#Crossover Fun
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wolfsrainrules · 4 months ago
Quiet Night AU- Tim's return
Turns out I WILL be writing a quick blurble of a thought about Tim coming back to the Cave, unedited and more stream of consciousness moments than a sit down thought out writing lol. This one is @tobicup's fault. Link to the first info dump for Quiet Night AU found HERE.  and the link for Pit Stop blurble HERE
And again- feel free to send in asks about the AU, just make sure you mention it’s for Quiet Night AU for me. @iphoenixrising Not sure if you wanna be tagged here too BUT STILL
Gotham was in ruins. 
Buildings partially or fully collapsed, smoldering remains of fires visible across the city skyline from the rooftops, dead civilians left where they fell. Traffic in a gridlock, cars abandoned in the chaos, or holding the bodies of those who died in them. 
The thick scent of death, fear and rage hung in the air, burning Tim’s nose it was so strong. 
The scent of the cause, faint, almost invisible, but as alien as the creatures that had invaded the Earth and caused this blended with all of it. There were so many of them.
It was everything Tim could do to stay alive, save who he could, and try to make it back to the Cave. He ached, and with the way these creatures hunted, he couldn’t even check over comms if anyone else was alive. 
He wished he’d accepted the pack bonds the other Bats had offered to him before, but he hadn’t been ready for it. He bit his tongue on a keen, an omega trying to summon his pack, smothering the sound down. 
He needed to be silent, or risk the creatures swarming him. 
At least if Tim had a pack bond he would be able to feel them  on the other end, even if they were blocked to prevent distractions in the field. Instead he was alone, no bonds to check, terrified to consider a world where one of his should-be-packmates had died and he didn’t know yet. 
His body ached. He was nauseous and lightheaded, dizzy. It was everything he could do to make sure he landed silently as he ran over the rooftops that remained, and navigated the ground where he had to. 
He kept his grapple-gun strapped to his hip. He’d already been almost killed when the damn thing had been too loud and drawn the attention of the creatures to his flight.  
He tried not to think about the others, if any of them had been caught, had been- To follow that road, to consider that he was the last one standing, was to flirt with madness. 
No. Instead, he turned his attention to making it back to the cave on foot. Navigating the destruction, helping where he could, mourning where he couldn’t. 
Crossing Gotham on foot, pausing to save whoever he can, and needing to do it all as silently as possible takes time. Especially trying to balance the unknown factor of anyone or anything in the city making a sound that could lead to Tim getting caught in the crossfire. 
He hurts. 
Worse- he’d had to slip into the cave using the natural entrances, didn’t dare to chance opening the cave  and grabbing anything’s attention. Worked his way towards the cave using the memorized routes, moving slowly and carefully, praying that none of the creatures had found their way inside. He wandered the dark caverns mourning the statistical probability that one of his should-be-packmates had died being the vigilantes they’d chosen to be. That at least one of them had made too much noise somehow. 
He couldn’t help but think about Jason in those moments. Think of the pack alpha with his loud personality and guns. Jason could operate with stealth of course, every Bat could, but… Jason used his guns most often, explosives, and-
And Tim was terrified that he may have died. 
He wasn’t the only one Tim worried for, but he was the most statistically likely to have trouble and- 
Tim closed his eyes for a moment, breathed in the damp air of the cavern, and forced himself to still the shaking in his hands. 
The lights of the Cave come into view and Tim feels sick with it. 
What if he’s the last? What if the others didn’t make it? What if he has to see B fall apart all over again, and fall with him this time? What if he lost any of the others before he ever- 
The cave is quiet, aside from the bats quietly rustling through the cavern, and Tim knows it should be, of course it would be, with the creatures tracking sounds, but it makes his stomach swoop and his lungs constrict. 
He has to squint, as he breaks from the tunnels and into the Batcave, his lungs tight and hands shaking all over again. The urge to keen and call for pack crawls up his spine and sits heavy in his throat, but he doesn’t dare, wary of the sound carrying. 
The sight that meets him, when he can finally see properly, sends him staggering, knees weak and tears in his eyes. He counts, one by one, each of his small family gathered together. They’re silent, their hands flying sign language keeping their voices unused, eyes flickering over each other and the computer they’re gathered around. 
Usually Tim would jump right into what looked like a planning session, but in that moment-
In that moment he could only stagger closer, breathing heavily, hands shaking and tears in his eyes. Jason sees him first. 
Tim is already reaching for the pack alpha when Jason darts across the space to sweep him off his feet. 
Tim is choking back keens, as he clings back, burrowing into his alpha’s chest. Jason is nuzzling him, rubbing his scent all down Tim’s spine and brushing their cheeks together, Jason’s hands holding tight, one pressed to feel Tim’s pulse.  
