#Cupid parasite spoilers
giggly-squiggily · 2 months
Excuse me while I literally scream-
I have found what I deem to be the cutest tickle scene ever
(Spoilers for Cupid Parasite Sweet and Spicy Darling under the cut!)
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I mean- I already loved him before discovering this but YALL- 😭😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Excuse me while I plan and write all the Lee!Allan fics upon discovering this I am literally on cloud nine this was so freaking CUTE-
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wildflower-otome · 2 months
[Translation] Cupid Parasite Sweet & Spicy Darling - Peter Flage Short Story
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Source: Cupid Parasite -Sweet & Spicy Darling- Stella Set Special Booklet
Overdone Surprise - Peter Flage Short Story
That day. Peter and I had gone to a high-class restaurant to eat a course meal, just the two of us. For some reason, Peter had taken me here, having already made a reservation.
Following the dress code, the two of us were dressed in formal wear especially for today.
Even though we had come here ourselves, the two of us were completely on edge trying not to mistake our table manners.
‘I’ve heard that forks are to be used starting from the outside but.....wh-what on earth is this tiny spoon for!?’
‘I think that it’s for dessert, maybe.....?’
‘Chiii..... I-I’ve never heard of anything so complicated.....!’
The two of us continued to eat the course meal, taking great care not to make any mistakes.
Although we were flustered when it came to manners, the food was mouthwateringly delicious.
(Wow, I wonder how this soup was made!)
Each of the different foods was so tasty, I gradually began to relax. Perhaps Peter felt the same way, as little by little, the strain on his face began to lessen.
‘Hm. This is great! So this is what they call a course meal.....’
Carrying the meat dish that was the main course into his mouth, Peter’s cheeks slackened.
And then, by the time the after-meal dessert arrived, we had completely loosened up.
‘Mmn-, that was delicious!’
‘R-Right? Fu-, I’m so glad..... Somehow or other, I was able to finish it all without messing up .....’
Peter’s face looked as if he had just accomplished a very important task. Seeing Peter seem as if he were relieved from the bottom of his heart, questions arose within me yet again.
(I wonder why Peter decided on this restaurant?)
To be sure, the course meal had been delicious. Still, purposely choosing a place like this for a date didn’t seem like Peter.
My misgivings continued on even after the meal. Because Peter had booked a suite room on the top floor of the splendid hotel of the high-class restaurant.
‘Wow.....this room really is something else.’
‘Mm! Today, we’ll be staying here! What do you think? They even have a jet bath! Fancy and luxurious, right?’
As Peter put his hands on his hips, proudly puffing out his chest, I timidly tried asking the question.
‘Y-Yeah. It really is fancy but....what is all this all of a sudden?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Um, I just thought that it’s not really like you.....’
‘Not.....like me!?’
Peter stepped back in shock, as if he’d just been struck by lightning.
‘B-By that you mean, as I thought, something like this doesn’t suit me!?’
‘No, not exactly, it’s just neither of us have ever really been to places like this, right? So I was just wondering if something happened.....’
After I tried diffidently posing the question, Peter gave his usual, ‘Chiii.....’ As if searching for the words, he mumbled weakly.
‘That is.....I read it in a magazine.’
‘In a magazine?’
‘Mm. Truth is.....I did some research on "dates to make a wife happy."'
He told me that what the magazines had recommended was “a fancy and luxurious surprise” like the date that we were currently on.
(I see. He put in all that effort for my sake....)
Now that I understood his motive, it all made sense. Eyebrows lowered, Peter watched the expression on my face.
‘Could it be that.....it wasn’t to your tastes....?’
As he dropped his shoulders, saying it was a failure, I shook my head.
‘That’s not true. Thank you, Peter. You’ve made me really happy.’
‘Yeah. I was surprised at first, but the food was great, and the room is beautiful.....It’s been a lovely date.’
‘I see.....I see, if that’s the case then I’m glad..... It’s the first month anniversary since our wedding after all.....I wanted the day to be special.’
‘One month since our wedding.....’
