#I was thinking about soul colours and honestly I think Stanley would be red? Not because of determination (that is technically fanon)
paintedcrows · 9 days
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Nooo little Stanley watch out! Your striped shirt, bandage, and sad backstory are too Fallen Human Coded!! The Undertale narrative is going to get you!!!
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drundertalescum · 7 years
11 Questions... x3
I was tagged by @sharada-n @audaciousanonj and @esmiden in that order
If anyone else tagged me, tag me again because I missed it!
1. Which are your favorite hot and cold drinks?
Cold drinks: Usually either milk or vanilla coke. I also like birch beer, root beer, and peach-cranberry juice, but usually I just stick with the milk and coke.
Hot drinks: TEA. Specifically this nice vanilla black tea that I've cracked the code on preparing in the microwave so it's both hot and very convenient. This is my go-to drink of any type.  Also coffee, hot chocolate, matcha, and just various types of teas. I prefer hot drinks over cold.
2. What’s your favorite color scheme/combination?
Usually I kind of default to dark turquoise/cyan and lighter orange/gold. It's the most common gradient map I use when I'm being lazy with coloring and also evident on my main blog's colour scheme. Toss in some red and you're in for a good time. I also really like maroons and pale greens but I don't use it that often.
3. Windows or Apple?
4. Do you believe in astrology?
Nah, I do find out kind of funny sometimes since my sign (Capricorn) is such an over-the-top dethawing ice queen in anything relating to “what the signs do when ___”  My Smart-People Astrology Sign (my Meyers-Briggs) turns up very similar content. I mean, granted, that runs truer than a hyper happy bubblegum type but it's still a bit boring.
I don't really buy too much into any of that sort of thing.
5. Would you punch me for 10$?
Wait are you paying me to punch you or am I paying you to be punched by me? Either way no.
6. Do you have any guilty pleasures?
HONESTLY in my main online community my guilty pleasure that I hide from the world is being Undertale trash.
To a lesser extent: my guilty pleasure that I hide away from this community is that I’m reality show trash. Specifically one particular reality show. It's 17 years old and Actually Very Good, but no one will ever believe me.
7. What’s your favorite flower?
We grow snapdragons sometimes. They're really neat! Otherwise it's hit or miss with me and flowers. Despite the main blog name that I've been using for like 10 years I've only recently started to kind of like roses. Mostly for the a e s t h e t i c.
8. What would you name your theoretical kids?
I change my mind on this one a lot. I usually like names that aren't common but also could sort of fit in in an old novel. Like Orville or Evander or something like that. I had a list once but I lost it. I also like Emily or Alma.
Some angry part of me wants to name a child November even though I know the awful fate I would be leaving them to by doing it.
In the end I am almost definitely not having kids so the most likely name I'm gonna pull out is naming a pet Papyrus someday.
9. Sweet or savory?
Depends, but I usually go for savory. Sweet drink-savory snack is my go-to.
10. Do you wear socks in bed or nah?
I don't wear socks at all unless it's very, very cold.
11. Could a horse fit through a window?
If you removed the panes from my windows a horse would just barely make it through. Probably needs to be a smaller horse though. It can't be too wide.
1) What’s your favorite holiday?
But truthfully i haven't been feeling it the last few years. I can't think of any holidays I have.
2) Loose clothes or tight?
As loose as possible. Though I'll take tight underlayer loose overlay.
3) Chrome, Firefox, or Safari?
I had a weird bug a few years back where my computer was constantly freezing up and crashing. I knew it was some sort of graphics issue but the word thing was it never crashed when I was playing a game, which lead to me using Portal 2 and Skyrim as ways of keeping my computer from crashing whenever it was idle, bumping up my times in both games to a ridiculous amount (though I still play both a lot). Turns out it was Firefox causing the crash, but I didn't realize because if I don't have a game open, I always have a browser up.
I had to switch to Chrome at that time and now I'm pretty settled on it. I do miss some aspects of Firefox though.
4) Favorite style of humor?
I love humor that's based around people and their habits. Not necessarily observational and I don't like it to actively mock people, but I like humor that's based around people and their attitudes and interactions, especially if it makes people feel more like characters or caricatures, but not stereotypes. I have a sort of dry sense of humor but that's not really required for this. It's hard to actively explain and I'm blanking on any great examples.