Tim hadn’t been ready to join the pack officially, but each of them had given Tim permission to claim them as his pack when he was ready to join it. In the aftermath of this disaster, Tim is certain he is. That he never wanted to go without the bonds again. Was certain he wanted the bounds wound around his ribs and heart, anchored in his head. 
Tim clings hard for a moment, lets Jason scent him, basks in the safety of his pack alpha’s arms, before turning his face to tuck into the right side of his neck. He breathes for a second, but doesn’t hesitate to drag his tongue over the right side of Jason’s neck, claiming the alpha as pack, and baring his neck to allow Jason the chance to reciprocate the pack claim. 
He can feel Jason’s body tense, and then shudder hard, his hands tighten around Tim, but he doesn’t hesitate either. 
Feeling the first of what is soon to be many pack bonds bloom to life in his mind takes Tim’s legs out from under him. 
Jason doesn’t let him fall.
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shinfuransan · 1 year ago
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Don't worry, Vergil got a great trade for Beowulf.
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zonerobotnik · 10 months ago
Screw the "Danny makes death jokes" idea, Near makes comments about life being too difficult and wondering what kind of ghost he will be and Danny shakes him by the shoulders and tells him to NOT make comments about death, killing himself or otherwise, he is going to build a tall fence on Near's flat roof of the skyscraper he's been living in, SWEAR TO FUCK! Then he'll take his depressed ass downstairs and wrap him up in blankets to cuddle and watch movies with him until the suicidal thoughts born from survivor's guilt go away. At least for now. Because Near definitely needs supervision after losing nearly everyone he actually cared about. He spends hours agonizing over returning Mello's picture to him because now all he has to remember him is drawings and a burnt-up crucifix necklace that Lidner recovered from the church when they collected his body to bury.
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coy-lee · 2 years ago
I forget what prompted this doodle but idk I love the concept of Tiny Trash Man skeedadlin around the daycare with Moon doing his goofy tippy tap run searching for him. XD
Also diVo smirking with Moon pulling his "eating laughter" card lol.
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sessakag · 9 months ago
Jail isn’t enough for Butterfly Hiashi. Dye his hair red and throw him into Prey-verse.
This is like the 10th time someone has recommended that for Butterfly!Hiashi. So many people want Prey!Naruto to cross over into Butterfly and get everybody ass together 😂😂😂
I did mention in my latest update of Prey that I'm working on a collection of fleshed out fanfic crossover scenarios for Prey!Characters and Butterfly!Characters since so many people have been coming up with some really interesting, really funny concepts. Whenever I post it, I'll probably write a snippet of red hair dyed Butterfly!Hiashi finding himself trapped in the room with Prey!Naruto, lol.
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inkstainedheartbeats · 10 months ago
I feel like shit so here have a word vomit that is me trying to beat my brain into submission. (If you have a crossover you’d like to see throw the fandom at me. The worst I can do is show how behind I am in shows xD)
Steve knows his apartment isn’t the best. It may have three bedrooms but two of them barely have room for a single and a dresser. The bathroom is a powder room forced to hold too much and the kitchen has like four cabinets. Normally that doesn’t bother him. Honest. He loves this little space of his. This home he’s made for himself, Robin and Max. It’s theirs. Robin is right on track to become a Starfleet translator; her plethora of Terran languages made learning off world languages a breeze. Max is considering going into Starfleet too. So the small cozy home where Max has the biggest room and Robin and him weed out the weak by seeing who can stand the closet-like room is perfect. It is.
Until his boyfriend, Eddie, asked if his cousin could come over for a visit with his boyfriends. And like… Steve was thrilled. The queer scene in San Fran is amazing, it is. But after losing a good chunk of his hearing and the scarring from things he and Robin don’t like talking about, going out hasn’t been fun for either of them. So having people like them? Come here? Was amazing. Except Eddie forgot to mention his cousin was Leonard McCoy and his boyfriends were fucking Jim goddamn Kirk and Spock.
He’s going to be hosting fucking Starfleet royalty in his home. His tiny fucking apartment with mishmashed couches. With chipped cups and thrifted plates. Steve is not panicking. Nope. Not one bit.
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stellarred · 2 years ago
Discord hid himself in his cave to process what he had suddenly seen in the airy, magical fields of Equestria.
It was THE most beautiful horse to ever grace this land.
For the first time in his life, Discord was spellbound.
It was a male horse that was French, but had a luscious, dreamy British accent. It loved to read, and run in the wind, it's cardinal red hair flowing wildly. This horse had many friends, but few romantic relationships. Strange. He loved Shakespeare, and lapping up tea of all things.