I was surprised that not only had it already been that long, but that Peter was treating it as a special occasion as well. I had also thought about celebrating our first-year anniversary, but not our one-month anniversary too. I could tell how deep his feelings for me were, and it warmed my heart.
‘I see.....fufu-, I’m so happy. Thank you, Peter.’
Seeing me smile, at last Peter smiled too, looking relieved. However, his shoulders soon slumped dejectedly.
‘Still, ideally, I would have liked to have escorted you much more impressively, but in the end, I was terrible at it. You were the one who had to keep teaching me about table manners too.....’
‘Fufu- Nothing of the sort. You did a great job escorting me.’
‘B-But, it was supposed to be, you know.....like in the movies.....’
It appeared that Peter had had his own kind of ideal in mind. I wasn’t sure exactly what that was but, not wanting him to push himself too hard, I squeezed his hand reassuringly.
‘It’s fine. I prefer you as you are right now, Peter.’
‘Chiii.....Even so, I want to show my cool side in front of my wife.’
He hugged me as if frustrated. Continuing on, he moved his hands to behind my knees, lifting me up and then carrying me over to the window in a princess carry.
Peter went to say something, but in the end remained silent.
Still holding me in his arms, he swiveled around, turning his back on the night skyline. After putting me down on the bed, he gave a deep sigh.
‘.....I-It was too much.....I’d made up my mind to act cool in front of the night scenery after coming all this way but.....It’s so high up here, my knees starting shaking.....’
Despite normally spending his time looking down on humans from Celestia as the Chief God Jupiter, somehow or other, it would appear looking down into the night from a high-story building was too much for him.
My husband really was an adorable god.
Affection welled up in my chest thinking of how hard he had been trying, and I hugged him tight as he sat there with his hands placed on the bed, looking downwards.
‘Wah- Wh-What is it!?’
‘I’m kind of happy, somehow.’
‘....You’re, happy.....?’
‘Yes. Thank you for today. For preparing so much for our one-month wedding anniversary.’
But what I was happiest about was that he had come up with all of this while thinking of me. That was more important to me than the interior design of the room, or the night scenery.
‘Hey, this room has a jet bath, doesn’t it?’
‘Yes. So it said, but-.....’
‘Well then, let’s go in together. Will you take me there?’
As I held out my arms to him, motioning for him to carry me, his eyes lit up, and he nodded.
‘Sure, leave it to me!’
Elatedly picking me up, Peter walked towards the jet bath. It had already been filled with hot water. At the sight of the bubble-filled jet bath, the two of us looked at each other.
‘This is amazing! Let’s get in right away!’
Each of us stripping off, we both jumped into the bath. The rising bubbles felt ticklish, and we smiled at each other.
‘This feels great! So this is what they call a ‘jet bath’.....’
The warmth of the hot water perhaps causing him to relax, the gloominess had disappeared from Peter’s face. Full of curiosity, he was scooping up the bubbles, happily playing around with them.
Although he was like this now, I knew how ferocious he could be when it came to the bedroom.
‘…..Peter. I love you.’
When I told him my feelings as I hugged him, he drew in a breath and looked at me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed me with eyes full of emotion.
‘Me too. …..I love you.’
Like a beast pouncing on their prey, he pressed me against the rim of the bath. We became so wrapped up in kissing we forgot about the nightscape visible from the window.
My cute and cool husband.
Ever since we’d become a married couple, I had come to know all kinds of different sides to him. At times he overdid it like today, but that he remained the same at his core was what I loved about him.
Our precious one-month wedding anniversary day. Peter and I spent a sweet and happy night together—.
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curitura · 2 years
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❥ Lynette Mirror Icons
Requested by Anon! Please like / reblog if saving ♡
(part one) (part two) (part three)
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otomeoutofcontext · 2 months
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thedeliverygod · 4 months
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I got the "sweet" ending which I think is good lol the poker match had me nervous though ;-;
I want to live the life MC has at the end though just chillin' on a private beach with your rich & hot husband. like, plz. sign me up.
not sure how many endings there are but I'm gonna go ahead and move on to the next guy with Ryuki as my next choice~
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that is indeed a logical conclusion 😂
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koladelight · 2 years
My Personal Otome Game Route Rankings
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This is mainly for my own entertainment to see if I notice any patterns with my favourite LIs.
