#Customer Self-service Software Market
marketwire · 1 year
Customer Self-service Software Market revenue is forecast to reach $18.3 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 15.7% during 2021-2026.
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devsgames · 9 months
Back in 2020 when I was distributing Runt TTRPG after its Kickstarter succeeded one of the backers who was apparently a stark far-right Libertarian got really mad because it was published under the Anticapitalist Software License, pulled the "it's ironic you are critical of capitalism and yet you need money!!!!!" card, and then demanded a refund for his contribution ($5). I'm confident he was just being difficult jerk seeing as how I'm pretty sure he wasn't planning on mass redistributing my tiny Kickstarter game to anyone else, but alas I did the customer service thing and refunded him.
Anyway, I take delight in peeking at his Kickstarter page and finding out that he not only ran a failed (and way too ambitious) campaign for a card game where you played as cops and rioters who fight each other (this was like...during the time period where 2020 riots were still happening), but he also has self-published a "sex game for married couples" of which he left himself a review of and then bragged about it being highly reviewed on socials.
Well...uh...I guess the free market worked itself out on that one huh 😏😏😏
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erastaffingsolutions · 3 months
Vendor Versus Contractor: Understanding the Nuance for Your Small Business
While seemingly interchangeable, these roles carry distinct legal and functional implications that can significantly impact your business strategy and compliance. In this comprehensive guide tailored to small business owners, we dissect the difference between the two, providing clarity for key decisions and leading to more successful collaborations.
Who Are Vendors?
Sales cornerstones, providers of goods and services, vendors represent a fundamental aspect of the small business ecosystem. An integral part of the supply chain, vendors often ply their trade to supply the very products you sell or use to operate your business. Here are the primary characteristics that delineate a vendor:
Goods and Services: A vendor typically specializes in providing goods (inventory, raw materials) or services (e.g., marketing, software) that cater to the needs of a business or its customers.
Regular Supply Relationship: Businesses often have ongoing relationships with their vendors. The frequency and volume of orders can vary but remain steady enough to build a degree of regularity.
Product Agnostic: Vendors are usually not directly or personally involved in the end use of the goods or services they provide, contrasting with the hands-on nature of a contractor's involvement.
Who Are Contractors?
Independent, specialized, and temporarily engaged, contractors bring crucial expertise to projects without permanently joining the company's structure like an employee would. This distinction can generate unique flexibility and cost efficiencies. Characteristics that define a contractor:
Skill-Specific Services: Contractors are often hired to provide a particular set of skills or to complete a specific project, reflecting the temporary nature of their engagement.
Independence: Unlike vendors, contractors usually have more control over the way they deliver their services. They might be self-employed or work for an external agency but operate under their terms during the engagement.
Project-Centric: A contractor's involvement is often bounded by the scope of a project or a set period, after which the business and the contractor part ways, or the contract is renewed.
3 Key Differences Between Vendor and Contractor
1. Nature of Engagement
Vendors, through their ongoing provision of goods or services, establish a relationship deeply embedded within a business’s regular operations. They are part and parcel of the business's supply chain and, in essence, the extended team. On the other hand, contractors’ relationships are more sporadic, being engaged for a specific project or task over a defined period. Their autonomy in execution echoes the temporary and independent nature of their role.
2. Control and Direction
This is where legal implications, particularly concerning labor laws, are distinctly highlighted. In the case of vendors, businesses typically have less direct control or input into the vendor’s operations, especially in service provision. Contractors, on the other hand, operate under the terms set forth in a contracted agreement but maintain control over their working methods and schedules, a hallmark of their independent status.
3. Taxation and Legal Considerations
The differentiation between vendor and contractor can significantly affect how taxes are handled and what legal obligations your business carries. Vendors are typically subject to sales tax laws, while contractors often fall under income tax and self-employment tax regulations. Additionally, engaging contractors usually entails less legal liability for a business compared to that which might accompany the vendor relationship, which involves greater control by the business over the product or service.
The significance of discerning between vendors vs independent contractors cannot be overstated for small business owners. Misclassification can result in financial, legal, and operational setbacks that are best avoided through a clear understanding of these roles. Consider consulting with legal counsel or a small business advisor to ensure that your business interactions are compliant and conducive to your growth. With this understanding, you can harness the unique advantages each role offers and cultivate a thriving ecosystem of partnerships that propels your business forward.
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digitaleyecon · 5 months
Interactive touch screen display app development company Hyderabad
Audience Engagement: Explore the best Interactive touchscreen display app development company If you want to engage your audience with the best of the latest technology, you must look for a professional interactive touchscreen display app development company. Digital transformation is steadily expanding with the emergence of advanced and innovative technologies and AI-driven solutions. For businesses looking to enhance their customer experience, interactive touchscreens provide an engaging and innovative solution.
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Among the trailblazers in this domain, Digital Eyecon stands as the professional and innovative interactive display software development company providing the best in-class touchscreen display apps.
A touchscreen is an LCD device that can receive input signals when touching graphic buttons on the screen. The feedback system on the screen drives various connected devices according to the pre-programmed program and creates vivid audio and video through the LCD screen. The dynamic touchscreens captivate the audience through animations and targeted content. The interactive content will engage, educate the audience, and help them with the self-serve experience.
Key features of Interactive display apps
Interactivity – These apps facilitate the presentation of information in a captivating and interactive manner.
User-friendly designs – The features are easy to navigate and ensure visitors of all ages can use it effortlessly.
Innovative – These apps are beyond traditional displays, as they use innovative visual techniques offering an immersive experience to the user.
Here are a few points to look for while choosing the best interactive display software development company in India.
Innovative UI designs – User interface design plays a crucial role in touchscreen apps. It ensures an engaging user experience.
Augmented Reality integration – The integration of immersive technologies takes user experience to a new level. Companies with expertise in AR, and VR can create more engaging touchscreen apps that stand out in the market.
Regular support – A reliable interactive display software development company will provide ongoing support and updates, keeping up with advancements in technology and security standards.
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Interactive display apps have become necessary tools in various sectors from education to business. These devices create dynamic and user-friendly interfaces for effective engagement and communication. Digital Eyecon’s team of skilled developers combines technical expertise with a passion for innovation, ensuring the best solutions are in tune with industry trends. Digital Eyecon has left an indelible mark by delivering pioneering touchscreen applications and AR apps tailored for museums and tourist places. The remarkable success of these apps has brought positive feedback, solidifying Digital Eyecon’s position as the best interactive touchscreen display app development company.
As technology continues to evolve, Digital Eyecon brings the best of interactive experiences to diverse businesses and budget needs. With a track record of success, the company is a trusted partner for businesses seeking to elevate their visitor/audience experience through the latest technology. Check for more information at https://digitaleyecon.com/services/interactive-touchscreen-display-app-development-company/
Interactive touchscreen apps have revolutionized the way businesses engage with their customers. These apps are highly beneficial in creating dynamic experiences and providing a bridge between businesses and their target audience. Interactive touchscreens are all about creating an unforgettable experience that resonates with
the audience. So, choose a company that understands innovation and is committed to delivering the best so your business stands out in the digital landscape.
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sgkinterioo · 5 months
Is Interior Design a Good Business?
the demand for professional interior designers has witnessed significant growth. This raises the question: Is interior design a good business? In this comprehensive analysis, we will delve into various aspects of the interior design industry to evaluate its potential as a lucrative and sustainable business venture.
Several key factors contribute to the sustained demand for interior design services, making it a potentially lucrative business.
a. Lifestyle Changes:
As societal norms evolve, individuals are placing a greater emphasis on personal expression and unique living spaces. The desire for customized and aesthetically pleasing interiors has become a driving force in the interior design industry.
Opportunities in Specialized Segments:
Interior design is a broad field that offers numerous specialized segments, each presenting unique business opportunities.
a. Residential Interior Design:
Designing homes is a primary focus for many interior designers. From small apartment makeovers to luxury home designs, catering to the residential market offers a steady stream of projects.
