#DAV Public School
townpostin · 1 month
DAV Public School Hosts Successful Model UN Conference
Decennial Negotiation Summit Concludes with Emphasis on Global Cooperation DBMUN 2024 wraps up, fostering diplomacy and collaboration among young leaders tackling pressing global issues. JAMSHEDPUR – DAV Public School, Bistupur, concluded its Model United Nations Conference (DBMUN 2024) on August 17, 2024, highlighting international cooperation and youth leadership. The two-day event brought…
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bestofsearch1 · 1 year
Dav Public School
Get the Best Education at Dav Public School Aurangabad. We provide Information about the admission procedure, contact, and facilities of Dav Public School.
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cyberphuck · 1 year
So, about the story of how I met my dad and why I love him so much
@qthewhatever asked me to talk about my dad, how he became my dad, and our relationship. I thought this was going to be a fun jaunt through good memories, with maybe a few grateful tears along the way. But the story of why my dad is so special to me can't be told without the context of why my mother *isn't* special to me, and the stark difference between how he treats me, and how I was treated by her. The cliff's notes version (do they even have those anymore?): Dad became my dad kind of by accident, when Seb and I started "pretending" to be siblings in order to be able to rent a room together. Dad is Seb's dad, so it follows that since I'm Seb's sibling, Dad is my dad too. Then he just... fell into the role, because dads gotta dad. He is always proud of me, no matter what, and no matter how badly I fuck something up he could never, ever stop loving me. He cares about me and doesn't get annoyed by the ups and downs of my moods. He lets me cry when I need to. He lets me take a break when I need to. He loves me, *really* loves me, so totally and completely that even though we look absolutely nothing alike, no one who has ever seen us together doubts that he's raised me from birth. That's not what it was like with my mom. I only got so far through recounting her decades of abuse before I found that I couldn't do it anymore. I'm still going to post what I have, because I think other people should read it and maybe become comfortable talking about their abuse *as* abuse and not "I'm sure I was doing something wrong somehow, and it was my fault they were always so angry at me." Also, I spent a long time working on it. This is not a happy story. trigger warnings: child abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, mental illness, mentions of suicide, mentions of self harm, mentions of various serial killers, mentions of psychiatric hospitals, autism portrayed in a negative tone, fatphobia, and brief mentions of drugs and drug use. (this story is also not complete; it stops when I'm around 27, but I added an epilogue.)
My family had been in various financial situations throughout my childhood, but I was raised upper middle class, which was the same tax bracket that my mom had been raised in. My biodad, Ichiro (Dave) left when I was three, and I saw him once ten years later and then never again. So mom raised my older brother Nick and I by herself (except for a 3 year stint with Chris the Coke Addict Who's Dead Now) up until I was thirteen.
I'll admit I was not an easy kid to raise. I was (and still am) weird and awkward and autistic and prone to oversharing with strangers as well as long crying spells over seemingly low-importance things. Nick was also sensitive and somewhere on the spectrum, but it was me who was the loud one, the hyper one, the one who people politely said was a "late bloomer" and "marched to the beat of their own drummer" (at one point my mom told me I was "marching backwards.") I refused or forgot to eat so often that at six I became malnourished enough to warrant a visit by CPS. I was always being called into the principal's office for doing weird shit at school, like making potions out of shampoo and throwing them at passing cars or lion-roaring at boys I didn't like or whatever. When I got sick, I got VERY sick, like the time I straight up got Scarlet Fever and almost died, or the time I had a fever so high I started convulsing, or the lots of times that I had to do fasting blood draws every month because I had a very low red blood cell count and no one could figure out why.
Bottom line I was very weird. Mom was weird too, my grandparents were weird, but they knew how to "show" in public. I didn't. Nick's nickname for me was "The Spaz." Worse, I constantly craved attention and had absolutely no concept of Stranger Danger (I still kind of don't), and the year I was born, Richard Ramirez was active and killing in Southern California where my mom and Dave lived. In 1992, Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested and his apartment full of chunks of Milwaukee's queer community was broadcasted all over the news. In 1978, when my mom was a young woman, Mary Vincent was attacked by a man who picked her up while hitchhiking. He assaulted her and then attacked her with a hatchet, cutting both her arms off above the elbow. She has hooks for hands now. 
To keep me by her side and not wandering around out in the open, mom told me about all this. Everything-- that Dahmer was killing and eating people, that Ramirez tortured and murdered people, and how Mary Vincent had asked a strange man for a ride and now she had no arms. There's a scene in the beginning of *A Time to Kill* by John Grisham where a young black girl is being raped and tortured by two white men. It's a page or two long, but very graphic, and when I was eight my mom sat me down and made me read it to show me what could happen to me if I went anywhere alone.
At the time, we lived in Lausanne, Switzerland, which is not exactly a hotbed of violent crime.
All that aside, I was a cute kid and a good-looking teenager. I was adorably freckly with never-neat red hair, and then grew into a curvy teen with long red hair and wore cute clothes. Mom bragged to people that I was an author and an artist, and she would often tell me that she loved how 'cool' I was. (cool, in this sense, meant wearing the clothes she bought me and not styling my hair in any way she found ugly. She often pointed out ugly people on TV or on the street, and say something like 'I'm glad YOU don't dress like that.') 