Code: Realize
1. Count Saint-Germain
2. Arsene Lupin
3. Abraham Van Helsing
4. Victor Frankenstein
5. Impey Barbicane
It was extremely difficult to put numbers 2-4 in any sort of order and I could have easily favoured a different order. Saint-Germain was my absolute favourite from the minute he opened his eyes on his route and Impey's personality annoyed me greatly so these two found their places quickly. Lupin, Van Helsing and Fran all had a few things I didn't like but I enjoyed their routes from different points of views. This ranking is based on all three games.
Collar x Malice
1. Takeru Sasazuka
2. Aiji Yanagi
3. Kei Okazaki
4. Kageyuki Shiraishi
5. Mineo Enomoto
Again, Sasazuka was number one the minute I heard his voice and Enomoto annoyed me for the same reasons as Impey. Numbers 2-4 were very close competition and again, I could have put them in a different order. I loved Yanagi for the mature love and natural development, Okazaki for his yandere personality and Shiraishi for the plot. This ranking is based on the first game, Unlimited is on my list to play.
1. Yang
2. Henri Lambert
3. Dante Falzone
4. Nicola Francesca
5. Gilbert Redford
6. Orlok
I'm starting to notice a pattern of liking angst and trashy men. This ranking is based on both the first game and episodio 1926. Originally I didn't like Nicola much, but his 1926 is route was brilliant so he jumped up quite a bit. Orlok is a sweetie, but I guess I prefer my LIs a bit more mature. Yang and Henri were the crazy ones and I loved that, absolutely amazing characters. Yang's episodio 1926 route was brilliant. Also an honorary mention of Gilbert's, Oliver's and Orlok's potato conversation. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.
Cupid Parasite
1. Jupiter / Peter Flage
2. Raul Aconite
3. Ryuki F. Keisaiin
4. Shelby Snail
5. Allan Melville
6. Gill Lovecraft
This ranking is based on the first game (I believe there is a fandisc which hasn't been localised?). This game threw me for a loop because I ended up liking the guys I least expected to. When I started the game, I was interested in Allan and Shelby the most and hated Ryuki and Raul. But all went completely differently than I thought it would. Gill also made my list of most annoying LIs, I couldn't stand him.
Cafe Enchante
1. Kaoru Rindo
2. Misyr Rex
3. Ignis Carbunculus
4. Il Fado de Rie
5. Canus Espada
This was a difficult situation because I loved Misyr but hated the ending so much. I'm currently working on fixing it with a fanfic haha. Kaoru was a favourite with his mature personality and looks (might be because I turn 30 this year). Ignis had gore with a sweet ending and I loved it. I enjoyed Il's route but he was a bit too much of a cry baby for me. Canus had a lovely personality, but I couldn't quite warm up to him having no head.
Olympia Soiree
1. Yosuga
2. Riku
3. Akaza
4. Kuroba
5. Tokisada
6. Himuka
Seems like the crazy one is my favourite again. I love Yosuga and his route so much that I have played it at least five times. The dark themes of his route really appealed to me. I liked Riku for his character development and Akaza for the plot and his upstanding nature. Kuroba was interesting because of the social issues. I wasn't overly keen on Tokisada because of his cutesy demeanor, although it did get better towards the end of his route. Himuka just wasn't for me at all. He didn't really annoy me, but I couldn't form any connection.
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voidpersonthing · 2 months
I'm very sorry but-
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I can't be the only one who saw that one scene in Allan's route as this particular meme.
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evaludate · 4 months
Previously when you've mentioned that you'll probably never review Cupid Parasite and as someone halfway through the game I couldn't understand. Yeah your vagues are all valid reasons not to want to play the game but I would have really liked to have seen your opinion on the game's... Weird relationship with amatonmativity and the concept of romance as a whole.
Now I'm at the climax of Jupiter route and all I can say is that this sucks, it sucks so bad oh my god I'd never subject that to anyone what the hell
Oh man, I can't remember all of our reasons for not wanting to play that we actually discussed on an episode though I'm sure we touched on religious reasons (Air) and intersex reasons (Madelyn (Me, hi!)).
