#D2 hcs
julietasgf · 2 months
This is truly the greatest thing I have ever made. I'm so proud of it!
NAME LORE! Specifically the District 2 naming that I’ve already created, but have expanded upon. Keep in mind, this District 2 name system is exclusive to those in the masonry related trade, not Peacekeepers. It’s called a “Home Name,” a name given to you by the various and small masonry communities of the District. Originally it wasn’t a thing since most of those in the district already had names related to the trade, but with the heavy influence of the Capitol and adopting Capitol sounding names, most having Greco-Roman influences, the people of District 2 continued to sustain the Capitol’s favor. It wasn’t until after the war with the influx of Peacekeepers and District 2 becoming the military center of Panem that masonry families and their children felt the shift in their naming heritage in relation to their trade. Thus the creation and at first underground program of a “Home Name” was born. Children born in District 2 would continue to be incentivized to have Capitol or warrior like names, but those would not be the ones used in home. On official documentation, like on a reaping slip or on the roster in the training academy, they would have their actual names (called a Slip Name referencing the reaping slip). The process of creating a Home Name is long and arduous, taking up to two to three years to finalize a handful of names and ultimately choosing one that both fits the babe and reflects their trade. Names can be repeated, names can be changed, Capitol-like first names can be axed all together once they’re past reaping age or not a Peacekeeper in a 20 year contract, but as long as they still hold onto to their trade and call it, there’s no problem at all. As this tradition is not set in stone, various families have their own rules to when and if their children can change their Home Name, with some being as lax as letting them change it whenever the child pleases, to after reaping age, to not at all. If you marry into a masonry family and have no Home Name of your own, you have weeks with your future in-laws to not only get to know each other, but so they can have an outside perspective on deciding the new Home Name. Your partner who knows you best will present the final handful of names, their meaning and bring any tools or stones that align with that name if there are any, and once that name is decided, you’re sprinkled with marble dust on your forehead from a patch of rubble and are called that until your last day, intermixing your old name if you so wish (I showed this to a friend of mine & she said that the sprinkling dust on the forehead gave her christianity vibe. I can't out-run my religious trauma even if I tried). Children also go through the same process, and the case of the Sophro children (OCs) are no exception. The three of them spent the first two or three years of their lives in District 2 to give them a proper Home Name that truly reflected the District and themselves. They take great pride in their Home Name and use it the second they leave the Capitol. Most of the children of 2 that they grew up with didn’t even realize that they’re Capitol until much later and recognized them on TV, using their Slip Names. And yes, there is an assignment done in school in 2 where those who have Home Names pair up with those who don’t, spend the week at their home in the masonry sector where the families there can get to know them and finalize a name. At the end of the week they are given a Home Name by that partner and can use it when they are in the stone working section of the district. I think Enobaria totally has a Home Name (Caliper?). Brutus is for sure the kind to have to follow a masonry kid around for a week.
Sorry for all these words! If anything is confusing, lmk! I also edited it a tad to be a bit more universal since I had some specific sections that reference my OCs, so I axed that as to not give you more unnecessary lore homework lol
plssss dont say sorry for it buddy!! I think it's amazing that you took time to write all of this amazing piece of lore, and I'm always in awe to know more hcs abt D2!!! 🥺
LOVE THAT YOU DIFFERENTIATE THAT IT'S A TRADITION AMONG THE MASONRY COMMUNITY AND NOT THE PEACEKEEPERS (specially bc post-tbosas, I feel like those are worlds apart and very different cultures, but that's something to talk about later). also, love the idea of a slip name vs a home name!!! not only because that's something that already reflects what some cultures already do in environments that end up requiring their assimilation one wayor another, but because it's really smart, you're genius for that 🤌 also, your friend was right about the christianity vibes lsslsksll I rlly like the idea of the marble dust exactly bc it reminds me of the thought of rebirth through the water, and this is even more interesting bc indeed, in some places (as far as I know), when you go through baptism, you get another name (and not only in christianity, I think some other religions also work with the idea of rebirth and another name, however I can't say in detail bc most of my contact religiously talking rlly is with christianity and a few other religions that were born from syncreticism elements). and the idea of in the school kids who are from non-masonry families getting their home name after spending time with kids who are from masonry families is so dope and sweet!!!
