#Crimean Tartars
dontforgetukraine · 2 months
The day of deportation and 9 May, marked as Victory Day in World War II, Russia, are very close in the calendar. However, if 9 May in Crimea is celebrated with pathos and honor, like in Russia,18 May remains in the shadows. Kazarin says the reason for this is hidden in the Soviet view of War War II as the “Great Patriotic War.”
“In terms of this myth, the entire history of the war was presented as a struggle between absolute Good and absolute Evil. If you add the deportation of Crimean Tatars to this uncomplicated concept, then it turns out that in Crimea, Good defeated Evil and then, on 18 May 1944, it itself committed an atrocity.”
Therefore, it was easier to erase the deportation, as well as Crimean Tatars in general, from history; otherwise, it would destroy everything on what the Soviet Union relied.
Source: 76 years after deportation, Crimean Tatars are again being erased from history in Crimea
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leviathangourmet · 8 months
Tatar Deportation: Stalin’s Forgotten Genocide
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-Crimean Tartars on the Sea Shore-
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marykk1990 · 3 months
My next post in support of Ukraine is:
Next site, is actually today. Today is Crimean Tatar Flag Day. Here's an article about what their flag and today mean to the Crimean Tatar people. Crimean Tatars are the indigenous people of Ukraine from Crimea. Since the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, Crimean Tatars suffered from muscovy oppression again. "russia" has just been found guilty by a European court of human rights violations in Crimea since 2014, many of which were perpetrated against Crimean Tatars.
#СлаваУкраїні 🇺🇦🌻
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they-lived · 1 year
Today is both vyshyvanka day and the remembrance day of the Crimean tartar genocide. I think this is poetic in that way of being unable to escape the tragedy of Ukraine even on a day of pride and unity. It’s like a haunting reminder that no matter what happens, there’s no way to separate horror and honor - tradegy and triumph - Ukraine has become synonymous with the kind of pride that stings.
So here’s your reminder:
Crimea is Ukraine
Russia committed genocide against the tartar people then AND now
The war is not over until Russia is out of the country.
З Днем Вишиванки мої друзі - не забудь Україна 💙💛🇺🇦🌻
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loiladadiani · 1 year
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The other palaces in the Crimea
The Palace of Koreiz was owned by the Yousupov Family, and the inside photos show an exquisite place. It is worth taking the time to check them out.
The Palace of Kichkine was built by Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich as a place he could enjoy with his nephews.
Dulber means "beautiful" or "heart stealing" in Tartar. This palace was built by Grand Duke Pyotr Nikolaievich. Design and construction were based on his sketches. The Grand Duke had great knowledge of Middle Eastern Architecture and history. The palace has more than 100 rooms.
The Vorontzov Palace (built by Prince Mikhail Vorontzov) is one of the oldest palaces in the Crimea. It has 150 rooms and is surrounded by gardens and parks. Vorontsov's palace started a tradition of imperial residency in the area. Many Russian elite were attracted to build villas and palaces in the Crimea.
Massandra: This palace was initially being built for the Vorontzovs, but a death in the family caused the project to halt. Alexander III bought the palace and had it redesigned. The family never stayed in the palace, preferring their other palace at Livadia (the old Livadia palace, not the beautiful white heaven we all know and love.
The Golytzin Palace: This palace can only be seen on the outside. It has a long and turbulent story. The Golytzin who built it only lived in it for one year.
Harax: Grand Duke George Mikhailovich's wife, Grand Duchess Marie Georgievna, wanted an English country house in the middle of the Middle East. Everybody thought it could not be done but it was. George and Marie spent the best years of their very troubled marriage living at Harax.
Bagçesaray Palace of the Crimean Khans is a compact architectural ensemble consisting of 17 buildings and 9 inner closed courtyards. I have included a photo here because it is a source of much controversy. The palace is said to be magically beautiful and, in 2013, was listed by UNESCO as a potential addition to its World Heritage List. It was the administrative capital of the Crimean Khanate from 1532 to 1783. Apparently, the renovations have been botched. The issues regarding this historic treasure will have to be picked up again once the region has restored peace. Right now, they are not the priority.
