#Creative Storyboard
saraswritingtipps · 30 days
Creative Writing Hack #5
Storyboarding with Index Cards
Index cards are a versatile tool for visualizing the structure of your story and experimenting with different plot points and character arcs. Write down key scenes, plot twists, and character developments on individual cards, then arrange and rearrange them to find the most compelling narrative flow. You can color-code the cards by subplot or character to keep track of different story threads. By physically moving the cards around, you can easily identify pacing issues, plot holes, or areas that need further development. This hands-on approach to outlining can help you organize your thoughts and streamline your storytelling process.
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creaturefeaster · 17 days
going nuts. been trying to draw for the last like 4 days and i can't get annnnything out. art block sucks ass
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birbwell · 4 months
ten millionth haha what if my major was something else thought of the day
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epickiya722 · 5 months
It's a minor detail and I can recall this happening twice, but it's nice to me whenever Yuji displays his strength and speed, the first person that comes to mind from other characters is Maki.
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hozaloza · 20 days
"How long did you think we could make it?" Ryan asked, looking at Jasmine. They stood feet apart; close physically, but far apart in opinions. "How far did you think we could take it?" He asked, trying to reason with her. How could she expect him to keep going after all the hell he had gone through for this group. "We couldn't be bothered" He stated, a flashback appearing right before the readers. It was of their small trio back in middle and high school. Thomas, Jasmine, and Ryan, enjoying their lives when they still had free will. "We didn't have time to think so far ahead..." It was another flashback from when Jasmine met Maverick, and she introduced him to Thomas and Ryan. While he seemed kind and caring, as he looked at the trio, he sensed something beyond his understanding, and he immediately knew to take them under his watch. Maverick had known they possessed traits that could help him achieve his goals, and he played them like puppets to get closer to this. They were all just 18. "How long did you think we could make it?!" Ryan yelled again, trying to get Jasmine's attention as she had turned around to leave. She stopped walking, furrowing her brows as she glanced to the side. He was a wimp; always had been. She wasn't letting him prevent her from helping the group. "How far did you think we could take it??" Ryan was getting frustrated; why couldn't she just understand?? They were being played; they were being used. Maverick merely just saw them as puppets, as little playthings. "How bad did we want it, and good did it feel.?" Tears filled his eyes as he swayed his hand to the side, wishing she could see it. Alex stepped forward to try and calm Ryan down. But...in the corner of his eye...he saw something--no, someone approaching... "Driving fast, until we crashed into each other's hearts"
A shot of someone's feet appeared, beginning to speed up. The figure swung a pole up, aiming to attack Ryan. A shot of Alex pushing Ryan away right before the figure could strike either of them appears before the beat drops.
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Cool fight scene with P. Thomas pulling the switchblade out to finish his attack while Ryan, Alex, and Jasmine work together to contain him.
And ya
(I wish I had the motivation to animate this...)
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majorproblems77 · 5 months
Fluff, Fluff, Fluff!
Chapter 18! We are so close now, I can't believe we made it this far! I hope you enjoy some chain fluff to heal your day.
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tuituipupu · 10 months
yo, just notcied this while listening to horse b4 porsche by tommy cash:
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sketchinfun · 1 year
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10 Years
I wanted to do a quick little write up thing just looking back on stuff. This year marks my 10th year working in the animation industry as a storyboard artist for feature animation, and it's been a journey. When I started I was still trying to understand what it meant to be a story artist all the while at the same time trying to improve my artistic skills. Despite starting out on an incredibly challenging project, the experience prepared me for what was to come down the line, by sharpening and pushing my drawing abilities, and teaching me how to stand up for myself in a creative field. Developing my own voice as a story artist and storyteller is still an ongoing process for me, but over the years I have grown more excited about story and I love diving into how to work out story problems. With each project I am so thankful and grateful to be able to have worked with so many supportive, kind and awesome people. The time has flown by incredibly fast, and I'm looking forward to the future to keep creating for many more years.
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xchrryblssmx · 1 month
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somelazyassartist · 1 month
DnD is so insane because you can play a game for like 10 hours total and know already that it is going to consume your every waking thought for the next three (plus) years
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tangledbea · 2 years
Do you have any favourite promotional artwork of Rapunzel and Eugene from the tv show? It doesn't just have to be behind the scenes stuff, it can be anything
Well, "promotional" is very specific. That stuff I posted last night (and reblogged this morning) is promotional, because it was used to promote the show. (It was also used in marketing, as images for merchandise.) Behind the scenes stuff is production art (used in producing the show), and the artwork used for books is illustrative (used in illustrations).
All that being said, most of my favorite New Dream stuff comes from one specific book: Rapunzel's Guide to All Things Brave, Creative and Fun.
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And I'm pretty fond of this one, that I posted last night.
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And, of course, all the boards of the kiss at the end of "Beyond the Corona Walls" by @wendydoodles
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
Erm, hello!
I am an aspiring writer. I have these stories in my head that I love and want to write about. But when I try, it's the absolute worst shit I've ever seen in my life.
Sorry, what I'm trying to ask is, any tips for younger writers who have no idea what they're doing...?
Hi! I have no idea what I'm doing ever, but I'll try to answer as best as I can. I'll start with generic advice, then say what works for me specifically. Sorry this got so long.