This definitely plays into the previously mentioned guilty pleasure.
5) Fluff or Angst (Reading)?
ANGST. Angst got me into this fandom when I solidified my terrible obsession with this game by reading I'm Feeling Fine, Kid and since then I've read close to every Papyrus-centric angst fic this fandom has put out.
Pretty much any I haven't read yet are in my read later list because I haven't been in the best heavy-angst mood lately.
I always take recs.
6) Fluff or Angst (Writing)?
Writing angst is so much easier for me. I think it's because I have a very introspective style which lends itself better to letting the sadness flow. It usually works out to angst with a side of fluff. But with art and comics, it's a lot less introspective so it ends up being fluff with a side of angst.
7) Do you make -sonas?
I kind of actively dislike making -sonas. It never feels right. I made one when I was about 16 (which I now dislike) and haven't really made one since. I generally just stick with a blob or stick person to represent me. Maybe a seahorse.
8) What are you gonna dress up as for Halloween?
A patient recovering from a cholecystectomy. Maybe one that also has spoopy face paint on and blogs about Undertale.
…I wish I was doing something for Halloween ;;;
9) What are you pickiest about?
Food and fonts. It's the ultimate irony that I fell so far for Undertale.
10) Have you seen my au Name the Fallen and if so what was your favorite part?
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Save him Flowey, before he falls too far.
11) Papyrus is cool?
That's not a question. Nothing has ever been less of a question.
1. Favorite literature or movie genre
Hmmm… I really like mystery novels! Other than that, I’m a big fan of dramedies. Anything that mixes comedy or fantasy and feels is great.
2. Top five animated cartoons
This is going to be my knee jerk list and not necessarily accurate. It’s also not in any particular order.
The Incredibles
Lilo and Stitch
The Princess and the Goblin
3. If you could choose a fantasy land to stay in for the rest of your life, which one would you chose? Ps. You won’t be able to get back to the real world.
I would honestly head down to the Underground and let some monsters try to steal my soul. I think it’s the perfect blend of interesting but also not everything-trying-to-kill-me(-forever).
4. Favorite song at the moment?
Hopes and Dreams played backwards. Also Frozen Pines by Lord Huron and Ground Control by All Time Low and Walk Off The Earth’s cover of Heya
5. What is good design for you?
Oh man, this is a tricky question. I’m actually a designer but I’m very much a master of none. The most important thing in any design is readability and ease of use, though. No point in having a product you can’t use because the A E S T H E T I C is in the way. No point in a document or website you can’t read. No point in a gallery you can’t view. Good design should make things MORE usable, not less. Functionality should ALWAYS be the number one goal.
At the same time black and white helvetica minimalism is boring and terrible for most things. Gimme some COLOR, some LIFE. I don’t care if it’s cheesy or weird or quirky or outdated. I want things with detail and personality. 
(Note: you can totally have black and white minimalist helvetica and still hae personality. But I’ll take a “bad” design with some life to it over a mediocre design that follows all the rules)
6. What’s your favorite color scheme/combination?
I am a blue/orange shill, but theres a lot of schemes i like. Usually Cyan + any warm color
7. Which feelings effects you the most in literature/music/film etc.?
Tricky! I actually get the most into films about the connections between people (usually not romantic) or about identity (or loss of identity) and insecurities. I dunno why, they just effect me the most. They just do.
8. Favorite game?
Undertale (2015 Video Game). But also: Portal, Skyrim, the Fallout games, Kingdom Hearts, Bully, 7 Days to Die, The Forest, Friday the 13th, Stardew Valley, Reigns, Alto’s Adventure, Pixel Dungeon, Plague Inc, Life Is Strange, Tabletop Simulator, The Long Dark, What Remains of Edith Finch, Tropico, The Stanley Parable, The Flame in the Flood, Contagion, and The Sims.
I like Games.
9. What’s most important for you in a good movie?
I’ll enjoy any movie with well-concieved characters but the real gold medal goes to anything with post modern reality fuckery and/or magical realism. I like movies about movies or about storytelling. Big Fish, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Truman Show, Stranger Than Fiction are some of my favorite movies that sort of adhere to that. Gimme all the post-modern plotlines with likable characters and let me pretend there’s a happy ending. That’s all I’m looking for.