I was smart-- I didn't get good grades because I could never get around to doing my homework, but I scored high on tests and most teachers liked me. I wasn't one of the popular kids, but I was always the leader of whatever little gang I was in, deciding where we went and what we did, and mom loved that, too. And she really, *really* wanted me to go into medicine.
Junior and senior year was where it all started to fall apart. 
Mom's husband is a veteran with severe PTSD. 2001 - 2005 were the worst years with him; he was overbearing at the best of times and the fact that he was a boomer from Brooklyn and I was a millenial from LA really didn't help us see eye to eye. But he had a hair trigger and would back me against a wall to loom over you  and scream in your face. Nick, who was taller and angrier than me, would scream back. Once, Nick was sent to the store for parmesan cheese and came home with the powder kind in the green can instead of the tub of the fancy grated cheese, and the resulting shouting match almost ended in a fist fight.
My depression started getting really bad when I was 17. By 18, I started self-harming, and for the first time had the thought that if I died, if I was gone and were nothing, everything would be better. I also had my first hospitalization.
I'm at 21 inpatient psychiatric stays now.
Worse, I was an adult now and had not transferred gracefully from high school to college (to go into medicine, nothing else was enough for her). I didn't even have a graduation-- I tested out of school in early 2003 and the only pomp and circumstance I got was a half-sheet of paper with 'CALIFORNIA HIGH SCHOOL PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION' printed on it. I had gained a lot of weight, partly due to meds and partly from depression and post-school downtime. She told me my hair looked like a rat's nest and once remarked to her husband, 'look at the size of her!' I no longer wore cute clothes and was not actively trying to turn my art or writing into a profitable career. 
Mom and her husband told me that I absolutely had to go back to school again, or they'd kick me out. The closest community college was two counties away (counties in California are really big). They told me they'd only take me to the nearest bus stop (still an hours' drive) and then I'd have to take a three-hour bus ride to the campus. The absolute earliest bus left at six am, which meant that I could only take classes starting at 10 am, and then had to leave by 2 pm to take the bus back home (the return bus did go all the way back to my area, but didn't run as often). 
They treated my trek back and forth to campus every day not with pride or pity, but contempt, as in "this is what you get for not succeeding." I had two more hospital stays.
After a particularly bad episode with mom's husband where he tried to force his way through a door and I had to climb out a window to get to neighbor's house and call 911, I moved out to stay with Nick, who had left about a year earlier. I was determined to be an adult and build a life for myself, but my depression and self-harming got steadily worse, and though I had several jobs and tried to go to college, every few months I'd do some serious damage to myself and end up back in the psych ward, pushing all my plans back to zero.
Nick moved in with his girlfriend, leaving me to shoulder the rent on our room on my own. I managed for about six months, but I couldn't stay at any job for long. I went to live with Skittle, where my depression took such a nosedive that a lot of nights were just spent huddled in a ball and sobbing. I felt worthless. I felt like I was nothing. 
Skittle and I broke up, and with nowhere to go, I moved back in with my mom. There were short periods thereafter that I would move out again, but basically, after I turned 23, I didn't get away from her again for five years.
Mom was never really happy with me again. I helped out wherever I could, going with her to the ranch where her horses were and volunteering to do all the dirty or hard tasks so she could have more time to ride. I did not and still do not like horses and have no interest in riding them. I went to make her happy. I wanted to do whatever I could to make her like me.
(Mom's ranch friends loved me, because I had been taught to show well in public. With them, I was witty and hard-working, and so sweet to come there to help my mom. Didn't I want to get on a horse, just once? No?)
I brought my mom breakfast and her meds when she woke up, so she could lay in bed while they took effect instead of having to hobble to the kitchen. I did chores around the house. I took the laundry to the laundromat twice a week, and brought them home clean and folded. I walked the dogs and took them to the park. 
My mom told me that I was a draw on finances. I started cleaning houses, and eventually lucked into a job cleaning weed for a hefty sum of money. I made enough money in one three-day weekend to buy my own car, which was a good thing since mom's truck was repossessed not long after. I'd gotten the trimming job in November. I sometimes stayed over at the weed guy's house so I could do two or three days of trimming in a row. In December mom told me that all I cared about was money.
Early the next year, my boss was between sales, so he was late paying me. I owed my mom two hundred dollars (I can't remember for what), and she treated me with open hatred for every day I didn't have it. Bitter and upset, I posted something on facebook to the effect of "does anyone know where I can find two hundred dollars so my mom will love me again?" Mom saw it and sent me a message: 
"you want to play this game? better not call for a while I better not see you for a while. a person must learn to keep family business private [Jaydee]."
I also got:
“Just sit there and pretend you’re not here.”
“I’m trying to reminisce about happier times, before all this.”
“You know you think it’s all about you, but I had your brother first.”
“If you don’t like the things I say to you, leave and find someplace with someone nicer.”
“Go get a shrink and figure out why you’re like this all the time.”