Staying abreast of design trends and incorporating them into projects is vital. Designers who fail to adapt to changing preferences may find it challenging to attract and retain clients.
Education and Skill Requirements:
To succeed in the interior design business, individuals need a combination of education, skills, and creativity.
a. Education:
While formal education is not a strict requirement, many successful interior designers hold degrees in interior design or related fields. Specialized education provides a foundation in design principles, spatial planning, and industry knowledge.
b. Creativity and Vision:
Creativity is at the core of interior design. Successful designers possess a keen eye for aesthetics and the ability to envision unique and innovative design concepts.
c. Technical Proficiency:
Proficiency in design software, knowledge of construction principles, and an understanding of building codes are essential technical skills for an interior designer.
d. Networking and Marketing:
Building a successful interior design business requires effective networking and marketing. Establishing connections with suppliers, contractors, and real estate professionals can lead to valuable collaborations and client referrals.
Licensing and Regulations:
In many regions, interior designers are subject to licensing requirements and regulations. Understanding and complying with these regulations is crucial for operating a legitimate and successful interior design business.
a. Licensing:
Some jurisdictions require interior designers to obtain a license to practice professionally. Licensing often involves meeting educational and experience requirements and passing a standardized exam.
b. Building Codes and Regulations:
Interior designers must be knowledgeable about local building codes and regulations. Ensuring that designs comply with safety and accessibility standards is imperative.
c. Professional Memberships:
Joining professional organizations such as the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) or the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) can provide credibility, networking opportunities, and access to resources.
Business Models in Interior Design:
Interior designers can adopt various business models based on their preferences, expertise, and target market.
a. Freelance/Independent Designers:
Many interior designers opt for a freelance or independent model, working on a project-by-project basis. This offers flexibility but requires self-promotion and business management skills.
b. Design Studios:
Establishing a design studio allows designers to collaborate with a team and take on larger projects. Design studios may focus on specific niches, such as residential or commercial design.
c. Virtual Design Platforms:
Online platforms that connect designers with clients have become increasingly popular. These platforms provide a virtual marketplace for designers to showcase their work and offer design services to clients globally.
d. Retail and E-Commerce:
Some interior designers venture into retail, selling furniture, decor, or custom-designed products. E-commerce platforms provide opportunities to reach a broader audience.
Marketing and Branding:
Effective marketing and branding are essential for success in the interior design business. Building a strong brand and marketing strategy can help designers stand out in a competitive market.
a. Portfolio Development:
Creating a compelling portfolio showcasing past projects is a powerful marketing tool. High-quality photographs, detailed project descriptions, and client testimonials can significantly influence potential clients.
b. Online Presence:
Establishing a strong online presence through a professional website and social media platforms is crucial. Regularly updating these channels with new projects and engaging content helps attract and retain a loyal audience.
c. Networking:
Building a network within the industry, including real estate professionals, contractors, and suppliers, can lead to collaborative opportunities and client referrals.
d. Client Testimonials:
Positive client testimonials and reviews contribute to a designer’s credibility and can influence potential clients’ decision-making.
Financial Considerations:
Starting and running an interior design business involves various financial considerations, including startup costs, pricing strategies, and revenue streams.
a. Startup Costs:
Initial expenses may include education and certification fees, design software, marketing materials, and a workspace. Designers should carefully budget for these costs to ensure a smooth start.
b. Pricing Strategies:
Determining pricing strategies is crucial for profitability. Designers may charge hourly rates, flat fees, or a percentage of the project cost. Clear communication with clients about pricing structures is essential.
c. Multiple Revenue Streams:
Diversifying revenue streams can enhance the stability of an interior design business. In addition to design services, designers may generate income through partnerships, product sales, or online courses.
d. Financial Management:
Effective financial management, including budgeting, invoicing, and tracking expenses, is critical for the long-term success of an interior design business.
Future Trends and Innovation:
Staying abreast of emerging trends and embracing innovation is vital for the sustained success of an interior design business.
a. Technology Integration:
Incorporating technology, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), into the design process allows clients to experience spaces before implementation. This enhances the design collaboration and visualization process.
b. Sustainable and Wellness Design:
The focus on sustainability and wellness in design is expected to intensify. Designers who prioritize eco-friendly materials and create spaces that promote well-being may have a competitive edge.
c. Globalization of Design:
Advancements in communication and collaboration tools facilitate global design projects. Designers can leverage online platforms to work with clients from different parts of the world.
Ultimately, the interior design business can be a fulfilling career for those passionate about creating visually appealing and functional spaces. As the industry continues to evolve, staying innovative and embracing new trends will be key to staying competitive and thriving in this dynamic field.
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Unlocking Opportunities: Exploring Top 10 Digital Marketing Courses in Bandra, Mumbai
Are you looking for digital marketing courses in Bandra? Is it hard for you to choose the best one from the plethora of digital marketing institutes in Bandra? If so, you've landed in the perfect place.
 With the ever-evolving digital landscape, mastering the art of online marketing has become the prime importance. Let's explore the top 10 digital marketing courses in this buzzing city to help you make an informed choice.
Top 10 Digital Marketing Courses in Bandra:
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AADME is Asia’s 1st AI-enabled and Lifetime Mentorship digital marketing course in Bandra. They provide a dynamic learning platform for digital marketing classes in Mumbai with an affordable fee structure.
It is the best institute for digital marketing courses in Mumbai. Recently, it was awarded the Most Trusted Digital Marketing Learning Platform in 2023.
Aadme has trained 50k+ learners. They help students, working professionals, housewives, or agency owners who want to scale their businesses.
Course highlights
Guaranteed Internship: Assurance of practical experience through a hands-on internship at the end of the course
100% Job Assistance: Commitment to supporting graduates in securing employment opportunities.
Work Experience Letter: Upon completion of internship you will be granted a work experience letter.
100+ Tools Training: You will learn more than 100 plus automation tools increasing productivity.
7+ International Certifications: Attainment of globally recognized certifications for professional credibility.
Build Your Agency in 90 Days: Empower individuals to establish their digital marketing agencies within a three-month timeframe.
Lifetime Mentorship: Continuous guidance and support from experienced mentors throughout one's career.
Nations’ Best Trainer: Learning from a recognized and esteemed expert Alok Badatia
Personalized Training: Tailoring education to individual needs for a customized learning experience.
Easy EMI Options are Available: Providing flexibility with convenient and manageable EMI payment options.
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2. IIDE – the digital school: Known for its industry-aligned syllabus and experienced faculty, IIDE stands out for its focus on practical learning, ensuring students are job-ready.
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3. DMTI is another well-known digital marketing course in Bandra.  DMTI SOFTPRO was established in 2009. They provide a range of courses, including both online and classroom training. They have trained more than 29,729+ students in digital marketing.
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4. upGrad is an online higher education platform providing rigorous industry-relevant programs designed and delivered in collaboration with world-class faculty and industry. Merging the latest technology, pedagogy, and services, upGrad is creating an immersive learning experience – anytime and anywhere.
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5. Compufield is also one of the best digital marketing training institutes in Mumbai. It offers customized learning solutions to students, working professionals, and entrepreneurs. The Digital Marketing Training program is designed keeping in mind the latest industry trends and techniques.
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6. ICIT Computer Institute is one of the leading software training companies in India, offering comprehensive IT courses and cutting-edge training programs to IT aspirants [students & individuals], working professionals, corporates, institutions and government entities.
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7. EduPristine is one of India’s leading training providers in Analytics, Accounting, Finance, Healthcare, and Marketing. Founded in 2008, EduPristine has a strong online platform and network of classrooms across India and caters to self-paced learning and online learning, in addition to classroom learning.
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8. IIM Skills is another institute providing digital marketing courses in Bandra that provides online courses in different digital domains.