10. What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
Dusk. Everything cools down, the sky turns gorgeous colors, but it’s still not considered weird to go walking around or running errands. It’s just nice!
11. Extra because I’m out of ideas, if you got a painting. What would you want on it? XD
Nice colors and a good subject. Like Papyrus with huge biceps.
Here’s my questions! I’m going to tag the 3 that tagged me if they feel like doing this, plus anyone who wants to do it. Just tag me on the post so I can see!
1. What was your favorite fairy tale growing up?
2. Were you ever traumatized as a child by a movie or TV show?
3. Whats the weirdest dream that you can remember?
4. If you could be or do anything you wanted for a single day, anything at all, what would you be?
5. What is your favorite anecdote?
6. Have you ever painted your nails? If so, what’s your favorite polish/color?
7. What is the scariest thing you aren’t afraid of?
8. Are there any snacks that you like that most people probably haven’t heard of or tried?
9. Have you ever gone stargazing?
10. Tell me about your favorite idea you’ve had, whether it be a story or a game idea or anything else along those lines.
11. Whats your least favorite color?
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animationnut · 8 years
To Gravity Falls, From Piedmont: Chapter 21
Summary: It’s a long way until next summer. Until then, Dipper and Mabel share their daily antics and life problems with their lifelong friends and attentive great-uncles through an endless string of e-mails. Distance makes the heart grow fonder after all, and there’s no place Dipper and Mabel love more than Gravity Falls. 
                                                   Chapter List
To: Mabel Pines (ShootingStarRainbowUnicorn); Dipper Pines (GhostHarasserfan); Stanford Pines (Highsixer); Stanley Pines (StantheMan); Soos Ramirez (QuestionMarkDude)
From: Wendy Corduroy (Lumberchick)
Subject: Greatest snowman to ever exist
1 Attachment (Photo File)
This wicked snowstorm means no school, and no school means complete freedom. My brothers and I worked together to build this snowman, which is totally the best snowman ever created and you can't tell me otherwise.
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Mabel Pines: Oh my gosh! It's amazing! How much tape did you need to use to get it to hold up the axe?
Wendy Corduroy: About two rolls. But it's okay. They look like bandages covering a really nasty wound.
Dipper Pines: Whose ushanka did you steal to give it a hat?
Wendy Corduroy: My brothers had to draw straws. Glen lost.
Stanley Pines: You don't know how much I wish I was in Gravity Falls right now. Soos, take a baseball bat to it!
Soos Ramirez: No way, Mr. Pines. Snowmen have a right to exist too.
Wendy Corduroy: Don't be jealous just because you know you could never craft a good a snowman as mine.
Stanford Pines: I suppose you know what you're about to start with a comment like that.
Stanley Pines: It's on, Missy. I'll make a snowman that'll kick yours to the curb and steal its wallet.
Stanford Pines: I'll admit you've always been creative, but your crafting skills have never been up to par.
Soos Ramirez: Mr. Pines made all the exhibits at the gift shop. He's the best crafter there is.
Stanley Pines: You tell him, Soos. Poindexter may be able to invent weird gadgets, but he knows nothing about artsmanship.
Stanford Pines: First of all, that's not a word. Second of all, you don't need to be a genius (which I am) to beat you in a snowman building contest.
Wendy Corduroy: Ah yeah! Here comes the smack-down! My entry is already done. Feel free tearing each other apart for my entertainment. I've clearly won.
Soos Ramirez: Your lumberjack snowman is pretty rad, but I've been building snowmen for years. Abuelita said I was the best at it. Dunno if you can beat that.
Stanley Pines: All right Ford, looks like we're making a detour to a wintry place. I've got some hopeful souls to crush. Especially yours.
Mabel Pines: Woo-hoo! Let the games begin!
School bag slung over one shoulder, Dipper entered the kitchen to retrieve a can of soda from the fridge. He popped the tab with one hand while he used the other to dig his phone out of his pocket. He read through Wendy's email to see the comments made after his, eyebrow raising.
"Mabel, encouraging them makes it worse!"
His sister appeared in the entryway, Waddles skittering behind her on the hardwood floor. "They would have turned it into a competition anyway. I'm just showing my support."