[epilogue: the next year, I was planning to commit suicide because I saw no other way out. Seb offered to let me stay with him in Texas; my options were Texas, or death. I pondered that for a while. A few weeks later, I got a refund of a Pell Grant from my college that they'd mistakenly taken two years earlier. Mom and her husband made it expressly clear that as soon as the money hit my account, I was to hand it over to them. Instead, I bought a plane ticket, pulled out the rest of the money in cash, wiped my ass with her husband's face towel, and snuck out with two suitcases in the middle of the night. I had left a note for mom saying I didn't want to be abused anymore and told her I was going to stay with a friend in Central California to throw her off my trail. I also told her that if she ever tried to find me, or bothered any of my friends to get information, I would put all of her secrets and records of her abuse on facebook for all her friends and relatives to read.
I didn't see her or speak to her again for nearly ten years, until this May. Then I flipped her off.]
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best-preschool1 · 7 months
Academic Pioneers: Leading Schools in the Vicinity of Begumpet, Hyderabad
In the lively city of Hyderabad, education stands as the cornerstone of success, shaping the future of its citizens. For parents residing in the vicinity of Begumpet, the quest for quality education for their children is paramount. This blog explores the top-rated schools in the area, highlighting their contributions to the educational landscape of Hyderabad. Additionally, it discusses the role of platforms like Edustoke in aiding parents in their school selection process.
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Overview of Begumpet:
Begumpet, located in the heart of Hyderabad, is a prestigious and well-connected locality known for its blend of residential, commercial, and educational establishments. It is home to several key landmarks, including the Begumpet Airport, Hyderabad Marriott Hotel, and Begumpet Railway Station. With its strategic location and modern amenities, Begumpet attracts residents seeking a convenient and cosmopolitan lifestyle.
Leading Schools in the Vicinity:
In the vicinity of Begumpet, Hyderabad lies a cluster of leading schools renowned for their academic excellence, holistic approach to education, and state-of-the-art facilities. Here are some of the prominent institutions shaping the educational landscape:
DDMS P. Obul Reddy Public School: Known for its commitment to academic excellence and holistic development, DDMS P. Obul Reddy Public School offers a comprehensive curriculum and a nurturing environment for students to thrive.
Meridian School: With a focus on fostering creativity, critical thinking, and leadership skills, Meridian School empowers students to excel academically and socially.
The Hyderabad Public School (HPS): As one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions in Hyderabad, HPS has a legacy of academic excellence, producing leaders in various fields.
BSD DAV Public School: BSD DAV Public School is known for its innovative teaching methods, comprehensive curriculum, and emphasis on extracurricular activities.
Chinmaya Vidyalaya: Inspired by the teachings of Swami Chinmayananda, Chinmaya Vidyalaya offers a holistic education that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit of students.
EuroSchool Hyderabad: With a focus on experiential learning and holistic development, EuroSchool Hyderabad prepares students for success in the modern world.
Oxford Grammar School: Committed to academic excellence and character development, Oxford Grammar School instills values of integrity, discipline, and compassion in its students.
St. Andrew's School: St. Andrew's School provides a nurturing environment where students are encouraged to explore their interests and talents, fostering a love for learning.
Don Bosco High School: Don Bosco High School is known for its strong academic programs, supportive faculty, and vibrant extracurricular activities.
The Creek Planet School (Neptune Campus): With a focus on holistic development and 21st-century skills, The Creek Planet School offers a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for future challenges.
These leading schools in the vicinity of Begumpet, Hyderabad, are committed to providing quality education and preparing students to become responsible global citizens and leaders in their respective fields.
Academic Excellence and Achievements:
The leading schools in the vicinity of Begumpet have consistently achieved academic excellence and garnered accolades in various fields. Their students have excelled in board examinations, competitive exams, and extracurricular activities, showcasing their talents on both national and international platforms. Notable alumni have gone on to pursue successful careers in diverse fields, further enhancing the reputation of these schools.
Role of Edustoke:
Platforms like Edustoke play a crucial role in aiding parents in their best school in Begumpet selection process. Edustoke provides comprehensive information about schools in Begumpet, including details about infrastructure, faculty, curriculum, and extracurricular activities. Parents can read reviews, compare schools, and make informed decisions based on their preferences and requirements. By leveraging the resources provided by Edustoke, parents can find the best-fit school for their children, ensuring their academic success and overall development.
The leading schools in the vicinity of Begumpet, Hyderabad, are instrumental in shaping the educational landscape of the city. With their commitment to academic excellence, holistic development, and innovation, these institutions are preparing students to thrive in a dynamic and competitive world. Parents are encouraged to explore the educational offerings in Begumpet and leverage platforms like Edustoke to make informed decisions about their children's education. By investing in quality education, parents lay the foundation for their children's future success and fulfillment.
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doonheritage · 11 days
Discover the Best CBSE Schools in Dehradun: Top Picks for Your Child’s Success
Choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions a parent can make for their child’s future. Dehradun, often referred to as the "School Capital of India," boasts a range of top-tier CBSE schools that provide an excellent education foundation and holistic development. With state-of-the-art facilities, qualified teachers, and a focus on both academics and extracurricular activities, the best CBSE schools in Dehradun stand out as ideal choices for parents seeking the best for their children.
In this article, we will explore some of the best CBSE schools in Dehradun, each known for its commitment to academic excellence, co-curricular opportunities, and overall student development.