I believe we had initially decided not to play it for the podcast because of those afore-mentioned religious reasons for Air, but I had planned to play it on my own time, and it was learning about the intersex character and the writing surrounding them that made me write it off completely even for personal pastime.
It was disappointing for me, too! Everything I'd heard about the plot and the way it handled romance made me so curious to experience it myself but for me, personally, it's not worth subjecting myself to the game's opinions on intersex people.
That said, I hope you were able to get some enjoyment out of it! Even if it was just Watching A Trainwreck enjoyment, lol.
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harblkun · 2 months
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CupiPara brainrot continues
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wildflower-otome · 3 months
[Translation] Cupid Parasite Sweet & Spicy Darling - Peter Flage Sweet & Spicy End After Story
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Source: S&S Wedding Note - His and my Wedding Note (Otomate Sweet Box Bonus Booklet)
Peter Flage - Sweet & Spicy End After Story - Chii-chan’s Unexpected Weak Spot
After our wedding ceremony. A few years had gone by since we had returned to Celestia.
At first, I, the leader of the Dii Consentes, Jupiter, had decided to concentrate on my work as a god, but after a few years realised that would prove difficult. Humans evolve at a truly staggering pace after all.
‘Ah, I can’t take this anymore! I don’t get these trends!’
As I yelled out, utterly bamboozled, the Goddess Juno—Lynette looked in on me. Calming down at the sight of the reassuring figure of my beloved wife, I nodded.
‘Yes. I don’t understand what’s popular amongst the humans. Consequently, I'm not sure how I should deal with problems when they occur.’
Human culture—that is, what was in trend, had changed at a dizzying speed. Because views on romance and on life changed together, there were many occasions where I was at a loss when it came to trying to understand their sense of values. Even though it had only been a few years since I had been away from the human world, I was having trouble understanding the principles behind what motivated them.
At this rate, I would end up becoming a so-called ‘old man behind the times.’ As I dropped my shoulders, unsure what to do, for a moment Lynette put her hand to her chin—and then suddenly raised her index finger as if she’d had an idea.
‘Then, why don’t we go study in the human world for the first time in a while?’
‘That’s it!!!!’
The planning for our study trip went smoothly. Having decided to go with her to the human world for research, we came up with the idea of how we would do so together.
It would be a problem if the chief god were to be away from Celestia for a long time. Therefore, this time around we decided that rather than doing something large-scale such as going to university or doing an internship, we would visit the human world for a short period of time, as if we were doing a homestay. After that, we set up a door between realms so that we could return to Celestia at any time should anything happen, and rented a house in a certain city in the human world so we had a place to stay.
Like this, so that we could learn about human trends while continuing to work, she and I made up our minds to do a homestay together in the human world.
On this day, I was on the floor in the living room in “Chii-chan” form, basking in the rays of the sun. Because I’d eaten my fill of food at lunch, my stomach was completely stuffed and I was unable to move.
So, thinking of what kind of study I would be able to do while lazing around, I was studying up on recent trends on social media. Smoothly swiping with one paw, various amusing news stories appeared one after the other. Even in this small body, the tablet was easy to use, I was thoroughly impressed by how advanced humans had become. (Hm. As usual, humans sure think up some pretty interesting things…..)
Developing such new fangled things as this, I could understand how their thought patterns would come to diverge from those of the gods.
(After this, I should go sneak into a university. In this form, no one will be able to see me after all!)
The weather was fine today, and it would be fun to go to university. Sneaking in using my Chii-chan form was a good idea, but going together with her in Peter form also seemed like it might be nice. With those thoughts in my head, as I gazed at my tablet— it happened.
As she was walking through the living room, she inadvertently stepped on my tail. Instantly, an incredible pain shot up my tail, and I screamed loudly.
The pain was enough to make me jump upwards. Startled by how excruciating it was, I rained down lightning without thinking.
The sky that had been completely clear just a moment ago darkened and it began to pour with rain.
