#Crowdfunding Companies
blackfinchart · 6 months
Turns outout Dragon’s Dogma 2 was given a QUARTER (1/4) (25%) of the manpower that the last several Capcom releases were afforded.
Then the Microtransaction nonsense???
…Is there an executive at Capcom who personally hates the idea of making potentially the best fantasy RPG ever????
Capcom what is wrong kiddo?
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s0fter-sin · 5 months
Thinking you shouldn't have to pay for Watcher content is you being entitled, actually.
did i ever say i shouldn’t have to pay for it? no, i said it’s disappointing that i would now have to after years of it being free. it would be easier to take if they were completely changing and upgrading their shows or established that the stream wouldn’t just have their current shows and maybe discontinued ones, that it would be different from their youtube channel and worth the sudden charge, but it’s hard not to feel like they’re throwing their audience under the bus
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toesucker · 7 months
Hold up everyone imma buy tumblr real quick and fix all of this
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do y'all understand how frickin' wild it is that, while scrolling on any given social media platform, you're gonna see posts of people asking for donations because they can't afford rent/groceries/medical bills/clothes/basic necessities? and it's not just one post, it's dozens. I'll get several in a row, sometimes. and you want to donate, but you can't donate to them all because you yourself can hardly afford to get by.
do y'all realize how insane that is?
that americans living in the richest country in the world have to crowdfund their weekly grocery trip, but they might not make their goal because literally no one can afford to buy groceries.
that over 50% of americans live paycheck to paycheck.
that i can bet you that homelessness is getting to an all-time high, but i couldn't actually tell you because HUD doesn't record numbers correctly.
that federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr and has been since 2009.
that in 2024, a living wage for a single adult with no children is $34,923. for an adult with two children, it's $93,579. the hourly breakdown is: $16.79 and $44.99, respectively. the average (median) american receives $21,840/yr or $10.50/hr. (calculations from data found here.)
don't just read this and go "wow that's crazy." sit with this shit and realize that we are being played with in our fucking faces, and what are we going to do about it?
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orbitwebtech · 27 days
Boosting WordPress security is crucial for protecting your website from potential threats. Start by regularly updating your WordPress core, themes, and plugins to ensure you’re using the latest security patches. Outdated software is a common target for hackers, making updates a vital first step in safeguarding your site.
Another essential step is to implement strong passwords and two-factor authentication (2FA) for all user accounts. Weak passwords are easy to crack, while 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification. These measures can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your WordPress site.
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cctinsleybaxter · 8 months
We could talk about how this was such a lightning in a bottle thing that went beyond the usual 'someone got scammed' and is well-worth the schadenfreude, but really the moral is for the love of god stop donating to gofundmes
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twinstrangersp · 1 year
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And another one! Another beloved representation of the AD community, Saph the Something! You can catch xem in the comedy @thespcpodcast, and xae have a prevalent voice in Syntax's second season as Echo team lead and Azig! You may have an opportunity to hear more from xem, soon~
Thank you so much for your contribution, Saph! <3
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gamesline · 1 year
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Theme: What would you do if you get for free 10 million yen($80,000)?
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Rei Morishita
*Management of medicinal herb garden*
@1: Raise another $320,000 through crowdfunding and start with $400,000.
@2: Rent a piece of land of about 700 square meters.
@3: Cultivate and process medicinal herbs that are almost the same as wild grasses (Houttuynia cordata, Gennoshoko, Angelica keiskei, mugwort, chickweed, dandelion, pumpkin (using seeds), Apios, etc.) and make dried products.
@4: Work in a work hut (about 15 square meters).
@5: Obtain a pharmacist license myself or hire a pharmacist. (required)
@6: Develop sales channels.
@7: Selling medicinal herbs at a discount to those who have crowdfunded.
@8: The business form is a general incorporated association.
That's all for the grand story.
Note: The company I work for holds presentations on free themes as morning speeches. Here is the presentation of my speech. However, I denounced the power harassment &Sexual harassment I received from my female boss not long ago, intimidated her with an angry voice that could reach 50 meters, made her apologize, and quit the company.