1. Doon Heritage School
As a frontrunner in CBSE education, Doon Heritage School stands out for its holistic approach to education. With a curriculum designed to nurture both intellectual and emotional growth, this institution is a top pick for parents in Dehradun. Students are encouraged to participate in a range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, and community service. What makes Doon Heritage School one of the best CBSE schools in Dehradun is its dedicated focus on creating future leaders through a balance of academics and life skills.
Key Features:
State-of-the-art infrastructure
Emphasis on extracurricular activities
Personalized learning approaches
Strong academic results in CBSE board exams
2. The Asian School
The Asian School is another top choice for parents looking for the best CBSE school in Dehradun. Known for its modern facilities and commitment to student welfare, the school offers a well-rounded education that blends academics with character development. The school’s curriculum is tailored to challenge students and encourage creative thinking. Sports and cultural activities are highly valued, helping students develop a range of skills essential for success.
Key Features:
A student-centered approach to learning
Wide range of co-curricular activities
Focus on leadership and social responsibility
Consistent academic performance
3. DAV Public School
With a long history of academic excellence, DAV Public School in Dehradun has become synonymous with quality education. As one of the best CBSE schools in Dehradun, it offers a rich educational experience that focuses on developing both academic skills and moral values. The school emphasizes discipline, character-building, and academic rigor, making it a popular choice for parents who want their children to grow into well-rounded individuals.
Key Features:
Strong focus on academic discipline
Emphasis on moral education and values
Extensive co-curricular programs
Experienced faculty
4. Doon International School
Doon International School is one of the best CBSE schools in Dehradun, known for its nurturing environment and commitment to excellence. The school offers a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on academic achievement while also providing opportunities for personal development. With excellent facilities and a wide range of extracurricular activities, the school encourages students to explore their interests and talents.
Key Features:
Experienced and supportive faculty
Holistic approach to student development
Focus on global awareness and cultural sensitivity
Excellent track record in CBSE exams
5. Kendriya Vidyalaya
Kendriya Vidyalaya is a prestigious institution that consistently ranks among the best CBSE schools in Dehradun. Known for its strong academic curriculum, it provides a rigorous education designed to help students excel in both national and competitive exams. In addition to academics, the school places great emphasis on physical fitness, arts, and social responsibility, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education.
Key Features:
Affordable yet high-quality education
Strong emphasis on academics and competitive exam preparation
Extensive sports and cultural programs
National reputation for excellence
6. Delhi Public School (DPS) Dehradun
Delhi Public School is renowned across India for its high academic standards and comprehensive educational approach. As one of the best CBSE schools in Dehradun, DPS offers an exceptional environment for students to learn, grow, and succeed. The school’s curriculum encourages creativity, innovation, and critical thinking, preparing students for challenges in higher education and beyond. DPS also provides excellent facilities for sports, arts, and other extracurricular activities, fostering a well-balanced student life.
Key Features:
Emphasis on academic excellence and holistic development
Highly qualified and experienced faculty
Focus on student leadership and community service
Advanced infrastructure and facilities
7. SelaQui International School
SelaQui International School is a leading institution in Dehradun, providing an education that prepares students for both national and international challenges. Although it follows the CBSE curriculum, SelaQui’s approach is highly progressive, focusing on both academic success and personal growth. The school’s state-of-the-art campus provides world-class facilities, ensuring that students have access to everything they need to succeed academically and personally.
Key Features:
International exposure and opportunities
State-of-the-art infrastructure and technology
Emphasis on leadership development and critical thinking
A nurturing and supportive learning environment
8. Carman School
Carman School is another popular choice for parents seeking the best CBSE school in Dehradun. The school is known for its excellent academic record and commitment to the personal development of its students. Offering a range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, and drama, Carman School provides an environment where students can explore their interests and hone their skills.
Key Features:
Focus on academic excellence and personal development
Wide range of extracurricular activities
Supportive and experienced faculty
Strong emphasis on student discipline and values
Why Choose the Best CBSE School in Dehradun?
The best CBSE schools in Dehradun offer a unique blend of academic rigor, holistic development, and character-building. These institutions prepare students for the challenges of tomorrow, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and values necessary for success in both their academic and personal lives. Whether your focus is on academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, or leadership development, Dehradun’s CBSE schools provide an environment where students can thrive.
if you are looking for best cbse school in dehradun: Visit Now -https://doonheritageschool.com/
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Discover Unparalleled Luxury at Surya Signature: Best Real Estate Company in Patna
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Are you searching for the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and luxury in Patna? Look no further than Surya Signature, an exceptional residential complex offering 2 BHK and 3 BHK in Danapur that redefine modern living. Nestled in the vibrant Danapur-Khagaul area, this premium housing society is set to become the new benchmark for upscale living in Bihar's capital.
Residential Project from Best Construction Company in Patna In The Heart of Danapur-Khagaul
Surya Signature's strategic location near Radiant International School on the Danapur-Khagaul Main Road offers residents unparalleled connectivity and access to essential amenities. With 3 BHK apartments in Khagaul, Patna becoming increasingly sought-after, Surya Signature stands out as a beacon of luxury and convenience.