Such an odd and intriguing animal.
Poor Discord just didn't know what to make of it all.
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He just knew that he was hopelessly and happily swept away in love with the new horse.
If only the newcomer to Equestria could be friends, and one day, more than that with him.
And thus began Discord's quest...
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so this happened lol.
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lucatea · 2 years ago
Since im gunna have my ass handed to me in the polls I’ll give y’all this crossover now.
It’s @enthblaze Giovanni au crossed with Outside View.
Giovanni has never felt so free.
He clung to Tigerclaw’s fury frame as sobs shook his body. He cried and cried. He cried until he felt nauseated because he watched his terrible future die in front of him. He killed the physical manifestation of who he could’ve become with his own hands. There was nothing left to chain him, he was free to flourish and live.
He was happy.
And nothing could take that away.
“You did great young cub.” Tigerclaw gently hugged Van. “I’m proud of you.” With the joyful cries of his family behind him every felt perfect, and Van felt at peace.
A peace that was quickly destroyed by a single noise.
A single scream that ripped through the air, tore apart his heart and shattered his peace. A scream he never thought he’d hear.
The scream of his twin.
The scream of Leonardo.
Van ripped himself from Tigerclaw's hold dashing to the noise that seemed to tear his world apart. His shouts fell upon deaf ears as Van launched himself to the blaze searching for his twin brother.
“LEONARDO!” He ducked and weaved through the collapsing rubble, becoming increasingly desperate with every unanswered cry. “LEO!” He heard the distant shouts from the rest of his family join the symphony of collapsing concrete as they all searched for the leader. Dread pooled in his gut as the seconds ticked away and ideas of the worst flooded his mind.
“LEO PLEASE!” Giovanni felt his throat squeeze when he was met with nothing. He had to fight back terrified tears as he scoured the rubble.
Then he heard it. A terrified and pained chirp just a few feet away.
Suddenly Van was in a mad dash to his twin, following the pained whimpers and cries. It turned his blood to ice to hear all this from Leo. His brother came into view pinned under the rubble.
“LEE!” He watched Leonardo strain to turn his head, tears stained his face as his eyes went wide.
“Van!” Leo reached out for his twin, straining to grab onto Giovanni’s arm.
“It’s ok Lee, I’m here. I’ve got you.” He took his brother's hand not missing the blood that coated it. His tone went serious as he began scanning his brother for the injury as he gripped a chunk of the wreckage. “Leo. I’m gunna get this rubble off of you ok?”
“No” Leonardo squeezed Van’s arm tight, a slight desperation bled into his voice. “Vanni don’t please.”
Giovanni hesitated pulling back the chunk of concrete he held in his hands.
“Lee, if you're injured I have to move the rubble to try and help you. I need to know what exactly I’m dealing with.” Leonardo just shook his head, panic in his eyes. Ignoring his protests Giovanni removed the debris revealing what Leonardo was so desperate to hide.
A thick rebar pierced through his abdomen. Fragments of his shell littered the floor around the injury in the growing viscous pool below him. It made Giovanni gag. He fought back his own nausea, tearing away his gaze to look back up to Leonardo.
“I’m sorry Vanni.” Leo’s voice was hoarse and his breathing was getting shallow. He pulled on Giovanni’s arm to bring him down close enough for Leonardo to wrap his arm around him. Giovanni pulled his twin into a hug shaking his head sniffling into his twin’s shoulder.
“Nonono don’t apologize.” Van whispered. “None of this is your fault. None of this.”
The twins cried into each other, one clinging to the other as Leo’s grip got weaker. As his breathing got shallower. As his head began to loll to the side.
“I love you brother.” Leo whispered. “and I’m proud of who you’ve become.” Van never thought he could ever hate a collection of words so much.
“I love you too Leo.” Giovanni said as he laid down his dying brother. He watched Leonardo softly smile as he took his last breath. As the light in his eyes faded.
He watched his twin leave him.
And for the second time that night Giovanni cried.
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mystical-blaise · 2 years ago
Bryce and HoW Gang Fic Rec
With the reveal of HOFAS and the exclusive scenes causing a stir, especially that Walmart scene, I thought I'd take a moment to shout out to one of my fav Bryce and the HoW gang fics. It's a fun little what-if imaginative post-HOSAB goodness. Gwyn and Bryce - Ultimate Bestiny (oh, and Az is there, too) by HLizR50 on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/series/2783482 This short series is a DELIGHT!