again these hcs are SO dope, seriously. I'm 100% here for naming hcs (specially seeing that since tbosas era, D2 was still going for roman empire names, which got me rlly curious and wondering somethings). your headcanons are amazing, and tysm for sharing them, I can't thank you enough <333
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houseofmcallister · 3 months
I am once again. Thinking about burials in the Last City.
The culture around death and funerals is kind of centered around celebrations of life and hopes for the future. There’s this kind of unspoken feeling that no death is our permanent unless it’s a Guardian. Who knows if they may return. It’s not uncommon to bury people with some sort of weapon so that if they do return as the guardian, they have something to arm themself with.
Cremation is definitely frowned upon if not outright outlawed. Because that makes it incredibly hard for person who is meant to come back as a Guardian to come back.
Funerals come to be very quick, there’s a sense of morning, but also a sense of hope that anyone whose last may someday return. All things return to the light, something will come back in the light. So Graves also tend to be very shallow and graveyards are easily accessible. Bodies aren’t typically buried more than a couple of inches deep, because in the case where someone is meant to be brought back, you don’t wanna make that harder for them.
Ghosts are not allowed to attend funerals for anyone but Guardians. No one wants to see their dead. Loved one come back from the dead as they’re being buried. That’s very awkward.
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pac1fythehunger · 9 days
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arc hunter doodle dump (featuring one of @sebbiknees' warlocks)
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raspberry-gloaming · 1 year
This is some ramblings about a sort of oc, for the missing mid 30s district 2 victor for @lorata 's We Must Be Killers universe. It's not all coherent and there's a lot of run on sentences here, but it's all just thoughts currently.
First off, introducing Knox! 2m, victor of the 35th Annual Hunger Games.
Merchant class, not quarry or offering, kinda in the middle just like he's in the middle of the shift from the elite to the modern way the center changed. His childhood was honestly pretty neglectful emotionally by his parents. They already had two other children, one to carry on the business, one to become a peacekeeper. Knox was an accident, an afterthought. They put him in the program to give him something to do, and somewhere to put him and forget about him for a while. Perhaps he'd come out with a good reference. Perhaps he'd become a peacekeeper like his brother. Perhaps he'd die in the arena. It didn't really matter - he was away and easily forgotten about in residential from 13, and they got a tidy stipend.
He was 18 in 35, so was 13 in 30. which means he was one of the new residential kids who were there when it all went down with I think he was called James? But with Joseph and all that. That's fun! (not)
He's like the opposite of Lyme when it comes to kids. The younger the better, he'd be great as a trainer of the 7-9s honestly. Babies, young kids, he loves them, gets on great with them. But the closer they get to residential age... nah.
It's partly due to the 30th and what happened, partly due to how his year group were just a bit wild. They did some shit, saw some shit, took it too far a lot of the time. Wanted to prove themselves and got too cocky when they knew that they wouldn't act like James had. The trainer's would put a stop to stuff, sure, but alot of it was psyching them all up. Getting them stronger, more confident (too confident, even when they were wiped the floor with by the older trainees.) No-one in this year would fail at volunteering and getting far. Both the kids and the trainers, as well as the trainers' treatment and reaction to the kids made sure of it. The arena wiped some of that out of Knox, but it was a recovery process, definitely. He later met up with some of his year mates and they'd had a tough time in detox. It wasn't just the events, of course, but it definitely had an impact, with the actions of the trainees and the trainers, as well as how they acted in the mock arena and who was selected down to the final few at the end.
