#DATV speculation
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"What have they done to you,
Old friend."
Trapped in the fade, Solas comes face to face with the remnant of his spirit.
The Dread Wolf was his wisdom, mirror to his pride. In the wake of the wrathful Evanuris, it too, has succumbed to their taint.
Or, where I'm making wild plot speculations surrounding Solas trapped in the fade. while turning my brainrot into art pieces and gifs. I'M PACING MY ENCLOSURE. Looking for crumbs and scrabs of Veilguard. Please Bioware I'm begging, feed me. 😭
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knife-eared-jan · 2 months
Have you guys considered yet, how probably most of the new companions were kids or like in their really young twenties when there was the first sudden hole in the sky? Like, this is everyone's second End of the World and their first one (apart from Emmrich of course) would have happened at a really crucial point in their development.
I hope they all have the biggest "jaded gen z after going through the pandemic, entering the next recession" vibe.
Because they should.
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cadaveerie · 26 days
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Rook: why do you have an ability called Abominate Lucanis: How about we stop talking for a little while.
(detailed theory of lucanis being an abomination)
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nateeseart · 2 months
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I had to draw this meeting.
(initially I planned more frames, but I came down with a cold and decided to leave and finish what was already in the works)
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teamdilf · 3 months
So, just noodling on something. Wolves are traditionally pack animals. However, Solas works alone, keeping his agents at a distance and sharing his plans with no one.
What if the reason he keeps failing is because he’s a wolf and he’s meant to have a pack surrounding him? And what if Rook and their companions are that pack?
In addition to the chess piece, rooks are birds, and have a mutually beneficial relationship with wolves in nature. As scavengers, rooks will follow wolves and while they’re eating their kill, stand guard, alerting the wolves to any coming threat. Once the wolf is finished, the rook scavenges the body. If the rook finds a dead body it cannot tear apart with its beak, it finds the wolves and brings them to the body.
Rooks and wolves also play - rooks will tug on a wolf’s tail.
What if this symbiotic relationship in nature is a metaphor for the sort of relationship Rook can have with Solas if they choose to do so? Rook acts as Solas’ eyes and in return, Solas offers Rook resources and/or enters the field to take on threats well beyond Rook’s capabilities.
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calwyne · 2 months
From the new ‘Making of Dragon Age: the Veilguard’ behind the scenes video: 👀
“As we’ve gone through DAO, DA2, Inquisition… magic has become more and more present, and part of that is because Solas has been slowly preparing this ritual for longer than anyone in the Dragon Age universe is really aware of.”
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bardistraee · 1 month
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yooooooo is this teia and viago????? at first i thought it was this trailer's rook and inquisitor, but after seeing someone else mention them, they seem more likely. also hello hair physics 👀
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With Davrin being a monster hunter, Taash a dragon hunter, and Lucanis the biggest wyvern nerd on this side of the Fade, man, I could only imagine the academic debates those three would have when it came to beasties.
Although, would be kind of sweet if companions gave/made gifts for the others. Or just...what kind of dynamics would they have?
Like... Walking into Lucanis' room one day, and seeing a Wyvern sculpture that Davrin had whittled out of wood on his nightstand.
Or Rook walking into Davrin's, and you find him sitting in a chair reading an old bestiary Taash let him borrow while Assan is gnawing on a bone (given by Lucanis because I'm on a roll here.)
Bellara asking Neve about her BEST cases, and nerding out while also discussing proper bow techniques with Harding. (Trust me. It's a thing. I've a bruise to prove it suvavphav0uua. Pop your elbow out! You'll thank me.)
Someone (coughLucaniscough) starts a Book Club and sometimes someone brings Varric's (worst to Varric's mind) books. He occasionally eavesdrops.
Neve introduces chocolate-covered espresso beans
Of course, Harding offers Orlesian dance lessons just like she did with the Inqusition. Farrrr too many have left feet it seems.
Emmerich has a spooky hour time, and tells the best ghost stories. Varric may or not be inspired.