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wolfsrainrules · 11 months ago
Stares off into the distance:
Apparently my brain is just going to run along with various crossovers. Today, I bring you the thought of a John Wick fusion au (actually five differnet ones) with Batman/DC. (Again: a reminder that all my DC/Batman knowledge is fandom based)
@north-peach hellllppppp
Couple of thoughts for this.
The First: Janet Drake is one of the underworld's best. She's fantastic at manipulation and killing. She could walk herself out of a situation covered in blood, and convince people who saw it all happen that she never touched the body.
Tim grows up at her knee. He learns for the very best. And Janet teaches him everything she can- because despite the job and the crazy hours, and the travel, she loves her son. She wants to give him every opportunity to make it out alive from anything. Unharmed and not in trouble if possible, but alive most of all.
John Wick is a ghost story to the underworld. Tim has always been curious about people who could cause such a stir as his mother or John Wick might. When he meets him, he decides that man is Friend Shaped despite every sign saying Do Not. Despite every horror story saying it's a bad plan. (Much as he will later look at a story in a city of a cryptid said to be a manifestation of a city, a demon, a physical representation of all those who have died unavenged and decide the same)
More than that- John has ZERO idea how to handle Tim. He's a k i d. John's not gonna kill him for just...showing up all the time. It's not like he interferes or causes problems. In fact, he helps sometimes. Provides info, or a direction, a place to crash-
Tim confuses John.
Tim is also the very first to congratulate him, when he manages to get out of the underworld for Helen and mean it. To not even question the 'impossibility' of the Baba Yaga deciding he was done. John didn't bother to ask how Tim knew he'd left and why before the news actually broke out.
Tim watching John get out, go for it and SUCCEED is what gives him the courage to confess to his mother that he wanted to spend some time outside of the underworld, watching the curious case of Batman and Gotham. And Janet loves her son. So she arranges for it to be so.
They both know who Bruce Wayne is. Janet had figured it out before even Tim. She makes him promise that, if he needs her, he will call her, and lets him hunker in Gotham while he does what he wishes. She makes some trips back to Gotham, of course, but not so many that enemies can figure out there's someone important to her there. Janet is THE Femme Fatale. She has plenty of people who would go after her boy. And she's not having that.
Tim doesn't actually PLAN to get involved in vigilante life. At all. He's underworld born and bred. He's a survivor, manipulative, and can be a level of cunning and cold and ambitious that always makes his mother so so proud. He's not a do-right kind of person. He's not someone who does things for people outside of "me and mine" without a reason. Or if it goes against his moral code.
Except Jason Todd becomes one of "Me and Mine". He's a friend. A nosy vigilante who sees that his friend is alone and sets off his instincts as dangerous yes, but also as 'not a civilian' in a conventional sense. He's not a street rat, but he's not...normal either. And Tim? Tim, once he decides this Robin is his Robin, well he can't very well leave him undefended doing this ALONE can he? Though he understands by working with Robin, he cant use the tried and true methods of murder, as it could get pinned to Robin or Batman and he can't have that. If he wants to fly with Jason, he needs to fly by his rules. So a new vigilante is born that runs the streets with Robin. A little more vicious but in a cold and precise manner. Exacting. He doesn't let Jason go after his mother without doing the information gathering, and stops his death by Joker.
For a time, Tim finds himself pulled into the Wayne family, and he...thrives with them. He's happy. He learns under them. Expands his skillset, and still sent out to learn from people around the world. He is NOT fool enough to turn that away- his mother would somehow KNOW wherever she was if he turned down that kind of opportunity and he did not want to imagine the disappointment and response. NO THANK YOU.
When the underworld is kicked like a hornets' nest by John Wick coming back into the fold, Tim is...curious. He's kept an eye on John and Helen, if not stayed in direct and constant contact with them. He hadn't expected John to step foot back into the underworld.
And then his mother sends word to him, calls him back to the Continental, warns that the underworld is getting REALLY kicked up as a result. Tim...needs to go. He cannot imagine NOT answering his mother.
He arranges things on the Gotham end. Says temporary goodbyes and gets to the NY branch asap. Beats his mother there.
Makes it just in time to see John Wick pull a gun on Continental Grounds and shoot a newly crowned seat at the Table and is caught up in the chaos.