Knox wasn't the craziest out there by far, in fact he was probably the least out of all of them. He knew how to put it on though, but was wary of his year mates. He got the highest scores in his year, which is why he was chosen, not because of his persona or personality. While they needed someone who was desperate to do the task, they also needed someone noble enough for the five year mark.
He's a bit dramatic honestly, but has definitely calmed down by the time canon rolls around. He's nearly 60 then, afterall. His dramatics have definitely changed over the years. From the petty, huffy, why aren't you __ at me?! phase several graduates go through, to an "oh god I'm an old man." he's thought himself as one of the old squad for a long time. Even when he was in his thirties, and with Adessa who thinks Odin (4 years older than Knox) is a baby, I wonder what she'd think of him lmao. He's quite a hypochondriac, and I'm not sure who the village go to for a doctor when not in the capitol but I'm sure they're busy with him. I feel like he'd go to Emory a lot trying to get her to teach him how to make all her quarry natural remedies and such.
While he doesn't really like teenagers and generally up until they're 21, he's got a soft spot for the volunteers and young victors. He remembers what it fealt like, how much the arena changed and took from you and how hard it was. He mentors a lot of the "lost causes." Like when it's been a massive string of careers in a row, or there's a major rumour that the arena is made for an outlier win, or in the 2nd quarter quell, or two has just got a double victor (43) so they aren't going to have a third straight after.
He also mentors those who think they are a lost cause. When it's been a tough time, and they want to win! and they'll do their duty! but they're starting to give up hope, Knox likes to come in and beat that out of them (litterally, as well as metaphorically). Unfortunately, since he never got a victor, due to choosing those who weren't likely, it hasn't impacted well for his second type, those who don't think they are likely but still have just the same chance as always, if they just get in the right headspace.
He mentored on and off for a long time, I think his last would have been the 63rd. Which is longer than the normal, but he had heart and wanted the best for those he believed had it in them.
Since then he'd settled down into his "old age" even though he's not even 60 and still spars and keeps as active as the other older twos. His talent has something with acting, privately I mean. I think his public might be a bit similar, something that he still enjoys like poetry reading because he can be dramatic with it and hide jibes amongst the metaphors against the Capitolites he's reading it too. The capitol may take his talent in the way they always do, but he can poke fun at them while they do it.
He's got a garden, and he likes walking on the mountain trail. One of the things that he got built as a new victor was actually in the forest behind, a stone, old fancy amphitheatre like the ancient ones. He likes doing soliloquies and monologues and one man shows out there, but if he can drag anyone else out to join in he's as pleased as a punch.
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Okay, decision made:
He almost primarily uses his Abyssal abilities, and near exclusively in the way a Cryo Abyss Mage/Cryo Herald would, and had relied upon them alone, up until he was given an Anemo Delusion once he'd become of age.
#v; glacialis pavonis (fatui!kaeya)#hc; kaeya#//Shields and teleporting like a Mage; the rest of his combat style mostly Cryo Herald based#//Or even smth overall v peacock-like I think would suit him well; maybe a fight style reminiscent of She.n of K.FP2 too. LOVE that idea#//Was given a Delusion after his first successful solo mission; after pleading for one so he could be stronger to help the Tsaritsa's goal#//He proved himself quite worthy of it; though not so much to be able to have a seat at the Harbinger table jdfbgfg#//He tends to give off an almost monstrous vibe whenever he's angered; Abyssal-infused cryo and Anemo swirling about him#//I like to think he might eventually get his Cryo Vision proper at some point#//Maybe due to anger over what happened to Signora; manifesting as he'd grown numb in stunned horror; his