The nobility in the Crimea
By the end of the Russian Empire, Crimea had become the most coveted "vacation spot" for the Russian elites. Palaces continued to sprout up. The sun, sea, mountains, flowers...and nobility had each other. Summers in Crimea became almost like an informal season, with teas, picnics, the occasional balls, dinners, etc. And protocol was eased. The Tsar was a frequent visitor to Harax and Dulber (at one point.) He enjoyed sitting outside and smoking. When he was there, the cossacks were there for musical entertainment.
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iseo58 · 1 year
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Crimean Tartar
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nattosushi · 2 months
Thoughts on Armand from IWTV 2022
First of all, I tend to get biased with characters that I like, and this usually means that I would end up choosing the most favourable interpretation as well as giving them the benefit of the doubt. While I know that everyone has different views and doesn’t mind hearing them, I am also very stubborn in regard to my views. So a lot of the time, it would be an agree to disagree situation. And Assad Zaman has become my current celebrity crush, which makes me even more biased. So, if you are still reading this, don’t say that I didn’t warn you.
Also- am I bad person for loving Armand in episode 5?
In regard to my background regarding the Vampire Chronicles. These are the books I have read
Interview with the vampire
The vampire Lestat
The Queen of the Damned
The vampire Armand
Blood and Gold
I always feel that Armand’s book is the last of the traditional biography of the said vampire. Even though ‘Blood and Gold’ is Marius’ story, I feel that in addition to a large part of his story being told by Armand and Pandora, he did not really add anything new in his book. Ironically, I feel that he made himself look worse by trying to tell his story. But upon reading Armand’s book, Armand immediately became my favourite character. And Assad Zaman did such a good job that I think even if I didn’t already like Armand, I might have liked him anyway.
This does result in the question of how far should we stay true to the book? At one hand, Armand’s appearance is definitely something most readers have a very strong image of, but at the other hand, the actor did a perfect job portraying Armand despite his physical appearance being a complete contrast of the book. By staying completely true to the book, Assad Zaman would never have been chosen, which means we miss out on this amazing actor and his performance. His Armand is just perfect with that sense of hidden power and tranquil fury.
Season 1
I actually started watching the whole series already knowing that Rashid is Armand, but I would definitely have been surprised at the reveal if I did not. Because Armand is probably one of the characters that the reader has a very strong image of in regard to his personal appearance- a seventeen years old youth with red hair. Who is also Eastern European/Russian with a strong Eastern Orthodox association.
This is pretty much the opposite of Rashid, who is in his twenties and is of Asiatic appearance. His ‘race’ as Rashid is never made clear, since Daniel guessed that he was from Uzbekistan, and could be of Kazakh or Crimean Tartar heritage. Just because the actor is of South Asian heritage- his parents are both from Bangladesh, it does not mean that the TV character would be from there too. All that it implies is that he is not Caucasian, ie.not where book Armand is from.
There is also the issue of Rashid being a Muslim, and I think this is a deliberate red herring, because Armand in Season 2 never once prayed or even make any mentioning of his heritage. It is a rather elaborate ruse, but I would like to point out that this is the person who brought a whole island, as well as spending months studying a certain appliance. So if anyone would do this, it would be him. But we obviously never get any clear image of Armand’s character, saved for the last five minutes, where he toss the book to Daniel (and I totally love that scene).
Season 2
I did not start binge watching the series until I read the script for the last episode. But even without doing that, I feel that Armand and Louis were not going to stay together. So I wasn’t really surprised at them parting, but what surprised me was that I started watching with the hope that they would somehow stay together, to feeling that the two of them should part. I don’t think that they are good for one another. Just as Armand is bad for Louis, Louis is bad for Armand too. Even though Armand was manipulating Louis’ memory and clinging onto the other, Louis is also taking advantage of Armand too, I feel that he is pushing Armand into doing things that the other does not want to, as well as relying on the others to protect and help him without actually reciprocating.