They provided real-time projects to ensure that they became well-trained for the digital industry. The institute offers a comprehensive course in digital marketing
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9. Digital Vidya- The Digital Marketing Online Course at Digital Vidya offers a valuable learning experience through its hands-on assignments. These assignments are divided into module and case study tasks, which make the course more practical and engaging.
10. IDCM is India’s top-ranked vocational Training Institute, skilling 2 Lakh+ students annually. This course is designed for both freshers and working professionals who want to excel in their digital marketing careers. It is a classroom-based training program.
Exploring the Digital Marketing Course Fees in Mumbai:
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Understanding the financial aspect is crucial. The digital marketing course fees in Mumbai vary across institutes. However, institutes like AADME offer value-driven courses without compromising quality.
Finding the Best Digital Marketing Institute in Mumbai with Placement:
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Securing a placement after completing a course is a priority for many. Institutes like DMTI and AADME boast excellent placement records, forging lucrative career paths for their graduates.
Unveiling the Best Institute for Digital Marketing Course in Mumbai:
While each institute has its unique offerings, the 'best' institute depends on individual preferences. Factors like curriculum, faculty, industry connections, and alumni success stories play pivotal roles.
Empowering Your Digital Marketing Journey:
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Now that you're equipped with insights into the top digital marketing courses in Bandra, Mumbai, it's time to leap! Choosing the right course can transform your career trajectory in the digital sphere.
Ready to delve deeper into the world of digital marketing in Bandra, Mumbai?  
Explore our comprehensive guide to choosing the best digital marketing courses in Bandra tailored to your needs!
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etceterabd · 1 year
Are you aware of the top marketing tools out there that not only help you get your job done better, but are completely FREE? There are a number of excellent free marketing tools, and we’ve compiled some of the top in the categories that help you master your marketing. Whether you add all or a few to your marketing toolbox, you’ll reap the benefits of these resources right away and work smarter, not harder.
Project Management: Trello
Lead Generation: Hubspot
Design: Canva
Content: Answer the Public
SEO: Google Free Business Profile and Google Analytics
Social Media Management: Buffer
This highly visual organization tool is a master at project management. It lays everything out intuitively on “boards” reminiscent of an old-school desk blotter and designed to manage projects, workflows, and tasks, from the big picture down to the finest detail. With the free version of Trello, you can create unlimited boards that contain a project or process, lists encompassing all tasks and divided into “To Do,” “Doing,” and “Done” (or your own custom process), and smaller, movable “cards” with the information you need to accomplish these tasks, tied to deadlines and assigned doers. 
Trello helps you boost your productivity. It keeps everyone moving, with spaces to comment on the cards, and add files and checklists. It also integrates with Slack, Dropbox, Outlook, Gmail, Salesforce, and more, with “power-ups,” or plug-ins, that expand your capabilities. The free version gets you unlimited cards, built-in automation, due dates, mobile and desktop apps, unlimited activity logs, templates, and unlimited power-ups. Then if you find you’re needing more, it’s a reasonable jump in monthly rate for more robust options.
Hubspot is known for many things to many marketers. It’s a robust CRM platform with highly effective marketing, sales, and service tools. The software is king at lead generation. It helps marketers attract potential visitors and leads through inbound marketing, ushering them through the buyer’s journey, and converting them into customers. 
While HubSpot’s capabilities are wide-ranging and complex, you can take advantage of its CRM tools in a free suite that includes email marketing, live chat, forms, pop-ups, ads, landing pages, reports, and more. This version has some very helpful features; marketers can add more information about incoming leads with data gleaned from the internet, populating charts with social profiles, job titles, where they came from online, and what they viewed before they filled out their form. You’ll be able to track these potential customers when they return to your site as well, and since each action is mapped, you can track timing too. The free version of HubSpot also provides analytics so you know which of your pages, offers, and traffic sources are pulling the highest conversions. You’ll see the number of visits before customers buy and identify other trends in site navigation so you can optimize your site. 
Hubspot also offers paid subscriptions, but these free capabilities are highly effective, so you can always add on later if you’d like:
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In the way that self-publishing content through social media has revolutionized the media industry, Canva has similarly given people a free platform with which to create beautiful brochures, business cards, banners, infographics, cards, logos, designs for promotional items, social media images, posters, newsletters, videos and so much more. Started in 2013, the platform offers many tools for free, including 250,000+ templates, 100+ design types (social media posts, presentations, letters, and more), free photos and graphics, additional team members, and 5GB of cloud storage, plus access to easy tutorials and other great resources, including a robust blog for marketing, design, and branding. You can level up to Pro and Enterprise for more features, which are free for classrooms and nonprofits.
Canva offers excellent tools for laying out and designing professional-looking  pieces even if you’re not a professional designer. With this design tool, you can create postcards for your upcoming sale, Instagram images for branding, or a flyer with your services. Its intuitive interface has made good design more accessible for all of us.
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This content-generating tool is so simple that you’ll want to play with it for hours. It makes a great party game too, especially since it’s powered by a perky robot. The premise is simple: just enter the topic you’re interested in covering for your content strategy, and it will (within seconds), deliver an elegantly charted image containing more search terms than you can possibly use. The way it works is by collecting the autocomplete data from the 3 billion+ daily Google searches and mapping them out into “what,” “how,” “where,” and more.
You get an unfiltered look into the minds of searchers, to learn the information that they’re really seeking—and sometimes it’s surprising. You can leverage this content to create the next headlines and search terms for your blogs and social media posts. If your audience feels like you’re reading their minds, it’s because you pretty much are.
With Answer the Public’s free version, you can conduct more than 500,000 searches a month; if you need more you can also upgrade to their other plans:
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The Google Free Business Profile is a no-brainer. If you have not yet completed this one-time task, head there right now and get your business set up. This tool will direct all users who find you on Google to the critical information they seek: your phone number, website, address, hours, ratings, description, posts, health and safety measures, women-owned/Black-owned/veteran-owned and other status, and more. It includes a map so users can see your location at a glance and a spot for product and services photos. You can create offers, respond to reviews, send and receive direct messages, and post FAQ answers. Since people will be looking for you on their phones and other devices, this first impression is crucial—and it’s 100% free.
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To track how well your website is performing, Google Analytics is an excellent tool. It measures real-time traffic and lets you set custom goals like purchases or signups. You can delve into revenue, return on investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS). When you link it to Google Ads, you can track ad performance and use their advanced machine learning capabilities to optimize advertising campaigns, based on cost per acquisition (CPA), ROI, or ROAS. With this information, you’ll learn which channels are performing best, see where your customers are coming from (devices and geographically), and use this information to optimize your site. Not bad for a free tool! 
Related: 6 Metrics Your Boss Actually Cares About
Who has the time to continually post on social media? You do, now that you have a free tool that does it for you! With Buffer, you can schedule your social media posts across social sites in advance, so they’re set. 
Their free option gives you up to three channels and their profiles, with ten social posts per queue (and no monthly or yearly limit), basic publishing tools, and a landing page builder for you to send leads to. They even shorten links automatically to save you characters. Buffer is a great way to manage the posts you’ve been meaning to post but haven’t gotten around to yet. It’s your social media assistant, automated.
If you like working with Buffer (and you will), you can opt for their next available plan, which lets you look at analytics, use their engagement tools, build a shopping landing page, and integrate with other apps:
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These free marketing tools are all so helpful, and their paid versions often include even more helpful capabilities. We recommend trying them for free and if you find they’re really working for you, they may be worth an additional investment since they’re providing a strong return. Check them out and let us know how you do!
And if you need help integrating any of these tools or would like more marketing muscle in your toolbox, reach out to our team. We’re suckers for time-saving tools, and we love to help make marketing easier, smarter, and of course, better.
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accomparison · 1 year
Quicken vs QuickBooks: Which One is Right for Your Business?
Are you struggling to choose the right accounting software for your business? Look no further! In this post, we'll be comparing Quicken vs QuickBooks – two of the most popular accounting software on the market. Both are powerful tools that offer features to manage your finances, but which one is right for you? Join us as we dive into what makes these two options unique and how to make an informed decision based on your business needs. Let's get started!