Dipper sat down at the kitchen table and dropped his bag to rest by his sock-clad feet. He studied the picture Wendy had attached to her e-mail again, grinning at the ice and snow creation that loomed a head taller than the redheaded female. There was a dark brown ushanka pulled over the top, smallest snowball, a pair of acorns for eyes, a broken handle of a pick for a nose and the metal handle (from what Dipper assumed to be the same pick) for the mouth. There was a red plaid wool jacket shrugged over the middle snowball and through the arms of the jacket were two thick pieces of chopped wood. At the ends of the wood were frayed white work gloves. Attached to the right glove was an axe, held in place by black tape.
"Isn't it cool?" sighed Mabel wistfully, peering over her brother's shoulder. "I like California, but the problem is that we don't get snow days. While we were doing math Wendy was making a snowman."
"How cruel life can be," quipped Dipper.
Mabel poked the back of his neck. "Come on. As much as you love school you'd love a snow day."
"I would," Dipper failed to deny. "But that's not going to happen. We'll just have admire the snowmen from afar and be with them in spirit."
Propping her chin against the top of Dipper's head, Mabel wondered, "What do you think Grunkle Ford will build?"
"Probably something to do with his research. If he doesn't do a life-size sculpture of the abominable snowman I am going to be rather disappointed."
"Grunkle Stan?"
The two fell into a thoughtful silence for a moment. After a while, Dipper replied, "I honestly couldn't begin to imagine. But I doubt it'll be appropriate."
To: Wendy Corduroy (Lumberchick); Dipper Pines (GhostHarasserfan); Mabel Pines (ShootingStarRainbowUnicorn); Stanley Pines (StantheMan); Stanford Pines (Highsixer)
From: Soos Ramirez (QuestionMarkDude)
Subject: Behold the beauty
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Yo, dudes.
No offense, Wendy, your snowman was super cool, but mine's super cooler. It sparkles and it has some oomph to it. I just wanna thank my inspiration for motivating my creativity. Couldn't have done it without you.
Soos out!
Lying on her back in the soft grass, Mabel splayed out, absorbing the sun's rays. Waddle laid across her stomach, nibbling at the hem of her light blue fleece sweater. Dipper was beside her, reclining against a looming oak tree, nose buried in a book. They were both distracted from their peaceful relaxing as their phones beeped in unison, alerting them to a notification.
Mabel grunted as she sat up, careful not to dislodge Waddles completely. She moved her sunglasses to rest on top of her head so she could get a better look at the screen. Her eyes lit up when she realized Soos had completed his entry in the impromptu snowman contest and eagerly clicked the attachment.
Positioned in front of the icicle-covered Mystery Shack was a life-size sculpture of Melody. The hair was made of strands of hay, packed closely together so that it seemed like it had density to it. A pair of sapphire-coloured plastic gems were used for eyes. A purple jacket hung on its arms and torso and somehow Soos had managed to attach a pair of jeans.
"Wow," said Dipper, eyes wide. "Abuelita was right. Soos is pretty dang good at building snowmen."
"You can't call this a snowman," protested Mabel. "It's a snow sculpture! It's gorgeous!"
"This is definitely going to be hard to beat," said Dipper with a grin.
Wendy Corduroy: Well dang.
Stanford Pines: That has more than just oomph, Soos. Melody must be very proud of this.
Soos Ramirez: Thanks, Mr. Pines! She loved it. But she wishes I would've asked before borrowing her clothes.
Mabel Pines: How did you get the jeans on?
Soos Ramirez: I built the legs first and then had to cut the jeans to fit them on properly. Figured it out after three tries.
Dipper Pines: Uh…does Melody know you ruined her jeans?
Soos Ramirez: Do you think she'll notice?
Stanley Pines: Eh. It's not bad.
Mabel Pines: Are you crazy? It's fantastic!
Wendy Corduroy: Like you can do any better, Mr. Pines.
Stanley Pines: Don't take your bitterness out on me because you so clearly lost. Of course I can do better. Who do you think taught Soos everything he knows?
Stanford Pines: Which probably wasn't very much to begin with.
Stanley Pines: Sure, make fun. I'll be the one laughing when I cream the lot of you.
Dipper Pines: He's got a plan. Those never turn out well.
Mabel Pines: But they're always entertaining!
Soos Ramirez: Good luck Mr. Pines! And Mr. Pines!
Wendy Corduroy: Yeah. This is going to end in disaster—and hilarity.