The whole maître thing really bugs me because it overrides into their daily life, which is problematic when Armand is actually victim of various rape and trauma due to being sold to a brothel, as well as being victim of grooming by Marius that does involve sexual trauma. Not to mention the additional factor of him being given to others, which, at the most generous view, is still that of manipulation (and that is presuming Armand did not mind too much, which is most likely not the case, which is why I say this is the most generous view, and even that is still not good).
One could argue that Armand made the conscious choice, but did he really understand? This might simply be because this is all that he knew. But unlike Armand, Louis should have known better, especially given what he went through with Lestat. This is almost a case of victim turned abuser. Although that is my biased pro-Armand view, because Armand could have refused, since he is still much more powerful. But I feel that given his mental state and his fear of losing someone he loves, he would simply submit to whatever the other person want.
I think that a reason that Louis called Armand boring is because Armand is completely pacifying and catering to Louis. Even though at a glance, this seems great, most people would end up being annoyed, especially if they know that this is not what the other is like, but merely them doing this to please you. But the sad thing is that Armand feel that he has to play this role (and the whole maître thing definitely does not help).
It seems that the whole dominate/submissive role extends to other aspect of their life, because at the end of Episode 8, when Louis tell Armand to not harm Daniel, he actually expects Armand to obey, despite the fact that there is no way that he would be able to kill Armand. And to make it worse, he seems to have left Daniel in Dubai with Armand. I really hope that Season 3 would call out Louis on this. Louis left Daniel with someone that is very dangerous, and in a mentally unstable place due to what happened. Rightly or wrongly, Armand would obviously see Daniel as being the cause of Louis’ departure. Louis cannot kill him and the thing Armand fear the most from Louis is rejection and abandonment, which has already happened, so why on earth would he worry about harming Daniel? I feel that him turning to Daniel cannot be from spite, because if Armand wanted to be spiteful, he would probably do something like torturing Daniel. But regardless of the reason, Louis leaving Daniel is definitely super irresponsible.
I was really shocked at Episode 2, because the vampires in the coven seems quite happy with one another, and Armand is clearly accepted as the leader. I really do think that the welcome Louis and Claudia got from the theatre at the first night was not an act. I actually feel that Louis’ arrival began to drive a wedge between Armand and the rest, since Armand is clearly allowing Louis to get away with a lot of the rules. Of course, at the end of the day, this is still Armand’s decision to make, but I do feel that Louis’ arrival was the catalyst. Someone did point out that Louis probably feel that he has to act more assertive due to what happened with Lestat, which is understandable, only that this does end up undermining Armand’s authority.
I can understand why Armand choose the coven due to suspecting that Louis’ affection might not last. After all, there is the fact that Louis does not know the real him, as Armand is presenting himself as what Louis think he should be. He also knew that part of the reason Louis picked him is due to Louis being mad at Lestat. I think in a way, Louis represented a chance that he was not sure whether he should make a risk for, and perhaps he is constantly darting between the two choices until the theatre was burnt.
However, as someone pointed out, at the end, Armand will accept defeat and let the other go. Even though he would do whatever he could to prevent that situation from happening- such as the manipulation of the memories- when it does come, he would be able to give it up. At the end of Episode 8, he could have retained Louis by force, because he is much stronger, yet he just watched the other leave.
I do have to point out that there is one thing that I really dislike about Louis in season 2, which is also the moment that made me decide that it will be good for both of them to part, is when he tried to convince Armand to make Madeleine into a vampire. That was the classic case of emotional manipulation, the sense of ‘if you love me, you will do this thing that you do not like, because I want it’. The idea of not making a fledgling is probably the strongest in Armand, so I do not believe that Louis would not know this. This is an ironic echo of Armand getting Florence and Grace’s name mixed up. Yes, he does not truly know Louis, but Louis does not truly know Armand either. Also, the way Louis mentions Madeleine’s dead sister. If he really is concerned about Claudia being a replacement, then this should be mentioned in private, or at the very least, not in a public setting.