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Comparing Quicken vs QuickBooks
When it comes to managing your business finances, Quicken and QuickBooks are two of the most popular software options available. While Quicken vs QuickBooks both programs offer similar accounting features such as tracking expenses and income, there are some key differences between them.
Quicken is designed primarily for personal finance management. It's a great option if you're self-employed or run a small business with just a few employees. With Quicken, you can track your bank accounts, credit cards, investments and more in one place.
On the other hand, QuickBooks is more ideal for businesses that require robust accounting tools like inventory management and payroll processing. It's also suitable for larger organizations with multiple users who need access to financial data simultaneously.
Another difference between these two platforms is their pricing models. Quicken offers a one-time purchase fee while QuickBooks has monthly subscription plans based on the features required by your business.
Ultimately, choosing between Quicken vs QuickBooks depends on your specific needs as well as the size and complexity of your organization. Consider factors such as budget constraints and which features are necessary for efficient financial management before making a decision.
What is Quicken?
Quicken is a personal finance management software that has been around since 1983. It was originally designed to help individuals manage their finances by tracking income and expenses, creating budgets, and generating reports. Today, Quicken offers various versions of its software that cater to different financial needs.
One version of Quicken is called Quicken Deluxe which allows users to track investments in addition to managing their personal finances. Another version is called Quicken Premier which includes features for managing rental properties as well as investment tracking.
Quicken also offers a mobile app that allows users to access their financial information on the go. Users can sync their data across devices so they always have access to up-to-date information.
Quicken is best suited for individuals or small businesses looking for an easy way to manage their personal finances without needing advanced accounting knowledge.
What is QuickBooks?
QuickBooks is a popular accounting software designed for small businesses to manage their financial transactions, invoices, bills and expenses. It was developed by Intuit and first released in 1983 as a desktop application. Since then, it has expanded its features and services to cater to the growing needs of businesses.
This software allows users to track inventory levels, create sales orders, generate reports and integrate with other applications such as payroll systems. QuickBooks also offers cloud-based versions that enable users to access their data from anywhere at any time.
One of the key benefits of using QuickBooks is its user-friendly interface which makes it easy for beginners to navigate through various financial tasks. The program also provides tutorials and customer support resources for those who need additional assistance.
Another great advantage of this software is that it can be customized according to specific business requirements. Users can choose from different plans based on the size of their business or opt for add-ons like payroll management or payment processing services.
QuickBooks has become a go-to solution for small businesses looking for an efficient way to handle their finances while staying organized and compliant with tax laws.
The Difference between Quicken vs QuickBooks
Quicken and QuickBooks are both financial management software options, but they serve different purposes. Quicken is a personal finance management tool that can help individuals with their budgeting, banking, and investment tracking needs. On the other hand, QuickBooks is an accounting software designed specifically for small businesses.
One of the key differences between Quicken vs QuickBooks is in their functionality. While Quicken focuses on managing personal finances, QuickBooks offers more comprehensive features such as invoicing, payroll processing, inventory management, and accounts payable/receivable. This makes it a better option for small business owners who need to manage multiple aspects of their financial transactions.
Another difference between these two accounting tools is their pricing model. Quicken typically charges a one-time fee for purchasing its software while QuickBooks follows a subscription-based model where users pay monthly or annually depending on the plan they choose.
Deciding whether to use Quicken vs QuickBooks depends largely on your individual needs as well as those of your business if you have one. If you're looking for robust accounting capabilities with features like invoicing or inventory tracking then go for QuickBooks while if you're just looking to manage personal finances then stick with Quicken
Which One is Right for Your Business?
When it comes to deciding which accounting software is right for your business, there are a few factors you should consider. One of the first things you need to determine is what specific features your business needs. For example, if your business requires inventory tracking or payroll management, QuickBooks may be the better option for you.
Another important consideration is the size of your business. Quicken may be more suitable for small businesses or sole proprietors who don't require as many advanced features as larger companies. On the other hand, QuickBooks can handle multiple users and large amounts of data, making it ideal for medium-sized and larger businesses.
The level of technical expertise required to use each software platform is also an important factor to consider. If you have limited experience with accounting software and want something user-friendly and easy-to-learn, Quicken may be a better choice. However, if you're comfortable with technology and want more advanced capabilities like custom reports or integrations with other software tools, QuickBooks might suit your needs better.
Ultimately, choosing between Quicken vs QuickBooks depends on understanding what your business requirements are in terms of functionality, size and technical aptitude. By taking these factors into account when selecting an accounting solution that best meets those criteria will help ensure success over time.
How to Choose the Right Accounting Software for Your Business
Choosing the right accounting software for your business can be overwhelming, especially with so many options available. Here are some important factors to consider when selecting the best fit for your needs:
Business Size: Consider the size of your business and whether you need a basic or advanced accounting system.
Features: Look at the features offered by each platform and determine which ones are essential for managing your finances.
User Interface: Make sure that you choose a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand.
Integration: Check if the software integrates with other tools such as payment processors, CRMs, or inventory management systems.
Support: Choose a platform that offers reliable customer support in case any issues arise.
Security: Ensure that the software has robust security measures in place to safeguard sensitive financial data from potential cyber threats.
Pricing: Determine whether there are any upfront costs, monthly fees or hidden charges associated with using the accounting software before making a final decision.
By considering these factors carefully when choosing an accounting system, you'll have greater confidence in finding one that meets all of your requirements and helps drive success for your business!
After comparing Quicken vs QuickBooks and analyzing the features of both accounting software, it's clear that they have significant differences.
Quicken is best suited for individuals or small business owners who need to manage their personal finances or do basic bookkeeping tasks. On the other hand, QuickBooks provides a more robust platform with advanced tools and features that cater to larger businesses.
Choosing the right accounting software depends on your individual needs and budget. Consider factors such as business size, industry type, level of financial expertise, and future growth plans when making your decision.
Whichever software you choose between Quicken vs QuickBooks will help streamline your financial management processes and improve the accuracy of your accounting records. So take time to evaluate both options carefully before deciding which one is right for your business!
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btrestrozucol · 1 year
How to Run a Restaurant Business Successfully in India: Essential Tips and Strategies
A thorough understanding of the Indian food sector, effective administration, and careful planning are all necessary for operating a successful restaurant. With the ever-increasing competition and evolving customer preferences, restaurant owners must stay ahead of the game to thrive in this dynamic market. In this article, we will explore essential tips and strategies for running a restaurant business successfully in India, with a particular focus on leveraging restaurant system management and software for efficient operations.
Embrace Technology: Restaurant Point of Sale (POS) Systems-
One of the most crucial aspects of running a successful restaurant business is adopting modern technology to streamline operations. A robust restaurant Point of sales system is an invaluable tool that can revolutionize your restaurant's efficiency and profitability. A restaurant POS system automates various tasks such as order management, inventory tracking, billing, and reporting.
Investing in reliable software for restaurant POS in India can enhance the overall dining experience for your customers. With a feature-rich POS system, you can expedite order processing, reduce errors, and improve table turnover. Furthermore, advanced POS software allows you to manage multiple aspects of your restaurant, including online orders, delivery, and reservations.
Optimize Restaurant System Management
Efficient management of your restaurant system is crucial for smooth day-to-day operations. Here are some essential tips to consider:
a) Staff Training: Invest in comprehensive training programs to ensure your staff is well-equipped to handle various responsibilities. Properly trained employees can provide better customer service, handle busy periods efficiently, and effectively utilize the restaurant POS system.
b) Inventory Management: Implement a robust inventory management system to track ingredients, supplies, and equipment. Regularly monitor stock levels, streamline procurement processes, and reduce wastage to minimize costs.
c) Menu Engineering: Analyze your menu and identify the most popular dishes, as well as the least profitable ones. Optimize your menu by highlighting high-margin items and removing underperforming dishes. This strategic approach can significantly impact your revenue and customer satisfaction.
d) Streamline Operations: Look for areas where you can automate or streamline operations further. This could include implementing self-service kiosks for order placement, online reservation systems, or integrating your POS system with third-party delivery platforms.
