus. I don't think any other Optimus could have hooked me on this fandom with a three-minute YouTube clip and stayed in my mind for literal years before I could get my hands on the show. I'd like to thank David for his performance.
Unpopular Opinion: This is the only fandom I am worried about being eaten alive in. Let's just leave it at that.
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