Key nearby landmarks include:
Educational institutions: DAV Public School (750m), St. Karen's Secondary School (1.6km)
Healthcare facilities: Division Railway Hospital (1.8km), Curis Hospital (2.7km)
Transportation: Danapur Railway Station (2km)
Entertainment: Aqua Water Park (700m), Jagjeevan Stadium (2.5km)
Luxurious Living Spaces: From Cozy to Opulent
Surya Signature caters to diverse preferences with its range of living spaces:
2 BHK and 3 BHK in Danapur: Perfect for small families and young professionals
Luxury 3 BHK Flat in Khagaul Patna: Spacious interiors with premium finishes
Premium Penthouse in Danapur Khagaul: The epitome of luxury living with panoramic views
Each unit is designed to maximize space utilization while ensuring a harmonious blend of aesthetics and functionality.
Unmatched Amenities: A Lifestyle Beyond Compare
As the best real estate company in Patna, Surya Signature offers an extensive array of facilities:
Wellness: Infinity swimming pool, fitness zones, yoga room, spa & sauna
Recreation: Gaming zone, basketball court, badminton court, cricket pitch
Community: Club house, co-working space, conference room, outdoor banquet
Children's Facilities: Kids' library, learning center, crèche, safe play area
These amenities ensure that residents enjoy a holistic lifestyle without stepping out of the complex. As one of the best construction companies in Patna, Bihar, Surya Nestbuild a genuine and authentic name in the construction industry.
The Surya Signature Advantage
What sets this housing society in Khagaul Patna apart?
Thoughtful Design: From the spacious entrance lobby to the themed lawn areas, every detail is crafted for elegance and comfort.
Work-Life Balance: With co-working spaces and conference rooms, Surya Signature supports the evolving needs of modern professionals.
Green Living: Landscaped lawns and scenic surroundings promote a healthy, eco-friendly lifestyle.
Security: State-of-the-art security systems ensure peace of mind for all residents.
Invest in Your Future
Surya Signature isn't just a home; it's an investment in a lifestyle. As Patna continues to grow, properties in prime locations like Danapur-Khagaul are poised for significant appreciation. Whether you're looking for a 3 BHK apartment in Khagaul, Patna or a premium penthouse in Danapur Khagaul, Surya Signature offers options that cater to your needs while promising excellent returns on investment. In conclusion, Surya Signature stands as a testament to luxury living in Patna. With its prime location, top-notch amenities, and diverse range of living spaces, it's more than just a residential complex – it's a community where dreams come to life. Experience the pinnacle of urban living at Surya Signature, where every day feels like a luxury retreat in the comfort of your own home. Book your dream home with the best real estate company in Patna – Surya Nestbuild Ltd.
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himexam-blog · 23 days
DAV Public School Rehan PGT & PRT Recruitment 2024
DAV Public School Rehan PGT & PRT Recruitment 2024 Notification Out For 02 Posts : DAV Public Sen.Sec. Rehan has released the PGT & PRT Notification for 02 posts . The DAV Public School Rehan PGT & PRT Recruitment 2024 Notification Out For 02 Posts has been released and the offline applications are accepted from 29 August to 06 September 2024. The eligible candidates can apply offline for DAV Public School Rehan PGT & PRT Posts.
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Top 10 CBSE School in Odisha
Looking for the top 10 CBSE schools in Odisha? Look no further! Here is a list of top 10 CBSE school in Odisha:
SAI International School, Bhubaneswar
ODM Public School
Mother's Public School
DAV Public School
Buxi Jagabandhu English Medium School
St. Joseph’s Girls High School
Odisha Adarsh Vidyalaya
KIIT International School
Kendriya Vidyalaya
St Xavier’s High School
Among these SAI International School is the best school in Odisha offering high-quality education along with immense extracurricular opportunities.
Visit https://saiinternational.edu.in/ to know more.
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rojgarbharat · 1 month
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alsanda-151651 · 1 month
Palm Amore Seawoods
In Navi Mumbai, Palm Amore Seawoods is the height of elegance and convenience. It offers upscale 2BHK and 3BHK apartments for ₹2.5 Crores to ₹5 Crores. This G+15 building, which has 14 wings and a four-level basement parking garage, is situated on a spacious 6-acre plot of land and offers over forty-three outstanding amenities. In addition to covered parking, residents will have seamless connectivity to the city and beyond, as well as 24-hour access to electricity and water. Palm Amore Seawoods prioritises safety, providing every resident with peace of mind through fire extinguisher nozzles in every hallway, CCTV surveillance in all common areas, and fire ring ducts for emergency exits.
Strategically located in Seawoods, this luxurious property offers unbeatable location advantages, including proximity to Seawoods railway station (7 mins), Belapur railway station (9 mins), and Nerul railway station (10 mins). Essential amenities like the bus depot (5 mins), DAV Public School Nerul (3 mins), and Nexus Seawoods (6 mins) are just a short distance away. The project also boasts the largest residential solar panel installation in the area, reflecting a commitment to sustainability without compromising on construction quality. With construction in full swing, now is the perfect time to explore Palm Amore Seawoods and experience the next level of luxury living in Navi Mumbai.