Focus on Customer Experience
In the highly competitive restaurant industry, providing an exceptional customer experience is paramount. Happy customers become loyal patrons and often spread positive word-of-mouth, which is invaluable for your business. Here are some tips to enhance the customer experience:
a) Personalized Service: Train your staff to provide personalized attention to customers. Encourage them to engage in friendly conversations, remember regular customers' preferences, and offer recommendations based on individual tastes.
b) Speed and Efficiency: With the help of a restaurant POS system, streamline your order management process to ensure quick and accurate service. Reduce waiting times, expedite food preparation, and optimize the billing process to leave a lasting positive impression.
c) Online Presence: Leverage the power of digital platforms to connect with your customers. Maintain an informative and user-friendly website, regularly update your social media accounts, and actively engage with customer reviews and feedback.
d) Loyalty Programs: Implement a customer loyalty program to incentivize repeat visits. Offer discounts, freebies, or exclusive benefits to encourage customers to choose your restaurant over competitors.
Maintain Quality and Consistency
Consistency is key to building a strong brand reputation and earning customer loyalty. To maintain high-quality standards:
a) Ingredients and Sourcing: Source fresh and high-quality ingredients from reliable suppliers. Ensure your kitchen staff follows strict guidelines for food preparation and storage.
b) Menu Testing: Regularly evaluate and test new dishes or menu updates to maintain consistency in taste, presentation, and portion sizes.
c) Hygiene and Cleanliness: Ensure that your restaurant maintains impeccable hygiene standards. Regularly clean and sanitize all areas, including the dining area, kitchen, restrooms, and storage spaces. Train your staff on proper food handling and safety practices to prevent any health hazards.
d) Feedback and Improvement: Encourage customer feedback and take it seriously. Address any concerns or complaints promptly and take necessary measures to rectify them. Use feedback as an opportunity for continuous improvement and to meet and exceed customer expectations.
Effective Marketing and Promotion
Implementing effective marketing and promotional strategies can help increase your restaurant's visibility and attract new customers. Consider the following tips:
a) Online Presence: Develop a strong online presence through a well-designed website, active social media profiles, and online review platforms. Regularly update your online platforms with enticing content, attractive food photography, and engaging promotions.
b) Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local influencers, food bloggers, and organizations to reach a wider audience. Offer special deals or partnerships to enhance visibility and credibility.
c) Special Events and Offers: Organize special events, themed nights, or seasonal promotions to create excitement and attract customers. Offer discounts, happy hour specials, or loyalty program incentives to entice new and repeat visitors.
d) Customer Referrals: Implement a referral program that rewards customers for bringing in new patrons. Word-of-mouth referrals can be highly effective in attracting new business.
Financial Management and Cost Control
To run a successful restaurant business, effective financial management is crucial. Consider these tips for better cost control:
a) Budgeting: Develop a comprehensive budget that includes all aspects of your restaurant's expenses, including food costs, staff salaries, rent, utilities, and marketing. Regularly review and analyze your budget to identify areas where costs can be reduced without compromising quality.
b) Menu Pricing: Set prices strategically by considering ingredient costs, competition, and customer perception. Ensure that your menu pricing allows for a healthy profit margin without alienating customers.
c) Vendor Negotiations: Build strong relationships with your suppliers and negotiate favorable terms to secure competitive pricing for ingredients and supplies. Regularly compare prices from different vendors to ensure you're getting the best deals.
d) Waste Reduction: Implement measures to minimize food waste and optimize portion sizes. Train your staff on portion control techniques and consider donating excess food to local charities or food banks.
Conclusion Running a successful restaurant business in India requires a combination of effective management strategies, embracing technology, providing exceptional customer experiences, and implementing smart marketing techniques. By utilizing restaurant system management and leveraging pos restaurant software in India, you can streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and improve overall profitability. Additionally, focusing on customer satisfaction, maintaining quality standards, and controlling costs are essential elements of a thriving restaurant business. With dedication, continuous improvement, and the implementation of these essential tips and strategies, you can position your restaurant for success in the dynamic Indian food industry.
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stevensaus · 1 year
Whether AI Can Write A Story Is The Wrong Question.
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There is a qualitative difference in the output between a writer who knows story structure and a writer who understands how story structure works. I am certain that current AI technology can do the former. I am very skeptical of the latter. But that really isn't the right question -- or questions -- to ask. The first relevant question is: "Will people pay more for the difference?" The second relevant question is: "Who will profit?" The first question is one we've faced before. This is the same question that we've wrestled with the displacement of craftsmanship by mechanization, industrialization, and mass production. Compare a chest of drawers that is made from actual wood with one which was made from particleboard. The first has hand-wrought dovetailed joins where they are simply staple-gunned in the latter. The first has been hand-polished, the second is essentially covered in varnished contact paper with a wood grain print. And the first is horrendously expensive and difficult to come by, compared to the second. I know the "The Sam Vimes "Boots" theory of socioeconomic unfairness;" wait for it. Mechanization and automation are great at repetitive tasks. There's no arguing that, say, modern farming methods (for all of its flaws, which are many) dramatically reduced worldwide famine rates after the transformation of agriculture in the 1960's. But there, too, there is a qualitative difference. "Not dying of famine" is hugely different from "well-nourished," or "sustainably nourished," or "healthily nourished," or any of a host of other criteria. There is a market for hand-made things (and hand-grown or hand-prepared food), because of the qualitative difference I mentioned before... although it is a pricey one. Theoretically, this would be taken care of by the free market, right? People won't choose lower-quality goods (or entertainment) if there is a better alternative. There is, after all, a reason why "dollar store" is used as a pejorative adjective. That brings us to the second question. All this automation -- including computers and software -- represents an increase in productivity. So why are we still working as hard -- or as much -- as people ten, twenty, forty, sixty and more years ago? The answer is pretty simple. The benefits of productivity increases were not -- and are not -- accessible to the population at large. Those benefits have been hoarded by executives and shareholders. For example, how a certain box store has reduced its workforce expenses by nearly eliminating everything except for self-checkout lanes and utilizing brutal employee sick policies. While customers are complaining. Perhaps you'd think that greater efficiency and lower costs would allow the company to lower its prices. Except that box store is also beating quarterly expectations for revenue and earnings, despite current inflation and lower sales. It's not just that box store, though. According to the Economic Policy Institute, workers haven't gained anything from the growth in productivity pretty much for my entire lifetime. That's the disconnect. In a functional free-market society, this would all balance out, at least in theory. {1} The benefits of that increased productivity would be passed on to the rest of society in one way or another. Instead, those benefits are being hoarded by an investor class {2}, which means that the hand-made goods -- the quality goods -- are even further out of reach for everyone else. And now we are seeing it be applied to story and art as well. Like it or not, art and entertainment cost. They cost money, which a lot of us are feeling pretty tightly right now (while the aforementioned investor class is doing just fine). But there's a second cost: The cost in free time. Currently just one streaming service would have to run constantly for four years to view it all. Oh, yes, a huge chunk of it -- and many other streaming services -- consist of formulaic and poor-quality offerings. {3} This applies to other forms of entertainment as well, where available quantity is the primary selling point (eBooks, audiobooks, artwork, you name it). But if that's what you are able to afford financially, and you're strapped for time because despite all this technological improvement you're still working forty hours a week plus commuting time, well, you get what you can. This is what happened with the last writer's strike and the rise of reality television. Reality television was (and is) comparatively inexpensive to make, and, because of how distribution of media works, brought in equivalent ratings -- and therefore, equivalent advertising dollars. Now, reality TV has become as much of a staple as the self-checkout station... and in the same way, only the investor class is better off for it. For corporations and investors, it is -- practically by definition -- only the profit margin that matters. The particulars about what is created and how literally Do Not Matter. {4} Given all this, it is no accident that the current writer's strike is deeply concerned about AI. It isn't difficult to imagine these same investors -- the ones who control enough resources to get books in bookstores, to get films distributed to theaters and to major streaming services, to get a series greenlit -- will be far more interested in turning out formulaic hack plots. You can already see a similar effect in brick-and-mortar chain bookstores, particularly in the sci-fi and fantasy sections, where it's become increasingly difficult to find anything but the "safest" titles, usually with "now a major motion picture" or "now a streaming series" splashed across the cover. There is a simple answer to these issues: to distribute the benefits of our society's increased productivity through mechanization, automation, algorithms, machine learning, and AI to society at large both in terms of financial and time resources. Where our tools augment our abilities individually and as a species, for the betterment of both the individual and society at large. Instead, we have a society where it is not enough to make a profit -- you must maximize that profit. Instead, we have a world where half of the wealth is held by 1.1% of the population, and 55% of all humans hold only 1.3% of global wealth. Regardless of the outcome of the writer's strike, or outrage over publishers using AI art for book covers, the voracious drive of the investor class to increase profits will almost certainly lead to a race to the bottom that favors the "cheapest" methods to create art and music and publishing and media as our ability -- both financially and in terms of time -- is squeezed tighter and tighter. At least, that's how I'm afraid it will go as long as all the rest of us are bullied into submission. Good luck. {1} A free-market society also allows for the free movement of labor, which... well, look at the discussion we're having about the US-Mexico border, and you can see that is not what's happening there. {2} Yes, I know. At least I'm not calling them the "bourgeoisie," although that's mostly because I need spellcheck to get that word right. {3} Look, I'm not knocking your taste here. I've enjoyed some reality television and other forms of "light entertainment" -- like Taskmaster and Dimension 20 -- myself. At the same time, that isn't all I want to have available. {4} Fun related fact: Subway, the largest fast-food chain in the US, was founded by a physicist who had never seen a "sub" sandwich and a family friend. Check out The Food That Built America episode! Featured Image by 0fjd125gk87 from Pixabay Read the full article
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onlineshwe · 1 year
The best ways to start a business         
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A tough period is necessary when starting any firm. You must first put time and money into starting a business. Do you realize that in order to perform any activity, you must first generate income through investments?