‘Wah-, oh no! And I’ve got the laundry out there drying!’
She ran out to the balcony, and did her best to bring in the clothes. I did think that I had to help her, but was near fainting with agony. A shock ran up my tail, going all the way up my back, the only thing I was able to do was moan ‘chiii’.
Thinking that it might get better if I took human form since they didn’t have tails, I tried becoming Jupiter, and then Peter, but the pain didn’t disappear. Despite not having a tail, the area “around my tail” hurt so badly, I could only curl up into a ball in the end.
‘The clothes got all wet….. Sheesh, don’t rain down lightning just because your tail got stepped on.’
Hearing that merciless sounding voice from behind my back, I looked up, tears in my eyes.
‘It’s not “just” a tail-.....!’
As I raised my voice while crouching down, her eyes opened wide, and then she sighed as she looked at the drenched laundry she was holding.
‘Well, I’m sorry. But if you don’t want to get stepped on, then don’t sunbathe as “Chii-chan”. Chii-chan’s tail has so much hair, it makes cleaning really hard too.’
So speaking, she showed me the air cleaning filter, which was completely packed with strands of Chii-chan’s hair. Somehow or other, it appeared the loose hair had drifted across the room at some point.
My hair had been falling out. The idea that someone such as I was shedding hair was a tremendous shock to me.
‘I-I don’t know what you’re talking about! To begin with, there’s no way this body of mine would ever shed hair! Are you sure you’re not mistaken!?’
‘But, no matter how you look at it, this is Chii-chan’s hair.....’
Taking up a tuft and displaying it as she spoke, the white and glossy fur was, no matter what angle you looked at it from, strands of hair from my tail. Embarrassed that the tail fur I was so proud of had been falling out all this time, I reddened to the ends of my ears.
‘That’s not true-! Th-That isn’t mine-! Anyhow..... Don’t step on my tail ever again!!’
Having come out with it, I then went and holed up in my room. Laying down on my bed, I breathed a sigh. Even now the area “around my tail” was throbbing with pain.
(I suppose she’s right that it’s my fault for sunbathing in a place like that but.....she didn’t need to say it like that!)
With the pain of having my tail stepped on, and the shock at having the fact that I was shedding pointed out, my misery continued on unabated. Even though it had hurt so much, not only had she not understood my pain, it even felt as if she hadn’t seen it as all that big a deal, making me feel all the more down.
The sound of the rain hitting the glass of the window panes echoed. Even though I knew I was the one who had made it fall, the pouring rain seemed only to increase my gloom.
In the end, I spent all day shut up in my room, bearing the pain alone. But even in the morning of the next day, it still hadn’t faded.
Curling up in my blanket in Peter form, I let out a groan.
When I’d had my tail grabbed before it hadn’t hurt this much.
Still, somehow or other, it would appear that there was a single spot that, once stepped on, would cause me to be in tremendous agony. Just like the reverse scales on a dragon.
(Or perhaps.....maybe it’s because I’ve entered moulting season or something, with less hair on my tail it’s not as well protected.....)
I was definitely missing some hair. That might have something to do with it.
I wasn’t sure of the reason, but all the same, my pain still hadn’t disappeared. Not knowing how much time would need to pass before it got better, I was starting to feel pitiful all on my own.
Even so, I hesitated to go to her for comfort right after having gotten so huffy just the day before. Just as I was thinking that perhaps I might as well return to Celestia, I heard the sound of a knock.
‘Um, Peter. Can I come in?’
As I answered weakly, she opened the door, drawing in a breath at seeing me curled up in on myself.
‘Peter, are you all right!?’
Truth be told, I wanted to run to her and have her treat me nicely as I told her about how much it hurt. But, feeling awkward, I was unable to speak. Seeing that I was still wrapped up in blankets, she was in a fluster.
‘Sorry, I’m so sorry. Does it still hurt? Wh-What should I do?’
Unable to help feeling guilty seeing her look so panicked, I tried crawling out from underneath my blankets. Still, even as I tried to move, the area around my tail started to throb with pain yet again.
Hearing me unable to help crying out, the expression on her face became increasingly shocked. So, doing my best to hide the pain, I tried to pretend as if I were fine.