The voice of her teacher droning in her ears, Mabel's pen scrawled against her paper as she took notes. The shooting star charm of her bracelet clattered softly against the surface of her desk as she moved her wrist back and forth. Heaving a quiet sigh, she shifted her gaze to the clock hanging above the door. There was still an hour before school let out and her brain had already decided to quit for the day.
Mabel paused halfway through her writing of science notes when she felt her cellphone vibrate in her pocket. She peeked over at the teacher, who was facing the chalkboard as he lectured. She positioned her textbook so that it was blocking most of her desk from his sight. She slipped out her cell and held it behind her makeshift barricade, tapping on the e-mail icon.
She grinned widely when she discovered the sender of the e-mail and looked over at her brother, who sat diagonally from her. Dipper gave her a side glance of disapproval, which evaporated when she mouthed 'Grunkle Stan'. His curiosity too great, he did the rare act of taking out his cell in class, tucking his textbook into his lap and keeping the device cloaked behind it.
Stan had sent the e-mail a couple of class periods ago, meaning that they must have missed the initial notification and succeeding ones as their friends commented. The latest remark on Stan's snowman entry finally caught their attention and Mabel could not stop the burst of surprised laughter from escaping.
Turning around, her teacher said sharply, "Do you have something funny to share with the rest of the class, Miss Pines?"
Mabel shook her head, cheeks red not from embarrassment but suppressed mirth. "No sir," she managed to choke out. "Sorry. Just thinking to myself."
Eyes narrowing slightly, he returned to the lesson as their peers gave her odd, sneering looks before going back to their own work, whether it be meticulous notetaking or lazy doodling. Dipper's shoulders were shaking from laughter, his head ducked down as he pretended to focus on the text in their science book. Mabel bit down on her bottom lip and glanced at her phone, staring at the snowman Stan had constructed.
It was a replica of himself made out of snow, wearing his wool beanie, what looked to be grey cloth from a mop making up his hair. Apart from that, the only other article of clothing this Stan snowman was wearing was a speedo. The snowman itself was positioned in the pose of the Thinker. Stan left few details out of his wintry work of art.
Mabel rested her head on the surface of her desk, silent tears of laughter trailing down her cheeks.
To: Mabel Pines (ShootingStarRainbowUnicorn); Soos Ramirez (QuestionMarkDude); Dipper Pines (GhostHarasserfan); Wendy Corduroy (Lumberchick); Stanford Pines (Highsixer)
From: Stanley Pines (StantheMan)
Subject: Now THIS is beauty
1 Attachment (Photo File)
Soos making a snow sculpture of Melody is sweet and all, sure. And let's not even get to Wendy's mundane attempt. I present to you the greatest snowman (and snow sculpture) ever created. Bask in his glory.
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Wendy Corduroy: Oh. My. Gosh.
Soos Ramirez: Wow. It's a great likeness!
Wendy Corduroy: No. Do not support him with this one. He's a lunatic.
Stanford Pines: I promise you I had no idea what he was up to. If I had the slightest inkling, I would have knocked him out.
Stanley Pines: What's wrong with him?
Stanford Pines: IT, Stanley. A snowman is an 'it'.
Stanley Pines: Then why do they call them snowmen?
Wendy Corduroy: We're not getting off-topic this time. Why, for the love of everything, did you build a snowman of yourself without a shirt, pants, and too-small underwear?
Stanley Pines: It's artistic! Like those life painting classes or whatever. Besides, there's no greater beauty than myself.
Soos Ramirez: It's really detailed.
Wendy Corduroy: Way too detailed. And I've seen this guy in his boxers multiple times. I've seen Soos in his underwear for crying out loud. But this is way more traumatizing.
Stanley Pines: Keep on talking. I've spent my life dealing with jealousy. It just rolls of my shoulders now.
Wendy Corduroy: You are so full of it.
Stanford Pines: Right. I'm off to destroy it.
Stanley Pines: DON'T YOU DARE.
Dipper Pines: I can't believe we're related.
Mabel Pines: No offense, Grunkle Stan, but the only bathing suit I ever wanted to see you in was your old man one-piece.
Soos Ramirez: I didn't know he owned a speedo.
Wendy Corduroy: Now we all know, unfortunately.
Dipper Pines: I thought I was traumatized before. I was wrong. My consolation is that at least it's just a snow-version of him.