Assan needing to be stopped from nibbling on Manfred's legs on more than one occasion. And occasionally soaked because he keeps falling into the aquarium
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rin-hanarin · 18 days
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"The demon made me do it" and the demon is bisexuality 🙄
Possessed Lucanis Theory, but I made a shitpost out of it too (also I know that's not how possession works in Dragon Age, I took some creative liberties for laughs, don't mind me.)
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sunshinemage · 1 month
hey morrigan why are you wearing flemeth's crown
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 month
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IF this is a uniform that means the moment he had an ounce of freedom he decided to serve cunt and I love that for him.
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I really hope we get to see Solas when he was ‘-Young, hot-blooded and cocky’ in Veilguard.
BioWare already confirmed the story will be told more visually instead of relying on codex entries. Does this mean flashbacks? Young Solas flashbacks?? I can only dream (…and draw).
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knife-eared-jan · 23 days
Am I going crazy or are the bruises on Harding in the new picture (no. 3) more healed than in previous ones?
Is it just the lighting or are there really at least 4 different face textures for her in that game? Or do the bruises work like a tattoo overlay?
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The implications for modding possibilities are kind of blowing my mind tbh...
And why is no one healing her???? Are they special wounds that can't be healed with magic and potions??
The forehead looks way more red and almost still bloody in the second image compared to the third. And then later there's a visible scar left behind (image four).
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cadaveerie · 7 days
I'd like to point something out to Dragon Age fans, especially fanartists, in the nicest way possible:
Taash doesn't have a small waist. Taash doesn't have boob armor. Please guys, could you consider drawing the bodies of people you perceive as women like they actually are? Pleaseeeeee.
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A lot of people doing fanart have been giving them both, and while it's not a crime or anything, can we for once let characters read as female not have those tropes? Especially when they're not like that in canon?
Obviously I do not condone harassment because of how anyone draws a fictional character, so I'd ask you don't target specific people about this... I just think that it's already rare to get these characters that don't have tiny waists and boob armor, so it'd be nice if this was more widely respected. I ask you to consider why it matters, and why it's questionable to have the one character like this be changed.
And also, not that related, but still somehow related to how Taash is perceived by fans: Taash has been referred to by 'she' and 'they' pronouns by the devs, so I'd just ask people to keep it in mind as well, and the possibility that they might not be a woman. That and the fact that both their writer and actor are non-binary and go by they/them, and that apparently Trick Weekes has expressed in the past their desire to write only trans characters (I've heard this multiple times, but I don't have the source. Let me know if you do.) I also think that the way Corinne Busche talks about their arc sounds incredibly trans-coded to me, but that's another discussion. Obviously, we don't know Taash's gender yet, they might not be enby at all, but it's still a nice thing to keep in mind since we lack the information to indicate the opposite, and there's some other to at least suggest the possibility that they might be trans, and perhaps even have a coming out arc.
I just ask that you consider these things at least. It matters to a lot of people, for good reason.
source: [1] Taash's picture, Corinne using they/them for Taash and talk about their arc.
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wickedsnack · 16 days
i think taash is gonna have a gender journey and realize she's non-binary
she's written by a non-binary writer, we know the least about her, the genders of the other companions are otherwise balanced, and she's voiced by a non-binary voice actor
i don't think these are coincidences
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teamdilf · 2 months
With seven companions and seven imprisoned Evanuris, there’s a parallel there and it must be intentional. We don’t know enough to really be able to match the companions with an Evanuris counterpart, but I find myself really hoping we don’t have a betrayer amongst our companions.
Solas works alone because he believes groups will eventually fall to corruption and that betrayal is inevitable. The implication here is that he’s been hurt and betrayed so badly in his past that he cannot trust - not even a high approval or romanced inquisitor.
I want Rook’s companions to stand by their side and be loyal and uncorrupted because it will show Solas that he can open himself up and trust others.
Narratively, it would also be interesting if Rook themselves is the one who has a chance to betray the group. After three games and a tv show with a mage betrayer, let’s change the formula a bit and have our companions all be good, loyal little beans and give us the chance to roleplay a character who screws them over.
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