#but I can’t help it
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months ago
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I have a short fuse when it comes to things like this. They’ll be too loud or something and I’d snap and tell them to stop…
Neurodivergent Girl
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dirtgrubber · 6 months ago
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"Thanks for coming to my peeeeeeeeerformance!"
from @morningstarwrites “Of Saints and Sinners”
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rainbow-sunshine-unicorn · 2 months ago
I think there’s something so intimate about the way Anthony always chases after Kate’s lips whenever they part after kissing
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Because this is a man who was so afraid to want anything after his dad died. He was afraid to want love or companionship for fear of the grief it would leave behind. He was afraid of not dying, but even of wanting to live because it meant wanting a life without his father.
But then he met Kate and she made him want. And it’s not just that he wanted her, but meeting her made him want to argue with her, to win against her, made him want to laugh, made him want her dog to like him, to dance with her, made him to humble himself before her.
And the way he kisses her is such an open and unguarded reflection of the way he wants her. The very same man who was afraid of even wanting to live is now openly chasing after his wife’s lips every time they kiss because he’s not afraid to want anymore.
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general-dweebous · 1 year ago
I love the idea of meeting the infamous Halsin your friends boast about, and he’s just smitten with you
Everyone always described him as such a flirt- charming, handsome, the whole package so to speak. Granted you underestimated what they meant when describing how giant he truly is. But most of all, you didn’t expect him to be so.. wonderful.
You knew your friends keep good company, so you expected you’d get along, but you didn’t expect to be sitting next to the giant bear of a man enthralled in conversation for hours. Had it truly been hours? It’s easy to make friends, but more of a challenge to find others you truly connect with, and Halsin was checking off all of those boxes.
And of course, his looks and overall stature combined with this personality make it difficult not to swoon over, but at the moment, you’re too elated simply connecting so well with someone else again. Who else would let you ramble about cute critters for 45 minutes straight?
What you weren’t catching on to, however, was that Halsin was absolutely taken with you. His eyes would drink in your features when it was your turn to speak, a smile stuck on his face as he listened to your nonstop train of thought, rambling on about another fascination of yours. Others tend to find these conversations a bit goofy, laughing them off, but you were invested. Even about the silly little things. And he loves it. He truly feels that he could watch and listen to you for hours and he wouldn’t get tired of your company.
The way his cheeks would flush a warm pink when you laugh at a silly nature joke of his.
How he would feel his chest warm as you seem to unknowingly lean in closer to him, letting your knees touch his without moving away.
Let alone the way his heart would beat faster as you take his hand in both of yours, turning his palm to face upwards as you trace lines on his hands, “I’m serious- you have earth hands”
��earth hands?” he’d repeat with a slight chuckle
“well don’t laugh at me!” you’d reply with a taunting smile, “it’s all in the shape; broad, large, square hands. It’s positive, don’t worry. It means you have strong values, or something.”
“Does it? What else does it mean?”
You’d pause, holding his one (large..) hand in both of yours, “Responsible, practical.” you’d say, your thumb almost massaging his palm. “comfortable working with your hands,”
Halsin’s face would flush again, subtly. He’d notice the way yours does, too, which doesn’t help his ever growing infatuation. His eyes are locked on yours, he’d be happy if you held onto his hand forever. He is almost instinctively flirty, following up with “to put it lightly, I suppose.”
There would be a moment of shy silence. You, trying to hide your embarrassed smirk by staring at his palm longer.
Halsin would be the type to forget anyone else is in the room, lifting the palm from your hand to hook a finger under your chin to get you to look up at him. Even sitting down he’s still double your size. His thumb would graze your lower lip as his eyes gaze into yours.
Unfortunately, there are other people in the room, and they ruin the moment.
“Halsin, have you seen- of course.” your mutual friend would say, rolling their eyes with a laugh. “Stop flirting with my ride home!” They’d tease as they grab your arm and pull you away. You know he’d be wanting to chase after you like some silly romantic novel. Another mutual friend from the group would plop down next to him, smacking him on the back with a laugh. “Careful, your eyes are practically turning into hearts.” They’d taunt. “They’re great, right?”
“An understatement.” He’d say with a warm smile, watching you leave, already hoping for the next encounter.