perfect facade shattering#//Swearing a cruel vengeance upon the Traveler should he ever meet them (Slow burn enemies to lovers jhbfgfjdg)#//Would hate to use it though. Appreciates the Tsaritsa's grace upon him. However; using it would HURT with his typical abilities#//That; and he'd be reminded of his hatred for the Traveler and his grief over Signora#//Damn that's like a Shig.araki scenario a bit; wait; holy shit. Could work like that; actually#//But yeah; Abyssal ice abilities is his main powerset#//Sidetracking now with ✨ Bonus Hcs ✨#//Might have a bit of an aesthetic like Signora with his eyepatch; likes to remove it before a deathmatch/killing someone#//Says he likes them to 'properly look him in the eyes'; make the kill feel more personal/intimate#//Deffo like to make his kills v up close & personal; jamming an icicle into their heart; or freezing them mid-embrace before pulling away#//So they're left in a stance like they're always reaching for him. Playing up a lover's act to the last moment to keep their expression#//Now that I think of it; him getting a Harbinger promotion would make more sense as him taking Signora's place. But wanting a diff name#//So she can keep her own legacy/part in them; rather than taking it for himself like Arle did#//His outfit...I do like smth remiscient of Sailwind Shadow for him. Crossed with like. Cassim from Aladdin somewhat; maybe. Idk#//Or or maybe Gort.ash's fit from Bg.3; save colored more like Sailwind; and slimmer pants to go with it?#https://64.media.tumblr.com/a91418ea9ac0be44f03e8d8494d6fbfd/f9bb8cfabf66c0a5-d2/s640x960/098025fb2112e76394eff11f69ed59ea818d52e3.pnj#//That one more like I think. Lol; rip mobile users tho mdfjbkdfg#//Do like that one. But idevenk lololol. Do still like the idea of him having an asymmetrical cape#//Or peacock reminiscent tails; for further Sh.en resemblance! For THEATRICS!!! And deffo LOTS of Khaenri'ahn star motifs#//One of his main goals as part of the Fatui is revenge for Khaenri'ah; the part of him stolen by Celestia; that he longs so desperately fo#//Boss fight wise; I like the idea of him having a form that's an unholy amalgam of a Cryo Herald; Foul Legacy; and Aven's boss form
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braveryhearted · 7 months
Just a FYI, my demon muses; Xelloss, Sebastian, Dante, Vergil ( and V ), and Nero can be summoned, if your muse can summon demons that is.
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sgrspiced-a · 10 months
pandora and minnie both struggle heavily post-games with their image. pandora more so, but they both go through a period of disillusion over the fact that who they were in the arena doesn’t matter anymore. the knowledge that you’re a cold blooded killer and now must play barbie doll for their entertainment — it’s very disorienting for them.
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n7viper · 1 year
bitches will look at a character that's only been mentioned in the lore twice and fall in love with them
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Tori Spring HCs
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Her first crush ever was for Michael, she never developed feelings for anyone before him
She started to use her Older Sister Magic (✨) when she was a Year 7
She never leaves anywhere without her things (her things being her laptop, her diet lemonade, and Michael)
She ALWAYS pulls Michael away with her whenever they're around large groups of people (like during Charlie's birthday party)
Though she never thinks much of her appearance, she actually considers herself kinda beautiful (like a ghost)
Her favorite Radiohead song is Creep, which reminds her of Michael
Her favorite movie is Return of the Jedi (1987).
Her favorite Star Wars character is R2-D2.
She only smiles in very rare circumstances, for example when Michael is being cute
She considers Michael her partner in crime
She gets very flustered when she sees Michael skating, she just loves how good he looks in his gear that she just want to snuggle him 🥺
She sometimes dyed her diet lemonade black
Michael sometimes pets Tori on the head and calls her a cute little black cat, to which she replies: "Why, thank you. My Golden Retriever."
Tori and Michael give off such Black Cat and Golden Retriever energy all the time. They're always following each other.