Soos Ramirez: It's a good ice model, though.
Wendy Corduroy: If you can look past all of…that, then I guess that it's okay. Explains where Mabel gets her artistic skills, in any case. But seriously, when did this snowman contest become an intricately-carved snow/ice sculpture contest?
Dipper Pines: Well, Soos took it up to the next level, and I think Grunkle Stan would have done this regardless. Wished you hadn't started this whole thing now?
Wendy Corduroy: Nah. I still think my snowman is the best. It's a twist on a classic.
Soos Ramirez: I think mine is the best. But that's just me, dude.
Mabel Pines: Yours is really good. But Grunkle Stan added moles to his snowman.
Wendy Corduroy: What? Like the mole he has on—?
Dipper Pines: Mabel stop laughing! You're going to get us in trouble!
Dipper Pines: Too late.
Mabel Pines: Delete all evidence! Teacher incoming!
To: Dipper Pines (GhostHarasserfan); Mabel Pines (ShootingStarRainbowUnicorn); Stanley Pines (StantheMan); Wendy Corduroy (Lumberchick); Soos Ramirez (QuestionMarkDude)
From: Stanford Pines (Highsixer)
Subject: The original snowman
1 Attachment (Photo File)
Wendy's snowman was certainly a childhood classic, and Soos' was a touching tribute to his girlfriend, I have crafted the original snowman. It is a replica of the creature that roams mountains, causing mysterious disappearances of hikers and skiers. Its existence dates long before the discovery of the recreational activity of building figures out of snow.
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Stanley Pines: You didn't mention my snowman.
Stanford Pines: Obviously.
Stanley Pines: Hmph. At least I know how to have fun without turning everything into some boring lesson. Seriously, the abominable snowman?
Dipper Pines: Called it. Very good choice, by the way.
Mabel Pines: You made it really tall!
Stanford Pines: Yes, I tried to make it as life-like as possible. It was difficult using a ladder in this icy climate.
Stanley Pines: He fell off of it at least three times. You should see the black eye he got.
Wendy Corduroy: Wow. Is that actual hair you used?
Stanford Pines: You'd be surprised by how much llama hair is shed.
Wendy Corduroy: I'd ask where you are but it would probably be best if I didn't know.
Soos Ramirez: Dude. That's pretty scary.
Dipper Pines: It is pretty realistic. Have you ever seen the abominable snowman, Grunkle Ford?
Stanford Pines: Not yet, but I hope to encounter it soon. However, I've done quite a bit of research and come to the conclusion that this is an accurate representation.
Mabel Pines: You guys are really great when it comes to snowman.
Wendy Corduroy: I could argue with that, but I won't. So which one of us wins?
Stanley Pines: Isn't it obvious?
Mabel Pines: How about we take a vote?
Dipper Pines: Where you have to vote for someone else. You can't vote for yourself.
Wendy Corduroy: I guess that works.
Soos Ramirez: I'm in. But do I have to vote now? This is kinda a tough decision.
Stanford Pines: We can cast our votes tomorrow morning at ten o'clock.
Wendy Corduroy: Our time zone or yours? Wherever you are.
Stanford Pines: Yours.
Stanley Pines: Deal.
Dipper Pines: Then we'll find out the winner tomorrow.
Mabel Pines: May the best snow creation win!
Dipper shook his head in amusement as he set his phone on the coffee table situated in front of the couch. "I have a feeling it might be between Soos and Grunkle Ford. Those two took it up a notch."
"I love Grunkle Stan, but I don't think anyone is going to be able to get rid of that mental image," said Mabel with a giggle.
She studied the picture of Ford's snowman, a towering mass of snow carved in the shape of the yeti. Llama hair covered every inch of the creature, black coals acting as eyes, peering ominously from a curtain of white hair. Icicles hung from the armpits and arms, the hands and feet massive in order to be in proportion to the body.
"It's not fair," she lamented, getting to her knees so she could look over the edge of the couch through the living room window. "They can play in the snow and we just got a rainstorm last night."
"It's a mud wonderland," agreed Dipper. Their entire front yard was damp and soft, the grass nearly swallowed by the thick brown mud. "Too bad there's no such thing as a mudman."
There was a pause as the twins were struck by the same idea. With a beaming smile, Mabel jumped to the floor and declared, "Let's go, brother of mine!"