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townpostin · 1 month
Independence Day Celebrated with Patriotic Fervour at DAV Public School, Bistupur
Students showcase the spirit of unity and pride during the 78th Independence Day celebration. DAV Public School, Bistupur, celebrated the 78th Independence Day with great enthusiasm, highlighting the themes of freedom, diversity, and unity. JAMSHEDPUR – The 78th Independence Day celebration at DAV Public School, Bistupur, was a grand success, filled with patriotic fervour and a sense of national…
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omegawarrior323 · 2 months
Gami Palm Amore Seawoods
Gami Palm Amore Seawoods, Navi Mumbai's premier development, offers 2 and 3 BHK flats with prices ranging from 2.5 Cr* to 5 Cr*. Discover unmatched elegance and convenience there. This G+15 project is located in a prime area and consists of 14 wings distributed over a 6-acre plot of land. The property has vitrified flooring, a four-story basement parking area, and over forty-three luxurious amenities, such as a round-the-clock supply of water and power, covered parking for cars, and smooth access to the city and beyond. Every common space has CCTV surveillance, every hallway has fire extinguisher nozzles, and emergency exits have fire ring ducts since safety is the top priority. Because of its advantageous location, it provides quick access to the train stations at Seawoods (7 minutes), Belapur (9 minutes), and Nerul (10 minutes). and a bus stop (five minutes). Nearby are retail locations like Dmart Seawoods (5 minutes) and Nexus Seawoods (6 minutes), as well as educational establishments like DAV Public School Nerul (3 minutes) and Podar International School (5 minutes). The Apollo Hospital is only eight minutes away by car.
The project also features the biggest home solar panel installation, guaranteeing sustainable living without sacrificing the calibre of the building process. Gami Palm Amore Seawoods promises a great lifestyle with all the modern comforts, and the building is moving quickly forward.
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izuku615 · 2 months
Gami Palm Amore
Explore Gami Palm Amore, a luxurious residential community offering an unparalleled living experience, located in the center of Seawoods, Navi Mumbai. This iconic property, which spans a gorgeous 6-acre plot of land, showcases modern architecture with 14 wings that are home to G+15 structures. Select from a meticulously designed range of 2 to 3 BHK apartments, all featuring vitrified flooring that combines durability and elegance.
Gami Palm Amore offers an abundance of amenities designed to improve daily living, redefining luxury living. Take advantage of the 24/7 electricity and water supply, covered parking for cars, and a four-story subterranean parking area. With extensive CCTV monitoring in all common areas, fire extinguisher nozzles positioned strategically throughout each hallway, and a special fire ring duct for the emergency exit, safety is of the first importance.
Gami Palm Amore's advantageous location allows for easy access to important locations. The Seawoods, Belapur, and Nerul train stations are only a few minutes away, making commuting a breeze. Families are served by the nearby educational facilities DAV Public School Nerul and Podar International School, while commercial centers Dmart Seawoods and Nexus Seawoods are easily accessible. Apollo Hospital is conveniently located nearby for medical requirements. Gami Palm Amore emphasizes sustainability and encourages eco-friendly living by having the biggest residential solar panel in the area. For those looking for a discriminating home in Navi Mumbai, Gami Palm Amore is the height of luxury and convenience because of its unwavering dedication to the construction quality and extensive variety of amenities meant to enrich lifestyles.
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tathastuedu · 2 months
Best IELTS Coaching in Kohat Enclave
When a candidate aspires to get a good band score in the IELTS examination, then selection of an institute plays a vital role. Kohat Enclave situated in the heart of Delhi has now emerged as the training center for IELTS test candidates. Given the fact that there are so many coaching centers that offer the very best preparations, it can indeed be a tedious task to look for the best IELTS coaching in Kohat Enclave. Here is the guide to show you different aspects that would help you choose the best coaching center and hence help you  succeed. 
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Why Kohat Enclave for IELTS Coaching? 
Kohat Enclave is the best choice for getting trained because it gives accessibility, experienced talents, and a competitive ambiance of learning. There is availability of public transport in the area hence reaching the site for the students from different parts of Delhi will not be a challenge. Besides, there are many coaching centers which implies that you are in a position to make a choice on which coaching center is most appropriate for you since every coaching center has its own merit. 
Key Features of the Best IELTS Coaching in Kohat Enclave 
When looking for the best IELTS coaching in Kohat Enclave, consider the following features:
Experienced Trainers: 
Focus in quality trainers who are qualified and accredited to undertake the training centers. The most qualified trainers have extensive knowledge about the IELTS exam structure and can analyze your current level and weaknesses, to guide you in the right direction.
Comprehensive Study Material: 
The very important component is the study materials which should be up-to-date and comprehensive. This includes books, online resources, and practice tests that cover all four sections of the IELTS exam: listening, reading,  writing, and speaking
Mock Tests and Practice Sessions: 
Regular mock tests and practice sessions are crucial for assessing your progress. The best coaching centers provide weekly mock tests in order to replicate real exam situations and strengthen confidence.
Personalized Attention: 
Small classes and groups of learners allow each learner to be closely monitored throughout the process. It enables the trainers to give feedback on the areas that require enhancement and focus on in learning.
Kohat Enclave is one of the fast-paced localities in the North West Delhi with good infrastructure and aged residential properties and growing commercial activities. Located in the central part of the city, Kohat Enclave presents a wide range of both residential and commercial properties including apartments, schools, hospitals, shops, and clubs. 
Kohat Enclave is situated in North West Delhi which is one of the fastest developing zones in Delhi and is bounded by several localities like Pitampura, Rohini, Shalimar Bagh, and Ashok Vihar. Its strategic location within the city makes it convenient to access different areas of Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR). 