The process of launching a business is among the craziest. Self-reflection and confidence are necessary while starting a business. You're looking for inexpensive business startup ideas. The best approaches to launch a business are covered in detail below, including selecting the best business model, creating a strong business plan, opening a business bank account, and selecting the appropriate accounting software.
Business opportunities depending on skills.
There are several business concepts that can be launched with no financial outlay. We put such concepts into practice for you that you won't require any starting money. I wish you ease in handling any subject.
Service industry
If you have artistic talent, you can make money by offering this service online as a graphic designer.
Currently, there is a lot of demand for video editing services. The demand for video editing is gradually rising.
Independent author: Writing for clients independently is a profession. This demand is significantly rising right now. The need for content is enormous when launching any kind of online business.
Social media manager: The need for any online business is growing as a result of the rise in online usage. You may make money quite simply by doing this if you know how to construct marketing campaigns for social media networks.
Handmade enterprise
A project with a service focus can plan. As you hone your abilities, you consider starting a company where you may market the outcomes of your abilities. You might work as a house cleaner, furniture salesperson, grocer, etc.
Also, it is relatively simple to produce digital goods and sell them online. e-books, online classes, and website templates, for instance. You can sell the things you've manufactured on a variety of websites, including Etsy, Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, and Shopify.
Build a dropshipping store
You can generate money by starting an online drop shipping store if you want to launch an online business but don't want to handle the manufacturing, warehousing, and shipping of your own products.
You can receive the goods from the producers and deliver them to your prospective clients in this business exchange. You can deliver an order to your manufacturer after you get one. Who will manage all of your shipping tasks and deliver the ordered item to your customer directly? There is no inventory to handle.      
Also read
To create a business plan
A business plan is a comprehensive document that details the objectives, plans, and financial forecasts for a startup or an established company. Any entrepreneur or business owner must create a business plan because it clarifies the organization's vision and objective, identifies potential obstacles, and establishes a road map for success.
There are some steps to create a business plan:
Business Description:
The company's history, sector, and target market should all be covered in detail in the business description. Also, you want to mention the goods and services you provide, your USP, and any benefits you have over rival businesses in terms of competition.
Market research:
An in-depth examination of your industry and target market should be provided through the market analysis. Information on market size, growth patterns, demographics, and purchasing patterns should be included. In this area, you should also analyze your rivals' advantages and disadvantages as well as how you intend to set your company apart from theirs.
Marketing and Sales Strategies:
Describe your marketing and sales tactics in this section. This should contain details about your strategies for promoting your company, identifying your ideal clientele, and generating sales. Include any market research that you've done, such as focus groups or surveys.
Examine your rivals.
Any business strategy should include competitive research. You may learn a lot about the market by looking at what your competitors are doing. You are capable of choosing how to position your own brand. These are some steps to think about when investigating your rivals:
1. Determine who your rivals are.
2. Examine their social media and website.
3. Assess their marketing approaches.
4. Examine the feedback from their clients.
5. Evaluate their effectiveness..
Create a powerful brand
It's crucial to first think about the kind of brand you're building as well as your principles and goals. You can begin generating name ideas once you have a firm grasp of your brand concept. Observe the following advice:
Be straightforward and simple to remember: In order for consumers to remember your brand name, it needs to be memorable and simple to say.
Be original by avoiding names that are too similar to those of already established companies. Your brand should distinguish itself from the competitors.
Consider your audience: Take into account the characteristics and hobbies of your intended market. They should be drawn to and identify with your brand name's core principles.
Funding develop your business
A business's ability to develop and expand depends on funding. While some business owners may begin with their own money or loans from family and friends, it's crucial to look into additional funding alternatives if you want to grow and scale your enterprise. In this post, we'll go through several options for raising money for your company's expansion.
Angel investors:
Wealthy people known as angel investors make equity-based investments in early-stage enterprises. Together with offering financial assistance, they also share their skills and experience. They are typically seasoned business owners who may provide the company founders with invaluable advice. Angel investors can be a fantastic source of investment if you have a compelling business concept and a compelling business strategy.
Venture capital:
Investment companies known as venture capitalists finance start-ups in return for stock. They often make investments in fast-growing businesses with strong potential for profit. For startups, venture capital funding is frequently seen as the most important source of finance.
Crowdfunding is a technique for getting money from lots of people, usually through internet platforms. It's a fantastic technique to evaluate the market's interest before launching your goods and present your business concept to a broad audience. Crowdfunding can be equity- or reward-based, so it's important to carefully select the platform that best suits your financial objectives.
Small business loans:
Banks and other financial organizations offer small company loans to help businesses grow and expand. The interest rates on these loans might change based on the lender and the type of loan, and they can be secured or unsecured. Small company loans are a terrific method to obtain financing, but they demand a strong business plan and a decent credit score.
Also, learn more about click here
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
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Quinn Clothing Brands distributes Quinns products in the U.S. Founded in 1981, Quinn Clothing Brands is a leading global online retailer with operations in Bangladesh and Allentown, Pennsylvania, along with other key markets. Quinn Clothing Brands reaches consumers across more than 150 countries and regions around the world. We place a premium on choice, delivering more than 6,000 new fashion, beauty, and lifestyle products daily with more than 600,000 items available. Our mission is to help people express their individuality through the latest trends that are accessible and affordable.
This Counsel position directly reports to the US General Counsel. We are seeking a corporate generalist to handle a variety of commercial and employment matters.
Review, structure, draft and negotiate commercial agreements in a broad range of transactional disciplines, including marketing and service agreements, publishing agreements, production agreements, co founding agreements, NDAs, and license agreements.
[…] legal reports and […], and effectively present information to senior management.