At the end of the day, Armand and Louis’s relationship is just doomed to fail since neither of them are really ready for a new relationship. I actually really support the idea of Armand and Daniel now (I admit, this is partly because I have been reading a lot of fan fictions with these two).
The reason that I feel that Daniel is really good for Armand is because Daniel can see past the acts and lies Armand would try to use. Unlike the book Daniel, the TV Daniel is much older and have more experience with life. I feel that Daniel would be able to accept Armand for who he is, and even though there would be times when he disagrees, they would be able to solve the issue properly. While Daniel might criticise or disapprove of certain actions, at the end of the day, he would remain by Armand. I feel that because Daniel has experienced life, he and Armand would actually be able to have a fairly equal relationship. They would be the classic case of doing a lot of crazy stuff behind closed doors, but does not let this affect their daily life.
My theory of the turning is that the devil minion arc did happen, only that it is different from the book due to Armand causing Daniel to lose his memory and feel that it is better for him to live a mortal life (which is similar to what he said in the book). However, perhaps due to reaching a new understanding, or due to Daniel’s condition worsening, he would decide to turn Daniel into a vampire. He probably then left due to the fear of fledgling hating their maker, which is reasonable since he is probably still in a really vulnerable status due to Louis leaving him. I feel this is very symbolic because Armand usually just stays in a bad situation due to being afraid of the alternative.
I was flipping through ‘Queen of the Damned’ and Khayman’s description of Armand is extremely interesting.
Khayman sought for the name, but the creature’s mind was a perfect blank; not so much as a glimmer of personality escaped from it. A boy he had been when he died, with straight dark auburn hair, and eyes a little too big for his face…Armand immediately attracted Khayman. Surely, he was the same Armand of whom Louis and Lestat had both written- the immortal with the form of a youth. And it meant he was no more than five hundred years old, yet he veiled himself completely. Shrewd, cold he seemed, yet without flair- a stance that required no room in which to display itself. And now, sensing infallibly that he was watched, he turned his large soft brown eyes upward and fixed instantly upon the remote figure of Khayman.
And a few paragraphs later
Khayman understood this being, Armand. He felt he understood him and liked him completely. As their yes met again, all that had been written of this creature in the two little histories was informed and balanced by the creature’s innate simplicity. The loneliness which Khayman had felt in Athens was now very strong. “Not unlike my simple soul,” Khayman whispered. “You’re lost in all this because you know the terrain too well. And that no matter how far you walk, you come again to the same mountains, the same valley.” No response. Of course. Khayman shrugged and smiled. To this one he’d give anything that he could; and guilelessly, he let Armand know it.
I just thought that this was a really interesting description and it is also nice to know that Armand does have someone (especially someone super powerful) in his corner.
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goldmanguyperson · 10 months
if you support ukraine but not palestine or vice versa then you are a hypocrite. the world is more complex than russia good cuz america bad, or america good cuz russia bad. Both are ran by imperialists.
saying NATO is waging a war against russia is without any kind of further expansion can make people too easily fall into the hands of Russian propaganda. NATO destroyed the USSR and thus Russia’s economic and political stability, yes, but this is not the exact same thing as Russia starting a war in Ukraine over it. Russia could have gone so many other ways that don’t even require falling into the hands of NATO, but the government chose to push away all their neighbors to NATO by being extremely aggressive out of imperialist desires instead. This is the government’s own fault. The Russian government lives in a fantasy world where hard, militaristic power makes sense to exercise en masse, yourself. When in reality we are in a world of soft power taken to extremes.
The Russian government operates on the imperialist idea that the world would be better under Russian control; that Russians are uniquely gifted with the ability to handle multiethnic nations, and other ethnicities and races are unable to handle themselves and thus need their guidance. Basically “the white man’s burden”, but instead of all white people, it’s just Russians. That’s why “new chronology”—the idea that scholars and the catholic church are lying about how much time has passed in recent history and that there was actually a globally spanning empire ran by Russians which is being covered up—is such a boosted conspiracy theory in Russia. It encapsulates the beliefs of Russian imperialism.
