#Cthulhu Mythos Yog Sothoth
ohmerricat · 30 days
jonny d’ville aka lyfrassir edda uses the adjective “squamous” approximately 5 times during the bifrost incident concept album which is about four times more than necessary but it is of course a loving homage to hp ‘racist’ hatecraft who just couldn’t get enough of it
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Tbh my personal interpretation of the Cthulhu Mythos is as much comedy as it is cosmic horror. The horrors of existence persist but much of the "terrors too awful to perceive" are more a case of closed minded and racist unreliable narrators than anything. Do you really trust the judgement of someone who thinks penguins are grotesque and unnatural? I wouldn't. Knowledge given directly from Nyarlathotep or Yog-Sothoth? Yeah. Nyarlathotep is an extraterrestrial conman who is essentially doing the equivalent of magic tricks to confuse puppies then taking credit for human inventions retroactively ancient aliens style. Nyarlathotep is a weeaboo for Ancient Egypt. Yog-Sothoth is high off its incomprehensible ass all the time. A shoggoth is an outdoor cat. A ghoul is an off leash dog. Richard Upton Pickman is a furry. It is more cosmically silly than anything else, you understand?
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70zcowboy · 1 year
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Chinese Bronze Style - Old Ones & Outer Gods
Compilation post! Also I want to know which of the designs people like better XD
Check out my Patreon here!
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ryunumber · 5 months
does Yog-Sothoth, the Beyond One, the All-in-One and One-in-All, the Opener of the Way, the Key, the Gate, the Guardian of the Gate have a Ryu number?
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Yog-Sothoth has a Ryu Number of 3/2.
(CORRECTION: Per @stealthpotato, Yog-Sothoth may appear in Fate/Grand Order, giving it possibly a shorter Ryu Number.)
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tenebris-metallum · 6 months
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PART TWO of my Cthulhu Mythos tarot project! Here we have numbers THREE THROUGH SIX!
We have The Empress as an idol to Shub-Naggath, The Emperor as who else but The King in Yellow himself, The Hierophant as Cthulhu himself, and The Lovers as Yog-Sothoth and Lavinia Whateley (and Wilbur Whateley)
Very very happy with these, even if it took me a while to get them done. Hopefully the next set (The Chariot, Justice, The Hermit, and Wheel of Fortune) will go a little easier
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purgatory-is-life · 15 days
Hey mechs fandom I have more art to share
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Context for this exists in my brain. But its mostly just unhinged screaming
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painsleep · 1 year
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Yog-Sothoth Threads | Mastodon | Instagram
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qosmiq · 1 year
Azathoth's Family Tree (According to a Howard Philips Lovecraft 1933 letter) - As illustrated in the Cosmopopicon. The Cosmopopicon: Cosmogony though Mythology, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Pop Culture and more, by Ghislain Barbe, is available on Amazon, Lulu and Barnes & Noble.
Cosmopopicon (lulu.com)
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nephrenklamm · 1 month
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Yep I draw in various forms so anyone can doubt that I’m the artistic avatar of Nyarlathotep
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makosxa · 1 year
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some of my cthulhu mythos doodles from long ago
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
The Great Game: Outer Gods and Great Old Ones
As the deities that are most physically tied to the Material Plane, it is perhaps unsurprising that the various entities collected together as “Outer Gods” and “Great Old Ones” have been paying attention to the Great Game. The allegiances of some of the prominent members of these pantheons are as follows:
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Abhoth The Unclean God is patron of disease and fecundity, and knows how these two things are tied together. More are born than can survive, and many of those that die fall to disease before anything else. As such, Abhoth is well versed in ecology, and knows that Lamashtu is overpopulating Golarion with her monsters. Abhoth’s followers seek to spread plagues among monstrous species in order to keep their numbers down, and as such, Mormo counts Abhoth as an ally.
Azathoth The Primal Chaos does not seem to have noticed the Great Game, or much of anything that has happened on Golarion in centuries. This is probably for the best. If any of his attention were to be turned onto the conflict, it could easily become a disaster for both parties…something that Nyarlathotep is hoping for, and working to make happen.
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Bokrug The Water Lizard fondly remembers Mormo from before the evolution of true mammals, and they have hunted and sparred together and even mated in the past. Bokrug may be difficult to rouse from his slumber, but his ire is terrible when provoked, and is likely to be directed at the followers of Lamashtu.
Cthulhu The Dreamer in the Deep has dreamt of Golarion, and one or two of his star-spawn have come there. But he cares not for the Great Game; he has his own stars that need to be right once again. A star-spawn of Cthulhu is a dangerous agent of its own right, and one more likely to support Lamashtu than Mormo.
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Hastur The King in Yellow respects Lamashtu and her ravenous appetites. Although he has his own plans to absorb chunks of Golarion, or the whole world if he can, into the Nightmare Kingdom of Carcosa, he is at least nominally on the Mother of Monster’s side. As long as their cultists can keep sharing the same sybaritic festivities.