Kohat Enclave has many finest schools in the location which offer education from primary to higher secondary classes. Some well-known schools in and around the area include:
DAV Public School
Bal Bharati Public School
St. Stephen’s School
Out of all the localities in North West Delhi, Kohat Enclave can be regarded as one of the most popular ones due to its significant residence, education, and health care infrastructures along with its immensely connected transport system. It is all-encompassing whether it is about building a home for your family, seeking investment opportunity or an area to live and work. The presence of all these makes it a complete home that is nurtured by members of the community in which it is located.
It is therefore recommended to get the services of the most Affordable IELTS Coaching in Kohat Enclave available for your success in exam. Therefore, with consideration of factors such as trainers’ experience, comprehensive study materials, and personalized attention, one is able to find a coaching center that suits his or her needs. While working on the IELTS, you need to understand that with proper advice and the correct approach, you can score the necessary band and focus on the work in further studies or the desired career. 
Make your future bright by choosing the Best IELTS Coaching Institute in Kohat Enclave and start your dream now.
Visit: https://tathastuedu.com/ielts-coaching-in-delhi/
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pashuram · 2 months
Tata Serein Thane Pokhran Road 2 3 4 BHK Flats Housing Project Location Address Brochure Floor Plan
TATA HOUSING SEREIN "A Highly Desirable Location for Your New Home"
TATA Housing Thane, a well-known brand in the real estate sector recognized for its superior construction and creative designs. Tata Serein stands as a testament to luxury living in Thane West's Pokhran Road. The project aims to provide residents with a serene and eco-friendly living experience. It offers a variety of residential options, including apartments and flats, with 3 to 4 bedrooms, catering to various needs and preferences.
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"Enjoy every step you take here with an abundance of greenery and expansive views."
Nestled in the lap of nature, Tata Serein boasts lush green surroundings that provide a refreshing escape from the city's chaos. Tata Serein is a symbol of opulent life on Pokhran Road in Thane West. Is an area blessed with abundant greenery and panoramic views, with the Upvan Lake and Sanjay Gandhi National Park in close proximity. Experience the epitome of luxury living at Tata Serein and embrace a life of tranquillity and convenience.
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"At Serein, your house is a pledge to sustainability and a better way of life—not just a place to live."
Tata Serein Thane offers more to impress you. Your environment is a rich ecology that is supported by solar energy and rainwater collection. They are organic gardens. The podium, with no traffic to cut down on pollution. Your bath's showers contain vitamin C to promote healthy skin and hair. The paints in your house don't have any smells. Nothing at Serein is not thoughtfully designed to improve your life while protecting the environment.
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Social Infrastructure at Your Doorstep
Tata Serein Pokhran Road is strategically located in proximity to a wealth of social infrastructure, ensuring that your every need is met with convenience and ease.
Dining Delights
Indulge in a diverse culinary experience with renowned restaurants like China Bistro, Aromas, Banana Leaf, Pop Tates, Zaffran, and Northern Tadka in the vicinity.
Seamless Connectivity
Enjoy seamless connectivity with the Eastern Express Highway, Ghodbunder Road, and Thane-Belapur Road in close proximity. The central line at Thane station connects you to CST and Kalyan, while the Thane-Harbour Line connects you to Vashi and Nerul.
Entertainment Galore
Unwind at the Inox Insignia theatre, Cinemax, Big Cinemas, or explore the 35 lakes, waterfronts, parks, and gardens, including the famous Talao Pali and the Upvan lake.
Retail Therapy
Indulge in retail therapy at DMart, Big Bazaar, Reliance Mart, Hypercity, and malls like Viviana Mall, R Mall, and Korum Mall, all conveniently located nearby.
Educational Excellence
Ensure your children's bright future with access to renowned educational institutions like Singhania School, Vasant Vihar School, Billabong International School, and DAV Public School in the vicinity.
Healthcare Facilities
Rest assured with world-class healthcare facilities like Bethany Hospital, Jupiter Hospital, and Hiranandani Hospital within easy reach.
Once you're here, you'll find even more great things that make it hard to leave.
Tata Serein is a dynamic community that's constantly evolving and growing, ensuring that there's always something new and exciting to look forward to. There is something for everyone like…
Swimming Pool
Pet Park
Lawn & Kids Area
Sand Pit
Luxurious Clubhouse
Lavish Gym
Badminton Court
Lotus Pond
Investment advantages at TATA SEREIN
Tata Serein is a prestigious real estate project that offers a multitude of advantages for both real estate investors and potential homebuyers.
Real estate, like Tata Serein, is seen as a reliable investment over the long term investment. It tends to hold its value well over time, even when prices in other areas might go up due to inflation. So, putting your money into Tata Serein can act as a way to protect your wealth against inflation. Plus, it can be a smart addition to a varied investment mix, spreading out your risk.
Tata Housing pokhran road might provide options where you can choose how you want to pay for the property, like spreading out the payments over time. They could also team up with banks or other financial companies to make it easier for you to get a loan or mortgage to buy the property. This way, it's more convenient for people to afford and buy a home.