"We'll make the greatest mudmen in history!" cheered Dipper.
They spared a moment to shrug on their boots and rain slickers before charging out into the misty afternoon. It took a half hour to decide what they should craft and they soon got to work. They gathered piles of mud with shovels and packed it together with their bare hands. For two hours they sloshed about in the mud, hair sticking to their foreheads and boots caking with dirt and grass.
"There!" exclaimed Mabel, wiping droplets of water from her skin and leaving a streak of mud. "It's brilliant!"
Dipper removed his phone from his pants pocket and snapped a picture of the scene. There were seven mud figures rising from the ground, and though they weren't perfect they were identifiable. There was Wendy with her ushanka, which Dipper had removed from his head temporarily, Ford with a long beige jacket, which Mabel had dug from their father's closet, Stan with his tuxedo jacket, tie and eyepatch that Dipper found from their old Halloween costumes, Soos with his green T-shirt and a question mark drawn on it, Waddles in the middle, and on either side of the mud-pig were sculptures of Dipper and Mabel. Dipper had found one of his old hats and vests to use on his mud counterpart, and Mabel had managed to affix a knit jacket and sparkly headband to hers.
"Who says we need snow to have fun?" laughed Dipper. He then looked around the yard, which now bore holes and dips from their effort to gather as much mud as possible. "Uh…as great as this is, we better put the mud back before Mom and Dad come home to find the yard torn up."
To: Mabel Pines (ShootingStarRainbowUnicorn); Grunkle Stan (StantheMan); Grunkle Ford (Highsixer); Soos Ramirez (QuestionMarkDude); Wendy Corduroy (Lumberchick)
From: Dipper Pines (GhostHarasserfan)
Subject: Mud Shack crew
1 Attachment (Photo File)
It's almost time to vote! But before the inevitable fight begins about who deserves to win, Mabel and I make our unofficial contribution with our mudmen. I present the Mud Shack crew, complete with a mud version of Waddles. We may not have snow, but we learn to work with what we have.
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Soos Ramirez: Mud looks pretty good on me.
Wendy Corduroy: Dudes. That's pretty sweet. But yo, you're gonna wash my hat, right?
Dipper Pines: Maybe.
Grunkle Ford: I don't think I've seen soil used in such a way before.
Grunkle Stan: Talk about making the most of your environment.
Mabel Pines: I'm going to have mud in my ears for weeks, but it was worth it!
Grunkle Ford: How exactly did you manage to get mud in your ears?
Mabel Pines: I slipped and fell. A few dozen times.
Dipper Pines: We are hopelessly snowless, so we found our own way to contribute to the contest—just for fun, anyway. Are you guys ready to vote?
Wendy Corduroy: Yup.
Soos Ramirez: Totally.
Grunkle Stan: Let's start it, then.
Grunkle Ford: Why don't you kids start?
Dipper Pines: Sure. I vote for Wendy. Her snowman may not be extravagant, but it's a classic snowman, which I think was sort of the point before Soos took it to the next level.
Mabel Pines: And that's why I'm voting for Soos! His snow sculpture of Melody was really sweet and pretty, and I like that he took a different route.
Wendy Corduroy: I vote for Dipper and Mabel, because I look pretty rad as a mud sculpture.
Dipper Pines: Wait, what?
Soos Ramirez: I vote for the little dudes. It was hard making a snow sculpture, so it must have been twice as hard to make what they did.
Mabel Pines: But this is a snowman contest. We didn't make ours out of snow.
Grunkle Stan: Who listens to the rules? Not me. You get my vote, kiddos. I think I look even better made out of mud.
Grunkle Ford: It's settled, then. Including my vote, that makes you the clear winners. Substituting mud for snow is allowed, since there is a lack of snow available to you and you used alternative resources.
Grunkle Stan: But next time we have a contest you can't participate so that I get a shot at participating.
Soos Ramirez: Next year we could have a snow fort building contest!
Wendy Corduroy: I don't think so. I thought I was competitive but ya'll take it to the extreme.
Grunkle Ford: Runs in the family.
Grunkle Stan: I'll annihilate you next time.
Mabel Pines: Sweet! We won, bro! We're champions of mudmen!
Dipper Pines: Not bad for the tender age of thirteen.
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