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brotherscain · 11 months ago
summer ‘00 sioux falls, south dakota
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prepare for an aching the rest of your life
(Jawbreaker moodboard)
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meo-eiru · 5 months ago
Hello! I’m not usually one to send in messages to creators but I’ve been lurking on your page for a while and I really appreciate everything you do. Your art and writing are both amazing and the fact you are able to produce so much content for us is something I’m extremely grateful for. Still, I want you to know that even on days you aren’t able to reply to as many asks are still good days! The fact you are able to give us such detailed and beautiful drawings each and everyday in of itself is a huge gift, especially since you have other responsibilities. Just know we appreciate you sharing your work and try not to overwork yourself. THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU RAHH 🫶
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Oh my god…
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I love this I love you thank you so much. You guys are so sweet and nice to me it makes me want to produce more and more content to thank you.
You guys seriously bring me so much happiness, posting here is currently my biggest passion. Being able to share my imaginations, being able to see the content you guys create with them, hearing such sweet feedback from you guys brings so much happiness to me.
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sticktopia · 6 months ago
What if-
Hear me out-
Earlier today I saw a post about Influencer Green arc. Something about how Green’s gonna forget the fun and chase the views and lose himself. But then Green Screen/Tv Green/Bugged/3Rr0r/whatever we’re calling him(?), is the one to save and remind green in the end.
And that got me thinking about what happens after that. This thing’s gonna be three episodes but Green also has this channel that borderline bends reality and gives us just that tase of personality. And it’s just so interesting!
And as I was thinking about that, I remembered “unnus annus”.
For those who don’t know what unnus annus is, it was a YouTube channel that Markiplier and someone named Ethan (I think) had where they uploaded daily videos for about a year and then completely deleted the channel. It was supposed to be something like “representing life and death” and appreciating every moment you have.
I look at this concept of unnus annus and then I look over at Green’s channel. What if this is only temporary? What if after all this, green stops posting. Or deletes the channel altogether? Of course these are my own thoughts and worries but it’s also like, what if?
I’m overthinking. I know I am. But I genuinely love these characters and this concept that has been given to us.
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mikalilys · 2 months ago
Me when there’s a character that has so many secrets, like something happens and they just don’t tell anyone. The type of character that lies all the time, the type of character who’s answers are always vague. The “you can ask but I can’t promise I won’t lie to you” type characters. The characters that lie like second nature, without even realising it. The ones who give out secrets and stories like gifts, the ones who never get mad at being lied to because they understand.
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liesmultixxx · 8 months ago
annabeth chase owns my heart and soul and i want everyone to know that
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Excuse me while I go cry in the corner 😭
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number1abbasupporter · 9 months ago
deep down i can never deny i’m basic bc i love wolfstar with my whole body and soul
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hazelkjt · 7 months ago
Auraugust Day 9: "Journey"
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How it all began for Hazel...with a goodbye. The young Auri woman wasn’t sure when she would see her family or her home again. She wasn’t even sure if this was truly the right thing to do. In spite of it all, she could feel in her heart that what she desired was beyond the waters, beyond all she knew. And so, she chose to follow her heart and experience all the joy and pain that would come to be.
Auraugust Prompt List
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sadalmostlesbian · 5 months ago
Self-indulgent hc that Sejanus’s accent is only really noticeable in words that have a t in the middle of them.
Cause like I’m from Western Colorado (where D2) is and I was trying to talk to one of my cousins on the east coast about hunting and they could not understand what I was saying for so long.
(I pronounce it “hunning” and completely ignore the t, but sometimes in words like “mountain” it becomes moun-(glottal stop)-ain”)
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p-h03n1-x · 5 months ago
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🐰 Weibo IP location 9.23.2024 Guangdong
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🦁 Weibo IP location 9.24.2024 Guangdong
Me: 🐢🤡🤯 oh the possibilities…
Also me: 💛💛💛
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clueless21 · 4 months ago
I haven’t been on tumblr in awhile and I was actually scared to come on here after Liam’s death. Every app I open it’s just Liam. And I get so fucking sad everytime and I’m just tired of being sad. This hurts so much, I can’t wrap my head around it fully still. I feel like this news should have reached me in like my 70s. Not my 20s.
Liam, you’ll be missed forever by billions of people. Rest easy now. 🪽❤️‍🩹
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dreamsuvivor · 1 year ago
Okay I might be a little bit biased here, but I really hate how Buffy and the scoobies behaved to Spike in s5 after he confesed to his feeling for Buffy. I’m sorry but now y’all want to act all high and mighty? not when she was dating Angel, who quite literally killed someone close to her or when Riley just constantly made her feel guilty for her powers and guilt tripped her to apologize for spending time with her sick mother?!
And like I could understand if this was during the previous seasons when Spike was a bit assholey towards everyone, but he was almost part of the team at this point! He helped them on several occasion and Buffy even trusted him to look after her mum and Dawn at one point. And suddenly everyone acts like he murdered their loved ones…tf
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