I know Tori canon Ace Aro-spec, and she's also heteroromantic, but I also see as being demiromantic, as it took a while for her feelings for Michael to develop in Solitaire
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julietasgf · 1 month
Okay let's try this again: So I realize another similarity in our HCs in that you also pointed out the culture vary from place to place! I'm still working on finalizing the original culture of the south since the south as seen by the north are originally northern traditions & little original southern traditions (I was very clear in adding the migration during the influx of D2 becoming the new military industry to mirror invaders, but not as aggressors instead as seeking sanctuary.) TLDR, the tik tok I made alongside this: https://www.tiktok.com/@district2historian/video/7363382385628499243?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7241616189960144427 The Cultural Difference of North & South of District 2 Historically, society begins at the center and expands outward. And with that movement, aspects of culture and the original pieces of tradition are lost or altered. With District 2 being a district that has two primary industries, but one being more recent in the timeline, the culture of District 2 has shifted alongside its new industry. The migration of the northern mountain land of District 2 to the canyon desert of the south is not something that is unique to the district after The Dark Days. However: the cultural migration shifted after that district became the military hub. With the influx of intentionally oppressive peoples entering the district, focusing their effort and stationing themselves primarily in the northern mountains of the district, the culture of that has changed. The traditions of District 2 that are present by the 74th Games, like Home Names, the shift of birthstones as “prayers” going from being individual to communal and certain lyrical changes to old songs in order to reflect said traditional alterations, are all in response to an effort to maintain their identity and heritage and culture under the proximity of oppressors. Whereas in the south, the traditions reflect more of the original cultural practices that was done in the north. There are no Home Names, Saying Your Stones is still practiced individually and their old songs sing of mountains and pine than canyons and deserts. Their names are more related to their trade with very few being Greco-Roman based, and those that are stem from the few loyalists or Peacekeeping families there. But they are ultimately seen as keepers of the traditions because they lack such a heavy Peacekeeper influence than their northern brethren.
thank god tumblr didn't crash and didn't eat the ask again cause I LOVEDDD READING THIS
I LOVE the idea of being a clear distinction between north and south (specially bc coming from a big country, I feel that there's always going to be a clear distinction between these, and ofc D2 is not the size of a big country, but still is one of the biggest and the most populated districts, so it's interesting to feel the effects of this, SPECIALLY bc of the presence of such two different industries and the way that relates to different layers of the population)
also. I love the idea of old songs about the mountains. I'm fascinated by the idea of them being present in D2's folklore and lifestyle. and I love the detail that the south is the one that preserved most of the previous habits, specially bc it's the region that's the most far from the capitol ☝️
tysm for sharing your hcs buddy!!! <3
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houseofmcallister · 1 month
Shin Malphur is like 5’8 to me.
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diiwata · 2 months
district 6 headcanons! 🚂
yeah, i'm a d6 fan too!!! sue me! here are my top hcs that i use for worldbuilding. if you've read my fic, "o children", then you'll recognize a lot of these things.
industry things
district 6 has many industries involving transportation. oil rigging companies, vehicle manufacturing factories (that they call 'manu-factories' for short), exporters and importers, etc..
exporters and importers get to travel outside of the district for a few weeks at a time, but their activity is monitored by peacekeepers quite heavily.
exporters and importers have the most access to morphling, and consume it more too. of course, there's rings that trade it and such, but people (and those in different districts) usually get their fixes through them.
i can imagine d6 being a work accident prone district. falling off trains, spilling oil, falling manufactured parts, etc..
as part of my fic, there's also an underground boxing ring ran by the peacekeepers to keep themselves entertained, but also to put money in the pockets of those who might not wanna end up in prison and need an... alternative to jail time. i hc that other districts have it too! maybe in d2?
^ OOH! speaking of which, what if career districts developed it into academies while others had it die down/kept more on the down low?
VERY polluted district. like, they have to have air purifiers in their homes and wear "outdoor masks" made out of cloth around their faces type of polluted. i also think districts that manufacture things -- like 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12 -- also have a smilar problem.
i think the problem is concentrated more on the urban areas or people who live next to the factories/train stations.
apparently their population is larger than the average district, according to the fandom wiki, so i imagine that the poorer section of the district live near the factories in large apartment buildings. a neighborhood that i've created is called "farren heights".