[…] internal and external […], and perform legal research and […], to determine whether company […] comply with company policies, […] including with […]
[…] Department and outside counsel on a variety of labor and employment issues.
Manage and collaborate with top tier outside law firms.
service contracts, concession agreements, leases
group sales and catering agreements
master procurement agreements
data privacy and security, including data breach management
IT and software agreements
administrative licensing
development of standard forms, policies, and procedures
employee relations matters, including EEOC matters and union negotiations
employee benefits matters
guest issues
premises liability
crisis management
trademarks and service marks
tax advice and representation
Minimum of 6-8 years of corporate transactional law experience. In-house experience preferred.
Self-starter, entrepreneurial, “roll up your sleeves” attitude.
Exceptional legal drafting, research and analytical skills.
Pennsylvania bar admission and good standing with the state bar.
Experience with labor and employment counseling a major plus.
Experience with marketing and sweepstakes laws.
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Rochester, Minnesota on the Zumbro River’s south fork
Gray Duck Chocolate Company [Headquarters in] Rochester, Minnesota
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[…] company is trusted by […] customers, Gray Duck […] of more than […] revenues over $220 […] this trajectory […] momentum and is […] growth in […] acquisition. […] leadership […] before, having […] of over $3 […] vision, strong […] Gray […] assembled a […] culture with […].
[…] Chief Legal […] the Director of […]
Technology Strategy: Have end-to-end responsibility for the legal team’s technology strategy, from the RFP stage through implementation and maintenance, with the legal and compliance, finance and accounting, and IT teams as your key internal clients and partners. Identify and implement legal department tools to streamline new or existing practices, manage design, rollout, and training for new systems, and generally oversee the legal department’s technology strategy (including the selection, implementation, administration, and support of all technology resources related to matter and document management, content and knowledge management, e-billing management, contract management and related legal operations systems).
Outside Counsel Management: Develop and lead a process for positive and efficient outside counsel relationships. Identify and select firms (in partnership with attorneys) pricing negotiations, ongoing fee management, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion assessments, and […].
Communication & Professional Development: Coordinate the communication and professional development program for the legal department […]
Professional Management: […]
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yaldev · 1 year
The Average Baby
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At the dawn of history, a kid could get away with wasting their time. Societies were simpler, and though subsistence farming was backbreaking, it was straightforward. By the age of ten, kids knew everything they needed about shovels and plows, and they knew it while they planted seeds, picked up ladybugs from the grass, and sat around. But as tools became more complex, society went with it, and kids had to learn about new tools: tax forms, parking permits, affordable shopping and nation-states. Suddenly it took until their teen years to know what they needed to thrive.
The complexity of the human world scaled up forever. By the time you showed up, machines were doing all the seed-planting and crystal bug-picking and around-sitting, so your only options are more complicated things. None of us can blame you if you struggle to keep up, no matter how much you tried to learn before adulthood. At least, if you had to do it the old-fashioned way.
The education system needed severe changes, and like all complex social problems, the solution was obvious was technical:
Provide nutritious formula that accelerates a baby’s brain development—biochemically prepare it for an early start to its exciting adventure
Begin teaching at a younger age so the child has more learning time without delaying its employment
Incorporate screen-based entertainment before 12 months of age to foster technological literacy
Support teaching staff with self-learning pedagogical software that tailors itself to the learning style of each individual child
Phase out those teachers for technicians to optimize the self-learning pedagogical software
Toys encourage repetitive behaviors, so replace them with procedurally-generated virtual reality games that grow in complexity over time; these develop critical thinking and an innovation mindset
Phase out curricular elements which machines already perform more efficiently than humans: music, mathematics, languages, art
Replace these subjects with modern skills to solve modern problems: supply chain management, personal and corporate finance, artificial intelligence tools, long-term investing, customer relationship management, direct sales, cybersecurity solutions, quantitative analysis
Foster moral development with faith-inspired readings
Combat youth extremism with earlier political science classes emphasizing relevant topics for the common citizen: the story of the Conquests, the importance of Empire, the heroism of military service, etc.
Encourage workplace unity and teamwork skills by fostering student friendships in the context of group projects
Eliminate bullying with personalized virtual-reality recess time
Design a pristine outdoor playworld for virtual-reality recess time: simulated environments more vivid than their true physical counterparts have been proven to lead to higher grades and psychological benefits compared to outdoor play
These data-driven solutions for the average baby are ensuring that a new generation of workers can be competitive in a rapidly changing labor market. Paired with good nutrition and plenty of sleep, today’s kids have a bright future: good citizens, flourishing homeowners and valued team members. Best of all, they will know how to make every second count. They’ve learned how far behind their peers they fall when they pick up crystal bugs instead of learning new skills and diversifying their investments.
Yaldev is a sci-fantasy worldbuilding project by Ulysses Maurer, with art by Beeple. By looking at narratives, stylized loredumps, bad poetry and little details, we'll witness the story of a planet filled with magical power, the nation which tried to conquer it, this empire’s dramatic collapse and the new world which emerged in its wake. Along the way we'll meet the characters who live here, and we'll explore questions about nationalism, rationalism, the natural world and the quest to master it. For all stories in chronological order, check out the pinned posts at r/Yaldev!
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globalintegrauk · 1 year
7 Strategies To Future-Proof Your UK Accounting Practice
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In 2020, the global accounting software market was valued at $12.01 billion. By 2026, it is projected to reach $19.59 billion with an 8.5% CAGR (Mordor Intelligence, 2020).
However, ICAEW statistics show that 25% of all businesses still use paper records. This number includes many UK accounting practices and that is a serious concern. There seems to be a disconnect with the traditional process driven accounting industry and the new age businesses. Technology has become too ingrained into the generation of today. The new age business owners grew up with the technology and are swift in adapting to it and they expect their service providers to be just as technology savvy as them.
UK accounting practices must also adapt to the needs of clients instead of remaining stuck with age-old methodologies. Taking action toward implementing digital innovation is the next step for many accounting firms. Changing with the times is a necessity to attract more customers and increase profits. Here are 7 strategies for preparing Outsourcing UK accounting firms for the future.
1. Invest in the cloud & automation technologies
Over the past few years, cloud technology has expanded more rapidly than ever, especially for the accounting industry. Automated accounting systems enable accountants to automate numerous accounting tasks. Much popular accounting software is now on the cloud and keeping data on the cloud is acceptable for most businesses. QuickBooks Online, Xero, Dropbox, Dext, FreeAgent, and Kashflow are some of the cloud software popular with accounting firms. Integra balance is an emerging accounting automation software and is quickly gaining popularity with outsourced online accounting firms for its bot-based accounting automation solution.
2. Create a referral plan
Any business benefits from word-of-mouth referrals, but accounting and tax firms benefit even more. The easiest approach to encourage recommendations is via a referral program that rewards customers for referring you to new businesses. For each referral, existing customers can receive free services or additional benefits to encourage them to reach out to their friends, family, and associates. Ideally, this could be a self-sustaining marketing strategy that gives you all the benefits without any additional marketing expense.
3. Reduce inefficient spending and outsource where necessary
Identify where you are overspending by reviewing all of your expenses. Consider operating your firm remotely instead of paying costly office rent. Accounting firms can save money by outsourcing almost all their bookkeeping, accounting and tax jobs. Many highly profitable UK accounting firms have been using outsourcing as a strategy for many years now.
Outsourcing helps your staff to spend more time with the clients, meeting them face to face and thereby creating opportunities to add more value addition, earn clients trust and possibly win more new business. There are several accounting outsourcing service providers, and you need to carefully select the right provider that will fit well for your firm.
4. Elevate your firm’s brand and perceived value
If your Outsourced accounting services are perceived as valuable, you can increase your prices. Branding and management, strategic marketing, and exhibiting thought leadership in your industry can help elevate your brand. Give your website a facelift, make it more user-friendly whether your users are checking it out from their laptops or mobile.