We're all kind of fumbling through life. The writing habits that I have have come from three sources:
a) hearing what other people do and building from them. I'm always in one writers group or another (currently I'm in a local writers group, and I'm regularly involved with two different NaNoWriMo groups in November, one locally and one virtually) and I've picked up a lot from them
b) a metric fuckton of trial and error. Because while part (a) is great some of the time, most of the things that work for other people don't work for me. I can't set a strict schedule at the same time everyday. I can't edit for a long time after I write.
c) NaNoWriMo (see link) helped me SO MUCH. I don't think everything can be written that way, but in terms of getting a handle on your own voice, preventing yourself from stopping to edit, and letting the story flow on its own, NaNo is amazing. It's a great starting point. Editing can come later, once the words are done on the page.
If you're unfamiliar, it's a (totally free) event that happens in November every year where everyone tries to write 50,000 words of a brand new novel in the span of one month. That's 1,667 words per day, so there isn't much time to stop and edit as you go. You just keep going. It's a competition against yourself rather than anyone else, to see if you can accomplish the task. It's also a community based event, so you can commiserate with other writers about the bad and celebrate with them about the good.
They have smaller events in April and July, but to really get the feel of it, November is when it's a party (or a rollercoaster, either way). I went to write-ins in cafes, bars, grocery stores, on the subway, etc. The event is a whole vibe, and now they have in person events again (they paused for covid). If you want to stay virtual, they have that too!
And as for what works for me:
This most certainly wouldn't work for everyone, but it's my current strategy:
I think best when I'm in motion. By far. So most of my storyboarding I do while walking or driving, and I dictate into the notes app on my phone.
I do most of my dialogue this way too, because speaking it out loud makes it feel more like a conversation and more natural. I won't dictate the narration, but I'll include action tags. So it comes out like "Anthony: *flings door open, eyes wide* what in blazes are you doing??" (I add punctuation later)
Then when I get home, I often have several thousand words of notes to work from. My notes file for my last fic was 30k words, almost all of which had been dictated. It's a lot. It might sound daunting.
But it was done while out for a walk or drive, so it felt easy and effortless. And then when it came time to actually write, I got 48,000 words of a first draft done in 8 days (about 15k of which was just copy pasted from the outline. The whole time it felt like cheating and using guidelines to write the actual story, but it was all my original work, just done at different times.
Keep writing as an exciting treat rather than a chore.
I've started to create little writers retreats for myself. My friends and I rented an AirBnB for two nights this winter, where the entire goal was reading and writing. Sure there was sitting around the fire talking and eating good food, but we built it up so that the writing was the exciting part. It worked SO WELL. We did writing activities together too, not just staring at a word doc. We did character studies and made little AUs to imagine our characters in.
A friend and I took a six hour road trip for another writers retreat too. We spent the 12 hours (RT) in the car talking about our stories and characters. We'd started with dozens of prompts so we'd have enough material, and we never ran out. Then we took rest stops at gas stations and restaurants and did little 15 minute writing sprints. It really got me fired up. I wrote 6,000 words over the two days of that retreat!
Keeping writing fun can be big things (my sister and I did a writers retreat like that in Hawaii) or little things (I always treat myself to a donut and a coffee on Sunday mornings and then have a leisurely morning in the cafe writing).
I can't say if any of this will work for you, because I can't even say whether it'll still work for *me* in a few years. But I hope it's food for thought!
Anyway this is like one million words long so sorry about that, hope it was interesting.
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eshithepetty · 2 years
Tbh the funniest thing I've seen crop up for mob psycho s3 is when people complain about the characters being off model. Like.... really?? Off-model animation... in mob psycho 100.. Ohhg the horror. Surely the roughness and creativity and freedom in style hasn't literally always been part of this show's art direction.. mob psycho has never been off-model before. Yup.....
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[ID: various screenshots of characters in Mob Psycho 100 getting off-model, either by being stretched, drawn with wobbly or messy lines, having intentionally bad anatomy, or colored in with botchy, stark colors. End ID.]
Literally where have you been 😭
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bemorekleinman · 2 years
modern theater kid culture is rewatching old szin and mush roomie animatics just to feel something
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what are your top ten favorite reaction images :0
UWAAA this is a difficult one! Think I have a top ten picked out, though!
DISCLAIMER: my selection of favourite images changes on a whim, and if someone asks me this same question a little way down the line, I may well have a different answer! All I can offer are my favourites at this exact moment.
That said - here they are!
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the-rise-of-irk · 11 months
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Here’s the details:
An all new Invader Zim webseries directly adapted from the book, with over 700 reads on Wattpad!
Things have changed on Irk since the Tallest died. The Admiral of the Irken Guard, Jak, has taken control, and everyone trusts he has their best interests at heart. Except for one person.
Bel always knew she was destined for something great, but she's been stuck in the twisted government system of Irk for way too long. She finally decides she's had enough, and starts the Irken revolution, but things backfire and before she knows it, she's a wanted criminal.
So, in fleeing to Earth, she runs into Dib, who agrees to help her twart Zim's next evil plan. But in moving to another school, Bel becomes friends with Dib's optimistic cousin, Star Newman. And Zim starts to reconsider a lot of things.
With new allies, new enemies, and a whole new life, Bel is ready to face anything and swears on her life that she will save Irk from it's corrupted government, and the Resistance will Rise to victory.
If any of this sounds cool to you, PLEASE come and check it out!
We are CASTING for the webseries now! If you’re interested, we need:
- Artists
- **Animators!!!**
- Storyboarders
- **Voice Actors!!!**
- Editors
- Composers
- Audio Mixers
- Writing Team
- Ad Team
- Discord Admins
- Anyone who is interested in any way!
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