Now I am aware the United States does not support Ukraine because of any kind of good will. And if you believe it is out of good will you are wrong. It is definitely out of the desire to push Russia back. But if you believe that that means we should just let Russia have Ukraine, or let this have you fall into similar beliefs, I think you’re also wrong, and are failing to understand the bigger picture. Russia will commit and is currently committing genocide. They do that with all their ethnic minorities—if not by physically killing people, then by attempting to eliminate their culture very forcefully. The language of the Crimean Tartars may one day die if Russia continues to have control over Crimea, because Russia has shut down all its teaching it in favor of Russian.
I am unhappy that the US is Ukraine’s biggest ally, because the US government does not care, but it will remain all they have. They have the option of slow cultural death via further Americanization and consumerism, or assured mass physical death.
If you understand that the US is not supporting Ukraine out of the goodness of anybody’s hearts, then you should also perfectly understand why America supports Israel. The government wants a foothold in the Middle East. They want oil and gas. Palestine is in the way of oil and gas, and Israel is right there to commit some genocide for them, complete with ethnonationalist and imperialist ideas. Israel has already done the work to make it seem alright to their citizens to permanently take the Palestinians out of their homeland. All this is yet another case, or rather a continuation, of war on terrorism-type politics. Convince the people there are those who you cannot see who want you dead, so you can go in and kill every single person you can with complete justification in the eyes of the people. And then you can one day come in and steal resources from the dead land.
There is no moral imperatives at play anywhere at the top of the government for either of these situations. this does not mean the nations that oppose the US are automatically in the right. Everybody fucking sucks major shitty asshole here and i wish people understood this. World politics is not a neat and clean black and white.
Pretending so lets ordinary people die.
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Days 852-857 (sourced from quotev)
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Day 852
•7 killed, 42 injured (12yro, 13yro) in Russian attacks against Ukraine 
•3rd Estonian volunteer died defending Ukraine 
•EU approves ban on 4 key Russian state-controlled media outlets
•Russian chemical weapon attacks on the battlefield increase (715 reported cases in May, 444 cases in April)
•Russian saboteurs allegedly behind arson attack on German factory
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Day 853
•90 Ukrainian POWs return to Ukraine from Russian captivity 
•Over 80 European newspapers and websites have been banned in Russia 
•24,000 square meters of Odesa supermarket warehouses destroyed by Russian attack; 4 injured 
•North Korea may have transferred 1.6M artillery shells to Russia
•Russia found guilty of violating human rights in Crimea (including application of Russian legislation, illegal courts, forced change of citizenship, etc)
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Day 854
•9 injured (5 children) in attacks against Ukraine 
•Ukraine’s crowdfunded satellite has taken 4,173 photos of Russia’s targets 
•Russia sentenced 5 foreigners who fought for Ukraine to 3.5-23yrs in prison in abstentia 
•English established as an official language of international communication in Ukraine
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Day 855
•5 killed, 44 injured in attacks against Ukraine 
•Russia has sent around 10,000 immigrants who recently received Russian citizenship to fight in Ukraine 
•Russia depriving political prisoners from contact with family -Amnesty International
•A Russian official calls for destruction of ‘everything Ukrainian’ so that ‘there is no trace left’
• Dmitry Rogozin, a Russian Senator from the Russia-occupied Zaporizhzhia region, demands to burn the entire Ukrainian people and their history:
"This time, we must burn out all this Ukrainianism at the root. Together with their ugly literature, their delusional history, the cannibalism of the "ancient Ukros," their fascination with fascist "aesthetics," and their servility to the West.
Burn them so that there is nothing left of them. No truces at all. Any ceasefire, and even more so any truce, is certain death for our children and grandchildren."
It should be understood that for Russia, the first step and basis for negotiations with Ukraine should be the recognition of the existence of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian state. Today, Russian officials, led by Putin, are talking about total genocide.
Dmitry Rogozin is on Twitter (X). He has not been banned. Apparently, his statements are acceptable and in line with "freedom of speech." Anyway, all these war criminals with their calls for killings are here.