His family are going to end UP in the chaos themselves, because they will not cannot leave Tim in it alone. The connections Tim has are MUCH a surprise, he's done very well in hiding exactly what he used to do, and WHY he has a contact and hand in everything, and can ALWAYS get his family what they need. The Second: Tim Drake still grows up at Janet's knee. He learns it all. Thrives in it all. He ends up NOT going down the road of hitman or assassin or any number of things he could have done. Instead Tim Drake chooses to be a Information Broker that claims Gotham eventually, and by means of getting taken in by Bruce, the Wayne Manor and grounds around it become neutral grounds much like the Continental, if you want Tim's services to remain open to you. If you pull the underworld onto the ground...well. Just because Tim goes by Bruce's rules, and just because he PREFERS the route of nonviolence does not in any way mean he would not kill to protect it. To prove a point. To make a statement. To allow one to get away with it is to allow danger to his family and he WILL NOT, no matter that they all are perfectly capable of defending themselves. The Underworld is entirely different than their villains. To not kill the offender is to open themselves to weakness and targets. So Tim WILL.
Gotham is not Wayne Manor. The City is fair game to the underworld. Wayne Manor is NOT.
The Third:
Janet raises her boy at her knee still. Tim chooses the route of Doctor instead. He sets up in Gotham, and decides he likes the foolish vigilantes enough to step in when it's needed and save their lives. He becomes known to the Batfam as a Doc that will not ask questions, but is absolutely one of the most capable people they've seen. If Leslie isn't available, or not close enough, they go to Tim, if Tim doesn't find them, because he certainly seems to know when they need it.
The Batfam does sometimes find him having dealt with Some Things underworld involved so they are WORRIED about their idiot, despite the fact that Tim can and will Wreck everyone that causes problems in his area. He has also shown up stripping off blood covered scrub tops or whatever cause hes coming in hot from another healing thing, and they all wonder and worry and just- it's fine. Everything is fine.
They worry anyway.
Despite the fact that Tim has friends seemingly everywhere, from all walks of life, favors all over, and connections to seemingly everything as a result of his work. (He has absolutely been offered favors as payment, hits, assassinations and all sorts of things. He never turns them away. Janet taught him better. Instead he has markers and logs, books and written promises all stacked away. He remembers them all of course, but better to have written proof somewhere, something official. The Continental holds it for him.
The Fourth:
Gotham HAS a Continental Hotel due to all of its.....everything. Janet Drake runs it. Tim knows EVERYONE and everything, and has absolutely run the counter often. Bruce doesn't know what it is. Ra's absolutely does. Tim is the next to take over the branch and EVERYONE knows it.
He ends up occasionally, when people step on his morals, providing information to the Bat.
Jason managed to find his way inside by accident, and may or may not get himself heavily involved in the underworld even BEFORE the Red Hood thing.
The Fifth:
Same concept as 4 except BRUCE WAYNE runs the Continental and the ripples of everything therein.
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bojackhorsemanobviously · 2 years ago
I think this would be a cute crossover I can totally see them being friends considering how he helped that seahorse i can see him comforting courage and he would def love Murial, dislike eustace but understand where he comes from cause they both have shitty mothers
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zonerobotnik · 10 months ago
Random thought, but while both Gideon and Danny have made it clear that they don't want to be picked up by Varian, Near would eat that shit up. XD He loves being carried around. Pick him up and put him on the couch instead of the floor, carry him up to bed because he doesn't want to bother climbing the stairs, carry him around like a baby boy while he does rubix cube in your arms. Varian can carry him around all day until Danny rips Near out of his arms because he's possessive of his boyfriend and only shares him with Kyouko.
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wolfsrainrules · 11 months ago
Danny shrieked.
The bloodied vigilante leaning against his wall was concerning. But even worse…
“My window!! Oh my god! Why?!”
“Your- is that- that’s seriously your first concern? I’m actually offended.”
“Oh, is the dumbass bleeding out on my carpet giving me sass? Watch the attitude, you’re half a quarter pint from death right now.”
“You’re strangely calm… about this.”
Danny gestured to his window, shattered in front of him.
“Do I look calm to you? I literally just replaced that window last week!”
“My bad.” The vigilante slid down the wall, leaving a bloody smear.
“Oh my god,” Danny groaned as he got a first aid kit and began patching the guy up. “I’m never getting my deposit back.”
“You have weird priorities.”
“Listen, bird guy-”
“Red Robin.” Bird guy interjected. He winced as Danny dabbed the alcohol soaked cotton ball harder on his cut.
“But if I had a nickel for every time a vigilante crashed through my window, I’d have two. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.”
“Who was the first one?”
“Surprisingly? Signal. Dude got a migraine and crashed through like a pigeon versus a glass wall.”
“Damn, he didn’t mention that. You got pics?”
“Pay for my carpet and wall first, and then we talk blackmail negotiations after.”
“Deal- ow!”
“Stay still, dumbass!”
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paintedcrows · 5 months ago
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Nooo little Stanley watch out! Your striped shirt, bandage, and sad backstory are too Fallen Human Coded!! The Undertale narrative is going to get you!!!
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