Ithaqua Ithaqua is more concerned with consuming anyone on either side that he can sink his talons into. The Wind Walker is slightly more favorably minded towards Lamashtu than Mormo, but any relationship between their cults is likely to be a tenuous one that could break down into ravenous hunger at any point.
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Mhar Mhar wants off of Golarion. He sees a change in the status quo as the best way of achieving that goal, and is resentful of lamia clerics of Lamashtu for helping Karzoug the Runelord to build a palace on his surface and deface him. Mhar’s release would likely be devastating for Mormo’s goals of making Golarion a richer and more diverse ecosystem. But on the other hand, volcanic ash and lava rock makes for excellent fertilizer, and his eruption might not be as destructive as he hopes it will be.
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Nhimbaloth As a devourer of souls and a corrupter of wild things, Nhimbaloth is an ally of Lamashtu. Of course, she does respect Mormo’s goals of eating Lamashtu as a fellow apex predator. But Nhimbaloth thinks that the Goddess of Predators is too arrogant and needs to be taken down a peg. Nhimbaloth would happily eat Mormo herself if given half a chance, and for that reason, Mormo keeps a wide berth of Nhimbaloth’s home world, Voidbracken.
Nyarlathotep The Crawling Chaos is delighted by this galaxy spanning conflict, and on the surface is playing both sides. Lamashtu is his real dog in the fight, as he views Lamashtu as being more likely to lead Golarion to ruin, cracking open and releasing Rovagug. That would be a fun show to watch, seeing how the Rough Beast would react after eons of imprisonment. The Mask of Nyarlathotep that is most actively involved is the Black Pharaoh, whose cults are pushing technological advances into the hands of demon cultists and dangerous maneaters.
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Orgesh The Faceless God is technically on Lamashtu’s side, although not by any direct aiding or abetting. Orgesh wants to fight Mormo himself. And is sending his chardra to pick fights with her worshipers, and is gunning for her most powerful servitors himself, in the hopes of getting Mormo’s attention. Worst case scenario, Orgesh will be killed and be able to respawn on another planet. Unless Mormo gets sick of his interference, and starts doing research on a way to kill him for real before setting her sights higher.
Shub-Nugganoth* The Goat of the Woods views Lamashtu as a kindred spirit, and the two of them have indeed collaborated on the spawning of horrors in the past. They are doing so again, notably through the personage of one of the Goat’s most powerful mortal worshipers in Avistan, a fleshwarping-obsessed alchemist named Doctor Agatha Shiny. Doctor Shiny and her creations are actively hunting down Mormo’s allies in order to transform them into blasphemous horrors, or just murder them.
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Tsathoggua Saint Toad knows what it’s like to be forgotten and abandoned. He is a supporter of Mormo, if only because she’s the underdog in this fight, and Tsathoggua has a soft spot for underdogs, as much as he would deny that. Mormo knows that the Father of Night is a fickle and somewhat dangerous ally, so doesn’t rely on his help, but does appreciate his guidance and wisdom.
Yig The Father of Serpents calls Mormo “sister”, and the Goddess of Predators calls Yig “brother” in return. This may be an actual genealogical relationship, it may not be. But Yig is among Mormo’s closest allies, and the two are active collaborators. Those colonies of serpentfolk who worship Yig are hotspots for burgeoning cults of Mormo, as they see the two ophidian Old Ones as a way to reclaim some of the lost glory of the Age of Serpents without relying on the increasingly unstable Ydersius.
Yog-Sothoth The Key and the Gate views things on a vast, cosmic scale, even more than the other Outer Gods. As such, the safety and long term stability of the galaxy is his highest priority (after all, it has to collide with another galaxy in approximately 1.2 billion years, and then enough of it has to be around to decay into degenerate matter as the universe shifts past its stelliferous era. So anything that dramatically accelerates that process, or might get large portions of the galaxy pulled out of the Material Plane altogether, are not ideal outcomes for Yog-Sothoth. As such, he supports Mormo, but is doing so in a subtle way—opening portals in the right places, weakening planar boundaries—rather than sending his children to fight en masse.
*This is the name I am going to be using for that particular Outer God in the future. Clearly the same entity that has been developed into a character by Mythos authors over the last 100 years, but doesn't have a racist slur built into the name.
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p0rk-guts · 8 months
Be honest is this embarrassing of me
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truantng · 5 months
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108/366 Linktree
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Have you drawn a hastur bun? bun in yellow?
Yeah I have. Plus some others.
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6-and-7 · 11 months
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Creeptober 20 - Shimmering Bubbles
Neither rain nor sleet nor gloom of void shall keep this mailmare from her appointed rounds.
As a friend of mine once noted, "Yog-Sothoth’s most common manifestation is as a “conglomeration of glowing spheres,” sometimes compared to a series of “iridescent soap bubbles,”" so it and Ditzy have that much in common.
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