5. Review your current marketing strategy 
Your marketing strategy can also be improved by identifying a suitable target market. Thanks to social media, reaching out to target audiences has become much easier. You might want to refresh your website’s content if you have neglected it for a long time. Consider SEO, online advertising, and social media marketing. Make optimal use of free platforms like Google My Business, directories, etc. Write blogs about accounting tips, growth hacks for business, and industry updates regularly. Use keywords to optimize your website.
6. Re-evaluate the pricing for your services
The market changes constantly, so you should always revisit your pricing. To become more competitive, you can increase your service fees or reduce them. Rather than using a set pricing model, switch to a value-based model. A new client may choose an accounting firm with lower fees.
7. Provide additional services and remove unnecessary ones
To stay competitive, it becomes crucial to provide services such as financial planning, retirement planning, bookkeeping, and payroll in addition to the basic services. This will also help you boost your revenue. Get your team trained via virtual programs/certifications in the areas of expertise you choose to add to your services. If you are providing services that are not making you any profit, it would make sense to remove them.
Implementing these 7 strategies will help you future-proof your accounting practice at least for the next decade. Now that you know how you can future-proof your accounting practice, you can put these tips into action. For your accounting outsourcing needs, check out services from Integra Outsourcing today!
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pointlong · 2 years
2019 wiki reader update
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The Wikimedia Foundation is looking for an Integrated Marketing Specialist to join our team, reporting to the Senior Manager of Integrated Marketing. Communications Integrated Marketing Specialist Remote Your primary customers will be internal (including the payments team, everyone who uses the CRM, data analytics, and others) but you should also be comfortable with supporting our community of users in some limited circumstances. Notable services the team provides include our self-hosted CRM, our payments processing library, and the banner display service. You will be joining as a Senior Product Manager with the Fundraising Technology team, the team responsible for the donation-supporting infrastructure that enables the rest of the Advancement department to raise the funds needed to power Wikipedia and its sister projects (Wiktionary, Wikispecies, etc). Senior Product Manager, Fundraising Technology Remote
In this role, you will foster cross team collaboration where necessary to address business goals, keep the team moving quickly by designing and implementing necessary tools and services, and guide the team on best practices for software engineering and infrastructure reliability. You will contribute heavily to the high impact challenges behind innovating, building, and maintaining Wikipedia’s data feeds for high volume reusers. As the Staff Software Engineer, you will be responsible for developing and executing on the long-term engineering strategy in collaboration with the product team. Wikimedia Enterprise is looking for a Staff Software Engineer to join our team, reporting to the Sr. Staff Software Engineer – Wikimedia Enterprise Remote It is the only non-profit in the top 50 websites, supported by a community of millions of individual donors around the world. Wikipedia’s fundraising campaigns are the most visible direct communication the Foundation has with its reader audience, reaching hundreds of millions of people around the world through multilingual campaigns in nearly 40 languages. The Wikimedia Foundation is looking for a Senior Director to lead the Digital Fundraising program, reporting to the Vice President of Advancement. The Wikimedia Foundation is the non-profit organization that operates Wikipedia – one of the most popular websites in the world, serving nearly half a billion users every month. Senior Director, Digital Fundraising Remote As a result of your team’s efforts, our major donors will feel more connected to our mission and will choose to continue their support at increased giving levels and for longer periods of time. In this role you will lead a team of 3 specialists and will be responsible for ongoing, at-scale stewardship of our major donors and securing annual support from this donor cohort. This is a new role that will play a critical part in the maturation of the Wikimedia Foundation’s major gifts program. The Wikimedia Foundation is looking for a Major Gifts Stewardship Manager, reporting to the Senior Director of Development. As the Senior Software Engineer, you will be responsible for developing and executing on the long-term engineering strategy in collaboration with the product team. The Wikimedia Foundation is looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join our team, reporting to the Sr. Advancement Senior Software Engineer – Wikimedia Enterprise Remote
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freshersjob · 2 years
Top 5 Tech Careers for the Future
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Top 5 Tech Careers for the Future
While a change can be challenging, it also creates new opportunities. The same holds true for the job market. Information technology is the #1 field in terms of expected job growth over the next decade Now as technology is advancing, the internet, machines, and automation are taking over the world by storm.
So, if you want to pursue a career as a Freshers Jobs in the software industry what kind of jobs should you look for? What skills do you need to get hired? What type of salary can you expect? Let's take a look at a few of the top professions that are revolutionizing the IT sector.
# 1 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning engineers
Machine Learning Engineers are a combination of software engineers and data scientists.
As a machine learning engineer in this sector of artificial intelligence, you will be in charge of developing programs and algorithms that allow machines to function autonomously. A self-driving car or a personalized newsfeed are two examples of systems you could create. What degree do you need?
What degree do you need?
Master degree in artificial intelligence, as well as expertise knowledge in artificial intelligence and/or computer science is essential.
 Machine Learning Engineer's salary
Entry-level Rs. 6,00,000, mid-level and senior-level salary could earn more than Rs. 50,00,000 in India.
#2 - UX designer
UX (User Xperience) designers are focused on “behind-the-scenes" design that makes sure software, websites, or apps satisfy the habits, motivations, behaviors, and needs of consumers. As more businesses turn to digital platforms to promote and sell their products or services, it's never been more critical to ensure the customer journey and experience are as good as they can be.
What degree do you need? 
You can become a UX designer in a variety of ways, even without a degree in that background. You can become ready for a new profession in UX with the aid of relevant experience, transferable skills, certification, and self-directed learning. Follow Jobs Near Me For Freshers for further updates
UX Designer Salary in India
A UX Designer in India average salary is ₹7,14,500 gross per year, which is about ₹59,540 per month. The starting salary of a UX Designer in India is around ₹2,41,300 per year.
#3 - Robotics engineer
Robotics engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on creating devices that mimic human behavior. A robotics engineer creates these applications or autonomous machines for industries such as mining, manufacturing, automotive, services, and more. Generally, the objective is to teach computers to perform repetitious, risky, or unhealthy tasks.
An engineer in robotics develops prototypes, creates and examines machines, and updates the software that manages them. Additionally, they investigate or research the most affordable and secure way to make their robotic systems.
What degree do you need? 
Master in computer application or software engineering but knowledge and experience needed to halt into the field of robotics engineering.
Salary of Robotics Engineer
The average salary for a Robotics Engineer at the entry level is ₹4,80,694 in India. Follow Fresher Job Alert
#4 - Data Scientist
To create hypotheses, draw conclusions, and examine consumer and industry patterns, a data scientist needs a lot of data. They construct algorithms and predictive models to extract the data the organization requires and design the data modeling processes, assist in data analysis, and interact with peers to share insights.
What degree do you need? 
Bachler or master degree in data science or relevant computer science is needed at the entry-level.
Data Scientist salary
Data Scientist salary in India with less than 1 year of experience to 8 years ranges from 4.5 Lakhs to ₹ 25.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 11.0 Lakhs based on 13.8k salaries.
#5 - Cloud Architect
The duty of the cloud engineer is to create, maintain and troubleshoot, the company’s cloud infrastructure. With the well-structured cloud infrastructure the company data can be stored and backed up more easily, software updates can be rolled out on-demand, and customers may be able to access their information from different devices.
Cloud engineers can have more specific roles that include cloud architecting development and administration of cloud networks. 
What degree do you need? 
At the entry level, it needs at least a bachelor’s degree in information technology, computer science, or software engineering. Master degree is an added advantage
Cloud Architect Salary
Fresher: ₹1,000,000–1,500,000 per annum. Mid-experienced: ₹1,500,000– 1,900,000 per annum. Senior: ₹2,000,000–3,000,000 per annum.
 There will be a greater need for highly qualified engineers, programmers for artificial intelligence, product designers, and developers of advanced software, among other positions or Freshers Jobs. The impact will differ by industry, and if someone is entering the workforce in or around 2022, he or she must be well aware of developments in the field of choice in order to equip themselves with the necessary skills.
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