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cryptobusiness1 · 9 months
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Launch a Security Token Offering (STO) Platform
STOs offer startups enhanced credibility while providing investors with increased protection, making it a win-win situation for the emerging entrepreneurial world! So, if you are the one ready to dive into the world of STOs? Here's a quick guide on launching your own STO platform >>> http://bit.ly/421djo0
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storyblinker · 10 months
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mobiloitteindia · 1 year
Defi lending borrowing platform development Services Discover financial empowerment with Mobiloitte's DeFi Lending and Borrowing Platform Development. Our expert team crafts decentralized solutions using smart contracts and DApps, revolutionizing lending and borrowing. Seamlessly merge blockchain and finance, creating secure, efficient, and market-leading platforms that redefine traditional financial transactions.
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enyasaints · 2 months
I finally received my employers position statement…
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Normally they only have a month maybe two to provide a position statement. It has been six months LATER. I haven’t had the heart to read it. I know it will be filled with gaslighting and lies and it will reopen old wounds I’ve spent months trying to medicate. I hate reliving my repeated sexual assault and how powerless I felt against it. Knowing that poverty and homelessness would be on the horizon if I said anything. When I finally tried to speak up I was dismissed and ignored and ultimately terminated in such a humiliating way. Only to be thrusted into this type of job economy where it is difficult to find work. I have been struggling financially ever since I don’t deserve that. I never deserved any of it
Direct Aid:
For those that don’t know. A position statement is a company response basically refuting all charges they recieved through the EEOC. You have to provide a rebuttal proving that the company was lying. It is incredibly traumatic having to prove wrong doing. Having to relive the awful things that happened to you. While trying to raise money for a lawyer to defend you.
I have taken time off crowdfunding because I’m easily discouraged and I was barely gaining traction. No matter what I do I have no reach, and I have tried EVERYTHING. I truly have. I tried livestreaming on three different platforms, I tried making TikToks, I tried tweeting, I tried begging rich people on twitter, nothing works. I cannot stress enough I cannot do this alone. I don’t have a social media prescence nor social media capital. I am trying to have one but it’s incredibly difficult to build quickly. I cannot raise this money if I don’t have people advocating for me. Even if you can’t donate. Posting my link in a company email, on your facebook, tiktok, reddit anywhere makes a world of a difference. Using your skills to promote my GFM. If you draw or make edits that also can help. Anything can help me. Scrolling past just kills me. So please. PLEASE. Do something. Even if its just interacting on this very post. Commenting, sharing, liking. PLEASE. If I don’t raise emough for a lawyer, when I get the letter of right to sue, it gives me 90 days to find a lawyer. If I don’t my case gets thrown out and I never get justice. I can never sue them again.
Deadline for Lawyer:
August 17th, 2024
Currently Raised:
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krogstpartners · 1 year
Benefits of Apartment Investing: Diversify Your Investment Portfolio
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How you can help victims of the Rio Grande do Sul floods
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Rescue efforts are ongoing in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state, after floods and landslides left at least 100 people dead and displaced more than 200,000. As well as local residents, rescue groups have also dedicated themselves to saving pets stranded on rooftops and in flooded homes.
For those who live abroad and want to help, well-known NGOs are making their channels available for donations in foreign currency.
That is the case of the Brazil Foundation’s Luz Alliance Fund, created by fashion model Gisele Bündchen, and the Homeless Workers’ Movement’s (MTST) PayPal through its “Solidarity Kitchen” project. The MTST’s goal is to deliver 2,400 meals daily.
Another crowdfunding project is supported by companies and influencers from all over Brazil, and donations can be made in U.S. dollars, euros, and British pounds.
Continue reading.
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orbitwebtech · 5 months
Debugging WordPress performance issues can be efficiently done using Query Monitor, a powerful debugging tool. By installing and activating the Query Monitor plugin, you gain access to valuable insights into your website's performance, including database queries, hooks, conditionals, and more.
To utilize Query Monitor effectively, navigate to the admin toolbar and select "Query Monitor" to access its dashboard. Here, you can analyze various aspects of your site's performance, such as identifying slow database queries, excessive plugin usage, and theme inefficiencies.
Additionally, Query Monitor provides detailed information on each database query, allowing you to optimize your WordPress site's performance by fine-tuning queries or identifying plugins causing bottlenecks.
By leveraging Query Monitor's comprehensive insights, you can streamline your WordPress website's performance, ensuring optimal user experience and efficient functionality.
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