Post by Anton Gerashchenko
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Day 856
•1 killed, 18 injured (including 7mo) in attacks against Ukraine 
•Ukraine brought back 10 people from Russian captivity in prisoner swap
•Russia fires 6 attack missiles for every 1 defense missile shot by Ukraine 
•Ukrainian forces down Su-25 attack jet; hit Russian space communications centre in occupied Crimea 
•Spotify removes music of several well-known pro-war Russian singers
•Vienna has become ‘Russia’s new espionage base’
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Day 857
•13 killed (2 children), 20 injured in Russian attacks against Ukraine 
•Putin calls to resume production of nuclear-capable missiles 
•Google Translate added Crimean Tartar language 
•Ukraine downs 10/10 Russian drones
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rise-tv · 3 months
Great Tartarian Empire: Tartaria Giants’ History Uncovered by Rise TV Series
The Lost Empire of Tartaria has sparked conspiracy theories linking it to the Notre-Dame fire, suggesting a deeper connection to the present world.
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Origin — Tartaria Giants History
In 2019 many people were horrified as black smoke spilled out of Notre-Dame de Paris, the 12th-century Roman Catholic cathedral. An orange blaze stretched across the topmost layer, and it appeared that the old structure would be lost. After the fire was extinguished and specialists examined the water harm, some people may have felt relieved that a restoration strategy was in place. However, conspiracy theorists who thought of the Tartarian Empire felt differently.
To them, it was simply another example of Tartarian architecture being razed. One perplexing component of the Tartarian Empire plot is the existence of a location and people known as Tartars who lived in Tartary. The Rise TV Series uncovered the Tartarian giants’ history and the impossible truth beneath the muck.
What was the Tartarian Empire…?
Western Europeans and Russians used the term to refer to an Asian territory known as Tartary. This territory encompassed Siberia and Central Asian sections, including Mongolia, and extended as far south as Afghanistan. By the 1800s, some Russians considered their country the world’s dominant power in the East, entitled to its territory and resources.
The term tartar means savage. In the mid-1600s, Italian author Martino Martini published De Bello Tartarico about his travels to China. His work was translated into various languages, allowing the word to be applied broadly to a large population.
Although the terms Tartar and Tartary are rarely employed to describe Central Asia or its inhabitants, the Crimean Tartars refer to a distinct ethnic group. Crimean Tartars have inhabited Crimea since the 12th century, although they faced widespread deportation beginning in the 1700s.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, some Crimean Tartars began returning to their ancestral country. People who speculate on the Tartarian Empire claim it was once a great, global society with stunning buildings. As such an empire is not referenced in history texts, conspiracy theorists believe it was purposely eliminated.
What Is the Tartarian Empire’s Mud Flood Conspiracy…?
The majority of the empire was purportedly lost in a series of mudslides, sometimes known as “mud floods.” Some buildings survived and are still standing today. Famous landmarks, such as the United States Capitol Building (completed in 1800), are said to originate from the Tartarian Empire and are thousands of years old. The conspiracy theory holds that the empire was purposely eliminated, and history was rewritten to make structures appear younger and more modern.
According to conspiracy theories, Tartars, rather than French craftsmen, built Notre Dame de Paris in the 1100s. Conspiracy theorists have stated online that Tartars used it as a sound bath. Conspiracy theories often attribute more beautiful constructions to Tartarians. This includes World Heritage Sites like the Taj Mahal and short-lived structures like the Chicago Federal Building, which lasted only 60 years.
Conspiracy theorists also allege that buildings hastily created for World Fairs or demonstrations were part of the Tartarian Empire. In 1915, San Francisco sponsored the Panama-Pacific Global Exposition. The Tower of Jewels, a temporary construction, was dismantled shortly after the exhibition concluded. Conspiracy theorists believe it is an example of an ancient Tartarian capital.
Is There A Social Component To Conspiracy Theories…?