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meanwhile, the richer folks lived in townhouses/rowhouses. they have more of their own space, but the houses are still very, very squished together. another neighborhood i've created is called "peregrine court".
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between the two is their marketplace/commercial area called "traveler's square". of course, they'll have their own shops in their respective neighborhoods, but it's not as plentiful as traveler's square. they need those spaces to create new apartment units or housing developments for the growing population. TS brings them together as it has all the fun pubs, shops, etc..
i think they travel within the district via a smaller metro/train system!
i also believe that due to their growing population, and because not everyone can afford the rent, they have a group of people they call "vagabonds". they build their own homes, but because of the expenses, they don't have their own purifiers. they are the most affected by the pollution.
cultural influences?!
DISCLAIMER: i don't claim being part of the cultures mentioned, so if anyone wants to drop some info, feel free to comment or send an ask so that i can incorporate it into my d6 lore! <3
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german and indigenous algonquin are their dominant cultures. (hugest shout out to @pottershawkinswp and @wxstfulthoughts for helping me with the german stuff TM).
this is b/c there was a big migration of german people in this region some time ago. and the indigenous tribes that occupy these lands are algonquin!
the more minor cultures are black and latino! this is because of the fact that they have a very, very small portion of illinois/chicago according to the fandom wiki 😜
potatoes are their main source of carbs. and they have a lot of german-style foods like cheese soup, cold breakfast, etc..
along with travel/manufacture themed names, i also think some people have german influences in their names or surnames.
as for indigenous influence, i can see the youngsters referring to the older people as "elders". they also definitely pass down cultures through story-telling or word of mouth.
i also think they have a cryptid called the W. nothing else to the name, just the W. it's known today as the w*ndigo, but b/c i'm scared TM of the taboo that saying its name will bring it closer to you, i will not say it 😇 over time, the name was forgotten and just became known as the singular letter!
those of indigenous descent would keep their hair long in braids. i believe beading is implemented into their clothes too :)
these folks definitely line dance, a bit of jazz, bit of freestyling. very lively and very rowdy, free, etc.. they're there for a good time, not a long one!
HEAR ME OUT: district 6 greasers. i'm talking the outsiders, random fights, overly gelled hair, cigarette in mouth, and greaser v. socs battles in very sketchy alleyways.
yeah! that's all i have off the top of my head. this was longer than i thought 😭 feel free to incorporate these into your own d6 lore, but yeah! i 💜 district 6
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sadalmostlesbian · 10 days
Self-indulgent hc that Sejanus’s accent is only really noticeable in words that have a t in the middle of them.
Cause like I’m from Western Colorado (where D2) is and I was trying to talk to one of my cousins on the east coast about hunting and they could not understand what I was saying for so long.
(I pronounce it “hunning” and completely ignore the t, but sometimes in words like “mountain” it becomes moun-(glottal stop)-ain”)
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thefloatingwriter · 2 months
i have a very set opinion on this but i have realized that not many people share this opinion with me so:
me ranting under the cut:
i didn’t include the male from d4 since he dies in the bloodbath so i’m sorry if that’s your favorite 😭😭
also please explain your reasoning for loving whichever character your fav is, because i think about these characters a normal amount (i am completely lying).
ALSO if your fav is the female from d4 (or you just have some hcs about her) i would adore hearing about them!!! i haven’t really thought about her all that much, but i would love anyone’s opinions on her 💕💕 i would actually love any hcs about any of them. i love when people rant in the tags of posts so don’t worry about that!!!
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hannahhook7744 · 9 months
got any coach Jenkins hc? i feel like we dont know much about him... just his relationship with the vks!
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Someone does a survey to find out who the vk's favorite teacher is. The most common answer is Coach Jenkins (some from kids who never went to Auradon Prep). Not to say he's every vk's favorite. Just that not many (or any I can really think of) who'd not like him.
He takes his teams out for victory pizza.