In conclusion, Tata Serein presents a promising real estate opportunity for investors and homeowners alike. With its reputable brand, advantageous location, modern amenities, and potential for rental income and long-term appreciation, it stands as a desirable investment option. Moreover, its environmentally conscious approach and potential for flexible payment plans enhance its appeal. However, prospective buyers should conduct thorough research, consider their financial goals, and evaluate market trends before making an informed decision. Overall, Tata Serein emerges as a compelling choice in the Mumbai real estate landscape, offering both financial potential and a high quality of living.
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digitalpractices1 · 2 months
Unique Skylink in Baner, Pune: The Ideal Place to Live
The location of a residential property is crucial for its appeal and value. Unique Skylink, situated in the heart of Baner, Pune, enjoys a prime location that offers many benefits to its residents. This article will explain how the excellent location of Unique Skylink enhances the living experience, focusing on its connectivity, access to essential services, nearby recreational facilities, and overall lifestyle advantages.
Excellent Connectivity
One of the best features of Unique Skylink's location is its excellent connectivity. Baner is well-connected to various parts of Pune and beyond through a network of roads and highways. The Mumbai-Pune Expressway is easily accessible, providing smooth travel to Mumbai and other major cities. This is particularly helpful for professionals who frequently travel for work.
Major roads like Baner Road, Pashan-Sus Road, and the Pune-Bangalore Highway make commuting within Pune easy. Public transportation options, including buses and auto-rickshaws, are readily available. The upcoming Pune Metro, which will have a station in Baner, will further improve connectivity, making commuting even more convenient.
Close to IT Hubs and Commercial Centers
Baner is a major IT and commercial hub in Pune. The location of Unique Skylink is ideal for professionals working in these sectors. Major IT parks and commercial centers, such as Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park in Hinjewadi, Teerth Technospace, and Panchshil Business Park, are just a short drive away. This reduces commuting time, allowing residents to have a better work-life balance.
Baner also has many corporate offices, co-working spaces, and start-up hubs. This vibrant business environment offers plenty of job opportunities and fosters a dynamic professional community. Residents of Unique Skylink have easy access to employment options and networking opportunities right at their doorstep.
Access to Educational Institutions
For families with children, having good schools nearby is important. Unique Skylink benefits from its proximity to some of Pune's top schools and colleges. Reputed institutions such as The Orchid School, Vibgyor High School, and DAV Public School are located nearby, ensuring that children receive a high standard of education without traveling long distances.
Higher education institutions like Symbiosis International University and MIT World Peace University are also within easy reach. This makes Unique Skylink an ideal choice for families looking for a well-rounded living experience.
Quality Healthcare Facilities
Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental requirement for any residential community. Unique Skylink's location ensures that residents have quick and convenient access to top-notch healthcare facilities. Renowned hospitals such as Jupiter Hospital, Ruby Hall Clinic, and Lifepoint Multispeciality Hospital are situated nearby. These hospitals are equipped with the latest medical technology and staffed by experienced healthcare professionals, ensuring that residents receive the best possible care.
In addition to hospitals, the area has several clinics, diagnostic centers, and pharmacies, providing comprehensive healthcare services. This accessibility to healthcare facilities enhances the overall well-being and peace of mind of the residents.
Recreational and Lifestyle Amenities
Unique Skylink's location in Baner offers residents a vibrant lifestyle with access to many recreational and lifestyle amenities. Baner is known for its thriving social scene, with numerous cafes, restaurants, and pubs in the area. Residents can enjoy a variety of culinary delights and socialize with friends and family in trendy eateries and cafes.
For those who enjoy shopping, Baner is home to several shopping centers and malls. The Westend Mall, Balewadi High Street, and Xion Mall are just a short drive away, offering a wide range of retail options, entertainment, and dining experiences. Additionally, the presence of supermarkets and local markets ensures that residents can easily meet their daily needs.
Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the proximity of Baner to green spaces and parks. The Baner-Pashan Biodiversity Park and Vetal Hill offer opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, jogging, and picnicking. These green spaces provide a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.
Cultural and Social Infrastructure
Baner is a culturally vibrant neighborhood with a rich social infrastructure. The area hosts various cultural events, art exhibitions, and music festivals, providing residents with ample opportunities to engage in cultural activities. Community centers, libraries, and sports clubs further enhance the social infrastructure, fostering a sense of community and belonging among residents.
The diverse and cosmopolitan nature of Baner creates a welcoming environment for people from different backgrounds. This multicultural atmosphere adds to the charm of living in Unique Skylink, where residents can interact with a diverse community and participate in various cultural exchanges.
Investment Potential
The strategic location of Unique Skylink not only enhances the quality of life for its residents but also offers excellent investment potential. Baner has consistently shown appreciation in real estate value, driven by its robust infrastructure, connectivity, and proximity to key commercial and IT hubs. Investing in a property in this prime location ensures not only a comfortable living experience but also promising returns on investment in the long run.
Unique Skylink's prime location in Baner, Pune, offers many benefits to its residents. From exceptional connectivity and proximity to IT hubs to access to quality educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and recreational amenities, the location ensures a well-rounded and convenient lifestyle. The vibrant social infrastructure and investment potential further add to the appeal of Unique Skylink as a premier residential choice. By choosing Unique Skylink, residents can enjoy the best of what Baner has to offer, making it a perfect place to call home.
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