‘I-I’m alright.  It, doesn’t, hurt that much, anymore.....’
‘I didn’t realise that it was that bad.....’
She saw through me instantly.
‘I’m sorry, Chii-chan. Um..... The truth is, I made these for you, hoping that they’d make you feel better, but-‘
What she took out as she spoke were cookies in the shape of “Chii-chan.” At the same time as I felt a surge of happiness at how faithfully she had replicated my form, I also began to feel apologetic.
She had been that worried about me.
But I, on the other hand, without explaining how much it had hurt having my tail trod on, had childishly locked myself away in my room. Feeling a sense of guilt, I opened my mouth to speak.
‘.....I’m sorry too. .....I was just in shock because it hurt so much.....’
‘No, I’m the one that should be sorry. I even said it was “just” your tail.....’
Both of us becoming gloomy, we lapsed into silence.
‘W-Well then, since you went to all the effort to make them for me, would it be alright if I ate these cookies?’
‘S-Sure! Of course.’
I took the “Chii-chan Cookie” she passed over to me and stared at it intently. The more I looked at it, the more I could tell how well made a likeness of me it was. Feeling that it would be a waste to eat it, I took a photo of it with my smartphone. And then, after spending some time looking at it from different angles, realised that it might be even more of a waste not to eat it. Having made up my mind, I bit into the tail end. The flavoursome taste of butter spread throughout my mouth.
‘Mmn-, this is delicious.....!’
‘Really? I’m so glad.....’
As she watched over me with a relieved look on her face, I continued to munch on the cookie.
Once I had finished eating the head part as well, she looked at me timidly.
‘So, how do you feel now? Does it still hurt.....?’
Unfortunately, the area around my tail was still sore. But, for some reason, it felt as if it had lessened from just a moment ago.
‘Whereabouts does it hurt?’
‘Around here.....’
When I pointed to the place around which the humans would call the tailbone, she gently touched the area in a soothing way.
‘Pain, pain, fly away—’
As I tilted my head in confusion at the unfamiliar words, she smiled as if embarrassed.
‘I came across it while I was reading a book. They say it’s a magic spell to make pain get better.’
Repeating the spell once more, she patted the “area around my tail”. Her shy and gentle hand movements were easing the pain.
Still, I had a feeling that it wasn’t the magic spell that was making me feel better. It was because she had made cookies while thinking of me.
A god had given cookies to a god. There was an emotion that was more than love in that.
Devotion was the most effective for a god’s recovery. Even if it was a prayer that came from a fellow god.
‘Pain, pain, fly away—’
Doing her best so that my pain would fly away, she massaged the sore area. It felt ticklish, and it stirred up a strange feeling in me. Unable to stand how adorable she was, and the ticklishness of her fingers as she touched me, I climbed on top of her.
When I pushed her down onto the bed, she looked surprised, as if she hadn’t expected it. As I hung over her, I licked away cookie crumbs that had been stuck at the corner of my mouth.
‘I’m fine now. It doesn't hurt anymore.’
‘Mm. It’s all thanks to the cookies you made me. Thank you. But….my tail is my weak spot. I’m sorry, but I must ask you not to step on it in the future.’
‘.....Sure, I understand. Sorry for stepping on you.’
‘I’m sorry too. For lying around in a place like that….. From now on I swear to you I’ll take care when sunbathing.’
We had finally made up. With this we were back to normal.
At that very moment, as I was thinking absentmindedly, she reached out her hands towards me.
Just as I thought she was about to hug me, she drew my head forward. Her lips pressed against mine, even though I was the one on top of her, it had been her who had kissed me.
‘Well then, we’re all made up now….right?’
Beneath me, she was smiling. While her smile made me happy, wanting to make her lose her composure since she was treating me as “Chii-chan”, this time I kissed her.
Sucking, gently biting, I deepened the kiss further. A biting kiss, the kind to make her breathless. As I continued to kiss her in a rapture, she gradually began to lose her earlier calm. When I trailed my tongue across her throat, she gave a small gasp. I wanted to hear more of her voice. I wanted to bite her. —I wanted to devour her completely.