He is one of the few people who can shut the heroes, villains, and sidekicks up with a single look (one that rivals Lady Tremaine's).
He is good with kids.
I read a fic once where Jay met his family. So I headcanon that Coach Jenkins has a husband and at least one kid because of it.
Ever wonder why we never see Mr. Deley after D1? It's because Coach Jenkins chewed him out when he found out about the mess with Evie (he also had Chad run laps at every practice until the season was over afterwards. Probably because he saw Lonnie's school of secrets web series not long before that).
I feel like he might have been abused/neglected as a kid or knew someone who was because he handled Jay (and Carlos) perfectly after their first tourney practice.
He loves his job and had a really good Coach of his own when he was younger who inspired him.
Coach Jenkins used to be apart of Auradon's big brother program.
He also once used to have a diabetic player on the tourney and fencing team so now he carries around a cooler with drinks and snacks at every practice and game.
His favorite colors are ironically the school colors.
He went to Auradon Prep when he was a teenager.
Also he's the jousting club's teacher and has known Ben since he was four because of that.
Coach Jenkins wasn't a perfect teenager (no one is, be honest. Everyone gets up to mischief) but he was always a good person. And unlike most Auradon adults we see, he's not a hypocrite and therefore isn't overly harsh to the kids when they fuck up.
He tries not to be judgemental when the adults fuck up but well. It can be hard sometimes.
He has a ton of baseball caps.
He was on vacation in d2.
He had a family emergency in d3.
Coach Jenkins remains in contact with many of his former students (especially Jay and Carlos).
He is friends and rivals with Tiger Lily (he went to high school with her).
He was a total hippie in highschool.
Can't dance at all.
Just wants absolutely all of his students to be happy and well adjusted adults, even ones like Mal and Evie that he doesn't interact with often.
Coach Jenkins used to have long hair.
His full name is Reese Alexander Jenkins (after his actor, Reese Alexander).
Man has a stress ball and lots of fidget/stress toys because he has a stressful job and his coworkers and a few of the parents certainly do not help that, thank you very much.
Also he was friends with Audrey Ramirez (Diego de Vil's mother and Milo Thatch's friend) too.
He's a bit older than Tiger Lily (in his mid 30s to early 40s).
Coach Jenkins has played videos games with the boys before.
Sometimes he has to stop himself from smacking his coworkers/the parents of the kids because they just make so many stupid decisions that it frustrates him. But he's excellent at self control so he's never done it.
He's a fun loving guy, like Jay, and way more laid back than his coworkers. But he doesn't play favorites with the kids and doesn't let them get away with everything because he knows that that will cause more problems than it will fix.
That's all that I can think of for now, sorry. Feel free to add!
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simping-overload · 2 months
Yoo new person to ur blog could I have a o14 x reader gn if u can anything you want is fine all I want is o14 x reader :)
Food HCS W/ O14 x Reader
a/n: Sorry for taking so long to get to this, enjoy! Note- I haven't played d2 in a long time.
wanna support me? donate to kofi
tags: food and fluff, gn reader, mlm relationship.
ヾthis is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem, she/her, she/they please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning ゛
Saint and Osiris can both cook delicious meals. However, Saint does most of the cooking.
Saint cooks a lot of foods from his homeland, granted none of them are the original as he lost them after his reset. he settles for collecting recipes from his journeys and the ones he finds on data pads.
He's undeniably an early bird, up at the ass crack of dawn to feed his pigeons, do his morning run, and cook breakfast for you two.
Osiris is a good cook, especially with more complex meals. He often cooks dinner.
You will never ever see this man cook breakfast, he's either still slaving away at his projects or curled up in bed with you.
Osiris, for a long time, hasn't been the best at properly eating. Relies on small snacks to keep him going through out the day.
While he is stubborn, it doesn't take much for him to put his work down and eat with the two of you when you ask.
Both Osiris and Saint like spicy foods.
Cooking with all three of you can be either a calm or hectic experience, it really depends.
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