Communication experts are investigating how conspiracy theorists engage and express their ideas online. They discovered that sharing misinformation online helps conspiracy theorists bond with one another and establish a sense of belonging.
When conspiracy theorists addressed the fire at Notre Dame de Paris, believers in the Tartarian Empire offered their reasons for knowing the cathedral had formerly belonged to the Tartars. They pointed out numerous elements that suggested the cathedral was intended as a sound bath.
The claimed lost Tartarian Empire may appear to be a benign architectural analysis. Still, researchers are concerned because, according to conspiracy theories, the empire was an elite, global civilization that was devastated and then systematically eliminated.
Final Concluding Thoughts:-
The term “Tartary” was used by Western Europeans and Russians to refer to an Asian territory, including Siberia and Central Asia, and some Russians believed their country was the dominant power in the East.
While some found comfort in the restoration plan after the fire, conspiracy theorists saw it as another instance of Tartarian architecture being destroyed, raising questions about the mysterious Tartarian Empire and its connection to Tartars living in Tartary.
Conspiracy theories claim that Tartars, not French craftsmen, built Notre Dame de Paris and other impressive structures, suggesting a hidden history of architectural achievements.
Believers in the Tartarian Empire claim that Notre Dame de Paris was originally built as a sound bath, raising concerns among researchers about the alleged lost civilization’s global significance and mysterious disappearance.
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-Crimean Tartars on the Sea Shore-
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saint-vesta-main · 11 months
There’s two very specific brands of dipshits on the internet. One who thinks the existence of Nazis in Ukraine does not justify Russian invasion and bombing of civilians, but the existence of Hamas in Gaza DOES justify Isreal invasion and One who thinks the existence of Hamas in Gaza does not justify Israel invasion and bombing of civilians, but the existence of Nazis in Ukraine DOES justify Russian invasion.
They are both terrible people unable to sympathize with invaded people unless they are prefect, moral victims. Just as Isreal claims of antisemitism and protecting Jews fall apart once you realize Palestinian Jews have been killed, had their land stolen, along with the Palestinian Muslims and Christians. So does Russia’s claims of “denazifing” Ukraine, given their aggressive actions towards the Crimean Tartars, such as imprisoning them and extrajudicial executing a Tartar activist.
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c-40 · 1 year
A-T-3 151 Eurovision '83: Luxembourg
This was the actual winner on the 1983 Eurovision song contest
Eurovision has had it's fair share of protests, bans, and boycotts over the years
Friction between Ukraine and Russia has been played out at Eurovision since the war in Donbas and the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Ukraine won the Eurovision in 2016 with a political song "1944" by Jamala which referred to ethic cleansing and genocide of Crimean Tartars by the soviets. It got around the non-political rule of the contest by likening it to Abba's Waterloo which also refers to a historical event, of course the Russians didn't see it that way. With Ukraine winning in 2016 the contest was hosted in Kyiv the following year. Russia, still annoyed by "1944", hesitantly entered Yuliya Samoylova singing "Flame Is Burning" but was banned from entering Ukraine as she had violated Ukrainian law in 2015 by entering Crimea to perform, according to Ukrainian law entering Crimea via Russia is illegal (as I mentioned above Crimea had been annexed by Russia in 2014). Russia declined offers for Samoylova to have her performance live streamed from Russia or a change of artist and withdrew from the contest. Russia has been banned from Eurovision since 2022's invasion of Ukraine. Since Eurovision operates with partnered broadcasters from each country, the Russian broadcasters VGTRK and Channel One have been accused of being a mouthpiece for the Russian government since 2014 (BBC watch your step)
Corinne Hermes - Si la vie est cadeau French singer that won Eurovision for Luxembourg in 1983
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solanuuma · 3 years
weird to read a text about a historical event that majorly affected your family and wonder about the role they played in it
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armthearmour · 5 years
A Tartar-Circassian axe inlaid with copper and silver,
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Length: 5.75 in/14.6 cm
Width: 1.4 in/3.5 cm
Crimean Khanate, modern day Eastern Ukraine and Western Russia, ca. 16th-17th century, housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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