Just like when I had eaten the cookie, I lost myself in tasting her.
Licking her ear, her throat, her collarbone, I changed the position of my head little by little.
The area “around my tail” no longer hurt, but now a different place was aching. Following that inner desire, I drew forth her voice from her.
There was something that was sweeter than a cookie. As I tasted it as if I were in a trance, I heard her say you musn’t, and my head was held back.
‘My tail was stepped on. …..For today, allow me at least this much.’
We each had places that were off limits. I’d had mine stepped on, so in exchange I wanted her to let me do as I wished. Which was why I became more forceful than usual, and slaked my thirst. Yielding to my determination, she could only cry out. Body twisting, she grabbed onto my hair.
It was the first time I had ever seen such an expression on her face. An aching swept through me like a storm, and I became absorbed in making her mine.
Once the time came, my instincts overcame my reason. I forgot myself in my desire for her.
I no longer felt any pain. However the area “around my tail” had lit a fire in me.
After my first fight with her. Our passionate making up continued on.
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teacorgi · 4 months
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[ cupid parasite spoilers / cupipara FD spoilers ]
quick scribble of a certain awoo
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buggyandthebartoclub · 9 months
Reading about the new plot line for the Cupid parasite sequel 🤣🤣😭😭 the new love interest is a fortune teller who sees your future by looking through a fucking DONUT I’m crying actually for real I love these people
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thedeliverygod · 1 month
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They’re so pretty ahhhh
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lol yeah okay
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They’re so cute dhsjdjdkdk
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Okay MC lollll. Also 👀 just having sex out on the balcony for everyone to see
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These two be kinky af and yet so wholesome too
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Lmaoooo barbecue being a mating dance for humans I cannot
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Okay I’ve been so excited to meet the new Cupid ever since I saw the first trailer for sweet and spicy darling. The fact that he essentially becomes Allan and MC’s adopted child??? More amazing than I ever could have imagined
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“Sorry I wrecked your back because I fucked you too hard because we can’t have sexy times around our new adopted child and it’s been a long time” LOL I honestly love them so much
I didn’t take any screenshots of the lines but poor Allan still having so much self doubt 😭
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Says Lynette, still living in the same place she's been already found in.
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mikia87 · 6 months
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I decided to start Cupid Parasite! I still want something sweet, light and funny.
Now starting with Shelby.😌 Maybe I’ll play Gill’s route too.
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Shelby’s story was interesting. I really liked it.😁 Some scenes, like the one with the banana🍌, were hilarious.👌 I laughed so much!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 And the scene in his apartment. Wow!😮‍💨🫣🥵🥵🥵💦
I really love Shelby and I like seeing his evolution through the story. I love my SS man!😆🩵 I don’t know if he’ll be my favorite at the end of the game, but so far he and Gill are the ones I like the most.
I’m sad for Owen. He deserves better.🥲 Shelby should never have taken him on as his representative. He has his own life!
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Gill’s story was really good. He deserves so much to be with Lynette. She’s his love, his true and only love.🥺🥰 To me, this ship is like Cyrus and Fin. Don’t separate them!!!
Gill is so cute and I love him.❤️ (He’s my 2nd favorite LI after Shelby.)
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I just finished Allan’s route. WTF was that?!😳 This game was supposed to be cute and funny, but here I am, crying my eyes out!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I was not expecting that at all! The story was so good. (But I’m upset about the time skip. Knowing that Shelby and Gill are old really hurts me.😫)
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I finished Raul’s story! He’s not my fave, but there are some great scenes in his route.😄
I can’t wait to do the secret LI, but I need to do Ryuki first (but he annoys me so much!!! Ugh… I just want to punch him when he opens his mouth.😫)
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I don't have much to say about Ryuki. I hate him and I can’t stand him.🤬 I wanted to finish the game so I skipped his route. 🤷🏻‍♀️
The best part of his story is Owen and Melanie.🥰
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Alright! The “not really” Secret Route is done. The story was good and Peter is cute.😚 He is so shy and funny. I laughed so much.😆
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